Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1896)
i son. COUNCIL nn iln lu BLUFFS DEPARTMENT . K ! / MIMIII I' niipllf | arid ummiR , III ll I'lrKml rttlMto' rnttiri lo HIP npi lit liriMno InnlKhl ' "Infill J ,1 Ulna dm * n tin * none to Kcoknh In mil it I frOrml rmirt Allirtiiiui llrnwn who hn Item HI ' < " inn iinir H anln .ildp in I * nw nl I , nn > UIHM fmriurnd lirr * rm ymirretny li fullhm l liw home W * W-mlilnKlon On ixir iiKniRhix , mid I. * > t1i nr Jiefiirlty v\ltl nn 1 1 nl llirlr ) mtl III Hie llnio block till * IK lilllR M y Pram I * l' n of lltiuim In. In visit- Inc. lur nlntrr. Mm Joint T Field. on oik- Und nvriiiir 'l > Mi llMdlny , ilrnilly United Stale's in * r In I lift * Ki'tir ' to Ktiiknk lu nttriul frdrral miirl Minn Ullllnnm linn KIIIIO In KltkMlllc. Mo , lo ] > i ' ( IT innllirr. who ling hre-n there fur i mi * time * i * mi < if dlphthi-rln wan roptirte-d > fjtcr- tint ni Ilir rrnlilrnro u ( Carolina Olson , S12 I'lfi i nth nvi'iiuc ijin litl inri'tlliR Oman's Christian Tem pi mm i < union nt MIH .1 ( I Sc'inrnVtulncs - d.iy ( tflolirr 21 , it 3 o'clock. Minn l/um M rnlmc-r of Mrail. Neb. niul Minn Nidlle Kiiowln aic vIMlhiK "lib Mr ; ) ( I A Hlidlluim nil .Sixth ii\cnilr Mlwi Kittle Kirk , Ilvlni : nn St-vinloe-nlh vi-ttuo anil Ninth street. lias re-porte-d tin * levin of n Hold walch tn the police. I here Mill lie u special inc-c-tlliK of \\iMiinn'i ( llellef corps I10 ! Frlii | ; > , Oe'lobc-r 2.1 , lit 2 ,10 in the ( Irntnl Army of the llc- inililk1 Imll. Ulillc Hose llrhcknh | OIKO ! No. 2SI pave- n micrcsnfill masquerade ball last cvcnlim nt thn new ( Mil Krllnwn bull A law eiim- | < nny Mm priscnt nnil ilnniliiK VVBH enjoyed until mlilulKht Waller Sewell. thr > tlarold son of Mr nnil Mri K E Sen ell. illeil Tuesday of uplnnl fever Tliu funeral will be held thin nflermxm nt 2 o'clock from the fninllj residence , 2412 KlKhlh avenue- . Thn McKlnlcy Marching chili went to Oinnha Init vvc-nlni ; In full dress unlforiii They limilo n flue nppenrnnce. mid Captain Itiibliinnii , the ( ommaniler and orKinlzer. v > ni ( pnrtlcnlnrly pleased with them The Klrst llnptUt thiireh people arc ar ratiRliiK to hrltiR out n now version of the "IVniple of Fame" for the hcncflt of the ( hiircli It will ho Klvcn some time ntcr rlictlon Mrs. Kara nan charce of the \eit- liirp A U'lllulo linn Hied nil Information against Itlii wife Abblo Wlllsle. askltiK that she In * examined ns to her sanity The hearing linn hci n net for thin innrnlnt ; , uhen Mrs Wlllsln will be brought before the corn- nil Moticr of liiaanHy at the county clerk's olllcc llrv and Mra. tV Hrewer were plens- milly KUrprlned b > tint members of the Trinity Mi-thoillnt church coiiKreKntlon Tue - ilny e\rnliiK Mr llreuer ban hut recently tnkrn charKi' of the church mid his Mock < anii > in Minute and Illlul up his larder to ( ' i : II Campbell and Colonel Daker will do minio more d > namlte blnstliiK In the Ixd of Mixiiilto | creek , Hcnitli of the ell ) Tin Nmcenit of the experiment tried Tiles ( bya enrotirniliiK and se\eral obstrue tliniR In the bid of the Btreaiu will bo re mined | n thin manner. Additional Inltrtnl bun hren added to "Trllb ) b ) the diath of ( liorRe Oil Mai : rlir the author , a ucrk OKI ) In KiiKlan "Trilby will be priscnted here on next Hnturdn ) nlKln. October 21 , by A M 1'al liter ( ap.ible lompanyhkh has just re hirned to thin cotintr ) from a successful tour of Australia It \V llurke. who ll\cs on the corner of I'ranklln and llennctt nxeniies In this tlt > . nppe.iled to the pollie last night for help In ItndliiK Ills tiain mid uaKon. llurko ronsldtr.itily Intoxlrnted. but he maniKrd to ttll the olllcem that he had left his ttam on the corner of Twelfth and Dongas stncts. In Omaha , while he entered n tinloon near li > tn et n drink He Is positive lie wait only In there . \ few minutes , but when he came out hli team was Rone. J-'i u-rnl days HRO the police rccehed won that Herman IlufTman had csripcd from the II05R' reform echool at ninor.i and wn iiuppodcd to be In this city I In ft 111:11 : wan mnt to the reformatory from IhlH clt > nnd It uan believed that he would e\entuall > takn thin way JV Illn . rcprcstntatiu of the Inntltutton has been In town MHeni daH walttiu : for the hey to put In an ap jirarmue Yrsti nlny inornltiK Olllcer Mur ph > found Iliifftiimi on the strrelH and took lilin to tin station The hey hid had sonii prettj roiiKh experience In making his wa > tn thin ( Ity and WHS hearthraken a Hie prnnprct of being ont back The I Ulora ( illHer took him away lust night 1'o'ls for the electric light towers ownci b ) i ho cii > were received jmtordny am illstrlbuied The clt ) council made a de trrmllicd effort to force tbe tleetrle light ing comp.111) to defray the cost of puttlm , U ) them' new guj wlro posls to prevent the tuvvirn falling dovMi , but the company stead fault ) rifuxd to do so on the ground tint the towers belonged to the city and the nn ro fat t that the company used them db It ' rnrr > with It the obligation to keel tht in In repair The mailer has In en In dls pu'o slino last pprlng when the Kl htl p'riet lower foil ami as I lie three lowers owned h > theclt ) were llkelj to share the Fame fate the council ordered the repairs lo bo made and will endeavor to compel the lighting company to piy the bill. ( * 11 Vla\l Co. female remedy 'Medical consultation free \Vednesda > a Health book furnished 309 Merrlam block. N Y numbing company. Tel. 250. The betting board at the Corner Cigar Ploro Is getting to be quite n factor The licttt however , are mostly being made 01 MntrK Wagers on general results ported at two lo one and no takers Itrnl i : lnl < The following real tstnle Iransfcrs nit ) re- jorlfd by J. W Squire n having been fllci : October 21 J l.iwnneo nnd wife to John \V. KHIh nndVllllani Slmpion , lot - " > block 1 Oikliind. w d $ TOO CO Kvlvixler Knlzenttcln and wife to \\IIII.un Wliltm-y. lot 2li , block S , May IK K Ixt mid , vv d . 200 M Ft * riff tn Itlchiirdxon Drug comP - P in ) mid 4-31 IOIH 1 , 2 nnd 3 In ; \ nnd lot 1 In 33-7,1-11. K d . . . 