Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1896, Image 1

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OMncEO Prisoner in tbo Chinese Legation in
, London Set Frco.
Detention of the Kidnapped Mnii AVnit
Looked Upon by the Ilrllluk
Go'crninrnt IIH nn Uu-
I frlciull } ' Act.
LONDON , Oct. 23. The marquis of Sails-
tmry has demanded the Immediate release
of Sun Yat Sen , the Chinese physician , said
to bo a British subject , who was. according
to the statement of his friendskidnaped
whllo pas&lng the Chinese legation hero
and who Is held as a prisoner In the le
gation on the charge of having been en
gaged In n conspiracy to overthrow the
Mnnchu dynasty.
A complete cordon of dctcctlvcswas _ _
formed around the Chlncso legation , the om-
corn being ordered to seize Sun Yat Sen
and release him If ho should bo brought
Tlio marquis of Salisbury , after reading
n number of aflldavlta In the case , sent a
Btrongly worded letter to the Chlncso envoy
pointing out that the method adopted by
the legation In arresting Sun Yat Sen was
distinctly not needed , as the courts wcro
open to the Chinese officials to obtain any
criminal for legal purposes. The premier
also bald that ho could not fall to point
out that tlio act savored of unfriendliness
as a eccintng violation of the right of asy
lum to which England was committed by
ovcry tradition and belief ; and ho asked the
envoy to Immediately release the Impris
oned Chlncman and so avoid further un
Later In the day Sir Halllday Macartney ,
the counsellor of the Chinese legation ,
called at the Foreign ofllco and said that
Sun Yal Sen would bo released without
prejudice to the rights of the legation
which wcro Involved.
An Inspector of police and Sun Yat Sen's
friend. Dr. Cantllo , who first raised the
question of the Chinaman's Imprisonment ,
went to the Chinese legation at 4:30 : p. ta.
with a letter from the Foreign olllce , and
not long afterward they emerged from a
dido door with Sun Yat Sen , entered a
cab and drove to the Foreign office , where
Sun Yat Sen made a formal statement. The
release was witnessed by a largo crowd
of people.
A representative of the Associated press
was this afternoon Informed that In official
circles the detention of Sun Yat Sen at the
Chinese lega'ton was regarded as a "mon
strous abuse of privileges of the legation
which could not bo tolerated for a moment. "
It appears that Sir Halllday Macartney , on
receiving the marquis of Salisbury's note ,
went to the bcdsldo of the Chinese minister ,
who Is In 111 health , and explained to him
that the marquis of Salisbury Insisted upon
the release of Sun Yat Sen. The Chinese
minister thereupon cabled to Peking for In
structlons and , on the receipt of an answer
Sun Yat Sen was released.
The newspapers continue printing Indig
nant comment on the case. The Globe this
afternoon says : "Tho deepest resentment
would bo felt against any government which
permitted this outrage upon a man who
has como to London for protection to go un-
rcdresscd. The Chlncso embassy must under
stand that public opinion will not allow
legal notion to abrogate protection. "
James Can tile , who brought , the case to the
notice of the authorities here , says In an
Interview today that ho know Sun Ynt Sen
Intimately In Hong Konc during the year
JSS7. Ho adds that the Chinaman came to
London on his advlro In order to pursue his
medical studies , as ho was In trouble with
the Chlncso government. Dr. Cantllo saw
Sun Yat Sen in Honolulu last March am
saw him dally here. Continuing , Dr. Cantlli
said : "I received Information on the 1711
that Sun Yat Sen was a prisoner and abou
to bo sent to China , where ho would bo be
headed. "
After his release Sun Yat Sen. In an In
tervlow , denied that he entered the Chines
legation of his own accord , as asserted b >
the Chinese officials. Ho said ho was pats
Ing the Chlncso legation , which at the tlin
ho did not know as the Chinese official head
quarters In London , when ho met a China
man with whom ho got Into conversation
The stranger. In the course of n chat will
Sun Yat Sen. said ho also came from Can
ton , and walking along they soon met nn
other Chinaman , who , It appears , cmcrgei
from the legation and was Introduced tc
Bun Yat Sen by the first Chinaman , wlic
was the Interpreter of the Chlncso legation
and who la named Tang. After talking i
llttlo the party was Joined by nnothc
Chinaman and Tang thereupon left. Contln
utng , Sun Yat Sen said : "Wo then returnee
nnil passing the legation the two remaining
Chinamen asked mo to enter , llcforo
' could reply they pushed mo Insldo the dee
and slammed It behind me. Once lnsld <
the building , I was forced upstairs to thi
fourth story by my companions , who were
big men and who locked mo In a room
Almost Immediately afterward a gentleman
( described as bring Sir Halllday MacCart
noy ) entered and said : 'You are In China
now. ' Ho asked mo If my name was Sun
Yat Son , and when I acquiesced ho said h
arrostejl me upon Information received from
the Chlncso minister at Washington , whi
had cabled the legation hero that Sun Ya
Sen was on the Majestic. "
"Tho next day , " continued Sun Yat Sen
"Tang appeared nnd said : 'Everything 1
settled ; wo are going to gag nnd bind you
nnd carry you out at night on board a slil
wo have chartered , probably a Gleii liner
as MacCartnoy la a friend of the captain.
" 'If wo can't Bimtgglo you away , wo can
lilll you as this Is China' ( meaning the le
gallon ) . "
Sun Yat Sen further said , In reply to ques
tlons on the subject , that ho was provide
with food when he asked for It , and It seem
his friends succeeded In cominunlcatln
with him through the English servants o
the legation by means of notes hlddc
among the coals.
Mr. AililrcxNrN the Ilo
lieiuliiiiM nt Culm , KIIIINIIM.
CUnA , Kan. , Oct. 23. ( Special Tele
gram. ) E. Iloiewatcr , editor of Tbo Omaha
Dec , spoke on the money question hero
today to a largo audience. Thcro were
many Bohemians In the crowd , who ex
pressed much gratification over a ten mln
utcs' talk In Ilohemlan. This was followed
by a two hours' address In English , whlcl
was closi ; listened to. Mr. Rosewatcr
nrgued forcibly for the maintenance of the
honesty of the nations' financial system.
