Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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Ingnem to accept In full return the ponce ,
protection nnd opportunity which It Impartially -
partially beslows.
Not moro surely do the rulM of honesty
nnd good fnlth fix the standard of Indi
vidual character In n community than do
thcso same rules determine- charneter
nnd standing of a nation In the world of
civilization. Neither the slitter of Its
power , nor the tinsel of Its commercial
prosperity , nor the gaudy show of Its pee
ple's wealth fin conceal tin cankcrtni' rust
of national dishonesty ami cover the mean
ness of national bnd faith. A constant
stream of thoughtful. ediicnU-d men should
come from our universities nnd colleges
teaching national honor nnd IntrRrlty nnd
teaching that n belief In the npcesHliy of na
tional obedience to the lawn of God Is not
born of supcrstltlor.
I do not forget iho practical necessity of
political parties , nor ilo I deny their d slr-
ability. I recognize wholesome differences
nf opinion touching legitimate govern
mental policies nnd would by no means
control or limit the utmost freedom In
their discussion. I have only attempted to
miRgcsl the Important patriotic service
which our InsMtutloim of higher education
and their graduates nre fitted to render to
our people In the enforcement of these
Immutable truths nnd fundamental prin
ciples which nto rehitnl to our national
condition , but should never be dragged Into
the field of political strlfo nor Impnssed
Into thn service of partisan contention.
When the excitement of party warfare
presses dangerously near our national safe
guards I would have thn Intelligent con
servatism of our universities nnd colleges
warn thn contestants In Impressive tones
ngalnst the perils of a breach Impossible to
When popular discontent nnd passion are
stimulated bv the nrtH of designing parti
sans to n pitch perilously to cla. s
haired or iwrilnnnt anger I would have our
universities and colleges cotind the alarm
In the name of American brotherhood and
fraternal dtpcndenee
When the -iltempt Is made to delude the
people Into the belief that their suffrages
can change the operation of natural laws
1 would have our universities nnd colleges
proclaim that Ihone laws are Incxoiablc and
far removed from political control.
When sclll- Interest seeks undue private
benellt through governmental aid and pub
lic place1 * are claimed IIB reward of party
service I would have our universities nnd
colleites persuade the peonli ; to a rclln-
qulHhment nf the demand for party spoils
and exhort them to a disinterested and
patriotic love of their government for Its
own sake and because In Its true adjust
ment nnd unperverted operation It secures
to every citizen his Just sham of the safety
nnd prosperity It holds In store for nil ,
Whnn a dc.disn Is apparent to lure the
cople ! from their honest thoughts and to
.illnd their eyes to the sad plight of national
dishonor and bad faith I would have Prince
ton university , pann-tllcd In her patriotic
traditions nnd glorious memories , and
joined hy all the other unlverHilos nnd
colleges of our land , cry out against the
Infliction of thin treacherous and fatal
wound. I would have the Influence of
these Institutions on the side of religion
and morality. I would Imvo thofo they
send out among the people not ashamed to
acknowledge nod and to proclaim Ills Inter
position In the affairs of men , enjoining
such obedience to Ills laws as makes mani
fest the p.uh of national perpetuity and
prosperity . . .
I hasten to concede the peed already ac
complished by our educated men In purify
ing nnd steadying political sentiment , but
I hope I may be allowed to Intimate my
belief thnt their work In these directions
would bo easier nnd more useful If It were
less spasmodic nnd occasional. The dlspo-
nltlon of our people Is such that while they
may bo Inclined to distrust those who only
nn rnrp ocermloim come among them from
an excluslveness savoiliu ; of assumed su
periority , they readily listen to those who
exhibit n real followsiili ) and a friendly and
habitual Interest lit nil that concerns the
common welfare. Such a condition of Inti
macy would. I believe , not only Improve
< ho general political atmo'phero , but would
vastly Increase the Inllucncu of our uni
versities nnd colleges In their efforts to
prevent popular delusions or coirect them
before they reach an acute and dangerous
P1 am certain , therefore , that n more con-
ntnitt nnd active participation In
affairs on the part of our men of education
would bo of the greatest possible value to
our country. It Is e.\ceedlngly unfortunate
thnt politics nhould be regarded In any
quarter 113 an unclean thing , to ho nvoldrd
by these claiming to be cdiicnted or re-
jmcctablo , It would bo Btninge Indeed If
anything retried to thn administration of
our government or the welfare of our na
tion should be essentially deanidlng. I be
lieve It Is not n Hupor.itltloim nonUmcnt
that IcadH to the conviction that ( Sod has
watched over our national llfo from Us
beginning. Who will uny. that the things
worthy of Ciod'H regard und fostering care
nro unworthy of the touch of the wisest
nnd best of men ? I would Jinyo lliosii > (
out Inniir - unlveTBltleTt colleges not
only lite counsellors of their fellow country ,
men , but the tribunes of the people-fully
appreclatliiK every condition that presses
upon their dally life , sympathetic In every
tintownrd situation , qulclc and rarneot In
every effort to advance their happiness and
welfare , nnd prompt and ntunly In the
defense of all their rights.
I have but Imperfectly expressed the
thoughts to which I have not bivit able
to deny utterance on nn occasion so full
of glad significance , and HO pervaded by
the ntinosphero of patriotic nnplratlon.
Horn of these Riirroundlni : , thu hopes
should not hn vnltv. thnt the tlmo Is nt
hand when nil our countrymen will more
deeply nppreclato the blepslnsa of American
citizenship , when their disinterested love
of their novernmcnt will bo quickened ,
when fanaticism nnd passion shall be ban
ished from thu field of politics , nnd when
nil our people , discarding every difference
of condition or opportunity , \\lll Iw seen
under the banner of American brotherhood ,
marching .steadily and unfalteringly on to
ward thu blight heights of our national
At the conclusion of the piesldciil'i nd
dress thn entire assembly nrose and sang
"America" The benediction by lit. Rev
Henry Yatcs Sattcrlee. bUhop of Washing
ton , 1) . U. , concluded the ccntennln
exercises In Alexander hall.
