12 THE OMAHA TAlTAr ) BEE : SATUllDAT. OCTOBER 31. 1800. \ AN UNWILLING NEIGHBOR. BY FRANK R. STOCKTON. . , by IVnnk n. Stockton. ) I ws abfiitt 25 years old when I began llfo an fhc'owncr of ft vineyard In western Virginia. I bought R large tract of land , the greater part of which lay upon the BloplnR sldo of one of the foothills of the Illtio Illdge , the exposure being that most favorable to the growth of the vine. I nm nn enthusiastic lover of the country and of country life , and believed that I should derive moro pleasure as well as profit from the culture of my far-stretching vineyard than I would from ordinary operations. I built myself a Rood house of modcrato size upon a lltllc plateau on the other part of my estate. Sitting In my front porch , smoking my pipe after the labors of the day , I could look down over my vineyard Into a beautiful valley , with here and there tr llttlo curllnfi smoke arising from some of the few dwellings which were scat tered about among the groves and spreading fields , and above this beauty I could Imagine nil my.hlllsldo clothed In green and 'PUMy family 'consisted of myself nl ° nc. u Is-truo that I expected some day that there wcfuld bo others In my house besides my self , but I was not ready for that yet. During the summer I found It very pleas ant to Hvo by myself. It was a novelty , and I could afrangt and manage everything In my own fashion , which was a pleasure 1 had not enjoyed when I lived In my father s lioimo ; but when winter came I found It very lonely. Kvcn my servants lived In a cabin at some * llttlo distance , and there were many dark and stormy evenings when the company even of a bore would have been welcome to me. Sometimes I walked over to the town and visited my friends there , but this was not feasible on stormy nights , and the winter seemed to mo a very loni ! one. . . Hut spring came , outdoor operations began , and for a few weeks t felt again that I was nll-sufnVlcnt for my own pleasure and com fort. Then ctme a change. One of those seasons of bad and stormy weather wlilcli so frequently follow an early spring settled down upon my spirits and my hillside. It rained. It was cold , fierce winds blew , and I became nitiro anxious for somebody to talk to' tliiin F had been at any time during the Ono 'nlglit , when a very bad storm was raging , I went to bed early , and as I lay awake I resolved In my mind the scheme of which I had frequently thought before. I rtould build a neat little house on my grounds , not very far away from my house , hut not too near , and I would ask Jack nrnndlnger to come there and live. Jack was a friend of mine , who was reading law In the town , and It seemed to me that It would bo much moro pleasant and even more profitable to read law on a pretty hillside overlooking a charming valley , with woods nnd mountains behind and above him , where ' ho could ramble to his heart's content. I had thought of asking Jack to como and Hvo with me , but this Idea I soon dismissed. I am a very particular person , and Jack Is not ; he leaves liln pipes about In all sorts of places sometimes when they are still lighted. When he came to tea mo ho was quite as likely to put his hat over the Ink stand as to put It anywhere else. Hut If Jack lived at n little distance , and we could go backwards and forwards to see each other whenever wo pleased , that would bo quite another thing. Ho could do us he pleased In hU own home , and I could deus us I pleased In mine , and wu might have many pleasant evenings together. This was a cheering Idea , and I was planning how wo might arrange with the negro woman who mannf ed my household affairs to attend also to those of Jack , when I fell asleep , 1 did not sleep long before I was awakened by the Increased violence of the storm. My house shook with the fury of the wind ; the rain seemed to bo pouring on Its roof and northern side as If the.ro were a waterfall above us , and every now and then I could hear a shcwer of hailstones rattling against the shutteis. My bedroom was one of the rooms on the lower floor , and even there I could hear thu poundlnp of the dclUgo and the hailstones upon the roof. All this was very doleful , and had a ten dency to depress the spirits of a waking man , alone In n good-sized house ; but 1 shook off this depression. It was not agrcea- blo to bo up here by myself In such u tcrrl bio storm , but there was nothing to be afraid of , as my house was new und very strongly built , Jjuing constructed of logs wnthcrboardcd outside and sealed within. It would require a hurricane to blow oft the roof , and I believed my shutters to be hall-proof ; BO , as there was no icaaon to stay nwakc , I turned over and went to sle p. , I do not know how long It was before 1 wns awakened again , this time not by thn taolso Of the storm , but by a curious move ment of my bedstead. I had once felt thu Blight shock of an earthquake , and It seemed to mo that this must bo something of the kind ; certainly my bed moved under me. I eat Up ; thu room was pitchy dark. In t < moment I felt another movement , but this time it did not seem to resemble an earth quake shock ; such motion. I think. Is gener ally In horizontal direction ! ) , whllo what I felt was nioro llko the slower movement " of a shlupon | the water. The storm was i * "its height , the wind raged and roared , anil < \\c \ rain ( itemed to liu pouring down as , , Iveavlly as ever. I was about to get up and light the lamp , tor oven the faintest candle ( lame would bo s'ome bert of company at such n gruesome jnonicnl , when my bedstead gave another movement , more shlpllke than before. It actually lurched forward as If it ucro de- WIK MOTION OP THE UKU STILL CON TINUED. cccmlliig Into the trough of the sea , but. unlike a ship , It illd not rise QKtilu , but re- nmliicJ In such a ulaiitltiK position that 1 began to Hlliltt down toward thu { not. I lie * lli > vu that if It had not lit'oii a