T ( if o 1 THE OMAITA DAILY . . imift SATURDAY , OOTOJJJ3K t , 185)0. ) ijt pi t country wllh "prosperous Mexico. " nml ho described , In n mot humorous way. Ilio condition of tlio laboring man In "pros- porous Mexico. " Thorpe then described the prosperity ex perienced by this country during the yetrt of republican rule , contrasting that period with the era of distress and depression which has enveloped the country lUirlnjj the thrco and one-half yearn of democratic rule. Under the operation of the McKlnlcy tariff act ho said 37.000 factories had been opened In the country and an army of men had found employment In them , but the democratic party had aroused a feeling of discontent and these worklngmen had voted for a "chance. " Within less than n year nflcr Cleveland had been Inaugurated these sRtno worklngmcn had. many of them , lojt their Jobs and had marched In n body to this same president whom they had elected and had asked him for he-lp. but the only help the president had to Blvo them waste to toll them to "keep off the Brass. " The loveof Hryan for the farmer and laboring man formed the next them of the speaker , and ho quoted from Ilryan o speeches to nhow how he told the farmer that ho would get double prices for his products under frco silver , and told the worklngman that ho would bo able to buy the necessaries of llfo much cheaper under free silver. Ho explained that under the operation of the Wilson tariff law this country had lost J300.000.000. which had been sent out of the country to pay for sugar , whereas the greater part of this money might have been kept In the country If the home produc tion of sugar bad been protected. I y the loss of the reciprocity agreement with Cula the country had been deprived of J24.000.- 000 on flour , and vast sums In ether coun tries from a similar cause. Under Harri son's administration , ho said , nil this great amount had been kept In the United States , but under the democratic free trade ar rangement It had gene to enrich foreign countries , and our own worklngmcn had been thrown out of work. Tht > speaker then took up Ilryan'fl record In congress , showing how ho had voted against every measure calculated to benefit the worklngmen and the farmer and had eupported every measure which was acalnst the Interests of these great classes. Throughout his entire tallc Thorpe was applauded most liberally , and at times ho could harTlly proceed on account of the cheers and applause elicited by his telling points. _ _ _ _ ri < Mlr Ionlr to Mercrr. The Russian-American McKlnlcy and Hobart - bart club held one of the lirgest attended and most enthusiastic meetings of the cam paign at 1207 Farnam street last night. J. I ) . Nathanson presided. J. Lewis delivered n very stirring address on the monetary ami tariff Issues , which was very attentively listened to by the audience. He was followed by J. 1) . Nuthlnson , 1 H. Drown , J. Simon -and others , who made short speeches admonishing the members to vote a straight republican ticket. After dispos ing of sonio business the following resolu tions was unanimously adopted : WhcrcnH , It bus coino to our notlro that the wife of Hon. David H. 'I. rcer Is seri ously utlMctcd with n dnn.vroUH disease. Whercns , Ily re.-ison of his fidelity and loy- nlty to Mr.M. Mercer mid. IIM earnest solici tude for her welfare tin Im.s fori-gone the privilege of attending to nls canvass for re-election to th position he at present holds with great honor to himself , niul In the highest Interest and srcntcHt welfare of his ronsttiuency ; therefore be It Resolved , liy ttiu Russian-American Me- Klnlrv and Hiibnrt club of Omaha , Neb. , In It * hall assembled , That the members of this club deeply deplore the nllllotlon of the wlfo of our honored congressman , and earnestly lujpo for her full and speedy recovery , and Resolved , That while Hon. David II. Mer cer him been nml will bo unable to glvo bis personal attention to his camonlgn for ro-Hfetlon wo pledge him our most loyal support as well a our active and zcnloua efforts In hls liehulf. and bespeak for him the special effort of his legion of friends , that united , wo may roll up for him at the coming election , the largest majority over given to a congressman of this congres sional district. 1'iiici ; or CATHOLIC PIIAYISH HOOKS. i _ _ _ _ _ Injunction IN Aitl.'eil for In NIMV York in rrevojit u Cut. NEW YORK , Oct. 30. Justice Bookman reserved dcclson today on nn application for an Injunction to restrain the Christian Tress Publication company from selling the authorized eMItlon of the Catholic prayer book below the ofllclal price. John Murphy & Co. of Baltimore , who asked for the In junction , allege that up to 1SSS the Catholic prayer books In use In this country wcro full of mistakes and statements not approved or auctioned by the church. A now prayer book was accordingly Issued , authorized by the bishops of the United States. The now prayer book. It Is alleged , was copyrighted by the Catholic Publishing company , who old a out of plates to John Murjihy & Co. It was agreed that the prlco of the books bo not less than $1.25. On thri failure of the Cath olic Publishing company a year ago , the copyright was bought by the Christian Press company. The Christian Press company. It Is alleged , began selling the book at from CO to 75 cents each. This , It Is contended , la In violation of the original agreement , Coiui'M Homo ( o .SriIII * HAVANA. Oct. 30. General Fltzhugh I.eo , the United States' consul general here. In nn Interview today with the corresuond- cnt of the Associated press , confirmed the statements made to the same representa tive on Wednesday night , namely , that ho U going to the United States to visit his family and attend to private business. Con tinuing , the general said today that It was only natural that ho should ECO President Cleveland and Secretary Olncy while In the United States , but ho authorized the correspondent of the Associated press to deny that ho has Informed any corre spondent that ho Is gclng to Washington In order to confer with the president on the Cuban situation. .Mine Owner Killed. DOUGLAS. Wyo. . Oct. 30. ( Special Tele gram. ) John 0. nialsdel , proprietor of a coal mine near town , was Instantly killed this morning by the roof falling on him. His wife , when told cf her husbands death , became violent and It Is believed will die. JIovenienlM of Oeenn VI'HNI-IN , Oet. III ) . At New York Arrived Campania , from Liverpool ; Augusta Victoria , from IHni- burg ; at. Louis , from Southampton ; Critic , from Li'lth. At Southampton Sailed Kuerst Hls- inaielc. for Now York. At Naples Arrived Kalacr Wllhclm 11 , tram New York. At Qiioonstown Arrived Lucanla , from New York. At Rotterdam Arrived Ohio , from It.illi- Inoro. At Naples Sillied--10ms , for Now York. At Liverpool , October Srt Sailed Tauric lor New York ; Catalonlil , for Hoston. W it h Hood's Snrsnria- rllia3nliMTnIk"iwd show tint this medi cine has enjoyed public confidence and patronnso to n ircatcr extent tlmn accord- cd liny other proprietary medicine. Tills li simply because it possesses greater iiitrlt mid product * greater cures than ruiy other. It is not what wo eny , but what JIood'H Sarsaparilln dors , Unit tclln the story. All ndvort burnouts of Jlood'ti B.irsupnrllhi , lllu : Hood's Sarsnrinrllla it- i U , nro honest. Wo Imvo never deceived the public , and tills with ita suporlattva incdloinnl merit , Is why the people Jiavo abidingoiUUlcnco In U , niui buy Hood's Pllk uuV'l ' ° " ' > r i"1" " 'a' ' ' * " iiviuu t. i nib ! tlillonj-jaur > aimiU. ! SCHOOLBOYS VISIT H'KINLEY Canton Lads nnd Lassos with Their Parents Crowd About His Homo , CHAUNCEY DEPEW THE NOMINEE'S ' GUEST Dlxf Inunlxlicil . w Yurlii > r Tulkn < o lliuclluyx A him I ( Krononilc Axpri1 ! of ( hi1 Flnnneliil l niie I.ltMe. CANTON. 