Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMATTA DAILY BEE ; WmMiSDAY , OCTO15ER 28 , 180(5. (
"Wheat BufTore from n Variety of Oiuisoa
niul Closes Lower ,
\ ViiNKiiln t Unit Ccrcul
IVliuii tin ; MlifUrl OJIIMHM- | .
C'urii llnli'N Slow anil
\Vvnl < <
U11ICACIO , Ool. 2i. Wlieal suffered from
n vnrlaly of causes today uiul cloncil with
ix low of 2o though sutllUB nt one time ? iu
unilwr llgure. Among the clilcf rou-
BOIIH for th slump wcto the dlxniipolnllnt ;
cufolia nnd. heavy IliiuldiiUon by promlnunt
foroltera/ Oilier marietta * were nlao crtcrtcil
lo n degree , corn declining V4c. oats : ibout
Vic and provisions from S'.sc to 7Vfcc.
Everything wns twilnst wheat at the
opening ot the market today. The most
depraving fcaturcH wore llio early calilcs
nnd the northwest receipts. After the ad
vance of Ic hero yesterday. Liverpool was
expected to Hliow aleadlnoM at least and
thu weakntas of that innrltct was a decided
disappointment. Northwestern receipts
were remaiknhly large , 1.01S cars , as corn-
pared with 1,031 lost week , and 1,013 last
year. At the ntnrtlng of the ron lar tradIng -
Ing there were no buyers of Uncember at
over TOVic , and so anxious had some people
ple In the crowd become to sell having
Htop loss orders nt ? 0c that a sale or two
lit iflliiu took plueo In the opening tntlec ,
us against yesterday's closing priceof
TITKe. It It had not been that about 1,500.-
000 bit. of hedges against the wheat In the
1'uflllc elevators had to be bought In eon-
Bciiiienco of having been burned by yes
terday's flrf , the opening weakness would
doubtless have been Intensllled. As It was
the later , Liverpool cablegrams noted n do-
cllmi of about l4d ! per cental and that
canned a drop In the jirlcc of December to
after having had a short reaction
from the opening figures to 7U4c. ! Another
dcprcHsIng factor was the llliernl Helling
for foreign nccount. nnd during the first
lioiir Hiieh miles nro liellovL-d to have ngKrc-
gnlcd ovrr fiPO.OfM liu. New York nlso poured
In Hulling orders , IIH did the other lending
markets , nnd the trade wns simply
swamped with the offcrlnKH. Anothtr ills-
tuthliiK fnclor wns the high money rule
tit New York. John Cudahyrns n Htendy
and piTHlstcnt Relief , and piled on the soft
xpotH. Ilia trailing have been very henvy
for sonic- time nnd ns ho hns generally
-K-ML on the right wldo of the market , lie
Iind n large following , the consequence
being thnt whent poured on the market
at t linen In n perfect avnhinehc. 1'rlccs
continued to KO ilownwnrd during the ln t
hour tinder heavy liquidation , December
Dually reaching ru\\e. \ This was the turn
ing point , nml December had recovered to
caiic ut the close , though remaining netlve
nnd nervous to the end.
Corn ruled slow nnd weak , following the
com HO of wheat. The Llverjiool cable WIIH
nlso lower , the Hhlpplng dcmnnd less active
nnd the receipts contlnuo liberal , During
the last hour the mnrket WIIH decidedly
weak , following the course of whent. May
opened iihonl He lower nt from 2SUc to
IS'.ic nnd gradually soln down to 27ic ,
clo.slng weik nt from 27T&P to 2Jc.
OntH were quiet hut strong , holding bettor
than wheat or corn , hut thin wna more on
nccount of limited trailing thnn from any
Independent Htrength. Prices held well up
to noon , but In the lust hour were nffeoleil
by the drop In whent. Mny opened n shade
lower nt ilHc , ilecllnpil 10 from 2Hfc to
Zllln , nml closed at I'l-'Hc licked.
A fnlr nniount of upcculatlvo business
was done In the provision pit , hut I here
wrro more BolltTH thnn buyers most of
the time. Hog receipts here exceeded yes-
tcrdny'8 estimates by 4,000 hend. Thnt nnd
weak grnln markets cnnxcil the selling
pri-KHuro. After the opening ilecllnp , how-
c-vcr , prices fluctunted but mile.January
] lork \ closed 7&c lowi-r nt I7.S2 ; January
nrd. 2i4o lower nt JI.50 ; January ribs. Be
lower ut from JM.Sa to 3.S7'J.
ICHtlmntcd receipts \Viilnesdny : Wheat ,
0 cnrat corn. KM mm ; oats , 350 cars ; hogs ,
The leading futures ranged ns follows :
Art elm. | upon.lluii. | _ . | Low. | Cloii. '
Wlienl.No. ' . ' "
Oct. . . cn
May 7flk ! 7iJ ! 73H >
Coin.No. 2.
( ) ct 23M S2M
Dec. May. . . . . . . p4J t44 ! !
OntR.No.- ' . .
nw..V.V.T. 1H !
roru.rcrbbl 21IK
Dec 0 P''i
Jan. , 7 80 l - ! >
' 4 30 4 30 4 2.1 4 30
Jan . 4 DO 4 SO 4 4i'i ! 4 20
Short Itlbn
I : ! >
Jan. il SL'14 II I H7 !
Cash quotation were as follows :
' ' 'LOUIl Sleadyj hanl purlni ; imlcnls. quolalile
ni J3.iOUI.ij. in wood ; wlnler patents , J1.5W
3.JO ; slrulKhls , J3.Jttf3.CO ) ; Fjirlntt vneclals S3 SOB
4.IX ) ; rprlni ; patenls. 3.10/3.kO ; BtralKhl8 , ' t3.00ff : liakerv , t-.Wt2.lK ) .
, ny.HIAT } Nomrlnc. . CCJto ; No. 3 sprlm ; .
COJitilc ; No. 2 red. OUfKOUo.
COHN-No. 2 , ; : i S3c ; No. 2 yellow , 22\f
OATS-NO. 2 , n ; c : NO. 2 white , f. o. b. , i o >
21".ic ; No. 3 while , f. o. b. . 10l ! JUiii !
HYi : No. I , 35c.
HAIILKV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 f. o. b
23i4l3le ; No. 4 , f. o. ! > . , S-IJtOJOo.
KLAXSiii-No. : : 1 , C5HC. '
TIMOTHY Hii:0-i'rlme. : J2.43 ,
I'HOVISlONS-Mess porlf , per bbl. , 7.00 7.0r. ;
lard , per 100 lha. , JI.30 ; short ribs , sides ( loofc ) ,
J3.WiJ3.SJ ; dry salted s'.ioulders ( boxed ) , 14 ( Off
4.2A ; Miort clear sides ( hoxvil ) , } 4.00S4.12H ,
WHISKY Ulstlllrrs' finished good * , i > er Kal. ,
The following were the receipts nnd ihlpmcnta
today :
On thol'ro.laoo oxclnai-j lo.l.w tlio butter niar-
kel WIIM weals : creamery. IMIB c ; ilalrv. Ilia
17e. ESBU , Hteady ; frcmi , 174c. ChecBc , utoady ;
M\V YOIUC cic.MoiiAi , M.uucirr.
< lu liilloiiH of the Day nil Varloiix
NBW YOIUC , Oct. ! 7.-KI.OUH-Hecelptfl , 27-
000 bbls. ; exports. 27.3US bids. ; dull , with sprint-
wheat brands relatively weaker ; Minnesota pat
enls , } 4.00 l,10 ; wlnler slralKhls , S4.10U4.20 ; win
ter patenls , I4.450I.CO ; winter extras , J3.000" "
3.S5 ; Minnesota bakers. tt.20ff3.SO ; winter
low erailes. . . .
12.3002.00. Hye flour , steady ; super-
line. J2.70C2.85 ; fancy. J2.SOSJ3.SO. Ilucltwhcal
Hour , firm ; J1.4061.DO.
COHN MEAL null ; yellow western. C2c.
HAHI.KV MALT Dull ; western , J5.OOJf5.SO.
lUICKWHHAT-inrlcr at 27C3SC.
IIVIS Hnsler ; No. J western , 44ff4lc. !
IIAHLKV Weaker ; weslern feedliiK , Z7P27Wc.
WHUAT-llecelpls , 140.1W bu. ; cx | rti , lG2,71t
bu. ; tpot weak ; No. 2 red. f. n. b. , lOUc ; No. 1
hurt ) , 71k , f. o. b. nlloal. Options opened weak
und were heavy all day. Influenced by low r
cables , foreign selling , n heavy Increase In
world' * stocks , blit iprlni ; whent receipts ; cloa-
Inif nt IVililTio net decline ; May , 7bl SOWc ,
closed nt7U14o ; October closed nt 73 ic ; Ueccmlwr
TdSOTitie. clopisl at 7Cc.
COHN Hccelpts , 214.700 bu. ; exports , 17C.M7
bu , ; spot weaker ; No. 2. SS'lUJJ c , In ele
vator. Options declined all day under lartc re
ceipts , easier cables , flnu weather and sym
pathy with wheat ; closed nt "rifCHic net de
cline ; December , 30U31'c , doted lit 30Hc.
OATS Heculpts. 172.400 bu. ; exports. 6I.CS. ) bu. ;
* pot weaker ; No. 2 , 2215C. Options dull and
easier ; closed nt He decline ; October closed
tit * ! ! ( , e ; December. SSlitlMVic. cloned ut 231.0.
HAV Steady ; ihlpplni ; , U < iWc > , rood to choice.
LIJATHKH-Klrm nt :0f(23c ; hemlock sole.
Ilurnos Ayrvs , lltilit to heavy uelnhts , I'JUfiMc :
nclil. IOJf23c.