Mr. and Mm , Cleveland were entertalnet
at lunch at 1 o'clock by Prcpldcnt and Mrs
Patton , Invitations being Issued to the visit
Ing delegate * . Later In ( he afternoon a re
rcptlon was given by President nnd Mrs
Patton to the president nnd hU wife. Ovc
I.fpOO Invited guests attended and paid thcl
tcspcrtn to the chief executive and Mrs
Cleveland. Till : ) fuiictlon Instcd until 5 p
m , and Immediately aftcr.vard I'icslilriit am
Mrs. Cleveland .vcre escorted to their spe
clal Unlit at the Prnnsjlvanla railway nta
lion and the hoiuow.ird Journey to Wash
Ington win begun nt t-15 p. m.
Noailv every man Is paying hero tonlgh
that Mr , Cleveland mndo the oratorical "of
fort of hl.s life. IIo spnliu to n multitude
comprising leprescntatlvos of nearly cverj
great Institution of learning In the uorlU
und men of marlc In other walks of life
Ills theme was "Tho Duties and Rcnponsl
bllltles Out College Man and IMucnted Men
GenerKlly 0 tto the C.nmo of Hood Oov
eminent. " Mr. Cleveland spol < throughou
without nny attempt at effect , ant
with very little emphasis oven , hut the point
In his address were quickly firuFped by hi
hearers , nn.l he v/os frequently Interruptei
by hearty handclnpplni ; , cries of "Rood
good , " from the platform , nnd applause. Ot
each occasion of this sort the great crowd o
students In the balcony yelled "Clevolum !
Cleveland. Cleveland. " Mr. Cleveland spok
for half nn hour , nnd when he concluded , th
exhibition of enthusiasm was rcnurkablu
Cheer upon timer was given with heart
Rood will , nnd. ns a wlndup , the colleg
yell waa given for Mrs , Cleveland. She oc
cuplcd a chair In the front row of scat
facing the bunches onIilch the unlverslt
delegates , and the unexpected attnntlo
of the students mused all eyes to turn I
nor direction. All present Joined In the np
plauno , and ns Mr. Cleveland cAitKht hi
wife's oyu , ho guvo her an approving smile
recelvhiK one" from her In return.
The i-clcbiPtlnn closed tonight with
banquet In assembly halt , given by th
university to the visitors. Thery wcro prcs
nt moro than ROO persons. Probably nnvc
before In the history of thi > country ha
such t gathering of renowned men hce
sojted around the sanui bor.n1. . It was nn In
tcrnatlou.-l assemblage , mid Included th
most eminent educatan of th > > time o
both sides of the Atlantic. U. f } . ( Ircon
iw o.r
You don't
where you got that cod. ! Do
you know where you can get the
euro for it ? Every drug * , tore
c keeps Aycr's Cherry Pectoral.
| ! It ctircs coughs and colds. \
president of ( ho board of trustees of Prince
ton university , presided. On either sldo of
him sat Governor OrlRgs , ml Francis L.
Patton. president nf the university. The
other sixteen setts at the mnln table wore
occupied by PrjN. KJward Dowdcti , Trin
ity college , Dublin ; Henry Molssran of the
Paris Academy of Science ; Ira Itemnen of
Johns Hopkins ; Itcv. Oeorse P. Fisher of
Ynlo ; President Seth Lowe of Columbia ,
William H. Harper of Chicago unlVcraliy.
A. W. Hubrecht of Utrecht university , W.
T. Hnrrls , United States commissioner ot
pilucntlon , President ( loldwln Smith of To-
tonic. President Klllot of Harvard. Felix
Kliln of OottlnRcn , President Oilman of
ohliH Hopkins. President Angcll nf Ann
Arbor. Andrew Seth of thi University of
Mlnburgh and Judge William D. Horn-
lower. At the fifteen other tables were
uch men ns Prof. Henry M. Hnlrd of New
* ork university , Richard Watson Ollder.
dltor of the Century ; Profs. Lounnnury of
Yale nml March of Lafayette ; Augustus St.
audens. the sculptor , Charles Dudley War-
or nnd Horace B. Scmlder , lltcratcurs ;
'reshlent do Garmoof Swarthmorc , Dr. S.
Velr Mitchell. Chnrles Scrlbner , 3. 11. Wt-
ans. Morgan Dlx , Wllhelm Dorpheld of
\thens , Greece ; John Wanatnakcr. Ilnyard
tocUton. George W. Smallcy. W. H. Ilnr-
and. Prcf. Goodman of San Francisco ; Presl-
cnt Harrison of the University of Pennsyl-
After nn elaborate menu had been ills-
usscd , eight toasts were offered. In sub-
ect nnd In speaker * the list probably stands
nlciue. It follows :
Thf-ology. Dean Fisher of Yale.
Philosophy , Prof. Selh of ICdlnburRh.
Jurisprudence , Judge Hornblnv.'er.
Mathematics , Prof. Klein of flottlngcn.
Physical Sciences , Prof. Hemsen of
ohiiH Hopkins.
The Natural Sciences , Prof. Hubrecht of
History , Prof. ( Soldwln Smith , formerly
f Oxford , now of Toronto.
Literature , Prof. Dowdcn of Dublin.
Icavy Output of SpecelieH In the
HooMler Mule.
Tniltlft. IIAUTB. Ind. , Oct. 22. The Ih'dt-
ana committee evidently does not Intend to
allow William J. Uryan to keep very far
behind his record as n Bpcechmnkcr on this
rip through Hooalerdom. Nineteen speeches
vero made In the. twrnty-four hours ending
at midnight last nl < ? ht , nnd today Hcventeen
wcro on iho Itinerary.
The Ili-rtt speech of the morning was at
Jecntur shortly after 8 o'clock. Several
housnnd people listened to Mr. Hryan for
more than a quarter of on hour , and the
icoplo who heard him did not hesitate to
; lvo bo'alerous approval or his utterances.
