Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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rrvrr-n rv\r A TT A n A TT.V QATTTl HAV. nHTOTlTlT ? H1. ISOfi.
Expressions of Leading Ncbraskans Show
How the State Stnnds ,
HOTV < li < - CniiiiuilKit of ISilticnlliifi
Aiming the Vuti-rx linn lleen
Contliiolril Not hliiK I > n
linen Xonl % < 'leil.
CHICAGO , Oct. 30. ( Special. ) The Na
tional Republican league has received ample
advices from the Nebraska Republican
league and Iho republican clubs In general
throughout Iho state. These reports are
satisfactory. They all apeak of n haru
light , but express the rullcst confidence In
a decisive victory for MoKlnlcy nnd Hobart.
September 1 Secretary Uowllng of the
National league received from Secretary
Mock the names of rDI clubs In active serv
ice. Iiy the 1st of October the number had
Increased to COS and ' \\MS still Increasing
rapidly. "Tho league has pushed club or
ganizations throughout the state" wrote Sec
retary Mock , "with legitimate satisfaction.
W are now. " ho albo wrote , "orKanlzlns
women's McKlnloy and Hobart clubs as
auxiliary to the voters' clubs. This work Is
progressing splendidly. " Like confidence Is
manifested In other advlccB.
0. K. Stlno ot Superior , Neb. , writes : "Wo
rharo your belief that wo are on the eve
of a trcmcndouu victory and our only anx
iety no\v Is to make It an overwhelmingly
one. "
IJ. J. Hnlns of Lincoln writes : "Nebraska
Is the battleground against populism as
It wns nRntnst slavery in the days before
the 'COs. The party of vagaries and here
sies : ls making , wo hope , Its last stand
here. "
A. M. Anderson of TekntiMh says : "Ne
braska Is now on top for McKlnley , but
Fi wo nro having a hard fight for It. "
| t W. H. II. Nllus of Holdrege writes to Sec
retary Dowllng : "What you have done
has been highly appreciated nnd will bear
fruit In duo season. "
President W. 1' . McCreiry says : " \V'o
will make n heroic effort to carry the utato
for McKlnley. "
Alvln Soulc , Chapman , reports : "Our
club of 125 members out of 175 voters In the
lownshlp will voteto a man for McKlnley
and Hobart. "
Early In the ycnr'W. P. Collins of Lin
coln , then president of the State lenguc , Is
sued n circular urging speedy nnd thorough
organizations. He said therein : "Nebraska
ls all right and Nebraska republicans should
Bend such a greeting to the sisterhood of
states next November that will convince the
party beyond a reasonable doubt Ihat 'No-
hrnskn Is nil right. ' Organization Is the
breath of life to our parly. It Is the mis-
slon of the league to organize , energize , cdus
cnto. Are you organized ? If not let me ap
peal to you to do so at once. I hand you here
with National league circulars , which con
tains a plan of organization and forms the
constitution nnd by-lnws. Will you take
hold of this mutter ? We must have a wldc-
nwako club In every voting precinct of your
county. Circulate a call for an early meet
ing , the earlier Iho bcllcr. Gel Iho young
men lliere ; gel them to work. Got up a
special program with music and short
speeches. Keep us posted on your efforts
nnd your nccda. Wo expect to furnish clubs
with good literature In duo time. "
In an early htngo of the campaign Secre
tary Mock wrote : "Progress In Nebraska Is
not standing still by any means. We have
now reached the 300 mark and purpose lo
push the work to COO or more. The Impor
tance of making Nebraska In part the bat
tle ground of the campaign was discerned
enrly by the National Republican league.
The republican clubs , to their credit , were
up and doing , being In no way discouraged
by the attempt to gain votes for Ilryan by
specious appeals to utato pride. Tha Re
publican league held a convention In August
and elected an executive committee and the
following officers : AV. P. McCrcnry of Hast
ings , president ; John P. Hays of Norfolk ,
vtco president ; Ed J. Mock of Alma , secre
tary , and Patrick Hall of Memphis , treas
urer. Thus reorganized Iho league prepared
for an acllvu campaign , being aware thai
Iho popocrats had acquired a firm fooling In
Nebraska. In Iho four presidential elections
from 1872 to 1888 , Inclusive , Nebraska had
given republican pluralities ranging from
10.D10 lo 27.873. In 1830 Iho farmers' alll-
anco candidate for governor polled 70,287
votes , but the democratic candidate won by
a plurality ot l.HI. In 1892 Nebraska gave
Iho Harrison electors a plurality of 4,093.
In 1894 the democrats and popocrats fused
nnd elected Governor Holcomb by a plural
ity of 3,202. In 1895 the republicans carried
the stale once moro by 8,938 plurallly nt the
election of a supreme courl Justice.
"All this shows Ibo hard work Ihat was be
fore Iho Nebraska clubs , especially as the
popocrats wcro dead set on carrying the stale
for Ilryan by unscrupulous means. ' The re
publican cluba set lo work early In Ihe
campaign. "
W. C. Klndlg of Nemaha wrolo In July :
"Wo will have a hard fight on hand , but by
the judicious use ot good literature and
good speakers to cducalo Ihe masses wo can
carry the stale for McKlnley and sound
money. "
Olhor communlcallons showed that Ne
braska was sltll at heart republican. George
* J , Kelly of Ord' said In July : "Free silver
Is selling Iho Nebraska prairies on fire and
something must bo done to stop the mania. "
Secretary Flandran of Trenton , Neb. , reported -
' ported Ihat "tho number of McKlnley and
Hobart clubs thcro were willing and anxious
to do any work thai may be assigned ted
ilicm. " W. A. Necdham of Hloomfleld said :
"With a lllllo effort wo will bo able to In
flvo voles where wo lose one. The do
have been hearing but ono side of the quco-
lion. Nebraska will go republican Ibis fall ,
but wp will have to Institute a campaign
of education or the money question , espe
cially as wo border on the silver mining
B'.ntes. The National Republican league has
been In constant correspondence with the
Nebraska clubs and has sent them , In re
sponse to these appeals , campaign literature
in great quantities. "
Senator John M. Thurston has given host
league movement in Nebraska the heartiest
encouragement. Congressman .McClcary's
speech was In eager request and served to
offset the pernicious effects of Towno'a
speech , which was distributed broadcast.
