Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE A IT A DAILY BBK : 20 , 18J1G.
Err. H. 0. Myers , D. D. , BebeU at the
Bisiop'i Aragameat to 3ta&3.
1VII1 JInvc * n IndfiirmlPtil C"ntTr
tratlon Jind Addrr * * It In U'lint-
rvcrVtij - Ilr > rr I'll
SCHUTLER. Nfb. , Oct. IS. < SpeeUU
Sebvylrr rah uxJiy claim AlctiBrUoc . et-
osd to bet one other cltj In the state
Oraftfea tfat of bating en iB4efH"a6rat
church. S ta4ay moratag , October IS. at 11
o'tfto k. Hev. H. C. Myers. I > . D. . who wat
paster of the M < * bwJ1ri obereh daring the
oonferwee1 rear ending October I , aad trbe ,
p int hb wlM. was apftolatHl to take
chtT * < > of the werk t Ooivmtms. Neb. , for
the etwn'nR r. b l4 * erv1 e In Bshmtn' *
opera ) wlwre he and his followers In-
tewS te wtrMl4 > .
When Dr. Myeft came here one year ace
be faCad among the MetboJtrt members
a Creat deal .of dinttinjBct Ion that had
trlt bwacse of tbe faflnre of the eeafer-
eaws efiMnet to retsrn Rev. J. T. Kot cley.
who had been pastor three years. Such
t' Jnir tb * case , there were those wbo ere
too eaiily provoked Into Ukins rxcrptiuni
te Tbe hr t Mrrowa be preached , which re-
r.Tilted trithhi a * , bert time in the with
drawal of severe ] mea4 er . aud of about a
dBien at the end of fs r moc-.Jtf. while a
Rreat tnany others attended but infre-
rjHPBtly. Tbe defection Increasfd at the
year p * * 4 and tome -who remained loyal
to the tkurcli in spite of the fart .that they
did not Ilk * Alyers' teachings , became more
und tunre oet-vlored that It would be detrl-
wental to tinin .erects of the eiurth for him
to be rctarnctdwhile among the church
membfn.hi | > but znore e peci lly among the
large number from ouUld * the church who
went to hear him preach , he had a large
following that became warmly Interested
In his desire to return. Dr. Myers had not
bt n here long before the old church be
came ton piaall to acconunt-date bin audi
t-noes and a project was soaa on foot for
tie enlargement of tbe church whieii was
carried w and the seating capacity nearly
doubled. Iwsides giving rsore convenient
room for the work of the various depart-
aents o , the churrh. In this work liberal
a < MitanoeKas
-K-as > jTndered by people outride
the church , towhom the membership felt
tnenwhes deeply indebted , yet many oocld
not be i d oed to believe that BO much was
due the outside donors as acquiescence in
tin * return of Ur. Myers.
Abuut t 3 weeks ago , before the date
of the unreal ronfereoce. a j-etitien pray-
n. which t rly jcovoUed t f.eoond nrav-
" f' " ? Tht' strons J * leaal
provoked by the two petitions Increased -
creased so rapidly that a movement was
inaugurated to get an expresrton f lh *
BpaUtntnt of the church members IB a bet
ter way. a ineeUag being called at which
It was intended a vote should lxtakn after
hearing reasons for and against his return.
The ci.l } result of the meting was ai.
agreeincut to withdraw the petition , place
the same in the hands trf some one who
vould bold ihrra until either faction "broke
agreements upon which they were furren-
o > r 4 and allow the matter "to be determined
in the conference cabinet. Some of the
doctor's friends having cause ler iu .pectlng
that Icttarr to infiueiice the cabinet 'iad been
written by thoke opposed to his return , .de
terminedupon gring to the conference at
Albion. This movement ren-vrcd the ac
tivity of those opposed to his return , and
tuu the rentest was reopraedwith re
newed vlcor n ! resulted in a week of con
flict "before the cabinet. In the last
moments of the cabinet session , it WE un
derstood that Dr. Slj-ws was to be returned
to Schuyler , yet in the reading of the ap
pointments by the biehop Monday morning
hU name was read in connection with
Columbu * and that of Dr. J. W. Jenning *
with Sehuyler. Dr. Myers dedtred at once
that he would not go to-Columbus and -upon
returning to S-liuyler made it known that
It was hi * intention to organize an inde
pendent churrh vnlecs he was retained at
Srhuyler as pistor of the Metiodlst church.
