r 0 TUB OMAHA DAILY IVEJ&llTlTBSnAY , OCTOBER 20 , 1890. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Market Fluctuates Wildly and Closes Some Higher. LIVERPOOL STARTS THE BAIL ROLLING Corn In Cnrrlnl Alontr nltli tlio Atl- vitntM ! InVlicnl , lull , llonvvcr , Dcc-llnr * Wlicn Unit Ccrcitl IN rororil Him n. CHICAO , Oct. 19. After owlllatlng be tween Saturday's closing Pfl o "f 7lic unil TSWc , llic vvltcnt mniket closed toilny ut Vi o. IHc flbnva S.\lurdr.y'n closing figure. The unprecedented ntlvnncc at 1.1 vci pool r aa the cause of tlio xlreitKth. The fig- KfCKato nmount of business unB something i-norinoui anil was characterized by wildest excitement anil frequent and violent ilurtu- ntlons. Corn and oats displayed consider- nblo strength for a time , but flattened Inilty Inter , closing about Uc Jowcr oncli. 1'ro- vlslons fared cqurlly ns li.nl , losing about S'.tcln ' values. Liverpool opened the ball for the ChtcnKo wheat miirket. Karly cablegram * from there quoted wheat 5d per cental hlKlier than U hud closed Saturday , Iho equivalent of Co per bushel. Thnt was enough to stai t everything on thn Jump , but strange to say the Co per cental at Liverpool was only re sponded to by n 2r iidvanrc here lo begin with. In fact. Minneapolis was the only ) iotnc market to comu anywhere near being n K strong as the inatkctH nbroail. The nbscncu of shorts In the C'hlr.iKo deal m - counted for tin- hesitating response to the big Jump at Liverpool The average pro fessional "peculator looks for buyers to un load upon Mich n market at , tod.iy'B If bo hnppcns to bo long on wheat , nnd a the present speculators arc almost cnllri'ly com posed of that class. In rue numbers of them had wheat for sale as noon as the market opened. For nil that the start vv.n very wild , sales taking place simultaneously In different parts of the pit at 7M4c and Wie nnd nt every frnetlon of 'AO In between Notwithstanding Ihe Imtiionro quantities for Bale tit the beginning tht-rc were plenty of buyers to cnre for It for the time liclnif and nflrr n reaction to "SVc itnothcr crowd of buyers reached forward and sent the price climbing nnee more. It only stopped when It reached 79\c. From the latter pileo tln-io was again a gradual decline and on that Fccond reaction the price got down to 77"ic ! by nbout 12:13 : o'clock. The pit waa kept In u perfect boll by thn nl.Ulstloal news. Hut lifter every violent decline there was a more violent reaction nnd the trend of the mar ket was upward until the receipt of the world's visible simply llguros. They showed nn Increase of z.174,000 bu. and wcro the cause of the decline to * 7 lc. Thnt wa- the turning point. The fact of India having shipped 4S.OHO bu. of uheat to Kurope last week caused considerable comment In con nection with the fact of so much buying of California wheat for thnt country , and rather shook the ronlldince of traders In their belief of a total failure of the wheat crop of that country. The world's ship ments to Kuropc appeared to bn about 93)0- ) 000 bu. , or about l.WO bu. less Umii on the wrck before. The estimate weekly require ments of Kurope for the present season are 7.0001100 bu , , so It Is evident that depleted Block * them are bring gradually replen ished. Northwest receipts were extremely largo , although showing a falling off both from last week and Inst yoar. Minneapolis anil Utiluth reported recelpln of 1 012 cars of wheat , enmptred with 1.700 cars a week ago , and 1,877 on the cot responding day of the year before. After the break to 773 c the iirlco worked up again to 79c , but that was Its expiring Jump. It wan again weighted down wllh long wheat and dropped before the close to 7iUc , with 777ic bid as the clos- Inc phase of the market. The Liverpool maiket for corn was almost nn exellod as It was for wheat. First quo tations from there were at nn advance of I'il per cental. That and the wild Hie In Client pave corn licio an advance of Ttc to IXo per bu at the first Jump. The highest price of the day was made right then and It got to the lowest edge of thu d.iy's range nbout t'ie close. Realizing was Indulged In on an extremely laruo scale and when \vlient showed signs of weakness corn dli likewise. May opened about 1'do higher from 30c to SOW. touched 31 o , then dc dined to ZS'SiC , closing easy at 29Ue. O.its followed wheat and corn. The earlj firmness caured quite a free and urgen dlrpopttlon to sell , prices being held how ever , by a fairly good dcm mil. Hut when corn nnd wheat rc.icted , oats did Ilkewls , nnd to a greater dctrcn than expected closing figures being slightly uhder H.itur day's close. May opened about % c hlghei nt from I2'c to IJ'ic. so'd to 23c , decllnei to 2I4c. and closed nt 22c. Hog prolucts opened firmer nnd higher but during the early part of the sesslcu WriiKcneil. The opening strength was duo to sympathy with the grain markets am to firmer hog prices. Hut the advance was short lived. Heavy realizing and soiling by packers soon started prices on tha dovvi grade , closing prices being about the lowest of tlio dav January pork closed 2' ' c lower nt isai ; Januarv lard about unchanged to Jl Ki ; January ribs. 2V4c-lower nt W97'A. ' Kstlmated rerelpts for Tuesday : \\hoat 312 ears ; corn , 1,100 cars ; oats , 4r 5 cars ; hogs IS.fflO head. The lending futures ranged na follows : Art closT I lion. ) | | lllchr | Lovv | ClojjT 7lVi ( Dec 77U 77 Way H3SW84 B'J Coin.No. 2. Oct J7H B'J0)4 J5K 111 ' ' -0)4 On Is. No. a , , Oct 10 10 1RH Dec SOU HIM Mny S2M Fork.pcrbbl Deo. , . ' . . . . 7 41) ) 7 4(1 7 174 1714 Jnn H ' . ' 6 8 35 U OU Lnnt.lUOlbi Dee . . . . 4 47H 4 47H 4 .15 Jnn 4 110 4 70 4 65 60 Hiortllllm Dee n nn 73 Jan i 111 4 r.'H H H7 1)0 ) Cash quotations were as fnllovva : KI.OUIl Hani spring patcnU quotable nt 137 04.15 , In vvnoil ; winter intents. 3.COH3.MJ MrnlchlB , J3.OjJ3.CO ; spring specials , } 3 SOftl.OO rprlng piilenm. t3.MO3.SO ; Htrulghln J3.00if3.20 bnkem. n.WiC.W. WHIAT-NO. ! spring. 76c ; No. 3 spring TSOTc : No. I red. 7Ss4 7STie. COUN No. 2. Kic ; No. -jellovv , OATH-No. 2 , 10o ; No. 2 white , t. a , b. , 51V4O Jlo ; No. 3 white , f. o. b. , 11 YE No. i. 41c. IIAItl.nY No. S , nominal ; No. 3 , 274034c ! No. 4. ! crT30c. KIAXBiiNo. : . 1. 7Cc. TIMOTHY Sinj > Prime , JlMiTJ C5. I'HOVlHlONH-MesH pork , per bbl. , J7.4087.4- Inrd , per If" ) II ) ' . . S.300I.32 ) ! ; short ribs , vide ( looFc ) , i3.7Cfi3.lK ) ; dry sailed tthouhlerx ( boxed ) jl.OO M.:5 ; Hliort clear ehlen ( buxcil ) , JI.KJl.37Vi WHISKY Distillers llnlahed uooils , per gal. IMS. The follow Ing were the receipts nnd shipment toilny : MW YOHIC r.n.MCii.vi , MAUICUT Quotation * ! of tin- Day oil Vurlou Coiiiiuodltlrx. NEW YOIllC. Oct. 19. KLOUH-Itccrlpti , 15 , 200 Iitls. ; cxporlH , 1,7(2 blila. ; ulrong und hel much hliihcrvllh wheat , checking business winter patents , } l.4j04 60 ; winter straights , | l.0 < Jt. K ; Minnesota patents , 14.3001 C3 ; winter ex tras , S2.tOff3.CO ; Minnesota bukers , f3.OOQ3.70 winter , low Kiailou , I2.SOQ2.CO ; city mill pat entB , II.708I.7J ; city mill clear * . Jl.lOf 4 : v : mill puleiitii , U.70MM ) . H > u Hour , linn Uiertliie | , J2.C002.70 ; fnncy , .75ff2 90. Iluck wheat Hour. > teudy ; } 1,4VUI.4S. COUN MiAl < Blciuly ; jellow weitcrn , Clc. HUCKWIIKAT-Qulct ; 38c. prime mule Iracl HYi : rimer ; No. S weslirn. 4S 4S1 . llAUMIY-Hteaily ; feedtnit wentirn. 3l 3HJc. . WllUAT-ItecclplB. 1113.000 bu ; export * . M.Sf bu. , i it , IrreKiilnr ; No. 1 hard , Is7o f. n , 1 ulloat. Oplloim openei ) vvllil nt 4c advance , rlsln on cxcrrilliiKly nirong inRll h cables , foielp buylitK nml n heavy local demand , lout ! 'o uc nnciumler rcalUlnv mlei nml closed nervou nt SH62Uo net nilvuncc ; No. 2 red , Mny. 87V m-lCo. clofeil M c , Octulirr clote.t. k'So ; Ut cctnbtr. 8IHfl ( l-ICc. closeil SIHc , COUN-Ileeelpt * . 218.400 bu.t eiporlH. 9Cfc6 iu. l ) t. IrreKUlnr. No. 2. 33 ffJ3Uc Opllons opene tning iiiiit ilecldolly higher wllh whenl : lali nil ! off under rvnlUliiR ; clns | unsellloU in , OV4o net advance ; Slay. 3Cyn37Wc. clonvl 30ii Sj c cl m ' 0'1- * . NX-- ' . ' OATH Hecrlpls , KO.tOO bu. ' cxprrlu. irj.600 bil , rjmt clofiM uulelj Na 2. S3Wc. Opllons opene jtroni. ; . but Inler eaued off clonlnif uliclianued I Ho advance ; Oelober closed , 2lc : December. 