Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1896, Image 1

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rijtraie JTtTrtaa Seacs tie - to
Mr. Ca tle Explain * Some Straa-e
Feat am f the Ca e and S y
He Wa "Well Treated
la. Ja.ll.
. JBC. r taAwoefcrted
HWCBOX. Oot. . DareeOy after * <
rwsttee paftee caem lad bees disposed ef
Untiy ti * eaaytreoES. was cleared of tbe
tireeg wilei iad bees teterwted te them
mad aiaast boMdlireiy afterwards reJUed.
tits aao by -averfowteg fathering ef
storekeepers. ettr * = alien. .Ut the
ef tie Castles were iawe > ? those
aad H , Hodsee. represeatte * the
States eaw sy. * otLacusoAsted
wteh a seat at ft * sotsrttaci' tabtes.
There -ra a haaMafcur. ef exerted eaa-
neat. whaeh wts eaekr bosied by th-
jaerietrate. Mr Baoert Mstees Xewiaa as
3ir Castle eate aad * * asfied la desae * = ar.
eatered the eoart. He was SeBawed by * *
w-tfe. who was stylishly ad TS-cootasly
dres * d * a taHor-aade dresa ef gray aate-
naL Mrs. CactSe curled a. hae re4sef te
ier r 5t bawl asd heht it atoort eestte-
consrr p te her lace , as if ta tiwart tie
efforts el the paBee eaart artists. & 2\
were aay fa tie Tteteity. te akKei her
leotaros. She was arere eeeagxised thaa yast
we k whea ier distress tawehed everybody
preseat. Bat Sa Pe at this gate IB
stresctfe. * * - . sa * * * tte ier release Iran
prison , aad rest at the re * eaee ef *
rteB < Mr * . Ca tl a tea ff : < * aoA i-r * K
to the ? resae * si tie ; rtoBa deck tiaa fee
dsty at her s * * te te < A seat aad place
It la tie deck ( or the ase ot Mr aad Mrs.
Castle The latter soak wearfly apae te.
dosedhr eyes aad teaaed her head en
ier hnateadi ihcaWer. as if ie-kteg tiere
the f treasti sces ary to eaaile her te bear
cp azatest saei a trytec ordeal. Mr Casae
S the farther prseeedia ? af the as-
h-r. aad tecMeatally agitait her
. Mrs. Castle tre oeaUy soaaed so
ptteoasiy tiat. Saally tie kial hearted
polieeaaa , alresdy referred te. iaaded her
a bottle of salts aad Mr Castle was kept
rf eoeafert te tie
= erer s
la in the
Miea Patty Afl-x oi a ulemaas la the
at A p st s QhH , a
street. twtie < tiat o
1. Mra. CaMie aa4 ier sw.
el L Ti tt4 tie ore. Tie teaute
w sen aMvd ack 4 K tie fir
make a etoehflJa. eaae aa < vaa
tiat taverk eaoW e daae. Tie
fartier testifc * tiat tie prtMB r showed
ier mi small eSlswrbOta ! dei asd re-
matcied. " _
Coattartat Mis. Arwd sajd "I vest
tr aaether s& > * M speak ta Mr. EM sad
03 reroratec tie leoait snswer * ad cbe
cocld aot - < rax a ah-e wasted t take ier
SOD to teach aad waoM retara te half an
ioar Bat I M aat see h r a aiz uul
Octafcer ? . vhea 1 traa swacwaed ta tie
Viae rt police sttatiaa. Tiere 1 am--
this sahte IKS , wtieh I WeatJfy a t (
property ol MrEB s. J.Ma r saw she = = T
te the siav tea = ua tcs before tiie fesaie
priswer estterad. TSe 3 I TZS ia a. glass
ease de e taviere she i s aaalB .
HeUiBeittaea i tie .reajeci. the
iriiaes * toki tiat th door wf tie case rwa-t
tare iee aaaaed arfer ta set the s2
aad that tie 4oaras not -property dosed
wtaa. tte yrtaaaer Jett t& c&ap.
JLrplytaS ta aaather r > eitica. ifiH XH-
T > oi seated tilt It ic-aa after tic fecuie
pruoaer had > e < tha itare that tie sauced
that tie dear ol the e = e TTM = ot praperty
Tie aezs irlteefi iras A > r S-rtraeH. a
jarrJer a Great Psnfaad atreec la HSb-
ttaace b testlSed that aa S | e = 3e ' 3t.
Mrs. Cactie est to hi stare aJaae &ad
csked to * ee a ehhM iBlT eae. Her saa
ea = e ta laiar alaae. aadwhOe Mrs. Castie
-aa ic. the store she TSS faaaved ir Mr
Cat4 . VHtsesa. ezstlssnas. saidI eac-
taaed talMas ta Mrs. CastJe Tide Mr.
CasUe stood ieoktes at some fers e = tie
nrti iaad side J the skew roeaTSere
vere Car trtoaitags in ti cs near iriva-e
heras itiadtesHe caatiaaed Jooldas at
tie furs , tat I eaaaet ay he taaehed th m.
Mr CastJe aad ti * key left the shap Irst
aid they ware raOa d ooe .aftenrard * ty
Mrs. Castle , aad I uv z > a aiare at tiem
oattt O3 tr 1. Thea tie -rtfe eaaM alaa ?
darta ; the aaraia alaae aad I Eha ed ier
taoer > i m < 4 ma tksss ta fee = atch d. I
aased as tie pnce at the cae he
vaaced. She uSen& , itnich I dedlaed.
The bay ties etlered aad asked ier ta
caJt samevhere at 4 a'eleek. She said < he
irouM tiKiit orer = y groaont.ion sad they
left rhe sh p after she had prsossed rse
ta recursI did aat na aaythlas a UI
October 8. vhea Ireel ta tie Ylae Street
police eacrt aad laead nr-a Ues. eae a
lib ! * asd ore a kallasky ror hetecsias ta
rse tad Taterf ai 4 aad 15. resaectlTely
TSey iere to. the right haad part at tie
aha-v reoa irhere Mr. Castle atood. * *
Alter sbzfiar erMeace had beea foraished
hy other forri n. the suza er at the Hatei
Cecil tdeat&ed the plated toast rack aad
c-ean Jcg mrkei "Hotel C cfl iaaad
anoa ? the effects of tie Castles. A detectfre
recreated the iaetdeata which icco = paaied
the arrests et the pnsoaera. acd the ease
lor the proaecotiea d c d.
Alter this teaisre f the eo e had been
toraaBy treoad sp Mr Chiries Matthevs.
lesJiaj co = t = jJ tar tie Castes , atkrf tiat
the prfeOBers be eamnimed for trial at tie
Ceatral erisuaal court , tat Mr X * rt a reused -
{ used ta do so. cayisg that sis atttmcuaat
were ta sesd all tiop-liftiai cases ( or trial
t the lessicoc. aad theretore- ceaaitiei
both prlsacers Jar truX aitewtcg bail ia
CM.09S < nsu > 09) as betare. at the CTerkes-
reil sesaiecs. which apeaed
At tie aaselBsioa at the cocrt
a rejtrrsea tlTv of the Associated press had
a interview trtth ilr. Walter itCaiUe
The Caiitarala nertiaal aid"I hare
bea testrscted iy ay aasraeya aot to talk
! cr pchtlrartaa. bat I aai rtii at the c'niff
ta ezpt&te ocruis tiJags. I cant. arst.
ask yau cat ta ( isrsl e oar aresesc aiode.
as rsyKite Ja T ry SI aad aay paUUhed
soUce of ear whereaioBts w eJd eacse ca
ta 'asar * on. '
"I taaaot suScieatly think oer triesda
ia Caltferaia. asd eiMwicre fer their kiad-
oess. I ass. in defjp traabie. tat I as ea-
t.nrfr ioaeerui. It vfll be dearly proved
zt the trill that = 7 wtf < has ieea cuSeriaz
tr a a disorder whiei asakai kcr irrespaa-
j-.We. aad tie is aaw tuider tie car : * T
\ phyiieiaas sad at a ptafe-csiraai snrse
lust Mar. wMIe ia Laadas. I wzi ablt-wl
to < aB ta. daesars to rtiatae ier. aad we
are son' Krta where she hgw abtulate
quiet. "
Mr Castle- was askrd hair he ezalaia d
that ttTtac wsth his wtfe ia ace rood at
tid ootaL he did &at kaaw sbe had statea
arudes ta ier > ows loa. He saM"Lt
me t U > a tiat at least TC seat at the
artkaVs the police Jeuad asaos oar rf < w
I &rir& > aid fsr. Of this I hat * pcsac
whtch will W araJa d at tie trial I am
not a mflltoajice. bat I ST aiy wife pircty
et a B r M hay what she waati. Sbe azs
a a y at her awa also. I did aat taor tb
ccBttsla ef her trcsks. bat tt I bad sea
twice aa ae i IB theci I w cM hi 3 tianett
that tie puwiased Zheta.