Feeling for him ran so hlch that , upon < ua-
sultatipn with the presiding elder. D. K.
Tindall , it was determined to present
to Bishop McCabe a set of reso
lutions. Mating that it was the belief of
tbe officials of the church that it would
ix better for him to return Dr. Myers to
Schuyler ; that they would stand by him as
loyal AlrtbodiKts In case he were returned ;
that they -would drop all controversy nd
work for the prosj > erlty of the church- that
thej believed that his remaining would fa
J. cilitate the col let-lion of unpaid subscriptions
to the ntw church and make it easier to
raine the salary , much of it being already
juibscribed upon condition of his remaining.
Dr. Myers signed an agreement to be thor
oughly loyal to the church , T > reich purely
evangelical nermons and Methodist doc
trine * ; do nil he could to atone for and
bury the ppst , end build up the church , but
lie would not agree to take the appointment
originally given him by the bishop in case
the decision was against him.
Immediately upon hearing that there was
in t'jjdeavor being made to got the matter
before him again. Bishop McCal * tele-
prapbcd that hewould not change his de
cision , and at ont-e ordered Rev. Dr. J. W
Junnlnin on to the field with legal right to
possession of all that was neee ry to give
liua full rh rge. Dr. Myers was waited rpon
and informed of the bishop's firmnt-s * and
t once * about making preparations for
independent tervlces in the Schuyler opera
house , the r t of which was conducted
yesierday rooming. His letter of resigna
tion is f.aid to contain a set of scathing ac-
-cUMtions against the Methodist church.
Dr. JV. . Jennings conducted his first reg
ular service in the Methodist church yes
terday inojulne ; nd there was in attend-
-unee more tbta the
average morning eon-
IlunInrxK of tlir MrtlioillittVonnd I'p
nnil AitpolutuirniK Antiounrril.
VERMILL10N , S. D. . Oct. ! . ( Speciat )
The latt business sesglon of the Methodist
Conference of South Dakota was held Sat-
j- ana the assembly closed on Euuda ;
with the customary services. It was shown
by reports thst tbe conference ha * a church
jnembe-khJp of * .SS5. a decrease from 1SS5
of 1K5. The next conference win be held
at Mitchell. F "W. Nararcne was transferred
to the North Dakota conference and ATV. .
Atkinson to Ohio. A. E. Carhart was
elected president of tbe .Nonpartlsan Prohl-
liltion UTiloc. Board of examiners. TV. H.
Jordan , president : A. C. Stevens , register ;
"VV. F. Mlnty. X. 11. Swlckland , O. H. Sproul.
C B. Clark. A. P. Jones. F. T. Nichols. E. P.
31all. Appolutments :
Aberdeen district : J. S. Akers. prrsldlng
* lfler , Aberdeen ; X. II. Swickland , Andover :
Ash ton rupplied ; Bith. W. D. Deeble ; BanKer -
Kor , W. F Hitch ; Bowdle , Amos Emmett :
Brltton. W F. Minty ; Conde , Devoe , Deland.
Eureka. Fredwtck. VVcsport , supplied ; Gro-
ton. F. C. MacDuttee. Hecla. Claremont.
" 5 > eola , Lancford , supplied : Mound City , W.
O. Gram ; Northvlllc. Thomas Sandercon.
Warner. F. 1 Brcmaghin.
Huron district. Thomas Simmons , pre
siding ( Jdtr : Alprca , H. S. Coon , Hurdottc.
Cavour. eupidled ; Desmet. F. J. Norton ;
Faulkton G. D. Brown , Forest City. Gettys-
berj : supplitid : Highmore. Blunt. J. E. JCor-
- -dl ; Hitchcock. A. W. Thurston : Huron. C
B. Clark. Iroauols. Cavour. Milter. St- Law
rence supplied ; Onelda. G. H. Parker.
Tierre. East Pierre. O. H. Ejiroul ; Redfield ,
Lewis Bradfard ; Wcsslngton. L B. Serry :
AVculnpton Siirings. supplied ; IVinthrop , E.