2..VO Count } treasurer to Holxrt P Italn. lot JT , block 3 Twin City 1'lace. tux d . GfJ Rune to mne lot 32 , block 1. , \ \ rlghl'f" iidd. tux d . 42 Pimr tn name , lot K block 5 , U rltht'H mid , nnd mid llot T , 1 Inck 10 Oninlui add , tail . 25 II % V n Kondon nnd wife to Kllzubeth Seym'iui lot 4s liloek 11 , Carson ; w d . 4MCH. fVunt > irennurer loV I' Welnter , IO'H 9 to. 11. 1. block 2. nnd lots " 10 U U block \Vrlghf add , i \ \ d . . . 53 I Bum lo xaitulol Ii ( , block 41 , Hld- dlc Hiilidlv lax d , 2 C. Bum. to iime lot 4 blooK 3 < > . Hld- ti ! s Hiibi'lv IHX tl . . . . 63 l.o ! < n / ! ( ' ! > and wife lo John and U HI ) mi ! /.I pp. xV * ? \t is , nnd eU KVVI , is 1" > 10 qed . 1 W try r Kouxep , ind huxlmnd toV I. Till ks'un lots 11 mid 1. , block 20. Mulkns milxllv. v , d . 3SO CO Twtlvr tran'tferH. loltll . J JtiQ S' ' \Vhl'e enameled bedntwtli. brass trimmed , } l"j HUB week at the Dnrfee Turnlture con rny Hcrrmayr'6 fancy patent tlotir makes the and meat broad A k yQiir grcctr tor It 7. u nil u < - hi en- lie n u ell , Mr I ouU Ziirmuehlen jr . and Mlaj Oeor pli II nnett wt > re married lait evening a t' hTnic' of Ihp bride's parent * on Fourll Crerr In ihe prei < Mire of tbo Imnu'dlat fr en H an I relatives. Itev I < I * McDonali ottliiati'-K Hulh the bride and groom ar pronilrient young people and have a uldu cirilc of ( rlHiJi .Mr and Mrs Xnrmuelilen will live at the Dennett home U we cant lell you a pipe and save you J3 icr urnt on the price , we'll give > ou on oJ look plcaiant. Moore & . Kllln. Si-nrr l'lif | , Fire llrli'U , l \\hn'iale and rrtall. J C. lllihy , 202 LundjirJ. tb Tailor , 110 S. Mala itreet. IRDKIIS TWO XE\V \ TEXT BOORS Jcmnl of Education Goes in for Some Olianccs in Equipment. fWOLVES GEOGRAPHY AND WRITING 1.11111 ? HNi-n.i-.lnii l.j ( In- \iliii- | Iliin of Iho Cum ill III ( < ' Itcpiirt mill \vvnrilliiK' of I'niilriiolM lo I'lilillNliort. The Hoard of IMucatlon fpent sowral lours last night struggling over the book lilestloli. All the members were present xecpt W II. Thomas The two text books that had been advertised for were In pen- nansblp and Kiosrapliy McrilU'Hcop ) hoot mil Pre's geography were adopted on i commendation of Dr. Siidcr and C Spruit. members of the book committee 1'iopo.slttons were received on copy hooks from Mnynard. Merrill Co , llutlcr Co , .Jinn fi Co . ami the American School Hook company. The contract was awarded to MiOiinrd , Merrill & . Co . at 72 cents ft dozen. There were enl ) two bidders on geographies , Olnn & Co , and th Wocrner Hook company Prey's goograph ) published by Iho former concern , was adopted al 01 cents for new books and CS cents will bo allowed If nn old geography la given In exchange The American Hook compan ) offered to furnish nil the pupils with second-hand copies of Potter's geograph ) . free of charge1. If IPO matter of lolling Iho contract was fmt over until the company could get out Its new book , now In course of preparation Mr Ponda opposed letting the contract last night In view of this proposition as It would save the parents the expense of biDliiK books Just at this time when every body Is hard up He nlso vv nut eel the boird tn wnlt until Mr Thomas would return. Members Morgan Spruit and Snder said they wcro tired of being bothered b ) book men about the matter , and urged that Imme- dlalo action bo taken In the leltlng of the contracts which wns done A request was received from Miss Gertrude Kenned ) , supeivisor of music , asking for fifty copies of Hook HI of the Ccclllan scries for use In supplementary work In music for the nighlh grade The cost of the books will bo $30. which cnn be obtained from the publishers In exchange for Hook IV , now In possession of the boird Superintendent Hlsey recommended the exchange of the books , nnd Miss Kennedy's rciiuest wns granted. Secretary Daw son reported that D. W Ilushnell , custodian of hooks , had tiirnol over JI.OOO to the treasurer for hooks i-od ! by him since the opening of school. This amount practically represents the expended by the board for text books tils ) cnr. A bill of } " )0 for 200 primary goog.-iphles wns allowed to Olnn & . Co 'Hits now MO rnph ) was adopted by the bo.ird iibnut n month ago. ns being the only ivalliblo book of the kind on the market. No other geog- rnphle < s were considered. Member Kondn chairman of the fuel m d heating committee , reported he was not re-nd ) lo report , mid was granted ! ur- ihcr lime One of Ihe bills allowed last night wns for 2i ! I'M gallons of alcohol , for use in the laboratories at the High school On appli cation of Prof Hnden Ihe liquor oh- tnlned free from the Internal rcvon-ie tux Prof Ilavden was called upon to explain Iho proposed plan for n slnglo session at the High school The children and parents , ho said , were almost unanimous In favor of the change. This plan Is used In all the larger cities mid the locallon of the High school made It rupeclall ) commendable In Council Illuffs Povont-olx pupils had been dropped out of school last ) car because of being compelled to climb the hill twice a day Iho standard of scholarship , ho said , would bo full ) maintained and could be Im proved upon. If anything , as no slud ) time would he lost by a protracted noon hour. Superintendent Hlsc ) stated that he ap proved the plan It was iho enl ) one he liad been accustomed to In his former work Membet Sndor moved that the change ho made and that the matter bo left to the superintendent and principal lo carr ) out. Member 1'ond.i had nonio doubts ns to the success of the plan as affecting the scholarship of the pupils nnd iceommeiidcd Hut It bo enl ) temporarll ) adopted It was adopted nnil Iho delegation of High school bos uho were present promptly loft and gave \uit to their Jo > over Iho chinge h ) a series of appropriate jells v LIST or si-ie-i\i. iivitiiiiNs To lit * roiiiul ill I In1 llontoii More. THURSDAY A regular f > 0c corset , extra weight , full form , special at , ! 