Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1896, Image 1

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duties' Case Oomcs Up Monday and Will
Bo Well Contested ,
It1 Trunk * nntl Clothing Returned to the
1'rlNOinTK Since the IlnllVnn Ao-
Cditril Trlnl Will Cunt
I a HlK Sum. ;
' ( Copyright , ISM , by thn Ancocltitoil
LONDON , Oct. 30. The case of Walter
M. Castle , the San Francisco merchant , and
his wtfo on a charge of shoplifting , pre
fer roil by various West End dealers , Is on
the docket for Monday next , but only the
solicitors for the case will appear nt that
tlmo. Thcro will without doubt bo a post
ponement. It Is expected that the case will
be definitely fixed for Thursday , when the
trial Is likely to proceed without Interrup
A formidable array of counsel has been
ciigagcd to take part la the case , and by
the advlca of Mr. Castle's solicitor , the
ccscs of the husband and wlfo will bo pro
ceeded with separately. Of the distin
guished counsel who are to take part In
the trial , the husband's case will bo looked
nfter by Sir Frank Lock woo J , formerly
solicitor general In Lord Roscbcry's cab
inet , and who has recently returned from
a trip to the United States In company with
the lord chief justice. Baron Russell of
Klllowcn , and C. 1C. GUI , who conducted
the prosecution against Oscar Wlldo on bc-
liulf of the treasury. Mrs. Castle's case will
bo defended by Sir Edward Clarke , who
wan solicitor general In Lord Salisbury's
former ministry , and who has set all Eng
land by the cars by his recent declaration
that no Impartial arbitrator cau bo expected
tu dccldo the Venezuelan dispute In Great
Brltaln'n favor , nnd Charles Matthews.
This brilliant galaxy of legal lights glvo
assurance of n formidable contest on bo *
half of the defendants.
It Is decided that the defense In Mrs. Cas
tle's cane shall bo based on medical testi
mony. In addition to the oxpltctt aflldavlt
of a San Francisco doctor , who was familiar
with Mrs. Castle's case , testimony will be
offered of Dr. George Henry Savage , lec
turer on mental diseases at Guy's hospital
nnd author of a manual on Insanity , and Dr.
Gregg and Dr. L. N. Gabriel , who are among
the most eminent physicians In London on
women's diseases. Dr. Scott , the attending
physician nt Ilolloway jail , who had Mrs.
Castle under his charge , will also show that
Him was suffering from a woman's ailment
which would account for her mania.
With regard to Mr. Castle's case , his
bondsmen , who Include Mr. Seymour , man-
nglng director of the A 'o-Callfornla bank ;
Charles Guthrlo of Gutl./lo & Co. , bankers ,
Idol Lane ; Lewis Well ! , watch manufacturer
of Hatton Garden , and Augustus Cohen , diamond
mend merchant of Holborn , as well as a
largo number of friends and representatives
from the United States embassy , will offer
testimony as to his reputation for honor
and Integrity.
Mr. Castle said today to a representative
of the Associated press : "My wlfo la still
In the same condition as she has been ever
Blnco this unhappy affair , and she requires
tl'o constant and watchful care of nurses
nnd doctors. I do not expect to have her
Improve until the strain of the present po
sition la ended. Our boy Is staying with
relatives In the country.
"Tho trial cannot como too quickly for
me , " Mr. Castle continued. "Tho authori
ties are treating me very nicely since our
ball has been accepted and I have no com
plaint to offer now. They have returned tome
mo our trunks and all our clothing , only
keeping the jewelry and knlcknacks till
nftcr the trial. "
U Is estimated this trial will cost Mr.
Castle 5.000 ( $25,000) ) . Sir Edward Clarke
and others of the counsel probably require
n retainer of $2,500 dally , with refreshers of
$500 to $1,000 , In addition to which the doc
tors' and solicitors' fees are to bo con
sidered. , _ _ _ _ _ _
Czar Snlil ( o CoiiNlnVrliiR 11 I'luii
for n Kiimiiciin Coiifrrrnue.
LONDON , Oct. 31. The Graphic this
morning nays It Is enabled to state on high
authority that the czar Is taking back to
St. Petersburg a scheme to summon a Eu
ropean conference on the eastern question ,
but believing the chief burden of any course
resolved upon may fall on Russia , ho de
cided to wait until the full consequences
ore rviiortcd upon by his mlnlstero of war
and nuance. The czar also desires to bo In
n position to act alone In the event of the
powers falling to agree. So far , however ,
the negotiations have not reached the point
Of giving n European mandate to Russia.
The Times dispatch from Odessa reports
that excitement has been caused by the
huddon mobilization of the reserves for n
fortnight of the Ismail and Danube icgl-
mcnts of the Russian army , which wcro In-
Kpi-cted yesterday ( Friday ) by the com-
mandcr-ln-chlct of south Russia. This dis
patch also states that the town bank of
Odraoa has contracted to supply the Turkish
government 1,600,000 cavalry horses.
A Constantinople dispatch to the Dally
News Eftva Importance Is attached to the
reported Imminent departure of M. Nclldoff ,
the Russian ambassador , for St. Petersburg.
France GlveH ( In- Sultan n Slpriilllcaut
CONSTANTINOPLE. Oct. 20. ( Delayed In
transmission. A severe panlo was narrowly
prevented yesterday by tlv > gun practice of
the guardshlp In the Sea ot Marmora. It
caused tbo Turkish government to urge
upon the French embassy that the guardshlp
should practice farther away from thn city.
The Wench ambassador , M. Cambon , re
plied that he regretted the alarm caused , but
the people , he added , should become accus
tomcd to the sound ot firing.
Cliaiinre In the CulucNe 1'olley.
LONDON , Oct. 30. A Standard dispatch
front D'M'lIn says : The emperor of China
has ovdcreJ LI Hung Chang to res Mo per
juuncntly at Peking , as hlu presence and
rvUvlen-aro indlspvnslblo to the government.
Ills appointment an minister of foreign
ultnlrs Indicates that the Tsung-ll-Yamen
wilt bo completely reorganized on the Euro
pean model. Prlnco Chlng. the conservative
ivho opposed this reform and tbo extension
ot t'io Siberian rnllroad , has resigned.
A'oiuiir Turku OppiiHe IleforniM.
LONDON , Oct. 30. A dispatch from PhlK
Ippolls to the Dally Mall uaya the leaders
ot the young Turkish party have rejected
the sultan's proposal to great reforms , In
eluding n general nmncaty and tbo appoint'
ment of n reuponslule ministry , aa tbo price
ot the cessation of their agitation. This
dispatch eays rumors ot a European con
grews to renew the Berlin treaty has created
a panic at the Ylldlz kiosk.