E. Dan Woltey. supplied.
Mitchell district : A. R. BORES , presiding
rider. Alexandria. A. C. Shepherd : Armour.
G J Corwin ; Artesian. Bridgcwater. Ed-
serton. Ethan , vupplled ; Fulton. A , L. Jol-
ley , Howard , Carthage. W. U Melnier :
Kimbatl. Charltis Mix , I. P. Potter ; Miteh-
cU A. C. Stevens ; Mount Vemon. Frank
Hater : Parkrtnn , Trlpp. W. A , Green :
PUiikuicum. W. fi. Shepherd : Salem. W. H.
Irwla. Scotland. M. E. Xickexson ; Tyn-
dsll Sprincfield , A. P. Janes : White Lake.
William Underwood : Woonsocket. S. 3.
Sioux F il diatrlct : J. O. Dobton ,
cc A1 - ter O. A Phillips
Ik-re * urd. \ li Tanner Canton , tE. .
> 1an-M : > i. > a-erv lc W HOory. . DeU
Rapid * Jofca Uewta * . Bsa. Crtaian. imp-
piled , Blk Pemt. F T. Nlebri * ; Ha re B.
G. E. Il pktns ; OayvW * . J. G. HaH ; Hart-
f < PrwfH t. J * B Kavc ; Iludeon. Archi
bald Jimk-MHi : Horlrj' . R B. Beavtt : Len-
W. B. 9tt < w r4 : MndlMw , J. p. Ja-
11 MKrBw. 1'tHer J TH B : Parker.
Rr e l.rlc. Sioux * Falls. First
ckwrh. W. H. Jerflan : Jertaa clrarefa. G.
T. N NMB ; BMt 3tmx F lli. MfipltHl ; Vrr-
MNttM. C. R. H B - ; WaVosda. % V. O.
RWlftri. Ymkteu. "Mtred Fcwlcr ; A. B.
CBrnh rt ; Blk Point qearleriy oevfereftee.
K. W. AVen , yr. H. Ovtrin. O. D. Cle-
vrenh. DO np Miitmeat ! ! : xffl atte&d
Watertowa dlrtrtctH. . M. Sj rincer. prc-
nldlnc flder : ArflMrtmi. J. R. DlbMe : Ills
Stone C'tty , C. 0. Walker ; Bradley. J. S.
Harkpsi < ; Bristol. BttUer. L. L. Laue ;
Bfookincs. T. H. Touacmua ; Brace , sup
plied ; C4 rt. A. D. DeKer ; CT r Lake ,
Gary. H. F. Knlgbt ; TSfklam , Trenton. S.
K. Browa ; M K4. tpp1ie < : Heary , R C.
9Hls : KftB > | < eiil.a. I ke Prrs4 E. supplied ;
Mlllbuk. Aihans , OMverViMiaia * . She-
< too. White Rack. Twin Brooke , supplied ;
j WatmowD. B. P. Hall : Wcnltcy. Svaait ,
j j Waverly. nupplk-d. Weimter. D. C Maclaln ;
White. LMKdiMm. WHloK Lakes , Hazel.
nippMed ; wninot. F. A. Burdick.
itnrrcin riiosi AKMC.MA AHIIIVK.
Drlnlnril lit Kllln l tnnd lir the Iin-
in I Km 11 oil . \ntlioritlr * .
NEW YOHK. Oct. 19. One hundred and
nxty- even Armenians wbo embarked at
Boulogne arrived on tbe steamship OMaiu
today end were at oarc transferred to Etlli
island , -Khere they wrse exaaloed by tic
health authorities and Uie ianpector oT Im
migration. There was owe family of six1 J
tera Jacrodlac hmttand. wHe. children
unrle. mint and roortn. Tiie AmaoBlaaF. av
a rule , were w-ell dressed. IntHljnent leaking
and < id not appear to have suffered any
The refugees were raK at l Hs Island by
representatives of tbe Salvation army and
members of tbe Women's Christian Temper
ance union , a represettattve of the Red
Cross Eoelrty , and several charitably dlf-
pored j > ercons. Upon their arrival at Ell If
Island thty were grouped aad photographed
and interviewed by rcpreentatlves of the
Christian Henld.