HOI'S Steady ; raclflo count , 1W4. crop. : U4ffo :
IKi. , crop , line'MO crop , 7MOUc.
1IIDKSKlrmi California. 21 lo 25 Ili . I5c.
I'llOVISlONS-lleef. steady : family.
Itrcf hams , JlC.Ooni7.00 ; packed. J1.0009.00. Cut
incuts , fitly pickled bellies , Mla'io ; pickled
shouldeiii , 4Uc : pickled hnnu , SVir'Jljc. Ixinl ,
firm ; western steam clont'd at II.65 atktd ; city ,
14,45 ; rellned , firm. I'ork , linn ; mess , JS.70U
9.W ; short clear , JS.-SJHO.WIj family , JtO.DOttlKO.
lU'TTBH IteeolptB. . ! pl < B . : steady ; west-
eni dairy , SWUc ; western creamery , U < 4ff20c ;
KlKlUH. Ko' faclno * . " ( Hie.
CHKKSi : Hecelpls , C.i : ! pkKS. ; steady ; Inrirf ,
7Knovto ; imnll. 7HtilO'ic ' ; part skims ,
full vklms. : V4C3c.
IiKldH-Ilecelpts , 8.C27 pkK * . ; steady ; slnlo and
I'ennsylvunln. rjtCOo ; western , lfini9c.
TALIXJW Dull nnd easy ; city , 34c ! ; counlry ,
OILS 1'etroloum , quiet ; United clored at 1.17
bid. Itosln , firm ; ilrnlned , common to uood.
SI.90. Tunientlne , steady ; 2S14ffi'9c. Cotloneeed
oil , nliout stendy ; prlmo crude. 2&23o ; prime
cummer yellow. iClittHc ; Jirlme while , Z > ( i c.
MOIAHSEH-Klrm ; New Orleans , upen kettle ,
rilEinitTfl TO LIVEIll'OOIKlrm ; cotton , hy
leuni. 3-lCd : Krula. hy strum. Cd.
IIK'13 Klnii ! ilomeitlc , fair to extra. JJiC 0 [
MKTAI i-1'lK Imn , sleadv ; roiithern , | 10.:5fli
11,75 ; northern , JIO.fOffl2tO. Capper. easy ;
lake brokers. J10.75 ; exchange , J10.7CW10.65. Lud ,
t nJyj domeillo brokers , J2.CO ; exchancv , U.K ,
Tin. .Mrfty. , : ttri.lls $ UNifl .W. Si | ltrr , firm !
tlunicalli , h.70f3. | > 0.
Ciiiiillllfin of Trinle nnrt 4Xiiolntlonn
un Slniilinml I'line1'roilncc. .
mnciotifl ttocfc , lifliso.
lIL'TTEttCommon to fair. 6c ; choice to fancy ,
country , I1CI2C ! itpurator cre mcry , ISOtCc ;
euthptcd citmn , 1NTI C.
OA.MK-l'r lil chlck'nu. ptr dor. , J5.7&0I.M :
quull Jl.7202.00 : tral duett * , II.M ; re < 1 heads and ll.Tlfln.oo.
ClinKMK-lHjmrst'o brick , fc ; Kdiint. per dot. ,
IMS ; club home. Mb. Jnr , r - ' - < 1"- . M.1S ; Llm
Lerncr , fnncy. | i r Ib. , ; Hnqurturt , U-H' .
Jnr , per ilo * . , ri.Oi Youns Aincilciis , IdUc ;
Ittln * . fiinry. V o.
VICAIr-Cholee fM. 50 to ISO Ih5. . nro quoted nt
70H ; Inrpo nnd oorrrr. 4B5c.
DIIKHHKI ) I'Ofl.TUY"pilmt chlehn . 7c ;
old liens , C'tff7c ; turlieji" , 109l2c ; scent. lOc ;
duck * , lie ,
I.IVn I'OrLTUY limn , C'V1 : coclss , 5c ; > prlnir
i-hli-kc ns. Htc ; uprlnu duckn. itfkc ; tuiKeys. So.
I'lOEONS LUc. We ; ilMiil pl eon not wnntrd.
HAY-l'plnnd , J5 : midland. JI.M ; lowlnnd ,
II ; rye ttrnw , | | ; color makt thn price on
hay ; llcht bales sell the best ; unly tup crndei
litlns top prices ,
Iinno.M COIIN nxlromely flow Kile ; new
crop , rtcllvfreil ml trnclc In cnunlryi choice crcen
nolf-irnrkln * rntpet. per lit. . ! c : choice erttn ,
nrnnlnc to hurl Jijjc ; commnn. l'.4c
RWEHT I'OTATOES-On firdcrs. per hhl. . S1.7S.
TO.MATOEH - IVr U-bu. bntkel. MfTCOc.
ONIONS -Owl slot-Is , per bu. , SiilMc.
LIMA UMANS I'er Ib. . 4c.
llEANH-llnnd i.lckcil nnvy. per bo. . } | . 40(71 , BO.
Anil.\nt ! Home erown , per hundred , 75frWc.
ClJLnilV IVr do * . . J5e ; fancy. Inrce. 4iJCOc.
I'OTATOns-Oooil Hock , per bu. , 30fl35c.
OllAI'ES-Now Yolk. I2',4c ; Inrse lots , 12c.
I'l.l..MS No shlpplnc oltick.
CAI.iroitNIA OHAl'ES Toknyii nnd olher
fnncy varieties ,
cHANiiiiiiiii.i-ciip : : ( cod. per iihi. . J's.oofisnn.
Al'PI.nS-Cooklnu. per libl. . JI.7S : catlnB , Jl.SJ
W2.CO ; Jonnthnns , fnncy , J2.25 ; fnncy New York ,
CAL1I-OIINIA I'EAHS-I'cr box. J1.85H2.CO.
Qt'INCES-I'ei bhl. , Jl.
OUANdES-McxIciin , Ji.
LEMONS Mefslnn * . J5.000G.EO ; California
lemons , JI.OOn4.tO.
llANAf.'AS ( 'holer , larsc slock , per bunch ,
: .Wrf2. : . ' , : medium-sited Imnches , JI.Mi(2.00.
rnisn MEATS.
nEKK-Oood nnthc steers , 400 to COO Ibs. , CUR
, ; westun sleers , tir.4c ; Rood cows ami heif-
ets ' , SiJJ'jc ; medium cows nnd heircrs , 44c ! ; KOOC !
'omiunrirni cows nnd liclfcr * . Sl4c : Kooil
forciunrlera natlvu gteem , 5c ; Rood hlnd-
luarlera cow * nnd heifers , C',4c ; KOCH ! hlndquur-
ers native steers , S4c ! ; cow rounds. Cc ; cow
nifties. 3c ; bonclefs chucks. 4c : co\v churks , 3c ;
sleern chucks , 3 ic ; beef tenderloins , ISc ; beef
"lit , boneless , Tc ; sirloin bulls , tonelc ! i , M4C ,
loin luicks , benders , &o ; loin backs , 7c ; cow
Ina , No. ,3. Get cow lolna , No. 3. Sc ; beef
3'jc : rump bulls , 5c ; shoulder clods ,
.St. LiuilH 4iiMii > rnl MarUel.
ST. LOUJS. Oct. 27.-KI.Ol < n-Lower nt n de-
Mine , which holds buyers off ; patents , Jl.OOff
4.15 ; exlrn fancy , J3.Kfl3.75 ; fancy , J3.00G3.10 ;
choice. | 2.Uif < 2.Ci.
WIIKAT Afler nn i-nrly decline , occasioned
> y easier cnhles. the speculative market re
vived for n lime ; but ns all the late news on
llio llnnnclul stringency wns unfavorable , Rrent
weakness prevailed during Ihc last hour ; fuiuren
closed 2ic ! under yesterday ; spot also lower ;
No. 2. red. cnrli , In elevator , 7l',4e bhn on
track. < 2fi72Vic ; No. 2 hard , cash , C3o ; December ,
.I'W'I'iic ' ' ; Mny , 7Cc.
COHN I'liturcM enMcr nml lower. In sympathy
with Ihc hivnk In nhrnt. nnd tall : of llihl
money ; spot quiet ; No. 2 cash , Z2 ? 22V4c ; De
cember. av o bid ; Mny , 2.Tic.
OATH KimireH dull nml lower ; epot easier ;
No. 2 each , 17c ; May , ! l ? c.
HYK 3lc on truck.
Ii'A'V.7.l ! > " " . ,1"1 cn'y : east trnck nt < 0cbu'
Felling * ride nt 42c.
KLAXSHKD-Ixmer nl C7c.
TIMOTHY Hiii-l'rlme. : J2.CO.
HAY Timothy dull , excepl for finer grades
I'l1 ? rJ , ° " " " ' .with renily sale : timothy. J7.00
5(11.00 ; prnlrle. J5.76fl7.00 , this side.
llt'TI Kit Ixiwcr ; creamery. 14f2lc | ; dairy. F
KHOH-Stcndy nt 14 .ie.
i'i'iOVIJciJifi ' l'OIh' " 'Ifr ; standnnl mets
Jol.hhK , ' , . . , .
J7.2.ff7.C2i,4. Iard , easier ; prime sleiim
Jl.121.4 ; choice. J4.20. Ilacon. boxed shoulders
extrn. short clenr nn.l ribs , JI.C214 : short. J4.75
lr > Mill nielli * . loxed shoulder * , exlra shor
. .IL1" ' " ' * : " ' ' " "
I.I-MM . .
l if % 'r i0.1"1m ! lllllBwllent : - <
; ; , ' : , ' . . m.
SHII'MENTf-Klniir , 12.X ( < 3 bills. ; wheat , 70 00 (
bu. ; corn , iCI.OOo bu. ; oaln. 21.COO iu.
