n TJI13 OJMAITA DAILY S1TJIUKSDAY. . OCTOKISK 20. KS ! > 0. toUl voto. a factor which enters Into calcu- Utlonm Vi-rconlncn of I'orpflnln n of Mi > Klnl r vnlo llrynn'KVoUi In In rostnl eanl jxjumt rnnl rlrc rtrc'lnn imvli ; Town or tlun.liinilnnp upof ClMe-llnd stnto. of ilnrn'n vet i enRO nnil , . . . llllnnln . IS lllitsourl . II lawn . , . . . . . . . II I ml In nu . V Mlohlinn . X WlKconoln . . . II M I mi wet n . n Kentucky . . I ! cirn . l North Dskntn . K Houlh IWiKotn . I * , I'rreenttiKf nf llr > nn'n totnl vote , mmlo u of linnIronvotrK. . K. PcrrenUKr of McKlnlti'H totnl voltmm ! * up nf rlovi-lmid votes , 13 PHHCtNTAOB OK PARTISANS INVOLVED Ono table , which presents figures not be fore shown In the election , Is the one which Indicates the relative share of former ilomo- crats nml republicans In the postal ran ! election It purports to show the total num ber of Cleveland voters of 1802 nnil the num ber of Harrison voters of 1892 who have participated In this ballot. The number can not ho assumed to bo entirely accurate. however , even though It may bo nearly so It Is obtained by adding to the Mrjnn vote the number of McKlnlcy voter * who avow that they wcro democrats In 1S82. ami sub tracting from that sum the number of IJryan voters who have bolted to him from Harrison The reversal of the case finds In a similar way the old-lino republican vote and the two Items nro ready for comparison They tal.o no coRnlzanco of those who are casting their first vote this > car. however , ntsumlng that If a mnn did not report-hlmself n bolter bo was a partisan of the same kind four jeaM ago There appears no leason , how ever , why any flaws In the Items should not apply equally to both parties , and at nnj rate the showing Is Interesting It Indl- rates that out of the total vote cast In the postal card election C8.7C4 of the ballots came from Clov eland democrats of 1892 an. " * that the Harrison republicans contributed 161,972 to the total The percentages drawn from these figures give 29 per cent as com ing from the democrats and 69 per cent from the republicans - Tot-il Total Cle-vilind PercentHarilmJii VOU.TS aifu ofotprn cuMInc lotilbnlcistliiir Porcont- | ) l)8tll ) IlltM Cltl POHIll .ISO Of Town or card b illor Clme- ml I ) iltotiil bal- l.uiil lolH lot. 41V it TotnU . M7C4 ICO" * m HOW Till : TABULATION WAS TAKHN It Is necessary to explain In detail the form of calculation which was adopted to construct the tables Including the detailed reports from the- states and from Chicago and Cicero The states were tabulated by counties and Chicago by wards , and the respective wards and counties Tve-re credited for this purpose with being democratic or republican according as thry were carried by the democratic or republican party In 1S92 A column then follows , giving the number nf blank postal-card ballots gent to each ward and county , and the next col umn gives the number of those that v.crc returned asotcs to bo counted In thu postal eard election. The percentages or ballots returned as votes to thodu snnt out to the \oters was then ascertained Thli Item was calculated separately foi Hitilet cratlo and the republican e-'Vtrtius and wards , the percentncjoj. returns' from those In < - . > ! : 'pirty llefiig the Information naught There has been an admitted and n sjstcmatlc effort on the part of some Inline-lien In the democratic organl/atlon to icstraln the voters of that faith from participating In the poatal-eard election , and It was to be c\pcci-d that the result of this effect would show In Ibo analsis of the vote. If all inllucncca wcro equal It would be fair to presume that from counties In the sarao state , of similar population , the per centage of ballots returned asotcs to those ficut out would be approximately the same. If there was n uniform deflclcncj In this per centage In the democratic et-nlcrs It would In aome degree measure the force of this restrained \otc. Any election calculations ought to tnkn cognUinre of thU vote. If It can bo In any way measured. This sugges tion was made as a mathematical means of reaching an approximation to this matter , and was approved as theoretically correct by tcvcral who were competent to follow the propcflltlon to Its logical conclusion. GETTING AT UXACT KiaUUKS It Is assumed that If In a certain stat the democratic cuuitles show oil a certain percentage of returns of the ballots that wcro sent them , and the republican counties showed another percentage votc-d out of their ballots the difference represented the effective hupprcsslou of the vote of the lessor one. That percentage once obtained. It could be applies ! to the number of ballots eent to the state- , and the resulting sum could bo added to the actual \otu of the parly deficient In Its percentage of retuins ThU docs not mean In o\cry caao to tlio party of smallest \ot ( > Kaunas , for lu- etance , McKlnlcy has the largest vote , but the domociatlc countlea retmncd a larger percuntago of the ballots sent to them than did the lepubllcan The difference- was , thcrofcre , In Kansas , added to the McKtnlcy sole Hut In in cat cases the deficit was in the democratic percentage of returns , and as the tables will show , the additions were made to the vote of thut party Missouri , however , is another exception to the rule , end the McKlnlcy lead gains thereby. This handling of the figures la not to bo presumed as a final ami exact estimate of the possible showing of the election of November S. but it may have some indica tion that will cast light cm the prospects In several cf theslate's The table which follows the showing of thest.iks and of Chicago. In this matter , Is made up spcicu- Intlvely. from these calculations , as an Intcicstlug study pf what might bo called the possiblellrjnn \oto If tlw.ro had been no cffoit to prevent a fret- expression of the Urjnn m'ntlmont as a political mo\e. VOTKUS WHO AUi : LOST. Mail } Imiulilcs liavo been made as to the percentages of the vote to each state which were tent out to the country and to the city population. One of the accompan > lng tables shows this HPiiaratlon in detail. It Is fol lowed by one which treiis the number of ballots rcturne'd by the > postofllcis