Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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i , S41 B'iwiy.
T A a Braaa tt WavsHlr , la. , ts te
R { Mtot Gt ft r Stewart.
p Tie MeKMejr Amtor O r * vOI e t ta
tie remMteMi apUqaartimi Chta attar *
at IM.
7 > e KerwMtaia Gtw d Tin a eet Mr
rttnariwl at 7J . AH s'Jn ? n lartt ta ke
Tkat ereatas tke Ckwil ortetr * m
tor practice at S e clock ia tke T OTg MM' *
CkrtKlas af-octatloc
Mrs. L. B Cco in baa cooto M krV *
Chy tor a mootb a vlalt irtth ker 4a gfcter
KM. William OdwaPairr
f SatvralteartM paper * iwe la > r < rester-
dar ta tke dtntrlet ewwt to WlOItm O. Rait.
JrM CbrancBM aad. M. Koka.
Jvsttee Cook yterday unKed la mr-
rtaac JaatM JotMMoa aad Chrlwloa Cbrto-
tisnoa. botk t Oooncll Blnff .
AA rawfleot pbr le l Artlt gives tke
Tonmc awn Ui tke Tmntc Me * a Ckrtnttam
a Mc at M prmn * l m IMA ereMiBR.
Tke MW of Wetater n lnfpt Hatektamn.
tav ) vinc seme real estate dealt dwiag tke
boom , ta o trial la tke tmpertor evwrt.
Oywatlvin worfc tar TW ? TTOOHM "vHt
feetfn todar at tke T n c Men' CsrtMtan
aiiMK tattoo rcoosK. ClaK i at 4 M a > 4 T M
Tire ta a eoal ckel on Tktrd rtreet m
P'aperty wa 4 ky Xra. McOee called wtt
tae de artamt at 11 o'clock latt nigat.
Bat aHght damage -was doa .
The wfll M Jaieec Lvadeec a adntUed
to protMte ve terdar aad Mn May Luadeee
appointed aa executrix. Tie estate eoastio
of a kooec and tot ta Covatil BtaZa. Tbe
testator dld July Zt last.
A motion for a aew trial In the ease at
rr Hood acatnzt tke N rtkvettera Raflway
compaay trill be ars ed toewrro- before
Judce Mary. la the trial of the case tke
plain t IS wax awarded daaacrc amooEttnc
to J7.W * for injuries received la a wreck
at Elmers. III.
"Hearta of Oek" will be tls play at tae
Dohaoy toalckt or tke p polar Caane-Lls-
! TSeatw oompaay "Hearts of Oak"
naa written ky Jaaies A. Hearae. one of
AJBertca'a createat plwrrlKhta. The play
i * considered one ( the best moral lerMras
produced oa the etaie today. The sale of
teats ! already ( fotte larce. Price. 16 cents
for aay seat la the theater. Oa tale at
Seller's drug rtore.
Tke bis sev oteea.taa teaai roller if
stuck ia a bole prepared by luelf on Lx > wer
Brnad-ray. Mea worked all day yesterday
to Ret K oat. and s coeeej la Retting it
la defter It te betas ased ia roilia ? aai )
aol difjlnc tke bottom for theatrip ef
macadam ta be eoaati uctad la the center of
the street. A toft ptare was fovad , aa4
the zxtoderotu rotler w et iato It and
chopped Jackficrnri a d timbers will be
csd to lift It oat todar.
C B. Vlsvi Co. . fea le remedy. Medical
coamltatioD free Wedmwdara. Health book
fnrnUbed , > W Xerriae bloct.
N. T Plumblag company. TeL SU.
GlaKCUTr OK a 3Iodrl.
Andrew Graham received some eomattai-
cations yesterday from some s4d friends la
municipal departments In tke city of Olas-
gew. Sootlaad. that coatata rcsalts of good
. municipal maaacerafotHe was dtacasfiog
with a food deal f latereftt about the city
bu'iding yesterday afternoon the information
he bad received , and was iwlns It with effect
for a pretext tourge upon the members of
the council the sdvUabUitv of adopting some.
time the same course la the management
of the municipal affairs of Cos&cll Bluffs
The reports say that sot a dollar ef taxes
for municipal purposes will be levied in
Glasgow after the first of next January
Franc hires that are always given to cor
porations and private individuals In this
cous'ry are there heW by the city. Every
productive franchise in the city is held by
the city aad the revenue derived from these.
It la estimated , will at the beginning of the
sew year be sufficient to defray all munici
pal expenH * . Glaxgow is a city of nearly
the aid of the Yankees In Council Bluffs.
Get your Vlater supply of coal now before
the rash and rise la prtcer. L. M. Shubert
will fill your orders promptly and his prices
are the lowest. Telephone No. 70 ; 658 TVeit
Prvrer Pipe. Fire Drick. Belting- .
Wholesale aad retail. J. C. Blxby. 202
Mala street.
P TV Dean. M. D- . eye , ear. anse aad
throat , iU Merrlain block.
Monday Mnnlrnf Club Mretm.
The Monday Musical club met at the
home of Mrs. H , C. Cory sn Sixth avenue
yesterday afteraoan when the fallowing pro-
Erin was enjoyed :
Xocturne Meyer Helmund
Miss May Tulk-y * .
T-tranMla Meyer Helmuad
SI IBB Barnard ,
f'f T ft I'm Thinking- . . - Mrs.VakefleId
A.T-an < e. Meyer Hebnuud
Miss Nell Moore
Valse Caprice , Duet Nevins
&lises Gleason a&d Cavin.
The next meeting of the cJub will be held
November 9 at the aozne of Mrs , L M.
Treynor on First avenne. There win be a
public musical given by the club at Muel
ler s hall November SO.
Compllmrnta in Cold nnd Leather.
