Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1896, Editorial Sheet, Page 13, Image 14

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TsaSag OtMsac Eire Af-
of thr
C n rtn T y and lae F it IMre-
t r I Cwtnm4 t n TVr n-c -
\SHECOTQX. . fMt. B. The
of t-ary aviilatiBTIiil otoctteo tevartehty
4. u-I'fPft T for OBMeSaaaaBi the
e e.oral tsitem a * wttea eaj carter
a * rev-
yet aa aaasao1 *
-sreai t Bdottt af Ita aeteg
_ e ; 'iiople It * * * § te he *
t t > f the fiajMCB ef tb
_ e via of the poapte shoatt he
L. saoaMl he exfrvjissai to oat * a wy >
aal ta are * * all rMu at ras % or ha r * -
"Tii WM the MBbMWt MM at TK ! phxx
* * -
. -V
' 7
u TIC *
ttr rt vote of the pop > e
. Thai psaa CTJM by
hr the earca-tea * a
ra.-.Jrd aflerwarf hr the stance. prorlted
fur electors te he ehouiiB la each atscte to
rcmben noaul la the rusueBoatatlvit aa *
tenaors of the Mate la deagrms OB a
g TEH tar a8 the Blurt on chosea IB fi the
e J.--S were te mint in i-eDes * IB each v. * ;
and vote tor prusldiot aad rice pi uotliut.
Tie parsea havtag tbe htrThim aanibut Lj
vs'es ic. aJl the etoutMii e t > BBB oC th
i ixex vu t b iB-puMnat. as * tfe * > < CMKI
tann tJ anct Us cst wu i ylte
Tic UMKT VM tint tke eet. KB
U c iibteM i > 4 k tt ta each
tiwy vp i4 aM < < te
cum. ? BBured w tbvr verte Iran
the am ettteem ( the rflpeMfe t ke HE
I * theory t * cchcaw
tat R
PMUiotl prtat
hmfl Bractfc&lfr froae
A :
th MITC tc me paoit tea
_ prrudeatft aad the uluuiiBt tor
. we vote are soerety a tefctees te reg-
j li er he exanteeed wtti of the party watea
z > n.'nan * 4a4 olttcts tiwHL The atoeaatc
l t ne power As ther are te honor baajst
t j do they fcOBpty r gsser te
the wlB af the popi
skim d ovMdr t at It wMM rt
In the suraezhweaf < by thnsr < > * -
TiBed ft , . n i trttey ecstbrvas u M
ireittMJaw. BM. atha ! rti tt te * te r4 af
* j onctemJ pcrpMe. . Jtt hworked peleettr
reU far Bore tha a. eeBtnrr. * * bac
proved cBUTBljr nalf w. Br it tbe
ref -rake at tbe > epte tar the
raaci tra e t abtateed M wciQ a * tt
IM > m acr crraaiN BeBt. tar tke u
atoee cea ie * te eamc feetween tbe
ta * tbe FTH W Ber. a < tber
the > apai&r HI ei * r ctlr as tf
the votes were ! * Jar prer + 4 > Bt aafi
Iirt ipBt wttieat asy tetren.ooiL
Indr the ayMcsi I have iw B
m niM&fted by wwar * a d um . mare
a year ts required for the mafctac of
/ - * - | - * it tOT BIEDJ Of t ± > - g
jmtrs te tb aea * a tec M CTi > ntlp are
theses a t weir month beAtfe tbe
pronottoee their SnaJ T r < tkct at the
ET TI wbt i the caop&icc TBn c Ts have
fioJshed thetrwork a4 wnoe Bitirtosa H {
voters hare cast their Imitate at tfcc jtnttt ,
the raakiBC ml a firestdent is Vf a aeoas
cote plrte. The eleieiars eboeeB br the Tutara
o-et at the eapttai * af their rpttpeetive statiec
en a ciTen day in t > ec nher aiJvote Tb ir
rote as dur ! reeorved and eertifted , aa
Chester A. Arthur.
not eidj bf auJL bat site "br npiicial ras-
te tie yimia mit &B4 the sol * at
The twe 1nw eB at
meet in a joint session same time te Feb
ruary , aad IE their presence the president
of the senate otmats the returns treja th
electoral voltages , asd declares as JL refcoJt n
at them the eWoea of thr EBeceestiti caadl-
Cates ler preaideat and rice president.
But ooofc ; and cacertunty do aot always
end with the casting of the ballets in No-
remher Tbe presidential canvass of 1B R
whea Hayes and TSHen were rtval candi
dates is a striking case te point. Its lrt -
tory is wefl worth recaB&s at the present' '
time. iHrrtnc the progress of that campaign
so repohticax leader te all oetwerd appear-
cncee at leect. th-ought of brrckmg the setid
south. In fact , ne attention was paid te the
sooth , as it as supposed te be surrfy 6 rao-
crauc Thr tattle BJ ctsntars * te the
doubtful states of New Tork. New Jersey
Ceaaecticn * asd Indiana. On eJfettes nicM
one after cooUier of these doBhtftd BUMS
. _ -Ji * liaetar TiJAen , These with the
Death ei eted the democratic casdldate.
co that it nrulBight people went te bed aad
coaakoered the fight v r Sews hears later
Senator Chandler chairman of the roph-
lican national comratttee. gzve the press af-
socu.tions the JeSewteg terse ispateh ,
vhich has bttcooe bistaric :
"Eotborteri a. Hayes has received IBS
electoral votes aad la elected.
? t * detafis were givea. The eHcaatch sfca-
ply made the broad claim ofrates uaoaigii
to dect. aad left te eoa } ecure where tby
were te oaiae Irom It BOOB eeveteptd. bow.
ever , that wfefie -sisjarrty had been watch
ing the doubtful states , ceme Bhxewd b-
cerrer kept an eye en Saab Carottea.
Florida and T.nirt fTin Then eaae the
ineasorahie struggle aver these statua. at tbe
end of which Haves reeeivud ISC deeseral
votes , the exaat nunber the
chairman had claused lor him the
after election , when Tttden's nteeeu
certain. Signal proof , thia. the reader win
be apt to cay. of tbe poh.ical aocaea aad
iorecight Ql Senator Chandler
No thine , however , would be farther from
the trutb. When genatar Chandler retired
late on the night of Neveinaer 7 , IKS. Jus
laat remark was "The guae U up. " He
had as thought ef quettieninc the election
of Tlldcn or the dafrat of Hayea. But at S
o clock cext taat-atec he reoeived an unex
pected saJler in his room te the FtCth Av -
cue hasei. New Tork. This risttar. John C [
Held , tbea edatar of the New Tork Timea.
roused the slerptcg senator trea his brd
and went over the greead cartCuAy eouating
thu ileolorU fsa. * In eaeh state. Hayts had
tecurod 1GC citMttors , but 1SS wereaerded to
sl ct k\rr. \ . "KTiere vura th * oiiier ptr
2 * Smith Csrrtlna , FTortda ]
ana u-.siar.a tai ' Reid < . 9 * unttah thesa.
