Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 11I- ) : MONDAY , OCTOlllUn 2 , 1800.
Town Hull Not Largo Enough to Hold tlio
Ecoken for Truth.
Aililrcimrn In TliHr Nntlto
ll > - lICNHrM. llOIU'VVIltrr ,
anil Dnlcxiil OliiM-ml \ > ) Hie
WA1IOO. Neb. , Oct. 25 ( Special Tele
gram. ) The town of I'raguc , In this county ,
IWBB the scene of the greatest political gath
ering ever witnessed In that place today
The speakers were lion ndvvard llcwowutcr.
Jlr. Itoilckl of Chicago and Prank Doleral
of Fremont The hall was packed to its
utmost capacity and hundreds vvcro unable
to gain admission Mr Iloscwatcr spoke
for n few minutes In the Dohemlan language
and then for ono hour and a halt In a very
able manner discussed thu financial qucsllon
from n stallstlcal and historical polnl Sev
eral times ho was Inlerrupted In his argu
ment by questions , which v\cre answered In
n. masterly way , his answers "provoking
vociferous applause. Messrs Iloslckl and
Dolczal illsciiBsed oilier I-RUCB of the cam
paign In the llohcmlan language. Their ad
dresses were eloquent and well received
Largo delegations were present from Schuy-
ler , Wnhoo. Malmn and Wcston. special ex
cursion tinlns being run for the accommo
dation of the visitors.
MOUSi : IJLUrrS , Neb. Oct 2o ( Special
Telegram. ) lion John Roslcky. editor of tlio
I'okrok Bnpndu of Omaha , spoke In the
Ilohomlan language to the cltlrens of Morse
Illuff8 Ihls nflcrnoon. Tor two hours he
poured the hot shot of republicanism Into
the Bryan fallaeles In a way that fairly
made them squirm Ono man vas heard
to remark nftur the speaking that fifty democratic
' the argument
ocratic speakers couldn't answer
ment ho produced. The speaker had tlio
closest ntleiitlon and did much good for thu
cause of republicanism.
LRXINOTON , Neb. . Oct 2 * > ( Special
Telegram. ) The greatest republican rally
of the campaign occurred here Saturday
afternoon and evening A. 12 Caily ad
dressed the afternoon meeting and held Ills
Immense audlcnco for over two hours with
the kind of eloquent logical argument that
ho alone Is capable of delivering In the
evening after n torchlight procession of100
people Mr Cady and W S Summers ad
dressed a hou-n paeked to suffocation with
over 1.000 penple > , the greatest enthusiasm
being minlfealcd at every mention of the
names of Mact'oll and Cady Two glee club3
and a band enlivened the occasion The
populists attempted to get up n counter
demonstration for the day. and afler tlrelcsa
efforts got twenty-seven men In Hue to
march to their hall , where the speakers ad
dressed an audience of about aevcnty pee
ple. Jawson county Is safely and solidly
In Jhe republican ranks for the first time
In six yeurs , as the populists concede their
parly has been an allowed , but lh > Individ
ually rcfupo to go down
SUT1ON. Neb , Oct 2."i ( Special Telegram -
, gram , ) Tlio republican rally last evening
called out a large crowd lo hear Attorne)0
King and Crouch answer thefaho state
ments and nmrchist doctrines of licit ot
Dakota , who spoke hero a few days ago. A
number of old-llmo democrats hnvo come
out and arc working for MclCinlcy , cmong
them our well Known cltlrcn , I'rcd C Mat-
teson , ex-maor of Button , who has been
for a lifetime prominent In democratic poli
tico It Is a notlccthlo fact that middle-of-
the-road populists are not nttendlng the
nryan rallies latol > nor ore they as en
thusiastic since Watson wan sat dot.n upon
LOUV CITY , Xeb , . Oct. 25. ( Special Tole-
' The of this plse-o listened
s grain ) people toj
tlio best speech so far given by any speaker ,
last night lion Charles Green of Omaha
being tlio orator of thrt Oceanian The np-
plauso nTJ ; Finllcsitre slKUincant of the
. . manner Jn which It waa received lie cer
tainly did u power of good In this place.
TILDHN , Neb. , Oct. 25 iSpeulal. ) Gen
eral John C. Cow In of Omuha delivered
ono of his characteristic spccchca to 3,000
people In tills city last night Ihc general
made a powerful pica for sound money
and the protective and reciprocity policies
as enunciated in the republican platform
The principal portion of his address vas
however , confined to Llrjan's "paramount
Issue " Ills arraignment of Ilrjaii. Altgcld
Tlllman and the silver syndicate vvns clean
cut and Hcathlng Ills pathetic picture of
the sowing girls In Unity block , Chicago
brought out In bold relief their unfortunate
and deplorable condition , as compared with
that of Altgcld , who had forced from them
a contract written In blood from their worn
lingers , pa > ab1o In gold That plank of the
democratic platform which declares In sub
stance that the right of the. federal gov
ernment to put down Insurrection In the
novoral Htafes without a requisition of state
executives was declared by the general
to embrace all the elements of scecsslon
and brings the American people to confront
the same Issues that were ; v.t > emed In
the last civil war. ll frug to the bene
fits , If any , that pem to be derived from
the free cJ'W. . ' "Ot silver , the general def -
_ _ f efwftW buuh bcnnlltH would only accrue
to the mine owner , w.ho has already doubled
his wealth by millions since the coinage act
of 1873 , and the Uotlmchllds Theie Is no
doubt but tnat this address will be the
means of reclaiming so-st > lcd silver repub-
llcaim and will keep the republican forces
It was by far the most successful rally
lud In this section nf the state this fall
Special trains from the west and from the
vast brought delegations by the hundreds
The streets presented one xolld mass of
people. The Ncllgh Olee club and one from
Norfolk vvero attiactlve featuirs At least
700 voters wcio In the torchlight proces
The Young Women's McKlnley Marching
club of Noltgh presented a trlklng appnar-
nnce when formed In line and while execut
ing their mltltai ) maneuvers When Uncle
Sam and Ihc ( loddttis of Liberty made their
appearance and received n mllltaiy salute
from these jouug ladles an Involuntary
cheer burst from the people. Notable per
sons from all ove-r noithwestcrn Nebraska
were present. The major pait of the people
present were what Mr llryan Htlgmatizcs
as the "common people , " or the farmer.
The Noifolk , Nollgh and Tllden bands were
YOHK. Neb. . Oct 25 ( Special. ) A rotis-
lug icpubllcan rally wnu hold heic last night
under thu auspices of the Ycniai ; Men's
Marching elub The torchlight procession
"Merit talks" the
intrinsic valuu of
IIood'sBarnnnarilla. '
Murlt in medicine means the power to
cure. Hood's Enrtinpnrllla possease's actual
and unequalled curutlvu jiovvurnnd thcro-
fore it lias true merit. When you buy
Hood's SarBajwrllla.aiid tnko it necordliif ;
to dlrtctlous , to purify your blood , or
euro any of the nmny blood dUenbcs.iou
ore morally certain to rcoeivo benellt.