Liverpool . ' . . . . . „ , - , .
n.MiyKIi1'001 * 27.-WlirAT-Qulct ; spol
qulel ; deinnnd modenite ; No. 2. red tprl IK
Cs ; No. I California. C . Futures npen.-d
M.1" ! ! l . ! ? .Ve.'I : ' : ' ' " "tcmly , with near posl
4jnid nnd distant iwsltlons lliSjlu
lowei ; buslnesB about equally distributedNo
vcmljer. Cii 2d ; l > ecemher. Cs 21jd ; January , Cs
2id ! ; February nnd March. ! d.
COItN Kpot quiet ; American mixed , new 3s
; in'M , . ' ! " " ' 1Wl1 Iower nn < 1 'Il-'tant po
sltlons % il lower ; burlnet * ul , . > ut equiiily ills
Irlhulodi Ooiiii r , nominal ; November , 3s l d
° ln Janunr > ' 1'Vbru.iry nnd
| ijS ' March , 3i
cnnmd poor ; St. Louis
I'HOVISIONK Ilacan. Hrm : demand fair ; Cum
berlnnd cut , 2S to = 0 Ibs. . 3-s ; slmrt rllm 20 ti
24 Ihs. , 30s ; Ions clear. llKht , 35 to 3S Ibs , , 31s
Ion * clear , heavy. 40 ti > 45 Ihs. . 23s Cd ; shor
clear backs. Heal. IS Ibs. . 25s ; short clear mid
V , . " ' ; " ' ' ! , vy > * 5 to 60 Ibs. , :5 Cd ; clear bellies
14 to Ib Ibs. , 30s. Ilnms , : iort cut , II to 10 Ihs.
Sis. Tallow , line North American , 21s Cd. Hecf
cxtru India mess , DOs ; prime mess , 40s. I'ork
prime nuss , line western , 47s Cd ; me'llum wesl
crn 40H. Uinl. slcndy ; prime weslcrn , 23s 3d
refined. In pulls. Ma Cd.
< 'HiiSK Klnn : demand moderate ; fines
American white ( August ) , 45a ; ilnest American
colored ( Aucusl ) . 60s.
Hl'TTIIH J-'Inesl United Stales , 5 ; Rood. CDs
OIIJJ Llnv ceil oil. linn. 1'etroleuin. renned
Cid. !
lint.'IliaiJHATOH HKKF-Forequarter. 3Hd
hlndquarler. 54d.
HOl'H At lyindon ( I'aclllc coast ) , 3.
The recelpla of whent durtiu ; the past thre <
days were 3S.CCD centals , Including ra.CO ) cen
tnls American. The n-celpls of American corn
during Ihc pnkt three ilnya were 130,700 centals.
Weather line.
. \ceiiiiiiiliiilnii of Cm I ii SfiifkH.
NIJYOHK , Oct. S7.-Speclal cable nnd
IcIeKniphlc dispatches to Ilrndstiecl's , covering
the principal points of nccnmulatlnn , Indicate
the following changes In nvnll.iblc supplies last
Saturday as compared witli the preceding S.u-
unlay : Available wheat , Hulled Slates nnd
Canada , east of the HncklcH , Incieate 4,011,000
hu. ; nlloat for and In Kurope , Increase 1,920,000
bu. ; total Increase In world's available supply ,
J.931,000 bu. Corn. United States , nnd Canada ,
east of the Ilocklca. Increase KO.OUO bu. Oals ,
United States ami Canada , east of Ihe Horkles ,
Increase 1.1S2.600 bu. Slocks of available wheat
Increased 491.000 bu. In ChlcaKO private ele\ntor
last e k , 3SO.OW bu. In northwestern Interior
elevators. 60.COO bu. In Minneapolis private ele
vators , and B75.COO bu. nt various Manitoba stor-
nfce points nnd nl Forl William und Kccqualln.
The more conspicuous Increases nt points not
covered by the ctllclal visible supply slalemcnt
were f.C.000 bu. nt Galvcston , 39.COO bu , nt Itoches-
ter. N. Y. , nnd JO.MiO bu. nt KlnKtton. Ont.
Moro lmH ] > rtunt lncieasiof slocks of Indian
corn nl polnlH nol covered by the olllclal visible
supply statement were 175,000 bu. nt Jollet. 150-
Ot bu. In ChlciiKO private elevators and 50,000 bu.
each at Dalvcston , New Orlennn and Oidens-
burg. There were more than offset by n de-
crc.ipo of 450,000 bu , at Port Huron. 60.03) ) bu.
lit Newport New nnd 75,000 bu , nt Kankukee.
c < > ir < - , .
NEW YOHK. Oct. 27.-COFPICE Options
opened Irreculnr , with prices unchanged lo 10
IKilnls higher , following fteiuly cablcH. causlni ;
r llei-H to wlthdruw , nnd lll > eral buying by linns :
further advances In Ilrazlllun receipts checked
buylnK ; cloved stendy at & to 35 points net nd-
vuncc ; March. J'J.Miift.W ; December , J9.WJ9.i.1. ! !
S | > ot coffee , llio , easy ; N > . 7 , Invoice , JlO.Oi'i ;
] obhlnir. J1I.12H ; mil. I. J20. Total warehouse
deliveries from the United Slate * , 12.423 btiKS ,
Includliie ll.OIS buss from New York ; New York
( lock today , 20S.3C2 lines ; United Stales slock ,
253,450 baits ; nflont for Die United Slulea , 42C.AM )
ImKs ; total vlrlhlo for the United Slulcs , C79.450
hairs , HKnllut rIS.C5 bairs last year.
SANTOS , Oct. 27. COKKKK Klrm ; Rood nver-
QKe Santos. I2.IXX ) lels ; iccelpts , two days , 34 , COO
boim : Hcx'k. 4S9.COO bnB .
HAMIU'IKl , Oct. 57.-COKKEE Quiet nnd un.
chaiiKed ; rales. 4,000 IjnfTH.
IHO. Oct , 27. COr'KEE-Stcady ; No. 7 Illo ,
11,7110 rcls ; exchange. S t-lCil : receipts , two dny * ,
2,000 IJIIKX ; cleared for the United States. 13.MI1
cleared for Europe , 2.0CO hapi ; etock , 315-
OCO1IAVHE. . Oct. 27. COI'l'iii-Clo rd quiet but
firm at UC'.4f advance ; sales , 9MH ) bnga ,
IIOSTON. Oct. ! . AllhuitKh the wool market
Is quiet hero this week , It" lone Is ( Inn In nil
departments , There Is but little on the mar-
kel , nml dealera nre holding nnd looklni ; for
profit. Territory wools urc quoted on the busts
of SOa for tin1 tcotircd , nnd choice staple lota
am held nt 32c. I'Meecu wooU an- meeting
wllh iiilet | sule , but ihe market Is linn , und
valued nro Imrdrnlni ; , The market for Amtra-
linn wooU hell slrnni ; , with sales muklnK ns
supplies arc nieded nt full prices. Quotation * :
Unwashed , medium , MlFSOurl quarter blond
comMiik' , 1'e ; Mlttourl. thrre-elRhts blood comb-
Illir , 15c , Texas wools , sprliiK , medium , twelve
months , HOI2o ; roenre.l price , 27fli > o ; sprint ; ,
fine , ( twelve months ) , IQirlZc ; scoured price ,
2JHSOO , Territory wools Montana , line medium
a 1 1 , | line , UOlOHc ; scoured price , 30e ; staple ,
3c ; t'tnh , WyomhiK , etc. , fine medium nml
lino. MjlOHe ; tcourrd price. 30 ; sliiplf , 3IOJ2c ,
California wools , northern rprliiK , lld'l i ; tenured
price. 30c ; middle county sprlne. OirlCo ; scoured
price , S7CSc ; free northern full , 7I c ; scoured
price , 5Uf''C : Aiirlrullun scoured , bulls comb
ine , mi per II IIP , 4ST47ci combhiK. Rood , 40 43o ;
comlilnir , average , 3S40c ; Queensland , combine ,
Oil City .Mnrl.i-1.
OIL CITY , Oct. n.-Credll biilnncea. 11,17 ;
certincnlfii , ppened at fl.10 ; hlnii , 41.16 ; low ,
JI.K ; cloied ll.lii ; rules. ! . ( ( ) bblu. ; ihlpmentu ,
CS.S10 btU , ; runs , 107.1CJ bbla.
( 'iittiin > lnrltcl.
NEW OHLEAN8 Oct. n.-COTTON-rirm ;
73-lCc ; low mlildllnr , 7c ; coed ur-
dinnry , 6Vci net rewlpm , 31,150 bnles ,
JUi.Jfrt ) Imles. rhlpments , comment. 7.POO bnlenj
eoBntwlfc. , M bnl < * ; fnlcs , C.JW brtlcnj stock ,
\v"YOUK , Oct. J7.-COTTON-Qulcli mid-
dllnic. 7 IS-lCc. net receiptl.SW ! bnlc * : Kros * .
910 l lfsj cxportt to ( Treat llrltnln , 2.4M bale * ;
orwordcd , JI bnlet ; Hock. IM.ITli bnle * .
HT. IXJflH , Oct. 27.-l"OTTON-Rtendv ; mid-
line. 73.1CC ; fBle . 4Sf , Irnle * ; recelpU. 6,931
mle ; ihlpmenls , 412 bales ; stock , 79,615 bates.
.SIIMMllllllllll III .Sl < l > tirlll N HTLMln Ally
Itrei-Hl llcenril TliU .SOIINIIII.