btMstcnd provided with n footboard , I xhould have slipped out uiau ) the tloor , P'tlld not 'jump out of bed : I did not do .etu'lliliic ; I tried to think , to unilen.tnnd tlio situation , to flnd out whether T wan a.M < ift > ( or nwjjfce , when I bccanin nwaro of no l c In Thu room and all over the , vtfilrli , oven throUKh the din of the storm ) fto > H - ( liciUBC'lveH noticed by their pocullsr Ity. Tables , chairs , everything In the room icil to bo grntiug and grinding on the floor , and In u moment thcro vtcis a eijsl ) . I knew what that wauj It wan my lamp , \vilch ) had slipped off the table. Any dautn on that point would have ben dlnpcllel by Iho imcll of kerohene which tilled the nlr cf the room , Til"motion of the bet ] , which I now be lieve uhist have b'run tho'motluu of the whole IIOIIBO. , tlll contlmie'l : but the gratdiK nal e In ihr room gradually craitd , from which I Inferred that the furniture had brminbl up agaluRt the front v/nll of the Mo\v , It vw Itupaiulole for we to Ret * -w. up and strike a light , for to do so with kcroseno oil all over the floor and Its vnpor diffused through the room would probably result In setting HIP house on ( Ire , so I must slay In darkness nnd watt. I da not think I was very much frightened I waste to astonished that thcro was no room In my mind for fear. " In fact , all my mental energies wore occupied In trying to flnd out what had happened. It required , however , only a few moro minutes of reflection and n few more mlnutca of the grating , bumpIng - Ing , trembling of my house to enable mo to make up my mind what had happened ; my IIDIIBO was slldng down lilltl The wind must have blown the building from Its foundations , and , upon the slippery surface of the hillside , probably lashed Into liquid mud by the pouring rain , It was making HA way down towards the valley ! In a flash my mind's eye ran over the whole surface of the country beneath me as far as I knew It. I was almost positive that there was no precipice , no terrible chasm Into which my house might fall. There was nothing but sloping hillside , and be neath that wide stretch of fields. Now there was a new nnd sudden nolso of heavy objects falling upon , the roof , nnd f know what that meant ; my chlmlney had been wrenched from Us foundations and the upper part of It had now toppled over. I could hear , through the storm , the bricks banging and sliding Upon the slanting roof. Continuous sounds cf cracking nnd snapping came to me through the closed front windows , and these were caused , I sup posed , by the destruction of the slakes of my vines as the heavy house moved over them. Of course , when I thoroughly understood the state of the case , my first Impulse waste to spring out of bed , and , ns quickly ns possible , to get out of that thumping nnd sliding house ; but I restrained myself. The floor might be covered with broken glass , I might not be able to find my clothes In that darkness and In the Jumble of furniture at the end of the room , and even If I could Oreo myself , It would bo folly to Jump out In the midst of that raging storm Into u probable mass cf wreckage which I could not see ; It would be far better to remain dry and warm under my roof. There wns no reason whatever to suppose that the house could go to pieces or that It would turn over ; It must stop some tlmo oH other , und , until It did o , I would be safer In my bed than nnywherd- else ; Therefore In my bed I staid. Sitting upright , with my feet pressed against the footboard , I listened and felt ; the noises of the storm nnd the cracking and snapping nnd grinding1 before me and under mo still continued , although I sometimes thought that the wind Was moderating a little , and that the ntrangc motion was be coming moro regular. I believed the house was moving faster than when It first began Its strangn career , but that It was sliding over n smooth surface. Now I noticed a succession of loud cracks and enaps at the front of the houce , and , from the character of the sounds. I concluded that my little front porch , which had been acting ns a cut water at the bow of my ship-like house , had yielded at last to the rough contact with the ground , and would prabably soon be torn away. This did not disturb mo , for the house must ntlll bo firm. It was not long before I perceived that the slanting of my bed was becoming Ices and less and less , and nlso I waa quite sure that the housu was moving more slowly. Then the crackings and snapplngs before my front wall ceased altogether. The bed re sumed Its ordinary horizontal position , nnd , although I did not know at What exact mo ment the house ecadcd sliding and came to a standstill , I wns sure that It had done so U was resting at last upon a level surface The room was still perfectly dark and the storm continued.- Thorn was no use for mete to get up until daylight came so I lay bach iipon the pillow .ami.tried to Imagine upon what Icj-el. jiortlou of my farm I had stranded. While doing this I fell tislcep. When I awoke n little light was stealing Into my room through the blinds of my shuttera. I quickly slipped out of bed , opened a window , looked out. Day was Just breaking , the rain nnd nlud hnd ceased nnd I could discern objects , bjt It seemed as If I ncedrd some light In my brain to enable mete to comprehend what I law. My e > cs fell upon nothing familiar , I did not stop to Investigate , however , from my window 1 found my clothes hud dled together with the furniture at the front end of the room , and as soon as I was drcmeii I went Into the hall , nnd then to my fronl door. I quickly Jerked this open nnd was about to step outside , when sudj dcnly I stopped. I was positive that my front porch had been destroyed , but there I saw n porch , a llttlo lower than mlno nnd a great deal wider , and on the other sldo of It , not more than eight feet from me , was a fni-a tl-o fnce of a young girl ! As I stood staring In blank