'ie ' IS Inch Pancy Veiling , all colors , fancy dols olc , 25c ) urd 2.1 gr ladles' side combs In black , shell and amber , worlh from Sc lo 12Vic , special Gc a pall 40c grade all wool black Henrietta , a spe cial offering at 25c a > ard 75e grade black nnvclt ) Drcsa Goods , spe cial for Thursda ) , Hie a ) ard Hlg assortment of line novelties at GOc n yard CO-lnih Heavy Clay Worsted Serge , in black enl ) . value $100 , on sale Thnradaj at Me a ) ard A line of line all wool novclt ) Goods reduced from U9c to 50c j jaril { 1 00 ( luallty Changeable Taffeta Silks at C9c a jard China Silks , In all color : ) , nt 2Sc n ) ard. C\tr.i grade whllo Wash Silk 23c a > ard Mls ca' Tain O Chanters , In bright plaids trimmed wllli feathers , lUc each. Hlg lot of misses' cai In all the latest 8tles at 39c. COc and Cflc Indies' Taffeta Silk and Corduroy Shirt Walhts. $3 00 each Indies' line Swiss embroidered handker chiefs , 20c grade , on sale Thursday at 12V c each CLOAK DEPARTMENT Some special numbers for this week I.idles' double Heaver Capes , large storm collar. ! trimmed with two and three rows of brnld a bargain nt $4 50 Ladles' Mcltcn Jackets , In black and navy , box front tiimmed v , 1th large and small pearl buttons , a special value at (1000 A new line of Ladles' Jackets In Heavers. Meltons and rough goods , some splendid valued at $1000 and $1200 wi : AIM : SOLK AGKNTS POK THE CBL- KHKArEI ) I' . CENTEMEIM S. CO. KID GLOVES HOSTON STOHt : . 401-405 Hroadway. Council Hluffa , la. With any 10 cent cigar now ) oii get ) our choice of Chicago datl ) papers nt the Comer Clgai Store. Court Note * , Amanda Wchrhahcr has sued her husband , Anton Wehrhaher. for divorce on the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment and several other failures lo live up to his marriage vows In her petition she states that her spouse hat. been guilty of refus ing lo support her. calling her Indecent names , accusing her of improper relations with over ) man tdio speaks to , and with having been arrested for misdemeanors on cevcral occasions. A foreclosure suit was begun ) fsterdaj by Ldla A Webster against Mary A Sto gall an 1 others on a $ ' . ' 50 note given Janu ary ti 1S93 i : i : llrtico has Illeil an amendment to hli petition Jk-uliikt I'aul Schneider. In which be SUCH for { 377 on M > veral notes. In the superior courl ) tsterday Mar ) K Miuicr was granted n Judgment unit fore- cloinro against Itasmus Jensen for $273 A klmlbr decree was entered In the case of Sldnej Gage against Johu K. Corruthera for $ CI7 Judge Mncy will convene district court this morning. It takes half a ton of starch per month to stiffen the slilrtu collars and cuffs of Hie Kaglo laundry's jiatroni. Have > oil tried them * 7.M Hroadway. T lf > phoue 157. Harp miulc at I'urity Candy Kitchen Sat urday ( light. Yauktu peanut Uffy , lOo u pound. : nv Morrirr.ns. . llt-tilli * nf Three I'llli-H Knoll * "Io- Oll tr" 4liu > of II TlillKll I'll I r. A squad of Omaha otllrerg were In the ellv ) cstcrdi ) for the purpoie of taking look at Handle ) and Hlpley , the two al leged pickpockets who are serving n jail sentence for being caimhl earning two big revolvers At first glance two of the vlsltlnR olllrers recognized the men as well known and dangerous "crooks" Hlple ) esperlnll ) wns declared to be n dingerems man , known to the police * throughout the west. During the afternnon nnother lol of ofllcers came over from Omaha and took n Ionic at the pair The ) all casll ) placed Ulpley nnd warned the jail oillcers thai the ) had In their keeping a man who could ilve ; > them some trouble If he fell Inclined and was Riven nn opporlunll ) , hut none of them could place Handle ) UtirltiR the aflerneon n couple of olllcers from Lincoln visited the jail and Ulpley wns again rcco - ntred act n nun who had Riven the Capital Oily police a Rood deal of trouble- . 1 he sudden police Interest In the prisoners has he-en occasioned h ) the fact Ihat t tie- local otncers have had photographs of them made and scattered broadcast over thecoun - Iry The photograph of Handle ) Is some thing of nn oddlt ) He fought against hav ing It taken and danced before the camera like an Indltn His movements were not quick enough lo prevent nn Instantcnous plcluro being made At the Instanl Ihc exposure was made he- shut his e.ves. lint Ihe sensitiveplnle caught both expressions , and the plcturn shows him with his eea open and shut , the open e-es appearing on the closed lids Under a smalt magnifying glass Iho open ecs show with remarkable clearness The Jail sentence of the men will expire In n few das hut the olllrers will tr ) them In the superior court upon the charge of pIckltiR Ihe pocket of Mrs U W Adams of Crescent Clly Trench briar pipes In cases with two-Inch genuine amber stems for $1. and rrencli briar pipes without cases , with three-Inch amber stem , for $1. ' about the way prices run These prices , logclher wllh Ihc big slock to select from , ought to center the pipe trade of the lown at Hie Corner Cigar Slore. rilllKill Slenlliiur See-lilM. Thomas H Anderson , n Iranip of ncslhetlc Instincts nnd refined tastes , was locked up In the city Jail last night , clnrgcd wllh lar ceny from n building As n result of n little carelessness In searching him Ihe city Jail Is the most odorous and fragrant place In Iho cllv. The tramp stopped at the opera house drug store last evening , and while the clerks and the propilctor were hug ) he filled his pocketa with n number of original pack ages of the finest and most expensive pel fumes In the otoir. P K Sellers , the owner of the place , detected him In the act of Mealing a bottle of hair oil highly per fumed nnd of a pretty red color The bottle was taken from him nnd he was unceremoni ously kicked out of the place It was not iinlll ho had he-en gone some llmo that the absence of the 1irgcbottles of the perfumery was noticed The police were then notified and furnished a inscription of the tramp An houi Inter Ofllcer Murphy found him nnd took him to the stationhlle being uearchcd one of the large- bottles of triple- extract fell from Its place of concealment In his clothes nnd went to pieces on the Jail lloor It furnished good evldcnceand also nn odor that transformed iho jail Into nn elslum for a blind man Several other bottles were secured