0 THE OMATTA DAILY BEE ; SATURDAY , OCTOBER 2-1 , 1800. COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT MI.NOIl MnXTIO.V. Photo supplies anil cameras , C41 IJ'dwiy. II. Mcnilcl of Ncola was In tbo city yes terday. . Hon. It. T. Clcming o ( Hattlngs.fan In the city last evening. * - Samuel Underwood of Keg Creel : was In Council Illufra yesterday. Mi * . Curtis of HI 1'nso , Tex. , Is a gucsi of her brother. F. S. MfTcrty. J. A. T. Hates of Oakland In In the city , ii Rucst of County Clerk llocu. James O. ncrryhlll of Illinois , one of the lending republicans of 1'olk county , Is In the city. Smith Mcl'herson of Hod Oak wns In the city jcslcrdny on his way to Logan , whcro ho * poke ilurlnR the afternoon. W. O. Wlrt has returned from the Crlppln Creek gold flolds laden with abundant on- thunlaitin for tbo great nold camp. h. I , . Iet.ano of Atlantic , W. J. niirke of Missouri Valley and I ) . Cbrstnut of Shelby Attended the Irlidi mooting last night. All members of the McKUtlcy Guard and Drum coips will meet for drill promptly at 7:30 : this evening at tbo armory In the I'lsc- man building. llev. John Askln united In marriage yes terday morning at the Congregational par sonage Sir. II. J. Gallagher and Miss Myra A. Cair , both of Omaha. 1'llgrlm Sisters' Academy No. 1 will meet at 7:30 : p. in. In their rooms In the Ilcno block. All members requested to bo pros- cut. Uusliicss of Importance. The will of Cayillnc Haldwln was ad mitted to probate yesterday In the district court , The bulk of the csiato Is In San Francisco , thcro only being a small holding In thl ? county. The following teachers' meetings will bu hold at the Hloomcr school Monday after noon : Pilnclpals1 mcctlnK In room 8 at 4:30 : o'clock ; drawing In room 1 , first grade 3:30 : ; second grade at1:30. : . The Ministerial association of the city will meet Monday at 10:30 : n. m. In the Young Men's Christian nksoclntlon parlors , coiner of I'corl and Ilroadwoy. Arrange ments will then be made for the union Thanksgiving services In November. Justice Vlon will complete the hearing today of the Halc-Hoyt case. A portion of the evidence was submitted and an ad journment taken until 2 o'clock today. The rasp grown out of some threatening letters sent by Mrs. Hoyt to her husband's first wife. A. M. ralmor's company of players will present "Trilby" nt the Dobany theater this ovenlng. This Is the name organization that so successfully toured Australia. The pleco will be presented here by A. M. 1'almor's company under the direction of William A. llrnfly. The police department Is asked to supply All kinds of Information nnd do all kinds of work , but the oddest request of the season caino yesterday from Andrew D. Gray of Helena , Mont. , who wants to give a one- Ihlrd Interest In his broom factory to any man whom tbo Council llluffs factory will recommend an a good broom maker and a man with good character. Dr. Lloyd Cooke , who has shown many remarkable manifestations of spirit power , will glvo an exhibition at the Dohany the ater Sunday evening next , at which ho will perform a variety of feats that will fully demonstrate- the methods employed by Prof. Taylor , Illshop , Dr. Arnold and other medi ums , whoso achievements In the occult science have completely balllcd scientific ex planation. In the program mapped out for Sunday evening Dr. Cooke will glvo bis open seance , In which tables are elevated In mid air , nowcra pass by unseen hands and messages between the spirits and the spec tators exchanged. A case of diphtheria was reported yester day at tbo residence of C. M. Philips , 2029 South r.lghth street. There have been sev eral cases In this neighborhood and com plaints have been made that the quarantine regulations have not been properly ob served. Complaints of this character havp become so frequent of late from all parts of the city that the health officials have de termined to make some arrests and glvo some examples that will call attention to ttic provisions of the state quarantine laws. The testimony of physicians who have been called upon to express an opinion universally points to the laxity permitted In the enforce ment of the quarantine laws as tbo chief cause of the spread of contagious diseases. Justice Cook Is still endeavoring1 to straighten out the kinks In a case where rx-Mayor Uroatch of Omaha has Intervened to protect a claim for $10 In the bands of A. N. Scrlbncr , a wagon maker. Some old creditors of Scrlbncr endeavored to collect a Judgment against him , which Is held by a man who was then his partner , by gar nishing one of Scrlbncr's present custom ers. The material for the work done for this customer had been furnished by Uroatch. and when the customer was gar nished Uroatch Intervened. Justice Cook held that the company must first pay com pany debts before the Individual claims of members of the company could bo satisfied. This decision knocked out the garnlshco uU. _ C. D. Vlavl Co. , female remedy. Medical consultation free Wednesdays. Health book furnished. 309 Mcrrlam block , N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. Oct your winter supply of coal now before the rush and rise In prices. L > . M. Shubcrt will fill your orders promptly and his prices arc the lowest. Telephone No. 70 ; 628 West Uroadway. _ Jfpiv CltlzriiN. The following citizens have been natural ized by Judge McGco In the superior court : Herman Ucrch , Henry Thlel , J. C. Christian- son , Max Goldstein , Alex Ehlcrs , Patrick O'Conncll , H. J. Hanson. Frederic Hehl , O. C. Ulstrom , William Johnson , Thomas Pln- dcr , Peter Hanson , Hans Peterson , John Clausen , Ncls C. Nollson. Thomas Plndcr proved to be somewhat 'of a wonder In the new citizen lino. He Is 82 years old and came from Ireland In 1S41. May G of tbo same year be took out his first papers In the court of common pleas for the city and county of New York. Harp music at Purity Candy Kitchen Sat urday night. Yankee peanut taffy , lOc r. pounJ. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MnrrliiKi * I.luc-itNi-x. The following marriage licenses wcro Is sued yesterday : Name nnd address. Ago. Ocorgo W. Hurvel , Onmlm . 27 Cyreno J. linker , Fnlrbury , Neb . so II. J. Gallagher , Audubon . z\ Myru K. Curr , Bprlngllcld , III . uo saya thnt the coming Science ( also the "coining woman" ) will depend for food supply , moro on the chemist and the laboratory than on tlio products of the field and farm. However that may be , it is sure that intelligent people everywhere now depend upon LJebig COMPANY'S Extract of , Beef ns a palatable , concentrated foot ! product , indispensable- n stock for soups , sauces and mndo dishes , nnd ns beef tea , nourish ing and refreshing. Then' * only one Metric CflUFAXY'H that tiaa the tlfnaLttniuf the great cbeniUt LJ blg uu tbo jar I NEW SUITS ARE C01IWCED Litigants Hurry to Got Their Canses on Docket for Next Term. INVOLVE MANY SMALL SUMS OF MONEY DntunKC'S ForcfloHtiro * , Note * n nil AccoiintN Afford llnnlx fur .Mont of tlti * Action * nut ono day remains for the flllng of petitions In the district court for the No vember term , nnd n number of now rnscs wcro stnrtcd yesterday. 