The crowd was made up for the most part
of farmers , and Mr. Bryan's speech was one
for farmers. Ho told them that farmers
if no country had ever endorsed the gold
Etnndard , and called attention to the meet-
ng of agriculturists some time ago In lluda-
Pcst , where bimetallism wns endorsed and
greetings were rent to blmetalllsts of Amcr-
ca. He- quoted from the address of Prince
Illsmarck to the farmers n jcar ago. In
which he said the farmers must stand to
gether nnd protect themselves from the
Ironcs of oocloty who produce nothing but
Market was not down on the bills for a
speech , but a stop was made there and Mr.
llryan spoke for five minutes. Ki ? was
taken from the ear to n stand at Ilunllngton
nnd spoke to a crowd which numbered
up Into the thousands , and which wns evi
dently moro to his way of thinking than
some of the crowda of yesterday.
The public square In front of the court
house at Ilochcster was well filled with
crowded humanity when Mr. Hrynn arrived
there. It wns a frco silver crowd , nnd the
people who were yellow badges looked
Mr. Hrynn spoke at a barbecue at Peru ,
where ho quoted Prof. Laughlln's deilnltlnn :
"An honest dollar would bo a dollar whoso
nverago put chasing power would bo the
same yesterday , today nnd forever. " Prof
Laughlln also declared In his hook on bi
metallism that If Justlco Is dcfclrcd In long
tlmo contracts , you cannot expect exact Ju '
lice from cither Iho gold ntftiulard or from
Ulmotalllsm , and Mr. Bryan said : "Ho I *
rluhL "i\'o. do , not reach oxaot hoiioaty In
Iho dollar. "
At Delphi , Mr. Bryan refuted the charge
ot ex-President Harrison , fhat when he
spoke of those who had been saving the coun
try for thirty years nt so much per save , lie
alluded to the old veterans.
Frankfort nnd Lafnyotto turned out large
crowds to hear the silver doctrine. At
Drawfordsvllle Mr. Bryan made a sensation
by replying , fiom n platform erected within
a few yards of the homo of General Low
Wallace , to the general's speech made some
tlmo ago. In which he alluded to Bryan as
an anarchist , lie said : "There Is nothing
In thu platform upon which I stand that
Justifies the chars ? No man Is afraid
If I nm elected president I will not enforce
the la\v. < of this nation There Is no man
living beneath our ling who Is a better friend
or firmer believer In our form of govern
ment than I am. It Is true that I am a
young man , but , my friends , I want to as
sert here with all the emphasis that I can
command that 1 am' ' as good a friend of our
government aye I will say that I am n
better friend of American Institutions than
any man who declares that foreign credi
tors must run our country. Standing upon
a pltlform. which declares In favor of nn
American dollcr for the American pcopje , I
put my patriotism ngalnst the patriotism
of ( itncral Lew Wallace , or. against the
patriotism of any other man on earth who
endorses the republican platform. "
A short stop of ten minutes was made
at Ladoga and at Rlclulale and the nominee
appeared on the back platform and excused
hlnifiolf from making a speech by saying
that thn nominee for congress. Mr. Rldpath ,
hiid spoken during the day and consequently
It was not necc'anry for him to sceak.
At Greencantlo , the next stop , Mr. Bryan
was received by a crowd of several thou
sand people. The enthusiasm was great ,
especially when he mentioned the name ol
the historian and nominee for congress ,
Mr. Rldpath. At Brazil there was the uaunl
largo cfov/d nnd It was simply a repeti
tion of what had taken place during tin.
The enthusiastic meeting of the evening
In Terre Haute was a fitting close for tin
enthusiastic day. The reception hero was
ono of the greatest. If not the greatest , o
the day , and the ovation given the candidate
wan Haltering In the extreme. He was me
at the depot by members of the Jackson
club , nnd when he received his carriage
thnt organisation acted ns a guard of hone
In the procession which followed. Mr. Dryan
addressed two meetings tonight In Terra
Haqlc. The first wus from a platform erectei
from the entrance to the court house , am
huro thn larger crowd of the evening wa
assembled. It applauded and cheered a
every opportunity. Thu speech was abou
the sumo OK given at other places. At the
second meeting , hack of the Tcrro lUutu
hotel , the candidate spoke to another larg
crowd. Hero Mr. Bryan was presented will
the last part of the equipment for the sign
Ing of tlu > free sliver hill provided hn doc
sign one. U was a silver blotting pad pre
Rented by the "progressive workmen o
Teiro Haute. " At thn beginning of his ad
dicss , ho said that thla city was known
throughout the land ax the homo of th
distinguished representative of organized
labor , Mr. Dubs , and the mention of th
A mo lean Hallway union man brought fort ;
great applause.
liiitcpriuN'iit Candidate to .Slinir CIIIIH <
PIHimi : , S. U. , Oct. 22. ( Special Tele
gram , ) The district court this evenlnt ,
granted a restraining order In nn applica
tion for nn Injunction to prevent the name
of II , ( ' . Shober L-cliiK placed on the county
ticket of Hyde county as an Indepcnden
candidate far auditor. The hearing on the
writ In set for Saturday , October 24. Shober
was defeated In the republican primary
election and Is attempting to get on the
ticket by petition.
MiMcmcnlM of Ocean VCNXCH , Oct. - -
At Plymouth ArrlvnI-Fuerst Bismarck
from New York , for Cherbourg nnd Ham
At Cenoa--Sallcd ! Fulda , from New York
At New York-Arilved-llermanlo. from
Liverpool ; California , from Hamburg ,
At Jircmen Arrived Xcckar , from Haiti
At BrenuThaven Arrived Trnvc , from
New York , via Southampton.
At Queenstpwn-Arrlved-llrllnnnlc , from
New \nrk. for Liverpool and proceeded
rtullcdTontdnlo. . for .New York ; Wucsland
for Philadelphia.
