Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1896, Image 1

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Austrian" Exploring Party Massacred by
Solomon Islanders.
Sailor * and OltlcerM from ( lie Wnr Hlilp
AllitUroNN Slmt Dutrn Ity the
.Vat I vex A I.a rue Xiiintiei' Are
llaitlj" U'onndeil.
SAN PIIANC1SCO , Oct. 22. New * of n
sitasKacro on the Solomon Islands was
brought up from the South seas by the mall
Rteamcr Monownl , which arrived at tills port
from Australia , via the Sandwich Islands ,
today. The jlctlma of the bloodthirsty sav-
ngtB wcro members of n party of Austrian *
which bad been taken to the Islands by
tbo Austrian man-of-war Albatross. It was
under the leadership of Henry Ilaron Foul-
Ion von Norhcck , an Austrian sclentlsl , who
lias visited many groups of Islands In the
South Rcnu and had numerous exciting cx-
perlcnccs with the nallvcs. While trnvcl-
Ing wllh an armed guard over Ihe mounlalns
of the Island he was set upon by bushmcn
and nlaln , together with three others. DurIng -
Ing the dcscrate | condlct which followed
the nssaulti many of the party were dangcr-
ously wounded. TIroso killed arc :
UECK. midshipman.
Wounded dangerously :
1'ctly Offlccr I'clcr M. Ar § .
Severely wounded :
IVtty Odlccr Kolomon Neupob.
, Petty Officer Peter Curclo.
I * Petty Officer Anton Covacvlc.
Seaman Anton Lovrlc.
Seaman Prantz Scpclc.
Slightly wounded : Native Johnny Para-
matta and the baron's servant , Nickel ) .
The Albatross was commissioned by the
Austrian government to make nclcntiric cx-
ploratlons of the Solomon Islands. During
the middle of last August a landing was
made at a place called Tlttrl on the north
ccast of Guadalcanar. From there a party
consisting of Baron Fotillon von Norbcck ,
Lieutenant Iludlk , Midshipman de Deaufort ,
twenty sailors , the baron's two servants
nnd two native guides , started out for the
purpose of exploring n mountain In the In
terior of the Island , called the Lion's Head.
After two days marching one midshipman
and seven sailors returned , the men not
being able to stand the heavy walking In
the bush. Thu baron's party that proceeded
reached a camping place at the foot of
the Lion's Head. The baron and
his servants , with native guides , wcro In
the lead , going up the hill , several natives
being apparently near or mixed with the
party , when near the top they heard two
shots fired In the neighborhood of the camp
they left , and at the slmo tlmo they saw
n bushman standing on the top of a rise , a
llttlo above them , making some signs. As he
appeared two shots were fired lower down
on the mountain , from the direction of the
camp. The shots seamed to bo a signal from
the chief to attack the party. Ilushmcn
from a score of places at once rushed out
and the baron was struck on the nock with
a tomahawk , whllo a crowd of bushmcn
attacked the rest of the party with clubs.
The native who had cut down the biron was
shot by a sailor. Llcuten ut liudlk also
put his revolver to good usi. Ono sailor
bad to protect himself with a tomahawk he
had wrested from a native. The.other sall-
urn were well armed , and the bushmen
finally had to retreat to the woods , many
of them wounded. The baron was not the
only one of thu party badly hurt. At first
It was thought ho would recover , hut he
gradually sank after he had walked back
to camp , and died In three hours.
The sight when the party returned to
camp was a bloody one. Midshipman dc
Ilcaufort had been cut to death and thu
sailors and one native guide. Six sailors and
one guide- had been wounded. One of the
guides , John Pnramalta < fought bravely ,
though his hand had been seriously wounded ,
The rifles finally told on the natives and they
The news was then sent to Captain Mauler
of the Albatross , and n relief party , headed
by first Lieutenant Kublal , and consisting
of the doctor and thirty sailors , was sent
and a safe return to the ship was made. Aftc/
the Injured men had' been taken aboard the
Albatross , Captain Mauler sailed for Cook
Town and from thence the Albatross will
go to Sydney. _ _ _ _ _ _
Competitor 1'rlNoiierN I.lliely til lie-
c-i'lvi' Severe liiiilMliiaiiit.
HAVANA. Oct. 22. Admiral do Navarro ,
as president of the naval court , has caused
notice to be served upon forty-one filibusters
and others , Including , thc crew and pas
sengers of the Competitor that they must
answer to the charge of piracy and rebellion
ugalnat the government.
Consul General Leo , In an Interview In La
Lucha , denies having Insisted upon his re
call to the United States and says that his
relations with Captain General Wcyler are
cordial , _
Korelmi Wliont 1'rlt-eM l.o ver.
LONDON. Oct. 22. At the Daltlo today
the cargo whoit market was dull at the
opening , with sellers generally offering at
a shilling less than yesterday , and no bids
nt that. U was reported that the Ilerlln
wheat market opened with free offerings
nt 4 marks down and that the market was
Etcady at a decline.
Itiilliiir I'liMitliiii Too Strum- fur Him ,
TOPEKA. Oct. 22. Postmaster W. H. L.
Peppercll of Concordla , complying with the
demand made by First Assistant Postmaster
General Jours , today resigned the secrctary-
ehlp of the democratic state central ronuult-
tee , preferring to hold to his government
olflce. '
Kritiiee Ilnx Vo Cnli ] ( o I , mil.
LONDON. Oct. 22. All the newspapers
this morning deny thn rumor ! ) which were
In circulation yesterday that the Dank ol
Franco had agreed to make a loan to tin
Hank of England with a vlou ; to preventing
a rise In the bank note rate.
Illinium of u I''luti ( at Ooiixlaallnoiile
PARIS. Oct. 22. The Temps this evening
publishes a dispatch from Constantinople
saying that a conflict has occurred at the
YlldU Kiosk between the Turkish ami Al
banian guards , during which several men on
both sides were killed.
Makex Xo ( 'ImamIn ( ho ltue.
VIENNA , Oct. 22. At the meeting this
morning of the directors of the Austro-
Hungarian bank the discount rate wan not
changed , the financial situation being satin-
factory. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'rexeiilN Spain -i u Xw Crulm-r
I1UENOS. AYUES , Oct. 22. The Spanish
community here has raised 12,000.000 with
which to present to Spain a unw cruiser.
South Iliikola llootleuner ArreNled.
CHA.MI1EULAIN. S. U. , Oct. 22. ( Special
Telegram. ) Thu keeper of a "blind pig , "
named Kibble , has. been arrested at Springfield -
field and held to appear before the circuit
court. A drunken Indian Informed ou him.
Some innnihs ago the town council refused
to license Huloims nnd since thru there
have been tun "blind pigs" In opeiatlou.
KiioriuoiiN Crop af Corn.