1 * . C. Peterson brought suit ognlnst It. n. Ilurrlman for $5,000 , claiming thnt ho wns dnmaRod to that extent because of mis representations made by the plaintiff In a contract for thu snlo of sonic patent medi cines. Peterson cave his notes for $1,000 for the privilege of selling the mixture , nud also received $3,500 worth of accounts thnt the defendant represented to him were valuable. Peterson states thnt most of these accounts had nlrcady been settled be fore he got them and mnny of them paid. Ho wants the sum asked for because ot loss ot services nnd tlmo wasted. K. E. llnico & Co. have filed n petition for nn Injunction and the transferring of tbo chattel mortgngo In the cnso of Henry Piper against the Mlndcn Drug company nnd others to the district court. Piper hns been nsslgneo for the drug comrnny since It failed some tlmo ngo , nnd llnico & Co. sot up the clnlm that ho Is about to dis pose of the stock nt a nominal sum nnd In this way sacrifice their Interest In the clock. The store Is represented ns being worth nbout $1,200. J. C. Grason , trustee , has sued the Jarvls Wlno company for $116.03 , due on nn old account. Foreclosure suits wore commenced by the Masonic Mutual Savings nnd Loan associa tion against Sarah Dradshaw and others for $700 , and ngnlnst A. K. PJdgcon and others for $730. Sylvester Holllngsworth asks $2,500 ilnm- ngcs from the Omnhn & Council Illuffs Bridge nnd Hallway company for Injuries sustained by his 13-ycar-oin daughter on the wcit end of the motor bridge Septcmbcv 3 on the night of the Ak-Sar-Bcn parade. The girl wns sitting on the rail protecting the foot passage when n motor came alons nnd she lost her balance and was thrown to the street below. She wns bruised and Jnrrcd by her fall. J. Itobcrts signed a note with Gustavo Hclnrichs October 11 , 1887. for $277 , nnd was compelled to pay U. Ho wants Hclii- rlchs to settle with him now , and has sued Mm for the above amount. In the suit of Flnley Uurkc ngnlnst the Union Land and Improvement company the defendant has filed n motion for n more specific statement. Mr. llurkc's claims are for attorney's fees for the company , and tlio defendant wnnts him to tell who It was thnt employed him to do the work. SUNDAY SCHOOL Tn.VCUHHS TO MHRT Tivonlj Fourth A nil mil Convention AVI II He llclil Next Month. Tbo twenty-fourth annual convention of the Pottawattamlo County Sunday School Teachers' association will bo held at Ncola , November G and 6. A largo delegation from Council Bluffs will attend. The opening ses sion will bo on Thursday evening ; the con vention being In session all day Friday. Tbo program for the meeting Is as follows : Thursday Kvcnlng Devotional service. Henry UuLong ; address of welcome , II. 8. Condit ; response , J. H. Turner ; nddretm , Iti-v. Stephen Phelps , IX D. Frldny Devotional service , M. A. Mills ; "Convention Work nnd Its Objects , " W. H. Glfford : "Why Am I Here ? " Kcnernl dis cussion : "Houno to House Visitation. " C. C. Wallace ; paper. "The Clnlms of the Sunday School on Christian People. " Miss Jcnnlo Buchanan ; appointment of com mittees ; adjournment ; singing nnd memory service , Henry DcLong ; "Tho Claim of Hurul Districts nnd How to Supply with Sunday Schools , " John Howard ; "Tho Study of the Sunday School Lesson for November S , " G. W. Snyder , D. D. ; "Tho Conversion of Children In Sunday School , " V. C. Ilocho ; "Sunday School Literature. " H. II. Knowles ; "Music In Sunday School. " C. F. Adams ; report of committees ; ad journment ; devotional service. William Mercer ; address , "A Successful Life , Its Elements , Its Estimates , " Prof. O. J. Mc- Mnnus ; address to youns people , "lie a Man , " A. A. Hart. The Trinity ladles will have their Christ mas Emporium December 17 , 18 and 19. Lundgard , tbo Tailor , 130 S. Main street. Hoffmayr's fancy patent flour makes the best and most bread. Ask your grocer for It. One I'oniillNt'N Depp Iiitercnt. In one of the many rcdbot political dis cussions constantly under way In front of the democratic headquarters a well known popu list yesterday was compelled to admit that ho had a selfish Interest In the election of Bryan. The man did not become a populist until several months after the Chicago plat form was promulgated , but as election day draws near ho has become a very enthusi astic Dryanltc. In tbo discussion yesterday the fact was developed that ho had con verted every available dollar of his money Into gold , bad drawn It from the banks and was hoarding It with the conviction that each dollar would bo 'worth two If Bryan was elected. "So you expect to bo well paid for your vote for Bryan ? " said his Interlocutor. "Yes , sir , " said the populist , "and If Bryan is elected I will more than double my money. I recollect when gold went to $2.40 In this country and In the present conditions I believe It will do better than that. " _ Enameled brass-trimmed beds $3.95 this week at the Durfco Furniture Co. It takes half a ton of starch per month to stiffen the shirts , collars and cuffs of the Eagle laundry's patrons. Have you tried them ? 724 Broadway. Telephone 1D7. Another great candy ealo at the Purity Candy Kitchen Saturday. Taffy , 9c a pound. John Don't Wear n Necktie. Hon. John P. Irish spoke to a large and enthusiastic audience In Council Bluffs Fri day night , nnd It was observed among the peculiarities1 of the man that ho never wears a necktie. Whether ho dispensed with this article of dress for the purpose of being considered "common folks" or whether ho Is hard to suit his friends are unable to say , but If Jio had seen the ele gant line of neckwear that Hughes , the men's outfitter. Is showing at 415 Broadway ho would undoubtedly have overcome his whim. A man Is not dressed unless ho wears a tie , and when there Is such a beautiful line to select from as Hughes Is showing , and at such a low figure , there Is no excuse for being halt dressed. Miiminlto Creelf. Work on the bed of Mosquito creek Is being done by a gang of laborers under the direction of Supervisor Baker. More dyna- mlto has been used and the obstructions have about all been taken out. A heavy team of horses Is being used In dragging out the logs and roots , tbo men working up to their belts In the water. The channel has been almost filled Just above tbo bridge on the road to the Iowa School for the Deaf nnd H Is to protect this structure that the deepen ing of the channel Is being done. Will l.ny Hie Corner Stone. Tbo English Lutheran church , which Is being erected at