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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1896)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED E 10 , 1871. OMAHA , MONDAY MORSTISfti- OCTOBER 2G , 1896. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. IS PRIMATE OF ALL ENGLAND Et , EOT. Frederick Temple , Bishop of Lon don , Becomes Aichbishop of Canterbury. SKETCH OF HIS BRILLIANT CAREER llln Action on the Menntirc for tlic lIUrNtalilUhmciit of the Irluli Church Still I-"rc h In the of Jinny. LONDON. Oct. 25. IU. Rev. Frederick Temple , bishop of London , has been ap pointed archbishop of Canterbury and prl- mate of all England In succession to tbe late Most Rev. Edward White Benson. lit. Her. Frederick Temple , D. D. , bishop of London , Is the son of an officer In the army. Ho was born November 30. 1&21 , was edu cated at the grammar school at Rlverton and , proceeding to Oxford , became scholar of Ballot college and took his degree of B. A. In 1842. He was elected fellow and mathematical tutor of hl college and hav ing been ordained In 1846 was appointed principal of the training college at Knollcr Hall , near Twickenham , In 1848. This post lie resigned In 1S56 and , having held on In spectorship of schools during the Interval , was appointed on the resignation of Dr. Col- bourn In 1SSS head master of Kugby school. Dr. Temple , who was chaplain to the queen , gained some notoriety In 1SCO as the author of the first of the ecvcn "Essays and Reviews , " which caused so much controversy coon after their appearance. In the general flection of 18C8 Dr. Temple took an active part In Warwickshire In support of Mr. Gladstone's measure for the disestablishment of the Irish church and the premier noin Inatcd him to the bishopric of Exeter In succession to the late Dr. Phllpots , an ap pointment which caused considerable com motion In clerical circles. The confirmation of Dr. Temple's election took place Decem ber 8 , 1859 , at the St. M ry Le Bow , Cheap- side , when nishop Trowcr. a representative of the portion of the clergy who were op < posed to Dr. Temple because he was the author of one of the "Essays and Kevlews , " Instructed counsel to oppose the election Counsel was accordingly held on both sides and Dr. Temple's election was confirmed by the vicar general. Dr. Temple received Episcopal consecra tion at Westminster December 1. 1803 , to KCthcr with the bishops-elect of Hath and Wells and of the Falkland Islands. Dr. Temple published "Sermons , " preached at Rugby chapel In 1858-00 , In 1SC1. In April , 18S3 , ho was elected Hampton lecturer at Oxford for the ensuing year. On the death of Dr. Jackson In January , 1885 , Dr. Temple was appointed bishop of London and was succeeded at Exeter by Dr. Blckcrsteth. Til IMC Till ! SITUATION CRITICAL. SIa i neri of Armenian * roiitlmicH In Many 1'nrlM of Turkey. CONSTANTINOPLE , Oct. 25. H Is re ported that tbe police seized large num bers of bonds last evening. The arrests of Armenians continue here. LONDON , Oct. 23. The Standard's Con stantinople correspondent says : The pur chase of arms during the week has been most extensive and a feeling of vague un easiness and alarm Is spreading rapidly The palace hopes to distract the attention of the Moslems In Constantinople from Hi own misdeeds by holding out a prospect of unlimited loot. An Athens dispatch to the same paper gays : Reports from all parts of Turkey point to the complete dislocation of the adminis trative machine and an absence of all Jus- tlco and public security. The envoys have eent a collective note to the porto of the strongest character In view of the critical situation. AM. A'UXKUATIJ A HHHO'S MnMOIlY. tlnvellliiir of n Monument to Gencrn ! Knlillirrlic In France. LILLE , France , Oct. 25. General Billet , minster of war , delivered a speech here to day at the unveiling of a monument to the late General Faldhcrbe , who was at one time governor of Senegal and who during the Franco-Prussian war 'was commander- In-chief of the Armce du Nord. General Billet described General Faldhcrbe's career ami concluded his speech as follows : "Here all factions disappear. All without distinc tion of parties venerate the memory of the Iiero of the north under the aegis of France , united In the , republic. " The troops then carried past the monument all the colors of tbe regiments which fought under Fald- Iierbe. A large and enthusiastic crowd wit nessed the ceremony. EXTORT SL'CAIl IIOfXTV IX FHAXCB III1I to Counteract the I'rciiiliuiifl I'uli liy Other Couiitrlcn. PARIS , Oct. 25. The draft of a bill to regulate the sugar Industry of France and to counteract the export bounties of other coun tries has been submitted to the cabinet. It adds a tax of 2 ! francs to the duties on homo consumption and the funds so de rived will bo applied to granting an expor bounty of 214 francs for refined sugars am raw sugars , Including SB per cent , and ex- jiort bounty of 14 francs for raw sugars Including Co to 98 per cent. The bill pro tects the refiners at seaports and French colonial producers by a bounty System ant the allowing of a drawback on foreign sugar Intended for re-export Is maintained. It Is proposed that the bill shall not be operative until September , 1808. Nome ArrcMtH In Culm. HAVANA , Oct. 25. Carlos Ayala , Angel Vlllllha Mrndoza and a planter named Juan Onaghten have been ar rested. Escobar and Igleslas of La Discussion etaft was set at liberty orty and Ponce , the manager of tha paper , was Imprisoned , A battalion from the province of Guadalajara , In Spain , recently met at Mount Scmcna , In the province o Havana , the bands of Agulrre , Arsnguron and Alcncla. After two hours' hard fighting the Spaniards succeeded In capturing tb positions of the Insurgents. Ten of tbe Cubans were killed , while the captain am fourteen soldiers were wounded. The government Issued orders that al national and foreign newspapers received at postofllces lu Cuba thall be sent to the censor for examination. nx-ItiiKNlan I'ricNt IJlNjrraceil. ST. PETERSBURG. Oct. 25. Ex-Priest Tolstoi of the Russian church , who wai recently deposed from the priest's func tions because he had refused to clear him- ntlf of nn accusation that he had been con verted to Catholicism , has been arrested at Moscow and taken to Nljnl. where he was condemned by a church tribunal to seven years' banishment from St. Petersburg aui ! Moscow , and was forbidden to hold any elate o 111 ce for twenty years. Wreck VIctlniN Receive .Money. HAVANA , Oct. 25. The directors of the railway have united with tbe employes In giving to the victims of the rear-end col lUlon at Gutness station. In Havana prof Inco , $16.000. Last night the Insurgento nude an attack upon the town of Marlel which Is the northern terminus of tht trocha , but they were repulsed by tbe ear risou , atilctcd by a gunboat In the bay. Dr. ICayncr Decorated. IfRRLIN , Oct. 25. Dr. Kayser. the re- tlr d director of the German Colonial do rarlmcnt , has been decorated with the Or der of the Rod Hade. . IIr. Kner I'ruinoleil. LONDON. Oct. 20.