1 0 THE OMAHA UATTA' IJK ifi5-'III ! D AY , OCTOBER 30 , 1800. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Strength of Foreign Markets Keeps Do mestic Prices Up , WHEAT GAINS MORE THAN ONE CENT III Corn Vi-ry Cltili'l. I1n Ac llvlly of U'liritl AlmoHiliiK ( In * liilcri'Hl of till ! TrnilcrK. CHICAGO , Oct. 23. The exceeding Krcnt ntrcngth of the foreign wheat markets nl tliclr opening today ami iiRnln nftor tliclr cloning caused in nilvnnco In whont of nliout lUc IICP liu. Tingnln ill one tlmu wn 2',4c ' per 1 u. . but money In Now York tightened to the very verge of stranguln- tlon. which caused the renctlon. Corn , outH nnil provisions wore dull without ma terial clmiiBO In vnluo The bullish whirl which wheat exptrl- cnceil yesterday afternoon vina the mere raising of the dust by the preliminary Busts of wind which precede a hurricane. The 211 c rise of the previous day was In creased In the course of the first fifteen minutes today by the addition of another Z\'tc. \ December , which old on the day before at from 70 > ic to 70"4c , sold as high as 73c In the time named. The rush of buyers at the start was such that sellers easily received from "I'Kc to 72c at the first brush In the pit and not many but got at Irani ? 4c above the lower of these prlcc.i. In ten minutes the price had risen to 73c and after reactlnR to 72'.4c ' It rose to 73Uc. From the latter point there was a moro serious decline than the first. The sudden liulgo led to some suspicion that the hand of the manipulator was on the lever which controlled the movement. Hut there were other considerations which had much In fluence ; the Liverpool cables were higher. There were private cablegrams confirming the bad crop situation In India and Aus tralia and noting additional sales of car- KOOS to KO to those countries. New York wired that foreigners wore active buyers thorp at the opening and that the exportIng - Ing houses which had largo acceptances last night on cable offers were also buying frcc-ly. Hut the pace got too hot. Itcallz- Ing started and the accumulated bearish news , which had been lost sight of In the general hurrah , began to have Its ef fect. Minneapolis and Duluth received 1,221 carloads of wheat , compared with 1,000 Thursday last and 1,136 cars a year ago. That kind of movement reported from day to day Is rather unsettling the Binall crop theory. The chief excuse for the break from 73Uc to 71 ! e Had , however , nothing In common with t.he northwest ! rn movement. It was tight money In New York that did It. Hcporls from there In quick succession quoted call money 10 per cent , 15 per cent , 20 and W ) per cent bid and wheat wan ofTcruI for sale In large quantities with the Inevitable result. Not withstanding the. CO per cent rate for money In Now York , the strength of the forvlgn cables at the close was such that buying again became general and another Jump to 72 ! c resulted. A return of the money scare seized the crowd again , however , and another reaction to 71 ! c took place. The latint bidding was at that figure. Itiislnoss In corn was very quint , the activity of wheat absorbing the Interest of the traders. The advance In wheat and llrm cables were helping' Influences , hut liberal western offerings prevented much advance. May ranged from z ic to 2SV : , ( : , to 2.S&JC. opening about He higher at from 2SUc to 2sHc , nml cloning cisy at from 2SVic to Oats wore < quiet , with prices llrm enrly , lint reacted later nnd eloped nt n slight loss at the close. KluctunllonR were con- flne > il to a narrow range and Inlluenced en tirely through sympathy with wheat nnd corn. Mny opened n shade ! higher nt 21 ic , ranged between 21 io nnd 21 4c nnd closed Htcndy at 2I5c. I'rovlHlottB wcro elull within a narrow Hinge. The continued largo hog receipts again exercised a depressing Influence und caused n Hllght dccllno noon after the open ing. This was rocovcrtil later In sym pathy with the nilvnncn In wheat. Janu ary pork closed unchanged at J7.SO ; January lonl , Do lower nl JU3 ; January ribs. Be lower nt I3.S2& The estimated recruits for Friday are : \ \ bent , 1GT. cars : corn , 5SO cars ; oats , 3G3 cars ; hogs 20.001 head. The leading futures ranged ns follows : "Arl'.clnv | " tVliratNo.S Oct. Dec Cash quotntlong were an follnwg : .1''J. ? ! i I''lril > ; l"ml ' 1'rtnir ' patents. quotnM M H.,004.IS , In woml ; winter patents , JJ.MJJ1 3.80 ; BtruliilitH , JJ.oaa.cO : fnrlnir upcelnls. J3 WM 4.00 ; irrlntf imlenln. W.MB3.SO ; striilgMa , 5.00fl 3.30 : liidterH. | : .60(2.SO. ( , , Y LIKAiC N ° ' s'l'rl" > . ' . 3HfC5 ic ; No. 3 sprlns , Ce > C o : No. 2 red. 75T4B73c , fCOUN No. ! , IJUtfJJSo ; No. I yellow , 23WO OATS No. 2 , 17 c ; No. 2 white , 21C22'ic ; No. S while , f. o. li. 17UOMO. UYK-No. 2. 33HO5CC. HAIlI.-V-NTo. ! 2 , 3lc ; No. 3 , f , o. b. , 2ljJ33c ; No. 4 , f. o. 1 , . . 23H ce. : Kl4.\XSKii-No. : 1. COH 70c. TIMOTHY Siin-I'rlrr.e. : : 12.500253. I'llOVISIONH Me pork , per 1)1)1. , JC.POW7.00 lanl. per 100 Ib8. , JI.23 ; morl rlljs. Men. loon- , t3.Wifa.SO ; dry rnlleil Hliiiulilern , lioxed JI.COffl.2J Kliort elear nl.len , tnised , II 00M.12'i. rOtn.THY Sternly : turkeys , Syifi'J'.Jcj chick CM * . CftTc : ilnckH , 8SHc. WHISKY Distiller * ' llnlehcd goods , per gul. , 11.18. The following were the receipts anil ihlpments today : Ni-j\v vonic CIMHAL : UuotulloiiM of tin- Day oil ViirliuiN Coiitnieiilllle'N , NKW YOUIv , Oct. 29. FIjOUR Hecrliili , IS , 100 bbls. ) exports , 13,039 bbls. Market dull , wltl holders ntktni ; an advance ; Minnesota patents JI.UOIH.33 ; winter utralRhts , H.1004.20 ; win ter patent * , JI. C < .W ; wjnter exlras , J3.00 ® 3.35 ; Mlnnesola bakers , J3.20ff3.SO ; winter low tirades , J2.30W2.SO. Ilyc Hour , fclcndy ; super line. J2.70tf2.k5 : fancy. I2.90U3.20. lluckwhea Hour , steady at J1.31KMJ. COUN MKAl-Ktcuily : yellow western , e. HAHI.KV MAI.T Dull ; western. Jj.00if5.50. HUCKWHHAT Kailer nt 27W3SC. HYU Firmer ; No , 2 western , HUiflOic. HAHI.UV Klrnier ; feeding , western , 21'ic. W1II3AT Itecelpls. 139,200 bu. ; exporls , 72,93 bu. ; spol IrrcKUlar ; No. 2 red. f. u. b. , 83Uc No. 1 hard , f. o. b. , bio alloal. Options openci itriint ; and advanced on KOOI ! local and forele bti'lni ; , Inspired by liluher cables , further vlilr mi-nlii to Australia and bad Indian reports broke sharply under Unlit money ccaru an after a puillul locavrry , closed nervous a KiTlUo advancu ; No. 2 led. May , M'.iWHUc ' Jlotcdal He. December , iHitlbOc , closed a COHN Heeelpts , Hl.COO bu. ; exports. 12,13 , ! bu pot very dull ; No. 2. SOUc In elevalor. On lions very uulel all day. with an easy len lene-y. closing ul Ho decline ; slay , 3l3l > r jloned ul 3t4c ; December , 314W31c ! , closed a OATH Itecelpls. 15 ,000 bu. ; exports , 2.SS5 bu , ipol Inactive ; No. 2. 22(4c ( , Options dull an nominal : October cloicil at 22'io ; Decembe : lcned at 23 < 4c. IIAV-Qulet ; ehlppliiff. Mj60c ; uooj to choice l.HATHBH Klrm nl 20H23c : hemlock sole lluenos Ayres , IlKht to heavy welKhts , 19HO2io HOI'S Htendy : 1'aclflo coast. 1891 , crop , 2t4 4c UW crop. 6 7ci ISM erop. 7 HOVie. 1IIDKH Klrm ; California. 21 to 23 Ibs. . I3c. I'llOVIBIONB-lU'ef. quiet ; family , J9.COU10.CO Ileef hams. JlG.OOtfl7.00 ; packed , JS.OOCI9.00. Cu menls , quiet ; plrKle'd bullies , Cl/5Uc ; pickle shoulders , 4V c ; pickled hams , f'iK'J'ic. Iwm llrm ; western steam cloned at JI.CS inked ; cllj II. * . ' , ; rellncd , llrm. I'ork , nrm ; mess. JS.701 9.CO ; short clear. S.7S/IO.M ) ; family , JIO.G01T12.v < TAlUW-lull ; clly. JHo ; counlry. SHc. HUTI-KH-lleeelnls , 2.5IS pki ; , : steady ; west ern dairy. Mfivici western creamery , i : i Wo : KlKlns , lOc , fnctoo1 , k'.HMJc. CHHKSU-ltrcelpts. 