Appended are some of the opinions ex
pressed regarding McClcary's speech :
"We greally dcslro some copies of Mr. Me-
Cleary's speech. It Is the thing. " Icho
"That speech oughl lo be placed In Iho
hinds of every voter In Nebraska. "
, "You should arrange for a complete dis
tribution of this speech In Nebraska. "
"It Is great.-
"This In my humble Judgment Is the most
effective document thai can bo circulated :
through Iho weslcrn states. It meets hoed
very propositions that are constantly urged ;
in the west falling prices. I know of no
Our baby licn thm ) weeks old was tiaJlf nf.
fllctKl wllli Uczi'uiu. Her lirail , arms , nock , \\iulif. \ \
nil nearly every Joint In her Ixxly ot raw ami
MiviUnx nhvn wo concluded la try C'UTICUIIA
JtEWEUii : . Wenftut \ ultli CCTICUIIA ( dim-
uicnl ) and Curici'iu ' b'tur. nud after Ihe firtt
appl.ratlon we coiil J tea a cluiueu. After wo lied
uiol them ono witk eumaol tliotnro bail licaletl
entirely , auj c < Mil to ipreail. In Iru than R
month , uie wu fire from icali-i anil bleinlahet. ami
to-Jay bat aa lovely ikln end hair n any child ,
che wu fho rn at thu Urange Fair , and took n
premium u Ilia prcltlMt baby.nver dxtecn otherj
Mn. A JIBS. 1'Aillf. 1009 JH-IlCYlciT Arc. , Kan.City ,
BjU T r/wfciie.i'onniai'0Cum.Coirliwtfa ,
olhcr document or speech that answers
proposition * so well as Ihe one In question. '
The Nebraska Republican clubs und the
State league are thus serving loyally the
party cnuno In the pending campaign. They
nro working with enthusiasm for MeKlmey
nnd Hobart In order that sound money and
protection may triumph and become the
national policy for all time. Thcso clubs
have worked In hearty accord wllh the Na
tional Republican league and have cheerfully
undertaken all forms of campaign duty In
order that Nebraska may take once more
the place that befits her In the republican
Alt or no } ' ficnornl Clnirplilll HUM Jfot
Ciuitbntril rrnteriiiil lniiriitict .
LINCOLN. Neb. , Ocl. SO. ( Special.-Tho )
attack In typewritten circulars , signed and
unsigned , and by printed circulars , sent oul
by otic W. n. Lynch of Lincoln , who rcprc-
ecnts himself as a member of a mutual
Insurance committee , Is being answered by
mutual companies of good standing gener
ally , who have no complaint on account
of unfriendly treatment from Attorney Gen
eral Churchill. The following circular sent
out by the Omaha mutuals speaks for Itself.
All this talk About "war upon mutual com
panies , " so far as can be learned here , Is
absolute rot. Every old line company , so-
called , Is protesting that none of Its rep
resentatives has taken any action toward
regulating or Interfering with the mutuals.
The lleo published last week the answers
of every state and special agent living
In Omaha , all declaring that there had
been at no tlmo nny organized effort on the
part of any of the companies represented by
them toward crippling or Interfering with
mutual companies , v.1ilch Is regarded ns
a species of competition not In the least
damaging to either the old line nro com
panies or llfo companies , ns mutual Ilro In-
miranco Is generally accepted only by the
farming community and on small dwell
ing risks In villages where the flro protec
tion Is poor , and , so far as farm risks arc
concerned , the old line companies , with
only two or three exceptions , arc refusing
to write on farm property. As for mutual
llfo Insurance nearly all the leading agents
In Omaha are carrying moro or less of
mutual Insurance through fraternal so
cieties. The whole cry of war against the
mutunls was started for campaign purposes
only , undoubtedly for the purpose of foisting
some discredited politicians Into the legis
lature. The circular reads :
OMAHA. Oct. 27.V , the undersigned
members of frntermil orders nnd mutiml
Insurance companies , having lind our at-
tcntlon called to n circular sent out by Mr.
Lynch and Mr. Swlgert of Lincoln , Neb. ,
In which they contend thnt Attorney Gen
eral Churchill Is unfriendly to mutual In-
Hiirance , have thoroughly Investigated the
mutter , and especially the connection of Mr.
Churchill with the enso of the State of
Nebraska ex re ) , farmers' Mutual Insur
ance company of Lincoln , nnd find the
charges made In such circular to ho wholly"
untrue/ ; and would further say that Mr.
Wood , the president of the Farmers' Mutual
Insurance company , stated to the under
signed that Attorney Ocncrnl Churchill's
attitude toward this company has always
been Just and fair , and thnt ho ( Mr. Wood )
did not approve of the statement made In
such circular letter. Wo nirthcr doslro to
say that , after a careful luvostltr.itlon , wo
know that Mr. Churchill Is not unfriendly
to either fraternal societies or mutual In
surancs npnnlcn.
Chairman City Central Committee , City of
Omaha , and IlttslnesH Mon'H Fraternity.
Member of Fraternal League.
President Fraternal Union of America.
