Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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6-1 .Mil
plaa d Vy > *
leajtal t'i'u..aBuei ' emJy
aSatri wb-c asiulumm
who * th * Latte
Btfle repsr * IK
The Laade * > t tar eIts atteatta- .
in iat-rwdae teetar * of Qvvec
Je c rrtca Dwtar : he-
th * three * BBW B4S B *
ta eet-erpteas ef Bos-ape we rasa- ' * * haref
acr-iama. km she has beM thoa ef
Btrtrs - vwmirtt buaaa after ars.
at bt "t i ill ] I'IIIJHH ' ii J wtta
ewfXraa Ivor
twe .tnrerte * te * eaee C
F-ar-e ia > e has
r-wee nf Levte
Xhnaaer retca the r Be State *
iaS STM. . ftiSWIsK etttMM te t *
T wosid aapBLH. te tb *
-i u s eiecttee. eeai to tha GeM
* c t a aremtaga. Iff eaw ess : ny
rrj-i of t premium vfltfd to"
i-s * a y w the -arm wwifc B tt ta
, * vrly eertntm flwt before
TB. TI * of ! * Aj
nf grvfl&tmck * trwtMRT '
btck MMWI w ol * ttt t tike irrel
} rztee ft te
tt a. prmmm. Thai .
sot -epre it i. rn * a the * ! * f
liirtMcMI aramrctb ( h-prt ttrjot is
at otto r torase f
r-wcat tnnto'tg BMirtidmr7 Tb-r-
Ti Jr sot ba pcdc There certainly
Ttiv-ii bimilBuuii BSaenxtM e eritt on
* ! p latt e ashmen. Ajifl thtt esn-
e - rewmiis : cor n - * 1 C * * = *
sii'-j ve-e t9 M > d tc tree mitnupe ; antfl
tut sens "oolfl cr 4amB7 reo ) Mt asaK to
_ h aevr order <
TD find ym've * * K a
Left owr Irara lat t
frets ch * Miiniihii- that bam
H * .r > < . < theaaV < th *
h-r od4 thtem of ttaft
For hf va a craatk.
TTty hot tr .icr iw Crmjik
m , iua sto = cji w aflu < aata
lie JE-BMS a' t * l ta rtater msf
Some r. rtB MX * ai eaW * Ae aalr
da' is tr-ar a > wrgte.
X > s ( iaciMaMi rKw ma' taB 'HIS
t *
1 *
Tote d jKrn-ak
Of de sroid-tniF ra-caT 'ravs' aa" tx > oldB'
be mar dwowaJL
WeH , roc faOci tic k-p BK ilmiill ' irtf
vo paid r sthntk crjr.
Sat I trH TW poaylc k rrw is
fcrtrls is I-Meeta' W = B
As kit iO 't ae itat a' maaer * aa is
tt-rffi ay raao1.
8st de qw Etac I
la fli ai aar t ± * J
tr t niitiHBiin
far Bi imlifcii'T nac fis r.
CLv our toawtx r ta ttoe hnws * , "WH Mc-
kar * ea toe maa. "Wffi Mc-
The t 'id Oarr" a d tt aev ,
bricfct Btar aa ta * Maw.
* tra.e iar
r&Qr a& the oaUrr. trae Ja the
We n .1 ! isarok u-bere tbe aaiimor Saaxa ,
Etjid < Sta T" at Che
Aid a.i. pacr4awtt bnr
EboorK ear haxtte err asate. "WW Me-
K _
Over aa < fi c , "WM Me-
Honor w tlw c axtees
1 > T"rrwh B he hears.
And all pacnac hvem be = * . 'A 'IB
. i ral > r aa 4 > r eatarz. irme aa tb * caOU
"CTe triU aareb vberc tbe tma-xr flaota ,
proud over aB
Tboucfa our dajn af war are past.
i the baJMtt ta he cast.
ta chars * tb = :
far tbe .
Bverr hriaM.
" urr i-mtctoc far tb * > dttrae.
"Wbilr a r araw adU jrr wiacge ,
Eaprr for th Acac * htetorp . Iar Mc-
* We trffi raOr as the mita ,1. tree ta the eaSL.
* Weffl safek Tnbtire the hamer floats.
proud VMOaJI. .
Se tbeOL asd ieaji the war
FBTUTLTB ta tbe iMNMMfal Iray
Of ibc ttati ia nBa r * jr. Wffl ile-
Ve oar
Hwter k < wp ear IJntan sraa.
wir brave Bad. "Whaie an * Btae.
pikHn Han't orevr. fcr 3 > Icgnlcr
r&Df on tbe eaten , true w the
"We w naxtdi vhere the boaaer floats ,
prnod all
l enc erwKigri : tbe dar tfcajl be
T dafaad srae Mimrty-
boner * a ± r aj Jree. TV *
Eae baJtatiRIB
AB ahMMT th
Lrt oar tajnd
Tbas True iact
U = t Mo-
We 4B raBr the oaten , true ta the
TTr irtH mareii irbore the Vaaaur Haiti.
proud aver .alt ;
Wb c the aW t me aadU th tmf-
Furward , we wal cbarpr v4Mi MM
Tou rr our oakir-bttttrtir tea * . Wa Hc-
If ear hadi ks beBar ssajbs. * WM Mc-
AX aar area here bled IB tvas. TCS
the pear ef evrry zace.
r rt > d ar Witak. Bf iaeo.
tbe hl w > tec of M
wl raJUr BE tbe eatan. true M the
W irtfc zaarebvbere the baaaer fleati.
H < flue te boner -wace ,
of Jn-ndem ta tbe
Some. Hat Sprinffi , S. ' 2.
Us * M rites Ia feti rii fc e w SGMS i
T rm M Oraaa. of
* * af teeAt t .aaek thte
a * the crattad. s < tratac are has.
MBM re reBoruHl a * > * c waek te
MOOSJHTB1J > ! * * - . Oct.
h r m. > A Jw T "te MB > are afl
itoi'j ' ar itcaft. fta e * yMtwAaf *
rt Dtekt VT * ee r * rr Biana. arrtwa
a Mrtir t rtrf ditfttac ha r ThU
he at ta f fe raJae M gratt. a terse
AB traSe ta
. .