2li W24 c , rhueil ! 4Hc. MATIIiit-nnn nt 20C23o : hemlock Bole , 1 A . llvht lo heavy wclKhln , 19'UCOo. HAY-Qillet ; shlpplnit , I5.WIHS.CO ; good I chnlee. | 7.W S,15. IIOl'B Klrnil 18D3 crop , 3 7Hc : 1S38 crop , Sf lOHe ; I'uclllo consl IH'1 ' crop , 3ff7o ; U9I crop TPlOc. Ixnulnii. market firm ; CO * . ] IIli : Flrin ; ( lulvriton , io ; Texas , dry , CUe Cnllfornla. 15c I'ltOVIHIONS-lleef. firm ; family , J9.00OIO.O ) beef hams. 16.00 1700 Cut menu , nrm ; pickle bellies , into ; pickled houhlern , 4\CIVic ; pickle hnmi , OUOHc. Lard , firm : wiiterii * ttam close 11.10 ; Octub r closed tt.Cf , nominal ; rtflned ii > r. IVrk firm. ni . HSoOJOfl ; pliort clrar , < 7&fllO.M ; fninlly. II n TALLOW Hlrml ) , rlly 4je. country , 3 > e. OII.H- Petroleum , 0'ilct ' : fnlted clnt d m fl.ll Id , Itopln , in in , Pimm * ! commim lo Bowl , . ' ! W. Tutr.unllni1. ntnt Ht MttlWc. Col- onsen ! nil , nbotu stendy. prime criiiiv , SaHRJ'c ' : rime summer yellow , ! 7e , prime while , ! tf ItlCK-rirm. Jupnn. 4 < T4't" . ML.\HHIW ( yiiiet nn-l strmly ; New Orleans , pen krtllp. KOOI ! lo ih'Heo. ? > } J"c. llinTKll llcf'Ipip- J7U pk . : sternly : wn.1. rn ibilry. MJttc , wcstrin oirnmcry , 1MT19CKI , Ins. Pe , fnrtcry. 7ftl1Uc | CliniJSlIItrcHpt * . 4 WO pl-P * . , Mlllft : laree , Winoo. pnmll. 7'HHO'4c ' ' , pill skims J'iGWtC' ' ill klm rUc r.dnH-tlccdptH f.l.'l | , knn. slrnily ; plate nn.t > ntisvlinpn | , Htfr3)c. ) nrMrin. IKfllSe I MKTAI.S-PIg lr.n. .julft nd iliii'ly noiitlirrn , li > : : , ni2Mi nnriitein t07/oi2tA ! rv pprr. I Ifii'l ) ; htoVeix , 110.7 ? rvchnnce IIO.MHTIO 7S. i fr\\ ' . steady ; l.riiknv. K.fin. rxchnnKP , 12.70(7 76 Tin , enrlrr urall * li : MUI1 M : plntrr. i Irmly. Pptller ipilot ilotiirptlf 13 flOflJ.7 . j LP i\em.MM.vp Tx .M\v Vliciit AitviiniM'Kenrl > rive lth n V rry IIMM | > Hi NIW YORK Ocl. lu-Thfre I * npp.irently no ml lo th < < penrntlnnnl developments connected i the preptnt bull campaign In vvhHit. To ny the mnrKct clipped nil previous efforts / rising perpendicularly 4ic nt tlio opening , he Jump wan nttended by wild excitement , 'ommlpslon IIOIIPCH had mure tlmn the ii'iinl npiliiT nf milrhlp nrtlcrs , the ndviincc Inning llrnetnl Hie nlteiillon of the ppeonlatlvo pub * e. I cnl tinders were npo ennei Imyrn nnd orcl.n homes followed pull. The rvpull was nn Vnbiiiche nf bu > lng orders Hint fnlily turned lie wheat pll tnp y-turvy. The excitement wan lerCHneil by private cnhlcs iinmmnclnir n Co ilvance In Liverpool , wllh htnvy fp culntlve etlvlly nnil hrnvy Incnl trin nrtloin nf from OCO.O0 bu. to lo.OOO.WK ) tiu for the entire ay reiichlng the tnlnl of : o 10'.iXX ) bn The ftetnoon vvns innrki > il by n tendency to tnko mflu on * ai ly ptirchai'ei anrt prices lo > l ! c n u or Inlf the local ndvniioelorlng from te 2t ; ? net hlcher tlmii P.ilunlny nUht. ny > nld up to ffilic. ilroppul back In MUc. liinlnK nt M'.c. Other tuulor. i-iilil the hulpe * nt nnylhlng Ihry bnrt tttn In yenrx Ilu lnen 11 ovi-r Hie flitor wns tcnipniurllr FUfpended n vvntch the ballb- between the bullH. vvhlle- lovvd * of ppoct.itiiin In III" Rnllerli'N showed vldencc of tinv. . tdofprend Intercut now mnnl- isliil In tha wliinl nmrkct. * 'o fnllurcs vvere epnrti-d ibirliig 'thnnKi' hour * . Only the hnrdl- t of the b"-nl fcm"iit | dnr"d IniKt themselves n Ihe mnrkpl nnd Ihe lOiort Inlerenl hn been Mlneoil In Hiinlnlmiini S < nlpcr Jumped In nd out of the market nil ilny. Inking mnll icitei nn.l gencmlly tenplnc good profits. Hvcry- ody witi < ImbnM vvlth the bull fever. Corn ntut ts nnd ( irnvlflnns nil fcoreil blK ndvnncen urlng the fniciioon. Hoiifes with prlvnte wins n ChlcnRO nnd other cenlirn repotted r. very ien\y liiislnm * . About .100.000 bu.verc boiiRlit or export nl thf > clop * . OMAHA < : I.MH.M. : MAUICHT. Ciinillllon or Trmlf nnil aunlntlonn nn Stniili * nml 1'niicr Produce. lifTTKH rommon lo fnlr. 6c ; choice to fnncy. country. 118io ; lepnrntor crenmcry. 150lCo ; itlinoil ercnm. UfJUc. O/.MIJ I'rnlrlc chlrkcn * . per doz. , M50IT375 ; qunll , ll.M ; ten ! ducUx , I1.2J01.M ; red heads nnil tuiilliirJa , t2.Mf/3.00. CIinisi : Domesllc brick , Se ; IMnm. per rte . , y.K ; club hoiiKC. 1-tb. JarK , rcr doz. . (3 13 ; Llm- > ergcr. fancy , per lb. , Sc : Ilnqueforl. ' 4-lb. arn , per ilnz. . (3.CO ; Young Anicilciic. lOUc ; lwln . fnncy , 9V/c. Vi\L-Cholcc fnt. fO to l Ibn. , nre quoted nt ( ftc : lorec nnil coarre , 4f5c. COfLTIlV- Live hens. 5V ; cocks , 3c. rprlng hlekcnn , SHc ; pprlng ducks , 7 Sc ; turkfjs , SWIOc. I'lnnONR Llv . Me ; denil plseons not wnntrd. 1IAV Upland. (4 50 ; midland , : lowland , KM : rye Mrnvv , $4 : color tnnkcn the pilce on liny ; light bales Mil the bent ; only top grndes hrlnc top prlcen. nilOOM COIlN-Kxlrcmely i-.ow rale : n vr crop , delivered nn trncU In country : choice green .oir.norklnp : carp"t. per 11 > . zvjc : cl.olco creen. running lo hurl 2ie : comninn. l'4c. viorTAiiiis. : SWiiT : POTATOiS-On orilers. per bV > l. . 11.75 , TOMATOIIS Per U-bu. bnnkrt. KOffCOc. ONIONH Good Muck , prr bu. , 3aU Oi' . LIMA IIHANS-Per lb. . 4c. r.i\NS-Iliint , | ( , . tmvy per hit . Sl.4f > ffl M OAllllAOn Home Rrown. per hundred , 71 ftiOe. m.KHY Per do ? . , IV ; fnney , Inrce. 4S750c rOTATOCS-Good i-trtk. per bu. , SCfl33c. rut'iTS atlAPitNcw York. 12'Jc. I'AI.IKOIINIA IMJAnm.H rrtritonra , We , 1'l.HMS-No ulilpplng Hock. CALIKOHNIA OllAPiS : Toknys and other fancy vnrletlp * . tl.l' , . ( 'llANItnitUir.S-Cnpi' Cod. per bbl. . ) < ! OQRC M AI'PI.CS Cooking , per bhl , > l.73 ; eatlnir , SI K fll.Oil ; Jonnlhann , fnney. t:5 ; New York , 12.00 FALIFOKNLt rKAIlR Per box. JI.75. CALIPOIINIA Ql'INCHS-Per box , | 1.75. TIIOPICAI. rilUITS. The I > s Angles Times pajs thnt ns the orniiRe penunn of IS'.n.o ? nppronchcs ppcculntton In rcganl to the chnmclcr of t'.ie crop Increnrcs. I irly In the > enr. before thn orniwn bail bPKun In ilmp. It wn experled Hint Ihe crop of South ern On 11 for n In vvnnld nmount to fully 10,000 ciir- londft or more , but the Ions from dropping ban enllrely chaiiKrd these Hsurcs. Tur n couple of mcnlliK pant the Times has estimated the com ing crop nt between C.fA ) nnd r , f > 00 cnrlonds , nnd recent eiitlninton from trustworthy sources BO lo confirm UICPO llRurep. It Is nRrccd by nil careful "nvcHtlKntorn thnt the quality of the coming crop ivlll tx > nbuve the nvcrnge. OIIANOKS Mexlenn. Jl.POlfl. ! ! . LEMONS Mrrslnas , J5W05.JO ; Cnllfornln lemonH , SI OOffl.r.O. IIAN'ANAK choice InrRc slock , per bunch. I2.00O : . : ; ; medlum-plreil bunchen , Il.fj002.00. MISCCLLANiOOS. OYST15HS New York counts , per can , 4jc ; New York releclH , per cnn , 40c ; > Mrii telecm. per can. 3oc ; Hamlnnl . per cnn , 30c ; mediums , per cnn , ZScj New York counU. per 100 , 11.Z5 ; per 1,000 , $11 ; New York wlecis , per gnl , , II ; per lub. til : bulk standards , per K l . Jl.CO HONIJY Kancy white , per lb. , 14015c ; choice. 13c : California , nmb r color , lOc. CinilU-Clnrlflccl Juice , per half bbl. . JI.73 ; p r bhl. , | I.0T47S. MAPLi : 8YllUP-Flvc-Knl. cans , each , J2.75 ; K.tl. cans , per doz. , ill ; half-gul. cans. IC.23 ; < | imrt culm. S3.W > riQS Imported fnncy , C crown , 30-lb. boxes , 14 < - : choice. 10-lb boxes , 3 crown. 9fllOc. NUTS Almonds , California , per lb , , medium lre , 10o ; Tnrrnconn nlmonils. per lb. , large. i4o ; IlrnzllH. per Hi. . Sc ; KnKllth vvnlnutp , per lb. , fancy FOft shell , ] 2c ; me bum size , lOc ; fil herls , per lb , lOc ; pecans , pollphed medium , So large , lOc ; peanuts , raw , C'iO7c ; rousted , 7'/ic chestnuts , lOc. I'-RKHH MIATS. Illinr Oooil native fleers , 400 to COO Ibs.i \ ( , 7o ; vveslein ntecrn. SjTO'tc ; BOOI ! raws nnd hclf- CIH. rtiJ',2e ; meilliim COWB nml heifers. 4Jios KOOI forequnrlera cows nml heifers. SV4c : Rood forcijuartcra native utecrs. 4'ic ' ; Kood hlnd- auarters cows nml heifers , i,5c ; KOOhlndqunr ! - lers native rteers , 8Hc ; cow rounds. EC ; cow plntPa , 3c ; honele H cluickK. 4o : cow chucks , 3c ; sleers chucks , 3c ; beef tenderloin * . 