Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1896, Page 9, Image 11

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Activity of Tcmplo Houston as an Okla
homa Cemetery Promoter.
A V < r > ' Prnrcftil CltUrn Wlirn
_ ( . liiirnrlrrlnlli'w uf n Son of Sam
lloiiHlimIIIOIIK - lluClil -
I'rcnli * .
For the second time In his life "Senator" I
Temple Houston , son of the famous General j
Sam Houitnn. first president of the republic
of Texas , will be put on trial for his llfo out
In Oklahoma. Two men have fallen before
bis pistol. The first as Ed Jennings , son of
Judge Jennings of Oklahoma. He fell In
what the west calls fair fight , and Houston
was triumphantly acquitted. That was In
the rpring. Last week Houston shot and
killed Judge Jennings , the father of his flrsi
victim. Jennings had no chance for his life
( B tbe other pressed the revolver against hi.
breast before firing. Houston gave blmsel !
In Oklahoma , when A man develops a habit
of shooting at his fellow men. relates thr
New York Sun , It may mean one of two
things : Either that he Is a desperado and r
murderer ct heart or that he has made It
his practice to oppose Instead of avoiding
men who are. Temple Houston's reputation
was that of a man who never sought a quar
rel and never shirked a fight. He was suet
a character as Is seldom found nowadays
cxrept In dime- novels or on the borders of
civilization. The exigencies of a-new coun
try's development bring out such characters ,
and they arc Invariably herot-a to their
friend * and acquaintances. It Is a claim to
distinction In Oklahoma to be able to say
truly that Houston Is your friend , lion
Edgar Jones of the supreme court ot Okla1
bema once wrote this of him :
"Temple It ono of the grandest personall-
tics In the western country. He Is as profound -
found In law as a Bacon , as polished as a
Chesterfield and as brave as Davy Crockett. "
In a country where titles are prevalent It
vould be strange If such a man did not bear
one. His admiring fellow citizens long ago
bestowed upon him the title of ' 'Senator. "
probably because he never has brji a sena
tor nor tried to be one , and through all that
part of the country he Is universally greeted
as Senator Houston. Physically he is well
qualified lor heroic roles , for he towers above
a six-foot man. He 1 * 40 years old. but
doesn't look It. One of his striking physical
characteristics is his reddish brown hair
which bangs In Jong wavy curls almost to
his shoulders , purling out In glorious luxu
riance from beneath the wide tombrero which
he alwa > s wears. But for one-occentrirlt )
he would be regarded as a well drcsted man
as he Is superlatively neat in his attire. He
will not wiar kusptn-Jers. a peculiarity which
once drew from an Oklahoma belle this ap
pealing comment :
"Senator Houston. I wish you'd tell mr
what waken jou wear your pants to neglige. "
Had the speaker been a man. the results
would probably have been dire , but to wo
men the senator was always the pink of
courtesy. .An Instance of this courtesy , and
alno of the influence which he wielded , l
shown by the following episode : Into a
crowded railroad car In which Houston at
came two elderly women , neither of whom
was of attisctlvo personality. There was not
a vacant seat In the car. Immediately upon
feeing them , the senator Jumped up and
with a low how begged that one of them
do him the honor to nceept hU place. No-
hojy followed his example. The gigantic
Chesterfield luoked around him with a sad-
ilfnt 1 face. Then he tald. plaintively. In his
FUavcst Una ) , so gentle as to be almost a
whisper :
"Gentlemen , is nobody going to give this
IcJy a seat ? "
If every cushion had been full of pins , the
nun In that car couldn't have risen more
swiftly. The standing woman gasped with
surprise , fell Into the nearest seat and at
tempted to thank her benefactor.
'Don't mention It , madam , ' . ' said he.