js un- ik-lhciablo beeauHO the aililrisbcs could not be found. Throughout thu statej tlilu Is an Inconsiderable Item , amounting to less than an average of two to each county participa ting in the election , hut tn the transient population of Chicago It reaches n large Keep up hope. There are thousands of cases where re covery from Consumption lias been complete. Plenty of fresh air and a well-nour ished body will check the progress of the disease. Nu tritious foods arc well in their way , but the best food of all is Cod-liver Oil. When partly digested , as in Scott's Emulsion , it does not dis turb the stomach and the body secures the whole bene fit of the amount taken. If you want to read more about it let us .send you a book. SCOTT & BOWNP , Ntw York. A Handsome Complexion I * onoof the creates ! charmin woman can IMiicofi , 1'ozzoMi' * CcmruuioK I'OWDI.M ghoalt. numh.rr nnd In figured Into thu calculations of the Chicago table : 12SW1 10 ni ! 1 CHI ; r. TI | - - 3 Rill " * n * S I'll 5 371 No ink 2'fll ' 7V1 So lak I I7 | JMtri | TotlU K-l ) SKI71 | S ll . I | All count li-iirriiilillran | In In mailing the cards to the names on the polling lists of the city of Chicago. In the care to omit no nnmed , the names of women wcro transcribed nnd ballots were sent to them , lltit Inasmuch as the women nro not to vote In the election of November 3 tholr votes wcro not to b" counted In the postnl card election. That they understood thirt fact , which waa explained with care , Is proven when one understands that some 30,000 women's names nro on the polling lists , while less than 2.000 returned their ballot4 and these were not counted Another table shows the vote returned by women from nil the states The last of the tnbles of ballolb Is that which Includes the small number charactrrled ns freaks These Include the e that were Ineligible nnd those that were Invalid from other causes. Percentage of the ballots of each state sent lo the agricultural nnd the city nnd town voters : City Hiid Aprlcul- Town tural Illinois r,2 "IS Missouri 40 < > ' Iowa 47 ' .J Indiana * It M Michigan r'i : ' Wisconsin ! > 2 ) ' Mlnm-sotii " > - * ' > Kentucky } ' 51 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Nebr.isk.i'.V. i' SS North Dikota 4i ) Crt South Dakota 43 & ' BALLOTS UNDULIVRIlAHLh. Blank cards sent , to voters who could not he found by the postal authorities : Chlcicto and Cloero 37,3I ( > Illinois ( excepting Chicago and Cicero ) " " > Missouri ( chltlly St. Louis ) 7T > Indiana ( > * > Kentucky 1 Michigan 1 Mlnm-iiota. .12 Knnsas " Totnl 03,203 VOTRS SHNT BYVOMiN. : . Ballots which were mailed to women and vve-re returned by them , but not counted : Chicago nnd Cicero l"M > ( except Chicago and Cicero ) . . SI Iowa Inllani 10 Mlcblgin Minnesota Knmickv Kui A.I Nibrnskn No : th U iltota Total . , l.SH ' 1THiAK" VOTES. I > allots received from those v.ho would joke , and that v.eie Invalid for other cauicoi Chicago anil Clc.no ( frrik ) 1,621 Chicago nnd Cleero ( miscellaneous ) . . l,7f HllnolH , uxc. ptliiK Chicago and Cicero. . 49S Missouri 4-W lo.va 274 Indian i rr.- > Mlehlgnn : Ti Wlxconsln 17' ' Minnesota , I-1 ! ' Kentucky . * . 30J Kim-ii-i .121 Nebrnvka 271 South Dakota K Totnl WOMAN' KII.I.IM ) 1IY 1IICJII WAVMHN. l to < : i\ < - Up PiifKctliiiiiK ami IH .Shut llefure HIIH | > IIII I'H lIji-H. NOimiSTOWN , Pa , Oct. 28 Charles Kaiser and his wife , i : in in a , of Norrlstown were held up by two hlghwamcn near Bridgeport tonight. Mrs. Kaiser was shot through the head and Instantly killed and her husband was wounded In the arm by n second gunshot. The robbers secured all the Jewelry vorn by the couple , oven to the man's slilrtstuda and a pockclbook containIng - Ing $53 Then they made their encape While they were driving along a lonely road two men sprang from the bushes lining th" road "While one seized the horse by the bridle , the other covered the occupants of the carriage with a revolver and demanded their money Kaiser promptly herded out his cash , together with his watch , bis wife's watch and a diamond pin The robbers then commenced to gel out of the carriage nnd as they did so a a pockctbook which Mrs KaUcr curried caught Iho ejes of the man with the pistol Ho demanded It. but the woman hesitated Almost Instantly the highwaymen leveled his revolver at her and fired , the bullet passing through her head As Kaiser started toward him a second shot vvns fired. passing through his right arm The men Immediately made for the bushes nnd escaped - . caped The whole surrounding country Is aflame with Indignation and horror The wounded husband lies al his boarding house In n fctato bordering upon Insanity PATHP.Il I'HOTiSTS HIS lie AVllM > ot H < * NIUIINI | ( > fur ( li < - IJunlli ill' UlNiff mill Clillili-i-ii. IIICIIMONI ) , Mo. Got 2S Interesting developments came to light t'-day in the murder casu of Mrs Je-esle Winner and her two children , but nothing conclusive/ enough to fasten Iho crlmo upon any one. The father , who is In jail , accused of dispatchIng - Ing his family , protests his innocence. He sa > B he slept away from home on the night of the murder and was In Iho com pany of Maggie Catron. vvhcse presence at the Winner household had previously made trouble between Winner and his wife. A rumor connecting the two with the mur der Is nlloat , bill nothing positive baa been adduced to substantiate it Footprints of n man and a woman and of a horse with three slioca and tracks of a buggy wheel have hee'ii dlsecvcrcd near the sceneof the crime Such a horse was missing on the night of the murder from a stable near where Winner sas he slaed. Mrs Winner waa a divorcee nnd came from Spauldlnj county , Ohio Her drat husband's name was Jae-ob Klser and her aeeond marriage was the sequel to an elopineut. It is rumored tlmt Hlier was seen In Richmond n few dajn ugo , but no conllrmatlon U obtainable. Klll < * < l < i llnti > for UCVI-IIKI- . GALHSVILLi : , WIs . Oct. 28. The 3-ear- old son of Oicai Marshall , a North Bend fanner , was uiuidcrcJ by a hired man named Palmer. Marshall nnd the man hid a quarrel and to got even with hU employer Palmer took the little hey to the barn end deliberately crushed his cl'.ull with