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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1896)
OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JTJ2TE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SATURDAY MOI12UXGOCTOJJER 24 , 180G TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE coir riVB CENTS. SOUND MONEY RANKS GROW All Parts of the Stnto Contributing to the McKinlcy Column , WEST POINT REPUBLICANS OUT IN FORCE ] ) rlr ntloiix I'rPNi > nt from All Sur- riiiiinlliiKTIMVIIN to Prove Tlirlr , Jiitc-ri-M in tlio Inane * of Hit * CnniiuilKii. t WEST POINT , Neb. , Oct. 23. ( Special. ) Wednesday was a gala day for West Point republicans and the occasion of the greatest political demonstration ever held In the town. An Immense concourse of people gathered here from all parts of the county to participate In the republican rally. Dele gations from Wlsner , Bccnlcr , Lyons , Oak land , Bancroft nnd Pendcr were present with marching clubs nnd Women McKInley clubs. Three bands of music enlivened the occasion. At 7 o'clock n torchlight proccs- elon was had through the principal streets of the town , extending over two miles In length. After the parade the crowd was mustered In the mammoth warehouse ot the Nye Schneider company , the opera house city hall nnd court house being too small to accommodate the people. The speakers of the evening were : Hon. H. Gucnthcr , cx- inlnlstcr to Mexico , and Hon. W. S. Sum mers , ex-assistant attorney general , who for more than three hours discussed In an able , convincing and forcible manner the issues of the campaign. TOBIAS , Neb. , Oct. 23. ( Special. ) The re publican voters of Tobias and vicinity held the largest and most enthusiastic rally ever known In the history of this place Thurs day night. Large delegations came from the Mirroundlng towns , until It was estimated that 4,000 people had gathered to greet Con- giissman E. J. llalncr of Aurora. A largo torchlight parade was formed In the even ing , headed by the Tobias Cornet band , fol lowed by the Flambeau club , a large divi sion of the Tobias McKinlcy and Hobart club , led by Prof. Frank's band of this place , and n large delegation from Ohlowa , fed by their band.The hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion. At 8:30 : Hon. J. J , Langer of Chicago addressed the Bo hemians in their own language. Hon. E. J. Halner was then Introduced as the speaker of the evening. He had Just begun to speak when cries of "Come to the door" were heard from the outside. A temporary plat form was erected at the entrance and Mr. llalncr there addressed n crowded house nnd a Inrgo overflow meeting In the street. Even then the large crowd could not be accommodated , so the doors ot the other hall were opened and County Attorney J. 11. Grimm of Wllbcr entertained a large audience there. STANTON. Neb. . Oct. 23. ( Special. ) Republicans - publicans here nrc congrntulntlng cnch other over the great success of the rally held Monday night. Congressman Mclklcjohn was the speaker. The torchlight parade was led by the Stanlon Cornet band , und fol lowing were 200 men and about fitly boys carrying torches , mottoes nnd banners , und as many more could easily have been secured bad there been sunk-lent torches. ( lermanla ball was not large enough to accommodate one-half of those who sought admission , Congressman Melklejohn spoke principally on the tariff Issue. Colonel Al Iltxby of Lincoln was present and kept the audience In nn uproar of merriment for a half hour. The McKinlcy Male quartet nnd tliq Stnnton Lndles1 Republican Glee' club assisted ma terially In the evening's entertainment. Doubtful voters arc rapidly being brought Into the republican fold. FAIRBUHY , Neb. , Oct. 2S. ( Special. ) IIo'i. J. II. Rushton of Fairmont U holding a scries of mi-clings In this county this week end speaking for McKInley and prosperity to cnthutiUstlc audiences. S. Rlnakcr of licatrlce and lion , F. W. Collins are filling appointments tbls week , nnd during next week Hon. E. J. Hnlner nnd Judge R. S. linker will make a thorough canvass ot the county , Halner speaking at four towns and Baker at three. Arrangements arc made to glvo them n grand reception. DODGE , Nob. , Oct. 23. ( Special. ) A grand republican rally was held here Wednesday night. It was the largest political rally ever hold In this part of the county. Charles E , Winter of Omaha addressed the people nt the largo Bohemian hall , which was filled to overflowing. Winter In a masterly man ner propounded republican doctrine and ex posed many of the fallacies of Bryunlsm. WEST POINT. Neb. , Oct. 23. ( Special. ) The large school house at Elkhorn was packed Wednesday to hear the German speaker. Max Adlcr of Omaha , discuss the political Issues pt the day. Adlcr made a logical and convincing speech of over two hours' duration In favor of sound money and prosperity and appealed to the patriot- lam , honesty and good Judgment ot the Germans Jn language thnt nil could undcr- eland. The audience appreciated the speech. WAHOO , Neb. . Oct. 23. ( Special. ) The Ida McKInley club gave n social nt the city hall Wednesday night. A Inrge crowd was In attendance nnd n splendid tlmo was had by nil. Rcffrcshments were served , nfter which the evening wns spent In having a good time In different forms of amuse ment. The campaign In tills section 1ms ItillcC Lnd each uldo U getting In con dltlon for n grnnd demonstrntlon Just previous to the election. The republicans will have John L. Webster hero October 31 , and the stiver forces will have some speaker of national reputation hero about Novem ber 2. WEEPING WATER. Neb. . Oct. 23. ( Spe- clil. ) Tuesday night F. W. Collins of Lin coln was billed to speak hero , but failed to arrive and hundreds who came In from the country were disappointed , However , Sena tor Tufft was In the city and was presse < Into service. The opera house was fillet nnil the meeting was opened with a luv , words from A. L. Tlmblln. Mr , To ft I thei gave a splcnlld talk on tlio tariff that dk more iood ; and opened the eyes of the voters moro than any previous speech made here Hn had chnrtu showing the condition bcfon and after reciprocity of our exports am prices In figures thnt rould bo seen by all and then flnUbed with a short talk on tin money am'stlon , . with charts to illustrate. iWIIV WISH SIUM'OUTS .M'ICIXLUV Eloquent California Democrat Tnlk for Siiuiiil .Mnnvy In IIMVII. ATLANTIC. In. , Oct. S3. ( Special Tele gram. ) John P. Irish of California stoppct In Atlantic , between trains and dellv orcd an able speech. Ho