7.033 pkKS.J quiet ; larsc 7H T10Uc ; small. 7UV10Uo ; part skims , Jitfc ! full rklms , tWitc. iCIlS-ltfCillits. ; | iC93 pkirs. ; qulel ; state un rennsylvnnla , IHiila ; western , UftlOc. OII ' 1'elroleum , firm ; United closed at Jl IS' bid. Itoiln , itrudy ; strained , common to cootl tl IX ) . Turpentine , elull at 2SKC29C. Cottonsee oil , about Heady ; prlmo cruUt. ttQZle ; vrlm I mimmi-r yellow. H M7o ; oft summer yellow , rlm while JNfJ e. MOt.ASMBB Cjulel ; New Orleans , open kettle , FIlKItlltTS TO l.lVRlWoott-Plrnii colton. by team , J-1W ; srnln. by itedin. IM. HICi : Hrm ; domestic , fnlr to extra , 3i 30e/ ; aptin , JltfllUi' MKTAIJ * PIR Iron , tjulet , wnilhern. ItO.WIf 1.71 : northern. H".i lS.M. Copier , easy ; ak < i brokers. JI0.70 ; exelmns * . IIO.flMW7CI. Lead , nn. Tin , Mendy nnd CH y : Mmlt , J15.Wflll.00 ; i , flrm. Spelter , firm ; ilomentlc , J3.W1H.87H. OMAHA ( ilJMOIIAlj MA It It 1ST. Conilllliin of Triulp nnil ( lnolntlont on Sliiple * nnil Puncy I'rnilncv. 1X108-lornl Hoik , 15flfc. IH/TTKIl Common to fair IV ; choleo lo fancy , ountry , 11012c ; lepnrator creamery , ICOlGc. nthered crcnm , KQIHc. ClAMi-I'nilrl chU-kenn , per do * . . Jt.7SljM.00 ; nail , ll.TIiQt.M ; teal < lucUn Jl W ; red bend * nnd mallards , J2.7W3.0U. CHKKSI : lome t'o brick , 9c ; IMatn. per do . , 9. ; club house , Mb. Jura , r doz. . 13.15 ; Urn- ergcr. fancy , per Ib. . 9c ; Hoqurtort , ! i-lb. nrs , per doz. , JJ.CO ; Young Americas , 10'tc ; win * , fancy. ! ic. VKAIr-ChoIco fat , M to 120 Ib ! " . . are quoted nt flSc : lance nnd coarse. 4QCc. Illissin : POI'I.TIIY Bprlnc chickens , 7c ; ild hens. O',4fl7c ; turkeys , 10fll2o ; geese , lOe ; lurks. lOc. MVB fOITI.TUY Hem. BHo : corks , 3c ; pprlnc hlrken . t'jc ; spring ducks , Cff7c ; turkeys , 70 75flSOc ; dead pigeons not vanted. HAY Upland , JS ; midland. 11.80 : lowland , I ; rye straw , Jl ; color makes the price on my ; light bnles kell Die I cut ; only lop cradis brine tup prleei. III1OOM COItN-nxtrcmcly slow rale ; new crop , delivered mi truck In country : choice preen Mlf.worklng carpet , per Ib. Z'.ic : choice e'cen. running to hurl ? ' ! e ; common. H4c. VKOITAIII.KS. HWKKT POTATOKS-On ordcrg , per bbl. , 11.C3 Cl 75. TOMATOBS I'cr 'i-bu. liapket , MftWlc. ONIONK-donil Mock , per bu. , 300&CC. LIMA IlKANS-l'er Ib. . 4c. r.KANS-Hand t.lrllml navy , per bu. , : t.41fTt.rA JAIirtAOK Home grown , per hundred. 7SSJ ! > flc. cru.KIlY Per dm. . inc ; faney. lnrci > . 45R50c. I'OTATOKS-Qooil rtock , per bu. . M 30c. Fltt'lTS , OllAPis-New : York. 12Vtc : law lots , 12c. CAMFOHNJA PKAe'HIW-Nonc. Pl.UMS-No shipping stock. CAI.IFOHNIA (111 AI'F.H Tokays nnd other 'aney varieties , JI.401J1.EO. CltANIII-ilUliS-CHpp Cod. per bbl. . JiJOOflCfA APPI.KS-CooklnK , per bbl. . J1.7B : eating. J1.S3 < 72 00 : Jonathans , fancy , J2.23 ; fancy New York , 2.00. CAI.TFOIINIA rnAHS I'cr box , J2 ; New York , per bid. . J3.Mffl. QtHNCKS Per bbl. . Jl. TUOP1CAL. FIIUITS. OHANOK.S-MexIciin , J ) . I.n.MONM Mefslnns. J3.0003.50 : .California lemons , J4.00fti.25. IIANAM ASCliolco. . large stock , per bunch. 2.WT:5 ; medium-sired bunches. J1.501T2.CO. MISCKLI.ANL'OUS. OYSTKHS New York counls , per can , 45c ; New York selects , tier can , 4lc ) ; extra rclecls , | icr can , 35c ; slandards , per can , 30c ; mediums , per can , 25c ; New Ynrk counts , per 1W , JI.25 ; per 1.000. Jll ; New York t kcls , per KB ! . , J2 ; per lub. Jll ; bulk Mnndards , per cnl. . Jl.jo. HONKY Fancy while , per Ib. , H 15c ; choice , 13c ; California , amber color , lOc. CIDKU-CIarllled juice , per half bbl. . J2.75 ; per bbl. . Jl.50TJ 4.75. MAPI.B SVIltJP Flve-gal. cans. each. j.73 ; gnl. camt. per doz. . J12 ; half-gal , cans , Jli.25 ; quart cnno. J3.CO. I'KIS Imported fancy , 5 crown , 30-lb , boxes , i4c ; choice , 10-lb. boxes , 3 crown. OOlOc. NUTS Almonds , Cnllfornln , per Ib , , medium jlze , lOc ; TumiKona almonds , per Ib. . larKe. > 2ic ! : Ilrazlls , per Ib. , fc ; English walnuts , per ib. , fancy soft rhell , 12c ; medium nice , lOc ; fit certs , per Ib. , lOc ; pecans , pollxhed medium , be. InrRe , lOc : peanuts , raw , CViQ7c ; roasted , 7',4c ; chotnuls , lOc. FIIUSH MKAT8. III- ! ' Good nnllve ste-ers. < Wi to COO Ibs. . 6 < i { , c ; wcmeiii sleeni , C54c : xond cows nnd hell crs , Si5'ic ; medium cows and heifers , < \ic \ ; Rood roreiiijirii | < rn e-owB and helferx. 3' + e ; KOod forequarters native steers , 5c ; Rood hlnd- iiuarlem cows und helfcrx , Cjc ; KOO.I . hlndiiiar- | lers native steers , S'.ic ; cow rounds , 6c ; cow plales , 3c ; bonelpjis chucks. 4t ; cow chuck ) * , 3c : steer * chucks , 3Jic ; beef tenderloins , ISc ; beef ridln , boneless , 9c ; sirloin bulls , bonelnrs , IVie ; loin backs , boneless , ! > e. ; loin backs. 7c ; cow rlb. , Ni , . 3. 6c ; cow loins. No. 3. So ; beef trimmings , 3'ic ; rump butts , 5c ; shoulder clods , 5c. .STOCKS AM ) HO.VDS. Cour > 4 > f the Si'e-urlt > - .tlnrki-t lloiu- liuilcil Ity tinAloiuy Slrlnnciu-y. NiW YOHK. Oct. 29. TBc course of the stock : n.iikct today was dominated by the cxticmc slrlngency In Ihe rales for call money , the extreme point touched Ijvlng U per cent per lay , pliM 6 per ccnl Interest , or almost equlva Icnl lo 100 per cenl per annum. The lowest point was lu per cenl early In Ihe day. nnd [ he cloning wax al M IX.T cent. i\cn ut the illth price the oaerlnss of funds wcr not Inrpe. the kiipply comlni ; chlelly from the ten ders of foreign money anil the irusl companies. The slrlnifcncy was due lu the efforts of ihe lianker lo slrenKlhen Ihemcehes ns much n possible In preparullon for the pofKlhlc demanJ for accommodations In the ncxl few days. The November Interest and dividend disbursements nro fairly large , nnd thai dale falls on Sun day , Tliu banks cannel call loans made Satur day nnd loans made on Friday RO over l Mini- day. Then , nRaln , loans made on Monday muxl cairy OUT until Wednesday. The Hurry oc casioned revived rumors of the probable lenuc of clearing houfe eertlllcntcs , but U l well known such u slep will nol be laken except ns u IBBI rcsouive. nnd Ihe pivnenl strlriRency Is not expected to last more than u few dais. The stringency Is confined to Wall street , am ! thu needs of thu dry Roods and oilier merchanls nro beingcuppllwl al G per cent by their coin- mission banks. Money In being drawn out of Iho banks lo the cxtcnl lhal legal tenders can IK > secured. A feature of the day was the call ing nnd shlfllni ; of lonna and some of the money distill bed was reloaned In the Mre'et at the higher rates. An Incrcarcd demand for cash gold and n slight advance In ihe premium or "commission" by bullion dealers was also noted. Hciine apprehension Is expressed thai further stringency In money rates mny occur tomorrow. Tiicre Is practically no short tlmo money ob tainable. In one Instance CO per cent was paid for a live days' luan expiring November 4 on u loan of J100.000. T.ie Block markul steadied Hllghtly from lime lo lime on covering of xliorts. but the trend wns downward and ( liu closing was ut ( he lowest of the day. The moro cxlreme declines Included 2',4 per cent In St. 1'iiul. Sugar nnd Hock Irland ; Lake Shore. 