Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OJfAHA DAH-T BEE : 1VEnN ± : sn VY , OCTOBER 28 ,
Untxh ts& Japan "Wffl Oo-Opsrsie
the Britefl Btaiet
T Ilnjwlln . > Modinontliin *
of tlie Pnrl * Annrd -inilntl i > i
3Iu t Il - Acrrt-d On ut Oner
to I'rrnrrrr TLcin.
WASHINGTON , Oet. 27 41 h rtote * fey
31ctt ! "bat the UnttH SlutwiU here tbe
co-operation and wppwt of liMb Kuwria uo4
Japan ta rt vpprniciitag tame over eMub-
Jmhinc aoqmrte prvte-tKin { or tbt tar mwl *
ot tinMrtfe Pacific wean The qwwtt i li
niton ! to ) * taimBht licwarfl. et tw own-
JulmteM , me Aroftrtemn and en * BrttMfa ,
isve r-mnt < after EC icvtiJcettoa rf me-
Or IBM hi Bering eta. Aclflc from tb * Is-
formation they have ewnrffl Anfeunt See-
rntnrj f th Trawmry Hatnlto bet recently
nmdi- & report after jiarwrnn ) Itwperttwi of
the hfttl inland * , meting that K
* k n * o ! the Part awarfl repnlrttefif
3 t agree * lo "Uic for i-Pal trltbtn outer
wo wM K v-ni be cnminenslaUy extinct. '
Th ItMriUn BO-emtnen1 wands rBWfly U >
Join tb * fatted States in any plan of anal
j-rn'.wtkon and Is dmtrtfoc ilno of let-lading
* ea nttHFswbJeb art brine rrtermbuite'd
Irom tfce J jw ei Inlands Tbe o - < p ratton
o ! Jajiae i Mild to be of much iraimrtanet-
to jRpan HC tinLl poachers and pirate *
iarc fltted nut nwialy at Japanese ports A
3ars * trade with them has ben buUt up a *
"Tokensma tnd } acald Notwithstanding
this Japan feel * It to her interest tn sup
press the ph-uting Mtmy of the Canadian
poachers Rt > to Japancne ports and sun" under
the Jnpunefie fl g or tale oirt e llng permits
trom the British cnmuls there- The Japan-
* * p rnni ) iK ti-atrlii tlir probrbtUetHi made
Jar TpachtBR M that no donW wfll cxlm as
to thfl purmaiioM prcKprvatlon of stole and
otters. ,
ThD KnsrUxn Reirrnrnpnt al o It can be
* atd D thorltatlTdvill welcome an ex-
tpnBhtij ef tbp pri HTtlnii to the * ilit 3t
In ; > irtJrt"d tint that ivblle Rurala owned
Alanln nd tiie xral Island * now attadiod to
th Called Stirten there va * caraplrte j ri > -
tpntlen t tb * fnlB nnd tliat the destruc
tion \ftv \ irafter Anxtrioan manas n ) < ujt
The ixille } of Rniwla iKinttntx * to In to pro-
Hirt tl > iw l w the R Mt.iaii talatids of th *
north J'mrlBc and there vrfll lie iMll co-
ojn > ra OB v-ith the Vnltd Statre toward aBj
one m d union to the-t end
OK rim onn c nrnEr.
lltinir < Hl . nfTT Gntm for h
n1 - "Nm j.
WAJHnKQTOK. Oct ST The annual re-
jtortof Cejitaln S mp > on chief of th naval
ordnauef Vurmn. ahowe tn t a creat dea
atwi rl ; An Ifon 4ene during lite pa t flsca.
ynar toward tbp arnmsH-nt ol the uhlji * of
the SDVJUp te date the bureau ha * bull-
45H Rttni uf larcer caliber ban at ht-nb > t
romplnt < and has cxrademned onlf twn Al
of the jdK-lnch puns on hand are to be con-
Tnrtnt inui rapid-fire RUIU. * K BOOS * fundr
ire available Tlie opiimpriaalons of 1260
OHO tor renerre Runs It bMiut utilised to BOD
utruct t e debt-inch , two twehlnch auu
two thirteen-lneh pu : and tbe e. wJtii
those prertouBly authorlM > d vHl nuply tb <
3veefls of the nB 'al nerflre for uomc tla t
learlnc the oirtr appropriation needed tha-
Jor jun t arm auxlHary crulBers
A Urue number of.fl i' and clx-lnch pn > -
JwtMee 1 still needed and the bureau
* trenRl > tirces that It 1 * authorized te ar
quire a rewirve wore BB the projectiles im-
jirore by the lapse o ! time
Durlnc the past Tejtr SiCI tons of arroo
"have lieen doUvored. of which CM tonK trerc
TnforKed plates The fldlvorles unfler tin-
old contracts liare liecn complied nnd It ie
jredlrt d th eonstniction of the new Eb4pr
TiJM net b * flclsyed for aat of armor
The de.partmejit bif inspected uud clasM-
ied as auxilRary crulHflrs niiMttcen y.roericon
irteamers on the Atlantic eouat and nine
< in the Pacific coaut These will require
Inrtj-BlK nlx-luch KUUB. twenty-sevi-n five-
Inch 1M of the Jour-Inch Runs , fiftj-four o1
the BU-pounders rtcbt of the one-pounder *
and 122 nmtiilne puns
The estimates lor the nnst year ncprecatc
J'.ilC4rn the larKest item of I7.730.7PC
tielnc f ° r t K armament of vesels author
Izt-fl Tbero Is an Item of JBM.OUO for a new
armament for the Hartford JFO.OOD for the
naval mBWa and HOO.lKiO for resen-e
Jor the auxllUary crulsora.
i. * . pjtnj > n\T . ns > CASK.
Ulnlioriilr Hrlrf on thr Itnvnilarr ni
jmtp JlrnUy for Sulmiltifclon.
V\A5HONGTOK , Oct. 57 The Teneruelcn
government has forwarded to Wafifalncton
tbc brief -prepared at CaracaB IT commldilpc
of fhe eminent JurbrtB on the British-Vene
zuela boundary quuutlun and It will be sub
onlttud to the United States commission at
soon as the translation is completed Thi
"N'eni'zuc Itn covornmsnt numed this eem-
3nl Bleu last rebruary. with l > r SeOas dean
of tht > diulometlc and judicial service of the
country , at lus head.
The brief covers 800 pases , and IE said to
lie a fomViie prcsartjctlan of the care. Afiide
from this briot comliiK direct from Vene
zuela Messrs SCTURCS and Stoiow , the
rounsol uf Venezuela In this country , are
about to submit their final arguments
HereMrfera the documents preecntud have
covered points of evideiire but the taking
of proof if new practically o er. und the
llnal argruiucEts are In order
A recuui document which has caused
much oommeut amonc otfieiuls purports to
lie wrluen b > Jesuit priwtt. He jiresemt
the CagliBn tide of the case cltinc Catholic
aiuthorltles drawn from the Vatican archi * es
The bnok was printed at Home The Year-
cuelan oQlclalE Bay the views It czprtiBsec
Tiave lieen fully mot and overcome in the
Vfiirautilun dncumnnts presented to the com-
mlsnlun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Clile-nc1" * " r Trout C r.