WACJfZTa , > . Oct. M QB * tel > A
aB * - Btam rare * here yewartey
It te wsrm. hvt the wta is Martag tat
the BOTIT It .fete * artttt aaMM fc
tan nM. ataet vfl Badaahtetffr
JCXIATm. Bh. . Out. 36 3pecfcU
erriEGt rate PT veoi here El tkte
of the T BT h"nr at 4 B'cJock
tad raertaw-t Csropciawt thealcM aad the
ace loreaaor. It - JJ d p-eel gaa < ta faB
rye and tr w. ? 7B pgct far
aezt BM eraoe afe xaest eaceBeBt. avtBg
th Ibv mra : of t&e aaO.
ESTERN1. I * h _ Ort 98 rSfwrtaO. H-
Till * TtciaJtr hoc Jw has J tteht af
vhfcfc vai be af preat buaeftt ta taB
wheat , af whtei there hai ss a terse
t hi toefcto ? ftne. Cara is
tmratoe sot tram Jarty te kev ty-2Te biwfc-
etc ta the nere.
LTOKS. ! S K , Ost. M Se ctai. > O e and
hstK bxhM af rate teD he-e the teat larq--
BMTS. TB rxte taraed to aow taat
3fct and thatDewaBa aad hv9Cb3c are
vhtte wltt Mav Cora h efczB wfil he ae-
teye * .
? iflkL , Oct. JWL1 i c dfifl
Heh-s a ! sarr ea m tbe
fcBd tt to StS >
OKD 3 eh. Oct. X < Spee l. > B = ta ooo-
witi ! acsrceir aar
9R& TesMPdar. T-b-i the rate chraeed ta
baH EB * saw Twa taehee
* Jre dT ItQen.
DTVCAN N < * . Ort.
hi Baav ttB. test nta t. after twtrty-rr r
vri' Btssdr rtfe. but at aaac * 4 jan
traces af sacir are cane. It to KB ehmrty
aad a eaM. bearr wted is bMrvtai ; & = tht
NOBTH IOC ? . N h OeL J OjeUtU
Tbe drteEtkar rste af TtaKa&tf ajarato ?
ste&ted ta a vet aaanr by tbe atteraaaE
uui tbe totaj preeb > nx iac aBHMtste t 1 C
hsa. The graaad hi whtte w-fcr aa w a w
tbe &rst af the KUOS and the ttss a-
tnre te aboot at the Irtedac patat |
STOCK VI I .K S ( * Oct < rlaL >
It oaoaearad ruaiag b < * ri > leet eveninc cad
tmned ma * : af the atcht. turatnr tc oatr
A terce qnairtlrf af utter feO. Tbie raora-
tec rt hat bn SB i-tnc wLdr taC eac-
er&hty baraer the wtoi iua raised aad
at threateac ta be a w ? rbtizziri. . jior-
tic lartr aheaM it = r T eoid r
KT.V CmSSS Xeb _ Oct. 38 Qpedal )
Aboat thr e teAee af BB T have faQes ber
tc tiw teat rw jtror bwmt , wkick irac
XVB O by rate ThK h-iip
wheat aad rye.
LTTCHrtSIJl. SeK. Oct.
A ceod rale cazzaeaeed T Pt c bere
TTednefidar rfieraees aad coattaned r > ast
af the g' f and TOOfi ujae yesterdar when
EBVET beea : t m s. This pots IcS ! ? ax .
af wWch a terge aeroae i * - & . is ficx
ciaatHtiBB far traitflr. The prwrad 3 > r iraz
In b r. r eooddoc ct tbiB ttaw af the year
tnd hy S B'etock Tburrfcr aors-
toc 1 35 iacbea of rate bad 2aBe = . It hea
asa tec cad cwntiaB-i an day
tfate manure the szov is stz tncb *
oc ike lereL It JMBB tbe tea 4 ta
Jto ? eaaxHtiae aad wfQ be a preat h 3MS :
ta tbe KnaA crate iwra is this neiaitj
The ItrTMTs are Jwajteac aad cay tbat it
tr.JtimMB a hard winter aad a b s crop i > ert
Nrb. . Oct. 36 < ? pedal. > Ksis
Itttto ? "W 4aeadxj- ± t aad lefl
1 lost rreaiac. wbes It ti aed
iata si-ts cad tiia narrrtBC everr tec br
e * ered wttt BS W A strsc ? oaid wlai Iran
tbe axTw as btowfcg.
DA11D < HTT X-h. Oet. ( SpeoMulV-
The arst = af tbe Beuen fI here inat
stcbt. Twe aad a aaarter tacbei af watte-
torintB.T . = > alted ea w iae laJ e = aan&c tbe
pot Uurtf-fcii. bourE.
BLOOKrVXTTCrX Neb. Oct. 38 Spodil 1
Twc nrabec ef ran : ha lajjec aum.g tbe
twenty-fimr bears a d teat XJ ht Twa
dmc af aaiw f a. It & * - ry eaMt
CT2T1S. X * * . Oct. M. ( i > eclil Tde-
Tbe sar = i whxai ke -s-
b re Iar awor atty haors i abatPd.
taehei af soow aad on * tad
af rate Sell during taai FSOTSIL
tar wbeat M a w reaiy Jar tbe
WBHT POINT X * . . Oct. Sfi. f3 > * r l )
A Hsit anew preeeeed by two dcyi
rata ten yesterday amraijic. Th *
ati.ted qadckly aad tarm 2 a sbMk.
vtt cmeiar retard con gsthcrta ; ; fci tils
TO n > Eampri DCTCHT Ronrrr ,
Bank Hohbrr Tmirn to
Oet. 36. 6pcfcii. > DatectlTe
arrived hece trata CeoacB 3teZs
lest , ewsiteg with Betcby Baaact.who is
b * iw > ed te be e e at the Sheahy beak rob
bers. Bocehy was tape te the csry jafl
ever anpat &ad this aiaraiag Milan * toek
hii& ta Shelby f * i rrrfhgtMic
Tar Shelay baak robbery wcs t
OB tb * jaonxia ? af Octafeer ead was .
eaexty * be tt-erk of ecpertz. Tbe .
was en ; ewzy tad saeceasrce- charges of
dytuunae vere ased ta p vusr the sl el
tming. Tb * amecat secored was H.1WI.