I had a Uf ihe was tiu a Urtd-
NCTCT ts tie tea i-rars < rf our aarri d Ufo
dj < 3 I dUcart-r sees a ttsdewr aad se -
betore has tirr t b * a a
ter chararter or riiae. Our
haze eaa easQr pra * til * . '
Wiea Sir Castle w s
lac ti CJtarr cf hui
EaUa aj jaJ. he reaartriWe were
treated Uwflr. bat kt h aa vleezaC
ptaee. loa iae ay leeOagi tiers wttb acy
wif actcrty yracerated.
I i re aotfetas ; hi say ahoat tie eiajate-
thm at Marlaaraua Street p aee eaart.
sa-re that I tihik t - aaziccrate ias Vws
wlalj serere. Ha < I Veea a eaaoan crias-
h I a evsM aat hare tried ta j4a e a e ta
a wane iiUaa. I aa4rstaad tiat aar
Liatiu reireaM eaae iarward ta the
* eat at : i _ W * far * il if U wu acces
-Tie > ie * kar V a km * la M. -
> eeiany lasattar .Vrrow He iu esprf M4
tr = > aajfeyrtth ua. Rirt c that it Snt he
Mr. Castte was ased what his pfea * were
Jar tie fiuae aad a rrpOwl "I stall try
ta r-s ar my peer wife aa aaaeh as p * al-
hta Tsatfl tie trial. Bat aee Use of descane
is pesaiMe aad tiat ic ssy wife's health.
I ao aat aaprehead aay t-aubU te prevto ?
ary ova teaaceare. "
Dark * ; tkma tetervVw Mr. Ca Oe"s eyes
f--ea > aQi SBt * witi tears , tat hfe b-sriae ;
was mialy aad digaisted. aad h at oaee I
reared. "Sxraee a * * , " he said , "asy wife
sets aervaajs if I as : away aad I aajat re
nt-are ier" *
laltetl Stair * * U11 Paclae.
' . Oct. 3t. It ta stated , by
tiat the reports eocstec from Xew
Orteaas as te ac ezettia ; coa uTfi > j at
Havana , ietweea Geaeral Ftabasfc Lee.
ratted States coaxal geaeral. and Geaeral
Weyfer. ever tie attempted apacehesae of
a Merieaa aacsed Feraaaaez. on bevd
tie Aaerfcaa ship Vlcflaarta. ctre a sfcca-
fleaac ? aad teapartaaee M the eveat aot
warranted by tact * .
If there was aay spprebeasJoa that war
} i weald resolt that fe-lnsjj aast have be-B
t \ eoaaaed entirely ta Havaaa , tor tie taw oa
1 ( he soaiect is ca eiear aad tts applteattea has
, b- * e Inaly established by preteoeat that
tioaeials here were te ao doaex as te the
oatcrae. Ceasai Geaeral L < - has net te-
feraed the State depsrtaeat of tha air
aad th * fact that ie did aot oeeo t worthy
ot the expeaae af eabUas. tat win treat
it ociy ia the recttee way tsreagh aad
reporta. la evfcleaee * f tie fcaportoaee he
accorded te the teeWeaX The Spaaisi :
aatiorttles have received Havaaa advices
fatty explaining tit tie tariaeats were of i
ta eatlrrfy paetae character , aad treated the .
aatter as havtez beea satiefactarUy adiasted I
betweea Geaeral Weyier aad Coes l Ge - t
eral Lee witsem ax ; breach ef tieir frieadly I ,
rdatiaea. I
The facts as reported are ntbgtiartaHy j
theseGeoeral WeyJer ordered the arrest f I
Feraaadez as a saep-et. aot kaawte ? at tie !
tiae of tie fcwaaace of the order tiat he
, wac ee board sa > aericaa selp. Later
' Ceaeral Lee matifed the Spaaish aatiartties ! i
| j tiat tie Vteiiaaeta was aa Aaeriesa hp i
' wiich. aa4er oat treaty riehts , had aa I ,
isaaaetty froa search aad setcare for j i
stBpeets te traastt to other ports. GeaerU
Weyter praoiatly acceded ta the peettfee.
takea by Geaeral Lee. aad tie a air eaded.
Xa protests or data * were cvaoJtted te
WasfeiB taa ty either tide. It is seid
pa itiv iy that lie reports tiat Geaeral
WeyVer ever easteophted Sric aa the
Vtettaaesa. or trateed tie runs of Macro
tastie ITteeorreet. .
Tiaoctrtee aatetoiaed by tie rafced
Stctes te eases Wee tiat of Feraaa4ex *
tiat any toreiza hlp act a aatteaol vecftel
or ; sia-of-war eateria : a port svhfects aer-
seif to tie local las af tie ptaee. Coa e-
aeatty if thershacid be OB board a Irnzi-
tt - fros H Oe ie eaa be reeiakaed by Uie
local aficrrs prwwiis ? tt SB dace strx ly te
tecordaace te praeess of law. It U te
jaetiee of this yuriaa that Fcr = i = J-r feaad
safety aed ia tiia his case ia a parallel te
Jthzt ef tie Ajeerlcia aierciaat. Sastael
> T toa. who was takea off aa Aaerjeaa
aUuaet u. Harm , bet xtterwsrd released
by the Saafe ; ! : eT mil * cpoa Oaascl Ges-
rral Lee's deeaad. la tiat aase the Seas-
, ion ! * fiSed ta Seilew dae process of lav. bet
i arrested the naa ssder rdltary praeeas aad
tt is repealed fma the press reports that
til * was attespted ia F raaad x * : ease.
Captate Geseral Weyler has all aUrar ;
"natntaed tiat tie operotsoas af erril law
were fre BeaOy faspeaded ia Cube , aonaz
the progress af tha rebcQioB ia < ! tiat aar-
ual iaw reused svsreiaeCader lia eos-
tr = ct _ n ie. arre * d Tolaa , aad docbti w
attested to arr st Feraaadex. Bat tie
raii < ed States ias tak a tie eeatrzry > oti-
tioa aad ia this ias beea sostaiaed by the
sap-rior aaiioriii s at Madrid. wh beraad j
aoesttea foresaw that if they sopported
Weyler's caetestifia it waold trswoat t3
oca aa adeiesioa f tie exJateace of a
state et rernat wzr s would aot pera . of
the farther delay af recngsfriaa by tmtsn
pewers. aad periapf erea the sraver steps
of torsal reooe 5a c af the iedepcadeace ct
th Lascrgeats. Therefare. tie eaiy aaaaer
te which Feraacdcz eaold iare b-ea heid
by Weyler would have aeesasder civil
pnceca aad ! t is usaated that either ie hod
aa apportaaity ta complete tie aoeeecary
anaalit > efi or 1fr&l hiauelf laekten te the
proof that weald be repaired ta saatoiB his
case before the civQ conrts af Caii.
Pr tr tant > Object to Conc < - > * ioa
3tade to the Catholic * .
KTXXIPSG. Maa _ Oct. 2i It Is l-nraed
that s. hitch his ocecrred ia the a/ere3ce
for the setxleaeat cf the parochial school
ipe tjo = sow ta prsgresc at Ottawa.
Premier Laarter aad tie delegates fraa
Moaiteaa ha agreed to aQowa Jif hoar
a day te enrr ; scfieai Jor teochtss of reUc oa
by tie Eaaaa CathaUea. the b Hef b as
that < eeaceuiaa wecid settle the d ± 3-
It alght have seul-d It as for as the
Ha = oa CathoUcs were caaceraed. bet whea
th prateseaat leaders heard of It they
raised a big row. Such a eaacescica they
daia to be a Tialatiaa of the aatiaaal school
So the Maalteha preaier , Mr. Greeaway.
had to wfehdrai - froia this igreeaeat. aad
aa-r. u tor as ran be learned , as other
srheae eaa be devised , asd the setdeaeat
ic as ! or sS. ox ever.