TVASHUs'GTQK Oft IT The hearlne of
the Chicago InVe front case Involving land :
of Immensrnlue In Chicago has iH-enpoKt.
jioncd untfl Monday November 23 The
case caiue up before CommUsiouer of Lands
XJimoroaux today , but it was evident nt >
one of the partln to the blp triangular
IP pal battle as ready to proi-ced , A Btub-
liurn fight will bo made on all sidiis for
lauds wheat * alue ranees from Jl.OOU.ddU
to e\ era ! millions < if dollam. The property
Involvi * Bprecates ; 3C5 acres The mate
of Illim lE clnlmauts under the Kincle pa
tent. end partite who wish to male ucrlp
locations all seek title to the lends.
Tlvlili-iior XVliIcli ik Itlclit to tlir I'ollil
liutl Itfllulilr.
. Judge Frank Ites of district court of
Croaknura. Minn sayr For some time 1
lave us d Stuun't Dyspepria Tablets with
m-fiiiitip grtat beuoOt. with few exception *
1 hae not been M > Iree from indignation in
twenty-five years
George "VV Runsevelt Tf S consul to
Brussels BelgiumStuart's
Dyspesla Tab-
] eU > , safe pleasant to take couv mU'iit to
carry , give ke u aiiuUte ] ] perfwt dicestlon
Mr IV D Totnlln Mechunleal "Cnglut'er
Duluth Minn One box of ftuart'c Dys-
jieiKsla Tablets has dent < its work , uiifl 1 am
again gaining flesh and btrcugth
O. E. Ransom , Huktunvillc Kv J wcs
-istresfctMl mid annoyed for tv.o } ar with
throwing tip lood often tv o or three times z
dny , hud no certainty of retaining a meal if
1 ate one Four boxes of the tablets from
iny druggist have fully curred me 1 find
them pleasant to take convenient to carry
Rev G D Ilrnwu. MondovlVla. . The
effect of Stuart's DjEpepsla Tabltita is elmpl ;
marvelous , a quite hearty dinner of broiled
liptif Pti-uU causes no distress Uiice I began
their Ufd.
0\nr Kit thqutatifl people In the etate ot
Michigan alone in 1MU wore cured of stomach
ach trouble * by Stuart's Dyepttpsia Tableta.
I'Hill r.ltr3 paclte i umj M found at all
flruKcuits at CO cenu. or sent by mall on re
ceipt uf price from Stuart Co. , Marshall ,
Send for lltlle boot cu stomach
mailed frea.
utos ON Tiin nnAijriMi DITCH ,
Offer * > f Omnliflf I-lrn > nn n Cfintrnrt
fair tlip Pr.lrrnl Ilnlldlnc.
"WASHINGTON , O - 17 ( Special 7rfe-
grMi H-Mfl * for ammtrwttmi of tbe external
_ n na r * arvont THjmWtr IralMtag it
Otmifat ware opn - ta tbe DfBee ! tbe tpcr-
rldnc ar ltwt erf tbp thearan toflty Tbe
< blflt i all trow Omabi Arta * w rr a * follow *
] 4 3 BanUftHtt T1S.1R , Petnr SftAenberc.
i $ fww A. 9dftetr , M ! IW mrjUtfctQ Aiftlcf ,
18.675 | , Henry Hamann K.3&4 M > C Mat-
bonej 1 i t'enit-r. H.MHt
romptrnl > w Brlirir todcy neve mrt tbe rtc
raK of report * Df eonditioa on Ort < * r C.
of tb * rtr-w n tlon l beuri hi the Mine
Wyo lnp It ebow * total rtwrnrees of St.Sn-
467 ; 1mm and dter-wnut ; amouuUBp r f I TOW , -
W . Te mr > f in ttanlm n dnMxd"1 w-ttk re1
RCrntk K7 T7 of w-fatok aWJW * wa
an < average mnerw i M wa 31 J } * ir ctuu
la th * l t a lan-e of Matilda H Balrd und i
William S flairl. fmw tbe 'N H1 dWrlet. 1 Secretary Praaoli tfier afltrmed ,
final proof on tbrtr timber c rtw * pnt-l
The { crmttrf Jnr tMn AvntaMn if Uwt tbe ,
aturicviiK US wltneiim ' re mad * befuri a
ctrmnilnloner outaldr of .be owonty In wlii h j
tbe land te located In tbe oa of George 1
F Barnes ngtrinrt tbe Itrtr * pf Jowpb H
Cirrnll. Irwm tke Akerfleeo dtstrket. 5putb '
liikota tbe wicretary afllrmed tbe pommlf-
ntnner t drctahm holding the latter' * .timber .
eultnre entry for feneHVttlon for nonrnrai i
pliancc with tbe timber culture laws
A jawrtofllre bur boon e t blinb id at luclU
Holt county Nen with .Ions C lafi * M
Tb i < 4 rp 3. Smp-sb h t been eoHHrti liiii < <
1 MUOM < tr at Bralnard. Neb : Bdward L.
Duff , at Morton' * MU1. la. , and Mlcbact T.
Bow lor. at Orotot 5 D
O P Hopl bm lHn appointed powtaiwrter
al Moi tunnoln county and J IV Hummel
at Starcber Orppory oounty S D
riT7.HI Gil TO JtlIMlAT JUS I'O T.
Drnlc * tlint HP DUlJlip * ill * Ponltltm
nf Hniiinn.
\VAS 1 > JGTON. Oct 27 Gtmaral Fitz-
Im.dh Leu , Goaml grateral at Havent. has
given up W * 7iropeed risil tc Iris borne
In Virginia wtilch lie bad crpMJlpd to make
wHhln the next few days Tbe aVlarxBiaa-
tinn to remain at his pe * -understood to
be dtie to the rejiorU current lu the VTnlted
States that iie was tenationcd with hU in-
sirurtlous and dpslred to be relieved A
his Ttrtnrn might gve set-mine ; approval to
the reportf the poniral general is deturmlneti
to give up tbe rantien be had planned , al
though he if much in need of a cbangt of
* eene. owing to the hardships of the Havana
rlimatc during the text nix months.
Aen fur tlir Armj.
"WASHINGTON. Oct. S { Special
rram. ) The following transfers tpve
ordered Second Lutenairt ( Duipht C Ault-
man. from light liatton Y , Seooud artillery
1 light battery B. Fourth artillery : Sccona
Lieutenant Themes B Lamoreeux from licbt
battoiT B Fourth artillery , te light batt-erj ,
F. Second artillery
Captain David L Brainard. commlsnar ;
has lieen ordered io New Tori : for temiorar ;
Firm Lieutenant Alfred S Frost , Twenu-
tb infantry has been ordered to Pierre
S. D. . for duty with the National Guard of
that Mate.
INwt Chaplain Georgp "W. Slmj on has benaj
ptaced on the retired lirt. on acoount cif j--
Leav c of nlwenpr Colonel Almon F Rock-
pl ! deputy qnartcrmanter general , extended
three months -on account of disability. Second
end Lieutenant Bdwin Bell. Eighth Infautrj ,
three months
AiipiilntPtl I' ? ' tlip Prphlilcnt.