To Whom It May Concern : This Is to
certify Ihat Hon. A. 8. Churchill Is n mem
ber In good HtaiulltiK of Commercial camp
No. 107 of thu Woodmen of the World ,
and holds ccrllflcalu No. 7,430. Fraternally
yours , JOHN T. YATES ,
Supreme Clerk.
iiT DlrortH nn Anmvrr ( o
( toiiiiiiiiiiilniit'H Iniill | ( > il
LINCOLN , Ocl. 30. ( Special. ) Commis
sioner Russell in reply lo Ihe slalcmonl
from Commandant Wilson of the Grand
Island Soldiers' and Sailors' Home , recently
published In The Dee and to the effect that
Mr. Russell had not acted In a mnnly way
during the Jailer's recent visit to Hie Homo ,
Ihls afternoon gave out the following for
publication :
LINCOLN , Oct. 30. J. W. Wilson , Com i-
mandant Soldier : ! ' Home , Grand Island l :
Dear Elr I huvo read your version of the
vlsll of Ihe committee headed by Governor
Thnyer to the Grand Inland Home , nnd
cannot help contrasting your conduct nnd
the commandants of other homes , under
similar circumstances. A few years ngo
complaint \van made against Commandant
Smith of the Lcavcmvortti Homo. When
tliti committee called , General Smith re
ceived them kindly , pel aside a room , placed
an orderly al their disposal and told them
to inako u thorough Investigation , which
they did In his absence and only a few
mouths HKO the Visiting and Examining
board went to Mllford to Investigate com
plaints made thcro by a Air. Mosliy. Com-
nulo Culver , the colnmandnnt , did not ask
to be present , but gave them the roll and
told them to examine whoever they liked
and In his absence. In both Instances the
commandants W TO exoneralcd.
If you have treated the Inmates under
your charge fairly and Impartially , you had
nothing to fear , and It Is a Fad commentary
on your management that you are afraid
to have the story told by those under your
care In your absence. Hlglit or wronpr. you
placed yourself under suspicion. If you
have been honest with them , you had >
nothing to fear ; they are all honorable
men and women.
You nay I did "nol go Inlo the onico and
act In a manly , open manner , 'but slipped
around among the Inmates for the sole pur
pose ( I believe ) of raising a disturbance. "
I went directly to the otllco nnd found the
adjutant busy with a room full of com
rades dlstrlbullngclothing. . I Koughl i10
interviews , nnd only listened lo those who
came to mo and went to those who sent
for mo. Their stories and the fact that you
are. afraid to allow them lo lalk in your
absence convince mo lhal thcro Is . - oine-
IhliiK wrong1 In your treatment of them.
Your proposition meant Intimidation and
nothingshort. . Yours , II. C. HUSSELL.
Solder * ' Ilnnir Affair.
ORANL ) ISLAND , Ocl. 30. ( Special ! ) Ad
jutant General Gage of the Grand Army
of the .Republic , Department of Nebraska ,
was In the city this morning looking Into
Iho mailer of Iho lalo discharge of Ihrce
republican Inmates of Iho home , and more
particularly that of M , V. Devard , because
ho refused to bo examined by Commandant
Wllfion as to certain statements ho was
alleged to have made against Mrs. Zlmmcr ,
matron of the home. Mr. Gage returned
on an early train to Lincoln. The discharge
has been reported , ho Bald , to Allorney
General Churchill and Commissioner Rus
sell. and they will arrive hero on a Into
train this evening to look Into Iho mai
ler. Governor Holcomb was also In the
city this morning , being enrouto to Lex
ington , where ho address a racellng Ihls
afternoon. The governcr was accompanied
by Wilson" Greene of Kearney , His vlsll
hero , said Iho governor , was In no man
ner connecled wllh Iho troubles at the
home , and anything that came from the
homo was for political purposes.
And the Crowd IloniuIiiH Airny.
NGI1RASKA CITY , Oct. 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Senator Allen addressed a political
gathering at the opera house tonight. The
popocrats have been laboring Industriously
for a week past with the expectation of hav
ing a torchlight procession , partially approaching
preaching , at least , the proportions of the
republican rally Monday night. The rail
roads made a one-faro rate , but no line
came from the surrounding towns and consequently
quently the parade was postponed. A few
of the most enthusiastic allvorltcs availed
themselves of the opportunity to escort
Senator Allen from the hotel to the opera
HRAINARD , Neb. , Oct. 30. ( Special. )
Charles Kubat of Omaha arrived hero last
night to address the Ilohcmlan voters on
free stiver , but owing to the lack of an
audience Mr , Kubat did not speak. Last
Wednesday evening a stiver orator of Utah
came hero to talk free silver , but he was
treated tbo uamo as Kubat. The ellverltcs
have no organization In this part of Outle
York Couple
YORK , Neb. , Oct. 30. ( Special , ) Prank
O. Dell , ono o ( tbo most prominent citizen"
of York , was married Wednesday evening
to Mrs. Mary Reed. Dr. I ) . M. Long of. the
Presbyterian church officiated at the cere
mony , which was performed at the homo
of the bride's sister , Mr * . D. 0. Oell.
LMlltMAollt Al HAMuMib
Great Crowd Qrcota Advocates of Sound
Mouoy In Nebraska.
Senator Tliurxtiin KnlrrliiliiM Jinny
Volcrn Midi Coiaitiirlmin * IH-lwccii
Tliitvn Wltrn llie SHIN Were
OIK-H mill X MV.
HASTINGS. Oct. 30. ( Special Telegram. )
Senator Thurstoti spoke In the opera
house tonight to a very largo nnd enthusi
astic nudlence. He opened his speech by
saying that when the republican party went
out of power four years ngo It left this
country In n most prosperous condition. All
the workliiBmcn had plenty of work , times
were good , plenty of opportunities for nil
classes and moro comfort thi n had been
seen nt nny other tlmo under nny other sys
tem. Since that tlmo there had been n
great change , but not for tbo benefit of
anybody In America. The people now call
for Iho return ot the past opportunities.
In speaking of free silver ho said all the
great and progressive nations ot the world
wcro on n cold basis , where you will find
gold , silver cml paper circulating side by
tide. In all the countries where frco silver
Is used you will nnd cheap labor and not
ono piece of gold In circulation , but sil
ver redeemable In silver alone , and said ho
could sec nothing to bo gained by the
United States Joining hands with the weaker
nation ! , of the world. Ho would go Into
nny country on the globe with United
States money , rold , silver or paper , without
fear of discount. Ho said that ho wanted
the money of this country to go whcro the
nag goes and be respected. Ho said ho
would never consent to put the Goddess of
Liberty on n depreciated coin , and when the
American caglo wns stamped on n silver
dollar ho wi-ntcd all Its tall feathers there.