- The Standard has a 'Berlin dlapatcU announcing thiit Dr. Kayie lui been appointed president of the Lclpalc senate of Justice. VICTORY FOR FREXCH WORK.MEX. Opening of the Co-Opcrntlic Glaum AVork * In AttraetliiK Attention. ALBt , France , Oct. 2S. Great festivities attended the opening today of the cooperative ative glass factory , which has been put Up by the former strikers of the Carmaux glass works. The strike , -which grew out of the discharge of a number of the Glass Work ers' Trade union last year , was transformed Into a lockout , when the men notified the management of their wllllngncs * to return to work. Great excitement was caused by the Incident throughout France and efforts were made to Induce the French minister to Intervene In the dispute and secure justice for the worklngmen. The Paris municipal council voted large eums of money to sup port Ihe strikers and many other municipali ties all over the country followed suit. M. Lamlrln of the Paris municipal council at today's ceremony saluted the workers In the name of Paris. M. Henri Rocheforte de livered a speech and with M. Jaures , Ihe radical socialist deputy for Carmsux , who was prominently Identified with the cham pionship of the cause ot the strikers , lit the furnace. At an open air meeting M. Jaures di-clared that the present movement had founded a social revolution and marked the downfall of capltiltsm. LONDON. Oct. 20. The Paris corre spondent of the Times , writing of the open ing of the co-operative glass factory at Albl , says the scheme is that all the profits of the gins works shall be used for a socialist propaganda. The socialist press in this connection affirms that the moment Is a critical one for the worklngmen ot France. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SE OF MR A1.1IEHT SASOOX. Conclnxloii of n farcer Prominent In World' * Financial ClrclcH. LONDON , Oct. 25. Sir Albert Sasoon Is dead. Sir Albert Abdullah Sasoon , Bart. , K. C. S. I. , was born at Bagdad in ISIS and settled with his father In Bombay In 1832. Ho received an European education and on the death of his father , succeeded to the leadership of the great banking and mercan tile concern of David Sasoon & Co. , founded by his father. During his career In India he distinguished hlmrelf by the munificence with which he promoted charitable under takings and public works. In 1S73 the queen conferred the honor of knighthood on Sir Albert , and In November of the same yfar the corporation of London presented him with the freedom of the city. Sir Albert Sapoon was the first Anglo-Indian upon whom this distinction was bestowed. In 1807 he bad been apoplntcd a companion to the Star of India , and a year later he be came a member of the Bombay legislative council. Ho distinguished himself by the magnificence of the enter.alnment he offered the shah of Persia , when that potentate vis ited England. HOWARD fiOl'I.nXOT SATISFII3I ) . Hnvlnn nnvnl Kipcrt ttsiimlnc XI- n liar n for II IK Ileiiellt. LONDON. Oct. 25. While Howard Gould has contented himself with leaving the con troversy with the Yacht Racing association where It rests In the published correspond ence , he Is still fortifying his own position In the affair. To a representative of the Associated press he ald before leaving Lon don : "For my own satisfaction I am hav ing a leading English naval architect make a report upon Niagara. He has made a preliminary examination and points out that supposing we had used our tanks for shiftIng - Ing ballast , the 250 pounds of water that each contained would , owing to their posi tion near the keel , have only been equivalent to tbe weight of a 100-pound boy on deck There are , of course , no regulations regard ing the number of the crew or visitors that * yacht shall carry. You can see from this how absurd the whole contention Is. " WHY THE C7.AH WBXT TO I'llAXCH. HIM Vldlt Quite XcecNMiry Mnlntnln I'eneefnl Relation * . VIENNA , Oct. 25. The Ncut Frel Presse , publishes an interview from a Hamburg cor respondent with a statesman , who Is under stood to be Prince Bismarck , In which he asserted that the czar's visit to France was necessary for the maintenance of the- re lations hitherto existing between France and Ruela. and to keep the French In a good humor. From the point of view of the Triple Alliance , he eald the visit Increases the existing guarantees of peace. The overpowering question before the world , he concluded , IP the Rucso-Engllsh antagonism. MADRID 1'RIJSS COXTIXUKS HITTER. Declare * American Interference in Ciilinii Attaint Out of the ( lucHtloii. LONDON , Oct. 25. A Madrid dispatch to the Standard Bays : The press continues bitterly to resent and declare It Impossible to admit In any shape or form United States Interference In Cuba. The govern ment Is straining every nerve to bring the rebellion to a decisive issue. Orders have been sent to Captain General Weylcr to this effect. _ I'rlnce AiiKTONt WcilM. BERLIN , Oct. 25. Prince August , heir apparent to the duchy of Oldenburg , was r.