WASHINGTOX. Oct. 17. The prelden'
has appomted Julius Lay ofthe District of
Columbia consuul at 'WlndRor , Ont. Samuel
M Simmons ot Texae. . consul at Pit-Anas
Vegrab. Mex. , end John F Volls of Louisi
ana , consul at Matamoras. Mcx. . ail thene
ajti > intnienu lieing . .promotions DH tx-
intincvacancies ,
l.lfutrnniit Iolln - > . n Trnnnfrr.
WASHINGTON Oct. 27 First Lieutenant
Arthur Murray of thr First artiUnrv- has de
clined a transfer te the Btafr'ns captuJc and
assistant quartermaBter , tendsred b } Secre
tary Lament.
I'rcKlilfmini Aij > iilliliuiitn. .
"WASHINGTON. Oct.7. . The prailden'
has appointed tbe follow inp pofctmastcrs
iln u > HHlsboro Charlrs H Roicton.
California Hurt ka "VTlllard "Willli , .
Ciinilltiiiu of tit * Trrni-urj- .
WASHINGTON. Oct 17. Today's staU-
ment of the condition of the treasury shows
\vailablc cash balanLe. JUS7a3t. < 87 , gold re
- V
en-c ,
A Tnn rJo K Clntrli
! s that of dyspepsia Few remedies do mere
than palllEtt- this obstinate complaint. Tr >
Hostettur's Stomach Bitters however , and
yon will find that It is conquerable along
with it * Eymptoms. heartburn flatulence
nervousness and loss of flesh and vigor
Biliousness and constipation frequently ac-
Dornjitnj it These , besides malarial rheu
matic and kidney complaints , are also tul > -
duable wilb tbe Bitters.
A. It. Tulbtrt of Uneolnwas In the dtj
j eelerday.
E B. ShaCner of Casper , "R'jo was in
the citj jeB'arda } ' .
Carl B Blow of Hamburg , liu , vss. uranur.
the jestcrday arrivalE.
Thomas Swan. Cheyenne , "VVyo. , cattle
king is licrLer ; ue t.
Secretary of State Piper WCB in the city
for a few bouts jcsterday.
Members of tbe Lillian Russell company
are guarteaed at the BcrLer.
Senator John M Tb.un.ton nurned home
last evening from Grand Island.
3 H Millard left last night for an eastern
trip which will consume beveral days
George "W. Covell loft last evening for
Chicago to be cbuent for a short period
N " \V "Wells , a leading bauVer and htisj-
nees man of Sohuylor , was In the ch ) yes
Paul Stftindorff. musical director of tbe
Lillian Rtutsell comimny , is stopping at tht
Charles H Pajtan. Leroy Kogerj ; and Ed
Perry are Chicago arrivals registered at the
James "W Orr of Atchison. of the Missouri
Pacific's law department , was an Omaha
visitor jeuterdav
If B Ball , rx-deputy United Steles came In i estcrday trom his ranch
In Kearney county
Ei-Haj-or R C Cunning , now living in
Denver was lu Omaha jestordnywhile on
111 * way to Chluico
state Auottor cugtine aioore lurt lor 11s
home in Lincoln last night after fcevural
drjs spent in Omaha.
F J. Low cry of Chicago , wbo lies been
visiting in tills city for several days , re
turned home lust night.
Hon Charles F ManSerson luft last even
ing for Akhland where be delivered a polit
ical address last evening
Frank Tierney , a stocUman of Broken
Bon. left for home last night afttir a abort
business trip to this city
Mrs Charles Gardner widow of the late
Dean Gardner , accompanied by Miss Mary
Jackson ot rtica , N. T. , arrived home yes
Miss Lillian Thurgate , ' Miss Sadie "Kirby.
Miss Johle Dltt are name of tbe iirinetpalc
with the Lillian Rusbiill company domiciled
at the Barker
John Stein of "Wahoo , who has been
stumping tbe stale in favor of McKlnley for
HID lau fortnight , luft for home lubt night
after a d&y xjxmt in Omaha.
Fred "W Vauehan of Fremont. R S. Bibb
of ileatrlce Toblu Cattor of Lincoln anfl
D P Rolf of Nebraska City cauio up je-
terday to IIBET tbe sound money dumocratic
candidates for proldum and vice ] ire.sldont
Nebrasfcans at the hotelsJ A O'Sbtic.
1'htdps Palue and M A. Brown LiUDulc ;
R. "W Oliver , Kiiaruej. G E. MeKeeby ,
Rud Cloud , R J Coles. Tork , J. J Bone-
Lemper and F C Matte-uon Suttou. Robert
Stuart , Lexington. F E lUmball. Beatrice ,
IV H Fee and wife Tfkamah. W Cham
bers and wife Clarke \V. Bouacr. Valentine.
Bomosatic Hsaapen Bocst of Tattty-
Thrce St-tet ofi Oc-tab.
Tclcrnililr AO Ifr * from Clinirmen
f All tlif Mnlpn Itniird on
lnforinntl innc ir < - to
CHICAGO. Ot * . S7 CbUnatG Citapau o !
! | tbe 1 d Boeratlr national camptlpB eeniBrtt-
tee , rev ive tcdiy telegraphic rej rts from
oacL ' Mate olmrroMu in tbr union giving
ewlaiHH < * . ba ed en tbe lat t inlormathm
i * to bow tb * dtffwtflt HtsK * vwrtd record
their , vo * . next Tuesday Thi * 1 * tbe
lent f rrauJ report that will lie made toy tbr
cb Jrn en of lite aiCeremt Ktate owamltteea
Mr ; Camp * a mid
The deimtciatlr nuttanal committee
a-nalte tbe remit of nesrt week's election
w-ttfa nr-nat ? confidence "William 3 Bryan
will Iw elected l y the largcm popular ma
, jority , dvn ativ prertdost hi quarter nf
| a oenturj H will havt more than SWP
vAf , * tli tb * < lcrt oral co.tew Iti.iorts from
th * middle trrMern tHtw show the effect
of fete wonderful campuMriKPC ttiur tbrmtirh
tbfm Hte majorttj will It * Inoraaded by
stair ) ihouwandc a a remit at M cr at
JwnnttT IlliiM.lm. Mithlcan Indiana. Iowa ,
Mliiiii 'Hila are ultnulutflj naff , and our
rtnmce * of m > i r"p , in OMo and "WJwonrtn
are vrry Battfrtnc Tbe evw-rtirtic t ae
of entbvimHmn for the great oauw and the
great leader of tbe common jwoplt will
-wp tbtvw Ktaw * alonp with tixrtr Rlnton :
ab-fiady won
TfiUrtoi Oormnri. one rf tb * mmt aotute
trttcal l 4f > r < > nf tbe imton. pn ranl e
Marvland Our reKJrt from Kemocla art-
that tht rejmtirioan momipol ; and demo-
pratle trf-nson Mill lie ontvott-d b } " mon
than 40 ( KKi The dmix-rate and dVxiiorit
ofl rt to coerce nnd buy U e American peo-
gh > came to dltrmal and tnitntlletlnc failure
The mild uth and tbe Hllver WCM w-ill
join hands In Impruetmble alll&iioe at tht
Iiolbi The fcrwatmlMIe -wont Is with them
In an InvtnefMe union J
O r JntreM leader is wire t c t a
iHguHkwntvlrtorj' Thenc state * -vrtH give
O lr vote * far him vvitheat a t ia w of
Atabama . . U M HBtana . S
Arhannas NfbraMlm 8
California Ntvadm .
