Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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riitito supplies nnd cameras , Ml B'
Mr . K. M. Comfort of DCS Molncs 1 In
the city vlnlllng friends.
Mrs , SnodRrasH and children of Carson are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cronnn.
Miss Esther Miller of Kahokn , Mo. , Is
vliltlng Mrs. Cronnn of Avcmia B.
J. 1) . Kennedy nnd wlfo of Lavonna , Mo , ,
nro visiting Mrs. Landing of Seventeenth
Lost Whllo spitz parachute jumping dosj
| ! reward nnd no questions asked for Us
return lo 110S Avenue II.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Barker returned yester
day , after an absence of two months In
Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Judge Macy left for Harlem last evening
nnd Judge Smith will complete the Septem
ber term of the district court.
The caco of Dr. Webster against Hutchln-
Bon & Co. was completed as submitted In the
superior court yesterday afternoon.
The Bell club will give un at home nt the
residence of MM , Spooncr on Glen avenue
this afternoon from 2 to G o'clock.
The Oakland Avcntio Reading club held
n well nttcirled meeting nt the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Flnlcy Burke last evening.
Mrs. F. S. Stclllng nnd her llttlo KOII ar
rived In the city from Chicago yesterday
nnd are visiting Mrs. Stclllng's mother , Mrs.
J. M. , nnd other relatives.
Chief Canning was notified last evening
that a burglary had been committed at the
residence of a Olcnwood citizen and that n
pockctbook containing ? 25 had been taken.
The Woodward Theater company No. 1
will open a two weeks' engagement at the
Dohany Monday , November 2. with the great
comedy "Tim Midnight Watch" and a dozen
new special * Ics.
Judge McQco made citizens of Simon Ca
ter , Herman Hocppncr , August Paullck , Wil
liam Burgolu and Peter Nelson yesterday.
Another session for the snmo purpose will
bo held this evening.
Clan Stewart gave a delightful Hnllowo'en
entertainment last evening at the Woodmen
of the World hall , which was largely at
tended. A well arranged program was ren
dered , after which dancing was enjoyed
until a late hour.
The Council Bluffs High school will piny
foot half with the Omaha High school this
nftcrnoon at the Young's Christian As-
Foclatlon park this nftcrnoon. A largo dele
gation Is expected to accompany the boys
from hero and help them win the game.
Grant Trotter was arrested last evening
by four or llvo police officers nnd token to
the station. IIo wan fighting drunk and was
creating a disturbance In front of the Bryan
headquarters. When searched ho was found
to have nearly $200 In negotiable drafts In
Ills pockets.
A te-aniBtcr named Ed Pool has been or-
rented upon a serious charge , preferred by
the father of Ilosa Jensen. The girl Is
under 15 years of age , and Is soon to be
come n mother. The mother nlso charges
Pool with the paternity of a child born to
nn elder unmarried daughter. Pool was
held under $500 bonds to await hearing on
November C.
The presentation of "Trilby" by the Chnso-
Llslcr Theater company at the Dohany last
evening proved n pleasant surprise to the
largo audience. The difficult Impersonations
of nu Mnurlcr's characters wcro well
handled. Special arrangements have been
made for n continuous performance this
afternoon and evening , In view of the largo
crowds expected to bo In the city to attend
the political demonstrations.
The personal effects of John Martin nnd
James Smith , two men nrrcstcd on suspicion
of being professional burglars and manipu
lators of the padlock trick , wcro re-exam-
Incd yesterday. The men nro being held to
serve out a sentence of ten days on the
charge of vagrancy. In an obscure compart
ment In n pockctbook found nmong Martin's
things was h solid gold thimble worth $5.
On ono nldo wns engraved "Emily M. " A
solid gold ring worth $14 was also found
with the dale "Juno 6" engraved upon It.
This stuff has evidently been stolen and the
police bellovo that It Is the product of some
recent burglaries.
C. B. Vlavl Co. . female remedy. Medical
consultation frco Wednesdays. Health book
furnished. 309 Mcrrlam block.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
Get your winter supply of coal now before
the rush and rise In prices. L. M. Shubert
will fill your orders promptly and his prices
nro the lowest. Telephone No. 70 ; 628 Wsjt
Uroadway. _
Culhcrtxoii Under Arrent.
H. M. Culbcrtson , the Junior member of
the firm of Bell & Culbertson , recently en
gaged In the commission business on Upper
Broadway , has been arrested upon the
charge of embezzlement. The nmount al
leged to have been stolen Is $291. The com
plainant Is B. Gllllnsky. The case has
Boino peculiar and sensational features.
On the 10th oMftBt Juno Culbcrtson , whllo
nctlng as traveling salesman for Gllllnsky's
firm , figured na , the vlstlm In a. sensational
holdup nnd robbery In Onawa , la. Ho was
held up and robbed of $291 whllo going
from the hotel to the depot. Two weeks
nfter the occurrence ho loft the employ of
Gllllnsky , owing to suspicions and disputes
over the matter , and later went Into part
nership with G. G. Bell. After the part
nership had been formed Culbertson and
Bell used the firm's money to make good
the loss sustained by Gllllnsky , to remove
the possibility of having their credit hurt.
Later Ir. the season the firm became em
barrassed and Boll left It. They were In
debted to Gllllnsky for goods to the amount
of nearly $200. Culbcrtson assumed this
debt , nnd 1ms succeeded In cutting It down
to $140. Ho claims that his arrest Is an
effort on the part of Gllllnsky to collect
this amount. The accused man will have
a hearing on next Monday.
IloHloii Store.
The best stylea and values In ladles'
Capes and Jackets.
A few prices picked at random from the
Ladles' Heavy Double Capo , trimmed with
braid , worth $3.00 , at $1.7C.
Ladles' Heavy Double Capo of Cheviot ,
Rtorm Collar Inlaid with velvet , worth $ C.OU ,
at $3.25.
Ladles' Double Beaver Cape , trimmed
With silk braid , worth $ C.OO. nt $4.50.
Ladles' Cheviot Jackets In black and tan ,
at $4.RO.
Ladles' black beaver and English di
agonal Jackets , good value at $7.50 , our
price. $5.00 each.
Ladles' Gray nnd Light Tan Jackets ,
trimmed with b'uttons , a bargain at $7.00.