A most elegantly gotten up aad beautifully
bound volume of the city documents aad
reports for the year of the city of Bedford.
. Mais , was received by the mayor yester
day The volume Is bound in full morocco ,
profusely ornamented -with gold. There are
several .hundred pages of gilt-edged tinted
paper On the outside of the cover la tbe
inscription , embossed in geld letters. "City
of New Bedford to Council Bluffs. " It is
the aiost expensive and beautiful volume ol
ci'y reports ever received at the city build-
lag. The reports froza the heads of de
partments show that the city is just as
proxperous aad enterprising as the volume
U handsome and impo&lng.
It takes half a ton of starch per month
to stiffen the shirts , collars and cuffs of the
Eagle laundry's patrons. Have you tried
them * 72 < Broadway. Telephone 157.
For Sale Hall safe at a bargain ; 40 Inches it * ? inches wide. 20 inches deep.
Steel chest. EL H. Sheafe & Co.
Slurrlacr Llccn - .
The following marriage licenses were 1s-
cufd yesterday
Name aad address. Age.
J { . D WaJdon. Hamburg , lay
/y L.Vatcrs , Hamburg. la 19
Samuel L. Morria , New York 31
A. Florence Newbanks , Louisville. Ky 30
James Johnson. Council Bluffs . . . . . . : <
Christiana Caristensen. Council Bluffs . . . 17
I W Eversoa. Carson , . „ . . . . . . , . . , . . . . I'
Ada Boitou. Carson IS
r _
f B For Tired. Achirr. Irntated Feet la a
" warns b Jj witb
and a gcatie aaoicuce wttb CUTI. i
CURA ( mranent ) , tbt crest ikm care. 1
\ TU < traumect anin ttcliljir aad irr ) . /
Ulliiu , KtuUir * ftfl itini ii..r | andj
. pjOntul ivtOnnof tiir Julnli. mnn-f
\ nubird. rocftimol kiln , u > 4 jiurt- "
nwrbmd lb vwtfl rorrca J
Palm ; oA BW&M ; B t
Opern ll n > c Cnnblc te .Icrommodale
All The - \ VboV nl.l Hear the
.Vatlonnl UriBocratte Can
didate * Dl cn * Pellllco.
G-Beral Palmer aad General Boefcaer. tke
national teiaouatte cmadUatoe. wer * atvsa
a aMcatteeat reception test algal. Old
soMtert aad citfavraa. bre > pvrtr of parry
tanwd am. to do boaor to tk * dMia Mh
TMton. Orwted at the depot by aa a -
memre throng tkey were escorted to tke city
by martial mnaio aadravin ? of Old Glory
bora * by over SM oU soldier * . At tke
opera ko * e S WW people listened to tkeir
BMoraaces aad ekterfd aad. apfrfaoded at
tb y enunciated tie priaeipte * ot trae fvr-
eraaieBt , which tkey have beM sacred
tiroagb tkeir Ulmrtrioos lire * . It was a
sfNtetUMHU tribute aad did boaor both to
the people of Council BlaSs aad tke men
wbc e greataecs tkey were iwo jalta < ? .
The train bearing tbe national party lead
ers arrived at 7JM o'clock. Aa a vpecial
mark of esteem , the foltowtag detepadoB of
proraweat cittzesi boarded tke train at
Mtosoari Valley aad proffered a welcaae ia
advance :
Tkonas Berrajaa. TV H. M. Posey. Lccras
VT lla , Wllllaai GroaeweV. . H. Blader
Fraak P Bradley. A. T. Btlwell , Cohmel
Oalley and Enimett Tiaiey
TkU welcome wa empbavised by the a-
reatrained ebeers of tbe taron ? at tbe depot
as the tram pulled ia Tbe appearaace of
General and Mrs. Palmer and Geaerai aad
Mra. Bucksr was the occasion of BB-
bounded entboataUB. Itwas with soaie
dlSctilty tbat tbe di tiagiifck d ire tu made
their -nay to tbe carriages tkat were In
waiting. Tbe were placed on Broadway
east of the tracks , and were aurronadetl
by tke old soldiers , each bearta ? aa Ameri
can Cac. Tbey broke into unrestrained
cheering acala at tke two silver-haired
generals puced through tbeir ranks.
la tbe generals' party weT. . J Ma-
koney of Omoba , "rT. V WRBM'of DCS
Moines. J B. E. MarkVy of Masoe Tity
aad J. J Ricbarlsoo of Devnston.
After tbe irnevts bad taken tkeir places
ia tke carriages tk liaewaa quickly
( orated aad tbe Old Soldtart Sound Moaey
dab. over 9N ( > Mr-one keaded by tbe Me-
Fadden Drum corps , started for tbe Grand
kotcL Here H tra * intendts dlae tke
party , but owing to tke lalenem in arriv
ing , dlaaer had been eerved on tke cars.
As the party -drew ap at tire entrance to
the hotel , tbe Kralna of "Marehiag Tknmch
Georirla" and -Dixie1 * set the crowd to
After a abort rest Oaerali Palmer and
Snekaer and tke other ater3b ri of tke
party were driven to tke apera beese. Here
not a raeant seat waa U ) be ftmB-4. aad
tbe sta e was crowded by representative
mea of both parties. Tbe appearance ef
each of the generate was tbe occasion for
a treraeadoM ova lion. Tke two venerable
warriors were seated oa a comfortable cet-
tee beside Hon. W H M. acted
as chairman ot tbe meetiac. They formed
aa imposing picture , and daringtbe waft
of Feveral minute * tbe audience broke
out ia repeated cheering and applause.