an nxe. Palmer afteiwardd pretended to poison him self , but HUr on made n complete con fession Incitement iiuis high and lnchlng may follou Iho murderer h 18 } ears old llntt-l li-Nlrn > eil li > I'lre. ATTALLA Ala. . Oct 28 W. B Shechan'a hotel was deitiojinl by fire last night Three of the volunteer firemen wcro badly Injured by a falling icof , one of them Walter Cox , having both IM I > braken. McDonough and I'arrUb. two FpcctutoH , were also Injured. Cox has also recelv < Hl Internal Injuries and U not expected to live. Loai an building about 12,500 , fully liuur d. * Kllli-il 1i > n linn r\iliNloii. | PirrSBUHa. Oct 2S An explealou of : ntuiala nt Avalun , ajuburb of Alle- ghcny , about 1-10 thl * morning , killed Be-Mlo Ot-uortio , aged 13 } eara , nnd nerloiuly In jured her brother , Dale , aged 0 jcani , and lu-r ultkr , Hdlth. ur.el G > car . The housa was biidly wrecked , The oxploulon wak e u e < ! by ft Irak In the kltchuu pipes. i PM.MIMl AMI 111 CKM'.Il IN l \ \ \ . Citiiillilntox Mpi-nU n Noon nl Crouton nnil In llnnirnltiK nt Oltmnuil. riinSTON , la. , Oct , 2S Amid nrtlllery salutes nnd the cheering of thousands the jpoclftl Palmer nnd Burkncr train drew Into this city shortly after noon toxlay. An escort cert of sovcial hundred Grand Army men nnd citizen * accompanied the parly lo the ! rtpcr house , already packed -with nn audl- e-nec of 1,600 people. Great cheering greeted thfe nallnnal ilpmccritle candidates ns they reached the stago. Goner.il Buck- ncr spoke for tblrt-fHe > mlnute.i , discussing the money question with keenness nnd force. An effort on the part of a coterie of free silver me.i to make a noise was hissed down nnd the- general 1 was not a second tlmo molested. General , Palmer made a short nddress , directing ' his rcmarKs to the old soldiers. As ho > ' was aboul to clone a populist In the audl- encewslkcd down the nlalo to the stngo nnd handed Palmer n paper on which were written two qucRtlons "Is It not a fnet tbnt In 1S92 you tnndo n speech In favor of free colnngu7" was one of them. It bro.ight forth an Indignant "No" tUil waa applauded ( o the echo In thesrcond the general was rs'-ed If ho had not sought the- populist nomination for the prealdrncy In 1S92. To thlo ho pro nounced the "no" with even greater em- rhasls and followed It up with"The man who says that cither of those propositions arctmo is a liar " The meeting closed with great cheering fcr Palmer and Buckner OTTUMWA. In. . Oft 28. One of the most enthusiastic meetings of the present cam paign marked the visit to Ottumwn tonight of the nominees of the national democracy Generals Pnliner nnd Buckner The special train bearing the distinguished leaders reached here at G 20 this evening from Ores- ton Short ptops wcro made at Onceola Chnrlton nnd Albla , where great crowds greeted them nt each place. Two hundred and fifty members of the Ottumwa Sound Money club met the visitors at the depot A big demonstration was held this evening nnd the streets were packed with people Two meetings wcro held to night , one at the Grand and the other at the Turner opera houie Both houses were crowded to their utmost capacity , 3,000 people- assembling at the two places and many being unable to gain admittance At each house the reception given tbo stand ard bearers amounted to an ovation MOST ivriiiJMsiTo : nvnii sinv 1'i-oplc Dili Tttit Wnnt tn Ailjniirn n ltnll > nt Iloliln-prt- . UOLDRnaU , Neb. . Oct. 28 ( Special Tel egram ) The grand rally of the season was held here this evening. Senator Mandcrson came In on the B & M at 5 o'clock , es corted by the band. Woman's Marching club and the flambeau clubs of Mlndcn nnd Ax- tell They were met nt the train by the hand and flambeau club and escorted to the Hampton hotel. Tor the evening Senator Thurston spoke in the opera house two hours , nnd was followed by W R Andrews In a thirty-minute nddress The nudlencc called for n U Klnael , candidate for state senator , to address them , rhlch he did The The ehilrman of the meeting K A Dean. ' then tried to dismiss the anclloilciT but the people would not.RO-nnd called for the Holdrrgo Olej > j.lu'f. ' It rendered two defec tions njiihtfio women's quattet of Mlmlen was tUcn" called out and gang two selections The audience then called out W. P. Hall , candidate for eounty attorney , who made n short address Then the people blow ! } nnd with seemingly reluctance dispersed Mis Mandci-Eon , who occupied a seat on thu rostrum , said to the Bee reporter that It was the moU remarkable meeting tor its enthusiasm that she had ever attended AURORA. Nib , Oct 28 ( Speclil. ) Yes- terdn } afternoon what was probabl } the most successful political meeting ever held In Hamilton county was held at the opera houre here Admlsslca was by ticket , but the auditorium was packed full by n mpjt ordt-rl } gathering , nml hundreds woe una ble to get in n Hoit-watcr wcs the speaker and for tuo houis and fifty minutes he dis coursed on the money question. He wns given the closest attention , not n single person lending the hall during the SDPCV. . Generous applause greeted 1ho many tell Ins points , and the Hrianlto fallacies wcro ef fectually nunctiircd. RMCRSON , Neb. . Oct. 28 ( Special Tele gram. ) Judge Gllllsple of O'Neill talked tea a small audlcnco of free sllvcrltes here this evening. Judge Samuel Maxwell of Fre mont , free silver candldato for congress , was , expected , but did not come Maxwell was advertised to speak hero several weeks ago and also nt Ponder last evening , but he did not flll cither engagement , on account of Illness. \II > MS A SOUTH DAKOTA oiiu , . Prnnk Trueili-11 \ViioiiNoeKct In Clini-Ki'il with Criminal Armani ! . MITCHELL , S. D. . Oct. 28 ( Special Tele gram ) Prank Truc-lell of this city wen' to WoousocKet last night and as n result of his trip ho Is now confined In the county jail In that place awaiting the action of the grand jury. During the evening while the paiade was attracting the attcntlcn of the- people Trucdell made the acquaintance of a joung girl , name Knight , aged about 12 years Under the guise of wanting to IIml the residence of a minister , Truedell Induced tbo girl to show him the waj Having reached a secluded