2'i per cent ; HI. Paul. 214 per eent ; Kan- fcas & Texas preferred , " per ccnl ; Ilurlln lon , Delaware & Hudson and Manhattan , \ \ per cent : Denver preferred. Hi per cent ; Ijoulsvllle & Nashville , 1 4 per cent , nnd Hi per cent In Heading and Western Union. In thu rpeclaltles Laclede ( ] ns broke 3 per cent on liquidation. Aside from the activity In money , the general market was unfavorably nfferled by thu uneasi ness In ihe foreign financial ccnlers regarding the depression In the Kulllr gold mining shares nnd apprehensions of llRul money. T.io llurllng- lun September stalement , showing a decrease of J107.534 In net earnings , although less unfavor able than hail been expecled , Increased Ihe de pression In Ihe grangers , Chicago Cias ralllcil 2S ! tier cent from Ihe early lees on Ihe reported judicial modlllcallon of the long continued In junction restraining the payments of dividends en Iho Fidelity trusl receipts for the slock of the company. Subsequently the stock reacted In sympathy with the depression In tliu general llsl. The market lefl off weak. Ilallroad bonds reacted sharply , In sympath ) with the depression In the slock market , wltl the Heading ami AtchUon Issues FCorlng ex- iremo declines of 102 per cent on Inci cased dealings. The sales were Jl.070.000. Clovcni- mcnt bCindH declined sharply on sales of Jll,500. Silver certlflcalcs were Irregular , bill closed ' , ( per cent higher on dealings of J24.COO. The Kvcnlnc POSI'B Iondon financial cablc- Rram pay : The slock markels nro Kill drop ping under IK VOUB tldgt'ln aboul Ihe IJnlled Slales elections , Americans were dull today Many brokers have largo orders on their books to buy lines of Louisville , .St. Paul and so on but all uru c-ondltlonnl on the result of the election * . Kntllrg opened very Hal on reporlei dltllcullles on thu Stock exchange at Johannes burg , bill prices recovered later. There lu tome anxiety tonight as lo whether all the checks given nt the settlement today will bo met , bu nothing serious Is npprehended. Short loans were In demand today nt 4 ! $ per cent , nnd a email amount was lent by the bank. The Paris ami Ilerlln markels were dull. The following wcro Hie closing quotation ! on the leading stocks of Ihe New York exchange today : Atchlson 1:1) : ) aoufil AdanmKx 147 N. Y. Central Al'on.T H C.I N. Y. .VN. K. 46 ! ; Am. Kxurosa Ill ) Ontario , t W 13M UalllmoruiVOIuo. 14HI Oregon Imu l Canada IMcltlo. . . . 0114 lorveon Mar 10 CanadnSomhorn. . 4i > IO.S. I * .t U. N 14I < Central I'acluu. . , . lavi'aclflc Mall ' 'Oil ObeH. It Ohio 14H'lVirl.lDec It K. . . 1 ! Chlcaco ti Allan. . InH I'ittHburi : lil'J a.li.iQ . . . 7i ! ( ll'ullmaa 1'nlaco. . . MH Chicago < 7as , , ( Iri llteaillmr U4i ConHoltdateil tint. H4R. . O. W 10 C. . O , . J. A 81. I * . . . 'JllH ' 11.V. . IiW 40 Colo.Coal .sIron. 1 lltocu hlivnu ( I''U Cotton Oil Con. . . . 13Wsi. , Paul i'J' Dolawaro' < lluj , . I'.l i doufu r.'v Del..Iicll. AV. . . . I5H 1st P. . < cOnrilil. : . . . HO ; D.iU.U. Ufa 41U1 doufJ 121 KanlTonn li : ) | Southern I'.icilla. . 1:1 : Krlu : { 'J ii > ui..irUunnunr. . . . 11IH Mould ill ! T.'llll.Oual . ' . . . Fort Wayne l.'rj Texan IMclllc < Q.Northurn nfd11H T. .VU.Co.it. ufj. . . to C.tB. I , nfd Ul Union IMcltic. . . . . . 7M Hocklmr Vallav. . . l. r U. S. Kxnr.'Hi 4U llllnolHContr.1. . . li:4 : W. St. U M llli St. P. .VUnlutli. . . 18 IV.St U.V P. nil. 14 i sa WulU VMia Bx. . . ( * S 1-nkoKrlo.t U'o . _ U' HUTU Union. . . . BH eloufd. . . . , U7 iWhccllnir fc U B. . i LnUeSiiora 144Wi no nm S7Kj LeadTrnai su IM.A-St. L 10 ' ' " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' " Munrilltta'n'cbViiii" l)0lj ) jii l" . . . . . . ! . ! ! . ! ! 15 Menmlilu.V 0 , . . . . K > O.K.&I 1U > < MlchiiraiiCout till do nfa us MlHuourl I'aolllo. . T. .St. U i K. O. . . . 41 , Moblln.V Ohio T.Ht. U .VK.O. pfl 10 NaslivllloOlrit. . . . H. 11.11 H NutlonnlCordmru , B. U. llM 83U . . Am. Tab. Ca 7.Si N.J. Omtntl Uo of J 07 N.JtW. ufJ Com'lCable. Co. . . . 14U North Am. Co Am. Suir.ir nf I tiH Norlhoni P.iolrto , . U , 8. Conlaxu tU. . 101 , N.l'aclUo Ufa , . . . . ' U. S. Ioatliu.till , HUH U.1MI.XO - ' U. 8. ItubUjf Ill Norlliwcatorn PUH'U. ' a Itubborpfd. . OH.4 offered , Tb totul sale * of stocks today were 232,17 turn. Ineliiiltnn ; the following ) Amerlean To- , 4.4mi ; American Hiiimr , 4H.MO ; iHirllnRtnn , 22,000 ; ChKnuo ( las , 11.100 ; txnilsvllle ANnnli - Ille. 10.400 ; Manhnltnn ConiMilldnteil , . . ) ; r. I7.MX. , Hock Islnnd , 4X'0 ' ; St. Paul , , - * ; Tem.f-wc o wl nnd Irnn , B,1W > ; I'nlon ' Pn- Hie , 4WW ; Houthern railroad preferred , 1,300 ! Hllver c rtinente5 , 24,000. \IMV York 31 < iii < - llnrUi't. NKW YOltK. Oct. W. MONKY ON CAI.lr- Very strong nt lOfflPO | i r cent : last 1mm , W i r rent ; eloreil nt W per cent. PIlIMI ! MIMtOANTlLi : PAPKH-Nomlnnlly7H flo per cent. HTKHLINO KXt'HANnK Strontr , with nctual Klners In banker's bllln nt JI.Mlf < 14.Kr > for de- nnnd , and Jt.sljl. 3 for sixty days : pooled rates , J4. ( f4.82 and J4.ttH ; commercial bills , 4.MU. HAlt SILViit-f He. SILVIH : ci-itTiFn-ATns- ( me. OVIHN.MI-NT : : miNns-Wcnk ; state bonds , lull ; railroad bonds , wenk. doting quotations on bonds were an follows : 0. P. lull of ' ; > . . . . Ilia J.S. 4NCOIIP.I1UW. UCit 1)H. . ( J. 1 ; t J. 8. fit , riv lit ) 1) . tt U. O. It b.14 j.s .flu.coup in Rrtn'.Ms ill ) 1. S.4i. d. U..H.A. . ( lt)0' ) ' ( J.S. Is. cJitn . 107lt O. II. .t . 7 . . . . 100 H. AT. C. 31 . 10.-K PnclllelHof ' 03. 1(11 ( doM . IIHh Ala. cl.iit A . ion M. . 1C. AT. 1st H. HI Ata.olass ll . . . . 101) IM 4 nt . . . HI Mntu.il Union il . . 107 Ala.Currmiov. . . DO N. J.a nun. ri. . . . 11:1 : I.n. New Con. 48. IK ) NO. P.ioltlu lnt % . . 114 MlBHonrl'li lot ) Ilhl4 N. C.iii I lit N. W. Contjls. . . . iwn V. 0. * ! . | U doS. V. lV.i. 1. 107 S.C.iionfimt. . . . 14 H. O. West , UK. . . 1077'J4 Tenn. now not flv 7H St. P. RjinoH 74 . 1211 'TtMin. nnWflat .ti. 103 SU UAl. M.fjjtil. 714 Tenn. old Us no SI.K.VS. K.IJjl. I. Va. Centuries 5114 Tex.TUM ? . Isn . . itneliifarrod fi'dToxai P.io.-'iM. . . Ill Atchlfton 4 * 7.1 If. 1 * . Istiof MJ. . . Ilia AlciilnoiiSil A 'Ml WastShntM li . Canada So.'J.H. . . . 101 O. It. .VN. IBM. . . . 107.4 . . N , unified 4t. 7 ; N. Pao. 3d- § . 08 < iomiicrn a SI altered , tbld. Hnxlnii SloeU ( Itintiitlanx. IIOSTON. Oct.'n.Call IO.-IIIH. J 0 per cent ; .line , loaiw , 07 per cnt. Cloiln ; nrlos i for Ntocks , bonds nnd mining nhiron : : A.T..tS. F . TSTi \VesUnzhu i Toiee. . . . Am. Hnr.ir. . . lllVj W. Bloa. ntV. 41) ) Am , Stnr.ir pfd. . . . Dim Etl. Klec. Ill iir : Hay Si.-ito 0,11 4H ( ion. Klo ; . | > M ci : ItellTolDphono. . . SOI Atehlson 2il 21 lloston .t Albany. ' 'Oil Alehlson 4 < < 7aw IloMoni Malms. . AllouczMliilniOj fiU c. H. , vy 72U Atlantic 17 l Pltclmunr flil' ' IlOHtOll.t Mo.lltll 81K Urn. Utcctria 27 lltnto.'c IMitoii. . . . ' IlllnoiH Steel 43 CalnmutX llaolv. 3 la' MexleanOntr.il. . Kr.inklln ti N Y. .VN. P. . fit ) KcarHirjo liH nlit Colon v . 1711 Ore. Shorl I.Uio. . . . 14 Oumcv i r.-i Union P.-tclllo . 7H Tamar.lek en \Volrcrlii3 U'esl End tiM . 811 San Krnnclncn .tllulni ; QuolndoiiN. SAN FRANCISCO. Del. 'JlL-Tho ofllcl ll cloilmr qiiotatloim for inlnlni ; Blos'tH loJiy : were : \n fol lows : All.1 . 11 Tar" Alnh.iUon . II ) Jnll-v 0 AnilcH . V. Instlca 0n Delcher . ni : Mi-xIc.Mi 4:1 : lleulX llelchor. . . . l > 5 Mono 4:1H ) HodioCon . r > S Occidental Con. . II million . 18 Oulitr 123 llnlwerCon . 411 I'oioat 711 Challenge Con. . . . 40 S.iv.liru 44 Chollar . lU'i Scorinon 44il Contlucncc . ] ' . ' ( ! Sierra Nevada. . C.I Con. O.1I..C Va. . 1TA Silver Hill 1 Con. tmocrl.al . 2 Union Con EO Cit\Mi Point . 44i Utah Cor. II Kxcheoner . : i Yellow JacUut CD fiould.tCnrrv . " 4 Silver barn , lUJfc : Mexican ilollnra. Clc. Sight dniflH , par ; telegraphic , par. Loniliiii Slock ( luiiinllniiN. LONDON. Oct. 21) ) . 4 p. in. closing : HAH SILVKH-291Mid ( per oz , MONHY 3'i per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for both short and three months' bill ! ) , 3UQ3H \CMV Yurie .Mining Uiiotadoiifi. NKW YOUK. Oct. 'jn.