Broadway , Council Bluffs , la.
in the Went.
Captain H. L. Henry returned to the
city yesterday , after an absence of nearly
ix year. IIo has been living with his fam
ily on the Pacific coast. Before starting
for homo business affairs took him Into
nearly nil of the chief cities on the coast.
From Inquiries nnd observations made dur-
* lng these trips , ho Is convinced that every
Pacific const state will glvo McKlnley most
substantial majorities. Ho says the result
In San Francisco will bo simply astonish
ing when the votes are counted. Nearly
every business man In the city has como
out strongly for McKlnley , and In Portland
the ratio will bo about -20 to 1. On thu
way across the continent ho stopped three
days In Salt Lake City , nnd ho found It
to bo the only plnco that Bryan had much
liopo of carrying. Ho believed from what
Lo saw In Wyoming that the state was
about as sure for McKlnley as Iowa. He
occupied a week In making the trip across
Nebraska , and learned enough to make him
rcry anxious to find some misguided Bryan
enthusiast who had some money to bet on
the state , "I rcnlly heard more of Mr.
Ilosowater throughout the state than I did
of Mr , Bryan , " said ho , "and I am con
vinced that ho has done raoro solid , cf-
fectlvo work , to keep the state safe for
McKlnley than any other man In It. "
. , , * ' [ * nalf a Ion of Etarch per month
to itlffeu tlio blrta , collars nlid cuffs of the
Eagle laundry'i patroni. Have you tried
UioraT 721 Broadway. Telephone 157 ,
Hewer 1'liie , Fire llrleU , llc-ltluir.
Wholesale and retail. J. O. Illxbr. 202
) faln itrett.
Powclorly and His Companions Provoke
Much Enthusiasm.
I'liinininnil Tariff Continue the At
tention ( it ( lie Orntorn ItplinUo
11 I'opiillNt UlNltirlier of
the Meulliitr.
T. V. Powdcrly , Charles Hohlfa nnd A. W.
Wright , the labor leaders who are making
the tour of the west In the Interests of Wil
liam McKlnley and Bound money , spoke to
an enthusiastic audience at republican head
quarters yesterday afternoon. Despite the
fact that the meeting was held during the
tlmo ofvlay when mosti of the men wcro at
work , the hall wns well filled. In point of
Interest few of the rallies held hero have
exceeded the reception that was accorded
thi ) speakers yesterday afternoon.
Hon. N. M. Pusey presided nnd Introduced
the speakers. Charles llohlf wns presented
as HID gifted young orator from Buffalo ,
N. Y. , and Ills speech was a full warrant for
this compliment. Ho appealed to the patriotIsm -
Ism of the American voter In a most elo
quent and telling manner nnd was frequently
applauded. "You came here to better your
self , " said he , addressing the citizens from
foreign countries. "You did It because you
looked upon this country as the place for
the poor man. You did better yourself.
Then show your appreciation of It. Columbia
Is Rtlll the 'Gem of the Ocean. ' "
During the course of Mr. Uohlf's speech
an Inspired admirer of Bryan and frco silver
yelled : "Hurrah for Bryan. " "Well , you
might as well hurrah for him now. You
won't have so much of an cxcuso In a few
days. " came bark the telling reply from the
speaker. The disturber then started to leave
and ho was admonished to get another sup
ply of free silver enthusiasm. Ono things
said by Mr. Ilohlfs that was greeted meat
enthusiastically was : "Remember that this
government Is not based on the principle
of how much you can get out of It , but how
much true patriotism , manliness and honor
each citizen can put Into It. "
A. W. Wright of Niagara was the next
speaker. Ho Is a Canadian by birth and has
held a prominent place In the labor organi
zations of the country. In the opening of
his talk he saldl that ho wished to lay down
the following proposition , which the voters
present should keep In nlnd : "Is U true
that all the wealth In this land. In every
land , that has been or ever will bo pro
duced , Is the result of labor , either of
brain or muscle ; and If that Is true , will not
every dollar that Is put Into the pockets of
bullion owners by legislation be wrung from
the toll and labor of the worklngman ? "
The two Important Issues In the cam
paign , ho said , were finance and tariff. TI
history of the populist platform and the
Introduction of Iho free silver plonk Into
It was fully explained. Mr. Wright said
that ho had been a delegate to the con
vention of 1S92 , when that plank was In
serted. Ho was chairman of the platform
committee and of a subcommittee that bad
drawn up the free silver clause. The prin
ciple had been espoused because the silver
mlno owners had premised to supply the
funds to keep the agitation going If this waft
granted them. There was absolutely no
debt owing to the frco sliver democrats by
the populists , ho said , as they had prac
tically been crowded out of the political
tent by the democratic camel , that had first
gotten Us head In , then Its hump and
finally crowded out all the populists. Wat
son , ho said , was the only ono who had
managed to stand on the populist plat
form , but ho had been squeezed off by this
time. In discussing the sincerity and
worth of the principles of the free silver
advocates ho applied a number of tests , to
the movement that were commonly applied
to all enterprises. The company that the
cause kept , the methods employed by the
loaders , as In the fraudulent London Finan
cial News editorial , the deliberately garbled
translation of the Bismarck telegram , and
other falsehoods all tended to show that
It was based on wrong principles. Mr.
Bryan , ho said , was not guiltless In this
method of carrying on his cause. At Now
London , Conn. , Mr. Bryan had claimed that
ho was a sufferer from the failure of the
Lincoln National bonk , trying to create tbo
impression that ho had practically lost
his nil , and In this way prejudice bis audi
ence against the banks. H had been de
veloped by a statement of the bank re
ceiver that Mr. Bryan had never had raor
than $400 on deposit In the bank , that ho
had only $73.03 on deposit when the col-
lapao came and that ho had an unpaid note
of $1,000 at the same time. "Yes. " said Mr.
Wright , "Mr. Bryan knew that ho was de
ceiving the people when ho made those
statements , and was willing to lese one-
half of that $73.03 If the presidency was
thrown In and half of all the savlncs de
posits In the country were sacrificed. " In
conclusion ho said : "I believe In the prin
ciple that the Individual Is not the unit of
government , but the family , and no voter
has a right to go to the polls next Tues
day and by voting his personal convic
tion sacrifice those of his wlfo and chil
dren , "
Tcrrcnco V. Powdcrly was greeted by pro
longed applause ns ho stepped forward to
speak. Ho was suffering from severe hoarse
ness and was compelled several times to
pause because of the pains In his chest.