A Nebraska officer i entlnd So s tad
Rteiey 01 t-vue zaec. seaa ta Sratsurd. Nee.
a lawa oetr Shefci. KL the ttaae tit Shal f
b&ak was biawa. aad as caeeocesfitul at-
ijtzntt was r-.aie as * beak te Broissrd.
"Whit other rvideaee the Patk cocaty oS-
sers have a sicst Hwietr is set
Otncia peaele te Litweir At the
Zecta ChuruhUl. D. B. IT t in en. C C
Hnsbeat. Al the Capital Charles laiae i
F Barren. Joe Te&bec. At the T.t r-f
T JL EoUinsBE. "W L Sejnaecr. T. C. Skerl.
F. H. P gh. C F An oed , E. H. 0 nare.
B. A. Puate.
S-EDlBTTirsr. Net. , Oct. M. ( Special
Tal eranS. . "WDtikete. . charged wttt
bane Mediae , wac tedaj BOKHMKhr
Jodce TTLBinTir ta fear years cad a half
in it ? pomasarirrr A sew trial as
asfeed tar. hat. refused , > udse 'Wenover
la a tecrar t * evjMaarz Mot bant taVves
vtU aa * t teak uji a aew tecxtiac. u
Kaya Paba oeissty t last iestec fca eharzu
tar rcattest
Furral of X K. I > orr.
-PTACXETA. Nea > Oot. 31 SK > ciaU
Tb * rtsaaiM af 3 KL Dety. wa was aad-
ehat aad k9 > ed at Fert Mocezaa
test IMHT hcaecat hare sjul bttaerad
tc Enarairti ? Bemetary yraterday Ti tt-
va * fl tBu-B bare. The sack *
Hrkrva Mrrrlum
HEBBOtf. XbOet. . 3k SpoeiaU
Stela Strwsri. th * leaaasc drac-
o ! Brbrea. was denied at Ttnoate.
ft Wedsemdzy. asl w az = t * wtth hie
brid today. Mt Siewmxt has BMB a n i-
dact of tills city Jor aeaaiy twe } * yecra.
Te th- Pea * * > at _
ewnwtxsB af til * S
xr - aacraa - - B po Taroew . fV w * WA te l W-
te i lit ? e- aa Taarvaar fVaaty eeaf
"Taiiaiaai yiimilinr a V atad K. W The
" " te aaat ininfrr.tnii wtt he ae
Labor rnHiiiihailim tb 3cate
aad th * rttrr-ralty AanrBlrnraJ Depart-
vest. ba he Btttte ta t
taol MtrtcvJtaral or has ua , > iTr ai at
te XelisaHa. ant hereta ether-
far tea a eaaan te each
tbe ejacen of tae
XaBa. b laXtaMSB eMMK ssSten teTanr 'TIB n a
roaattrwiB be vettUvd e a e rsgt.tJOB af
aJ3 ttB aOo0i > aad T B e4crBaaas AubiaatcK.
1 Sack toeeJ B : > siat > aii imiwlattai wlB he
ta a del . rtoa af aC irfTx i ri aad
1 i Xfaxyw * ef cttir * arn
tra * e atr each ,
praaMtftF ef boeros w trdV aad casaaver *
rtaJ rlator r e > l"nr tw each , prtra.aad
. ao > 4 emry teMr erriaHieiajiL IveaJ
, or Kta. : abai ; h * eatitMl ta tbrev drle-
i'ei.'aletrl ' ) ' occasite d trrieattaa olth
i a iiiaiaj ha > Ve * tlU d ta three Arit-
COttarc ef reeaterly ln atdtt \ * * * i1 , ,
j ar rertaOlealE wtcnte thJitate. . eVvote4 te
1 wfci or te parto the arV-orur * ! aad
uatagi 'eUoVT kyuirnr ! af JBetiractka. fhaJI
, ac pr * nitariao ar ereoVatiate twmtMld
I wteate and aoevote eeefe te the roirreai
i A corAeJ tovftajoa to EJrt-aai fl to aB
i paff aad pg uiaa ; aMsaberx af i out. , i M frees
tb * Mate. a pact aa * pr-msrt atatte
| efaeiajR aB tanafcer * feet af taw N-hrmntea
Ir-eBdatu ; acad aJ ) i"c my iriapHilr aow
holdtec eOce toctudtnc i anntj
I stoaera te .rr nd ae o eea.Ts. .
i PrarticaJ paper * OB timely taptcs r
1 to thir dpart3ie t ef srt-ctMc ac-
1 tcre wiE iw pruKiat-id te tb * .m-r
| Ora'orB and emiogui ? rt tararknui
i ' braflcbf i of th * art of fc-rtcatlee w23 t.aik
, or rra.d pr-par-rd theses at tbe hoar
I Tbe T TJOOT BapateOiur aceacies are
| mrae tr rjow. . to lanrarfl te B. F
' Xrtor rretarr c * tb IocsxdujTf ctea-
| tafcw-e at I > ztBctBC a rnH * < af aVJ-cates
t . -web penteare a ad : _ y af each
rates wfD he aradteMe oc aJ2
Far rartber XBfanaatton - tb * Amftr aad
wdey preaR. or write te aatoort Bar-am.
pr-atA-oT of the local es + r-ntrp ? mouairtee.