AftaovKh riaiiar * by the d crata , tae r * .
mtt tkrrr was irtJT te amiM aad l ci of
t ± f9 ? rtartCT ttrc pyaMitiaag eBmiraOefl th
rrtsr sst ? baard * . Harm' sxaarcr * had bM
te ht t > * * - br4 ad Ms < littan was ap-
fw . S + fMUrCkc ler aek d what ah Bait
Taifcra * * at * wa iMtf's rejilr '
kMsaaBf rcrvMteun. = te t b rtty SB tae
staapn 1 hrr * " TfD % era tfcat
IB olreMd K we * * ejsrrM tlMtw
e jBjs t them. Th oact th > e
* > nt > an uid rnavmx af the
partr ta the ncrtt sad ther * and l > ?
of the rwwn " I
eewra * mimifitgd wu ;
tetacruB * dictirf by Rfdd. 1
n sa aC te the tanstaiec wktek were .
thr bBttSv-iraaarf af a ew | ! 1
tar thr armrtauBi whso tai-
y A partloB ef - ,
it a tssisrBiar Btorr be : few tr . r- ; |
. awrv ef the tact that O B rBl Oraal
the n * j aatSMraf the a-r hattartc i
. ai 9aa > e uuNilm atmr ] I
the etecswB. aarn : tar the tae Orp { I
W CklUh Bad md !
Tkrbi SBBIIH. ta fcrr nniunOuafta * aafl the i
fnasAe win sot be a.t frDa x font i '
thaac si * aa te t. wtatra trill laot ; ' ,
Iftc haMJee I B S. st- * af ra cveetanl 1
said thfilaafl" * ! a" the aarty |
It xiMati I tm st > rry tc see
Tbey BIT 7 rti jtfdMnl raanaieaiaii to a- '
a iimj vosi tn Tas * eli comnt la Mr I
TBden I ' wskS er ha r T0w >
tbsm ttat the nVJfc'Jon * sawaM aave a '
ytt fBt who oncV.b tlS32 m ed a t i
f nsfriL If Iy rr SaK * iwo M aat 1
BS * ? ' * s 3r4 "llBCteS " fc saaje wsy
e af tir " rS aV' f I Sa4 the lead-
trnMtgaai Fff > Qe au * and sea-
ate elanHit IB a ail , are wnxd te airr-
taaac Iflte aa f' J ar a
wocdd ytw
CtBda. in reefy iKBipd 5 anh > i I Kan-
dsfl. QM tit feaseerEtic > * eder ofh
ty wjaacstes tJie ca i ? te as
extra ensies , wluch wai ea ftrnt
ibises that A.--br tit it was sMe M { .rc-
rttr Jar that eamreaar. bat tins wh l
awtter is rd ! of jwrlH. aai * tmc' aaar
rvtae whee it win accajtac aav * nrrtaas
.rouble '
Ct u. s * ha aaam ycBrlaed tor IIUIBL at
the eooti ee rvs 7 > ta pd ect by * * r ?
I > KTjs by ta vaenace at a hw nnftac t *
aecu Bla i at ee e ef the a > Btt af hath
7Ke9We3st ctad i It e
af the eaacaet. b ctn r with the
tejy af ittae aad cotac thrnvch ta- hat
ta tk * arfcc af iiiiajtailtj. bvt then- art
one ether MTSOM teaMi er eBaaree
for whirk the eaatir.Btttm aad the
BtBtatev hwe as TVC aMBe ae ji > i B KAava.
Oaly oor of t w eaa > - iBuatbsai t te tile
pteoe ' TBtana X Kiac who was eUgcted
rioe pren > o > Bt ea the ticket wtta rrxak-
lot Ptnrea. d after kfct taecttaa was aa- I
juBBtud by uaagriiaa Bad. aevor tavk the ,
nee areaionR s chmsr
te | ifBva e3 lar Blare ae aw ap-
yjBjIuc te be rw ra te Mrtee pnietaiiat.
tate has the rtofrt to ctf. ta owa
jn Hstoan oSeer Bat HOSSJIUHL sad Pierce
taeaead af Ria hod died after he had bees
declared elected by the Monte ead aaoec
te Jutait eeBs4oB. hut braoi t team. ME Bflkm
owy Taec thare wo M he ae aresMeat to
bed the eatee eald be raeaat.
whe ga-oe 3BC2
te the matter wart vary atmbff-
fBl whether the vire pre ta > nt-eJ-ct could
take -ihr nffire He en tncrr vaoer the
eoBwtlrBtins SSOUIBI it aft sr the eusta
reBhtaBtfca or dteohBtry af a pratowt.
hm aa proe t hod ftte * . rrte4 er
was daeb.ed te tair apa * titjs 6 can * . The
hrte 5aator Bearr B. Pmyae. who save thfe
Bwtter very careful umaifc'i ' fcOoc. was af
the oasstiOE that t oooM aot he reached
by icatutc. tast coaM eely be oovort-d hy ,
conntracioaai ianiidiiii at. ,
The electoral eoBeoK. " S aaaar Ptyae
oare saod. ' ecriaiarr eaaal sot a i < ssmte.
for it had aireody aaae tai wort aa '
beraee. as a Qaa wam Itcode * ew H lor
Geaoral Or&at ta s r te the matter , and the
Kupmxfe * was aet d OB at once. Hand * ! !
dUlir ) at the white h0n > e and Chris put the
dilemma to aim in Preeioeot Qrast's name
as JoDowc "It te very hard Jer the presi
dent and very embrrasmc te a > en on hte
own sla > that this aa-ter does aot ai < * m te
std taw wttli them TmB s sariBs ; fluum
erackr oppenrUBC Kepubticmas thiak yam
r. + ght as w U eoomt TOdeB IB bat as the
f -sliac ; tBTau huut rbe eouauj1 araiaairs as
hoaeet a coast of the votes M poeefbte thte
etoctaral eooaiwioB orsfc' te be appotated. "
Kand&ITi * aw r was that the eeaa raTs
would Javor A. aad it WBC three' * tbm
ac9ttemc aad Caneral G-iat tamt tbe pten
was adopted by eaagreas Grsnt wmt for
Seaaaor CoakHag aad said wi-t e > * p emra-
eataeM * Tbe inttwir te r seriaos Btaad
the people feri tt wry deeply I Thick th *
4ectaral cacaaiiaBioc eopat ts be ap-
patated. " Coaklag aacm-f ed * 3ar Pri-i
Hint. SeBBiar Martoc iwho wae tbea tbe
Bek o < wedsed laadsr of tbe * < > natei te op-
BBssd ta tt. aadoppomd te year e e-u
hot tf r * wiak. the comramtoB carried
I ecu ae . " Onnt r ptk > d that be wished
k Ban i and Cnaklmg took haU af the proa-
nuirinii aad pot t tkroofa , aadoB lakm-
h teatiative te the hou * aad Owtlln ; in
the baaate. Ptatng wtth a n&rty of frH dB.
Jsst before he started OB ate Jovraey eroanJ
the worid. Grant reviewed tbe coBtest tai
the creation of the electoral con iftMQa
very JaDy aad with rare eaaeor. = ad the
chlaf stsaificBace of his view was in thr
fact , as he stated tt that he expected fraai
the bttciaiiteg " * < i the * 3 Juftgnusit that
the eieetaral voe of Tm i t. wocld he
awarded te TD4i * & Be apotv af South
Caroltea aad Oregnc as Jeafly
to Hapec of Flcrida. is Tnssenrhtr
rnl mst of Lotu iuic as for TBden.
