8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : cSATUUDAY , OOTO1UDK 31 , 1800. BALLOTING BY MACHINERY Automatic Devices for Registering the Freeman's Will. TESTS MADE IN VARIOUS STATES UcNcrlptliiii of.Huvrrnl Mcclmnlcnl At- lillinicci * IfnlKiir < l tu Simplify. anil Fnrllllule Votliitf lit KIcctluiiN. Oao of the twelve amendments to the constitution of Nebraska , submitted to the judgment or the electors of the state , pro vides that "nil votes shall bo by balloter or such other method as may bo prescribed by law , provided the secrecy of voting bo preserved. " The purpose ot the amendment Is to vest In the legislature power to Improve and simplify the present cumbersome system of voting by authorizing the use of mechanical appliances of demonstrated superiority. An amendment of similar Import was Incorpo rated In the constitution of Now Yoik state and has led to thorough trials of. balloting machines. Thcro Is no more Interesting automatic registering dovlco than the voting machine of the highest type. It has a mind of Its own. There Is no possibility of cheating It without exposing Its Inner workings with a coal chisel and hammer ; and by Its won- ilerful system of lightning calculation It has the votes all classified and counted at each poll and the result ready for the wire as soon as the last ballot Is cast. In addi tion to these advantages the voter may cast Ills cntlro ballot , even a split ticket. In less time that It takes to purchase as many cents worth of chewing gum from a vend ing machine. The wages paid to a corps of counting clerks can bo saved by the state or by the organization bearing the expense. AN INDIANA DEVICE. One of the most Interesting of these patented devices Is the very recent Inven tion of a citizen of Indiana , and Is ono of a number described by the Philadelphia Times. The voter , unaccompanied , enters the booth , the floor of wnlch automatically drops a short space the second ho places Ills foot upon It. The only Interior furniture Is a standing desk , through a slot In the surface of which Is exposed a single blank line on a continuous ballot sheet. The voter simply stamps the choice of his candidates upon this line , and In the appropriate col umns. Ho promptly makes his exit , and In doing this takes his feet off the pedal floor. Itcllcved of the weight , the floor automatic ally raises , thereby operating a set of lov ers , which move the tally role up ono space , to bo filled In by the next voter. At the same time the number of the voter Is re corded by the automatic counter Inside. Entering the booth patented lately by a nrooklyn man , th > voter scea upon the wall before him a collection of pueh buttons , each labeled with the name of a different candidate. To vote for any candidate he merely pushes the button bearing his name. Ho looks through the collection , arranged In groups , according to offices , and selects his choice of ach. At the same time a register , like that on a bicycle cyclometer , keeps tally for each knob and notes how many votes have been cast by Its means. A dishonest voter may push each button of his choice a number of times. He may come out with the depraved satisfaction that ho has done as much voting as a st > or more ot honest men. Hut the machine Is not BO unsophisticated OR ho Is. Any voter , even by mistake , Is unable to vote twice for the same candidate , or even for two men running for the same ofllcc and on different tickets. As soon as ho presses a button he locks It against further working and at the same time locks all the other buttons In the same'group. . As the voter leaves the booth an olllclal attending the door manipulates a lever , which returns the whole mechanism to Us normal posi tion , ready for the next voter. After all of the votes have been cast , or during the progress ot the election , when n test Is do- slrcd , the result up to that time may be re corded by clipping a card Into an opening , the score' being automatically printed upon It. A PATENT BOOTH. Some months ago a Rochester ( N. Y. ) man patented a booth which Is bound to afford privacy to the voter. At ono corner la built a largo cylindrical door , resembling a tall drum. It revolves upon ball bearings at thu ceiling and floor. An opening leading Into the cylinder Is brought exactly coincident with a goto leading to the open air. Step ping tnsldo the cylindrical door , the voter , by means of a handle , revolves It upon Its bearings until the opening In question co incides with another door leading to the voting space Inside. The voter steps out and casts his vote by means of one of the modern duvlceo described. When finished ho enters the cylindrical door again and con- tlnue to revolve It In the original direction until Its opening coincides with a third door provided