His opening talk was devoted mainly to
contradicting the false reports that had
been Kent out as to letters and statements
made by him some yeata ago. when ho was
In favor of frco silver. The Hayn letter , al
leged to hnvo been written by him Novem
ber 1 , 1SSS , ho said was a fabrication and
ho never wrote It , His position taken In an
article. In the August , 1892 , num
ber of the North American Ro-
vlow , he said had been gar
bled and that ho had taken the word of
Senator Stewart for the fact that the act
of 1S73 was secretly passed. His action
In going to the silver congress at Chicago
In 1893 and In espousing the cause of the
Knights of Labor of the silver producing
B tales had been done In his official capacity ,
at their request.
"I have been charged with changing my
mind on the silver question , and I have
changed U. I believe It Is the duty of ovcry
man who has by his position and his utter
ances Influenced others In a way ho finds
has been wrongful , to tell the people , of
his mistake and try and undo any of the
Injury ho has done. Three years ago there
wns not a working man or business man In
favor of frco silver , but the mlncowners.
They 'havo ' kept up the agitation and have
succeeded In fooling ; a great many honest
men. " Ho referred repeatedly to Senator
Stewart as "tho all-around American detect
ive and discoverer of crimes , the ono of 1S73
Included , " The list of great estates and
mlno owners behind the silver movement
wns read by Mr. Powderly and the position
taken by Governor Altgcld In his
gold clause leases on the Unity
building In Chicago wcro also referred to.
"Yes , Altgcld believes in a silver euro for
you , but must have a gold ono 'for himself.
It was his flno Italian hand that penned the
clause In the Chicago platform that attacked
the highest tribunal nnd executive of the
nation. "
With the aid of an American dollar , a
Mexican dollar , A cold dollar , an ounce of
bullion silver nnd a disc of coin silver worth
a dollar. < ho showed the manner In which the
purchaolng power of the American silver coin
wns maintained on a parity with gold. The
object leeaon was closely followed and made
a decided Impression , The meeting closed
with great cheering for the speakers and
McKluloy and Hobart.
Cut CliiHii Ilraiitlful.
Just received a complete line of tbo rich
est cut glau manufactured. Low prices.
Rich designs. Uticful articles. Jacquemln
& Co. , 27 Main street.
F. W. Dean , M. D.r eye , car , noao and
throat , 241 Merrlam block.
Lundgard , th Tailor , 130 S. Main atroet
CltlrniR Di-ooralo Tholr Stores nnil
llonxeN with Sound Money liiNlwnla.
It was gold , gold , gold everywhere and
wherever you looked as the sun went down
l.tst night , Golden windows with flags and
bunting and golden badges with "Sound
Money" Inscribed upon them will meet th6
gaze of Mr. Bryan whichever way he may
turn his eyes when ho nrrlves In Council
HHilTs this evening. The republican procla
mation that has gene over the land calling
upon every man who Intends to vote for
McKlnley today to display the national flag
has been responded to by the Council Bluffs
people with an ardor that has created a
sensation , The demand for flags baa been
so great that It could not' bo filled. At the
republican headquarters thousands of paper
flags with the pictures of McKlnlcy and
Hobart upon them wcro given out , and It
there had been as many more on hand
none of them would have been uncalled for.
They have been scattered all over the town ,
and the windows of thousands of private
residences arc decorated with them.
The natural conservatism of business men
prevented mnny of them decorating the
show windows of their places at the start ,
but before the day had grown very eld the
example of the many who believed that the
exigencies of the times demanded the sac-
rlflco of all personal feelings became con
tagious , and when the mm went down there
wcro few windows In which Old Glory was
not shining , surrounded by billows of gold.
Three thousand yellow satin sound money
badges were printed during the afternoon
and distributed nt .tho republican head
quarters. In an hour they wcro all gone.
They wcro not cnrrled awny nnd hidden ,
hut wcro pinned on the lapels of coats worn
by voters. Men who have never worn a
badge or marched In a political procession
In all their lives pinned the llttlo yellow
Insignia of national honor on their coats
and went about their business. They were
fluttering and gleaming wherever you
Some of the window decorations wore
very striking. The largo front windows
of Officer & Pusey's bank were filled with
flags and pictures of McKlnlcy and Hobart
nnd Palmer and Buckner. At the Durfeo
Furniture cc.mpany a most beautiful dis
play was made. A magnificent golden couch ,
upholstered In yellow silk , was used for
the center pleco of the main window deco
ration. For a distance of four blocks on
Broadway there wcro only thrco business
housed that had not made a demonstration
In favor of national honor. When Mr.
Bryan comes today ho will find cold com
fort for his political aspirations , hut a
warm welcome by the people who admire
him as a private citizen and platform
speaker. Ho will be shown every consid
eration nnd thousands of flags nnd yellow
Mnyor anil llonril of Health Take the
.Mailer In Hand.
Ono now case of diphtheria was reported
fo the clerk of the Board of Health yester
day and that was in n family where Iho
disease has already been reported as exist
ing. Vague rumors wcro afloat that there
were two other cases , but no reports wcro
The number of cases and malignancy of
the malady has aroused the Board of Health
authorities , and an actlvo campaign against
the disease and the people who violate or
rcfuso to comply with the state quarantine
laws will bo begun.
The mayor has ordered a sanitary police
man on duty Under section 17 of the ordi
nance relating to the protection of public
health , whoso dut will be to visit quaran
tined premises at' least once each forty-
eight hours , and shall sec that strict quar
antine Is maintained and the premises prop
erly placarded , and he shall file Informations
against all offenders before the police court.