Drlieve * tne Veaexarlaa Commlitiilaa
Li Ailvrrve to Encland.
LOXI > OX Oct. 28. Str Edward Clarke. Q
C _ casuurTative , { oraerly zoUeMer geaeral
aad seafaer of Parttoaeat tar Plyaacta. re-
ferrias ta tie adverse eruic sa of his
reeeai spettli an the Veaezc laa qcestiac at
Tori ; ia wisei he said that -Xo ieaeit
aad taaortial arbitrator or eoaaissiaa
cocM decide ia favcr of Ea iaad * < ri tei
npoa the eTiJeaee , " has writtea a letter to
the Associated press en the eabjeet. He
says : The speech -was deliberately saie ia
tie belief walei I scH eatenaan. tiat it win
be cf public semce , aad was. ot course
aade after a fell stsdy af all the docnaeats
sSctoUy pub-Uste-i as. tie zabject. ' *
Czar and Empvror Get Tocrther.
WIESBADEX Oct. 2l The csor. Groad
Doka Series aad the eroad doke of Hess
arrived her * ai I o'elartr tits aftersoen. aad
were receired at the cailread Kitlon by
Eapercr Wtliaa. wia ware a Ssssios cal-
j Jara. Thew moJeKses drove to tie eostk
I te a earrtsge drra by fiaar harses. Tie
i raete tirto was ttctod with t opa. aad tie
I crowds x - ai seearded the RSSMBC en-
peror aa eath uioxic welcome. Ti * czar
m in retara ta Darastait this aftera
Itan to Carrj" Oat Brfvrm * .
CONSTAXTUCCPf J , Oct. . < EMar l is ;
TraasmiMjoa > At lie aadlesce htefc the j
Bsasiaa aaeasudaor. M.d X iid S. iad
ttth tie aahaa oa Satariar. the Latter ex- j
prosoed his sna laiai sa of carryteg aat i
tie rebtras decided epos tee the better ad- '
; afeiiaiUaa ot Ax = iiU. iT. de N Uoa3 I
w leare this city shortly lar Basita ha
anirr ta aak a porsacaJ reaort te the
ssar aa tie aitutiac otaZajn bare.
Itioitijm Ml
i * r' 4 j iftar ( I
S7 PETEKSBrsW. Oct. is At ti anj j
> pcrial satet 2Jo poads af i
are betes caoverted UM coia. Ot
Wauwtou rachie * w _ : be taraed aat , ± 5.- '
( HI * ( * * > at ai * < r ui e s.rsck eS aad LOOQ.-
9iX > HB'.i a v4e prepare i lar cir- I
Ibsh'i la be Cfclj & Hbar Ga = se b. ti
Great 2
EasIIih Markets Will Follow tie
Called t lr Demand for tntm-
ers ma Important Featare
of the 5ltaatl o.
K. or < *
UKfXXJX. Oet. Si. At the Battle to4ay
the wheat axarket opeaed Sdaader yester
day's price , tat sties sti eaed later , hosaers
aenaaalas yesterday's toe prices. There
was Uttfe aatoe. however. A rejcweatattre
of tie Associated press had as. hMerrte-w to-
aay witi the broker who does tie Urrest
taatees te wheat OB this x d of the AUaa-
ac te regard te tie sttaadoc. He said te
sahMaeee Is iall tie aatorzi iatf.
ot taaiije. we have only Mtowed the lead
set by the raited States , waere aaerBiators
are -rwy active. The year's scarcity , te
spite of the fact that Eagtaad had a serea-
aaiOioe eria. ias iadaccil so caia ors to rash
te. Sasaca'i crap is poor aad Aascrhs a
KarrteaDy aft. Bat what is af treit ac-
awat. coasaners havtec ; terre advaaee aufl-
te ? eosHraets also rnabed te to seevre sva-1
pBes eves at tap prices , which today are 3i ,
per cent it = ier * " last week. !
T - CaJMorafa wheat seat ta ladia is oaiy
i dr3e > te the taeket. tat the zwral efect
of the naveaent aad the bareadtac taatee
te tedta has beea T-rr cf it. Of eoerse. sf
rate faQs , a aatits of Califorata wheat win
aot be wasted. Bat I feaht tis aad that.
coaat" i w i tie viceroy's crave tetecraas.
aataraOy aZoriz spenrtaton tie real ete-
aest af sacertafcty they delight io.
-StSl this d es ot aeeoaat for aore tin.
half the rise. The batoaee t a aoBd ad-
-raaee. owiasf te sbortaess of jaaaCta. We
saail foOa-w the raited States e eey iaw-
ever , aad thfpemlaters wie ftirre tie
market. A rise te freights has at all ttets
beea ta advaace of a ne ix wheat asd the
deoaad for stes = en Is aoat brisk. The
elafte ? of the sea of Aaof earty ia Dectsaher
w\a free aorsfetn of siie ta toad elsewhere.
taowch at preseat the Aaof boats are load-
tes as ra * Hy as peessBJe.-
la tie SsaMtez eora narket wheat rsse
vesterday 3 thiilteji per auariec aad eae
tariser sold 1 acres af wheat at M shS-
IJVSHPOOt , Oct. . The wheat aarket
here today was less feverish tiaa resteraay
wbea Tier ? was crest exciteoezt aad eaer-
asoas taytec. Tie oauoa strket opeaed
with a dedtee of M free yesterdays top
prtef * aad recovered I d oe rood bcyta ? .
Tie awrket maateed steady for the rest of
tbe day. Soot wheat was 2r = at Td advaae- .
eoaxpared with Friday vscil the fail ia
Aia-rteaa prtces seat prices aowa d. To
day's tasxaess has aat beee pheaamesal aad
wss cfeiedy for soUd trade pazaesex. It ta
thoa ht that prices v91 keep high while
Rassaa. witiboids safeties. &ad that whec
the latter coaatxy reUses Aaaerica rsast fol
low > ait aad tie aarket wOl topploova. .
j i X leadia ; IJTB. however , woeid te cast
wh K tiat win oecsr.
SAX FEAXC1SCO. Oct. . The exeste-
neat te wheat abated ooejid-noly today
aad prices iere had < pri e a d I3ae traea the
esctreae potets reached yesterday. May' {
ep aed at H 54 aad feH ta H-il , dacias at
Jl-SHt. Dee Bb r oaeaed at SLM sad
dropped ta IL4S. At 3 JS Deeenj-
ber said dowa te JI.M aad May
ta U SAt U C tie aews ef a t&arp
rally to tie Chseaj asarket sosewiat
streagtieaed the cirsat.oa iere. May
apeaed at Jl5 < a Siia of 4re orer tie pre-
riaai lowest price aad thea seW hack te
1 % . December opeaed at IL9 5-S. rase
. aad thec fed Hie a. pl = et ta
T r dcetes ILITa Spot wheat was
weakened * oo wh t today by its ? p-eaU-
tlve aechse aad tie aasettled state af a = airs
rea aUTXaaaaal aaec Ttmn are R-t = * =
ta SI tt per ceataL Wiast optical were
steadier tis afteraoen. At tie eaU board
rcgaiar ceovioc Deeeaier apeaed at ILO
aad etoeed at II V May opeaed at
; . r se SL3Z 5-S aad eteeed st SISZ.
London Tlin o , However. S Imdlc -
tion * of Ho rdiar.
LOXTXMf. Oct. 3 * . Sancel Maatajae 4
SOBS state that today's large withdrawal
of cald < I1 ( KM i = ASMricaa goicj is ow-
au ; to the advaaee ia wheat , aneh of the
sixty-day exchange faiU s d e tad the rate
ot esciaBs ? te coeseaaesce. betas lower.
X1TW TOSK. O . 28 The faOewiap en-
gaeecaeats lar ioaort are resorted : Loea
& Co. . n.66 00. Baak ef BriUsh Xarth
AEerJco. SM.OO : MsCer. Scaan t C .
CS.6M : Kidaer Peabedy Co. ef Bcstae.
J75 * - . Lazard Freres. .5WOC ( 0 : L. Von
HoC = aa & Ca , , § 0 . Total.
d < a
ST. PETE2SBUEC. Oct. ± L The Grash-
.4a-fn has Seea ccspeoded for iarsas pob-
hshed dlsaatches which Its praprietar.