At .MarBclllctj-Arrlveil-Cnlirunila , to
Nuw % ork.
At Loudoil-S.'lcJ--lJBlaflr ! | > p ! for Now
Tolls Thorn Wealth Cannot Bo Orentcd by
Brcnth of Congress.
I'riiniicrlty IlciicnilN on a
llnitii * Mnrkft rur Ilium * I'rnil-
uctH nnd Iliuii-Nt I'ny for
lloneHl Toll.
CANTON , 0. , Oct. 22. Major MoKlnley
had atrnwbcrrlcs and cream with his
speeches today. The berries came from the
second crop In Belmonl , O. , nnd the visi
tors brought plenty of with them.
Many visitors came from points where Mr.
Bryan spoke on his recent dash through the
stale. It was n day of surprlics. Only two
delegations were expected , but by nightfall
Elx ot the largest organized bodies which
Imvo yet come to Canton had cnllcd nt the
McKlnleys , besides thousands of other
people. The streets were crowded as on the
big Saturday Jubilees. The escort commit
tees had not provided for such nn outpouring
of people , but the crowds were well ordered.
Women marched In line In great numbers.
Major McKlnley appropriately termed this
"Ohio day , " as ho could well do , from the
outpouring of Bucko > o people , although
Indiana , West Virginia nnd Pennsylvania
were hcio In organized bodies-or merged
Intn Knim > nf the blc Ohio delegations.
Vlth one party were hundreds of students
rom H.ildwln university and "Wallace cot-
ego of Iterea , who inndo the welkin ring
vllh yells. Thcso people wore from the ox-
rcme northern part of the stall. Thousands
of peoplu came from the dlstaiu river coun-
les of the stnto In company with hundreds
of their West Virginia friends across the
river. Valparaiso , Fort Wayne , Plymouth
and a dozen other northern Indiana towns
swelled the crowds In the evening with a
lotMler yell. Major McKlnley gave greeting
o the city council and olliclals of New
Irlghton , Pa. , In his library.
There was glorious Indian summer's
brightest weather In Canton this morning.
A largo delegation of fanners called at Me-
Clnley's home. They came from Creston ,
3. Major McKlnley responded to Mr. A. I.
Uchnrds. who upolio on behalf of the dele
gation , as follows :
Ladles nnd Oentlemen and My Fellow
Citizens : I esteem this call from my old
constituents nnd my utlghborM nnd fellow
cltlx-ens as n very great compliment and
lionor-not to mo personally , but to the
principles nnd policies for whleli the re-
DUhllcan jRirty Hlnnds this year. I remem-
l > cr when the republicans of Prrston und
Wnync county were nniotiR tne nust earnest
nnd cnthusl.istlc of my old congressional
district , and I see you have not lost your
earnestness nnd enthusiasm for the nreat
doctrines of the republican parly. We
cannot by legislation In this country make
values ; \\o cannot by tiny legerdemain of
finance make something out of nothing.
The only way to get wealth Is by labor ,
nnd anybody who teaches any other doc
trine Is n false tuichor nnd not the friend
of Anivrlcan citizenship or of our Ameri
can homes. ( Great npphiuse. )
Tljere Is no such thing nn creating wealth
by the mere breath of congress. Congress
can do a great many things , but It cannot
make you rich or the country rich by de
basing the money of thn country , nnd It
cannot make the country rich by giving
us dollar : ) thnt arc only worth H cents
each nml stamping thorn dollars. ( Great
laughter nnd npplause. ) Now , congress
can help the country , but It must bo by
wise legislation , caring for the products ,
the Inbor , the farms , nnd tne manufactures
of our own people , by jirotecllng- them
ngalnst the products of people living In
other lands. If you me n farmer , what
you want first la good crops. Legislation
cannot help you to them. You know In
order to get gopd .crops you have to sow ,
and then you * nilUit' have" God's nunnlilnn
and riiln , and u cheap dollar will never
help j'our .cropa any..Tremendous np-
pluuHo. ) You have to toll Just as hard for
iv KOOI | MX u poor crop.
Now , after you have n good crop , then
you want n good market. You have that
In the United States , If you nre let alone ,
but If somebody's product can come In
here nnd displace yours , then your market
Is not so good. Isn't that right ? ( Ixnid
shouts of "You are right , yes. " ) This Is
nil there Is of thnt question. It U n ques
tion on which our 70,000,003 of freemen
should , by their ballots , decree that the
legislation of our country shall protect nnd
defend American Interests and promote
American development against the outside
world. ( Applause. )
Now , when you have n peed market nnd
Mfll your wheat or corn you want to bo
paid In good money , don't you ? ( Cries of
"Sure" nnd "You bet. " ) you oldt r men
around me will remember the period when
you sold your wheat nnd were paid In
state bank money , which was good on the
day you received It , but Just IIH likely ns
not the next day you dlsruvcrcd that this
value had depreciated.
A Voice "Was not worth anything. "
And It wna not worth anything , my
friend sayo , nd so nil your labor was
lost. Well , now , the best thliiR. for thu
farmer , after his good crops and his good
markets , Is good money , nnd when you give
four full pecks for n bushel nnd sell your
wheat by the full bushel , you wnnt to be
paid In dollars that nro worth fully 100
cents each , not only today , but every day
and everywhere. Tills Is what the republi
can party stands for this year those two
thing ? above nil others ; but the republican
party does not stand alone for them. The
greater part of the democratic party , the
great leaders of thu old democratic party ,
arc one with us In the struggle for national
honor and prosperity. ( Continuous cheer-
Ing. )
I am glad to meet nnd greet you all.
but other delegations nro coming nnd 1
must not detain you. It will give me
pleasure to shake the hands of my old
friends , men nnd women , once more.