NEW YOHK , Oct , 27. The specutnllon In
lock * loday exceeiled any recent record , and
despite exceptionally henvy denlltiK * In Sitcnr
nncV Ilendlne , the mnrket could be fairly termed
bronil , n number of the promlnenl share * nt-
mctliiR attention by fair sited totals. Tlio
iptlon * were signalled by ti scoop ncnlnst
ulues on the part of some person or person ;
mknown , presumably Interested on the short
Ide , nnd the combined effectiveness nnd sim
plicity of the tactics employed once more 11-
imtraled the shortsightedness nnd Riilllblllty
f thil nvernRc Wnll ilreet trader. The scheme ,
vhlch pun'ortcil to forecast political compllcnj j
Ion * between till * country nnd Spain , together
vlth n rl e In call money lo nn exlremc 12
ier cenl , enured recessions In price * of Hfl4 j
, er cent In the peneral lift , while SilRftr losl |
2'4 per cenl. The slralegy enabled many shorlH
\ho were belntr "sunned" for by a IcaiilnB
operator to cither crcnpe nltoKelher or limit
heir los-se * . The mnrket displayed IrreRiilnrlly
n the Initial denlliiKS , but the changes were
sllcht , aside from Chicago Oa * . which fold
lown 1'.4 per cent Al firm lone noon developed ,
nnd on henvy purchase * for bolh nccounl *
irlce * rose all nlonp the line , with nn especial
nqulry for the high priced Industrial * . Sugar
louched lirT4 , nnd Chicago On recovered prnc-
ilcnlly nil of the loss.
I'"orclKn salea were noted to n fairly large
xlenl , but the offerings were well taken. Com-
nlsidon home * were nlso lurce purclmfcrs.
Soon nftcr Ihc nrst hour , the rnlds referred
to nt Ihc beglnnlns of this nrtlcle were In
augurated , nml the speculative temper tern-
lorarlly underwent n radical chnnce. The
stringency In money Imparted n feverish tone
.o the mnrket , nllhiiugh sharp rallies occurred
n ihe early afternoon , bated upon covering.
fURfir recovered li per cent , nnd the reaction *
n Heading nnd Chicago On * were nlso material.
Tlrcnislh In the exchange mnrket In the fnce of
Jic lightness of money was variously attributed
to the temporary Indlsposlllon of banker * lo
extend Ihelr opernllon * by drawing on snlca of
our securllles for foreign nccounl. . buylnit of
exchange for hedging purpose * , nnd llnnlly lo
scnrclly of ocenn freight room The market wnt
ignln raided In the last hour , although It
reacted ' to 6 per cent , and many slocks
touched the lowest points. The closing wns
weak , with net changes shnrp and fractional
SSM general.
Hnllroad bonds were moderately ncllve , bill
without fpeclnl feature , ntlde from flrmnes * Intone
toneThe sale * were Jl,241,00fl. Oovernmcnl *
were quiet nnd wllhout chnnne , nslde from
slight conceptions In the Cs. The Fates were
115.000. Sliver certificate * worked slightly lower
on dealing * of J1C.OOO.
The Evening I'oat'i London flnnnclnl cable
gram fay * : The slock markcls were. Irregular
nml I'nccrlaln loday. The lone was fairly good ,
however. The principal fealure was the rise
In consols to 109. the close being 10811-1C.
English rail * were also In good demand. So
fur. however , a * mny bo seen/ the firmness wn *
mainly due to the closing of bear operation-
The selllement begun today disclosed n com
paratively small account , hut conlnngoes wcro
lilgher on dearer money. Conlnngoe * were car
ried over nl about B per cent. The cautious
ntlllude described yesterdny a * to Americans
It chowlne n dlsposlllon lo spread to nil de
partments , pending Ihc result of Ihe elecllon
In the United Stale * . Gold I * sllll bought In
Iho open mnrket for America. A , feature today
wn * HIP nntnes * of Brazilian exchange , the
price being R 1-lCd , which I * quite the lowest
ever recorded. The 1'nrl * find Ucrlln markets
were firm.
The following were the closing quotations on
Ihe lending Blocks of the New York exchange
lodny :
Alchlson 13 > i N. Y. Central P.TJf.
ArtnniRKx 14H N. Y. . ' ; N. n. 411
Al-on.T II 07 Ontario .tW 14
Am. Kxnrois MIO Orecoii Iinu 1
llnltlinotT.VOIno. llliiOrciton Nnv Ill
Canada Pacific. . . . ft7H O. S. L..t U. N 1ft
40 ll'acine Mall 21 I'.icllle. . . . 14 11'eori.i Dec. .t B , . . -
ChcH.&Ohlu inKgl'ltlHbnrir Ill'-
Chlcaco t Allan. . 137 il'nllman IMllco. . . 101) )
O..II. .VU 74 * ( Kcadliiir 1AJ4 !
Chlc.ieo < ? an 0.1 } * Ml. O. XV 15
ConftOlld.ltrd Oai. 14S Mt. n. W.liM 40
P. . C. . J. A St. L. . . 27)i KOCK IslanU 4M
Coin. Coal .t Iron. 1 , st. I'.inl 72
Cotton Oil C rc. . . . 14 I donfd l-'m
Delaware c Hu I. . I'-.l ( St. 1 * . .t Omaha. . . . 4t > H
Icl..Li5k.A W. . . 164 I dnnfd r.'OK
U.&Il.H. Ufa 42 ! < Soulhorn I'acilla. . 1:1 :
: ; lHlTeilll
Krlo 311.4 Tenn. fc IroiL . ' .
notifd in Texas Pacltia "H
Fort \Viivno lill T. .tO.Cent. nM. . . 00
( i. Northern ntd. . ll.'i Union I'.icltic S
C.A.H. I. nM til U. S. Kxnrjni 40
Hocking Vallor. . . W. SI. U A I' . . . . . . illf . . W. St. L. A 1' . ntO _ 1SH
St. I' . .VDiilnlli. . . . IS I Wells Kanro Rx. . . SS
K.AcT.Dfd Jfi'jVBtern ' Union. . . . t)4H )
l.aUo Krlo .t West. lil > tlWheeling &L K. . ( H <
doofd 0741 nn pfd S74 !
. . . . . . . . _
North Am. Co ! ? ( 'Am. i > M 100
NorthernI'.iolllo. . 11 ! < > U. S. Cord.izo ct L. IbM
.V. I'acllle ufd S.M',4 U. S. Leather pfd. ( I1H
fl.r. U. &G -U. ! S. Itnbtwr VOW
Norlhweatern 101 JU. S Unbtx-r pfd. . TDK
ileuM 14S ItjS L.a.&EUtTR ! I3
offered Ibid , { all nHsem iientu paid.
Thu totnl fnles of stocks today were 304C77
tlmrcs. Including : American Sugar , M(00 ; Ilar-
llngton & Qulncy. 23.HO ; Chicago CAM. 15.ROO ;
General Electric. 3:00 ; Louisville & NaMivllle.
11.700 ; Manhaltan ConFolldiiti-d. 3,100 ; MlJHOiirl
Pacific. 3.MO ; Heading , G3.4tO ; Hock Uland.
I'.GOO : St. Pniil , 19,300 ; Tennessee Coal itnd Iron ,
4fCO : Wcslern Union , S.COO ; Souihern preferred ,
3.100 ; Silver ccilltlcalCD , 16,000.
X ' v York .Money.
Strong nt C 12 per cent ; last loan. 0 per cent ;
clured nl fft-0 per cent.
1'KIMK S1E11CANTILR PAI'EIt Nominally 7S >
9 per ccnl.
STEULINO EXCHANOE Firm nnd higher ,
with actual tiunlness In bankers' lillln nt Jf.MVjJP
I.MH for demand and Jl.Sl'iCl.fl'i for sixty
dayc : potted rates , JI.KfjJ. < , : ! ' . > nnd i4.S5'i ; com
mercial bills , JUO.
aOVKUNMENT HONUS Klrmj state bonds ,
dull ; railroad bonds , firm.
Closing < iuotatlonn on bonds were ns follows :
Cattle Business Shows a Little Moro Life ,
Frict * Ruling Steady ,
1 4
YnrilN About Clcnrcil of Ilic Acciiniiiln-
tlini In llniYif * of SHMMilntorn | null
Krrnli ' * tiii > llrN Uulukty
TnUcji by | | l ( . Trnde.
SOUTH OMAHA , Oct. 27. Uccclpta for
the days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses.
October 27 . 3,330 7.1M 1.161
October 20 . 4.7S7 l.4)3 ) 6,033 3
October 24 . 1,133 4231 447 . . . .
October 23 . 2Wl ) a'esr 2M7
October W . 2.755 3.71B 1 i91
October 2i . 5gs 4'Jta 1,037 . . . .
October 20 . 3,470 4,159 .
October 1 ! ' . 4,373 1,4.14 60S 43
October 17 . 1,309 3,013 3,476 1
October 1C . 1,536 5,120 4,230 23
The olllclal number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Ciikle. Hogs. Sheep.
C. , M. & St. P. Uy . - . . .
O. & St. L. Hy . . . 1
Mo. Pacific Uy . "OfcTSU 5
Union Pacific SystctlTTTTT. C3 31 "
C. & . .N.V. . Uy . 2
II. & M. It. II. K. . 45 29 3
C. , II. & Q. Uy . i S . .
C. , U. I. & P. Uy. , cast . '
C. , U. I. & P. Uy. , west. . . . . .
C. St. P. . M. & 6. Uy . 1 3
K , 13. & M. V. U , U . 10 29
Total receipts . 13T 120 G
The disposition ot the ny's receipts was
ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated : ' '
Iluyors. Cattle. HORS. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co . . 19 f > 91
The O. II. Hammond Co. . 348 1,553
Swift nnd Company . SSI l.SOS COO
The Cudnhy Packing Co. 474 3,127 5G1
Vunsnnt & Co . 33
J. L. Carey . 793
Lobman & llothschllds. . . W2
W. I. Stephens . . . . . . 1119
Uenton & Underwood. . . ' ? 7ii
Houston & Co . j . . .27
Cudahy P. Co. , K. rW , 2
Layton & GO..J ; . . . .iV.1. . 100
Sperry & Harticyi . ? . . . . 273
Other buyers . . . - . . 7S1
Left over . j coo 1.000
Total . 3,907 7,931 1,161
CATTLE There was li fair run of cattle
for a Tuesday , about llio same number
being reported In ns a vcok ago , but over
1,000 head less than ycajcrdny. When the
market opened the offerings were llqht , but
the Into frnlim wcro nil heavily loaded.