AilNlrlu .SlutIN Out Amerlenii ( JIueoHp ,
WASHINGTON , Oct. 30. United States
Conjntl Hurst at Prague reports to the State
department that the Australian government
U about to treble the duly on glucose to
effectually bur out the better and cheaper
article from America. Within llvo months
tbo United States shipped 2,0(0,000 ( pounds
ot this commodity Into Austria , paying a
duty of $2.90 for every 220 pounds.
Ivory Up for Trial Airuln.
LONDON , Oct. 30. Edward J. Ivory , alias
HJward Bell of Now York , the alleged
Irish-American dynamite- conspirator , wan
oiioo moro brought up on remand at Bow
tretU police court today nail bis cxaraluu-
tloa resumed.
Vcnoxitflnn AfTnlrn Muy He
Ih-forc n. Npcclnl Trlliunnl.
LONDON , Oct. 30. The Chronicle makes
the following statement this morning : Thcro
Ifl good reason to bcltcvo a tribunal similar
to the Bering sea commission , with Sir
RlcharJ Webster , the attorney general , rep
resenting England , will bo appointed to
solve the Venezuelan boundary affair.
This statement , however , haa received no
official confirmation. Queatloncd about It
this afternoon , however , a high official of
the Foreign ofllco tmld that ho bad no
knowledge of the appointment ot such n
tribunal. Asked whether. If such a tribunal
should bo appointed , alt the territory claimed
by Venezuela would bo Included In the ar
bitration , ho replied : "That Is the essence
of the whole matter. Venezuela only
claimed all along- the territory to the bank
of the I > sequlbo. Every ono knows that por-
tlon was settled by the Dutch ; and Venezu
ela throughout haa been so stubborn In the
matter that It has been Impossible to ar-
rlvo at any conclusion. If the entire dis
puted territory was submitted to arbitration
It might Involve giving up the greater part
of the colony. However , the matter Is now
under discussion and whllo a state matter
la being discussed , I must await a report
before expressing an opinion. "
WASHINGTON , Oct. 30. Close Inquiry
hero Into the intimation from London that
Sir Richard Webster haa been selected BB n
member of a commission to arbitrate the
Venezuelan boundary question , falls to de
velop confirmation of any sort for the state
ment. Whllo the negotiations nro progress-
ng they have not reached the stage where
.hey relate to the personnel of an arbitra
tion commission , but arc Rtlll devoted to a
llscusston of the limitations to bo Imposed
upon any committee to bo created. From
: bo high reputation of Sir Richard Webster
its Rejection Is not regarded as Improbable
when the negotiations reach the proper
phase , but it Is pointed out hero that the
nomination was not made from n source In
political sympathy with the present British
_ _
I'ropnrlni ? < o Join Ilnnilit nltlt IttiKxIil
niul Krnnei * .
LONDON. Oct. 30. A dispatch to the Pall
Mall Gazette , from Copenhagen , this after
noon , relative to the enormous sums which
are being expended by the Danish govern
ment upon the fortification ot Copenhagen ,
says that this work Is undertaken In pur
suance ot a secret understanding arrived at
between Russia and France , by which Rus
sia guarantees the Integrity of Denmark and
that should a favorable occasion arise , she
will Insist upon part of Schlcswlg-Holstcln
Inhabited by Danes , being restored to Den
mark In case n plebiscite ot the Inhabitants
expresses desire of the people that this step
should bo taken.
On the other hand , the dispatch adds ,
Denmark undertakes , should Russia bo en
gaged in war , to place at her disposal the
harbors , forts and shipbuilding yards o !
Copenhagen , which , It Is pointed out , as a
base of operations against North Germany
are worth over 100,000 men.
( rent Ilrltntii HtiirctN n Further Ir-
mniiil for nolil.
LONDON. Oct. 30. The Westminster Ga-
zctto this afternoon , discussing the flnancla
situation , says : "That the Bank of Englam
will make every cffortMo make the rate cf-
fcctlvo Is shown by the largo amount 1
has withdrawn from the market In con
junction with Its refusal to lend below ! ' , { .
per cent , which action nppcars to show
that -further and considerable demands for
bullion arc expected. The market will
bo well ndvlsed in seconding the efforts ol
the bank to raise the value of money. Whllo
the monetary position In the United States
remains what It Is , the bank no doubt feels
It necessary to bo prepared for contlngcn
clcs. "
Throi MIINUM ! VoNNt > l mill Twpnty-
Sovi'ii I.IVOH Hrporteil IOH | .
BERLIN , Oct. 30. There Is a rumor
prevalent In Berlin that a tUrec-inastcd
vessel foundered In n storm off Capo Horn
and that twenty-seven persons wcro
Cznr I'oNlpnncN Currency Ui-form.
LONDON , Oct. 30. The Times correspond
cnt at Berlin says : "I hear from St. Peters
burg that the czar has decided to postpone
the currency reform , which It was proposed
to submit to the state council this autumn. '
The proposal contemplated the introduc
tion of a new gold coinage , for which pur
pose the Russian government Is now buying
gold extensively.
The Times correspondent says thai
there Is an enormous Increase in
Russia's national debt , the foreign
Interest on which Is mostly pay
able In gold. This debt has Increased dur
ing the ten years ended with January , 1895 ,
by 1,410,063,478 roubles.
ficvore AVI ml Storm In Spain.
MADRID , Oct. 30. A terrific wind storm
swept over the city of Seville on Wednesday
with the result that houses , chimneys and
trees were wrecked and there was a general
panic In the city. Many people were in
jured and It Is feared some fatalities oc
curred. The wires to Seville have been Interrupted
torrupted by the storm and the meager news
received has been delayed on that account.
XCWN from
PARIS , Oct. 30. An ofllclal dispatch from
Antananarivo , capital of the Island of Mada
gascar , announces that the minister ot the
Ralnaudrlan naupaudry , and Prlnco Ratsl-
mannnga have been executed nt Antananarivo
rive for complicity in , the recent rebellion
and that Premier Ralnltslnboslfy hia re
signed. _
American AppIcN nt Ilamlinrir.
LONDON. Oct. 30 , A Berlin dispatch to
the Dally Ncwti refers to the arrival of the
first shipload ot American apples at Ham
burg and their Rolling for from 4 to S
shillings u hundredweight , whllo good Ger
man apples at this season of the year cost
1C shillings. _
IlUHHlll'N AtlltllllO UlIN CllllllKIMl.