Priace Mesteitrsky. telegraphed fre = i Paris
at the trae af the Tistt at the oar aad
f- rte to the Freaei capital , la the coarse
of which the pnace attacked Predeat
Facre aad the arrzy cf Fnace.
a. Threatening Letter.
COX5TAXTIXOPLE , Oct. 28. The Catho
lic Arsesiaa patriarsa , Jt is saaaoaced , has
recetred a letter trad the Arseaiaa reveJn-
tlaziry eozaaittee desaadia ? H-jM. aad
threateaiag t-t-n that , ualess the aoaey 3s
sent , he win 2j t the fat * of other Ar-
as wha refused the de n-sflg ef the
Irlih National . Xrir Y'ork
Taketbr - .Hattrr In. Haad.
XEW TOaK , Oct. * l < . The Irish Xatiaaal
- > cabled to aHl-itee represeata-
ia Loodoa ta see that the best eonas i
is rttaieefi ia order that whea the ease af
Edward J. I wry of tito city , arrested oa
sasaiciozi af eoaaeetias wdi aa illeged dyaa-
nite ptet. is catted up ajiia 1 = the paUce
caort es. Fnday a de = asd be far his
diseharse. Preddeat Ly = aa has aliaBTte -
tea a stroac letter ta Secretary af State Ol-
aey desaadfa ; that ate deart = eat take ae-
uoc. aad that Irory be accorded afl the
rishts te which aa Aaeriers eitizea is ea-
titled. The letter te said is be coached ia
very ttracs terns.
Funeral of Hen IT E. Abbey.
XEW TOBX. Oct. 3L Fnaeral services
over the rtisains of tie bLe H ary
Aibey were sHI today te the Charch of
ti Paattst Fathers te this etty.Tie pafl-
bears were : WBUao Sustenar. Robrrt
IircUaa , Bawsrd Lauteraoch. G L. RJv-ers.
A. M. PaHnur , ABpwtia Daty. Freak VT.
Sas er. G orc C Vase. D Oed a Milte.
Jaaxw H. Brntta , M Ca * aiaa. MM Borke
asHt WaU er O&aroech. Taeri were Ic. at-
l < ma nr , s sreat waalier of people pron-
ta lt wierld of aatftrrn-p.r Amooc
were UM foaavtec Charton FrohsBasi.
FrofctMs. Stcror * t Vtao. Heory
Ioa Mauievs. JacobLett. . Er- .
XTUtaai Pro > n. Caariea CoeKe. *
Cayvasx. W. A. Brsdr E. C. Cti- !
storr. WlH-sjn efia. Hecry M'a&sea. Sicnor j I
IVrurlai. Ada GOsaa. AJC-BI L. Heck > r. 1 i
Cteufc * E. Mei > . Aaea. HrU. Ted Marks.
Robert UeW . Louta KOrUse. Euaalpli
A.i nnoit , A. H Caahr. Marc&s il r , Mrs.
Bararr WUika * , lioratr 13V5cktr. O.
Balk * * * * Curtis. Toe Kirl. E. E. Rice.4
OSOLT Haaimnitir. G C. fioaitaee. Ccorpcr
B. SfttarSfi. Loru Craatrw A aaa Booth.
T H Frfc. . J W MammMT E. H. '
Satftcrn Virairltt Haraare Albert Btal , f ,
iF Proi-wr AaTOiiM Pl'wj. Ckarirs R
DMi < s-ii ; Fra 1IKsad Frd Raja - ,
a 1 = . T > rrtoairj of Mr AfcU-y wui be
v i ; a j.e trire cf bis Srst wife at
-.aT-pfoa. V.-s . to
were takra.
Tflwiloaarr * A cxl 4lon
HI4 Flftirth Aaaval Meetlnc.
BOSTOX Oct. . Ti 4 fiJth aartvtr-
sary af tie AsserleaaSg'sWnarr assorU-
tJao. Jor tie ote ervaae of wiici aa ebe-
arase pr era = ias bern. v xred aad whtefc
eaffed tagether atiay of tfee leaders te the
wcrk from tti tmu'ry w s
epesed her * , teday. Tie sew
Terjple Park , crs t , ehareh aad
iaO. havebeeafeacicrd far the
aad the Kit ofj peaken laetaaes
aad proralaest sea aed waraea
te r tfertoe . merary aat aSciat Ofe aad it
ta expected tiat fafl IjWtJ rtsttorj wfll it-
tead tiettass - 5
Today I ezerctees opestii with a weO at-
teadtd aeettavr ia Trracit teapJ * . Pmi-
4eat M. E. Gstes LL. Z ; prssiiiaat of the
society ef Asiherst. Mass . eitoed aad tie
defecate * were weJesa-d. 5y Act&g G r-
eraor 'Keicott aad Mayer Qeteey Treas-
arer HaMard's lepert wai.rfi * . after wiirii
Ser. A. J Lymaa of Brecklya. X. T. rsad
the aftirti aaaaal reacr ef the execstlv-
eaaaairtee. I * was iwtorattliijy as iaBews
- TTiave re-lncrt tie 4-bt af .6 ta
JfiS M Tae atsociaUoa ias reeetved ia
coatriba-jeas &ad leEaeiesrr-r S2 M aore
' > hut year Of ihJa * aasat ahavt S3 * -
M ias beea raoserib - teas die -jabt-
) ee share fuads. ' Last year'i cx-
peoattares were J5 * 0.ft4 uless t * * * " tiese
af MM , three years JLCO. Operattoos
are coodwted in behalf cf five dlS-traot
rates te oar ramauj1. Th consist of the
estaMtahorat aad sopperfc * ? satentoas aad
choreaes aad of schools ? These liaes of
work are carried aaoa ; & e$3N of colored
people tirtmch all tie fontfc ; T-H T. w * fM
of tie sootiera people ojljie Apoalacaita
irr'aj'Mt amor ; the laJleas. irung ih
Eatiaios of AUska. asd ajpccs lie Chca-se
of tie Pacify coastJC
Tie ereaiac opeaed wifijaa evea larFer
aadience. T e d Totie = ) | in xercises were
eeadacted by Her Hary J.Tatrtck of Xew-
teaTine Mini foitowedw a ser oa by
Her LT = aa Abbott of Br jfey = . X. T C a-
laaaioB roltowed. coadacttscVy Her "WTUiaa
H. Daria ' Newton.Vjjayt ' - Presi-leot
E. M. CraTeti of F5sh TqjaWmty of Xash-
Tttle. Teaa. BeadicacT | * y Dr Patrick
ctesed tie aeenas. Thasal wfil be fa r
occ w fari-a4a 5 a. patriotic
ia Faa il haJL
American Mt lciTtnr 3E * M rtr aad
GrnTrtli of ParoeMMl9cho It.
SPHIXG-FTELT1 Ti Od $ > y Tiday s ses
sion of rie > A = eneaa ChAM&a Missiosary
sedety cpeaed w.Oi a s'jgaTi . - . troa the
Board of Cinrch Extnsiav&j George V
Maekley ef Saasas City | | ji address on
"Charei ErUasion ' was djWrered iy D. O.
Smart of tr CT7 Baacrti were read
frets the Board f Xecraf Eraageliiatiea
aad Bducauoa by C C Hia n > i ct Otto ti-
Beard ot IQaurtrrial e af2T A. M. At-
ktesoa et VCabaaa. Izi faadjlhe aatioeal
Male school STiperx' sdciatlhTjUB- . Wag-
ceser of Eaasas rVr XaHst
The foUcw 25 c2en wssileierted Pres--
dkat , M. M. ITat s IhuisiTJRngvice previ-
aeats. 7 T Swerer ttaalii.'y. P R. T
Matthews D-s M au. Ic > arfF E.
St. Lotus j ee dJa33K ? cfetarT Ben- ,
jasste L. Siarh , rju aju xS.hieaxcrn- . P
Ttepiey. Ctocisnat , a atarit JL. C FOI-
gxtre. Ctanaootl
sext rstinpi
is r
The SaCowic : t
rai'ir.'ittt'e : ' ' ca fcreiga
T T headed iisrcseiaa j
ti * paroe-hu ! tools
sate pottnraJ parties ,
} ts awn lE.oreW.a. J ? c
tiooa man tie -natlaeai tre y.-y fur * * ta
TUB pttrposes. a nf wMcSJ nad r tie "u -
af lurkrdees aot ir-ita' * to str&e
aew-s OoEy ises osd pctriais wia dare M
cppe e tieir diioc Jai dwn : * hxs no
right to a pla-e upon texticai ! sott. Is
TMTW of th * Cat i > bJaJCfeoaZroatd as. ire
tie -frrusSys. . 9 ! the Aaericaa
r. JoyaJry to thSac , aa ! lore fer aer
ric&a af.'uuoeaL t ;
After daciuEioc it WJLS decided hr a
rate of Ul t T : ta sfike the resotaUoa
tram tie repart. ,
_ f
Dr. ! fennrr ExpI&Ia the Position of
the Ixalcratloi { Aatlioritl * .