was met at the depot 'by nearly 100 sound money men , wear Ing gold Tlbbon badges , lettered "Soum Money , " and was cscnrlod to the Wlndso hotel , where hu banqueted with about fort ) or thorn. After lln > banquet the party wen to the Odd Fellows' hall , where Mr. Irluh snoko on the money question to ns largo at audience ns ( lit hall would accommodate notwithstanding that Senator Stewart of Nevada vada was speaking at the same time to th llryanltes. Mr. Irish spoke for nearly tw hours , defending his position In not support lug the Chicago jilutform and Uu stanilun He received the closest attentloi throughout the speech. The sound moiic ) people listened to the ablest presentation o their belief that Atlantic has yet enjoyed Hon II. G , Curtis spoke In the opera house lust evening In answer to Senate -fitewnrt. wlm was rank In his assertions Stewart eulogized Altgeld , Bryan , Weave mil that stripe of politicians and condemnci Cleveland , Carlisle and Sherman for the ) Blind on the money question. I'oimllNt DiMiiniiMlratliiii nl i\i-tor EXETKIt , Neb , , Oct. 23.-Speclal-Th ( ) jiopocrats held what they claim was thel banner meeting In the opera house at till place Wednesday night Tht-ro were poiwlbl CCD people present , 300 ot whom were women representing both sides ; boys and girls uti a host of email chllJrcu , the other 200 being voters. The speakers wero-Henry Wilson of Geneva , Dick Dobson nnd W. II. Patrick of Omaha. The few remarks made by Mr. Wilson were worthy of praise. TIIIIHATK.V TO I'KillT THU 1'OI.ICR. Silver Men In Clili-iiixo Defy Hie Orilcr of I'lilff lliuliMiorli. CHICAGO. Oct. 23. Judge Tuley today refused to Issue an Injunction restraining Chief of Police Badcnoch from Interfering with the free silver parade on the nllil ( ; of Saturday , October 31. He held that the court had no Jurisdiction In the mat'cr ' , and that thu right to allow the parade was vested In the chief of police. When the democratic county committee applied for permission lo have a parade In the down town streets on that evening Chief Badcnoch refused , on the ground that permission had already been granted to the republicans for thnt evening. A big row was the result , nnd nftcr futile ntlempta nt compromise with the republican lead ers thi } matter was taken Into court. Dem ocratic leaders iitated In open court today that they will fight the police force or any onn else who attcmps to prevent trnlr mat-chins In parade on the night of O.'to- bcr 31. Chief Badcnoch , on the other hand , declares that It would endanger the peace of the city to have two opposing fac tions marching the streets at the Fame time , nnd says that the democrats will not be allowed to parade. Developments arc being eagerly nwnltod. CALLS IIAHA'IiY A "AY.H13I.1 * OP IIKM , . " Corpora ! Tniinrr I'nyn HlH ItcMiirctn to tlic Frci- Silver Clininploii. DETROIT , Mich. , Oct. 23. The campalgn- ng generals ended their regular tour hero last night before n big audience In the audl- orlum. Their train wns met by an escort of 300 members of the Union Veterans 'atrlotlc league. As the procession filed nlo thn big hall the- audience gave an ova- Ion of applause to the generals. Generals Alger. Howard. Sickles , Mardcn and Stewart and Corporal Tnnncr made speeches. In the course of General Sickles' speech ho general remarked : "I wish a pin could ) C attached to each soldier vcte that will 10 cast against Bryan and every pin stuck nto him. " Corporal Tanner spoke with considerable ilttcrncss against the Chicago platform and candidates. Referring to "Coin" Harvey's characterization of the party as "Old Wrecks of War , " he said : "Coin Harvey Is a whelp of hell , for whom the devil will grudgingly open the gates. " MOIIUIMOX EXIM.AI.VS HIS POSITION. ) | > | ionr AllRTPlilf lint XoiiooiiimlUnl nn to llrynn. WASHINGTON , Oct. 23. A telegraphic nqulry was sent by the Pest to Hon. Wll- Inm R. Morrison , asking whether his Icclaratlon against Governor Altgcld meant also that he was for the gold standard and vould not support Mr. Bryan and the Chicago platform. The following answer vas received : "WATERLOO , 111. . Oct. 23. My letter about which the Post Inquires relates alone o Governor Altgeld and his administration of state affairs. Anything more reported Is ncorrcct. WILLIAM R. MORRISON. " I'linl A'limlrrvuort SIIJH ( lie JlK In lip TOPEKA , Oct. 23. Paul Vandervoort of Omaha , who has been In Kansas for the past en days delivering middle-of-the-road popn- Ist addresses , has finished his Kansas tour and left for Texas. Before departing ho a Iked to a reporter. He declared the "popu- Ists of Kansas were muzzled at the present line by the fusion leaders , but that they vould express themselves right on election dny. " Watson , he continued , had made a straight and honest fight to maintain the irlnclples of the people's party and hla sup- lorters would never be delivered tn Kcmnll. Ilciinl > tlrnn Ilully nt Crrxcent City. CRESCENT CITY , la. , Oct. 23. ( Special. ) Republicans held a rally hero Tuesday tight. Mr. Byres of Council Bluffs addressed ho audience on the sound money question. There was a large crowd from tlio country 'or several miles , representatives of both sound money nnd free silver. The Dodge Light Guards of Council Bluffs formed In ) roccsslon nt the lower end of town nm1 marched through tno city. oiuiilrlc Kiixloii In .Vurlli Carolina. RALEIGH. Oct. 23. Complete coalition has been effected on the state ticket be tween populists and republicans , with the exception that Guthrle and Dockcry remain candidates of the populist convention for the offices of governor nnd lieutenant gov ernor. Guthrle and Dockcry have stood out against any fusion that would put any gold standard man Into olllce , .tliiHon AVIII Xot Kotlon Ilrynii. CHICAGO. Oct. 23. William E. .Mason will not follow Mr. Bryan through Illinois mak ing speeches after him. The republican managers have decided to abandon the idea. * POTATO CHOI" IS MUCH S.MAIIKll. OiitlooU for I'rliM-M , llcltcr Tlinii it A'enr AKO , CHICAGO , Oct. 23. The Ornnge Judd Farmer will tomorrow say : Smaller acre age nnd n smaller display of yield are re sulting In a decidedly smaller and moro man ageable crop of potatoes. The amount available for market Is by no means ns burdensome na was the crushing crop of 1S95. The crop now being harvested Is placed by this authority- 215,480,000 bushels , a decrease of mor - than 50,000,000 bushels , or 17V& per cent , compared with nyenr ngo. The totnl nrea harvested ap proximates 2,805,009acres , , which In turn Is 10'per ecnt short-of-last year. Growers