But erttleel as were the cnndtdrn * te * b *
wkater of J > TC-7 thee which arot * whec
GtiMTal Coraeld was lymg at the point af
death foesr years later were ae ieas delicate
tad parHeax. Some tizae te Atsruat af 1Q
a m-cttoc the cahteet was held , aai tor
t > v ra ) baacx ru aManbers earaeotly fa- I
fOHiet tbe otHwtiac whether as the OWBK-I- i
totteto prevtaVfi : b t IB ease of the dtoebatty
of the preasdeat the vlre prMudeat shall !
perform the duties of the aSce they sbtrald '
nor ferm&ny rw ocniie ehs.t Mtch a Knatic- ,
Kency ha > d arisen and call apon the riee
preaadeAt ta assume ex e tive powort. T *
WBC BisoV plain doriBg the eanv rsatM
that sazzf taeiat > er of the caataet were te
favor D ? RatRng upoB GtnerrJ Artkcr to Art
itoe claaee referred tc
ArS ar. however wbefi cpMrB&ehet.
to aB such E gs > esaaaK. d rtzr
h * wosdd take oe sitch ECOB. hat. if
and iinyanli e ezaar acy
was ditiabted he attest |
lii & CT tfi act in sKae way. j
did not anee. ca orOcarr ,
of the corerazM .
niFiared bf the I
Dflvli Duris ehrrtter 3 o-
later- chc gttc8Ttep ukich zraM m 1S > L
It aa hJs np g-n that the j
George VChiJds. .
meant ezacUy what it said , "in case L i
presJUieat beeames disabled t > that hf can *
aat etucoie has fiatwai. " s&id Jad e Dana. <
then it i * Dot orly the right ict the duty j I
of the vice prealdest to pertonn ocl ufflrt '
uaMl the president is asain able t do so.
Sat a ereater peril menaced -&a country
after Carntdd's drath. since { er a tbnth re
was notiites b t * t n & neral Arthur a We
and a Bondtetoa of cnareby or teaaeag crev-
ersincat. There was no presMeBt af the
tmat la saoeevd Generai Artbar in sat
at his death , and there was au i > i lctr of 1
tt * Laufc * r and ing aczt ta > ucc uuaa. OI j
out of exhfteaee hsoare the pH'gtaVmt ' whoai I
tt hod elected had tted- Tae see * * tad 1
bonee ceM not meet agate te Jote eoavea-
UOB aad dweiare Boa one rtae denied.
Bmec thetr oaiy afire whOe malrtan * uca
di uleeottem , te ta en aat h tioMoral vue * j |
mora4 to them,1 Senator Fayae IB con- J
rtustoB oerlared tSBttfe irnitr eBry
ahoaM amhr tt its ant doty te * * * ?
soy aaeh loam s * te aev peeoflkie. It tbr !
BBjtfBj9OC7 ever comec it wtl oecEBtos very
greet asobetj- Bad posgnadv troabte. I
Rev. Hacfc Price IrusrhM af London Krea-
UBaaly opaoMie lone sermona. accept from
m a whs eu anthe them as broad , teas cad
hisfc ES they are Vane.
aev. Dr. Bartd PhfRpsmi WBC tf eh-etoC
rabbi af the Jtcnmd Str * t temple , dacsa- i
amti. toet week , tor a farther tarm of tve '
3 > ors at aa aarniTi * h r of X HML
The ktax ef Corea see j mund BH edict be
ta * rrfuana at aonry taacaUy
pea the won * * of took. Hte
has akreaay ftBi.ueffd thfeTr teat-
piec iz aad aasat Seuad.
CardHtad SusBfMiUc , k-crt-tery ef atfe at
tte Taucaa. cel-brttt b * > Birthdvy a vk
aaat Lee Xm s Bt M MB taeSrfBd and
zeztaoe aervEat e i > uumf ef aowrs cad t
bcBkct af tmt gzchered by Us ewa haodc
m tae TattcKz ssrdoi. stesipoBa wa bars
en Aogaw 17 1 ? .
The aoacreiw of the S teoos * ! Chaceb of
the Tatted S te * wtH be ald at Saotalk
Ta. Koveaxber 17 ta * B. Thte wtB be l&e j
most bnportaat ecdemlaeticsJ Vedy thjJ ha
ever aos mblod te KorfahX * --tnc. ex tt
oeee the tamhoas aad teeJtns ektrcy tf that
ill nomlne'iiis te thic comttrr There v0t
be sevend maadrsd mtedaaerE preoeiH.
ItBius Cg-Bntirt prppOM te ebecrov the
ead of Otf rmirtirrBTTi aad the hiiclTBiar af
he tw * L > cb < i eiurax by epecfad rociB OBs
uereaseaiec. rope Lee TH bestows &e
apnaraJir bxndtctUic BE all who jote te the
BPdertaktee Cusaitttecji bsve bwfa lormoe
at Ritas * aad at BniBgni determine os thr
farm UM > emerri dtunoasttraiaac shtfl takr
kad aH the fciafeofti SB rhe Catholic \uodd
have bero iahed to co-operate.
P O-N < a Bj-m * . eee of the beat kaosm
civH tew ; xs te rbtrggo. ana atm.n.ton has
profeeajflG ta becocae a pijeat ef the * ° - "
Ccthobr caaKk. He hat tcravd bte oinmts
aver te Aaeroey 3dwcrd J. "Walat , ' - 4 "fats
eaiorad s asmetete or a mBimmrrar. IB St.
Leate te onoer M t der = the period af Ktidy
aad proaatwa aanufet hefare rw Wrtng baif
arderc. T at he ieteadE pvesMmtty ta l > -
neaiB a pri 6t ta > e u he kaev bfea best have
T hMlni int C 3SbUwtfe. . statianed te
Arfcnta. G . . BUtfl a year aaa has deeU d
GB Eit > r tbt > Epteeapal mtatea7 He carried.
a ktUe peer a year aga the daughter of
> : ehep Capers of Soclk Ctrnlint. Oc * - c 1 i
ft w yean B B Re rt iL W B&ek the a > { I
of the late C n rFssnj E George H. Slack ox 1
Syrnuua , 6a _ . gave np a tr liitarr ednerttec {
at IT aat Potet s d eBSerod lae Bptor rtu I
ministry Be te OCTT rector of the eaorea is
Athens Wen Poiat aenlemy hM
ctergynMtB te tbe
JLEASV cuoirc.