L-rm. on. er 3 F Krier swcretasry. aatae
Merr TTuiB enr Htrnaid Mlnl ter
thf S Jwn _
CBAKB LAXD S-V. Oct. tapnStL n
The Bftacnt state cucreatioe te te aeaeioe
te thte city ttaweek , ever 1Mrteitter
aad drtecatt * af tint oD < rziiaa-
preat. . B T Mr JorteB of thhj
city delvered ELS adorce * of welceoe Wedaes-
day ereninc re poe-d te hy Her H. L.i
Bewe at Nebraska Cfcy B-r X O Svw-
teaes of LJaeotn preached the asanal Ber-
taoc. The rttport af tb < heerd ef tasaa er *
wan read by General Secretary A. W Clark :
of Cfcaaha. The boari has chare ? af the
state talmrlnaary we-t dvrtec tbe yaer The
ootrrenttae aa * a * prer catr e ov r th * toea : ;
charehec and pB i pa " a * lecfcitetrve pt > w-
-rs ecbr T BT ; adr-toory b te a oosfereace
af tbe pasters aad other church workers
Jar Btttaiatette ? tad BC-pnirAetttei ; tbe Txrl-
c t iater > st > af the locs ebochec AB
paa e < < mteerioaary wark ar * prre oted by
tbe repmeatatrves of the diSereot societies
The repart states that tbe board ha * nader
tu etapiey aad dfe-BCtioB rwesty-three ate-
Btanary putarz thru' dtatrict aiiaBioaari-i
axrf taer state tmcsa ; AB thetateaioo -
ariefl were tnstrinaeataJ te briajjta ; KZ aew
taffiab < 7 late tbe churches aad report nl-
MMi ratoe for tecal and auaaionary pnr-
poees. Tbe beard * speaod aunsc ; the year
S8.5M of which ta * Anericaa Scptist Booe
> Casaw saciay oaotribwei TL T > e
beerd rvparts a oatenee ks tae tre&imry of
mT Maay trterwcm papers arr b"tnr
rsa . Tbe ceovemtiaii wffl b > te seseioc
Bacfl Svaday evenirg. Tb * enterttiaraeat
ef tae Ttettan tecl d a trip te the 9m -
taat eeOecc , SeUUers * Haiae cad engar i c-
"Ward BnildSsswItli lt Ex-
L32QSCTOK N k. . Oct. M < = p-a 4 Tel-
sra = . ) The Seeesd ward scfaael bocse
-crsod at 1 o deck this tnorainirwtt ± a
loss BE hdUtrnc faraitarc. library aad lab
oratory af C 8M 2ssBreace ac baii tec
aad eacteata. SS.Wv. Owter la the hoJM-
tn ? bete ea * afie rsts the ae&r Bt ba&e
aeose aad the eaopaates hn-rin ; ta cc
thrmch saow ead > ad tb * fire was b-
yaad Beotral whec the first stress was
tamed BE th * beading. The beiWjaf : wai
erected te 1B8E at a cos : of ni B6 Tbe eri is
of tbe fire is CBkaowx hot it te Bappee d
M have aneex from a erpleeioc af ehemi-
eaic is the Izberuery Twe baadred Bchoiars
atteaded school IB talc ward. They wSI
be crowded tote tbe twe resuujuas ncbeol
ad vacmt
3tr . J bn Trout Cut t
CS2TT2AL CTTT 3feL , Oet M Special
TatesrHT-.j MTE. T-ota , wif af Jeha Trwn.
3. tarmer residing l r sOes w-eet ef the
CEJ- . was tilled by tbe ecrs iere taaicht.
54nTroox was abaot K years -of ace sad
very dec ! . 3he w s wtittoc te take tbe
TJ2 trete tor Cheyesae where ah - wai
cotnr ; ta & * t a. aide dunrr'nif 5be wac
wtltuur cronad aad lafled ta see th r-ac.
thzt wac Fwitchiai ; on the sUe track T&
it straek b - Three ears pa * d * r tbe
be y. cctriai ; a. la half tenrtiwise. wb re
abe wac toaa aliacitl t-t ? > i tBj c-ter the
acodeat occurred
CTr-nt T
PLATTSaiOCTH. Neb Oct. 38 < Spedcl )
Tbe si ab aJ ihe- Married Wooec E aad
ctnh were pjeasaaay eatertaiaed
ttiferaoiH : by IriL A. 3. Tadd r-nj
J X. 5eszuc& , at the home of tie
The afteraeaa was esjoyabiy passed
ai curds. T same dtdjdBca retrechzu atz
w re ssrTsd. Those present were Mcedaiaes
Eios. J X "W-jBe , J I. Soot , F
H. Wttoofc. I D Benaett. TT O Jonas i.
' Aaa r dark. C M. Builer G F SBnrtoc. .
Gsorse Taoisac D MiTter Ij 0 Dwyer G
, K. Stoats Tbodtt * Keopster aai itiestas
! Btrcloh Elwm Thomac cad
ta J-t nJ "Trlml
trrtnc r rl U ra a tbe I
* tr t S
a * toyaJ !
brase the aos ay a * tbc Urdktar T the
primuaa of AMartea. ta a. ahtt of pelrtothw
aad a4te tec ta th * aKaurehr A iaMr <
af = * frtMBk-r 5t Muln that the
b be PilMpali i are atm raktotK
* e i k te ever dr tjee. Th r >
dM arK wfces | ia ti. ar
ree < > c ss. 3fraafl
n. cad wtteir drntes hr
tbe art-mi at Oataadw of Br HViirt
j i be- tie JeaoVr ef thteuav fcauu. Be waa
i i > beta ? tsfcee te Spote aa the Messier latlee 1
Palace to stand trial. He stated aa Catotafee j
that he had > eea kaensed ta c * as hoard by
j tb Fafllppsae tetixtrtM- ? under the tes- |
I presBtea that tae SstaBtah cw-raaeBt te- !
HT ; s 'htcrctrre I
' '
ts. C ba. The nfete'i oScert a-cterrf ME
I be a reee4 and Lflwily ta be Baffir UtBappotoVMl
I when be resches Sante. They i a tbat ,
1 other refeeh weald toBew ay aaotber s&tf '
ta itasd trial te Sp d- ,
The carerasM'se af tbe 3tra ettJeatr
iasaed a p-MlainxatH : oa ? i teT3her li. tarI I
W44i e tie fltttei ; mK Is tbat emntry oi j I
I aay aa tl ar aBttary esr < dJOBn Is aM ef 4
tb. Paflipptetoaacggria. . Aaotber prrj j
i 5 > r bfct the exportatiaa. af ara * .
I ar aay atral ntares ? the i
I bcxts Jor thrrf aaachs Irtez
J =
I that free Tes-riB. earrytai ; ? 1
' a > MaaOa , were eee at pass that part 1 ,
j three w-efcs.