A pretest from the residents and taxpay
er * of Hohukus. Bergen county. N. J. , w-as
presented to Dr. Senner. commissioner of
immigration at Ellis island , timed by a
committee conElttlng of Saul B. MoBatt.
Fred Shilling and John D. T. Darter. This
protest stated that for snmc time past men
and women dre. ed In the uniform of the
Salvation army have been engaged in eye-
tematic bfgging for the support and main
tenance of "a horde of Armenians , the
same being aliens and paupers , and we pro
test against the t.a d aliens and pauper *
being sent Into Oils community. "
Another letter wa * from Rev. J. N
Trotnper , pastor of the Christian Reform
church at Raaurys. X. J. . where it is pro-
powfl to eotenlrc the Armenian refugees
Pastor Troaper says that he has l ecn re
quested by his congregation to extend the
ymj Urtes ef his church to the movement
to eckmite the refucet * .
Colonel Holland of the Salvation army's
Armenian Relief department , accompanied
by Bricadler Fox. editor of the Cry. Ensign
Kemp. Ersign Carcbad and two Armenian
Interpreters and several members of the
Woman's Christian Temperance -union , ap
peared before the board of special inquiry
and stated that the refugees were not pau
per * and thst they would not be colonized
at Ramseys. He said , however , that Ram-
ceys would be a distributing point and that
the Armenians would be drafted from there
to farms of tbe Salvation army oScers.
Consequently , he said , they would not be
pauper * nor likely to become a public
chargs. The board of fpecial Inquiry re
ferred the nutter to Commissioner Senner.
nho sent tbe papers on to the secretary of
the treasury
Twenty-eight men and two women , who
had a few dollars each and wbo were "de
sirable persons" were admitted this after
noon. They will be cent to Salvation Army
officers in New Jersey.
rotxn run IIODV or A FLOATER.
Mlkconri Mail VUI Clilmco "nil IK
SluMVii tbeVn > - 1 < > Drutli.
CHICAGO. Oct. 19. A dead body , supposed
to be that of Henry Schumacher of Spring
field. Mo. , was found floating in tbe Chicago
river today. The man's pockets bed been
tampered with , and the police think
he TIBS robbed and murdered. Schumacher
came to Chicago on Ortol > er 10 in charge of
a car of live poultry. On tbe afternoon of
that day he called at the South Water street
commission house where he had sold bis
poultry and told persons there that he had
failed to get a paes and Intended to wait
until Monday before returning home. He
failed to return , and when telegrams from
Springfield reported that he had not been
seen there , the matter was reported to tbe
police. Only a few cents were found on the
body , though when lact seen Schumacher
had raslderabe money.
SPRINGFIELD. Mo. . Oct. 19. Henry
Schumacher , whose body has been found in
the Chicago river , has been connected with
the local firm of Jean t Son for three
years , and has during that time made many
trips to Chicago and New York for them.
He was a bachelor , and has no relatives that
are known here. He wan known to have
been a drinklnc man but stood well with
his firm. Schumacher came to America from
Germany fifteen years ago.
Full River C nnl > Sound > I nrj Ele
ment Ciru > iM Kut huHaiitle.
HOT SPRINGS , S. D. . Oct. IS. ( Special
Telegram. ) This hat been a red letter day
for republicanism in Fall River county. A
crand barbecue was enjoyed upon the Chan-
tauqua grounds , where dinner w&s served
free to alt Farmers , stockmen and their
fez Hies were prtsent from the surrounding
country , and with the townspeople swelled
the meeting to about 1.500. Besides local
epeakere Charles V. Miles of OmaJic. made a
Trry effective argument for republicanism.
Hon. John L. Webster was tbe chief speaker
of tbe day. and made one or the most -ef-
fettive speeches that lias * ver been deliv
ered in this county. There were inspiring
songs and cheering music during the day.
and never before has this section of the Hills
had to much enthusiasm over any cause &c
was stirred up today for McKlnley. protec
tion , sound money and prosperity.
Lornte Molen Property.