LONDON , Oct. 30. A dispatch to the
Dally Telegraph from Constantinople Ray a :
Russia's attitude has completely changed
bud the concert ot the powers Is now real
and effectual , causing the sultan uneatilneas
Kmpcror AVIIIIiini SijunreH Ilimxcir.
UUDA-PEST , Oct. 30. The Pester Lloyd
eays that Emperor William h.-ia addressee
au autograph letter to Emperor Francta
Joseph , fully explaining the HUBRo-Cicrnun
neutrality treaty which existed prior to 1830 ,
KTic < I CIiniiRC In French MlnUtry
PARIS , Oct. 30. Deputy Pcllatan , In a
letter to La Lnuterne , says It has been G
gcstcd that M , Mellno's cabinet should bo
succeeded by a ministry of republican con
centratlou with M. de Frcclnct as premier.
HiiHNln AlilM TurI < i * > ' 'M Finances.
ST. PETERSBURG , Oct. SO. It Is minor * :
that Russia , In view of Turkey's flnancla
troubles , will reduce the yearly Installmen
of the Turkish war Indemnity of 1,000,000
roubles to 500,000 roubles ,
Ili-lil Ii > - llrlcniuu In .Smyrna.
LONDON , Oct. 30. It la reported that
wlillo-sliootliiK In Smyrna , CaptJlc Myrrlc
of tbo Norfolk regiment was captured b
brlgindtt and that ho Is hcM by them fo ,
$50.000 ransom.
CuhuiiN Kent to 11 I'cnal Hrf Ili-iurnt.
HAVANA , Oct. SO , Manuel Bacardi , Man
yol Cordona and cloven others wcro ton
today to the Spanish penal settlement o
Couta , a seaport town of Morocco.
Plnituc AppfiirM In
HONG KONG , Oct. 30. Fifteen cauca o
tbo plague have occurred * t ( bo Tulph
island of Formosa ,
ji-Proaidcnt Harrison Condemns Bryan's
Advice to Workingmen ,
In Ilonrnril to Silver He Points Out
that lllnictnllliiin Doeft Not In
volve Free niul Unlimited
ColniiKe nt 1(1 ( to 1.
FORT WAYNE , Ind. , Oct. 30. General
Harrison closed the first day ot his second
Indiana tour nt Fort Wayne , where ho spoke
briefly at 8 o'clock this evening. The ex-
president started from Indianapolis by spe
cial train over the Panhandle railroad at
9 o'clock this morning on his two days'
speaking tour , this tlmo visiting the eastern
and northern towns of the state. I o was
escorted to the station by the McKlnley and
Hobart Blcyclo club. A few personal friends
accompanied General Harrison , among them
being John Flnncy of Boston. At the station
General Harrison was greeted by n number
of people , who had gathered to glvo him a
parting cheer. Ho made no remarks , saying
lie wished to save his voice for the Itinerary.
The train was In charge of Superintendent
F. Q. Darlington of the Pennsylvania road ,
The first stop was at Greenfield. On a stand
near the railroad General Harrison spoke
for twenty minutes to 3,000 or 4,000 people.
Ho addressed himself to n comparison of
the financial plank ot the democratic plat
forms of 18S3 , 1SD2 and 1S35. He said :
My friends , my democratic friends. If you
wcro ns ready today to condemn nnd de
nounce doctrines on the money question
which In the campaign of 1SS2 nnd In the
campalng of 1SSS you were naked to favor
nnd promote , you mny well put these who
give you thnt ndvlco upon a showing na to
why they nsk you to thus change your
position. In 1SSS your platform did not dc-
rlnre for the free niul unlimited and In
dependent colnngo of Hllvcr nt the ratio of
li ( to 1. nimetnlllsm does not Involve the
frco nnd unlimited coinage of silver nt 10 to
I ; It does not Involve this Idea , of a double
Rtnndnnl In the sense In which It Is now
used by ninny In debate. AVhcn you recall
the campaign of 1S92 you did not then de-
cbiro for the free nnd unlimited coinage ol
Bllvcr at the rntlo of 1G to I. You declared
for frco coinage , but you made It em
phatic In your resolution on thnt sub
ject , that the parity of our coins , the equal
ity of our dollars , paper and coin must bo
At Knlghtstown fully 10,000 people were
assembled on the public square. General
Harrison again discussed the money ques
tion. He said :
It has been said by Mr , . Bryan and by
many following his lead thnt the republican
riaVty \vearlnir a mask that It la not
openly nnd candidly declaring Its principles
I deny thnt that Is true. The republican
party proclaims IU principles nnd the
corner atone of our beliefs upon the mone >
question. We proclaim thin proposition
that every dollar wo hnve , paper , gold or Bll-
ver , shall bo ns peed ns tiny other dollar.
Wo proclaim and adhere to that proposition
because It is the only honest principle
Things thnt nre called by thf same name
ought to be the snmo thlngB. When you ml
ono thing a dollar nnd another thing n dollar
lar they ought to mean th same thing. If
they do not , the use of these terms con
Initially cheats nnd deceives the people.
At Anderson General Harrison was greeted
by enthusiastic crowds , and there ho eald :
Wo nro hearing a good deal In this cam
paign about coercion , nnd It has xeemed to
me that we have n fair Illustration here thlt
morning' . Thcso thousands of pee le , their
Intelligent nnd Interested faces , their cheers
and enthusiasm , nro the llnest possible refu
tation of the siiirRCStlon thnt our people nrc
being coerccil. You have been told I uncak
now for the moment to the men whose
brawn nnd skill nre exercised In the great
manufacturing eatnbllshmrnts you hnvo
been ndvlsed by a man who Becks your voles
for the llrst honorublo ollleo in the gift of
free men , to simulate , to deceive your em
ployers , to deceive your fellow men by wear
ing a false button on your brenlt , by cheer
ing for principles nnd candidates thnt you
do not favor , by mnrchlng In pnrndes of
a party whoso principles you do not adopt
nnd at the end of this campaign of simula
tion nnd deception to go Into the voting
booth nnd vote for him. It Is not good ml-
vice. It la ndvlce thnt Oocs not recosnlzo
the Independent manhood nnd Individual
worth of the men who toll In these great
factories. I say to you ns a republican who
bellovcs that your Interest Is to be found
in the maintenance of republican princi
ples nnd In the election ot William.McKln
ley Hint If the reasons I advance for this
fnlth , nnd that hnvc been ndvnnced by
others moro able to present them , do not
convince your Intellect that It Is to your
Interest to do so. I beff you as ono who
esteems the dignity of a nmn without re-
card to the question of his employment , to
bo a man and if you vote for Bryan to wenr
the Bryan button. I beg you not to consent
tovnlk those streets , to stand nt the bench
where you nro employed , proclaiming to
the world nnd confessing to your own con
science thnt you hnve surrendered your
very manhood and your political Inde
pendence. I believe thnt these Intelligent
worklnpmen In the gns belt will ncccpt thut
suggestion ns a compliment to their man
hood nnd their Integrity.