! SAN F2ANCSCO. Ort. 3
rotted State * ceo * * ! at Tihm. wbe
b-eB at "W fihBcioE D C. . tor tart * *
' ihs p&ft oc a Veurr ef ttr ce BAC
| tram ta * east tad erpects te r-wrs ,
ta ate pfct 02 theCtey af Pap- * * , which
| s&ite tram here Seadzj Mr Doty seys he
hopes seen te see a bUj. i3pra etne t te the
_ _ _ _ _ port aa Tahaa. 1
"Just before learisc tstOBrtot' be said.
"I rt-cetr-d fr * u-eSc2al adricex thet the
j i Ooeaair 5tenm-Mp cempnay wtock epero- *
I tb * stean-rs Maripobz. aad Aioa-ea. bt-
tweec Sui Fraadsee cad Aackl&sd. r a 1
Samoa te aecoctetiae : wnth tb * Frvaeh 1
J' ' ec * ra = snt tor a. ntE jWJhsidy mader tbe ,
| t-nas of which It would ma its etetaer j
rta Tahjti tnst-ad a ? Scoiofl. I
' "At pretwai the tatBi" ar- carried by thrse '
! Ktflter resD-ic. the Otoy of Pzpcte. the
Otlflep tad the Trep4e Bard which a * : r4
aaathly B-rrlee btfnn s" Sex Fraaci-ce and
Ttata. Ty eunh recelre a yearrr scbsidy i
ef K.BW froa tbe Trhfriiu cw eraaat for
the semes. The EW eraca jt ha *
j 9w ral tisj-s eSers * a svtetdr f
{ X3C.M * ta
rtant wodd
th * taeite , ani
! 5te.a ehip eampBay " aede aa oTer te
tnratot a tae : iaeBhy erriee hr fjfrtec
Tahitj a port ef ccl : isiAeed of StraoB. for
aa aBaval sahaidy of S5K f > M
"The caaacewa il lej araoxaale eae f-r
the S3taa iuj > c mpnnj. At prts 3t the
KKapaay haadlac aa rvAgt tar Sscaoa.
Tbe osty oaiaK it rr a * by TMHa-s Apia
a port af eoi te a strusa-ps s ec r fevate-esc.
Tuutl. es the other haad , eeosd ri r tbe
oampaay H sons ef ! r ath : tar th pert
aadH * see * ec the- mars trip every tnoEth-
The azuHUl af traaebervHrem tbte pert and
Taaia te larger than geaataHy te sappssed.
Tate eattatry's tradvth the ialaada
IIBWIBSS te S3&B.B4M a yr. . cad tbe prod-
acts shipped ta 5oa Frsacieea rats Tcidti
to * . * * t
OSB. NebOct. . M p 3Sl. > Tie
which hir bees eteoed Jer tw
c acocnat af Bcerlet te er
hint > ioao > r wKh * * ecr > m&3 atteneeaee.
Tb rt haTe Y > * * E A c eat easy cati te
tewz. hot of sa rsfli a type tact tbe dec-
tan have been pe = ted cs te whether ibe
ateeaae is eecrlat ierer or
5T a Teanie af
Phil Mr haae has gutte te Caepenae an a
abort heetaeaE trto.
J F BiMwit af Htaibcrt. in _ . was te
tb- city yesterday.
Carl Martea af Ntarasta Qty was atneag
the arrtrals yestertcy.
Ei-G err > er Jobs MThcyer left lust
aight far aa esHsa&ei w a rs trip.
lftHaee H. Lord ead tlt. 35. Pne ! .
, . orrcctetertid Et the Berk r
Ae&t Pointer of the Seats. Fe
wac te tbe city y stardzy w zBe
W F. Daekaes. adroaee r' '
or * * Ia dbui&cirl * " coop 2y. is s&apate
the Burker
3. Boesearath aad J E. Erstte * . tw * west
kae-wa coaraercial dec trsvtstiB : aat ef
CHfyga. ere r cis ered t the Barker.
H. J Falkeshack , tra-rebac
pcsf.eoc r aceat ef tbe 3 exic s Caetrtl ,
WEB is the city yestsrdsy vbfle es tac way
C. 31. Toteett ef the PaBnta
retvraed iast evetaag trad a tr ) ta
Moiaea. takes is. the tscerests of his eats-
I pcay-
| NeornskEss at tie hateis F A. Wricht
i aad wife G aaa , Churles Trift ti. * 8Cest
i Poiat. L. "W 5new , Terk. Al r d Itorley
i Graad Iiuaad W J BeB aad wife Aurora
, J li Grace aad George Aadersac. ATBCX.
V X CarptaiieT , Syricns * . B. Seehltsr aad
| wde Geaera. W W. * H "Wohoo.
r IRMXAL HHE.TL Hi : 15 BUVJ * .
m H
Brthrr mt the KlCb mr4 r f the
O . V'artiaaJ * Caateotpb
af ike
Lean1 Her , af the Uhmex BacSlea. * < h r
Cardteal Hotartdaa * wa hern te ( Vrauaty
btuboa aad te JHi be wa * rtTrd a ear-
Aft r tbe ertry of th * ItaOaatrrsop *
ta O rawar aad
la HQ
etaptr > atb VaticaA. hot
ef AJbaaok. t s astac rwonlt of aim iiiulaat
te paaaa ever Frtar *
at * tttfe af oirdtna ; h
raro-d te O-raaaty wtoorr be nc-tiad
aa > nrtat i It I H. hcw erb oner
af a
oae af the beet kaevx aex
lahta. uttd wha ted SZted th
peaKtac of aeoei'al ' seaapvr of
AeexaeUp eoespaey aad aaaa
Catoe Dry Pe k UOUMMLUJ d - at
te tkte dry sate * aftr- loac
aex Jena D 3tO who was tbe
iauaher of th * Lebtefc cocaty bar baa
at hi * beta * te tiot dty Trace th *
ef a paralytic strobe 3e was TS yvn af
areIt IS * be wac a eeVcrajth * eoa-
mmoi. wateh aocaiaa3 d Jaa > Bvebeaaa
far pr-sid-nt and wee the sam * yrsr eiceSRd
te eocF-sc to S5 the uueABL-d tern of
Themes 5 Cooper , arS WM re-lert < te
liK aad IWE it MW he wa a o-J-cat * to
tbe oewxrrtltt Battaaal Bwr-eartot which
nesjiaetied Gaa ral IficOeBas tar preeiaent.