This ordinance requires nil cases of small
pox , diphtheria , membranous croup , scarlet
fever , scarlet rash , scarlatina , typhoid
fever , typhus fever , mcasels , or other dis
eases dangerous to public health , shall bo
reported In writing to the mayor or health
officer of the city , within twenty-four hours ,
either by the attending physician or head
of family If no physician nttcnds , or per
sons having cnro of lodging house where the
diseases occur. >
The persons falling so to report nro sub
ject to a flno of not less than $10 nor nioro
than $25 for each and every day of neg
lect or refusal to glvo such notice. When
any place Is placed under quarantine regu
lations no persons' residing at such place
shall bo permitted to attend any public or
private school nor any public place , without
permission from the mayor , countersigned
by the health officer , under the provisions of
the ordinance , and any wilful violation of
this provision subjects the offender to a
flno of not less than $25 or bo Imprisoned
not less thin llvo days.
It Is Intended to enforce these regulations ,
and the citizens are requested to report
ovcry Infraction of the ordinance , that the
same may be promptly dealt with.
I'opoorntH Intend to Have a firent
I'nhllc DemoiiNtrntlon.
The frco silver people arc making great
preparations for -the reception of W. J.
Bryan hero this evening , and have decided
to have n regular "Bryan day. " Starting
with a parade and rally this afternoon at
Bayllss park , they will keep up the demon
stration until supper time , when another
parade will form and act as escort to the
nominee of the cheap money forces when he
arrives on the Northwestern at 7 o'clock.
Thrco meeting bavo been planned for and
Mr. Bryan Is to speak at all of them. At
the opera house F. A. Blxbcy .will preside ,
at the frco silver headquarters S. B. Wads-
worth and atthe tent meeting Dr. Macrae ,
sr. The other speakers 'hat have been an
nounced to nddrcss the meetings are : Prof.
Vincent of Indianapolis , J. A. Pcnlck , Col
onel J. H. Judd , Judge Spurrier , E. B. Kvana ,
M. F. Ilcaley , Gcorgo L. Finn , Captain J.
W. MUffiey Judge Edgerton , T. J. O'Donncll
and C. J. Hughes , Jr.
Special trains have been arranged for on
all the roads and a great number of free sil
ver men from the surrounding towns are ex
There will be a reception In honor of Mrs.
W. J. Bryan in the parlors oftho Grand
hotel this evening , from 8:40 : to 10 o'clock ,
and nil the women wishing to meet Mrs.
Bryan have been Invited to bo present.
Mayor Carson has Issued the following
proclamation : "Tho mayor requests citizens
to refrain as far as practicable from going
upon the business streets with their vehicles
during the exercises on Saturday evening ,
October 31. This request Is made to avoid
the possibility of accidents resulting from
horsed becoming unmanageable. They are
especially requested to refrain from driving
upon Pearl , Main and 'Broadway , between
Main and Seventh streets , as It Is desired to
have those streets unobstructed by vehicles
during the exercises from G:30 : to 10:00 :
o'clock p. m. Ho also requests that by
standers refrain from Indulging In any adverse -
verso exclamations or actions that will tend
to annoy any procession or meeting , and If
any persons do not eo refrain they will bo
treated an disturbers of the peace. "
Hoffmayr'a funcy patent flour makes the
best and most bread , Ask your grocer for tt.
Enameled brass-trimmed beds $3.95 this
week at the Durfeo Furniture Co.
The ArKiiinent.
Indianapolis Journal ; "You are charged
with knocking the complainant down with a
club and taking all his valuables , " said the
"Ho tolo me to , " eald the prisoner.
"Eh 7"
"Ho tolo mo to do It , I stops him on the
corner to get a light see ? An' , of course ,
wo got to talkln' about do money question.
Den ho says to mo , 'Do on'y right way to
git at do money question Is to start right In
on first principles , ' ho says. 'Is dat do way
youso want to do7' I gays. 'It Is , ' eaya he.
'All right , ' says I , an' noaks Mm an' takes
wet belongs to mo by rights of first prin
ciples. "
riiTiaaii OIllciTH for Chinese Army
BERLIN , Oct. 30. The Tagoblatt says.
Colonel Libert of the German army hag been
definitely appointed organizer of the Chinese
army , adding that ho will shortly start for
China , accompanied by a , number of German
officer * ,
Govern ! ImportnnttrJiIatcuos to Gotno Off
During tKb'Xftornoon ,
HU 1
tr i
.YftirnnUa linn 1N'f ) -nn fur HIP liny
anil OiiKlit to Itkivu tin HIINJ- Time
Harvard 'iJi' ' x the Ciir-
! *
fill '
Today Is the Bccodjii'hlg Saturday on this
year's foot ball schedule , and It It can fur-
nInh as many rcmafJkalAe scores as did Sat
urday of last week , It , too , will bo entitled
to be marked with a red cross. At home
there promises to be a first-class exhibitioner
or the game between the High school teams
of Omaha and Council Uluffs. Doth elevens
have been working hard In their recent prac
tice games , and ought to give the best ex
hibition of foot ball seen on local grounds
so far this season. Omaha has won ono
game from Council Bluffs and Is anxious to
make It two straight , whllo the lowans hope
to even up matters and make It necessary to
play a third game to decide the scries.
Nebraska will line up against the Wcslcyan
college team at Lincoln this afternoon , and
ought to have a snap In disposing of the
Methodist brethren. The State University
boys , however , will not play a hard game
nor try to run up n big score , for they are
a bit stiff from their game of Monday with
the Missouri Tigers. At Chicago Stagg's
team will have a chance to redeem Itself by
defeating the University of Illinois eleven.
Nichols has dropped out from the Chicago
team couldn't stand adverse criticism and
the two Omaha backs will have n better
chance than ever to show what stuff they
nro made of.
In the east the greatest game will be at
Princeton between the Nassau Tigers and
the Cornclllans. The Ithaca team Is crip
pled by the absence of Its regular full back
and quarter back , but should hold the Jor-
scymcn down to three touchdowns , anyway.
Princeton Is in the best of condition , has
had no hard games lately and has had abun
dant opportunity to work up Its new plays.
Krom Its showing lu recent games many
critics have pronounced It the bfet team
on the field today , and there Is but little
doubt but that It will add another victory
to Its list this afcrnoon.
The Carlisle Indians , who were cheated
out of the game with Yale by Kcfcrce Hlckok
a week ago , will line up against Harvard
at Cambridge today. A close game Is ex
pected and there arc those that predict that
the Indians will win. Harvard Is In none
ton good condition , and Captain V rlghtlng-
ton's lame knco may keep him out of the
game. However close the game may be ,
the red men are assured of fair treatment.