Colorado . JSorth CnrwBna. X ?
nonfla Xorth : z
It Or fen 4
Idaho liSeutfe OnroHna.
mtnoln Dalwta. . 4
IMHana la , Tt I
1 owa . . . . . . 18 , 1 ? .
" " " " " „
Kanimis iffitnah"r. ! ; ; ; ; . ; ; * ,
Kentucky M rtn tua 1
"WetB Tlrgtehu II ! f
Wyoming S
H Total ae I
Mhwouri „ 17
In addition. or chance ; of roow * hi
thfMtBt t ar far liett r than th * c of tbe
rfmMlcan *
rHlawartX'WfocotMta 12
Ohio a
It nan been a lone bard OKm ( * Mcn. but the
] H > o > le's -rntHw hah never ceaw > d In Jtf > march
Ui victory The ttltiolw of th - rt uWlcan
aational oommltl * . rial nil tic St 4 < rt ral
vote * tf Htioii in the Inrlncion lr tb lr e - ,
tinatc of nuch utate * as Tem. . Idaho t'tKb F
and Montana , whwe the n . . .lortrjof Brj-an
can only lie manured l > v conftlderinc al-
rn t the vrbole votlnc population lor him ,
H4 \ HAS 1'ici itns. TOO.
* < nl < - -"rt-rtnln fur lrjnnVI11 Clip
IllcllrKlnlrj MuJ..iltl .
CHICAGO. Out. 27 Marl : A Hauna has .
reeehed the final reports of the chairmen
of the rtate committees of Jowa , Kentucky i
JVIInncHota , Mlchlnen and Tennecscc. All I
the Rtute chuirirrn claimed that their i
HIC.U.E were Eiifelj for McKlnley. although
the telcgranir. rwirtred by Mr Ccnymu af ,
tbe demusratic national coaimitlvc placed ' '
all of the mates Ic the Eilver M > lumn. Ac
cording 1 the rejiorts ie Mr Haaaa'a lt i } > - t
Jru ; the five etates named v-ni RO Jer Me- '
) . ir..WK ) to Ki.OOB.
? H BOO to
MVoM cn. IT. WiO
Tunn fi e , lu.OM.
Pntnl'tt < < -inlh n Wr oV : < in tlir
Hunkttin Jt "Tfxii * Crntrnl.
IlorSTON. Ter Oct. 2T The northlonnd
"Hotw.oa Texas Central jit * fnf r train
was wrecked slrty mile * from here j * or-
fley ttrarning Tbe engine tumped "the track ,
but tb-oca'h'E Eta ; < d on the ral s , Engime'
C E Clarl. wa * badly hurt : "Walter Mat
thews , firtuiuji. was pinioned under tbe
engine end l.tlled No p&m > engerK were
1 urt. It vs neeenKirj to cut the fireman
In jrtec In order to remeve tbe body ,
D A BriflwcH. 250E Decatur Btreet. "has
riricd to the pnSlee tbkl'a mare wa
stolen out of Us barn Monday night. j I
Tbe Gttrmbn-Ainerican Sound
Money olub 1
will meet at Karbacb htll at T o'clocl : thle I
evenini ; to { jo IB Sooth Omaha , to partici
pate in the parade
The local noliee IIEV e received a rtvpert of
the barElary nf F W Lvon's rwiftftuec at
101S SiiLh HV-taue. Oouucll Blutts Tae
burclars utole a oonsidoreble amount of
clothing and Jewelrv
Oinijflalnts were -yesterday morning filed"
against Ealoonl.coprr Tbflmrs Hart. Thir
teenth and Ca s etrettc and Samuel 1 ,
KiirdouBl.i Mi CLpkol avenue , for Leaping
their places open last Sunday.
Eighty member * of the Mercer Gun club ,
accompanied by the Higa School Drum
corps went out to Ashland yotcrdav afternoon -
noon to jiarticlpcte in a republican rally
that was held there last night.
"Warrants have l > een ianued for the arrest
of Kred Sargent ani Billy -NesUihouse on
the tliarce of assault ud battiirj. Tie
complainant Dnvid Knuth tJleges that the
two assaulted him at Thirteenth and Douglas
streets Monday night one with the butt cud
of a revolver and tbe other wkh a Wily.
I : Is announced that A I > Iletd will begin
at once the conMruction of t row of thret-
storj' and basement flats at Tweatv-eighth
and Harnej * = tre tE The bafldlng will con
tain six flats and will he Imflt of briel : . with
all modern improvemtintc. at o cost nf at
leact fin QUO Tbe permit Jin * not lieon tal. n
out. but tbe pilots are omniiletcd and tbe
work of ercavatlon bus been begun
t p T n BIO Tiftnn
In Heltin ralifd Vlcor
fcr Hnrnniniiil
FREMONT O * . 86 T * the Bdltor of Tb *
Be * Tbe last week of the campaign o | > exk
witaaoh prvoNse tor 7 > ltra ) : a and be
j ople rf thr TMr4 e > npw-mioeal dlntrtct
viewed from fte MBtiftpt.tet-if' as rr hope
ful yet ot OTpr aMnt , nublleati nourre
Karly In the o pnlBn the turret T t Ter
were certain NelBTttlm MKild po Tor Bryan.
rprtaln t H dWflK wwflJI give Jndpe Max-
vrtto a raie aaj afer. b t thtt eertainly bat
turned to de bt ; w ate fe > e pert fnrtittg-t
ana the er * * f ' * * = * l b meM aanb od
of Nrtwartta yeonwnrjn bu ttieii people
generally can elWirty M ; be poi orratc on
the run The htee . , wt-EiRbtlarward g-
icrwiiinr Debt mate ky tbt repubHrae man-
apera of this di ot i bearing pwij fruit
aod K ma > s : Sj b * t t down Uit the
e > t > ptioD of Rwo Xi. Hsremotifl tor oonprrs *
in nmr amurpd m has b * i lifted tyewd
tbe rraln of dmUft.