19o ; bee ! rolls , boneless , Sc ; sirloin bulls , boneless , Sc loin backs , bonders. Oo ; loin bucks , 7c ; cow rll > , No. 3. Co ; cow loins. No. 3 , Sc : beef trimmings , 3c ; rump bulls , Cc ; shoulder clods Cc. Cc.POIIK POIIK Drcpseil liogn , Gc ; pork loins , 7c ; pork lendvrlolns , ISc ; ppaic ribs , Cc ; Omm P.IUFURC bntlB. CHc ; pork shoulders , roimh , 4V4o ; pork nhouldern , tklnned , Co ; pork Irlinmlngs , leaf lard , not rendered , C'.ic , MUTTON Dressed lambs. 7c : drepned mutlon Cc ; racks , million , 1'c : legs , mutton , k'4c ; sad dies , mutlon , S'.tc ; slews , 3c ; shecu uluvns , 3o sheep longues , per tloz. . 2&e. HHJU3 AND TALLOW , HIDiS No. 1 green' hides , Cc : No. 2 green hides. 4c : No. 1 green salted hides , Cc ; No. 2 gieen sullcil hides , Co ; No. 1 veal cnlf , 8 lo 12 Ibs. , Cc ; No. 2 veil I calf , S lo 1C Ibs. , 4c ; No. dry flint hides , Sjjac ; No. 2 dry flint hides , 7 j8c No. 1 dry called hides , 7c ; part cured hides , ijc per lb. les than fully cured. HlinCP PUWS Green taltcil. each , 23 COc ereen salted shearlnga ( short vvoolni early skins ) , each , lie ; dry shvailnKa ( short nooln early sklnn ) . No. 1 , enth , 6c ; dry shearling , ( short woolcd "enrlv kln ? ) . No. i , each. Cc : dry flint Knntns nnd NehniKkn butcher wool pelts per ) b. , nctual weigh ! , 40Cc ; dry flint Knnsni nml Nebraska Murrain wool pells , per .lb. , ucl iial welKht , 3&4c : dry flint Cslorndo butclie v eel pells , per Hi. nclual vvclKht , 4fCc ; dry flint Colorado Murrain wool iicltn , per lb. , aclua welghl. 3If4c ; fret cut off , us It Is use-lets to pa ) freight on ihem. TALLOW AND OIU'AHi : Tallow , No. 1 , So tnllnw , No. 2 , 2V4c ; greare , vvhllo A , 3c ; greape vvhlle II , 2o : greane , yellow , Jo ; greatc , dark Hie ; old buller , I 2ic ! ; beeswax , prime , 1M : : o : rough tallow , la HONKS In car lots , weigher nnd delivered Ii Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton , tl2.00ffl4.oo Or country , bleached , per ton , StO.OOni2.00 ; dry coun try. damp and meaty , per ton , JG Oflffs.oo. \VOOI Unwashed , fine heavy , Ctc ( ; fine , light Sfc ! ! : quarlir blood , J0 lic ; eeedy. burry inn chnfTy , Kt9c : celled nnd broken , coarse , 70c celled nnd broken , fine. Ciffc , rieece wnshtd Medium , ISfflSc : fine , HWIGc ; lub washed , 10j ISo : black Sc ; bucks , Cc ; tat : locks , 2J3c dcu , pulled , CCCc. Codon NIW : OKLIAN , Oct. m.- middling , 7c ; low middling , C4c ; ; good ordinary 4 1-lGo. NIIVV YOHKOct. . 19.-COTTON-Flrm ; mid dllnjr , 7 15-lCc. HT. I Ot'18. ' Ocl. 1D. COTTON-Qiilet and MCc lower ; middling , 7Uo ; ale , 333 bales ; receipts 7,452 bales ; shipments , 442 l > alen ; stock , 21,43 bales. Vlillilc * Cirulii hupp- ] . NIJW YOItlf. Oel 19. The vUlble supply o grnln Hntnrday , October 17 , ns compiled bl the New York Produce. cxchangi > , Is as follows Whenl. 64.kOS.COO hu , ; Increate , 2.374000 bu. Corn 17,175001) bu , ; Increase. ! 707,000 bu. Oiils. 10. 033,00 > ) bu , ; liUTvnse , HC.OOO bu. H > c. J 3M.OW bu , ; Increase. 31 .OC > 0 bu. Hurley , 3,411,000 bu. increase , 491(00 bu. .llurliet. N1IW YOUIC. Oct. 19.-HITO All-Haw , quiet fair refining , 2Kc , cenlrlfUKal. W test , 3c , He lined , steady : standard "A , " 4c ; cut loaf , < ! c Kianulated , I lie. UNDON , Oct. 19. SUOAH-Canc. nolhln , doliiKi cenlrlfiiKiil Java , Id UV1 ; Muicovado. fa I rt-nnlng , 9s 3d. Her I , firmer and Improving slowly ; October , 8s lDjd. _ I'Nirt'luii I'Miiiiiii-liil. 1'AItlH , Oct. 19. 4 p. m. Tline iwrccnt rentes lOlf 4iio for the uccount. Hiclmnge on I/jn don , tJf Ko for checks. LONDON , Oct , lH.-Qold Is quoted nt Huenos Ayres today at 108. K ) ; Madrid , 1X15 ; Lliboo M'4 , Home , led 15 The Amount of bullion gone Into the Hunk of ntiRlnnd on balance today , Ct.Wl Par gold Is quoted nt 77 * 10'iOQ77s lid , STOCKS AM ) IIO.VDS. TrniipmoltiiiiN cif Kill lie Itfiluccil Voliiiiir. NIW YOHIC , Oft. 1-The stock market move ment toil My. though moderate In volume , was owing to n variety of divergent In- trlmjency In the money market nnd the practical withdrawal of the banks from the market fur mercantile paper were offset by n -etisntlomil nilvnnrc In vvhent nnd decided Mlvngtli In corn und other fooil products. The domestic market followed n tinIn wheat nt Llvupoul iif Cc n bu , bjnn ndvnnce of 4'ic ' In the December opllnn , making the hlghesl price iccurupit In the pren-nt movement , rurtlirr- more n decided gain In cnMlioumt shlpmenls Was recorded nnd tolnelitdit with the Advance of Ihu rules on money nf 10 per cenl foreign ex- chntiKv went lovvct. Aclunl ilt-rUng fell We nnd posted quotations Were fhaded 140 In Jl MHfi > 4.M. Demand Is IlKht In Ihe fnco uf free offerIngs - Ings of coimnertlnl ncceptKncrs. The majority of Hie mil money trnnractlons were made nt 7iS per icnl. yomc time loans were made nt It < nnt for ninety dais , liut offerings of funds re light. Kor the llrpl time bids made for slocks > cro made ut "buvers" option , sixty < ! a > i" . " This i.inner of tnullng Is expected to be n feature n the next ninety days , as both parlies In Ihe oiilrncl of this iharacler cnn prolecl them- ilvrs by lUpnslt * In n trust company niialnut im Irntipactlon. firmness In ptocks nt the open- ng smn developed Inlo poMllvc PlrenRlh , nl- linimli the dIMi ( button of Iho trndlng was very idlfTfrctit. The railway ptocks were unusually romlmnt , the Immediate henvy movement of rnln nnil other plnplcs counlcrnellng some un- nvorahlo tinlllc returns. The Improvement tie- nine more pronounced ns the day progressed nd the clorhiK was strong nt the top figures , 'he most Important gains were 3V4 per cent In tignr , Hock Inland , SW per cent , Collon Oil icfeired. 5 i per cenl : llnrllnglon , 214 per cent , nil Leather preferred. Tobacco and Hay filnte Ons , 2 per cent. The Sotithweslcrn nnd olher cllve shures nverngrd n point ndvance. Head- ng ixhlblted heaviness around midday and lost i per cent , but suben.uenlly made n full re- oveiy. Itallwny bonds were quiet and devoid f feature n lde from n thnrp frnctlonnl gain n Atchlpon seconds on large transactions. The ales were S73l.(0fl. Oovcrnments were strong anil r.v.Mlonnliy higher nn dealings of J2.1.000. 811- rr certificates ro o per cent to CC , the trnns- Lllr.ni. iK'Inc } 24 COO. The Hvenlng Post's Ixindon financial entile- rum sns : The slock markets were dull nil ay with n heavy drop In Hpnnlsh pecurllles nnd Iso In mines. Th lone nl the elope was bel- er all nround on Ihe reporls In regard lo the gold mnikft. Americans were Flendy nnd loped good In thr > plreel , The Paris bourpe vns flat on the full In Fimnl'h Htocks , bill I lie IOPO was belter. The Iterlln mirket wns stendy. The followInir were Ihe closing quotations on 10 lending stocks of the New York exchange o < l ay : trillion . N. Y. CPiitrnt HI AdnnmKx . 14.1 N. Y. A. N. E. 4 o Al'on.T H . r.r. Ontario A.V ia" < Am. Kxnross . los On-con Imu * ! .iHlmori'.VOhio _ 13 > On'ron Nav 17 Canada I'.tclllc. . . . r.u 0.8. L..VU. N 12'f ' CanadnSontlii > rn. . I'aeino Mall HIM rcnlml I'.icinc. . . . 1'eoria Dec. A. " . A. Ohio . mi" Chlcaco , V Alton , . 115 Pulhnnn P.tl.iso. . . 140 7..H..VU . 70H Ileaillm.- : hlriro : O.i * . . . . 01 ' Ml. O. W Ifi onsolld.itwt Onn 1441'T. O. W.nf.l 41) r. . f ! . . J. .t St. L. . . JJH UOCK Island naif Coin Co.il A : Iron. ' , St. Paul 71)11 ) ottonOII Cert. . . . 1 do DM KM claw.iroV Hint. . lii'J St P..VOm-lhi. . . > ' . ! ) el..L.nclt..t . . . J do nfd 11H ; . pfJ . 4' ! ' ( 'Southern ' Pacific. . lilS'Suirnr ' Roflnorv. . . . 'rlo " " ni Tenn. Co.il .V Iron , an * 'tlonYcL" . . . . . r. 1H > ToxnsP.icinc fort W.'ivne . . . . . . . ID'.I T.JtO.Ctfnl. nM. . , O. Northern nfd. . nn Union Pncltic. C.ka. I. nM. . . . HO U. S. Kxnrass llockln ? Vallov. . . 15 W. Ht. U AP Illinois Centr.ll. . . 111 W. SL L. It P. nf t. St P. A. Dublin. . . 1H Wells K.treo K- ; . . . ff > K.\T. pfj \\Vntcrn Union. . . . B.Uf Lake Krla . \VoaL Whcclln ? &L. K , . nV > ilotifd no pfu S.1 LakoSlioro 144n M.A.SU L in Lead Trust n D..V It li Loulnvlllo&N. . . . 43 ' inn L..VN.A N ! r , ; , n ManbalinnCon. . . . C.K.AI iii MeniDlilH.V ( J do nfa nu Mlclnc.itiCoiii T. St. L..VK. C. . . . 4 MlHHOiirl Pacltlo. . T.St. U A.K.CLpf | 10 Mobllcfe Ohio S. It. 11. . . . S. K. U'lfd NntlonnlCorJitira. Am. Tob."Co Nat. Conl.iio nf J. . ilo nfil N. J. Conlr.il . Am. Tel. .V C. Co . in N.AW.UfJ . Coiu'l C.iblo Co. . . 