The market as a whole tola not show much
change In values and the general condi
tions were about the same ns ycatcrdny.
The mnrket on fat cnttlo was Just about
steady , and , ns the dcinand was good , as
usual , the early receipts wcro soon
cleared up.
Cows and heifers were In liberal supply
nnd sold freely nt JuaL about yesterday's
prices. The buyers nil Wanted n few bend
and the offerings were mostly all taken In
good season , nt least 'nil ' that wcro do
In the feeders- department of the mnrket
the trade looked up n little. Speculators
had cU-niud up. tlio most of the stnlo cattle
yesterday nnd * 'they Wore ready to buy
today. The prices , paid wcro perhaps no
lilghor. but tho'feellng wns decidedly better
nnd the trade. more brlik. The desirable
kinds were allsold ( .oiry. | lleprcsontntlve
No. Av. Tr. Jo , Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r.
8..12S2 1330 l ! > . . . : in7JM ) 43. . . .1212 } ( 00
C2..H79 375 ,10. , . . . WO..S 10
. | COWS.
1. . . . 7CO 100 2..1WO S 15 1..1UO 2 GO
1. . . . 7.10 123 ' 1..KKO 225 3. . . . HO SCO
1. . . . 970 140 .il. . . . iTO 32. " , 1..13IO
1. . . . 740 140 ,1.I300 223 6. . . .1118
2. . . . MO 170 1..1140 225 7 , . . . 982
2. . . . 000 175 2. , . . 870 230 1..1150
i. . . . so i DO i..i2M > 230
1..1050 20J 2. . . .1230 2-S5 1. . . . S30
2. . . . 05 215 t . . . ( K < 0 240 1. . . . 930
1. . . . 470 2W f4UO-2'CO ( 1 , . . . C00 >
9. . . . GS3 SCO , S.\ . C.SO 2 Si
1..1EIO 200 1..1350 2o. 1. . . . MO
2. . . .1220. 2 00 1..13M 220 2. . . .1320
1. . . .1149)2 ) ( u 1.4 .13SO ! 23 1. . . . 7W
1..1C70 2t5 |
2. . . . 305 300 1. . . . 2W 3 CO 1. . . . 130 GOO
2. . . . 255 3S5 2. . . . 235 4 CO 1. . . . 140 500
1. . . . 250 3 CO 1. . . . 1JO 4 f.0 2. . . . 135 GOO
2. . . . 2C5 SCO : . . . . 125 500 .1. . . . 1'jO G 21
1. . . . 100 3 CO 1. . . . UK ) COO
1. . . . MO 2 CO OS. . . . 9 5 3 CO 2. . . . 830 3 10
2. . . . G&5 275 1. . . . R20 300 5..10IS 310
1. . . . 920 300 11. . . . 03 300 2. . . . GGO 310
3. . . . CSO 300 1..11CO 300 ! ) . . . . 510 315
8. . . . CG 300 6. . . . 910 305 1. . . . C30 320
1..107U 300 9. . . . 741 305 1G..10S5 320
4. . . . 700 300
1 cprhiRer . 125 00
1 cow and calf . 26 00
1 rprlnKiT . 27 (
1 vprlnKvr . 2.s ( > o
1 cow nml cnlt . * S 00
1 rprlnger . .v . 32 00
1 cuw mill ralf . 3500
1 cuw nml calf . . . 3G 10
1 cow nml cnir . 40 W )
2 cows and calvva . CO W
3 cows iiml calves . 90 CO
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r.
6 bulls . 1302 J2 20 101 feeders. . . . k79 J3 15
1 liclfvr . 134 2'40 151 feodera. . . . 1015 320
CO feeders. . . . 921 3 10
D. T , Cattle Co.
2 titccru . 1210 3 10
J. ! ' . Ilrlclt.
1 feeder. . . . . 9CO 2 27 75 feeders. . . . 9S9 3 20
J , F. Wilson.
1 bull . 1310 235 23 lielferu . 910 2(0
C cmv . 1158 2 C5
Ana Sterling.
1 bull . ' . . .1370 1 CO 12 feeders. . . . 1031 3 00
12 cows . Wt 1 10 3G feeders. . . .1216 3 00
9 cows . 'M 2 CO
A. L. Durham.
1 lieifer . 400 200 9 cows . 11C2 2 85
2 bulls. . 1115 225 C feeders. . . .1055 300
1 cow . 13CO 225 1 steer. . 1150 310
4 cows . 1010 240 C feeders.030 320
1 cow. . 1120 2 W 9 steers . 1150 3 30
2S cows . &S7 2 CO 23 steer * . 1195 335
9 cows . 1005 2 C5
Captain D. Monnlmn.
2 cows . 1110 125 151 feeders. . . .1013 315
Scows . 9GI 200 27 feeders. . . . 1223 310
2 bulls . 1100 225 1 feeder . 100U 315
13 heifers . SIS 2.23 111 feeders. . . . 10C3 3 15
13 heifers . 919 2 55 8 feeders. . . . CIS 3 15
13 heifers . C2 2 C5 8 calves . 345 3 25
1 feeder . 710 3 10 11 calves . 311 3 CO
1 steer. . 1420 3 10
3 cows . 1040 200 1 cow. . . . 8SO 235
2 built . 1220 220 3 heifers . 833 235
2 heifers . S10 225 24 cows . . .1052 245
IV cows . 1W1 23 ! C heifers . 750 2 CO
II. C. Hack.
1 stOB . 1470 210 12 cow . 1091 2 S5
3 Itelfcrs . ICG 240 9 feeders. . . .till 300
1 feeder . CSO 2 CO 5 steers. . 12SO 330
Hwiin Lnnd nnd Cattle Co.
1 stah . 1H * > I'CO 32 sirs , tie. . .1192 2 C5
1 cow . 910 2'2S' ' ' 3 slm , tie. . .1190 2 kU
3 cows . I'SOl-l ! 80. 44 cows . 1046 285
4 stncs . 1167 2CQ1 steer. . 1030 310
72 cows . 1035 2 55 Gl steers . 1275 310
Scows . W2'2CSF ' !
C.i Oi Chrlsmim.
3 bulls . 1320 ,100 2 bulls . 1105 2 GO
2 bulls . 1225 2 PO 8 sirs. tie. . . 1101 285
1 bull.1. . 1C201 Z'lO' ' 103 feeders. . . .1190 300
2 cows . 10552yJ5 , \ 10 steers . 1183 315
1 sine . 1340. , 2.W 47 feeders. . . .1000 315
Cstrs , tlK'.l14 ? GO
t-V O. Ilnrrlcon.
2 feeders. . . . SCO 2i30' ' . DO feeders , . . .1011 2 IK )
3 cows . 10.10. 2,55 , 17 feeders. . . .1044 3 00
C feeders. . . .lOKS ' 2'CS 183 feeders. . . . 102S SCO
1 bull . f.W 2 tS1 8 feeders. . . .1093 3 00
7 heifers. . . . . .IHS'TaM13 steers . 1157 315
C feeders. . . .10 5ilVO
/ IK.McMlnn. .
1 cow . ,10fO 2 40 8 feeders , . . .IOCS 285
3 feeders. . . . 130 2 GO 33 feeders , . . .1003 310
1 cow . 11701 3I7W 27 feeders , . . . i < C 3 20
" " (5HEGON. (
2 strs. tie. . . 940 2'4d ' G7 feeders. . . .1013 2 90
20 feeders. . . .1137 ! M.1 C steers. . 1213 3 05
M.flC Parsoni.
1 t > tr , tie. . . . 7(0 . ! . , ; 10 itrs , tie. . .1(05 2 GO
23 cows . 1017 225 30 cows . IX 2 CO
IJ. Frunklln ,
G cows . 10.14 215 43 cows . 938 270
William Lewis.
7 cows . 10122 00 i feeder . 610 2 C5
1 cow . lao 2 20 a lielfers . C78 2 CO
7 lielfers . W5 2 SO 17 bclfers . C91 2 C5
T. . I'etole.
1 bull. . . , . . . .1750 3 25 , 23 steer . 1092 325
1IOQS TJio yards were full of IIORS today , the
receipts belns the lurneit since June 20. and
almost double what they were a week ago.
The large run , however , wus n 1,11 lint the selllni ;
Inteicttv , as U made it pumilbla to break the
The market here .on heavy IIOKS lias been lilsh
an comiMired with the prices rullnu In other
nmtkcls , and when , the IIOKS uliuwi-d up fo
numerous tills morn I UK the buyers were nil
roan > to take advaiitnKe of the rltuatlon. Other
inhrKtts cume lower , nnd that helped the buyers
linuk values here. The result was that lluhl
and Ilitht mUed IIORS sold GUlOo lower anil
Iie4\ ) hogs lOUlEa lower. Tlio clo o wns sluw
nr.O I't Iho low point of the day , Iteprcsetitatlvu
sales ;
No. Av. 6h. I'r. No. Av. Sh. I'r.
49 . 3SS 40 (3M * 4 . UO ICO i ] IS
OH .ill 40 CO ? ! > J IIO 3 IE
M 807 1M 310 49 3 0 . . . IS
W 319 tot 310 49 2J4 $0 3 IS
S7 3t . . . 310 4 ? 313 . . . 315
30. . .364 . . . 3 19 M 310 . . . 3 IS
47 J 3 $0 3 10 W W SO 3 13
49 413 W 3 10 W * ISO * '
48 3 100 310 . . . . . . . . 40 IS
53 30 M 310 CO Ml JO 3 ) .