Brief speeches were made at 'Munclo and
Winchester , tJcneral Harrison confining him
self to the financial question.
Sound Money Democrats Ductile to
Vote for MfKlulry.
CHICAGO , Oct. 30. ( Special Telegram. )
The approach of election day and. the con
sequent anxiety for anjwerwhclmlng defeat
of the frco stiver delusion Is leading thou
sands of sound money democrats all over the
country to decide to vote for McKlnley. The
fact that each ono of them can accomplish
twlco as much for the defeat of Bryan am
free silver by voting for McKlnley as by
voting for the sound money democratic ticket
is causing many who wcro supporting the
third ticket to declare for McKlnley. Ad
vices from Michigan state that Don M. Dick
inson's public announcement , In a speech at
his home , that he will vote for McKlnlej
will result In the addition of 10,000 votes to
McKlnley's majority In that state alone , am
Is having grcat'lnllucnco In other states.
Mr. Bi'yan has gone scorching Into Wiscon
sin. Ho did not awaken much enthusiasm
In Chicago and his audiences here were full
of men wearing McKlnloy buttons and
badges. It Is not thought that ho has made
a sluglo vote by his meteoric visit to Chi
cago. _ _
SII > H Ilrynii In Certain to lie Ilailly
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Oct. 30. A special to
the Times from Lexington says : The last ot
Secretary Carlisle's five campaign speeches
In Kentucky was made hero this after . a tremendous and enthusiastic au-
dlcuco at the opera liouic. Mr. Carlisle
began speaking at 2 o'clock , Mrs. Carlisle
joined the secretary hero this morning ami
they will leave for Washington tonight. In
conversation with the Tttnos' representative
tills morning Mr. Carlisle said that hla visit
to Kentucky only confirms bis previously
pxprceaed opinion that Bryan will bo badly
beaten ,
CIINN County Unex Up for Siiiinil
ATLANTIC , In. , Oct. 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) This Is Cafcs county's big republican
day at Atlantic. During the day and evenIng -
Ing four speeches were delivered by G. L.
Dobson , republican candidate for secretary
of state ; A. L. Hager. candidate for con-
grcsti from the Ninth district , and Sidney
Foster of DCS Molnea. Dobson , by his ex
cellent apeech. made many votes for htmaclf
and party. Hagcr was unusually good lo
ulgbt. Though the reads wcro very muddy ,
over thrco Inches of rain having fallen In
the last tiireo days bore , largo delegations
came overland from townships over twenty
miles nway , A. elilewalk parade was given ,
which was by far the largest torchlight
procession ECCQ hero this year. Itallroada
ran epeclal trains and every town In the
county was well represented ,
SAXTA UOSA onnnTs | T M nnun.
Vcnrlr the AVIiolc ToitMhtlon Turn *
Ont to Orcct the atalno Sinn.
SANTA UOSA , Oct. Z0. > nepubllcans In
thU rich agricultural BOCtlOft ot California
ind n great domonstrotlonuliere today In
honor ot Speaker Heod'a flslt. People be
gan to arrive early from the farming dis
tricts ind neighboring towns , every train
bringing additional reinforcements. Many
ot the business houses nnrt private resi
dences wcro decorated with tbo national
colors In honor ot the event , which had
moro tbo appearance ot a public holiday
than a political gathering ; -On need's ar
rival thla afternoon bo Vvas mot At tbo
depot by almost the entire population of
tbo town , nnd , preceded bja band , was
escorted by a big processlbn to Kroncko
park. J.
Thomas B. Heed was greeted by an 1m-
mcnso audience hero today , but owing to
poor arrangements In having him speak In
n smnll pavilion < at Kron ke's park , only
half ot the big atidlcnc6l hoard what ho
said. Ho was Introduced oy A , B. Lcmmou
and said ho would appenh to reason , not
passion and prejudice. Tfo then paid a
tribute to democrats who are aiding In the
support of McKlnlcy and opposing the Chicago
cage platform and ticket , jujlo Indulged In
a short review of the history and accom
plishments of the rcpubllctdr party , claiming
that the republican party hid made n better
average than any other parly In the history
of the United States. With the aid ot loyal
democrats they had saved the country dur
ing tbo war nnd ho askedt'tbo democrats It
they were not proud of the'.part they had
taken at thnt time. Ho praised the repub
lican party for what It had done In re
suming specie payments. " % Blnce that tlmo
the country had pnld off an enormous amount
of debts. Many who hcldltheso debts paid
only 75 cents on the dollafTbut paid when
the risk was very great nrMllt Is only right
they should bo paid the fi > .ll amount. The
United States might have Vald as the con
federate states did. but thn" nation arose to
the emergency and held ovrVy bond as sacred
as a soldier's grave. Thoirenubllcan party
made It so. |
In discussing greenbacks , Mr. Reed said
that many had said tbcyjE-had carried us
through the war. Ho dul not believe It.
There Is some virtue In flai.inoncy In a cer
tain amount , but when legislative bodies are
sure to bo asked to ninkojover Issue It Is
like getting Into a big holeand then trying
to climb out. Following the resumption of
spcclo payments , Mr. ncedlsald , came four
teen years of the grcatesif'prosporlty ever
known. This was due toj'republlcan man
agement of the governmcdU In referring
to the election four years ? ago , Mr. Heed
said the people failed to Chow their usual
common sense. Ho criticised the Wilson
bill , holding democratic tariff legislation ami
bad administration wcrof responsible for
much of the hard times. SaId ho : "Wo
never refer to that as the orimo of 1892. ' '
Ho said the democratic party had been In
capable of running the business of the gov
ernment because that part .Ja controlled by
men who are not buslnen6 men. He ac
knowledged that ho disliked ! to discuss the
silver question , for after a jfcjv months study
Is seemed so ( rival to hlm < tuat ho wondered
ho\v people over'took such ill.terest In It.
oxn TK.v-To-oxn nmv > vx MMCIXI.UY ,
_ _ _ _ _ -
Ilcttliifr on the iee. < ) oiiM IN I2m-
pliatlenlly AKnlnut' Ilrynu.