Aa Mr Pusey are e to Introduce General
Palaier he wa given a generous tbare of
the enthusiasm.This large aad intelli
gent audience assures smn f two thlccs. "
tald Mr Pcser. . _ yi "T ? .rr"I d
. -wtiatm-r oar poit ral faith may be.
feel honored by the presence f our dis
tinguished visitors. It was my great
privilege la early life to live as a aetghbor
to Joha M. Palmer. I remember when ae
presided over that great initiatory conven
tion ia Illinois , when Abraham Lincoln
caanonized himself to the American people
by his great speech , that speech which has
never beea recorded and which has been
an inosiunaoio loss ID ue aaxion. i
that w are on the eve of a great battle.
History repeats ItttJf.
"I fed today that the great national party
and Ita allies will achieve a greater vic
tory on November 3 than was won at Water
loo. My frflow citiiens I have the dis
tinguished honor of Introducing to you the
general , senator , stau-sznan. patriot and
soldier , John M. Palmer "
Prolonged cheering aad applause was
kept up b Jore General Palmer could make
himself heard. He spoke quietly and with
ao resentment against his political an
tagonists. Hewas listened to with the
closest attention. He said la part
Ladies and Gentlemen A number of years
ago I had the privilege of ridlnc la the Mime
stage with your presiding orScrr I f l
honored by what he has said and what is
Implied by your presence here. General I
Buckaer and L among the elements -ne
i prewnt. we represent free speech. We
not only represent free spetch out tan re-
stared republic of the United States. Some
body said we represent tae union of the
blue and the irray. but we do not. We
jepresent the fact that tke Mue and th
gray no loncer exist. W * represent the re :
stored unity Vf arsru < J the Issues of 1SC1
on the battlefield and did our best I [
know be did. That Issue is over In Wis
consin the old soldiers received OrnenU
Buckner so tumultuoualy that I envied fclm.
but waen we got down souta UM tables
were turned and I felt sorry for General
Burkner There is no malice la tie sol
dier's breast.
We know that the arrayinc of clasps
against classes is a crime. There are no
classes ia America. Waoever discovers
classes or Uln to create them to array
them against each other is a public enemy
To me It would seem more befittinc for
presidential candidate * to remain at borne.
But. my countrymen , conditions have
thanjred and in view of the great moment
of the is ue. aad the magnitude of the in
terests they have broupht General Buckaer
and me away from home.
For the next four years you -will deposit
with one of tie gentlemen all the presi
dential power you possess or will possess
during the next four years. I nifcrit em
brace in this your conrre ? in n , Tou wfll
also dvo away or delegate all tie legisla
ture power you have for two years In view
of the magnitude of these cn-at interests at
stake can you .aaTard to do that and be re-
trardit-fts of yjuaipheet dut > * * Your
obligation is to do tie very ripht. the
honest and manly thin IT Let us do rifht
Lboutrn tie heavens may faL Outside con
siderations efaould never eootrol aa Ameri
can freeman.
I claim that all history is agnlnFt the
claims of free silver In no country today
( Joes the silver coin possess more value than
tie actual worth of the bullion it contains.
We have nothing to go by but the facts
obtained from the experiments tried by
other nations. Mr Bryan refuses the a. -
.vs-.aace of any other nation ia obuunte ?
bimetallism. He says he will tender th
other nations tie silver dollar- , containing
4IT4. grains , and if they refuse be ill brine
them to an international conference. If I
could dlsrecard common sense the teach
ing of all history , I would vote fer fre * sil
ver But I know It is absolutely impoMdbl * e
to add JOO per cent of value to anything-
legislation. I know that 1 < aa impossibility
ard a dancerous proposition. But that !
what Mr Bryan and "ia friends propose.
By your vote on November S suppress for
orce aad ail this miserable dishonest heresy
of freesilv _ r ( Prolonged cheering )
A > General Buckaer stepped forward amid
sreas enthusiasm * ev ral bouquets were
thrown upon the stage. He picked them up
gratefully and. bowing to tie box frota
Rhici they came * said"Some fair woman
hae smiled upon these roses and they have
bloomed. " This sentiment -das applauded
to the echo. He said ia part :
It does se m to me an absurdity for man
to amie that we haJI repudiate tie CoJd
standard that has made nations great and
urge us to Imitate China aad Mexico. Tbwe
are other thin ITS txjuallr illogical. They '
contenj tkat a irov nn eat by Uw is an
exp'o4 d tk ory. Don't let the violators be
disturb * * . tsMW s > s * rt. AJxilUii ttoe courts
uid let one cI&M encroach upon anotior
LH the laborar be paid in M eent donor for
a dollar * worth of tabor i aaetk r ef ibnlr
suucmoMs. They bring tfcww proaootUoiM
an if ti y * r ne . But tht y are n c
They have all beea tried before. This ques
tion of a seed sound currency k * * been dhv
cuamd for airm .
They < 4am that ike sflrer dollar le wortk
an m ch a * U ever was aad tb * cold dollar
lar U worth aw cents. Granuac ; that Is
trn * . our jnlver dollar U worth a * sauch a *
t * * roM dollar The ptetrorai propc e a
Hat pas er dollar Out h > nerer to be re-
tftHtrA. Tke popitlhK atatfona. pee whk *
Mr. Brnn staads. dose t promjie to par
ttec * Mian , bat Inahna that tkcy be to
ted a d called dolbvm.
I UKnurkt I krard wSen I cam * op tke
r tke cry that w were the JcJam y
AM society We ore the re rentJitJT * of
tb * onlf true democraer we are brre ta
rwc tkat It shall never die I beboM ia tke
rapabUcan party a national party tore It
kaa eea ed It * vertlonal warfare I tontead
that la tke rrpobllcan party awl tke true
America , baa tvo patrtottc
parties. < App4au e. )
This meettar la exeepMoBal In one
In mo of our m etrn > we katre bad BJB
on tfce ontKklrtf placed taw * to prevent t
rtartrt of free speech But taut to onrr
natural for men wko stanc upon tke CM-
raaro platTorm.