"You"1 thanks arc not owing to me , but to
these gentlemen. I felt sure ( with great
emphasis ) that no Oklahoma gentleman
would kct'p his scat while a lady was stand-
log. "
Hut for hla own Insistence Houston would
not have been brought to trial for killing Ed
Jennings Nobody wanted to try him , but
he demanded that he be tried. The clrcum-
* | BHTS of the killing were these : Ed Jen
nings , who came of a family celebrated for
courage and ability to use a un. opixwed
Houston in a lawsuit at Woodward. Ukl .
In the course of which hot words passed
between the lawyers. That night Houa'on
wan In the Cabinet saloon , with hU friend ,
Jack hove , thn sheriff of the county. Ed
Jennings , with his brother John , tntered the
place , and the quarrel between the lawyers
was renewed. The quarrel became a fight.
All four drew revolvers , and at the first fire
Ed Jennings fell dead. At the other end
of the saloon John Jennings and Jack Love
had fired at each other , but neither shot
took effect. Ou seeing his brother fall. Jen
nings turned away from the sheriff , who
could then have shot him down easily had
he wished , and , letting his weapon fall to
his ride , cried out to Houston :
"You d il coward ! You've done your
work now. "
The theatrical quality of Houston's cour
age a CTlu < l Itself. Throwing down his re
volver , ho tore his. ihlrt open and advanced
upon the brothfr of the man he had Just
"Coward , am I ? " he cried. "No man can
call me thau Shoot , und shoot straight. "
Amazed , the other stood hesitating.
"Shoot , I tell you. " shouted Houston. "I
killed your brother. Shoot ! "
Slowly raised his pistol , but be
fore the murzle had rome to a level with
Houston's heart , there was a flash from
Lovo'a revolver and Jennings' arm fell , the
bones of the wrist shattered by the bullet.
A second shot from the sheriff put out the
iiclit. Jennings ran out uf the door and
ovaped. When the lamp was relighted. It
thawol Houston kneeling over the body of
the man he had killed , with his face bowed
In hla hards. He anil Ixive were tried to-
gethir , and acquitted In ten minutes. Since
tr-st tine- there has been a feud between
„ . . ,4 .K , .irnnlngs fim'ly. ' Every
body knew that sooner or later It would
become a question whether Houston would
kill I'lt * JrnnlngMCs nr they would kill him.
No overt act was committed after the
fight In the Cabinet talcon , such AS to pre
cipitate * a shooting affray until last Mon
day. Ou that d y. It was Mid. Judge Jen
nings , golni ; up town In Woodward to bin
home , met Temple Houston's Ilttle son com
ing from Krbool. The boy raid something
to him. and Judge lonnlugs spat In hU f&ce.
This meant that Houston or Judcc Jennings ,
or both , would probably bo killed when they
met. On hearing o ; thn occurrence , Hous i-
ton took bU revolver and w nt out to find
the Judge. They met In the same saloon
where Houston had killed Ed Jennings.
The Judge was standing at the bnr when his
enemy came In. Mot a wonl was spokrn on
either tide. Houston waj beside Jennings
In three tep * . pressed hlx revolver agaln t
his iiJ rt , and fired. Jcnnlngc fpolio just
oice ,
i ua Jiad man , " he said , and la five
minutes be was. '
Hounton went out to look for an officer.
When he gave himself up be merely re
marked :
It was my life or hl , "
It U universally ht-llcved In Woodward
that If Houston be acquitted he it III have to ;
kill John JennlngH also , or lx killed by <
him. Many of hit friends say that he will
be acquitted. They contend that Judge Jen IIi
nings' spitting In young Houston's face was i
practically a notice to the boy's father that
he would ( boot to kill at their next Hirel itt
ing , and the * belief 1 $ central that Judge ;
JcnntURi would have shot Houston had he
had time. Some witnesses say that be bail .
alrrady gripped his revolver when hit ad 1-
versary fired. Houston will probably 110
trli-J in thf same court and prosecuted 10r
tlie same attorney as Iu hi * trial Tor the
ir.urdcr of Johc Jennings.