X2TK" TOBK. Ort. 28.-fC s3aaader Booti-
Tscker xi > near-d before &e beard ef special
laqoiry at ETHs Islaal t < &ar' plead tor the
ad = us oc af the I Arj furan referees de-
taised there peais ? a itrousfei is ta their
desirabtBry as i = i raSt . Dr Seaaer de-
Saed the petition of tiafsareraaieat t the
matter as foUcws &fcc days aga , Gea
eral Booth-Torker EeS r Greea af the
Arseniaa relief faad & | d a reareseatattve
of tie driBtuo. HeraUfipp red befare aie
te the interest of Arsej aas that were thea
expected to arrive. I tcjp tbei = eer pasfcloc.
It is this We eaaao ilaw these -people ta
come iere aarf rocyetiCTirtth trcr werktag-
aeo. I expuused taa jre daat taow aay
Araeaitas er aay othar riiti , AH people
caae here as r = igfjifi. aad xs they ar
rive we deoi ? as tojVtkraeriis as ia-
dfrldcals.n < f aoc .3ia a. * * lac li
they are eligible .Stren they wffl
be adautted theSCa e " > ay
ether desirahle persri Betare we ran ad-
nit tiese people that 1 ? Silratioauu aad
other philaathrsiiEla loaded e m-sst
hare soiae suiatintlaj * cuarastee. te the
shape cf heads , ' d * people so aizurtei
will aot heceiae a cbarze oa the cauuijj
aad aat general praaifta tiat they wrl aot
becose 5 ibiJC charseaS
The wcrkaea of tHzssachasetts cave
coapiaiaed rery aucS ahcst the iraai aats
fraa Araeaii d-anaajthe past few yeara.
Itj clai = ed that tSey hare lowered tie
staadan ! ef wages tjjione iadastries. es
pecially ia tie shoijjgrade. 5oae naaa-
factorers. they say tare evea gnge so far
23 ta eaplsy acae tatArsaeaiaas. .
The qcestioa ef Aimeaiaa iaaigraats
acst aot be coasidoed ezdacirely as the
stated poiat of a wmii-nfit cyaspathy.
Due coasideralioa cf . Aaericaa iaterests
acst be taken ata aecsaat. "
Hotuur of Bi h jpj > of Protrxtaat
Cpl > wopal riinrr Tt la ? Ion.
XETT TOES , Oct. 6. Tie House of 3Uh-
ops of the Protestist Eclsccpal Casrch ef
Aaerica. aet today JB tie charch n
hecse. BUhop DcusdTof i a = y is
in tie aiseace cf BMu tj TCiaiaas ef Cca-
aecticat , Vi iintlniic v re TTa.-if tor the
bishopric cf DsJrrr aei was created a
year ago. The aoateaffeaa will be reported
cpea toaorrow by7 * * * csBnaltite ta when
they were referred. ST Dr Fj-ffrnrl Hart.
secretary of the Hooae ef BUhopa. Jal the
aases cf these socilzaieil-would act be gtvea
out for puilicarioiL. "Kliea a bishop >
beea elected his saaewill be laade pcbtae.
bet ao aesuoa win he zade cf tie aaaies
af the ar.rr.crf Kifal caart.Maies.
f a.
SAX BSHXAfiDCfO. CaL , Oct. 28. Her-
san B. Scaaaobeix t trotier cf
Sehaaubelt. tie E jt.wto threw the
ia Hayaarket ntyxm. CTucngo. died here
yes&rday ot coaggxgrttte. Scaaaaielt ease
to Califoraia aioal faarleea years ara aad
teak up his resldeaee In Xfel Xorte eouaty.
He was a < T2iet. M-zunxilsf pcrsaa. sad. so
far as eaa be learce . vas carer kaawa
ta talk ararehy
LONDOX Oct. sCr-Dc. WHtiiti CaapbeiL
presdeat of Qoueaa follese , Cirrtrrtdge. Sa
dead. *
EYAX5TTT.LE. lad. Oct. 36. Jtha H.
MeNeiUy died roddesly late tiU afteraaos.
He was proprirtar cf the Evaasrttle Jour
nal aad aa old aewyip - is. 11
AKEOX. a. Oitfe.-Tbe Jarsest fire that
has -rt tt l Akrtan since tie Sessssaeber
sills were burat J. several years
cmrrtd here at mliirucht. whea tie
uir * works of ; "WaiZeauire Robiases
& Ca vere doitroyvd Tie Uaa wilt be
raa nua. nsd tba tosantaca ha. f is cuca.
Two isadred zees ara tarova cat of wcrk.
Alaafc BftMb aac G Liu
Stsmptac Tmnr of the Ex-rr - IdeBt a
5ocee frnm the tart Trwubl- *
f the Hop crat * Are
CHKTAflO. Oct. 3 C " "tl i Trtecrasm.1
ai ! aalri i iere are greatly L ax our iged
orer M4sys re strattaa te Chsci a. It
i ha o-i that every tauad assaty iisaacrat
irffl rate a atest STTISL Deaoeratc te nu-
aots statieaAaairters arrradely eaaetde
the hofH > agv of tMr eiBavi ca aad
practfcsOy etattd titrrack. . Twy
tara theic attxa ia ta Mtehtesa aad IE-
HULL They ia-rc seat thafc chief of * fak-
en tareaa to Virharat aas = the on-
torical eaaaaisa te the saadla Tie 4nt
( far'i erpert-ace ias been * erta > dlr -
eeerVsiac. TetecraaB tadleate that ez-Pres-
id at Barrhwe's Km = sts ts r , begva today ,
has tiaraozhly araaaed ladtaaa aad tiat
the ceaerals- trite of oM soidlars. taarfc ?
MJebJsas , has arvesed that state.
The pcpecratJe car alga at = isr ? > pre-
seatatloc. praceels. Thesr aetcrataadea. ta
ruie &Ooehefid the chief nmor * * tUl
eieetiaa day is deBoastrated ST the oSeizl
aaaoaaceaeat of tie poancrnlc sOrer orsaa
ia Caifira. whose prtaetaal owaer it aer
feateaee ta the peatteatlary for seaitsag ah-
sceae Itterarsre thraegh tie aaOs. This
arcaa r-pahltehes tie ediaes Prey letter
froai BostoB. referred M ia these * pi'ri > es
yesterday spite of the tact iiat Chatr-
3aa Haaaa has deaoaaced it pabiiely ia
erery sewsaaper ia tie caaatry aa a lalse-
hood act of whole doth. Chafemaa Joa s
aisa eoaQaoes the eZort to array ctaas
azateat dass aad stir up btcteraeas mong
tie -workia ; eopl ; XT lagaiag ta the aews-
pc ers I r pahiicatloa es , iaaarn itary
itati-iiect. la wiuth ie charres that a-
pieyes are Veut ; coerced tatn the sapeort
of McKmley aitioaci this stateseat hes
beea rep atedjy o > sied aad proven fatoe
is ererr ee when tie charge was s ei
ciacaftr side aad isv-sti atiao. rnf.t poaai-
Et. K r George L. &LJ uisur. Msbap of
tie Episcopal caereh diocese of soathara
Eliaota. toeay Joteed te the pahitc exares-
sieca ia 2arar of roaad = jocr aaae by
Btaboa Vewaac of tie Methodic * eawreh cad
Arcfibtshop IreUad aad Her Se-oiaccr of
the Haaaa Cathoilr charch tarsc i a let-
er to tie state repaaUesa eafaasitxee of
TroaMe brske oat ia the poeocxtie east ?