as an exit. The attendant there upon motes the cylinder around one-third of a revolution more , until Its door and the entrance gate ore again on a line , ready for the next voter. This connects with an automatic register , which keeps account of the number of voters. It will not register more than cno number without the cylinder being revolved only In ono direction. Uy this means It is Impossible for the voter to be disturbed whjlo In the booth , since ho himself has control of the only possible means of entrance. The ball system ot voting Is so far Im proved by a Callfornlon patentee as to become - como applicable- political elections. Do- fore entering the booth the voter Is handed a tray which resembles a folding slate on the exterior. While Inside ho opens the tray , fastened Into the under side of which are a number of small balls or marbles corresponding with number of ofllccs to be voted for. On the same surface are as many columns of round holes as there are com peting parties. The name of the party It placed at the top of each column , and at the side of the hole Is printed the name of a candidate. The voter takes the balls , ono at a time , and Inserts them Into tht holes corresponding to his choice of candi dates. Ho then shuts and fastens tbo lid of the tray and emerges from the booth Ho hands the tray , still closed , to an In spsctor , who , opening It , fastens It by means of clamps upon the top ot a specially con. etructcd ballot box. According to the man ner In which the tray tlta the top of tbo box , the holes in which the hallu are arranged ere directly above several groups of tubes which correspond and respectively belong to the different candidates. Ily turning a lever the Inspector rauscs the balls to fall through the cover ot the tray Into the appropriate tubes. Ho turns a crank until all the balls fall Into a trough In full view of the voter. While passing through the ballot box each hall registers ono vote , a count of which U Kept by an Indicator Inside. Thus the balls are euro to drop Into the compartments of the candidates for which the votes were or- Jglnally Intended , and It Is Impossible to cast more than ono vote for the same man , elnco only ono ball will fit into Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. OR ; CHEAM BAKING POWIR MOST PERFECT MADE. A putc Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free Com Ammonia , Alum or any other aiUiltciant. 40 Years ttic Standard. each hole In the tray. It is llkcwlflo Impossible to cast more votei than there are candidates provided , since the number ot balls used agree with the exact number of candidates. The Inspector , or any observer , has no possible means ot detecting the nature of the vote without opening the ballot box. Having been dropped Into the trough and counted by the voter , that ho may be satisfied that all of his votes have taken effect , the balls are again placed Into the fastenings Inside the tray and the latter Is handed to the next voter. At the end of the election the ballot box Is opened In the presence of 'the authorities and the statement ot the number of votes Is taken from the automatic counters. A somewhat similar contrivance for voting by means ot discs to bo dropped in slots Is the Invention of another California man. TESTS IN NEW ENGLAND. A New England Inventor named McTam- many has received more than n dozen pat ents for automatic voting machines. The best known of these has been adopted by Massachusetts , to bo used , at local option , In local town elections. It is a small , square box of steel mounted upon a high pedestal. It may bo placed In a booth , but even though placed In full view It would be dim- cult to detect the nature of n vote cast thereby. The oIHces for which the candi dates have been nominated are arranged In a vertical column upon"tho face. Opposite Is a column of slots , each slot corresponding \\lth an office In the other column. Dcncath each slot can bo moved a long ribbon ot card-board , bearing the names of the candi dates for the appropriate offices , only ono set of names being visible at a time. Ily turning a hand-wheel at the left the voter may bring his choice ot names Into view and opposite the appropriate offices. As each chosen candidate Is brought Into position the voter presses a small button opposite his name and this process punches n hole In the card. By an Interlocking system each button becomes secure against repetition as soon as pressed once , and so remains until the attendant operates n lever , making ready for the next voter. After the balloting has ended the vote of each candidate Is ascer tained by taking out each of the 'pastboard ribbons In turn and by grinding them through n contrivance which closely resembles n paper-roll music box. Each hole In a ribbon