COUNCIL OROVE , Kun. , Oct. 23. ( Spe
clal. ) A grand republican rally was held a
Parkcrvlllo. In this county , yesterday , lion
Edward Rosewater of Omaha and J. R
nurton spoke to ucvcral thousand people o
both parties. A large circus tent was pro
vlded , and the meeting lasted all day. Hot !
of the distinguished orators delivered gram
nddremes. and the meeting was a success
AnxloiiM for KIcotlon In Ilo Over.
LONDON , Oct. S3. The afternoon papers
agree In saying that the condition of th
New York market points to further Import
of gold. Tlio Westminster Gazette sayi
"It li absolutely noceasary In order that n
alarm bo experienced that gold should con
tlnuo to bo Imported. The Immediate fulur
of the market Is most uncertain , but aflc
the presidential election , It U believed , th
value of money In London will return to a
lower level , "
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hint nril ( .nn111 Coming Home
SOUTHAMPTON , Oct. 23. Tlio American
line Btcamcr St. Louis , which lea vis thU
port tomorrow for Now York , will have
among her pnuengeri Howai4 Gould and
Henry VlllurJ/
j.voLAXirs vnxnr.tmLA IMIOPOSAI.S.
Ir Jnllnn I'ntinrrfoto VlnKn Mr. Olner
irltli Vnlitnlilc Information.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 23. It can be stated
authoritatively that the proposals which Sir
ullan Paunccfoto Is authorized by .the
British Foreign office to present to the State
department embraces the entire Venezuelan
question , and the question of a general
rcaty between the United States nnd Great
Irltnln , whereby all future disputes will
jo submitted to arbitration. The nature of
ho proposals Is such that It Is believed the
dispute over Venezuela is much nearer a
Inal solution than at any time since the
rouble bczan.
Sir Julian Paunccfote called at the State
Icpartmcnt today. Owing to this being cab.
net day Sir Julian and the secretary had
only ten minutes' conference. The ambas
sador carried a Inrgo roll of documents ,
which he left for the careful perusal of the
From the bulk of the documents It Is
supposed that they were made up In largo
part of data respecting the extent of the
Qrlttsh Individual Interest in the disputed
joundary territory. Information which Soc-
ictary OIncy has all along sought from tlio
British side. If this troublesome phase of
.ho boundary dispute can bo adjusted satis
factorily , there is llttlo doubt In view of
the statement given out by tbo Urltlsh Foi-
elgn offlco after Sir Julian's recent confer
ence with Lord Salisbury and Mr. Cham
berlain to the effect that Sir Julian "has
returned to Washington with certain In
structions , and negotiations will bo re
opened Immediately on his arrival , but It Is
too early to say whether or not the pro
posals of the Drltlsh government ore likely
to bo accepted" that the main question In
dlvcuto can bo speedily settled.
It can be stated positively that no notes
or negotiations of any kind have passed be
tween Secretary Olncy and Lord Salisbury
since Juno 22 last , although reports to the
contrary have appeared. The present ne
gotiations will bo resumed at the point
where they were suspended at that date.
Mr. Olncy's final proposal on June 22 was
that , so far as Venezuela was concerned ,
It should bo embraced In a treaty of ar
bitration separate from the general treaty
of arbitration. Ho Insisted , however , that
Venezuelan arbitration was a prerequisite
to any general arbitration and that the
arbitration should be final and embrace
all the territory In dispute , settled as well
as unsettled , .Great Lrltaln being opposed
to Including Iho settled districts. In view
of the statement of the Foreign ofllco that
the proposals about to bo made give hope
of a final settlement It seems likely that
Lord Salisbury's answer to Mr. Olncy's prop
osition of Juno 22 will bo favorable or In
the line of compromising the difference on
The call of Sir Julian on Secretary Olncy
today was ono of courtesy to present his
respects after hla arrival and the question
of arbitration was not taken up , oxccpt
that arrangements wcro made for n formal
mcoMng at the earliest moment Mr. Olncy
might suggest.
IIATC Aiivicns i-'ium cun.vx AVAIL
IiiKtirK < * ntN CJrriitly ANHNPI | ! liy Mir
I'roloiiKod Itnlny SCIINOII.
HAVANA , Oct. 23. The prolonged rainy
season Is retarding the active campaign and
Is undoubtedly favorable to tho' Insurgent
movements. The movement of the Insurgent
forces from the eastern part of Santiago de
Cuba and from the province of Puerto
Prlnclpo to the central part of the Island
commenced over three weeks ago.
Captain Gcnreal Weylcr has not decided
to go personally Into the province of
del Rio and there assume direction of the
operations against the enemy. In tho. firs't
place , ho thinks he Is better able to direct
the movements of the troops from Havana ,
where ho has nil resources and Is able to
communicate moro easily with tbo rest of
the Island.
Captain General Wcylcr has Issued a
proclamation containing the following pro
visions :
First All of the Inhabitants In tbo coun
try or outeldo the lines of fortifications of
tbo towns must betake themselves to the
towns occupied by troops within a pcrloi
of eight days. Those who arc found outside
the towns after the expiration of that pcrloi
will be considered rebels und will bo trlci
as such.
Second The withdrawal of groceries from
the towns Is absolutely prohibited and alsi
the transportation of them by sea , or lam
without a permit from the military .author !
ties. Violators of this provision arc to bi
tried and punished as alders of the rebels.
Third Owners of cattle must carry then
to towns or provide Immediately that they
shall receive duo protection.
Fourth Eight days after the publication
of this proclamation all rebels surrendering
In ovcry municipality will bo subject to th
captain general's disposal to order them
where to reside and It will bo a commcndn
tlon In their favor for them to give avail
able news about the enemy and to sur
render with thplr firearms , and , moreover , to
surrender collectively In their organizations
Fifth The proclamation Is only enforce
able In the province of Plnar del Rio.
The Insurgents during the last two weeks
have been continuing the work of dovasta
tlon , particularly In the province of Matan
zas , where they have reduced to ashes clgh
tobacco and sugar plantations , together iwltl
many farm houses and huts of laborers , the
total valiio being about $2,000,000. Hun
dreds of families are rendered homeless.
Mlnlxtprii Oppose the Poll TUT , AVhlcI
( ho I'll I lie OlllcliilN Uphold.
CONSTANTINOPLE , Oct. 22. ( Delayed
In Transmission. ) The trades Issued yes
terday la connection with the recent pur
chases of arms have resulted In a condi
tion of affairs which Is regarded at > being
very gra\e. The ministers ore opposed to
tbo poll tax Imposed on the Mussulmans
but the palace officials Insisted that the
measure was necessary for the defense o ;
the Mussulman religion , on the ground that
the Christians are preparing to attack the
Mussulmans , and the European press Is
preaching a cms."Jo against Islam.