the corner of Willow avenue nue- and Seventh street , promises to bo ono of the handsomest structures of the kind In tbo city. The lower story Is about com pleted and Is of gray Missouri sandstone , with a rough finish. Arrangements are being - ing made for the laying of the corner atone a week from tomorrow. Appropriate serv ices will bo held aud addresses will bo made by Rev. 3. n , Barnltz of Dos Mot&ca and Judco Itccd. Will Aitilre < iN .SennillnnvlniiH. A largo tent has been erected on the corner of Seventeenth avenue and Tenth street , which will bo used tonight for a meeting of Scandinavian voters of the city. The principal address will bo delivered by Nells Gron of New York , who has a repu tation among his countrymen of being ono of their most eloquent speakers. Every Scandinavian voter In the city Is earnestly urged to be present. The meeting will con vene as soon after 7 o'clock as possible. Scucr I'lpc , Klro llrlck , IloltliiK. Wholesale and retail. J. C. Blxby , 202 street. ODD Kri.MMV.H AS.Hr.MIIt.V AIUOUHXS. Forty-Ninth Si-union of ( he limn Order Conuttiil''H lltiNlncNN. MASON CITY , la. , Oct. 23. ( Special Tele gram. ) The forty-ninth session of state meeting * ) of Odd Fellows closed here today. The entire forenoon was devoted to a hear ing of the orphans' homo location , and by a vote of 66 to 27 Jefferson was selected over Indlanola. Mrs. Llzzlo Matthews , presi dent-elect of the assembly , and Mrs. Belle Helzel.'vlce prcfildent-elcct , were each pre sented with a handsome past noble grand collar. Past Grand Master Tllton making the presentation speech. The Electric Ilc- bckah lodge of Marshalltown presented E. H. Hebbcn , grand warden-elect , with n handsome - some past grand collar. The following wcro Installed as officers for the state assembly by the retiring presi dent. Helen II. Griffith ; President , Llzzlo D. Mnttlicuo ; vice president , Belle Helzcl ; secretary , Elizabeth Mathcny ; treasurer , Blanche Qulgloy ; warden , Ellen Evans ; con ductor , Fannie Davis ; marshal , Agnes Mer cer ; chaplain , Lizzie Hammond ; Inside guard , Annie Alcrlcson ; outside guard , Jennlo Bay- less ; reporter , Ida VanHorn. ' The assembly will meet next year at' Davenport. HtirKlnrx WiiNle Their Time. GENEVA , Neb. , Oct. 23. ( Special Tele gram. ) Burglars broke Into the Elkhorn depot hero last night by prying up the window , opened the money drawer , from which they got but a few pennies. They drilled the front door to the safe and blew It open , but failed to get the Insldo door open , which was time wasted , as no money whatever Is kept In It. These are likely the same parties that have been working Hebron and Shlckl cy this'week. . _ lleinnrkiilile KNCIIIIC of Two Perxonx. WEBSTER CITY , la. , Oct. 23. ( Special. ) As the Mason City train was leaving Clarion for the south this morning James Moib tried to help Mrs. Wllllard Mason an a coach. She missed her foootlng and fell between the cars , Moab also falling. Ono of his limbs fell across the rails , but ho quickly pulled It away , and with them ly ing * on the tics the train went on , both cars going over them. They were assisted to their feet totally uninjured. SWAM TUB OOI.IinX OATK. Clmrli-.s Ciivlll'n Heninrltnhle 1'prforin- nnee AKiiltixt Ailverxe Till CM. The most Important , font In swimming In the history of the const wns accomplished the other day , nays the San Frnn- clsco Chronicle , by Charles Cnvlll , the champion swlmmcr _ of Australia , Cavlll managed to breast tides nnd currents between Fort Point nnd the Mitrln county shore nnd swam ncross the Golden Gate. It was 3:30 : o'clock when Cavlll left Devil's Point , and Just ono hour nnd tlftccn minutes later he touched the rocks about 200 yards seaward from Fort Wlnllcld Scott , having covered a distance as the crow Hies of over ono nnd one- half miles. The Australian's performance drew a big crowd. The shore about Fort Point was lined with people , and the waters In the Gata wcro crowded with small craft of every description. The ferryboat Snusultto had a place In the stream with almost a. thousand people aboard. From a swimmer's standpoint the day was an Ideal one. The water was ns smooth as could bo desired , Its surface only rippled by the curling edges of the long swells that came from the ocean. Thcro wns a slight wind blowing , but It was not strong enough to kick up any dis turbance. Cavlll left the Sausallto when the boat ar rived In midstream off Ltmc Point. Ho had ns companions Adolph Kuhn , the high diver of the California Swimming' club , and Prof. Kllllck of the Sutro baths life-saving crew. The tlda was at a standstill nnd the three men chose ns a starting point for the swimmer a bunch of rocks about 100 yards north of Devil's Point nnd a mlle north of Limo Point. A selected crew from the Dolphin Uont club acted as escort In n Whitehall boat. Cavlll wore the regulation tights. Ho dlppod Into the water easily nnd naturally , and started for the San Francisco Hhore with energy , Kllllck and ICahn and the Dolphin crew accompanying him In boats. The swimmer led off with a long , easy , right-side stroke , and for the llrst few hundred yards of the course the way was easy nnd his pace wax rapid. About a quarter of a milo from shore the Aus tralian encountered what he saya waa the swiftest current he over met. The tldo had turned since ho left the ferry , and wua now pouring' through the channel with the speed of n mill race. The ripples roared like n miniature sea and threatened to engulf tire boats. Cavlll struck Into It bravely , ana attempted to stay Its progress by turning hla face to ward Sausallto and swimming north. The rowers In the boat attempted similar tac tics , but the rush of waters toward the ocean carried everything with It. Seeing that It wns useless to attempt to withstand the force of the tide , Cavlll drifted with It. He was carried out almost to the Heads before he encountered the counter-currents on the Presidio shore. The eddy opposite Point I.ohos caught him In Its grip and whirled him back again toward the bay. From this time on Cavlll's work waa com paratively easy. Ho swam leisurely nnd easily toward the fort , followed by half a hundred boats and tugs. A half mlle from the landing point ho picked up an old felt hat that wan floating In the water nnd put It on his head , much to the amuse ment of the spectators. As ho neared the shore Cnvlll increased his speed. The Dolphin crow nnd a boat from the Life Saving service cleared the way. Thcro wns a long , slow swell smashing against the rocks , and on top ( if one of these breakers Cavlll landed easily. Thcro was a great crowd awaiting his ar rival , and us the tnvlmmcr walked up the beach ho wns given an ovation by every thing and everybody , from the small boy on tlta fort parapets to the big whistle of the steamer SiniHnllto. Cavlll returned to the water almost Immediately and swam to the Dolphin club's boat , from which ho was transferred to the b'.uisallto. Cuvlll'B performance adds a new notch to the swimming record of the coast. The time upent In covering the distance la re markably Hhort , considering contrary tides and currents and the fact that ho was car ried almost a mlle out of hln course. Throughout ho swam on his right Bide , using n sldo Htroke. At the finish he wns almost at ) fresh ns when lie started. The water was cold , nnd when he touched shore after hla long swim bis right arm and leg wcro benumbed to the point of uselcssncss. The swimmer's physical dimensions are : Height , u feet 10 Inches ; weight. 