almost up fnnmly devoted less land to this staple , this being particularly true In some of th'6 nprthweslern states , which In 1S95 showed an abnormally In- ci-eateil area. Unequally distributed rain fall is given ns a chief , cause for the short rate of yield. The average yield per acre for the whole country Is 'placed ' at eighty-six bushels per acre , against ninety-three last year. This report makes .the Canadian crop 55,300.000 bushels , a decrease of nearly 13- 000,000 bushels , compared with 1SS5. In view ot the shortage on this side ot the ocean , and the smaller crop In Germany' and England , ttiq outlook for prices to farmers Is certainly better than a year ago. IvATia KIKI.D'S 1IOUV CO.MINO HOMi : AA'oniiin'H PTCHH AHNOeliitlon Will Oft fi ll Tribute of llrmit'i't. SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 23. The Woman's Press association has arranged to receive with Just honors the body of Kate Flch when It arrives In this city from Hawal on Us way to the cast. A committee con slating ot Mrs. Van Pelt. Miss Cuolbrltl and Mrs. Dickinson has been appointee to make the necessary preparation * , acting with Mrs. Henry E. Hlghton , ono of Kate Field's dearest friends. Tlio body will be taken to the mortuary chapel at Trinity church , which will bo abundantly dec orated with flowers , where a service wll bo heldr SIU-H Him for Ilreiii'li of I'romlHc. CHICAGO. Oct. 23. Theodore Feltcm. n retired capitalist residing at West Pullman has teen sued for breach of promise by Mrs Sarah A. Glover , who asks that ho pay net $25,000. Some time ago Fellers was a ten ant In a boarding house kept by Mrs , Glavrr and , she alleges , asked her to marry him She consented , and while.she was preparing for the wedding he went to Georgia on a business trip , and whemlie returned urouirli a wife with him. t Denver Hold Clrrji t'mlrr Arri-Ml. NEW YORK , Oct. 23.jSOn a dispatch fron Denver , Colo. , the police of this city las night arrested John D , Hlndeo. who Is salt to be a defaulting hotel cleric from Denver Tlio prisoner was taken to police head quarter * INSURANCE MEN OUT OF IT Deny They Arc Taking Any Part in the Fending Election , RATES ADJUSTED TO MEET CONDITIONS One nnil All .Slnlr Hint Any Story tlint Tlu-y Are nt AVork for Any Cniulliliito IN Simply u I Campaign Canard. , The democratic-populist fusion candidates for the legislature arc trying to curry fnvor with the voters by Riving out the Impres sion that they are the only legislative can didates who are opposed to the repeal of the valued policy law applying to lira insur ance In Nebraska. Insurance men laugh at the statements tlint arc being made by thesu candidates. They say that In the event th.U an at tempt should bo made to rcpo.\l the law less trouble would be experienced wl'.h a populist than with a republican IcgUla- ture In preventing disagreeable legisla tion , especially an all the laws against which they are wont to complain were en acted by republicans. As a matter of fact ho Insurance men disclaim any interfer ence with any of the candidates In on at om pt to secure the electionof men favor able to Insurance legislation. When asked their views concerning the allied policy law they are unanimous * against any change unless voluntarily made by the legislature. They state thU"'lher 3 vlll be no insurance lobby at Lincoln this vlnter. Questioned as to the Intuirnn'e compa nies taking a hand to secure the repeal if the valued policy law , Chrlt Hartman , nspoctor for the local board , said : "Thero Is no effort on the part of any lock flro Insurance company or o ( any nf heir agents ; In fact , agents arc forbld- t'n to nmko any effort looking to the re- ical of the valued policy law , I resolved i letter a few days ago rrom tlm Union on this very subject , which Is < is follows : 13NTKR A DISCLAIM Kit. TUB UNION-LOCAL 1IOAUU COM MISSION NO. 4. CHICAGO , Oct. 13. USS. C. Ilnrtmnn. Ksq. , Inspector , Omaha , Neb. : Dear Sir Wo tmve seen n recent copy of nil Oinnlm pnper containing sev- enil articles charging * that nn organized effort Is being made by Insurance com panies to secure the repeal of the valued volley law. AH you arc nwaro wo havf icver written n word to you on this sub- [ ect nnd wo wish to sny further tlint wo invc no knowledge whatever of nny such action on the part of Insurance companies OK Is referred to. The article stntcs-thnt n committee was appointed to carry on the campaign In the IntcrestH of the Incuranco companies tnd against the people and your name appears as n member of that committee. We dolre that you take no part whatever n this movement nnd If you have been appointed on the committee , ns stilted , yoM will please decline to serve. While we consider the cx'tallng legislation as In equitable nnd contrary public policy , nasmuch ns It compels the citizens of the entire state to pay n higher rate for In surance than they would otherwise hnvo to do , we do not. feel that It Is appropriate- or In good tnstu for Insurance companies lo take any action looking to Its repeal. Wq cun only wnlt until the tlmo arrives when your citizens sco that their own in terest demands the repeal of the valued policy law. nn net offering a direct In centive to Incendiarism nnd fraud. Yours truly , J. S. HEI.nnN , Chairman. Other Insurance men belmt Interviewed llEr.ii ed the tjucsllon as follows : Kobert L. Raynolds , State Agent Con necticut Fire Insurance Company "No , the nnnrance companies long ago ceased trying to Influence legislation , nnd liavo made no \ttort. nor will they In the future , to repeal any law. It Is true that at the last meet ing of our legislature a couple of special agents , representing companies which did a farm Insurance business , used their In- iltvldual influence in thjit direction , but It was done without authority from the In surance companies as a whale. Under the advanced rates made since the law Was passed the companies are getting paid for the additional burden , and so long as the present rate meets that requirement we will bo satisfied. When It falls to do so , an additional charge will necessarily have to lie made. " II. II. Coryell , State Agent Phcnlx In surance Company "So far as I am person ally concerned , or any agents or repre sentatives of the I'bcnlx Insurance company , there has not been and will not bo any ef fort made to secure the repeal or any change ' of the valued policy law of this state' . I know of no one who Is taking any Interest In this matter , or has any disposi tion to ask the representatives from this city , or anywhere In the state , to use