amazement at the house which presented Itself at my front door , the face at the window disappeared nnd I was left to contemplate the scene by myself. I ran to my back door and throw It open. Thcro I saw stretching up the flcldb and far up the hillside the wide path which my house bad made as It came down from Its elevated ptjsltlon to the vnllcy be neath , where It had ended Its onward career by stopping up against another house. As I looked off the back porch I saw that the ground still continued to slope , so that If my house had not found In Its path another building It would probably have proceeded somnwlut farther on Its course. It was lighter , and I saw bushes and fences and llttlo outbuildings In n back yard. Almost breathless with amazement and consternation I ran again to the front door ; when I reached It I found a young woman standing on the porch of the house before me. I was about to say something I know nnt what when Bho put her finger on her lips and sleppcJ forward. "Pleaso don'tppcnl : loudly , " she said. "I am afiald It wlirtflahten mother ; she U asleep yet. I suppose you and your house have been sliding down hill ? " "That Is what han h.yipencd , " said I , "but I cannot understand It ; It seems to mo the most anmliig tiling that ever took place on the fnco of ( ho carthi" "It Is vorv tiucor , " Bald she. "hut hurri canes do blow nwny houses , and that must have been a hurricane -wo had last night , for the wind was strong enough to loosen any hoiuo. I have often wondered It that house \\ould aver Hilda downhill. "My liouno ? "Yes , " she said."Soon after It was built. I began to think fc-h.it a nice , clean vwe It could makft from , the place where It seemed to b-i stuck to the .side of the inoun tain , right down here-into the valley , " 1 could not falk with n girl like thj > ; at ' least I could not 'meet her on her owii ron- vc-ivatlnml ground * . I was so ngltntt'O mjSL'lf that It .seemed unnatural that anyone ono to whom I should upuidc should not also bn bgltntt'd. " " . ' ' "Who are you ? " I asked rather bruesquely ; "nt least , to whom doea 'this house be long ? " "Thli la my mother's house. " said oho. "My mother l.i Mrs. Cfcrfcon. We happen Just now to bo living hero by ourselves , so I cannot call nn any man to help you do anything. My brother has always lived "You don't pceni to bo a lilt astonished at what has happened , " said I. Sim was rather a pretty girl , of a cheerful disposition , I fliqiild say , for several times slm Imd pmlli'd ap she spoke , "Oh , I am ajtonlslird , " she answered ; "or at least 1 w.na , ,1)111 ) I have had time enough to got over some of | U It wns at leant an hour ago when I wn awakened by hearing finmothlhg crack In Iho yard , I wt-nl to a window nnd lqoKed ; out. and could Just hxroly HOC that something llko a big build ing liicil grown up during thp night. Then 1 watched It , and watched .It. iinMl I made out nf It a whole hnmo. and after ( hat It wa * no' liipg bofdro .1 piioHfi'd what had hap- pencd. It sauted , . a simpler , thing to mr. you know , than Uilli | to you. because I had often thought ttb(3Ul. ( It nnd probably ynu nevrr had ! f" * "You rn right 'Uipicald I carm'atly. "U wouH have brrrtJippOEslblo for nm tt Imagine ucH lKlnp' , " " , . , At first I thought there 'was nobo'ly | n the home , " , lalrt rbo "but when I heard come nun moving' about , I came down to tell whoever ) ti | arrival ; not to make n nolni. I Hto. " she added , with another of her ainlUa. "that loit Ihlnk I am a wry stranKC person not. tobe more flurried by what has hnpprnoJ. .but really , I vauuot think of Anything else Just now except what mother will say and do when she cornea down and finds you and your house here at the back door. I nm very sure she will not like It. " "Llko It ! " I exclaimed. "Who on' earth could ll'-'o It ? " "Please sponk more gently , " iihe said. "Mother Is always a little Irritable when her night's rest linn been broken , nnd I would not like to have her wakened up suddenly now ; but really , Mr. Wnrrcn , I iiavcn'l the least Idea In the world how she will take this thing. 1 must go In nnd lo with her when she wakes , so that I can explain Just what has happened. " "Ono moment , " I said. "You know my name ? " "Of course I know your name , " she an swered. "Could that house bo up there on the hillside for more than a. year without me knowing who lived In It ? " With this , she went Indoors. I could not help emlllng when I thought of the young lady regretting that there was no man In the house who might help ne do something. What could anybody do in a case like this ? I turned and went nlo the house. I entered the various rooms on the lower floor , and saw no signs of any inrtlcular damage , except that everything movable In each room was Jumbled together against the front wall , but when 1 looked out of the bnck door , I found that the porch : hero was a gcod deal wrecked , which 1 md not noticed before. I went upstairs and found everything vrctty much ns It was below. Nothing seemed to have been Injured except the chimney nnd the porches. 