automatically scores upon an Indicator. The system Is claimed to bo especially valuable for states In which a man must be able to read before - fore bc'ng eligible to a vote , as Is the case in Massachusetts. PRESSING THE BUTTON. The Myers voting machine , which was accepted by the late New York constitu tional convention as legal for use In such city or town elections , Now York and Brooklyn cxcepted , as may adopt It , Is as complete as any .of tboso described. A small compartment conceals the voter , wlio , upon entering , finds upon tbo walls the names ot candidates arranged In vertical columns , according to parties. The votes are cast by pushing In the appropriate knobs , each vote being registered upon a dupltcato board on the opposite sldo of the partition wall. The pushing of each knob locks It against repetition and locks the knobs of all candidates for the same ofQco. The whole system Is automatically set free by a combination of levers , put In motion when the voters opens the door to make his exit. exit.Tho votograph , now legally usable In Mich igan. Is n box with a horizontal face , upon which the names of the candidates appear as labels upon a scries ot punch-buttons. Beneath are ribbons containing separate tally voteii for each candidate , with serial numbers printed upon them In a vertical row. Pushing a button puts a punch In position for each name so selected , and the closing of the lid puts a hole through the proper number , moving each roll up one space at thu same time. The final results are read by noting the last number punched upon each ribbon. Repeating and Irregular ity are prevented by a complete Interlock ing system , Michigan permits either the votograph or the Myers machine for town or city elections. Last year Connecticut legalized the use ot cither the Myers or McTammany system for local option. In most ot the machines It Is arranged that a straight ticket may bo cast by pushIng - Ing a single button as well as by making each vote separately as described. The lat ter method admits of the voting of a "split ticket" by any of the machines. The in terior mechanism of the greater number of the machines is similar to that ot the cash register , although some inventors have em ployed electricity. i A neglected cold often terminates In con sumption. Take Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in tlino and forestall the dreadful disease. CHICAGO A.V1) XOUTIIWESTRIIN Operates two through superbly equipped trains EVERY day In the year. THE OVERLAND LIMITED AND OMAHA-CHICAGO SPECIAL. DEPATRT. ARRIVE. OMAHA. 4:45 : p. m. CHICAGO. 7:45 : a. m. OMAHA. G:30 : p. m. CHICAGO , 9:30 : a. rn. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1401 n. It. RITCHIE. FARNAM ST. GEN. AGENT. filVRX A SMRIIT TOUCH OF WIXTBIl. Several Inchon of Snow Full * lu Wont- emflmiskn. . All ot the railroad weather reports yester day morning showed that a great amount of molsturo had fallen in Nebraska within the past thirty-six hours. In the eastern part of the state there was a good fall of rain , about the same as In Omaha. Further west the rain was mixed with light enow. At Columbus , Grand Island and Aurora there was a halt inch ot snow. The Union Pacific reported eighteen inches of enow west of North Platto. Thursday nigh' and early yes terday morning trains wcro delayed on ac count of the snow , but all trains arc running on schedule time now. The B. & M. reported considerable snow on its western division. At McCook there was 8 Inches : at Benkolman , 14 ; at Akron , 7 ; at Imperial , 12 ; at Broken Bow , C , and at Dunning , 0. The Missouri Pacific anil the Rock Island roada reported cold rains mixed with snow and the Elkhorn reported about the same depth of snow in the western part ot the state as did the B. & M. and the Union Pacific. _ They are so lltta ! you nardly know you are taking them. They cause no griping , yet they act quickly and most thoroughly. Such are the famous little pllla known as DcWItt's Little Early IllEcrz. Small In size , crcat in results. RKOItGR HAUS I'l.CAIIS NOT GUII.TV. Denlc.H Hiivlnir Coiuiiilttcil tlio Crime Clmrnnl A aln t Him. The county attorney has finally succeeded In having George Halts arraigned In the dis trict court. Ha us is the deaf and dumb man who was bound over to the district court by Police Judge Gordon on the charge of criminal assault upon Kathleen Rosslter. The hearing In the police court was carried on by means ot paper and pencil , but when an attempt was made to arraign Haus in the district court Judge Baker held that It would not answer to let Haus read tbo In formation himself , but that the document mint bo rent ] to him by the county attorney. Further proccrdlnna ivcro deferred until yes terday , when Prof. GlllcKplo , superintendent of the State lufitltuto