VEIIMILLION. S. O. , Oct. 22 , ( Special. )
Thompson & Lewi * cojumeuccd shelling
their nrlbbed corn (1885 ( crop ) hero ycstcr
any. They have nearly 1,000.000 bttaticU on
lirttid , and tliulr profit * will bo larjjc , a
( boy bought at a and 12 cent * .
Mil. CANTIji : THANKS KIM ) fUll'.M ) . " .
ixireMen : Creat Cratlliidf for ( be
.Many Knvor * .Showered t'liiin Him.
LONDON , Oct. 22. The officials cf the
Jnlted States embassy have received n letter
from Mr. Walter M , Caslle of San Francisco ,
who. with his wife Is under $150.000 ball
pending their approaching trial at the
Slcrkcmvcll sessions on the charge of steal-
ng furs and other articles from various
stores In this city. In this communica
tion Mr. Castle cxpreitacs his deep gratitude
tor all they nnd olher officials , well ns Ihe
Friends of the family In America , have done
In his behalf. Continuing Mr , Castle says :
"Never during my long business career hau
there been the slightest suspicion or hint
ngalnst my honor , In my present misfor
tune I am equally blameless and by God's
help I will remain BO In the future. "
Continuing Mr. Castle wrllcs : "The most
difficult task of my life Is to frame words
which can. In the greatest degree , express
my heartfelt gratitude for the disinterested
( Indncss showered upon me by the honor
able gentlemen of the embassy and by seem
ingly unlimited friends In London and
America. I owe them a debt ot gratitude
which cannot be liquidated In a lifetime
and the more I think of Ihe loving care
with which I have been watched and pro
tected during my days of misfortune , the
less can I comprehend how It Is possible
that a man comparatively unknown and
thousands of miles nwny from home can
iwaken such sympathy and secure the dis
interested help of such a large number of
prominent people of both great nations. "
Later in tlu\ \ day Mr. . Castle called at the
London office of the Associated press and
said ho hoped Ihe Associated press would
again convey the expressions of his gratl-
: udo to his friends In the United States.
Mr. Castle , who wan looking as though he
ind regained his health and confidence since
ils appearance in court on Tuesday , retold
in a Htralghtforward manner the circum
stances of the case as already cabled. lie
added : "I wan leaving England In the best of
spirits , had enjoyed my vacation and had at
the same lime opened Important business
connections here1 nnd on the continent
which , in my opinion , would please my
brother and help my firm.
"I was also taking homo to my mother , "
continued Mr. Caslle , "good news In regard
: o a projccl which Is dear to her heart ,
namely , the Jewish hospital of San Fran
cisco. I had approached liaroncss Hlrnch
on the subject cud had just received a letter
latcd Elchborn , Austria , In which the baron-
csa subscribed $5,000 lo the Mount Zlon
lospltal , San Francisco. "
Hcfcrrlng to the health of Mrs. Castle ,
Mr. Castle said"My wife Is In the same
condition. There Is some one constantly
with her and there can bo no doubt as to
or unfortunate condition. I think It un
necessary for any doclors or witnesses to
come from America. "
Sir Edward Clarke , Q. C. , formerly sollcl-
or general , lias been retained for the de
fence of the Castles.
SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 22. Mrs. Kate
Dwycr. prominently Identified with the re
tail fur trade In this city , leaves for Lon-
loti tonight. Her mission has but one ob-
Icet and that the opportunity which will bo
afforded her In London on November 2 to
cstlfy lo the unmistakable peculiarities ot
the unfortunate Mrs. Castle , accused ot
shoplifting. Preceding Mrs. Dwycr there
wcro sent fotward In the early part of this
week sonic sovcnly-flvo depositions , each ot
which contained the sworn statements of
[ teoplc in varying walko of life who have
ICHtlfled to the singular characteristics ot
Mrs. Caslle. Included among UIMO do-
wncnts are Etrect car conductors , dry goods
nerchints of every class , vegetable dealers
11 the section of the elty where Mrs. Castle
resided , . , butchers , coiifcctloner3 ( cliln .wa7 i
store proprietors , In fact , statements from
peoulo covering nearly the entire field In
which merchandise and other goods are
bought and sold. Efforts nnd expense have
not been spared In hunting up people who
could testify that the extent to which Mrs.
Custlo carried on her unfortunate practices
showed thai cither she defied detection or
clso was mentally deranged to such an ex
tent that she failed to realize the publicity
of her Illegal acts.
SeiiNiitloiuil ArreM of Sail Ynt Sen In
Uedimee of KiiKliuul.
LONDON. Ocl. 22. The Globe Ihis after
noon publishes a startling story of the
alleged kidnaping and Imprisonment ot a
Chinaman In the Chinese legation here.
The newspaper mentioned says thai Ihe
Chinese government learned In November
lasl that tlicro existed a conspiracy to
seize the viceroy of Canton , ns the firat
step toward the overlhrow of Ihe present
inanchu dynasty. The plot was discovered
by the premature Importation of 400 coolies
to Canton , lo assist In the kidnaping , which
aroused suspicion. Some of the leaders
were arrested and confessed , and one of
them , lr. Sun Yat Sen , escaped to the
United States and thcuco made his way to
London. This doctor , It U now alleged , has
keen missing since Saturday a week ago ,
and some of his English friends claim they
have learned that he Is Imprisoned at the
Chinese legation , having been seized by a
couple of Chinese.
The foreign- office nnd Scotland Yard of
ficials are watching the Chinese legation In
order to prevent the removal of the doctor.
The sensational story Is confirmed though
thcro nre various reports of Ihe manner In
which Iho nrrcsl was made. Sir Ilalllday
McCartney , the counsellor of the Chinese
legation , has come out In an Interview pro
testing strongly against the statement thai
the man was captured In the street. "Ho
was not tvcn Induced to visit the legation , "
snld Sir Ilalllday , "but came there of his
own accord nioro than once , believing he
would not be recognized , with a vievt of spyIng -
Ing on officials here. Ho was recognized and
arrested. "
The man's friends In London say he Is a
Hrltlsh subject. Ho has conveyed to them
the Intelligence that , ho will be poisoned or
starved to death , having had practically noth
ing to cat since bin arrest.
Sun Yat Sen practiced as u physician In
the United Stales before coming here.
< ; : uAi'ius * souxn .MO.VKY DAY.
nemoeratx of Unit Section of lotvii
1Iale a DeiuoiiNtratloa.
CEDAH UAPIDS , la. , Oct. 22. ( Special
Telegram. ) This has 'been sound money
democratic day In Cedar Itaplds. Hon. Hos-
wcll P. Flower of New York arrived In the
city shortly after noon nnd has been thn
guest of C. J. Ives , president of the Burling
ton. Cedar Hnplds & Northern road since.
ThU afternoon Mr. Flower was tendered
n reception In the club rcoms of the Gran-t
hotel , the reception committed of the- sound
money democrats and ofllccrs ot the
Woman's club , assisted In the receiving.