'I thanked mj stars that I had used hnrd wood Instead ol mortar for the ceilings of my rooms. ' I was about to go Into my bedroom , when hoard n woman scream , nnd of course 1 lurried to the front. There on the back > orcli of her house stood Mrs. Carson. Shu was n woman of middle age , and , as 1 glanced at her , I saw where her daughter got her good looks , put the placidity nnd : heerfulncss of the younger face was en tirely wanting In the mother. Her eyes sparkled , her cheeks were red , her mouth was partly opened , and It seemed to me that I could almost see that her breath waa hot. hot."Is "Is that your house ? " she cried , the mo ment her eyes fell upon me ; "and what Is It doing hero ? " I did not Immediately answer. I looked at the angry woman , and. behind , her I saw , through the open door , the daughter- cross ing the hallway ; it was plain that she had decided to let mo have It out with her mother without Interference. As briefly and as clearly as I could , I explained what bad happened , "What Is all that to me ? " she screamed. "It doesn't matter to mo how your houuo got there. Thcro have been storms ever since the beginning of the world , and I never heard of any of them taking a house Into a person's back yard. You ought not to have built your house where any such J thing could happen ; but all this Is nothing to me. I don't understand now how your house did get there , and I don't want to understand It. All I want Is for you to take it away , " "I will do that , madam , Just as soon as I can. You may bo very sure I will do that , but " "Can you do it now ? " she asked. "Can you do it today ? I don't want n minute lost. I have not been outside to see what damage has been done , but the first thing to do Is to take your house away. " "I am going to the town now , madam , to summon assistance. " Mrs. Carson made no answer , but she turned nnd walked to , the end of her parch. Thcro she suddenly gave a scream , which quickly brought her daughter from the house. "Kitty ! Kitty ! " cried her mother ; "do you know what ho has done ? He has gene right over my round flower garden ; his house Is sitting on It this minute ! " "But lie could not help it , mother , " said Kitty. "Help It ! " exclaimed Mrs. Carson. "I don't want him to help tt ; what I want " Suddenly she stopped. Her eyes Mashed , brighter , and her mouth opened wider. . She scorned to have lost the power of speech , but quickly It came back to her. "Llttlo Samuel ! " she screamed. "Kitty , do you know I believe ho has scratched up little Samuel ! " I looked at her stuplfled without knowIng - . Ing what she was talking about. "Llttlo Samuel" again screamed Mrs. Carson , and she ran about , wildly endeavoring to get off her porch , but my house had demolished her steps and It blocked up the opening. "Tho sldo door , mother ! " said Miss Kitty , nnd then , as the older woman disappeared into the house with a stifled exclamation , her daughter said to me : "It Is my little brother she is thinking about. He died some years ago and was burled In a small grave yard back of our garden. She thinks your house has gene over It and has scratched him up. " Miss Carson now followed her mother , and I jumped over the railings of the porch and ran after them , As we hurried along by my house and Into their garden , which now seemed to bo unevenly divided Into two parts , scream after scream came from Mrs , Carson , as she noticed the absence of sheds , fences , or vegetable beds , which had found themselves In the course of my nll-dcatroylng dwelling. Once she turned her head towards me , her face pallid. "It you have scratched up little Samuel ! " she screamed , panting , but she had not breath enough to finish the , sen tence , and continued onward with clenched fists. 'But llttlo Samuel was not scratched up. My house had not passed within 100 feet of his resting place. Then wo turned und went back to the house , or rather to the houses. It was now well on In the morning nnd some of the neighbors had become aware of the strange disaster which had happcncd ° tome mo , although If they had heard the news from Mro. Carwoi. they might have supposed that It wns a disaster which had happened only to her. As they gazed at the two h'ousea so closely jammed together all of them wondered , some of them even laughed , but not one of them offered a suggestion which afforded satisfaction to Mrs , Canon or myself. The general opinion was that my house wa there , It would have to stay there , for there were not enough horses In the state to pull It back up the mountain- aide. To be euro It might possibly be moved off sldowliso , but whether It was moved one way or the other a lot of Mrs. Carson's trees would have to be cut down to let It pass. "Which shall never happen ! " cried that good lady. "If nothing clso can be done It must bo taken apart and hauled off In carts , but no matter how It U managed It- must be , moved , and that Immediately. " MUa Curaon now prevailed upon her monthcr to go Into the house , and I stayed and talked to tbo men and fuw women who had gathered outulde. When they had said all they bad to s y , and seen all thcro was to see , ( lipeo , people \yent home to tbclr breakfasts , J entered my house , not by the- front door , for to do that I would have been obliged to trespass upon Mrs. Canon's back porch. I got my bat and wan about to start for the town , when I heard my name called. Turning Into the hall , I saw Miss Carson , who was standIng - Ing at my front door. "Mr. Warren , " salJ ahe. "you haven't any way of getting breakfast , have * you ? " "Oh , no , " said I. "My servants nro up there In their cabin , and I suppose they are too much scared to come down , but I am going to town to sec what cnn be done About my house nnd will get my breakfast there. " "It'B a long way to go without anything to eat , " she said , " nd we can Klvo you some break f ant ; but I Want to ask you some thing. I am In a .good deal of perplexity ; our two nerv&nts arcooul at the front of the house , but they positively refuse to come In. They are afraid that your houss may begin sliding nway and crttalt them all , so I shall have to get breakfast ) but what bothers mo Is trying to flnd oor well. 1 have been outside and can goo-no'slgns of It. " "Whero was yourwrtl ? " I gasped. "It ought to be somewhere near the back of your house. " shevtetld. "May I go through your hall and looktonU" "Of course you ranjT , " I cried , and I pre ceded her to my bacld'door. "Now , It seems tomie , " she said , after surveying Iho scorns of desolation Immedi ately before , nnd looking from side to side , towards objects whlolt had remained un touched , "that yourf house has passed dl- rectoly over our wctlj and must have car ried away the llttlo-shcd and the pump and everything