Three rousing cheers wcro then given
"for the next president of the Unltet
States. "
Medina county and Ilerea In Cuyahogn seni
a delegation of 1,000 people to greet Mc
Klnley today. Medina county was In the
gerrymandered district In which McKlnley
was defeated by the late representative
Warwick. The Bcrea crowd contained 10 (
students from the Baldwin and Warwick
colleges. Prof. M. F. Warner of Ilajdwli
college presented the Uerea crowd ant
Charles O. Wlghtman the Medina dclega
T.ooUlnir After Ilcislratlon.
The officers of the Russian-American Mc
Klnley and Hobart club have appolntct
the following commlttco to look after the
registration of Its members In the varloui
wards of the city : John Simon , M. Logasa
A. Wolf , A. Hoslultch , Nathan Ginsberg
I. II. Carroll and J. I ) . Nathanson.
All Iho Body Brussels In the house at S7'/4c
a yard that means a great deal It means
the choice ot the finest line of Body Brus
sels real Body Drussc-U at less than deal
ers buy them at wholesale there are no Body
Brussels of any worth but you'll nnd hero
and they are all In this sale at a choice of
87V4o a yard the week Is waning next
wcok they'll not bo 87o wo have sold
enough of them now's the time.
Omaha Carpet Co.
Only exclusive 1515
Carpet House here Dodge
FI.AO DAY , ( JAM. | . "OH MHHtS1C.N9. .
Stall * ItciVmilicati Committee I'r c * the
Dlxplnr nf "Olil filory. "
In accordance with the suggestion of the
intlotml ccjmniljtco thnt nil loyal ndvocntes
of sound money nml protection should dis
play the flag on Saturday , the 3tst Instnnt ,
ho state republican committee has Issued
ho followltj
V * ! . To thn Citizen ! * of Nebraska : Thf
.mlrlotlc chlF 'I ' * mnde by the republican
mtlonnl ccuarcliico of the United States
hat Saturday , .October 31. ISM , should be
known ns "ilrffc1 dny" nnd that all who
favor the election of Wllllnm MoKlnley no
irrsldcnt Bhould display from their houses ,
store * , xhopM , and places of buolnens. the
emblem of the republic. Lovers of your
country , respond to this call. Let the
nnnrr Hint has never known dishonor
float front th.e ; home of every Nebrnskan
who believes thnt It should not bo sullied
ly repudiation or soiled by socialism ; that
the prosperity of the nation can only be
maintained by n sound financial policy , Its
strength by the defeat of the monstrous
lercalen of those v.'ho would make It sub
servient to the power of thr states thnt
form Its parts ; thnt Its honor should be as
stainless ns ltn stripes. Its glory n bright
m Its stars. By order of the state central
committee of Nehrankn.
OROUOB W. POST , Chairman.
JOHN MALLAHEU , Secretary.
DIvMci HIM Thar llr-ttrcrn TntUliiK
Silver anil | | ( Hilda ! Itccnnl.
The mnln orntor of the evening nt the
meeting of the First Word Bryan club nt
Forest hnll laat night was Governor Hoi-
comb. I. S. Hascnll wns elected tcmpornry
chairman of the meeting and Introduced
Governor Holconib.
The governor stated that his present visit
: o Omaha wna not taken wholly In the
Interests of politics but was the occasion
of his bi-annual tour of the ntatc taken with
n view of being In touch with the people
whom ho endeavored to serve. The governor
then reviewed nt length his official acts , both
as to management of the state's affairs nnd
the appointments made by him.
The governor also spoke nt some length
upon the stiver question nnd predicted thnt
Bryan would push the republican candidate
hard for prestige In Nebraska.
M the conclusion of his address Gov
ernor Holcomb left for another silver meet
ing , which was held under the nuaptccs of
a Bryan club at Fortieth and Hamilton
streets , where ho also spoke. A topical
song was given hy P. II. Connell nnd the
meeting concluded with a short talk on Iho
money question by Judge Ambrose.
All Panic * Actlv at Valley.
VALLEY , Neb. , Oct. 22. ( Special Telo-
gram. ) The democrats of this place held a
rally hero this evening with speaking In the
opera house. The following speakers were
present : John Jc'ffcont , F. T. Hnnsom and I.
Dunn. The house was filled and n great
deal of enthusiasm shown.
County Judge Baxter of Omaha and J. II.
Vnn Dusen addressed the people on the
topics of the day at the Campbell school
house last evening.
.The populists < al this precinct will hold n
rally here Monday iqvenlng , with apenklng In
the opera houpo/ judge Ambrose and others
will be prcscnttOnddrcas , ! | the people.
"i .
Gold resorie "In " the treasury Is now
$121,017.50 ? . n i D
Alonzn Walllng'n trial Is set for hearing
by tile Kentucky court of appeals , Novem
ber 0. , f
Spiritualists , convention at Wnshlngton
discussed reports and minor amendments
to the constitution.
Harry Furn'lss , t'ho famous Parliamentary
cartoonist on'lhe ' ftnndnn Punch , arrived In
New York on tboiGcrmanlc.
Springfield. iKy'hnd n fire scare. Sev
eral buildings wtru destroyed and nt one
tlmo It was thought the whole town was
Herman Kckhnrijt , musician , died nt
ColniiibUM , O , i AH. n boy he was In the
court orchestra iOUlr"n ! Wit Mendelssohn
nnd.LIzst. \ * '
Stmmer California 'brought ISrt Imml-
gnints from Havre. Tlie ? cnptaln says
they Imvo means nnd nro not likely lo
become a publlu charge. They nro mostly
Rlchnrd Taskcr Lowndes , Jr. . son of Gov
ernor Lownde.s of Mary'nnd. wns married
at Danville. Ky. , to Miss Mary McDowell ,
daughter of Mrs. Martha McDowell of Dan
Demand for wheat nt San Franclico for
shipment .to India hns ceased for the time
and the price has further declined on the
local market. Rulls'oxpoct a recovery In a
few days.
Edward Bok , editor nnd part owner of the
Ladles' Homo Journal , wns wedded to Miss
Mary Louise Curtis , daughter of Cyrus
Curtis , proprietor of that publication , nt
Jcnklntown. Pa.