NEW YOUK , Oct. 30. Bryan Is a long
shot In this campaign , and j& election draws
nearer the betting odds ng'inet him grow
longer. Following nro soiile of the bets
closed today : * , t ,
Colonel H. Swords wlttiliinl n ° 'm-'rnan ,
$3.000 to $1,000 McKlulcy Wll'bo elected.
F. H. Brooks with unknown man. $3.000-
to J2.GOO. McKlnlcy's plurality In Now York
state will exceed 1CO.OOO.
Billy Edwards with unknown man , $1,000
oven , McKInley's plurality In Now York
state will reach 200,000.
E. C. Bccmar. with A. L. Johrison , $2,000
to $200 , McKlnlcy will bo .elected.
John S. James with A. Joscphson , $1,200
to $300 , McKlnloy will bo elected ; also $1,000
to $1,000 on the same result , nnd $1,200 to
$250 on the same result.
James S. McCobb with David Lapsley ,
$1.000 to $1,000 ; McKlnloy will bo elected.
A business man , through a Wall street
broker , bet $1,500 even McKlnley will have
40.000 plurality In Now York City.
CHICAGO , Oct. 30. At the Great Northern
hotel today several bets were made by
guests. J. T. Barrlcklo\v bt St. Louis and
J. H. McCarthy of Now Orleans made the
largest bet ot tbo day , The former ven
tured fl.COO that Bryan Will carry either
Illinois , Indiana , Ohio or ( New York. Mc
Carthy took up tbo cudgel on behalf of Mc
Klnley , Frank Bliss aud Charles Winter-
smith of Louisville , Ky. , bet $1GOO even
against thrco other men that Bryan would
not carry every southern state. Attorney
Knockerbockcr , who bet $4.000 Wednesday
that McKlnloy will carry Illinois by 100.000 ,
was looking for moro wages today. Many
small bets wcro made , the odds on McKlnloy
ranging from 3 to G to 1 on Bryan.
TellH ( leornln I'opH to Slay nt Home If
They Can't Stand Either Ticket.
ATLANTA , Ga. , Oct. 30. Thomas E. Wat
son spoke at Sandcrsvlllo today In behalf
of West , the populist candidate for congress
In the Tenth district. In the course of his
remarks ho expressed a sincere desire that
Bryan be elected at all hazards. Respect
ing himself , he said , among other things :
"I am out of the ruco , In-Georgia. There
are two tickets you can vote next Tuesday ,
Bryan and Sewall or McKinley and Hobart ,
and If you can's stand either stay at home. "
Ho paid his respects to , the fusion which
has been effected In various states , especially
Kansas and as to North Carolina he said
Butler had arranged the most beautiful fu
sion over seen. "If I were to go Into
that state to speak , " ho exclaimed , "what
could I say. I could only repeat < the ten
commandments , say the Lord's prayer , and
dismiss the congregation. "
Mr. Watson Is not looking well , his voice
Is not strong and ho seems to bo jaded.
Home Indication of the AVorlc Aecom-
pINIied for Sound Money.
CHICAGO , Oct. 30. Chairman William J.
Halm at republican national headquarters
said today : "Tho speakers' bureau com
menced to assign speakers the 20th of July.
Every state In , the western department has
been thoroughly covered. Over 600 speakers
have been engaged by thla bureau and In
my opinion the number tb'at wo baVo as
signed was not moro tha'ni20.per cent of the
total of speakers engaged1 In tbo campaign.
Some of the speakers hayp traveled moro
than 10,000 miles. In tome of tbo states
more than 3,000 speeches Imvo been made
In a single day In this campaign of edu
cation. "
Clinuneey Depe\v 1'uyn III * HenpectH to
Major MelCliiloy.
CANTON , Oct. 30. tir. Chauncey M. Do-
pew reached Canton aboutilSO : o'clock this
afternoon , his special car.being attached to
the Cleveland , Canton 'Southern train
from Cleveland , Mr. Depew Is hero for a
social visit with Major "McKlnley and the
major met him at th6 station In an open
carriage , They drove directly to the North
Market street homo. Mr. Depew remains
hero until 8:30 : o'clock. Ho Is making a
short campaign tour nnd goes to Cincinnati
for a meeting tomorrow night.
AVIUoii AVIII Co Home ( o A'ole.
WASHINGTON. , Oct. 30 , Postmaster
General Wilson will go to hi * homo In
Charleston , W. Vu. , on Monday afternoon
to vote , and will return Immediately after
casting his ballot for Palmer and Buck
ncr Tuesday morning.
CarllHle AVIII Io t > Hlx Vole.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 30. Secretary Carlisle -
lisle Is expected to return from Kentucky
next Sunday , U Is understood that ho ls
not registered and therefore cannot vote at
tbo coruluB election.
Palmer and Bncknor Unable to Obtain a
Hcarinc in Two Towns ,
.Vnttonnl Democratic Candidate * AVIua
Up tut Kxoltlnp : Uny'w
niul i.cnvc nt N
for St.
KANSAS CITY , Oct. 30. Two big nuill-
cnccs turned out hero tonight to greet the
national democratic party's candidates. At
the aillls theater , Into which about 3,000
people crowded , General Palmer was the
speaker. Ho referred briefly to today's
riotous demonstrations at I'arls and Faycttc ,
stating that frco speech had not been per
mitted. At Turner hall General Buckncr
and Judge Chester H. Crum of St. Louis
addressed another big audience. At both
places the audiences was respectful and at
tentive. Before the party left the city for
St. Louis at 11 o'clock tonight , Qcncral
Calmer addressed the Veterans' Sound Money
cnguo at ono of the Grand Army hulls. A
company of Grand Army veterans acted as
escort for tbo generals during their stay In
the city.
The day had been an exciting one. At
Paris and Fayctte , Mo. , the candidates \vcro
greeted by crowds of rowdy Dryanltcs.
At Paris Generals Palmer and IJuckncr
were met at the depot by 500 people. It proved
an unwelcome greeting they received , and the
party was compelled to pull out without
accomplishing anything. An the candidates
stood on tbo rear platform with their heads
bared a number of young men pushed up
with a big Bryan banner and shoved It
under the noses of the generals. The dis
turbers at the same time hooted for Palmer.