apot Trucde-11 grasped the gill and accomplished his pur pose. The girl fought fiercely to defeat Trud ll Ills face vms en atchcxl In a fearful manner , showing with what despera tion the girl fought. This moraine at Woonsockct Trnedell vvao o nfronteJ with the girl , \.lio poasltivel } Identified him An examination wns held later and Trucdell was held to the circuit court on the charge of criminal assault This Is not the first tlmo Tiuceiell has been In trouble of this kind. About four } ears ago he was arrested on a similar charge In this city , of whlcu he was convicted nnd sentenced to the penitentiary , but vvns later pirdoned .South DnKolii SiipriiiiiCourt Note-H. PICRUG. S. D. , Oct. 28. ( Special Tele gram ) Opinions were handed down by the supreme court this morning in the following cases By Carson Paul Tschetter against Prcd Hcher , Hutchlnson county ; reveined. John Novotny against Jnmrs Daufortli ct al , Yaukton county ; nlflrmed. John Mc Donald against Slnirl Parris , McCook county , affirmed By Hnney The German bank against Robert W. Polds and George H Folds , Mlnnehaha county ; afflrmc'l. Oscnr 0 Murray , state's attorney of Lake county , ex rcl Charles Byham , agcjjst William Whltmore , Lake eounty. nppcnl dismissed ; court without jurisdiction School district No. 71 against DoJid of County Commissioners , Lincoln county ; af firmed. By Puller State of South Dakota , ex rcl George Adklns , against Board of County Commissioners of Robert county ; peremptory writ of mandamus applied for Issued , hMi/in ms nvn OUT OP ins IIHAD. TjiKoN JiiuilT fur n Co 111 niul PopN Out nil Optli- . CINCINNATI. Oct. 2S. Charles Doran , n business man of Olcmlale , took a pinch of cnuff for a cold. So suveio was the sneez ing that followed that tbo Inferior oblique muscle of tbo left eo was ruptured , and as he contlnuod to mieezo the exertion forced Iho co out of Its socket. Doran says ho frit as If something had broken In his head. With his light ejo ho saw the left optic hanging down on his cheek. Dr. Head } re placed the ejo nnd applied a lotion to the muscle The L-JO waa then bandaged so It could not fall out again Dr. Heady be lieve : ! the ejo U not destroyed. al n > nniil . IIYANNIS , Neb. , Oct. 28. ( Special Tele gram. ) Snow fell here today to tbo depth of two Inches , the first of the season. The storm commenced about 0 o'clock this morn ing and Is Htlll raging . r- i i i i - Movement * uf Oci-aii Vt-MHulM , Oct.H , At Now York Arrived Teutonic , from Liverpool. At Southampton Arrived St. Paul , from New Yoik. At Glasgow Arrived Anchorla , from Now York. At Liverpool Arrived Laurent Ian , from Montreal. At London Arrived Galileo , from Boutoa. OF BUSINESS Monster NoolulaV 'Meeting ' in Chicago Hears Silver Dootrino. TALKS ADobV 'SCARCITY ' OF MONEY H'nlilcn of il Ui-xlrt * to llor- ro\r > liirii , XVIillvV - An * I'ro- ' A\V Htitc Alrcinlj. CHICAGO , Oct. 28 Twice this afternoon the largest house In the city of Chicago was filled literally to suffocation with people to hear William J. Uryan. Outside on the lake front and streets adjoining , unable to gain admission , were crowds that would have filled the hall tvvlco again , night other largo meeting were addressed by Mr. Hrjan before midnight inarlcius pirts of thecity. . The most Important gathering ' of Iho series- was the big noonday meet ing of business men nt llattcry I ) armory on the lake front. Mr ItrjAM bcgnn today's program with a speech In a Polish hall half way acros-3 the city from the one In which he spoke last night. Today's Initial meeting was a woman's gathering at St. Stanislaus hall , enNoble Noble street. Mr. Urj-an was grcete-d with an nuillenci- f.,000 persons , the greatest proportion being ladles After the > en thusiastic applause which greeted him on his arrival had subsided , Mrs Jennie Ilarzjnskl , twisted by Miss Francis Kownl- skl , Introduced the candldato to the audi ence , and In the course of his speech be said "If In thte campaign vvo can eou- vluco the women thatjujtlco Is on our side , I know that In every house-hold there will bo a wlfo or mother who will say to the father of that fanllly : 'Coercion cannot bo permitted to Interfere with the exercise of the rights of citizenship ' ( Crl u of "You are rlftht. " ) If wo can convince the women of the Justice of our cause , there Is no campaign fund however large , that can brlbo the husband and the brothers and eons who go forth with the Inspiration of these women behind them. " ( Loud and continued applause ) The big noonday meeting of business men at Hatter I ) armor ) on the lake front claimed Mr Bryan's attention as < ] ulcklv as he could be hustled through the several miles of streets from St Stanislaus Long before the hour for the meeting , Battery I ) was packed Thefieats had been removed from the body of the hall and the audience stood shoulder to shoulder. The great grlders thai aupporlod the rcof furnUhcd nests for n number of venturesome admirers and the gallerjtjs vere paeke-d The hall was crowded to Its utmost limit General C. H. Howard called the inciting to order Mr Drjan ic cived n evatlon that lasted more than five inlnutrt and hid fair to con tinue Indefinitely. Ocucnil Howaid obtained the- attention nl llio audience , however , bv faying that , Mrlir > n a ke < l one question whether thcfo pvsiut were all business men A thousand voices answered "Yes , " and In the lull dthnt followed one man's voice c'early , rose c.s.ho . said , "Wo mean business" ( Phccrlns. ) CN'OUmi A N'I ) nOUIlOWINO. After staling that , the prosperity of the men cngagrcltln tba exchange of wealth de pended upoiiithc prosperity of Iho producers , and that business men were being tvran nlzed over by hanks. Mr. Ilrysn ald- My friends , lionIn our condition Here Is n gieut llnnnelnl ijtUcm renting upon a hnndful of gold uiml people In n foieign Intul liuvo 11 string to tiv gold nnil > ou never know .vvbi-ij they .IIP going to pull HIP foumlnMoh out fem | under > our fabrle and lei your entire commercial ntrurttiro collopip. Tell thi * people not to be n lti- ted ! Mv frlnifls , SoiCcnnnot1 onlm the sea byvorils Ah hopelr 1-4 It to attempt to calm the troubUt l oelftv bv tellliitr < them to