Mrs. Kato Hascom of Clinton , Mo. , killed
herself nnd her 4-ycnr-ohl son nt n Kansas
City lodglmr house by leaving the gas on
at night. She had been expecting money
from her husband for several days and It
came after her death.
Half n dozen men have been arrested for
the attempt to rob R. T , Brooke , near
Tonknwn , Okl. , among thc-rn being John
H. Ellis , who Is contesting Brooke's wife's
claim. Brooke , who claims to bo an Eng
lish lord , killed three of nls assailants at
thu time of the hold-up.
Permanent headquarters of the Institute
of Architects have been located at Wash
ington. The following olllcers were elected :
George U. Post of New York , president ;
W. G. Preston of Boston , first vice presi
dent ; James S. Rogers of Detroit , second
vice president ; Alfred Stone of Providence ,
secretary : S. A. Trtot of Chicago , treas
urer. Detroit was selected as the next
place of meeting.
Kuroff , In Russian Poland , has been de
stroyed by llro and 3,000 people nre left
Drouth In the northern part of South
Australia caused a crop failure and many
farmers nre destitute.
Well known missionary ship Day Spring
of the London Missionary society has been
wrecked oft Now Caledonia Island. Nine
men are believed to have been drowned.-
RtiBsl.i's Black Sea pciuadron scared the
Turkish inhabitants of Trcblzoml by an-
chorlnpr In the harbor for a day. The
Turks sought refuge with the Christians ,
especially the Armenians.
Further massacres are expected In eastern
Anatolia. In September six villages were
destroyed and during the slaughter ot the
Inhabitants a number of women Jumped
Into the Euphrates to escape the brutallt }
of the Kurds.
I'nlllii-al IteniH.
W. V. Barr , Ohio populist elector , has
withdrawn , thua securing perfect fusion on
the llryan ticket.
Tom Heed spoko' yesterday to largo
crowda In St. Loula. and K.iHt St. Loul.s.
Joshua Levering , prohibition candidate ,
spoke at NaHhvllleJft.a good Blzed audience.
It's the sight that wo make good there's
something moro to our sight fitting than a
showcase of spectacles from which to choose
your size your glasses If bought here sro
ground to fit your sight there's no guess
work about It our expert optician makes n
thorough examination nnd when ho gets
through you have glasses that are fitted
scientifically ,
Aloe& Penfold Co.
1408 Fanmm
Lifelong Democrats Put in Their Time
Speaking for Souud Monoy.
Duly < > f the Country to Itury llcniulln-
llon Out of SlHlit r.ntlinwIaMtlc
.Mcclliuv f tlu
Siiniiil Jliincy 1/eawiH1
Ono of the most enthusiastic meetings of
the campaign wag held at Crclgliton hall
ast night under the auspices of the Nonpar-
tlsan Sound Money league. The largo hnll was
filled from the stage to the doors. Including
ho gallery , with a crowd made up of many
of Omaha's best citizens , A largo number
of women were present , and the male portion
tion of the audience was composed of busi
ness men. lawyers , worklngmcn nnd men
of all occupations and political creeds. It
was n most enthusiastic crowd and ap
plauded the speakers most liberally.
The proscenium arch was draped with two
mmense American flags , thcso forming the
only decorations. On the stage were seated ,
besides the speakers , Messrs. Herman
Kountzo , 1 . K. Her. Warren Swltzlcr , Cur
tis Turner , J. 0. Corhy. It. W. Richardson.
John Harbach.1 Arthur Wakcley. John U.
Webster. Frank Colpctzcr , W. I. Klcrstend.
Robert Llvosey nnd others.
The nicotine was called to order by Fran
cis A. llrogan , who said thnt before be
ginning the political part of the meeting he
would Introduce Omaha's favorite singer ,
Jules Lumbard. The whtte-lmlred singer ,
who stirred men's souls during the late un
pleasantness by his songs , was greeted with
irolongcd applause. As soon as silence was
secured Mr. Lumbarrt said that during the
war ho had been a consistent republican ,
having been forced to affiliate with thnt
iarty because It represented the honor and
integrity of the nation. During the thirty
years following the war , he said he had
wen a consistent democrat on other Issues.
: mt the developments of the present cam
paign had forced htm again to Join the
ranks of the republican party. Ho then ex
plained , at some length , the causes which
liad forced him to take this step. Mr Lum-
hard then said that no was going to nrounc
the audience by sinning "America , " and he
called on everybody to Join In the chorus
The crowd rose to the occasion nnd the
building fairly shook with the volume of
sound as all Joined In the stirring national
K. A. Urocan then spoke briefly , explain
Ing the objects of the league which , hi
said , had been organized wUhln the past
two wceka through the exertions of lr
George L. Miller. The purpose of the league
was to hold meetings every night until qlcc
tlon at which the Issues would bo discussed
by citizens of Omaha who had always heel ;
relied on to guide aright the destinies of tin
city. The organization of the league , he
said , wan In line with n movement which
had extended all over the country , slmllni
organizations having been perfected In
nearly every city In the land. Mr. Brogan
lead a telegram from the Nonpartlsan
league of Kansas City saying that a league
had been organized In Miesourl with 11,000
business men as members. Following the
applause elicited by this news , Mr. Drogan
Introduced J. M. Woolworth as the chair
man of the meeting.
Judge Woolworth wcs greeted with n
storm of applausu and as noon as iiulct was
restored he plunged at once Into n discus
sion of tint nil-Important Issues of the day.
Ho predicted that If the candidates stand
ing upon the Chicago platform ehoiilil be
the victors nt the coming election a financial
revolution would Impend over the' country
and no man coulJ say what the result might
.be , "Tho vital question at Issue , . " ho said ,
"Is whether this country should maintain
the measure of value hy which It had con
ducted Its commercial business heretofore
or whether the country should descend to
the standard adopted hy less civilized na
tions thy silver standard nt the ratio of
1C to 1.