La ! t a e.r-
titvtip Driictr and W ittr Ttlt . "
"Ten kaow that Kichigza te on * of the
tew states te th Hniaa vbere pi * l paa-
tekiaeat u farbtodmi hy tew. " KM Frrni
H. BatterC werwary of tbe
comotttee. ta a Cbjcsgii reporter
and the people are very ecacte nj the |
good name of the state In that rekpaet. na i
aXthasgh aaiae purvocs IB evarjr togtBtotwe I
lor many y ers have undarzakea te ntiitore > .
th.d oth ptmawy the is peatt a has cJ-
ways bmm AVfeaVed. dot the anegtura "babe I
sp WK-etmly' wtth every legislatsre ; there
U tny BjaetiBt of araiory aad iocs esatesta
te each beaut ? ef the togtalature I
"Same ytr ago ss a = tu ing tiing hap-
peaed wtfle the debate on this bill was .
peodteg te the house at Lucking. Three j' i
ahie and l&nd-hinged represeatatlvtaE , whe
so. aeor each other on the right aide af the I
house. Bade successively long aad rigorous
speeches an the question , all te favor af the
hanging am. When tbe last one took hu
seat a young nnn on the extrczie left CT t
the bouse rose qtncfcly aad add.Sir
Speaker I rue to * cnescian of privilege '
The geatUosaa will etate his quesuon of
privOege. " said the speaker llr Speaker '
BootiDu d tbe yeuag noan , 1 want te Inquire
of eur friends of the other xMe of the bouse
which they Thmk is proleraale to be hanged
or talked to death. ' TMs sta4em tnt wm
CTtfOUfi. wtth great appi&cse , procaptty
checked , however cad tamed agiOnst tts
aathar by a ble-v ieed laeobts * . wha roes
righ ; baak of the three affeadan. aad caBed
out. in a bail r factory rsice'W' * * , a
y s'rtt gotng ta talk , w * prefer ta be
Tae Spodh-Yaiiaf ; Aedfereassa ef 5k
* _ - .j. >
uit t > i f T Ti - i Vy tbe Sew
-nt of tfce
mlltr J d Cunmcc ,
Sly reeePeettesj of tfee Cv yean 168
ta 174. Bpeat te r JOB apt Litter s ward *
te the Boval Memory tt BaahTt& w a
hnoees aimlnUac ham te hte arrra e araeI
tier brtec back aa ar hwaay aad awwt
U < K. t < l > t n Dttrteg thst psrkp * Prut.
LMar asB e aH Ms aooat isapanBat altarat
ttaac a 4 f'jlirttt the aw aajsxnoiry
adopted trgatmeat af wecjdm.atefc has
partirBteriy1 r votattefliBed itu * .ery. oak-
i c & I'nHitfhlte ' > > ahmB all the aast
aporathias k pertvex saJety te
patieat Jtad uniaJBL1 ta * e aBrpeea.
y-ecn ope those openttaca uauld
not hew been vaAectakea wtthoet rt te
deetnxtioB of the pettesirx Me.
Prof. LtBtte- beta ? aae of the east K-
Trrtfc pcaiokHCiME and mltToocoptatsi of iis
day wee aat natlatud as a wsrc-eee wtth
the aafartBactc nvaits of atigratteus aa er >
takem sp te the year 1WT Hanpttal W TB
w re esawOEBtry oveiiuu wtth tueopn of
eryatpeVaa hoapttai fmas tBsad rLnalUBg
Mont pntmsnlns ; . so that the earpeee reatty
trtmtft to Badertak * opgrattens aali in
oreat Braaary aer > aettet d th a. In ar4er
te ante z. fall awaBvre of Latter s work it
wffl he wec-A whfl' te SB bosk thirty Tears
or awre sad claare at the state of swi
sirml scieaee before the revarBttoc whtefc
L Aer wroavht.
Thare was aechte acr&ncer te ahyBfetaas
tiiLOMitt fa. there WB no Kreater aystery
taarQ- - n sco than the di ereace te the '
autliiu of uuands. areordtas * > ithethv I
the ftfefc WM tejtired er not- For ezarsaVe , ;
S the liaa n of the arm were arefeec and
the * 4Cte Ttncteed intact , tt was aaly aec t > - I
nary , ta effect a cure , to M < the boaef .
prof > rry. even tbom * te tejnry was a I i
K * ar ae. Boi OB tb other hssad , if the j I
fete wore ton or tejvrvd M BI ta canj j I
aaaatate wtth the boae the wovad te a '
soi Jin II j of eas s was is til. Aad tbe tori
tBr tact arcompaated the prasrens af the
-rrf wa > ofteai = otTBl I
Is-p only way that BKB of soaeee oovJd i
sssaaBsa tttic Biiii uter ct i reaoe of D4hftvtar ! I
BBtwema whsst ther called sliafil aad com- i
traetorci was thai te SHSBI. laajutei
awK af thr air mmld : ii < l with the
e oe v rt tiw feter hgaJthfal aad i
jotU f nxhetBaee tnte a rMeat patiiBL. i
'Where a Btecpl ? or mm.j-d woosa wovdtt I
h ai aaoekiy. aa n n td raw Earfsce t - ,
eaae eavnrrd witfc a UTCT of dotted btoed. '
wfcfcca tevBTtaMy pctretf4 Aad. tuHetlm. <
eaiae a4eerBXiOB cad that
. car * , fceeovery was aa scad > at.
rmmss THB
Ube thacacad * of etar > Lteter
rcriccc praaJem deeply And j
a * tetosttas te BO incur CBDVC tt wa * Iron
oaroieilri te a widely separated aeU that !
hte s > wa caae. Ahem that time , te the ;
"CKhwratty ef Lfflwe * a jroucc ase wbe j
had m a > aome very reowrlobie teveKtiea- i
P - ear by saiar He bad'laoad that fer
maarstliia. . wherever ttrst on. wss do *
to the srewti : af otsote orczaisac oe- '
seotaWe eaiy br the m .r Tiipe- :
Af SORB BC aVeerapd or
-trreriis tberr eaae te Liarw She greet
thnncht thrf. a * potrrfactteB of veeetahie i i
matter was -due te T > - prcs are af aa- !
erohec , paHifHCttec of mniois WM d e tc | i
sad nitl-naure , tha ? if i
vdta Borne BBCI I
which , wtthatawotBi : oeriooc harB I
te the kmeu tJamtes wom3 ua the microbe * 1
sJmedr coctatoed te tt. tird ar rat iht ]
accrvs ef others te the firing state tUs i
inrtrefiketioe anchx he arvveatrd aad tbe
horrors of Bcrgery ooa * wj Tltm And h *
* fDrB erpi iSDeBXHe leararl toot e r-
actd had hpex traad te arasrti a re-
maricahi * AcwdcrtrtneSsc apr * aewaax
Bad k v _ ac obtateed z saiuah. of tbe jaraK-
whtei c tisen ErtJe mare thas a chec-
tcal curioefcT. b - a > termiUie.d e or it te his
dtetcal work. Be made tbe xpBcc.timi
ta a rompeuad tractere. and had the joy of
tbeee Sormidh > ta erV-j aKDow the
traarsO oewx a * Baozde fc rtares a
tb * ekte remstas naorefcFiL
Set thte IOM aot aH "Wtet the aew
tt became peaaihlc ta efeeeroe te
w omd whB ! had &i bera been hidden
view Trat tts the aaaaer te whi > & j
JH > body repcir * tts io Jar . Of ape ial {
tstenat wat tbe proccsc by which portion * ;
Tt tteear WB-d by th ruhsace ef the aeI I
v-ere dteaooed ef Hirhene dead |
pane hd always been seD to he
separated trots the lirins ; br a aspen m of
j j
znsl thcvwn mf as < 4oBgh. Sm.