today rer the dtseavorr by TmaitVnaa atec
that preaisei of eertaiz offlclil portions of
ti a ade are betas freely made , aad tkat
-iey are betas duplicated te a w y exj
treziely eaiaarrsscteK te thas < trie hare
' pot ap" ta s core the fart pledge. Thin
especially was Otestrated ia the dtscorery
> tte pcstetoB of aiaister ta Frmacc
wlurh was proai ed ta Mams Daly the
3 oaLaas sdrrr niae owaer. ias saw bees
repl ded. tils tine ta Daly s bitter patzd-
caJ esesny W C. CUrX aaatier ifaatina
* UTer Trfne cwser It is vsderxtoed tast m
cenccistioa cf t . .000ins obtaiacd roe
CTarlc ia > da < Tfnn to
sflrer k ± ag :
This racnis-'i Chicago aewspapers
ccataia aa adTeflseaeBt. paid Isr
hr tie Bryaa suaa era , aaaooae-
toy "if Bryaa is ejected tie zaixcd
aad silTtf siaes of tie -westera states
aeed at aaee 9t.t saisecs. aad st
jSSJXfl mea wSB Sa < l ea ayn st i :
9004 wij ie thsa braaeh of labor " Ap-
pticzats were adrteed te address a aaee ;
SlTen zt Heiecj , iioat. . "or say y . ; g
eeovasy te the wexC" As a axaUer a
tact , a& tie U aad sUrer miaes aad ,
staeJttee works te tie Catted Statei serrr
aployed tat Z5 # = a te LSi. whea tie
mntag tedassy was at its het fct. This is
far lie porpeee % l ereatias aa raprossiaa !
that workjcs people are la be te great de-
aazad te the ereot of Bryaa's eiecrtae. J I '
Whea warktegaea saientind that this ,
bait is a decepuoa aad a traad sad is paid ] i
tar by aiocey eootrihated by sti-rer aaaj j
i ss wae already have te their eaaioyi i
meet ii caay = na as they cas fire work '
aad that it is ncapiy deceit they will aot j
be t-ii ia4As aasomced te tiese its1 1
patches yesterday , there is ta be a Mtii1 1
Oen sama ? tar labor circles at Bryaa
headaaxrters daily satil the aaee of the I
- * Jones' endarsffsieat ot Ciair-
! < Ei""a's - lhat
ecrsjoa Hatzrday of
aezt week be iis day ia tie eaapaiga
aad * * * tie display of tie aacccal eaten
by reters wul aesa za teteattoa tarate
lar eossd aecer is aa opes adeussoa tTar
the Bryaa Tr.asjsers tear the eSect of the
i 5. The eZen f the Bryaa r-aiagfrii
wttt caw be te hare- the eoters displayed
by as sazy ef tietr Eoppcrtera ai poss&le' '
fa order ta create tie inareacios tiat tie '
iau aia zeaas sothiag far the repchucaa j
ezcse. Goreraar Alt eld tas beta roiae'
tiraaci IQiaais for two weeks deaonncias
ia tie bitterest ter = s the repoblicaa aiaa-
asErs aad socad = aaey de = : acrats lor ad-
Tocatiajf the display of the Asertcaa 1 ;
aad abcsias tie azttonal colors ia the Tdest ,
laafuaseL He ays that a ianatias of tie i
Z&S ia this caspaisa ! aa tasclt , aad that' I '
the flig Is aot eadaa ered or = eaaeed by )
tie free sSrer proposMaea. fnd as a. eta-1
ie jQeaee- the fias aas beea Sara d wa by j
tree silver decscrats ia = aay kacrlfciea.
Supreme Court Hcfam to Hare the i
Offlctal Ballot CTbanxr-tL. j
CHETENJTE , Oct. SL & pedal Tdegrta. * j
The * opre = eocrt af WyKsfcs today de-
dded aivertrfy te the democratic state eata-
= lrtee ia a suit hromght by it aai = st Sec
retary of State BvrdieJc ia referKiee ta tie
ar electors ia this state certi
fied ay hfca to the cecaty cierk as the oS-
clal aa = aees of the Tiriocs parties. It
was aJleeed that two aeciaaiaeas aade by i
njd > ne-af-the-rsad popelisu were trrsalir
beeasse made by petition aad ahocld aot
have beea certified by the secretary. It
-ras also charrsd that the secretary acted
IrresaUrfy ia the grrcpiag af the aasse af
a isso-fOfKtat aotaiaee witi the = * Se- ,
af-the-rsad popolists lastead of with the I
detaocrais. Tie s i . which , was ia the i
nature af aa aaaiiez.Ua3 lor awrit ot maI I
< 1gTB ta eoopel tie secretary ta correct 1
the alleged irre slanties. was dteaussed. the
court haJ4ui ; Eaaausovsiy that the secre
tary. had acted ia the carter la accordance
with law.
The aOcial baltet will eaataia leer eiae-
taral tuckets u foliows AeaoaBeas. thrt ;
populist , three. procJhfeias. three , aad o a-
ecratic twa. Oae-cf tie poaoiut ttt-ctors
was sooiaated by tie dezaocratje state cao-
raiei e. tat he win be sracped with the pop-
oQst electert.
Cpeiallr Sliotr aa Ex-
iMtrmt Ia Caa
CHICAGO. Oct. Si. Tie Mtal
tioa tsr the secaad day te life city was
SO.&Og. whiea. wua the ail JUS tor tie ant
day's recistratlaa. rtrta Chicane a total -rate
f 3SS.SU. The resiscrattoa today 7aa the
.heaTfesi te lh wards te the saaliera part
of the city nc t f wiuci are reocbOcic
stroachalda. At the sase uz * the deao-
crata were wortjn hard 12 4 reclctered a <
terj hesry tou The Tenth ward. whth
nt strocgly deaorra jcro Jed ap UOO aew
roters today The Thjru si a reptbbcaa
ward. TSir ja w li S 5T" Th e were .i * I
warii a. < e c-ry toisr. J
Fifteenth Annual Convention Hold *
lt Flr t Dny' c lon.
ST. LOC1H. Oct. at TH Btitarlom te
acv aed two
aa w n as al = Kitocil is-
taM today tie UrJSBreeet rail
way caaiMOaa that M S eofled ta
It was th 2fleentAa at ! COB
af the Antericaa 3fc = B HtUway
Srtry hat af avaltaale
aaejoe tajJdteN oatside of
the defecates aad vtettan
eVptay ot tr < esn aad
thtec pertatete * to tie
hlhaUaaJ * esar8y the
I aaees { era the smteet part
i tiara the latest aad nest aawl
1 te that Ilae briar : showa. Witt * electrtaty
aaaate es evot j iiiiaac ; w.thte the talWhas.
the eaafe ee ia e an exhibit wtth at
wMea attract ! JBOJN& . attest iaa A SMswaoth
caM * hi the chief attractiaa.
At a a rtias af tie exerattre caauaJnee ,
! prertaas w the eaareatioa. BoaaoO C Oea-
. atanhaia of Maetrecl. CaaaaK rsa d aa
' am rtee pmkfeat. aad CaptaiB Sa-rt Me-
, CaOorh at St. Loots was ippotated ta JU
, tie raesary He wiu serve ia that capacity
i ' tar a few days , precedsajs ; the luoal rieettaa
| af aO or * . whes. it is expected that be w91
j j be etot-d prMWeat. So ter ther- are tat
i three places aeatioae < i as tacrntlaa cities
' far 107. Thev are Xew York. Philadelphia
j ' aad Xtaeara Faiia. The teaxiaeat rees
te he te favor ot the setecttoe of Xitcara
{ ( SvaceD 3. Kirrtson eiae la today ta at-
j lead tie eaavecttea. He led tie forces of th-
svpaly Bee te their atteapta it Maatrecl
ta break teta the aesxh ntp af the a-
soctatJoE , bat it is hardly probehl * 'iit tie
' scale aght wfli be asade this rear It ta
alnvnt eertate te eaase VeCare the body te
, sooe aoaa-r. as It has every year Jar tea.1
i i years post , tat wfil aat be oiahtl very
; straartr
; : Ahoat 3M Mesibers of tie ascoetzttes aad
apply 3 > - . aoctly tram tie vast , were
' aresect wbes the eoB eatloa waa called to
i order at 1 < 0 t 'elect HOT a several days' ses-
Palmrr Attrndlaz- . Fnnrral and
j I ' CHICAGO , Oct. . Geaeral Sioan Boliwar
t Backaer ot Keataeky. eoadsaote af tie aa-
tlBBal deaoerotic party far rice pmtdeat.
j i tea Jor Mawaasee aad the aorthvest rti
the CUeua t. Xorthwestera roaroad at 1
p. a. t d < % y. General Bvakaer was aeeoaa-
P4a ed by Mrs. Bockxer < ad Sfenae BoMvor
Bwcka-r jr Effis B. rs&er. secretary of
, tiaatlonal essipciga eaocit'ee. aad J J
j Hecin af La Crane. Geaeral Palcaer aad
i Mrs. Falser < tM aot aake the trip across
! Wfeeeaste wui tie diettertushed Keetacky
warrior They were left at BloemaBctoe
' Maodty aft rsooc ta attend tie taaeral of
s. stir reUttre of Geaeral Pcleter. Seaerat
j Pilsotr will leave BVimaln irtira taeacht aad
I ? race d 4iJ > ta St. Paat. wh rie wia
1 ) ote tie Fp eia ! traia aad resaoe the jaaraey
I tiroc i tie states ef Mteaeeeta and lava.