-Tho followlunro - * nro the closing mining quo-niloiiH : Ilulwcr 4A Ontario 87)0 ) Chnllar. * tie Orhlr. ji3 Crov.-n Point to IPlvmouin Con. Cal. A Va. . . . IHJ Oiileicsllver lee vo Ueadwooil lie 'UnlcKsllvor t'fd..luHI ( ( Jould ACnrry. . . . . 70 Sieri-i NViuti : 00 Hale A Norurosi. . 123 Standard Con lm : ' Hoineftia'.ta 21UIO Union Cor 00 Iron Sliver. ; ir , Yellow JacKol. . . . 45 Mexican 411 } asked. offered. I-ONDON , Oct. 3.-Tlie Hank of England's rate of discount remains unchanged nt 4 1 per 'ST- ' ' OclClearings 'STAJ'li - -Clearings , J3.2S0.077 ; bal ances. J3020I2 ; money. C S per cent ; New York exchange. Jl dlKieimt bld7Jc ; discount nskcd. CHICAGO , Oct. M.-Clearlngs. J13.W2C-I- money jlrm nt 7 per cent for time nnd call loans ; New \ork exchange. SOc ilUcount ; for- C ' " ' "nn ; Uclnant1' * 4-kli ! Blxty dajs. S . Liiiiln ( 'IMICI-III .tlnrkot. 8T. LOlM.Si Oct. 2-J. FLOUH-UuIl easy WHUAT-On liie receipt of a big array of bull news the tpeculatlve market advanced 3o during the I rst hour. Subsequeully there was n rush to Fell , and prices took n tumble on ihe report from New \ork of money beiliiR loaned nt ex- ' oibltont rules of Interest. The feeling becan'io nervous and uiuetlled , Ihoiitfli the close for 'ul"n'a wa" TilllUe hlEhcr than , yenlerilay ; fpi. dull and , ilKhcr ; No. 2 red , cash , elcvnlor. 73e Irack. i2 > iiJ44ic ! ; December. 74lio bid ; Slay , iO'.io COHN-Thero was bul Illtle trading In the hpeculiillvc niaikct. fuluieu belns slenily ; pol. ble-aily and quiet ; No. 2 cah. 2.'i4t221ic | : Decem ber. ! 2i o bid ; May. MJifiKiWe. OATS Futures , llrm ; trading light ; i-pol , dull ; .No. 2 cash , IC'.fcc ' bid ; May , ajio bid. HYK Lower ; 33c. COUN MKAI/-J1.40. DIIAN Dull ; quoinblc , east track , nt SSfflOc and this side at 405 ) Je. KI VXHiiD lletlcr ; C7'ic. TIMOTHY SKKD-Prlrne. J2.60. HAY Tlmolhy , dull , excepl for lln.T erades ; prairie , llrm , wllh n. ready Mile : timothy , J7.C00 11.00 ; prairie. J5.75OT.W , Ihls Bide. fIIUTTEIl Lower ; creamery , 14j21c ; dairy , SO KGOS Sleady ; 14c. WHISKY-JUS. L1CAU Dull , wllh tellers nl J2.CO for common nnd r..C.r for desilverized , bul no apparcnl de mand ; Kpeller held nt J3.57',403.CO. COTTON TIBS SI.43. IMtOVIHIONS 1'orlt , i-any ; standard mess , Job * bint ; , J7.12',4f 7.K > . l ird , loucr ; prime Kteriin , J4.07H : choice , H.13. llacon , ( boxed ) , .shoulders and extra t-hort clear , J4. 0 ; rlli.i , JI.J'-i ( : shortn. SI. 75. Dry * alt nieata. ( boxud ) , MiuuMcrrt and extra short clear. Jl ; ribs. J4.I2',4 ; shorts. J4.23. I'OULTKY-Hteady ; chickens , old , 7c : fprlns. D'.c ; turlteys , iiulct ; CKQ'Ci duclia , quiet ; C'feil 7c ; Reese. < | Ulet ; 4fiCc. I-Mour , 7.000 bbls. ; wheat , IG.COO liu. ; corn. 133 , N1) tm. ; oats , 37.000 bu. HHH'MKNTS-l.'lour. 7.000 bbls. ; wheat. 41,000 bu. ; corn , 1C2.000 bu. ; oats , 29XK ( ) bu. Liverpool .Markotx. LIVEIU'OOL. Oct , 20. WHi : AT Spot , firm ; demand poor : -No. 2 red , tprlne. CD Slid ; No. 1 , California 7 ' 2d , Futures opened Meuily , with near and distune porltlomi Hid hlulivr ; cloxed 61 rout- ; with near and dUtant position * 2Vi < l hlK'u'r ' ; bublncxH uhuut equally distributed ; Octo ber. CH 3Wd ; November , Ca 44d ! ; December , tn 4 ; d ; January , Ca 4&d ; February , Ca 4Jjd ; Slarcli , Ca 4V4d. COHN Spot , quiet ; American mixed , new , 3s 2d. Futures opened nteaily , with near and dis tant position * Ud blh'lier ; cloned' llrm , with November lid higher and other months ' , d hlKlicr ; buslncsH about equally distributed ; Oc tober , nominal ; November , 3s < 4d ; December , 3n ' , id ; January , 3s l',4d ; Mareli , S IKil. KLOUIl Dull ; demand poor ; Kt. l > j > ula fancy winter , S.t M. 1'UOVIHIONS Hacon. quirt : demand mod erate ; Cumberland cut , 2S to 30 llm. , 3I > ; short ribs , 20 to 24 Ilia. . 30s ; lonx clear , UK-lit. 3S to 3S ltf ! . , 3lH ; long clear , heavy , 45 Ibs. , 293 Cd ; short clear backs. Hunt , 18 Ibs. , 9 ; short clear middles , heavy 4S to DO Ibs. , 2u Cd ; clear bcl- llcu , 14 to 1C llm. , r.0a Cd. Bhouldcm , rquare , 12 to 18 Ibs. , 3U. llnm * , short cut , 14 to 10 Ibs. , M fid. Tnllow , llrm : North American , 20a , Iteef , vxtru India mi'fx , Ws ; prime mc a , 40s , I'ork , prlmo mt' . line western , 47s M ; medium west ern , 40y , Lard , dull ; prime western , 23s ! > d ; re- llned , In patlH , 2C Gil , riliiHK : 1'irm ; demand moderate ; finest American , whllu ( Auiruot ) , 49s ; llntst American , colored ( AiiKUst ) , ( On. IIU'lTKH-Flnest United Mates , B ; good , COs. OIUS-Lliin-oil. K ; petroleum , rcllned , CHd. HKFKiaKllATOH | lKir-Korequarter , 3 id : hlndquarter , Cd. HOI'S At London d'acldo coast ) , 3 t.s. \ MV York \Vlicnt Klin-tuiilex , NKW YOIUC. Oct. ! 3. Wheat advanced at tlio openlnir today , reorlni ; a Kaln of 2c , ThU was followed by a partial loss and u nervous ulosu , NCWH WUM bullUh all day , but u sud-lvn IlKhtfii- Inir of the money market at midday cauted n hasty unloading of lonu wheat , that broke December from 79ic down to 78Uc. From this It rallied to 7Sic , where It closed , JOiccptlonully strenR cables and a provpect ot diminishing sprlmt wheat receipts were the chief factors. Foreign houses were good buyers , both here mid at the west. Private enbleii rellrraleil the reports about Injury to the Australian and Indian crop , and It wu understood that more wheat had been tukcn ut Ban I'rancleco 'for theie iKlnt . The strontf cash wheat situation was also a helpful factor early In the day. At the dote the rYellnir was very nervous. Total transactions , HtO , iO bu. 'Krlxtio When I , SAN rilANCISCO. Oct. -WHEAT-Qulet and itronei December , 11.38'i ' ; May , Jl.HJi , OMAHA L1Y00CK MARKET Oattlo HccoipU Drop Off Almost Half , Sustaining Erices Generally , FAIR BEEF STEERS SELL ALMOST STEADY . * / : Sluckorn mill f'fM Ti do lit it Little rior Tlinn of I.lite N ' ( iii n a Short Nk-k.-l. SOUTH OMAHA , Oct. 29.-Uccclpt8 for the thiyH Indlentcel were : Cattle. HOES. Sheep. Horses. October S3 2,5fll 3,7Ct5 & 57 October Si 4 , 5 aSH .1,003 . . . . October 27 3..1SO 7r/.l 1.101 . . . . October 2G 4 7S7 13 6,033 73 October 24 lm 4.2JI 447 . . . . October 23 2W1 3 , ' 3 2 , ! ' 7 . . . . October 22 2,7iJ5 3,71(1 ( 1531 . . . . October 2i 6.07S 4,2 , 2 1,037 . . . . October 20 3,170 4,169 October 10 4,373 1,434 6 ! > 3 43 The olllclal number of curs of stock brought In today by each road was : . . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. O. & St. K. Hy 2 Mo. Pnc. Hy i Union I'iiclllc system 71 IS 3 H. & M. 11. U. H 12 19 1 C. , H. . i. Q. lly 6 C. . H. I. & P. Hy. . oast. . 1 C. , H. I. & . I > . lly west , . 1 U. , St. I' . , M & O. HV. . . . . . 3 10 P. , E. & M. V. U. it S _ 11 T.otal receipts 07 CO 4 The disposition of the day's receipts .was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Uuycrs. . Cattle. Hops. Sheep. O. 11. Hammond Co 411 f > Omaha 1'acklng Co 13'J Swift and Company. . . . 216 UV ) Cudnhy. Packing Co. . . . 30S lr.3 ( H. Hcckor nnd IJeputi. . . . 335 J. I. . Cnrey 33.1 . . . . l.olmiun , t ItoUiHchllds. . 230 W. I. .Stephens 17.1 Hcnton & Underwood. . , . 137 Huston & Co . . .i ; iG Spcrry . i H 1S2 Cudahy Hros. Co. . 1C C. . 