without accident and were Idcntldeil by Iheowner. . O I' Groom returned yesterdiy morning from St Joseph , Mo. where he was called to he present while a delicate and dangerous ( surgical operctlon was performed upon his wife Mrs Groom has been 111 for many 5ears , and Ihe local phslclans have given her friends no hope of recovery Pour months ago she was taken to St Joseph for the purpose of becoming n patient of Ir Jacoh Gelgcr. who formerly rcMdcd In Connell - ell HlufTs The change greatly benetllcd her. She rallied quickly from the surgical operation , nnd her friends will he greally pleaded lo learn Ihat she Is In a fair way Inward recovery , and will soon he ahlo lei i cturn home. Sllrrt-il ( p n Slem-li. Residents and business firms In the vi cinity of 726 llroadwny mnde numerous complaints ) esterday of the presence of very offensive odors coming from a Junl , fchop nt that location 1'coplu on Ihe street held Ihelr noses and their breath when passing the place C aptaln Mallhy dlreele-d Oilier Peterson nnd Martin to investigate- tlui complaint last night A tightly closed barrel of putrid grease was found on llic sidewalk in front of the place It was a. most noisome thing and under theIni - prc slon that It was the tonrco of the stenc.i Ihat was filling the block Ihe olllcers cnlered Ihe plaro lo notify the owners to remove it at once The further the ) got Inlo lac building the louder Ihe slench became , and b ) the time they raised romc of Hie Inmatca omcer I'etcrson sick enough to re tire It was discovered that the barrel or foul stuff on the pavement was Mvcct ' , ,1 compel Kan with the putrid muss In the cel lar of the place. A carload of banes with carrion still clinging to them had been dumped Inlo the basement , nolvv Ithstandlng the fact that the propilctoi and bib faml. ) had their living apartments on the floor i-hove The ollleers got out as quicKly as they could deliver n peremptory order to abate Iho nuisance at once Ile-Klut Todn > . Every voter In the Mate of Iowa wll | have to register this ) car If he c\pccts lo cnsl his ballot at the coming election The reg istration booths will be open today from S a. m to 9 p m Under the now law no citizen will bo allowed lo make an aflldavlt on elecllon day as lo his being nway from the clt > on reglstrallon days , unless this sworn statement Is supported by two other adidavits of persons who know of his ab sence from the clly. The icglslratlon booths have been sclccled ns follows Klrst Wa d First precinct , \ \ he der & Per eld's olllco ; second precinct. Hrant's resi dence , corner of Pierce anil Stutsman Second Ward Kirst precinct , Ullcrback's barn ; second product , 700 Hroadwa ) Third Ward Klrst precinct , n C Hrovvn's drug store , second precinct , Atlantic house , 901 Main street Potirth Ward Klrst precinct , Grand llv- cry , 2 4 South Main , second precinct resl- dcnco of L Hotchklss , G.9 ! Twelfth avenue. Fifth Ward Klrst precinct , Smith's bak ery , 1102 Plfth avenue , second precinct , county building , 1511 South Thirteenth Sixth Ward Plrst precinct 2101 West Hroadway , second precinct Dancr's build ing , corner Ninth btreot and Avenue H. The contest for the tllvcr pitcher to be awarded November 10 Is waxing warm The "Sultana" cigar olwas has been the favor- Ho bill Just now It h decidedly the leadei The rallo Is about 1C to 1 sixteen "Sultanas" to one of any other brand. Amthegieat candy sale nt the Purity Candy Kl'chcn ' Saturday Taffy , 9c a pou.ul \ \ lllrreM n llruCil Drlv.-r. A complaint will ho tiled toda ) and a de mand made for the arrest of one of the driv ers of A W W ) man's Omaha and Coum-ll HluffH transfer wagons Last night at S o'clock the driver made a deliberate attempt to drlvo over the Salv itlon Army followers while they were kneeling In prair In Hie street. They were near the curb on the south Fide of Ilrondway near Main street The driver came along with his ponderous wagon laden with freight and drove ce- llhcrately acrors the street to where Iho ic- llglous enthusiasts were iloiulng their Uneo on the granite pavement The Salvationists moved closci to Ihe curb mid gat out of hi- way. When ho discovered that ho vvnu not nblo to run them down without hacking up or making another trip ho drew his whip and struck eino of the members a blow across the shoulders A dozen pcoplo saw the nut- rage and were very Indignant A police olllcer was called but did not place Iho man umle-r arrest at the time , for the reason that he had a valuable load of freight. Ills name was obtained ami ho will bo arrested today Get your winter supply of coal not before the rush and rise In priced L M. Shubcrt will till ) our orders promptly and his prices arc the lovNist. Telephone No. 70 ; C2S West llroadway. TWO I'OOTI'lllS Hl.t'UK'-'I'l'HSl ' ' IT. lllulivvn ine-ii from DonlMon Cyi-.ic mill Co , Idiviner "No 'lrnt ; * . Palluro to open n telegram prevented the probable arrest of a couple of much de'- ( sited highwaymen A liie sTce ; from Drill- son , la. , was sent to Defective Murph ) at 9 o'clock Tuesday night The o'lllcK'was ' / not on night duty and the telegram having been left at Iho central station wns put wllh Murph's prlvnto mall lustier and over looked until midnight II wns opened mid found to be n request from the Denl on olllccra to arrest all trnmps found on No lit train on the Northwestern railroad The | time for Ihe arrival of the train wns S lr- . hut II was delned until nfler 11 o'clock. | The telegram announced ihnl n couple of i tramps hod assaulted an old Indy on the I street In Denlson and robbed her of $150. , nipail ) In gold , and had succeeded In gel- | | ting on No 111 ns the train passed Hie station The olllcem came Into possession of the Information an hour too late In quiry established the fait bennil question that the men re-ached this city on the train mid seperated. _ The ofllcers pulled n couple of trnmps from the next freight trnln Ihat came In over the Northwestern shortly before 4 o'clock I ) esterday morning The-y give Ihe name-it of Illce Caldnell mid William Collins Colllm had $80 25 In his clothes and Caldwell had , $025. but none of It was gold. The ) claimed I to have been working In Ihr Dakota harvest fields mid were en route to their homes [ 1 Caldwell said he had sent h' ' ' money on j ahead and was beating his way to keep company with his partner The ) boarded the train al Hoono and claimed not to have left It until they fell Into the arms of the Council Hluffs police. Calloused hands nnd frank , open lountcnmicoa strongly corroborated their stories and the ) wcie released. _ You should tee the stock of pipes car j ried by Moore H Hills to appreciate this ' bianch of Ihelt business A speclalt ) Is made of Ihlr line In Us cntlrct ) , mid going on the plan of "quick sales ami small piollts , " have cut the prices down to the lowest mark. The following marriage licenses were Ifiicd > e tordny. Name nnd Address Ago I. X.tinmuhleii , Council HhirTrt . "i ! Ceorgla It Dennett , Council HluITi . 