Short addreaMS were aade by J. K. B.
Mcrkley of Maaoa City a 4 J. J. RfehardMB
of Davenport. Tke Feaerata MM a iare
rcceptloa at the Orawd hotel after tke nveet-
Inc. wkere tkey s * * k hands with the vei-
eraac who had ecaae oat to give tkeat rack
a kerty weteonte
omr Cnnnlnhrd Ilai lneii Complctert
nt n Special -i..lon. .
The city council met ia special feseton last
evening for tke parpose of coaplette- some
aafialsked work to connection with paving
A resolution was pes ed dtrecttag the
C B. Q Railway eomafiay to complete tke
ailing of Ita property on Sixteenth avexrae
and tke ratstag of its tracks wltkte twenty
days , or tke w rk weald be done by tke
contractor aad charged to tie company s
Special assessment resolutions directing
the payment to Joha M. Hardta aad S.
Bottn fer construction ef sidewalks were
Petitions were received from Mrs. A.
Woods aad Fred Jacobs , asking to have tbe
taxes asteseed agatatt taetr property re
mitted , oa th * grounds that they were old.
infirm aad liable to become charges apoa
the county. The matter -was referred nntil
the November meeting ef the council.
A list of special policemen for election day
was reported by tbe chainaaa f the republican -
lican aad democratic city central commit
tees , aad the njen so named were appointed
for tkat duty as follows :
First Ward First preciact , I * C. Been ,
rep . Henry Altrop. dem. Second preciact ,
Stephen Connors , rep. , G. H. Plaaey. dezx
Second Ward First preciaet , J. A. Spaald-
ing. rep. ; C. A. Rose. decs. Second preciaet ,
Frank Stegatl. rep. ; Richmond Rlcketts ,
Third Ward First precinct. Pan ! Sebold.
rep : William Gorman , dem. Second prej
ciact. Jew * OfeeB , rep. : P. Carter , dem.
Foartk Ward First prectaet. John Nel-
BOB , rep. ; H. C. Stageaua. * etn. Second
preciact , David Paul , rep. ; Joan O'Neill.
Fifth Ward First preeiact. Charles
Efeearea. rep : T. Coady , dem. Second preI !
ctact. Ckrit Larsee , rep. ; C. Toiler , dem.
Slrti. Ward First precinct , C.V. . Sweet.
rep. ; Isaac Doty. dem. Second preciact. H.
Krnmweed. rep. , Fred Rakeabotwe. dem.
Tbe city engineer reported tke tabulation
of the. bids for the paving of the alley be
tween North Main and Bryant streets. The j
tabulation showed that E A. Wickbamwas :
the lowest in tbe price asked for both Coun '
cil Bins * aad Des Moines brick. His bid ,
was Jl.8 for all Council BleSs brick aad
U-4X for borne brick at the bottom aad |
D a Moines repressed brick for tbe top l
course. The council practically awarded I
him the contract , bat delayed final action 1
until next Monday evening , for the purpose |
of letting Mr. Wfekhaza confer with tbe !
property owners aad ascertain from them
the kind of material decired.
Bids for grading the alley between Lincoln
areaue aad Union street were opeaed. D.
R. Olmstead offered to do tbe werk for
9H cents a yard aad the contract was
awarded fct j ,
The property owaers of Madison aveane
j submitted a written agreement to waive all t
rights aad liabilities ia connection irith i
the First street sever U the Madison aveaue
section were cut out of the contract. This i
was the agreemeat reached at the last l
meeting , aad the council was oaly waiting
for the property owaers to submit their
proposal la writlag , to approve It. The
work of constructing the Graham aveaue
sewer will be resumed by the contractor ,
the property owaers having paid ao atten
tion to the request of the council for a writ-
tea proposition.
The question of repairs on the city Jail was
brought up for discussion. Last spring the
council agreed to make some changes la coa-
aeciioa with the eatraace to the cell cerrl-
elor by which the daager of aa outbreak
when food was being Liken into the corri
dor would be leswned. Frequently there is
but one maa OB duty la the Jatl whea
meal time conies , aad he must either keep
the prisoners out of their diaaers uatU as
sistance comes or throw the Jail open aad
rua th risk of beiag overpowered. The
proposed changes contemplate a steel euara
around the doorway that will aot subject
the Jailer ui the danger of being overpowered
, every time he opens the Jail doors. Stor-
age boxes for the ejects of the prisoners
, Is another lEprovemeat contemplated. The
I matter was referred to the committee oa
city property with power to act.
The council will meet aa a committee of
the whole at 9 o'clock this moraias for the
purpose of examining the condition of the
4 city scales at the city butldlag with a view
I of repairing then or purcaaalag a new
| pair. The council adjourned until aeit
Moaday alght.
Eaameled brass-mamed beds tS.95 tils
week at the Durfee Furniture Co.
Muddy Pyrotechnic * .
Colonel Btker and J. M. Flagler have
about completed their work of clearing out
the channel of Mosquito creek above the
bridge oa the School for the Deaf road. They
have exploded a great many charges of dyaa-
ailte aad have created a great deal of ea-
tertalazneat for the crowd by givlagr elab „
orate displays of muddy pyrotechnics.
Charges of dynamite , raaging from four to
tea ia number , have beea suak ia the de
bris aad drift above the bridge aad fired
simultaneously by aa electric battery. The
explosions have thrown up volcanoes of
1 mud that have beea fascinating Eights for
the multitude. Generally the blast throws
the mud straight upward aad it comes back
after aa interval ia the shape of various
sized chunks aad drops back iato the bud
of the creek , bet occasionally it takes a
notion to throw it out at aa angle aad then
some of the spectators have to rua aad do
same agile dodging to escape the muddy
About J160 has beea expended la the work ,
but It has probably saved the county a new
steel bridge that cost nearly ; : , ( Ntt.