their Influence In securing a repeal or amend ment to the law referred to. "During the last session of the legisla ture. In company with two or thrco In surance men , representing leading com panies In this state , wo appeared beforn the Insurance committee- the house , upon request of said committee , and stated to it that If the valued policy law ' were repealed we would agree that the com panies we represented , besides several other companies that had pledged themselves , would reduce rates 20 per cent on nil dtusscs of property In the state .when the" law went Into effect. The committee failed to recommend the repeal of the law and the matter was dropped. There ( s no disposi tion on the part of the Insurance./com ) panies , so far as I know , to ask any leg islation in their behalf. " R. A. Decker , Secretary Farmers' and Merchants' Insurance/ Company "Speaking fcr our own company will any wo do not Intend taking any action whatever In this direction. " ACCEPT THE SITUATION. J , M. Richards , State Agent Insurance Company of North America "I feel very positive that no effort will bo made by any Insurance company to have the valued pol icy law repealed. Hates In our state am now approximately 20 per cent higher than they were before the passage of the law , and the loss ratio Is higher than that. Au long as people prefer to pay excessive rates that dishonest claimants may recover moro than they have lost so long will excessive rates continue. " John F. Dale , State Agent Phoenix In surance Company of Hartford "There has been no Intention or effort made by the companies or their representatives with a view to attempting to Interfere with or disturb this law during the coming session of the legislature. The people appear to want the law , and are willing to pay for It. We long ago gracefully accepted the situation. " John T. Hopkins , Special Agent Phenlx Insurance Company "Tho stock fire insur ance companies are not making either united or Individual effort to secure the election of representatives to the next legta laturo that will work for the repeal or amendment of the valued policy law. " II. N , Wood , State Agent North British & Mercantile Insurance Company "I do not know of any effort 'being made or con templated by representatives of stock Uro Insurance companies looking to any change In the vauled policy law of thin state. " T. A. Fisher , State Agent Now York Un derwriters' Agency "To my certain knowl edge no united effort Is now being made , nor has been ulnco tin. ' passage of the valuet policy law , directly or Indirectly , by mock Ore Insurance companies doing business It this state to In any way Influence legisla tion In connection with this law. I An mt belletc ( hero Is any Individual effort being inado by the representative * , either state or local , of any Insurance company , to li any way Influence the selection of mbmbcrs of the legislature from this or any-other county In the slate. Should there be any they represent themselves alone , and aiv In no way delegated to represent any com pany or combination of companies. " Frank D , Lyon , jjtato Agent Firemen's Tund Insurance Company "I know of no In- urunco company or companies or their rep- cscntatlvcs that nro In any way attempting o Interfere with the desire of the people * f this state regarding the valued policy aw. If the honest Insurers of Nebraska Cairo to pay for the bad .practices by dls- icnrat insurers. It Is their business. No natter what the taxed or charges that may > e fixed by law for the Insurance companies o pay the fact remains that the premium mist be sufficient to pay * los/wa nnd cx- > onBcs. " II. P. Benedict , Stall * Agent Western As- uranco Company and British America \ssuranco Company " 1 eay poaltlvely that neither of my companies through me or anyone ono elseIs making nny effort to secure the lection of representatives pr senators to the icxt legislature of this state who will en deavor to secure- the rrpedl of , or amend ments to , the valued policy law , nor am I making any Individual effort. The valued policy law , as It lands today. Is a liunlcn m the people that carry fire Insurance and s not a tax on the fliu lDsurance com panies. " F. C. Van Valkenburg , Sdlc Agent Liver pool nnd London & Globe Insurance Com- inny "I know of no effort pn the part of lie stock flro Insurance companies , cither inttcd or Individual , nor ' 'their agents , to cctirc the election of representatives lo the next legislature who will pndeavor to re- icnl or amend the valued policy law. " COMPANIES AllE PASSIVE. A. O. Ilccson , Ag > nt Commercial Union Insurance Company "I know of no effort being made by the Mnr.U Insurance companies doing business In Nebraska lo secure the election of nnf representative o the next legislature , or , any action to amend or repeal the valued policy law. " Merrlck 13. Lease , Special Agent Traders' nsuranco Company "Wo ! re not pledged o work for or against th < ) success of any andtdatc. When the people get tired of laying high rates on account of 'his law hey will no doubt cause It * repeal through heir representatives. In ttQ ) meantime the companies will certainly ro'naln panalvo. " C. M. Miller , State Agent Greenwich In surance Company "I hnvo not heard of any ilan or proposition by nny of the state igcnts or companies to en leaver to have ho law repealed or In any WAV amended luring the coming session' tii the Icglrla- uro. " S. J. Alexander , State Agent German American Insurance Conipauy "No such notion has even been contemplated by the Block flro Insurance companies or their rep resentatives , and I know thereof I speak. Wo are In the fire Insurance business , not politics. " M. M. Hamlln , Adjuster Phcnlx Insurance Company "Regarding any proposed ac- lon by fire Insurance companies to secure the repeal or amendment the valued lollcy law during the next legislature per- nit me to say no. In the past the com- lanles hnvo endeavored to. convince the icoplo In Nebraska through their repre sentatives that the valued policy law was an error nnd against their best Interests , jut a deaf car has been turned to Bound arguments nnd the common people continue o pny the freight. " D. U. Wclpton , Stnto Agent Iloynl In surance Ccmpany "All talk and published statements to the effect that the fire Insur ance companies or agents tavo Intended or will endeavor to secure f. repeal of or amendment to this law during the coming icsslon Is nlmply n fake , manufactured for political purposes , to attuhpt to deceive ind frighten HOIIIO voters Into u support hey would not otherwise