0. , Oct. 30. The demonstra tions have been continuing In Canton all week , with nn Increase of vim and parade effects , scarcely expected for the closing lays of the campaign. Clmunccy M. Dcpew today added enthusiastic comment on the marvelous scenes enacted hero when ho said that , lengthy and descriptive as the HBWSpapcr reports had been , ho had had no appreciation of the wonderful ovations through which Major McKlnlcy was passIng - Ing , and no conception of the magnitude of the work he has been doing. No moro novel or prettier campaign sight has been presented In this campaign of notable features than the one which greeted Major Mclrlnley this afternoon when ho returned t > . the depot , where he had accompanied aln distinguished visitor , Chaunccy M. Dcpow. Most conspicuous In the throng of people that crowded the yard and streets about his homo were thousands of public and Catholic paorclilal schoolboys of Canton , waving American flags and shouting for McKlnley. Hack of them nnd nil nround them were the school girls of Canton , nnd still further in the rear were the fond parents of these chil dren1 , men nnd women of Canton , In count less numbers. The affair which attracted this assemblage was arranged by the school boys themselves. When they decided to call on Major McKlnloy to pay their re spects It was early concluded to carry out the plans pursued by older people , nnd this was accomplished most successfully. Major McKlnloy was visibly affected by the demonstration of his old neighbors and their children , nnd It was with much feeling that ho delivered an address In response to the greetings. This was the fitting dem onstration with which college day ended. The demonstration of the students , accordIng - Ing to Mr. Hcnnlng , ono of the men In chnrrfe , was participated In by representa tives of forty-five Institutions of learning. They hurrahed nnd yelled nnd made the town resound. Ucsldcs n response by Ma jor McKlnlcy. the students enjoyed a tnlk from Chaunccy M. Dcpew and shook hands with both speakers. ADVICE TO THE HOYS. Major McKlnlcy's address to the school boys of Canton follows : Hero Is a spectacle of over 1,000 boys nnd girls that , have most of Urn years of their lives before them , with nil the posslbllltlca and opportunities which our. American boy.s tnjoy ; with their hopes , wishes and aspi rations to become good niut useful citizens of thl. ) glorious country. The best advice I can give to n boy Is the homely ndvico that he shall bo a good boy. He u good boy at home ; a good boy In Ilia ttehool ; a good boy on the streets ; a good boy everywhere. If you will follow that advice , there la very little In this world that you may not aspire to , that you will not get ; for It IB the proud and true boast of our great coun try that the poor boy , as well as the more fortunate boy. has the same ehance In the race of life. Don't let the fact that you are poor embarrass you at all. It should only net as a. spur to greater efforts on your part. Just have pure hearts , keep yourselves clean nnd then a bright future Is before yen and I trust and believe that you will realize In the yctin * to come the fondest ambitions of your boyhod. What you want to do Is to seek to do some useful thlntt bettor than anybody else ; for when you can do-something butler than anybody else there will always bo a demand for you ; some body will constantly want your services. Remember , that the best thing In this world to have Is a peed name , and that good char acter will count moro and hu > t longer than anything else you can have. The terra cotta bust , of a value of $1,000 , sent to Major McKlnley by citizens of Wa terloo , In. , was presented to the major tl.i morning. Attorney Thomas R Turner made the presentation apccch nnd Major McKln ley accepted the gift In n short nddrrss. A Icier accompanying the bust will be nn- * swered at a future day by Major McKlnlcy. DEPEW TO COLORED MEN. About 2 o'clock this afternoon a party it marly 100 colored men wearing silk hats and bright badges and carrying -tho banner cf the original McKlnlcy club , organized In 1B93 , came In from Cleveland. They were Introduced by J. D. Denson. After addnaa- Ing them very briefly on the campaign Is sues Mr. McKlnley Introduced Chauncey M. Dcpew , who , addressing the visitors as well aa a very large crowd of Ciutonlans at tracted to the McKlnley residence by the distinguished visitor , said : Fellow citizens : I came hero to pay my respects to Governor McKlnley and not to make a speech. My .spccchmaklng does not begin in Ohio until tomorrow , ( laughter anil applause. ) 1 feel that I ought not to make any lipecchcs In Ohio anyway , and the reason Is that 1 want to havu the state of Now York give a larger majority In proportion tion to Its population than any state In the union , ( a. voice : "You can't beat Ohio , " followed by tremendous laughter nnd con tinued cheering ) and If by any chance my coming1 here should lead to Ohio beating us I don't know whether I could live again In New York or not. ( Laughter and nnplause. ) Anyway I can move to Ohio. ( Kencwed laughter and cheering. ) It affordH mo very great .pleasure on arrlvlnat this spot , which will bo ono of the historic1 places of the Country for all the future ot our his- lory ( great cheorlnjt ) to IIml the first dele gation of those thoustnd.4 of do'egatlons which we read about In New York should bo a delegation of colored men. ( Crlo.s of "Good , good , " nnd applause. ) If any one baa n right to complain and the right to bean anarchist and a socialist , It Is the colored man. It Is only one gen eration since ho came from Blavcry to ben frco man but no ono over oaw n negro socialist or a negro nnnr-Jitst. ( Loud and continued cheering. ) The colored people of tbo United Stntea accept thr cnutnclpatloii proclamation ot Abraham Lincoln as It was given to the world. They accept American citizenship ns It ciimu from the pen of the great liberator and that other great American citizen , that all men are created' equal with one another and with Inalienable rights ; that no man Is better than nn- otlutr man before the law , but nro all cijual and the re t Is