Hundreds of persons from all over the
coujitrr why were at the Chicago popocratlc
convention Uat. July will remember Temple
Houston aa a Hrlklnclr picturesque person
age , even In that collection of freaks. Hla
height ' and bearing made him noticed , but he
would have been conspicuous apart from bli
I bytlcal advantages , because of th wild fer
vor with which he whooped for the silver
cause. Ho was the head of the delegation
from Oklahoma , having been elected dele-
Kate by the largest
majority given to any
delegate , one week after being acquitted of
the charge of murdering John Jennings. He
had served the cause of free silver on the
stump during several campaigns. It Is Mid
that his friends labored with him to prevent
bis wearing his revolver In his belt at the
convention , and persuaded him only after
repeated assurances that there would be1 nc
ihootlns there , and no occasion for shooting.
In view of his experiences at Oklahoma
conventions , It U not to be wondered at
that ] he felt doubts , The last democratic
convention of the territory was one long
succession of riots , despite the efforts of
Jack Love , who was sergeant-al-arms.
Knives and revolvers were drawn at ont
time , and It was only Houston's Influencf
that prevented a fight. Jumping up on his
chair he reached back toward his hip pocke
and hLiced In a penetrating whisper :
"Gentlemen don't down ! "
, ! S-6-s-sit
While * wandering about Chicago Houston
was an object of curiosity mingled \vith
admiration. A rumor spread abroad among
the street urchins that Buffalo Bill Jiad
bleached his hair and taken up a residence
In Chicago , and crowds of the- gamins would
follow him about , respectfully entreating him
to produce a gun and shoot the Insulators
off the telegraph poles. To the women he
was a constant delight. HU magnificent ] I
physique , his handsome face surrounded by
Its long curls , his remarkably , small feet ,
faultiest j boated , and his slender hands , on
ono of which be wore a glove ( the left one.
of course , as no Oklahoma gentleman would
make a practice of gloving his pistol hand ) ,
excited their keenest admiration , to his great
dlstrt s , for he has not a spark of vanity ,
and dcttsts being noticed on the streets.
This being tto , his visit to Chicago was
not a pleasant onet iKodak men used to
Ho In wait for him , and ansp at him when he
came out of his hotel. He afterward con
fided to a friend that the greatest effort
at felf-rontrol of his life was to keep from
drawing 1 a gun and returning the fire of
the cameras. One particularly persistent
man i he did turn on , but only In the mild
est manner.
"I wish you'd point that thing the other
way , " be said In gentle tones. "First thing
you Know. It will go oft and hurt some
body. "
"Why , I'm only going to take your pic
ture , " said the man In some surprise.
"I've never had a picture taken In my
life. " said the Oklahoma giant , "and I'm
getting too old to begin. "
The click of the slide punctuated tbe sen
Senator Houston looked at the man for
a minute very hard , took a step toward
him , then stopped , and shook hi * bead sadly.
"No , I suppose It wouldn't do , ' he mur
mured to himself.
"Young man. " ald a bystander vho knew
Houston to the camera fiend. "VDU aad yrur
picture box have Just had the narrowest
escape on record. "
What Houston told the man Is true. He
hag never had a photograph taken. When
ho ran for congress , some years ago , Hous
ton's friends made a determined effort to
get a photograph from which to make a
print of him. and , knowing his
on the subject , even went so far m to se
crete a photographer In the parlor. Vn-
lucklly for them the senator found out the
plot. He left town , nnd didn't rome back
for five days. _
For rheumatism and neuralgia you can
not get a better remedy than Salvation Oil
A Vrtrritti of tlir I'lonriT Mull Service
if tinI'lnliiM TcIlN Aliiiiit.
"There has bren a great deal of glamor
and romance thrown around the pony ex
press business In tbe days before the ad
vent of the railroads. " said T. I ! . Miller ,
one of the corps of riders who carried the
mail across the plains In 1S5S , to the Den
ver Republican , "but the fact Is there was
little romai.ce- about It , and very little else
but bard work.