180 pounds ; chcHt measurement , 43 Inches , with the phenomenal expamdon of 9 % Indies. Ho Is the son of Prof. Fred Cavlll of England , who swam across the English channel In eleven hours , making a world's record. 1)1 xel n I m r < ! Ownernhlp. Harper's Unzar : The Helpful Man , who was always on the lookout to do what good ho could ns he passed along this vale of tears , noticed that a man ho knew by night , and who usually got off the car ut a certain crossing , was making no motion toward leaving us the car approached that corner on this particular afternoon. He Boomed absorbed In his newspaper , nnd tbo Helpful Man became anxious lest he should be carried beyond hla destination. The car was right at the street , and still the man read on , when the Helpful Man pulled nt hlu coat Hlcevo and Bald : y ° Ur pardon > but lsn't tllls your sire tT The reader looked up n moment nnd re plied ; "Oh no. It belongs to the traction com pany , " I'enrlH Are the ItHirnliiK Fnd. Pearls are the fad of the hour. Every debutante of any social account has ono or two Htrlngs , costing $1,000 or $2,000 , but the society matrons Indulge In great ropes of them , to which they are continually adding. tatter surnn.Mi : COUUT October 20 , ISM. Court met pursuant to adjournment. J6lVW , Parish. A. 1'Ucy , S. G. Williams nrritW. F. Moran wrro ad mitted to practice. Patrick Land company against Hank , dHn'js5ed | ; Dorsey against Mutual Loan nnd.-Trust company nnd Curtla against Omnhn , nfllrmcd. October 21 , IMG. ' CUappell against Smith , advanced ; rown''nealnst ' Hose , leave to amend petition In Rrror ; Ha Hey against llontloy , motion' ' ' ! * dismiss overruled ; Hoguo against OKI ! ? , .motion to quash summon - mon overruled ; . . MWCB county against Sheldon , motion to rclnstato bill of ex ceptions ovcrrulcajjjmldwln against Fisher , leave to lllo petition denied , nppcnl dis missed ; Heed aculiftt Field , motion to quash bill of cxtVliFlons overruled ; Hor- bach ngalnst ' ( fnt.Mm , suggestion of diminution nlto\vt-d ; Harrington against Houston , motionto dlomNs overruled ; Johnson ngalnst Hnwvcr , bill of exceptions quashed , . , October 22. ISM. Watson against Day , motion to quash bill of exceptions over ruled ; Godwin against Encrott , nfllrmed ; Donnhoo against Nolnon , ICverson ngalnst Graves , Thomas against Etweln and State ex rcl. Mnhonoy against Mclntoth , order to show cntisp why proceedings should not be dismissed ; Oninlin Illuminating company against Clarke , O'Kecfo ngalnst Coylo and Pcrrln ogalnst Korsmo.for Plumbing nnd Heating company , dismissed ; Caster against Nordgren nnd Alexander Lumber company ngnlnst Nordgren , order of re- vlvor. Court ndjourncd till November 4 , nt 10 n. m. , at which time the following causes will bo called : Stei-lo ngalnst Wlckstrom. Lniignn against Blnflcld , lied Willow county ngnlnst David , Uehrcnds ngalnst Iteyschlng , Untcs against Phoenix Pub lishing company , O'Shra ngalnst nice. Clark ngnlnst Mnrolf , Union Stock Yards National bank against Stoddnrd , Jackson ngalnst South Omaha Live Stock exchange , Estabrook ngnlnst Stevenson , Eggleston ngnlnat Slushcr , Montgomery ngnlnst Al bion National bank. Gibson ngalnst Sidney , Hollamy rtCTlnst Clmmwrs , Anhlnnd Land nnd Live Stock company ngalnst Woodford , Chicago , llurllngton it Qulncy rtnllrond company ngnlnst Nomnha county , Stephens against WcHtsldo Improvement company. Knapp against Jones. Campbell Printing Press and Manufacturing company ngnlnst Murder , LuceCo. . , Glnde ngnlnst Her- polsheimer. Urnnch against United States rational bank of Omaha , Lindner against Adams County bank , Shnfer against Hos teller. Doom agiiltm Parish , Uaum Iron company ngnliiRt Union Savings bank , lirtiNch ngnlnst Utasch , Pollock against Smith , Thompson ncntnst Shelton , Tccum- seh National bunk aqnlnst Itusadl , Crclghton University ngnlnst Illley , Gll- lllan against Murphy , Rogers ngnlnst Cen tral Loan nnd Trust company. Edgerton against state ex rrl. Strlckler , Ketten- bnch ngalnst Omaha Life association , Grilling against Curtis , Itennrd against Thomas , Western Wheeled Srrnper com pany ngnlnst Sndllck. Jones ngnlnst Wlesen , Merttllth ngalnst City of Omnhn , Hnrrla ngnln.st Heckwith. Syllabi of cases decided follow ! Mundt against HnFcdorn. Appeal from Douglas county. Reversed and dismissed. Opinion by Chief Justice I'OFt. A wife , who bv means of conveyance from her husband , acquires property ex empt , as the. homestead of the family , takes the title thereof unlncuinbcred by judgments against tbo husband , although the purpose of such conveyance may have been to defraud creditors of the latter. Mun- son against Carter. < 0 Neb. . 417. Section 1. chapter x'xxvl , Compiled Statues , exempts to those persons within Its provisions , a homstend not exceeding J2/X ) In value over and above Incum- lirnnccs. The exemption in such cases Is determined not from the value of the fe simple tltlo. but from the value of the claimant's Interest In the premises. Hay against Anderson , to Nob. . 3SG. Union Pncllle Hallway company ngnlnst Montgomery. Error from Douglas county. Reversed. Opinion by Judge * Norvnl. An ordinance of the city of the second class containing over fi.OCO and less than 10.COO Inhabitants , which curries a penalty for a violation .of Its provisions , before It becomes effective , must be published for nt least ono week In a newspaper published within such city , or In phamplct form , for distribution or snlf. , * 2. If published In n , dally paper , ono In sertion Is not miUldrnt. but must bo pub lished in each Issue thereof for one week. 3. Ordinances * of : i , oiy of the above class may be proved by thcicertirtcntu of the city clerk under the seal of the corporation. If Hie certificate shown that the ordinance was not published for the statutory time , it Is not admissible In evidence without further proof. 