American opportunity unik-r American liberty. ( Continuous cheering. ) And KO It Is that the colored men of this country , this generation who Imvo KOIIU to the prhoolH and revolved American edu- catloii and are enjoying American opportunity , nro all fmMcKlnlcy , prosperity and liberty. Tfhreo tre mendous cheers . were then Kiven for C'haunftcy Jcpo\v rmd tin en chcnra for Major MeKtnley. ) COLUKOE TUAININQ ON MONEY. Mr. Dcpcxv lnt r made a. speech lo A dele gation from the Hcpuhllcan Ccllcgo club. He Fild : Well boy ( loud laushtcr ) . some of you nnd 1 have met before , lltcncwed laughter. ) I Imvo been In this college hufllncpa for a number of ye.ir * . ever slm-o I prmluatcd from ono of the big collesc.i at a period that antedateji much of our present history. (1 ( aughler. ) A candidate for llw presidency In a moment of Irritation and ncivou * nros- trinion gave voice to n xcntlmrnt for which 1 know lie afti-rwimln felt Krrat regret , lie nld that tlm rollccn bnyit of the county v.ire Kent to attend oollesu with the mir- POHO that ibey mlBht np'-nd tin. Ill-gotten pains of tbcir fnthorrt. ( Loud latishl r. ) Now. when 1 K.OI In collcsru. I hod to bustle to get iinytbliiK to spoml. lUonmvcd l.iu h- Home tlino apo. i spoke to a western mil- vcrnlty nnd 1 suppos-ed that I would Imvo to ir.nke n political Hpcceli , but 1 w in formed tint politics must not \t \ lMHo.p.uo'1 and that 1 was oxpeitted to deliver n literary oration. Now , when I am out on the mump and rluifk full nnd running at the nviiith wl'.li the political oucmions or the liny , i onot , can * much dliout urccco and Home , I ila. not carry nny lltrrnturo or art or Ootblo nrchltccluro up my bleevo nml If I should Blurt lo doscrlbc the coin-so of Ilio river Jordan or the jmuii'V of tbo children of Icpu-l ucrosx the I ted K.-a , bcfoic- 1 got through I should have tlio democratic jurty In Phnraol.'H . chariot , ihat U mii Intellectual falllnjr of mine. So in.\ ! . V.V01,111. ' "Money ' ? ? ' " ' " 'Harllsaii. nnd the I Htamlnrd selected for of value. NOW If there Is ono subject In the wor (1 ( . - whl.-ji BlicnildOif nonpartlsan and non- political. It t.i t o .standard of value of n conini < > m.il proylr , The moment you ques tion t'lal. you question the Integrity nnd prowiilty of tlut commercial population and If HieJo U A rhnlr of political economy III nuy rollcue Hi the Pined Btates tint dOM not teneji thn boyx In that eollt'uu what a a'Aiidnr.1 vl vnluu means and what hon esty menus , I any that It Is no place In Tvhlrh the boys of Iho rountry ought to bo educated. I lived during the exciting years of the war , and 1 remember that thn ques tion wan contended then , whether this ro- jnibllo should live or die , nnd whether a nntlon had tbo right to preserve Its own life. If anybody should got up on a col lege platform now nnd question these things. I venture to sny ho would not stay Uvre IOIIK. for the whole country would disapprove of what he said. Mr. Dcpew ( hen entered Into a discussion of the financial question nnd closed with a glowing tribute to Major McKlnlcy as a patriotic solillcr nnd statesman. co.vrusT ix cJinuoicKi : COUNTY. Soiiuil .Money In nnliiliiK nml IVrkliiM IN AnHiircil of ICIrctlon. CIIEIIOKRE , la. , Oct. 30. ( Special. ) From the opening ot the present campaign the leaders of the silver party In the Eleventh Iowa district have been confident that their candidate , Judge Van Wagenon , would defeat Hon. George D. Perkins for congress ; In fact they consider the district ono of their Strongholds and consequently there was never such a stubborn political battle fought In these parts. However , the cllvcr sentiment Is on the decline nnd there Is not the least doubt but Mr. Perkins will succeed himself. Every day brings tidings nf silver men coming over Into Hue and the district Is sure to roll up the usual big republican majority. The demand In the rural districts for campaign literature has been enormous , and It has been dealt out unsparingly with gratifying results. The county central committees are working diligently. Every effort l. being put forth by both parties to keep up the enthusiasm until the last minute. A poll of Cherokee county taken this week shows n decided gain for sound money over the poll taken three weeks ngo , The poll shows that the county Is republican by at least 600 at the present time. The southern part of the county Is about equally divided , while the cast and north parts nrc almost solid for sound money. In the northwest corner , Iho populist stronghold , where a month ago a republican could scarcely ho found , tilings have changed and the silver men will be satisfied If they poll as largo a vote as they did last year. The town of Cherokee Is safe by at least 300 and If the silver men keep on coming over Iho figures may be doubled when the votes ire counted. The only fight on the county ticket Is for attorney. Claud M. Smith , n very popular young attorney. Is running on the democratic ticket nnd will cnpturo n large number of republican votes In the city. Heard I'll I inn n Tall.- . DUnUQUE , la. , Oct. 30. ( Special Tele gram. ) Senator Tlllman en route east was taken off a twin tonight and escorted to Turner hall , where ho spoke fifteen minutes criticising bankers , railway corporations , monopolies , trusts anil government by In junction. Ilryan was expected shortly after midnight , but disappointed his friends owing to delays In Wisconsin. Oil , AS PUTI , . I'rolmlilllt- It Will Soon lie Uxi-il In HitNavy. . The Navy department has been engaged In the past two years In making experiments with a view to discovering some economical and feasible plan for the use ot oil as fuel for vessels. It begins to look as if the prob lem wcro cither already solved , or was very near solution. The problem Is ot especial Interest to the Navy department Just now , says the Uoston Advertiser , because of the need of torpedo boats of a high speed. If such n speed can bo reached nt all , It can bo reached moro easily with the use of oil as fuel rather than coal , provided the trans mission of energy can be secured simply and economically. In an attack by torpedo boats upon a squadron of war vessels , two of the most Important features are speed nnd secrecy. Indeed , the two are almost synonymous , for the reason that It Is always advisable to make an attack by torpedo boats at night ; and under such conditions the more swiftly a torpedo boat moves the greater la Its chances of getting near to n licet before dis covery. The unusual rapidity of advance also serves to disconcert the gunners ot the licet , and. by reducing the time by which the torpedo boats may bo under fire , renders the attack more likely to bo successful. The advantages to he derived from the use of oil as fuel nro many and noteworthy. In the first place , the weight of the fuel Itself Is an Jmportant matter , as every pound counts upon the speed of the little torpedo boat. It ls nlso true that In case ot a long voyage , the substitution of oil