Thu power to euro ia there. You nro not
trying an esperluieiit. Jtv 111 make your
blood pure , rich and nourishing , and tluis
drive out the cernm of disease , strengthen
thunervusnml build ujitho\vholu jfltciu.
Is the liest , In fart- the One True Iltnml IMirlflf r.
Treiurcd only by U 1. Hood ts Co , Unv ell , Mass ,
Hnnrl'u Pillc J'i' ) " ° iilrKt'U ) | | " "r
* AUUU o t lilb crl'v. | AlIuniKiiitiUlio.
vv a dnztlliiR sneers * The York Military
Imnd furnished the music am ) 600 men and
women , boys and girls nn foot or horsclnck
niPdo the Unlit and nol o. The loonl clubs
In line vvcro the Young Men's Marching
club , Cavalry club. lllryclu club ,
Woman's Marching club , Young
Womon's club. Ida McKlnley ululi and the
Roman Candle club The speakers of the
nvtnltiK won r W Collins of Lincoln and
Charles P Sloano of Geneva. Two meetIngs -
Ings were held , one at the court house nd
ono at republican headquarters , Mr. Collins
speaking at the former place , lloth hulls
worn picked to the door * and the frequent
bursts of onthuslism tild how well the
speakers vvcro doing their part llepub-
llranlsm and sound tnoncyUm arc gro.vlng
were rampant heio everyday.
PA1KHUKV. Neb. Oct 25SpecialHr. ( .
Ornpu of Omahl adilresscd an enthusiastic
gathering of republicans Trlday evening , tak
ing the place of Hun F W Collins , who
wig unable to be present as advertised. The
meeting was a grand succcsi Last evening
M II. Dech epoke to a small audlcnco Ills
address was verysatlsfaclory to the repub
licans present , but contained very little com
fort for Iho frco sllvcrltes He stated that
If ho voted for any presidential candidate
this fall It would be for McKlnley.
Judge Cromwell spoke In the afternoon
and lion I2d P Smith In the evening at the
llryan wigwam toery fair crowds , the re
publicans helping materially In making up
the crowd
( WnCLUr , Nob. , Oct. 25 ( Special. ) Hon.
A. H. Cady spoke In the court houuu hero
Krlday to n good audlcnco and made ono
of those masterful arguments that convinces
the Intelligent , thinking American citizen
Ho was followed by lion A S. Moon candi
date for representative. In n forceful talk of
about one half hour. It Is safe to say that
Cady anil Moon will receive a larger vote
In Orcelcy county this Tall than , any repub
lican has received ' " six years
BLAIR , Neb , Oct. 25. ( Special Telegram 1
"One of the grandest rallies of the cam
paign was held here last night by the re
publicans Although there had been no cpc
clal e'Tort mule the city wa.1 alive with
McKlnleyltcs lion John L Webster arrived
in time to address the citizens nt der-
manla lull , and with him came about sev
enty-live of the J L Webster Flambeau
club ami fifty of the Dive Mercer Marching
club , all coloicd voters With Ihe Omaha
delegation cnmo a band from Omaha The
visitors were met at Iho depot by the Mc-
Klnloy an 1 Ilobart Marching club of Blair ,
accompanied by the Blair band and the shot
gun brigade After parading tlio strec'ts o
short time , all started for the hall , but not
near all could get In The management
tried to hold reserved seats for the march
Ing clubs , but the rush was so great
Ilioy were compelled to release them tc
the people , and many of the visitors could
not get In About 2.0 In uniform wore
In the parade Mr Webster handled the
silver question and the tariff without gloves
Only one weak-minded man Interrupted the
speaker , and nskcxl , "How about Turkey'
When Mr Webster explained "About Tur
Key" the fellow looked as If lit
I'ad Just been struck by a cy
clone The only complaint made
about Mr Webster was that he did nci
talk long enough Ills audience did not
leave , like n similar one did last Tuesda ;
night , when Senator Allen was here Tin
speaker paid n good compliment to lion
lave Mercer , and by the continual chici
Ing n person would judgu the audience wac
unanimously for "Dave" for congress am
McKlnley for president
PIUJMONT. Oct 23 ( special ) Judg >
Ambrose of Omaha , who wan to address tin
Iliyan men nt Ihc court house last evening
was unable to he present , owing to a nils
take of the cotrtmlttco In arranging dales
The mcc'lng addressed by Hon. G L
Loomls and Prof. J A Coiling of Fremont
W. H iiy : icad an original poem on tin
campaign Tbcre waa a fair sized crowd Ii ,
nnrATUU Neb . Oct 2. ( Special ) The / and most enthusiastic gala
erlng lha' ever took place In this town oe
curred last night In the rink under tin
auspices of the Republican club of this city
A torchlight procession of 200 republlcat
voters man bed through the main street , lee
by two bands A grand display of flrcnor'e
was exhibited It ) nil parts of the town , Tbc
audlcnco numbered about 700 people. Then
was n alight attempt by three Uryanltei
Low Is Voungcrnud L Rook , to create n dls
liirbaiico. but It vvca n hopeless failure , foi
the crowd was n McKlnley one from tlio col
lar lo the roof
LYONS , Neb . Ocl 25 ( Special ) A largt
delegation from hero attended the repub
llcan rally at Decatur last evening Fio.n
the cnthUFlaam at the icpubllcan i allies Ir
this county It Is evident that fie county
will give McKlnley a ' large majority
OAKLVND. Neb. O'ct 23 ( Special. ) Th'
republicans filled U opera house here tc
overllowins last night and listened to t
good speech by Judge Paucctt of Omaha
Tim evening before the popocrats held r
meeting with W E Reed as speaker , when
thcro were twenty-five republican and fif
teen popouatlc voters present , with Hit
bouse less tLan one-third filled Hurt county
will gl\o .McKlnley an overwhelming ma
mUMVNVILLB. Neb , Oct 23 "SnwttfiT
Tuesday night the rcpubo-uJs ot Urovvn
vlllo and vlelnllv.hT ino greatest political
Jiiectlv'ISi lias been held hero for yeais
longicssman Strode was the speaker Tin
opeia houco was elaborately and beautifully
decorated for the occasion by the ladles o !