"I commenced to ride for the express
company in 185 ? . when the routs was laid
out and the company organized , and con
tinued to ride until Butter field came up and
took the contract , and the telegraph line
was bu'lt. My route was from Egan can
yon to Antelope Springs. Nev. The riders
had to rid.- from sixty to eighty miles. On
my Bcctlon I had two relays , and used to
make the trip In from six to eight hours.
There wns always more or less danger from
the Indians , but when we met them we
either ran away from them , crawled .around
them , or fought. The danger has been
greatly magnified. The country was so big
and the number of Indians so comparative ! )
small that we bad to run Into a band before
there was any serious danger , and then
one white man was-ns good as ten of them.
"Our stations were not fortified at all
They were log cabins or sod houses , with
three or four men In each , and although they
were burned over and over again , they were
rebuilt Immediately , and no serious loss or
lncon\enlence to the service WES occasioned
"We knew Just when to expect the rider
from the next station , and the horses were
always ready , so that all we had to do waste
to change the mall from one horse to an
other , and wo were off. It was the same
at the relay etatlons. The horses were al
ways ready , and the only delay was In tak
Ing a drink of water or a cup of coffee , am
the mall wae on Its way.
"It was simply bard riding , a cool head ,
and a keen eye that was required. Once
In a while the men were caught. I have a
scar or two myself to remember the Indians
by ; but on the whole the danger was no :
excessive , and as for romance , there was
nothing of It. In 1SG1 the Indians were es
pcclally troublesome , and i > ome hard fights
resulted ; but ait they never remained long
In the same place they could not do a ver ;
great deal of harm.
"Tho first trial of the pony express was
the delivery of Buchanan's mcseago In the
spring of 1S57. Our company , which had the
route from St. Jcaepb via Salt Lake City ,
was the one which wns afterward operated
by Hen Holllday. Bntterfleld's route was
through. Arizona. We had the common moun
tain ponies , and liutterflc-ld had high-bred
horse * . We took .the. jucssase right through
and when IJutterllcJil , arrived at Mojavi * lit
found tbe message o'mlns back frcm San
Fran < 'Ui'O. ButU-rfleld ran the souther :
route until 1SCO , when he pulled off and
established a line of cqarhes from St. Joseph
to San Francisco via Salt Lake City. In 1SC1
they commenced to build the telegraph llnce.
"I saw a statement recently that there
are only ( We survivors of tbe pony express
rlrti-rs. That Is a mistake. Ttero are a num
ber of others. n-tlden myself i know of
Frank Low. no.v in Cripple Creek ; Erastu *
Egan , sor. of Major Egan of Egan canyon ;
James White , John Fisher and Sam Gllson.
the discoverer of the bcrds of arphalt in
' There wag always excitement enough In
our work and nearly all of us had narrow
srapeji of one kind or another. We bad tt
make time , to look cmt for Indians , and
sometimes to race with storms which wm
iJIUely to bar our
progress , but all these
things teen bwame- matters of course. Wi
mounted our ponies-and pouuded ajvay uutl '
we reached our stations , and then lay down
and waited until our time came next. It
was hard work sometimes , and pleasant at
othwa , very much tha came as the other
occupations ct human existence. "
They aie so little yuu nardly know you
ire taking them. They cause no griping ,
yet they act quickly and most thorough ! ) .
Such are the famous Ilttle pills knov.n as [
UeWltfB Little Ksrly Risers. Small in
ire , grtat In rexults.
A well known California ! ) , who wan rather
"near , " BH the New Englandera say. anil
who e-ould decidedly profono when ther-j
wt-ro no Indies byvis ; outrageously ovtr-
clmrte'rt by n Paris cab il river , who thought
to take ' advantage of Ms nnil hta com-
panloii's Innocence of Partisan ways. The
sti-jnpr swore by holy St. Denii that be
would not pay the lirlgnnd. nnd the fellow
coolly drovn oft with his lupence. A yull
of Ulim.iy recalled him. aud tha rnntom
Mnnk < * " Tntlfu"\ ! J'el' | ' 'rt up.niankity
, crlctl Ihe late tnrv ; "I'll
you ; come down off that box. " The
J'renchmtiit Old not know what was said
imt ho wus preity pure hn wns row-lrlnK u
homicidal ( Mirslnu. so he hurried to rtv.ipc
He know very Uttlr English Imt the honor
of France had to be upnrlil , lit crucefully
era Ucd Ms whip , ami wi-ut carre-rlm ;
madiy Awny. "G.-ir-r-r ' fc shou'cO. "Ood-
duml JaeJ ; the Jij ixrr !