Several hundred called during the after
noon and paid their respects. This even
ing Mr. Flower and Judge French of Daven
port , were escorted to the big campaign
lent , where o rousing meeting was held.
Nearly -1.000 people were present , Dr.
Thcmus E , Green acting ns oillcer of the
evening , make a brief speech and Introduced
Governor Flower , who spoke for twu hours ,
being frequently applauded. Judge French
followed with a half hnuro' talk.
Warm Time * Uxpeeteil In (
CHICAGO , Oct. 22. The dlaputc over the
proposed democratic parade on the night of
October 31 will bn taken Into the courts.
The democratic manager * will ask Ihe
courts to enjoin the chief cf pollco from in
terfering with their march. Chief Uadcnoch
nays that unless he Is enjolntd he will pre
vent the parade , us the rcpubllcmiii have a
permit to parade that nlcht. obtained by
llrM application. Ho fear * trouble should
two parudcr bo held.
I'oiiiillnt .VomliuTN III Trouble.
NEL1GII , Ntb. . ( Jet. 22. ( Kpcclal Tele
gram. ) The populUt nomlnailnns of E. D ,
Kllhori : for county attorney amS. \ . 0. Fairchild -
child * , rcpretcntatlve , were not cvrtllU-d to
In tin oillco tit the countclerk. ) . Petitions
are being circulated thin oveulng. nnd -
Icm prt-acnlcd by 12 o'clock tonight , tuc
name * cannot to ; ou tin ofllclal ballot.
Philippine Natives Hang nnd Eoast and
Lacerate tbo Padrcas ,
Spiiiilnli Governor Wnltx for Helii-
roreenienlN llefore Striking a I Ic
e-In ! vc Illotv Trouble AMIIIIU-
SerlotiH Proportions.
VANCOUVER , II. C. , Oct. 22. The Em
press of Japan , which has Jusl arrived from
the Orient , brings advices regarding the
rebellion against the Spanish In Iho Phil
ippine Islands , confirming the previous re
ports that the Spaniards will likely have
anolher war as serious as lhat In Cuba ou
their hands.
Governor General lllnnco realizes that
with the present force he Is unable to quell
the revolt and consequently Is awaiting
Iho arrival ot reinforcements before strik
ing a decisive blow. Meantime the rebels
are doing a great deal of damage to
property and murdering and robbing Iho
Inhabitants. The rebellion has spread lethe
the provinces ot Manilla , LHilacnti , Pam-
panga , Nucva , Tarlac , La Lagulna , Cavlto
and llntangns. An Illustration of the
atrocities perpetrated by the rebels Is fur
nished by an atlack on a largo monaslery
In Cavllo province , which Ihey have since
Used as their headquarters. This was one
of the first places attached. Maddened by
the refusal of padrcas to yield , Iho rebels ,
on gelling Inside , resetted to the mosl
fiendish lorturcs In order to wreak their
vengeance on the padreas. Several of them
wcro hanged to trees and roasted to death
by burning wllh kerosene oil. Olhers 'wcro '
put to death In an even more cruel man
ner , portions of their bodies being cut off
by piecemeal. In the monastery the rebels
were well supplied with rifles , ammuni
tion and food , and so far hove succeeded
In driving oil the Spanish troops. Tha
report that the slip and arsenal at Cavlte
were In the hands of Iho rebels has since
been denied.
In Manilla , things are practically nt a
standstill. The prisons' arc crowded with
prisoners and over 300 have been deported
lo Iho Carolines. Hy lorlure the Spaniards
have wrung many secrets from Iho pris
oners. A triangular mark cut In Ihe arm
Is the badge of membership of the revolu
tionary society. The prison at Manilla ,
which has earned for Itself the title of
"Black Hole of Manilla , " Is an old for
tress. Prisoners arc thrown Into a dun
geon , entrance Into which Is gained by a
hole In the roof. The only ventilation Is
through a barred opening underneath Ihe
platform floor , and at high tide this means
ot ventilation Is totally closed nnd largo
numbers of prisoners who did not dto from
suffocallon wcro found to have torn each
other In a dreadful manner In fits ot In
Numerous accusations ot cowardice have
been made against Iho Spanish. In a 'brush '
wllh Iho rebels they placed native troops
In the van and when these were dispersed
the Spaniards fled. To show the stress to
which the authorities are placed for men , ,
discharging of the steamers was suspendedf
for some days because tbcro were no ol-
' '
customs officers.
H. 51. S. Pigmy has left Hong Kong for
Manilla to relieve the Redpolc. Another
ship will also bo sent there shortly In
response to the request of British subjects.
News lhat the Ilrltlsh squadron Is to be
considerably strengthened has been learned
with much satisfaction In Hong Kong.
I nit In n School ( Inenlloii COIIU-.H Up for
lllMI'IINMlllll. *
WASHINGTON , Oct. 22. The archbishops
of the Calhnlic church wcro In cession
throughout today at the Catholic univer
sity concerning the general affairs of the
church. The subjects considered were
mainly those ot church organization. Mgr.
Stcphan , head of Iho Calbollc Uurcau of
Indian Missions , appeared before the pre
lates and made a statement of the Indian
schools , with a vlow to determining what
course shall bo taken when government'
ls withdrawn on July 1 next , Ho reported
that $195,229 of government money was
available this year , which Is n CO per cent
i eduction from last year. A committee of
the archbishops , consisting of Cardinal Gibbons
bens and Archbishops Corrlgan and Ryan
and Bishop Keane , will further consider
the Indian question at a meeting at Balti
more tomorrow. Llttlo remains to bo done
beyond apportioning the funds available.
The parochial schools question did not
comn up for consideration as had been
expected , and the expressions were general
among members of the board after the
meeting that the subject had ceased to be
a source ot difference or vexation. It Is
expected a eatechlsl of learning will bo
chosen to simplify the catechism , but this ,
will be verbal rather than doctrinal.
At a supplemental meeting of the uni
versity board today Archbishop Corrlgan
was designated lo wrlto Iho teller to the
pope nominating the three namis from
which a choice will bo made for rector of
the university. The board of directors of
the university authorized the following of
ficial statement to be made , owing to pub
lished reports lhat there had been Internal
dissensions In the board : "The board
wishes It to bo understood by the public
that there arc absolutely no factions or
ccctlonal differences among the members.
The election of the candidates for Iho rec
torship was practically unanimous. To
epeak of the triumph of conservatism over
liberalism , nationalism or Americanism Is
.to misrepresent the whole situation. All
the members of the board arc equally
American in spirit. They have but ono
thought , and that la" * the welfare of the
university nnd Its steady progress to the
highest Catholic education.
DenthM of n DIIJ- .
BURWELL , Neb. . Oct. 22. ( Special. ) A.