BUTTON , Neb. , Oct. 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The masterly address of Webster
of Omaha was listened to by n good audl-
cnco , considering the downpouring of
the aftorKoon and evening. The turning of
many old line democrats to McKlnley con
tinues , numbering among them Hon. J. J.
Bonckcmper , present mayor of Button , who
has been a prominent ngure In democratic
politics In this part of the state for many
years. Preparations arc being made for a
big tlmo nag day , tomorrow. Flag decora
tions are now being put up for this occasion.
M'COOK , Nob. , Oct. 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The tremendous snow storm of yes
terday alone prevented McCook from having
the greatest rally In the history of south
western Nebraska today. Hut. republican
zeal and patriotic enthusiasm arc superior to
pvcn one of naturo'8 bad tempers , and the
event was a great success , despite the snow
and mud , which made It Impossible to fully
carry out the program. Besides the eight
carloads brought In by the special train
which ran from Red Cloud , all the freights
from cast and west augmented the crowd ,
which Is conservatively estimated at 2.000.
IJoth the Workman Temple nnd Mcnard
opera house wcro crowded at the after
noon meetings , which were addressed by OIo
Hcdlund , nominee for auditor ; Ed Allen ,
candidate for state senator , nnd R. P. High ,
nominee for representative , amidst great
The Nebraska Brigade band , the Third
Regiment band of Arnpahoc , and the Ben-
kclman band furnished the band music ,
and , besides , the McKlnley Martial band ,
the glee clubs of Red Cloud , Cambridge ,
Bcnkclman and .McCook added their Inspira
tion. There wcro marching clubs present
from Indlanola , Bartley , Cambridge. Arapahoe -
hoe and other towns , but the condition of
the streets made the monster parade and
torchlight procession Impossible.
At night Judge Fields of Lincoln and
Judge Strawn of Omaha addressed Immense
audiences of republicans , bubbling over with
enthusiasm. In the Temple hall and Mcnard
opera house , respectively , delivering power
ful nnd magnincent appeals for sound money ,
protection and prosperity ,
NORTH LOUP , Neb. . Oct. 30. ( Special. )
Notwithstanding the disagreeable and threat
ening aspect of the weather , an earnest nnd
enthusiastic audience assembled at the town
hall last evening to hear the speeches made
by Hon. Thomas Darnell and J. II. .Water
man ot Lincoln. Darnell la well acquainted
with many of the old settlers hero and said
that ho wished simply to talk to them as
a man talks to his neighbor. He pointed oul
a number ot facls , showing Ihat the populists
party , as such , was politically dead in this
campaign and that no populist could now
support Watson , even If ho BO dcatrcd , as
all the electors wcro for Bryan and Ihe mil
lionaire shipbuilder ot Maine. ' Waterman
has recently visited some of the eastern
manufacturing districts and he gave a vivid
portrayal of tbo contrast between the con
dition of the workmen under a policy of
protecllon , when nol only Iho operallves
wore busy and conlcnted , with plenty of
money , but the farmers for miles around
were nble lo sell all Ihe products Ihat they
could ralso at good figures and thus enjoyed
the prosperity of the factory people , and
their condition now when the factories are
running on broken time or arc Idle alto
gether , Ihus forcing Ihe operallves lo live
on a starvation diet and the farmers can
sell nothing but the barest necessities of
life , and even these at Iho lowest flgurca.
WYMORE , Neb. , Ocl. 30. ( Special. ) Lasl
night thd "republicans of Wymorc and vicin
ity gathered In the closing rally of the cam
paign. Notwithstanding darkness and rain
the largo opera house was well filled with
voters. The speaker of the evening was
Charles E. Winter of Omaha.
HUNTLEY , Neb. , Oct. 30. ( Special. ) C.
A. Atkinson of Lincoln addressed a good-
sized and attentive audience al Ibis place
last night. Ho made strong and convincing
arguments In favor of republicanism.
PERU , Neb. , Oct. 30. ( Special. ) The can
didates for the counly oftlccs and the leg
islature on demopop nnd republican tickets
have both visited Peru this week. Monday
night a club ot over 300 ; Including many
ladles , marched down from the State Nor
mal school building to the new opera house ,
where they Joined 400 more , making the
largest political gathering of the season
here. The entlro audience sat packed in
the opera house till 11:15 : and listened at
tentively to Messrs. Howe , Burnhara , Cor-
YORK. Neb. , Oct. 30. ( Special. ) The
Woman's McKlnley club of York cannot
vote , but they have shown their intense
interest in the election by the attitude
they have taken In the campaign and by
the following resolutions which they have
passed : "The Woman's McKlnley club of
York desires to express their entire cpn-
ndence in each and every nominee of the
republican party and our hearty and car-
nest sympathy with the noble principles laid
down in our party platform. As wo have
not the Inestimable privilege of assisting
in the great work by our votes , we
this opportunity to declare our unswerving
loyalty to honesty , patriotism and good
government as represented by the grand
republican party. "
SUPERIOR , Neb. , Oct. 30. ( Special. )
Hon. John L. Webster spoke to a very on-
thuslastlc audience last evening. For two
hours ho hold Its close attention and was
warmly applauded tbroughoul.
BBAVBR CROSSING , Neb. , Oct. 30.
( Special Telegram. ) Tills town was fairly
taken by storm tonight when a special train
arrived from , Seward with 200 people on
board , oil anxious to take part in a re
publican rally nnd grand street parade. The
delegation Included the Woman's Marching
club , the Flambeau club , the Veterans' club ,
the McKlnley-Hobart club and Anderson's
Drum corps. They wcro met by the Beaver
Crossing band and a woman's marching
club and all formed anil marched around
lown , bul Ihe elrecls were too muddy for
much of a parade. The only dry spot In
town was then selected and the Woman's
Marching club of Seward gave an exhibi
tion drill , after which the Seward Flambeau
club gave an exhibition of fireworks , tbo
like of which was never si-en hero before ,
Hon. A. C , Robbing of Lincoln wca to bo
the principal speaker of tbo evening , but
the crowd was so largo that an overflow
meeting was held In a. vacant storeroom ,
which was hastily provided with scats , and
was addressed by Hon. C. E. Holland , can
didate for etato senator from this district ,
for an hour , and then the two speakers
changed halls nnd spoke another hour.