-.arried at Scuwcrin on Saturday to the Duchess Elizabeth , sister of Grand Duke Frederick Francis of Mecklenburg-Schwe- rln. Prince August's former wife. Princess Elizabeth of Prussia , died in August. ISM. Emperor William. Prince Henry of Prussia , Grand Duke Vladimir of Russia and others were present at the wedding. Sulfcx Holil an Election. BERNE , Oct. 25. The elections for mem bers of the national council for a term of three y rs were held today. The national council , consisting of 147 delegates of the Swiss people , Is the second chamber of the Federal Assembly. The strength of the two parties Is not materially altered by today's election. The radical democratic majority gained five members from the Protestant conservatives and the socialists gained one. Americano Illilillimr on London Stock. LONDON , Oct. 25. The Dally Mall pub lishes the following : A prominent Ameri can now In London , a friend of the late Jay Gould , liab been bidding for the block , of ordinary and preferred stock controlled by the District Railway Shareholders' associa tion. An oCcr , which was made on behalf of a number of Now York buyers , was defi nitely refused Saturday. u mill Germany Clone Together. HAMBURG , Oct. 25. The Hamburg Nac- rlchten ( Prince Bismarck's organ ) prints an article disclosing the fact that a defensive alliance existed between Ruesla and Ger many during the last six years that Bis marck WES In office , ending in March , 1S90 , The article has produced a profound sensa tion In Vienna. iI the I'rlec of Ilreail In London , LONDON. Oct. 25. There has been marked excitement In Lincolnshire over a rise of 10 shillings In wheat during the uei'k. ' with holders disinclined to eell. At a meeting of the master balccra of London the price of bread was raised a half penny per loaf. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Japan flranteil PEKING. Oct. 25. The return acceptance by Japan of the Chinese rendering of the claute of the Peking treaty regarding Japa nese factories In China has been received. Japan It granted lauded collections in Tlen- Taln. Shanghai , Hanko and Amoy. Sclce XlhllUtk' Proclamation * . LONDON , Oct. SO. A Berlin dlipatch to the Standard saye : Russian oUU'laU on the Prussian frontier have seized JOO thick walk- Ins sticks containing thojfrand * of nlhlllit proclamations. - - Will llreeil Kuuc > Slock. CHAMBERLAIN. S. D. , Ot-t. : S.-Spe- ( eli l. ) A capitalist mtmed Dod r of Orange City. In . hit * purrhnik-a innd In Aarora raunty. nml will uturt u fumy uto'it farm for brooding standard-brt-d horicu , Shet land 'ponies and Jersey cattle. SEAL I COMMISSION'S ' REPORT Substance of the Information Scented in tie Investigation. \ _ WILL LEAD TO EXCELLENT RESULTS I'iiKll li IJ\icrtn Who Accompany the Amerlcnii DclcKatcN AKret * that Re- atrlctlve MeamircH Are Xecca- Hitrjto I'rcHono Ilcnln. WASHINGTON , Oct. 25. The expert commission which was appointed by direc tion of congress to visit the seal Islands and make a scientific condition of the seal herds of the Northern Pacific and Bering sea has returned to this country and the report Is now nearly complete , awaiting only some of the figures showing the catcli of pelagic sealers this last season. The United States commissioners , Messrs. Jor dan , Lucas and Stejenger , were accompanied by a British commission , composed of Messrs. D'Arcy. Thompson and Maccoun. While these gentlemen , pursued their In quiries In company and frequently com pared notes , the two commissions will make Independent reports to their respective gov ernments , and there can be no joint action. On one point of the utmost Importance both sets of commissions appear to be In agreement namely : that without reference to the cause which has brought the seal herds to the present alarmingly de pleted condition , the further operations of pelagic sealers will prove disastrous and threaten to exterminate the seals. This Is a most important concession on the part of the British , as in the correspondence which led up to the reference of the ques tion to there expert commissioners. Lord Salisbury's position has been that the seal pirates inflicted little or no damage upou the herds , as compared with the losses sus tained through the annual killing of seals on the Prlbyloff Islands by the North American Soil company. It Is true that the Canadian and British experts were Inclined to the belief that the present con dition of the herds was In a large measure chargeable to the operations of the seal companies In 1869 and prior years , when they were permitted to kill as many as 100,000 seals annually on the Islands. An the commissions will report annually , the nature of the remedy to be recommended cannot be known. The commission for America would favor a total suspension of pelagic scaling , If pon- slblc , and while It Is hardly probable that the British would be willing to concede this much. It is believed that they will be disposed to recommend further restrictions upon pelagic sealing , cither by extending the boundaries of the closed ocean , length ening the close seasou , or both , perhaps. The Russian and Japanese governments , having seals of their own to protect , nre Interesting themselves on our side of the CMC. CMC.The commission visited the Ruesian Com mander Islands , as well as the Japanese Is lands , In the pursuit of their inquiry. A Russian representative Is already In the United States to follow up the matter , and with the active co-operation of these gov ernments In our Interests , It Is hoped the British will be disposed to consent to further restrictive measures , particularly as tbo time Is now ripe owing tb the almost total failure of the pelagic sealers to make paying catches the past summer. ICD.NTL'CICV JAIIIIIHUS U.SCAPU. MX Uemiernte Men Unit Their Cell * Suddenly- I.oulMvlllr. LOUISVILLE , Ocu. 25. A daring jail de livery was perpetrated tonight at the county Jail shortly after 5:30 : o'clock and six des perate prisoners made their escape. The delivery was .supposed to be a wholesale one , In which every prisoner confined on the third floor of the old jail was to get out , but tbo watchfulness of the turnkeys prevented this and only six men escaped. The men who got out arc : Jake Brill , convicted counterfeiter , hav ing a sentence of six years to serve ; Harry , Brooks , convicted of robbing a postofllcu and having a sentence of four years to serve ; Tom McKcnzle. charged with house breaking and having had no trial ; William McKeiizle. charged with house breaking ana awaiting trial ; Tom Kelley. charged with house breaking and awaiting ila s Satcrlcc , charged with cow stealing and awaiting trial. All ore white and considered desperate prlcontT3 and who would hctiltato at nothing. They gained their liberty by scraping the mortar from the bricks in cell No. 5 , letting the bricks fall Into the Interior of the cell and in this manner they got a hole large enough for them to climb through. One at a ttmo they made their way out and climbed upon the roof. Then by means of a short rope , they let themselves down Into a narrow alley between the wall of the jallyard and an abutment of the new jail , and escaped. None of the escaped prisoners had been captured up to midnight. This Is the second jail delivery In Louisville with in the last year , seven prisoners making their escape Christmas day. KIMSCOI'AL