Tf , hir all tbajkj-tiry aaterial End bwrt-
urn * inter * * * nf Bur at * that
from this time tin rlo e if Use
. - .v _ - - = - - put tti by all
aoncv people lofltreuutms effort t en-
cc-mpaMi the dclffljA * f tbt element * of re-
pudiatkm aud tvmjfurtoii to tbr end that
tbe ctll that thrfatgne as M a Htate and a
ohttrlrt will lie 'SP * * " * > the election of
Sir HammoadrV3JJ > * certain and beyond
i qtif * ice Hrlpf Sty ! l Known In ewi > -
i p pf-dom uilo ptaQc m-n generally that
< & wo-d fwfl * tiiJ5 * * * to his irtanding
ncarrelv m aS - 1 wish
| tMtc-esKarj. jet
. . . . . . _ . .
to add to el ! fc-.j.-fnre IH B , ,14
I chat in an a equal : tif twelve or fifteen
Mars v 111 Mr 1 htvt never beard
& vo"d o' bis nprlghtnem
i nf character one of bis eneiulet-
now Jits i ne wi ray * eemitt him in
, , that tei > ] i nor qnenttcD hi * abll-
j * ty Sprinclng frS old Quaker ut ck
of the "W rtrietv Ills BtrenRtli
of chars-'IT an < e ty of purpose are
thorooghlj root liis eltvatlon to the
i poet'inn of Juan from this district
v -uld reflect er < the pond judgment
1 of tht jieoi'lc gi ana tb republican
par.v In pa"tl hie sped oi-
ponttt he it n c of mind but
of bcx'v anJ e ( an have coupled
i vnh h * e ewe : blood Etind Ji b-
> its and a lauda ; to excel in what
evw is mtnlfestlj tbe
dmv of the pe reward such merit
and iv t-r dn so
During the This fall there have
IKI > : uaiy : mlsl axiUjnents made b }
i fr mlver e of which it m j
nw be out of f 7THUi.ita For In-
atancc M. r of O Nelll In hU
here s mgjtime ace in siieaklug o'
the tariff < jue-i ld. with a wave of
tlte htid that it- - issue nelthf
did It ru. ax as there
v-fcs m rerce of i1 * Jier cent
differtr'c It-twe "cKiB " r WU and
lh ( "Riif-oc bill 1 * all rlpht if it
we e trut to L sjtement but
CTB lr TUC f I ) ts va-ion of one of
tht V'tl IlH lIC ic' < rami'aipn ' Mr
Harrlngtts failed rtl BIS audit-npe that
Mr BMEU bail MfetsS bjl.i ir e in c -
gross to kl" tie t ft lnuf rv of thl * town
an5 lie rount'- tLe IMM sucar
an J rhr ory t : anfl "o info-a them
tru.h t'y ! D. ' ctbcr n stjuftrtur
in inctiitncf , ( | rF bten r-tppleS by
the V i'min 11' ' f tfce deflticnrj o tbe
made b ; that bill
All tint was st avoided
Mr Harrington" 6fi ot' pt l tbe in-
Junction case ol Nwtix-m raclfir rail-
rtiEfl BS Ca inli.n t urea the sacred
rigb-s of M ar t whtn B./an wcs
elected gov em icjunrtlon would
cuuip ' but ! tc n F that tbe
Nortlwrn Pacific A we" in tbe bands
of ibe povornw' ' m * ere and that
treac mi u w n es r. ' tbe povtrn-
aient oIo fu.
upon the fti-t thai * Injca .ion to restrain
iieople from destrMHC ITorxrl } of the gov-
ornnieci. or an ; * alwavn Iti
'accord l'-5i law &ij.jM > qi government He
omUied all thU aMfi dt.a s > &i remarkt
wr . inMtleadinc. * biatli' " inteirtloually or
rot It in not nrrrtiAnTtn k&ov bat pee ; IF
lean draw their ( j j * u-.i.jiitis. Before
TwltiR from tbto rafebt Ix well to ay
that Mr HtrrlLirtro.ti cjrndiflnJc f-r elector
upon tht pn ; > cr 49RlcJt : and fcls public
Is tbe. rfforfcSlnroa r ubjcctor in-
ity. ihat * i
lr. TRjirrlu-4 n fcf twolre
or liftKen jea"i i cfl ptii.'tit' lT > eJ ircor
crcnts in Hoici'uty ffnn * me to jpeak
lyr the card ta I : wire ecJ although we
bcvc &lwt B bete on goo , . : erms p < * raanally
Tt : vhec I 3 that ax rolitus Ic of s
itrotrt d'3--rputable ortk1 cm ablt to eiib-
aumtiBto it Mr Harrlnr't-n is credited
with fttyliif ; in _ rpeerhpi , in the South
Plane couotri tLat the north uert of the
atate would pioi a larfiiiough rotjoritj
fee Bnan to overcome the big mijnrittcs
nf * OH South Plane c.iaiik : = In : MeJUnlcy
Tali I ciitlknse uuil WOB d say that while it
te poaalble lor Mr Htrr neton to twaj a
Jury IB tbe "Nlohrara dinrtct" by hie eli > -
qucnce and p < jvBaarvc J WCTE. and it may
lie pwBiblc for him io atrry Holt and name
adoittlac coi.ntka b } ipjvrtiling to tbe preju
dices .nd iiaaciouc of U * jioople tip tai rc.
wit * have -soffered , Ji ch > .pe , & Httl inure
than tbe average during tbcee hard times
y l It H not pMalbVe. and 1 believe the l c-
tion will reveal the fact. Jor Mr Harrinjrion
and Judne Rkbliwon te earn all -of north
Nfiirafclra or ovtn an ' oausidercbie pnrtion
thi rw ! . for the pojiocmtic icl tt. and they
w ill no ; do so 1 em r.ur *
Judp < Robtason , in huv addrew here , made
aliu iou to tbe optloa > ecuri > d b > New Vert
banVfj-r of Srcretarj Pnrtor to htve the
intcruit on bonds and other obJi | tkiiE of
tbe government pUd in gold statiui ; UiMt
this vv&s oontrar } to law and precedent. But
he failed to sty that when specie xcsuuip-
uoc liegau , the "coin" of the country , and
wnat was reully intended to be fcnd was
used te redeem the outstanding obligations
of the government , w& * gold , that &s a mat
ter of itct there was ll'Ue or no silver la
circulation end practicaUy nun ? is tbe gov
ernment vuulu for uie and that gitld had
iM-cn ] > < d out from thtt time on upon de
mand , aud that it was tbt fear of u further
dep-eciuuan nf silver that ccuced an un
certainty in bunneb ! rt-cles and made it
wise to wicure a prtunlsr of pajment in
guld when asfccd for It is h&rdl ) ncvebsarj
to s&y that tliere was no law preventing the
payment In gold , and ct , It hat. boon done
when CBV.ea for , these wca really nothing
out of the wa } In juicing that our govwn-
nicnt meet its dcmnnds in tbe more vcluablf
coin , ei on though there was no question Irai
thct the ocenrRs -valuable nk tbe other ,
oo it.r es Us ability to bur the nectwattits
6f life is concerned , io this county , though
n&thtng liut gold was accepted by our for
eign creditors *
These and various other misrepresentations
of popocratlc orators havi in tbe past dt-
ceivrd a good many voters and mv dc
so to suae extent tht.'ltll ! but when the *
rememlier that we had RooB time * from
say at > out IRTt to IRSi. when we wee under
the Mandard wp"hivf todsy anfl warn people
ple r fillip that thru * p-nfcjMOnml acttMer *
h rp axt of tbelr own te grind , the somber
they w-IJl deceive -win crow IPB mich year
and thtt It ban diminished enougli tht * rr
to rnhlip tt itraetlctlly rertaln of ropuMVca
MMIPPK Hi tht * dtMrm. a * well n the rtatd.