be quiet vvhnn th y know tint urttns- trophc ytiMidH JUKI In front of them nil the time. ( CheqrliiK ) 1 vvniit jou to no\c thlH proposition. When w tnlu nliout vvnntlng mort money , the > tell un tliere Is money enough In thcr rountry , p e-nty of money In the country The moment } ou begin to argue/ that ihcro should be more they will sllenco you by pohitlne to tlio amount of money In the b-uiki wnltlm ; to be lonnul And then you saj "All right , If wo have enough money In IhU country now let us have a financial svslcni of our own. " nnd they H.IV. "Ob. no , wo can't do thnl. be- enuso If jou do that Ihen we eunnot bor row .from abroad" ( Laughter nnd cheers ) Why dovc v.'nnt to borrow If we have enough ? ( Prolonged cheerliifj ) Now , my friends , there are two propositions You cannot es-cnpo both of them If wo Imvo enough money now , the-n WP do not want any money to cntnn from nbro id , becnusi then vvn would hive too nitieli , nnd no body wants too much. ( t.milliter and np- phiuHe ) If wo need monev from abroad it Is conclusive proof that VVP have not enough monej now In the country and if v.o have not e-nough now I assert that It Is hotter to hiw nil additional supply come out of our own mountains and bo our own money Instead of borrowing nnd the-n pij- Ing It back to theforoUi nations of the world ( Great app'nuip ) The republican p'ltform pledges the re- publlean pnrty to use < verj effort to prb mete intprnationiil blmxtalllsm How IB It coins to promote If Ky maUin ; It prollta- blo for foreign creditors to object to It How are they BOlncr to promote Intcrnn- tlonnl bimetallism7 Hy mnkliiK It profita ble to foreign flnanclers to rcfuso our netl- tlon I promlBp jou to promote Interna tional hlniualllsm and I promise to do II In a moreHenslblo way than by making It profitable lo refuse our putltlon. PAY I1ONI3S IN SILVnR You ask me v.bnt vour p'nn is I will tell you Wo luvi tried vour plan for twenty jears and wo nre further riff now than we were vvhPU we commeneecl to trv your remedy ( Applause- ) propose a dif ferent plan. You Imvo ald to foreign creditors that If thpy will object to bi metallism wo will Join with them In ma'c- Ing their mortBiigcs moro vnln ible nnd their notes rnoro vulunble nnd Hull doll.iru buy moro I piopcso thiif tlie United States shall nay that the mlntT of this country slinll bo jipenod to the free nnd unlimited colnapo of fllvei on equal terms with gold at the piesont ratio and the nionev coined shall be nllho a legal tender for all debla public and prlvato ( Great apylnuse > And then I propose that v. e shull Bay to our foreign" creditors that we Intend to pav our coin obligations In either gold or sil ver ( Anpbuiso. ) I piopose that wo shixl1 bay to them "Gentlemen , If vou oonsplre to make that silver dollar worth less thiin the 1'old dollar wo shall piy jou In that Hllver dollar " ( Great apchuno and cheers ) You Miy that Is repudiation" I deny It They bought out h&wls only a short time ago and they made a difference bntwer-n coin bonds nml wld bomlx , e-hnrglng foi the rlHk tlieytpiilj , and now let them Imve the risk tlicyfiv.oj < n paid for. You sa > that they Imvo u rfento \ chnige us moro bc- cause of the rlslf .they took nnd then wo hnvo not thp 'lirlty to pxerclso the option which they cnledlA-tcd on' Ah , my friends that Idea COHU-A'dimply from those who thln'c that nlltHOrik-lv Hhould be careful to guard thu liitgcttitnof the e-rrdltor nnd iiej- lecl every rlgJjti llmt n debtor has. ( Ap- plaiiHo ) n l n I niitlio that woino of our crltles nro very much e-Nolten btcauso the Chicago plat form Bavs t lift t1 ft I' ' pledge ourselves to so- euro sueh Ipglsltlllon IIH will for the future prevent rontnicUlfor n particular kind of money Whyj itU.e-y say timt wo are not going to hit people contract. Wo nro pot going to let rticTT'Tiiako contracln that arn against public policy ; v > do not Intend tliiU ( hey Hhi > ijtiikinoictl7o bv pilvnto t-on- tract what thW frmrnmrnt makes money by tinlveis.il llqr.aGicat ( chcerlnt ; . ) My frlPnds.-jSiTfffoppontiitH hnvlni ; been detected Inaui&vcS'fCort.u (0 ( convince the pcoplo that ibn gold utandnrd ought to bo iiiiiliitiilimd. arc ccHln ( ; to do now what they bavo always foiiKht to do , win the battle on another IBHUP. nnd having won the batllo carry the. cold standard ix llttln further Now thry urc telling you thut my election would be n munnco to peace and order. They tell you that I will not enforce the law. My friends , tbo fenr of thcHo people In not thut I will refuse to enforce - force the law. Their fear l that I will en force tbo law. ( Applause. ) They know that I entertain old-fiiBliloned. IdcnH upon Ibo Hub- Jecl nnd Unit according to my Idea the big criminal should wear xtrlpod clothes the iniiio an tbo llttlo criminal , ( Great up- Plnupp. ) I want to say to you thut wo who hnlluvn In i-nforoliif- laws ngaliiHt nil chthsea of Hoclntjnaro iMiltcr friends of BOV- rrnment than thotfn who rnnko acapegoatH of llttlo criminals and then let big OIIOH ire at Inreo to run the government ItHolf. ( Wild npplausfl. ) The very men who would Hiiffrr most through the enforcement of law are tboso who noem to bo most terri bly iilurmed that there will bo lax enforce ment of lawn. < Appliiu e. ) They are not afraid that I will jHiieoiiruuu lavvleHHtiotts , but they know , thut if I am elected their truHta will not select the attorney general who will mlmlnlMrr the laws ( Orent up. plnusc nnd wl'd cherrlnR ) The attotidinrc at the aftcrnonn meeting even cxcerdcil that of the noon Palntlm ; women were- curried from Iho hall every two minutes. Two hours before Mr llrvan ar rived It wax Impossible to obtain admission and thousands gathered on the lake front In the hope of participating In nn overflow meeting , but this was Impossible , owing to Mr Ilrjan's many engagements Just AH Mr Ilryan was about to begin his nddrcs he noticed a largo number of men In the win daws on the roof of Iho building , end fear ing dunscT , he declined to proceed llll thereof roof was clcired Ills speech was on fa miliar lines Mr Ilryan's other spcerhcs before mid night were at St Stanislaus hall. Noble street , Transit house. Union stock > ards ; St Paul's