Ilrownville and Judge Strode was received
with so much enthusiasm that ho alluded
to It feelingly In the opening of his 10-
marks The opeia house was ciowdcd tr
HB full capacity , many alandlnp ; during the
whole time the speech was being dcllvcrcii ,
A colored quartet from Nebraska City , a
local plee club and the Ilrownville band fur-
nUhnd the music
Judge Strode spoke for two hours and
held thp closrat attention of tin- large nudl
enee It was the ablest presentation ol
the political Issued of the day that has been
made by any speaker of any party In'lhtb
part of the country Thine WJB no appeal
to paeslon or prejudice and no abuse but
an able and convincing array of historical
farts and arguments The character of the
reception tendered Judge Stmde heie anil
tha enthusiasm of the meeting were con
trasted by many with the reception ten
dered Judge Ilioady , who formerly lived at
llronnvllle for manv years Judge llroady
had a small atidlenic when ho spoke heie
recently and no decoration of any kind ,
not oven Hut display of a ( lag In the
opera hiuse Ills audience manifested no
surh luterest In his address as was mani
fested In the speech of Judge Sliode. The
mooting last nlghi will result In changing
many votes In this part of Ncmaha county
Dr S AV McGrevv of Auburn made a short
speech , urging upon the votcru the 1m-
poi lance and necessity of lo-cleetlng Hrm
A J lUirnham to the omcc of countyiitlor -
nry , the people of Xcmalu county ami par
ticularly nf Ilrownvllln and London pre
cincts , bclug specially Interested In litigation
nuvv pending In the federal court wlieio Mr
Tlurnhain , as county attorney , hah had
charge Dr McGrew's remarks were ap
plauded enthusiastically when he closed
NO Disnti : : rou .JOINT ncnvn : .
I'opH mill l > t > iiio-I'oiN | of rrnuUri
( 'iiuiil > Ittirlr Him u Knitl ) .
CURTIS , Neb. . Oet 2.r ! ( Special Telcgum )
Thcrfl vaii n giand rally of the people lasi
CAtmlng to lint en lo Hjoint discussion be
tween tbe so-called tiamp pop oiator , r
H. Edmonds by name , from North 1'Jitttu ,
and Charles Slblny a farmer living north
of f irtU. When the time for the dclnte
arilvod the local pop raminltleo refused
to divide time with Ml Slhley unless J.
L \\hlte could assist Edmonds Dr Hazcc ,
In behalf of the republican club , agreed Ui
the c\tr.i rendition .Mr. Slbley agreeing to
divide the time with both Edmonds and
\Vhlte , 01 any tramp they wanted to bilng
forward This move killed the democrat
outright and they dcms , pup : , and ilnjno-popF
--told Mr 5iWe > ho could usk question *
In their meeting , but eeuld not have a chance
to take part In the dUcuiblou , thus ending
another barkdotvn similar to the Andrews
and Sutherland nffti hoe on the 20th lust ,
when Sutherland failed to showup after
twenty days' notice ,
Siiiinil Muni' ) MrrlJiur ii ( \clia v > l.a.
NEIIAWKA , Neb. . Oet. 2C. ( Special ) -
gold standaid democrat * had their Inning
hem la t night. vvhen'C C , Wrlgbt and
Judge 0 , W. Cooper of 'Oniaha nddreissed a
Urco meeting of lepubllcuus and sound
money dvmonatu. An excellent Impicunlon
wan made by the # pcakriM , who are well
pouted and know hew to Impress their view *
to au audltinco. '
-jiK.atT" " " 1"
Platforms of the Two Forties Contain the
Came Declarations.
nf ( 'lilcimn simply Copy
tln > ItfNiiliilliin Adopted I > J thu
Itt'liulillrtiiiN nt M. IOIIH |
\VtM-lix IH'fure.
LINCOLN , Oct. 25 ( Special ) Senator
Thurston during his speech last nltht mndo
the following statements cancelnlng the rel
ative positions of the republican and popo-
cratlc parties icspectlng Ihe Inieresls of
organized labor :
I notice that Mr. IJryan on list Tuesday
drclarul that Mr McKlnluy would be sup-
t'orlod by all Ibose Intetests and persons
that nro uppo e 1 lo the nib tratlon tlee'ar.i-
lion of tlio Cntcugo platform , and niso by
all those person i and Ititeteslx opposed lethe
the- enactment of the no-called "contempts
of eourt bill" p i' ed btho Henate last
print ? In nulcltiF , ' this Htntement Mr
llryan Is endeavoring to convlnco the or-
irniilrptl labor of the fulled Slates th it
the republic in party Is opposed to arbltra-
lion and Is opposed to tlio remedial leiflH *
lallon embodied In the contempts of eourt
bill In viewof this It In only fair and
Just that I shoulll niaki - clear and ex
plicit statement on both these M'.bji-cts.
At the St Louis convention I received
a let ler from Mr P I' . Sargent grand
maHler of the Jlrotborhood of Locomotive
Firemen of the fulled States urging mete
to acslst In securing the Insertion of a
nlnnk In tbe republican national platform
ill elating In favor of a bo ml of arbitration
lo settle disputes between transportallon
companies and their employ i-s engaged In
Interstate transportallon ; mill , vvllh other * ,
I actively assisted In securing the adoption
by the committee on lesoliillons , mid by
the unanimous vote of tlic convcnllon , of
Iho following :
"We favor the ereallon of a tutloml
board of arbitration to wttlo and adjust
differences vvhleh may arise between em-
ployern and employed engaged In Intcrolalo
commerce. "
This pi ink vvns adopted on June IS. 1PW
Thn Chicago convention , on July P , ISM ,
followed IhP example thus set , anil tie-
clnri-il as follows :
"We are In favor of the arbitration of
dlftcrenees between engntfed In
Interstate commerce and their employes ,
and recommend such U-glnlatlon as Is
mcc's-wry to carry out Ihls principle"
I rail the attention of the country to
tbe fact that the republican party l' < the
oloneer In declaring for arbitra
tion legislation such n organised labor
desires ; and If Ibere Is any difference
between the two platforms In this re pect ,
tbe plnnk In the republican plitform Is the
e'rirest and most explicit I haviIn my
possession n letter of Juno 21 IMS. from
Mr Snrgent frnm vvhleh I feel nl lllierty
to quote In this li'tler Mr Siirpenl.