when paarr-ed by the arftet Jtic iron : be-
i-t.m.T pott-ad &ad theralcrf this
deed Bubsta&oe cttus d 3 * dtotnrfaznce. but.
an lie cantrary. t ias af a < anrrfciDns
nature jiarrt u food fer fite srrwir ? ele-
af ifee- brine ciktter. Even dead boae
" ro br ttui ctooC cad b nia > e ah-
CT living cs * * > 0Gs tittoe From thence
_ the ideb of uiisx jir ad rf d aJ
ttanues liMM-ttUffhJjr ntiKeptised. for
bland vcst l - Thtisresds thne raadf
ab oca ! * > d"&d repl = c J by
n ria ? of ttvtagttswic ana Aid not afterward
rtoaire nu& tl and dz SBraus cnrtlap out
" n ijidrawtl I : took /rof Lister atiu'Iy
tr y ars beterf he j rJ:3 a his treameBl-
"CTh B he n e < cerboUc & M It was o&ly to
be hud tt tn impure IltWid kaown as farm
craoBM * . His auu thea * tci ta form & crust
a w-eoad cans wt lag T lint , carbolic
a.-4i sod lilDod. which "taaald protect
deeper parts fraai
Ha xezt tapr v a ni iri this treatment
was a abect of ta&d or 4-oet Un applied
Dtecaee and over tappiag , th > cruet te prevtmt
titwaporsxioG of UaeJsreoUc acid. His
Ottrd Bcvcnce was app nDS undiluted car-
baUc ted to the deeper -parts bafere ap-
the dresMcs. A&ec-Xnu he made the i
anxisepuc drenaine. a ssrt ef oirboUc ,
potty. I ' i
His cert step ia tha way af dressing wcs |
piasters. At last , in lfr . after uaiag '
aakea asa dressing aad aadtng tt to work [
very sir.ttnta.eto.-dy . in certain ouea. Prof-
Lister copied the oakss acmpcettten ( which i
is merely a mixture ttl ir aad terapttE |
threads by cstng caraaHc acij iaco.-poratBd
m the threads of cheetn cloth , aad so today !
aH < gauze dmuucgs are > eaUy aediacaticas
of oakua ia a nicer Jarts. I
la the first days of the antiseptle trrat-
inent the carbotie lotion * were applied ever
the wouads by meaas of a large brass
syringe. Thin was next replaced by tb
hand atomizer and. ia 1K2 Lister ictro-
da ed the use of the steaza spray , using tt
all the time be * as oj rtttec and changing
the drenBtega. Today th dlffereot antisep
tic lasians are applied la the wounds by
means of the irrtgatar whteh i * really a
fountain irrtege
It Bhaac 3 that Lister's first experisieots
were in the infirmary at Glasgow "which
w&s bu t orur1 old cdatstcry. la t > ! 4
.e ravaret at
With * ae tr dt rMJBt of th *
methods LbKe-s wa-d * trwa
tome ef the nest vahvaltay te the
< mmt the hrattMect te the
wort * . On the other hs C. other wards
seatrated from h * by a ptsesge ooiy a
Jew feet breed , where termer aadta ef
trcatmeat v-er * Jar a ttcae uaBtteat'B1 ' asta-
tatend their aeaal fetch rate. Tail WBS
hat ea example of many IE the great
ABfiiBttetim Krashea * * * * . te M * teh _ be -
plteJ Exacrcae had heeeme mart s d more
] rtte from rear 'e rear tffl at Vcafrth the
neDtnc rnodt-jot wa * reached ths * M per
i etrat af aB wtmad * heesm ? e evt < hy n
I ' aad the * -iti rate was LIB m ni tticry
hctThe tentttattox seem * * ta brv * Ve-
ti I t eome hop-hnrty tefvnwd aad the cvths-i-
| ties wore cimtem * > lstD Its o-ajUHUoe aad
recoaBtnirtUn Jnet at tste time Hater
mall ; i. anaoBaceaaat af hte njisitiaeata.
The aealBtaat director of the Xntac. henaa-
taU earn * t ntod * a r LMer tharvochly
manaa-f * hte lyntsm aad retwa * * tt thr
i Kraafeeabaas. Oe a rertste esr afl tae
: wmtaof were or wd aecoitUM , te the Lte-
tertsss method , aad from tart oar forward
' aot a stecte eae of huspttal gsncreae has
i ft- mad ? Its appgaraatt thrrs.
| i Xot aaly was thte generally trae bet the
i feerfal disraep of pyaenriB. or Mead
the appMeatioB ef Ltanertac a h < . Bad
' eryatpotac too. aooc took the hist dad tart
th > aald. IttSaanoa-Hm b ac * apar eM4 wtrk
aJl the attrad at pate , fever aad waattex ;
etncBBrBec. the Bnffe.'tec ' of patients was
eaaratenBty teaeeavd. raptd coBvahpHrcatc *
roQow d . aad still f nrther. operations which
bed b > Bfc rrd fraai tteM Uat jemu : tofl
M BnjntttBbte troa tieir eboaet anJrer-
i sstly tetal reraits. were adopted with per-
f et R fcty
* aThat aaoe thehi had done far roririca ]
asMTxtiotts proper te rettertei ; pats aad pre-
, tesUac tbe tejnr-d frocn Bhock antw-pe'i
uosaptaiied by an Bssnrtec raptd aad patalem
, recovery TktMs. wltk thpi to * d1nr T rle
that of Mortoc af etbvr te Aanrica. ust
Lbtw of ainmrptlcc te GlaBgcw. was laode' .
, i
St nriclt have b * a nuppoged that with
resatts s * lOrftrcc end BO piste aot only ,
I te the ese of Lister s s-ws it ardc but eine1 1
where ate * thai hte lattbod was tried i
EBtiaeptic KorpeT wnold have Qtttekly come
tet njrtrprsftl nr Net ae At the present
ttme P-eple would hardly reaitoe the greet
QMprii l-.lun aad ridicule hroccht te h ° ar
acamxt Pref Lister's mmdeifat
Svw thf amased estee-rt
at the word arttevptkc rurrery
I ree eaoV.'r oae 4 r a im. whfrs Prf I
Latter ant begaa msinc boraesc arid ( whfc * 1
he toond tbe Norwesnanc were BBi g tn I
i hira : pack and preserve their flst far
ecpartl he BBteed me If I would be cted te
sv ? baiBLic acid rmae a one aad reateee our
old triead CBrboJfc acid sa the amtresrt -
meat I told him I should be very eta * if
tt weald do the work as wen or better tan
carbolic aeM. Be BapBr > a v ry asaex
ptoened wtth my aavwer B * n shewed htm
that I nad s d the aesesUar prtecialos he i
wac teachsBc BS he was v ry sock suacyid
d ( Jif uuLUf ef BIS oppocMsatc dubaiAg af hla
treatment as the "cBrhotk scif atetaed '
aad ae teferrltr that it was merely a "aae J i
wank" Ida. msteaJ of brtnc fotmoed on a | i
' * " uua hly BclectlAL theory l
Lteter aauie the first * na n MSD it of hte
area : diecirenes aiong about IK ? aad ten
sinii later , when he west ap te LoodaB. hte '
atees aad anohod * ba > d bat Iio * oome tete
wtroe. I : te a remarkaaie far : that tt WBC i .