2.'i C. i : Ackerman , Council Hlnrfs . 21 Agnes Hc-Lkonb nigh , Kreinont , Neb . IS ODII rm.i.oxvs < sivnA iucii"riov Criinil l.oilKr "f Oilil I'olluvVM I'le-iiH- n ii I l.i Crcctcil nt VIiiNoii CIO. MASON CITY la. , Oct. 21. ( Special Tele- rram ) Most of toda ) was given up by the grand lodge of OJd Kcllows to public demon- strallons. This afternoon the Methodist church , accommodating 1,500 people. wc crowded lo the wall ! : to listen lo Ihc ad dress of Julgo Henderson Tomonov the grand loclgo will dispose of the Orphans' Home location One lodge has Instructed It.s representatives to vote ag.tlnst the loca tion of the homo anywhttie and several bavc- been Instructed to ask for n return of H e per capltn lax nlrcjul ) paid lownrd the Orphans' Homo building fund. It Is be lieved that tomorrow matte. will be ad justed ami Ihc Hnmp located at either Jcfierson or Indlanola. Cedar Itapuls. Davuiporl and Waterloo are contestants for the next stale mccllni ; of the order and this will be solved at 4 a'clcck The fol low Ini ; are Ihe new I ) elected ofllcers of Iho grand lodG M. . J. S HelUni ) , Knox- vllle , I ) G. M . J C. KOOIIH , llurllnglon , G W , E II Hlbben. MarfclulUown , G S. William MUBO , Des Maine ? ; G. T , A J Morrison. Mnrengo. G U. K W Evans Dea M Incs In Iho competition drill be- Iwccn Iho Leech lodge of 40cs Molne-s and Eleclric Light of Marshalliown , Iho fcrmei won by five polnls The grand cnc'amp- mcnt postponed the passagr of the new con [ stitution until the next meeting. Imlli'U-il for llinln-r/li-liu-nl. J CEDAR ItAPIDS , la . Oct 21 ( Special ) The grand Jury of lo-va county has re turned nn Indictment against William Grey of Huffalo , N Y , for osibcrzlemcnt and ho has been placed under $1,000 bonds to ap pear for trial at the nc\t term of court Gray was In Iho omplo ) of Randal & Co commission horse buyers of Huffalo , N Y Last spilng he appealed nt Wllllanisburf ; , pin chased several carloads and shipped them lo Iho ( Inn Then ho went to Preston In Jackson county , returning in a short time with $ J,500 In cash In his possession When the train aiitvcd at the water tank near that place he got off the train , when he cl.ilms he wus knocked down by en mo one sti IKlng him on top of the head Uhen be recovered consciousness bo claims to have found lhal he had been robbed of the mono ) nnd his watch The compan ) sent a dete"- tlvo lo WIlllaniBburg who after an liuesil- gatlon , had Grey arrested foi embcv/le- ini nt Ho maintains he Is Innocent of the charge S -H I nili-r n Iliiruf. SIOPX CITY , Oct -special ( Telegram ) Hour ) Ncadaskon. n laboring man , em ploved In loading barges with Hind , thirty- five miles up Hie Missouri river , foil from a barge loday and wns drowned , with half n dozrn workmen almost In reach of him Ho fell above the barge nnd wns Immedi ately parried under It He leaves a wife and child In Warsaw , Poland him of \Vc.iKlo Flintier KIIIoil. JEPPEIISON la Oct 21 ( Special Tele gram ) Al Perguson i son of n wealthy farmer , was killed b ) the Hock Island train at Dana last night. _ ronni'Avr or 'iou\vj > y\virvniin. It \\lll CIrou Hiiro ( loinlj \\ltti Cool unit Norllit rlvinilN. . WASHINGTON , Oct. 21. The forecist for Thursday Is : Per Nebraska Pair , followed by Inoroas- Inp cloudiness , northerly winds ; cooler In vvijtein pnillmi Poi Mls-ourl Pali , followed b ) cloudy and HuiaUnint ; weather ut nl/ht / ; ; iuutli- oaHterlv vvlmlH , becoming variable ; cooler Tiursd.i ) night Per Iowa Pair , followed by IncriMiltif cloudiness Thursday evening ; variable winds , shifting to norther > Per South Dikotn Oe nerally fair ; north erly winds Per Colorado Increasing cloudiness prob ably showirs In iiorHicrn portion ; norlncrly to caste rly winds Per WvomliiR Local showers ; inrtly cloudy v.eather , northcrlv vvlndo Per Montana Generally fair ; warmer In ensti rn portion ; northurly lo westerly vv'ndx ' / Per KanwiH Pilr , follo , cdhy | oloud ) and Hiroalcnlng we.ilhcr , Mouthe-rlv winds Hhltt- liig to northerl ) ; cooler Thllrsd i ) night I. in1 : ! I Hcoorlt. oppici : OP THE WEA'rn'rin ' nuitnAii. OMAHA. Oct -Oin.illi'lotord ' of lom- peraltiio and lalnfall c-iinlpnri-d wllh lie ctrrcHpondlnK day o. ' thei ptsr Unco ) eais , . . JVJVlVr , jsii IS-JT .Ma\limn toirpTntu o . ij 7ii 71 ; 75 Minimum leinpeiiituu , 'j 37 M 4 ; Avirago tcmpcraluro. . . > 'w" r-j ( k | QJ Italnfall . . . .111 w .13 m Condition of temper.itureA'.lml ' pieelplta- tlon MI Oinnha for the d iy.iml Hlneo .March Normal temperaliire for'thb1 d iy . 51 Iv.h lorn , \ for the da ) . jltj . r , Accumulated deficiency sllii-.i\Iarch 1 lu No mal pi'dplliillon tin the day. . .OS Inch i itU h ncy foi the d ly . . ' . ' f . . . . OSIneli Total precipitation hlncu Mir 1. 20 K.1 | m hcs i\emn since March 1. .1 * j. . . . II i" , Inohoi Dolloli ney for cor period , , ( ! " . . P II Inchc i IXIleieiie-y toi oor. period , ( /.li.jj / | nc-hi .1 Ki-liorlN from MiillttiiN ul S p. in. BTATIONS AND hTATl ! OP Omaha , clear I M | CO (0 ( Km til I'lalle. C4I 74 , ( U hull Lnl.u ( II ) , ( loud ) Vi CS UUO I'Motnnu. pint cloud ) . , IN llnpld Clt ) pirt ilnuil ; 4C CHI Union , cltnr 40 . CHI.Ml I'hlcaM' . i liar 4. 