Their speeches were confit { { | . principally to
tin flnnnclnl question andVituurcd up the fal
lacy of free nnd unllinltC'l"cotnaKo of nllver.
Ju Holland w s cspcqtnUy severe In his
de ; of Bryan's ! fcbby , and made
lots of votes for himself nnd the whole
republican ticket.
ALMA , Oct. 30. ( Special Telegram. )
Republicans hnd the lnstMWK rally ot this
county ' In this city today. Owing to the
bad roads nol such a lar OCcrowd aa wns
expected was present. Hon. W. E. Andrews
spoke 1 to the audience. J. A. Piper was pres
ent. The Woman's McKtnWy club took a
big Intcrtsl in thM nuctWfi. C. E. llentley
spoke In the courl house icnlghl. The re
publicans are feeling sure of the state goIng -
Ing to McKlnley and Iho clMllon of W. E.
Andrews. The Twenty lBtilh senatorial
district will elect Ed Elttseli lo Ihc senate
and Hnrlan county wlll.Alcct Allen Elliott.
LOUISVILLE , Neb. , Oct. 30. ( Special
Telegram. ) The last republican rally at
this place occurred this e-vcnlng. Regard-
leas of the weather It was the most com
plete success of nny held this campaign.
The locnl McKlnley nnd Hobart club , as
sisted by the H. N. Dpvey Flambeau and
Srund Money clubs of Plattsmouth , gave
n fine parade. Everybody was wild with
rntliuslssm. Hon. I. It. Andrews of Omaha
spoke for two hours to a most attentive
audience , and wns followed by Hon. Sam
M. Chapman of Plattamouth In a short but
logical address. This precinct will roll up
a big majority for the republican ticket.
uunxi : .
Hcri-iit Conduct iif < ! IP I'opoenilU
Candida * ! * AtlrnctliiK AttenUoit.
SIDNEY , Neb. . Oct. 30. ( Special. ) The
ccmmltleo sent hero hy rcprcseutallvo citi
zens of Custer county to Inquire Into the
conduct of Judge Greene , popocratlc candl-
daie for congress , while. at Sidney recently ,
made a thorough nnd exhaustive Invcstlga
lion. TSie rcsull of- the Inquiry was to con
firm nil that 1ms been charged against
Greene. The gentlemen composing the com
mittee nro Senator Gear of Callaway nnd
Messrs. Plttaway and McClure of Broken
Bow. The Investigation was conducted
without reference to Interviewing citizens ot
nny political party , nnd the manibcra say
Ihclr best evidence came from the frco sll-
vcrltcs and populists. Cusler county people ,
It secn.s , have been Imbued with a desire to
learn the trulh and much lo Iho discom
fiture of Judge Greene , the whole , trulh has
been given lo t'.cra.
Iiiilriiiiui I'oxl Points n I'oporrntle
Client XIMV llfliiu I'erin-trntiMl.
LINCOLN , Oct. 30. ( Special. ) Chairman
'ost ' of Iho state republican committee has
cut oul today the following circular letter :
LINCOLN , Oct. Srt. Ill counties having
. democratic or populist county clerk the
Illclal form of the ba'.lot as prepared by the
jccrctary of state has been changed , both
n form and order In which the eltvtorn
re placed on the ballots. All uch changes
.re unlawful. However , It Is now too late
o Invoke the aid of the courts. Wo , there
fore , call on all committee-men nnd rcpub-
Icnn workers to tao Immediate and vlgor-
) UH steps to checkmate this uttoinplcd
raud. I nuggcst that ppcclal messengers
> o went lit oiu-e Into t'.ie srveral precincts
'or the purpose of warnlnp local workers.
Especially point out the location on the
Icket of republicans and give full Instruc-
leas how to vote for republican nominees.
We have the votc-s to carry the state by a
xpleudld majority. All that Is nocensary Is
o get our vote out and : rnveiit frauds.
This Is a matter of the highest Importance
and HhouliTT have Immediate attention.
Sample republican hullbtM Should be In the
mndH of all republic-alls. M'lciiBu be prompt
and vigorous. Yoimi truly ,
OKOUG13 W. | POST. Chairman.
Were Whorl Mniiy" Votorx.
BLAIR , Neb. , Oct. ' , 30' ( Special Tele-
ram. ) The long-advcrtlsdd popocratlc rally
came off tonight. Hltchcock and Dunn ot
Omaha wcro the principal speakers. The
weather has not been. very favorable for
rallies tlila week , although' the free silver
men said that nothing wpUld hinder them
from having Ihe largest parade of the season
and agreed to have 1,000 voters In line. When
they got In line they were short 800 , leav
ing only about 200 ; lli'cludlng the women.
The hall was well filled' . , ; ' The rally was
rather a failure In , -ralipclnts ; ono wns
Ihey did nol have a slnplutorch , as In Iho
case of their lust attempt. ' ' The nffnlr wns
very poorly managed.- This Is where Mc
Klnley has the advantage In the county. The
heads of the McKlnley clubs are business
men , while the Bryan club Is left to boys.
Rroftio DcnlcN HoliiKT Uruiilc.
LEXINGTON. Neb. , Oct. 30. ( Special
Telegram. ) Bill Greene and S. A. Holcomb
addressed very small audiences here this
afternoon and evening. A considerable portion
tion of Greene's tlmo was devoted lo a de
nial -having been drunk al Sidney and
Eddyvlllo and lo scoring Iho Pioneer for
having published aflldavtls showing him to
have been intoxicated.
Silver Moil Afraid of lloliato.
SYRACUSE. Neb. , Oct. 30. ( Special. )
Greal cxpcclatlons had been raised here over
the debate between Dr. D. T. Hill for the re.
publicans and'Dr. G. II. Lltllefleld for tbo
popocrats , which was lo have come qff
Snlurday nlghl , but Ihe Bryan club voled
last night to declare the Joint debate off.