! Aaather diaappotetaat te regard ta the
j tri ? aerocs 'Wtecacste caaia the S m of
I a telecnn from G 2enl E4ward S. Brags.
tie fiiaoQ * eoacuLBder af the Iron irisiae ,
tiat it wvaid be tmiiBiiltai. tor htaa. < nla
ta a prescteg prafegrtoael eas ge = ea4te
Join Geseral Palcor aad Geaerai Backaer
( itfere Thcrsday.
j Rio Graade. Ejtmliu ; Sliorr a De-
1 er = sect ! = s of ta * Uearer 4 Ela Craad
Haflrsad co = 5 = y w = s ht isr ; t day.
aioct per cect at ii siock ielas repre-J
sesiedT Tie r EowTa ; direetara were"
' chosen Gearse CppeU. Hlrhard T. WUea.
1 Wdion Merteas , Cimrles C. Beaisaa. J.
iZdward Sfr-iraatu aad Artier Capeell , fief
of XeTark CttyJoca Loader Wetci of
; Edward J. Jaffery aad Edward
O. "Wolcott of
i & rre CaapeJL ehaJraoa af tie board af
directors , aade a < tat = : eat ta the ect
that though the earoia c for tic past yean
show a fzBteff aS the easdiaoBS te Calarado
are better thaa te aoat sectioas of tie eaaa-
try. The LeadTilte ttrfte. he liSd , ias
cc.ed coosiaeraiJe Ices af reretse ta the
eodBaay. Tie periieil lawiuton of tie
road , he said , is better tiaa erer. cad twa
short braaefces will probably be taflt as
soon as theSajucial cocdstioBs of tie conn-
try will Jestify the irrfcitioo of lie s ce -
One of the. Lrxaw Vletliu. * Will HaT > -
A thrr Ckamcv.
ALBAXT. Oct. S Th aoart at
has reversed the jrrtsnat of aacTictiaa te
the case e laap trtar Md-aash B. aceased
ef ezlaruaa. aad * - srieced a = ew trial
This was oneoi the lessor * cases.
TTJUUn McLaagiHE , ecHsMBectar af the
pottce departsieat. was eoerieted before
JcsSce Barrett ta tic court of orer aad !
tenalaer cf ezsonioa as the etuapiaiat af j
Frederick H Seasrist. Jr a taUOr trsai I
wh&o it was aBeced he took SS * aad cnarJ J ' '
saieed hi = protecUca fra = t the hcOdia ?
' The eaaTicUas was appealed ac the
srscad that the Jcry was prrjo < Jlcd aad
* * > < * improper ertjeace was adoitted. but
the appeHildirisiea of th * seareze eeort
decided ia faar of the proseectiaa.
Aa appeal to this court results ia a rever
sal aad as nrier far a. aew tnai. The coart
writes a JOE ? apiaioa setUa forth , that the
icry was ia part biased aal thai i = proper
evidcace was ad = ltled.
Vermont Srnd Smatvr Morrtll Back
to TVahijssrtozL Oace 3Iore-
MOKTPKLIEa. Vt. Oct. 21. J st3 = S.
MarriS af ScraZord was re-elected Cur d
States seaator trod Venaoet > * attcr-
neon. Ia the senate aa other ran- WES
preeested asd Senator Man-in resetted the
eatire thirty Totes. la the ircse. Mr Mor-
rSK reeeiTed 33 Tales aad Mr. Herbert F
Srieaaa : ef Bakers&eid. dfnnmue candi
date , received sereo ei. la the Jotet as-
sechiy tcscrraw afterposs. Saaiar ilonill
wtH be feraaUy ejected.
Tha honor paid ta Seaator Merrill by aia
satre ctat taday is , aa iactd st cf aore
tm-n cical laterest. Whea. aa the 4th e
Marsh next he is tonaaHy ladacted fatn
the oSee which he has fiSed far thirty
years , ha riU eecucesce a tera whirt bids
* * tr to beat all records of aieao rxhap te
the sattacnl senate. Mr. MerrUl is S years
of age.
Fire Mm Appointed to Cl tx r m. > lte
on the Pacific CaamL.
STASHIXGTOK. Oct. The ri r aad
harbor "WD passed at the tst tewiaa. of
eoagreu eoataiaed a yrovlslac that the loea-
tiac af a dc a water harbor te tie state
af Califarsia sfcoold be dttr = ial by x
easiaissioa te eamsicsed of a aaral * C-
oer ta be detailed by the secretary af tie
aavy. aa officer at the ecast acd ceadetie
Min > ey ta fee detaged hjr the stieeriatecdeat
aad three civil &ciaeers ta be apaateied
hr ti prepUteat. This baud has bees
iatjaed as fdiovs Beiailed by the secretary
of tie sary. Rear Ai = tnl Jaiia G. Walker.
detailed by the soprriate 4est f tie coast
aad KfodeUe sarvey. Aafaaaat Aajrastss F.
He n : saeaiat d by the presideat. WHUxzj
H. Brarr af Xew Tork. Grerye 5. Marrtsaa
af 3tew York Rteaard P. Uarsaa , ef DM-
Maltrr Left n itVa * Before.
The lateraaUkoul TypecraaBieal catca. by
Tcua ; dowa a cot JOB ta 'he elect that
oaly pTiaters soea e-s of Ihc mttmwahail
he avowed tc wsrk tie La rype sachiaes
Jeft the na' rr of 'h tta'j.ia iafot ot sia *
pro Mfy ! wiwrs a was befjff * the
* tta ! . . . ; . cl Lie Trj-fr
EefM- tie PrspodaK f ths
J OF ' Personal
rnlntiTe 5ent t * Help Fnvlom ! ! ;
It and Ust > Iala III * Action.
ATLAXTX S a , Oet Se. Sot sJi.-e tie
Mae tlecUee after whseh th * coecis
term reeled a * their ears , ias there beea
sajeh activity ahaax the dvesoeratic aa < ) per - -
Hat headqaMTtars as haa ben
Thai wu the teat et the * ears wh.-h.
the papaliat Mate central eaaaanree para
lie aeesocrats te wMeh to dieMu apoa ti -
prapaiiltlaii tor a raahm Bryan aad "Watson
ticket sad * ap ef sev a dnaiai rate aad s x
papvltet riotiari. H was te eec-.le oc ih-s
a. ap a nil ten i that the diaaou it * , state exe .u-
ttve aoiiiiallTii r sad the ooaacraUe electors
were sasnocaod ta aeet at tie party head-
easrters at aooa tedar.
At tie SOB taar a Mock swar the stata
; npo.llet msaajin * w > as asgi'aabieii ' Early
te the BOTBSBS a atroBC divietoa Jeveioprd
te the raeks of the diasoerafta T The fa-
sioa praposichML Tie O-an U a-taber oft
i the diiaoL.ifV aaetooal eaassit-e was
! ' preoaat as Chairaaa Joan repre au.tTa
j ta ore Muloa oad trad the i ht la its
r r. wife rhe eppeeiUoa was hes-Jed by
Qaverner Atkiaaae aad Sate rhs nnaa
i Clay. Bati caotaictees went iata secret
sesaioa at 12 a'clocfc.
TW naaaapearaace of Thosaas E. - 1 - C2
orcBsieBed seaae aarprise. Be iias exper' dee
eo the neaa trite Iraca aU heae at Taoa-
SOB tat did aat aoke iis appeara-ce ti-a.