The Drltlsh committee appointed to In
vestigate the cause of the recent disorders
hero computes that 15,000 Armenians In
Constantinople and Its suburbs have been
rendered destitute as a result of the late
Ocrmnii Army Olllri-r Souteiiccil.
LONDON , Oct. 21. The Times' Berlin
correspondent reports that according to tlio
Kolnlscho Zcltung and the Volks-Zeltunc
Lieutenant von Urusscwllz has been sen
tenced to four years' Imprisonment In a
fortress and to dismissal from the army.
The Count von Ilrussewlt ! ! , It will bo re
membered , ran a workman through the back
for no other rcasoi than that the man , In
entering a restaurant , touched tbo chair ni
the lieutenant , who demanded an Instant
apology , which was refused because the
man was unaware that ho had given offense
The Times says this sentence Is unusually
heavy In view of peat cases.
Murk I.aiiu SiiccnlntorH * I."TV.
LONDON , Oct. 23. The Dally Telegraph
In an article on tlio subject also refers to
the dlfllculty of estimating the crops of
Russia and America , "where , " says the
Telegraph , "secrecy la venerated as a line
art. The methods of the United States crop
buieau are regarded as absolutely Illusory.
The speculators In Mark Lane are now play
ing a waiting game. "
Cniuiilliiii ( J rut n for lV\iorl.
OTTAWA. Ont. , Oct. 23 , At tbo very out
side it Is not expected that thcro will bo
moro than 10,000,000 bushclc of Manitoba
grain available to ? export.
Will .Not Gut on tlio llullot.
I3BATRICB , Oct. 23 , ( Special. ) County
Clerk Wilton today decided that the name
of IT , S. Calland eliould not go on tbo ofll-
clal ballot as a republican nominee for float
representative , It having been clearly
ehowu that no convention of republicans
lied hern held to nominate him ,
'inn Cables from Liverpool and Consider
able Foreign Buying.
Tlnlit Money Henorln ntul Oilier
OnimcN MuUr > ( he One.rnorn Ilx-
treniflyprvou _ Another .Ship-
in cut TnUcu for Culctittii , .
NEW YORK , Oct. 23. About half of yes
terday's heavy break in wheat was regained
today. From start to finish the market was
a bundle of nerves that quickly cave way
on slight provocation. The traders wcro
very cautious today. The downward move
ment was checked by an unexpectedly firm
ret of cables from Liverpool , accompanied
Ijy a goodly array of foreign buying , which
absorbed all the early offerings and Inspired
local houses to follow suit. The result was
a Jump of 2',4 cents In first prices to 79 %
cents for December , followed "quickly by a
further rise to SO'4 cents. At noon tight
money reports and declining ca h prices In
the northwest led to active selling and a
1-ccnt decline. From this point there was
an Irregular advance during the afternoon
to SOV4 cents , helped by San Francisco ad
vices reporting another cargo taken for
Calcutta. A slight setback In the last few
minutes nnd It closed nervous nt SO',4 cents ,
or 2 ! < , ( ? ? 2 % cents above last night , the great
est advance beingon near months. Trac
ing during the day was less active than ot
late , but this was offset by the constant up
and down movement of prices , which kept
the pit in an almost perpetual state of scalp
ing activity. Sales of the day footed up
10,102,000 bushels.
AilrnnrpK Six Crnx nt Sail FrnnclMC-o
Aliuvr * Tlmrniln > 'M I.onoM.
SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 23. In the local
market today , with a reaction In the east
ern markets , wheat features advanced C
points above the extreme low price of y
tcruay. The call board was ero.itly ex-
cititl at today's session and buyers were
active and confident. Options of all kinds
rose In response to a vigorous demand from
shorts , nha wanted to fill , and longs wlic
wanted to Join the caravan on Its upward
A'hlrl. At 9:15 : In the call board thcro was
renewed cxcltcmont. December , which
closed yesterday nt about $1.34 , opened at
$1.3r Vi and closed at $1.35. May opened
at $1.39 niU closed at $1.3S % . At 10:15 De
cember opened at $1.3G % , rose to $1.36 %
and cloicd still higher at $1.37V& . ft
opened at $1.40 and rose to $1.40 % . At 11:15
December opened at $1.39 and closed nl
$1.38 % . May opened at $1.42& , rose to
$1.42 % and closed at $1.4174. The spot mar
ket continues firm. It had never been weak
even when futures broke so badly , only
that buyers stQpd out to await a moro set
tled condition of affairs. Spot wheat today
was firm at $1.35 to $1.40 for No. 1 shipping
The afternoon session was less eventful than
during the morning hours , but the market
cloned with wheat active , December at
$1.3S > 4 and May at $1.4214.
LONDON , Oct. 23. At the Baltic today
cargo wheat wao dull and 1 shilling lower
but later the market was steadier , will :
no business doing. On Mark Lane Engllsl
wheat was sold at 2 shillings decline am
foreign wheat was quoted at 1 shilling up
to 2 shillings lower. Trade was quiet.
Out of sympathy with the Improved open'
Ing'in America prices at the llaltlc opencc
decidedly firmer , sellers withdrawing li
many cases. Prices wcro 3 pence to C pence
better than at the opening. The only sale
reported was a cargo of white wheat for
the United Kingdom.
Aviivrs unit COLD HACK
to I'ny n Premium for It I
LONDON , Oct. 23. The Times , In Its
financial article , discusses the chances o
the gold hoards In the United States coming
back after the election and thinks that sucl
a movement may be anticipated because
the two wealthy nations on the contlnen
want gold and will even pay a small com
mission In order to obtain It.
"But It Is neccrsary to consider two con
tlngcnclcs , " eavs the Times , "first , that the
election ot McKlnloy Is likely to give an
Impetus of exports to the United States and
thus to Increase ! the tendency of gold ! o go
to Europe. Second. If Bryan Is badlj
beaten , Europe will iroely purchase Amcrl
can securities , and thus , to a great ex
tent , neutralize the effect of these Imports.
"It is believed In some quarters that the
credits obtained here In the last two months
are largely Iho * result of financial opera
tlons , such as tlio negotiating twelve
month loans by railway companies. If tha
opinion bo correct there may be more grain
and cotton bills to como forward later than
Is now supposed. "
Government Will irnrnliili Kmnloy-
mciit for Xrcily l'"urnicrH.