ClIUIICIIMHX .VUCT. .National MlHNlonary Council of that OrKiinlxatlon In SCNHIIII. | CINCINNATI , Oct. 25. The National Mis sionary council of the Episcopal church will be In session at Christ's church In this city during this week. Most of the representa tives are In the city and occupied the Epis copal pulpits of the city today , among them being Bishops Wells of Spokane. Gray of Florida , Gilbert of Minnesota. Glllesple of Michigan , Holly of Port-au-Priuce. Haytl. and Langood of New York ; Drs. Labdell of Buffalo , Beard of Birmingham , Shcrt of St. Louis , Perkins of New York , Rhodes of St. Paul , Davis of St. Louis , Hunter of Raleigh , N. 0. ; Klmber and Matson of New York. Bishops Boyd Vincent and Dr. Gibson have been In charge of the arrangements. Among those participating are the bishops of Africa , Alaska , China , Japan and other foreign mis. slonarlcs and dignitaries of the church. A mass meeting of the Episcopal Sunday schools was today addressed by Drs. Lewis of Bridgeport , Conn. ; Carroll M. Davis of St. Louis , J. D. Butler of Mauch Chunk , Pa. , and others. The missionary meeting tonight will be addressed by the foreign bishops. Tbe business sessions begin Tues day. _ _ Dlrectorx' ThanUx to lllnlioi Keaiie. WASHINGTON , Oct. 23-At the annual mi-cling here last Wednesday of the board of directors of the Catholic university of America , a resolution was adopted , which , by u n overnight , was not made public at the time , but Is now given out. It di rected that u letter xhould be sent to Bishop Ken nc. expressive of their admira tion for lilH noble action when restoring the rectorship of the university of their exulted appreciation of his Immense ? erv- Ict-H to the unlvertiity.with which his name will tver be iifKoclatt-d , ana of their per sonal esteem and affection for him. Much Wheat Coming to Market. CHAMBERLAIN , S. D. , Oct. 23.-Spo- ( clal. ) From 1,500 to 2.000 bushels of wheat nro belns marketed at Pukwana dally. Although the town has a population of less than JW. one buyer estimates that Me ship ments of wheat for the month will aggre gate fifty carloads. r Wheat In Lake county Is yielding from twelve to bushels j > er acre- Threshing Is now in full blast throughout the state , and in many instances the yield Is greater than expected. ( tiiren AVIIhelmliin TnkeM Communion. THIS HAGUE , Oct 25. Qucon Wlihelmlna took her first communion today in the preirene-o of her mother , the qut > e-n regent , the court , civil and military ofllclals and n large concourse of pe-ople. General Von Hunltc lias arrived with a gift from Em- jror William , for the younr queen. SIAXV COTTOX 1IAL.CS llCSlx'lX TRXA9. DlnnntrntiK I-Mrr nt < nlrtnn Ie tro > n I.nrire Amount of tr iicrty. GALVESTON. Tex. , Oct. 5. The most disastrous cotton EreIn th6 Tilstory of Gal- vcston occurred early this morning , resultIng - Ing In the destruction of 4,100 bales and the warehouse In whkh they were stored. The origin of the flng la not known. Tbe warehouse was owned by V > * . F. Ladd Loss on warehouse , $ .0H ( > { tons on cotton , $135.000. Loss fully cbrerrd by Insurance. SAGINAW. Mich. . Oct. 25. Fire broke out early this evening In the lumber pit and on the mill plant premises of the Center Lumber company at Milwaukee , six miles down the river. It spread Into n very largo conflagration , which destroyed about 8,000- 000 feet of lumber. The sawmill and salt works were In imminent danger , but were saved , and only some small buildings were burned. The fire departments of Saglnaw and Bay City assisted la fighting the flames. The loss will apprtwuib JI&O.OOO. and Is understood to bo fairly covered by In surance. LAWRENCE , Mass. , Oct. M. The WashIngton - Ington mills , which form one of the largest I cotton and dress goods manufacturing firms In the city , were badly damaged by ( Ire , which broke out half an hour before mid night. Every fire engine la Lawrence was on the grounds for several hours and It was not until halt past 1 thU morning that the flames were subdued. Mill No. 4 and the drying room adjoining , where the fire started , were practically gutted and much of tbo stock and finished goods In tbo other mills were damaged by water. Tbe blaze was discovered at 11:40. The flames spread with great rapidity and at llf > 0 a general alarm called out the entire city depart ment. The flames by" this time had spread from the drying room to the main part of mill No. 4 , a structure 300 feet long , adjoining the four other large mills , and much valuable property. The fire spread j from No. 4 mill to the1 weave and dry rooms In the rear , and Ignited the river mill on the banks of the canals. Tbe flames were checked after a hard flgbt , and the river mill sustained little damage. The fire burned In No. 4 mill for several hours and left It In ruins. The fire started from spontaneous combustion among tbo wool , and at an early hour this morning tha stock la mill No. 4 was still burning furiously , although all danger of the fire spreading was past. U Is estimated the loss to the Washington cor poration will be $65 000 ; fully Insured. About 4,600 operatives are employed 'by ' the plant when It Is running to Us'fnllicapaclty. and all will be thrown out of worklforten days. CHICAGO. Oct. 25. By rare presence of mind Rev. Mr. J. V. Blake saved from panic his congregation during a fire'which broke out just as the morning eervlcci were be ginning at the Third Unitarian church to day. It destroyed the lp ln , part of the building. When the pastor took his place In the pulpit his attention trat drawn to smoke in the lobby leading to the Sunday Ecbool room. He remslnec1 slaudtng until the organist had erased playing and then re-quested the congregation to retire quietly by the rear exits. His macjncr so reas sured those assembled that TI panic was averted. The church was almost entirely destroyed. Tbe loss Is plated ni (25,000. POIVKIl OF A GOVHItS'OIlEXLAItRKI ) . ArUniiMiN Supreme Conrt Declarer He Can Appoint IcKlkIi < lvekcmherM. LITTLE ROCK , Ark. , Oct. 126. The su preme court. In an onlnlen by Juatlce Rid- dick , yesterday held that the ( governor had the right to appoint merabfr jf the legis lature where -vacancy haijfcccncaused by death , resignation or otherSevtiiEes , At tho-September election W. J. Imtnc'wfe ' was elected representative ? "r Krancu county to the r-n l assembly. He hiV tlnco died and Governor Clarke , tiudcr tuition C , ar- tlce Y of the constitution les kl a writ of election to the