1411 North Am. Co . . . Am. SUIT ir pfJ II Hi Northern IMcluo. . iinU. : S.Contaito cul. 1714 N. 1'aclllunfd . ai J < U. S , Ixialhor DM r.n > iOn U.l 1) .V O . U. H. Nortliwe.nle.ni . On < ( U. S Itubhorpfd. . do ofil . offered. Thu total sales of stock * today were 147.14C shares. Including the following : American To- liarco. 8.300 ; Ilurllnglon , 14 , W ) ; Chicago Ons Irust reeelpl * , 4.500 ; Louisville K Nashville , 3,200 ; Manhattan. fr,00 ; lloclt Island. 5,100 : Head- In u. 15,200 ; 81. I'aul , 21,100 ; silver certlllcales , 24,000. Vnrk Mont * } * . ' NHW YOHIC. Oct. 19. MOK8Y ON CALL Hlrong nt CjtIO per cent ; lust loan , C per cent ; nt CCi7 per cent. : MIHCANTILU I > APIU xominniiy 7H per cent , r.LINO I VCHANOi : Weak , with actual business In banker * ' hill * at JI.M'iU .M's foi demand nnd JI.SOUff4.Kll4 for sixty ilays ; posted ratej. SI.SOViC4.S2li and I4.SI1T4.U ; commercial hlllH.t4.79. HILA'im CCHTIFICATiS-C5i,4 : fCc. HAH HILVnn-CT.'ic. GOViilNMiNT IlONDS-Slrong ; state bonds. dull ; railroad bonds , firm , doting quotations on bonds were ns follows : U.S. 4n.reir.nuw. 113 11. P. Islsof 'Hi. . . . U7 U.S. 4 co.ip.nuw. D. .VII. (5. 7 HUVi U. S. Oi. IXT . 1II9H I ) . Alt. 0.11 H0)f ) , U. S. fivcoup . 111 KrleiSds 6sH U. S. In. rtz . ( i. It , A.S. AIIS. . . 10IIU U.S. Is.cjtlD . ( ! . H. A.S. A. 7 . . . Hill ll.S.'Js.re ; . H. AcT. 0. Si Pacific Ut of ' 03. . 101 dollH Ala. , clis * A . ion M..K. . < tT. lilt ) ilo'-'d 4 fil 1)4 ) Mnltiil 107 Mn-Oiirronov. . . . pane N. J.C. Oun. Ol. . . . IK ! I.a Now Con ti. . no No. P.icltlo liti. . Halt- liu ito dn id ! N. C.IIH. , II-- N. W. Consols. . . . 1:1.1 : MoS. K. Dili. 3 Is.clnonfim't. . . . H. O West. ln . . . Tenn. now sat Us. 7S St. P.CanHOlH 7-t. Tenn. nnw sat 3j. ins do O. .V P. W. } . Tenn. old Us no .St. L.A.I. M.QonS Vn. Coiillirms M. L..V3. l.Ujn.l. nnduforreil ToxasP.io Intl. . AtchlHOii 4s Tex.is P. o. ttl ! 4. . . J81 ; AtcnlsonSilA. . . . If. P. UtSOf'UJ. _ HlO'f faiiadfl So.'Jds. . . . WnnlRliorj 4s L. A N. tmUlnd is. 71 ! O. H , JsN. iHfj. . . , southern As N. Pas. : lds un offered. lloNlon Stoi'K < liiolnlloiix. HOSTON. Ocl. 10.-C.ill IO.UIH , : tjt4 per conl ; llini' , IO.UIH. 4 < d.'i per cent. Cloning prices for Htocku , bonda nnd milling' hharuH : A.T.A.S. P W. Elec. nfd Am. Siuar 1KIH Kd. Klec. Ill 1:1.- : Am. Siuar pfd. . . . AtchiBor 2d . . . . 1:1.UK liuyStnloGas AielilHon 4s 74' Hell Tolephono. . . \cvv Emrl.iiut Hi. , 110 Ilosion A. Albmy. Atl.intio 110Hl IioHton .t.Malna. . lloslon .V Mont nit 85M IMJ. , tu 70H lltitto.V lloilon . . . Fltchtmrir PU Calumet V. llojl i. 315 ( Je n. Klcolrio Franltllu 11 IlllnoiB Steel Ko.irmrjo II Mexican Ontr.it. . Otcoobi II6 Ore.n orl Lino. . . . Oiilncy , II' ' Knboor. Tamarack 83 Union Paclllc 7Vi Wolvorlno 83OK WeBtKinl U7 ( Sim FrniicUco tllnliiK' ( liintntloiiH. .SAN FRANCISCO. Ocl. IP. Tim otnclal closlne quotatlona for niliilti ? utockn today uoru UH foi Iowa : Alii 1:1 : Oould&Onrnr HI Aliih.iCon IS ItaloA. Nororois. . 145 Arnica VS Lnv Wash. Cm. . Kelchcr fill Mnxlc.'in 47 Hem A. Ualchor. . . . 11)0 ) Occidental Con. . . , 18 llodmCon il.l Ophtr l-'fi liiilllini 11) ) Overman 15 UulvvLTCon 41 ! Potoiu IIH Chullcniro Con. . . . 47 Savairn oa Chollar. ' - " - ' . " Scorpion eau Continence' in : SlnrmNor.iJa. . . , on ron.Cal. * V.I. . . , 175 Union Con 67 Con. tiiiDort.il . . . . 'J Utih Con Clown Polnl fil Yellow Jacket , , , CC RtchoQiicr 3 Silver harB , tlOKo ; Moxlcnu elollard , Olo. Sight dr.ittH , pir ; tulegr.ipldc , p.ir. New York MInliiK ( tiioladiiiix. NEW YOIllC. Oct. IH.-Tlio followIn.aro tha closing mining quo'atloim : nnlvvor 40 Ontario K30 Uhnllnr. Sll Onhtr. llfi CrovJii Point fi3 Plvinouin i.u Cejn. C.il. A. V.I. . . . Kin UlllCKHllVCT 100 Deailvvool 11.1 OulckHllve.r pfdlSUO ( ioiild Xuurry. . . 7i ) Slam No van i 03 Hale.VNoruroKS. . l't ! Slanilant Con ICO HomcHluXa 11.10 Union Cm M ) IroiiMivcr , Ill ) Yellow Jaclcot , . . . D3 Mexican I. , offered. _ _ _ _ _ _ Loniloii Sioe-Ic QtieitntloiiN. LONDON , Ocl. ID. 4 p. ill. uloalnji ' ' Miixicnn onlln.iry.'D ConsoU ace.'I. . IIH St. Paul co,1 7'JH Ciiu. Paclac N , Y. Conlr.il P4 Krlu , ' KrlnlHtufil lleailln. ni 111. Central Mox. Con , now 4n. UW ! HAH 8ILVKH-30 1-ICd per oz. MONIZY 1 per cent. The rate of illncount In Ihe open market for short bills IB 2 3 , , er ccnt. ( or lllte | monl1H. | bills , SH per cenl , Kiliiuieiliil HALT1MOHL' , Oct. 13.-Clcnrlni ; , | 3,1C ,33' . ; la- ! nnces , I40J.C33. IIOHTON. Oct. ID. Clearings , | I2MC,92I ; bal. nngea. M,43IX ) . NIJW YOIIK. Oct. 19. Clearings , $82,574,000 Lalmices , 13,700,7:0. PIULADKLPHIA. Oct. 19.-ClenrlnB , SW ; balances , JI.17l.liM. HT , LOt'IH , Oct. 19-CIearlnES , JI,738.8C ; bal. nnies , t < 01)tii8. ) Money , OifS per cent. New York exchange , I1.2J rtlicount bid ; It discount usked , CHICAOO , Oct. 10. Clearings , II5,7Z6.MO , Money , llrm nl 7 per cent for call Hn4 time loans. New York exchange , SOo discount , For- tlin exchange , steady ; demand , II.3W ; iUI ) day * , Jl.kO',4. ' OMAHA MARKET Liberal Offerings tffOaUlo Mark the Open ing 8r tfio Week , BDSINESS INPut A LITTLE SLOW ii Put StciT i f InillfToriMil 4luiill < > - Itutclivrn' Ac- > Vl\c lllnlier. SOUTH OMAHA , Oct. 19. nccclptsfor thu days Indicated wcro : Cattle , Hogs. Sheep. Horses. October 19 , 4,373 1,411 October 17 1.30 3,013 3.47G October in 1.53G 3.1ZO 4,2)0 ) October InH 3.M7 4.7C2 1.M7 October H 3,001 < , iOJ 43 October 13 3 91'i 3.CCI 1.407 October 12 4.3S3 2 October 10 : .772 3.GI2 October 9 . 2JUO 4,01.1 October 8 . 1.9S3 3,037 3.G27 The ollltlnl number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C , , M. & St. P. Ily . 1 Mo. 1'aclllc Hy . > Union I'ac. System. . . CS 2 11. ft M. H. It. n . 31 0 2 C. , H. K Q. l\y . 3 C. , H. I. K : I' . Ily. , o. . 1 1 . . . . C. , II. I. & V. Uy.\v , . 10 1 C. , Ht , P. . M. & O. Uy . . . - K , E. & M. V. U. 11. . . 61 8 2 2 Total receipts . , . .174 23 4 3 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num. jer of head Indicated : lluyprs. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co . 411 723 . . . . Swift nnd Company . D7fi 553 Sll The Cudnhy 1'ncklng Co. 4fl 107 2J7 't. Ucckcr nnd Uegan. . . . 391 Vansant K. Co . 101 f. L. Carey . ,00 Lobman & Rothschilds. . . 3GS W. I Stephens . 217 1111 .t Lewis Co . 140 lenten & Underwood . 3.13 .ayton & Co . 93 Iiiston & Co . 31 Other buyers . Ml over . . . . 300 Total 4.3G1 1,476 69S CATTLE The week opened with a liberal run of cattle and the largest of nny day since Monday of lam week , when about the same number of head were reported In. The cattle hero were about all westerns , and while the most of them were feeders , : here were quite n good many thnt would do 'or the killers. There were no choice native beeves and very few of nny kind. The market on beeves opened n little slow , lalesmcn asking strong prices nnd buyers holding off a little , but In the end the cattle changed hand' * nt about the same prices as prevailed nt the close of last week. This market has been strong for the past week or more as compared with other markets. Cows nnd heifers were In good demand and sold freely at Saturday's prices. The supply was liberal , there being several good hunches of westerns In addition to the odds and ends of native Muff. The yards were.full of stockcrs nnd feed ers , but there were none too many for the lemand. The speculators sold out pretty close on Saturday nnd they all wanted more cattle today , and tln-y seemed to be In a luirry to load up again. The market. In consequence , was active nnd fully steady. On some ef thu hetior grades of cattle Backers and feeders were competitors. Largo as worn IHH receipts , the most of the cuttle were sold In good season. The market closed .easier on , nil kinds of cattle , but more especially on the common grades. Hepresentntlye sales : ' nu'in * sTiciis. } No. Av. I'r. Nj. Ay. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 41..1263 (3 M 1 COU'S. 1. . , fie t CO 12.r..IOlS 2 IS 2..1110 2 30 I. . . .ll.V ) S. . . . ( ITS 2 SO 2..12)3 ' ' . .10FO 1 tO I..IIM : K 1..1170 2 CO c' . 