speaking of the railway organizations
"U bn" been n pourep of s.itlsfacllon to
the chief executives of these brotherhood *
lo know that In vou. who have been so
piomlnenllv Iricntlllod with the railway In
terest * , we have found a friend \\e hnvr
not been unmindful of the fact that you
.vcrn MTV pronounceil in your decliri-
tlcns In resard to the contempts bill pissed
In thn senate , and which was HO earnestly
demanded by the representallvcs of the
railway organizations W > uNo appieclatr
tbe fael llml at a time vvh"ii so many tie
mauds were being made upon you , when
auch vvelrhtv responsibilities rented u ion
\ou ns In the St Lou's convention , you
found the time to consider the Interest of
tlio rnllroid emploves ai tl thai vou sue
ceeded In obtaining a tlochtr.itlon from the
creat republlcin parly In favor of arbllri
lion "
Now ps to the so called "eontempls of
ourl bill " Let irs have a little true bin
tory nivt si > e who r in Justlv claim credit
for tint legislation v.-hleb Mr lrjan } rnd
tbe Chlcaun platform would nave tlio vvoilt-
liiKincn of this roiinlry bell ve In Ihelr eren-
Mon and th-il they alone are Us siinporleiH
nrovvlng oul of the proceedings of the Delia
.me ( heio wan Eeen the neef-slty for some
modllledtlon of eonrt procedure In the
m-inner of trial and punishment for eon-
it-mptrt of eourt , when the acts conslltul-
Ing such contempt \verc not committed In
the picftenoo of the court. H was brousht
prominently lo HIP attention of tht coun
try ifint undei stiehTX clmrso a man might
bo bronchi up for trial anil convicted and
punished on ntlldavtt testimony , -without
hiivliiK a chance to meet the accusing
\vjtnes ea face lo face , and vvllboiit the
rlunt of Jury 01 appeal The railway or
ganizations of this country si nt lion T W
Harper of Terre Haute , I nil . us their at
torney to Wanblngton last winter lo repre
sent them In spcurlng the enactment of n
tawto properlv cover the < Mne Mr Har-
ner was one of Iho attorneys of the Piilon
P.ieltle employes , who appeared before
Judges Caldvvell and Saiiborn nt the labor
hearimr In Oiralm two icnra ago. In
\VnshJiiBton he cnintto nee mo and sub
mitted the bills which himself and a no-
eialcs had prepared , and which , with Home
slight inodlllcnllon had been Introduced by
three or four different senators I took the
bills carefully examined them , nnd drafted
a Kiibstlluto for them all. which I nub-
mllted to Mr Harper , and vvblrb be and
his associate H , afler careful consideration ,
igreed was exactly what tney di-slicd. and
was a much better lilll,4Jjiin any of tbe
othcTB JL ' . ' .ercopJinnlrodiieeir HrT W'f- '
til U"SeintiAll of these bills were re-
iLrred lo ibo judiciary committee- All
these bills vvcro referred by the Judiciary
committee to n subcommittee , consisting
of Senators Hill of New York , Vllas of
Wisconsin anil Thurston of Nelunska
These thrrv Hi-imtors thus nnmeil snl tlown
in Die Judicial y committee room , iitul after
oxamlnlng all Ibo bills , drew nnd reported
the bill which passed the semite , and
which Is the- ono refern-il to In the Chl-
raio platform and by Mr Brynn
The bill , as It patsed the senate while
It differed n little In the , language employed
from the ono Introduced ny me. vvaa ex
actly tlio name In all Itx provisions 1
call the nttfiitlon of the country to this
fact , In order llmt tbe labor Interests of the
fulled Slnles may clearlv undcrHtanil thit
all Ihree of Iho men who iliew and reported
that bill are unalterably opposed to Ihe
Chicago platform Two of thrni ono n
democint and the oilier n rcpiiblli'in , are
nlso vigorously opposlnR the candidates
of tile CbieaKO convention , while the
third. Sfiialor Hill , Is mill In Die vvllder-
nebs of polltleal uncertainly , sidly con-
Hlderlng Iho uubjecl of forfOidltmtion and
predesllnnllon , and linK recently been
beard repeating to himself that expressive
old eouplct
"I can or I can't. I will or I won't :
I'll be damiieil If I do , I'll bo damned If I
don't "
On lilts historical statement of the exact
facts with leferenco to the declaration
In favoi of aibltratlon , at c * In the in liter
of tbu t > .iS3iKo of the "contempts of court
bill , " 1 iisk the laboring people of tbe
Unlleil Slates lo conMiler well ns lo vvbcther
or not they nro to Mipport anil inmtaln
that puty nnd those men who have proven
theli filcndshlp by acts done , or whether
they will bo led away nnd blindly folio v
IbObo who" ! ' friendship la by word of mouth
i M * sowA uuAvriTi' TJRTTIM : OUT.
Itvulsirntliui In ( InOlilo CltU-N lloui-
Ii-Ml In lllttur.t.
CINCINNATI. Oct. 25. When the rcgls-
natlon of voters closed In Kentucky re
cently. It was found that the Increase was
much larger than had ever been known be
fore , The dame Is true vvltli the rcglatn-
tlon which eloiod In the Oiilo cities last
nlsltt. The- Increase for exceeds all increase.
In poulatlon , and thn percentage U so much
higher than in any other year since regis
tration was provided for , that it ls the gen
eral opinion that tlio veto In these two
.states will be phenomenally large. This
belief Is ba > c < l on the fact that many who
have not voted In former years have regis
tered this year.
( iriifinl Si-iiilli-ia ! In for Gold.
KKOKUK , Iu. . Del , 25 , At a meeting of
gold stamlurd democrats nddrc&scd by ex-
Oovermir Flower ot New- York last night a
letter was read from MaJoi Geneial J , M
Schoficlil late1 Commander of the military
foices of tbt ) United 'States. In which the
general declares unequivocally for the gold
standard. _ _ _
( Minimum lliHIrr H fir re IK H ,
WASHINOTON , Ocl. -Chairman Hut-
ler of tin * pnpulbit national commlttcit salil
ioduy ho regretted the action of thu com-
mlttce In Ceurgli ! ; In withdraw Ing the llryan
and \Vatnun electoral ticket , and that It
meauB the la of nix votes for tha
populUt ticket which tlu > patty ihould have.
CHIC'AUO. Oct 23 The congrrsulonal
light In the Fifth congretslonal district
( Chliaso ) has betui ome'What ulmpllHail by
the withdraw ul uf Charli 0 , Sherman , Uio
pojiulUt candidate , In favor of Edvvunl T.
Noonan , democratic uuuilnce.
\v\ici : tjLMiursT mien tin in. :
iiitlinslnMlc < Mti > | iiihlTfilil Hull ) Tlit-rt-
'ntiiiitny Mitlili
OUANI ) ISLAND Oct 2fi ( Special ) The
republicans ; of-Wood , , Hlver had n rousing
rnlly last nlfibt One of the largest parades
held In thn ct&mty vrns given this year ,
the features ot which wore a company ot
ladles dresswl In white and bearing banners ,
, supported Bn "brooins , and Inscribed "A
I Clean Sweep for MoKlnlcy this Year ; " two
bands of n | Qygaily decorated vehicles , n
traction straf.vengine , a largo company nf
mounted republicans and a brilliant dis
play of flrownrVi
The Wood HlvlT opera hnu p was crowded
to Its utmost capacity. In significant con *
trast to the evtnlng bcfoie when the popo-
cmt congicstlonal candidate , Mr. Slither-
I land , and P , W Ashton , candidate for county
ntlorney of Hall counly , addressed the
lUtverltes Upon the latler occasion the
[ diminutive audience that had'assembled was
I Invited to occupy thu front scats In order
that It would be easier for the speaker to
rddrccs them Lost night the standing room
was not only nil occupied , but fully 200
could not gain entrance.