4. An exception to Instructions en masse Is unavailing unlcfes .eitch paragraph thereof Is erroneous. " ' 5. An assignment. In n motion for a new trial that n croup of Instructions Is er roneous. Is Insulllclent , if ono of them Is properly given. Omaha & Republican Valley Hallway company against Wright. Error from Saunders county. Alllrmcd. Opinion by Commissioner Ragan. A general allegation of negligence Is good ns against a demurrer ; nnd under such an allegation evidence of any fact which contributed to the Injury sued for Is competent nnd relevant. 2. Where a pleader relics upon ono or moro spcclllc nets or omissions as negli gence , then evidence of any act or omis sion not within some of such ppeclllcatlons Is Irrelevant. 3. The first nnd second points of the pyllabus of Omaha & Republican Valley Hallway company against Wright et nl , CO N. W. , 8t2 , disapproved. Chicago , Rock Inn ! < l & Pacific Railway company ngalnst McCarthy. Error from Douglan county. Reversed nnd rcmnnded. Opinion by CommlFsioner Irvine. A servant penerally does not assume the risk of dancers duo to his master's negli gence , nor does he In all cases assume the risk of dangers arising from sudden un foreseen circumstances , not ordinarily In cident to the employment. 2. When a master gives a servant a com mand requiring the doing of nn act not within the usual scope of the servant's duty , which must lw performed at onec or not at nil , without opportunity for delibera tion , the servant Is not charged with con tributory negligence In the performance , even tliouch there may have been danger apparent to him In tno performance of the net , unless the dancer was HO patent that a prudent man would not have obeyed. 3. In such case the master may be neg ligent In giving the command , although the servant was not negligent In obeying 4. The tcstiof contributory negligence In such cases as In others Is whether the servant In obeying conducted himself ns a man of ordinary prudence would conduct himself under the circumstances. An In struction that the servant was not neg ligent unless no ono but n reckless or foolhardy man would have obeyed , , Is therefore erroneous. Rarney against Stnte. Error from Holt county. Alllrmcd. Opinion by Commis sioner Irvine. A district judge may for any Inwful cause discharge a regular panel of" the petit Jury nnd direct thn sheriff to call other Jurors to tnke Its place. 2. The fact that the jury wns Illegally drawn Is n sufilclcnt cause for discharging It from service. ' 3. The fact that nil or'nearly all jurors upon the regulnr panel nro disqualified from sitting In any case remaining to bo tried at the term Is a sufilclcnt cause for discharging thepanel. . 4. The provision of section 4C3 n of the criminal cede are not exclusive , but are to bo construed In connection with section COI of the civil code. C. Therefore , when the causes exist which authorize the court to order a special venlro under section 4CS a of the criminal code , the court may , Instead of so doing , In Its discretion , tbo regular panel being disqualified from sitting In other ihiscs during the term , discharge that panel nnd direct a new Jury to bo drawn under the provisions of section' CGI. C. A rule of court Is an order mndo by a court having competent Jurisdiction , nnd therefore under Auction 8. chapter v , Complied Statutc-a. in a district whcro there nro two district Jrdges the court may , by special order , direct a Jury of less than forty-oJulit to bo drawn , such special order being q. ' ' "ruio" within the meaning of that section. 7. Permitting imme/s1 of witnesses to bo endorsed on an Information nfter the In formation la filed la a vmntter resting within the discretion of the ; trial court , and not withstanding a general rule of court re quiring such names to bo endorsed within twenty-four hours rtftcr their discovery , a judgment will not bei reversed where the application to cmlurpq the names was not made until n litter time , provided no prejudice to the acuUBttl resulted. 8. The accused 'having made no motion for a postponement oC the trial because of the endorsement of such additional names no prejudice will bi } presumed. 9. In a criminal 'case It la not erroneous to direct the Jury that Its oath Imposes upon It no obligation to doubt , where no doubt would have existed If no oath hud been administered. Spies against People , 122 III. , 1 , followed. 10. Where no error appears In the record of a criminal cabo and the sentence Imposed Is ono warranted by tin.statute. . It will not bo reduced by thm court because of ap parent undue severity , To so reduce it would In Huch case be an act of clemency and not n judicial review of the trial , and the oxerchio of such clemency Is a power reposed by the constitution In the governor und not In this court. 11. Evidence held to sustain the verdict. Cummlngs against EmHlle. Appeal from Douglas county. Atllrmed. Opinion by Chief Justice Post. A morteupep who encourages the Improvement - ment of the mortgaged properly by an agreement to subordinate lila Hen to thu coat thereof , will , u to persona furnishing labor nnd mntorlnl for tine therein , upon thn faith of bis promise , bo deemed n promoter of such Improvement and the liens for labor and material so furnished will bo entitled to priority over his mort gage. Itohn Manufacturing company ngnlnst Kountr. 30 Neb. , " 19. Hnlbcrt ngalnst Ro.'cnlinlni. Hrror from Washington county , Alllrmcd. Opinion by Judge Harrison. An application to have the witnesses ex cluded from the court room , during the progress of the trial of the causa In which they nro nro to bo examined. In nddrcoicd to the sound dlKcrotlon of the trial judge. Where n request nn such action Is refused nnd no nbiue of the discretion Is apparent , there Is no nvnllnblo error. 2. A verdict upon conflicting evidence , with sulllclcnt evidence to sustain It , will not be disturbed. 3. In nn appeal from the county court to ( he district court , the cause must be tiled on the snmo issues ns wcro tiled In tbo county court , unless some now mntter has arisen since the trial there , Mich ns pay ment , etc. Fuller & Johnson ngnlnst Schrocdcr. 20 Nob. . C31. 