After a protracted aad en-ittaj ; deba.'e lha
democratic eoiaaaittee ref > cted tijv > ou. jt
rasteB prapatittoB. 4-ciina it ta bitisull -
tec ; ta tie aesaawans te wordtac It Is farther
held that the state caoaittee has ao J"-tht
ta take danra the deaioeratie eteriars as 4e-
aaaded by tie popattsts. The
. The popoant esasaf . hat -ij
a proDoeitioa whirh rocBpi - ir ic-
BJT farloo by * flaeaattBC eetlrrlTae cia.
! dtrfarjof 4-wocra.lie aaads-e for fi-
Tif-e pr : deacy Mr. S-iraS. aad banes t t
f oC tie oVtsorratJc eaeaoHtee frosi n * i r
, ronsAoeraioa of tie QwsOes ay irt-jr aa
, srWtrhry Batt whseh esptoe * teilay C'T'-.X
thia comesttte- uppai laaHj { nr rtMU > ider-
atlon of a aoTeastat for proper fs ; = ;
tterefore. i *
Rn o v < 4. That tie ehaaaa t > - - " = -
ailtt > e Fpoict a ctMcamtnr of > cf wk. h ,
b aaJ ! t djalraMM. to prepiTT pr-w t
ta the pabtc ! the atttto4 of ticomn : : ' - * - !
on t * refiHMU to acpt th < - annraioa a
aad unjust aiTtssataa of thf aopolin ra-
sairtee. ridiied as st to te eOnstve
tieontnc laac-aace.
The mltteMtaaa ef the papalur restral
coarmtrrr to which those rtjofantoas were
tetpad-d as a reply , wxs aa Mhrrs
Wherea * . The - l 's party at Orz".a
arcrflt * ia peed fan * * 1r St Tx iScas -
prosasv viz. . Them rrinnn of Haa. W J
Brvua as ttrrejtd attaJ < ruia * - - - < ; OQ tV >
tlcJcrt with Hoc Teonaa K. W-'Joc. trt-Jj
tie tarf vedervtacJinc tiknt tAis act ef
patrk > rB > ci oc tnir jwrt - jd * * airt witi
a. staali r oce an LBO parr of tir dRsarrale
_ . _ - JT stsSr renveaslen Is sm'Iirtrtj ' said
I ' aBderstatjbec' a l provide far a Joiat
WTwrraur. Th * ArsaecrHir pci.-tT of
Goorcta. * * t hoe r ; H m Tbotsa * wat-
oa , fcisset isade. aad is sat jk--ir , OCT
HEsrt to perfect or abcatssac ta fastca.
f faroes iaaac KXtad At St. Laou. J-
tiaveh sacs : fnartmn. . exsM SB aia wt rery-
stall * te the atrtoni aad
! Wherroj > It stcaM htir w * - Ar ar.ij
; pride to alrxace a gUtrrn of thr - * ti.e
; aad section , a aust wrho is w-UJaoar
i abcre reproach aad iifcom ail ta.
. .
ev-ry i ctiwe a tile rarrpa.tga . has bees so
patrtotiiaxd asmaijr ma -ttall-Bce tb < < ! -
miration of Aaerieaa. Tr ahotvl JLOA !
Waer aa. It if oar heMer It U aot
the tat mJoo of th Ualiri of th-
cr , tl - parry ta til * 'o i9 fi > ki
powlhie to haauaate Hon. T oaus E
IOD. ruier by i etM'im * haJlaC u has
aaadCcat < d te tie T ath c o re * .a
trl'-t er by a partfciaa 1-stelar-arr.
aside th wlU af the people and fords ?
Bryaa aad SewaJl oieetocs oa tic * ta.te
etna * T ir ° rh that ttekvt ahoatd m third.
te the etec-doo aad
-SThereas. The jUver-pastrt d-mocratlc
prem of ti- state has h m ea > and
the ca didaey of Mr. Vitrait. aad
thas dict : theretorfu be 1C
KoMtved. That aa a aomi effort t
TSi- onion of the sOver toreca tie
droanrranc party M r mni < rtfil a&J te test
the p TriffV ° of our j rc-"w * i g HLre
da auwaltaHrmw iae foijavln electors :
Vk-nHac H. Keitaa. stat-st-Urse : H. C
Xeictca. Second : dferrirt . Thoaus B. Oa-n- .
Fourti d etjT rt , W S. TVaiTt t aSlxtJi dis
trict. J. J. Green. EJshth dwtrict. WilJura
LaaadelL Teati em i let. Wiiltao Bennett.
ESrveath aistriet , aad iesiar tiat tie AeKua-
crmtic aartr of Georgia vixhdra-x ii = c *
tieir ejectors. sat titQtte r the nrsaistics
Oz IMipiiHniV : doctors aa tie narf nuj dfcis'
that the tiirteea cfesal axt tieir Totes for
Bryaa aad Watson ,
E > It farti-r resalTwI. That if tie deao-
cratle party dart aat aeeeds t * the faresofaff
fust mod reasosuMe ? npe 4son w-ithlu "fa
days from dateth a bit
Rfeo'ved. That ocr ecatrzj eioauaRtee U
aalaerized aad eicpaverrd to Tteidrair , If
aJvlntMi. ' . OBT reriBihihBT electors , cr Ida-
state these tict are noor wtiadrawa , asd
that we eeaenatrate every eCart or oar
in lie election of our
Resohp d. Tiat a eopfr af th * e reaeia tens
l > e transmitted to Tfte dtcvocratjc
JAilES SI3LET Secretary.
There wav a bazz IWio-rtej tie readia *
of the popclist prapo tioc. wt * h tedicatel
ttrxiz appravxl af kThe rpeechrs ar
all 'z. la fact tiu
igiiast , ? resotctlaa rc-
faste ; the popalist propesbjca was eSereii
by an = e o > ther tiax Caaireua Joa-es * per-
tnril rtpreseslaUvc. wia Ist rp4 it yes
terday. be : who today doisH-d that he hod
beea cader a ateaparfheBiiaa as to what
the populist * wasted. He &ud he had aa
idea , whea he eaae dawa here at the mg-
reettaa of Chairaaa J ues tiat tte popehsts
waated thtrteen eieetars Ser Walj > oa. He
tioeght that tier would propose saae fair
dlviaiaa which weald cat totally igaero
SeralL It was qatte erldeat * > t the coo-
atttee rtpirded tie prspctkJoa as pre-
rcateracs aad f > " " tbost the oaly tiirs telt
for disc = tica waj as to the character of tha
reply to \ i seat to the popaiuts whctier
it shooid be poJite sad coorUlatary cr
rlaia ta tie poiat. Tie Georgia aesber
of the aatioaal eemcutt e who had coce
ta farce faaiea hirs ti efered the reseta-
tioa apposiaz 1C He erataiaed &i < aeusa
u toHows"I cot a tei sraa about fssioa
utd I tivoneht it laeaat a ilvlsiaa f electors
betweea the two parues. Seeatar Jaaes
Tbacs it it was a pad idea aad waated ta
see - at evald be aia * . bet I sever ha4
aay idea that the poeciiets vanied sa = ccb
as Uu y aid. Ta fcraore tie deaecratie vice
presidrctiai ea didata was , of eeorte , Q Ua
out of ti * tiTiritTlaa "
Tie eoaveaties adapted a retolotlon eill-
lac tor a state eacvrctioa. to be heU ia
Atlaata. ta ctoct far d rmocritx : eaadhiates
for racist places aa the sprease beaei.
The delegates to this eaovestJca are ta ba
setoded oa Xoveiaier li. rltber ay prtnary
or mica aeetisc. te the iiaereuaa of tha
Tarioaji cnaary eaeeaisnees. Atluata is
. * lecud o * r Uzeaa tar lie ? esT aiaa by
a vote K 21 'J JL
The pepattat naanalffrr rraaiaed te > s-
stoa throaghost th atteraooit a < id r * u = ei
tie s 7UC after a brief Trrna tar sapper ,
Thactt-s E. VTattao arrived traa Thassaa
at S JO oal Jolsed tie casual" * * . H d -
' erf aJJ Ten iei * lar iatniw aad ra-
' ed ta sar * 5-uz ! far put. aL on coa-
f -5 l a ' ; rr cf ar-rptaa e or via
a. < i ( . ' drzocnUc s-a"a cosa.iM ca ,
f uaiau.