sheriff of that' ' , pcninty com manding him to issue , a proclamation for an election to fill the vncauc\ The sheriff refused to hold the election ani thereupon a writ of mandamus was ijravcd to com pel him to do so. The clrcujf court held that this section had been suj-cmdcd by a subsequent amendment- * which empowered the governor to fill cucb vacincy , by ap pointment , and refused the w"Hu The case was taken to tbe suprrn.o court and In the opinion handed down It Is held that a rep resentative Is an offlcc'r and'that tbe posi tion he holds Is an office , agd that where a vacancy occurs In such amofllce the gov ernor has the power to fill ltuntll the next election. This Is said to be tht l'rst case of this character decided , in Any > ttte in this country. IIOLII. Mob of One llumlreil , KciltlH'UlllllN lc- Mtroy Much .rr jprrl > . " FRANKFORT , Ky. , Oct.25. . The tollgate - gate raiders have not left _ a-tollgatc on a single pllo in Franklin county undisturbed and the owners of these 'roadsWr very much incensed at the destruction .of their prop erty and will take such art lop c will bring the raiders to justice : 'Saturday night a mob of about 100 men came flown the Law- rcnceburg pike , destroying all the tollgatcs as they entered Frankfort. ' ' Yhcy then went out on the Louisville plke'lfora Frankfort , laying to the ground tbe pitra as they rode along In the moonlight and defying the interference of the toligate' ketpcrs. The raiders are thought to havp come from An derson county and bordcrlng on the Ander son and Franklin county Jlfie. Joe Robin son , one of the largest stockholders on the Louisville road , was notified Saturday that the raiders were coming ' Detectives have been at work on tbe ciie o'ud : he next meetIng - Ing of the Franklin co'unty Jwand jury will turn up some surprises ; " * f YOIIIC GUTS cm : AX STRUIJTS. , ( 4 Dlximtc finally KnilH , on VlnoroiiH ThreatN ofthe Qayor. NEW YORK , Oct. 2S. Cyrtnel Waring re ceded from his determination to discontinue the work of the street clean Ing department until Comptroller Eltch had paid the bills of Contractor Tate- and today tbe sweepers received orders to go to work. Colonel Waring receded from ; h1b" position because of the firm stand la'kjm by Comptroller Fitch , who declared itbut'b ) ' would not be coerced Into doing stjWblus he was not convinced he had a rlgUtito do by any ac tion of Colonel Warlcc no matter how ccnaatlonal. The maxOr iqtlmatcd that un less the work of etreet cleaning was re sumed before manyfiourt Jit would take a hand In the dispute and force the resumption of work. By 6 o'clock tonight the eweeperk had succeeded In cleaning the btreets and leaving them In their normal condition. sroitr OK * i'nxnTii'riiF-rs CAUCEIU Itccovern n Small I'orlune In IlonilH He Unit KorKotten. CHICAGO , Oct. 2G. Tbe > TjJmes-Herald to day prlnlE a story to the effect that John L. Sclioolcraft , who recently1 recovered $60,000 worth of bonds left Ina trunk-at the Saratoga hotel , In thlf > city , has. spent the last ten years of his life in attempting to spend his fortune of about a , mlllon dollars. School- < ! raft who lived In' Richmond , -Va. , and was prominent socially , lefl'hU wife ov/lng to domestic trouble and. according to tbe story , has since de\otcd his Ume to putting his money out of his hands that his wife may not get It upon his death. The recovered bonds , the existence of which he had for gotten , are said to be all that Is left of his once large fortune. ChnrKCK AuiilnM Texan HoniU. AUSTIN , Tex. , ,0ct. 25. A pronounced sensation was cruated In state circlca by the filing with Altomcy General Crane , signed and sworn to by J. P. Wllium of Elgin. Ilnstrop county , asking the attorney to take ollleial ndtlon upon ctiarKCM lie has made afiiilntU the railroad commUnloncra and railroads operating in this ntntc , of collusion and discrimination. The roadn mentioned tire tltc Giuf Cojoruilo & Santa re. thti International & cm-at Northern , the San Antonio & Arunsas lass , tnu Houston & Texas Central. Olf\TT \ \ \TCAVC ) o Great Legal Battle Being Waged for a Dead Bachelor's Fortune. ALLEGED ROMANCE OF MANY YEARS AGO iipoftcil Ilrlrx Confronted In Conrt liy it Vounir Mail Who Snyn He In the ( Mil Mnn'x Xnt- urill Soil. MAQUOKETA. la. , Oet. 25. ( Spool * ! . ) . fho trill of the now famous WaUon caeo was ttnl hd Thursday In the district court after a trial lasting continuously since Septe'nbcr 1. JuJge Waterman hai re served his decision In order that he may consider more carefully the van amount of evidence. The many 'orcantlc and unusual circumstances connected with the case ire sufficient to arouse the Interest of Omaha residents and lu addition Is the fact that some forty of th-j witnesses wt-ro fron. Omaha. Their news are as follows : A. S. Cartsr. J. N. Cornish. F. N. Richards. A. Komtngton , J. R. Rlngwalt , H. E. O'Nell , J. A. Olllesple , H. D. Gates , W. B. Brooks. W. E. Gratton , H. E. Cox , J. O. Detweller. A. H. Barnctt , F. M. Rutscll , B , Sllloway. J. E. Baum. Dr. W. H. Hanchctt , W. H. Rutsell. John C. Barnard , C. W. Partridge. L. R. Cottrcll. R. A. Mc- Cloud. L. Pettlnglll , W. C. Bullard. E. D. Cox , W. S. Hcaton , F. F. Reynolds , J. C. Howard. E. J. Wilracth. C. " 0. Lobeck , C. A. Sharp , J. H. Donlcan , Samuel Maclcod , H. M. Johnson , F. H. Goddard , J. B. Slice- I han , Jacob Froyle * , W. A. Spcntcr. W. J. Stephens , J. H. Johnson and W. J. Broatch. The first named , A. S. Carter , was an In- portant witness and all the others were brought hero by one side or the other for the purpose of testifying to the general rep utation of Carter. The witnesses were here at various times during the trial. One party of them came In a special car from Omaha , and a special train was run from here to Delnur In order that tiny might return home as soon as possible' : The case Itself Is of much more than or dinary moment and worthy of extended notice. In the month of August , 1S % , there died here , after an Illness of some -weeks , Matt WaUon , a wealthy old bachelor who for forty years had been a well known money lender of Maquoketa. His estate was valued at fully $300,000 , the greater part of which was represented by some COO mortgages. Ho left no will and there being no near relatives , It was supposed the property would go tu his only sister , Mrs. Julia A. Rlcharson of Johnson's Creek , N. Y. , and some fourteen nephews and nieces. It was but a short time after his death that there arose a rumor to the effect that there was an * Illegitimate son in existence and soon afterwards George Nlles Watson appeared hero and claimed the whole estate as tbe Illegitimate son of the dead man. ROMANCE OF THE OLD MAN. It appears that while Matt was a boarder at the Dccl er bouse during 1SC.S and 18G9 , he became unduly Intimate with one uf the Blrla working there Mary Jonis by name. She was db-iharged from the hotel during the summer of 1SI9. ( She had no friends or relatives tLcrc and was finally taken to the county poor house near Andrew. While there. ' and or the 20th day of December. 