Whatvcr else may bo said of the athletic
teams that wear the crimson , their thorough ,
going sportsmanship cannot for a single In
stance be questioned. Pennsylvania does not
play today. Some of Its players will watch
Harvard's style of play at Cambridge , while
others will go to Princeton to get a line
on Cornell.
Lchlgh makes Its .flret trip to the west for
a long number years , and this afternoon It
will appear on the field at Ann Arbor ,
doomed to defeat. The 'rldo ' from Dcthlchcm ,
Pa. , Is enough to put the players out of
condition for n hard game , but It Is doubt
ful If Lchlgh could defeat Michigan even
on home grounds. 'Tho ( Missouri Tigers arc
In St. Louis todayrandlwlll there face the
boys from Vandcrbllt university. The Naval
cadets should havo/jio / trouble whatever In
whipping the Jerseymori from Ilutgcrs col
lege at Annapolis.
Slntr Siiiiroiiiacj- lie Settled on tlio
'Vnrnl < > ' RroiiiulH.
LINCOLN , Oct. RO. ( Special. ) Tomorrow
afternoon the 'Wcsftoyarj and University of
Nebraska elevens will .lino up against each
other for a struggtp Ay'Uh the pigskin. The
Wcsloyans have bcdn working llko beavers
lately under the coaching of Frank Craw
ford , who formerly coached the University
team , and arc In excellent condition and
will put up a strong game. Following the
defeat of Uoano college by the University
team recently , the Wcsleyans tackled them
and came off victorious. Consequently they
claimed the right to challenge the University
and the defl was promptly accepted. The
teams will line up as follows :
Wesleyan. Position. University.
Leonard Left end Melford
Dunn Left tnckle Dtingnn
Hoffman Left guard Hnnscn
Stoner Center ICellcr
Gilbert night guard Turner
Thomas Hlght tackle I'enso
IlglUfrltz night end WlKBlns
Oleson Quarterback Thorn
Cunningham . . . .I cft hair Packard
VanDoozer night half Shcdd
Fllchle Fullback Cook
Subs : For Weslcynn Carver. Hull , S.
Fltchle , Lisle , Woodward ; for University
Robbins , Cowglll , Crelgli , Golden.
CliiNli of the Hitch Srhooln.
This afternoon at University park
the foot ball teams of the Omaha and Council
liluffs High schools como together for the
second time this season.
In the first game the , local team won , six
to nothing , but slnco that time- Stewart and
other old cracks have been coaching the
Hawkeyea until they are- much Improved
and hope to redeem lost honors.
To those who think that there arc not ex
cellent players In these High school teams ,
attention Is called to Gordon Clarke and
Billy Gardner , who graduated from the
Omaha High school team to Stagg's Chicago
star eleven.
The game will bo called at 3 o'clock and
an Interesting contest Is looked for. Next
Saturday the Omaha team goes to Lincoln
for n game with the team there.
The line up for this game :
O. H. 8 Position C. n. II. S.
McKell Left end Hutchlnson
Tukey Left tackle Anderson
Jensen Left guard Knox
Fields Left center Melsner
Griffith. . * . night guardV. . Dallcy
Swartz night tackle Dalesman
Hopkins Hlght end Panley
Glllesplc Quarter back n. Dnllt-y
Lehmcr l cti half Flanmout
Craiulall night half Stovwlt
Iteed .Full back Mather
Substitutes Omaha : Morrison , Fracden-
burg , Spafford , Thomas.
Vine AViMithcr mill Iluvy Truck the
Hill.- lit IllKlfNllU .
SAN FnANCISCO , Oct. CO. Weather fine
at Inglesldc ; heavy .track ; good attendance.
Itcsults : 'I '
First race , six furlpngp. selling : Spry Lark
won , Mamie Scott second , llanardlno third.
Time : 1:1714. : * ' ,
Second race , five ' .TurJpngB , selling : Sepoy
won. Vivo Becond. ydgont third. Time :
'Third race , six fuVljfpgs. selling : Luclllo
won. Clrco sccoml S.ailiia third , TIme :
'Fourth race , llvo fuMbVigs , selling : Crande-
sla won , Alazan Huco'ml , louloti It third
Time : 1:03 : Vi. *
Fifth race , ono mile ; Llbcrtlno won. Sir
Play second , Wawaluii third.- Time : l:4 : i.
DETIIOIT. Oct. Sfl.-ncsulta at Windsor :
First race , llvo furloiiKtt. ncMIng : Dcanwood
won , Sautcr BCcondji.Hagwii third. Time :
'Second race , six furlongs ; Illlly Flpchor
won , Hpunkcr second JJlyrla third. Tlmo :
Third race , selllmj _ seven furlongs : La
Sallo won , rnto Kitchen aoonn-i "nrlncul
third. Tlmo : 1:205 : * .
Fourth race. Helling , six furlongs : Nor-
ven won , F , M. H. Hecond , Uoyllnir Green
third. Time : lilf l.
Fifth race , selling , four and a half fur-
lonRH ! Overflow won. Jirovvn Girl second
liramblcnet third. Tlmo : 0:67. :
Sixth race , ono mlle and a quarter : Cot
ton Klntr won Alto Juno second , Llghtfoot
third. Tlmo : 2:10W. :
CINCINNATI. Oct. 30. First race , sell-
Ing. ono mlle : Tailored won , nampart second
end , Birmingham third. Tlmo : l:4 : Ji.
Second race , ono mllu : Maceo won , White
Bocond , Whntncxt third. Tlmo : IMC'/ .
Third race , seven furlongs : I'rlnco Im
perial won. Cuss second , Jlaymond third.
Tlmu : 1:33. :
Fourth race , flvo furlongs : ftangnmon
won. Calculator second , Prize Cutter third.
Tlmo : l0itt. ;
Fifth nice , soling , mlle : Marqulso won ,
A H C eecond. Fresco third. Time : 1:40. :
LONDON. Oct. 30. J. C. Sullivan's Wlnlc-
flold'a Prldo won the old Cambridgeshire
handicap at Newmarket , of COO soverelgnu
today. Nine horses Mnrtcd. Blr J , niun-
dell's Maples Yorker wan second and the
iluku of Westminster's Hampton third.