Hon M. L Hixyvvanl of Nebraska City vv.m
the speaker and lie dcilt wllh the frco sll-
i\cr question In n convincing manner. He
showed howme fall In the price of sliver
In 1S73 was due to tntural causes the openIng -
Ing of the silver producing regions to rail
roads and the shipment of rebellious sUvr
ore to smolllng works at the principal rail
road centers Only 15 per cent of silver
mined being "free , " that la to say , capable
of extraction from the ore without meclnn-
tcal treatment ; and 83 per cent being rebel
lious , or requiring smelt Ing , the latler portion
tion had always lemalncd practically use
less until railroads \xere built Into the
inounlalns and Ihe rebellious silver ore
could be tini sported to the market , which
enormously Increased the figures of annual
silver production The speaker was confi
dent In predicting that notwithstanding anv
legislation , the price of an ounce of silver
would In five years bo 10 or 45 cents , owing
to the most probable completion , by that
time , of the proptaed railroads Into the
silver producing range of mountains In Soulh
Judge Hay ward made a strong presenta
tion of the creation by protection and reci
procity of the strongest homo nnd foreign
market for agricultural products the farm
ers of this country ever had. His address
was frcqucnlly Interrupted by most vigor
ous applause ,
Hon Patrick noddy of Nebraska City re
lated some free trade experiences in Ireland
and was followdil by short speeches by \ \
A. Prince , the republican candidate for
county attorney , and Hon 0 A. Abbott
Grand Island attended the rally 200
strong , accompanied by the Pacific Hose
Company band and glee club The latter
was recalled upon every appearance-anil lit-
01 ally took the , house by storm This club
not only sings , excciltlonally well , but Its
comical presentation ot the icxt matter of
Its noiigs , through Ihc art of acting , has
put It In stroliK demand ell through this
campilgn When the Qiand Island delega
tion returned It serenaded both Iho leadIng -
Ing hotels end the private icsldenccs of
3. N Wolbnch , W H Platt n C Howard
George H. Hummel , 0 A. Abbott and
Gcorgo P Dean AB enthusiastic rally Is
being arranged for Tuesday night In this
city , whcn-.riiltr.d Slates Senator John .M
Thurston will address the people.
ti.vvn 'i in : , sfl.VKti MiN A uii.i > cn.
Jiinlli Dnkntit lonnltfN Mnki- Mow
I' O ITolliliiK. .
CHAMniJItLAlN S D . Oct. 23 Special. )
For a lime' Iho fiec silver agtlators In
Hon Homnic county made considerable noise
over the aliagi-a fefusal of Sioux City whole
salers to filrulsh tljclr Hon Hommc county
customers With teugar unless It was paid
for In ndvahcc , with gold The free silver
orators mcqtl&ncfl the name of n firm that
had been upaklo to purchase sugar unless
paid for In odniul ] , alleged that In consequence
quence tlic , firm , was without this useful
commodity Ifor several tlnyo , much to the
Inconvenience , of Its customers In reply
to n letter'bf In'tjulry sent' to the firm by
The Heo correspondent the following hat
been rcuejyed , i
"U'ould say , sin regard to the sugar matter
and gold payment of which you
Inquire : The Sioux City Jobbers ,
who werebuying - their sugar from the
Spreckols refinery In Callfornlil , had ordcra
In for several cars of sugar. Iho simc being
In Iranslt. or at least a part of It waa.
when , owing to the disturbed condition of
the finances of Ibc country , caused bv sil
ver agitation , the sugar refineries refused
to accept anything but gold or currency , nnd
so notified the Sioux City jobbcis ; they
would not accept drafts , ns the banks on
the coast vvcie paying out all sliver. Some
of the Jobbers mot the demand by raising
the money required , while others resented
the demand an 1 did not raise It. The house
with which we vvcro doing business
did not get Its sugar. and IU
caused us to bo out for some dnyg However
over , no demand was made on us for gold
As soon as wo learned tbe situation we
sent to Thlcago and have had no trouble
1fi " 'ffffftJng Utho sugar wo wanted It
caused some" fftk"aTOie' Tfiiie7 bnfaro-tli < t-
exact situation was fully understood "
riiri-o Hiiiidrftl HOI < ( N In
Sound Muni-y Di-iiioi
NKW YOHK. Oct 25 Probably the most
gorgeous icarlno spectacle , as well as the
jnost Imposing political demonstration that
has ever been w Uncased In the United
States , was the parade of vessels In New
York harbor Iset night under the auspices ol
the Shipping and Industrial 'Sound Money
Assoclatlot of the Port of New York The
parade was a demonstration on the part of
business men and others who favor the gold
standard , and many v-eeka have boeu devoted
to the preparations for the event Nearly
300 vessels Including every description of
river craft mqdo up the Illuminated and
decorated flotilla , which extended for nearly
seven nil'es ' along the Hudson river and
Into Iho waters of the bay At the Hattcry
a floating pipce entitled "Tho McKlnley
Bouquet" vas produced simultaneously by
the discharge of 3,000 , colored rockets
On board the vessels were many political
bodies and organ Iritlon. The propeller
Aurora was the reviewing boat. Soon after
5 o'clock the Aurora , with General E C
O'Hrlcn nnd the reception committee on
board , left for Jersey City , where she took
on board Vice Presidential Camlldale Hobarl
and his party. The shores on both stiles of
the river vvero black with people along the
route of the pageant.
Pnrtirs AiTJ'c1' < " Prcmrntlic
J1fin-P' , < ' | ( n < "lt Snfi'Mt AVnj.
CHICAGO Oeti/23b-Insteiid of there beIng -
Ing two parailcs n Chicago next Saturday
there will Ije'119110. . , The Worklngincn's
McKlnlpy elub , 'which ' had the police permit
to parade li , Jue | down town streets , has
given up Us rJKhth to march and the dem
ocrats who tooltjtlic matter Into the conrt.i
and sought tiT enjoin the police from Inter
fering with thrill' ' If they marched without
a permit have alspf decided not. to march.
Chlfor > n ml lleftM l'a > Well.
PUEMONT , Wt ! 2B. (3peelal.-The ( ) .men
who ralhud bfli'ts | iU year ate ao far mak
ing no complalnts/i The yield Is above the
average , runntygj' . n some fields as high an
eighteen tons' to the acre , and the beets
como up lo UiCiexmlreil | ; standard The work
of digging anAislllppIng them Is progressing
rapidly. Thiijidilcary men are much pleased
with the result dfithls year's crop. It being
the general opinion among farmers who
have raised both beets and chicory that
chicory Is the safest ami In the average sea
son the best piylng crop of the t/o , no
stand of purity being required The dry-
kiln heio Is rushed to Its fullest capacity
and the farmers nro hauling in the rooU
faster than they can be worked up
Cluli Will HiH < > | ) rfNi > : itt > tl.