Trllm < f > to Tollc'r'K Orontin'NM.
DAVID CITY. Neb. . Oct. 30. ( Special. )
Not a ticket was eold nt this plnco for the
special train lo York to the silver rally , nt
which Senator Teller speaks. Three extra
coaches which were left here "to accom
modate the people" wcro left standing on
the side track.
Second AV ril llcnnlillcmiH.
The Second Ward Republican club held a
meellng last night at Kessler's hall , which
brought out a largo numbers of voters In
that vicinity. The South Side band played
a number of selections , and shorlly before
9 o'clock Chairman Blngham called Iho
meeting to order. It was expected that a
number of prominent speakers would be
present , but owing to conflicting dates sev
eral of them were obliged to tender their
regrets at the last hour , although prom
ising to bo on hand upon 'tho next meet
ing night. Short speeches 'were made by
Anton Kmcnt , J. H. Van Dusen , A. L.
Blxby of Lincoln and others.
i. IIitiuiu'H Iiiinelivoii I'arty.
NEW ' YORK , Oct. 30. Mrs. Mark A.
Hanna , wlfo of the republican campaign
manager , gave an elaborate luncheon party
to twenty well known ladles at the Hotel
Waldorf today. Tlio party sat at a largo
table placed in the middle of the Astor
dining room , which had for Its chief dec
oration a largo floral pleco consisting of
yellow and white chrysanthemums nearly
three feet in diameter. At each plate was
a handsome bunch of violets , while loose
flowers of various colorsj. > were artistically
arranged about the spacious table.
It gives Immediate rollef wo mean Salva
tion Oil , the great pain-remedy. Price 2Dc.
Muth AVuril IlcittiUllcnii Hull- .
There was a largo attendance at the
Ninth ward republican nieetlng last night.
The hall at Fortieth i'n"d'I'Hamllton streets
was well filled , and 'aftiofig ' the audience
were noticed several' Vs'lif ) have not pre
viously attended sound nfpnoy rallies. The
speakers were Senator Noyes , J. L. Knley ,
Thorpe , "tho boy. orator , , and It. W. Brcck-
enrldgo. All were well 'received , especially
the youthful defender ' 'of fho sound money
cause , whoso ready .presentation of the
facts and figures concerting the financial
situation elicited great .applause.
Disastrous Results Following the Dotnso
mcnt of the Ourronoy of England.
The InlcftrUy of n Nntlnn No I.cnn
INicnflal Than the liitcKrtty of
the Inillvliliinl Tlmulj-
Warn Inn.
NORTH LOUP. Neb. , Oet. 24. To the
Editor ot The Hec : The welfare ot ft re
public must ever rest no less on the In
tegrity thai on the Intelligence of Its citi
In vlow of n great parly threatening the
adoption of the free and unlimited coinage
of a comtceiclally discredited metal , nnd
the voluminous and unavoidable debasement
of the currency which would judging by
all precedent result therefrom , It Is Inter
esting tcj .study the debasement of the cur
rency In England In the seventeenth cen
tury and note , not merely Its power to
drive out a superior coin which wns In
tended to llrst circulate by Its side and then
to eventually replace It , but also Ita par
alyzing effects upon the Industries and com
merce of that ago.
Whllo It Is true that the debasement was
thcro brought about by somewhat different
causes from any that could operate In thia
country. In the event of the success of the
national frco silver party , we may bo reas
onably certain that the effects of such de
basement would , In any case , be the same In
character , yet far moro extensive , and we
find , strangely enough , that , oven then , the
force which aided and most prolonged that
debasement had Its strength In and drew
Its most potent vitality from an accompany
ing element of moral laxity ; that desire to
get something for nothing , which Is an
unvarying factor In the components of the
modern nopotratlc frco silver party.
So close an observer of men and things
and so , fair and accurate a historian ub
Lord Mncaulny. could not fall to glvo an
Intrcstliig account of this Important crisis
In the reign of William III. and his record
In with so many curious details
relative to the Ideas and opinions or tno
politicians and statesmen of that ago that
find almost their exact counterpart In the
wordy combats of the present campaign , that
cue 1s abutdnntly Justified in drawing freely
from that source In the consideration of
the subject.
In the formation of the coins current In
that age1 the metal was simply beaten Into
plates , cut , Into the desired sizes with shears ,
pouudcd Into n form approximating round
ness , and Btnmpcd with the blow of a ham
mer. With these crude means of manufac
ture It Is not at all surprising that most
of these coins were sufficiently Irregular on
the margin to suggest Ideas to the dishonest
of the profit which might bo made by their
surreptitious mutlllatlon. and it was event
ually found that to thus marginally deface or
"clip- the coin , removing a greater or ICBB
portion of Its component metal , "was one
of the easiest and most profitable kinds of
fraud. "
Notwithstanding that during the reign of
Elizabeth an enactment had been passed
that both the counterfeiter nnd the clipper
of the coin of the realm .should bo liable to
the death penalty , the temptation to easy
profit by this means was so great that by
the time of the restoration a large per
cent of the coin In common use was found
to imvo undergone more or less mutilation.
No Improvement hnd bcc < n hitherto made
In the methods of coinage since the thir
teenth century , but now , In order to put
nn end to this growing evil , advantage was
taken of the most progressive Ideas of the
tlmo and a machine , which was so con
structed as to stamp the coin and "mill"
the edges , was circled and put to work
In the Tower of London , and , though opera
ted by horses , produced what was then
among Ibo best coin In Europe. With the
form perfectly circular nnd the edges in-
.Ecrlbed with a legend , countcrfclllng was
rendered difficult and clipping entirely out
of tbo question , and the officers of the
king's mini doubtless pleased themselves
with the Id. : ! of how delighted the people
would bo to get the bright , new coin , and
supposed that In a short tlmo all the old ,
defaced and fragmentary pieces would dis
appear from circulation. Now mark what
followed the attcmpled co-uso of those
bright , new coins , and their debased and
mutilated fellows : The one , let us say , rep
resenting the standard gold coin of our
country and the olhcr that of bllvcr , with a
fluctuating value , subject to bullion , or
commodity market changes : "Tho financiers'
of that age seem to have expected that the
now money , which was excellent , would noor
displace the old'money , which was mucl :
Impaired. Yet any man of plain under
standing might have known that , when the
state treats perfect coin and light coin as o
equal value , the perfect coin will not drive
the light coin out of circulation , but will
Itself bo driven out. A clipped crown , or
English ground , went as far In the pay
ment of a tax or a debt as a milled crown.