tbea fte a fart ftmr the first aal |
th t the STBt BBXteeptsc operat
ttorn WM pertnrsied te BeUerac hmiattaj - n I > '
; ? t w Tork Ctry ProiiBb'y the am cppra- ,
aae. aceordmg to scientific aatsMsoUc [ I
aietbodc. OB thte coBdaeBt sa performed a 1 i
Caaada , Jtnnary. IKi j I
Soeh te very hr1 f oatTiae were Lteter '
direct eunti'lbcttoas ta the revaiuttOB of
sarg-ary U the test .be tbe lesaeatBg of
TM&B tad tbe oatreapeadsc tecre ve af iat-alth
aad hBpniaeK tt te ooobtr l if ta re te a |
mea Irraiz te whom the wwJ ! ts * o much '
indeated. Bet. like ail great dtacoverios Ae
ofcct ef Latter s splendid work i3 aot ead
w-sti hte ' prot fiei & . The eppWcrtrw
of the ffrm tnc ry TO wc-sery tcwi as a
pc werf-ul B texBlns to the teveetkCBUoc of the i
wbate aucm-arcaate world , wtri the rH b j
that aat aoiy were atitiaim aad all * " ? }
disaroers rrvMtX ae of microb.c rrar. bat i ,
a hcaad aev erieaee that of beteriato ry. I I
was drveU-ped. Tbr latter opened up a wide 1
aad trees dosuia af bielery and has dem- ,
uaeiiatcd in tec caee n more thai : a doses i
af ae aeBdUost aad
that njgtet lattatfed ttat ther (
soiely. as Paxtear beM. te tbe tefectioc of i
cicroDes. The cerm thAory of dteeasr be * j I
net oaty rrvoiutianJoed modt ra science tact
a Its inipcrtance te the htnaeji race it may
be regarded SB the greatest achieveaeat af ,
tbe eeatury I I
Praf. Li * r's peTaaaaBty WBC zioot j
KiiU'ireoeUr : . In the first place he I
Tts tat1 movt coaeeieatiotcs arc aB I have I
ever omt. Ber r forBetttag thrr he ws !
deatmc wtth the life aad weKare of a Idlow 1
betag. 1 Comhired wtth Ktnu b = : orwBrd mani
Iteewi 1 he wac g Btle and OTaaesummc. DBBC1 ;
t tCwms as regard * the truUx. and strictly | |
feaaoraMe 1 te ail deaioe * very particoter
te i every detail te the -
mf r-H mtj > t and I i
care of ate patients , aad very exacting I
wok kte asfitetants whele tumfHng ha * pz-
twtttx. asJ very courteous te mmnnex. H *
w = s very : uch belo ed bf LB wan whom ,
he came ia ooscaet. '
When h * hd pertectod hte antiseptic j
trestaMBt of woundc he was 4E years eid ;
He ww a native of the nan ± of RngUng. .
Prof Lteier aiarruid the dsughtar of James ' '
Sys&e pmteseor of BargaT te the CnJ - - i
wty at Bditi uTci. aad the ao c b-bra.ted
Boreeea te Scnflaat ! . Ltstar Baeceaafcd Mr. ! '
Syme te 1$48 as the profesa r f rlminaj ;
surs fT wbu tbe forc < er aad a EiigbX i
paralytir streke wbica dteaalfcd him from ,
active work. Prof Lwtert admiration fer , i
Xr. Sytae'f aaUtty was very markt-d , aad <
when the oCer raire from Kmir's coBwee.
London acfcterf Pro ! Lteter te take charge
of cltaw l Bursery thare. render a vj-m&t hr
the araA of Sir "STHhtm Fenr soa. whe had I
beB looked BBOB as Lht lec iag sargs m j .
Lactdsc he decliut the ojer tad said a { 1
v L. J oat t aca * tg 3 jcrsery as It was ' ,
taori ta Laadoa. TE- second o r wc
thea seat him. giviag aira pemu BioB , if he I
iwcaptei. te cave full pcrver te leach te '
hte awr o-ar. and further. th = t be ceaM
krm ; ha whole BtaS and ourse * vtth iivs I
2rosi Bdmhurgb. ;
"STitt many regreU , he than r < t&icaed his
prafBss r bip m the astveralty. aad aniy
accepted the offer te go ID Lnadon beca-aae !
he considered st iu duty to iaaaguratc I '
there tbe antiaeptie treatzieat. ts up ta
" * Un it had net been cdepted by Lan- !
aon sorgr&ac. ]
Siace then hte rketao& ; have irtjen adapted :
bf all sciectiac eurgeens thrmghoot the i
world. As a rsancnJttec af the gre&t service [ !
he hzs rtndersd naakiad. bis severatex
made him a baroa C The empcrar of G r- i
mury deoarated him wuh th erdtir of
Kalgataood , pour ) e z > ente. 1
! '
IUsrht of X3t < - Tanten Ustitrd Or r j i
.lUxrJ Train * . \
Aa aM eagia er is respoasihli ! lor the Joi- | i
lowtag train order oc the 'STabB-in um sj - '
tern. March 4 !
Seadsiaarttirs G. O. P 2. ? fTaBhtegaoE '
System , X rch 1 , 1 K. TCastbound ioix td
spedaj No 54 wil pull out of v&ite boow
statioc at i : ac. sh rp ilirch i. te i nai t
of s. IG-wbeeter te 1 saeks- tariff Jit- i
lorm. " he r "Gcoeer. " shntpor "SU'vex- ,
sen" and punber "ZWnMierot. " dead. At j
EfuCilo saad buffer Gro r tete fiyteg I
switch ; pick np wrecking car Bryan , wiut
sBioahnd platform aad bttBted ajr-chaoher '
at Ceid Cross and leave tt te { root at CnJ- I
cage pliutcrm at Bvosctoc. where tt wtfl l e ;
picked up by the Lincoln loaned cattle tnus I j
aad left at Saline , river. ! eb , Lesve
the dead posherTJeraecraf at tbe CoB- , "
sees scrap heap Cbicagc j ;
Tbe easzbocnd Greaa
Motiatain aeeeousa- ;
fiatMia wCl I ave the rsfriserater car "Sew- ; i
afi" at Maine Both tank te have tiarrul 1 j
: !
' '
wricli Tria be picked -up .by Wilson's I
lie trais. !
Ode aad lock nH switches on C. O , P H ,
Z. main line aad watt on siding tor Ke. Si
regular Washingtaa batted McEuJof and
Hobrrt , Hark Ha&na. conductor , wajeh has
ahsotate right af way ever all trains tram
Caatorn to fVashingtsin. 'Br ' order-
BOM. ETTDOU-JLE , C &wal Mansg r
Speed end itiety are the vatctwsrdi ef
th * ape. One Minute Ceach Cure atsi .
ptifly. safely and never tifli. AsUisa
couchs and enldr KI ? rsred by tt | i
The Latest Fashion
) If thatfswhat 'cu want with the addSSoaal
guarartce that the jxkis wkhm reason , then
' this is the phce to get k.
strvckr. Ce&et , 33 in , lf full
tend stn *
Mark Stvflf Jackets , lined tkrtmgkfxt ,
, irrvtmad vntJt ids of
We can quote lower prices but these prices
are for the best goods made. You can pay
double this amount for not any better goods.