Several efforts of General Buckncr to speak
were interrupted by cries of "Hurrah for
Bryan , " many In the crowd yelling "Look
at the McKlnlcy aid society. "
Stung at this last fling General Buckncr
pointed at the banner nnd eald : "Let mo
tell you who and what constituted the Mc
Klnlcy aid society. In 1892 , on ft sound
money platform , wo elected Grovcr Cleve
land , but the last elections In Missouri , In
Illinois , In Kentucky , In Ohio , wcro disas
trous because you , you shoutcrs , with your
heresies , drove the party on to failure and
contempt. Hold up that banner. There Is
the emblem of the McKlnley aid society.
Look at It. "
The nominee's voleo rang out clear. The
roughs were ashamed and let their ban
ner drop to the ground. Finally the train
had to pull cut to get away from the roughs.
Many In the crowd expressed regret at the
From Paris telcsrams were sent forward
to Fayctte , and at that place Generals
Polraor and Bucknrr received oven worse
treatment than' at Paris , nnd for a tlmo
violence was threatened the candidates.
The party was greeted by a howling mob ,
which scorned bent on causing trouble from
the moment the train stopped. No sooner
had the two generals emerged upon the
car platform than a Bryan banner , bearing
the Inscription , "Fayctto Democratic
club , " was thrust Into General Palmer's
face * by Its bearer. A citizen named Wil
liams tried to urge peace , nnd the gold men
milled and rushed the Bryan banner back. ,
This only made the disturbers more ugly.
-A man tried to punch General Buckncr
with a flagpole , and Williams seized It , and
the crowd rushed upon him and began
boating him. The rioters then tried to get
at the generals and strlkn them with their
banners. Scores of men fought bitterly
around the car end ; women wcro pushed
about and knocked down , and many blows
were exchanged. An old farmer climbed
onto the rear end of the car and shouted :
"You arc carrying Missouri for McKlnley. "
Ho was pulled down by the crowd. After live
minutes of lighting , screaming and tooting
horns the train pulli'd out without the can
didates even attempting to make a speech.
Moat of the rioters were young and belonged
to the so-called Fayctto Democratic club.
They wore high white hats with Bryan's
name Inscribed thereon and white badges ,
Most of them seemed to belong to the well-
to-do element. Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Buek-
ncr , who arc accompanying the candidates ,
wcro witnesses of the scenes of disorder.
Aboard the train the party showed the ut
most surprise at the treatment accorded.
Said General Buckner : "All through Iowa we
were treated with great courtesy. I did not
believe wo would bo shown such disrespect
In Missouri. "
The Central college hoys ran after the
train as It pulled out of Fayette , and with
loud cries begged the generals to believe
that had they known of the plan they would
have stopped It with the aid of the good
citizens and the old soldiers.
At Warrcnsburg a big crowd turned cut
to greet the candidates. In closing his ad
dress from the car platform General Palmer
said : "I promlso you , my fellow democrat ,
I will not consider It any great fault If you
decide next .Tuesday to cast your ballots
for William. McKlnley , although you may.
If vou desireIt , vote for Palmer and Buck-
ner. "
At other points along the line the party
was greeted by respectful crowds , and the
remainder of the trip to Kansas City ,
which was reached this evening , was made
without Incident.
Fliiiln DepredNliiii Kverywliore mill
Tliliikx Hleclloii Will lie Clone.
SAN FIIANCISCO , Oct. 30. Mr. Thomas
Lloyd , editor of the London Statist , who lias
traveled across the country , stopping at
numerous places , has sent the following
cablegram to bis paper In London to appear
tomorrow :
I traveled from Chicago to St. Paul nnd
over the Northern Pacific to Portland , Ore.
Thence Into California to San Francisco.
Chicago WUB outwardly busy and prosper
ous , but really depressed. The Stock ex
change was closed , the bankH being unwill
ing to loan ; factories wcro closed ; there
were numbers of unemployed , nnd street
beggars were numerous. All were anxlotm
for the future. St. I'aul was also depressed ,
but Ims more hope from thu HBO In vlitiit.
The northwest Is suffering oven San Frnn-
Party lines nro everywhere obliterated.
It Is u light of the masses against the
classes. There Is a bitter feeling In the
wool against the trustH , corporation : ) nnd
combination ! * , not HO much against the
cast.Now York nnd Chicago hope McKlnloy
will carry several western states. San
Frnnclsco nnd Portland disbelieve thin. Mc
Klnley Is unpopular In tbo west. Sound
money and llnnmi arc dlsllkcx ! by the
workliiBmen. The opinion hero IB that the
election will bo very close. People nro hope
ful , but not conlldPiit that McKlnley will
win. The bfHt judges fear u continuance
of the uneasiness.
I ( Ind no dlHlIko toward England , Per
sonally. I am moat kindly received.
The cool-headed say they never saw such
excitement since thewar. . Reject nil the
predictions. The assumed confidence of
politicians IB part of the game.
Bryan Is personally respected. Ho Is
fanatic , but honest. Ho rnrrclscH a mag
netic Influence over his hearers. There Is
not so much fear In the west IIR In the east
Bf socialism nnd sectionalism , though U Is
admitted that distressed borrowers dls-
like the lenders and the laborers wish to
restrict federal Interference with mate dis
turbances. LLOYD.
I.OVITH Drowned In ICiiiiNitx.
TOI'EKA , Kan. , Oct. 30 , Ira Burnlso ,
aged 17 , and Grace Saylor , aged 18 , wcro
drowned at Whcaton , Kan. , last nlgbt.
They attended a political meeting that was
addressed by Congressman Brodorlck , and
while the meeting was In progress It rained
hard. The attempted to ford Clear creek
and went down. Tbo young couple were
the only children of their respective fam
ilies , and they liavo been lovcm for over
a year. They wcro burlnd together ,
Weather Forccnut for Nebraska
I Generally Fair ; Growing Warmtr.
1 < CntttoV Cniio Come * Up Mnndnjr.
Ilnrrlunn AdvUm All to Ho Honest.
Mlnotirl llomllrn AsimuH I'nlmer.
Frco Silver to Bnvo Mill Mrynn.
B. Brlioolhnyi Cull on Mnjnr MoKtnlny.
IJrynn Turn * ltd Steps Homeward.
Henry W. Yutci on Honest Money.
0. Ncbrnika la the McKlnlry Column ,
: Cnthu < lnui nt the Clog'.nff Itnlllrs.
England' * Trlnl of Cheap Money.