The Hebrew MoKlnloy club met Saturday
night In Knights of Labor hall. There vvcro a
largo number present and they listened atten
tively to an eloquent and convincing speech
by Harris Zelman. He went over the
money and tariff questions In a most ihor1
ough manner. The club decided to partici
pate In thu great demonstration on the night
before election and the committee of ar
rangements was Instructed to serum 200
torches for the UB < > of the member * of the
club. Harris Kclnun wss appointed mari
shal for the ocoailon , n J , Lessor , O. Iltu-
menthal and J , Meyer a couitnlttee of in- ,
rangumcBts. *
Raptbllciuis Ilnvo Straight Tickets In Portj-
Ponr Statoj ntul Silver Men Fifteen ,
CuiirciMloiiM 'Vliiilc ( o VnrloiiH niciiioiit > )
In IHITcri'iit miitt'x rnsllluiiH to
lie 1'llleil 'riirinmliiiiil Iho
Conntr ) .
CHICAGO. Oct. 2S The republicans have
a straight electoral ticket In forty-four of
the forty-five stales , having effected fusion
In ono of the states Texas w lib tbe mld-
dle-of-lhc-road populists and gold standard
democrats The democrats 1m c n straight
electoral tjcket In only fifteen of the stales ,
having effected fusion with the populists
and silver republicans In twenty-nine ot the
others , a conclusion not having yet been
reached In the remainder of the states. In
some cases the populists and silver repub
licans endorsed the democratic electoral
ticket , but In others concessions of electors
were made for their support of llryan and
Sow all. In two mates Oregon and Soulh
Dakota the democrats endorsed the popu-
llst electoral ticket. The follow Ins ; tables
show the stales wllh a straight democratic
electoral ticket and those In which n divi
sion of electors baa been made The figures
for North Carolina are those embraced In
the proposition of the populists to the dom-
ocrals , who , however , have not yet accepted
their offer of division In that state , but the
popultsls. It Is Mill , have still hopes of ef
fecting fusion In the state of North Carolina.
Kleetoral Silver
Vote. Oem Pop. AlenT
Alabama . 11 H
AJkansan . X fi 3
Callfoinhi . S C 4
Coloiado . 1
Conne-ullcut . ( i n 1
Uel.iwaro . . . . .
Florida . 4 -1
Georgia . 11 13
Idaho . 3 3
Illinois . 21 20 4
Indiana . 15 10 G . .
Iowa . 13 10 3
Knnmiri . lu 10 . . . .
Kentucky . 13 11 2
Louisiana . . . .
Maine . C C , .
Maryland . S S , ,
MtlhH.lC'lHISettH . . . . . lii II 1
Michigan . 11 10 3 1
Minnesota . 1
Mississippi . o 9
Mlbsotirl . 17 IT 4
Montana . , ,
Nebraska . . . . . . . S 1 1
Nevada . 33. .
New Hampshire . . . . . . .
New Jeisey . 10 10
Now- York . Sfi SI
North Corollna . H n G 1
North Dikota . .3 3
Ohio . . , % . .k . 13 IS G
Oregon . i . . 1
Pennsylvania . ? 2 2S 4 . .
Jthode Isl.iml . . .
Soillh Carolina . n D
.South Dakota . I . . 1
Tennessee . ] J 12 , . . .
T."cag . ] -i 'IT ,
Utah . 1
Vermont . . .
Virginia . 12 10 , 2
Washington . i 2 2
West Virginia .
WNcoiisln . 12 9 3
Wyoming .
Total . 447 3rS 71 f ,
The following are the ofllccs to bo voted
for November : ) .
Alabama Eleven presidential electors
nine cuncrcssmcn
Arkansas Eight presidential electors , sU
congressmen ; legislature.
California Nlco presidential electors
coven congressmen , lieutenant novcrnor , leg
Colorado' Four presidential electors , two
congp'samen , governor , lieutenant governor
secrctaiy of slate , auditor , treasuier , super
Intondcnt of public Instruction , attorney
general , regents of Stale university , legls
Connecticut SK presidential electors
fourconErttsmen , governor , lieutenant t'n\
ernor , secretary of state , treasurer , contiol
ler , legislature.
Delaware Tlirco presidential elector. !
ono co-igresEuian , governor , legislature.
riorlda Pour presidential electors , two
Georgia Thirteen presidential electors
eleven congtesMtien
Idaho Three presidential electors , one
eoniossmcn , governor , lieutenant governor
Judge supreme court , attorney general
treasurer , mine Inspector , superintendent
of public Instruction , auditor , secretary ol
Illinois Twenty-four presidential elec
tors , twenty -two congressmen , governor
lieutenant goveinor , secretary of utatc , au-
dUoi. tieasurcr. attorney general , university
trustees'legislature. .
Indl ina Pifteen Vc'&Iflentlal electors
thirteen cei grcEsn-en , governor , llcuiPimiu
governor , see rotary of suite , auditor , treaa
urer , reporter supreme court , attorney gen
oral. Htato statistician , superintendent pub
lic Instruction
Iowa Thirteen presldinllal clrclors.
eleven congressmen , secrelary of state audi
tor , treasurer , attorney general , judge of
supreme court , rullrcad commissioners
Kansis Ten presidential electors , eight
congicssmcn , governor , lieutenant goveinor ,
attorney general , secretary of state , treas
urer. auditor , superintendent of public hi-
slrucllon , chief justice , supreme court , leg
Kcnlucky Thlrlern presidential electors ,
clov en congressmen.
Louisiana Eight pi evidential electors , six
Maine Six presidential electors.
Mai y land Eight presidential electors , slv
Masuachusetls Fifteen presidential elec
tors , thirteen congressmen , governor , lieu-
Fifty Years Ago.
President Toll , in the AVhlte Hotis : chair ,
\Vbllcin Iowe 11 vas Doctor Aycr ;
llotb were busy for human vcal
One to govern and one to heal.
And , as n president's power of will '
Ectnetlmcs depends 011 a Ilvcr.plll ,
Mr. I'olU tool. Aycr' Tills I trow
1'or hl > liver , C9 years ago.
Ayer's Caibartlc Pills
vroro designed to supply a
model purgative to people who
had no long injured themselves
with cripinrj modiomoa. Being
curefully prepared nnd their ingredients -
gredionts adjusted to the exact
necessities of the bowels and
liver , their popularity was in-
Btontaueoua. That this popn-
Inrity has boon maintained ia
V7011 marked in the modn ]
awarded thooo pilb at the
Pair 18D3.
50 Years of Ctireo.
toiinnt governor , Hocrctnry of stnle , Irons-
urcr , mutltor. Attorney Kenernl.