school Ambrose street and lloyne avcnuo , Novotny's hall. Twenty-second nnd Troy nvcnuc ; Ilohcmlan Turin r hall , South Ashland avenue , Pulaikl hall ni hteentii street and Ashland avenue , big tent. Harri son and Locnils streets and I'eopleVt Insti tute , Van IHircn and Lcavltt streets nov IKO Tuitownits AHHISTKH. | ( > NN | > nnd AHUM Their CHICAGO , Oct 28 Chaunco ) Poster nnd L. J Hanchott two of the four student * of the Metropolitan Business college accused of having thrown eggs at W J. Hrjnn and Mm Ilryan during the parade- yesterday , were arrtflted nt noon by Uclcctlvcs Smith and Pay , who are working on the ease The two boys are sons of well-to-do South Side faml.ics Later In the day Foster and Han- .chett confessed to Chief of Police Hadcnoch that they had thrown the eggs ThomM Gahan , chairman of the democratic county committee- , has received the following letter from Mr Ilrjan regarding the matter AuniTtmnjM HOTIL , CHICAGO. Oct. 2S , 1S % Henr Mr G ihati 1 wish jou would ask for the release of the bovs anestid for throwing the cgfs I am mire 11 was an act of thoughtlessness , and their am-nt has doubtless been a sulllclenl loHnon to them and to others Your truly W J HIIYAN The chief of police was compelled to re lease the two voung prisoners this evening. as after Mr Hryan had written his letter asking for tiirlr release It was evident thai there would be no prosecution If the pris oners were artalgned Ilcforc the pi iRoners had been released , word was received from both of Ihelr fami lies Ea > lng that the law could take Its course as no part In the defense would be taken by any of their relatives TiN.Mssni : is rtnii > c TO MMVIM.HY. Cliiilriiinii Iliuiiiu > < MClaliiin Hie Stnlr fttr Soiiiiil Ho in- ) . CHICAGO. Oct. 2S ( Special Telegram ) - Advices Just received from the republican national headquarters lead Chairman Hanna this morning to tiansfcr from tin- doubtful column of twelve stales the state of Ten nessee to the republican column. The Chlcsge. Itccord toda ) announced the close of Its postal card poll , In which It has received 2-10,000 votes from eleven statta These give McKlnley 173.501. Di > an. Crt.233. Palmer , 3,683 In Chicago , where Hryan's fi lends had hoped to make a strong show ing , he gets but H 179 against C7.795 for Mc Klnlcy In Missouri , where democrats had hoped to ovcr-.vhrlm McKlnlcy with Urjan vatea , they polled but 9.119 again * ' 9,9"S for MrKfnley Mr Ilrjap s own state Ne braska glvrd him hut 2152 ugmndt " > .3 1 for McKlnley while Michigan sl\es 12.S99 for McKlnl ? } agalnrt only 3903 for nrjau In Kansas McKlnley gets fi.911 against 3MI for Brvan. while Indiana gives 11973 for McKlnlry agaln.it 571" for Ilrjon OIHJLHVT ST.NI1 llll VA KKHOil. . VU-c l'rKlrt -nt Hli i-iixon TtiKvn 111 nt Tatlci-Niitl Mei-tlim. C1HC\00. Oct 28 While elttlm ; on the platform at the Br > an political meeting held at TattersaU's Vice Picsldent Steven son V.ES overcome somewhat by the heat and ho waa compelled to withdraw from the ntagc Pearful that ho might faint fiom the effects of the excitement , the vice president had his cab called , nnd ho wcni nt mice to the Palmer house , where he has rooms In leaving ihu stage door at the place of the mass mce-ling. Mr. Stevenson asked the assistance of a pol'.ceman who was on duty In that section of the house and the latter saw him safely away In his cabAfter After arriving at the hotel the vice prcs Idcnt Btlll felt the effects of his experience , but ho was able to go to his apartments without further assistance and he did not think it necessary to call a phyrlclan He was. hem ever , quite pale , and showed that bo had been on the point of prostration No serious icsults are anticipated n DP W\\A I'OIM LISTS. rif < > of ( lint ) 'a I Hi Mot * ! nt Slonx rit . SIOUX CITY. la . Oct. 2S ( Special Tele- giam ) A conference of lending populists of the county was htld hero today to determine on a plan of action 7be populist vote In this county Is the second In the state , and the populists were reluctant to enter Into fusion Since thn ballots have been printed they have come to lecllzc that their paity has been wholly swallowed up b > the silver democrats , am ) next year the } will have to get on the ballot by petition , if at nil Troy were allowed Iwo olOeers on the eounty tlcl.cl , and the whole cnmpalgn huu been In the Interest cf the dcmoeiats on Ibo ticket While they lefuccd to dlxcloso theli plan. It Is known that thc > hnvo prepared to throw Ihelr vclo for the'lr o-ui candidates nnd abandon the democratic pan of Ihu ticket , and this will afreet the DO mi vote In the entire eountv. Aboul fifty populists v/oro present Ai i' -lll fur Sniinil 1lone > . WOONSOCKKT. S I ) . Oct 2S ( Special ) This cltv was the scene of much excite ment jciiterdnv The day had been spent bv the republicans of two counties In a joint barhecup Last jear Snnborn county was car ried ! > ) the populists by an average majority of thirty , find Jciauld county wen cairied by the same part } by seventy majorjtj Sanborn count } Is the lica-.c of H H Dow dill , secrctniy of the populist state commit tec and his compjilteo 'lopes to carry the state for Drjan Judge Palmer spoke hero Monday nlgl.t to less thin nlnet } persons George W Law rente , preoijent of the Free Silver club , icso la I'almer'd meeting and chargeil that the laltroad lompnny had toji- trollcd th" eountv populis' convcntinn. and that Povdlll had jlcdRtil u vote an the rail road bill at tl o Irgt less'on ' of thn legis lature Great eonfutlon eisurd. : and only sulwlik-d wlien the meeting adjourned PaimeiH fiom twc < nt } mlkM mound at tended the haibccue In thu afternoon there ras : > iieakliig at the same time In Gentian Morwcglsn and English In different pails cf the city , lion r T Lcge-rbci'scr lo Ger mans , Prof Pctci Hendrkksun lo I lie Nor wegians and K J Dunlinm to otheiri There were two bicis binds Including the juvenile- alula band of Mitchell At night there- was a flambeau and toichllght pincesulon Omnlifi Cm n MI n DoliiK tiooil Win I. . SPUINGKIKLD. Neb , Oct. -iSpecial Telegram ) Despite the potulng lain , an en thusiastic audlPiiee gice-ted the Oiraha Jtc- publlcan caravan at the opeia boiifo