4. Kdltorlnl nnd Commout.
0. Xcbrntka OcU n Thorough Soaking.
Philippine RrboU Continue Atrocities ,
0. Council lUuffs I.ornl Mutter * .
Todiiy'D flnmr * on the Gridiron.
AtTuIrn ntBimtli Omnbn.
7. Commercial nnd t'lnnnrlnl New * .
JIiiHlnrun of taut Week Itctlmvoil.
Ilrynu Calls Mrclmnlcs Ilrggam.
8. CaMIngIlullots liy Machinery.
0. Sioux Indian Htio < fnr Divorce.
Chicago the Campaign Storm Center.
I.utcst Toll of Unugln * County ,
lliillown'un ( lames tuul Diversions.
10 , ItllH of I'umlnlno ( losslp.
11. III ? Aimrondn Mine In Politics.
Kxpcrlcnco Proves n WUo Tc.iclier.
IS. "An Unwilling Neighbor. "
iiicniiiriucis FOH WHIJAT COMIXO
SfntlNtlelnn Ilytlf Given 111 * i\lH-rt
Opinion to American FnrnierN.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 30. ( Special Tele
gram. } Mr. John Hyde of the Department
of Agriculture , author of the recent report
on "Wheat Prices , " published In The Boo ,
brands as a Ho made ofwhole cloth a state
ment that has appeared In certain papers
that ho had given It as his judgment that
the present rise In wheat had been planned
by speculators.
Mr. Hyde declares that If ever there was
n rlso In prices that was strictly legitimate
It Is the present rlso In wheat. Advices
received from Russia , India and Argentina
report such short crops In those countries
as to make a big shortage In the world's
supply a matter of absolute certainty , and ,
notwithstanding the oscillations of the past
few days , Mr. Hyde looks for still higher
Speculation , ho says , Is usually most
cctlvo when , as at the present time , the
Impossibility of ascertaining the full and
precise effect of an Important change In
conditions leaves some llttlo room for
doubt or speculation as to the near future ,
Jint , It Is the greatest folly or the most
criminal mendacity to say that the present
speculation' In wheat Is Itself the cause of
the rlso In prices. Those who make such
statements are proving themselves false
friends of the farmers , because If the pres
ent rlso U fictitious , It would bo clearly
to the farmers' Interest to take Immediate
advantage of It , whereas every legitimate
Indication Is to the effect that the farmer
will do better by not crowding his wheat
on the market Just at this tlmo.
lllir Cut In the I'Ntlmiilc.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 30. Commodore
Matthews , chief of the Navy department
bureau of yards and docks , In his annual
report to Secretary Herbert , makes n cut
of two-thirds In tbo estimate for the main
tenance and Improvement of navy yards
submitted by the various commandants.
They ask for $ C.9SC,620 and ho reduces Iholr
estimate to $2,215,013. .Some of the prin
cipal Improvements thai ho Indorses nro
as follows : At Mare Island , Cat. , quay wall ,
$30,000 ; dredging , $20,000 ; at Pugct Sound
station , clearing work , $10,000 ; wharf , $ GO-
000 ; olllcors' quartCTH , 112,000.
.Tho chief also submits an estimate of
$225,000 for suitable ways and sheds for
laying up torpedo boats , but ho docs not
Indicate the location.
XC\VH for the Army.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 30. ( Bpeclal Tele
gram. ) 'Colonel Lodcr , Second ar
tillery , has been placed on the retired list.
Assistant Surgeons Basil Hicks Dutchcr ,
Leigh Austin Fuller , Franklin Mlddleton
Kemp , George Alfred Skinner , Carl Roger
Darnall and William Evans Richards , re
cently appointed , have been ordered to this
city for Instruction.
Leaves of absence : Captain Samuel W.
Fountain , Eighth cavalry , four months ;
Chaplain T. Q. Steward , Twenty-fifth In
fantry , forty days.
Private Jacob Strlno has been transferred
from thb Twelfth to the Twenty-second In
fantry and ordered to Fort Crook for duty
with company A.
Mahoney & Stennler Ret It.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Supervising Architect Alkcn today
awarded the contract for the construction
of the external drainage ditch around the
new postofllce building at Omaha to Mahoncy
& Stcnglcr of Omaha , at their hid of $4,998.
The contract Is to bo completed in sixty
Condition of tlic TrcnHiiry.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 30. Today's stutc-
mcnt of the condition of the treasury shows :
Available cash balance , $230,731D9S ; gold re
serve , $118,708,215.
The treasury today lost $911.800 In old
coin and $10,500 In bars , which leaves the
true amount of the reserve $117.359,380.
IlefiiMo DIvlHlou of the 1'roperty
WASHINGTON , Oct. 30. Judge Hagner
of the equity court today refused the np
plication of the helrs-at-law In the famous
Holt will case to dlvldo the property , but
directed that an accounting of the estate
bo rendered by the administration.
New Iowa I'ON ( mauler.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) 0. Alexander has been appointed
postmaster at Prole , Warren county , la.
Five More Carniirn Itcportcil Onlercil
for Sliliimciit to Aiixfrnllu.
SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 30. Wheat was
more Irregular today than yesterday , bul
the situation continues strong. In this
market speculative options opened at a
sharp advance , but weak cables came from
Liverpool and there were sharp sales to DO
cure profits , and prices afterwards -went
slightly below yesterday's closing points
At the call board In this city the trans
actions during the morning were fairly
large , moat of the sales being for account
of room traders and country speculators ,
who took their profits. At 9:15 : December
opened at $1.40 per cental ; May opened at
$1.4014 and closed at | 1.4C. Ab 10:15 : prices
had a hharp decline. December opened at
$1.38 , May opened at $1.454 , declined to
$1.44 % and closed at $1.44 5-0. At 11:15 : December -
comber went down .another notch or no ,
opening at $1.37 % and closing at $1.37i ! ,
hut Mav had a steadier tone , opening ni
$1.4 Hi , dropping to $1.14 % and recovering
to and closing at $1.44 % . At the. afternoon
flcr-ftloii options went up 2 points , but De
cember closed at $1.38 % and May at $1.44 %
In the sample market llttlo was done no
far as made public , but It U reported on
ccod authority that a leading house 'has
orders to liny flvo moro cargoes for Aus
tralian shipment. This will servo to keep
epot wheat In firm condition. Nominal rates
today nro $ U ! > to $1.37Vi for No. 1.