for the Deaf , was HUbpocmcd to act as Interpreter. With the professor's assistance the charge was read to Haus , and ho vigorously entered a denial of his guilt. Ho was thcu remanded to jail to await trial. The llug oj pills la Brechara'ii Dcechtm'n. Kuiipral uf .Imlffo Diinilj- . The arrangements for the funeral services of the late Elmer 8. Dundy wcro completed yesterday morning. They will ho held at the family residence , Twenty-eighth and Lcavun- worth streets , , this , Saturday , after noon at 2 o'clock. The services will bo con ducted by Rev. Thomas J. Mackay , rector of All Salnta Protestant Episcopal church. and the mut > ! c will bo under the direction of Prof , Torrena. In addition to 'the regular pallbearers , thcrb will bo a number of honorary pallbearers. The interment will bo strictly private , and will take place at u latu hour In tbo afternoon , tbo remain * bolnu placed In tbo receiving Vftlut of 1'rca- Pect Hill cemetery. ORCHARD & WI1IIELM ODDS Remnants from tbo Great Pro-Election Sale Now Going. ODDS AND ENDS OF EVERYTHING FOR SALE The FlnlNtiliiK Ton'clicN to the Cirontmt Furniture , Carpet tun ! Curtain , | Siilo Hvcr IiinuKtirntcd | lu Oninlin. ' , Every odd piece of furniture every carpet of which there's only ono pattern every curtain ot which there Is but a pair all odds and ends as a result of our great Bale , will go on sale Saturday morning and continue tinueon sale until Tuesday evening at C p. in. , If not sold out before. WOMEN CAN VOTE. In fact wo want them to vote nt our booth on the first flqpr. The lady who guesses nearest to the plurality vote of either Mc- Klnley or Bryan In Nebraska will have a choice of any ot the following beautiful and valuable prizes : A beautiful Grecian , hand carved mahog any writing desk. Or a handsome curlcy birch chiffonier , with genuine French plato mirror. Or a box couch , upholstered in French corduroy especially designed for the recep tion of party dresses. ODDS AND ENDS TO BUY. Only ono Brownlo art square , Just the thing for your nursery , rpprcscnts Brownlcb in all games , 9x9 feet , price $15.00 ; now $5.00. Twenty 30x60 inch Jap rugs , best quality , price $2.25 ; now $1.25. Fur lap robes , elegant goods , black , lined In green felt , price $10.00 and $18.00 ; now $8.00 and $10.00. Wo shall not keep robes after these are sold. 2 pair only , Oriental strip curtains , mussed from being in show windows , prlco $1.23 ; now $1.50. Two only , tapestry lunch covers , fringed all around , price $7,60 ; now $2.18. Only four 8x4 wool tapestry table covers , price$8.60 ; now $5.7C. Only ono pair silk chantllla porUcrs price $22.50 ; now $10.00. 1V& pairs silk and linen curtains , either for portlers or window drapery , prlco $12.00 ; now $5.00. 4 pairs , every thread silk , flno damask curtains , 3U yards long , silk fringe top and bottom , price $30.00 ; now $18.00. The only Japanese pillow stools , prlco $2.25 ; now $1.45. 25 whlto fur rugs. 28xC4 Inches , $1.S8. ORCHARD & WILHELM CARPET CO. , - 1414-H1G-1418 Douglas. Momlny Nlnlit'a I'liniilen. At n conference of representatives of the democratic state committee and the com mittee having In charge respectively Mr. Bryan's speaking and the McKlnlcy parade In Omaha , Monday evening , November 2 , the following agreement was reached : That Sir. Bryan -will arrive In Omaha nnd ho escorted from the depot up Farnanx street before 9 o'clock p. TO. That If Mr. Bryan does not arrive until too late to do this ho will bo escorted up Harncy street. That the Bryan escort will not march on Farnam street later than 9 o'clock. That the McIClnloy parade will not reach or marchi on Farnam street bcforo 9 o'clock p. m. That the Bryan forces will remain south of Farnam street after 9 o'clock. That the McKlnlcy parade will form north of Farnam street and remain on or north of Farnam street. JAMES C. DAHLMAN , Chm. Dem. State Com. C. L. CHAFFEE , Chm. Com. on Parade. AIJVnaTISIXK MEN 1VIM , IIA\QUI3T. Outnlilcrx AVIII Not HP Admitted tu the I'eMllvKicx. Invitations have been sent out for a-ban quet to bo given by the Advertising Mcn'u club on November 9 at the Mlllard hotel. It will bo exclusive , only members being invited. The club membership composes thirty odd men , connected with publications In Omaha , South Omaha , Council Bluffs and Lincoln , as well as writers and designers of advertising. Among the toasts will bo responses to the following : "Reading Notices Against Dis play Advertising , " "Tho Advertiser and the Solicitor Their Relationship , " "The Future of Advertising In Omaha , " In addition to speeches by lr. ) A. E. Dickinson , manager of advertising of the Cudaby Packing com pany , and other members. DcNcrtcd liy Her IIiiNlmnd Nina Cunningham has applied for shelter and aid at the police station. She and her husband wcro lu destitute circumstances for some time. In her extremity she was de serted about three weeks ago by her hus band. She struggled along until her last penny was exhausted. The case has appealed to the sympathy of Police Matron Bennett , who was working yesterday ln.an effort to find shelter for the woman. T"ho police matron will endeavor to have her accepted as an Inmate of the new Institution for women which was recently opened In this city by the Salvation army. County ComiiilualanerN Meet. 