as fuel would make n decided difference In what U called the steaming radius. That Is , the length of voyage a boat may take , using the fuel ou board until Its supply Is exhausted. It Is calculated that n vesael which may have a steaming radius of 1,000 miles with a certain bulk of coal would have a steaming radius of 'J.OOO miles with an equal bulk of pe troleum. There ore nlso to be considered some other Important details. With the use of coal as fuel , there exists the necessity for the con- Etant employment of stokers on board of a war vessel , In order that coal may bo fed to the grates and ashes may be removed from time to time. All this , of course , means so many men , nnd n largo amount of work constantly going on , even In n little torpedo boat , so long as that boat may bo In use. With the employment of oil ns fuel , however , the stoker Is practlcnlly abel ished , as the fuel Is fed automatically to the grnto by u spray , nnd there nro no ashes to bo handled. Briefly described , the apparatus used by the naval experts In their recent tests con sisted of an ordinary firebox over the grate bars , on which wcro laid grooved bricks , the oil being propelled to these bricks by a fan-shaped spray. As the air Is constantly passing through the grooves of the bricks , and uniting with the burning oil on those bricks , the latter become themselves heated to a red heat , and the amount of heat di rected upon the boiler becomes reasonably constant and subject to easy regulation. Compressed air Is used for purposes of draught nnd for sprnylng the oil. According to the report of the nnvnl ex perts to Secretary Herbert , ono pound of oil wp.s found to ovnporato from seventeen to twenty pounds of water. This is about twice ns coed results as could be obtained from the use of coal. Aa regards speed , the ex periment scents to ; diow nn Increase ot about 0 per cent In the rate of speed , al though the conditions were not most fnvor- able to the use of oil , the boat having been built for coal-burning engines. Possibly with the construction of n boat especially built for the use of oil ns fuel for the engines , u speed of about two knots per hour greater than that possible In the ordinary torpedo boat might he secured. M5\V W03IAX VKIISUS HULK. HIMV u ClifriiKO IJIrl Siinu-cilcil iu ( . 'loxliiK n Door. Ho was to big that ho got in his own way. Not only was his stature exceptional , but his girth kept oven stride therewith. Ho floundered onto u Madison street trailer In Chicago tlm other morning and took sta tion before the forward door. There ho rc- nmlned for u space. This la how It nil hap- pcui'd. She was young , pretty , black-haired and ijlnck-c.vcd. When the train stopped nt one of Iho cross Directs she stepped gracefully on that forward platform and encountered htm of the bulk. Ilo shambled n bit. but got In the way more than ho would have done If In had retained his position. Finally , nflcr much darting about , the girl succeeded In entering the car to escape the chill wind , which wn blowing gnyly. The car was crowded and nho was forced to stund , 80 slio took her position Immedi ately lusldo the door , while the big man maintained n similar position on the plat form. IIu settled back against the door and by hlieer weight Inserted n portion of his nnutouir In Iho doorway , U was cold , but Ihc girl could not shut the door ; he was too hcuvy. Than elm thought and then she smiled. Hhc quietly adjusted her hat pin. gave the door a gentle pull and the hip man nearly vaulted over the dashboard , Ilu did not say anything nor did ho upset moru thun halt the other pa : scnircrj on the platform. Ho fell off to Iho Gtrrot , gazed winfully ! at the receding car nnd Mnrtccl dcwn the street. The ilrl ; burnt Into u hysterical laugh , bottled tled up suddenly JiiUl bccnniD prolernaturally solemn. There wna a button off the back ot bis coat. Slip put her loot over It as It lay on the car floor. BRYAN OW C03I1NC HOME A 11' t TO Friday is 'Bpoht Among Advocates of Sound Jionoy in Wisconsin. MEETS YELIOW > BADGES AT EVERY TURN ! i' ' > i At Jmienvill Tlu-ro Wn Aluinit n Hlot , a * Silver Moit mid Cnltl Mcil' < FluiRlit for H i ' ' 'niul Ilamiern. MADISON. Oct. 30. W. J. Bryan spent today traveling In Wisconsin and left nt 8:30 : tonight for Iowa. Beginning at Mount Pleasant at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning ho will speak In that state throughout the day and In the evening will address nn audience In Council Bluffs nnd probably two or three In Omaha. There were three speeches planned for the nominee at this place , but owing to a mis understanding on the part of the committee one of them had lo be dropped. At the gym nasium a largo crowd heard the candidate , although ho arrived there much ahead of time. The other1 meeting was In the as sembly chamber and that room was packed with on enthusiastic audience. Mr. Bryan's speeches toJny wcro made at Green Bay , Depsre , Kaukauana , Appleton , Ncenah and Mcnasha , Oshkosh , Fond du Lac , Chester. Juneau , Jefferson , Fort Atkinson , Jancsvlllo , Evansvlllc. and Madison. None of them were of more than thirty minutes du ration , except the addresses which were made at night at Madison. All except the Madison speech were made from the rear platform of his special car. This arrange ment proved of Immense benefit of Mr. Bryan physically , saving him the wear and tear of making his way back and forth through Immense crowds of people , eager to press close to him , and also In saving time. From almost the beginning of thday's tour , his train ran ahead of time , bringing Mr. Bryan Into Madison In time to begin his speech In advance of the hour scheduled for his appearance. The towns visited by William J. Bryan In the Badger state this morning were liberally bedecked with yellow. Not since ho left the Ohio river valley has ho en countered crowds so antagonistic to his views. There wcro a large number of white ribbons worn by his hearers , but the majority of the people addressed by him nt the first few stops this morning did not heal Into to show their preference for the yellow metal. FIIIST SPEECH OF THE DAY. Green Bay was reached at S:30 : o'clock , and at that place Mr. Bryan addressed a crowd of several thousand people. Tliero was not much enthusiasm at the start , but before the nominee -had concluded his speech they wcro applauding him liberally. Ho epoko from a platform erected In Whitney park. Ex-Governor Peck Introduced him. Among other things ho said : Mr. Chairman , Ladles nnd Gentlemen : We believe that ; .the people are suffering from the oftcctB jot the gold standard. That standard was fastened upon the country more than twenty years without public discussion. Tlip.ivery fact that the people know nothliigabout It , the fact that their consent wna. not asked nor their wishes exprcssod ounulito lie .sulllclent to matte the people Investigate the cause of the demonetization of silver. This city. II believe , was the homo of Senator Ilovyp , nnd In uneaklm ; upon this subject ho "expressed himself with an emphasis wlilclf I cannot surpass. Hlo language Im regard to the effects of the Bold standard ought to call to the attention of the pcoplo of .this neighborhood to that subject so that * they will Investigate U for themselves. Hut 1 remember ! Senator Howe for another reason. If i m not mistaken It was Senator Ilowt | , < fi | io waH one of the principal advocates , of thoilncOmc tax at the time It was abollslieil Kack In tjio seventies. If you will read-what he said nbont the Justice of the Incomo-'tTix you will then understand why It Js that wo believe that an Income tax Is still .proper . In this country. And. my friends iwhllo I am on this subject. If anybody tells you that wo have not treated the supreme court a. gently as we ought to. I want you to nnd out who the man Is who criticizes what wo say. You will Hnd that the pcc/plo who-nre best satisfied with Iho Income tax decision arc the people with largo Incomes , who arc shirking their duties to the government and trying to secure Its .urotcctlbn without paying their Hhare of the taxes. ( Applause. ) You will find that the men who arc so anxious that nothing shall bo said against the Income tax decision are men who attack overv court and every decision that Is ngalns't them , nnd who never show respect for law or anything else. ( Applause. ) Wo declare , my friends , against contracts payable In a particular kind of money.Ve are in favor of legislation which for the future _ wlll prevent the inaklm ; of special contracts , -and our reason for It Is this. I hat money Is a thing necessary to our society , and If wo have two kinds of money It Is desirable that they should no.it to- pother. If contracts are made payable In particular kinds of money and If you have enough or those special contracts you create an extra demand for one kind of money and you drive It to n premium nnd destroy the parity between your monies. I do not believe that any individual should defy the government and attempt to de stroy the government's financial uollcy. Short stops wcro made at Dopero nnd Kaukauna. and there also was a liberal amount of yellow ribbon displayed. Mr. Bryan's speclie's wore along the same line as those given by him elsewhere. Kaukana turned out a good-sized crowd of Its citizens , who listened to Mr. Bryan for ten minutes. Ho referred to the flurry In Wall street as follows : Yesterday's evening papers announced that there had been a llurry In Wall street and that money was loaning on call as high as ICO per cent. What a harvest these people who Jiavo money nnd can make 100 per cent got out of thin little embarrass ment ! How long do you suppose you will have to wait before thc.to people , who whenever thorp Is n. little embarrassment Into this , can charge a high rate of Interest ? How long do you think you will have to wait before these men will join In a cru sade to have -money enough In this coun try to do business with ? you might just as well expect a fox to stand guard over a chicken house aa to expect them to do. It. Appleton was the next stop , and the crowd was a repetition of those already encoun tered. Thn epccch of Mr. Bryan was devoted to a discussion of the statements that frco silver meant a 53-cent dollar. A stop of fifteen minutes was made at the Joint Nccnah and Menoslm station , where Mr. Bryan spoke from the rear platform of the train. The crowd was In waiting when the special train arrived , and the candidate was received with a burst of applause which was renewed when ho and his wlfo ap peared together on the platform. At Qsh- kosh there-was-a crowd of many thousands , and hero again1 the yellow ribbons were displayed very liberally. Mr. Bryan spoke from the rcarst > latforin , nnd again alluded to the high riUoiOf lutcrost quoted In Now York ycstcrdavr - - OPPOSlfTIOV AT JANESVILLE. The day . .Wanwithout special Incident until Janosvlci ) | was reached , where there was a disturbance , which at one time looked as If It mjght become serious. This ' ' " " rMC ) had congregated , about the station n lurgo assembly of Hboplo. There was nn almost complcto nbsfcnto of tho. gold badges. Ho had scarcely" ' bcljun speaking , however , when n procession crossed the railroad track In the .rear of the audience. It soon developed that/th ? procession was composed of n unfori\icd | \ 'McKlnley club , carrying banners , mottdci find pictures of the repub lican caiillila4 ( t-rtna n largo American ling. Immediately after crossing the railroad the procession turned abruptly Into the crowd , as If Intending to como directly to the platform. ' There was a disturbance of two or thrco minutes' duration , which caused such confusion as to put a stop to the speech. The mottoes nnd banners wcro made the object of contention , and a Bcuf- IIo ensued over their possession , Thcso gradually went down , wllh the exception of the portraits of McKlnloy and the American flat ? , which there wan apparently no effort to displace. It was [ inserted ( hat In the general .scufilo there was some re sort to physical violence , hut It was Im possible from the train to observe all the details of the encounter. The McKlnlcy procCBalnp gradually' withdrew , nnd order was very soon restored. At Tand du Lao the yellow badge was prominent. In hli speech there Mr , Hryan spoke of the conditions prevailing previous to the recent national conventions , when , ho said , a great many people were predicting that both the republican and democratic conventions would declare for the gold stand ard. Notwithstanding thcoo early predic tions , he Raid , the clamor for gold was eon subdued , nnd when the republican conven tion met nt St. I.ouls , Instead of declaring for the gold standard , ns had been predicted , It "declared that International bimetallism was the thing desired , " Then came the democratic convention nt Chlcngo , speaking of which the nominee said : "Those delegates who came Instructed could neither bo driven from their Instructions by threats nor drnwn by persuasion , but they carried out the will of the people who sent them there nnd that democratic convention was the 'ost demo cratic convention that thla nation has seen for twenty-five years , " A good sized crowd turned out nt Chester and listened with respectful attention to the candidate. At Juneau there was not n yel low badge visible and the few remarks of the candidate were well received. There were large , crowds \Vatcrtown , Jefferson nnd Kort Atkinson , but the majority nt each of those places wns apparently not In sym pathy with the free silver doctrine. Evans- vllle was the last stop before Madison was reached. .IONKS NOW VO.VCIilllJS ILLINOIS. IJryiiu'H riiiilriunii AilnillN SloICInlry Will 1'rolHilily Curry the Stnlr. LONDON , Oct. 30. The correspondent of the Dally Chronicle nt Chicago , cables from that city that. In the course of n long and frank conversation with Chairman Jones ot the democratic national committee , the latter admitted that the Indentions