20 Nelson & Morris 4.V. Ot.'icr Huyers 33S Jjefl Cwur f0 837 Total Tlfil 3 Tsj 57 The yards will bo open on election day and till stock received will bo cared for , but the market on such eluys Is seldom satisfactory to the selling interests. The demand as u rule Is limited and buyers are very apt lo take * advantage of the situa tion to pound prices. CATTKI3 There was a big fall-down In the receipts of cattle- today nnd the yards seemed almost deserted ns compared with the three days previous. The fuel lhat the receipts were Email could hardly be rc-gardcd ns other thai : a fortunate clr- cumsiancc , considering tno character of Iho wcnlhcr. The heavy rain all last night nnd the showery and misty weather this morning made the rattle look at lliclr worst , but the ilomaml was liberal and the marktt as n whole In fairly Rood shnpg. There were n few Cilrlsh corn-fed beeves , one ! bunch reaching JI.20 , and there wcro a few loads of wesiern grassers , but not many of any kind. The unuttracllvcnoss of the cattle nindix the market a little slow , but the pae'Kers wanted the cattle nnd they olearfil Uio yards before Ihe close , paying nboul fctcady prices. Cows and heifers t also sold at about steady prices , und ' .while the trade was not particularly brink. It was suillclently acllvo to effect a reasonably early clear anco. Stockers and feeders were In smaller sup ply than for some days. Yesterday coini- try buyers clorfneil < up Iho tnosl of thu cattle In the hands ot speculators , and the fresh nrrlvnlH were tunall. Hence the- con ditions with thu exception of the weather , were all on the side of n better market anil anything desirable In tne way of feed ers was not IODK In changing- hands nt steady to a llttlo stronger prices. Jtepre- sentnilvo sales : .NATIVES. i ' iiEi-ii' STILUS. . . COWS. 1. . . . (90 ICO 2.,1203 2 SO 2. . . . M5 2 CO C. . . . 030 175 t.i , , SM ) 230 2..1010 2 C3 1. . . . MO 1 T5 25..Ht ' 2 SI ) 1..122(1 ( 2 M 6. . . . S41 210 1. . . . 70 240 12. . . . K9 270 1..1I20 210 1. . , . 970 240 C..10SO 2 M HKIKHItS. 1. . . . 650 2 CO 8. . . . C72 ! CO . . . . COO 2 70 3. . . . 70 2 40 HULLS. 1..11M 1 fO 1..J.1300. 2 CO 1..11CO 2 23 1..13CO 200 1..1170 2 CO 1. . . . WO 233 CALVJS. 2. . . . 2S3 2 33 2. . . . 130 4 CO L. . . 2(0 ( 4 75 3. . . . 2:0 2 40 STOCKUHS ANI > FKDnnilS. L. . . f.20 2 CO 4. . . . S37 300 CS. . , . 910 323 1. . . . rso 273 16 , . . . K3 SCO WJ. . . . SM S 25 1. . . . 730 2 73 4S. . . . 52 3 C3 10. . . . SS3 3 30 6. . . . ! CS 273 6. . . . 632 310 61. . . . Ml 340 2. . . . C45 3 CO 23. . . . MS 3 10 \VISTEUNS. - 1 lielftr 730 2 23 1 feeder CCO 2 53 1 liclfi-r. i70 2 40 1 feeder CW 2 75 2 feeders. . . . 700 2 0 WKSTKHNS. XtillltASKA. N'o. Av. I'r. Ko. Av. 1'r. 32 feeders. . . . E19 | 3 CO UTAH. J. * H. Summers. 1 bull 12SO l5'j I 1 cow 1070 2 70 Scows 933 Sib" ' ( 13 cows & hfs 941 2 70 1 Bias 10SO 2iO. . . 6 steers 1200 3 2.1 4 cows 1CI2 2 to' ' " 8 feeder * . . . . C81 335 8 heifers 676 2'M > ' * IIOdH The hotc tmiVket was all rltiht today In fpltc of the dleah'reeable we-nlber. The receipts were net larnc , , uud , the demand was urtent nnd of liberal phipArilons , a combination al most certain to Wpiill In n sntlafactory mar ket , l In The trade e > | wm l vvtlve al alKul ytslerday mornliiR's prices , eircCc hlKher llian ihe clone ycttcrilay. . The bnyeni all wanled hoc * , and as there vfj.ru tinrdlyi | * inh lo go around amont ; Iheni nil. each Jmxrv , But down to bus early ami thi } peiuj .were teen cleared. ' edlilm Heavy hogs Bollr'largely nt J3.0.1H3.10 , n"d welBhts Mid'lfKht Ul J3.1503.S . Thn market todaxiivns n biff 100 lower than It was a week a o. , , bill only .aboul 20c lower llian II was u year anil. Ilcpreeentntlvo pales : No. Av. Ph. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr. . . . . . . . . fcO J3 05 37 314 . . . J3 10 10 3..0 M 3 05 f > S 300 ICO 3 10 41 3.'i5 tO 305 71 304 ICO 3 10 W 32U 2SO 3ttT 21 3d 40 3 65 M CM . . . 3 1)5 K > SCO ICO 305 48 2C5 to 3 05 121 327 2UO 3 07' ' Cl 337 ICO 30ft C5 317 (0 3 10 C4 239 ISO 3 10 C5 312 200 3 10 41 , , , iiO 80 3 10 CO 279 . . . 3 10 C4 298 120 3 10 77 181 W 3 10 32 2C8 120 3 10 CC 339 10 3 10 C2 337 40 3 10 Cl 2S5 to 3 10 U 319 ICO 3 10 C2 2K ! (0 2 10 . . , , , . . . 240 3 10 l'IQB-00 2 2(0 . . . ICO 1 300 , . , 200 , . . . . . . . . , , 200 8H13KP There wai very llllle here In the way of sheep , and not enough to make u tent of th market , neotrablp mutton * would no doubt htivo commanded steady prlcfu. ciiiUAtltT I.IVHSTOCK. Prior * Hiilr Mnpli Stroimrr for Cliole'c Nnllvc Cuttles CIIICAOO , Oct.Thc few fat Rexvl droves of native cattle wcro In urgent demand , nnd prices ruled stronR nt a further advance of from ' c to lOc for anything desirable. Knlr * were e.n n basis of from J3.JO to JIM for the | K > oicnt natlvo beef steers , up to Jt.10 for fancy entile , with trndlnK largely at from Jl to JI.75. A moil * ernto number of rtockerx nnd feeders chiuiKod hands at from J.7T > to J3.nl. nnd butchers' entile were acllvp and Mendy , but canning Mud was ! o lower thnn laul week. Texans were llrm. with a KIHXI demand , nnd western riuiKers Were ntnmi ; , wllh plcer ami cow sales largely nt from J2.W lo J3.00. The demand for IIORS wan Rood nt ycMcnlay'ii decline , common lo prime loin rclllnR nt from J3 tn J3.45 , wltii the bulk of the rales nt frtnn 13.15 lo J3.30 , packers' droves fclchliiR from 13 lo J.I.2. . The range of prices has been narrow ing for pome lime p.isl nnd prime IIOKS of nil welRhts are now selling close together. Pack- IIIR lots cloprtl f.c lower. Trade In thcep was not at all brlrk today , nnd prices were certainly not nny better. Inferior to Rood Hocks of pheep were taken at from J1.2T , lo J3 , and prlmo native sheep were larnely nominal al from 13.25 to J3.3S. Lambs fold at from 12.75 to Jl.2.'i , chlelly nl from J3.13 to Jl , with prime .flocks scarce and steady at from J4.40 to J4.CO. Ilecelpls : Cattle , f.OOO head : bogs , 29,000 head ; sheep , 1C.000 head. n City l.lvo Slook. KANHAS CITY , Oct. 29. CATTI.K Ilrcelpt. , 9.000 : shipments. t.WO ; liest grades MronKCi ; olhers steady ; Texas steer * . J2.10H3.05 ; cows , J2.001J2.55 ; native cleera , J3.00H4.75 : native cows nnd heifers , J1.2JH3.40 ; ttockers nnd feeders , J2.tO3.CO ; bulls , J1. ! > S/3.10. IIOOS lice-fill ! * , 8t0 ; shipments , 700 ; mar ket opened steady ; closed wenk ; bulk of sales , J3.15J3.25 ; heavies. J3.15fT3.20 ; | mckeri > , J3.13f 3.25 ; mixed , J3.157330 ; light , J.1.0003.30 ; Yorkers , J3.25H3.80 ; pigs. J3.0W3.13. H1IKEP Ilecelpts , 2.0VO ; uhlpments. 1.400 ; mar- kel nclUe ; liesl grades slendy ; lambs , J2.75O 4.23 ; millions , Jl.t.003.00. _ Xotv Yurie l.lvo Stoi'k. NKW YOUK , Ocl. 29. IlKKVnS lleeelpls , 319 head ; no Iradlng. Cables * quote American stiera at lOfllOtiC , ilre seil weight ; sheep at SfilOc. drcsjed weight ; refrigerator beef at 744fS < ic ; no exports. SIIIKP ANO LAMIIS iteceipts. 3.053 iicmi : very quiet , doting weak ; sheep , J2.00JT3.30 ; lambs , J4.000I.SO. HOOK Ilecelpts , 1.M3 head ; trlllo weak nt J3.fOfJ4.10. _ Stm-k In SlKlit. Itccord of live stock receipts at the four prin cipal markcls October 29. 1M > 6 : Cntlle. Hogs. Sheep. Koulh Omaha . 2.f. ( J 3.400 220 Chicago . S.MK ) 29.WO 10.0W Kansas Clly . S.Kx ) S.OX ) 2.CW St. Louis . 2,000 4,000 2,000 Totals . . 21. MO 41,400 20.220 SI. I.oiilH Llv < - Stock. ST. IjOUlH. Oct. I9.CATTLIllecelpts. . 2.COO head. Market lOc hlgicr than Wednesday. HOOH Hccclpts , 4lxK ) head. Market Kc lower ; Yorkers. J3.25U3.1'i ; packers , J3.1C03.30 ; heavy. - HI I BCP HecclplF , 2,000 head. Market strong. rolTeMMnrkit. . NKW YOltK , Oct. 29-COFFKIJ-Optlons openetl steady , with prices &R10 points higher , further iidvxnced on covering nnd Investment buying , following lUbtcr receipts nt Itlo and Santos ; partially reacted under liquidation ; clofixl firm and unchanged to 20 points net ad vance ; March. JIO.OJ&IO.IO ; December , JlO.MiT1 10.10. Spot coffee , Itlo , linn ; No. 7 , Invoice. J10.S7H : jobbing , ' J10.37IJ. Mild , quiet. Total warehouse deliveries from the fulled States. 1- ! C40 bags. Including 1S.H5S bags fiom Now York ; New York stock today. 