43 384 1W 310 83 ! S3 240 3 j
M 315 M 3 10 CO l ISO 3 17.4
41 3K 40 310 CO 3M M J' *
73 3 4 . . . 310 l < 1 J } ' *
CO 341 ICO 310 SS 2J7 120 SITU
44 3C1 40310 CS 30 f0 3 M
10. . l . . . 310 K Ml W 52
64 3SO 40 310 tl ! M . . . J .0
M 309 ICO 310- 7C Wl 3 3 M
67 314 TO 310 CO 24 1W 3 SO
41 3S7 fO 310 71 2J4 JO 3 20
M 334 M 3 10 W 1 JO 3 20
54 337 300 3 10 C7 ! * M J JO
30 37S . . . 310 CO K9 SO 3 20
70 295 40 310 6C 304 40 320
S : : : : : : : : ' " l j. S : : : : : : : : [ > J jg
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
59293 ! " ; : ; ' ; 40 31214 . . . . . . . . . . . j M
M : : : : : : : : : : : l\t \ : : : : : : : : jw
: : : : : : : : mllS : : : : : : : : | o ' | HW
C9 2S4 ICO 315 C4 29fl SM 3 .0
6S 334 40 315 M M { | jjO J
: ' . : : : : . ' . ' . " ! sis c ? ; ; ; " ; ' . ; IM 3
Ct 29 SO 315 71 231 40 3 K
6 333 fO 315 B 2S2 20 3 K
W 311 240 315 C9 2.O 160 32. ;
S3 M 315 3S 24C M 3 25
; ! . " . " . " : SO 315 ' a ! ! ! ' . ! ! " : * ! 40 325
B . . . .307 M 315 M MO 325
fC ? 73 1 315 73 293 40 32. ,
11 29t 120 315 67 287 2(0 ( 3
f 277 240 316 69 2M 120 325
C4 3CVS 40 315 Cl 2 3 . . . 3 yi
64 323 100 315 W ISO . . . 3 2H
17 2S5 120 315 K 231 M 3W- " ' ' ' ' ' ice 3 is ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! : ; 200 s w
49 321 SO 315 1C9 215 40 3 3o
1 430 . . . 260 C 350 . . . 303
1 470 . . . 300 1 2bO . . . 30o
. " ! . " ! ! " ' 303 ! ! ! ! ! ! . . . . . 317V
6 31S . . . 305
SHKKP-Thc demand wns good nnd the market
fairly active nt steady prices. Hcprci-cntnllNC
sales : _
jjn AVrr >
39'Colorado culls J1 * ? ?
633 Colorado mixed } " ; JJ
M Utah mixed " { : JjJ
100 Utah Iambi jo *
lambs ' ' } "
370 Utah ,
37 Colorado lambs l a-
Knlr llcniitnil for CiHllo , wllli 1'rlccH
< lnll ' Cliuli'c.
CHICAGO , Oct. 27. There wns n fair demand
for cattle , end prices were stendy , with choice
entile very scarce nnd largely nominal , Sales
were on a basis of from J3.20 lo J5.10 for very
common to fnncy native beef steem , with es-
pcclnl strength In droves good enough to sell
n } J4.60 nnd upward. The slocker nnd feeder
Irndo wns fairly good nt from J2.C5 to J3.C5 ,
prices running largely on light weight steer * ,
though henvy western ranee feeders sold verj
well nt from J3 to J3.35. Cows ? nml heifers were
largely nt from J2 to J3 , with very few trans
actions over J3.10. Hulls hrouiiht from Jl.u ti
J3.25. and calvei ? were active ami stendy. Texas
cattle prices showed no chance , nnd westerns
sold largely at from J3 lo J3.CO.
Despllo Hie small nm of IIORS , the market
contlnuen to weaken , nnd sales today were nl n
decline of from Be to 10cTrndc wns not verj
brisk , common to prime droves Felllni ; nt from
J3 05 to J3.65 , the different weights npaln fell-
IIIR clo e tngcther. Sales were largely nl from
13.20 to J3.30 for packing droves , from $3.33 U
JX40 for shipping lols nnd from J3.45 to J3.60
for light welBht boss.
The iieneral demand for sheep was fnlrlj
active lo'jiy , nnd prices were no lower. In
ferior to prime flocks of sheep found purch.iK-rs
nt from JI.&O to J3.23 , very lltlle tx-lng done
over 13. Moat of Hie western range sheep snW
at from J2.25 to J3. feeders going largely nl
from J2.70 to J2.fO. Lambs were In demand nt
from J2.75 to J4.40 for poor lo prime. Good feed
ing lambs sold nt from J3.60 to J3.CO.
Hccelpts Catlle. 4,600 hend ; hogs. 2C.OOO head
sheep , 15CCO head ,
ICiuiNiiH Oily
KANSAS CITY. Oct. 27. Herelpts. S.OOO head :
shipments , 7.COO head. Heft grndes steady ; oth
ers slow ; Texas slecrc , $ > { j3.3 > ; TVxas cows ,
$ l.r.OT2.CO . ; native steers , J3.JOW4.75 ; native cows
nnd heifers , S1.2S0300 : f lockers nnd feeders ,
J2.COR3.C3 : bulls. tI.7Gf2.CO.
HOGS Ilecelpts. 1,000 head ; shipments , none
Mnrket weak Gc lower ; bulk of sales. $3.20S''l.SO
heavies. $3.153.30 : packers , $3.10(73.25 ; mixed ,
$ , j3.30 ; lights , J3.10H3.30 ; Yorkers , 3.JOf3.25 ;
pigs. 13A-.B3.2S.
HIIKBI' llecelpls , 2,000 head ; shipments. 2.200
licml. Mnrket steady ; lambs , $3.0UU3.25 ; mut
tons , $ l.GOfl2.S5.
\ MV Vorlt I.lvi ;
NEW YOR1C. Oft. 27. IlEEVES-Ilecelpts , 1C
hend ; no trading : Europenn cables quote Amcrl
cnn steers ICiTlO c. dre ted weight ; sheep at 9ii
lOc , drervislvelght ; refrigerator U-ef nl 7 fl Mc
exports , CSC beeves ; 1,000 fbtep , nnd 2.JCO nunr-
lern of beef.
8IIEE1' AND LAMIlS-llecelpts , 1,044 head
Mnrket active nnd firmer for lambs ; sheep , )2.C <
O3.GO : Inmbs , $ l.0014.75.
IlOOS-llecclpts , 2K9 head. Market weak m
J3.SOC4.15. _
St. LoulH I.lvo .Slock.
ST. I/1UIS , Oct. 27. CATTLE llecelpts. 4.000
head. Mnrket steady to strong.
HOOS llecelpls. 9.000 head. Market GftlOc
lower ; Yorkers. $3.051(3.45 ; packers , J3.IOff3.40
heavy. 13.004/3.M.
SHEEI' llecelpts , 2.000 hend. Market steady.
S < m-I ; In
Hecord of live flock received nt the foui
principal markets October 27. liM :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
South Omaha . 3.300 7.700 l.OOfl
Chicago . 4 fdO 2C.OOO 15.001.
KanFHS City . 9.000 1.000 2.000
St. Louis . 4,000 9.000 2.0W
Tolals . . . . . . . . . 20.fOO 43,700 20.00
ICniiMiiN CMy 1lnrl.-fH.
KANSAS CITY. Oct. 27 WHEAT Fairly nc
tlvc nnd steady , closing weak ; No. 2 hard , Clff
C2o ; No. 3. GCCG'c : No. 2 red , 73c ; No. 3 , C7c
No. 2 spring. IS'.ifiWc : No. 3 , MHc.
COUN New dull ; old steady ; mnrket Ifi2i
lower ; No. 2 mixed , 21H21Hc ; No. 2 white , 22J ?
OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed , nominally. 17c
No. 2 white , old , 224V ! ! ic ; new , nominally
HYE Stendy ; No. 2 nominally. 2Sfl30c.
HAY Steady ; cl'o cc tlmolhJ8.008S51 ; cho'c
prairie. $5.mf5..rA .
IIUTTEK Weak ; creamery , 15JlCc ; dalr ) ' . 10O
EGOS Pcnrre nnd He higher nl 14V4c.
HECKIITS Wheat , 21.COO bu. ; corn , 31,600 bu.
oats. 14.COO bu.
London Stciclc QiiolntloiiR.
LONDON , Oct. 27. 4 p. in. closlns :
ConBolrt. m'v. . 10S 11-H Mexican or.lliiary. 21
ConnoU.ucn't . Id11. * il. I'auloo.n. 7 <
Can. Pacific. . fid } * X. Y. Contril" . nn
Krlo . U.U PciinHvlvaiiu fiMH
Krlulstnfd . .1IH llcndlmr IS *
111. Central . „ 1 > < 1H Mex. Cen. new 4s _ 0
HAH RILVKH 29B-lCd per oz.
1IONKY 24C2i ! per cent.
The rate of dlscounl In the open market fo
short bills Is 34 ! per cent ; for three months
bills , 3'i ' per cent ,
1'corlii 3IiirI < rN.
PEOHIA , Oct. 27. CORN Market easy ; No. 2
23 c ; No. 3 , 22V4C.
OATS-Market Irreeulnr ; No. 2 white , 20'SO
20 o ; No , 3 white , 17UO171i < * .
HYB Market dull and easy ; No .2 , 34 ii035c.
WHISKY Market plcady : finished goods on the
basis of $1.18 for high wines.
WHEAT No. 2 red winter. 6S'jc. '
RECKIPTS-Corn. 4S.400 bu. ; oats. 25.60 Obu. ;
rye , none ; whhky , 75 KUS. ! ; wheal , l.fO bu.