JotiiiKon Ciiti'l , lint Itln Wlireliunlcn
Do , Severn ! Tlntrn.
NASHVILL12 , Tcnn. , Oct. SO. John S.
Johnson , jmccil by n sextuplct , made nn In-
cffcellvo attempt to lower W. W. Hamil
ton's mlle In 1:331-fi : at Cumberland pnrk
today. The best Johnson could do was 1:42. :
A. B. WelnlRO and H. U. Stvcn on tied the
unpaced tandem record of 0:32 : 3-5 for one-
third mile. The half mlle unpnceil tnmlcm
record of 0:52 : a-B , held liy Taylor nnd Tcr-
rlll , was lowered to 0Gt : 1-5 liy George Phil
lips nnd George llrndla. Snumlcra and
I iwson cut LOUR nnd Dolnm's tandem ,
quarter nnpneed. from 0:213-5 : to 0:2.2 : 2-3.
whllo Welnlge , Onvls , Slretipon nnd Phil
lips tied the unpaeed quadruplet quarter of
n mlle In 0:23. : Johnson also failed to lower
the qimrtr-r mlle unpnced record , held by
Orlando Stevens , by u quarter f n second.
At the Coliseum tonight , ,1. " -3 , Johnson
rode a mile , paced by the Jullit triplet , In
2:011-5 : , which establishes thu world's record
for nn eight-lap track. Jimmy Mitchell cut
the American Indoor record for llvo miles ,
paced , from 10:30 : to 10:2i. : ! Auguat Mortens.
St. Paul , won the mlle open professional
race In 2:29 : 3-r . with Clarence \Voodward ,
Nashville , second ; Al Newhouae , Buffalo ,
M12MPHIS. Tenn. , Oct. 30. Jay Hilton of
Elizabeth , N , J. , t lay lowered the- mlle
paced Indoor record of l93-r > . held by Tom
Cooper of Detroit , making the distance In
lBS2-5. : Baton was paced by a landcin.
KriiNtVliM Kaxlly.
NEW YOllIC , Oct. 30. Ix-sllo Pearce of
Phlladc-lphla nnd Hilly Krnst of nuffnlo
had a brief fight before the Uroadway
Athletic club tonight , which was stopped
by the referee In the fifth round. The bout
was for fourteen rounds at 133 pounds.
Pearee had the advantage of height nnd
weight , but Krnst was not a bit nervous
and expressed his confidence of winning.
Pearee became groggy In the third , but
freshened In thefourth. . In the fifth ICrnst
sent a. hard loft on the neck , which sent
Pearce staggering to the. ropos. Krnst then
got In a right swing on the Jaw , which
had almost finished Pearee. The rc-fcrce
then stopped the bout and Ernst was de
clared the winner.
Teli-crrnplior Oporutor'H Uctnrn After
n llvimirkabliKxtxTlrnce. .
On March 23 , 1892 , Jason L. Miller , chief
telegraph operator at the Lchlgh Valley
railroad depot at Wllkcsharro , Pa. , disap
peared as suddenly as though the earth had
swallowed him up. In the course of lime ,
says a dispatch to the his
family mourned htm as dead.
Yesterday Mrs. Miller and her two chll-
ilnm wcro overjoyed to sec the husband
and father walk Into the house. The meet
ing was a very pathetic one. Miller , who Is
n man about 40 years of ago , told n remark
able story. Ho says all Is a blank to him
from the mlnuto ho disappeared In Wllkcs
harro until ten days ago , when he found
himself on board an English merchant ship.
He says on the night he disappeared he was
passing an alley , when two men dragged
him In and sandbagged him. Ho could feel
the men rifling his pockets. That was the
last he remembered and ha gradually lost
consciousness. Ho tried to yell , but could
not , and his tongue seemed to bo par
Ho partially regained his senses some time
later on and It seemed to him as though ho
was being carried by strange men. Ho
again partially came to and found himself
In a box car loaded with Iron castings. It
was a bitterly cold night and ho was nearly
frozen. Again ho became unconscious , and
remembers nothing until October 1 , when
ho found himself on board a vessel In the
middle of the Atlantic ocean. He could not
realize for hours that ho was on the ship ,
far , far away from the bosom of his family.
Ho looked In a mirror and there beheld him
self as he had often done before. There was
only ono change , and that was that ho was
attired as a sailor. His first thoughts were
of his wlfo and three children.
Then came back to him the thoughts of
that awful struggle In the alley when ho
was knocked down and robbed. Ho stopped
to think. Could It bo possible that he had
wandered away from homo and been lost
to friends for ono year and three months ;
lost. In fact , among the living , and his rela
tives unable to find him. It was more like
a dream than anything else , the ( longer he
thought of It. Miller found n card In his
pocket , on which It was stated that he , Fred
Cook , was to servo as a sailor on the English
ship from Liverpool to Philadelphia and re
turn , and receive his board , clothes and 12
shillings for his services. The other sailors
had known him as Cook. When the vessel
reached port Miller took the first train for
JitiucH I. . Carter Captured at Ilooiie
mill \\Valti-iiM nt Once.
SIOUX CITY , la. , Oct. 30. ( Special Tele-
graru.-Jamcs L. Carter , the man who
cashed forged checks In this city Wednes
day , was arrested at Iloono this morning
and has confessed that ho did It. It now
transpires that ho got a draft for $100 cashed
at Hotel Garretson. It was a diamond worth
JH5 , which ho secured from Jeweler Hlles ,
giving a draft for $7G and ono for $100 , agree
ing to receive the change when the drafts
were cashed.
ATLANTIC , la. , Oct. 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Fritz Tonoppedan , alias Johnson ,
alias Jensen , Is now In the county Jail , await
ing the action of the grand Jury , on the
charge of forgery. Ho was caught In Og-
den. la. The offense was committed In December -
comber , 1895 , at Marne. The check amounted
to $17.
Cloxlnjr ItnlllcN nt Avoen.
AVOCA , la. , Oct. 30. ( Special. ) Owing
to a ceaseless drizzling rain all day yes
terday , with a generous downpour between
7 and 8 In the evening , the republican
demonstration , with Hon. Smith McPhcrson
of Ilej Oak as speaker , was declared off ,
though a largo number braved the ele
ments and gathered at the court house.