20.1.459 bags ; United Ktntes stock. 249.1M ! bags ; nllo.it for the United States , 421,000 lmR ; ttilnl visible supply for Ihe United States. C70.10G bags , ngalnst 3I , 0 bags last year. IIAVIli : , Oct. 29. COFFER CloFed quiet nnd net unchanged ; sales. 4.WK ) bans. SANTOS. Oct. . CWFHB Firm : average Pnntiis , 12.100 rels ; receipts , 10.000 bags ; slock , 4..2.000 bags. lIAMHtma. Oct. 29.-COFFKK Quiet ; U pfg. decline ; sales , C.C O bncs. IHO , Oct. 29. COFFUi : Firm : No. 7 , 12.400 rels ; exchange. 8d ; receipts , 13,000 bnss ; cleared for the Unlled Slnlca. 10.000 bags ; stock. 307.0U ) bags. _ ICniiNiiN Clly . .KANSAS CITY , Oct. 29. AVHIJAT Irregularly lilgher ; receipts small ; No. 2 hanl. nominally , c ; No. 3. KflCOc ; No. 2 red. 7Cc ; No. 3 , 7307IC , for fancy ; No. 2 spring , nominal. roitN Active , ( lightly higher ; No. 2 mixed. 21 > ic ; No. 2 while. 22'.4c. OATS Active and Ftcmly : No. 2 mixed , nominally. lC 17c : No. 2. . white , old. 20i4c ; now , nominally , ISfflfc. HYI7 Steady ; No. 2. nominally. SOc. HAY Steady : 'tlmolhy , JS.OOiJS.M : choice prnlrle. ! . " , . IW3.:0. HL'TTKll t'neasy. though prices nro nominally steady : creamery , ISfflCc : dairy , 108 12c. KOOS llarely Meady. 14'4c. HKCKIITS Wheat , 14,400 bu. ; corn , 32.COO bu. ; oats. 11. COO bu. 811 1PM UNTS-Nono. I'rorln Oct. 29. COHN Steady ; No. 2 , :2'.Jo ' : OATH Active : enry ; No. 2 while , 20iT2c. ! IlYK Oulel and Inactive ; No. 2 , 34S33C. WHISKY Market Kteady ; llnUhed gooJs on the bants of JI.18 for high wines. WHKAT Nei fnlis. HKfKIPTS Corn. C2.SOO bO.J oats. CI.400 bu. ; rye. ron bu.vlilrky. . 1W Rals. : whcnt , l.BOO bu. SIHI'MKNTfl Corn. 22,010 bu. ; oals , 1IJ.200 bu. ; rye , none ; whleky , l.SCO Rals. ; wheat , 3tX > bu. Snurar 3liirkit. xnw vonic. Oct. : i. SUGAII n.iw. firm : fair rt-nnlng , 2'4o ; centrifugal , DC test , 3'4c. H nnl , r.miKct nrm ; crushed , 4Tjc ; powdered , 4I.ic ; urnnntaled. 4Uc. LON'OON * . Oel Z.SUCJAH Cane , higher ; cenliifuanl. Java. ICs 9d ; Muscovado , fair re- lim.v. P. < 6' . IUft Fuear , firm and dearer ; Octo ber , 3 I'.td ; Nnveinler. 9s 3d. Cotton Mtirkpt. NKW OIILRANS. Oct. 29.-COTTON Firm : middling. 7Uc ; low middling , 7 1-lGc ; good or- dlnnry , 6 13-16C. ST. I ) t'IS. Oct. 29. COTTON Sternly nnd 1-lfc higher : middling , "Vic ; tales. HV ) bales ; receipts , 3,295 bales ; shipments , E5G bales ; stock , 2V. 321 bales. NKW YOltK. Oct. 29.-COTTON-Qulet ; mll- dllng , 7 15-lCc. _ _ NKW YOaif. Oct. 29.-Conpldernbly moro de mand for staple cotlons and pome huslncfs con cluded , tint nolhlng In proportion to what was offered. Ilrown. blenched and colored cottons have done well during the week , particularly llm first Iwo. Printing cloths In active demand af 2c , nnd no fellers. Loiiiloil AVlK-nl .Iliirkvt. LONDON. Oct. 29. At the Ilaltlc today hold ers of wheat were nsklng 3d advance. T'.io market was Meadlcr. Twelve thousand to four teen thousand quarters of California wheat , No vember nnd December delivery , was sold ot 33s 3d. _ _ Oil Clly Miirki-t. - OIL CITY , Oct. 29. Credit balances. J1.17 : cer- tlllcates. opened , J1.17 : high , H.17U ; low , J1.17 ; closed , Jl.lJ'.i ' ; runs , 110.701 bbls. KI.VUS IIACIC HIDING CO.MI3S Illfill. AVheMi It Ix lamlielllHlieil tvltli Police Court ReiHlH. Albert Holilcrman , a stockman from the west , came to Omaha yeatcrilay and started In to spent ) the results of his summer's toll. In order to facilitate things , bo hired a hack , anil with" this inmlo the rounds of the liquid dispensaries. Along toward evenIng - Ing Holdcrman grow RO drunk ho could not dlstlngulHh a saloon from a dry goods utore , so ho came to the conclusion that ho could get along without the hack. Ho told the driver no , and when the hackmnn named whit ha thought was a fair amount duo him for services , In the language of the hackman , Holdcrman gave him "tho frozen face. " The cabby then summoned ' a policeman and Hol'dcrman was taken to the station on a charge of refusing to nay hack hire. At the Jail Holderman gave out a tale which Is entitled to a place among the classics In fiction. Ho Bald that upon ar riving In Omahu ho had over | 100 in his possession , and that , being an ardent silver man , ho was anxious to bet U on general results. In a saloon near Fourteenth and Farnam streets ho met a man who was willing to put up his money for Major Me- Klnley , and Holderman , so his story goes , placed $ SO of his money with the barkeeper for the stranger to cover. Liter In the afternoon Holderman said ho again called at the saloon , and when ho mentioned tbo subject of his fSO to the barkeeper , that worthy assured him that ho " " the was "bughouse. Having spent rest of bis money , Holderman says ho found ho was unable to pay the hackman , and was trying to negotlato an extension of tlmo when ho was anrated. When tried bcforo Judge Gordon Holderman contradicted hU story several times , and the police placed llttlo weight upon his statements. When searched In tlio jailer's olllco $80 was unearthed - earthed from under the rim of Holderman's bat , and ho then agreed to pay his hack bill , provided the hackman would dismiss the case. This was done , and Holderman uwcars bo will confine hlinnoU to the nso of street earn hereafter , as carrlago riding Is too expensive an amusement , Money Him nUniii-iiruiI | , Mrs. Mlnnlo Scott , who with her ntishnnil roornH with u Mrn. Khoudu at 1118 Houth Sixteenth street , wait arrested ycnterduy on HUBplcIon of having stolen ISO belonging to icr Inndlndv. The money IH nuppo eil to invo bcfii tnkrn from the room of Mm ithontln nnd she lit txnltlvt' thnt Mm. Hrott a rr pen lhln for UK Ion * , ns tdtc knew wliero It w < \ kept. Mrs. nontt ilcnl * * nil knowledge of the inunoy atul l.i very In- ( llgnunt at her nrrrnt. Many lives of usefulness nave been cu' short by neglect to break tip an nrdlnart ' cold. I'neunionla , bronchitis and even coi- : Rtttnptlon can bo averted by the prompt two , of Ono Mlnuto Cough Cure. > _ ; Permits to wcil hnvo been Innued to the followltiK pnrtleN by the county judco : Xnmo nnd Address. 4\i , . Nels 1. Nelson , Omnlm . . jj Margtu-rlto Ander.son , Omnlm . is Joseph Schwnrtz. Sioux City , In . s Hosu OltlHberK , Sioux Pity , In Joseph Wclnfurlnor , Oinnhn . 21 Cnrolltm Ankcrshorfcn , ( } miibn . 23 PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS The following proposed amendments to tlu Constitution of the State of Nebraska , nJ hereinafter set forth In full , are submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska , to bo voted upon at the general election to beheld held Tuesday. November 3 , A. D. 1SOC : A Joint resolution proposing to amend sections two (2) ( ) . four (4) ( ) , and five (5) ( ) , of article six ( C ) ot the Constitution of thu State of Nebraska , relating to number of Judges of the supreme court and their term of olllcc. Ho It resolved and enacted by the Legis lature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section two (2) ) of article six ( C ) of the Constitution of the State of . l Nebraska be amended so as to read as fol lows : . . . . 