1SC9. she rove birth to the child that has now grown to manhood and appears as the claimant in tbe case. The followinr March tbe child was adopted by Sir. and Mrs. TTJebrge Nlles. proprietor * of the Decker house. It Is claimed that at this particular time Watson entered into c contract with Mrs. Nlles wherein he agreed to provide for the rearing and education ot tbo child. If she would adopt It , and also stating that he was the father of the child. The Nlles family afterwards removed from here to Kansas , living at Abilene last. The child here grew up and his foster mother died when lie was 18 yctrs of age. A year afterwards he became possessed of a desire for different scenes and then enlisted In the Seventh United States cavalry. He re mained there for five years , part of the time being a rergeant. When bis time there ex pired he rc-enlistcd In the Eighteenth In fantry , remaining there until discharged last year. During bis army life ho partici pated in the quelling of a number of Indian uprlslngs udttllniL.thM ' of the Sioux in Dikota. ' - , It Is necessary that it be proven"jit the dead man recognized him as his son In such a way as to be general and open ; that being done he will receive the whole es tate of J300 000. Many witnesses have testi fied to such recognition , but the alleged con tract by Watson , In which he recognized the child as his son , could not be produced Neither could they find any trace of Mary Jores , the mother of the boy. The whole tlmo since the death of Watson In August , 1S95 , and up to the present trial has been spent by both sides In a laborious search for evidence. HAS ALREADY COST THOUSANDS. Although the case had been on the docket for some months it was not brought to trial until September 1. Judge C. M , Waterman called a special term of court to hear the caee. Court has now lasted nearly eight weeks and about 400 witnesses have been ex amined from seven various statc-s , namely : California , Tennessee , Kansas , Louisiana , Iowa , Nebraska and Minnesota. Similar par ties of witnesses to those from Omaha were brought from Aledo , III. , Odebolt and Dav enport , la. There are fifteen lawyers em ployed In the case , among whom are Joe R. Lane of Davenport , W. I. Hayes , ex-con gressman , and L. A. Ellis , state senator. The arguments In the ease were limited by the court to four days. The vast volume of testimony In the case , coming a ; It docs from all directions , has been procured at vast expense , estimated at not less than { 15,000. In addition to this the attorneys' fees will be somewhere from * 5.000 to $100,000. Judge Waterman will file his decision as soon as pccslblc and at the name time do justice to the case. Each side affirms Its resolution to carry the matter to the su preme court in case of defeat In this court. iiKNOf.vcn ixGiAXi > 's MITIIO S. IrlHh-Amcrlcnn National Amncxty AM- Noclatloii llolilK n McetliiKT. NEW YORK , Oct. 25. The Irish Amer ican National Amnesty association held a mass meeting to protest against the treat ment of Irish political prisoners In English prisons. Judge Morgan J. O'Brien presided. Tbo principal speech was made by Rev. F. D. McGlynn. The list of honorary vice presidents included Governor Morton , ex- Qoveruor Flower , John B. Sheehan , Thomas C. Platt , Senator David B. Hill , John R. T'ellovvs. Amos J. Cummlngs , Joseph Pulit zer , Patrick Egan and General Buttrrflcld. A committee reported that the mental con dition of Gallagher and Whltchead , the re cently released prisoners , had not improved since they were sent to an asylum. Resolu tions were adopted denouncing England's treatment of political prisoners , which will bo went to President Cleveland. to Arrcdt A ml run * .Slayer. NHW YORK , Oct. Si. Coroner Miles of Yonkern Is confident he will noon have the man who killed Hamlln J. Andrux. 1 have positive Information as to who the Kiility party is , and I will have him In custody In a day or two , " wan the slfUument matlu by him. Whether the supposed murdtrvr WUH employed In the Arlington Chumlcal works or not , in not known to uny on'i < the authorities. Hail .Men lu Kentucky Flu lit. RUfaSELVILI.E. Ky , Oct. 2J-Adalr - vllie , this ( Logan ) county , was the HCOUC- of n ilenptrnte battle last night. MUJUI whisky nnd cards resulted In the death of one man and the probable death of un- oth'T Arch 1 rector wan ntalilied to death by Lon C'rufton. nnd herlouuly wounded Ills brother , Doc Crufton. TO IIUY si AW STRIIT CAU I.IMJS. Investment of Capital r Cltlr ivllli Ainerlentfb CLEVELAND , Oct. S. Kiurchatc of street railway systems ItrcjBopc by an international syndicate ofl Htallsts , the scope of which was pirlHSfltllncd In a recent Axsoclated prcs 'WyBu from St. Louli. Is the greatest uu H enterprise cow on foot In the entire n B Additional Information on the subjoj lft been se cured from a gentleman < B financially Interested In the success H s > ndlcatcs operation. The Amerlcan Hhc head ot tbe enterprise arc a Mr. l ! WlIlc and Dr. James Ross of Montreal. Mr. Ross Is Im mensely wealthy. Is a director In the Bank of Montreal , and Is heavily Interested la the Canadian Pacific and Canadian street rallwajs. It Is stated that with him are a number of Americans \\ho have become wealthy as street railway operators ; also a number of German and Dutch bankers , as well as the great house of RothnchllUs. These 'Gentlemen find the street railways of Europe where those of America were ten jears ago. They see abundant opportunity to make a great deal ot money by bring ing them up to the present American stand ard. They not only have the underground railways of London In view , but arc pre pared to operate In Berlin , Paris and other largo cities. The syndicate has already gained possession of the street railway sys tem of Birmingham , England , and Is oper ating It. As motive power compressed air will be used. Compressed air has been the motive