8HIPMKNT8 Corn , 13.450 hu. ; oals , S2.700 bu. ;
rye , COO bu. ; whisky , 11,050 bu. ; wheal , 6,400 bu ,
Dry OoodM.
NEW YOniC. Ocl. 27. Without any malls
from the more Important markets of the coun
try there was considerable business done In n
fnilet manner , whenln were Included brown nnd
colored cations , printed fabrics , colton dress
goods and other reasonable sluffH. 1'rlces show
Increased business all around. Printing cloths
firm at 2c , with sales of 75,000 pieces , spot ,
and next week.
MANCIinSTIJH , Oct. 27. The cloth nnd yarn
market steady , with little doing.
S u KIIIMurUfl. .
NKW YORK. Oct. 27. HUO A It-Raw , firm ;
fair , refining , 2Vic : centrifugal , 56 tent. 3c ; re
fined , firm ; crushed , 4c ; powdered , 4Hc ; grnnu-
late.l , 4Hc.
I ONDON , Oct. ! 7. KltQAR Cane , dull : cen-
lilfuKnl Java , 10s M : Muscovado , fair refining ,
fis 3d. Heel purar , rteady ; lltlle doing ; Oclober ,
9s ; November , tin lUil.
Tolfllo Crnlii ,
TOLUnO , Oct. 27. WIIKAT Lower , steady ;
No. 2 cash , 7C14c ; December , 7Dc.
C < DIIN I wer , ttendy : No. 2 mixed. 25c.
OATH Dull , fteady ; Nn. 2 mixed , 18c.
HYlv Dull : No. 2 cath , 37c.
CLOVKH HK13D Dull , lower ; prlmo October
and December , J5.0714.
OII < Unchunged.
MINNUAI'OLIH , Oct. 27.-WIHClAT-Closed :
October. CCc : December , C7'/4fiC7Hc ; May , 71o ;
on track , No , 1 hard , C6c : No , 1 northern ,
r. ' , ic ; No. 2 northern , C2)ac3So ; receipts , 319
cars. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'on-lKii 4)11.
LONDON , Oct. 27. Calcutta llnfeed. spot , 3s
Cd ! Beptember Milpmcnl , via Cnue , 35s 6d.
'KrUuo Win-lit ,
BAN FIIANP18CO , Oct. 27-WHBAT-ia yj
December , tl.WH May , $1.32Vi.
TAIHS , Oct. :7.-Thr o per cent rentes , 10U
} 'i ' for the Account , llxi-luinro un Irf
28f 3IUo for vhrrks.
IttmLlN , Oft. S7.-tirhnrit. ' wi London.
lnys' slcht , 20 marks , K pfg.
IXJNDON . Oct. ! 7.-Clold Is iilot | l nt ll
\ytvs nt ifo ; nl Mndrld , 10.W : nt l.lM.on ,
it Itomp , 1M.97U. The nnimint of Million pi-no
nln the Hunk ut KntiUnd on Imlnncv tixlny ,
00.000. _ _ J
I'Miinncliil ViitCM ,
ST. LOUIS , Oct. r.-OIWiI'llign , IJ.HS0.9W ! < l-
nnces , tU2,72. !
IIALTI.MOIHJ. Oct. S7.-ClenrlnR , $2iff,3tO ;
balances , J.W.K ; .
IIOSTON' , Oct. S-Ucnrlnts , } ISm.Kli wl-
anirs , $1,479,475 ,
NEW YOHK , Oct. r7.-ri"nrlliKs ( , $ IW,7t3SJ3 ;
inlnnccs , $5,7CS.fi2.
I'HILADKI.l'ltlA. Oct. 27.--Cleuilng ! . $ IOIM.-
453 ; luil.tnccs , $1,317.022.
CHICAGO , Oct. 2-Clc-nrlnns , Jll.2s,20 ; ! .
Money , firm nt 7 per cent for cnll nnd lime
onus. New York exchange S > 0c discount. 1'or-
flgn fxchancc , llrm ; demand , $ I.SI'a ; tlxly days ,
The following proposed amendments to tlu
Constitution of the Stnto of Ncbrnalia , aM
hereinafter set forth In full , are submitted
to the electors ot the Stnto of Nebraska , to
bo voted upon nt the Rcncral election to be
hold Tuesday , November 3 , A. U. 1S9C :
A Joint resolution proposing to amend
sections two (2) ( ) . four (4) ( ) , ana five (6) ( ) , ot
article six (6) ( ) of the Constitution of the
Stnto of Nebraska , relating to number of
Judges of the supreme court and their term
of office.
Ho It resolved nnd enacted by the Legis
lature of the Stntc of Nubruskn :
Section 1. Thnt section two 12) ) .of nrtlcle
six (6) of the Constitution of the Stnto of
Nebraska bo amended so us to rend ns fol-
Section 2. The supreme court ahull until
otherwise provided by Inw , consist of live
(5) ( ) Judges , n majority of whom shnll be
necessary to form n quorum or to pro
nounce ix decision. U Hhnll have orlRlmil
jurisdiction In cases relating to revenue ,
civil cases In which the Btnto shnll be u
party , miimlnmus , quo wnrranto. habeas
corpus , nnd xuch nppcllato jurisdiction , as
mny bo provided by luw.
Section 2. Thnt section four (4) ) of article
Fix ( G ) of llio Constitution of the state of
Nebraska , bo amended so as to read ns fol
lows ;
Section 4. The Judges of the sii-rcinc
court shall bo elected by the electors of
the state nt large , nnd their term of olllce ,
except ns hcrclnafti-r provided , shnll bo fern
n period of not less than live (5) ( ) years as
the legislature mny prescribe.
Section 3 Thnt section live (5) ( ) of nrtlcle
six ( G ) of the Constitution of the Stntc of
Nobrnskn , be amended to read as follows :
Section 6. At the first geiR-ral election to
bo held In the year U0 , there shall be
elected two Judges of the supreme court
one of whom shall be elected for n term of
two (2) ( ) yenrs , one for the term of four (4) )
years , nnd nt enrh general election there
after , them shnll bo elected one judge of
the supreme court for the term of llvo (31 (
years , unless otherwise provided by law ;
Provided , That the Judges of the supreme
court whoso terms hnve not oxplred nt the
time of holding the general election of 1SJC.
shull continue to hold their olllce for the
remainder of the term for which they
were respectively eommlfHlonrd.
Approved March 23. A. D. U33.
A Joint resolution proposing an amend
ment to section thirteen (13) ( ) of nrtlcle six
ot the Constitution of the State of Nebraska ,
relating to compensation of suprcuiu and
district court judges.
He It resolved by the Legislature .of the
State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section thirteen (13) ( ) of
nrtlclo six ( G ) of the Constitution of the
Stnto of Nebraska be amended so 113 to
rend as follows :
Sec. 13. The Judges of the supreme and
district courts shall receive for their ser
vices such compensation ns may bo pro
vided by Inw , piiynhle quarterly.
The legislature shnll nt Its llrst pesslon
lifter the ndo.itlon of this amendment ,
three-fifths of thn inomhcri ! ulncted to
each liouso concurring , establish their
compensation. The compensation so es
tablished shnll not be rhanpcd oftencr than
once In four years nnd In no event unless
two-thirds of the members elected to cnch
house of the legislature concur therein.
Approved March 20 , A. U ISM.
A Joint resolution proposing to amend
section twenty-four (24) ( ) of uyicle dvo ( S )
of the Constitution of the Stnto of Nebraska ,
relating to compensation of the oOlccrs of the
executive department.
Ho It resolved and enacted by the Lcgls-
laturo of the State of Nebraska :
Section 1. Thnt section twenty-four (20 (
of iirtlple five (5) ) of Iho C'oniUItutlon of
the Stnte of Nebraska ho amended to read
ns follows :
Section 21. The officers of the executive
department of the state government shnll
receive for their services a compensation
to be ( stnhllshcd hy law. which shnll be
neither Increased nor diminished during
the term for which they shnll have been
commissioned nnd they shnll not receive
to their own use nny fees , costs , Interests ,
upon public moneys In their hands or
under their control , perquisites of olllco or
other compensation , and all fees that may
hereafter be payable by law for services
performed by an ollleer provided for In
thlH ' "lo shall bo paid In advance Inln
the stntc treasury. The legislature filial !
nt Its llrst session after the adoption ot
this amendment , three-llfths of the mem
hers elected to cnch holisc of the leglsla
turo concurring , establish the salailes of
the olllccrs named In this article. Tnc
compensation HO established shall not b :
changed oftencr than once In four years
nnd In no event unless two-thlrdu of the
members elected to each house of thu leg
Islnture concur therein.
Approved March 29 , A. D. 1E53.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section ono (1) ( ) of article six ( G ) of the Con
stitution of the State of Nebraska , relating
to judicial power.
Ho It resolved and enacted by the LcglS'
lature of the State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section ono (1) ) of nrtlcle
six ( G ) of the Constitution of the State ot
Nebraska be amended to rend ns follows :
Section 1. The judicial power of this slat ?
shall bo vested In a supreme court , dis
trict courts , county courts , Justices of the
peace , police magistrates , and In such
other courts Inferior to the supreme court
ns mny bo created by law In which two-
thirds of the members elected to each house
Approved March 29 , A. D. IS'JS.
A joint resolution proposing to amend sec
tlon eleven (11) ( ) of article six ( C ) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska , re
lating to Increase In number of supreme
and district court judges.
IJo It resolved and enacted by the Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska :
Section 1. Thnt eectlon eleven (11) ( ) of nrtl
clo six ( G ) of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska bo amended to read as fol
lows :
Section 11. The legislature , whenever two-
thirds of the members elected to cnch house
shall concur therein , may , in or after the
year ono thousand eight hundred and
ninety-seven and not oftrnor than once In
every four years , Increase the number ol
judges of supreme nnd district courts , and
the judicial districts of the state. Such
districts shnll bo formed of compact terri
tory , nnd bounded by county lines ; nnd
mich Increase , or any change In the
boundaries of u district , shall not vacate
tlui olllce of nny judge.