LONDON , Oct. 23. A dispatch to the
Times from Simla , India , Bays :
"All the railways have raised their rales
for grain from the seaports to towns In
upper and central India. This should etlniu-
late foreign Imports.
"There is nothing now to report In the
drouth districts. No rain has fallen lately
The advent of the northeast monsoon Is
anxiously watched , for It may bring a goot
rain In Madras , with heavy showers In
Hyderabad , and the eastern part of tbo
central provinces. Official reports Indicate
that up to the present the rural population
of tbo northwest province and Otidha are
fully employed In the ordinary farming oper
ations. The government has schemes cu
and dried for relief works In the shape ol
feeder roads , small Irrigation projects am
minor railway lines. The provincial govern
ments are closely watching for signs ol
distress. "
Siiccultitorx Conclude ( o Piny
a WnltltiK ( iiinif.
LONDON. Oct. 22. in discussing the
raising of the bank rate and the gold move
ment , the Dally News expresses the belief
that stocks of good * ot all kinds In tbo
United States must bo much depleted and
that McKlnley's election will hasten im
Tbo Dally News financial article Bays :
"Tho Russian wheat sellers still show gredl
reserve , offers from tbo lilac ! ' sea being
exceedingly ucarcc. It Is an open question
whether they arc not thereby playing into
the hands ot the Americans , for , although
the Russian crop li ; smalUr than last year ,
thcro must be a considerable surplus avail
able for export. If buyers only keep their
heads cool they will probably fill their wants
cheaper by waiting. Our weakest , point Is
that Urltlsh clocks have been allowed to
declineto an exceedingly low point. "
Ylelil of AVhfint In MnnUohn.
WINNIPEG , Man. , Oct. 23. The govern
ment has revised Us estimates of the wheat
yield of Manitoba , reducing the amount
something less than 15,000,000 bushels. The
acreage under wheat was a little short ol
1,000,000 acres , This docs not Include
of the northwest territories.
FlnunecM nl Dunhiir.
DUNUAR. Neb. , Oct. 23. ( Special. ) The
debate between Mr. Tlblczon for tbo Dryan
club and Mr. Fish for the McKlnloy club
took place last evening before a very largo
audience. * . The debate was opened by Mr.
Tlbleson In a half hour's lament over the
Ignorance of tbo American people regard-
lug definition ot value. FUh followed In
iv neat speech ot forty-five mlnutea.
Hcpnhllcnn Orntorn Conlinnc < o In
tercut I.nrtrr Crowd * of Voter * .
FAIRMONT , Neb. , Oct. 23.Speclal. . ) Dr.
Conway of York and J. H. Hunhton of this
place addressed a. largo anj enthusiastic
audience at Burrcra , five miles southeast ot
here last night. The addresses wcro logi
cal and convincing. They showed clearly
that the election of McKlnloy would restore
prosperity ; that It was nof-tho absence of
money but the absence of employment that
was causing th.o present < Iepiesslon. After
the speaking Rushton gave liberty to anyone
ono to ask questions , which ho answered to
the satisfaction ot the audience. The
Woman's McKlnloy club ot 1'alrmont was
present and a good delegation from Geneva ,
BLAIR , Neb. , Oct. 23.pcclal. ! . ) Rev.
S. C. Green , pastor ot the Uaptlst church ,
addrrescd the republicans list night at
the McKlnley club rooms. It WAS ono of
the best campaign talks ot the season. The
republicans of Blair are bksred with sev
eral good political speakers. Tlicro Is tome
betting on the county now , but the Mc
Klnloy men have to glvo orlds or majorities.
The Bryan followers havn given up trying
to carry the county. Tbo republicans have
been trying to get a Joint discussion on
the political questions between the two
candidates for county attorney , Howcll , re
publican , and O'Honlon , democratic and
populist , but eo far the democrats refuse
to meet the Issue.
COLUMBUS. Neb. Oct. 23 ( Special. )
The republicans will profbably close the
campaign In Platte county'Wednesday , Oc
tober 28 , with a routing rally at Platte
Center. lions. Jack MacColl , Ross Hammond
mend , J. N. Kllllan and others will bo
present. Excursions will lo run fnjm
this city , Norfolk and adjacent towns. There
will be a mamomth torchlight parade and
a barbecue.
TECUMSEH. Neb. , Oct. 23. ( Special. ) At
Vesta last night a big republican demon
stration was the attraction. . \ big parade
marched through the streets of the town , In
which the uniformed clubs fro-n this whole
neighborhood participate lion. Church
Howe and Hon. 0. A. Corbln wcro the
speakers and republican cntl.uslasm was
rampant. Free suppers wcro Mrvcd by the
Vesta women to all visiting delegations.
Music WAS furnished by the Vesta and Tc-
cumsch bands.
HILDRBTH , Neb. , Oct. 23 , ( Special. )
Jacob Hauck ot Omaha , the German speaker ,
paid n second visit to Franklin county and
delivered several speeches on sound money
and protection In this vicinity. The meet
ings addressed by Hauck v\crc veil attended
and great enthusiasm prcvallcil.
BEATRICE , Oct. 23. ( Special. ) The
Young Women's McKlnlcy Marching club
of Beatrice , 200 strong- , will make Its firm
appcaranco tomorrow evening In the rally
to be held at Flllcy. Beatrice now has two
republican Women's clubs and all are full
of enthusiasm for the cause of sound money.
ADELIA , Neb. , Oct. 23. ( Special. ) A
rousing republican meeting waa held hero
last night .to a full houcc , with Captain
F. M. Dorrlngton of Alliance the speaker.
For two hours the questions wcro taken up
and answered In a complete manner.
ROGERS , Neb. . Oct. 23.w-Spoclal. ( ) W. J.
Cartwrlght of Fremont spoke to a full
house hero last night on the njoncy ques
tion. Hla Illustrated chart Is novel and
fully explains the moncr'syalcm , showing
that sound money Is tbo money of pros
SPENCER. Neb. , Oct. 23 , ( Spcclal.- )
The largest and most attentive audience of
the campaign attended republican rally
at this place Tuesday cvqnLnji. Senator
W. . R. Akcrs and Hon. Jajncs/AVhltehgad
of Lincoln presented the questl S TSyblved
In this campaign 'In n. , naunr Manner.