Hoffmayr'a faacy patent fiour makes the
test aad most bread. Aik ytmr grsccr far It.
" \VIrt I * Dolnr Well.
A paragraph la a Cripple Creek paper
tells bow W. O. Wlrt is prosperlas la the
Colorado gold mining camp. It states that
ha aad his partner have Just completed the
j section of the National Annex , the only
i exclusive office building ia the town. "This
beautiful brick building. " the paragraph
says , "is heated by steam aad lighted by a
Sfcoercus aiunber of ejectrie chaadelters. The
walls are daintily decorated ia stencil work
and the interior wood work of polished oak ,
ornamented with hammered brass. The in
come from this one build lag is equal to the
eaetera investment of t260.tXK ) Another evi
dence where courage , capital aad confluence
ha-ve combined aad made money.
Lnadgard , the Tailor. Uo a. il.Ua etrert.
DnildlBsr Ak'ociailun Keoreaniae * .
Ameaded articles of incorporation have
beea Sled by the Council BluSs Mutual
Bulldise aad Loan association ia aoixipli-
, aaee with the aew state law governing thece
uirparalloss la making tbe chaagrs the
company baa beea practically reorganized
an4 a new c t ef officers placed ia charge.
The \iew eCeers are F. L. R rd , president ;
J. J. Kees. vice president ; F. J. Day , treas
urer ; J-M. Fentoa , secretary ; E. A. Mare-
Uouse. di ct r The officers are also mem-
ben of tae Eoird of Directors.
Mao ; * S * k Ewjfcyaaaf1 M tit Olty's
City Bnjrlneer IIa a fin\i for RUine
' ' "
n Orent Many' "Wt tUe
Seekern for M * Vfc
a. Chance. '
Twaty area and team * win be pat ta
work tkta attratBg oa tke India * creek -
cavattoa aad tke . N appropriated by tke
eoaaetl win BOW be attributed aawac tke
laboring atea aad teamsters ot tke city Tke
work wfll be oamaM-scf * at Nineteenth av -
nne. wbere it was toft off last spring , aad
win be eonUaoed ap to Tenth avenue. Tke
crow eertioa of tke creek win be deepened
aad wideaed to the extent of one foot , which
w-ffl glre aboet fifty feet a > ore of area to tke
carrying capacity of the creek bed. Not
more tkaa twenty mea eaa be worked to ad
vantage aad the greater aumber of these
win be mea with teamv * r most of the ex-
civattoo will be done trttb scrapers. There
will be work for bat few fbevefers. It is tke
Intention of the engineer to work the rara
ia gangs of twenty aad to divide up the work
by employing a gaag a few days aad then
laying it o T and replacing It with another.
1 ' la this way tbe greatest possible number c *
' mea wfll be given emplcymeat.
I The intense stringency of the times Is la-
| dteated by the Immense anmber ef mea who
apply for employment. Each man thinks
there are seme especial reasons why he
should be given work ia preference to his
neighbor , aad all have tbe same ztery of
dire aeccssity to obtain work at aay price
1 to support depeadeat families.
Diphtheria , on the Increase.
Two aew cases of diphtheria aad two
j death * were reported yesterday. Albert
I Madsea. a child of Mr. aad Mrs. Rasmus
I Madsea. aced I years , died very suddenly
at the residence. ISIS South Seventh street.
, Tbe child was playing around ia apparently
l good health the day before It died. Tbe
symptoms were of ntea a violent aature
i from the start that a physician was
t promptly called. He praaonaced it to be.
] a case of malignant diphtheria , took the
{ ueaal precautions and prescribed the nsaal
1 remedies , but the child died within a few
I hours.
j Tbe second ease war Lester Shaw , the C-
j ' year-old child e-f Mr. aad Mrs. Harry Shaw
I of Canaiag street. Death followed qatekly
ap after the report of tbe disease The case
j is particularly sd , for it is the second
: death that has occurred frotn the came
| dte ase ia tbe family within a week.
I Tbe new eases were Mary Klllea. wife -of
( I William Killea ef 111 Twenty-first ave-
. nne. and a child In ber family. There is
I ' a large family of children at this home aad
it is feared that other members of the family
will tak It.
The prevalence ef the- disease has caused
tbe Board of Health to be more thin or-
diaarily strict la -enasjcemeat of tbe
reflations of the Stale Board of Healta.
This has beea particularly so ia regard to
the quarantine recaiattaas Orders for the
arrest of people who -wilfully violate the
i rales have beea issued ! will be caforced
I Thuncht to De Clilctcn Thleveo.
' Charles Green aad WiH O'Briea are the
' names given to the pobee by a couple of
i yecag men who are bejieved to be chicken
i thieves. Yesterday they sold three dorea
chickens to a local butcher at a price so
far beneath the recularvmaritet quotation *
that his susptelaat W4Brexc < tfd. He In
j formed the poitee aad"Crc a was arrested.
I O'Briea was at the camp ia. the extreme
' southern part of the city and aa officer was
{ I seat after him. Al the station the fellows
: told various stories ef ao r the chickens
I came Into their possession aad anally roa-
' clnded tkat tbey got them la a horse trade
J two weeks ago at a point several hundred
! miles away The chickens were of a mixed
assortment aad had evidently beea gathered
up the prevlcus evening ia farmers' hen
roosts. O'Briea bad aa ugly looking dirk
katfe la his possession aad he was held oa
the charge of carrying concealed weapons.
Greea was held oa a general charge of
vagraacy. pending farther Inquiry iato the
chicken deal.