Michigan rourteon prcMdcntlnl electors ,
twelveongrtxumen , governor , lieutenant
Kovernni , secretory , treasurer , mulltor , Inml
cc-mml'Moiicr , attorney general , attpcrln-
tcniloiit of BdiooU. inciiihor of Honnt of IMu-
cAllnti ,
Minnesota Nine prenldcntlnl elector * ,
seven congressmen , governor lleiitennnt
Kovernor. Rtcretnry of state , treasurer , nt-
tornc ) general
Mtsslwlppl Nine presidential electors ,
sin en congressmen
Missouri Seventeen president Inl electors ,
ntdcn coiiKrcssmen. governor , tleiitcnnnt
K0\ernor , secretary of state mullUir trrns-
urcr , attorney Kenernl , rnllioad eonimls-
nloner , Judges of supreme conn.
Montana Tlirco presidential rhetors , one
congressman , governor , lieutenant govtrnor.
secretary of state , atnlllor , trepsurrr nt-
toinoy general , s\ipprlntenilent of public In
struction , Jnsllie of tlio supreme ronrt
Nebraska Klfiht prcnldcntlnt ehctors , six
congressmen , governor , lieutenant Kovcrnor.
secretory of state auditor , treasurer , attor
ney general , commissioner of public lands ,
mipcrlntendent of public liiBliuctlon. re
gent of university. Justice of the supreme
Nevada Three presidential electors , one
congressman , Iliutcnant governor , supreme
judRp , regents of university , legislature.
New Hampshire Pour presidential elec
tors , two congressmen governor legislature
Now Jersey Tun presidential electors ,
eight congressmen , legislature
N'jvv Yoik Thlity-slx prcslilciitlil elec
tors , thirty-four congressmen , governor ,
lieutenant governor , j ml go of court of ap
peals , legislature
North Carolina Kloven presidential elec
tors , nine congressmen , governor , lieutenant
governor. he-retnry of state , treasurer , aud
itor , superintendent public Instruction , at
torney general , Justice supreme court
North Dakota Three presidential electors
ono congressman , governor lieutenant gov
ernor , secretary of stale treasurer , auditor ,
attorney general , railway commissioner su
perlntoiidcnt of public Instruction , Inmirancc
commissioner , commissioner of agriculture
and labor , legislature
Ohio Twenty-tin co presidential electors
twenty-ono congressmen , secretary of state ,
judge supreme court , food and dairy cominN
sloner , member board of public works
Oregon four presidential electors , Icglsla-
1'ennsylvanla Thirty-two presidential clrc
tors , twenty-nine congressmen
Uho.le Island Kour presidential electors
two congressmen
South Carolina Nine prcsldenthl clrctorn
seven congressmen , governor , lieutenant gov
ernor , seeietary of state , ( or.iptroller. attoi-
ncj gpnenl treasurer , adjutant and In
speotor general.
South Dakota rour presidential electors
two congressmen governoi. llcittcmnt rnv-
crnor , bccrctnry of state , tieasuier , auditor
attornc > general , superintendent of public
Instruction ralU'-ay commissioner , land com
mlssloner. legislature
Tennessee Twelve presidential electors
ten congressmen , governor
TCMS rifle-Mi presidential electors , thli-
leen congressmen , governor , lleuteiunt gov
ernor , controller treasurer , attorney gen-
rral , Inntl commissioner. superintendent pub
lic Instruction , railroad commissioners ,
judges couit of appeals
Utah Time presidential electors , one
congressman legislating
Vermont Pour prcsldtntlal elcctora
Virginia T\ clio presidential electors , ten
Washington I'our presidential electors
two coiiKrcssmen governor , lieutenant gov
ernor , judge supicme court , Hecrelnry of
stale , auditor , tieasuror. attorney general ,
uipcrlntcndcnl of public Instruction , com
missioner of public lands state printer
\Vtst Virginia SK presidential cleetors
four congiiasmen. governor , auditor , trcav
ttrer. general , superintendent of
schools , justices cupiemc court
\Vlseoitsln Twelve presidential elector *
ten congressmen goveinoi. lieutenant gov-
nnor. secretary of state. Insurance commis
sioner , attorney general , railroad commlsj j
bloncr superintendent of nchools
Wyoming Three prcsldcntliil electors
cno congressman , justice supreme eouit
TleUi'lN (11 ( In- hound limnltnll > 1
Ho lli-ni ! > 'I'lijM llnrrilnu ; .
There lias already been a tiouiendnua dc-
nnnd on the local committee for tickets to
the meeting at Hoyd'B opera housn Tuesday
ulxht. at which OeneralH John M Palmer
and Simon Uiickner will speak The rally
la In chat go of the Nebraska sound money
'Icniosrata ' and promises to be one of the
most Interesting of tlio campaign The per
sonality of the speakers Is In Itself sullldcnt i
to command attention , for both were con
spicuous routines In national politics before' '
the ) vvcio nominated at Indianapolis
No arrangements have been made so far
f01. the entertainment of tlio visitors Kuclld
Martin and other local democrats will go
to Council ttlufte to aicet the pi'rty todiy
and tl'o arrangements for their irccptUn
and entertainment 1-cre tomonow will be
made nftci tlielr wishes have been ancei'-
The tickets for ailmle&lon to the theater
ruciiday night will be In the hands of Mr
Mauln this morning The tickets will bo
lined fcr the lower lloor and the Kallerlio
nlll be thrown open without any xtich form
ality T J. Mahoney will piuslile and tlio
Sc-.tnlh Ward .Military band will furnish
Hie musical Inspiration HciHes the na-
linnal camllil..tis , H S Hlbbs lite demo-
eratlc cnmllriate for governor nnd Chailca
0 I'1 nn of Crand IMond will deliver ad
Program for tlio Last Days of tlio Grotf vl
Campaign. vlI
* t of Ilir OrKiitilKiitloitN of .Soiintl
Money Volrrx Wlioii * Members
Will VNIt Uiinton llctuocn
.Non null Siitimln > .
CANTON , 0. , Oct 25 Specchmaklng will
continue at the McKlnley home up to the
very eve of election , Today the opening of
tbe very last week of the- campaign finds
Major McKluley to all outward appearances
equal to aa hard work ns he has experienced
at any Uuio during tlu > campalpn.
Ho was up and around early this morn
ing , and In company with his brother Abtior
of Now York atleiuled services Charles O.
Diwes of the national committee arrived
from Chicago today ami spent the day at
the .McKlnley home Major and Mrs. Mc
Klnley and Mrs D.IW.CS were jjuests nt 12
o'clock ut the liome > of Judge Willhm H.