A , large proportion of tij , bvr . ' 'ca wore
populist farmers , who ca'iTid III from the.
country many miles around. The middle
of-thc-road populists manifested their ills
gust at the leaders ot the democratic party
for refusing * and falling to applaud the
mention of Tom Watson's namo. The same
speakers filled an appointment at Lynch
Monday evening , which was largely at
tended , and much good was accomplished.
Boyd county will glvo a republican major
ity this election without any question.
ALVO , Neb. , Oct. 23. ( Special Telegram. )
A fair sized crowd assembled at the hall
this evening to hear lloni E. M. Pollard
discuss the money question. Mr. Pollard
confined his remarks fctrlctly to the ques
tion ' and not to a harangue ; of other parties ,
Or'ton and Davles , nominees for the house
and senate , also spoke fora few minutes.
No ono went away dissatisfied , as a grcal
many have from the sljvcr rallies. Cass
county Is sure by COO -McKlnlcy. .
LOUP CITY , Neb. , Oct. 23. ( Special Tel
egram. ) Fred Olmstcad gave his financial
school hero to a crowded house tonight.
To say that It vv'aa ' one of his characteristic
efforts Is to put it mildly , "and the enthusi
asm was unbounded. The republican women
formed a .McKlnlcy club , constating of over
100 members , and clcctu'd Mrs. , A. B. Mc-
Phcrson president , Mrs. T. L. Pllgcr vlco
president and Mrs. A. B. Outhouse secre
SPRINGVIEW , Neb. , Oct. 23. ( Special. )
Hon. James Whltchead nnd .Colonel W.
R. Akcrs spoke at Mills yesterday to a
largo crowd. They spuko today at this
place and will speak tomorrow at Nordcn.
These men are both well known In this
country , and people ot all political creeds
turn out to hear them. They are doing
good work. From the time they Icff thu
railroad at O'Neill and got back to it at
Alnsuorth they traveled 210 miles by team
through Holt , Boyd , Kcya Paba'and Brown
counties. They report 140 old soldiers In
Boyd county and all In line for McKlnlcy
but clzht.
AINSWORTH , Neb. , Oct. 23. ( Special
Telegram. ) Hon. Jamea Morris of Johns
town passed through Alnsworth today en
route to Pine Glen , where ho addressed the
people of that place In behalf o.f McKlnloy
and sound money. As Mr. Morris Is a noted
speaker , ho will bo honored Tvllh a largo
audience. <
Hon. L. K. Aides , of this place went to
Rushvlllo tonight , where bo addressed the
people , filling tbo appointment of Lambcrt-
bon , who was billed to speak -ttcre.
CRESTON , Neb. , Oct. 23.-r-peclal. ( ) An
enthusiastic republican meeting was held
In Republican hall last night. Many farm
ers from the adjqlnlng territory were pres
ent. A vigorous speech on ttm financial
and tariff questions was delivered by
Charles E. Winter ot Omaha , IMany votes
are being made for sound moiioy In this
county every day. Sllvofltos la' this town
are disgusted with thelrtpauyon account
of the fact that the last Bllver oiator went
on a drunk after his speech and gave a
sight draft on the popucratlc central com
mittee , only to have It returncdjprotcsted.
DODGE , Neb. , Oct. & . ( Special. ) The
largo opera house was filled Jo the walls
Wednesday night to llstpn to good finan
cial doctrine. Previous to the. meeting a
torchlight procession , headed by the Dodge
Cornet band , paraded thr principal ( streets.
Charles K. Winter of Omaha addressed the
audience for nearly two hours , and his
arguments were greeted with frnthuslastlo
applause. The meeting Was thc > largest and
most enthusiastic of the''campaign.
Political Dfliultr nl Nuvriu'.tii Grove.
NEWMAN GROVE , Neb , , Odt. 23. ( Spe
cial. ) Hon. O. C. Peterson of Chicago nnd
Rev. B. F. Stephens of Norfolk met In de
bate hero last night on the pol'itlcal Issues
ot the day , Peterson represented the re
publican and sound money Eldo of the ques
tion and Stephens free silver. ' Stephens
could not answer a single question put to
him and put In histtmo ranting and talkIng -
Ing grcenbacklsm , ' arraying claas against
class. Ho appealed to tho' prejudice of the
debtor class and advised < heru'to vote the
democratic ticket BO they could pay their
debts in r,0-ccnt dollars. There were COO
present. t
Difference in ( he Docrluc. (
HASTINGS , Oct. 23.-rSpeclS.-I ( ) . M.
Sutherland and two promim > n ( populists
from this city attempted to hojl a meeting
on the south side lait night In order to
Influence the Russian vote. 'Thcro were
Just three In the audience , so ihe speakers
gave It up. At the came iMc , not four
blocks distant from the populUt place of
speaking , a republican gpeikir addressed
aa audience of about 100 Rutslana.
Pour Masked Robbers' Bold Work Oloso to
Kansas City.
nxprmn McuNctiKcr Sure * Valuable * In
the Safe by Throwing Them Into
a Chicken Coop llofore Ail-
' ' intttltiHT the llnitilltx.
KANSAS CITY , Oct. 23. A passenger and
express train on the Chicago & Alton rail
road , duo hero from Chicago and St. Louis
7 o'clock , was held up and robbed by
four masked men this evening in Blue
Cut , between Independence and Glendale -
dale , Mo. The scene of the robbery Is
less than twenty miles distant from Kan
sas City. The train was flagged nt the en
trance. Whllo two of the robbers stood
guard over the passenger coaches the other
two covered the conductor , engineer nnd
fireman with their pistols and compelled
them to go Into the express car. There the
robbers commanded the messenger to open
the door ot the car , threatening to break
In the door should he refuse. After some
delay the robbers were admitted to the ex
press car. They compelled the messenger
to open the safe and extracted from It ccv-
crol packages. The express messenger ,
however , had surmised what the trouble
was. Whllo the bandits had been demandIng -
Ing admission , he had quickly opened the
safe , taken out tha money packages , and
tossed them Into n chicken coop. When ho
finally admitted the robbers to the car and
opened the safe for them the strong box
contained but two or thrco packets of
Jewelry. Even at the point of the robbers'
plstcls and rides the messenger insisted
that he had carried no currency.