Uecrlrer File" Ilia Flr t Report of
A ct and Llabllltlm.
ATLANTIC , la. , Oct. 2G. < Spedal )
James B. Bruff. receiver for the Bank of
Atlantic , owaed by F. H. Whkaey & Son.
which closed its doors October 1. filed hii
report with the clerk of the courts today
It shows the condition ot that lastituUon
to have beea as follows :
Bills leceivaMe. coas4derd goo
Bills receivable , considered doubt
Bills receivable , held as collateral
by other banks 4S. E 50
Judgments 1.CM 36
Overdrafts „ . SJC S
t > ue Irooi eorresiiondeat banks. . . . E SC 3
PersoBal property S 4C
Caeh on baad 1.C1 78
Total assets of Bank of Atlantic.tlW.Hi 9S
Deposits fubjeet to efaeek * 4UEi 1
Due to other banks 7.6 % 35
Certificates of deposit. 112.03 3J
Bills pavable 3.03S ( fi
Outstanding drafts 7,971 CO
Total CS6.HS K
The useis include a aote against F. H.
Whitaey for M6.JC4.S5 , aad ea overdraft
of * 4C79.1i Mr. Whitaey died shortly after
the failure of tbe baak. but had prevouslx
j assigned all his property to his creditors.
j The property , is ts follows :
i Ptrsoaal „ S1. < 1 09
) Iowa realry . - . (2.T41 ( 00
j Kansas City property Hiaoaa ( *
| Birmingham. Ala. , property 18S006 ( H )
i Omaaa property , Be ( CM W
Colorado property _ - - -
The first two Is tierecelver's Talaation ,
but the other items are put ia at what
Mr. TVhitaey placed them In his assignment
aad at a sale now would aot briag 50 cents
on the dollar oa aa average. All of tins
property listed , is free from incombraace
except aa oOce building in Kansas City aad
the Masonic temple ia tits city , which are
mortgaged to thHiwthwtstrra .Mutual
Life Insurance company for $00.000 and
r , eefl respectively.
The LlTflr Experience of a. JInlne
Otty ,
"Jack" Clark Is a stout boy of H years.
living at Shernsaa. Me , He goes out after
the oowa every aight end. Crives tieaa home
to the tie-up , always ta the greatest safety.
but the other night Jie , had aa adveature
which has led to tie KjbetitaUon of his
oMer brother in tie .gaOiering of the kiae
o' nlghta. says the Bo u > a' Globe.
Oa a receat Saturday night Jack went
dawa after the calUfe The animals were
ia the pasture and it i.aalm.Bt ) dark before
he got to them. He rted them home
with some speed , bur one lagged ia the
shadows under the trees.
Ja k threw a stone at tie supposed cow
aad cot a very large urjrtee iu return for
it. He heard lie atone strike the aalraa
with a hollow thump en ita nbs aad expected
to see the cow come out from under tke
trees on a swinging nsa. Instead a big
moose bounded out la the opeaiag aad made
for tke youngster.
Jack sired up the animal at first sight.
Boy aad girls , whea they get big enough
to walk the streets of Sherman in boots aa <
stockings , know wild animals when they see
them. So Jack kaew the moose. He maae
for the nearest tree aad scooted op It with
mall delay.
The meo e was dose at the boy's heeli
when ne dime * * ] iato the totter bran eh ti
and saorted around the foot of the trua
la a way that made tke- boy thlrer and gnu
tke Us > tM ctofctr. Atter about aa hour ti
big brate went off in rod -lone jumps. Jacl ,
eaae dow ; . raa for home aal told the story
\\iio HI\DLIS run STVTC
Comtnllnner Iln rll Point" Ont n
MIMnkp- the t'npnllut * .
UMOOUC. Oet K CPperlal > ta view af
UK fact tkat tke poporrarle area ot tkt <
baa beea ataktan ; a crewt ta * a < hms
wtKe ot
ita <
BMititatlotM. tfc * Mlowiag
bfea cacBalled by tJM
N > a aad bafldlaxa. wa ia alxo a
of tbe Board at Punaane and SnapHoa. Sir
"The gorrnar appolatc tbv ( fi rtara4-
* f Ik * M7l mi the romman r at t *
Horn * it Oraad Waod a 4 UM var-
* of t * penlt atimiT Tbr Board oC Poo-
He LJtadt and Boildliwi appoint ! toe nwr-
tato4 it of t Beys' Iwtattrial School at
K r * r. Otf Girt * ' latwrtrtal School at
Q WT * . . tfce loperlateadtBt of the lactitm *
Sr tkc FW MlBfed at Bfatrtpf : the ron-
Mrtcr of tb Home at Mllfwrt to .pp Mat 1
y Utt Board of Pabllc LMd * aa < ] Balld-
tatCB. subject 10 the approval of
tk- c T"m r TJMMpertatradrata o'
U I d trt I Horn ? at Mllford aad
the Honw of th- Fri de ! * at Uneola
are appointed by a board of lady aaaaefra
Ta * ovppllfs fw the * * v r l state Innti-
ar * parehi * < i tarmutb the Board of
aad applies -which board coaftait *
of tie nurei JOT u chairman , ramtalnkmer
' of public lands aad bvfldlafa as aeerrtarv
s retarr of Hate , attoravv g a rl aad
state trwimw. as aev cot tttnti d foor rp-
blteaas aod on * populUt It is tbe duty
' the fwrptiry of Mid board to advertlM
r bMa aad for the board to awwt oo the
rst dar of every quarter aad open aaid bid *
< aad award tie rontrart ta tb * towest reapoa-
bktdcr : list emic tartr entire duty
"be rontraete are eaforcrd br tae Board of
Lands aad Bnildiacs. of vit'ch board
tie poreraor is aot a rattabtr TJae Board
' . Public Lands aad Bclldincs tris created
> r the eocstitutton as prorided la section
> . arOcle T Tie provision ef the eoB tlm-
on U carried oet br the etattttes. clriDg
le Board of Public Lands aad BoiMings
control of the serenl state Institutions aad
ie fipfnditnre of appropristioea nade for
their B9port
"It will thos be seen tliat the coTernor of
he ttate has aotalai ; to do trhh the con
trol and rnanact-nient , the setUlnc of ac-
eoenU or the pajment of bills contracted
er the malntenam of state InBtitntkins. bet
that this Is entirely under the control and
rnanacfaent of the Board of Public Lands
nd Baitdlncs.