The Eoont that Rode for Help to Prevent a
HtTollprllotm of III.llnltlc of Milk
Crri-k nnil Hie Sail 1ii ( < - nf Thorn-
mill Illx Troi > i > TK Hltle
lullonler. .
It Is a somewhat singular fact that the
last great Indian massacre In the weetern
United States should be afforded Ilttle at
tention by historians. And yet it Is true
that one of tbe most heroic and Interesting
stands ever made by tbe gallant troops In
blue against the children ot the plains and
forests Is simply referred to In an Inci
dental way by writers who have given to
the country uch valuable literature as to
the struggle between the red and the white
men In the troublesome early days of sct-
tlemcnt In the west. But what has been
forgotten by our history makers , relates the
Denver Times , Is not overlooked by an api
preclatlve people , and every year some little
band of wayfarers seeking fortune In the
gold fields of southern Wyoming and north
ern Colorado , or a number of cowboys on
their annual "round-up" of cattle In the
White river country , stop long enough at a
certain spot to lay a wreath of wild flowers
on a plain sandstone shaft that rises from
the grass-swept valley of Itlo Blanco county
In the CenUrnlal stele a mute tribute to
General Thornburg and hla band of men.
who fell In the Indian slaughter of Septem
ber 28. 1S79.
September is a month of historical Inter
est throughout the far west. It marked.
In 1S7D , the heyday of the great Leadvllic
carbonate- excitement , a time when the
country seemed to be pouring Its surplus
population Into the new mineral fields. AnO
while thousands of civilized people wen.
tearing open the gigantic hills of the Kl
Dorado , scenes were being enacted 1m than
:00 : miles away which caused the world to
pause and wonder at the horror of'thcm.
The Thornburg massacre Is the least fa
mous In the western history. It occurred
vhcn attention was directed to what seemed
a matter of greater Interest the Ule
laughter at the \VhItc River agency. li
vhlch the venerable Father Meeker met hi *
death , while the members of his famll >
were captured and subjected to atrocltes
hat became widely familiar through the
tory of the only survivor. Miss Josephine
ileeker. bin daughter. And yet. v.-lth the
exception of Ouster's gallant stand on the
ilttle Big Horn , the Thornburg affair has
no parallel In western warfare for braver >
and heroism.
The monument that marks the spot whcrt
encrcl Thornburg and 130 men of the Third
and Fifth cavalries made a remarkable fight
against overwhelming odds glands twcnty-
ihree miles northeast of the town of Meeker ,
( "or milts on either side are low ranges o. '
tillls. rising at a slight elevation from the
; > lalns. Between these hills runs a musical
little creek. In which the peculiar color of
! hp water gained for It the name of Milk
There Immense ranges , for years the cholei
hunting fields in Colorado , now swarm wlv !
cattle and form the stamping ground of ( .
large contingent of cowboys. The Milk rlvei
vat lev ag it takes on the hues of autumr
Is one of the most attractive places in tin
west , and there Is little wonder that tht
Utes si III turn lovingly to It from thtlr Utah
reservations and irako yearly Inroads In
search of what gsrno Is remaining. There
autumnal hunting parties are always c
source of uneasiness in driving the Indians
back over the Colorado line into the terrltorj
to the west. The Ules kill for the purr
pleasure of It. and , securing the hides of
deer , leave the carcasses to rot on tht
prairies. Thus they are fast destroying tin
game- reserve and leaving It more dlfllruls
each year for the cettlcrs to provide for their
own supply of fresh wild meat.