Approved March 30 , A , U. , 1K93.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section six (6) ( ) of article ono (1) ( ) of the Con-
fetltutlon of the State of Nebraska , relating
to trial by Jury.
Ho It resolved and enacted by the Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section six ( C ) , article one
(1) ( ) of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska bo amended to read ns follows :
Section C. The right of trial by jury shall
remain Inviolate , but the legislature may
provide that In civil actions llvu-slxths of
the Jury mny render a verdict , nnd the
legislature by also authorize trial by u
jury of a less number than twelve mon ,
In courts Inferior to the district court.
Approved March 29 , A , D. , 1S93.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section ono (1) ( ) of article llvo ( G ) of the Con
stitution of Nebraska , relating to ofllccru of
the executive department.
Ho It resolved and enacted by the Leg
islature of the Stuto of NubrneKa :
Section 1. That section ono (1) ( ) of article
five (5) ( ) of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska bo amended to read ua fol
io WH :
Section 1. The executive department shall
.consist of u governor , lieutenant governor ,
secretary of Htnte , auditor1of public ac
counts , treasurer , superintendent of public
Instruction , attorney general , comtuluilouer
ipf ( Mlille lands itnd InilMIng ? , nnd threi commissioners , men of whom , ex.
e-oiit the unld iallio\d eommlKslonew. Hhnll
hold bin olllco for n term of two yenrt ,
from the ilnu Thursday after the first
Tuesday In January , nllrr bin election ,
nnd until hl successor Is elected nnd quail-
tied. Karl ; ruin anil commissioner mm I
hold ha olllce for n trim of thrcn years ,
beginning on th ; lltst Thursday nfler the
UMI 'luesdiiy In January after his election ,
nnd until his usccrssor Li elected nnd nimll-
lled ; Provided , however , Thnt nt the tlrat
Konornl elecVon held after the adoption
of this nmumliiH'iit there shall bo elected
three railroad commissioners , ono for the
period of one jetir , one for Iho perloil ot
two yenrs. nnd on for thn period of thrto
years. The governor , secietary of slnto ,
auditor of public lu-cuunta , nnd treasurer
shall \eslde nt the capltol during their
term of olTlee ; they shall keep the public
records , books nnd papers there , nnd shnll
perform nuoh duties us may bo required by
Approved Mateli 30 , A. IX , 1S33.
A joint resolution proposing to amend see *
: lon t\\cnty-nlx u'Ol of article five (5) ( ) ol las
imtlualoti of the State of Nebraska , limit.
Ing the number of executive stntc onlccrn.
M It resolved nnd enacted by the Leir-
Islntnro of the Slate of Nebraska :
Section 1. That scrllon twenty-six IK ) of
nrtlolo live < & ) of the Constitution of thn
State of Nebraska be unu-mled to irt-ad ns
follows :
Section 6. No other executive stnte offi
cers except those named In so-tlon ono (1) ( )
of this nrtlcle shall bo erouud , except by
an act of the legislature which Is con
curred In by not less thnn three-fourths
of the members elected to each house
thereof :
Provided , That any office created hy an
net of the legislature may be nbulMicd by
the legislature , two-thirds of the members
elected to ench house thereof roncunlmi.
Approved March SO. A. D. , 1S53.
A joint revolution proposing to amend
section nine (9) ( ) of artlcln eight ( S ) of the >
Constitution ot the State of Nebraska , pro
viding for the Investment of the permanent
educational funds of the date.
Ho It resolved nnd enno.ted bv iho Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska :
Section l. Thnt section iilno t'.i ) of artlcla
eight ( S ) of the Constitution of the Stnto
of Nebraska bo amended to read as , * ol
lows :
Section 9. All funds belonging to the stat
for educational purposes , the Interest and
Income whereof only inv to bo used , shall
lie deemed trust fmuls held by the state ,
nnd the Rtntc shall supply alt losses there
of that may In any manner accrue , so that
the same shnll remain forever Invlolato
uml uudlmlnlxhed , and shnll not be In
vested or loaned except on United Slates
or state securities , or registered county
bonds or reglslered school district liond.l
of this state , and such funds , with the
Interest and Income thereof nre hereby
solemnly pledged for iho pun't'ses for
which they are granted and set apart , and
shall not bo transferred to any other fuiul
for other uses ;
Provided , The hoard created by section
1 of this nrtlcle IK empowered to Fell from
tlmo to time nny of the securities belong
ing to the pormnnriit school fund nml In
vest the proceeds nrislng therefrom In any
of the secuiltles enumerated In this sec
tion bearing a higher rate of Interest ,
whenever nil opportunity for better Invest
ment U presented ;
And provided further , That when any
warrant upon the state treasurer regu
larly Issued In pursuance of an appropria
tion by the legislature and secured by the
levy of a tax for Its payment , shall bo
presented to the slate treasurer for pay
ment , and there shall not be nliy inonr-
In the proper fund lo pay such warrant ,
the board created by section I of this nrtl
clo may direct the slate- treasurer to pay
the amount due on such wnrrnnt from
moneys In his hands belonging to the per
manent school fund of the state , nnd ho
shnll hold said warrant as nil Investment
of snld permanent school fund.
Approved March 20 , A. U. , 1SS3.
A joint resolution proposing an amend
ment to the Constitution of the State ot
Nebraska by adding a new section to artlcla
twelve (12) ( ) of Biild constitution , to bo num
bered section two (2) ( ) , relative to the m erg-
Ing of the government of cities of the
metropolitan class nnd the government ot
the counties wherein such cities are lo
Ho It resolved nnd enacted by the Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That article twelve (12) ( ) of tin
Constitution of the Stnle of Nebraska bo
amended by adding lo said nrllclo n new
section to bo numbered section two (2) ) , to
rend ns follows :
Section 2. The government of any city of
thn metropolitan class and the government
of tin , oomity Inhleli It Is located may bo
merged wholly or In part when n proposi
tion so to do has been submitted by au
thority of law to the votrrs of such city
nnd county nnd received the assent of a
majority of the voles casl In such clly nnd
also a majority of the voles cast In tha
county exclusive of these cast In such
metropolitan city at such ' 'lection.
Approved March 20 , A. 1) . UD3.
A joint resolution proposing un amendment
to section six ( G ) of article seven (7) ( ) ot the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska , pre
scribing the manner In which votes shall
be cact.
Ho It resolved nnd enneted by the Leg *
Islaturc of the .Slate of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section six ( C. ) of nrtldn
seven (7) ) of the Constitution of the Stnta
of Nebraska bo amended to rend us fol
lows :
Section G. All votes shall be by ballot. OP
such other method ns mny be piescrlbcd
by Inw , provided ihe secrecy of voting ba
Approved March 29 A. D. , 1SS3.
A joint resolution proposing to nnicnS
section two (2) ( ) of article fourteen ( II ) of tha
Constitution of the State ot Nebraska , rela
tive to donations to works ot Internal Im
provement and imuiufnctorlfR.
Ho It resolved nnd i-nncted by the Legis
lature of the Stnte of Nebraska :
Section 1. Thnt section two (2) ( ) of nrllclo
fourteen (14) ) of the Constitution of thn
State of Nebraska , bo amended to read as
follows :
Section 2. No city , county , town , precinct ,
municipality , or other subdivision of the
slate , shall ever make donations to nny
wcrks of Internal Improvement , or manu
factory , unler.H a proposition so to do shall
have been first submitted to the ( jualllled
electors nnd rntltlcd by a two-thirds vote
at an election by authority of law ; Pro
vided , Thnt such donntlons of n county
with the donations of nuch subdivisions In
the aggregate shall not exceed ten per cent
of the nsxosseil valuation of such county :
Provided , further. That any city or county
may , hy n three-fourths vote Increase such.
Indebtedness llvo per cent , In nd'lltlon to
such ten nor cent nml no bonds or evi
dences of Indebtednesu so Issued shnll b- >
valid unless the sumo shall have endorsed
thereon n certificate slgnrd by the secre
tary and auditor of state , shonlng that
the same Is Issued pursuant to law.
Approved March 19 , A. I ) . . JSOG.
I , J. A. Piper , secretary of state of thn
state of Nebraska , do hereby certify that
the foregoing proposed amendments to the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska are
true and correct copies of the original en
rolled and engrossed bills , as passed by the
Twenty-fourth session of the legislature of
the State of Nebraska , as appears from
said original bills on flic In this olllce , and
that all anil each of said proposed amend-
mcnto are submitted to the qualified voters
of the state of Nebraska for their adoption
or rejection at the general election to beheld
held on Tuesday , the 3d day of November ,
A. n. , 189G.
In testimony whereof , I have thereunto
set my hand and nfllxed the great ecal of
the state of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln , this 17th day of July , In
the year of our Lord , Ono Thousand Right
Hundred and Ninety-six , of the Independ
ence of tlio United States ttie Ono Hundred
and Twenty-first , and of this utato tli
Seal. ) J. A. PH'Kn , .
( Secretary of State
Auc I DtoNovS morn only.
Telephone 1030. Omaha , Nub.
, Dourd of Trade ,
Direct wires to Ciiiciiso " "r | Nfw York.
CorroponUentii John A , Warrtn 4 > Co.
and nevt-r offeied * b l'er opportunity for rank.
ini } money. Wrllu U. H. Murriiy & Cu. ,
llunkerv & llrukers , 122 Hlollo Hide , , ( Jnlcigo ,
member * of Ihe Chlcueo Iloxrd of Trudo In Kood
tunilltic , for their book on SUIIltlcs and Uptcu.
lutln Trifoimutlun , und Dully Market Ixilttr ,