Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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Once More V
20 % Off on Fine Overcoats ,
The Great Cash Saving induce-
m ent of 20 per cent off will be
giv en one more day Saturday.
Man Oiirf25 ovorconU f\ . f\\
Our U.UU
Advertising ; 120 pur cent ofT .
Our (2Qn\Plcantn 17 . . f\\
UO our cent off . 1./.UV
Our { 20 overcoats
2UiurcontolT |
In our advertisement last Sunday when he said that this would be the "last week"of This offer will not
our Money Raising Sale We haven't raised enough money yet and consequently be made again
there will be More Money Raising More Price Lowering More Cask Selling Satur this season.
day than on any other day during this great sale Three large purchases of Clothing Men's
at 50c on the dollar will be added the money saving inducements A large purchase Derby
of Men s Suits from Alfred Benjamin & Co. , one of the best makers in New York Hats
another big purchase of Boys' Suits from Puck & Hauchkaus and a big bill of Mcns
The equal of
Overcoats and Ulsters from Michaels , Stern & Co. of Rochester which will be sold any $3 hat
for less than jobbers' prices We will positively sell them to you for less than we
Slilrlw nnil Drawers _ _ ,
camel's liuir , Hiiiicr weight. 4. * J O
would have had to pay 60 days ago.
Shirts nnil Drawers . ,
* xv
Scotch wool , light weight 2.OO
The following officers and employees of tlie Continental will Mon's Half llo c
two . . . 200
IDC glad to meet their friends and give them careful attention during this sale ' pairs for.
Hat Men's Sttits.
Department. The best suits produced in New
Department- York City and therefore in the coun
Furnishings L. V , Lanan ran try the Benjamin Suits are always
Samuel G , Wright in demand by clothing buyers Every
John M. Conrad Department. , William King thing that comes from Benjamin's is
all right and we are glad that we
William L , Fisher A. W. Whittaker ; A.-M. Pinto have them to sell We bought them
D. E. Cable cheap and that's the way you get
William Burnett Oscar Schultz them Saturday.
Casslmerc' suits that Alfred Benjamin
Peter Sevick Charles Adams & Co. made to sell at at '
$7.50 in case lots suits the like of
which has never before been seen hi
Howard Lepsey Shirts and Drawers-
- Omaha will go on sale Satuiday
Miss Agnes Leany fancy mottled , Meecc lined. . morning nit
C. E Shirts and Drawers
. , Imported balbrlggan Alfred Benjamin' * line Cheviot , cassl-
meie and Worsted Suits made to
F. P. Fosdike Shirts luedluin nnd Drawers CTb U ( C wholesale at $12.00 and more will go
weight In one lot Saturday at
PECK& IIAUNCHAN'S All of Benjamin's pure Worsted Suits
MICI1AF.L.S , STIJKN & CO.'S ' $12.00 wholesale. values It-button
Boys' Stilts. sacks with round corners mostly you
Bisters and Overcoats. . can have them Saturday for
The PECK ft HAUCIIHAUS Suits Benjamin & Co's Cheviot , Casslmere
' are the big
Mlchacjs , Stern & Co's Heaver Ulsters gest snap wo have over offered in ' . and Worsted Suits not one of which
the full length , Dig collar a huge lot 5.OO They wanted to sell and wo bought boys' 1,500 clothing. suits of dealers would hesitate to pay $1.75 !
of them at the Mrst prailo of Cheviot Sui s bo that wo can sell for wholesale aie yours Saturday for
Michaels , Stern'H $10.00 Kersey Over- thorn for less than other houses liavo to pay for Alfred Benjamin's winter weight Serge
them Wo
, call that Money Saving.
wool in lot Saturday
coats-all go one and the nobbiest styles Scotch Cheviot
day at Lot 818i : in sixes 8 to J5 years in a neat viet Checks made like tailors
rod and brown mixed cheviot miulo make them suits that wholesale
Michaels-Stern's Brown Heaver Over in the best manner wo guarantee for $1(5.50 ( go on sale Saturday at
coats , with serge linings and their every suit as Peck & Uaiiehhaus
gray chinchilla worsted lined Kxtra niiiko only line clothing our price All of Benjamin's purchase of genuine
I.oug I'lsleis that sell for $10.00 and Saturday Imported Scotch Cheviots with hand
$ ltU)0 ) , go for some daik brown mixtures and all
Lot 8550 in a neat , daik brown , broken their Clay Worsted Kroek Suits
The all wool raw edge Black Frieze check cheviot one of their best suits ' 25 that you usually pay $20.00 forgo
I Isters that Michaels , Stern & Co. put which sells in ovcry first class house Satuiday at
up as their best bargain go Saturday at $0.50 our price Saturday go
for Lot 8U04 Cheviots are the best material Alfred Benjamin & Co. excelled In
for boys other Prince Albert Coats and Vests - because
Machaeli Stern & Co's all wool any goods
All of ,
them of the most
fade and sh jw dirt this lot is an Indis cause they
Klyslan Overcoats that they trimmed tinct plaid , worsted cheviot it must dressy worsteds to be Iridthey
to sell for $15.00 will be In one Shirts nnd Drawers- 15
up o.oo - bo been to bo appreciated our price never expected to wholesale them
great lot at Jersey ribbed .79c Saturday for less than $15.00 our price. . .