4. The general rule Is , that In nn action for the conversion of a promissory note , the measure of damages In the event of u recovery , Is the vnluo of the note nt the. time of Its appropriation \\lth interest thereon. C. A promissory note which nrovUleil for Interest nnmmlly on the principal sum evidenced -by It , had been for n number of years In the possession of ono who It was determined wns not the owner of It , or en titled to Its possession , but who , during the time be hnd the note In possession , col lected the annual installments of Intercut n.s they became due. and apptopilntod their to his own use : Held , that an notion wouh ! llu nnd could bu maintained In favor of the owner of the notes , for the nggieg.ito amounts of the payment of Interest so col lected against the party vv'io received and appropriated them. fi. Alleged errors In relation to the exclu sion of evidence examined nnd held , that II nny errors In the action of the court , lnns - much as evidence of a HUe character and to the same effect of that excluded was admitted or nppArcd In other portions of the evidence , both prior and subsequent to the tlmo of Its exclusion , they were without prejudice. Mlssouil Paelflc Railway Cotnp.inj ngalnst Gelst. Error from Douglas county Reversed and rcmnnded. Opinion by Judga Harrison. It Is provided In section 101 of chapter xvl of the Compiled Statutes of this state "A bell of at least thirty pounds -neight or n steam whistle shall bo placed on each locomotive engine , and shall bo rung or whistled at the distance of at least eighty rods from the place where the said rail road Hhnll cross nny other road or street and bo kept ringing or whistling until It shall have crosjed n.ild road or street , un der a penalty of $ V ) lor every neglect , to be pnld by the corporation owning the riillrcad , one-half thereof to go to the In former , and the other half to this state and also be llnblu for all damages which Miall be sustained by nny person by rea son of such neglect. " 2. Under the foregoing provision. In nn action where nn engine started from n iposltlori at a distance from n street or road eroding , of less than eighty rods It would have been proper to instruct r Jury In the trial of the cause , that the bel should have been rung'or the whistle blown from the starting place until the engine had crossed the ronil or street. Hut under the existent circumstances It wns not nn error which cnlls for the reversal of n Judgment for plaintiff , thnt tbo judge Instructed the jury that It was the duty of defendant to cause the bell to be rung or the whistle to be blown nt a distance of at least eighty rods from the place whcro the railroad crosses a street , nnd be kept ringing or whistling until it sbnll bnvo crossed such street" without further Informing the Jury that If the bell was rung or the whlstlo blown , from the starting point , If , aa In tbo case at bar , but some sixty or seventy ft/et distant from the crossing It would have fuUlllcd the duty. 3. The Jury wns Informed by one portion of nn Instruction given , ns follows : "Hut defendant Is not required to both ring the bell nnd blow the whistle , but must do one or the other , a failure to do cither , under the statute , renders the defendant crlm- "Inally liable. " Held. Thnt the portion In which the Jury was told that for a failure to perform the designated duly the de fendants became criminally liable , wna Im proper In this n civil notion for damages , nnd calculated to mislead the Jury In esti mating the damages to be allowed , If any , and hence prejudicial to the rights of de fendant. 4. "Tho failure of n railroad company to cause a. bell to bo rung or n whlstfo to bo sounded as Its engine approaches a street or road crosHlng , Is evidence which tends to prove- negligence on the part of the com pany. It may. but does not necessarily demand an Inference of negligence. " It does not establish negligence as a mntter of Inw , nnd It Is error for the court to In struct a jury that such failure on the part of the company constitutes negligence nnd lenders It liable. Rule announced In Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy Railroad company ngalnst Mctcalf , 44 Neb. , SIS nnd O. R. V. It. Co. ngnlnst Talbot , C7 N , W. Rep. , 5D9 , approved nnd followed. Rosecrans against A say. Error from Sheridan county. Affirmed. Opinion by Judge Norvnl. In replevin special dnmnges must be pleaded by the plaintiff , or they cannot bo recovered. 2. Held , thnt the petition Is sulllclcnt , after Judgment , to sustain the findings. 3. Damages held not excessive. 4. Aflldavlts used nt a hcnrlng of n motion for n now trial cannot bo con sidered In the supreme court In error pro ceedings , unless made n part of the record by n bill of exceptions. WAXTON SLAUr.HTlCll OK DHUIt. ( Juiiie Kllloil In Moiidinn hy SporlH- IIIPII .IiiHt for the Kim of the ThliiK. W. II. Wright tells In Recreation whcro much of Montana's game has gone. H'o says : "I have known two self-called sportsmen to leave Spokane for two days , and on re turning tell of having killed sixty-three deer , a story the ranchman at whoso homo they put up corroborated. That-was years ago. It would take a long hunt thcro now to kill slxty-thrco deer. I once knew a man to go and make a winter camp and kill over 100 deer , which he hung up. He tried to Bell them whcro they hung , but failed. He went cast somewhere , where he lived , and I've never heard of him since. He claimed to have killed " 100 , but I counted 1BO car casses In sight near his camp the following spring. "While going from Palmer's lake , In Washington , to the Salmon river , I passed through Toatseoulee , and stopped over night near a small lake on which was camped a party of hunters. It would have been easy to load a four-horao wagon with the heads of deer alone that wcro piled up In one place. Thcro were deer carcasses all about the camp. "I could nam6 more than fifty of such hunters who have killed thousands of deer and left them where they fell. Only last winter two men left Spokane and killed thirty-three deer In Idaho , not bringing out a pound of meat to show for It. "I have seen many Indian hunts , ono of which resulted In the death of over 400 deer , but not one of the deer was wasted. The Indians bunt and then cat the meat before they hunt again. They kill to cat , but the whites kill for fun. Last spring ono man In the Bitter Root valley killed seven elk without stirring from his tracks. Not ono was saved , " Washington Stnr : "Gentlemen , " said the man with frank blue eyes , "gorao people would be disposed to doubt eomc of the storlcj that you have been telling about the freaks ot a wind storm. liut I don't. Tbo man who told how the * wind took the roofs off his nnd a neighbor's houses , exchanged them nnd nailed them down lias my un limited confidence. " "It's ovcry word true , " said the Individual alluded to/ "Neither do I doubt the word of the man who assorts that the tornado pinned a loV of Ilryan buttons on the coat lapels of pe destrians. I have had an experience which will not permit mo to bo ( skeptical. " "What was It ? ' " "I wouldn't tell It In any company but this , where I know It will bo appreciated , " "Did you have a house blown down ? " "No. That wouldn't bo anything extra ordinary. I hadn't any house to bo blown down. I have been living at a hotel , wait ing for my now Tesldenco In the country to bo completed. All the material was lying out on the lot , and tbo plans wcro In a tool house nearby. When I went to look at the place this morning I found that the wind had broken open the tool house , se cured the plans , built the whole house , cleaned the windows and started a flro In the kitchen range. " Tlio