nbovo ground. I should not won der a bit , " she continued slowly , "If It Is under your porch. " I jumped to the ground , for the steps wcro slmtteicd , nnd began to search for the well , and It wns not long before I discovered Its round dark opening , which was , as Miss Carson had imagined , under one end of my porch , "What can wo do ? " she asked. "We can't have bicakfaat or get along at all without water. " It was a terribly depress ing thing to mo to think that I , or rather my houie , had given these people so much IT WAS VKHV 1'LEASANT TO HELP TIIE.M GET THEIH GAHDEN IN OUDEU. trouble , but I speedily assured Miss Carson that If n'.io could find a bucket and a rope , which I could lower Into the well , I could provide her with water. She went Into her house to BCD what she could find , and I tore away. the broken planks of the porch , so that I could get to the well , and then , when sliu.camo with a tin fall' nlHl-a.fcloMieallQOi I- went to'work with great ardor to ilaul up water and to carry It to her back tloor , "I don't want mother to find out what has happened to the well , " she said , "for she has enough on her hilnd already. " Mrs. Carson was a woman with some good points In her character. After time she called to me , herself , and told me to come In to breakfast , butt during the meal she talked very earnestly to mo about the amazing trespass I ihad committed , and about the means which should bo taken to repair the damages my house had done to her property , ! was as optimistic as I could be , and the young lady spoke very cheerfully und hopefully about the affair , so that we were beginning to get along somewhat pleasantly I when suddenly Mrs. Carson sprang to her feet. "Heavens and earth , " she cried , "this house Is moving. " She was not mistaken. I had felt bo- ueath my feet a sudden -tharp shock not severe , but unmistakably. I remembered that both houses stood upon slightly slopIng - Ing ground , my blood turned cold , my heart stood still oven Miss Carson was pale ! When wo had rushed out of doors to sec what had happened , or what was going to happen , I soon found that wo had been needlessly frightened. Some of the broken timbers on which my house had been pai- tlally resting had given away , nnd the front part of the building had slightly descended , jarring , as u uiu BO , [ no olner House agaliisi which It rested. I endeavored to prove to Mrs. Carson that the result was encourag ing rather than otherwise ; for my house waa now more firmly settled than It had been ; but she did not value the opinion of a man who did not know enough to put his house In a place where It would bo likely to sta > , and she could eat no more breakfast , and was oven afraid to stay under her own roof until experienced mechanics had been summoned to look Into the state of affairs. I hurried away to the town , and It was not long beforu several carpenters and ma- eons were on the spot. After a thorough ex amination , they assured Mrs. Carson that thcro was no danger , that my house would do no further damage to her premises ; but , to make things certain , they would bring some heavy beams and brace the front of my house against her cellar wall. When that should be done It would bo Impossible for it to irovo any farther. "llut I don't want It braced , " cried Mrs. Carson. "I want it taken away ; I want It out of my back yard ! " The master carpenter was a man of Im- agltatlon and experience. "That Is quite another thing , ma'am , " said he. "We'll fix this gentleman's house so that you needn't bo nfratd of U , and then when the tlmo comes to move It , there's several ways of doing that. Wo might rig up a powerful windlass at the top of the hill , and perhaps get a steam engine to turn It , and wo could fasten cables to the house and haul her back to where aho belongs. " "And can you take your oaths , " cried Mrs. Carson , "that those ropes won't break and when that house gets halfway up the hill It won't como sliding down ten times faster than It did and crash Into mo and mlno and everything I own on earth ? No , sir ! I'll have no house hauled up a bill back of me ! " "Of course , " said the carpenter , "It would bo a great deal easier to move It on this ground , which Is almost level " "And cut down ray trees to do It ! No , sir ! " "Well , then , " said ho , "there la no way to do but to take It apart and haul it off. " "Which would make an awful tlmo at the back of my house -while you were doing It ! " exclaimed Mrs. Carson. I now In word " ' put a , "There's only one thing to do that I b > arseo" I exclaimed. "I will sell It to a match factory ! It U almost all wood aiid > U can bo cut up In sections about two Inches thick and then spill Into matches. " Kitty smiled. 'Hishould ' like to see them , " Bho said , "takiug < uv y the llttlo sticks In wheelbarrows. " "There is no necd-nf trifling on the sub ject , " said Mrs. Ctrsou. "I have had a groit deal to bcarrand'I must bear It no longer than -la nec < uaary < I have Just found out that In order -to got water out of my own well I must sojto the back porch of a stranger. Such tnjii g cannot bo endured. If my son Gcorgotuoro hern ho would loll mo what I ought < to do. I shall -write to him and see what lie advUea. I do no ) mind waiting a llttlJ bit , -now that I know that you can flx Ml.Warreti'i bouse so that It won't move any farther , " Thus the mutter wu left. My bouse wa braced that afternoon and toward evening I started to go to a hotel In the town to spend the night. "No , sir ! " said Mrs. Carton. "Do you sup. pose tiat | I am going to stay hero all night with a great empty house Jammed up against mo , and everybody knowing that it Is empty ? It will bo the name as having thieves In my own house as to have them In yours. You have como down hero In your property , and you can stay In it and lake care of It ! " "I don't object to that In the least , " I said. "My two women are here , and I can tell