Fine Kersey Overcoats in blues nnil Shirts and Drawers- 20c Lot S017 Sixes 7 to 15 In a nobby olive Benjamin's black worsted Frock Suits
blacks -a garment Michaels , Stern & brown , derby ribbed mlxlure cheviot at any other time made up In all sorts of sizes to Ml all
Co. made to sell at $ l0.00-will ! be the Shirts and Drawers- this suit would bO too high for most 5O sorts of men suits that yon can't
recoid breaker. More good , honest natural wool 39c people it's within your reach Satur buy usually for $25.00 go on sale
cloth , trimmings and labor in them than day at .Saturday for
has ever been dreamed of by the clos Lot SO ! ) " An Imported Scotch cheviot-
est buyer -don't buy them If they are sixes 7 to Kl generally we can MX the
not cheap you're pilvlleged to see regular value on goods , but at the
and uxiunino the goods Wo don't price we are making on this lot of Mail Orders Filled
( jot your money If they uro not If wo liavo a big day Saturday in our Hoofer department clothing our Ideas of actual values become at this
what we claim for tliem./t-j r * will bo because outside Omaha demoralized
/ partment it people come our price on Saturday -
' J- . Money
Saturdey's prlco - liavo como to the bale for surely every boy in this urday Raising-
city is wearing a Continental Roofer now. Rqofora Price Lowering
All the Overcoats anil Ulsters Lot S090 The Continental has put out
that wo'vo boon selling nt $20 wore never so muoh the fad and certainly wore -
more trade whining , friend making Money .Saving-
low in price as at this bale.
never so
822 and * 25 will
ffpcr Cent value In the past 15 days thai ) ever Cash Sale.
go Saturday at ' " OH Blue Chinchilla Reefers , wool lined and In Its history , hut this lot of Peek & Selling .
in ! ! to 8 mohair braid sailor cul- - ej2r J llauchlmns
' Ulstora ages -ej > goods will beat them all-
will bo
Boys' Blunirhtorod lar and big buttons very swell Satjj see lot SOW ) at Big Boys' Suits.
Saturday urday's price . .
the thrco bit ; lots from Lot S.00 Black and blown check worsted
II to > 8 in blue Chinchilla reefers
which you are to Apes that never buy for less than $4.00 sted cheviots sixes 0 to 15 usually Suits with long pants made tip like
choose are prluod nt you sold for . . . ' in four bargain
will bo closed out Saturday at . $0.00 or $0.50-our price.on the full grown men's suits
Saturday gain lots Saturday at SO.OJ , M.50 , 85
5.OO Reefers ages II to 8 with braid and 2 5 and I
handsome pearl buttons mohair cr > Hiir Blue Cheviot Suits 500 absolutely all
4. SO and cuflWtho kind that catch the boys wool suits Cheviot Suits In all sizes
AM ) Wide Sailor Collar Roofers with mohair t to 10 same IIH those we sold last '
braid on genuine chinchilla a barguin Satuiday-plenty of them this tlmf' Men's Ligltt
3.00 Neckties if there ever was ono Saturday's prlco small sixes madu with sailor collar. . . .
Big Boys' Ileofnr and Ulster combined- Biown Basket Cloth Cheviot Suits , $2.75 Overcoats.
200 500 leeks , ages 8 to 15 made of all wool blue Over 200 Suits sold last Saturday
strings , band bows chinchilla cloth with wool and another lot same goods same make- You can't afford to do without one
and linings Saturday's prlco same value Saturday at You'll not bo In style if you don't '
4-in-hands The Rcofon that coats the most is our wear ono You'll not be saving mon
blaclc Irish Frieze it has slllc sleeve Other lues at $1.05 , $2.00 , $2.25 and 1.9G ey unless you own ono Every conceivable -
and woollUmly linings nnd a , big ulster $ -18. The opportunity of a lifetime ceivablo shade in this sale Saturday
collar regardless of value 0 to 10 to dress your boy right to buy goods 2.00 atfia , $10 and . . . .
Crossback Contab and lot year agos-go Saturday for . for cash at money raising prices
don't ask to charge these we can't 2.25
will have to bo us .
The Brownlo Reefers re Order for
ol other sec Suspenders , plenished" " after Saturday for thoro'u afford to do It we dislike to refuse Orders 8.0"1 of the lota advertised and any
of theho affairs to you , but our aim Is to show you that AND
25c just enough nobby : hey will bo Bent to you ttubleot to your approval.
last ono day ages 4 to 8 years as l you cannot afford to buy goods on . 2.3S Wo are confident that trading lilcj this will bo
us they lust Saturday you get t oin time when you can buy at these prices. atlbfaotory.
Men's Pants.
Fhio casslmere all wool Ilalr Line
Paiitu *
Fancy chovlot absolutely all wool
Fancy worsted extra big bargains hi
j Pants ,
Odd Suit Pants nil sizes , colors and
values , . ,
Fancy worsted the highest cost
"Boj'h1 Knee Pants the befit In the
gtorc . . . . , , . <
Boys' Knee Pants that usually sclj for