2 15 ( iuirins ; 4. . . 49" . 1 M fil. . . siVj2 CO , 7. . . . 772 2 M 1. . . 3SO' 123 1 ? . . . - 2 10 4.-4J7 ' 1 CO' ' -7V.-.772 2,30 c.u.vns. 1. . . JCO' 1 CO 1 270 3 CO 2. . . . 5 4 7C 1. , . 340 BTOCKI HS AND L. . . SSO 210 23. . . . MS 3 II " . . . . 502 333 2. . . . 9Ctl 2 a 25. . . , RIO 3 it 19. . . . (43 333 I. . . . M 3 00 3. . . . ! i0 | 3 10 M..1CC2 3 33 : . . . . M5 310 3. . . . (70 S2- „ 3 40 1. . . . 850 3 15 1. . . . SIO 3 27H 17. . . . 834 „ 3 CO WUSTUIINS. Ko. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 1 cow 710 } l fiO 1 cow no 12 23 1 bull ll'M 2 00 4 cows < tm 2 53 1 flap 400 2 CO hfs 7111 2 C5 2 cowa 1031 SW * NiniltAKKA. i cow wo 1 K 2 feeders. . . . S33 2 S3 1 Inill I . ' 00 200 5 steers 1300 300 n CO\\B idfio 2 10 2 feeders..1123 3 00 4 co\vi , . ! > 32 . 12 feeders. . . . j > P5 3 20 3 CO K 1016 2 10 C5 feeders..10CO 3 50 4 COUH ' . 'K 2 23 33 feeders..ll'OU 3 20 1 cow. 1150 2 20 44 feeders..1123 3 30 1 liilll 1270 2 40 17 feeders. . . . SOO 3 30 4 cow * 10V ! 2 CO SO feeders. . . . 72S 3 30 3 cows X70 2 CO 7 feeders. . . . DOS 3 33 II ci\v WC 2 r. 30 feeders.,1012 340 Scon g 1018 2 C3 T U. Irnln. 20 feeders. . , . 1CSO 3 10 , : feeders. . . . 805 3 15 K. K. 1 Ijull . 1100 223 23 feeders. . . . OS2 31 J. i : . McOlnley. 7co s . 1114 215 43 reeilcrs..ll74 33214 Klni ? . 1 liilll . 1310 1 Wl 1 cow . l"40 2 CO 1 bull . KOO 2 CO 9 feeders. . . . 1032 320 SOUTIt DAKOTA. 1 bull 1COO 1 75 1 cow 2 f.V 1 cow ! > tfl 1 73 11 heifers C40 2 Ki 1 Mag 1400 I 7.- . 2J lielfcrs . kio 2 70 1 bull 1310 1 (3 2 cows . 1073 270 1 cow SCO 2 ' 00 IS Mrs. Tex. 105 2 1 ox 1410 2'00 l8lr. UK. . . .13(0 2 75 3 rows ' . 'TO 2 00 11 slr . Tex. , i'tl 2 (0 2 COWS 10CO 2 10 6 feeders. . . .1201 2 SI 2 cows IKS 2 Si C feeders. . . . 545 2 $5 i cow 1100 i : . * " Icow . 1600 2M Scows WO 225" 2o sirs , Tex. . 1094 2 M 1 cow 910 2 30 1 feeder . C50 3 00 1 cow 1230 2 35 2 feeders , . . .1200 300 CC cows ! > ; : 2 35 67 feeders. . . . 015 3 15 9 co a 1007 2 40 9 urn. UK.1321 3 15 2 cons 10S5 S M 20 feeders. . . . 1015 320 1 Hag 11(0 2 50 28 feeders. . . . 1110 3 20 & cuvvs ll.'M 2 50 40 feeders. . . .1170 320 31 cows 'jvi S 50 15 feeders. . . , [ iCS 3 20 3 heifers 741 2 t. ' , 30 feeders. . . .11P2 323 3 cows 1103 2 55 2 feeders. , . .1165 335 Scows 1103 255 14 feeders. . . .11S2 3 35 13 cows 1010 261. 1 Blcer . 1020 3 C3 Jumes Coq. 22 feeders..1103 31025 tlecrs 12S1 340 Sam Hell. 4 cows D92 2 70 8 sleers 1250 3 30 4 heifers 1005 2 SO Western Hnnclies. Icow 9fO 200 40 cows 1007 2 CS C cows EG2 225 /.Immcrmnn. . 6 cows 1003 2 00 3 cows 1126 2 25 2 bulls 12S3 2 25 12 cows (132 ( 2 CS 3 cons 1120 2 25 1 slue 1310 270 J. Hart. 1 con- (20 2 00 13 cows , 9 % 2 CO 3 COUH . . . . . . illC 2 35 2 steers 1270 2 CO Scows 921 2 CO 12 tteers 125G 320 \V. W. Townsend. 2 cows 10.10 2 25 23 tit-era 1214 3 40 12 con IOCS 2 if Wrnr I , . B. Co. 4 bulls 1133 TW'1 1 cnlf 4fO - ' T& 1 bull 1210 2 Oil i. 11 heifers 10V ) 2 W U cons 879 2 K if 7 caUes 314 3 K 3 bulls 12SO 2 SO 3 4 calves 270 3 R5 4 cows 1112 iiS - 4 calves 152 5 CO 2 stags 1020 3 ! 5J 4 bulls. . . . , ,1 < 30 6 heifers. . . , , 4f,6 2 S5 37 conn , . . . . . 920 2 20 IS sirs , Tex. ,1146 , 2 90 1 cow . .10CO ' 1 steer , 970 3 00 1 cow . .1450 i' 1 feeder , , . . ,1110 , 3 23 2 heifers. . . . 700 1 rter ,1310 , 350 COLOHADO. 1 cow 2 r.1 1 cow 2 CO 2 bulls. . . 2 CS 1 bull. . . . 2 C5 1 cow 2 75 1 cow , , , . . .1000 I Oft > ' 22 ttrs , Tex. 1210 2 CO E bulls. . . . .1072 E 13 V * 75 Mrs , Tex , ICO 2 M ) 1 bull. . . . .ISM 8 fdrs. Tex. 60' 2 SO 1 feeder , , , . 770 1 feeder .IIW . 300 3 bulls. . . . .13CC . 1 calf , 370 3 00 2 cows. . . ' ' " * t ' 15 sirs , Tex. K < } 3 00 2 heifers , . , . 9C5 $ & , ? 4 feeders. . , , 707 3 20 3 COVVH , , . . .1040 2i3'u 20 feeders. , . ( .SO 3 25 1 bull. . , . IDfO 24' ) 109 fcederj. . . , 9SG 3 2S 1 tow. , . . CIO 2 45 2 utrs. Tex , 1300 3 K 1310 112 feeders. . " . KO 3 2714 1 heifer" 730 2 DO , CS feeders. . . 979 3 35 42 cows , , , 843 2 M 7 calves 311 3 40 20 cows , . . 878 2 2George George Tutlle. 8 cows. , . 865 200 1 slag , CSO 3 00 12 cows , , , .1022 215 & feeders , , . .102S 3 ( K ) 1 bull , . . . 1310 2 21 1 feeder. , . . CIO 3 23 1 cow lOlsO 2 DO 28 feeders. . . . 8J3 3 23 oituaox. Peter French. 7 eons. . , . . MO 2 00 8 feeders. . . .1040 2 75 9 COHS. , . . . H.'O 2 00 1 steer . . . . . 830 3 00 47 COWH 2 45 W feeders. . . .1045 3 20 53 cows 978 2 45 107 feeders. . . .l040 3 25 10 streru. . . . 1177 , 2 M MWYOMING. WYOMING. 1 slag , 1C30 1 M i steer 1275 300 3 cows 920 2 10 9 feeders. . . .1115 3 : u 1 cow , , , . , , 1110 2 40 1 feeler. . . . C30 335 1 cnw , . , . . , 1070 2 40 87 steers. . , , , .1274 3 CS 4 cons , , , . , 1012 2 CO 2 calve * . , , . 215 4 CO Ham Hupp. 30 steers. . . . .1178 3 M MA. A. Mjem. 22 steers , , , . .ISM J 40 J. A , Lovett 3 bulls .1253 2 10 1 sir , tic , . . .11CO 276 t cows 1U 255 34sleen 1215 330 James Mlckelion , Ibull 1310 200 2fc dcn. , , CC2 3 CO 4 crnvs. . KJ S n M feeders lM S Icow . . iO 1M 1 feeder .ISM > 3 IConR. . . .10M 2M 1W feeders .1107 J 20 9 Mrs. tl . .1217 SM S < feeders. . .1210 S Si ) CurdenriT & lloMnnon. Jrteers U10 2 7S r. J. HorRnn. Jcowii 530 240 4 heifer S77 t COt t t cow 1030 Sffl' s'uleers 1278 J 10 Scows K. SK > 37 feeders..1114 3 421J J 1 * * i KCf " 3 feeilcrs..H02 .1 X 11 feeders..1151 J 35 Mrs. 1' . FenlT. 2 cons 1CIX 220 1 i teer T.OO 3 3D 3 cons 1013 2 M 14 i-teers I1J5 S 30 Scons 1072 2 CO 34 feeders..12(3 340 A1H7.0NA. 35 feeders. . . . C12 2 K KMONTANA. MONTANA. 4con 1007 225 16 cows HIS 2 CO John McVay. 2 hull * 13V , 110 Icon1000 515 1ICH1B The UMinl llnht Monday's recelptu were on Mile toilny , but the run wns double what U was n week aRO. The ninrUet opened with Ihe niycrs bidding sternly , nnd In oine care * , barely steady prices , but ns advices from I'hlcaRO In- Healed n lieller market , vnluei here took on n Itllo more strength , and the IIORS fold trong o to hlRher , There were so few here thnt the yards were eon ctenrat. Hcnvy hogs sold at JJ.20R.125 , prlneliially. ns agnlnrt J3.I5ft3.25 on faturdny. The mi-dliim wrlEht anil IlKht mixed Ion.In . went at t3.30T3..15. while n IlKht tort rold nt 13.40. The week opens with the market about lOc ilshcr than at the commencement of last week , lojirerrntnthc rales : Vo. Av. 8h. IT. No. Av. Sh. I'r. 0 3C.- . . . | 3 IS 11 303 160 3 2S 0 3 ! > 2 . . . 320 42 321 . . . 32. ' . 0 377 . . . 320 tl 2U ! 120 3 27H , f. 343 CO 3 10 43 .100 . . . 3 2.H ,1 3.V . . . 320 C1 .2F5 . . . 330 47 229 CO 3 20 70 2f2 ! 40 330 57 310 2SO 3 22'4 ' C6 2f.fi CO 330 CO 290 2K ) 3 25 75 212 120 330 5 2 3 ICO 325 73 202 CO 330 rs 2vs co 3 2n r.i 231 co 335 ,6 3)2 ) CO 325 75 221 CO 3 35 9 304 ICO 325 t > 7 211 240 331 1 3M . . . 305 5 fa . . . 320 3 3IC . . . 313 1 250 . . . 325 4 37S 40 3 15 * B 2 > 2 . . . 325 0 3 . . . 3 ! 3 216 . . . 323 4 22 CO 3 17'4 ' IK ) M . . . 323 6 312 CO 320 Hltliur There were only four loads of sheep lere , nnd they sold at Just nbout steady prices , tcprrtcntntlvc sales : No. Av. Tr. 23 South Dakota tig 72 It 75 S3 South Dnkotn mixed 73 2 CO ? < t South Dakntn , Inmht CO 3 00 257 Bouth Dakota Iambi 76 3 00 cmc.uio i.ivn STOCK. rriuU * AViiM Not Cliiirticlrrlcn ! l y Jfncli Anlniiilliiii I\IM-III In Choice Cnltlc. CHICAGO , Oct. 19. Trade was not character ized by much animation except In choice cat tle , which were scarce and firm , and other kinds of native betf cnlllc were largely lOc lower. Sales were on 11 basis of from J3.35 to JS.15 for com mon to fancy steers , with most of the. trading between from I4.CO to J1.00. ix | > ortera were fair hucr of the better class of bee\es. Canning ami butchering cattle mm ml fairly well , cons and heifers felllnc nt from 1.25 lo 3.C5 , bull < nt from 11.75 lo J3.25. Texas cattle were In the usual demand nt ruling prices , steers telling ill from J2.C5 to 13.15. There was an excellent general demand for OBK , nnd acrnllo the liberal supply prices were stiong nnd from 5c to lOc hlRher than on Sat- in-day. Hea\y packing lots moved off freely nt from J3.20 to M.37'i ' nnd conrjc hea\y to prime assorted IlKhls sold nt from J3.10 to J3.CO. Heavy told largely at from J3SO lo J3.40 and medium weights sold chlelly nt from J1.35 to 13.50. In sheep the Kencrnl demand proved lo be much nhnve Ihe average ami prices were well maintained for dcrlrahle lloeks. Hioep were In dtmnnd nt from 1175 to $3.10. wcMenm rclllne principally nt from J2.50 to 13.10. Prime heavy nntlvc export fheep were scarce and largely nominal nt from J3 23 to M.50. ivpillng sheep were active nround from 12.50 to J2.CO. I.ambs were w.inted nt from J2.75 to J4.25 for Inferior lo nrlmc , with sales principally nt from 13.23 to | 41,0. llecelpts : Cattle , 19.000 head ; hogs , 41,000 head : sheep , 21,000 head. KntiMiiH Clly I.lvo Sluelc. KANSAS C1TV , Oct. 19. CATTInecelpts. . I4ioo heail ; shlpmentH. CM head. Itest grades steady to strong , others weak ; Texas steers , J2.IOB2.CO : Texas cons. Ji.20O2.50 ; native fleers , 13.15(74.70 ; native cons and heifers , J1.35572.20j stockcrw anil feeders. 