'Tho ' Board of County Commissioners held a short session yesterday morning. Llttlo ex cept routine business was transacted. Bids for supplying hard coal to the court house and jail wcro opened and referred to the proper committee. The bids were as follows ' lows : Nebraska Fuel company , $8.90 ; C. W. Hull company , $8.95 , Tbo bids opened a month ago , which were rejected because they wcro too high , were for supplying the necessary hard coal at $8.78 per ton. The board adjourned until Saturday of next wcclt. Speed and safety are tbo watchwords o ! the ago. Ono Minute Cough Cure ncto Rpccdlly , safely and never falls. Asthma , bronchitis , coughs and colds nro cured by It. ICIIlH HIM Wife In a Quarrel. CUMBERLAND , Wls. , Oct. 30. Rufus G. Clark , a farmer living near this city , de liberately shot and killed his wlfo in bis own house last night as the result ot a quarrel. Clark Is now under arrest.- TfTM T PIT Tvrtrii n n m\ KELLEY , SHGER & CO , Winter is Upon ! Us Tour Underwear Ohanco is Hero Saturday , SPECIAL OFFER SATURDAY AND MONDAY ISxtraordlnary "Ltivf 1'rlcon on Ladled' and Clill.lren'ulKMll and Winter Un derwear null i IIonlery You MiiHt Not CHtitM Thin Sale. Ladled' extra quality silk fleeced hose , fast black , mace soles , 25c. Ladles' flno black cashmcro hose , double solo , heel and toe , 35c , 3 for $1.00 , Ladles' flno English black cashmcro hose , merino heel and toe , double solo , COc. Ladles' extra quality black cashmere hose , medium and heaVy weight , double sole , 75c. Children's ribbed black cashmcro hose , double knee , heel and toe , 25c. Misses' flno ribbed black cashmcro hose , double merino heel and toe , 35c , 3 for $1.00. Boys' double thread extra heavy black ribbed wool hose , extra double knee , 50c. RARE CHANCES IN UNDERWEAR. Ladles' fleeced natural ribbed vests and pants , 35c , 3 for $1.00. Ladles' non-shrinking natural wool ribbed vests and pants , 75c each. Ladles' extra quality non-shrinking nat ural wool ribbed vests and pants , $1.00 each. Ladles' Union suits , heavy ribbed , natural or ecru , $1.00 each. "Tho Florence" Union suits for ladles- most comfortable fitting garment mixed wool end cotton , $1.25 , $1.50 ; all wool i$2.00 per suit. Ladles' all wool black Union suits , $2.00 a suit. Boys' heavy ribbed natural shirts and drawers , all sizes , 25c each. Wo have a complete line ot children's fleeced natural ribbed vests , pants and draw ers , all sizes , at extremely low prices. Misses , and boys' natural wool vests , pants and drawers , very warm and durable , all sizes. I KELLEY , STIGER & CO. , Cor. Farnam and 15th Sts. Six Thirty I . M. Train. CHICAGO , of the MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RY. Best service. ELECTRIC LIGHTS , Dining car. City office : 1504 Farnam. PLEA FOIL THE I1UM1I ANIMALS. Dr. Miller TnlUn to TeaclierN In the Intrrcnt of the Iluinanc Society. Yesterday afternoon Dr. George L. Miller , as president of the > Ncbraska State Humane society , addressed , the principals of the Omaha public schools upon tbo subject of organizing bands ofc mercy In their classes. Dr. Miller made a most eloquent appeal for the kind treatment" ot animals and said ho considered It the duty of every teacher to Instill Into the mind ot a pupil an early love for the dumb brute. The tlmo was , and not long ago , said the speaker , that murder , in a lesser sense , was committed dally upon the domestic animals. The excellent work ac complished by the 'Humane society In Now York City and other places was worthy of emulation In Omaha , and a great per cent ot these good results had been performed through children. The doctor spoke for half an hour and concluded by requesting that an effort be raado by the toacbera to In terest their pnpllaMu. tho-work. On behalf of the principals. Superintend ent Pcarso replied that the subject had al ready been considered' by the teachers and that many of them had formed small bands oftheir pupils together for the purpose spoken of by the doctor. Ho assured Dr. Miller that after the war against the use of tobacco , which is now being waged by the teachers , hod received Its proper at tention the next subject would -bo that of Instructing pupils in the laws of kindness duo all animals. It is proposed by the local officers of the Humane