U Mimrtliiiig v'tlch tbe idet nf November
w HI rrrtal tc tbe nsked rye J H R1OG5
Itpv. Dr. Miiclpj of l.tnrwln It - iun ]
tlip lnlilt of t. MnrU"'n. ,
MNCOtX. Oct 27 ( Special > Hr W M j
SiHglej. who has officiated for tbe pant '
year at pwttor of St. Marlt'c Lutheran !
eborfh i > a * refdpaed. and tbe rpslpniUoti j '
was arr ptd by tbe ponprepatioii M a meat-
tttg hnlfl lort fveaitig A Jarpwffll
wffl he ph-eti at to * cnurca Mmorrtiw
tef A cordial InvftBtHm Is nctenOed to
tbe many friends of Dr. Stnulry te be | m
eut at this Miplal an4 rereptlM Iron C
to p in
Th * dorier * * farewell M > r arfll be
preaebed ect Sunday His I ! MW tor tiw
Jaturp Iwvp pot been forioed Te r MMi
for hie rwlfrtiatlon Imt BW beeti nwAp ptIMIe
Iwt the relatlonc between pastor and y of < c
are * M onrdlal as ever
A free dtopecaary has lipen entabltftbet
in tbp CoBfe-rn'-or } of Mu ir bnildlnc at
Tilrtwmth and i. otrp-tr by the man Mo
ment of Cotortr Tnlvemlty It it enebjtabed ,
io conjntietlon with the Lincoln Medical 1
collefr" In addition to the regular famtlt ; . i
the management hac wcurcfl the Mervlvec of
rrof Man-hall B Ketrhum latt 'of Bcllio. i
Tex. who v.-in lie in dafl } ottendaurt- i
tbe frer dbi ) en * ry frost 1JW to X p m. . t
where tbe dmorriug poor will b * treated 1
free of ptiaree i
Ella Hroetertirae the flemfntrd woman i
wbo has Iwti temjiorarlly conined hi the '
city Jell was tkltes to the Hanthttge btwjii- ,
in ! for incursbles todsj She was formrrtj '
There aie only a few who can do 11
There's something uj re Umu a "laiuek"
about It A man "whB It. in love with his
calliiiK bafore he befriiib it leaiiih all
the fa > .tor when he's had actual eijieri-
once Aside from a natural jrift our x-
jiert optician has sjiant ytrnrs In secur
ing hU tijitlcal education and lie has
ixjuud It out with a lifetime of exjiwl-
uiiee He flt jrlaHHUt. to the bipht with
a jirecine
Aloe& Penfold Co.
1408 Farnom
In dark effects aiostiy
J ckets iined with sK :
The Jatett strlas to
Neat and pretty patterns | 5S / | j |
I V/V/
A vcty fine Jine of new Skirts
Just in.
The _ , .
New Store Witl _ ; 3 ll ftTl" _ Douglas
ir1 fr- fcav > < - JL J > Bl
L.llllan Humell was DI the ( . 'j-elphtnn last
h eveiilnR. and u lurpe audience preeted li r
and 1 liw romjiRn } upon thl& . her flrtit visit
to , Omaha , und tht impiesshin nbe creau-d
was cxtrnmclj favorable Her ojmrn , "An
American Beauty. ' It all tliat tbe author
claims i for tt an "orijshml" opera It Is as
far from the cnnvrnitoual rompnsHtan us
tbe jiuUlc could w tab it to It It { row with
the dash aud flsvnr of t ! i rap piir , and
while it dor * not civ * Miss Rwwrli the i i > -
portunlty her ubllltv merits yet tt eimllj
k-etijts her in the renter of ilit-rwt. The
immlc itqtwiallj the Hrrangetixmt of Ihe
Chorum * is snappy and equal ! } as ttracful
But little ticruKiou If offered for nolo work. { |
XlHC RuMiell has two nr three Runfl numbers. .
Mr Syl.ct i * given on * opportunity , MiM ,
l < coiihrd lint c prpny Milo In tlie flrat art
while Mr Lliis npiieare In two Mines. Tht
rent of tht > rorapMltlon is frtven up untlraly j
te chorus worl. . I
Tlie ronipau.v w 1th Mira TUiKpnll ii. a Htrotip -
MIV Jerome Sjkt-fc. an Omahn favorite. , Wil
liam Cameron and WillEid Slmms lioth
familiar to Creipbtou oudlences. furuiiib the
cnmedy work nnd all received repeated en-
ooreii last ev cuinc Mr SykeK WUB wpertullj
the favorite although tbe ttpociultlef. pre- ,
nenled b ) Mr Slxnmh culled him l efort the
audience he er&l tinien Ow en Wentfnrd and
Altxandej- Clarke did wime \ erj clev er charI I
nuttrliitle work which was all the butter np-
ptprleted from the fuel that It war iSot 1
overdone I
The opera Is presented with jnapnlficent 1
Doeaerj , vvhllt tbe uoatumt * aud uoceoxerles
are tt flnt- and In as Rood taste BF any e er
won at tbe Croiphton
One of the notable oveirm of tbe 7 > rccnt
thfcatrletl WSBOTI willl IH > tbe renurn to
Itoyd's of Denman TbinnpBoa * jflay , "The
Old Hjmrwead " The encasement U for
two ulphtt. Tuesday and WedneBday. Oe-
tober tnd 4. with a matinee Wednesflaj \ 1
The fctory of the play need net be retold
It it familiar te every one The cast h > In
careful handc , the double quortot .end tht
choir of twenty voicea , cupmentod by tbi
cathedral rhlmcu , rendw swteteBt music.
that w ill llnpex In memory v believer the
thoughts revert to "Cucle Jush cud "Tht
"In Gay New Tori : . " havlnc attained tlie"
rare distinction -upward ol JOB iuacesnivr
pi-lornmnwK In New York In midsummer
waB tal.en from the Casino Ktajte. in tlie
very hwcht of Its HUBTMK by Itt mantfrerE
Measrs IClaw and Brlanner and nevslj
equipped for HE tour of tbe principal dtie *
of the oountrv lit. tinpapemejit at tht
Creiphton neit Sundaj and Monday , open
ing with a Sunday matinee , it. already at-
traotduc tliat measuie of interew that fore
tells a FiKiPfSBinn of crowded bouses. A HBrs
Klaw and Erlauecr nromiee that tbe piece
en tour "Bill be In every particular Identical
with the Taslno production except tn points
where improvements have been made. The
play was written by Hurt Morton and the
music composed anfl arranged by Gustnve The ncenes are In Huckleberrj
Center. Me New York City and Concj
Iklaud The production enlintB the services
of wventy peoj > le amoug them jnanj thai
are prominent in comedy. op ra. burlesqm
and Bpectade Walter Jones , "David "XAar-
field unfl Lee Harrison are prominent in
tbe comedy forces and their oomlc i ; r oii-
alitlee pervade the performance Lucy Daly
the feminine contingent
The EiiKllfih version of Sardou E Napoleonic
leonic oomedy , "Mme Sane Cane , " will
have HF first production In thib chj at the
OroiBhtou. opening a three nights' enpage-
mont Thursday. Ootobar 2S "Mine Sane
GPE . " Is partlv a dm-ma of intrlRiie unfl
partly a drama of character The intricm
turnfc on NaiioleBn'E Jtalottfcy of his em
press Merle LOUIBB. and the victim of hlK
jcalounv Is Count de Neipperg Neippurg it ,
the romantic figure of tbe play aud he IR
onlv saved from the wrath of the emperor
by "the sudden discovery of the emprenE'
innocence at ihe end of tbe play Sardou
vi"-j tileve-rly tell * this Htory without bring
Ing Marie Louise on tbe Klutre The tltlt
role will be tiarried by Kathryn Kiddtir
while Aticusrtus Cool , v 111 plaj the part of
Napoleon Tbe play is promised with all
tbe original scenors and effects uwd flurlng
s run of 160 nights In New York. Seat *
ere now on sale.