12 7M73 CO ; bulls , S2. 0ti3.(0 lions Itecelpls , C.OCO head ; shipments , none , Market strong to Co hlglicr ; bulk of miles , 13.15(7- 3.30 , heavy. J3.05ff3.35 : packers. J3.10W3.30 ; mixed , M 1573 33 : llchts , 3.20 3 33 ; Yorkers. J3.30Q3.3-i ; plK . J3.IOfl3.S5. HIIIJI3I' Itecelpls. 5,000 head : shipments , none. Market stonily ; lambs , > 2.757:3 25 ; tnutlons , J2.COf 3.00. Xoiv York Mvc SlncU- . NiW YOItlC , Ocl. 19 IIUIJViIlecelpts. : . 1,110 head ; cons ple.idy : otlicis loner nnd slow ; nnllve steers. J3.20f4.S5 ; oxen , J2.00JI2.30 ; drj' cows. Jl.4002.70. Cables quote American sleers at lOtfllc , drrvFed weight ; shc-ep. SfflOc , dressed welshl : refrlcerator beef , 7 > 4OS iO : no exports. siinr.r AND I.AMIIS-iteceipts , is 090 head : slow nnd lower ; sheep , J2.25O3.23 ; lambs , JS.COf 4.75 ; Rvneral sales , Jl 00171.50. HOGS Hccclpts , 14,715 head ; lower at J3.COJ ? 4 00. SI. I.iiulN I.lvc .Sliu-U. ST. IXUIS , Oct. 19.-CATTI.-Hccelpts ! , 3.000 head. Natives lOc lower ; Tcxnns sleady. HOdH-Itecelpls. 3.500 bend. Market 5c hlchcr ; Yorkers. J3.25b3.35 ; packers , J3.10Q3.C5 ; heavy , J3.20J73.40. SHIIUr Itecelpls , l.COO head. Market rteady. Sloclc In SlKht. Ueconl of recclpls of live slock at the four principal markcu October 19 , IS'JC : Cattle. Hops. Sheep. South Omaha . 4,373 1.434 5'iS Chicago . 19,000 41,000 21,000 ICnnrus City . H.iX'O c.ouo C.r > oo Ht. Ixiuls . 3,000 3,500 1.COO Totals . 40,373 10,931 29.093 St. I.oiilN ( : < ! ! < ml Inrkvt , ST. IjOUlS , Oct. 19. ri.OUIl-KlronB , with a Rood domeMIc ( lemand nt the advance , but ex port trade small ; patenls. Jl 15(71.25 , exlia fancy , moi3 > : fancy. J300ff3.10 , choice , J2.Wff2.70. WIIIIAT The speculative market opened ex cited and higher , showlni ; nn advarcc of 3c nt the opening. Dullish cables and Die report ln.1t Illark sea shipments had declined In vol ume raufcd the utrcnRlh nnd ncllvlly. Domestic marvels later showed weakness and declined , hut eloped higher for fnlures lUHl'to hliiher I'.inn Snlurday ; eput helil largely holier on call anil few bids made ; No. 2 red , cash. In elcvntor , COcj on Irnck , COHC2c : No. 2 hard , cash , 71c , December , 79c bid ; May , iSMiUUc. COItN In s > mp.ilhy with the boom In wheat there was a charp advance In futures euily , but later the market became v\eak , cared uff nnd closed Irregular lo lie. higher for Decem ber and UG'ic loner thaif Salurday fur Ma > , No. 2 cash nnd December , 24'ic ; May , "I''A ! 27 .c. OATS In turn advanced curly , hut declined nnd closed vvc.ik at He under ycslerilny ; upcl steady ; No. 2 cash , 17c ablleil ; May , UYK 37B3SO on track. COIIN Mi.VLi-Hlgher at J1.40. IIIIAN I'lrin : sacked. 3S40c for outside points nnd 45c nt mill ; for racked , cast track , 41c bid PLAXBttKI ) SUaily t 72e. TIMOTHY SIIED-rrlme. J2.50. HAY Tlinoihy , giendy , iillli no demand , prairie , stroni ; , scarce ami wanted ; prairie , J7.50 ; llmolhy , J7.Ouail.CO. this side. KCias rirm nt 14c. WHISKY Jl IS , I.iAD : Dull and ilccllnlnK : common offeicd nt J2.45 and dexllverlred nt I2.M. Sl'III/rKll Nnmlnnl nt J3.45. 1'IIOVIHIONS I'ork , steady ; etandard mere , jobbing , J7,25iT7.3" . Lard steady ; inline blHiuii , Jl.221 , : choice , JI.30. Uncoil , boxed shoulders and extra short clear. Jl G2'i ; rllis. Jj.75 ; shorts , JI.S7'i. Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders , J4 12'4 ; pxlru , xhort clears , J4.37Vi ; ribs , J4.37H ; short , J4.CO. J4.CO.nilCniPTS nilCniPTS Klour. 4,000 Mil * . ! wheat , 67,000 bu. : mm. 197.CCO bu. ; oats. 83 ooo bu. SIUPMr.NTS Ploiir , 8,000 bids. ; wheat. 57,000 bu , ; corn , 61,000 bu. : oats , 36.000 bu , MVnilPOOL , Oct. 19.-WHUAT-Flrmi de mand moderate ; No. 2 red sprliur. fin lid ; No. 1 hard , Manitoba , 7s ; No. 1 , California , 7n Id Futures opened nervous nnd with near and distant poilllons at 2'id hlKhcr ; closed nervous wllh near and dlntant positions 4i(75d hlKhcr , business about c < iunlly dUlrlbuled ; October. Cs 10d ; November , Cs 11'iJ ; December , Gn HUd ; January , Cs HHd ; Tebruary , Cs llVid ; March , Cs 1 1 Sid. C'OUN Spot firm : American mixed , new , 3s CVid. Kulures firm , wllh near nnd illslunt POH- | tlons IHd hlKher ; closed steady with near posi tion * 2UU2id hlKhcr and dlsiant poeltloni 2tf 2 < , id hlRher ; business nhout equally distributed , Octolier , 3s 3id ; November. Ss Cd ; December , 3i CHd : January , 3s r. d ; March , 3s 5id. PLOUIl I'lrm : dcimnd modernle ; SI , Louis fancy , M Intern. Cs Cd. I'HOVISIONS llacon , firm ; demiml moderate ; Cumberland cut , 28 lo 30 llii. , 35s ; oliort ribs , 20 In 24 IbK. , 30s ; InnR clear , IlKht , 35 to 38 IbH. , 31s ; long clear , heavv , 40 to 4i HID , , 29i G.1 ; uhort clear backs. Unlit , 18 Ilis. , 2Ss ; short clear mid dles. heavy , 45 to CO Ihs , , 24s ; clear bellies , 14 to 16 Ibs . 30s Cd : shoulders , square cul , 12 to 18 ll > 8. , 28s 6,1. Hams , short cul , 14 to 16 IhK. , Cls. Tallow , flm > North American , 21s 3d. Dcef , exlra India mess. C0 ; prime mess , 40 . I'ork , prime mom , line wrslern , 47s Cd : medium wcit- crn , 40p. Ionl , slendy ; prlmo western , 23s 9d ; rellned In palls , 27s. CHCi:8Irirm : : demand moderate ; llnest American , white , 49s ; Uncut American , colored , Aucurt. Mr. IlllTTnil-I'lncst t'nlted fllntes , 93s ; good , C0 . mw Korequurtera , 3'/id ; hlndniinrters , CHd , HOrH At London ( Pacific coast ) , 3. , rolTiM * .lllirkrt. HHW YOrtK , Oct. -OKriU-OptIon opened Irremilur at B points dccllnn In S points ndviimo ; ruled generally weuk under heavy rr- crlpls nt Itlo uiii ] Santos and expeclatlnnH of larier clearances to Ihe Unlled Mule * ami Ku rope ; closed Meady at B to IS points net ili-rllnf ; Oelntjer , JI0.25OI030 ; December , ! , M > ; March 10 CS09 M. Spot coffee. Itln. sleady ; No. 7 , j"l" blnif , JH.CO ; Invoice , 111. Mild , steady ; Cordova SI5.00C.I7.00 , Total warehouse deliveries from th United Klatcs , 7,632 > ais. Including C :67 IUKI > from New York ; New York Murk today , ISC fJ2 tins * : United States stock. 213,523 II-IK * : nfloat for the United Stntes , 4S20W bans ; tolnl visible fur the United Slates , 75,528 bags , agalntt 591,011 liatrn ln t year , HAVnU. Oct. 19. COITBi : riweil steady nt Uf net decline ; sales , 32 000 IIUKS. BANTOH. Oct. 19 , COI'TKIJ-qulet ; eooil aver- age. 10,200 reiij receipts , 1,009 t e . Weekly reporti Quiet , goml nvcriiRc , per in kilos , U.loo iris , receipts durlnir thf week , HI ( W IIIIRS HAMIlUltn. Oct -rorrilt : Steady mid uti- | , sales , 15,000 IKIRS , . I'KOIHA , Oct. IS.