G , Messenger , ono of the oldest settlers on
the Loup this side of Columbus , died 'last
evening. Mr. Messenger came here In 1870 ,
when this country was a wilderness nnd has
lived here since. He was known all the way
from hero to Grand Island and Columbus In
an early day and as far as Is known was the
oldest living settler this side of Columbus
on the Loup. His death was caused princi
pally by old ago. ho being about SO years
old. The funeral was held today and waa
the largest ever witnessed In the county.
ATLANTIC , la. , Ocl. 22. ( Special Tele-
gram.-.Mrs. ) P. A. Basselt. aged 85 , died
he-ro at Ihe homo of her daughter , Mrs. Lovl
I/pwnti. Mrs. Ilassutl was quite fleshy and
for the last six weeks had no dcalro to cat
anything nourishing and refused everything
hut water. For the pant week she was quite
fccblo In consequence/ Doctors say shu
literally lived oft her own flesh. *
TECUMSBH , Neb. . Oct. 22. ( Special Tclo-
gram. ) Johnson county's oldest pioneer
citizen , John B. Sharrett , died at his homo ,
nesr hero , today of old npe. Ho was about 71
years old. Ml. Sharret | with his family lo
cated ou n Johnson county homestead forty
years a o. He has Ksrvcd the county In
olllclul capacity and n-n Instrumental In
furthering Its devrlormi > t. Rrsldis iho ne1
wife , u daughter and llin-e tout a wide
circle ot relatives and frluidn mourn the
dcroluo of IhU entl/unbK * old gentleman.
SneitcHNfiil Itnlil on u llanU.
EUREKA SPRINGS , ArU. . Oct. 22. Rib-
lett , entered the Bank or Ouvlllo , nt Ca -
vlllu. Mo. , last iilsht nnd bliv open th >
k-afe. tecurlnx the contents. Thu amount
obtained by the robbertt wan large , but the
bank officials rcfuzo to give It exactly. Thc-
.rotbcry was the work of professionals.
OillelalM nl WnnlilimlonpHioklno ; for n
\Va > - to 311)1(0 tliolllenl.
WASHINGTON , Oct. ZlSsptclnl Tele
gram. ) Officials In the offlt of the second
assistant postmaster General arc figuring
on money to establish a str ot railway mall
car In Omaha like that In Washington and
several cities In Iho cotmlrj . They recog
nize Iho Importance ot putihig Into Omaha
such a car , but cannot Kc ( Qhclr way clear
on account of Ihe shorlncJii of the appro
priation. However , the offlclRla believe they
will be able to shape nailers In other
clllca to enable them to tryjsucli n service
In the west and Omaha lajtbn the list to
bo exploited. If the moncyS,00"1 ' ' show up
without asking congress for'an appropria
tion. jr.-
Acllng Complroller of Currency Coflln to
day gave out an abstract ot/fcportB ot con
dition at the close of busfttfss on October
C of national banks In Omaha and Lin
coln. Neb. On that dac ( < fclght banks of
Omaha had tolal rc-sourcra of $10.853.170 ;
loans and discounts being T7,1D1,934. There
was due from other banuj , national and
slale , $832,928 , nnd rcscrvf In banks and
dcposilcd wllh reserve np ntg amounted to
$4.SSOGCO. of which $ l,4gO(7C was In gold.
Of liabilities , capital stoclrywag $3,750,000 ;
surplus fund and undivided , profits , $393,993.
There was due to other bijfiks. national and
sUite , $3,747ti7S , and dfpoMts. JS.15I.57S.
Average reserve held was > 6.73 per ccnl.
Three national bonks In Lincoln reported
tolal resources ot $2,431,740 , loans and dls-
counts being $1C13C1G , avul reserve $2C5-
35S , of which the gold amounted to $107,395.
Deposits were $1,045,302 , and average re
serve held was 23.9S per cent.
An order was Issued today by the first
assistant pcatmaslcr general' to establish an
experimental .rural free ( delivery of mall
In Johnson county , Nebraska. The post-
office In connection with wHtch Ihe service
is lo be established his -not yet been
selected. Congress mate an appropriation
for experiments In Ibis service In the last
postofllco bill and the seh'Ice has already
been established In a number of states.
The postmaster general : hopes to cxlend
the service on the strength of , favorable re
ports to be received Inter.
F. von Schlcgcll of Minnesota has been
appointed receiver of materials under the
army engineer nt Sioux City , la.
George Nuwtcn of Omnha has been ap
pointed a messenger In Iho weather bureau
station al Omaha. v
John Rclfcl ot Indiana , Charles E. Schcll
and W. A. Light ot Kansas have been ap
pointed teachers In schools at Rosebud In
dian Agency , S. D.
Postofllces have -been established at Keown ,
Pottawatlamlo counly , ' la. , nnd William
McKcown commissioned poslmastcr ; niul
nt Stanley , Ulnta counlyVyo. . ; Charles U. .
Grlggs commissioned postmaster.
\ MVN for the Army.
WASHINGTON , Ocl. > 2. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The order detailing First Lieutenant
John P. Ryan , Sixth cayalry. for duly nl
Wrat Point , has been revoked.
Seoud Lieutenant WJathrop S. Wood.
Tenth cavalry , has beenUetmllcd for duty
at West Point. „
Second Lieutenant ' Harry 0. Wlllnrd ,
Seventh cavalry , has bctn dJreclcd to re
main with Ihu Tenth cavalry , Instead ot
joining his company. > <
Second Lieutenant William S. Graves.
Seventh Infantry , has bddn granted ihrco
months' leave. _ i
enls have been Issued , ii
, . . . ,
lttl > tLI * * - -
Iowa Lucius F. BHftol , Shell Rock , J.JO.
Baxter and J. SI. Scarlcs/ Cedar Rapids ,
towel holder ; Alfred A. Clark. Dubuque ,
botllo ; Malt J. Frambach. Rock , fanning
mill ; Mary E. Hcrron , Oskaloosa , garment
supporter : Tcnls Olson , .Harlan. revolving
show rack ; Lansing W. Hurlburt. Crcston ,
handle for knives and forks.
YuiikcrH 1'ollce Ilkrre llt Iilon tlm
.Mr. AnilriiH AVilN AuMUHHliiuUMl.
NEW YORK. Oct. ? 2. Chief Mangin of
the Yonkers pollco said tod.ay thai Ihe mys
tery surrout.dlng Iho tragicdeath of Hamltn
J. Andrua of the Arlington Chemical com
pany , who was killed : by on explosion In his
onico yesterday , has--been solved. Chief
Mangin said thai Mr. Andrus Jiad nol been
killed by anarchists , uor was his death the
result of any plot , as _ was nt first supposed.
The chief , after a careful Investigation , has
come to the conclusion , that Mr. Andrus
met his death while experimenting with u
machine which ho Intended to use on the
aafo In his ofllce to kill burglars should they
attempt to rob the safe.