pointed to Illinois going for McKlnlcy , but as Mr. Jones asserted that state Is not essential to democratic success , CHICAGO , Oct. 30. Chairman Jones of the democratic national committee was shown the London dispatch today In which ho Is quoted as having admitted the defeat of Ilrynn In Illinois. "There in no truth In the statement , " said the senator. "I never said that Ilryan would not carry Illinois. What I did say wan that Hryan could win without carrying that state. Wo have not given up the hope ot carrying Illinois. On the contrary , wo fully expect to carry It. " MII : c.vuciiir THIS .SHIP. A ml Slic Dlilii't Iri > | toxi > ( < > Hili Up IIN I n H ii in- fur DoliiK H. A Chicago girl was In Scotland. She had made arrang mcnts at the olfico ot the steamer In Glasgow to telegraph her the hour to bo decided upon for the sailing of the ship aho Intended to take. Then she partook herself to Highland wilds In peace , relates the Hostun Traveler. She received no telegram , but on the day set for the sailing of her steamer she arrived In Glas gow. and after leaving her baggage nt n hotel went to the steamer's olfico to make Inquiries. She was told there that the boat was oven then Icavlnc the wharf at Glasgow , but by taking the train to Orccnock she might overtake It at that part. She rtuhcj back to her hotel , saw her baggage dashed upon a cab , caught the train for Grncnock , and got there In time to see the ocean liner pulling splendidly out to sea. She beckoned to a man with a small tug , declaring that she must catch the steamer. and In a few minutes moro was steaming madly after the big ship. The captain stopped the liner at the fran tic gestures of appeal from the men on t o ttif , ' , and the Chicago girl was helped over the side of the steamer , while the captain stood by nnd made n few remarks , A llttlo later the now passenger found herself locked Into her stateroom by the stewardess. She rang her bell , got her key from the outside from the steward , who answered the bell. and when the ship's doctor came down to sco the passenger believed to be Insane he found the door locked on the Inside. Then the captain came , nnd nt Ids thunderous order the Chicago girl unlocked her state room door. The captain's demeanor was not childlike nor bland , nnd his language was suited to sailors In a storm. Hut the Chicago girl stood her ground. She ex plained through the blue-streaked nlr i.hout the captain that she was no moro Insane than ho was , and that she had a perfect right , In her opinion , to stop .in oc < > .ui Itair. She had engaged her passhgo on > hat particular stetimer. This was her own stateroom. The company had broken faith with her In not notifying her of the hour ot calling , according to the express agreement of the company's servants In the Glasgow office. Hut she had not broken faith with the company. She had agreed to sail on that particular ship ; she had paid her passage - sago weeks before ; aho wns now sailing upon It , the captain could not deny that ! And It had cost her n good deal extra to catch this steamer , too ! That last straw broke the back of the captain's anger , nnd his stern fnco melted Into a smile. He made friends with the Chlcagoan , and treated her with distinguished consideration during all of the voyage to New York. What she paid the man on the tug the lady never knew. She declared that she gave him whatever she had left of Ilrltlsh coin he- fore she began her now historic ( scramble up the sldo of the ocean liner. SCIK.NTIFIC NOTBS. The bison Is becoming extinct In Russia. as In America , the carefully protected herd of the forest of UJclowjesha , In Lithuania , having dwindled from 1.900 , In 1S50 , to less than COO. Tlio light of the starry eky lias recently been found by Captain Abney to bo about ono-forty-fourth that of the full moon , which Is placed at one-six-hundred-thou sandth that of tbo mm at noon. The weasels of North America , according to Dr. C. Hart Merrlam , number twenty- two species , eleven of them now first de scribed. They represent the subgeuus Ictls , the oubgcnus putorlus being n. ferret of the same genus. An Invcsllgatlon to determine whether Roentgen rays can start , accelerate or re tard chemical change has given negative results. Differences In radiographs of n European hand and a Hindu hand arc sup posed to be duo to opacity of the skin pig ment of the latter. A possible mine of wealth In Mexico Is pointed out by a Hrltlsh consular report. The leaf of the pineapple Is said to furnish a fiber of extraordinary strength which can bo made Into ropes , cables , binding twine , thread , mats , bagging , hammocks , paper nml nvrni n alllrllL-n plntll. It Is bcllcVCd that the fine cloth of the Aztecs was made from this fiber. Modern Mexicans manu facture It but little , partly on account of the slow and wasteful method of Btpnrat'.as It , and the foreigner with suitable ma chinery should reap n rich reward. At the Medico-Mechanical Institute of Stuttgart , according to I'rot. Landcrer and Dr. E. Klnch , celluloid has proven n greatly superior substitute for plaster of parts for splints and corsets. The celluloid Is put In small pieces Into a wide-mouthed bottle of acetone , where It slowly dissolves. A plaster cast of the diseased or Injured part Is taken , and covered with felt or llannel , Into which the. celluloid solution U rubbed with the gloved hands , the process being repeated from four to six times , Lightness , hardness , stability , elasticity and cleanliness are advantages claimed. The rise of temperature In the spatho of various acacias , cycads and palms at flower ing time has been Investigated by Hcrr G. Kraus. Ho has found that the heating takes place only In the day 'time and that the maximum may reach about twelve de grees centigrade above the temperature of the air. The club-shaped appendix to the Inflorescence Is the seat of the high * tem perature , which Is accompanied with a rapid consumption of starch and sugar. The phenomenon has not been observed In self-fertilizing plants , and It Is therefore regarded as a special provision fpr attract ing Insects to aid In pollination. A curious Investigation has been begun by an Italian physician. Measurements at I'arls since 1G71 , when regular observations were first commenced , Indicate a continual diminution of the "dip" of the earth's mag netism from 75 degrees to 05 degrees 6 sec onds. It 1ms occurred to Dr. U , Kolghcr- allcr that data for a much longer period , which Is needed for tracing the secular va riation of the dip , might bo obtained from ancient terra cotta. U Is understood that that clay retains permanently uny mag netism that may bo Induced during the pro cess of baking , and a practical test of tills Idea shows , that bricks In villas and tomba of the Roman empire , as well as Kstruscan vases from tbo eighth century H. 0 , , have the axis of magnetization In various direc tions , proving that the polarity correspond ing with the earth's niap.netlo axis during the