-CUHN-rirm ; hlRher , No , t. M'ioi No. I , } * o. OATH-Klim. hlRher ; .No. 2. Il'ieSIVci No. 3 white , 19IT200. UVi-ririn. : Inncthe ; No. * , 3fiff37 < < . WHIrtlCV MarKft steady , llnlthrd gofHls cm the basis nf J1.IS lor hUb wines. IlKCMJII'TH-Corn , CI.IW bll.i oats , 159.700 btl.i ryr. TOO bu. , whisky , none , wheat , C.OOO bu. Sltll'.MKNTS- , 4J.SOO Int. ) iiiitu , 117t00 Ini ; r > e , mine ; whisky , 6i gals. ; wheat , 12 , ' COO bu. _ Oil Clly OH. CITY , Oct. 19. Credit lialntices , Jl.ll ; cer- tlllcnte * , tin bM'i nn dfTerlnRs ; Hhlpinetits , HI- lilils. ! runs , ICO.IM2 bbln. Unllcr , r.MIIN , III. . Ocl. 19 llt'TTiil : l'lrm ; offer- Ings. tO.300 Ib < . , salt's , t\VSO \ Ibs , nt "Oc Mfrlwco Whrnl. SAN rilANClSCO , Ocl. WIUUT-Ciosrd , December. SI.MU ; May , J1.17. PROPOSED CONSTITU1IONAL AMENDMENTS The following proposed amendment1 ! to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , as j i , lic.rnlnnf.tcr set forth In full , arc submitted j to the electors of the State of Nebraska , to be Noted upon nt the general election to beheld hold Tuesday , November 3 , A. D. 1S96 : I j j A Joint resolution pioposlng to amend sections two (2) ( ) , four (4) ( ) , and five (5) ( ) , of article six (6) ( ) of the Constitution of the Statu of Nebraska , relating lo number of Judges of the supreme court and their term of office. Uo It resolved nnd enncted by the Legis lature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That Bcctlon two (2) ) of article nix ( G ) of the Constitution of the Btnto of Nebraska bo amended HO nn to read ns fol- Sec'tlon 2. The mipronip court shall until otherwise provided by law , conulst of live I (5) ( Judges , a majority of whom shall bo necessary to form a quorum or to pro- noiinco n decision. It "hull have original I , Jurisdiction In eases rclatliiK to revenue , civil cnaeH In which the ntuto shall bo a ' party , mandamus , quo vvarranto , hnbcaa corpua , and uch nppclhuo Jurisdiction , us may bo provided by law. Section 2. That section four (4) ( ) of artlclo six (6) ) of the Constitution of the state of Nebraska , bo amended so as to rend ns fol lows : Section 4. The Judces of the supreme court shall bo elected by the electors of the state at large , and their tcnn of ofllce , except as hereinafter provided , shall bo for a period of not less than live ( S ) years us the Ii-KlHlntiiro may preset Ibc Section 3 Thnt section live (5) ( of artlclo nix (6) ( ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , be amended to lead ns follows : Section r . At the first Krncral election to be held In the year H'.iC , there shall bo elected two Judges of the supreme court onn of whom shall be elected for n term of two (2) ( ) years , one for the term of four (4) ( ) yenra , and at each Kcncral election there after , there shall he elected one jndRo of the supreme court for the term of live ( G ) yon re , unless otherwise provided by law ; Provided. That the Judues of the supreme court whose terms have not explied at the time of holding the Kcnernl election of 1S53 , shall continue to hold their olllcc for the remainder of the ti-rm for which they were respectively commissioned. Approved Mnrch 29 , A. D. 1S95. A Joint resolution proposing an nmcnil- mont to section thirteen (13) ( ) of artlclo six of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , rolatlnc to compensation of supreme and district court Judges. IJo It resolved by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section thirteen 03) ) of nrtlclo six ( G ) of the Constitution of the Stnto of Nebraska bo amended so as to rend ns follows : Sue. 13. The JudKi's of the supreme nnd dHtrlct courts shall receive for thflr ser vices such compensation ns may bo pro vided Uy law , payable quarterly. The legislature shall tt Its first session after the adoption or this amendment , three-fifths of the ni. < Eibers elected to i each house concurring italtllsh their compensation. The compensation so es tablished shall not bo chanon.J'cncr than once In four years , and In n. . event unless two-thirds of the members cl > otcd tt. each house of the legislature conctu therein. Approved Mnrch CO , A. D. IStSv. A Joint resolution proposing to amend section twenty-four (24) ( ) of nrtlctc flvo ( G ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , relating to compensation of the odlccrft of the executive department. Ho It resolved nnd enacted by the Legis lature of the Stnto of Nebraska : Section 1. That section twenty-four (24) ) of article rives (5) ) of iho Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo amended to read as follows : Section 24. The ofllccrs of the executive department of the state government shall receive for their services a compensation lo lie established by law , which shall be neither Increased nor diminished during the term for which they shall have been commissioned nnd they shall not receive to their own use any fees , costs , Interests , upon public moneys In their hands or under their control , peiqulsltes of ofllco or other compensation , und all foes that may hereafter bo payable by law for services performed by an olllcer provided for In thl- < ' "lo shall bo pnlil In advance Into the stnto treasury. The Icglslatmu shall at Its first session after the adoption of this amendment , three-fifths of the mem bers elected to each house of the legisla ture concurring , ostabllsh the salaries of the olllcer.s named In this article. Trie compensation so established shall not Le changed oftcncr thnii once In four year.i nnd In no event unk-hS two-thirds of the members elected to each house of the leg islature concur therein. Approved March 29 , A. D. 1893. A Joint resolution proposing to amend section ono (1) ( ) of artlclo six ( C ) of the Con stitution of the State of Nebraska , relating to Judicial power. l > Bo It resolved nnd enacted by the Legis lature of thn State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section one(1) ( ) of article six ( G ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo amended to read as follows : Section I. The judicial power of this state shall be vested In a supreme court , dis trict courts , county courts , Justices of the peace , pollco magistrates , nnd In such other courts Inferior to the supreme court ns may be created by law In which tv\o- thlids of the members elected to each house concur. Approved March 20 , A. D. 1835. A Joint resolution proposing to amend sec tion cloven (11) ( ) of article six ( G ) of the Constitution of the Stnto of Noliras'ha , re lating to increase In number of supreme and district court Judges. I3o It resolved nnd enacted by the Leg islature of the Statu of Nebraska : Section 1. Thnt section eleven (11) ( ) of artl clo six ( G ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo amended to read ns fol lows : Section 11. The legislature , whenever two- thirds of the members elected to ench house shall concur therein , may , in or after the year ono thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven und not oMuiior than once In every four years. Increase the number or ludgcs of supreme and district courts , and the judicial districts of the state. Such districts shall bi > formed of compact tcrrl- tbrv , nnd bounded by county lines ; and sucn IIICICUBO. or liny change In the boundaries of n district , ahull not vacate thn olllco of any judge. Approved March 30 , A. P. , IWj. A Joint resolution proposing to amend suction six ( G ) of artlclo ono (1) ( ) of the Con stitution of the State of Nebraska , relating to trial by Jury. , , . . . , IJo it resolved and enacted by the Leg islature of the Hluto of Nebraska : Section 1. That sc-i'tlon six (0) ( ) . artlclo ono (1) ( of the Constitution of the Bin to of No- braHku bo amended to rt-ud an follows : Section G. The right of trial by Jury shall remain Inviolate , but the legislature may provide that In civil actions flvo-slxtiB of the jury may render n verdict , and the IvRlslaturo by also authorize ) trial by u lury of n I' H number lhan twelve men. In courts I"fe lor to the district court. Approved March 28 , A. P. . ISO * A Joint resolution proposing to amend section ono (1) ( ) of artlclo live ( & ) of the Con stitution of Nebraska , relating to oinceru of the executive department , Do It resolved and enacted by the Leg islature of the Sluto of NubraHkn : Section 1. That section ono (1) ( ) of artlclo five (5) of tha Constitution or the Btnta of Nebraska bo umnndcd to read an fol- IOVVH : Section 1. The executive department nhall comilut of a governor , lieutenant governor , secretary of stutc , auditor of public ac counts , trcBiurvr , cuporlntenaeut of public 11 ! ! i , ' r.i " ' ! ' n'onu'-v ' ! iwnernl , commissioner Miilullu' ! ! ' 1 nml I'ulldltiRH. ' nnd threw ? "nil . cnch or whom c t , ex- fmVii hi. rnl'r ' - ' l commlmloneri , shall from i fin ? a lrrm of two Venrs. Tuesdnv In .rllllrmlrty nftcr the llrst > nml uniil ii irj 1 inlTr hls election , n ? i nun iniT"loir ' * rl ( > PK'i ' n J Q 'iii- ' iiuiii hlV otnce for n . roinmlmloner shall term of thf < uv vnnr * , c election hold After thn of this nmendment them Hhnl three railroad commliotUiurrs , ono fur cbct u.i iH-rlod of ono year , one foi the period ot two jeurs , nnd oiu for the period of thrco > f'\rs. ' \ The goyeinor , m-cn-tary of HUU. Auditor of public accounts , and treasurer Blmll rcnldn nt Iho cnpltol during their term of oflleo ; they shall keep the public records , books and papers thero. and shall perform such duties ns may be required by Approved Mnrch SO , A. D. , 1SJJ. A Joint resolutlou proposing to amend ice- lion t\vi-iily-slx (26) ( ) of arllclu Ihe (5) ( ) of tu Constitution of the State of Nebraska , limit , IIIR the number of executive state officers. Itu It resolved nnd enacted by the Ler- iKlature of the Slate of Nebraska : feccllun 1. That section twenty-six (25) ( ) of Sr,11.0'1" nVS , (5 ( > ° f lno Constitution of th * folllm0- Nl'l"nBl < 11 ll ° amended to ( rend a > Section M No other executive state oin- core except those mimed In section one ( I ) of this article nlmll be created , except by n net of the IcglHlaturo which Is con- EJ ' the S ! members not ' ' ; ' " ' lhtm three-fourths elected to each houu thereof ; Provided. Thnt any olllco created by nn net of the Icglslaturo may be abolished by Iho legislature. t\\o-thlrd of the membcr elected to each house theieof concurrlnir. " ' " " Approved Murch 30. A P. . 1SW. , - A Joint resolution proposing to amend icctlon nine ( D ) of nrtlclo eight (8) ( ) of tha Constitution of the Stale of Nebraska , pro- vldlng for the Investment of the permanent educational funds of the stnto. no It resolved nnd emiclrd by the L BIn - In nture of Iho State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section nine (9) of nrtlcla fight tS ) of the Constitution of the 8tnt of Nebraska bo amended to read ns fof- Section 9. All funds belonging to the stnto for cdticallonn ! purposes , the Interest nml Income whereof only are to bo used , shall bo deemed trust funds held by the ntnte. nnd the stntn shall supply all losses there * of that may In any manner accrue , BO thnt the same shall remain foievcr Invlolnto and um1lmlnl.shcd , nnd shall not bu In vested or loaned except on United States or state securities , or registered county bonds or registered school district bonds of this state , and such funds , with th Interest and Income thereof are hereby solemnly pledged for the purposes fof which they aio granted and set apart nnA * hall not IIP transferred lo any other fund for other uses ; Provided , The board created by section 1 of this article Is empowered to sell front time to time any of the securities belong. Inc to the permanent school fund and In vest the proceeds arising therefrom In any of the securities enumerated In this sec tion bearing n higher rate of Interest , whenever an opportunity for better InvcBt- mi-nt Is presented ; And provided further , That \vhcn nny wnrrnnt upon the state tiensurcr rccu- Inrly Issued In pursuance of nn appropria tion by the legislature and secured by tha levy of a tux for Its payment , shall ba presented to the state treasurer for pay ment , und there shall not bo any money In the proper fund lo pay such warrant. the board created by section 1 of thin arti cle may direct the state treasurer to pay the nmount due on such warrant from moneys In his bunds belonging to the per manent school fund of the state , and ho shall hold said warrant ns an Investment of said permanent sihool fund. Approved Mnrch 23 , A , P. , 1&53. A joint resolution proposing an nmemt- mont to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska by adding a now section to artlclo twelve (12) ( ) of tclil constitution , to be num bered section tuo (2) ( ) , relative to the merg ing nt the government of cities of tha metropolitan clacs and the government ot the couuticsvhereln such cities are lo cated. De It resolved aril enacted by the Leg islature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. Thnt article twelve (12) ( ) of tha Constitution of the State of Nebraska ba amended by nddlni ; to eald artlclo n new section to be numbered Becllon two (2) ( ) , to rend na follows : Section 2. The government of nny city of the metropolitan clnxs nnd the government of the county In which It Is located may ba merged wholly or In part when n proposi tion so to do has been submitted by au thority of law to the voters of such city and county nnd received the nssciit of a majority of tha votes cast In such city and also n majority of the votes cast In the county exclusive of ihoso cast In Buch metropolitan city nt such election. Approved March 2J , A. P. , 1S33. ' A Joint resolution proposing an amendment to section six ( G ) of artlclo Ecvcn ( T ) of the Constitution of the Stnto of Nebraska , pre scribing the manner In which votes shall be cast. He It resolved nnd enacted by the Leg- Islaturc of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section six (6) of artlclo seven (7) ( ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended lo rend as fol- Sfc'tlon 6. All votes shall be by ballot , or such other method ns may be prcscilbecl by law , provided the secrecy ot voting b preserved Approved March 29 , A. P , 1S03. A Joint resolution proposing lo amend erctlon two (2) ( ) of artlclo fourteen (14) ( ) of th Constitution of the State of Nebraska , rcla- tlvo to donations to works of Internal Im provement and manufactories. lie It resolved nnd enacted by the Legis lature of the Stale of Nebraska : Section 1. Th.tt section two (2) ( ) of article fourteen (14) ) of thn Constitution of tha State of Nebraska , bo amended to read us follow H : Section 2. No clly. county , town , precinct , municipality or other subdivision of tha state , shall ever make donations to any \vcrks ol Internal Improvement , or manu factory , unless n proposition so to do shall h.xve been flrht submitted to the qualified electors nnd ratified by a two-thirds vole nt nn election by authority of law ; Pro vided , That such donations nf a county with the donations of such subdivisions In the aggregate fhall not exceed ten per cent of tin1 assessed valuation of such county : Provided , further Thnt any clly or county may , by a three-fourths vote Increase such Indebtedness live per cent. In addition to such ten ner cent and no bonds or evi dences of Indebtedness so Issued shall b valid unless lh same ; shall have endorsed thereon a ccrtlllcute signed by the oecre- tury and auditor of state , showing that the snmo Is Issued tut rail ant to law. Approved March 9 , A. P. , 1895. I , J. A. Piper , secretary of state of tha Etato of Nebraska , do hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amendments to the ConKtltutloD of the State of Nebraska ro true and correct copies of the original en rolled and engrossed bills , as passed by tha Twenty-fourth session of the legislature of the State of Nebraska , as appears from said original bills on file In this ofllce , nnd that all and each of said proposed amend ments are submitted to the qualified voters of the state of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to ba held on Tuesday , the 3d day of November , A. P. , 1808. i In testimony whereof , I have thereunto Ect my hand and affixed the great seal of the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln , this 17th day of July , In the year of our Lord , Ono Thousand Hlght Hundred and Ninety-six , of the Independ ence of the United States the Ono Hundred and Twenty-first , and of this stuto tba Thirtieth. Seal. ) J. A. PIPEH , Secretary of Slat * * .UK 1 ntoNov3 morn onlv. JAMES E. BOYD & CO Telephone 1030. Onitiliii , Neb. COMMISSION GRAIN : PROVISIONS : AND , Hoard it Trade , IV.roct wires lo Cintaicu snd New York , CorresponiJents ; John A. Warren & C * WHEAT BOOMING iind never offered a Utter opporlunlty for mak Int money , Writ * 13 , U. Murray It Co.t Ukiiktrs A lirokers. 122 ItUlto IIMit , , O.llcn o. nieml rs ot Ihe Chlcaco Hoard < if Trade In rood lUndlnK , fur their buck on HtalUllcs und HpecU. Ittlve Informmion , und Dully Murktt L tt r , lioth fr > . BPECIAI. ATTENTION QIVBH TO OUT OV TOWN OIIDEUU. r .n