tonight The pilnclpal speakci was Chntlcs W. II/il- / Icr of Omaha , who for an linur wss IHtencd to with the closest , attention. Choilcs I' Tuttle spoke on general lusneu , after whlih Pred J. Sackatt explained the atciuoptlcon vlows , which are an entirely now featuia In political campaign work. A louslui ; ini-- ] ) llon v.as given Iho Wobstci Glee elub nnd again and again It ttab encoioil mull ai a late hour the meeting adjoin ned 'ihc caravan will bo beaid from at ( Jictna to morrow nigh * . Ills Aadirnll/atlon I'nperj. ( lilesllont-il. ALBANY. Oct 2S. Attorney Urntra ! Man- cock today rendered a decision" refusing lo grant the application cf certain tltl/enn of Long Island Clt } for permission to begin quo v.arranto piocoedlngs tn tc t the title of P. J nieason to the n'n > n of major of Long Island City on the ground that ha was not a naturalized citlze.ii nf the United States CiulUlf U'lll .Not Vole. LOUISVILLH , Ky , . Oct 2S. Mr. Carlisle will not vote next Tuesday , though the law would have permitted him to qualify him self by registration Ho hut pcnt the last two days In Louisville , and as this U the last day of the supplemental rculitrntlun , ho loses his votu- FIND A HOME IN AMERICA Must Provide Bonds niul Spread Out Over the Ooutitry , ARMENIAN REFUGEES PERMITTED TO STAY Ticimtit-j li-l > iirlni-iit IMunll } Decl.l.- . that tlic I'MKllU ex from ! nrl.e ) Mn.v Hi'iiinlti In | | K. Il.tlUMl Mule. , . NR\V YOUK. Oct. 28 Immigration C'om- mhsloner Dr. Joseph Senncr has received from the Ireasur ) department at Washing ton a. telegraphic repl ) to a communication he had wilttcn regarding the disposition of a number of Armenian refugees now at Kills hland It WCB as follows. "Tho department npprcAca > our action In Armenian matters as icportcsl In jour letter of 23id lust , and the * future course Indi cated therein Your recommendations to acceptance of bonds will bo considered In connection with the papers receheJ" The telegram was signed by W 12 Curtis , acting secretary Ur Senncr bad recom mended the following rirst. to Insist upon proper distribution of Armeliinna. so as not to congest the labor market In any particular branch or locution Second As they are unquestionably assisted Immigrants , the } must pio\lii ! proper bonJa so as to secure their country before landing , against their being supported by the federal authorities There nro 271 Armenians Irft on Hills Island six 1mIng been released jcsterda > Susan I'Ysscndon , president ef the Mas sachusetts board of Woman's Christian Temperance union has promised bonds for 100 , and Commissioner Sc-nner expects tint the Salvation arm ) will secure bonds for 100 more It is not thought that anv will have to bt deuortcd. Lady Hcnrv Somerset today cabled ai follows to Assistant Commissioner of Emi gration McSwcenev at H11U Island "I malte the declaration that I will give my personal bond In case the Armenians who arrived on the OhJam or Callfornli > are likely to become public charges I will bo answerable - able for the removal frra the United States of sue'i rersons " Commissioners Scnner and McSweenej thU afternoon arranged with Mrs rosscnden of the > Women's Christian Temperance union of Mass.ulnisetts t > admit 100 of thn 215 emigrants on bonds procured by .Mrs 1'es senJcn In Boston that Hie Immigrants shall not become public charge- ? \\vrsoN s.\\s rr \ \ \s .STAMPIM ) . ThlnkN 1'osnllilj Detllltlcil < hc IHer. . ATLANTA , tla , Oct 28 Hon. Thomas n \Vnts onlres the Journal toilrty In legard to hli letter of acceptance acknowledged b > Senator Hutlqr to liavo been received Satur day nlpht nfter eight days of delay TIUlMfTON , Oa . O ( t. -Yours rocelvr-d In leplv , cm my letter \\ai mailed from lure Octobi i II with three J-et nt postage Rtitnipt on It , dlroetod to lion Marlon llnt- Itt , Wellington. D r I do not cite to s.iy whether I lliinK postil uuthorltlt i nt Washington would h.ive v Itbheld It eight iln > H PiMluips Mr IM e-ilon. soeretnr > of the tmtloniil commlltoe rould tell when the letlr-i tins been I 1 nd notlilnj ; to do with Mr WnMhluirne's telegrnms , nor will the lettei he altoieil to suit Mt Hutler THOMAS n WATSON .Join. II. Pi-lfo irT"oiT"fll o SpfiiK. LOUISVILLK. Ky. Oct 2S Colonel Join 11 Tcllows of New York Is III In this oil } and has been forced to cancel his rcnulnlni dates for speeches in Kentuckj Laat nlghi It was feared he would be seriously alclc , but his condition H much improved toJay Col encl Fellows Is under1 charge of a physician at Ihe home of Mr George M Davli , chair man o'f the Kentucky gold democratic com mlttce. and no visitors are allowed to Bte him Senator Lindsay , whose time Is nov filled for the rest of the campaign , consentoi' to flll Colonel Fellow ' appointments at La Grange toJay and at Henderson on the 31s : Inst. Colonel follows has been making . . very vigorous canvass In Kcntuck ) and Ten HC3SCU and li suffering from nervous proa- nation _ riftrcn lluiulrcil ChiM-r for Ali > Klnlc > . AUDUHON. la . Oct. IS ( Special. ) The best meeting of the campaign was held at Klmbnlltcn. this county. Monday night A large tent , capable of holding l.COO people. was pitched , anil to the happiness of nil. It vraa filled to Its utmost capaclt } Ilun Niels ( lion of Ilobton spoke for an hour and a half in English and Danish Mr. Gron Is one of the best speakers on the stump , and the people of Klmballton unlto In sajlng that his sjiuth was the inoet eloquent and argu mcntatlvei that has ever been delivered In that section of the coimtrj After Gnm hail finished John H Mosler of this place closed the meeting with a rousing spceeb on pro tcctlon , icilproclly and an honest dollar Tom Herd \\Vlroiin-il In MiicUtou. -STOCKTON. Cil . Get 28 Thomas IJ Ilced sp"akci of the house of represcnta tlvf-s , aecompanlcd by his daughter anil party , an hul this afternoon from Los An gelci > He wcs met by a club composed o natives of Maine , who escorted him to his hotel Crowds cheeicd the distinguished visitor as he drove from the station At .Modesto , n Icigo number of republican * with a brass band met the train , but Mr Ile-od refused all requests for a speech In his earlier jcars Mr Uccd resided In Stock ton and taught school