I'nolo Sum In OJmrne of ( lie
JACKSONVILLE Fla. , Oct. 30. As sooi
as the tun Dauntless wan released from
quarantine today at Fcrnnndlna , Captain
Hand of the rovcnuo cutter Wlndom placoc
an armed force of men aboard. The owners
of the tug then dismissed the crow , ant
the government la now In aolo control
The seizure was owing to the refusal o
the tun owners to pay a flno of $500 fo
leaving Jacksonville and BOUB | Into a for
< > IKQ port \Yllhgut clcarlui- .
Sjlvor Trust Puts Up Fifteen Tliousanil
Dollars to Oarry Nebraska.
lo Touches Marcus Daily and the Butte
Merchants for $5,000. ,
Also that of Colorado , and Both Sco the
Montana Ante ,
Omiihn. niul Lincoln HuMlcrN Treated
tu the Fror nil ( I Ihillmltcil CoIniiKO
of if HI to One lln ) 'H AVork
Money to llliMV niul Hum.
Whatever may bo the condition ot the
popocratlc .treasury In other parts ot the
country , In Nebraska there Is now an abun
dance of campaign boodle to bo disbursed
> y tbo Bryan managers. Whllo the Omaha
jryan organ has been bombarding Mark
lanna nnd tbo plutocrats no efforts have
icon spared by tbo local Bryanttcs to force
rtbtito from tbo silver mine owners to bol
ster up the cause ot Bryan In hto homo
state. H Is nn open secret thnt noon after
Aryan's nomination an urgent call was
nado upon the bulllonnrlcs for help to keep
Mr. Bryan's personal Omaha organ on Its
cgs. Thcso appeals wcro In part successful
aud wore responded to by Omaha and Denver
; > coplo Interested In silver smelting and
mining to the tune of several thousand del
As the campaign progressed new rcqulsl-
.lons wcro made for additional contribu
tions. Some ot thcso wcro ( solicited from
wage workers under cover of the poverty
cry and sympathy dodge. But these wcro
only a mask for the big deal that was to
como. ,
Last week , Wednesday , G. M. Hitchcock ,
publisher of the Omaha World-Herald , left
: ho city on an Important political mission.
To friends whom ho met nt' the depot ho
gave It out that ho was bound for Chicago.
Instead , however , ot boarding the Chicago
train , hogot ( on the Burlington train going
west. Ho rode on a Burlington annual pass
and had sleeper accommodations engaged
aa far as Billings , the end ot the lino. Ho
reached Butte , Mont. , Thursday , and spent
all day In company with the editor of the
Anaconda Standard , who made appointments
with him to meet Marcus Dally , the Ana
conda sliver king ; W. A. Clark and other
silver millionaires.
The con ej-gncjj van ' effected Friday After
noon and tho'outco'mo was not entirely sat
isfactory to the Bryan emissary. H re
sulted In a contribution by Dally of $2,500
on condition that $3COO more bo raised
among the business , men ot Butte. This was
done In less than twenty-four hours nnd
the money handed over to HtU-hcock. It li
reliably reported that Dally managed to
recoup himself for this and previous con
tributions to the Bryanlto campaign fund
by having the Anaconda Mining company ,
of which he Is chief owner , take $10.CO out
of the wages of each miner employed on
the last pay day.
After getting the Montana sliver trust
boodle Hitchcock started homeward over the
Union Pacific , by way of Salt Lake and
Denver. In each of tboso cities ho made
piteous appeals to the big silver men to
help him save Nebraska for Bryan. The
-exact amount of the contributions secured
from Utah and Colorado members of the
silver trust has not yet leaked out. It Is
said to run up Into the thousands. The
report there Is that each state duplicated
Montana'a gift. Suffice It to say that Hitch
cock came back to Omaha flush with money
and ready to distribute the stuff where It
Is expected to do the most good. Up to
date the popocratio workers have only re
ceived n small part of the frco silver boodle ,
but they have been assured that they will
got all they want after the allotment has
been made to various county committees.
The first Installment of the'Montana , Utah
and Colorado money Is said to bo set aside
for the town of Lincoln. The supporters
of Bryan are determined to make a great
showing In Mr. Bryan's homo town , no matter -
tor how much It costs.
The second big block has been reserved for
Omaha , where the sliver forces are to bo
liberally supplied with whatever may bo
needed between now and election day.
IlrynnlteH Aliniuloii Argument anil Put
DP 11 IIiiKy Man.
The Bryan men hold what was Intended
to bo the greatest demonstration of the cam
paign up to date at tbo Boyd's last evening.
It was given out that it was to bo a laboring
man's meeting and < a number of leading
labor agitators wcro billed to speak. The
opera house contained a good-sized and
fairly enthusiastic crowd , a conblderablo pro
portion of which was women. S. J. Kent
of Lincoln was the chairman and the prin
ciple speaker of the evening. Ho made no
attempt to present a logical argument on
the Issues of tbo campaign , but devoted
his time to telling the laboring men that
It , waa the plan of the republican managers
If McKlnloy was elected to practically make
slaves of them. Mark Hann.i was used as
the boygman to frighten the laborers and
never was giant or griffin painted In moro
frightful language to a child to i-cnro It
Into being good than V'as Hanna portrayed
to the laborers. When lie had finished this
topic his tlmo was up aud ho had no oppor
tunity to tell the laborers how frco silver
was going to provide positions for the la
borers who wcro out of work.
There were a number of other speakers
who each occupied a few minutes. Among
them were : Miss Mary Fnlrbrothcr , J.
M. Kcnney , T. F. Sturgcss and Louis J.
: INTISICISHTM A mo cuown.
Ho } ' Orator filvcN the fillverllcH Homo
llnril JVulN to Crude.
R. H. Thorpe , the "boy tramp orator , " ad
dressed n crowd of fully 1,500 people at Kar-
bach hall last night. Ho caught the crowd
at the very outset of hLi talk , nnd the en-
tlmslacm never waned a moment , Ho Inter
spersed his arguments with stories told In
the most Interesting manner and all hav
ing points which exactly fitted the case In
hand. His speech ibowcd a wonderful fa
miliarity with the moat abstruse details
of tbo ieaucs of the campaign , as well an
tbo hearing of the hhtlory of the world o
upon these same Issues. ' * *
Ho proceeded to dUcuvi the money Qiicfl-
tlon nt considerable ] eiiHlb. J > rcsentlnK the
sound money doctrlno'ln an attractive
manner nnd proving that the only itablo
clrcuUtliiK.mcdlum la thut which hue lu-
trlualo yaluo. Ho also referred to the prac-
' tbo sllvcrltcu ot comparing tUUt