Taking up the very * little booty at hand ,
the outlaws uncoupled the express car from
the coach following It , and then marched
their prisoners forward to the locomotive ,
where they compelled them to sit down
on the bank alongside the track. The
leader climbed Into the cab , tried the air
and the steam , and then called to the
men who wcro back guarding the passen
ger coaches to como forward. At this Junc
ture the engineer cautioned the bandit to
bo careful with the locomotive , warning
htm that they wcro. on a hill , and that If
ho left the engine Improperly guarded at
the top of the hill , It would crash back
Into the train , or else , if left on the oppo
site grade , crash down Into the train sup
posed to be waiting at Independence. The
bandit said he would take care of the loco
motive. With this the outlaws pulled out ,
having held up the train without having
fired a shot. They ran the locomotive sev
eral miles , to within a mlle of Independence ,
where they abandoned It. It was two hours
before the robbery bcc'amo known. The
passengers on the tralni did not know what
htdt causea the dclayTiSiatllli'fnoarly' ' * two
Cours afterwards , , and amused themselves
during the"long stop l > y taking a straw pres
idential ballot.
As soon as a party of the trainmen c'&uld
walk to Independence the alarm was sent
out. A deputy sheriff and posse left Inde
pendence at about 8 oclock tonight , and
at about the same time the squad of police
men was detailed from here nnd left for
the scene of the robbery on a special
train. It Is thought , however , that the out
laws are now safely out of tha way. So
far as can bo learned , the robl/crs secured
only the packets of Jewelry and $25 In cur
rency , which the fireman had left in his
vest , hanging In the cab. Hewjnuch mpncy
the messenger saved by throwing It Into
the chicken coop the express qfllcers will
not sas' . '
There have been three holdups In Blue
Cut. The James gang held up a train here
In ISSf.
A. J. Fell of Roodhousc. 111. , was the
conductor In charge of the train. James
Wetton and A. n. Post of Slater , Mo. ,
wcro on the locomotive as engineer and
fireman , respectively. The United States
Express company's messenger was Andrew
Shields of St. Louis.
Fiom Interviews had with several of the
passengers after their arrival hero It ap
pcara that only a lew of the passengers on
the train knew anything about the robbery
until some time after It was all over and
the outlaws had departed. Thrco or four
stopped out upon the platforms after the
train came to n stop and started to walk
forward. The bandits on guard told them
to get back into the coaches and they
climbed aboard the smoking car. The
vvbolo affair was so quietly conducted that
oxen these men , though they wcro BUS
plcloua enough to get ur.der cover without
being told a second time , were not sure
that tbo train was In the hands ot road
CHICAGO , Oct. 23. A. Wygant , general
agent of the United States Express company ,
said tonight that the train that was held up
never carried much money. None was
shipped from Chicago by It , and what there
was in the express car must have been
small sums from way stations. The amount
In the express car would not exceed $2,000
In his opinion.
Thirteen Hundred Thouxiinil Titke.ii
for California Account.
NEW YORK , Oct. 23. The speculative
equilibrium In Wall street was disturbed In
the late , afternoon today by the announce
ment that Laldlaw & Company , an influential
banking house , acting as agents for the
Bank of California , had withdrawn from
the subtrcasury $1,300,000 In exchange for
greenbacks. This being the first substantial
withdrawal since the termination of the
gold export movement , It created a decidedly
unfavorable Impression on the part ot the
traders , and stocks reacted all along
the line. The firm positively re
fused to discuss the subject of the
withdrawal. In the absence of defi
nite news on the subject , It was sug
gested . that the withdrawal was for the
purpose of strengthening the gold reserve
ot the Dank of California , also that tbo
gold was for account of a largo California
capitalist. The heaviest previous withdrawal
of gold recently was that of $000,000 by
Kubn , Loeb & Company , and the firm re
placed the coin hero today. It could not
bo learned whether the coin would be
Bhlpped out of town or would bo left tem
porarily In the safe dcpoalt vaults , where
It now lies.
Ne.vvn for the Army.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 23. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) The following tren fers In the
Twenty-second Infantry have been made :
Second Lieutenant David S. Stanley , from
company C to company K ; Second Lieu
tenant Frederick W. 'LewU , from company
K to company 0 ,
Leave to Captain Willis Wlttlcb , Twcn
ty-fiiot Infantry , Is1 extended one month , on
account of alckncM.
Weather Forecast for Ncbrnnka fx <
Generally Fnlrj SHcf = llffarmer.
1. Snn Ynt Sen Given
Whrnt Tumi Townril the. tfi'
Alton Trnln Hobheit Xi-nr K
llrtttnl Aniintilt on
S. Knnmiiifl C H on Cnntoii's C ? * ' *
Ilrynn'ii Streiik Aero Ce
Thurnton Homo with Won *
IlualnetR 3Icn nt AVork In T
3. Ux-Sprnkrr Crisp IH P * A >
ra riier Mon Itceulto n Cheek.
Toilny'i * Sehedulo of 1'oot Hull.
4. Killtorlal ntul Coiniuent.
B. YomiR I.lneoln Attorney In Trouble.
Silver nnilVhent 1'rlce * Compnrcd.
0. Council Kin ft I.ocnl Matter * .
Affalrn nt South Omnhn.
1'rocecilliiRii of tha Supreme Court.
7. Commercial mill Xon > .
I.u t Week's ItunlnrM U lowcit.
a In the rich ! of iiectrlctty. :
0. .Huiiinl Money CiimpnlRii In Xehrnxkn.
Insiirnnec Men Deny n Combine.
OHthnrf'H CIIKO U Sulimlttcil to Court.
Detective * Look for n 1'rlvnto Mint.
1(1. lilt * of rVmtiitno GoMlp.
11. Temple Houston anil IIIn Gun.
Jon Itnnklit'ft fiituou * Ithlo.
12. "Ileneheomher ami Iho Miin-of-W r. "
Notes on Current Lltuniturc.
I'onoorntlc MniiiiKcrx Ilnvc n Itnor-
linok Illnilto Sprint ; Soon.