I > a > - Aflc-r. "My dear , I wish you would move about with a little leas noise , " said Mr. Drlnkhorn. "I have an awful headache. " "I don't know whether I shall or not , " uatd the lady , with some asperity. "It nerves you right to have a headache , after the con dltlon you were In last nlelit. " ' do " said the suffering "Tell you what I'll , man , "If you will be easy with mo this time I'll do aa much for you the next time you como homo a wreck from bargain fiEUt , " / ft South Onmlm News . Yesterday feeder shipments , nliirty-nlno curs 2,741 head , wcro the largest of the month so far , and the current wocli'e busi ness In feeding atoek bids fair to exceed nil previous weeks of the season. W. I . Mllln , head ot the firm of W. I * Mills & Co. , who are extensively engaged In the llvp stock business nt Merrlam. made his llrst visit to the yards j esterlfc\y. Ho has been n heavy shipper to this market , but has never found It convenient to como In befoiv. Ho was much Impressed with Iho display nf energy nnd push , as well aa the magnitude of the bu-dncsa done. The registration yesterday was n little slower tlmn on the IIret tiny , but the total will nearly equal that of a week ngo. c'om- mlttcomon of both parties nro doing Uioir best to get ovcry voter to register nnd some nrc Inclined to think that the vote here next month will reach In the neighborhood of 3,000. John Stop of the fourth ward was ar rested yesterday upon complaint of his wife , who charged him with being diuuk and dis orderly. Ho was lined $6 by the police Judge. J. T. Morrl * of Logan , Kan. , wni at the yards jeaterday with six loads of cattle. J. M. Doisoy , nn oxtonslvo ranch owner located nt Ilnllock , Nov. , la In the city. C. 11. Lewis of Deadwood , S. 1) . , Is hero attending to some business. The members of the First Hplscopnl church showed their appreciation of Dr. Wlnshlp , their pastor , Thursday cv'tnlng by giving him nn enthusiastic reception nnd "pounding" combined. A building permit has boon Issued to the trustees of the United Presbyterian church for a $1,500 parsonage nt Twenty-third nnd K streets. Charles nomhold of the Omaha Packing company Is on the sick list. Councilman Ucnnctt has returned from an eastern trip. Ed Munnhnw nnd wlfo nro entertaining Mr. mid Mrs. T. Munshaw of Illinois. J. M. Holt of Mllca City , Mont. , wns nt the yards yesterday with n largo nhlpmcnt of cnttlo. This wns Mr. Holt's llrst visit to this mnrkct nnd lie was entirely satisfied with the prices paid for his stock and ho promised to como again. The HItchhart libel case Is sot for hearing at 10 o'clock today. Mayor Knsor and wlfo entertained the Drive Whl.it club at their homo. Twenty- third and H streets , Inst evening. The women of the nastorn Star will glvo n high five nnd dancing party nt Masonic hall this evening. Chris Vonderburg Is under nrrest nt police headquarters on suspicion. The prisoner Is very nervous and tolls conflicting Htorlea ns to his whereabouts lately and the officers are Inclined to think ho Is wanted some where. Ho will bo held until an Investiga tion can bo made. Joseph Sandon , an employe at Cudahy's tin factory , cut one of his hands badly yes terday nnd will bo laid up for a wrck or so. The entertainment given at the 11 rat Pres byterian church last evening wns quite n pleasant affair. Those taking part wcro : Mrs. W. U. Sago , Mrs. Henry Kelly. Mrs. Carl Smith , Perry D. Wheeler nnd the Misses Fowler , Campbell , Holmes , Crosby , Smith , Grclst , Curfnian and Gcsncy. THATi intnun i.AM : . MoilcrnlrliiK- Uimlnl Section cif New York < 'ly. Ancient Featherbed Inno. changed from nn old woods trail to n brand now macadamized , curbstoncd street , followed now by the wheelmen who cross Washington bridge , btr once the rough footpath over which Wash ington's hungry soldiers marched , nccordlnf to n tradition still preserved In that locality ts threatened , snys the Now York Sun , with a disaster that means titter obliteration of the historic Interests of which It Is tlu center. People some of them who live ui that way want to change the name Feather bed lane to "something nice. " It Is not unlikely tbnt the little street will soon be known ns "Shady avenue. " "Valley View avcnuo" or something equally nice. It begins at Aqueduct avenue , and passes In a winding line to the catt. Fcnthcrbed lane Is not yet out of the hand * of contractors , but only the finishing touches remain to bemade. . The road used to bo about twenty feet wide , rounding over so that tno water , whcr It rained , drained down Into the gully , or took to the ditch on the hillside , but tin curbs on cither side of tbo road now take the water llko any other gutters. A long kept local tradition says that the lane got Its name when Washington's sol diers wcro quartered In that region after thr retreat from Long Island. The soldiers , hungry and forlorn , found In the people about thorn ardent sympathy. Nothing that the residents could do was too much for them to do , and everything that could serve the weary soldier wns his , oven without the asking. The salt moat from the barrels , tin vegetables from the bins , the clothes from the closets were freely given. At that time the feather bed was considered to bo the sign of aristocracy. The possessors of a feather bed were a great family. The more feather beds the greater the family. There wcro all kinds of feather beds -chicken , geese and duck feather beds , and feathers from wild birds went Into the beds. To make a present of a feather bed was to show the highest esteem to the receiver of the gift. When the soldiers of Washington came that way feather beds and blankets to match were given to them , and many of thcso beds wcro taken from ono house , too Htnnll to accom modate the soldiers , to larger ones near by. The beds wcro carried on the soldiers' backs , and a good many of them wcro taken over the trail that has ever since been called Featherbed lane. Pn in I liar Scent * . She handed him his evening clothes. They had been packed away nil summer with a moth exterminating substnnce. As the odor of tar and camphor assailed him his fiico grew sad. "What Is troubling you ? " "I was thinking of these clothes. " "It seems to mo that yon ought to look pleased. There certainly are no moths In them. " "I can't help my sympathetic na ture , " he responded. "Sometimes It leads mo to an nbsuid extreme. Of course , I'm glad that the moths are gone , but , " and he pished deeply , "It must have been a horrible death. " WOMEN VOTE _ FOB PRESIDENT For tbc first tlmo In the history of this country an opportunity for women to pub licly express their choice for president Is offered. The method. Is unique and will ro- suit In showing on Nov. 4th Just what effect the woman's vote will have on national affairs. A manufacturer who has business relations