The brother and son 'of Mr. Andrus do not
accept Chief Mangln's theory , but Insist
that Mr. Andrus was the victim of a mur
derous plot. _ . ,
Coroner Mills says hoIs not ready lo
concede lhal Andruw was accidentally killed
and he will continue thu investigation until
the mystery that surrounds thu tragedy
shall have been cleared away.
Coroner Mills today found thirty feet of
wire under the building : In which the explo
sion occurred , togelhcr wllh four dry cell
batteries , which had. evidently been used In
creating an electric current. The .wire was
stretched under the llpor of the office build
ing lo a point directly beneath where stood
the box which Is believed to have contained
the bomb. These .wires are said to have
run to an unoccupied building In the vicin
ity of the chemical works , Owing to today's
developments the inquest has been postponed
for n week.
DeetlneH lo u I'olut I'Jvo Cent * Ilelnw
NEW YORK , Ocl. 22. Today's wheat
market declined to a point C ccnls below
lasl night's close. All day. long the markel
was under bear conlrol , although at mid
day talk of export 'business In the north
west started some 'buying. It only served
lo Intensify the demoralization of the last
half hour , however. 'At 1:40 : o'clock Decem
ber ruled fairly steady at 80 % cents , whllo
soon afler 2 o'clock ; it told at 77 U cents.
The decline was almost unprecedented In Its
fierceness. It was caused by a tight money
market and Inability1 of- bulls to hold on to
their wheat any longer.Tie break was ac
complished by the wildest excitement and
prices descended so .rapidly that It was
utterly Impossible for .brokers . to execute
their orders anywhcret near the desired fig
ure. Plunges of from % .cent to > , & cent
were frequent. Early iln the day traders
had an Idea lhat the/ , brook was over and
loaded up accordingly , quly to be caught by
the slump near thu close , Foreign houses
were heavy sellers during the entire ses
sion. Reports from Liverpool , Berlin and
Pails showed weakneis , ateach market. In
addlllon lo tills northwestern receipts wcro
again ou a large scale.Transactions for
the day amounted to 13,439,000 bushels. In
corn and oats there wca a small trade ,
with a very steady market. The opening
was weak , but ( he offering1 were soon taken
care ot and during tkt > balance cf Iho ses
sion Iho markets were .steady , casing off u
little In the last few minutes with the break
In wheat.
_ _
Sovrrt'lKiiN ( o Ilu Cniirt'rd'il
Into AmiTlenii KincIeH.
SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 22. The steam
ship Monownl tbat arrived from Australia
today 'would have been a rich prize for
likatcfl bold , had aho been Intercepted on
Her recent vpyago. Cafuly stov/ed away in
Ihu ccjfcrs of the venae ! were bright shinIng -
Ing gold sovereign * , amounting In value
to 1157,000. The approximate value of thu
I'nelUH money In coin of the United Statca
l.i K'.tiSG.OUO. Tbo money was consigned to
Assistant United BtaUfl Treasurer Berry and
will probably be incllt-d down and mode Into
Cnlted Statei $20 pieces.
LONDON , Oct. 22. The Bank of England
has advanced Its rate ot discount from 3 to
1 per cent.
Tininnr ITPP /Mniir-iv
Bryanitcs at Oovington Try to Break Up a
Sound Money Meeting.
n Denioc'ratle Prlnt'lplcM nt
niul DeclnreN lie Will Vote
for 1'nlnier niul IliieUnor "N
the True DemocriitN ,
COVINGTON , Ky. , Oct. 22. Secretary of
the Treasury John G. Carlisle made Ihe
first ot his scries of Kentucky speeches
hero tonight In Odd Fellows' hall , which
was crowded to Ils utmost capacity. He
Was received with most generous and hearty
applause when he appeared on the stage.
This was followed by vociferous cheers tor
Bryan from about 100 men standing
In a line at the rear ot the hall. This con
tinued some time after Secretary Carlisle
began to speak , completely drowning his
voice , so those nearest him on the singe
could not hear his words. At thu same time
a crowd occupied the street and rent the
air wllh shouls for Bryan. This continued
at frequent Intervals during the enltrc
speaking. Now and Ihcn a man on Iho
DiUldc would shout , "Carlisle , the trailer. "
Once , after Mr. Carlisle began his speech ,
ho stopped and begged the turbulent crowd
lo leave the hall. The disturbers did not
leave , but they Interrupted him afterwaid
less frequently. The mayor and several po
licemen were In the hall , but no percep
tible effort was made to stop the disturb-
While Secretary Carlisle was Intcrruplcd
continuously during his speech and eggs
wcro thrown about the hall , four being
thrown upon the slage , Iho most disorderly
scene was at the close of the meeting , when
hoodlums gathered about the exit wllh In
sulting remarks. There were many noisy
people on the street and In such spirit as
to threaten violence as well as Insult to
the secretary. The authorities had not
taken radical action to prevent disturbance
up lo this lime , but after the meeting the
mayor and chief of police promptly fur
nished a detRchmenl of twenty policemen ,
who safely and quietly escorted Secretary
Carlisle to the residence of Mr. Frank Holm.
Secretary Carlisle was disturbed and
showed his annoyance over the yelling at
the opening of the meeting , but lie did not
know any eggs had been thrown till after
the meeting was over , although one ot the
eggs struck the center chandelier. He was
Intensely lu earnest In his argument and
held his audience In close attention. He
was unconscious of the howling clement
outside of the hall and was himself sur
prised nt the calling ot a detachment of
police to escort him to Mr. Helm's residence.
He will speak at Bowling Green Saturday
night and at other points In Kentucky ncxl
week , when II Is feared he will encounter
Mr. Carlisle opened by challenging his
"severest opponents , " although he had par
ticipated in nearly every political contest
lhat had occurred In the country since he
was 20 years old , to show that ho had ever
uttered an undemocratic sentiment or cast
an undemocratic vole , and proceeded :
= yi < h 'fo.wora..demoqratlai principles long
befpru/Uicro'WnH nny3dBhlpcrutla-orinnlzn
history of thl country-wtfcnrMhrrewuir.
not a strong and iiBbresmvo'tlrmoonulo >
sentiment among our people. It was the
vital forcu behind the revolution which
resulted In the achievement of our Inde
pendence ; It was embodied In that great
declaration which startled thu crowned
heads nnd electrified Iho oppressed people
of thu world In 177C. What am the prin
ciples of this American democracy , for I
do not rcTer lo Dial wild , turbulent and
itestrucllve form of democracy which lias
'icen Imported from abroad nnd which IH
EO nearly allied to anarchy thnt It ! H al
most Impossible lo distinguish one from
the other ? Liberty , regulated and pro
tected by law ; local pulf-govurnmcnl nnd
strict construction of the powers delegated
by the states and people to their agents ;
no Interference with the private business
of the citizen , except so far an may be
necessary for UK ? preservation of the pub
lic peace , the .public health , thu enforce
ment of honest contracts , and the malntc-
nancu of fho just authority of the state
and federal governments , ti proscription
on account of religious Iwller freedom of
speech , freedom of the presi , habeas corpus ,
the subordination of thu military to the
civil authority ; no taxation beyond thu
jiccesHltles of the government honestly nnd
economically administered ; the nearest
possible approach to .tho absolute freedom
of commercial Intercourse at homo and
abroad , and sound money for the use of
thu people In order that their trade might
be profitable and thai they may not bo
cheated out of their earning * by the use
of spurious or depreciated coins or Irre
deemable paper.