society to furnish literature upon the subject to all puplla who band them selves together for the good of this cause. Among the things promised when societies of more than twenty are formed Is "Our Dumb Friend , " a periodical ; "Ten Lessons in Kindness , " "Band of Mercy" hymns and other articles , Including a gold pin for the president ot each society. The Orerland Limited. Via UNION PACIFIC. Runs every day In the week. Fastest train In the west. Buffet smoking and library cars. City ticket olllce , 1302 Farnam. AeknowledKCK Ills Guilt. John McAdow , a young colored man , was arraigned before Judge Baker yesterday morning on the charge of grand larceny. He was charged with stealing two diamond rings from a pawnbroker , valued at $35. The charge constituted grand larceny , but Mc Adow asked to bo allowed to plead guilty of petit larceny. The county attorney con sented to this and a plea of that kind was entered , after which McAdow was taken back to jail to await sentence. Clieiin Hut CM , Nov. Hd , Via the Burlington Route to points south and west Arkansas , Texas , Nebraska , Colorado rado , Utah , Wyoming , etc. Ono fare for the round trip , plus $2. Call at ticket office. 1502 Farnam street , and get full information. Gave the Glrln u Scare. A -dozen you DC women who attend the seminary at 514 North Nineteenth street were given a bad shock yesterday morning about breakfast time , and were unable to give proper attention to their studies for the rest of the morning. The cook endeavored to hurry up a slow flro in the range by the use of kerosene. Tbo usual results followed , though the flames wcro extinguished before much damage was dono. and GOLD ! BUGS "Why a Few Prominent Business Men of Omaha Are Silver Bugs. " "Confidence and Credit , Their Re lation to Prosperity. " These subjects will receive consideration atl the , hands of DR. GEORGE L. MILLER TONIGHT AT KARBAGH HALL , FIFTEENTH AND HOWARD STREETS. Admission up to 8 o'clock by ticket ; , after that hour the public will be generally admitted , Tickets may be had of the following committee : F. A. Brogan , Jas , E. Kelby , Jno. A. Johnson , Robt W. Richard son , Frank Murphy , Henry W. Yates , W. S. Jardine , Her man Kountze , John R. Webster , Frank Colpetzer , W. A , Webster , Warren Switzler. llco , Oct , 20 P. M. After Election A great many people in Omaha need , winter suits this minute but they arc waiting till after election to see "which way the cat jumps. " If the cat jumps the right way they will conclude to keep warm this winter and if he doesn't they think they might as well keep cool. If the cat shouldn't jump or should keep on . jumping after he got started we don't know what these people are going to do about it , but we do know right now before the cat jumps they can buy the best five dollar suit of clothes here that anybody has ever seen anywhere at any time. It is a special pur chase of Bromley's "Kole Blak" cheviots made up into double breasted suits lined with 10 ounce Farmers' satin and selling for he first time in this country at $5.00 a suit. The stores that are .selling these same suits at $7.00 are waiting till the cat jumps before they mark 'em down to $6.98. In the meantime the man who waits till after election stands a good show of getting left. Somebody is going to gee left. Our Catalog ue will be delivered before election too. LAST TH Among the notable bargains which remain hi our Special Sale arc the following Reduced to Mahogany Table ? G5.00 , $25 00 Oak Table 4 112.00 5 00 Oak Table 18.00 10 00 Oak Bert Room Suit -10.00 12 00 Curly Birch Suit 75.00 28 00 AVliite Bed . " . ( X ) , . . 12 00 Brass Bed G5.00 ! W 00 1'arlor Chair 35.00 ' 15 00 Corner Chair 112.00. . , 5 00 Morris Cliair U.OO. . , 5 00 Box Couch 122.00 10 00 Coinblnntion Book Case & Desk. . 15.00 7 50 Combination. Book Case 128.00 1i50 Coinblnntion Book Case 85.00 no oo S1DEBOARDS- Plcintsh Oak 200.00 118 00 Oak , with round chiim cabinet. . . 185.00 110 00 Mahogany 150.00 , 92 00 Oak 00.00 m oo Oak . . ' . H5.00 1 ! ) 00 Oak 15.50 ( > 00 FANCY ROCKERS- Oak lfi.00 s no Mahogany Finish 15.00 5 00 Oak 10.00 ii 00 Mahogany Finish 10.00 3 00 Oak 0.00 2 25 There arc many other bargains equally as great. Furniture , 12th and Douglas Sts. IIHHAICI.VC Ul * A OAXfi OK HAD HOYS. YOUHKXUTM Wli" Throw SiniicN nt Carn IMncril Uiulcr Arretit. The Union Pacific authorities arc getting after the boys who have been In the habit of annoying railroad men by jumping on and oft moving trains and throwing stones at has been especially car windows. This annoyance pecially prevalent in and about South Omaha. A few days ago n gang of the lads were spotted and arc beliiR gradually arrested. Thursday four boys were arrested for the offense and taken to South Orooha for a hearing , they having been guilty