Sis led appearance te paGtto war about
erbt yesr * ace whet be wa * a caaftjSaie
Tor Kt&te seaater bet tailed te aei'ure ' the
Oa * of the BtnB a Hc--ry G
the preseat BaalX" f "eta
MR * . MIX I * CR.t. TED A WV lCn.
tie DffJL * rl r * > jime.
DENTEJL. Ort. 3d A o-cree ef
wac today craated to X-s. EVia < ry.
aer instead Charles Mtx. te tbe district
cevrt. tbe L-'uuj'O * bnac de&ertioB. aee-
sapper : aad erseity. The ctste OB * af tej
terest rem the fact that th * ptaarti ? te ta *
wlocw of Jeeapc K. Etat3 t the taea whe
woo fiste aad fortnae as aa arter aad dd
te a raadhooB- tew yearx aca. SBwac
rtsrtssion te aeeesa * > r forta-r
af Bws > * tt Tbe uteted tx
twUy that cbe siarried Mix is January
MM tad 'that a Sew Taaacbs alerward b *
ntart-d br at Gartaer > tesc. Afl rwarte
at hte BuBettatteo. sac acate Irred wttb aim
at Albajry hot hte treaxaient of ber was Be
CTMl that aar hee th wac creotly trnpaired
aad she eaaie to Dearer a year aca and hex
aiaee tred * ith aer atecer. Mrs. C F Xe-
Keaay Durtec that tine 3d ha * aewr
eontriboted te her rapport. The oaf ena * e >
not aad the trial eccopied bat
a tew sitsstes.
7o Biza f CIJL > X& * T&ib B and RMm
for Tl > nK d Mar * .
OTTATTA Ouv. Oct M WtCiate Ot Jry
a teatf ennr ar whe te la the Tofcna dis
trict ic eocafctwG with the oVTtTnttaTioii ef
the Alaeka becadary has aad * a report
i ta the adaister of tbe tea nar stattec a
j great void " Sad hoz been a&4 * ec the Be-
jiaasa "creek which fiowt late D * * r ri * r.
aboct forty atVes trots Fort Cneaby. 34r
OcOrr said 300 cteteac heTe t es tak E * ,
tad there te raoca lor l-DM aare IT pree-
, erly preep-cted there te work tor : M see-
On * cold nnrat-t wertb HI was ptek 4 ef ac
tbe Borfare aad tc an boor'r tit&r tare * m-Ji
took o t J75 Tbe d ertiDent r-fil MWd
aa officer to see ohoBt the cla-nac bemr laid
not p : apei'ir so as ta
1 'to * * Kl - T > y sad
i ' \ \ mrtovr.with ' t
i - rA 3IXGTCa < . Oct. Tb * Tereast far
Sa.tisrday te
| For N * e akm Fatatt faxlywarraer ;
i tnta.winds. .
| i For Colorado Fair ; w r = M " . aarth winds.
| I aaafian ? te wttfc.
! I For aeatfc Delsata Watr. prM e > d hr
tecaJ aoawe te attufeera portlae te ta * eariy
aarth wtoef. luueuiln '
For "Tyasams "Waraer , iafcsaeah /
F or MoctaJM I' alislaj fat aad wi
sooth wioas
For Missecri G Mrafir tair w st
Par lewa G aenLDy 1 * * * ' durtec- the day ,
prrcrdod hy leeal snaws te aartAera par-
tioc te tfae sieratafr , aortfc vtads.
For g8 Faraortk te west winds.
Local H.rCT > rd
OMAHA , Oet. 3B. Otaafia. raoord ef tera-
pcrarore and ratefan rempared w4zb tbe
&F oc tac p&st * fcrf. y rrp.
vsapara are. _ fi a X C
wsnffftrurt 34 S S 31
A raie teiaperatcr * 3f X
B-t-rf-B „ K T J JH >
Coso ixtec af ts B&era.tvre * * * arbcovtt -
tioa at Ooiaba tartbe day aad sine * Jaarch
1. Jfc
NoraieJ temperature for tbe aay
D aciisncy tor tbe day . . . _ .
AccBtsBlaUMl excttse smce Search 1 . i
NomuLl precipitaiioi : far tbe day .of teca
! I ficlenry for tb day . E tecteec
TeuU preciprtntioc since Kar 1.3J. . iaca s
siace JCareb 1 4 W te > cb e
lac cor. parted. H..31.71 I
Rcj.orrp from i-uitlon * at s > ju m.
tenaba. efeor 1
. 1v
Salt l.fee QtJ. aWar
QM WIIIHI. eiMir - . . *
BxM cacy. > BZI akwar H
SekiBa. clear -
k' n ii cair elw
HH.VTjutrt tnoudr .
BMnwrefckratJy ID
p rt
nf .
X. A. "fTELJiH. Ideal FuRrdua Official.
; Ladies'
j , Tailor-made
i Dresses . . . .
! a dark ejects raosdj \/\J
* \ / \
A * < * * " 1 sr "
jackets hoed vrkfe sflk
T ! kaess srrles to
* " " * " * t'T ' "K = ra- 1D. 0 0
\tery Bne * JLne of new Skirts
Just in.
j The , - ( f'A
= - va-s
New Store \ Yl l ! , 5 \ rT t Douglas
If ! > tLM ? J J J1 'J - fe
a g
_ _ _
i "Is Qay New To-k ' the pradactiei : of
t which at tbe C-nchtor 5 aa-y and Jdoneay
I Ne Bbr 1 and 2 aprttJag wttfc Smadar awt-
| ta e te aaoooti d it as its title dca.te
I '
, a auiae replica at slghtKsceaes aad caar-
I scten afAe metropolis , hot it te e es saore
| i th&c that it i * Mcid ta he oee of tbe
i hr * le . - brtriite t aad aost dJ erttoc af
I saooera abow piece * . It te eeeeetteny &E
I ertra acaaaa aad at st ± It aSers te swtrt
i .eccurtoc a series af e-er-eaaadac. ka-
| teuioacoptr pictare * te whaefc setae af the
1 beet oCertoss of .ntnnwrr opara. tare * , spec-
' tacie beUet ead rs * * ri c pus te rernt-v.