These are some of the familiar and es
sential articles In the creed of the old
democracy which during the last 100 years
nan been Illustrated and consecrated by
the genius of Thomas Jefferson , the hero
ism of Andrew Jackson , and the courage- ,
fidelity and patriotism of Grover Cleve
land. During all that tlmo democracy lias
constituted the nreat conservative force of
thn country. It Is opposed to paternalism
and radicalism In all their forms , and at
cyery great crisis In our affairs It has ap
pealed to the sober reason and Judgment
of the people for support. It docs not
recognize the omnipotence of any human
government nnd 11 , therefore , denies the
power of congress or parliaments or kings
to create value's by laws or proclamations.
This Is the kind of democratic doctrine I
believe In , and my support will -bo given
to the candidates who represent It In this
After reference to the question of party
regularity , Mr. Carlisle proceeded :
Here In Kentucky thu state committee ,
without authority , and In defiance of the
action of the Htate convention , which nomi
nated a full electoral ticket , ban entered
Into a contract by which It has traded off
a part of the votes of the people , actually
bargained , sold , assigned and transferred
them from some of the electoral candidates
regularly nominated by tbo democratic con
vention at Lexington to your electoral can
didates selected by the populist committee ,
thus making It Impossible for any citizen
of this flute to so cast his vote at thu
approaching election as to give the nomi
nees of thu Chicago convention the entire
benefit of bis support. Have'wu cenned to
be democrats because wo refuse to support
tills electoral ticket not nominated by tbo
state convention , but mutilated and dis
figured by thu names of now electoral can
didates , pledged to cast tnelr votes for a
wild and recklens pomillst for vice presi
dent of the l.'nlted States * , and who. If
elected , might become president , and be In
vested with all the jmwers of that great
olllce. This IH not a democratic electoral
ticket ; It represents two political parties
and two political platforms , no one ot which
Is democratic , according to any doctrinal or
historical test that can be applied to them.
In view of the record of the party. I Insist
that thu proposition to revolutionize-
monetary system by legislation authorizing
Uiu free nnd unlimited coinage of legal ten-
dur silver at thu ratio of II ! to 1 , when thu
trite commercial ratio In about 31 to 1 , must
bo considered and decided entirely on Its
own merits , without any adventitious sup
port from the assumption that It IH of demo
cratic ! origin , or that It I * consistent with
any democratic flnanclnl policy ever here
tofore authoritatively announced ; but If
such a policy IK right , If It IH not Incompati
ble with tbu honest observance of public
and private. obllgnlloiiH , and would bo bene
ficial to the country , the fact thai It
originated with our political opponents and
IH a wldu departure from our past declara
tions on the subject , ought not to prevent Its
favorable consideration.
The question U not whether the United
Hlatcs nloue have the power to adopt free
coinage and Hllver monomutnllem , but
whether In view of our own domestic con
ditions nnd Interests , and of our extensive
commercial nnd financial relations with the
other treat civilized nations of the world , ;
It would bo good policy and good faith to
muku sueli a radical change In our cur
rency and such a wholesale repudiation ot
our obligations. it Is not a question of
power ; It IH not a question of national Independence -
pendonco , bill It IH a question of prosperity
and ! honor Ou one point only do wo
question the power of the t'nlted HtatcH In
reHipcct lo tills subject , Wo deny ubso-
lutely th : legislative or executive net
of till * p i > nt or of nny other govern-
ineiit , In gieal and powerful , can
make do In silver equal In value to
IPO cents , of gold , or equal In value
to the uo _ ties which 100 cents In gold
will buy
Mr. C then made nn exhaustive
argtimcn it the free coinage of sliver ,
In which itcnded thnt It was n dan-
gcrous which , If It becnine a law
of the oiihl result disastrously to
all business and occupations ; nnd to none
would UH effect prove more harmful than
to the farmer nnd the wage earner. Con
tinuing , he said :
If the American people will declare by
nn overwhelming majority of their votes *
thai our prcwonl standard of value Is to
be permanently maintained , thnt no oon-
tract * are to be violated , no obligations
repudiated. In wholeor in part , and that
the public peace Is to bo constantly main
tained , public and private property
scrupulously protected and the public au
thority promptly vindicated whenever and
wherever It may be assailed , n long step
will bo Inkcn toward tbu restoration of
prosperity In every part of the country.
The next step Is to take the government
of the Unltc-d States entirely out of the
banking business by retiring nnd selling
every one of the notes issued by It , thus
forever stopping thu demand upon the
treasury for their redemption In gold or
silver and placing the hurnon of furnishing
gold , when gold Is demanded for the re
demption of notes , upon the banks , where
It properly belongs nnd where It always
rested until the government most mnvltuly
Inaugurated the policy of Issuing Its own
obligations to circulate an money. Retire
the old United States notes and the treas
ury notes of ISM and gold will flow Into
this country from all parts of the world to
takeIhelr places In the circulation nnd our
currency system will bo firmly established
upon n substantial and enduring basis.
There aru many who believe , or profess
to l/cllcva that these Importations of got-.l
nre due to some artificial cause. I can ns-
sum our rupplcloua friends thnt there 13
nothing nrtlllclnl In this movement of gold ,
that It Is the natural nnd necessary result
of the existing financial conditions on the
opposite .tides of the Atlantic nnd that It
will cense whenever the equilibrium Is sub
stantially restored , whether that be before
or after election. It will certainly cense
after the election whether tbtS equilibrium
Is restored or not , If thn people of the
l.'ulted States , by their votes. Inaugurate
the policy of free coinage at tbu ratio of
Iti to 1 , nnd Ihu gold , whicn , favorable bal
ance and profitable rate ? of Interest have
recently brought to our shores , will depart
from us ns rapidly ns the fastest ship * can
carry It across Ibe sen. Our treasury re-
pcrve will be Immediately exhausted , the
gold cold by the people and financial In
stitutions will cease to be used as money ,
the circulation will bo puddonly and enor-
inous'y contracted , not only by the with
drawal of gold , but on account of the In-
evltnble panic which will prevail In o\-ery
part of the country , and we shall enter nt
once upon a long period of suffering nnd
distress unparalleled In our history. Un
til I havn lost nil confidence In the Intelli
gence nnd patriotism of the American peo-
ide , I cannot believe they wl'l deliberately
Incur the risk of Industrial and commercial
ruin , merely for the purpose of making n
financial experiment , which IH opposed to
rill dtetales of Hound reason and condemned
by the experience of a'l mankind.