Dr Lloyd Co le will give an exhibition
at Boyd's theater Sundaj evening next , st
which he will perform -variety of the
fuu that aie claimed to fully demotmtrati
the methods emplojed by Prof Taj lor
Bishop r > r Arnold tnd other medium *
w-huse achievements in tbe occult
Ingrain Carpets.
us acHin o nslfle.r Insraln car-
you've heard of lii rnliih for IU.M ?
no doubt but look ev ry\vhnre
don't be jwr > .uaded by jilauMble arpu-
tnuiits don't buy for frloiidbhlifs sake
dou't jiuy a cent -until jou're sure of
whnt you're pottlns ItV far butttir io
njiHiid u little time llndlnz tlie best than
to spend veel.s lu recrettius that you
Jmd not buuchl the at the mly
i-icjuhive caqiet and cut in I ji
hea1 Our iiipruint. aie all
Omaha Carpet Co.
1515 Dodge
lm\f' rnmpletely baffled RrtentlOr explana
tion In all hi * work Dr Conl.e courts the
( Uwrat ir\Titlc tloE and thiwe nreiwtit Sui
dij eteninp will be clven the prtrneRe of
applying uny ordlmirR } reanonuhlc tent
Tlit- lies ofDce will lie OKIB 9aturd y inoru-
roii oii
Tnkr IliiroTonlV Arid I'liokplmlr.
It prenerx-es anfl ri-uvwc the vitality
Rtrenmlteac the nertce and ntlMnrtstcs the
Rtouiacb to healthy action.
Miiiitlil ; 'M.rtlncof tin-
Oniuliu iMkiirlntioii.
The rwond nimitlilj ronhtrence of vs-eer-
tind ; ear of the Omaha Snuda ; Scbonl aiwi > -
clatioiig held in the lerture mom of the
| JCminu ? Memorial church Imrt ni rht wn.h
a large and nertHmt audience in atteudaix-e
The introflt.aon praine service of pvajtr
and none wat. ooiidtx-ted by Rev. c %
Iiawmm of the Walnut HU1 Jflethotli t
Mrs S S IlelUfl & nurcemifal primary
teatber to Kronutce Memorial Sunclav
Hchiiol. was intradueed b } I'maiOent \ \ a.-
lane to 8waK | on "How 1 Conduct My T'n-
uiarj- Clam " A juirtlon of Mrs Helcel e
claw , WHK pretitiut to asMtet her In nhouiiiR
her methods the uddtess lielag un outline
rnrltn'Kin of the clar Mnuj up ful ideas
\vtir- brought out in this unique manner
Trom the imntcir's standpoint two -\ery
hUpful uddr i * were made b } Her J > L
tVllHim of the CaMnllar 1'renbjterian churt h
and Hev Alexander GilchriM of the Central
United I'reubjterlan church the Unit lieinK
on the topic. "The Kind of Superintendent
1 LiKe " Jlev Wilson said that there were
Hf-vea traits which the Ideal nuperlntendent
nhuuld pOBKene. the last inonUoncd httnR
the moot imjionant of all Himt. the M-ld. bimineHs ] irinciples must be
UM-d b } the bund of LheeeluiuO in its manuRt-
inent He must open the Bundaj Bt-bonl
I on time and Know bow to raise the nionrr
j necessary for Its maintenance Second , the
, mipenntcnflrirt nhould Know how to tielert
tearbere and tram them for the dtfferct t
1 j clashM The indltidual charactur nf < iah
I class must be ntudled and the proper tn-
i strut-'or plated in churpt ! In the nest
plKde a God-lIKe lo\e for teachers and pu-
{ j jiils roust pervade the pucopusful Sununr
j i urhool siiperiutetident Knoniuchow lo Aa
j ' bouls f.Dd how to explain tlie means to UD
so to others is another most Important qual
ification. Again the leader must be a per-
, ry"d'at all Unie * for an
wuercenry ifHII'l" ' r-
but face difficulties with a nmfle. Tlir
point insiBted on by Rev AVilHcm IE the
xulue of o&Lstant prajer , and the crown'ne
virtue is an overflow iup of the Holy Spirit.
Such a condition means consecration cuc er
and power
Rev Gllrhrlst the next speaker , vivid y
outlined "The Kind of Teacher 1 "
As hU choice he said be would chuase one
who underetoiid flrt.t the capnblllt ; of
thlldrtn to absorb irrnat truths A teatbir
must have appreciation nf thild-llfe and the
ability to approach children upon a muih
hiEher levtj of expresulon tlian IB pre\a-
It-ut among tcnchera Thone persons wiJi
a cenalne rellth for Christian work are the
onee to he chosen for teat-burs , wae the
second Important charaetoristlc urged by
tbe sppKker Ncit bhould be placed the
quality of UertnekB or alht-nckt A teacher
roust l.eeji all his powers active compellinc
tht jiupU's attention by iireoccupation The
head must e er outdo the activity of those
who follow Another ierj necehfiarj trait
for a Sunday school is dufinlteness.
directness of effort The teacher's entire
force of thought Bbould be directed toward
i a definite end The dominating qualification
i was Cefined by KeGilchriM as willing
ness the habit of being alwajs ready
A dlH-UhKinn of tbe fcupgcstloiis of the two
fipeal.erE followed Rev. T J Mackey de-
tuilud a plan -nhich. had buen put In ojiera-
tlon by him at All Saints' Sundnj school
with greut BUccceE It consisted of the
organization of each class into a society
by Itself , w 1th the usual offitert and look
out" and "Joukup' eommitteeh Manj other
taluable suggeBtinns were made by thote
present , after whlcli arranRoments were
made for a meeting of primary teac-hers a
county organisation of Sundav Bt-hnol work
ers a weeklj union teachers' meeting and for
ralking the funds uecessar } for thlEj-ctr i
work of the asHoclatiou.
Many Ihes of uscfulnL-cs nave bten cut
ebort by neglect to break up un ordinary
cold. Pneumonia , bronchitis and e\eu cou-
rumptlon tan lie averted by the prompt UM
of One Minute Cough Cure.
JM1ZI ) . i
Beniurd Joseph , Infant non of
Thomas M and Mary J Greeley. Tuesday.