, bufere am a ie e < - aad these brep - -ec
1 eteiBMJaar ere Aeftly ata-d ta tarts a harI -
I jnoerwo * aad comrtBteat staae prooactiet.
, The soccess of thpute at the Caatae ja
New Terl wax -rspbauc aad i&etiac aad
Mveera. Slew aad Srteaper send tt ac % avr
-iti tbe asBuraace that the prodacctec te
tbe ctctec rwited wdl fee ioeeticti wtth that
Kt ee at Ks bc-Jiptece. A cwapwiy af
JMW-nty artists - caas te the work. Tbe
taaeiac beat * te the cooedy ej o nt are
1 Wthor Jaa- DertdWaraM aad I * * Har-
j naot. Sooe of the soap * tetredaced are
| gen eaefc te Cs way tbe - tre "G y New
Terk. " TenDy.tbe soair af the Crtppie
Cr k htadits "Tt e Me Dowt te Cony
! letead br tbe Sea. ' and 'Walter Jeaes rp-
trate of the stranoVd Thpex "lf § PB ri * B
XOes traei 5eaeB-cta T te Tray " Twa af
j the bcOrt arrao aBt tae Dance ef Bac-
liak Pters and Americas geiriiuBi-s. aad the
locie beflet ere of easeattencJ b emtr Tbe
Bp-cad sceaery fflaetrsaM the rfltaa * cre
ii Hacfcl * > * rry C tethe Oraad Central
depet ertener af Hetei"TaMert la hy sad
Pta - ef tb * New Terk Custoa cad the v-eet
end of Coney tetead
5aas Ge" BbetfW be pr ewd
coed aa BC < at the Cretchtac
toe-y wh s Eathrys XiaAer aad h r ts-
Boeaiftp arttetc wtn make tb-ir parttes
ahaumcee a Omaha atHtieaees tar the ares-
eat Btfflset. Tbe nalto-e is aaamnerf lor
* -M
Far TB B4tr tad -Weda-seay titeat * Ne-
rember I aad 4 * si TC aa4my aissteee the
oSermc s4 Beyd's wSl be "The Old Saate-
Bteadsrck like ftsTer of cr ( ? B aeWm ta *
aroaw af aew-awrwr aay the peatelay sad
stexpie habtts at the rnsties. tbat always
ae e a fawdaatios for tbe resideati af tiie
cter Thai te p-rhape the reason way this
paMaral iarl whirJi eal wui eomatry UJe
iadctersjs'of msc < d nasaralaoM has pre * E
Mch t saoccuii. Toe elecnac rrtaras wit
be BBaoaacf d STBS the etsge Ta a cy aisht
tj-rtTBr of tke L t * RrhlH Jt Re
in r-mb-rT l * y tbeC - nmnirat.
WASHD90TCW Oct. 38 tSpacteU.PeB -
H * n sraa HL toae af Ortol r awere
KfjbraaaaOnsteaJJaza - * H Aldtrtnn.
Osmbs , r < osteB BaBtomtioe an * aa -
o ial Albert G. R. CaH > n ( d c ae4 .
S aj-ar. BnTaJa. lacraast-Dsafed W 3
widows , etc. Bec-nia.
Cohnnbca. Flan * . , ,
- - _ _
Montana. Onciaai 7S fflry Katolar.
Sewna Lewis a d Cterk _
J Fttcfa. Bis
Sort Shertdma. _
Dakota supplwaaesasJ Adas :
Su . Falls. Mter.eBaa. tel l
etc -3aary E lowers. Jtitcaefi.
Coters-atr Oriciaal SaiasHd G. ? S
3 > mt r Arnpaboe
ue at tHcteson Trevor Araaaaett.
lowm. OriRlaa * Aadr - Taraer Zeartes.
5tary Iser I ! T B < ol * OE. JanMHiTUi * . Dela- .
wre Jaa s O Brantoer. tmaoajn * . Do-
: BC MarBbatl. MarsaaJL
van-s"yu i aLa Josbiaa C PalBt r. Des
Polk Jom LtaptM5d. BiakeKbor'
HtusBU * Peter LoaaCord. N *
, . - . Taylor
Iiwae of October H wre
Nebraaka. Ondaaj Jazaee Ciarta
Geaoa , tance. D rtd.3tSpT. . J .J -
Ksta. Brajaan.
aad rtiswut JjnaE F Focb
r- . B rtna > a. Waastezxon. Original
widows efcc ( Spuctel Ortofc r ID Jilpr-Hna
G Lc . CoOese View. Ijiacaiite EaiOy J
Mack. MlfcdeE. Ks m r. CtaLrtott * Fttct ,
B rtnaa. H"anio rioB . Brmna S IX d * ,
JJerth B md. I > ec- . S rab AM. Friead.
OndnaJ Cbr tBipbT Scfafller
Davecport. Scott. Afljretonal-jr
' " "
ABffW I-fOK.
. I > e rt > oni
FrwJfruk Prw iioti-
ton. AppaaoOBt. Qriginti : widows ttc
Ma-T E Ltcs * * * Sidnr rrncwot Jlarr
A Bt t r > iar ifciLtPwn Mamtaaut.
M ir-MAa r iylna De.niel HorriciLS.
5L * City Cusarr
< olo-aao < > - rtt a ] Jots E. Tnraer Ft
orUr . LjtrtBM-r F Fbcndem ,
mtnutea l c Pteta 'amiteai C SeaKh. iH-n-
vor ArmpahBfi.
lmae of Orto * r IS were
N-b-a-nkjj C > r1srtna.l Slate QVSBB. Btr--
rht-il PBWD * * . Rmurmrtac aad tnt * > * ao *
wniiasi SSck. B * trir . Oacv. lat ( < *
H-nry JL mj-on 3t arid , T'ckJua. < < - c-
widow * , * < eAs es A. ineoc. Rf
Iowa Ortejaal AHr-d
rm DitJtes lacrea * * A
erx Ca.l daala. RtanroM Jotto P.ui
Ua OrwIda. . Bctopat Jofan Ea.--
Cairaite O daaJ ( SpwiaJ Ortatorr : > .