give. The at tempt to crcalo an Impression that flro In surance men arc antagonlitlc to fraternal and mutual life associations Is wrong and utterly without ' -foundation1. There Is no ' possible connection' conflict of our busl- iess Interests. Why , there. Is scarcely a Ire man In this state that ( snot. Interested > n ono of thesd asaoclatloi * to. , tunextent : of either a life or accIdcatWtoltoi-S' JM gardlng the irmtimi 'lire iiButanco "cumpa- ilr . when the" fact Is considered that out if the eighty-five stock ctynpanlcs operat- ng In Nebraska not to exbced about one- mlf dozen will , write a farm risk now for nv-n rtrninnoxr It la tilnlnvf nrn lint rnti. ccrncd about them and there Is roomer or all. , " ANfiKn IIIMSKI.K TO A..miouicxoii. . . MoluiH'lioIy Knil of n > U ; ( llntrnlHlic > il American Divine. NEW YORK , Oct. 23. A special to the Icrald from Hartford , Conn. , says : Rev. Thomas Stoughton Potwln , % M. A. , 'one ' of the best known Congregatlonallst clergymen of New England , has committed suicide at his ionic In this city. Mr. Potw.ln had been In poor health for some tlmo . 'and ' since- the cccnt development of melancholia had been imler the care of. Dr. StoqYrip of the Insane otrcat. While his family were away ycs- ; erday afternoon ho went tojan upper room and hanged himself with a' rope , fastened o the doorknob. Mr. Potwln was a descendant of Elder IJrewstcr , who came over (11 ( the Mayflower , nnd by Intermarriage hi ; ancestors wciv loubly related to Jonathan. Edwards and Elder Timothy Dwlght , president of Yale college. Ho was born InEast Windsor , Conn. , April 4. 1829 , and wai graduated with high honors nt Yale In JS51. exactly 100 years from the time when his grcat-grand- 'ather , also a cclrgyman , received his diploma there. Mr. Potwln studied , at the famous East Windsor Theological smnary. | received the degree of M. A. at Yale lit 11)55 ) , was licensed to preach In 185S and became a tutor nt Yale. lie married Harriet 'Amelia King , a member of n prominent .Boston family. During the war Mr. Pqtdjn preached In Franklin , N. Y.j after .that ho prenched In Amhcrst until ho came hero In 1S75 and with his wife took charge 'of the , Hartford orphan asylum. His work' In establishing a colony for orphans in ' .Nebraska attracted much attention In the Christian world. In 1S87 his health caused him to abandon actlvo work and bo went , , to Florida , returnIng - Ing to this city soon afterward , where he lias lived quietly ever .sluce. He was a man of rare scholarly attainments. Ho leaves a widow and two adopted children- Clara Drowsier Potwlu , ndw teaching In New Jersey , and Fred Thomas Potwln of East Windsor. ' v I'Ol.lCi ; FIGHT A IMTCJjJRl ) IIATTM2. CmThlevrM Ilcfutril anil One of 'I'lu-iu IvIUrcl. CLEVELAND , O. , Oct. J23. A pitched battle took place early tills morning be tween a squad of railroad detectives and freight car thieves at ColUnwood. a suburb. A fusillade of shota were 'exchnnge'd and Michael Ryan , ono of the thieves , was fatally shot. The ofllcera , bad watched the gang break open a car and enter. They then surrounded the car and demanded the men Insldo to surrender. This the robbers refused to do and began shooting , which was promptly responded to by & volley from the olllcers. f The robbers , with the exception of Ryan , finally Jumped from the car and escaped. Some of their number were .wounded. Ryan , who was shot through tlm , abdomen , was taken to the general .liospljal , where It la eald bo cannot recover. / AII 'KC < 1 Murilyrrr Set Free. BOSTON , Oct. 23. Chnrlts. .Browne , one of the crew of the larkcntto ) | ) , Herbert Ful ler , on board of which the Captain and his wife nnd the second mate were murdered last July , and whom wltlrMato Dram of the barkenttne was held , ' Jjy the United States commlcsioncr on. the charge of murder , has been discharged under a "no bill" report returned by the grand Jury. Browne has not been rblcofcd , however , as upon recommendation the district at torney he Is held as a Avlttip ' svv tt / " ftyr I'rnu'lu'i' l xpi-llriljfur llo DANVILLE , III. , Oct. 3-r-By a vote of 1C to 8 the I'renljyterlan , > ; no < ! of Illinois has expelled Rev. Frank I ) . Vrooman o ! Chicago , The charges brought against Rev. Vrooman were purely riueatlona as to his orthodoxy. They woiis first , brought fori-ard before the Chicago Presbytery last spring , the decision then being overwhelmingly In bis favor. The case was Ibcn brought before the state synod. Rev , Vrcoman Is a son-in- law of General John 0. Black , ex-United States commltsloncr of pensions. SUBMIT THE OSTOFF CASE Judge KejBor Promises to Render a Decision This Morning. AGREE UPON A STATEMENT OF FACTS City Attorney Coiitciuln Clinrlor TnUen I'rfiTiliMier Over < ! > iii > riil I2U-C- tloii lmv nnil Unit WliocK-r lluld * Ovt-r. The mandamus case of Henry Osthoft against Becchcr Hlgby , city clerk , to com pel the clerk to print the name of Ostliott on the official ballot as a candidate for the office of councllman-nt-largo to fill vacancy , came up before Judge Keysor yesterday morning and was argued nt length by coun- ael for both sides , after which Judge Keysor took the matter under advisement until this morning. The contention of Osthoff's counsel was based entirely on the general law which re quires vacancies In elective offices , occurring thirty days before a general election , to bo filled thereat. The validity of the ordinance passed by the city authorities , under which D. II. Wheeler was appointed by the city council to sery/t out the entire uncxplrcd term of Councilman Samuel Dubols , was attacked , and It was declared by counsel to be Illegal nnd In conflict with the gen- em ! law. The position jbfitbc city , ns stated by City Attorney Conn iQ as that the coming elec tion was not "a general election" for the election of city officers , but wns only n general state election. He alleged that the city charter prescribed that the general city election should bo held once every two years. In the odd numbered years , nnd thnt the charter took precedence over the statute , being a later expression of the will of the legislature. He showed that the charter provided that the mayor and council should have power to "provide for filling vacan cies" In elective offices nnd alleged that the city authorities had acted within their pow ers when they had passed the ordinance under which Wheeler wan appointed. SOUTH DAKOTA OIIAXGI.VC I'llOXT. Welmter Prcillotrt Hull tlio Slnlr AVII1 Co for MoKlnli-- . John L. Webster returned from the Black Hills yesterday morning