The campaign will close Saturday even
ing with a sound money meeting , to ho
held In the opera house , where Hon. Wil
liam Groneweg and Emmet Tlnlcy of Coun
cil 111 lifts will speak from the position of
sound money democrats. A large crowd Is
expected to participate.
Avoca Is to have a second paper. It will
bo democratic , and Us proprietors are
Messrs. Boymer & Wood. F. M. Ueymcr ,
the senior member. Is well known to all ,
having made Avoca his homo at different
times for a number of years. In 18S9 ho
was part owner of the Avoca Herald , then
democratic , but having since donned re
publican attire , and Is at present the only
Avoca paper. Mr. Wood comes to us well
recommended from Crelghton , Neb.
A recent partial canvass of Avoca among
the women was : Total number registered ,
235 ; McKlnlcy , 1C9 ; Bryan , 65 ; Palmer , 1.
If Your Drlnlc IN
Skinny people generally are so be
cause of their Inability to illKCHt food wlilcli
la passed from the stomach Into the bowc-lH.
The bowel digestion Is weakuned. Slnrchcs
of the RralnH make fat tissue , but If tlio
bowel dlsestlon Is weakened by coffee , to
bacco , whisky , etc. , the pcrfon remains
uklnny. Lcavo oft the weakening Imblta
ami 11 HO In place of cofteo 1'otUum Cereal ,
the liealth coffee. It Is mailc by thu I'ns-
tum Cereal Co. . Urn. , Hattlo Creek , Mich. ,
entirely of Kralns anil Is fiitlenlMK. It
looks llko the finest Mocha coffee. Persons
who care to lay nslilo their hurtful habits
anil cat plain , well cooked food and some
fruit , anil drink I'ostum will feul a Kreat
Improvement In a week's time. N'nturo Is
a powerful builder If left frcu to work with
out ilruRx and polsonv ,
It should not ho forifotten that 80 per cent
of the body Is lUiuld , therefore n healthful
liquid Is of the createst neceHBlty.
Wily grocers sometimes work In cheap Im-
Itntlons of I'ostum Cereal coffee If the cus
tomer will Htuml It.
Hold by Adolph Ilrown , Courtney & Co. ,
Sommcr liros.
Pozzonl's Complexion
Powmm produces a soft and beautiful skint
It combines every element of beauty auil
Mayor Mnsor has prepared nnd will scrtd
( o each ot thr Judges and clerks of election
the following Instructions ;
In onU-r to Insure uniformity In the
counting' of votes mm to nee-lire result * In
the shortest possible Unit * nil election boards
In the city of South Omaha nro hereby
requested to count the ballots In the fol
lowing order and as the- result I * ascer
tained In each case to p.lve the Information
to the public : r'lrM , presidential electors ;
second , congressman ; third , Koveinor ; and
thereafter In the regular order the- balance
of the ticket can be counted. l y pursuing -
suing this course you will be able to furnish
to the public the desired Information of the
most Important part of the ticket tit the
earliest possible moment , which will bo
very much appreciated , nnd by so doing
there-can be no legal objection The above
courno will bo adopted by every election
precinct In the state.
The mayor also IsaucJ the following proc
lamation :
I , T. II. Knsor. mayor of the clt'y of
South Omaha , Nob. , do hereby request that ,
whereas , on Tuesday next , thr 3d day of
November , 1S1K > , will be held ono of the
most Important elections that bait over con
fronted the American ueol > le. It therefore
behooves us. as lawabldlrtg citizen * of this
city , to maintain the brat possible older
that the good name of Koulh Omaha may
not bo inarreil In any way. 1 , therefore ,
ordir that every place where Intoxicants
of any kind whatsoever are sold shall bo
rloLMl mid kept closed from S a. in. until G
p. m. on Iho above ; date. Any violator of
this , If detected , will bo arrested mid prose
cuted under the state law , the penalty for
which Is n Hue of not less than $100.
In reference to the saloons being kept
closed the mayor says that ho shall appoint
a sunielcnt number of special policemen to
enforce this order and every violator will
bq punished according to law.
After tlio Itoy.M.
Yesterday afternoon the mayor pardonei
James Pert , ft IC-ycar-old boy who was sen
to the county jail for five days for jumping
on and off moving trains. Itallroad detective
eay that they are having a great deal o
trouble with boys who throw stones a
car windows. Only a day or two ago
stone wns thrown through the double windows
dews of a Pullman sleeper us It passe
through the city. Charles Johnson , anothc
of the gang , was arrested yesterday after
noon and taken before Judge Chrlstmani
who sentenced him to flvo days In the count
Jail. The lad's parents promised to kcc
htm away from the cars hereafter and th
sentence was suspended pending good be
ha v lor ,
Short MriiNiirc Ppilillorn 1'Miioil.
Sutton nnd Tynan , the peddlers who' use
short measures when celling potatoes t
Mrs. Olson , Eighteenth and Q streets , wcr
tried In police court yesterday afternoon am
each fined $25 and costs. Mr.s. Olson pur
chnr.ed sixteen bushels of potatoes and whci
she measured them after the peddlers hai
bucn paid she. found she had only thlrtcct
bushels. She complained to the police am
Iho men were arrested. The peddlers both be
long In Omaha and were making an effor
hist evening to get fiomc of their friends t
como down with the necessary cash and gc
them out of Jail.
Vlvv Iliiiulrril Yet to Itcirlxfor.
The county central committee has checkci
the registration lists and finds that full
COO voters In this city have not registered
At the close of the second day of roglstratlo
the total footed up to 2,600 and It wa
thought that very few more would como In
on the last day , as It was estimated Urn
there were not more than 2,800 votes In th
city at the present time. It was a grca
sbrprlso to the members ot the commute
to find so many voters not registered an
an effort will be made today to get out ever
voter and sco that ho registers.
Are Wnnti'il til Oninlin.
Several Omaha police ofllcers wora dow
hero yesterday for the purpose of taking
look at Johnson , Vance' and Falrfleld , th
three supposed confidence men Chief Hrcn
nan arrested Thursday afternoon. The Omah
officials eay that the men arc wanted up I
that city far burglary and several lessc
crimes and It Is the Intention to give th
prisoners a ten days' Jail sentence from her
la order to hold them until the Omaha pollc
work up a stronger case against them.