It was in this hunting paradise that thi
first mafisacre of 1S79 occurred. That the
entire command of General Thornburg di. :
not become victims to It was due to thi
heroism of a scout , Joe Hankln. who brave'1
perils almost any man would shrink from lr
order to save a portion of the gallsnt cav
alry. Hankln made a , ride to Fort Steele
Wyo. . for azslstsnce. beside which Paul Re-
vero's fcraous Journey was scarcely more
The Indian outbreak of 1S79. long since
attributed to the laxity of the Indian
bureau at Washington In not living up to
the promise of annuities , was the lest of
the kind the west has known at least the
last attended by determined warfare on
the part of our copper-colored wards
When the seriousness of It became appar
ent. General Sheridan , then iu command
of the United States army , ordered Major
Thomas T. Thornburir. stationed at Fen
Steele , Wyo. . to the scene of hostilities
With two companies of cavalry and cne of
Infantry. Major Thornburg started for the-
Colorado reservation. From the time thr
troops left the fort they were closely
watched by the Utcs. They were on thr
trail at all times , hoping , as Is usual In In
dian warfare , to BO surround the army de
tachment us to put It at their mercy and
cut o f all manner of escape , and" to thwart
all methods of securing reinforcements
At Bear river the Utea first made them
selves openly known to Major Thornburg.
This was when the commander was within
sixty-five miles of the agency. The detach
ment having gone Into csmp. Chief Jack ,
the actual leader in the uprising , one night
presented himself to the commander , ac
companied by eight of his braves. Jack ,
although a full-blooded I'to , bad been raiseJ
In a Mormon family , was fairly Intelligent
and could converse fluently In English.
Jack professed to Major Thornburg that
his Indians were merely on a hunt The
He was too apparent , and the commander
gave a fcornewhat curt reply , scoffing at
Jack's proposition to escort him , together
with five soldiers , to the agency , In order
that the existing troubles with the Indians
rnluht there be heard by Agent Sleeker ,
and properly laid before the army commis
sion. On Major Thornburg's' refusal. Jack
became violently angry nud left the camp
In an ugly mood He determined upon his
attack at once , allowing the command to
break camp and proceed as far as Milk
creel : .
Along the narrow defllo of the creek Jack
placed his .Indians. They commanded the
entire stretch of the beautiful valley
through which , as the sagacious Indian
leader well knew. It would be necessary for
the troops to pans on their way to the
south. Thornburg arrived at the fatal spot
on September 25. The sun was far down
In the west and little shadows bad begun
to creep over the peaceful scene. Not an
Imllnn had been seen that day , by the sol
dier * , anil In fancied bccurlty they were
. preparing to go into camp. Mules were
j taken from the wagons and tents were fast
j ' dotting the narrow valley.
j i Suddenly , nbove the sound of the camp
preparations , came the customary battle cry
with which the Indians enter Into combat.
The hideously appareled creatures seemed
to swarm the hillsides.
The trap had been laid with a cunning
that v > u readily apparent. Thornburg's
ord .rs not to attack the Indians bail been
explicit , and In the face of the terrible fate
. ' that awaited him hu formed a line of battle
land awaited for the first move. With a
: flank movement the Indians completed their
circle around the troops , cutting off and
capturing the wagon trains , and sweeping
forward and downward , opened fire. Thorn
burg , at the head of twenty-six mounted
r-itn , turned to repulk * the attack from the
rear. HU object was to gain the main body
of his command , that had not yet been en >
tirely lurroundcd. Tbornburg's charge was
A remarkable one against the odds pre
sented. Hfl rode directly Into the red whirl-
For Infants and Children.
wlnJ , bis men firing In every direction.
Narrower became the circle about them
until they were at tbp mercy bf the at
tacking j ( party. Major Thronburg was the
first to fall. Thirteen others net his fate ,
and half ot the little command succeeded
In reaching the pit where their comrades
were. Lieutenant Cherry of the Fifth
cavalry was the only officer to survive.