The 1511
New Store Douglas
lilt's "Wis * Free CotsBCT ef Stlvar
'lias is wry.
Vital Iotrrr t of R-nilrond Htn ) Ioyr *
ami AH Woo Tmde > Ith Them
in tbr 5oer of
Svnnd 324 > &ry ,
Thare ar ten the Tatted 9 * tes aore rf
- S.HWt men te the raitraed baatams. More
tarn BM.HM sf these are clanm-d mater the
rates ef ia-bor naioas as laboring m n , that
te. tbey are aot eoesged ta the efaces of
the compaaie * ban work out on the road
Tber Bre oontoetort. arahuoiLE ,
e firemea traefcaas.
; raeehaniee aad buaAers. nmdttnVts
and the Hke. Tbe papBlar vote for pr * i-
teat fear yean ape was a ttttte taore thi
l It c ib-cc nee
te the raOroftd buitei ill voted they cast
aefcrty oae-toactee th of thr total vote ef
The aatiac , aad if they vote tJus year the
preponkoB wftt be tbotrt ie s&rie ,
The atttrad * of so larc * a body of an te
c ttectioc like tbe preneat is af coarse of i
t - createet tetereet te tbe whale people !
J iaterecu B. these men are s idcntiatd
wtth the iatrnrts af tbe whole nation that
the prea&bte f > "ect that aar vteem ef aa
fVernon weald have ac these iMerests IB of
greet pcbUc bApertaaee Tae raea w-ho
knew whet weM b- the efT ct af the
etocUea af Wiiliar : J Bryan OB tbe weces
and the tBtereets * ! the rzllrot * men are
the practical aortms nilroad off.rists the
H O v bo have the masa ? &ext ef the read
wna tbaesA tb y boM executive placet end
are te rectrol of tbe Ben wae work en. tbe
rood , are reaHy raUrnad workman aad w rk
for WBMW Jut the same as tbe coadocio-s
sad hrslii-mtin aad switchmen cud track
laborers do. the only atf > renee b te ? that
their wafies are di dfied bf the term
"Wbct weald be ta ? eCeet of the 4 etkra j
of Wmia = J Bryan and theadaption at trot
sflvw eotsage es the rafirvad wage-eiiraer
of tae raited States' "
A reporter of the New Tork Stin pat the
ottecdon to Mr J. G. McCBQoBgh. president
of the Chietce & Brie raOreed.
"Tt wosUd be dteastrwtt" said Hr Mc-
Cgnongt < "Every railroad company whose
Czed i charges that is. the principal and in
terest 1 af is bonded iadebtedaesa are pey-
able > te celt tc Is tbe case with alraesi
evtsry ra&road. if aot every railroad in tbe
Tiuted ' States , would be cortip-Ded te pw-
chese i paU it : tb- open market te order to
aet these fixed charges. Of course tbe
rase * af fare aad freight would sdQ eon-
tiaae te he eeHectibte only te the eorreacy
of i tbe cevntry which weald be sOvor if
3ryex I were elected. "
* Wiy wevU the rates of tare aad r icbt
BceeseornT i be collectible 12 saVar * '
the 1 rmiortRr
'BecaBie , " tarf Mr. XoCultoogt ' 3
lature 1 or eongresB w ld aetberiae a railroad -
road : company te oolhxa its charp-p * te gold
whea Bftver WES the legal teader. Why. te
a i proposed in tbe Chicago pl .zfor2 te lor-
bid | br taw tbTTintteg of aaf oentracts
pay&bie ; te gold. "
"CouidE't the eoopaaies incrB * e their
rases ef far ? aad their freight rates te taake
up the diSerence1' "
"As tB iacreosteg the rates , tbe tendeary
of ' aB legisttrion has beea to evsptd tbe
coatsiaBiec < te reduce their rales and there
is : oe cusseiOB that aeiiaer copgriws aor aay
state ' taosl&tEre w ld antaoriae en te-
CTB ' S te rates 5oeh a Thng was never
Unc 1 te this or aay eth r eottatry thai
after the rstes tad ooee l > e ii rednced they
r rsifiod again by leciaiaxive aBtberity '
" Would it be oeeowary te have legislative
euthoruy to rait a the rates * " ask d the rt-
per 1 r j
"Th * rates of paHsecEor fare are .Sred by
law 1 m abaoet pv y ptale , " was the rt y I
"That te. c rate of I S or 4 cents a mfle. at
the 1 cose day be. heyoad which the railroad
companise rynnnt charge. Tba is the 233Z-
Jracr J : Tilt of fare TbeoiUy otaer pce-
rition ' te te the- matter af freight rates.
which the interstate coiaaerce law cays '
i shaJ ! b * proporuonateiy the saae as short i
and i toag tauM tad which ronsf be * im-
partial ; cad reasonable' at aH tfen . ITeTL
aow : 1 have said thitt the fixed eJULages- are i
aH i payaale te goid tad that u > e receipts are
aO j in aOvflr. therefore it is Barer Baiy that
the 1 earapaaies will have wtth hick t perI I
chase , . tbe gsdd te n > - their bbca ioas that : I '
most be paid ia goid In otber wards , tt '
wffi < tse S of rec Hpt QIMI te pay H of ; ' I '
cold : * febc tor ta buy n af feM. it vSU take 1
K ; te silver .and siJver win i > e aH that the i
aanpcsy < witl have
"Tbes the ez itetyei : of the railroad rom-
snai s. that te aU of tostn fram tbe bigbfr
efecars dcwnemUd be uaproteclttd by geld
eearriirte Tiiwir wagws arc fco auch and fe
payable in tbe earrpacy of the cs-aatry The
raHrcaos. b teg compelled ta auuept silvw
from their pouwiLSErs aad their treigbt cus-
tamers , wSI hsv ta pay sile r ber ihey
are net compelled by contract ts d otbttr-
wise B * ry can. then , wbe draws his pay
trom a railroad casp&ny would receive a
U-eroi doTlttT wtmrp be novr gets a 3KB-cent |
dollar He would have a delltr walrh he
had earned with 100 cents' worth o' lainr
hut which has only SB ceats purchasing
power tth which to purchase the etiu-
nwiiiHti that he oe di for htdtrff aad his i
tamUy. hU food , his elathing aad hats an 3 ,
sb ea , aad tor the comforts of his home >
aad the education of his children ,
'Ax far tbe ratteeuds doubling the rate of
wages under frer silver , any one has but to
read the ruparts of every raOrvad in the
United States aad .he wffl see that one o !