and left a few hours later for another campaigning tour. He fcaja that the change in sentiment In South Dakota during the past thirty days has been something surprising. He was told thnt n month ago It wns almost unsafe for a man to open his mouth for sound money In Dead- wood. The populists made a practice of breaking up the sound money meetings. cither by cre.itlnc such confusion thnt the speaker could not be heard or by going In early and taking a majority of the seals and then filing out wlirn the speaker had begun talking. But now the situation Is very different. Mr. Webster's meeting was preceded by a big parade and he was told It- was the most successful political demonstration ever held In Dead wood. The hall was crowded to the doors and whin ho finished speaking at JO. 30 o'clock the people wcro still standing. The republicans arc confident now that the state will give McICInloy a good majority. OMAHA , Oct. 23. To the Editor of The Bee : As there seems to be a misunder standing In the Sixth ward as to my position on the councllmanlo candidates at present be fore the people. I wish to make a tliort statement. , I drew up nn ngrccment before the primaries , which was signed by the ten candidates , agreeing to submit our names in the primary ticket , and the ono receiv ing the highest number of votes should : > e the nominee of said ward. There were icarly 1,100 votes cast , of which Mr. Myron li. Karr received the highest , and I received the next highest , vote. Before leaving the primary , nftcr the votes had been cast , I told Mr. Karr ho had been declared the choice of n majority , and he was now my choice , and I would give him my full sup port. ' , I wish' to stole that I am not a bolter or < lcker , and after signing nn agreement to nbldo by the primary I would bo the last man In the ward to go back on It. It Is true that ono of the candidates by petition before the voters of the Sixth ward was n worker and supporter of mine during the [ irlmarlfs , and I have been Informed that I was the Instigator of having him flic said- petition. I will say that I had nothing to do with It , and In fact knew nothing of It until his petition was signed and ready for filing when I went to him and advised tilm not to fib It. I believe the national Issues before , the people this year are of too great Importance to allow of nny dis sension In our local ranks , and I propose to support , and do all In my power , to elect every man on the republican ticket , from Major William McKinlcy down. IRVING G. BARIGHT. CnnilliliilcN for tlio Council. The time for withdrawing petitions for places on the city ticket expired Thursday night. L , F. McGinn , the populist candidate from the Elghtb"ward. Is the only man who has declined to 'run. ' The time for filing pe titions wlll > expire this evening. The only addition to the list 'previously published Is that of Sol Prince , tyno has announced him self as an independent candidate In the Tnlrd ward. Before ' the primaries Prince signed nn agreement' to keep out If ho was de feated nt that time , but more recently ho has reconsidered his determination. I'liiiinliiK : for n I'ariidc. The Douglas county republicans nro plan ning for a big street demonstration on the night before election. The tremendous show ing that was made when Senator Thurston returned encourages the traders to believe that If no speaking Is Included In the pro gram a demonstration can bo organized ( hut will far eclipse anything of the sort ever before neon In this part of the west. The plan is regarded with a good deal of en thusiasm by the rank and file and It will probably be taken up by the county central committee In a few days. I.nxl lull Olio Mi'llllirr. The members of the North OmaUiV Repub lican club are much Incensed/aver a report that their club had been broken up and many of the members had" gene over to Bryan. They declare that any such state ment Is an unqualified falsehood. They have fifty members In good standing and have never missed a meeting. They assert that the only member who has left the club Is "Blondy" Clark , who was flrcd out of the organization and then took refuge with the sllvcrltco. Hit. TAX.VKH , TIIK 1MSTKH , IS IH3AI ) . AVnH u A'lrtliu of tin * I'lrc In tlic AUron 1'oltery Plum. AKRON , 0. , Oct. 23. The second victim of the lire which destroyed the largo pottery plant of the Whltmoro-Roblnson company hero early Wednesday morning Is now known to be Dr. Tanner , whose right name was Francis Harrison , whoso name \vu made famous by a long fait In which ho once indulged. The body has not yet been found , but U supposed to lie under a great heap of fallen bricks and stone. Tnnncr was a strange character. Several years ago ho sold hit wlfo to Adam Illlilo , a German , for | I ( and an old sowing machine. Another effort will bo made to got at the remains to morrow , Hlr Julian I'liunoefole Arrlvi-H. WASHINGTON , Oct. 23 , Sir Julian Pnuncefote , the British ambassador , 1ms returned to the city from his European tour. or Tin : CITY corxcit , . MM ! of Kloclloit OIllcM-r * Completed nt nn AilJonrliiMl Soioliiii , The city council met yesterday morning to consider the list of Judges and clerks of election to bo appointed by the mayor to (111 ( vacancies , but as the lint was not forth coming nn adjournment was taken to 5:15 : In the afternoon. After adjournment the council met as H board of equalization. Councilman Axford vas honored with the position of chnlrman and the privilege of sitting In the commlt- cc room nil dny to hear complaints. The natters before the bonrd Include the plans of assessment for the one-half cost of grad- ng Seventeenth street from Vlnton to Can- ellar , and the alley north of Dodge be tween Thirty-eighth nvenuo nnd Thirty- ninth street. The plans for assessing 1,333.84 for cost of permanent sidewalks and a lot of similar measures for defraying ho cost of small Improvements arc also on the list. The two grading assessments were the inly ones ngnlnst which protests were filed , loth arc old matters that have been In con- rovcrsy until most of the members weru anxious to settle them one wny or the other and have done with It. Their action wns to approve nil the plans of assessment except hat for the alley grading , which was post poned for a month to seo. It thy. property owners could not come to sowo' agreement. At the adjourned councilrnKwlng , which was held Immediately afterward/ the fol- owlng appointments by the mayor of clcc- Ion olflccrs were confirmed : First Ward First district : Judge , Joseph Vovak ( dem. ) , 131C South Fifteenth street. 