4lj ft ) ft. Luuls , elear vr \ ; | ( n lit I'aul clear ai 311 w l > uvi npi rt , cle-ar it' ' sj o KunvaH City , clrnr fill 7c. | 10 llilenu cloudy M ] t , ' } W HUMP part cluudy. 421 K I'l llUinaixk , cliur . . . 31 > | 501 . ) VVIIIIilon , elcir 341 4Sf .0) fiiilviHtun cluu.lj 7l | 7C | ,00 InJIcutiB iniep of prtclpltutliin U A. WULS1I. Local Kortcait OlllclaJ. B01IB FOR A IIAN OF WEALTH Ilnmliu J. Atulrus of YonkoH , N , Y. , Blown to Pieces in His Ofilcc. BELIEVED TO BE WORK OF ANARCHISTS llrotlier iif ltn > Donil Atiui HUM n Tlie llilNoil nil mi i\iicfloiiiM- nllli U ' " .I'Cllj-I.IHlUllIU III- ilUlilmil. " Ni\V YOIUC. Ocl 21 Mamlln J Audiui. > of the Aillngton Chemical works , . ( rented In I'.illsado avenui' , Yonkirs vvnu Instnutl ) Killed thU morning b ) n d > nainlto bomb 1 which the police think was plntrd there t for the purpose of destrolng life .uul . propel ( y There Is n deep air uf m > Mii ) about tlip entile nffalr , nnd one particular ! ) Ecntmtloiinl rumor U nllonl. The- body of the victim was frightfully mnngled by the explosion , nnd dc nth must have 1 come Instantl ) llnmlln Andius was n man of wealth , and lived In Yonkers In handsome stjlu v\lth his fnmll ) He left homo 1 In company wild his son Hiram , ngcd 20 , n little before S o'clock this morning . ing , nnd the > went to the fnctoi ) together. As wns his ciiitom. the joung man opened the I safe mid got out tbe books nfler which ) : oung Audiut went from the olllco Into the I factory The office Is n one-stor ) struc- turo I , and stands detained from the factor ) proper The room used bj Audrus In the ofllco building , wns separated b ) n thin boaid partition from the part occupied by the clerks of the concern , 11 wns a few minutes after S o'clock , when the explosion occurred. It shook the factor ) bulldliu nnd wns nciompaulcd b > the pound of crashIng - Ing gl.ns , mid a volume of stunko A wild rush wns mndo b ) Hie fnclor ) emplojes to Die olllco The ) wore headed b ) ) oung Audrus Ho found the Moor of that portion occupied b ) his father covered ullli glass , mortar nnd broken furniture In one cor ner of the room he snw the mangled bed ) of his father , partially covered with debris It wns In n terrlbl ) mangled condition Em bedded In the lie-nil of the dead man wcro found several pieces of east Iron Other pieces corresponding to these , were found in the room They were carefull ) placed together , and , although all the ! pleci s wcro not found , thcro was enough of them to show that the bomb 01 machine was n piece of cast Iron pipe , about MX Inches In length by one and one-half In dlntnoti r Kas- lencd to either end of this pieceof pipe was a cap. which was screwed on The odor nnd smoke Indicated Hint the explosive was either diiuinite or giant powder. Information cf n startling character wns iccelved b ) the police which ma ) aid In the solution of the m.vstci ) 11 was to the effect that the bond was Intended for John P Amlriis. brother of the dead man. n-v- crnl times n mllllomlro John P Amlrim did not nppear nt the office of the chemical compiii ) Ibis morning us wns his cualom On learning of the oxpUslon and the dcitli of his brothel , ho huirlid to the police rtTtlou mid communicated with Captain Mnngln To the cnptnln ho said that the ( vploslon of the bo'nu n'lght have been the vvoik of anarchists nnd offered nn ex planation for his belief About three vvcekn npo , ho Eald , he was walking along Wall street. New York , when ho vva * ace ated by a rather seedy looking Indlvldml , who look him by the nrm and .said "Mi Amlrus ) ou arc a very wealth ) man You have too much moiic ) and I nm one of n number of i coplo who believe tint > oti ought to dls- lilbuto nt lenst one-third of what ) tu Invo nmoiii ; the poor You will cither do this 01 tin in will ho a wn ) round of compelling ) otl lo do It " Andrus , nccordlng to his storv , paid little attention lo the man at the time Up to the prcctnt , no arrests Invo been made. The- police were Informed thai llam- Illon Audiu.s was In the habit uf experiment ing with explosive obenileals and auvcral lubes similar to thai by which Andrus was killed were sent lo Iho police captain by an unknown nimi , who said ho had made tubes of Hint nature for Mr Amlrua The pollco are looking for that tinltiiov. n man This stor ) , however. Is not believed b ) the dead man's relatives or friends who de- chro that ho had never engaged In such experimentation or shown any Interest In It The Ihcoi ) Is Ihat n bomb wan placed In n box under Mr Aiulrtts' desk mid that It wns exploded when he went there No one was In his otilee jcstcrelay , M > far as known but the cleincr nnd no oneIs sup po c'd to have Kejs lo Iho bulletins besides three reliable people who apparent ! ) know nothing about HIP explosion Mr Andrus was n ellroctrr of the Citizens' Na tional hank of Yonkers nnd a number of the Klrst l'riili > terlan church Ho was n public spirited cltl'cn and has aluajs Idon- llllcil cloacl ) In nil publicmaltcrs ttm1 londed to Iho welfare of the people of ihc place- . Thousands sink Into mi early grave for want cf n bottle of lr Hull's Cough Sjrun This great ix-mcd ) would have t > j\ed them Vl'l'ltO VCIllNC ; 'I HIM. ( > ! ' A HVMvIMt. n rn-U nf UK' 1'lrst Niilluiuil nt Cellar Pulls ( u He HIM It oil. CHDAU KAl'IUS , la , Oil 21 ( Special ) The failure of Iho big bank of Plelds broth- era at Cedar Kails over Iwo ) caih ago , b ) which 1.0 many people lost cverlhltm ihey had , Ib lo bo brought Into prominence again , for in December Charles J Plolds , Indicted b ) the IJIaiklmvvk county grand Jury , will liavo his trial In the district court at Waterloo lee on a charge of fraudulent banking Thcro wire several Indictments ugalnst William Pields and his brothel , C J. Pields the present defendant , which grew out of the failure of Ihelr bank , the Plrat National at C ( dar Kails The cases were taken Into Buchanan county on a change of venue William Pields was tried last May , con victed and hcntcnccd to one jcar in the pcni- tentlaiy. No part of the sintcnce has been bcivcd , the defendant being out on ball pending nn appeal to the supreme couit The case agnlnit C J Pields Is exactly Mini lar In all