1 Section 2. The supreme court shall until i otherwise provided by law , consist of live i ( S ) Judges , a majority of whom shall bo I necessary to form a quorum or to pro nounce a decision. It shall have original jurisdiction In cases relating to revenue , i civil cases In which the state shalt be a party , mandamus , < iuo warranto. habeas . corpus , and such appellate Jurisdiction , as may bo provided by law. Section 2. That section four (1) ) of article six (6) ) of the Constitution of the Stale of Nebraska , be amended so as to read as fol lows : Section 4. The Judges of the supreme court shall bo elected by the electors of the state at large , and their term ot olllce , except as hereinafter provided , nml ! ! be for a period of not less than five (5) ( ) years as the legislature may prescribe. Section 3 That section five d" > ) of article six (6) of the Constitution of the Slate ot Nebraska , be amended to read an follows : Section 5. At the first general election to bo hold In the year ISM , there shall bo elected two Judges of the supreme court one of whom shall be elected for a term of two (2) ( ) years , one for the term of four (4) ( ) years , and at each general election there after , there shall be elected one Judge of the supreme court for the term of five (3) ( ) years , unless otherwise provided by law ; Provided , That the Judges of the supreme court whose terms have not expired at the time of holding the general election of 1SOG , shall continue to hold their olllcc for the remainder of the term for which they were respectively commissioned. Approved March 20. A. D. 1695. A joint resolution proposing an amend ment to section thirteen (13) ( ) of article six of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , relating to compensation of supreme and district court Judges. He It resolved by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section thirteen (13) ) of article six (0) ( ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo amended so as to read as follows : Sec. 13. The Judges of the supreme and district courts shall receive for their ser vices such compensation as may bo pro vided by law , payable quarterly. The legislature shall at Its first session after the adoption of this amendment , three-fifths of the members elected to each house concurring , establish their compensation. The compensation so es tablished shall not bo ohatif r < l oftener than once In four years , and In no event unless two-thirds of the members elt--led to each house of the legislature concur therein. Approved March 30 , A. U. 1S05. A joint resolution proposing to amend section twenty-four (24) ( ) of article flvo (5) ( ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , relating to compensation of the officers of the executive department. Ho It resolved and enacted by the Legis lature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section twenty-four (24) ) of article five ( S ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo amended to read as follows : Section 24. The otllcers of the executive department of the state government shall receive for their services a compensation to be established by law , which shall bo neither Increased nor diminished during the term for which they shall have been commissioned and they shall not receive to their own use any fees , costs , Interests , upon public moneys In their hands or under their control , perquisites of olllco or other compensation , and all fees that may hereafter be payabln by law for services performed by an ofllcer provided for In thl- -1" shall bo paid In advance Into the state treasury. The legislature shall tit Its first session after the adoption ot this amendment , three-fifths of the mem bers elected to each house of the legisla ture concurring , establish the salaries of the olllccrs named In this article. The compensation so established shall not be changed oftener than once In four years and In no event unless two-third ! ) of thu members elected to each house of the leg islature concur therein. Approved March 20. A. D. 1S25. A Joint resolution proposing to amend section ono ( I ) of article six ( C ) of the Coa- stl'.utlon ' of the State of Nebraska , relating to judicial power. Ho It resolved and enacted by the Legis lature of the Htnta of Nebraska : Section 1. That section ono (1) of article six ( G ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo amended to read as follows : Section 1. The Judicial power of this state shall bo vested In a supreme court , dis trict courts , county courts. Justices of the peace , pollca magistrates , and In such other courts Inferior to the supreme court as may bo created by law In which two- thirds of the members elected to each house concur. Approved March 29 , A. D. 1S05. A Joint resolution proposing to amend sec tlon eleven (11) ( ) of article six ( C ) of the Constitution of the State' of Nebraska , re latins to Increase In number of supreme and district court judges , -lie It resolved and enacted by the I-CB- islature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1 , That section eleven (11) ( ) of artl- clo six (6) ( ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo amended to read is fol lows : Section 11. The legislature , whenever two- thirds of the members elected to each house shall concur therein , may , in or after the year ono thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven and not oftcncr than once In every four years. Increase the number of Judges of supreme und district courts , nrnl the Judicial districts of the state. Such districts shall b formed of compact terri tory , and bounded by county lines ; and such Increase , or any change In the boundaries of a district , shall not vacate the olllco of any Judge. Approved March 20 , A. P. , lS9j. A Joint resolution .proposing to ftmcnd ecctlon six ( C ) of article ono (1) ( ) of the Con stitution of the State of Nebraska , relating to trial by Jury. Ho It resolved and enacted by the Leg islature of tlio State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section six ( fi ) . article one (1) of the Constitution of the Htate of Ne braska bo amended to read IIH follows : Sectlcui 0 , The right of trial by Jury shall remain Inviolate , but the leglulaturo may provide that in civil actions live-sixths o ( the Jury may render u verdict , and the legislature by also authorize trial by u Jury of H Ions number than twelve men , In courts Inferior to the district court. Approved March 29 , A , D , , 1895 , A joint resolution proposing to amend section ono (1) ( ) of article nvo ( C ) of the Con stitution of Nebraska , relating to officers of tlio executive department. Ue It resolved and enacted by the Leg islature of the Htata of Nebraska : Section 1. That Rectlon one (1) ( ) of article flvo (6) ( ) of the Coimtltullon of the Htuta of Nebraska bo amended to read as fol lows : Section 1 , The executive department shall consist of n governor , lieutenant governor , secretary of state , auditor of public ac counts , treasurer. Bupcrlntendent of culillo Instruction , attorney Rrncrnl , commlsaloncr of public lands and building * , nml thru nillnmd comml'Hlnnors , cnrh of whom , rx > rrpt the suld railroad commlsHonrra , shall hold his olllco for n term of two yearn , from the tlrst Thursday after the first i Tuesday In January , after bin election , * - and until his successor In elected and quail * lU'd. Kach railroad commissioner shall hold lib olllco for a term of thrco yearn , beginning on the first Thursday after thn first Tuesday In January after his election , und until his usccessor fa elected and quall- llcd i Provided , however , Thn I at the llrst Keiu-ral clec."on held after the adoption of this amendment there Mmll bo elccteu three railroad commissioners , ono for the period of ono year , one for the period of two years , and ono for the period of thrco years. The governor , gecrctnry bf state , auditor of public accounts , and treasurer shall tcsldc at the capltol during their term of otllce : they shnll keep the ptlbllq records , books and papers there , and shall perform such duties as may be required by Approved