them to attend to my meals. I haven't any chimney , but I suppose they can make a flrc some way or other. " "No , slrl" said Mrs. Carson. "I am not going to have nny strange ecrvants on my place. I have Just been able to prevail upon my own women to go Into the house , and I don't want any more trouble. Dear knows. I have had enough already , " "Hut , my dear madam , " said I , "you don't want mo to go to the town , and you won't allow mo to have any cooking done here ; what am I to do ? " "Well , " she said , "you can cat with us ; It may bo two or three days before I can hear from my son George , and In the mean time you can live In your own house and I will take you to board. That Is the best way I can nee of managing the thing ; but I am very sure I am not going to bo left here alone In the dreadful predicament In which you have put me. " We had scarcely finished supper , when Jack nramllgcr came to see me. He laughed a good deal about my sudden change of base , but thought , on the whole , my house had had made a very successful move ; It inuat be more pleasant In the valley than up on that windy hill. Jack was very much Inter ested In everything , and when Mrs. Carson and her daughter appeared , as we were walkIng - Ing about viewing the scene , I felt myself obliged to Introduce him. "I like those ladles , " said ho to me aft- ciwards. "I think you have chosen very agreeable neighbors. " "How do you know ypu like them ? " said I. "You had scarcely anything to say to Mrs. Carson. " "No , to bo sure , " said ho ; "but I ex pected I should llko her. By the way , do you know how you used to talk to mo about coming nnd living somewhere near you ? How would you llko mo to come and take ono of your rooms now ? I might cheer you up. " "No , " said I firmly. "That cannot bo done ; as things nrc now , I have ns much as I can do to get along hero by myself. " Mrs. Carson did not hear from her son for nearly n week , and then ho wrote that he found It almost Impossible to glvo her any advice. 'He thought It was n very queer state of affairs ; ho had never heard any thing like It , but ho would try and ar range business so that he could conic home In a week' or two and look Into matters. As I was thus comptlled to force myself upon the close neighborhood of Mrs. Carson end her daughter , I endeavored to make things as pleasant as possible. I brought Rome of my men down out of the vineyard and set them to repairing fences , putting the garden In order , and doing nil that I could to remedy the doleful condition of things which I had unwillingly brought Into the back yard of this quiet family. I rigged up a pump on my back porch by which the water of the well could bo con veniently obtained , and In every way en deavored to repair damages. Hut Mrs. Carson never ceased to talk about the unparalleled disaster which had como upon her , and she must have had a great deal of correspondence with her son George , because she gave me frequent mea- cages from him. He could not come on to look Into the state of alTnirs , but he seemed to be giving It a great deal of thought and attention. curing weather had come again , and It was very pleasant to help the Carson ladles to get their flower garden In order at least as much as was'left of It for my house was resting upon some of the most Important beds. As I waa obliged to give up all present Idea of doing anything In the way of getting my residence out of a place where it had no business to be , because Mrs. Carson would not consent to any plan which had been suggested , I felt that I was offering some little compensation In beautifying what seemed to be , at that time , my own grounds. My labors In regard to vines , bushes and all that sort of thing were generally carries on under direction of Mrs. Carson or her daughter ; and as the elderly lady was a very busy housewife , the horticultural work was generally left to Miss Kitty and me. I liked Miss * Kitty ; she was a cheerful , whole-souled person , and I sometimes thought that she was not 50 unwilling to have me for a neighbor as the rest of the family seemed to be ; for If I were to Judge the disposition of her brother George , from what her mother told me about his letters , both ho and Mrs. Carson must bo making u great many plans to get me off the premises. Nearly a month had now passed since my house and I mode that remarkable morning cill upon Mrs. Carson. I was becoming ac customed to my present mode of living , and , BO far as I was concerned , It satisfied mo very well ; I certainly lived a great deal better than when I was depending upon my old negro cook. Miss Kitty seemed to be satisfied with things as they were , and to , In some respects , did her mother , but the la'ier never ceased to glvo me extracts from some of her son George's letters , and this waa always annoying and worrying me. Evidently he was not pleased with mo as such a close neighbor to his mother ; and It was astonishing now many expedients he proposed In order to rid her of my undesir able proximity. My son George , said Mrs. Carson one morning , "has been writing to me about Jackscrews' ho says that the greatest im provements have been made In Jackscrows. " "What do you do with them , mother ? " asked Miss Kitty. "You lift houses with them , " said she. "He says that In largo cities they lift whole blocks of houses with them and build stories underneath. Ho thinks that wo can get rid of our trouble hero If we use Jackscrcws. "But how does he propose to use them ? " I asked. "Oh , ho has a good many plans , " an swered Mrs. Carson. "He said that lid should not wonder If Jackscrews could bo made large enough to lift your house en tirely over mlno nnd set It out In the road , where It could bo carried away without In terfering with anything , except , of course , vehicles which might bo coming along , llut ho has another plan ; that Is to lift my house up jnd carry It out Into the field on the other sldo of