Out the milled crown , as soon as II had been
flung Into the crucible or carried across the
channel , became more valuable than the
clipped crown. It might , therefore , have
been predicted as confidently as anything
can bo predicted , which depends on the
human will , that the Inferior pieces would
remain In the only market In which Ihey
could fetcli the same price as the superior
pieces , and that the superior pieces would
take some form or fly lo scmo place In
which sorao advantage could bo derived from
their superiority. "
The politicians "marveled exceedingly tha
everybody should bo so perverse as lo usi
light money In preference to good money.
In other words , they marveled that nobody
chose to pay twelve ounces of silver when
ten would servo the turn. The liorso In
the Tower still paced his rounds ; fresh
wagonloads of choice money still came forth
from the mill , and ellll Ihey vanished as
fast as they appeared. Great masses were
mcllcd down , great masses exported , groa
masses hoarded , but scarcely ono new polc
was to bo found Iir the till of a shop , or In
the leaihcrn bag which the farmer carrier
homo after the cattle fair. "
So entirely was the good coin driven
out of circulation by the inferior that Hi
annals of that tlmo mention ono case li
which a merchant. In a payment of 35 , re
cclved but a single pleco of Iho now coin
So depraved and deadened did Ihe publl
conscience become that evidence to convict
a clipper could only be obtained with th
greatest difficulty , and they still continue
to ply their hazardous trade regardless o
the feet thai capital punishment was frcol ;
visited upon them and Ihc demoralized pub
He gazed with open sympathy upon the con
vlcted wretches who were dragged to cxecu
lion In wagon loads "up Holborn Hill.
On a slnglo morning seven men were hangci
for this crime and ono woman burned.
No practical measure of the value of labo
or commodities longer remained In the king
dom , "Tho simple and the careless wen
pillaged without mercy by extortioner ,
whoso demands grew even moro rapidly thai
the money shrank. The price of the neces
carles of life , of shoes , of ale , of 01 tinea
rose fast. The laborer found that the bl
of metal , which , when he received It , * wa
called a shilling , would hardly , when h
wanted to purchase a pot of beer or a loa
of rye bread , go as far as sixpence. Th
inlsKovornnicnt of Charles and James , gros
as It had been , had not prevented the com
mon business of llfo from going stcadll
and prosperously on ; the grazier drove h
The 'only fllh Gr&de ; D&kin0 Powder
"Offered af a. moderate price
.leasts to market ; the grocer weighed out
bis currant ! ! the draper mcniurnl out his
broadcloth ; the hum of buyers and sellers
was n loud a ever In the towns ; the har
vest homo waa celebrated ns Joyously n *
ever In the hamlets : the cream overflowed
the palU or Cheshire ! tlu > npplo JUleo
oamed In the presses of Herefordshire ;
.ho piles of crockery slowed In the furnaces
of the Trent ; unit the barrows of
rolled fast nlotiR tbo timber railways of the
Tyne. Hut when the Brent Instrument of
exchange became thoroughly dcranped all
trade , all Industry were smitten as with n
jialsy. The evil was felt dally * nd almost
hourly la almost every place and by almost
very class In the dairy and on the thresh-
nj ; Hour , by the anvil and by the loom , on
.ho billows of the ocean and In the depths
of the mine. Nothing could bo purchased
without n dispute. Over every counter
there was wrangllnc from morning to
night. The workman and his employer had
, i quarrel ns regularly ns the Saturday came
round. It mny well bo doubted whether
all tbo misery which had been Inflicted on
the Knillsh nation In n quarter of n cen
tury of bad kings , bad ministers , bad Par
liaments and bad Judges , wns equal to tbo
misery caused In n single year by bad crowns
and bad shillings. "
In discussing the question of recolnago.
some of the politicians of the tlmo were
In fnvor of reducing the values of the now
coin and bringing them down to the degraded -
graded level of the clipped article. Among
thcso wns Lowmles , secretary of 'William's
treasury , -whom Mccnulay characterizes ns
n most respectabl6 and Industrious public
servant , but who "wns not In the least
aware Hint n piece of metal with the king's
head on It wns n commodity of which the
prlco was governed by the same laws which
govern the prlco of a piece of metal fash
ioned Into a spoon or n buckle , and that
It was no moro In the power of parlia
ment to make the kingdom richer by call
ing a crown n pound than to make the
king-lorn larger by calllnc a furlong n mile ,
lie seriously believed , Incredible ns It may
seem , that If the ounce of silver were di
vided Into seven shillings Instead of five ,
foreign nations would sell us their wlnca
and 'their ellks for a sm.illor number _ of
ounces. He had n considerable following ,
composed partly of dull men who really
believed what ho told them , nnd partly of
shrewd men who were per'cetly willing to
be authorized by law to pay n hundred
pounds with eighty ! How nptly this graphic
description characterizes n certain class of
men In the present campaign ! Klamstcvd.
the great mathematician , nnd the father of
modern astronomy , and for whose use the
royal onservatory at urecnwicn wns imm ,
at this tlmo astronomer-royal and the first
to hold Hint position , described this contro
versy on the coinage by saying that the
point In dispute was "whether five was nix ,
or only flvol"
It required all the wisdom of Somers nnd
Locke , of Montague and Newton n happy
blending of statesmanship nnd philosophy
to extricate England from her financial mud
dle without doing more than nn unavoidable
minimum of Injustice to the Innocent hold
ers of her depreciated coin , but It may be
said to their lasting honor that the plan
which they devised , after earnest and con
scientious deliberation , was Immediately fol
lowed by n restoration of popular confidence
eventuating In a long period of commercial
prosperity , and the beneficent results of Its
adoption amply vindicated the wisdom of
their choice.