"If Bryan should bo elected a great
change would take plnco In the financial
system of the country , " and he dilated upon
the disruption which would follow In busi
ness circles by the repudiation of one-half
of all obligations. The speaker said that
the fact that Dryan Is rushing about from
place to place , malting speeches which are
filled with deception nnd misrepresentation
and falsehood , Is positive proof that his
policy Involves a great change In thci entire
financial system.
"I have always been n democrat. I never
have wavered In my fidelity to the party.
I have always been loyel to her principles.
I am loyal to UIDSO principles now. ( Ap
plause. ) I do not falter one moment In the
advocacy and the belief of the principles
upon which the democratic party at one
time carried this country on to the very
highest point of prosperity and peace. ( Ap
plause. ) Hut I must part company with
the men who have stricken out these prin
ciples and who will return us to some of
the most evil practices of our most unhappy
days. ( Applause. ) I am for prosperity , and
I believe that If Mr. McKlnley be elected
president of the United States ( applause ) ,
I bcllevo If the principles of the republican
party , as declared In Us platform , shall be
accepted and approved nnd established by
the people ob this country on the 3d day of
November , prosperity will soon return. ( Ap
plause. ) And that Is the reason that I
have parted company with the men that
I have walked with and talked with and
counseled with In the days that are passed. "
( Applause. )
The speaker then told of a conversation
with an English capitalist , In which the lat
ter had said that hero was $300,000,000 of
English capital lying Idle , waiting for the
result of the election , and this money would
at once flow Into thla country If McKlnley
Is elected.
Juilgo Eleazar Wnkcley was Introduced as
the first speaker. Ho said ho had always
been n democrat , but ho did not think
the democratic party owed any allegiance
to the crazy patchwork of governmental fal
lacies evolved at Chicago hy mistaken demo
crats , populists and renegade sllverTcpub-
llcans. Bryan's attempts to stir up sectional
strife the speaker denounced as the last re
sort of a despairing demagogue.
Taking Up the Chicago platform , the
speaker said It was composed of three groups
of planks the nullification features , the
covert attack upon the supreme court nnd
the financial planks. He discussed thu first
The smoke consumer that attaches to thn
"Acorn Oak" burns up two-thirds of thn
snioko that usually escapes through the
chimney this Minolta and gas Is the beat
part of the fuel and the smoke consumer
results In a great saving ou the coal hill
It adds cleanliness to the stove an the
greater part of the soot Is conaumed the
"Acorn Oak" is absolutely alr-tlght nnd
holds flro three days with soft coal ,
John Hussie " 8 ; Co
Consider our
The past week has been so very successful
ful nnd has met with such generous patron-
nge , that wo now offer n Inrge number of
styles of furniture not before Included , to
gether with others ( not sold ) mentioned In
our ndvcrtlsemcnt of last week , nnd list
below as many as space will permit.
Kvery article of furniture which ivn
li lit In thlK xiile In either our otrn
tii'ikcor from NOIIIC of ( he nlainlaril ,
hen ! KHIMVII niitiiiifiieliirles ,
Every Piece of Furniture is ijf iced to Sell
And you can depend upon Its being a
'Marked Itedncpit
Price. Price.
UiibiitMtercil Clinlr ,
line taiicMlry tO.IIO
Turklnli lllMiii (15.OO ( : tn.nt >
I.entlier MIIKV Chulr. . IS.OO
Delft Clinlr T.r.O i.oo
MahoKiiny China t'ase 7.II ) : t ! > .nn
Oak China Case IS. 00 11. no
Dak China CIIHC " . . ( Ml
.Mahominy Tea Tiililc . " . . ( Ml
.Maple Itocker M.nn r.ii (
Curly Illreti ItocKer . 10.oo i. on
Curlj Illreh Tiihle. . . in.oo ( I.OO
Mnho.miii ) liilatil Par
lor Table : ! . * > .Ol )
Oak Parlor Tahle. . . .1)0 )
1/jirue I'reiieli I.i' r
Parlor Tnlilc n.oo
Italtaii Itocticr , larKi *
nl/e ir..OO s. no
Oak Slilehoaril ir.OO
Oak Sideboard , very
line IS..00 IIH ) no
TnrklNli Conch itr.OO : 7S.OO
Oak 07.00
mn HOO.M i't HM'i't UK.
Mahogany Snll Kill.Ml ( r.T.OO
llraNM lied Or.Ill : ti.l : ) ( )
.MahoKiiny Soil l-ID.OO no.ID (
Oak Suit US DO IU.HO
Iron tied II.OO n.7. %
Iron lied I.HI ) U.r.O
Hair MaltrenN UO.IIO
Illreh Salt ' IT..OO
12th and Douglas Streets.
group of planks , showing that the old doc-
trlno of state's rights was concealed In a
velvety coat , designed to fool the public.
The second group , lie assorted , was placed In
the platform by the descendants of the very
men who hud profited the most by the rul
ings of the supreme court. The financial
plunks wcro also discussed. The speaker
asserted that It wA absurd to suppose that
congress could enact laws Impairing the ob
ligations of ccntrncts , vhcn the constitution
expressly prohibits any such legislation by
nny of the states. Ho declared that the
constitutional provision giving congress the
power to regulate the value of money simply
meant that congress should nnccrlaln the
commercial value of the money metal and
regulate the coinage accordingly. ,
Mr. Thomas Kllpatrlck wns the next
speaker. He addressed himself to the finan
cial question. After a brief historical re
view the speaker treated the question from
a standpoint of sound political economy ,
arguing that the law of supply and demand
regulated the price of ollvcr as well as of
other commercial commodities. Thn recent
Increase In the price of wheat waa referred
to as n proof of this statement. It was
laid down as a principle that a government
can neither IncreBtie nor decrease the value
of a mulal by coining It.