March 30. A. D. , 1SP5. A joint resolution proposing to amend sec tion twrnty-slx (2fl ( ) of article five (5) ( ) ol tti * Constitution of the State of Nebraska , limit , lug the number of executive state omccr.v He H resolved and enacted by the Lcff- Islature of the State of Nebraska : fcy .tlon l. That section twenty-six (26) ( ) of article live (5) ) of the Constitution of the Nl'l > rnR > { 1 * > )0 uinomlcil to ircnd as follows- Section trt. No other rxpnttlvo state ofll- cers oxoopt those immod In section one (1) ( of this arllclo shall ho i-re.ited. except by an net of the legltl.itiuo whloh Is con curred In by not less than three-fourths of the members cUvlcd to each hotiso thereof ; Provided. That any olllce created by an net of the legislature mny bo abolished by the leglslaturo. two-thlnln of the members elected to each house thereof concurrlns. Approved March M. A. U. 1S05. A joint resolution proposing to amend section nine (9) ( ) of nrllelc right ( S ) of the Constitution of. the State ut Nebraska , pro- vldlng for the. Investment of the permanent educational funds ot the Mate. Ho It resolved and cuncted by the leg islature of the State of Nebraska : i8fUf Vnint MCfl" ° " nltiu i ! ) ) of artlcla eight ( S ) of the Constitution of the Stain of Nebraska be amended to read as fol- Section n All funds b.-loiiKlng to the stntn for educational purposes , the Interest ami Income whoieof only lire to bo used , shall bo deemed trust funds held by the state , and the state shall supply all fosses thcrc- ; of that may In ntiy mniiner aeerue , so that ho snnie ahull remain fore.ver Invlolnto . und uudlmlnlshcd , and shall not be invested - vested or loaned except on I'nlted States ) I or state securities , or registered county | i bonds or registered school district bonds I of this state , and such funds , with the 1 Interest and Income thereof are hereby I solemnly pledged for the purposes for which they are granted and set ap.irt and | shall not be transferred to any other fund for other uses ; Provided , The board ciealed by section 1 of this artlclu Is empowered to sell from time to time any of the securities belong ing to the permanent school fund and In vest the proceeds arising therefrom In any of the securities enumerated In tlds sec tion bearing a higher rale of Interest , whenever an opportunity for better Invest ment Is presented : And provided further. That when any warrant upon the state treasurer re u- larly Issued In pursuance of an appropria tion by the legislature and secured by the levy of a tax for Its payment , shall bo presented to the state treasurer for pay ment , and there shall not be any money In the proper fund to p.iy such n arrant , the board created by section 1 of this arti cle may direct the stale treasurer to pay the amount due on such warrant from moneys In his hands belonging to the per manent school fund of the state , and ho shall hold said wnirant us an Investment of said permanent school fund. Approved March 23 , A. U. , ISfi V A joint resolution proposing an amend ment to the Constitution ot the State of Nebraska by adding a neu section to artlclo twelve (12) ( ) of said constitution , to be num bered section two (2) ( ) , relative to the nicrK- Ing of the government of cities of the metropolitan class and the government of the counties wherein such cities are lo cated. He It resolved and enacted by the Leg islature of the State of Nehrasltii : Section 1. That article twelve (12) ( ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo amended by adding to said article u now section to he numbered section two (2) ( ) , to read as follows : Section 2. The government of any city of the metropolitan class and the government of the county In which It Is located may bo merged wholly or In part when a proposi tion so to do hns been submitted by au thority of law to the voters of such city and county and received the assent of a majority of the votes cast In such city and also a majority of the votes cast In the county exclusive of these cast In such mctropolllan city at such election. Approved March 20 , A U. 1SV5. A joint resolution proposing an amendment to section six ( C ) of article seven (7) ( ) of the Constitution of the Stale of Nebraska , pre scribing the manner In which votes bhall bo cast. He It resolved and enacted by the Lcs- Ulatnre of the State of. NMirnskn : Section 1. That section six ( fi ) of nrtlclo seven (7) ( of the Constitution of the Htata of Nebraska be amended to rend us fol lows : Section G. All votes shall be by ballot , or such other method ns mny bo prescribed by law , provided ihe secrecy of voting ba preserved. Approved March 29 , A. D. , 1S95. i A joint resolution proposing to amend section two (2) ( ) of article fourteen (14) ( ) of tha Constitution of the State of Nebraska , rola- tlvo to donations to works of Internal Im provement and manufactories. Co It resolved and enacted by the Legis lature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section two (2) ( ) of artlcla fourteen ( II ) of thn Constitution of tha State of Nebraska , be amended to read as follows : Section 2. No city , county , town , precinct , municipality , or other subdivision of the > * state , shrill ever make donations to any 1 v > crks of Internal Improvement , or manu factory , unless a proposition KO to do shnll have boon first submitted to the qualified electors and ratified by a two-thirds vote at an election by authority of law ; Pro vided , That such donations of u county with the donations of such subdivisions In the aggregate shall not exceed ten per cent , of the assessed valuation of such county : Provided , further. That any city or county j may. by n three-fourths vote Increase such Indebtedness flvo per cent. In addition to I such ( en ncr cent and no bonds or ovl- ' dences of Indebtedness BO Issued shnll ba valid unless the sumo shall have endorsed thereon a certificate signed by the secre tary and auditor of state. she lnir that j the same Is Issued pur.-Minnt to law. Approved March 2 ! , A : 1) . . ISM. I , J. A. Piper , secretary of state of the Elate of Nebraska , do hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amendments to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska are true and correct copies of the original en rolled and engrossed bills , as passed by tbo Twenty-fourth session of the leglslaturo of the State of Nebraska , as appears from said original bills on file In this office , anil that all and each of said proposed amend ments are submitted to the qualified voters of tha state of Nebraska for thulr adoption or rejection at the general election to beheld held on Tuesday , tbo 3d day of November , A. I ) . , 1890. In testimony whereof , I have thereunto set my hand and affixed the great seal of the state of Nebraska , Done at Lincoln , this 17th day of July , In the year of our Lord , Ono Thousand Right Hundred and Ninety-six , of the Independ ence of tin ) United States the One Hundred mid Twenty-first , and of this state Uio Thirtieth. Seal. ) J. A. PII'HR , ( Secretary of Stato. AUB 1 DloNovS morn only. WHEAT BOOMING ami never offered a better opportunity for malt Ing money. Write K , H. Murray & Co. , Hankers & Ilrokcra , 122 Hlalto 111. If. , C.ilcauo. membcm of thu Chicago Hourd of Trade In good ttandliiK , for their book on Hlallitlo and tiiccu. lutlvo Information , and Dwlly Market letter. both free , HI'KCIAL ATPKNTION O1VUN TO "UT OK TOWV onnnitH. _ _ JAMES E. BOYD & CO Tclcphono 1030. Oiiinha , Neb. COMMISSION GRAIN : PROVISIONS : AND : . Hoard ot Trade. IMrect wire * to CiuuiKo and N w York. / Cbrrtipondioui Jolio A. Warrtn A Ca ,