"Then , if Gorernor Ho > cefflb l carrect
n-hen he states that daring his admiaistri-
ten. there has been sored to the state br
reason of the economical aanacfmot of the
state institutions the son of J3WI W * . Uies
he credit is dne to the Board of PabHe
.sails and Buildlncs. and cot to thewar-
ernor If the money has been saved , as the
poreraor states , then It should be la the
tate treasarr left froja the appropriations.
ilncb as the Board of Pnblic Lands and
Buildings irouid be slad to truthfully * ay
to the public that there had been that
there hs been ao * 9 Ortfl saved by
the covemor. or any one elee out of the
pproprlattons made. The Board of Pub
ic Lands aad build in CT is prood. however.
to say that bv the practice of the strictest
economy it believes that it trill cet thronch
o the ead of the second fiscal year open
he appropriatjon * made by the last ItKis-
&mre The legislature of 3"S apropriated
or the maintenance and rnaalae of the
evera ] state institutions. ST : .61 ( which
aaouatvras exhausted ) The 1eglatnre
of 3S5 appropriated far the maintenance
aod support of the several state teetltatkn * which will alt be eiia ed to the
care aad maintenance of the unfortunate
vardE of this state And it will take pcr-
steteat aadwatchful care to prevent a
mall deficiency The deniaada of humanity
will not permit and the good people * f this
state do not require that their WBfortttBate
werda should suffer for want of roSrtent
oed and dethlag. It is true that we haie
more people to care lor tiaa e-wr before.
nd trath &cain compels the stitement of
acts as to why we are able to care for a.
greater number with the small approprta-
"la order to certain and to tr-11 the
tzzpayers the farts in the matter I have
arae back end taken the prict1 * bid for
supplies for the several Institutions for
one Quarter of 1S93 , 1S4. IBS5 and 3C. I
find that coal wis about the came in 1SC
as in 1K ! C. except lump coal , which was
then C.70 and now ti.S9. Men's shoes in
SSS were K.50 per pair In 1SS5 aad 1 5
they were SC cents and tl.16. Women a
shoes la 1892 ere J1.7T per pair In 1SSG
110. Coffee In 1R9S was S3 cents per
> ound. now M. is 1S * cents. Syrup in liS3
was 2 and 27 cents per gallon , in IfcPG 14
cents per gallon. Supar. extra C in ' 33
was J5.-4Q per hundred. In 1896 J4 05 uria-J-
ated sugar in 1S92 $5 90 per hundred , in
1S66 It is J4.S9. Muslin , no difference * a
price : flour the came. All wool ru.ts in
iss : ss. in ISH Ja.
"You will eee by the foregoing how the
extra number of people could be cared for
a. 1895 and 1SJ-S. "
Broad Minded.
Star : "I'm ginerally dZs-
posed ter side weth the Jdckers. " remarkeu
Meanderins Mike , "but I mus' say thet '
can't rile up ez much ez some o' the foiks
tiet wants ter rub out ev'ything this gov
er'mwit's been a-doin' so long , aa' star ;
over aein. "
"Thai's a nice way fur a down-trodden
victim of capitalistic oppression to talk ,
exclaimed Plodding Pete , contemptuously
"I tries ter be iair I m agin wealth
But * ozne o * them fellers is jes" ez mucn
sot aginworkla ez - e are. They've a
Serited wealth through no act of their owr :
an' I can t myself ter hate a man Jesr
because he happened ter be barn rich. "
It Come * From IJrs. Copeland nnd Shepard and Wc'comc < Every SufTcrcf
From Catarrh or Other Chronic Malady to the Benefits
cf R Trlnl Treatment Free of Clwrpe.
n > vmara wco n&s income
and rtred ofhe vain ftrnt
tk y kare bee * maktnf acaln t the couch ,
ta ckotitlMC * p lls anJ the evrr-r-currtn *
irvntvt of nuthaa and brncMtis aaar now
poly to Dr . Coo iaad aad Sbe-pard and
St an Inklln * of what may t done rnr
raa by better jiyMenj of treauneat than
they have heretofore been r eehlnsj They
* nl be cheerfully aerordvd ft trial troat-
cmt without chart * .
Every pvrMm ia Omaha wa * has tort ,
stmurth of h an and stremrtk of body and
become pale , emaciated , lantera-Ja-WM and
nseUncholy by toe k-ne the tortfre i
and th starvatloa tendent to chronic < - ]
tarrh of tke nionuicb may now apply to ,
Dra Copelaad aad Sbepord luxl receive
w1t > ont expert * ? aa e pianatary aJnilnl- >
t nit ton of tkt treatsaa.t tr t ha rtnr 1
and waved * o man ? tkotraaads of IB * irlootny
ilyopertioi of Nebraska ,
Every person In Omaha who may be on-
oVrfOlmc tke flery aironle * of rheumatism
or the bllfht. the mnTrrtn * and the diBflirure.
mem of eczema , r the weakne n f Hnre.
misery and deray due to any common form
of chronic dlea _ e may now apply to Dr *
TopeUnd and Shepard and set a eUtnpoe of
happier rondltions ! n : ore for them under
the Copelaad and S.iepard yrtem of treat
The free trlnl trrnltnent vcllt br nc-
cnrded to all upon prr onal applica
tion. To thctftr1 trlio eonllnne trrat-
me ii I until cured there nlll be no
expcn r bj end tlir rrcnlnr a r -
mrnt at the * rule < tf 5 .CMI prr month ,
all mtkdiclnei Inclndrd.