baking of the objects has been /etalncd. It now remains to determine the position In which objects of known ported were placed iu Iho kiln. DEBTORS WERE NOT WRONGED Henry W. Yntos Shows Up Some of tlio Prco Silver Bugbonrs. CAUSES WHICH FRIGHTEN INVESTORS tlneerlitlu Vnliie of Money .Detri mental to llolli ItorroMor niul I.eiiiler lMiiiOHillilllly for llaiiU- urn ( o Corner ( inlil. The meeting ot the Sound Money Nonpartisan - partisan league , in Its headquarters In the Young Men's Christian nuoclatlon building lost night , was In ono respect n peculiar one. Owing to a misunderstanding It was not advertised , nnd ns a consequence there were hardly n handful of listeners on hand when It was called to order. A half hour later , however , the room was well filled and at 9 o'clock standing room wan nt n premium , nnd the big audlenco remained until adjournment. The speaker of the evening was Henry W. Yntea , the well known banker , who has attained a reputation by the series of logical and clear expositions of the money question which ho has given during the campaign , His topic was "Tho Crlmo ot ' 73 nnd the Crlmo of ' 90. " which ho discussed In nn easy , argumentative manner without any oratorical attempts to obtain applause. The audlenco did not manifest Its approval by tumultuous cheering , but did show Its deep Interest by remaining to the close ot th- > discussion. During the course of his re marks Mr. Yates was asked many questions , all of which ho answered In au entirely satisfactory manner. The mooting waa opened by Dr. Oeorgo Ij. Miller , who devoted BO mo llttlo time to the main Issue of the campaign. Leading up to the Introduction of Mr. Yatcs Mr. Miller said that the bankers of the coun try had boon assailed for being on the sldo ot sound money , whereas In other countries , when financial matters were up for consid eration , this .class wao always consulted as the best authority. He ( showed that as a matter of fact bankers wcro not taking uari In the fight as the money power ol the country , as that power was really In the hands of the worklngmen , who loane < ] their earnings to the bankers. Tlio bank- crs did not retain this money In their DOT session , but In turn loaned It out to In vestors and others. CONFIDENCE WAS NEEDED. Thus Dr. Miller maintained that the money of depositors was rarely In the bank , but that there wns owed to them a "credit" for the amount that they put In Moreover , this system of credit wns pos sible only when there existed n confidence on the part of the depositors that their money would ho returned when wanted Thus Dr. Miller maintained that "credit nnd confidence" were the two principal fac tors In the financial transactions of this country , nnd when these were shaken pros perity vanished. When they existed pros perity reigned. "On next Tuesday , " con tinued the speaker , "wo will be dellvcrci from the greatest peril to the credit nm confidence of the country that the Unltci States has ever experienced. " Dr. Miller was followed by Mr. Yates who opened with a refutation of some o the specious arguments that Ilrynu has been making. In the first place , the pope cratlc candidate has been demanding to know why It wns that If the republicans wore satisfied with the sold standard that they declared themselves In favor of bi metallism. To this Mr. Yntes replied that whllo the republicans were eminently con tent with the gold standard they would bo still moro satisfied If the nations of the world would furnish a market for the silver In this country by adopting it In their mouctnry systems. To Mr. llryan's query If the debtors of the country wcro not ns badly wronged In 1S73 by the demonetization of silver ns the creditors In 1 UG would bo Tiy the ndop tlon of sliver , Mr. Yntcs replied that no debtors were wronged In 1S73 , from the fnct that no contracts were made In silver , nnd silver was worth more than Its coinage value. Ho nlso ridiculed llrynn's assertion that the country could get along without the money of capitalists when they threat ened to withdraw their gold on the ailop tlon of frco silver. He also showed the folly of the assertion that under a gold standard the country was being run by tbo Indefinite "Lombard street , " when , as a matter of fact , England possessed less gold than the United States and any one of thrco other countries of the world. REASON FOH HOAHDING GOLD. Mr. Yatcs denied Iho assertion that the gold dollar was always in hiding. Ho sak that as a matter of fact It was never in hiding In times of confidence , because II would be folly for the possessor to hoan It away when ho could Invest It. Mr. Yates Bald , however , that the gold dollar was hidden whenever nny danger existed that It would be lost , just as It would bo If the owner believed that ho was about to bo slugged and robbed. Such was the case al the present time , when the possessors ol gold wcro In danger of being robbed of one-half of their gold under the frco silver policy , if It carried. Mr. Yntca gave a practical Illustration of a case. Ho stated first that the constitu tion of the United States forbade any cf the states from coining other than cold and silver , but did not prevent the govern ment from coining whatever It wished. Ho Imagined a case where the country was on a silver basis and a law was passed au thorizing the coinage of copper on an equal ity. He asked If silver would not nt once go Into hiding , and answered that It would certainly , because the owners would bo afraid that they would receive In return copper If the sliver was Invested. lie devoted some time to discussing the effects of the fluctuation ot silver that would result when the government was no longer bohlnd the silver dollar under the free coin- ace of the whlto metal. Ho said that ex- pcrlonco and political economy bolh taught that fluctuation would exist. Under euch circumstances he showed that neither bor rower nor lender would care to enter Into a contract , the former fearing that ellver would bo low when the money was repaid and the Inttcr fcarlnt ; that It would ho high. Thus the credit system of the coun try would be demoralized , HEIJUOINR THE CUMULATION. The speaker , ns In his other addresses , again Hhowcd that under frco coinage of silver tlio present circulation would not bo Increased , but would In reality bo cut down two-thirds. In the llr t place , the one-third portion of gold would he entirely withdrawn and the remaining two-thirds of silver would bo cut down Just one-halt In value. Ho nlso maintained that from thin fact wage earners would find It far moro difficult to obtain the silver dollar than they do now to get the gold dollar , be cause by the decrease In Iho circulation business would be crippled and employment lessened , whllo prices would jump up at once. The upcakcr admitted that tlio prlco of labor might nlso ultimately Increase , hut this ivould como about slowly from the fact that the amount of luhor being lessened the tmpply ot labor would lo much lu ex- CCFH of