with most of the prominent newspaper * ) In the United States proposes the plan as follows : All women over 18 are entitled to ono vote. The votes by states will bo shown In the papers on every Wednesday anil Sat urday until Nov. 4th. Women are requested to read moro than one sldo of the question and act upon their own judgment , WrIU the name of candidate on a postal card and write your own mi mo and address clearly also city and state. On the loner left hand corner glvo the name of a banker or grocer who knows you. This precaution U to prevent flooding the mall with fictitious votes. Names unknown to grocer or banker will be thrown out. lie very careful to write clearly and on acknowledgment 01 the receipts of each vote will bo sent to the fair voter. Send the postal to I'ontum Cereal Kood Coffee Co. , Hattlo Creek , Mich. It Is urged that ovcry earnest woman will not hcsltato to expend a penny to register her preference at this most Interesting period of national history. This company have a national reputation and pledge their Integrity and honor to re port the vote exactly as received , without fear or favor. A sworn statement of the final vote polled up to 7 p. m. Nov. 4th will tic published Nov. 7th anil the vote as It progresses will bo shown on every Wednes day and Saturday between now and then Iteport from the I'oatum Co. states that the ladles are voting freely from all sections of the country. The tlood of pontal card votes Is being accurately registered , but the company request that the public bear with hem patiently until next Wedncuday , Octo ber 28 , when the llrat report by ntates will appear , and a prompt report given on each Saturday aud Wednesday thereafter. wni.ii iiiiii ; rin FOH I'olloo I'lfk t'p n MHii with n Moilofi \ Ilut-Klnr1 * Kit. The police. AFO ot the opinion Hint they ] niAilo A Rood cnpluro In the portion of Ji CllfTor.l , who U at present booked at thq station n being a siwprtlous chat-acton * Clifford was arrested last night while wan dering around In the vicinity of Fourteenth nnd Douglas Mrccls. When the oftlcrr nc-r cos toil him ho tailed to toll a ittrnlghe story nnd manifested nn ragerncvs ( o slldn out of night don n an nlloy. On the way , , to the city Jail ho mndo sevcrnl manctivoro -1 as It to rid lilniolf : of something ho did I not wish the ofllreis to ceo , und when.1 ' seaiclicd his rcnions tor dolntr BO becama * I very evident , A complete sci of burglar tools v.n.1 found on him , n set of skeleton lieya , a number ot dcllcnto flics , such ntf are used on loc'ts , n. cracksman's "Jimmy" and n uf.imp nt a candle carefully put ! nw.iy In n tubnceo Mck , wn unearthed. In pus.ilnr * through Ihs e.ntranccv to the Jail Clifford dropped n bunch of keys gently to the ground , \\hero they wcro ntlornnnl found hy the patrol conductor. The keys are n curiosity oven to the police , and nro nn excellent sample of high nrt In this line of business. They nro filed Into every conceivable form , nnd nrc calculated to fit almost nny form of lock. Ono or the pockets - ots of the prisoner wns badly worn , ns 1C by n revolver , nnd ho admitted that ho ? , , y ? Farrlei1 on * " , out was obliged to "soak" It at Sioux City , n ho had run short of cash. Clifford nays ho formerly lived nt Oiinwa , In. , but thp police nrc of the opinion ho Is from Chicago or some eastern city , nnd thnt ho Is a crook ot manys yeare' experience. All < lir CoinrortM of lloini * . ' > Buffalo C.xprcss : Jlmsmlth Hello , John- brownl How do you prosper now thnt your family Is nwny for the summer ? I'rctty lononomo nnd unsettled , eh ? Johnbrown Not u , bit of It ; getting nlonff Iliii'ly. "Tlml'H queer ; I should mi | > pee thnt you would foci the loss of your accustomed surroundings. " "So I would , my boy , If I hadn't dropped Into just the lioardlng hnuao I did. You see , the landlady Is n particular body , and she calls mo down every tlmo 1 infos my inonls or slay out Into. Then the younir woman In the room across the hall has a Hpunky imlr of twins , who do their yelllm ? between 9 nnd 12 ovcry night , so that I can go to Bleep with the imml accompani ment. Talk about 'all the comforts of homo ! ' I wouldn't lrav Hint boarding house to go to the bout hotel In town aa the guest ot the pioprletor. " Gladness Comes With n better iinilcrstniiiling1 of tlio transient nature of the ninny j.hys teal Ills , which vanish before proper cf- fprls ffentlo efforts plctthnnt efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge , thnt so many forms of siclcnoss are not due to nny nutmil dis ease , lint simply to n constipatedcond5 tiort of the system , which the pleasant family laxative , Syrup of Kirs. ( prompt ly removes. Tliut is why it is the only remedy with millioiiRof families , nnd is everywhere esteemed so highly by nil who valno peed health. Its beneficial effect ! ! arc due to the fact , thnt itis the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without dobllitntlnp tlio organs on which It acts. It is therefore nil Important , In order to pet its bene ficial effects , to note when yon put chose , thnt yon have the genuine nrtl- clc , which Is manufactured by the Cali fornia Vlt ; Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable drug-gists. If in the enjoyment of peed henlUi < and tlio systxin ; 'is regular , laxatives 01 other remedies are then not needed. It ufllicted with nny nct-.inl disca.sc , one may be commended to the most skillful physicians , but if in need of n laxative. , one should have thu best , nnd with th well-informed everywhere , Syrup o ; Figs stands highest and is most largely casdundgivesniostgcncral satisfaction TWIN GIT/ DYE WO,1X5 DYEINI1AND CI.EANINT Clothing , DressK .13 ! JIousjIioU OMAHA OFFICD-1W1 Farnura. T l. 1S2L COUNCIL , 11LUFF8 Work * and Omcc. Cor. J < r nu A and 6th St. Tel. 910. lun THE TAILOR. Fine Line of Fall and Winter Suitings. 130 S. Main Street Council muffs , la. Council Bluffs , Iowa. I CAPITAL , . . $100,000j WE SOLICIT YOUIl IJUSJXJSH. / WIS DUSIIta YOUIt COLLECTIONS. ONB OF THE OLDI2ST IIANICS IN IOWA * D PBIl CENT l AID ON T13IE 1)KI AND nun vn OB WIUTB. AMUSUJI * . . THE 8OCITY EVENT SATUHDAV I5VI-.VI.V , flf'TOIII'H 2-J. Direct from Auntrulla , A. M. PALWIER'S COMPANY , Under tlio illrrctlun of Wm. A. Ilruily , prrnentlni ; Ilia Hreat HUCCC-HH 1 O RILxJBY , ' Ily Oco. Iu Maurlcr. DramutUtJ by Paul Toller. 1'rlccH : : c , 3Cc , Via. 7Ec ) und JI.W. HtuH now on nalo nt Bellcr'a drug glore. DOHANEYTHEATER rir t Appei\rnnce In This City of the Tomou * Inilmcillialilit I'licnoinrnnii , , Jilt. I.DVD COOKi : , ; Dumonilratlntf I Spirit I'otti-r In l''ull Llulit. I Not III lllirknrxH , lni ( III Op I'll Llullf. Uumlny nliihl. Oct. 21 , n smnll a.lmlnslon will Iw cliaiKt-d. rir t lloor , ZIc ; Imlccny , Zlo ; ga\ \ , I try , lie. Ktut now un uulo ut titller * ' druf lure.