HEV. MeKEAonnc nn Mo-rrn.
-\Varm Pral p From a AVrll Knovrn
> lrtho ll t Prrnchrr.
The merit f Ur . Coprlanil A Sbrp-
tt Captains Courageous"
The First American Serial Story
. BTT o
Rudyard Kipling
* *
Commences in the
November fy cClure's
And will be completed in six numbers.
This is a noirerftti story of tae life n tb Gtowc et r &e& raea oa the
s ol Xewtoeadlaad.
All subscription * thonld laelode UK XoveaiW mnafear , n-fcfctk bogias a
Robert Louis Stercflsoe's great novel. "St Iresfill be wtbliabed ia
tie seooad half of tb * magazine year. Tb Htteeriptton { or the year ( * r-
inc which both these aovals will be p Mb > ii d ) is Mere ! ? nomiaaL ,
g only
S. S. M'CIaTr&E CO. ,
. IH to 155 East 25th Street , . . . . Xcw York
Searles & <
Searles , '
srtcuusTS n '
Xerroiis Curoaic
, i
Private Diseasjs.
5Ml Prhate es
land Di order iof Men
i Treatment by mail
Consultation frfo
Cur d tor UTe aai the po s a thjrouealy
cleaased Irorn tae sysni i IL.ES FISTULA
aad VARICsX ELE perinaaenuy an 3 sjc-
< cesstul.y cared. Me'tod aew and naJalliae
By new aethod ir thout pain or cutting.
| Call oa cr address tt..b s'susp ,
i Dr.Searles&.Sjarles ,
A cge table Prcpar ionfcrAs- SIGNATURE
similaling iheloodandRcguIa-
Cng the S toiaachs aniBowels cf OF
Promotes "DieslionCl.ecifiiI-
ncss andRest-Contains neiUicr
Opium.Morphine IS ON THE
Apcrfect Remedy forConslipa-
tion. Sour 5tom3ch.Diarrhoe
Worms .Cortvuls ions Jeverish-
oess andLoss OF SLEEP.
Tac Smile Signature of
& &i'-f6GZv.
NEW "YORK. Curler ! * It jnt sj la oz-dz * Isttlet dr. It
Jil srt sail ! = b b Qra't n3er aryoe ta ttH
| yon arj-ii = 5 el ca tie plea cr jmcise that It
I U "jsrt ai cot > i" sad " -rifl arrrer every prr-
" -S tilt you rt C-A-S-T-O-S-I-l.
ra jiroie lonnl rrorlc I *
prturu li > tlie Ur t of rvldeace. T -
da > net. MrKendrer > De Mnttr. mem
ber nf the > rbrn Um Conferrnee and
pa l r < > f the MrtliadMt Kplnrapal
church of Tnlmacr and tlrock , add *
hl te tlm nr. lie rrrlte * !
* lncr rnmlnc nt of 1he army lit
I * * * ! . I hnd t > rrn crrntlj nRllctrd vrlln.
e-nlnrcrmrnt and dlnplnrrmeat ot
the heart nlth nrconipnnylnc ncak-
nr of ihnt rcnn. In latrr j-enr I
linir nl creatljnn"rred from ;
rhrnnlr catarrh. Iji tn Inter a rery
rrre lcl nc left me In an eT-
Irrmrlj frrhlc cnndltlon and wholly
anflt for an > vrorV. ITtrr a conr o
by mall nlth Or II affard *
mtcrent plrn nre ta vtatr ( bat I
linvrfnnnd niucU relief nnd vBl lnn-
| I I lirnrflt frnm hl trratmenl. lT
cn e T a bundled Tilth rTerl'rnt J"dT-
mrnt nnd UI1I and I mo t lienrllly
commend Hrm. Coprlnnd A JUci > * rd n
ceurtc B . honorable crntlenten ,
Ihuruucbly qnnllfled a * peclnli t IB
their clioorn profe lon. * '
\V. II. COPKLV D. M. D ,
C. S. SHBPAIID , 31. D
Office Hoorsto : i a. ra 2 to 6 p. m. Eve-
nltwr vredBertays and Sat rtaj-s Mriy
C to S. Sunday M t It m.
tT Kad ti
CAL.THOS Tees. ' C.O.B . )
Ireal rn nmtM lh t will
Lit i
VON MOHL CO. , 332 B ,
. OUa.
Ia efiirg * of tit
Thia widely known institution has beea
doubled ia I'.te dannc tha paxt summer aad
riads cno of the most mid em tad oed J
Institutions of its character la the west.
The aew addlt-cas will be ready for occu-
psacy by the first ef the year. Whea tnlli
completed , accommodations will be afforded
( cr 300 patients. It is beautifully diluted.
cverlosklas the city of Couacil BlnSs. A'
fall ctaa of eminent physicians and trained
curses minuter to the csmlort cf tha pa
tients. ' ,
Par taller partlcalsn , apply ta
Council BluSa , Ia.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL. . . . 100,00 $
Fine Line of Fall and
Winter Suitings.
130 S. Main Street
Council Bluffs , Ja.
CTOECt "k. BOWLS. Mancger.
JI Gertie Lane.
nntl ilatlurr , Comuirnclnx
Ta - dBr. October - .
„ Sfcats Kc , now on sale at Seller * * Druf