respects to the one which resulted In the con.letlon of Ills brother. ThcvehaiEc of obtaining money under fals > pretenses , preferred b ) Hev John How man of Cedar Kails , nnd on which mi Indictment had been returned , bus been dismissed at the rcciucst of the prosecuting wltncpa Itev Mr. Dow man lost several thousand dollars by Iho failure of the- bank , most of which VVBH loaned to members of the linn on thcii personal note Hut there was an amount of jnoo t mired Just before the failure of the bank , and It was on this proceeding that tbo action was commenced. Tlftllil ) > M 4SHMCONXI Sii | liiulleld. Ill , , Itnx ) vvllli Siieoe-ntlve- Ui-llulntis ( inthei IIIUM , , SI' , 111. . Oct. 21 The fifteenth annual tmtlminl meeting of the bond of inniuKcru of the Woman's Home MlMloniry "enlctv of the Methodist Kplscopnl ( tnirch convened nt the I'lrst Methodist Kplscopil ehurch this tmirtiUig fen an elgth dns' ses sion Tn till ) line Klates were represented nlth ll di'lennti" Addresses of neltiune were made hv Mnvor Woodruff nnd others Ihe itfponscwnn bv the prsi'ldent of ( he- hoard Mrs Clinton U risk of New Yoik The \merlean ChrUlHn Mlsslnnnrj so- ilel > rlme'cl Its fort ) eighth mllonal convent - vent Ion todav and adjourned to meet nt IndlinnpolU In OcUher , IW. The attend- nne'e al Ihe i leifliiK session was ver ) large I 200 dole Kites were presenl KV Dirsl of Chicago made an nddre\ss nn "I'll ) Kvan- gellznllon" The "lllble School Hour" wns ( llarimsrd hv U \Vnggener of K.insias Clt ) , Mo The closing address was dellverel b ) II O \rs\voitli ) of Drs Molnc , In , upon "lllble School " This afternoon Ihe national session of 1'nlon Chrlsllnn Missionary societies con vened r.lci-li-il to I In- IllNliniirli- Dnliilti. Xi\V : YOUK net HI The house of bl h ops of the I'rotestanl Kplscopal church of Amirle.i todi ) elected llev John 1) ) Morrison , I ) 1) Lt < 1) , to therecentl ) - created bishopric of Diiluth , Minn Or Mor risen who Is nl present rector of St John's church Ogdcnsburg. N Y. nnd archdeacon of Oglensblirg. Is about f > 0 ) carH old He- was born In Canada wns graduated from McGIII unlvcrt > lt ) In Montreal and received the degice of 1) O In the I'lilon college In Ihe state lr Morrison's llrst clnrge In Ihls country was therectorship of Christ church In llerklmer. N Y He re ninlned there fK ) cars and was then trans ferred to ( Igdnisbiirg l.iillie-riin S ) unit. I < AWUi.N'Ci : . Kan , Ocl 21 The follow. Ing ollleern were this morning elected at the session of the Kansas lngllsh I.tilberan B ) nod Hov A n Wagner , Topeka presi dent , Hov II M Ohcrnottzer , Pallua see rolnr ) , A I. Sollg , Kawrenci' . treasuur , Hev W P Hentzl , Hev A. W Wagner mid Hov P I ) Altmnn , members of Iho board of trustees Cook's Imperial Hxtra Dry Champagne ban a delicious nromn of the grapes It purlt ) Is undoubted nnvni OP v MU'Mii.i : INVP.MOII. > Iiu U'lin DIM Ixod tin * Ciiriioiib I'lpi lllM-llllll H HlN I.IIMt. (5HANI ) HAl'IDS , Oct 21 The Hurko ) M Tibhe. a wealthy citizen of this clt ) , aged j T7cars Is dead nt his home of pneumonia He was horn nt Knschcde Holland , and emigrated to this country in 1SG7 He wns the Inventor and patentee of the now world-famous "Missouri nicer Kchaum" corncob pipe- , manufactured In this clt ) . Mr Tlbbe began the niinufacture of the pipe In 1S7S with scarce ! ) mi ) capital Intending to auppl ) tbe local demand onlj , but the popular ! ! ) of the pipe soon spread everwhere , nnd now the compan ) niannfactnies not lo- * , than 23.000 pipes per da ) . Sjpeed and safctv nro Iho watchwords of1 the ago One Minute Cough Cure nclt speedily. Mf l ) and never fnlls Asthma h.pi-'chltlE coughs nnd mMc cr" c'ir < d by" I' : i ) in . , Piilil CrlnKof 'l'u MiiHUi'il > lcn In ' Si-ure'li oT Mom * } . TOI.HDO. Oct 21 A farmer named Hutka. who has n large Income fro u oil j leases , was murdered on his farm , about seventeen miles soiilh of Toledo , by robbers last evening , nnd hla wife wns Fcrlonsly Injured. Two masked men opc'ied tlie door ns iho family were nt supper , shol Itutka diid and Mrs Ilutka thrcugh the wrUt Afterwards she was knocked down and severe ! ) Injuied b ) blows Ilutka had just received his month's Income from oil leaser hut the robbers failed to discover lla hiding place All Ibc ) got was his watch and a few dollars In his pocket IS IT CURABLE ? V Quchllon OflonNt.eil li > Those Af- IIICll-ll \\llll I'lll-N. Is a Htr.ilned joint curable ? Is locnl In- llanimatlon curable' Of course. If properly treated So Is piles People often become altllcted with piles mid nsk i-oino old "chronic1 ' who has nlvvnvs persisted In the wiong treatment mid lulur- all ) he discourages ihcm b ) telling them Hint theli case K hopeless. The ) In tuin dlEeouragc others and thus a disease lhal can In ever ) case be cured b ) careful and skillful handling Is allowed lo sap iho energ > of thousands who might free themselves of the trouble In n few Piamld Pile Cure will euro Ihe most ng pravated case of hemorrhoids In an aslonifih- Ingl ) hhort lime ll icilcvea the congested pails leduces the tumorb Instanlly. no matter tor how laiM' alla\.s the Intlammatlon and slots the aching or Itching nt once Thousands who had reoortcd to expensive treatment have been cured b ) Ihe Pyramid Pile Cure in a number of Instances persons who had spent months In n hospital under n pile specialist It Is a remcd ) that none need fear to ap- pl ) even ti > the most aggravated , swollen and Inflamed tumors If you nre mulcted with this stubborn dis ease ) ou can master U and master It quickly. This ic-imd > Is no longer an experiment hut a eettaint ) It Is manufactured by the Pyramid Drug t'o of Albion. Mich Drugglsls sell U at 50 cents per box It Is becoming the most popular pile euro this cointiy has ever known and drugglbts every where nre ordering It for I heir customers THE TAILOR. Fine Line of Fall and Winter Suitings , 130 S. Main Street Council Bluffs , la. for Bnfants and Children. Castorln ilcstroja wet ins , nllaya TcverUh Castorhi la so well ndnpkil In children lie-hs , cnrct dlarrha-a nnd wind colic , rcllcvib thai I iccommcnd II ai xiipctlor