LINCOLN , Oct. 23. ( Special Telegram. )
The republican state central committee has
been placed In possession of the details at
a plot of the opposition to eprlnc a sensa
tion on the people of this state- within the
next few days. The "fake" has been care
fully prepared and held until the last week
of the campaign for reasons that arc plain
to the public. Such a move has been ex
pected and Is In line with the entire plan
of the popocratlc campaign. A warning to
the public should not. therefore , bo neces
The colored citizens of Lincoln last night
gave expression of their loyalty to the re
publican party which led them out of bondage -
ago and bestowed upon them the garb of
American citizenship. A torchlight and fire
works parade preceded a rousing rally In
the N street headquarters. The parade was
participated In by more than halt of the
colored population of Lincoln. The proces
sion was headed by the colored band and
thcro wcro several handsomely decorated
vehicles filled with women and children In
addition to those on foot. Hcd flro was
burned all along the route and roman
caudles were discharged In copious profusion
as the parade traversed the atrccts. As they
marched east on O street , en route to tlie
N street headquarters , the paradcra sang
"Marching Through Georgia" as only the
colored people can sing It.
The rally held at the court hount last
night under the auspices of the Hallway
Men's Sound Money and Republican Labor
clubs was a grand ouccess from every point
of view. The court room was literally
pnclted with people who came to hear II. II.
Thorp , the "boy orator of the Wabash. "
The Fifth Ward Woman's MuKlnley club , ac-
corapanlcd by the drum corps , attended In
a body , ae did the Ida McKlnlcy club. 1'rcs-
Idenl C. E. Wilkinson of the Hallway Men's
Sound Moccy club presided. Secretary Hunt-
linger read an extract from one of Dryan's
'congressional qpejchcs. .In which ho Bald the
laboring- men wore noBitten than beggars !
they were always 'demanding something.
Miss Mabel Johnson was Introduced and
made an eloquent and logical address for
sound money , tibo spoke for twenty min
utes and received much applause. Mr.
Thorp was then presented and enter
tained the crowd for an hour and twenty-
Jive minutes with an Inimitable address on
"Money , Protection and Patriotism. " His
quaint sayings and happy hits delighted his
hearers beyond measure , and ho was ac
corded -on ovation. The meeting closed
after a few remarks by A. M. Glover of
Senator Stewart , from Nevada , has wired
tlip chairman of the local silver men that
ho will be here tomorrow , and arrangements
havarbecn made for him to speak In Bo-
lianan's hall tomorrow evening. Senator
Tburston Is also billed for hero tomorrow
evening. This la the first time they have
mot olnce they expressed their opinions of
one another.
Senator Allen will also bo hero tomorrow
afternoon , and Is booked to speak both Ih
the afternoon and evening.
The Ida McKlnley club met last evening
and perfected an organization by the election
of the following oniccrs : President , Mrs.
Myrtle Holcomb ; vlco president , Miss Carrlo
Smawloy ; secretary and treasurer , Mrs.
Emma Webb : executive committee. Mlw
Rachel Corr , Miss Margaret Oliver and Mrs.
Jennie Hill.
The arrangements for the labor parade
and Thurslon rally tomorrow night have
been completed. The parade will bo under
the command of Colonel Ed R. Slzer and
will bo composed of worklngmcn of Lin
coln and Lancaster county. In addition
to the marchers on foot there will bo a
largo number of business houses repre
sented by floats. After the parade Is over
Senator Thurston will speak at the Lansing
Hon. Richard Gunthcr , the eloquent orator
tor of Wisconsin , epoko on the Issues of
the campaign tonight nt the Lansing the
ater. Ho enjoys the reputation of being
ono of the greatest political orators In the
country , and Is a salesman of wldo experi
ence In governmental attalrs. Ho served
U\o terms as state treasurer of Wisconsin ,
was elected twlco to congress.
Mosy Richards , who has resided In Dlxon
county eleven years and Is deputy sheriff
of that county. Is In the city , a delegate
to the grand lodge , Independent Order of
Odd Fellows. Ho reports Dlxon county
strong for McKlnloy.
Members of the Commercial Travelers'
McKlnlcy and Hobart club and their ladles
arc- requested to meet at 7:30 : p. m. Monday
evening , October 26 , at their headquarters ,
Capitol hotel , for the purpose of attending
In a body the reception tendered them by
the Woman's Fifth Ward McKlnley club , to
bo held at the N street republican head
quarters. Admission tickets may bo had by
calling at the commercial travelers' head
quarters , Capital hotel , Lincoln.
IllVIll ItOlllCH lit rlllttaillOUtll.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Oct. 23. ( Special
Telegram. ) Attorney General Churchill
was billed to speak In this city this even
ing , but owing to the Inability of the cen
tral committed to secure a largo enough
hall ho was telegraphed at the last moment
not to como. Crowds of enthusiastic fill-
zens had gathered on the streets and the
McKlnlcy club headquarters wcro bcselgcd
by the Union Veterans' McKlnlcy club to
such an extent that Judge S. M. Chapman
was called upon to make a speech , and ho
responded In such a happy manner that the
enthusiasm ran riot. County Judge Spur-
lock also regaled tlio audlcnco with a bright
llttlo speech , and the people wcro thor
oughly satisfied.
In Waterman's hall Senator Allen was
holding forth , but owing to the very poor
condition of his voice It was Impossible for
him to bo heard at the back of the hall ,
and the consequence was a very small at
tendance and no enthusiasm ,
Saturday evening Murray will have a
rousing meeting , when Hon. Orlando Trftt
and Judge Chapman will address the voters.
Silver Mvti Korjfe Letter * .
PIERRE , 3. D. , Oct. 23. ( Special Tele
gram. ) George Frances of this city , who
Is alleged to have written the latter from
Soutbport , , England , stating that money
was being raised In that country to aislst
In the election of McKlnley , thU afternoon
prepared sworn statement ! , denying every
statement made by the alleged recipient of
the letter In regard to himself , and de
nounced the fac-ilmllo letter being used
nu a forgery. The allldavlt will bo fur
nished to the state and national committed
tor ute in tbo campaign.
Gross Indignity Offered to Secretary Car *
lisle nt Oovington.
Vile Knlllicdi SlionU-il In III" ICnrsj
KKICM nnil Clirnr HuH * Hurlcil
I nt Him liy the Krcc
I Sllvcrltoii.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 23. The Insult to thj
secretary of the United Statea treasury ,
John G. Carlisle , by men of his native state
nnd city is the leading topic of conversa *
tlon today. While accounts differ as to the
degree of brutality manifested by those la
the hall and on the street around the build *
Ing , thcro Is no dispute as to the bitterness
of the feeling manifested.