There may bo n wide difference between
coin debased by clipping nnd that debased
by adopting the unlimited coinage of a metal
whose bullion value Is but CO per cent of
the standard It assumes to equal , but the
difference appears to be In favor of the
former , since the estimates given by
Macaulay place the depreciation at only 20
per cent. If such a depreciation could drive
all the good coin from the shores of Eng
land , without the nld of any exterior force ,
what may be expected In our own case , with
a difference of GO per cent , and with enor
mous holdings of American securities by
foreign Investors ?
While It no doubt requires an unique
typo of genius to point out the way to
double the wealth of the nation by bisecting
the time-honored dollar , the future will
reiterate what the past lias unfailingly
taught : that It requires men of sterling
talent , sound business Judgement , calm de
liberation and conscientious Integrity to lay
n proper foundation whereon to build pros
perous coramunnltlca and enduring states.
ri-p .silver On u ill it nVln > Will Ilo
Itrnu'iulMTi'il Klt'olloii li y.
If any Individual evidence wan needed
o convince those Interested that the great
majority of the veterans of the Into war
now living In Omaha will support their
comrndo for the presidency on Tuesday next
t was furnished last evening nt n mect-
ng of the Union Veterans' Republican club ,
\itterson hall wan crowded to Its great
est limits with old soldiers , nnd thcro
ivcro not chairs enough to lvo them all
cats. Mnjor Miller presided , nnd a num
ber of the Vftcrans made enthusiastic nd-
sura on the Importance of republican
success nt the coming election.
The moat important action of the meet-
ng wns the adoption of the executive com-
iilltco's report , presented by 0 , L. Har
ris , chairman , nnd signed by accrue II.
Hess , secrotnry. It In substance appointed ,
from three to six veterans to be nt HIM
polls In every voting precinct In the city
on election day. They are to see to It that
the full soldier vote In each precinct Is
voted and voted aright. Among other thlnga
the report Mid :
\Vo all realize the Importnneo of this
election. We fool tbnt the honor , tbo very
life of our country depends \lpon the mic-
CVM of the republican party this full , ami
having given four yenrs of our young man
hood to the porvlce of our nation , we ought
cheerfully to give t least ono day moro
on November 3 , 1SPO.
The veterans nlso resolved that they
would break awny from their resucctlvu
ward clubs and all other political aflllla-
tlons on Mcmlay night and march as mem
bers of the Union "Veterans * Republican
club. It fs expected that between ROO nnd
COO old soldiers will turn out with this or
ganization In the great sound money pa
rade. In which they wl.ll be assigned the
post of honor. They will assemble In 1'nt-
tersoii hall , Seventeenth and Farnaiu
streets , Monday evening nt CSO ; o'clock.
Committees wcro appointed to call upon
the Union Veterans' Republican clubs of
South Omaha , Klorence nnd Council lllufTs
to Invlto them to inarch with their com-
ratios of this city In the big parade.
In reply to n letter that had been son * .
to Congressman Mercer saying thnt It wna
currently reported hero that his wife was
not III , George II. HOBS read a most vigor
ous answer from the absent congressman.
The letter said that any man who re
ported that Mrs. Mercer wns not 111 and
that he wns not really detained In Wash
ington by her critical condition was ' 'a
lirntiv" "flntv n nln f lilMnr nnnmv rnlllil
bo guilty of circulating such a false ru
mor. " The veterans evidently preferred
to bcllcvo "Dave , " for his letter wns re
ceived with great npnlanse.
Major Miller , president of the club , then
related nn Incident showing the woakncsa
of the opposition , nt least among the vet
erans. He said thnt he had been recently
approached by Dr. Wheeler , president of
the Ilryan club of veterans , who told lilm
that orgnnlzntlon had recently resolved thnt
In the event of Ilryan's election they would
recommend thnt no distinction be inado
between the old soldiers who voted for
Ilrynn nnd those who vctcd for McKlnley In
the distribution of odlces among the vet
erans. The president of the Ilrynn club
acked If the Union Veterans' Republican
el u I ) would not adopt n similar resolution.
Hut the republican veterans could not nto
It that way. and they Indignantly spurned
the suggestion.
Comrade Ilrulicr then related another
Incident that only strengthened the vet
erans In their determination to work with
all their zeal and energy to accomplish
the defuit of the popocrats. Ho said that
Dr. C. W. Haldwln , a legislative candi
date on the free silver ticket , had recently
remarked to O. A. llolllstcr , as the latter
wns coming out of the Klkhorn postoinco
with his monthly pension , that he honed
the lime would soon ccmo when all tbo
old soldiers would be dead. 1'rof. Ilruner
stated he had communicated with Justice
cf the 1'oaco Nelson and other reputable
comrades of Waterloo and had received their
confirmation of this remarkable statement
en the part of the free sllvcrltc.
The far-famed sound money boy orator
wns escorted to the hall by over 100 Sons
of Veterans near the close of the meeting' ,
and In response to an Invitation to address
the meeting delivered 0119 of the most elo
quent , Inspiring and truly pathetic ad-
drosscH that the veterans cf Omaha have
listened to for some tlmo. Ho spoke but
ten minutes.
Can Wage Workers
Better Their Condition ?
General Jno. C. Cowin , Hon. Eel ward Rosewater -
water and E. M. Iliff , will discuss this at
Doors open at 7J5. : Speaking begins promptly at 8 p , m.
Seats reserved only until 8J5 p. m.
The First American Serial Story
Commences in the
And will be completed in six numbers.
This Is u powerful story of the lifo of the Gloucester flaliorraon on the
banks of Newfoundland.
All subscriptions . should include tbo Novotnbor number , which begins a
now volutnu.
Robert LottU StcvotiBon's { front novel , "St. IVCH , " will bo nublishcd In
tbo second half of the magazine year. The subscription for the year ( dur
costing ing which only both these . . novels will bo published ) is merely nominal ,
to 155 East 25th Street , . . . . Nmv York