CnnililerN Arc Nol 1'ayliiK.
Only ono gambling house has mode a do
nation to the city this month and that wa
made on October G. One of the houses nou
running has not paid any money Into the
city treasury since September 1C and the las
payment made by another was one made
on September 2.8. The policy shop stll
grinds along every day and never makes a
payment , notwithstanding the resolutions
of the council passed some months ago.
lloiulH Are Aliout Itcnily.
It Is expected that the new Issue of re
funding bonds will be completed today. As
soon as the bonds are delivered the mayo
and treasurer will proceed at once to slgi
them , as It Is the Intention to forward them
to Chicago Sunday night If possible. As
soon as these bonds are sold the payments
due November 1 can bo made.
.Mnirlo City I > ONNI.
George \V. Nation of Alliance wits at tin
yards yesterday with a large shipment o
Extract of
Is the essence of nil thnt Is
best in beef. Only the best
parts of the best cattle , raised
by the company on their
own grazing fields in Uru
guay , nro used. That's why
it is the best , nnd for over
thirty years nnapproached
for purity nnd fine flavor.
For Improved and economic Cookery
For rclrcshlng , nourishing Bed lea
Fine Line of Fall and
Winter Suitings ,
130 S. Main Street
Council Bluffs , la.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL , . . . $100,000
jihcep. Ho reported n heavy fall of now la
, the vicinity of his home.
K. M. lltrd of ( lothcnuurg ta In the city on
J. H. Kllllnn of Dallnt , Colo. , U hero for a
few days.
The High School Literary noddy rendered
nn excellent program at the High school yes
terday afternoon.
This la the last day of registration. Kvery
ono must register this fall or ho cannot
vote next Tuesday.
L.V. . White , nn extensive raiser of sheep
located nt ric.mnU Valley Junction , Utnli ,
Is n visitor In the city.
Out for Illinium * .
Iloston Transcript : "Unless I can marry
your daiiRhlcr , " nald the pale-faced young
man , " 1 fed certain that I shall die. "
"U that so ? " replied the girl's fnthiy.
"young man , you've como to the right shop.
There's my card. Wo have eonins ot nit
hinds and prlcra. I shall expcut you to
call dlreetly. Or , wait ; perhaps It will bo
necessary tor some of your friends to call.
Hero , take half a dozen cards. I *
And the young man went out Into the
night , and as ho gazed up at the stars ho
thanked heaven that he wns safe from con
necting himself with such a sordid , ahop-
tulklng family.
Gladness Comes
Witli a bettor niulcrstniultitg' ' of tlio
irniisiuiitnnliiru of the
nmuy pliys-
lenl Ills , whiuh vnnl.sli before proncrcf-
forts gentle efforts plunsuntpAorts
rightly directed. There Is comfort In
the knowledge , that KO mnny forma of
sickness nrc not due to any actxiiil dis-
onsr , but simply to a constiputedcondi"
tiou of the a.vstoin , which the pleasant
family la.\r.tivo , Syrup of Fifs. prompt
ly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with nilllionsof fnmilicH , and is
everywhere esteemed so highly by nil
who value peed health. Its hcncllcial
effects are due to the fuel , Unit itls the
one remedy whiuh promotes internal
cleanliness without debilltnting the
orpans on which it aels. It is therefore
nil Important , in order to ( , 'et its bene-
llcial effects , to note when you pur
chase , that you hnvo the genuine tirtl-
clc , which is manufiiclurcd by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all regulable druggists.
If in the enjoyment of peed henltli ,
nnd the system is regular , Inxntives or
other remedies nro then not needed. If
alllicted with any actual disease , ono
may be commended to the mostsldllful
physician. , but if in need of a laxative ,
one should have the best , and with the
well-informed everywhere , Syrup ot
Figs stands highest nntl is most largely
r.asd and gives most general satisfaction.
% Man's Greatest Joy
Is Ills strength anj vljror the full
possession uf Ills row crs.
banish the dangerous wf.iknciscs of both
sexes , revitalize the nervous system , enrich
n.l purify the blooJ. They checlc all drains
$1.00 Per Cox , 6 Boxci , , $5.00.
A lecal Runrantro to niro or refund tlio
money wllicMTr5.00 tinier. AdilrcM
Elitrninr. & McConnell Drue Co. ,
1M3 Dodce St. . Omaha. NPD. '
Oije ThoUsaijdl for
( Trade Mark. )
Cneualty Company ot New York ,
givoa THREE MONTHS' insurance ,
$1,000 for $1.00 ,
to men orvonioii ,
between 13 anil CO ycnru ot age , against fatal
Street Accldf.'its u-loot , or on Illcycles , IIoree .
Wjcrn" . Hn : e Cars. Ilftllroail care. Klevnted ,
IlrlilRi' . Trolley nnU Cable cur > , Sleamslilv ,
Htrnmboulti unit fc'team Ferries. (100,000 Jejiosltcd
with Iho Insurance Pernrtment of the etata ot
New York for the security of the Insured.
For Sale by
Chas. Kauf m aim ,
1303 Douclns Street.
Tel. CO * Omaha. N'eb.
In charge of th
This widely known Institution has been
doubled In size during tlio past summer and
mailo one o ( tbc niosj modern and model
Institution ! * ot Its character In tlie vest.
The now additions will be ready for occu
pancy by tuo flrtt of the year. When fully
: ompleted , accommodations will bo afforded
[ or 300 patlontu. It U beautifully situated ,
overlooking tlio city of Council niutto. A
lull Etuff of eminent piyilclan ) and trained
nurses mlnlstsr to tlie comfort of tbt p <
For fuller particulars , apply to
Council Bluffs , U.
CtOr.Gr. N. IKMYIN , Manager.
iiiri'tm.v i\j.\ii.Mi\T
ContliiuoiiH performance thin afternoon at
'i o'clock and at K this tivenlnir.
Heats 10c , now on milo at Bdlcr'a Druir
Cooigo N. llowun , Manager.
JVo. 1.
Two Weeks , Commencing Monday , Novem
ber 2.
Opening Illll , The Great Comedy ,