Content with this temporary slaughter ,
Jack ordered bis Indians to withdraw to
the bills.
Ono hundred and thirty men were now
i Imprisoned In the pit. They had lille\I all
the mules and stacked tbo bodies of the
animals around the nnrrow depression In
order to strengthen their fortification. On
the surrounding hills- the Indians , 300 Iu
number , watched evqry movement In the
besieged ' camp , picking oft as many men as
they could fee movlng.Jn inc twilight. Why
another attack was not made by Jack has
always been a matter-for speculation. He
had the soldiers completely surrounded ,
making an advance or 'retreat Impossible.
Ills plan , evidently , was. to wait until the
besieged were weak from exhaustion and
hunger and then make a wholesale mas
sacre. ; „ ' .
Everything that could possibly harass
the I unfortunate troop * wcs done. The tall
prairie 1 grass was flrot by the Indians , and
great ' clouds of smoke , swept upon the pit.
Not a drop of water Was at hand , and the
flames | were fought byIking smothered with
army i coats.
The need of assistance ; was paramount.
The nearest point wns Tort Steele , and the
question of getting a ntin through the In
dian lines was a serlout one. Joe Hankln.
a scout who had joined the soldiers when
they left the fort , was the volunteer.
The trails of the north were as familiar
to Rankln as though they were mapped.
It was this thorough knowledge on which
he relied mainly to circumvent the Indians
and get through. He would have to travel
180 mllci of a country where danger sur
rounded on ever ) ' side. Bidding his com
rades goodby , he took the only horse that
remained alive in the camp and departed
at midnight , leading the animal for miles ,
and carefully picking bis way dangerously
near sleeping Utcs on several occasions.
Once beyond the Indian lines he mounted
the horse and rode for tbe north. The ex
citement of that trip U beyond description.
By securing a change of horses at a lonely
ranch house late tbe next day nankin was
enabled to arrive In Rowllns within twenty-
eight hours after leaving Milk creek. He had
been in the saddle nearly every minute of
thst time.
Rankln told bis story to General Wesley
Merritt. who had long been considered one
of the most daring and successful com
manders of the army. General Merritt
collected a large detail from posts along the
Union Paclflc railway and with Rankln
as guide , started for Milk creek. The com
mand marched day and night , but as II
could not follow the iiarro.v trails Rankln had
taken , nearly six days were consumed in
the Journey. The command came in sight
of the besieged on Sunday morning. October
3. Feeing the strength of It , the Utcs Red.
The condition of tbe beMeged was ex
tremely pitiful. They had been shot at
for six days , thirty killed , while many were
delirious from hunger and thirst. Tbe stcneh
from the decayed bodies added to the horrors
rors of their Imprlsonmtttt. Ilankin jvas a
hero , and the greatest tribute to him came
from a wounded soldlfr who ws dying when
the relief arrived , and who. staggering fron
the ground , grasped the scout's hand am
General Merritt saw to the burial of thi
unfortunate soldiers , and funeral rites were
performed where they fell. Years later tht
army department erected the sandstone mon
ument that now marks the spot where Thorn
burg and his brave men fell. It h an In
tc-restlng picture. Three hundred 'yards north
of it Is the spot where the Indians made
their first attack , and where Thornburg was
shct. Twobi'nJrcd yard ? to-itheaat Is the pi
where the besieged soldiers lay , and hun
drcds of bones He blrarhlng under the "sun
tbe bones of the faithful animals , slaugh
tered to mak * the entrenchment more secure
The place Is held In deep respect by th
people of the White Hlvwr country , and
never nn anniversary passes but what some
tribute IB Isld on the rod'
Of course ; that goes
without saying.
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tlicuuj ( rur . .u
You JV ust Read
t the Returns
m e'.v
Q o
Full official returns up to the
hour of going to press will appear
in The Bee on the morning after
election and in each succeeding
City patrons of The Bee are in
vited to avail themselves of The
Bee's stereopticon bulletins display
ed in front of the Bee Building on
election night.
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All Newsdealers.