I'oiiorrntlo rriiKiioNtlenUoiiH Do \ < it
IMMiirb Oinnlin' * CoiiKrcNNiiiiin.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 22. ( Special Tel * ,
gram. ) Congressman Mercer did not ex
press any alarm at the report which was
printed In n special dispatch from Omaha
to the Post this morning to the effect that
there had been such a change In sentiment
In his district that ho was In danger ot
being defeated. On the contrary , the Second
end Nebraska's representative eaya that his
campaign la In the hands of competent mun
ngVirs , jln > whom ho has thn utmost con-
ndencw53fcf"Pr4"rePorts } - ° f' ' * hl Uuatlonf
'whlcli * < fsfrcque5tj'nre4otJsuch.-nature a
inako Mr. Mercer absolutely auro that * tliej
election In his district will nsult In his
Mr. Mercer , In dlscucslng the dispatch to
day , said : "This talk about a large pcr-
centngo of Germans In the city of Omaha
coming out for free silver Is nil nonsense.
I have received probably 200 letters from
my Gorman constituent ! ) In Omaha and they
all tell mo that the Germans are solid for
sound money. I have also had other ad-
vIcCH , and have no fear as to the result of
the election In my district. "
Mrs. Mercer has Improved considerably In
health in the lost two days , but la and will
probably hn confined to her bed for some
tlmo to come. Mr. Mercer Bays ho will not
leave Washington until It Is absolutely safe
for him to do so.
Sound Money Hi toralli * .Meellnpr
HroUen Ui by a Mob.
WEBSTER CITY , la. , Oct. 22. ( Special
Telegram. ) Thirty arrests have been made
at Itclmond , a small town just north of
here , on the charge of rioting. A few even
ings ago a sound money democratic rally
was In progress In that place , when about
forty visitors from the country tried to
break up the meeting. The marshal stepped
in to keep the peace , when the mob
grabbed him and commenced to abuse him
most shamefully. Ills head received sev
eral bad gashes , which has placed him In
a critical condition. The marshal was taken
to his homo by n few friends , who finally
secured possession of him. After the mar
shal was taken away the mob proceeded
to break nnd destroy property. Stones
were recklessly dashed through the furniture
store windows and other acts of violence
committed. The cases against the men ar
rested will be pushed with vigor.
Silver TleUetN Hilled Off ( lie ( Illlelnl
Ilallol In Sever ill CIINON ,
SALT LAKE CITY. Oct. 22. A special to
the Tribune from Helena , Mont. , says : The
supreme court today decided eight election
Injunction cases. The two moat Important
cases were from Silver IJow nnd this county.
The Silver How case was relative to the state
citizens' silver ticket , which was placed In
nomination by that party In Untie. The
court decided that it had no place on the
olllclal ballot nnd Instructed the county
clerks throughout the state not to put It
on the ballot. The electors on the ticket
wcro for Bryan and Scwnll. The case from
this county Involved n county silver ropubi
llcan ticket , which was to go under the
silver state ticket headed by llryan nnd
Snwali electors. The decision of the court
wipes It off the olllclal ballot.
Chairman Under lleule * Hint Ho HUN
Heeelveil ( lie Doeiliiienl ,
ATLANTA , ( la. , Oct. 21' . In rraponsu tea
a telegram ot Inquiry addressed to him
concerning Mr. Watson's letter of accept-
ance. Chairman Marlon Duller wires mo
Atlanta Journal KB follows :
"Telegram received. Letter hr.n not yet
reached me.
"MARION 11UTLEK , Chairman. "
Moetlnir lit f.'reeiMviiod.
GREENWOOD , Nc ! ; . , Oct. 22. ( Cpcelnl
Telegram. ) Thu republicans of Greenwood
held a rousing mooting this even INK. Stand
ing room was at n premium nnd many people
wcro iiuablo to gain ndtnlltanre to the opera
house. Addressee worn undo by Messrs. Or
ion and Young , candidate * for the hntuo ,
anil by John A. Davit's nnd Judge Chapman.
The spcGchi'H wcro all good and unbounded
ciithiuiluHin prevailed. Thn addrcmrs of .Mr ,
Davles and .Indue Clmpma'i wcro pronounced
the best the pc'opli ! of Greenwood have lis
tened to thin campaign ,
.MeKlnlev LeiiKni * I'lnlcrlnliiH ,
PLAINVIEW. Neb. , Oct. 22. ( Special Tele-
grain.Judge ) Vf , V. Xnrrln f 1'unca ad-
drcwcd tin ! Plainview MeKlnluy league at
the opera Imiiae. Tha house was well
Illlcd. I'opulls'H tnd democrats evinced un
usual Interest In thu doctrines of republicanIsm -
Ism , which wcio clearly explained. Plain-
view and vicinity are mifo for McKlnley and
a growing sentiment prevails throughout
I'lerco county in favor nt sound money and
protection ,
President Cleveland Emphasizes the High.
Mission of the Colleges ,
M ( lint ItiHtlliitlonx of I.enrn
IIIR Can K\i > rl Wluilononu * In-
llueiice In I'nrlfyliiK and Sleady-
Iniv 1'olltleal Sentiment. ,
PRINCETON , N. J. , Oct. 22. Fair
weather again favored Princeton today and
made the exercises of the nesiptl-ccntennlal
anniversary day doubly enjoyable. The
presence of Iho presldenl of Iho Unllcd
3lales had Ihe effect of Increasing the al
ready large * crowd In town , nnd Alexander
hall , In which the ceremonies of the day
wcro held , was packed almost to suffocation
when Rev. Dr. Theodore L. Cuylcr of Ilrook-
lyn began the exercises with a simple ,
heartfelt prayer for Hie conlluuallon to
I'rlnccton untvcralty of the prosperity It
had enjoyed under the title of the College
of New Jersey.
Previous lo the beginning of the cele
bration Ibe Philadelphia Clly Iroop assem
bled al Ibe home of Presldenl Patten , where
President Cleveland had been n guest over
night nnd escorted the head of the nation
on fool through the university grounds to
Alexander hall. Mrs. Cleveland wan driven
In an open carriage , under the escort of
Mrs. Patton , to the hall. The delegates rep
resenting Institutions of learning nil over
the world and the faculty assembled nt Mar-
quand chapel , and , clad In Ihelr academic
gowns , made their Imprcsslvu march to
Alexander hall preceding President Clove-
land. They occupied the Bame scats as
After Dr. Cuyler's prayer Presldenl Patton -
ton nradc the formal announcement that
what was formerly the College of New
Jersey would henceforth and forever bo
known as Princeton university. A scene ot
wonderful enthusiasm greeted Dr. Patton'a
words. Ho then announced the endowment
fund received , nmounlliig lo nearly $1,500-
)00 , not Including the amounts contributed
for Ulalr hall by John I. lllalr of Illalrs-
lown , N. J. , nnd Ihe new library.