twe tr-msi snuat happen , even if the WBCM
remain a ; tbe present figure Th * retires at
which aev pay dividends must pass their
dividend * er g IBIB ta hands of r ceiv n f
and fMTtaerraare tbe prebabltey would be ' '
tf Bryan were elcietod. that net only would
the raads aot earn tufficiunt te d larc
< Thio 9ds ar ta keep out af the hands of
rueeivera bat that alse tfa wajis of tbe em-
piay s would hare to b * reduced. That is.
not only would tt * agt * be paid Ia silver , I
hot the jnen weald crt fewer S-eest AoBars
thaE they new rft 3Wrt ii ooOara. "
"Tee aaothor rs&raed eSdal
ea this petal , -it is as plate as the day
New. te Otestrate Bece Iz a read , well
sy. j Out has groes earmiags of . MfrfK > a
j year aad Saed ekar * * * . aot tectedtag operat-
I teg exjMtomn , of ir.o80.8W a yr. Tbe of > * T-
attog expecaes are JT.7W.Btw a year That
' te. the total erpeos * * are HTM. ( a year
ii ad the tecoate te ff. 80. W. learteg a profit
of IS * BM a year New. the fixed charges
aeteg PBTBbte te raid aad the rnudami beteg
sftver. tb * eoaxpBBy has te pay } 4 fHM.ase ta
Bfrrar te K JMHW.OW te feM to pcy them
se that the f ct te that the Baed caarpes
are n.oM. < Nio a rmr te ptece af S2.BM BW
Now w nherc * are Fteed eharpes ,
.W Wt ; operztteg expeaeea. JI.7M.eWI
totai. S 7Sa MI 6nmc tecoaM % W. 8.WH ( .
deftest. tl.75e80 , teetHBd ef a prott of
a L.oM Where tate U.7SB.M * eoaae
troa * The &a d ehr < caaaot be eat
The cat ainut eocne IB the operBtteg a-
Bad the chief item of the oparBtta ;
i the was * * of the naiplaf i 11-
farther raatreitos save te hwvr
arw rail * aad aew MfB-tpnremt. Ther have
tebuy thPoe tniapv The iaw says that
xT.v r is tecsj teaser aad they can par-
chae tbr thiaam wttt ctrver. the sejne
amoey that tb y ar > eotnp-OBd at rp < ar r
3at the price of cteel raOs ad of railraad
eovipaeat ta not fixed by law a * is tbe price
of i passenger fare M the Bakers of the
rails ' aad the etruipBMmt dsuble the artee of
these ' oosuaoditiee under the sEv r Btaa4ra.
j Bt as tbe grecer doabies the price of the
groceries he saOs aad the dotbiac Bias
devotee , tbe price ef hta datbteg. aad BO.
wkfle tbe railroad has tbe prir eg of pay-
teg ' te B&cer it takes ) ut twtee as aach
sCver as It dM before. Too cright say
that if the grocer aad the dethteg aaa
aad the mtker of sten ) raJb aad raflrsad
wjuiptneat can oochle the p"iee of their
eominodiJca. then the laborer cat toaMe
tbe prtce of the comsedity he has te Baa.
That te his labor But he act
eaase the rtarnndi can't pay it. Dea't row
we hew plate tt U ? The ra&eeads nKl
crBaspartBtten. The law fixes tbe fir cr
that they can charge. They CBS oaty g t
M > mnch see r If tb r ecn get eabs9
aaeh ther caa apead ealy ae aach. "
Tbe aspect of die oaestlos te w-aV pr > -
s ned by Mr C orge Br3e te an aoaress
recendy ootirered ta th Ra&rBftd Men' *
Soond Moory clah at SprtesaeM. IB. Be
takes the WabeaB raOraad as BB I'-naoBL. '
and Bbovs n a plam aad practicaJ war
haw atneh He esplOFes have at utahe in
tic j relation te the pendteg propecdtioa Sar
the , eheiLperteg of tbe enrreacy Dartas
the 1 Vast twecty-five yearn ae potett oca.
11 they have rtaeived oat e > f tbe earsiags of
11 the property over trS.W H.M0 ( Ead te the
same period the eteckhalo a tbe owners
of the propurty have receiviid & 3S jm. er
k e than 1 per cent of the aawBBt received
by the operatives. Tor the fiscal year tSK-
SC tbe gro eBrstegs of the Wahash > TO-
t-fm were J1Z S 7.14i Of this BBS the DBQ-
paay paid te S.0M eiaplofes. net iadesiag
salaried eOciale 15 f.lS . or aaraf Mae
e * < --r W. ( iO per aenth. K4 77I7 went lor
interest , restate aad taxes ead alter pay-
lag for isntetanaace ef ay. salaries of
officers and other aecsEB&ry csgrftea. it had
a Barphn ef barely J31.SM It will be seoa
at a gianee. tberafore. that the ha&i-
&f > uof tbe reed WBE worth more to the
employee thas to the ovser er tbe Tiantf
ttoieen. Bet they coold at acprnt a
coBtteUBBce of thtc advssttage ustoer tbe
lees favorable crndttioEB that would ao -
.of tbe road te tbe evest of the ae rten af
tbe tree silver policy Tbe Wabaah te tieaail
te pay ta Sold OBCB yetr ac tet ret en Its
bonaed debt. S2.5o8.WH'hi a free coiaage
law in farce it wosOd have to pajr $2 af tts
earuagB vhere it sew pay * eaty oae for
that purpofte or S. .WH instead of : ! M-
BWt ; aad that alone would esther Sacee it
teite bankruptcy cr coic * l tt ts ia t * a
la'Sf redartiaB of ejopleyes end of wBcea.
The seine M true te < ? ' "er-Bt desress of H
otaer raQreads waieh draMNHntrates w&y
raJt = aad SM C ere practically eaan&aecs Jer
Ja making tastastant-ens phetegraphs el
be splash termed by a fftHhig fttoid , PmL
Wertbingien has snocee-ded in gfetag an
exposure ef lees three ene-ndThoaflu
of a second' This is effeded wM9i an eiec-
rric spark -which con be * acoarakely tttiMfd
that the eperater can eVect any 6 s red in the prrgrefe of a Hsia&h wttbta
liraris of errar net ecceediiig1 two one-
tb saLB ttof s second. A pbmegr&pkus
pri&Ucc machiae. exhibittid at a is cBt
"esBvorsoziCBe" t > l the HofiJ saeiuty hud a
r Q of prepared hcemidV paper ted te at nee
ead aad turard act finished photographic'
prtets at the othtcend. st the uteaf S.8M
to XJ > t * per awar Those photagfcaBS are
us d tor iQustrnuacB in iwwastafmri s.s.3.
TaU&d Pair.
Ch4caga Tribttce "It meat hive been a
thrzOiac EipiM when the bBaaages w rt >
taken off De Becyon s eyes tnd he was icMe
to s e agsin after ten long years of hiiad-
. "
It was. He burst into tears aad reached
for 'he b&ooages ngam The first object
his Ff * rtrd upon huppooed to I * a cirl
in biojme'E
IB cnrinff tortKriag ,
) , feaaniatinj bumors of the Sldcj
' Scsp ! , end Blood when sfl elss
BOAT , tJt-i Kiiul- ! > C3
urn CUUL Coir-
tr" Haw tu Ciui ' 07 &ie > .