power on a Paris railroad for the last * fifteen years , but Its complete success was prevented by Inability to obtain reser voirs which would sustain for any length of time Uic great air pressure needed. An Amcrlcii named Kollogi ; has Invented a reamlcss tube which will hold air at a pressure of B.OOO pounds to the square Inch , and It was mainly this fact which led to the formation of the * cyndlcate. A company to make the tubing hcs been formed In Boston and the company has been In opera tion for some lime at Flndlay In the midst of the natural gas region. The gas supply Is felling and the factory will be removed and established at a cost of $2.000,000 , If all the plans go through. Cleveland. New Castle. Pa. , an1 two other places arc being con sidered as sites of the new factory , and within two weeks a proposition will be made to the chambers of commerce of those cities. A number of pneumatic motor street cars ere now being made for Birmingham. MlUnKU MYSTKHY KIXA1.I.Y St L\KU Vomit ? Mini CotifcKKCM the DclnllH of the Hohhx Trnccily. BOSTON , Oct. G. A special to the Jour nal from Cornish. Me. , says : On October C Mitt. Betsy R. Hobbs was found dead. She lived alone about one and a half miles from Efflngham. N. H. When found the houto was burning and her body WM half cremated. The mjstery was cleared yester day by the confession of Charles Savage. Ho accuses Frank J. Palmer of the murder. A coroner's jury has brought In a verdict of murder In the first degree. Savage was held as a witness. Palmer is 16 jeara old and lives at West Parsonficld. Savage Is 20 years of age. At the Inquest Charles Savcge unflinchingly withstood half an hour's cross-examination , but at last tbe coroner discovered weakness and he persistently questioned him till he finally succumbed and related a tale Implicating himself and Frank Palmer In the murder and attempted crema tion of Mrt. lobbs. He and Palmer , he caia , had been drink ing together the day before the tragedy. Monday morning Savage took his breech- loading shotgun to go shooting. They called at Mrs. Hobbs' . Savage left Palmer In the house while he wentto the woodshed on an errand. While there be heard the re port of n gun and Boon afterward found Mrs. Hobbs bleeding upon the * doorstep. Palmer soon appeared and with an oath de clared that now he had squared the grudge he owed her for pulling $3 out of him In payment for the glass he broke In her house three years ago. Palmer asked Savage to help him carry the body into the house. Ho rays he was so frightened he did not realize what he was doing , but they got tbe body Into tbe bouse. Savage then took to the woods , being shortly overtaken by Palmer , who declared that nobody would ever know what happened , for be had set fire to the houec. Mt > T I'AY AMERICAN HecUlon of the Supreme Court of Can ada on the KlKhcrlcM l.lccnitc. BOSTON , Oct. 25. A special to the Jour nal from Gloucester. Mass. , says : News 4ias Just been received here of an Important decision" Iff the supreme court of Canada which may result lli tha repayment of all license fees paid by American fisntrcucn since the abrogation , of the treaty of Wash ington for licenses Issued under the modus Vivendi. The action was brought before tbo court many years ago for the purpose of defining tbe relative rates and settling rival claims of tbe Canadian provinces on one band , and the Dominion government on the other , and has resulted In a victory for the former. The claim of the provinces upon every point raised Is approved except that the Dominion Is declared In control of harbors. In the case of harbors the Do minion is declared to have the right of con trolling its fishing , but it has no power to grant a local lease In any part of the country , and in the tidal waters neithe-r the Dominion nor any province has power to restrict public rights of fUhlug save by general legislation , except in a very few particulars. Therefore , the present Do minion fishery act under which licence fees are exacted from American fishermen is Illegal and must be withdrawn. Thefcc licenses , it is estimated , amount to over $70,000 a year. Ml I.O.NGUR I'Minil TUB LAWS IIAX. I'Mn < - LotiK AKO ANMCKCI ! AcaliiHt u MliilNter Klnally Itemltleil. WEBSTER CITY , la. . Oct. 2B. ( Special Telegram. ) A. R. Candle , a minister now located at Charlton , entered his pulpit to day for the first tlmo in ten years without a fine of $100 hanging over .him for the Illegal sale of liquor. In 1S85 he conducted a drug store at Stanhope , In the southern part of this county. He was arrested for illegal sale ami the fine imposed. He re moved to Cbariton and entered tbo minis try. Last night D. C. Chase , an attorney In this city , received from Governor Drake the olficlal papers remitting the minister's fine. \VOMAXA.M ) PI vis cmi.nuux imow.v Whole Family of u Denver Merchant Meet Death. DENVER , Oct , 2E. While Andrew J. Spute with his wife and five children um > boating on Smith's lake , in the southern limits of this city , late this afternoon , tbo boat ivas by some means overturned and Mrs. Sputo and her five children were drowned. Mr. Spute Is a grocer at 123S Santa Fe avenue. Incrcii c In Hallway CINCINNATI , Oct. 21. The stockholder for the Cincinnati & Portsmouth railway today re-flccled the > board of dlre-e-lorn and the bourd of directors th < - ofllcerB. Thu president' * leport showed the * crosx earn- iiiKtf for the ytuir to have been S2&9.1R3. nn lncu'UJ < c of 1".C per cent over the previous year. Two l.nrtcc I'M Mure * . HOUSTON , Tex. . Oft. 25. Two llrms afc- ttlKiiod at late hour last night. Brown Ilroi. . . n. dry courts huuxf , for JW.O'Kj ' , nnd tlii Hnpur Jiiiw. , Ki-utlcmcn'x furnishing und clothing , (20,000. Huhsi'fjuent attach ment * WITP run on Brown IJro * . Crudltors arc chlflty in tli'o north and oast. Mot emeu to of Oeeau Ycd H Oct , - ' . " > , At IJositonArrived 1'avonla , from Liver pool. At New York Anlved Furnouulti , from Glasgow. At Liverpool Arrived Umbrlu , from New Yoik. At Que-enstow.i Hailed Campunla , for New York. ERROR OF AN ENGINEER Passenger Trains Oollido Near St. Louis with Awful Eesults. EIGHT MEET DEATH AND MANY ARE HURT .Many Hen * lly I.onilcil icur loi\ CuncliC" on the 'Krlftco Him Into liy HntilillyMoi Inn Loco motive nnil Car. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 25. Shortly before 10 o'clock this morning two passenger trains on the St. Louis & San Francisco , going In opposite directions , collided nearly op posite Windsor station , about thirteen miles from this city , Instantly killing eight per sons and Injuring twenty-one. The dead are * all of St. Louis. Their names arc : ADOLPH HOHL , engineer of the accom modation train. CHARLES MOBINE. CONRAD KUNTZ. C. C. BLEVINS. H. T. HALL. BARNEY M'KENNA. In charge of the re freshments. MISS MAUD M'KENNA. aged 14 , hi daughter. JOHN CARTWRIGHT. The Injured are : Ferdinand Lange. St. ' Louis. Internal In juries. David Garrctty. St. LouU , head cut and legs bruised J. E. Roblct , SI. Louis , hips and legs In jured. Charles L. Mllentz , St. Louts , scalp wounds. Frank Hasler. Gt. Louis , late of Spring field. Mo. , flre-n an on excursion train , spinal cord Injured and hurt Internally. Mrs. J. B. McDanlcl , St. Louis , slightly Injured. George Wulff of Klrkwood. conductor on EUbu.-bin train , hips Injured and badly bruised. Robert Mulbollona of Spring Park , brakeman - man on suburban train , slightly Injured. George Atwood. St. Louis , conductor on excursion tiain. slight ! } injured. Joseph A. Dryden. Springfield , Mo. , engi neer on excursion train , skull fractured and badly scalded. Frederick Miller , Valley Park , fireman on suburban train , legs Injured and badly bruised. A. K. Smith. Valley Park , baggageman on suburban tialn , heed cut and hand and arms Injured , Mrs. A. K. Smith , Valley Park. Injured by shock. Matt Wapplchorst. Valley Park , slightly Injured. Peter Hill , St. LouU , face cut and badly bruised. Robert Langen. William Suiter , Hrnry Larberg. Louis Hunt , Henry McMIchacl , Mrs. Rose Hill , all of St. Louis , more or less Injured. OVERSIGHT OF A VETERAN. It seems from the ctatcments by men employed on the line that the accident was flue to the ovcralgh * of one of the oldest engineers on this d vision of the 'Frisco , . Joseph Drydtn , who was In charge of tliB excursion train. The colll.Ion occurred bctnccn the second section of an excursion train bound west mid the. 'Frisco Valley Park accommoda tion. The excursion crew should have re mained at Spring Park for orders and let have let the accommodation train pass. The excursion train was the second section of a special bound for St. James. Mo. , 100 miles west of St. Louis , , where the Mis souri Home for Aged Veterans was dedi cated today under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic and Woman's Relief corps. The first section had gone through safely and the second , which consisted of eleven coaches heavily laden with Grand Army men and their wives and children , left St. Louis about 0 o'clock. FAILS TO STOP FOR ORDERS. According to J. D. Dlshman , the tele graph operator and station agent at Sprinff park , It should have stopped at that place for orders. Instead of doing so , the sec tion passed by the Elation , and soon after met the accommodation coming down grade rt full speed. Engineer Hohl of the ac commodation was not aware that tbo sec- oiui bfctloti was on the road , and lu trying to make the switch at Klrkwood , crashed into the Ill-fated train in a cut just thir teen miles from the St. Louis Union sta tion. Thert was only one car , a combina tion baggage and ctuch , on Engineer Hohl's train , but the colln. . was terrific , both engines being demolished. & ? " number of the cars telescoped. The wiwti ' s plied high on the track , and above the sound of escaping steam could be heard the cries of the frightened and Injured passen gers. gers.Next to the engine of the excursion train was the ccmmlEsary car filled with refresh ments. Barney McKcnna was In charge of the edibles and with him was his 14-year-old daughter , Maud. Both were- Instantly killed , being scalded and crushed. A number of passengers , mostly young men , were grouped around the temporary counter eating and , drinking. Almost all were either killed or Injured. This and the next car , In which were seventy passengers , Buffered tbeorst damage and most of the killed and Injured were taken from them , Engineer Hohl of th'j accommodation , which was run ning on time , was killed and his fireman. Frank Hatler , badly Injured. "I cannot see how It could have occurred , " said an official of the road tonight , "but Engineer Dryden seems to have entirely forgotten about No. 12 , tbo accommoda tion train. Het Is one of tbo best engineers of the road , and the overlooking of the train which was traveling toward him Is all the more remarkable , for the reason that ho was for a tlmo Its engineer , and was , therefore , perfectly familiar with Its schedule. But the train seems to have dropped completely out of bis recollection. He failed to take the xtdlng , and bis con ductor , George Atwood , who was taking tickets failed to notice tbe fact. The accommodation train contlsted of an engine , tender , baggage car and two coaches , In which there were only five pas sengers. The engine and tender was wrecked , but the other three cars were not damaged. It Is duo to the lightness of this train that the accident was not worse than It was , " RESCUING THE INJURED. Immediately after the wreck occurred people ple began to come In from all directions , on wheels , In buggies , wagons and on foot , and within an hour after the accident thousand ! could be seen grouped around the pile ot debris. No wrecking train was available , but everybody turned to and In a short time had reicued the Injured and taken out the dead. Doctors , from surrounding towns hurried to the i-ccne and rendered what assistance they could to the suffering , who were trans ported to places of xafety. All tbe medical resources of St. Louis were placed at the disposal of the 'Frisco as soon as the news of the accident reached the city. Dr. Stark- lolf. the city physician , Immediately set out for thu scene of tbe wreck with a corps of assistants and ambulances , but owing to the delay experienced In getting to tbo wreck their sMTicrK were not needed. J. D. Dltlitnan , the. station agent at Spring park , stated to a reporter that had tbe ex cursion train stopped at Spring park f jr or ders , as It ishould have done , the accident would have been averted. He said ho got a message from Valley park when tbe ac commodation train left there and he added that had the excursion train stopped ho would have bad It pull Into tbe switch until the accommodation parsed. DUhman eald that ho was In his office when the excursion I passed at a high rate of speed. He ualJ ' that he knew that the trains would comu I together but that bo was pouerleas to avert tbo accident.