3 Bond. CeaxrsU dry Girp.r. .
Bct ir . > ic * rdi. Pratte M iik.
Xaak. Xante VMta. Rio G-un.-l-
Seimiaf Aim * Napoor T - T i teF rr
Ohu-Uuid CoKtfila. Oneraaj widvw ? * r
i aVal * F Kalfitati. TVj Part Araaabo *
Site J BvtJor Frmlta. Meaa. L aora C ° i > i Itrtm , OuuS r
North Dakota. OrtelBal Ame
Keynmdr < 3eiLDd Forks
Sooth Dakota inrr e * Morrte 5
No-ToTk. 5nC. Caarlw Lehieaer , P
Hncb-s cirtetaeJ wlflowa etc CSpf-ii
Ortol - 16 > aricar of "WHamus s.
i Caaintota , McCaok.
HumDl la Im-a.
3OK. la _ Oct. > t tap-cial Te * -
A bowlteJC httesbrd hec gwep : this
ef lewa tadsy with oaaataatly a-
-rloleace. It te raaaQr crawtag
eatder tsni bt
TAXKTON S D Oct. 3d Op-cial Tele-
5ratnTw aty soars of rate was taOowi
, , by three inch * * of saow tadaf aad a drop
ef thirty degrees te terBperztsffe.
A BOeek th > ef entered tb * resM-nce af C
; H. 'W erd OS south Tweaty-Iaorth zresne.
Thursday afteraooc aad stole a poccetbook
eeataiaau ; ran
1 Geeroe MiBerwe * yesterday taerstaj : sen-
teaepd ta tbe co s < y Jeii tor tiirtj- days ! sr
beette : bis wtte a lew ojtj zg wh& b was
totoric23d. The eoopte H e near TwutEla
and I > T iiport etre-ts.
Late ThurBdoT afnerBeen the cose ofrsjast
JCtuu * Morns , wha was eemaT * < with the
Sbeldot aeaaatios wac Ciaiate ed ts poUcr
tnnrt ac taeuac of Cocaty Artaraey Ba d-
n e. Tbe wooiaa lntndc to VHTS the rity
ai aaee tar ber tarmflr home 1C Tuea , N T
yrUe SbirpUa. else k&e-wz ac ilmtue
Stane pleiuied gmilty y eterda ? taonuaz is
poUce eeort ta th * tereeay of SK tros : Mrs.
M E. aoaca. hot was pren Uae to rtt a
dafeoee. The womos has beec botriirc at
Mrs. Re&ch's hoooe tad yentBrdcy took a
pockvtbeek frais tbe biadlady Slir cos-
l * * d te tbe theft
Jeeeph TtaAarfari te as esthcsisstic
aoitad sas-ey y p ? > aad Th rs diiy evedsc
be plaoed a ttfe-sized portrait ef ilajor
MeAJaiey te the irant te4ew ef his 3xecse
tbcut m mgt cad threw a iirjt
tatrate si the ptcrure cjtd hroke both iikt-
c fie aad wiadow pirmi
BeiMmc Isaf cter Harte h&2 oondczmed
tbe thrw-siorr brick hiuULmc at Thirt-eea h
aad "Wmtim streets. It will he tars daws at
OBOE. The property is waed hy itczne SiltJ-
siorec&pjt&UEtc and it Is cad maad th .t
If YrKliiley is elected a haasjioise brick
block 'U be erect d is place of the eus-
< oaaed ImildiBc etrlj aezt apnag.
Isaac M. Bvaas dte Lt hte raaso. KSS
Caltforaia * trM * y o rsky Jrani the resuit
of as aocKJtjtt imetuaed a few days Efo.
At thai not Brans was ruiinc am a North
Tnenuech rts t cor. cad te BMppias of he
slipped aa tell. STUSS hod Jonaerijbeea
the editor of a aewapuper at BurweO , * hi
state B Cime te Omaha Beversl w ka
t o aad scxe hie arnral 'had been
on the H nal pan. r
Twe fire tianni. < = re mra d te
aorainc. bat s ither ofAe blazt
to aayihxn . Tbe occapoatx of a beane cl ITli
Paijnc strew ware is a harry ta E * brbak-
iaat IE the saeramr nafl set &re ta the soot
BI the chucaer Ne dsaa e rcenlted. Later
BOOK Cj-a ? sparks from a chisawy get are
M the retode&ce nf Mjetarf Fteesch at l i > 9
Cass strprt. bat the blaze was
wtth a astnteal
A tdt iboae aessase was reosBed br th *
lec&l pobee last al ht frnrn Council 3in s
osktas teJansattoa iz regsrd te two mes
capture 12 that ctty yesterday. The a > n
are svppc&ed tn hsJl troja r > . - i- their
posa e i < m w re Jouni a h = adaos > e
raw ; witi : a settisc. of opal aad
aad A { 3Md thicbie wilt the S .rat
3t" upon tie teaide Two sew orercezts
were aise recp erodAfl Lhe oraclee tre
to nave botm 8toi n.
a * yjsfcdht i
s you inch ftrft-n
fTimhurtne. BHIC seay
be the neaas of sariar jajr
a czwic asstar jinufiip h r -
< ai x i r t pfrf * eyt isal aB
eta W tmnidwi bf oae tta ; ear si rt
Aloe & Fenfold Co.
1408 Farnam
"WVse a t HI ir ± paced afwir a
shirt WrtBsWi Hc a. 4 e - iPf"rtpax
Wsr earn' aaaait iKn x flJ)0 ( aael
fwr JUK > th * rente ! . pl r s at
pax f * > ttae * f pnf ti e
flt e iarierv 1-Wr B pair a/
evs. siiaru
* r Se id
id ! r-er th *
, BBA tbt pcic * . tii.twiB sfSit
yo r
Albert Cahn ,
tzSerr 1322 Farnatn
r carj tts V ?
tr Hkf so talk ai om tbm
trfefl tseni always amk a
Btr tteatV beexa > e wp
aJtra js cuDdider ( jvajirj utd destra 4x t
jiricf hLrf whets trv maif oar > ! < * < -
tiasM tbce tttp taoTr yo jurf cectssu : a
tad ear reBertaxioa wui hack
aj 4 al z artf * that
Tt-HU. qaaJirr
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