'Sixth ' district : Judge , Charles C. Dock- lousc ( rep. ) , 2710 South Ninth street. Second Ward Fourth district : Clerk , frank Dxvorak ( rep. ) , 1318 William street. Sixth district : Judge , Max Bccht ( rep. ) , 14C South Seventeenth street. Seventh dls- rlct : Judge , A. Wolf ( rep. ) , 'northeast corner of Fourteenth and Castellar. Eighth llstrlct : Judge , F. D. Klngsbury ( rep. ) , 1823 ) orcas street. Ninth district : Clerk. M. E. lornlsh ( rep. ) , 2508 South Thirteenth street. Tenth district : Judge , John Kucha ( rep. ) , 730 Ontario street. Eleventh district ; udRt , George Morrison ( rep. ) , 2723 South Twenty-fourth street. Fourth WardSrcond district : Judges , f. U. Duncan ( rep. ) , 207 South Twenty-fourth street ; J. J. Burke ( dem. ) . 211 South Twen- y-fourth street. Third district : Clerk , Cal. Whiting ( rep. ) , 2C27 Davenport street. Fourth district : Judge , Charles S. Dickey ( rep. ) , 101 South Twenty-fifth street. Fifth dls- rlct : Clerk , Harry M , Hugglns ( dem. ) , 07 South Seventeenth street. Eighth dls- rlct : Clerk , George Newton ( rep. ) , CIS South Twentieth street. Ninth district : i'lcrk. George D. Perrlne ( rep. ) , 657 South Twenty-sixth street. Sixth Ward First district : Clerk , WIN lam Stein ( rep. ) , 4013 Charles street. First Ilitrlct : Judge , Christopher Moore ( dem. ) , 133 , " Fowler avenue. Eighth Word First district : Judgrs. F. R. Johnson ( rep , ) ; Harry II. Sege ( dem. ) . Clerk. W. W. Eastman ( rep. ) , 1113 North Twenty-fifth street. Si'cond district : Clerk tush Thomas ( rep. ) , 93tl North Twenty- seventh avenue : Judge , Henry Brown ( rep. ) . Pwciity-slxth nnd Charles streets. Third district : Judge. H. V. Crnycraft ( rep. ) , 411 North Thirtieth street. Fifth district : Judge. G. S. Wright ( dem. ) Sixth district : Judge , 3vann Evzn ( rep. ) . 2117 Webster street. Seventh district : Ju.lge. Edwin Davis ( dem ) , 1624 Hurt street. XJnth Waftq-Flrat district : Judge , W. J. C. Putnam Cramer ( rep. ) . 3418 Burt street : clerks. George W. Kctchum ( dcm. ) , .1226. Webster street. , Third preclntOjLJiuiM.or r. 'Hints trrjr. ) , 1M : Maraey 'street. Fourth prc-clnct : Cleric , Thomas Morrlssey ( dem. ) , Thirty-fourth and Capitol a\cnue. Fifth dlj- , rlct : Judges , A. M. Cowle ( rep. ) , 3408 "arnam street ; E. C. Newcorob' ( dem. ) , 2914 Barnaul sired. HI.ICGTIOXOTIOI3S TOItX DOWN. nllce Itnvin Hani Time Tlicui In I'oNKIoii. The police experienced some dilllculty ypstcrdaV In posting the election proclnma- Ions on the various booths around the city. \ccordlng to the state laws four of these argo notices , giving the names of ofllces 0 bo filled and the location of the dlf- 'erent polling places , must be placed In close proximity to the booths. Chlof Slx- , vart detailed olllcers yesterday to do this work , and a round of the city had been made by evening. Upon again visiting Eomc of the booths It wan discovered that the proclamations had been torn from their ilaccs. In ECmc Instances had been , uacd as pen wipers by the rcglslratlon clerks. and In others thrown Into the eoal bin. The notices were once more put Into place by the police and the parties who pulled them 1 own notified that a repetition of the of fense would be followed by arrest. Au gust Schroedcr. 01:0 : of the registration clerks at the First precinct booth of the Second ivnrd , located at Sixteenth nn-1 Leavcnworth streets , admitted tearing down one of the notices , but stated ho had done so lie- canso ho wished to make room for a list of the registered volers. SAI.VATIOX AllMV IIKSLTR IIOMK. OirnliiK of > lu > IiiHllfiitlon 1'OHtitonril llnlllxl Moniluy. The date for the opening of the Salvation Army Rescue Home for Fallen Women was changed from yesterday to Monday , when a dedicatory service beginning at 3 o'clock for women only will bo conducted by Brigadier Emma Down of New York City. All women of Omaha are Invited to be present at the formal dedication of the homo , 201U Plnk- ncy street , and arc naked to brlii contribu tions of articles suitable' foVyiionsulcccplin ; purposes. X , . , Brigadier Down will address Sunday con gregations as follows : ilornln # . People's church ; afternoon , Calvary Hap1 list 'church ; evening , Hanscom PJrk Methodist Episcopal church , 7ho addresses will outline the proposed rescue work and the oollcctlons arc lo bo devoted to the same purpcs > . > , Monday evening Brigadier Bown speaks nt the Eng lish Lutheran church on her wnrk In the Now York slums and will be attired In the costume worn by her when engaged In slum work. _ _ OliJ.Tl to I. a ; I litn Sidewalk. Mru. Caroline L. Popple ton nnil W. S. Poppleton , lulmlnlntrutors of the , rotnta of the Into Andrew J. I'oppleton , applied to Judge Powell ycslcnlny for nn onlnr rcHlnilnlnif the Hoard of Public Works from constructing n wooden slduwnlk ml- Jolnlng property belonging to tlio c.ilute on the oust cldo of Korty-third Direct , be tween Hurt and California. H tvus alleged that the fldewnlk would benefit nu one , that the property In ( incHllon , ns well ns the Hurroumfliig property , IH vacant and Is lined for agricultural purnoHCB nnd n Hldcwalk would Hlmply prqvidn re.Hlduntx of that portion of the community with kindling wood. A temporary order was Issued by thu court , DH prayrd , nnd the matter was set for hearing November 14. on n IliilnniM * , Emily A. Hamilton has sued the Glens Falls Insurance company for a balance o IJ73 , alleged to bo duo on a policy Insuring her household goods agalntt destruction by ( Ire. She alleges that Him took nut a pollcj In the defendant's company for $760 am paid the premium on It. During the life o the policy she alleges her property was wholly destroyed by fire , She places the value of the property at $2,37D.C6 , and says the company allowed her but f277 for her loss. She sues to recover Iho balance. ClirUllan Kiuli'iivor l.'nlon M Tno ClirNtlnii Kiidcavorvrn of Omahi will hold n union meeting t the Flnt Christian church , Monday evening , Octobo 2G , commencing at 7:45. : Borne or the ten lures of Urn program will hu a. BOIIK nt-rv Ice , followed by one or two brief nddrussc by good Hpc-nkeru , rrportti rtom the recen rtato convention , nnd uwii'dlni : of the ban tier , fiptclal njuala hus been arranged fo ana uu cnjoyublp time la uusurca. IUNT1NG A BAD COIN MINT 'cdernl nnd Local Authorities Both Work- incr on the Onso , OGUS DOLLARS ARE BEING CIRCULATED lriTx Arc nf the Opinion tlint n 1'lnnl IN l.oriifril In TliU Vlcll\ Ity unit ItnnnlitK on I | 1'nll Tlnif. The local authorities arc confident that omowhcTO In