to nny pro tccthlni ; troubles , and cures cuiibtlpiliaii , I.UUVM1 to 111C. " ' CuHlorlu mntainK no luicyutit. , uurp'ahic II. A. AK : * in { , Jt U. , sr opium In any form. in ho.OxruMbtrMllnxil.l ) ! ! . ; ! . V. "I'or bcvcral > carri 1 Invu recommended "Theme ofCnstorh Ii so nnhcrxnl nnd Cnstorln , and nlic.II iiln-ajn exiiitliinc to dc > ( In multi ROA ell known that It t-rems n bo nn It him Invurlnbly jirexluccd | jcncfiil t work of supcrc rogation In ciidomc It. 1'cvv JCiUltS. " arc the Intelligent families who do not keep iivvm ; i' . J'Aiaii ! ! ! , M. n. , Cnslorla vvithlu tiny reach. " blrect nnd 71)1 ) Avenue , CAULOS MAUTIN , I ) , n. , 1 Nnv York City. New York City , Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. tHC CINTAUH COMP H . IT MUHB y CtKItT , HCWYOHK CIT Beatttifttl Women are bcnutlfut enl ) thiough the power of lealth , which mnkca n clear skin , bright new. n hcnllhv color nnd n good complexion. I\er > woman nn ) not be beniitlful , hut over ) woman ma ) become more ntlractlvo iy building up health with the aid of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Pnecpialed as n tonic and stimulant for worn- out and tired bodies It slim up the tdug- glsh blood , creates a good appetite1 , helps digestion nnd renews the vitality. Its effects are speeMlly shown In Improved looks , lu- iroused strength nnd better health. Toll ) our grocer or druggist ) ou muat tnvo Hiiro's nnd accept nothing else. cirir DYE WORKS DYHINliAND CM-ANIN1 Clotlihsj , Ores ? ) ? ail llous'lnll Gels ) OMAHA orFICU-lWI ttmiiim. T < l. 1U1. COUNCII 1ILUPK8oik ilnl omc . Cor. J V * . nue A and l tli 81 Trl 310 Sea/rles & Searles , SPLCIUISIS IV Seivjus , Chronic and I'rivatcDiseasss. ' SCXIIULY. il 'HH Private Disease * H G t > " 1 l > ltimlcr- .Men ' Treatment b > mill Consilltitlaii frro SYPHILIS Cured for life nnd the poHUi thoroughly cleansed from Ihe HHlem PIM31 PlbTUI.A nnd UICTAI : * ci.cnus , nnd VAHICOt'KI.n pc-rmanenlly nnd suc cessful ! ) en red .Method new nnd unfailing STRICTURE AND GL Uy new molhod without piln or euttlnfr. Call on or addrcst with stamp , Dr. Scarlcs & Ssarlcs I 19 S Mill St. . , Uinabn. Neb. op- Council Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL , 5100,000 ui : SOLICIT YOUU HLI.SIMSU. \vu nnsntn YOUR UOLI.U OM ; OI-TIIIC oi.uicsr IIA.MCS IN IOWA. t > riu CUNT PAID oTIMI : nnposiTa. AND SEE US OU IVniTD. DOHANEYTHEATRE GKOlUli : N UltOWN. Manager. THURSDAY , OCTO3ER 22. Sidney H mils' grand production , Darkest Russia. A com ] mi ) of superior i \ Hence Sealu on silo al Ssiller'b brut' Stole THE SOCI-TY EVENT s\Ttiti ) 11 IIMUTOIIIU : < : ui. I > tiLtt fr < 111 Autiullu A. M. PALMrR'S COMPANY , Lncler tliu illrttll n < f V m A Ilrad ) , prefintlUK tht nit it huiiigti TRILBY , I ! ) Gru lui Muurlcr 1'r iinmlztil l > > Paul Potter. Piln 2U ti .Vi 7ic ami Jl "X ) beutM now on rnlu nt Seller B 'IniK bluro IAUVCI IIll III.INU'H..N & MO ItlVKIt lArrlic * OmaliaUiiluii ] LCI ) > OI. lotn \ . Munui bu | Un.aha t is nil . .Doiuil i\pie. 9 KAIII 4 Upin Illlc Hills. Mont A. 1' bin ) ix. 4 04110 4 3 )1111 ) .DviiNcr Lipne < . , I.Cpm 7 u pm .Nilirankn Local ( ocept hunituy ) . 7. < j ) > m . . .Lincoln Local ( fxitil buiuliiLi 30um t Mpm .Putt Mail ( fur Lincoln ) dully. . Leaves ICIIK'AGO. nPULlNiirON s. ej I Arrives OmaliHl.'iilon | Depot. lO'.li & . Maeon tiu ( Oinnha t 06pm Chicago \ntllmle S UOam D.lS.un ClilcuKo UXPICIH 4ipni : T Wpm .CliUiiKu anU bt LuulH ICxprcn. B OOiini II 40am. . ,1'aclnc junction Local . . . C.lOpm mat Mall S Wum Leaves JCHICACJO Mil * At BT J'AUL Arrive * Onmliul Union Depot. lOtli A. Miikun tits Oniuha C scpm ClucHEu Llinlten T B.tXiam 11 00am Clilcnco n iuitii ( ex hun'lo ) ) . Lcnvi-s ICHICAOO & NOIl7H\\iST'N' A'rrl er Oiinili 'l'lilui' ' Depot , JOtti . Mason SU Oinolm " " " 10 4"iim Kar'ern KXIHIKS. . . 7"s 40piu 4 4 ! > pni . . .VeMlliultd Llmlled , B 40pm I Xm \ t-l Paul nxpicta 9.30am r Oiin it fail ! LlmlUil O.OCpm 7 10am . Ciirr ; t .4 hloux Clli Ix > cal v. .11:10) : ) in CJOini. . . Omiinu Clitca o 3e > rrlal S "lam MISKCiurt Valley Local u in l.rn\t ICHIOAOO. U I. ft I'ACirt .Ai . u r Oinnlinlt'nloji Depot , JCIIi fi Maaun * 8t I Omaha 10 ( Cam Atlantic ixnie * ic-x Punja , 5.35pm " oopin NIK it Kxl'K-ki ' 8l2nn : > 4 ICnni . Clilciiki ) Vesilbulrd Llinlli rt . . l.Vnm 4 'iinin M 1-iiul Vi > llli'ili-.l I nrjipil VVIZSI. C l.'i in Olilalionm .V. Tcum ix. ( * x. Sun KlO.Uam I 4 i > ni . Colormlo I.tmlUu . . .ji.OOpm Le-ivm I C ST I1 al i.17 Airlvea Onialuj D ( | < ot , IJ1 ! : atiJ V'' in i Omnlia s run Sioux r'.ty Acton.mjilntlon. . . OOpn I ! 10pm .Mmix ( ' ! ' / L pr n if3ua ) ' c 15pm . nl I'rtu ! Lnmiia . . . t.lO.ima = a I.ruvei I I * H i MO VAl.LHY. 1 Arrives ( ] ninlin | [ Dipol lltn n.l VVt-bsci-r Hts. _ j Omah * 1 OOiim . . Kiml Mail HP' Kxpictn . . . . K COppj 3 ( Opm ( ex Hat > Wvo ix ( ex Mun ) . I 00pm 7 Mam riPllinilt I > rnl ( Sunn l > Unix ) . . 7 ' .Omi Nun lU nxinm lex S'-n ) 10 Slum C 1'pm Kl I'aul Kxprc . 9,10am Leave I K r hi J A f II JArrhnT Oni.ilinlrnlon " lcpcl ' , lOlli fi Mnoon Htn | Omaha fl a'nm "Kancnu'e'iiy Dny nxprc Tr. < il5pm : 10 Oepin K < ' ! H vlt I' I" Tnnu b I.pnvm I MIBHOt'Itl J'AOiriC. lArrlvf ? Omnliut Dtpol , iMh nn 1 UMi.trr Bt | _ Cina'm s V\m \ Nilirankii A Kn nxnii Mmlled 15 ? 5nm V :0pm Kutmn > Clt ) i : | ) r-h . . i l in N'llinitK i Locnl ( rx iin ) 9 Mini Lcavrr I Hint'X flTV * I'AfiriC lArrlTrT OiiuhaJJfiioi ( _ , HIM on 1 VVil'tlrr K | . I Omaha < i Iliun S5J 1'aul LI in 1 1 o.l . 9,10am " " Uivra | " HI01JX CITY Jl PU'lI'lTf. | Arrlvre Omnluil | nlcj.l Depot. 10th & M.uon Ht [ Oinnha r. 40nm , . .ft r u I 1' . 11 ICnnt 7 Want , . Hloilx City I'litmiiKfr . Oli-m t , tipm _ . HI. 1'nul l.linlli.l . 9 .Quill LcTiT i'l UNION I'Arrnc ) Arfi7cT Oiiiiilnlcliilon Depot. Kill A Maxin Pin ( Omaha 9 Mam . . . . . Krnrney Kiprp i . IMOpT ? I " ( Hin. . . . Overland l.lmltt-d 4 : < ; inc S 0pm Ilrnt'cc ft Htroirnt/i : ix | r Kim ) ll.Olnm C,4lpm Grand ItUncI iiprt * > ( ex , Bun ) 11 03pm i iOpm _ I'unt Mull _ k 40.1111 VAIIAHII IIAir.\VAV JArrlve. Depot. lOlli S. M .on Bti.j Onulia St. Loul * Cannon Hall . . . . . .