the demand. Mr. Yatcs held up to ridicule the asser tion that bankers cnuld get a corner on gold bccanao of the small Bupply. Ho stated that the amount of cold In clrcula- THE RECORD OP Ayer's Sarsaparilla. tlon la 14,000,000,000. Ho said that tlio \ biggest combination of European banker * f could not raise more than $600,000,000 $ In se curities , upon , which they could not borrow moro than $100,000,000. This amount they would cither place In their vaults , which they would hardly do , ai they were In the banking business for1 the money they could make by loans , or they would buy up sonio commodities they did not need nnd did not want , thereby helping the owners of ; the commodities. Neither proposition was plausible , even If the bankers could get a corner on gold with $100,000,000 In their possession , v Mr. Yntcs exploded the secrecy that Is said to Imvo surrounded the "crime of ' 73. " Ilo said that If the three years' discussion of the matter In congress wan not sulll clent to make It public , the circumstances which led up to the act certainly did. Ho said that the demonetisation proposition first Rprnng from n financial congrcM In. 1SC7 , where twenty-two countries were rep resented , twenty of which were on a silver basis. After due deliberation this con gress decided upon deimuictlzatlon of silver and reported so to the countries , the United States being one of tlio number. Ger many passed the demonetization net first nnd all the other nations followed the United States by the "crime. " Many other sides of the financial question , which were brought up by queries from members of the audlcnw\ were fully an swered by Mr. Yatcs. At the conclusion of his remarks ho was followed by Michael Farrell , who spoke briefly upon the general aspect of the mcney question. MP.AMS WOII 1C KOIl IAIIltl.\J .11 UN. Itelurii ( o llnmlillenn 1'ollejMI IIIB u Itetnrii to 1'roxperltj' . The Polish Hepubllcan club mot last evening at the hall nt Twenty-sixth nnd Walnut streets. There was n largo and enthusiastic audience present. Attorney General Churchill spoke In English and reviewed nt length the condition of the country under republican rule and called the attention of the laboring men present to the fact that when that party was In power and the policy which It now and ever had advocated was In force , the la borers hod plenty of work nt fair wages. With the return to that policy they could confidently look for a return of the condi tions which previously prevailed plenty of work nnd payment In money which was good for Its face the vorld over. It was decided ( hat another meeting should bo held nt the same place this even ing , to which all Polish-speaking pcoplo nro Invited. Addresses will bo delivered by John Zhamowskl ot Chicago and A. W. Pudnick. After the conclusion of the address the club went In a body to Twenty-ninth nnd Wright streets , where there was n largo number of the members of the German Ilo- puhllcan club present. Hero addresses wcro dllvcrcd by A. S. Hltchlc and Attorney Gen- cm ! Churchill. At both places the greatest of enthusiasm for protection and sound money was manifested. "Anxciitlity Cull. " Every old soldier who fought In the war for the preservation of the union during the dark days from 1SG1 to 1SC5 Is earnestly requested to once again "rally around the Hag" for tbo preservation of our country's Integrity nml honor , to again "help to save the union" from disaster and dishonor , from the Tlllmans and Altgelds. Turn out , every man , nnd meet your comrades nnd Join In the parade on Monday evening , No vember 2. Wo meet nt our quarters In Pnttcrson hall , corner of Seventeenth nnd Farnnm streets , nt 6:30 : p. in. . Monday , No vember a. isoc. OMAHA VETEUAN LEAGUE ASS'N. Women in the far Hast nrc edu cated to n lifo of pure sensual ity. Wrouifi of course , but the other extreme is neatly ns bad. Continually h n 111 : n c r i n ( T away on the idcn that any thing connected with the repro duction of the human species is of necessity bad and degrad ing has had , in civilized conn- tries , the effect of keeping wo men in ipiior- mice and of dc- 'vcloping ' n false modesty that has been prolific of weakness nnd disease. Kour out of every five women in America are not perfect women in the sense of bcintf perfectly healthy. They are not perfectly equipped for the performance of the duties of wifchood nnd motherhood. Their training has made them feel that it is better to .suffer in silence than to tell of their trouble nnd be cured. The doctors are much to blame for this , because when treating the diseases pecu liarly feminine they invariably insist on ex amination and local treatment. That these things nrc generally absolutely unnecessary has been proven by the wonderful success of Dr. Pierce'n Pnvoritc Prescription. It is n positive specific for nil forms of female weakness and disease. It purifies , strength ens and regulates the organs distinctively feminine , restoring them to n state of per fect health , and in so doing cures four-fifths of all the illness of women , for almost nil womanly illnesses spring from this one cause. Any woman who wants to know just how to use the " Hworite Prescription , " and just what methods will be surely .successful in her case , may have the desired information , free of coit if she will write to Dr. R. V. Pierce , chief consulting physician of the Invalids' Hotel nnd Surgical Institute , Buffalo , N. Y. Ir. I'iercc's rlcnsnntrcllctsnrctheonlyknown cure Cor constipation , Ijitioiisijcss , heart-turnmid ntteiulnnt ills. There are tunny temporary re- llefs from these troubles , but only our cure. The " 1'cllcls" do not urine or cause ntiy other un- plcnsautucis. Druggists sell them 25 cents. A3IUSHMKXTJI. Tol. IS3I. , P ton Toilil- , Sinn TonlRlit , Mil. . Sans Sens I'rlccs-ZSc , We , Tie , Jl.CO , l.DO. Xov i-a IN < SAY MOW YOU1C. THE Two NIcMfl , Coinmvmlni ; SUNDAY MATh'JEE , MOV. I , Klau * nnil Krlnnscr , preventing ; IJKT GAY 3ST3SW YO-&K. C'annry and I.cdPrtr'H thin ! nnnual irvlciv. Beats now on nalii : 22c , COc , "Do , 11. 00 , MM. tlutlnce , I3c , Xn , WV , 'Se , $1.00. : nw > TIIKATI'.lt L. M. Crawford , .Mur. HU.MJAY NKJIIT.OV iHl. Br.LOYD COOKE Ami Ms company of nnglUli Kplrlt Medium * . IJenionilratlni ; HI'IHIT 1'OWnit In Unlit pro duced v.ltli all tliocrO \ rurroundliiK * of the nemre rbnrn , ( Jooil rcecrvcd rent' , 23c. Kcatn on sale lat- ! : rdny mornlnir , U a. in. RHVFVQ NHW I HI'I'.CIAI , JOU I It a TllliATlUt HMJCTI1IN I. . M. Crawford , Mcr. i ATTRACTION. M' ue HI ! ay nml 'U'riliirKiliiy , Nov. ! I4 , Mntluco Wcilnetday. DENMAN THOMPSON'S ' ruinous play , THE OLD HOMESTEAD , r.lectlon return * rca'l from Ilia ilaxc , 1'rlcci : 'lorn ISo to 81.00 ; itoud rctrrvcil icatl. Hint leer , nt He ; all liulcony scaU , 23c. IIOTICI.H. HOTEL. THIHTUH.VJ'A AM > JO.VKS BTIItWS. 1 < 3 roomu , latin , itcum heut nnd alt jiodua et > nv iil'incr. lUlci. JI.W and 11,10 per < ) sy , Tnul * imrxcetud. Hptclul tun ratei to recifcftJ ViUNlC IIILDITCH. if r.