of boarding moving trains In that city. Yesterday morning Charles Johnson , another lad living near Sixteenth and William streets , was arrested and taken to the packing house city. Other arrests will bo made. HreiiU n. Tlnif-lloiioreil Hule. Railway men have for some tlmo con sidered It Impossible to get a Pullman car on any of the Vandcrbllt lines , Just as It Is Impossible to move a Wagner car on the Southern Pacific west from Ogdcn. A notable exception , however , to this Iron clad rule has just occurred and Is exciting much comment in railway circles. Some of the troops that the Union Pacific brought east from California a few days ago wcro In Pullman cars. . .Tho cars were carried through from hero to Chicago by the North western and , wonderful to relate , were taken from there to Now York by the Nickel Plato and the West Shore roads. The soldiers refused to change cars and thereby succeeded In fracturing ono of the time-honored rules of the Vandcrbllt lines. M Mov I UK Went. The Rock Island brought In the light battery of 'tho Third artillery , United States army , at 4:35 o'clock yesterday morning. The troops were under the command of Captain BIrkhelmcr. nnd numbered ICO men nnd officers. They oomo from Washington bar racks , and were bound for the post at San Francisco. They travel on a special train consisting of ono Pullman sleeper , two tourist cars and two baggage cars. In this city the Rock Island turned the train over to the Union Pacific , which road took It west at 8:20 , as the first section of the "Overland limited express. " Grnlu SIilpnifiitH Continue. Shipments of grain and corn continue to go cast In largo quantities , Rverythlng Is In readiness to restore the freight rates to the basis they wcro on August 1 on Mon day , ar.d In consequence the farmers are hustling to ship as much of thblr products as posslblq bcforo that tlmo. There prom ises to bo'a largo movement of merchandise soon after McKlnley's election. HallTvny No ten anil I'orKoimlH. Traveling Passenger Agent Branch of the Erlo la In town. "W. W. Lunger of the Union Pacific's land department Is out on the road on business. General Manager Dickinson of the Union Pacific went to Chicago last night on busi ness , but will return In tlmo to vote. Actuary Alexander of the Union Pacific has returned from a trip to Milton , Wls. , where ho attended the funeral of a relative. Hugh M. Wilson , secretary of the general association of Hallway Men's Sound Money clubs , has Issue * a denial that P. M. Arthur and F. P. Sargent subscribed their namco to a free ellver document , as alleged by the Bryanlc followers. George Morton , private secretary of Gen eral Freight Agent Miller of the Burlington , returned to Chicago yesterday afternoon , after a few days' visit among friends In this city , hla former home. He was accompanied by Mrs. Morton , iieo Mlsa Miller , on his trip hero. ' The Union Pacific yesterday morning ran a special train of five cars from Kansas City to Fort Rlloy to carry a detachment of government troops sent to the latter pest from Newport , II. I. . The Baltimore & Ohio and the Missouri Pacific took the soldiers to Kansas City. Chief Clerk Buckingham of the passenger iopartment and Assistant City Passenger Agent Branch of the Burlington will leave on Tuesday night for on extended southern trip , They expect to do omo hunting in Arkansas , visit Now Orleans , Memphis and Till the flirt and Dee will wnnt Ills check for olHco rent ami commUsloii now , I'ets , ilon't disappoint him KCt his account chrcKcd up anil pay him promptly , ns you Know Doe will wnnt every cent Hint's coming to him. This la a Bcnllc reminder to nil the corner stores nnJ the mliliHc of the Mock ones. Ono dozen S-grnln Quinine Capsules Co One dozen 3-Kifln Quinine Cupaules * . To Ono dozen C-Rrnln Quinine Capsules lOc Tnlno's Celery Compound Co Hood'fl Bnrsnpnrllln ( lie Uulty'a Mnlt Whiskey fee Warner's Snfo Cure SOc Vine Kolnfru ? oc Kola Car.llnott KV Cnmnlo Juniper 11.00 Castorlu " -0 I'yrnmlJ Pile Cure r.'c Jnyne ' Expectorant T3c I'e-ni-na T..i : Ajer's Hair Vigor COo S. S. K 7Sc No-To-Unc C5c I'oiiil'.B extract sc Kcott'B Kmulelon CTo Stunrl'a Dyrpepglu Tablets -o Williams' 1'lnk 1M1U Kc lllrney'B Catarrh Cuic 30c CUT PRICE DRUGSTORE. 