Secretary Carlisle was purposely detained
In the hall by his friends In the hope that
the outside crowd would disperse , but aa
soon as Carlisle discovered this he Insisted
on going out Immediately. Then a police
escort was provided and by main force a
passage to the street was obtained. Vila
epithets were then showered at the sec
retary , and ono man , John Pagan , threw a
lighted cigar In his face and stopped ae 1C
to pick up a moro formidable missile. Ho
was promptly seized by the police , but was
discharged , no ono preferring a charge. Secretary -
rotary Carlisle , on reaching Mr. Helm's door ,
thanked the chief of police for the protec
tion afforded.
Secretary Carlisle found himself the cen
ter of widespread attention today In const. . .
qucnco of tlio gross Indignity offered him
thirl- ; his speech on Thursday night la
Odd Fellows' hall In Covlngton. The llrst
Indications came In calls from friends nuq
neighbors anxious to assure him of then
detestation of the outrage. Later message *
began to arrlvo showing that similar feet *
Ing exIsteJ In other uortlous of the state.
At length Mr. Carlisle was obliged to deny
himself to callers to enable him to get th
rest ho needed nnd to attend to his correx
spondcnce. The feeling In Covlngton , ai
well as In Cincinnati , ran high as the mat
ter was discussed.
The Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce ,
regardless of political partisanship , called
n special meeting and appointed n commit
tee to give Mr. Carlisle a most urgent In
vitation to visit the Chamber of Comincrco
before ho returns to Washington. The feelIng -
Ing that prompted the meeting was that
the members wanted an opportunity to
show the secretary of the treasury ibo hlgir
icgard In which ho Is held by the Ciiambcr
of Commerce. In addition to this a largo
delegation of gold democrats from Walnut
Hill called to urge the secretary to glvo
them nn address and to allow them to tcs- .
tlfy their appreciation by giving him a bc-i
coming hearing. To nil requests fdi ,
speeches Mr. Carlisle was obliged to glvo
a refusal , as the five speeches ho has prom
ised to clvo In Kentucky fully occupy all
tbo time he can spare from his public du
ties. i
Speaking of last night's occurrcnco thi
secretary regarded It as moro than an acci
dental occurrence. In his opinion It was
an organized mob. "I did not know dur
ing "my speech that any such thing ha > ]
been done. Of course I saw the disorder Iq
the hall. It came from a lot of men than
had gathered In the roar ot the hall. Tha
body ot tbo house was decent and well be
haved. Indeed many ladles wcro present.
I heard nlso tbo iiolso in the street/
but did not know what It was. I did nor
speak to the mob but once. I saw It dlcj
no good. I was still in Ignorance of wha {
was going on outside the hall , though my ,
friends secerned to bo advised of it. They ,
kept detaining mo In various ways until at
last I asked why wo did not go. Then thojj
told mo that a crowd was gathered outside )
the hall and they wero. waiting until lc'
should disperse. When I heard that I salt )
I was going and wo started. When I got )
to the door I saw the crowd there. Thoyj
had been waiting purposely thcro all thu
time. Thcro was a rush and It was wltn'
great dlfllculty that wo got out of the build
ing and along the streets. They followed
us until within a square of Air. Hclra'j
house , when the police formed a line across }
the street and stopped further progress. 'j
"Tho gathering outside the hall , the folV
lowing of those 200 or 300 men for several
squaics through the streets was not a mcrq
accident ; It was an organized affair. " 11
To a wish expressed that better trcaU
mcnt awaited him at the speeches he Id
yet to make , ho replied : "It makes llttla
difference to me. It is an Illustration t > t
what may be expected everywhere If tha
principles of the Chicago platform prevail.1
Personal indignity and even personal vloV
lencc will hurt those who attempt It nioro.
than It can harm me. "
The secretary left tonight In order to
meet his engagement at Bowling Grecn
Ky. , tomorrow. i
( DlrvflorN of AiiacomlM
Mine I'iir 'ly 'IVcIinlrnl. '
nUTTD , Mont. , Oct. 23. During the day ,
this community has been excited over re
ports that Marcus Daly , manager , Francis
H. Sargcant , secretary , and William Seal-
Ion , counsel of the Anaconda company , bad
been requested by telegraph from New Yorls
to send In their resignations at once. Mar
cus Daly , when asked about It , said It was a
fact that tbo resignations had been asked
for , but it was usual this time of the year
for a majority of the board In Now Yorls
to resign. The board then temporarily or
ganized In Montana to transact the year's
business and declare tbo dividends. Louis.
Haggln brought the resignations of thrca
directors heru from New York along wltbj
1,1s own appointment as temporary director ;
Ho organized the bonrd , Daly voting hla
own and thrco directors' stock , electing
himself , Scallon and Sargcant , thus form
ing a majority of tlio board. Tha business
was then transacted , nnd by oversight Hag-
gin wcnt away without the resignations ol
the thrco temporary directors. Ho wired
for the resignations aa dlrcctoia , which
gave rlso to the rumor.
N'nmcii of < Iie MtMiilii'rN of ( ho Iliuiri )
I'liu'i-il In Control.
CHICAGO , Oct. 23. The western roads
have completed the organization of a nowi
freight organization. Its chief officials wilt
bo members of a board of organization , ot
which1 C. W. Mldgley will bo chairman and
C. A. Parker of the Missouri Pacific , J. Ak.
Munroo of the Union Pacific , J. Fletcher ,
freight traffic manager of the Kansas City ,
Fort Scott & Memphis , and 0. L. Wellington )
traffic mamtgcr of the Wisconsin Central ,
will bo members. It will assume control ot
freight business in the territory east of the
MIsNOurl river" and west of tbo meridian at
Chicago on the flrut day of thu coming month'
and advances In rates already agreed upon
will then become effective. ' ,
Neirro ( o Hi * lliinuiMl for Annuult. ' " 3
ARDMORB , I. T. , Oct. 23. Charles John *
son , a negro , under conviction far assaultlnif
a woman , way sentenced today In the fcd-\
oral court by Judge Kltgoro to bo hanged or *
February 10 next , This promUca to bo tbo
first lawful hanging In the .Indian territory ;
as It will also bo the first execution ( on
criminal assault under tha recently enacted
law < \
Shot liy li Dlnvlinrucil ClcrU. ' 1
KANSAS CITV , Oct. 23. Morris Landaj
manager of the International Kxport and ,
Grain company and prominent on the local
rnarkot , wan shot end killed In his olllcq ,
at the Stock exchange bulldlne by Fred
H , Waltt , a bookkeeper , whom ho hud dis
charged and whom bo attempted to put ou {
of tbo door , Waltt had been drinking.