the road and there your house might be carried along right over the cellar until It got to the road. In that way , ho says , the hushes and trees would not have to bo Interfered with. " "I think brother George la cracked ! " said Kitty. All this sort of thing worried me very much , My mind was eminently disposed toward peace and tranquillity , and who could bo peaceful and tranquil with a pros pective Jackscrck under the very base of his comfort and happiness ? In fact , my house had never been such a happy homo as It was at that time ; the fact of its unwar ranted position upon other people's grounds had ceased to trouble me. Hut the coming son George with his Jack screws did trouble mo very much , and that afternoon I deliberately went Into Mrs. Car son's house to look for Kitty. I know her mother was not at homo , for I had seen her go out. When Kitty appeared I asked her to como out an her back porch. "Have you thought of any now plan of moving It ? " she said with a smile as wo sat down. "No , " said I , earnestly. "I have not , and I don't want to think of any plan of mov ing It away , and I am tired of hearing people ple talk about moving it. I have not any right' ' to bo hero , and I am never allowed to forget it. What I want to do Is to go entirely away and leave everything behind me except one thing. " "And what Is that ? " aekcd Kitty. "You , " I Answered , She turned a little palo and did not reply. "You understand me , Kitty , " I said. "There Is nothing In the world that I care far but you. What have you to say to me ? " Then came back to her her little smile. "I think It would bo very foollhh for us to go away , " oho said. It wiis about a quarter of an hour after this when Kitty proposed that wo should go nut to the front of the houto. It would look queer If any of the servants uhould como by and sco lu sitting together like that , t had forgotten that there were other people In the world ; but I went with her. We were standing on the front porch , clcs > > to each other , nd I think we were holding each other's hand , when Mro. Carson canio back. As Bho1 approached iho looked at uo Inquiringly , plainly wishing to know why we were staodluB side by aide before her door , as If wo had some special object In § o doing. "Well. " nald nhc , as she camp up the steps. Of course. It was rlnht that I should speak , and. In an few words as possible. 1 told her what Kitty and 1 had been saying to each other. I never saw Kitty's mother look no cheerful nnd so handsome as when aho came forward and klracd her daughter and shook hands with me ; she seemed so perfectly satisfied that It amazed me. After n little , Kitty left us , and then Mrs. Car son asked mo to sit by her on n rustic bench "Now , " she said , "this will atralRhteti out things In the very best way. When you are married , you and Kitty can live In the back building for , of course , your house will now bo the same thing as n back building and you can have the second tloor. We won't have any separate tables , because It will be n great deal nicer for you nnd Kitty to live with me , nnd It will simply be your paying board for two persons Instead of ono ; nnd you know you can manage your vineyard Just as well from the bottom of the hill ns from the top. The lower rooms of what used to bo your house can be made very pleasant and comfortable for us all. I have been thlnklug about the room on the right that you had planned for n parlor , nnd It will make a lovely sitting room for us , and that Is n thing wo have never had , and the room on the other sldo Is Just what will suit beau , tlfully for c guest chamber. The two houses together , with the roof of my back porch properly Joined to the front of your house , will make n beautiful nnd spacious dwelling , nnd It wns fortunate that you painted your house a light yellow. I have often looked at the two together , nnd thought what n good thing It wns that one was not one color and the other another ; nnd , na to the pump , It will be very easy now to put n pipe from what used to be your bpck porch to our kitchen , so that we can got water without being obliged to carry It. Between us we can make nil sorts of Improvements , and sometime I will tell you n good many that I have thought of. "What used to bo your house , " she con tinued , "can bo Jackscrcwcd up a little bit nnd n goo.1 foundation put under It ; I have Inquired about that. Of course It would not have been proper to let you know that I was satisfied with the state of things , but I was satisfied , and there Is no use trying to deny It. As soon ns I got over my first scare , after that house came down the hill , and had seen how everything might bo ar ranged to suit all parties , I said to myself : 'What the Lord has iolned toeether. let no man put asunder , ' and so according to my belief , the ntrongcst kind of Jackscrews could not put these two houses asunder , any more than they could put you and Kitty asunder , now that you have agreed to take each other for each other's own. " Jack Hrandlger came to call that evening , and when he had heard what hod happened he whistled a good dcnl. "You nrc a funny kind of a fellow , " said he. "You go courtIng - Ing llko n snail , with your house on your back. " I think Jack was a little discomforted. "Don't be discouraged. Jack , " said I , "You will get n good wife some of these days ; that Is , If you don't try to slide uphill to flnd her ! " For Infants and Children. Via fit it oa tljiiturs cf DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY ALL DRUGGISTS. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLBTSFOSmVKLY A l.I * JVrrrotfJUraacj FnllJna Mem ory. InJiKteicyKtrcptfMti > neHfretc , niUMHl by Atmno ami other Kirrantts ami Incllt * cretloim. 