10th and Chicago. Don't blow a fetid blast from un unclean mouth in your friends faces and expect them to love you. Sco ? BAILEY , Dentist , PAXTON BLOCK. AT CHICAGO. Commencing on Wednesday , November 11 , at 10 n. m. , wo will sell at Public Auction for account -of wbom It may concern , on third , fourth nnd llfth Iloora of building , corner Monroe btreet and \v'abash avenue , Chicago , Inventoried Value > f $200,000 Immense Wholesale Stock , Consisting of Fancy Dry Cood8 ! , Kmbrold- erlcs , Table Unens , To-.vollngH , White OoodH , Lacos. Ladles' nnd GontH1 Kunilsh- Ing Goods , Notions , Gloves , Handkerchiefs , etc. , formerly owned by EdBOii Keith. & Co. Stock arranged for sale by SAMtll'.L UAN.S , Mnunacr , Western Salvage Wrecking Azctizy. OF.O , P. flOHH H CO. , Auctioneers Cincinnati , and return In two weeks via Chicago , Herbert T. Lcavltt of tbo Union Pacific's legal department , who has been confined to his house for a few day * with HlnvsK , was able to bo at his desk again yesterday morn- lug. lug.Out of respect for the memory of the late Elimr S , Dundy. who as Judge of the federal court , was cloaoiy Identified with the Union Pacific receivership , the Hag on thu Union Pacific headquarters will bo at half niasl throughout the day. Our Wednesday and Saturday Issue each week until election , will glvo the leport by state ? of the famous umnan's veto for preal- dent. Snoulul I'lilliiu for Toululit. Chief Hlgwurt will detail twenty oxtrn men for duty tonight to hold In bounds thu precocious Juveniles who Insist upon dc- Dtroylng property under thu fjtiluo of cele brating Hallowo'cn , The men will go on duty at 7 o'clock nnd bo relieved nt 10. All offcndem found traveling around with other pcoplu'u gated and wagons will bo placed under arrest. A Column i for the Economical , We Sell the Butterick Patterns. Men's Hats. Just arrived , a full line of Men's Hots. Wo glvo you a $6.00 Hat for $3.00 Knoxi s'.ylo. s'.ylo.Wo Wo have n Dunhp shape that wo are sell ing for $2.00 which costs you elsowhcro $2.50. Our $1,50 Hat cannot bo equalled for $2.23 In this city. You can save money on that election bet by giving us a call , as wo are getting ouf some specials for the occasion. Ladies' Ready to Wear Garments , A mixed Frlczo Jacket , worth $ S.OO , for $5.00 Saturday. A blue Kersey Jacket , half silk lined , In laid velvet collar , pearl buttons ) new back , new sleeve , for $7.50 ; worth $10.00. A fancy Iloucle Jacket , all wool , very lat est style , for $6.00. Flno Imported Jacket , rough material. $12.60worth $17.00. Illack Heaver Capes , $2.50. Black Kersey Capes , fur trimmed , slnglo or double , $3.98. Plush Capes , fur trimmed , for $3.93. I'lush Capes , trimmed with braid end beads , at $8.00. Dark Flannelette Waists , 25c. Ladles' 75c Wrappers for Me'Saturday. Corduroy Waists , $2.9S. 250 Ladles' Wrappers , worth $9.00 , fof Visit Our Millinery Dept. Special Sale of Mens * Children's and Ladies' Woolen Underwear. Ono case ot ladles' Jersey ribbed Vests and Pants , only 25c each ; special value. Ladles' extra heavy jersey ribbed Vesta and Pants , only35c each ; worth COc. Ono case ladles' natural wool merino Vests and Pants , 35c each ; worth COc. Ono case of ladles' wool Pants , 35c ; worth , 75 cents. IvullcsLplnln wool camel's hair Vests and Pants , COo each ; worth $1.00. 1,000 dozen of children's Underwear to ho placed on sale at less than mill cost. Ladles' Combination Suits , COc , 70c and $1.00 ; worth 7Cc , $1.00 and $1.50. Men's Shirts and Drawers , 25c ; worth COc. Men's flecco lined Shirts and Drawers , 33c each ; worth COc. Men's heavy merino Shirts nnd Drawers , 7Co well ; worth $1.00. A special sale of Kid Gloves for Satur day. day.Boys' heavy wool \Mlttcns \ , lOc and 12Vio per pair. Special Sale Fancy Goods , Fancy Head Rests , 15c. Fancy Head Heats and Sofa Pillows , wort > . $1.25 , choice COc. ' Kancy Silk Drapes , 25c each. C-lnch Stamped Linens , lo each. Stamped Center I'iccos. lOc and 15c. Linen Splashers and Tray Cloths , stampcl and fringed , ICe each. Full slzo Dresser Scarfs , worth COc , tof 25 cents. GRAND BOOK SALE. 10,000 25o books at 12 < ,2C each. Health Food Dept. 25 pounds Granulated Sugar . . . . . . . $ . Whcatcl , the breakfast food , package. Co California Breakfast Food , per pkg. . . Co Wheat Manna , per package Co Sclf-Halslng Pancake Flour , only So Breakfast Oatmeal , per package Go Schcpp's Coconnut or Dunham's , lOo packages Co Baker's Chocolate , per package 17Vic Brooks Soluble Cocoa , per package. . . . IDs Full Weight Condensed Milk TAa Pure Corn Stnrch , per package Co Snlder's Tomato Soup , quarts . .12'o { , Now Graham Flour , only Z a 3-pound can Now California Peaches , . lOu 3-pound cnn New California Plumn. . . lOo 3-pound cans Now Tomatoes GV&o 2-pound cans Corn Co 'Uranolu , the new health food , package. 9o Snlder's Catsup , only ICij A Few Starters For Saturday from the Homo of Bargains. New Mlnco Meat , In packages , only. . . 7'/4o Cranberries , Capo Cod , now Oo Country Duttor 7c and Do Full Cream Cliccso lOo California Hams 6o Soda and Oyster Crackers Co Bucon 7o Plcklo Pork . - Co Fresh Oysters Saturday Saturday \vo will soli you fresh Baitlmora Oysters nt 30c a quart. Also wo will have a flno lot ot fresh Ctilcry on hand. Call in and take homo sera flno Oyster * and celery. i AYDEN