Uiy. This wining Colonel M. T. Kcrrlck
came down from Cleveland to remain over
night These guests were Joined during the
cvcuing by a few relatives residing In the
Theweek's program opens with six dclc-
Killons on Monday , fiflien for the succeed
ing days of the week and a large number of
others only partially ai ranged Many of
the visitors will bo long-distance pilgrims ,
tonuninvv bringing a parly from lloston. 0110
from New Jersey and Iwo from Indltna.
The week will also Include "College thy"
and YouiiKstown. O , day , on both of which
occasions largo crowds are expc-cted.
Tlio announcements so far as definitely
made are na follows Monday Hallway Mcn'
Sound Money club. Seymour. Ind ; Newark
and Trenton. N J , Cleveland. Lorraine &
\\hecllng Hillroad company rallioad em
ployes , railroad men fiom Meadvlllo. Pa. ;
residents of ImlKnapolls and vicinity ; Hall
way league of Huston
Tiusday Sound money men of Now England -
land ; residents of Piedmont. W Va , ami
vl-lnlly , Undci writers Sound Money club.
Cleveland , cmplo > es of I'pson & Co , Lam-
son , Session Co , PecKstone , Wllcox ft
Co. all of Cleveland , employes of Ihe Junc-
tton Iron & Steel company of Mlngo Junc
tion O , Commercial Travelers of Newark. 0.
Wednesday Students of We tcrn Heservo
university and Case School of Applied
Sciences. Cleveland , residents of Huffalo , N.
. business men and manufacturers of
Canton , residents of Mlncrvj , 0
Thursday Ueddinls of northern Ohio
and Indiana , icpubllcans and cltl/ens in
gereial of Mcl s counly , Ohio ; the Original
McKlnle/ club , Cleveland
Prlday College day , the Hepubllcni Col-
Iipo league , icpubllious of Youiigstown and
Mahonlng valley.
Saturday Hcsldents of Terre Haute , Ind .
and vicinity
Mci'tH llu * Cllly.rllN of JIII < | < MOIIIllc ,
III. , \ \ lii'i-o lli > WIIN ll Sliiilrilt.
JACKf-or.'VILLE. Ill , Oct. 23 It win a
day of quiet nnd est thai llryan spent
In this city , where for six years he pre
pared himself foi his afler life. In Iho tl
morning he attended services nt the Slate
Street Presbyterian chinch nnd listened to
n sermon by Hev A H Morris. It was
piobably the laigcst congiegatlon that di
vine his addressed In that edifice 'Lung he-
role the hour thai tnc congregation wn-
erally assembles the church was ctovvdod
ami In trout of the building many of the
cltlens of Jaclsonvllle walled for over an
hour In order to git a gllmpne of the former
citizen When he dlt | arrive t'aore ivra a
general craning of necks and one of the
jdmlrera of his opponent cheered for Me-
The sermon did not touch upon any of
i the political Ibsuca nnd b < 'rrlii the usual
[ prayer fur the vvclfaie cf these In high of-
ficra no one would have known that a man
of national icpulalion helped to make up
tbe congregation Aficr the sermon an In
formal icccplloii waa .held from Ihe pow
which Mr. Hryan had occupied and ns aoon
as possible Hie nominee was taken out of
a side door , put Into a carriage and dilven
rapidly away.
Mr llryan spent the day at tin. home of
Dr Hiram J Jones , where ho lived during
his residence In this city There vvcro few
callers , but outside the bouse n large crowd
galbeird and slarcd at the few visitant
who were admitted to grasp the hand and
exchange compliments of the diy with the
candidate Tomorrow Mr llryan will ml-
dicss the sludcnls of the college In which
be had studied At 10 o'cloik thoae who
desire lo hour him will nssevilile In Iho
i Impel and he will speak to them for tvvcnly
minutes At 2 o'clock tomornn , ho ad-
dro ses n l.iige mass meeting In the city
park on the Issues of Die day I'D will
depart foi Alton nt 4 30 , arriving llicre nt
C 30 , and will put In n good share of the
next four days expounding nee silver doc
trine He will arrive at Lincoln Tuesday
New BO-rallcd remedies spring up every
day like mushrooms but the people still
cling to Ui Hull's Cough Syrup
* > ( " 4 * * ( * * d V 4 s i t * *
$ f F *
| >
$ * Sound Money Non Partisan League
TjV ? ?
tjf Mass Meeting at Creighton Hal ) , $
Vff % f
Monday evening , Oct. 26 ,
+ Qt J C5 ' ' 4 *
T ? _ _ ffj ?
Dr. Geo. L. Miller will preside. &
% #
* % Addresses hy !
Jf ijf
# H. W. Yates , Warren Switx.ler , ip }
tff 4jf
ii { Gen. C. F. Manclerson , iji
* i i' '
$ Mrs. Gotten will sing , #
Ijj. The public cordially invited. ijj ,
Tel 1531
\T Stir. .
Dim. lion \ \ A Uuilj
Rca'.r nnvv on hilo l'rUi < Sui " ' wo , luc ,
it W
Tulcplinnn. I R.I I
l n\ton '
Tlio l.yili. l.'cnl of UK Hrason
l'iK > silJi > iinil rtiMlti'-Kilii ) , Orl. UT-'JH.
Ainrlci ' t ln\n
In tier nt iirinlli | ! IIUICI-HK
. . \ > vuiiti\N : m\uTi. ' *
fi nlH tiniv on nilf 1'rlica Oriiimlitt : unl
Ir / rir u SI 'ft , ilium * JIM ) tuillt. . ! ' / ) , lul-
ui > ! -t thrift "o\m , JI.Wi , next n-vcn i-Jivn ,
II ff i'i M elKht invrxi. " . . KJllrry , Wo
The Soft Glow of the Tea Rose
Id uuiiuirrd by IndUa v\ho nso
Coui LI.XIOX I'ov.ntu Try It ,
, I'IIHH.MANCI ! ( ) !
I. , .M Cr.iwfo rd , Mar I OM.Y
1,111.1 I'rrfoi inn ! ! < < 'ID.MI.HT nt Klin.
1 > IMV HrillllTll .MUllt I'lll'I'M.
I'.Uiiet | nnil 3 rovvH of circle , 7'u , Imlf the
Hint llnor Vi , nil bilcony Hitila , Vie ; cal-
j liry I5e ind -
T. Ull-i'-tl : ' ) ; - >
of two
M ilJAMi'Tin - riK
Iiilioiliulim Knllirjn Kllilcr In tlio lltlo ivl * .
fi.jU on naln Irjiiioriiiw nt u u in „
I'rlceii I Me. 7ic , tl W. SI V )
NIK 1-1- IN I.AI M\\
srit ; ivs. :
lln , Hlcuni 11 ml niul ult jioil rA
uinv nlcni.t Ilnlen I.M uiid JZ.OO prr Uay.
'IllblB III 'H. tiiiccial low ruim tu ifculuj
lK > ur > ltr * Ul.