the vicinity of this city a ountcrfcltlng plant Is In active operation , 'he same opinion Is being held by the cdcral authorities. The result Is that Ulcers ore nt work In the endeavor tq oca to the ontfll. The matter wns brought to the attention. f the police dcpnrtment n few dnys ago by report thnt a colored man , while digging n North Twenty-fourth street , had brought o light n considerable number of counterfeit ollnrs. The report was placed In the hands f detectives , who spent some time In dig ging for treasure , but without result. Since that time reports have been received rom various merchants In the city of the Lisstiig of counterfeit dollars. There Is no lood of the bogus coins , but they seem to 10 uttered occasionally. The case was re- lorled to the federal authorities , who have ) oen at work for1 the last day or two. The Irst clue was obtained Thursday night. A saloon keeper In the Third ward two ays ago received a dollar from n colored nan , Jeff Jonra. He believed that the coin vas good , but when It was examined last light It was found to be counterfeit. A urliicr Investigation developed that Jones md passed or given away several others ot ho same kind. Jones was arrested. Ho maintained that. 10 had found the coins on North Twenty- ourlli street , therefore proving to be the nan regarding whom the report had orlg- nully been made. After his arrest his oem at 209. North Ninth street was searched ind eight more of the base coins were found , 'ones ' has been taken In charge by the cdcral authorities. The counterfeits arc dllflciflt to detect , 'hey have an almost true ring. A peculiar ly of all thnt have so far turned up Is their llrty appearance , which Is not bad enough , lowcver , to arouse suspicion. In other ctpects they appear to be good , and It ru in Ires the use of acids and a close ulcroscoplc examination to prove their base less. less.A A couple of days ago a Bohemian , S. ilarcclieck , wns arrested for pnsslng one ot hcse bnd dollars upon n fruit vender. Ho ins been turned over to the federal authorl- Ics , but It Is not believed that he Is guilty of willfully passing the money. Ncvcrthe- css he has been held for examination. C. C. Smith , the nnnrchlst , who was arrested Wednesday for passing several ud nickels , has nUo been placed In he custody of the United States marshal or the purpose of an Investigation. A search of Smith's rocms brought to light acids nnd tools which inlcht be used In counterfeiting , but Smith explained their irt-senco by saying that ho employed them n his profession as a plater. > JiiMNlilyx AVIII Continue to Crt AVIIIionl < i Dlvort'f. Judge Powell yesterday morning handed l/inn Itla tlnnlalnn In tlm PflBfllllv , ! ! vorco case. In this case the hus band , Frank 0. Cnsaldy , applied for divorce from his wife , Carolina- Cnssldy , on the ground of cruelty , 'lie wlfo filed a cross bill , asking for a llvorco on the ground of infidelity. Tho- ' .iso was heard Inst week , and the testimony n both sidifl showed that the family had lecn in a constant fctnlc of war , and that , loth aides uf the house used the most vul gar and Indecent language In addressing ono another. In giving his decision Judge Powell denied he application of both parties and refused o give either a divorce. Ho said that lie testimony all went lo show that at the .line when the husband alleged the wlfo tad been cruel to him she waa disabled by- severe burns and Incapable of Injuring a strong , ublo-bodlcd man. On the other- land , the Judge said , the testimony Intro- tuced by the wife In substantiate her charge > f Infidelity did not prove the charges. The court added that the evidence showed hat the dally life of the parties to the was not congenial , but that In this Mute Incompatibility of temper was not good round for a divorce. The costs In the case were taxed against 2assMy because he Instituted the procced- 'ngs. I'llUVVltKIi ) ( JK.NKIl.XL AVHUATO.Y Denver Taken In liy AIli'Keil ( irriuiin. llaroiiH. Omaha society folk who bowed obeisance to two alleged German barons during Ak- SarBcn.week . this year and who hand somely entertained them nt pink teas , lun cheons and dinner parties , can now sym pathize with General Whuaton nnd other olllcers of the United States army at Den ver. For ( several weeks past the alleged Dnron von I.ivcstow nnd Baron von Sack- MItzlnff hnvo enjoyed the hospitality of the government's : army representatives in the Colorado capital , and the story that created so much dl-guat In Omaha .society circles ten days ago linn Just been exploded there , much to the chngrln nf the army onicern. In the main tlm Impostors told the came story there ns they did here. They repre sented that they were making n tour around the world without money and In the guUo of tramps to win a wager. Among the cn- torlalmiHMilH provided for them was a ball given In thrlr honor nt Fort Logan. Sus picion being finally nrouerd , n telegram was sent to the German omlia f y at Wash ington , to which a reply wns received say ing that nothing was known there In regard to the two men , who had represented that im their arrival In this country they had presented their credentials to the Gorman ambastador. \VAXTI3U TOI"ITIW5 : TII 13 TOWN- Mr > Ionaiui ! MIICI ] < H Thl if ( in Jlv 'ly IB. lln > Tlilr.lVnril. . Pat McDonnugh , who liven near Tenth and Davenport streets , rpparc-ntly was look- ins for everybody Thurnday night. Ono ot lilM encounters wns with A. A , Burdlck , an Iowa man who wns loitering about Tenth nnd Davenport street * . Mr , Burdlck Imag ined that ho had struck n wild west town , for as soon as .McDnnaugh Hlghtcd him he let out a whonp and went for him , Burdlck made n great show of speed , but MeDonnugh trailed him cloudy for tlirco blocks before he dropped off , Burdlck reported his experience to n po liceman , who Inter went to Mcnonaugh's. honso to get him , It wns there learned that tlm man hnd beaten hlu wife and left. Ho was Inter located and wax arrested on IhV charge of being diung and disorderly , Criullc nnil tlie Km re. i The following hlrlliR und deaths were re ported at the health nlllce during the twenty- four hours ending nt noon yeeterday : Illrttu-0 R. Knight , .lOin Davenport street , girl ; George \V. Cavonder , Twontloth and Vlnton , boy ; Fred Btratman , 3011 Ciini- Inc , girl ; James I'nulaml , 27C8 Hurt , girl ; Hans Hanccn , Forty-fifth and Patrick ave nue , boy ; William Walker , 2208 North Twcny.ccond | , boy ; U , 0 , FIMicr , 013 North Eighteenth , boy JHatha-Howunl Cook , C2 , 4212 Cutnlng , locomotor otaxia , Project illlL.