7iff / rufrrtmf * nr7i/ restore Loit Vltnlltr In old or jounff , and tit u man fortwlyimi iue K or mnrrlnge. . _ Prevent Intimity ami ConiumHlon If taken la tlma. Their 110 tthotta ImmotllnlH tin prove- m-nt und effect * a CURB where alt others tall. In. let upon hufinp tlio tenulno Ajax Table to. They have cured thousands nnd will euro ; ou.f > ( tire n positive written Guarantee to effect n euro in imch cn < & nr refund the money. I'ricoOO cents i > er i > ncknipor kli puckuco * ( full treatment ) far $2u < i. Ilv innil.in rdiun wrnppcr. upon receipt of price. Circular frne. AJAX REA1EDV CO. , " . ' . 'Ju.1" For cnlo In Omaha by James Foreytli.02 N. 10th Street. Kuli" & Co. , 1C til and Douglas Street" . Drugslste. CT ra Rva w ? i . \ > Erav\u Ka2f\Era.\v Always look , in buying Silver , For the GORHAM guarantee : First , the Lion , Next , the Anchor , * And then , the Letter G ? I $ Tea good for ( p Dry Goods Stores-Jtwelcre only c. s. S. E. Cor. 15th and Douglas * Chlrlinlcr'n Cncllib Wuraomt Jlrontf. Orlclnnl ami Only tirnulnr. rc. n n M'oit. ' i ou lit I'tuerl'l for nictttttri / . / ) „ > mon > J ftrimrf In Itc.l M ( , 'i/J / nrullfeX b > fi , tnilM lih MHO rlkbooi TjiLo > nncthrr * Rtfttt t rfana rt > ! ii iub rtv. IlHU . and IfilMtlonl , Al DnltlMI , r Ifnd 4v In it.mjti fir | rclcnl.ri , inllnwaltli > n4 "Keller for l.aillFA.Mn Irtttr , tr return . . . „ , , T . ' , ( wltheitctrrlieinlrr'f'u B m. ; ul LooH lr lili. RAILWAY ME CARD Lenvc. lUUHMNaTCN & MO. lUVUlUArtiieT Omalmlnlun | ) Uepov , lorn & Maion HU. | Oinuha . . .Lincoln Local ( rxceil ) Sunday. . .liiSOum JWpm..Kunt Mall < for Lincoln ) 'lulu- . . . r.cuvei IcmCAQO. nUISLINOTON S. W-lArrffe ? OniulmlUnlon Depot , lOlli ft Mnson 8U. | Oinnha E:00pm : . ClilciiKQ Vestibule . 800ani ; 9MSam . Chlcugo liipios . . 4Hpni : 7 : 0pm. . Chicago upd tit. I.oul UHITCM. . : oo < uu UMOam . racinc. junction Local . . Leaves ICHICAOO , MIL. U BT. I'AUUArrlte | : OnmlinlUnlon Depot , 10th \ . Manon Sls. | Omaha 6SOpm : . 7..CliiCBKO . . , . , . . , : : llOOnm..Clilcnco Kxprcus in. Sun'loyj. . liilpm LcaTcVlCHICAao & NOIlTinviIST'N.lArrUeT Oniulmjl'nlon Drpot. )0th ) & Jlnnon Sts. | Omaha 10:4" am . I.'nii'.frn ixpioi > .i . i. < 0nm 4ilSpm . Vcitlbulta Llmltcil . CilOpin DWiini : . St. Paul Kxprcsi . OiSOam CMOnm . tit. TkUi Limited . I'Oulnn 7JO : m..CnrrJt : Slnun Clly I ) cal..liilCpin c:30 : | > m . Omnnu Ciiicnco apeclnl . > :0c.im . . . . . . .Mlnourl Vulley Local . 9.SOjrn Lrn9 ICHICAOO. It .1. A PACIFIC. fArrtwi * OmaliaUnlun | Depot. ' lOlli * Maaon St .l Oinalia _ K \ ST. _ " ] OMOam..AtUnttc CxpriKS lex. Hunday ) . . 5J5pni ; 7Wiin : | . Nluht ixi < rrt . SMSmn 4.IOim..Clilcao | | Vrtllliulcil Limited . . . l:3iini : 4r.npin..St. ! r ul Veflllmli-J Limited . . l ! pn > \VKsrt. CMSpm Oklahoma A Tc > xn Hx. ( * x. 8uu. > .10S5 : n . . 4:00i : > n Leaves j C. . PT P M. sT-j. "XirU eF" Omaha | Depot , ith nJ V.'ctitir "t . Oinnha Rrir.am ,7..8loux . * ! ir -.nim'-'Jullor. . S l:3Dpm . .Sioux ( . ' ! ) & * p" " nPun. . I . .l 615pm ; . 31. PKU ! t.imiirj . Leaven j P. . n. A MO x'ALLF.r. " " IArrl > tt" OmalinLJJcpol 16tn \\MitiyrHti. . i Omaha " 3OOpm..T..Koft : Mail nJ K\pri- . fi:00 m 3COpm. : ( ex. Ent.l NVvo. ! Ii. rex. Mon. ) . E:00pm : T.iCam..f'i-mnit : Ixiral ( Stindayn Only ) . . 7:5ram..Norii'it. : Fxuren < rx. Sun ) . . 10-am 8l5pm ; . St. Tnul nxprei * . . . 9-lOnm LeaveiH K. C Titt. J A C "is. lArrlvrs' OmnhnUnlon [ Depot , 10th A Mnson St . | Oriinha 9:05am. : . . . Kansas City Dn"y ExjjrFsi. . . . dicpm IQiOOpin.lC. C. Nliiht K\ . via U. if. Tmn . CiiOnm I ovcTT MIFSOUni PAOiriC. JAfrives" OmolmDeput _ , 15th anil Yt'clnier St , I Onuiia * 3JOpm..NebrurTn : A ICnnns : .lmlteil.,17:2Sprii : 9:30iun : . Knnina City Ksprras . 0:00 : m 3l : | im . Nebratktt Ix.c l ( ex. Sun. ) . : UOnin Len v"T ] Sibt'X CITT A PAcTl-'IC. JArrive7 OmahftDepot | _ , lth nnJ Webtter SIB. I Oninha ' " ' < ; . . . . . . . . . . . Paul I.lmllcil. . . . . , . . . ! IOam Leaves SIOUX CITY ft PAOIKIC. JArrlvei OnialiaUnlon | Depot , 10th A Mnron Stn. | Omaha fi 40ain St. Piiul I'aisciicer llMCpm 7:30am : Sioux City I'nmennir :03r : > m 6Kipm : St. Paul l.lmllfil 80inn Unvrs I U N11 ON P ACM'K7 JArrlvei OinahalUnlon Ooiiot , 10th A Magon jlK. ! | C iaii.1 :31nm : Kearney Exprris 4:10pn : SiL'tnm Oxtrlantl I.hnltoil 4:4ftprfi S'SOpm.llfat'cp & Slronikli'B Kx. lex. Hun ) lZ:05pnj GMCpm. .aranil Isliiml Knin-ns ( ex. Sun. ) . K'O..iutt a'.Vpm , . . 1'nn Mall . s IQ.iii ViMVi's 1 \VAIIAKH HAIVAY" I Arrives mnhnlt'nlun Depot. 10th A Mn > nn Sla. | Omalia i'.SOr > m Bt Ixiuli Cannon Hoi" . . [ iA A ii i i iJi { H ? 7SHH THJH { H ? A NEW SERIAL STORY. J * I THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. i IA Lively Tale of Adventure. 1 $ By CLINTON ROSS. f * 4 f * * ' Author of "Tho Countess Bottma , " 'Tho Colors of the Lawnmco , " fL ? } T "The Confession of Colonel Sylvester , " Etc. - V. 3 $ III IT BEGAN OCTOBER 25 AND CONTINUES FOUR WEEKS , ij * PUPPET" is a tale of the Zenda order. It is a fairy story for grown folks of Dumas's and Mr. Hope's kind ; but it is not in any sense an imitation. Robert Gerald , the son and heir of an Irish adven turer and a successful New York financier , meets , 4 * on his door step a stranger , young and charming , who asks his protection. In granting this lady his roof , 'Gerald finds himself entangled in the most surprising chain of circumstances. He is abducted on Wall street , drugged , and carried near Biarritz. Going to Paris , he chances to see his abductor , and he finds that the refugee' he has entertained is a great lady of Dalrnatia. .There follows a plot which Gerald embraces for the establish ment of Beatrice Ramaga as Princess of Dalrnatia. In success and failure is the theme of the story. THE OMAHSUNDAY BEE. A STORY WORTH READING. | | ALL THE WORLD Knows that the Peerless Remedy for Diseases of the Liver , Kidneys and Bladder is Dr. J. H. MCLEAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM It has Cured Thousands of Desperate Cases. Try It ! AT Alt DRUOCKTI , Paier , ioo Pen Dome > r , ] THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO , , ST. LOUI8 , Mo.j