Taking up the quantlllvc theory of the
stlverltcs , who assort that an Increase of
money would Inciease prices , the speaker
argued thnt the theory was fallacious , nnd
ho called attention to the fact that the
amount of silver , gold nnd paper In this
country had been enormously Increased dur
ing recent years , but asserted that the fact
that prices are lower now than tncy Imvo
ever been before was a proof that the theory
was not well founded.
The theory of the allvcrltes that the
farmer will get Increased prices for his
wheat was exploded by the statement that
the price of wncat would be rrgulated by
the market price of the world and dependent
upon the supply nnd demand. In closing
Mr. Kllpatrlck advhed his hearers to vote
for McKlnley and predicted his election.
Henry W. Yntcs was Introduced by the
chairman and announced that , owing to the
lateness of the hour , the committee had
consented that his speech be postponed
until some future tlnu * . He said , however ,
that In the present campaign attacks hail
been made on the bankers as a class and
ho thought It was Incumbent upon mem
bers of that class that they fchould raise
their voices In self-protection. Speaking of
politics , the speaker said It was well known
that the vote of Nebraska will not bo needed
to elect McKlnley , but he said the eyes of
the whole country were ou Nebraska nnd
the state should he carried for MeKlnley by
a decisive majority nml thereby put an end
to the unrest which would follow n close
Chairman Woolworth announced that
meetings under the auspices of the Icaguo
will be held every night until election nt
the Young Men's Christian association
building , at uhlch the Issues of the cam
paign will he discussed.
Attorney PeeU Sliinipliiiv In KIUIHUH.
TOPBKA , Oct. -Oeorge It. Peck , gen
eral attorney for the St. Paul railroad , ar
rived hero from Chicago and will spend a
week campaigning In KaiiBPS for McKlnloy
and Hobart.
Wo wish nn.v we'd priced those new winter
tans and enamel * for men at $5.60 wu could
have Jiiiit as well ft not hut we started
thorn at Jl.OO and we'll stick to It tater or
roum ! toes-good warm heavy weight tbn
very beat shoo In Omaha When you'vo
bought $10.00 worth of nhoca nt our vtoro
como In and got onn of those Imported china
Drexel Shoe Co.
Free SllvcrllrN Make an I'ltort ( o
llreak Up a Itcpnhllcan .Mci-Uinr.
Nells J. Oron. one of the moat prominent
Scandinavians In the country nnd Chairman
of the Scandinavian department of the re
publican national centinl committee , ad
dressed the Danish-American McKIuK-y and
Hobart club last nlKlit nt Washington hall.
His remarks were devoted to a discussion
of the financial question , which during Urn
past four years ho has thoroughly mastered
by study and pcraonal Investigation gath
ered In n trip around the world , and cspec-
( ally In those countries which arc at pres
ent burdened with frco silver.
The meeting was another of these which
the free stiver clement In the city hava
feared might Influence voters. As n lonac-
qucnco the disgraceful tactics that have
been pursued In other republican gatherIngs -
Ings were In evidence. A poporratlr com
mittee was on hand nt the door throughout
the evening , steering- away Scandinavian
citizens hy false statements that ( iron would
not speak. Despite this fact , however , a
fair audience faced the speaker when ho
began hU remarks. The policy was carried
Into the hall , for throughout the speaker'H
remarks ho was troubled with noises which
emanated from the free ullver crowd that
had como In.
In addition to Mr. Gran , Frank ,
candidate for the state legislature on thu
republican ticket , and John Matthlesen nlao
made remarks. The latter spoke In Danish
upon the money question , llurman spoke on
stnto Issues.
_ _
at nrent Head llcxuIlN lit
Kxccllcnt .Spurt.
OltKAT UI-m : > , Kan. , Oct. HJ.-Tlio second
day of the Altcnr Cour.slng ; club'ti meeting1
afforded excellent sport , but It rained most
of the day. Uetter coursing was never seim
at this place. Hares weio plentiful again
and two rounds of the Altcar cup for grey
hounds of all apes waa run off boiucon ID
and . " ) . In spite of a long w.ilt on account
of the rain. Mr. Iliiyman s Judging and Mr ,
Cockran's slipping ga\o satisfaction.
Twenty-four gioyhoumls were entered for
the Altcar cup , and thu running resulted n
follows : inter , Denver , I'rlnco Knrl , Law
rence , Knit.
MeKlnley. fJreat lienil , beat Venetian
Hod. Colorado HJilngH.
Dakota , .St. Louis , beat L-idy Illunchu ,
lli-atrlce. Denver , Valetta. Denver.
Winning Style , Denver , beat Crow Do ,
Sylvia , St. Louis , beat lUllllant. Denver
Colonel HrcrklnrliUe , ( lieml , beat
Lady Glenn , Newton , Kan.
Uiyan , Newton , beat Lord Scntturcath ,
Lawrence , Knn.
Diana , St. Louis , beat llrldosm.ild , Den
ver.Lady Mlsterton , O ikes , N. D , , beat M.iry
V. LCIIK , Newton , Kan.
Hey a I Itl.ick , ti.inta Cruz , Cal. , beat
Huglile , Itawllmi , Wyo.
Illackstoiuv Denver , beat Fasclir'.tloi *
Great Icnd
Second round :
McKlnloy beat 1 tat tint or.
Ucalrlco beat Dakota.
Winning Style bwit Sylvia.
Colonel Hreclilnrldfo beat Diyan.
Diana Lady .Ufslcrlnii
Illaclstono ; beat Duck.
The Klmball piano continues to In the
moHt lought after of nil musical lnntru-
menlR of courzo the prlco has miniothlii ! ;
to do with It but not all for aside from
being thb lowest priced It Is the hlKliost
grade sweetest toned piano In exUtoncc It
was awarded the highest honors at Ihu
World's fair after a spirited contest with all
the planoj known to bo of good repute-
easy tor/ns.
torns.A. . H.ospe , Jr , .
Mti-slc ami Art. 1513 Douglas