here This Is bl- luat icturn visit to the cltv inUii.ie O\or Soiiiul llniu'j. HUKON. S I ) . Oft .iS ( Special Tel.e- irnm ; ) Hcpuullca/ia held the gieatest iall > hero tudnv ever witnessed In this part of thu state 'thousands of people , with bands , wore hero fiom vnrlous parts of thu state O.PIIcrit baibuiucd ml SMVCI ! to tin cr w 1 C'tiTiB'-m n VcCle. ry cf Mlnnesola. lion Geoige M.ithews of DrouKingH and Ur Clailc of Huron made stirring spceelus Iho 'oit'hllgbt proreBslon eovned several blucKs , and bunHrcs Illuminntcd the heavens youth DaKoln will glvu MeKlnlty 10,000 nm- Joilt > . _ _ _ _ inii.i)1- 'iitiMiiitisi > ( ) > .siiiii : . f'oi nnri'N .Iill > r < > : ' ( | ( N IniitcHl | ( < ! Ilic 'I'rlMMilrtliiiN. . ST LOUIS Out'i > The ooroncr's Jury tliat In , esi Unto Ilin colllsslon of Sundav , which insultenl go fatally , has leturne-d a vcrd'ct ' finding that It was di.o to the carlebancas of Ocoifo Atwiiodonihictor. . and J. A JJoden. onglnew. In 'barge of the weal bound train , and thu failure of the St LouLa . San 1'ranelxco lallioad compaii ) In this ense- toCTCHO | propel supervision o\e-i the incventcnto nf Us ti.ilus. Anrithci uam > < must be added to the list of vldlmti nf last Sundays wieck on the Titsi-o .Mm II Uitttslng n palntor , was In the wrrcK and was Intel nall > Injured Ho VIM e\tilrated b ) ft lends mid taken teSt St LoJlt without the enmity olllelals or the uiHclals of th railroad having obtained , lib name Since Monday lie has Ix-on In a l > K'Ctilous ! rondlllon , and unccuceloiis , and t.o ! ntteudliiK ph.vHldana Htnto that ho ean- not live. TliIn will mal.u nlno Ji-athn as a result of the w ccJ. _ Many ( .ic'i'l I'lilnici unit Iliirl.ncr. MALVIM1N. Ja . Oct --Spcelal ( ) About JOO cltl/i us of lalvein gieeted the sound money dcmoeiutle eumlldatrb at the depot The Perfect Pill I'orfect in jircpnrntlon. I'jrfcct in operation. Ayer 'B ' Cathartic Pills I'cr/cct ponUpramlinl jiUl. Perfect for all purpuBcn. THE PILL THAT WILL this moniliiR , nnd llstcnrd to n tcn-mlnuto talk b > ( Icnernls Pnlmer and IlticUner. Orn. ernl Pnliner ndvlned the voter * of Iov\n to consider well the choice they would nmko for pn-gldent nnd Mco president next Tues day. .Yon wouldn't think much nf n tn n ti who r c nialnctltlcd w It c n It c hrul n knife in h i s h.ituli , vvoultl vou ? He vvoulil bo foollih to re- niiilii Iie1ile- ] i vv hen the MlKhtest efTott would free him , A mnn is made he-lpkv nml lite- less by other thine * l c- vidc-i toiiet Con-tip.v tion will imku n tmin liclplcHt Hin mu clcs nnd brain nre so wcif-h- cd dovvti with impure , poisonous tmtte-r , use lessly retained in the Mjstem , thut effort of nil l.itul is dlstnste-ful , nnd vvlnt little work be is able to perform is not of peed qmlity. Constipation mVeq u man Muntjitli nml he-av y It Riv cs him , \ he Jilachc , most likely. His "brain doe-su t work " He Ims n b.ul taste in his mouth , a foul breath , nnd he "feels bid" all over Constipation causes nine-tenths of nllhunnu sickness His the cauic of sick nnd bilious he-.ul.ithe-s , of foil , ipu-incvi , sour stomach bcirt burn , jnliiita- tion of the heart , pimplen , blotches , ituli- Kcistion nnd dyspepsia It cin be cured just ns easily as a rope may be cut lr Piercc'a Plcasnnt Pellets vv 111 do it. They w ill tlo It without producing ntiy hannful cllcct on the rest of the system They arc not violent in their notion They merely assist Mature. They vv til restore the healthy , natural action of the elijieslive organs You don't become n slave tothe-irusc You stay cured when jou nre cured. One little "Pclkt" is n ( 'ciitlc laxative ; two a mild cathartic. Cet them at druggists. Nothing else is "just as iood. " UKAI.TH rou NOTIIIMJ. If jou knew .tnjrc about jour body and its needs j-ott would be sick less often and less Fcriouslj- . You mav have this knowledge free. If j-ou vill scud 31 one-cent stamps , to pay the cost of mailing on/i > , we will send jou post pnld , npnpcr bound copy of lr Picrce'H Common Sense Me-dlcal Adviser. This l.exiSpagc , illustrated , mrdic.d work contains more-in formation about the human body in health and disease tlnn any other medical book printed in theKngllsh Inngu-w If vou would like to hive a copy bound in fine. I-'rcnch cloth , send ten cents additional ( thirtv one cents in all ) . World's Dispen sary Medical Association , 663 Main Sttcct , Buffalo , N V. en vs. smvniiiciv , v co. Tlio ppirlnl rule for Ililn wck fltt-nt b-n * KiilliR n.ilLli will plolialib not lie uITriel lluj n "ilni'i'ls Clinliim. . v-sOJstto. VY < > hiuo n bout two ( ti 't n M riln Ph-lm In our hiH-clil Hale all at xnnt ! tvitlns Morris rliulr w.lui-cil . fniiii ! > > to Co M.in < Hair re- ilurt-il from 5:0 to JI4 Miirrln chair inhnoil frnm I2.i to III , Moril.H dullminimi finin so to { 11 ; Moll I.1 cialr reilureil from | 1 to 18 ODD ROCKERS r voi 1 lOpnt- tornof lock- i rIn tlio | H- 11 Milu at less t IN n ono- balf ibu itKii- lui prleu ni il , SI.oil 81 70. 5.\ JL'.n , t.1. n , M , t.i f > u , 10. 7. tf mi & C , t .ilebonrJ i hi til- i-ji , * * np S ili-boord i-Juuc-il ( rum jw > to ) U i l.l.i.i I iciluiril Ir 111 ! 1I5 to JW , Hlililiinnl iciluuil rnini 'ii lo } t | , ililLbojnl rttluir ] friuii J\j to } .U tlJfil iai < l n- ULt'il fruni 11 > to } ii Mann > tu u Luj'ilnj. llriiMM nnil lion llt-iln. \\tilte Iruii al CM Jl fj t.T , ; r tl'A 17 S9. tt J'J 111 tli tit il' , tin I'M All IIMIKH nt ' 1 ! jr. fl'J Kl tJ'i } ! ' ; ! | n } 11 (5 ( t'H , ITS All nt uruit irJiiiU.nin . Dining lililiH , hnmbcr i ull-s pailur II o In liall rnil.a , liuo'f .1105 , oil in the ' -pii In I Suit Sp'olal rodiiellim At tSO rriliiml > o Jl ! . t . ' " , reduci-d tn 111 , tit Jl" , ndiatil lu JS , ill 111 , filucfil In JCJ'i , nt JV , rcnirni fl'J to lit ' 05. _ cdjei.il 1" 'H * M. k-IIIViiUCIf : A. Tivi-irilt nnil A WJSICMI'.VIS. TOS.U . ,1'ixlo.i . * : l roMiiirr AT C ] Kcithr/n * i . Kid tier Sans fee - XTIKUJ I'rlcwi Jie , Vie , 7 i II 00 , 11,10. m I-'JI > I.AV M\V : IIOTKI.S. rillltTCIiN'I'll VM ) .lO.MJb III' I'.oiiK , 1.1 1 lu , Httum I. mt nn.l ult niil | . .i -liienci.F liklK. MMi ut\ ' ) JIM , , ir duy. IHU IK lie J. HJHI.IIII'v \ i.im i , , | ti.ulai to ril r < KflANIi IIILUITUII. JUr. i