The ceremony of conferring Iho degrees
on the sixty-five men elected for that honor
was next on thu program. It was learned
today thai Presldenl I'ntton desired lo con
fer fhc degree of doclor of laws upon Mr.
Cleveland , but the president modestly de
clined the honor.
Thu degree of doclor of laws was conferred
upon a large number of European collcgo
professors and scholars. Including Karl
DrURiuann , University of Lclpslc ; Edward
Dowden , Trinity college , Dublin ; Andruw
Seth , University of Edinburgh ; Goldwlu
Smith , Toronto , and Joseph J. Thompson ,
University of Cambridge. Among the
Americans similarly honored , arc : James
II. Angcll , University of Michigan ; William
Gardner Hale , University of Chicago ; Wil
liam T. Harris , United Stales commlKsloncr
of education ; Joseph Lccontu , University ot
California , and Seth Low , Columbia uni
versity , New York City. The degree ot
doctor of divinity was conferred , among
others , upon Rev. Morgan lllx , New York ;
nisbop John F. Hurst , Washington , D. C. ;
Rev. 8. J. Mcl'hcrson , Chicago ; Rev. 3. J.
Nlccoll , _ St. Louis , and Rev. Prof. M. n.
RldiUc , 'PltteburK , Pa. Upon the following ,
among olhcra , . of doctor of lettcra
was conferredruclihrdr Wntetm Glider.
Augustus St. Gaudens , Horace B. Scudder
nnd Charles , .Dudley Warner. ,
The honorary degree of doctor of laws
was also conferred , In ab'scntlu , upon Lord
Kelvin , the Scottish naturalist , and Otto
Struvc , formerly director of the observatory
at Pulkowa' , ItUEtila. -
Next came the principal event of the day ,
the address by the president of the United
States. Mr. Cleveland spoke as follows :
Mr. Provident nnd I miles nnd Oentlo-
incn : As thorfi ! In different occupations )
nnd with different training each HCO mont
plainly In tbu amo InndHcnpa view those
features which urn the inoft nearly rc-
Inled to their several ImlilUml cnvlron-
inentH , HO In our contemplation of nn event
or nn occasion each Individual especially
observes and appreciates , in the light bin
mode of thought uupplicx , nueli of Ita
ftaturcH nml Incidents an are most In bur-
mony with hla mentnl Hlumllon.
Today while nil of UH warmly Fbnro tfip
general enthusiasm nnd felicitation which
pt rvudu this astscmb'.ngc , I am mini Its
various suggcsllouH and mcanlnga UKsumo
a promlnenci ! In our respective lleldH of
mental vision dependcnl upon their relation
to our experience nnd condition. Thono
charged with the management and direc
tion of the educational advantagen of thin
noble Institution most plainly xee. with well
earned mitlRfaetlon , proof : ) ot ltn growth
and usefulness-and Its' enhanced opportuni
ties for doing good. Tlio grndunto ot
Princeton Keen first thu evidence of a
grenter glory nnd prentice that have come
to lilH nlma mater nnd the added honor
thence reflected upon him , whllo those mill
within her student hallx HCO most proml-
nently the promise of mi Increased dignity
which awaits their graduation from Prince
ton university.
Hut there are others here , nol of Iho
family of Princeton , who HCO with an In
tercut not to lie outdone the signs ot her
triumphs on tbo fields of li-shcr education
nnd the part she IUIH taken during her long
and glorlcuH career In thn elevation and
betterment of n great people. *
Among IhcHc I take a humble place ; nml
as I yield to thu Influences of this occa
sion I cannot resist the train of thought
which especially remind" me of the prom-
I no of national safety and thu guaranty ot
the iiermaiu'iicu of our fre InRtllulloim
which may and otiRht to radiate from Iho
universities nnd colleges scattered through
out our land.
Obviously n government resting upon tbo
will and universal HiilTrngn of the peoplu
has no anchorage except In the people's In-
tcllUcnce. Whllo thu advantage * of a col-
Icglatn education nre bv no means neccs-
nary to good citizenship , yet Iho college
graduate. found every where , cannot
smother hp > opportunities to teach his fellow -
low countrymen nnd Influence them .for
good , nor hide Ills talents In n napkin with
out recreancy to u tniHt.
In n nation like ours nharged with the
cnro of numerous and widely varied Inter-
rsts , n spirit of conservatism and toleration
Is absolutely essential. A colleglntu trainIng -
Ing , the study of principle : ) unvexcd by tils-
uncling nnd misleading InlluenccH and a
correct apprehension of the theories ) upon
which our republic IH established ought to
constitute the college prnduntti like a con-
stunt monitor , warning against popular
rashness and excess.
The character of our Institution ) ! and our
national self-interest require that a fcelinjj
of Hlneoic brotherhood and a disposition to
unite In mutual endeavor should pervade
our people. Our arhctnc of government
Ir. Its beginning ivns based upon this sentl-
ment and ItH Intel ruptlon hux nnvor fulled
and can never fall to gtlevously menace our
national health. Who cnn butter caution
against pasHlon and hltlcrncKK than tliono
who know by Ihuught nnd tiiudy their bane-
fnl noiiHoiiunncru and who are themsclveu
within the noble brotlicthood of higher cdu-
cation ?
Thcro are natural InwH nnd economic
trutliH which command Implicit obedlenca
nnd which should unalterably fix the
baundn of whol a > me pnpulnr dl'cusalon and
the limits of political iilrlfe. Tbu knowl-
ndgo gained In our unlvernltleH and colleges -
leges would bo iiadly deficient If ItH benc-
flclarlcs worn unable lo recognUo and point
out lo their fellow citizens these trutlm nnd
natural laws , and to teach thu rnlschlcvoim
futility of tholr iion-oliHommco or nt-
tempted violation ,
Tim uollvlly of out people and tholr rest-
lo 3 tlrtilru to gather to themselves cspcclnl
boiietltH nnd ndviintage.f lead lo Iho growth
of an tendency to regard their
government IIH the giver of prlvnto gifts
find to luok upon thu agcnclox for Its ml-
ministration at > dl.ilrlhuton * of olllclal
plitccx anil pu'fcrineia. Tnoso who In unl-
vendty or coliegp tutvc ha.i an opportunity
to study the ml slon of our Inntltutloim
nnd who In the light of History have learned
tlin daiigor to n r.'opie of their neglect of
ilio patriotic cvro they owe tbo national
lifelititruMtcd to their keeping , should bo
well fitted lo cnrHlaiitly lidrnonlHb their fcil-
low rlil/.cna inn * the UH. fulneas and benell-
fi r. < t > of tbr-1- i .HI ot fc'overnment can only
! p , ' < ; tiArv < ! ( l tliiouuh their unHolllua and
uadyli'i ! support and their eontojucJ will *