" Ortolx r 27 P'uiiMral Thursfluy at " p.
m Ortolmr 2 ! ' , from rcKldencL. 706 Hit „ -
Warranted to bake better and wltli
less fuel than any other Move 01 ran ? *
you ever saw Sueli ! s the "Aw m Steel
Haupe" A better juurte rause The
lii-ht nmturiul Nothing but cold rolled
bteel aud the tou.luist Iniu are Uht-d in
Ju foustrurtlou Inferior wove > Jit
other jdnees will be nslied more for
Althoush the "Acoru hteel Hauce" in
by all coed ImuwUeeiicrh who nse it
adjudged io be the finest hi eel ruuge
John Hussie Hi-V. Co
2407 Cumings
UllJ I
For 5OcFolios.
\Ve hnvf lioncbt < li tmtirf stock of
music IKM US fonuuil.r nwiiod Jt.v J'wrd
j A : OhnrlUin aud wHl jilHcttlimn ou
i sale at Imlf tlie ttist to tlie jHsblihliun ;
l.rnm vocatl nuC iiiKtruiutuiud rollon at
15 rent * The rejniltir jiric-e Is fil ?
LflH-rt A : Starts jilauo uiHtliods. Jor r 0c
Curuassls * srultar iiiPthodb rilkiuid
all kinds of liotiud follrtt. at iffie and up
It vrill be a preat chRut-e to htvure n
uarKaiu the snip lurcliiK at ouce aud
lusts till all are Hold.
A. Hospe , Jp ,
Music and Art. 1513 Douglas
has bppn pronounced incurable Her in-
rult.v li. of a mild tyjie and she te considered - ;
ered harmlrse
Ed a-J J Fitiqerald son f tbe late John
Flt-perald was married in New Tork lao :
" "fdiiffli.v to Mine Maoiir Mulrr daucbter ,
nf Jhnacc Mulrj u aiUlnnairtexcontractor
of KPW Yorl City. Mid a liTp-loni ; Irietid of I
tlie wnior Fjtererald The young ooople
win return to Llupoln shortly. 1
Tbp Bohemian CatboUe church. Spcoofl
and E streets wbirb was -altaoet totally de- '
Btroj-ed bv the terrific wind utorm of May j
i : ie being rebuilt and win sonn be read ;
for wo-shlp again i
Mrs LouUa Cnrri * . wife of John Curtle
died at ) i o'clock this morning at hp-r home
( 748 TCorth Twalfth stretl. of tulttrrulou * a -
| Pts Tlip deceased hud been an invalid ror
a long time and su8 > red much Tbp datp
of tbe fuu raJ vill lip announced later ; i
John Brook * , an old noldit-r well-known Ir |
Lincoln wa found dead in bed at Flrtn 1
yest.Brd v mornlnc wbeie he was tempera- |
rily makluc his home Th * * old man 1m fl j i
bt-en surr.r'ue from heart dtntwin , for SOIDI ' ,
tune nant and to this It aocriiied hi * oVuth
HU remains wr brought to Lincoln teda ?
and taken to the hone of hit daughter. Mi > j i
rie.min : The tune of the funeral w ill lit
acnotincr-d } et r '
Omri i roplp In Lincoln At the Lludffll
Scott. At the Lincoln Tbomat
Y f\0 % \ < > MA.\ COMMIT * Vf
Mrs. t. nlp T ll ? ll l Hpr Iilfi * lij
"WIL9ONVILLE Neb. . Oct rt ( Sjieclal ) i
tAn Lovlp Tolly , a you up widow , oommlt-
ted mtidde yet rdaj by swallowing a lea-
sjuwnfnl of rough on rats Tlie young
woaibti was living with her lather , who re- ,
ddec fcbyjut four mile * northfn of thit \
place Upon her death bed were discovered
l < er w * 4dlng drese and a note renuenUng it
to beMSI ! a her shroud No eonclntiiat :
can be reached as to what prompted her te
end b r lift in each a manner other than
uielanchob and p-otracted grief nvor the
death of her husband Tbe dt-oeused was
but 1 years of age and lecvi * a sou. nped 14
ht'ptlon rnrpinnii Pound Dt-nil.
NORTH LOCP Neb , Oct. 27 ( Special. )
The Vniou Pacific neutlon lereamn Orceo
who has lieet in charge of the Rang of trucl.
Oawha & Kepvblicui Valley
was found drad at a Inte "hour tMc
by aoae of th * section men en tli ir retura
from uiper. lyint ; a few rode trom tin
car in which they lodge As no telegram
could lie neat to the coroner tbp Inquest
wut drfp-iefl until some time later Nc
suspicion of foul pliy U entertained H
being known thst hit hetlth has liwta fail
ing for Hpverul months.
PHIMTJI ! c.f "VVIllljiin Hernlil.
PLATTSMOrTH. Neb , On 27 ( SpeclaU
Th * fuuernl of tbe late William Herald
was beH this afternoon at I o clock and an
immeaee concourse of his old friends fol
low oM4 ent and relatives assembled at tht
clurcb and followed tbe rental : , * to the
grave iM . H B Burgeas of t Lvkp'f
church -fBoiated ind thec serviees ai thr
grave -were in accordance with the Masonic
ritual Ever } buBtntsc house In the cit ;
was closed for a couple of hours
KinwoodVonimi Dt-clnrftl luxnnf.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb . Oct 27 < Speclal )
Mrs Shreve of Elmwood tills count ;
was examined by the hoard this morning
and adjudged insane The women , although
agparasttr rttumal in ordinary matters , be-
coxoi eceeedinglv violent without apparent
rijuou and is with grrat difficulty restrained
from commuting bodily injury She will
be ut to tbe xtMe asylum as boon as ; > tu-
ie obtained
Mnntou G. A. Tl. Kiicnininncut.
STANTON. Ne , Oct 27 fSpuclal ) The
first Grand Army ot the Republic encamir-
ment ever bold in this countv was opened
tlibs morning Many veterans from otbor
counties irtin attendance besides a gen-
ral attends HOP from this county The
weather premises bad it being cloudy wltb
n slight mist falliHg
Ui .trift Cotirt lit SlirliiCT lvv. l .
SPiUNGVIEW. Neb , Ort C7. (5ptcial. )
District oourt convened at this place Mon
day with Judge "Wttover on the bench
The t TB will be shot , however , as there
CTP but few ccfiu on the docket.
Th ii < Jojfal
With tbe rxhllaratlag sense of renewed
health and strength and internal cleaull-
. ntsis wlilch follows the use of Syrup of
I rtss. U known to the few who fccve not
prngt efcsefl beycnd lie old-time medicines
aal the cheap substitutes sametimes oCerod
ti'it aeve * a-ccpted bj the vvel inforinud
It's not uwcB .n.ry any longer to keep
your feist lu tlie ulr Ju order Io keep
tlioin dry Uuy vet vrtmtlier hlioet
Qnrfc Is tlie only lioime umkiiig- HU- |
chilly of ivt't ivuutlier tJioitK Our 15uo
for Indies. veur lit $8.00 excels nuy-
UiiiiK we liuve ever wild They mo
made of extra lieavy lld Imrtetra
lieiivy Holes wlili kid tijis uml Dew C" { > -
lutnltia Good t-trouj ; ueut Hen Jcu
able aud $8.K ( .
Drexel Shoe Co.