MITCHELL , S. D. . OcL 19. ( Special Tele-
cram. ) John Havlatko. a dealer in second
hand goods , wac bound over to the district
court this afternoon on a hearing for iav-
Ing broken into a can > enter chop Saturday
night Havlatko has been under suspicion
for the pest year cs being a receiver of
stolen foods. When he broke into the car
penter shop be cut his "hand on a window ,
Jtnd the blood marke led to his house , which
being searched revealed a large quantity of
stolen goods , such as fur coats , silk goods ,
dothes. etc. A quantity of the goods stolen
from the Mitchell Dry Goods company two
weeks ago w-jis also found in his house. Hav-
iatko's arrest will break up the numerous
robberies -which have been coing on here for
six months past.
I'lrr In no loun TOTVH.
WEBSTER CIT1' . la. . Oct. 19. ( Special
Telegram. ! Kamrtr. a small toc-n five miles
from here , was visited with a disastrous fire
last night , which totally destroyed the
building and stocks of Bohnlng & Pierce ,
eoneral merchants ; A. G. Torticoce & Son ,
druggists. 2nd William Hanson , blacksmith.
The origin of tbe fire is unknown. The IDEE
is estimated at 110,000 , partially covered by
insurance The postoffice was totally de
stroyed with the mail.
Miner * Strike fur IllxkrrVncr * .
SPRINGFIELD. Ill , Oct. 18. Tbe ! ,0tO (
miners employed at tbe twenty-Jive mines in
the county came out on a strike this m'raing
for an advance in wages. They demand
33 and I7 i cents per ton , cross weight , for
mining oeaL The operatorc hald that they
cannot pay it. but wOl arbitrate.
I r t In lltr Cutlun licit.
GREENVILLE , MUs. . Oct. 19. Frost fell
.yesterday morning sufficient to kill the top
leaves of the cotton. At 11 o'clock tbe cotton
fields looked like they had been scorched , i
This stops the top crop absolutely in this '
section. j
Large ScctSoa Hear Korth Ltrap , E t of
the Hirer , Bonn Over.
Hr > trojOrrnt Qnnnllllr * of Morrd
ttmln. llnj nnil Otlirr Property
of Orenl Value In Illr
I * rnik.
NORTH LOVP. Xcb. . Oct. 1 ? . < Spe lal. >
A fierce prill-It fire swept dewn fra the
north , on the eat * sMe of the North Lee ? *
rtrer. FrWay eventeg. and cotiNotird burn
ing la striae localities during Saturday. 4e-
ing cetutterable 4affl ce. Owtag le a S-igo
wind wbleh wa * Mewing at the time , sad
to the Mfeprtosally heavy crop of gr w
rwhteh tbe recent revere frosts had cured
ax dry a * tlnfler. it was osly by tbe mew
herculean effort * of the farmers In the river
valley tMt the fire was prevented from
tasking a clean sweep ot the stored products
ef the rich TalUr ranches and , notwith
standing all efforts to the contrary , rejiorts
show that much damage teas done In the
agricultural district in the hills skirting the
valley. Ordinary fireguards proved to be of
little or no aval ] In checking tbe progress
of the flame * , and much hay that was * of > -
IH > cd tc be tuffleiently guarded was con
sumed. George Baker , living four mflet
1 east of tfalf place was away from home and
found it impossible to reach his ranch by
driving through the fire line until S o'clock I
at night , tnd finally arrived borne only to
find that his entire crop of grain and hay
bad been destrojed. A bridge on the road
tetween this place and Greeley Center was
also burned. So Intense was tbe heat here
tbevegetation had grown most rank that
the soil was burned to a brick re3 color
and the surface of the prairie wag littered
in placer with the charred and roasted skele
tons of mice , rabbits and other animals.
During an attempt to turn out fireguards
on the Mllllgan ranch a few miles west of
this place Triicy a prairie fire was started
which ran for several miles and dcrtroyed
a quantity of hay and grain belonging to
A. E. Gress. Sbultz brothers. Herman and
John Brennlck and others.
K futlv - Ofllocru Pr * | iarl m for the
Annual Sr * l ii.
LINCOLN. Oct. 19. ( Special. ) The exece-
live officers of tbe grand lodge. IndepenQent
Order of Good Templars , are busily prepar
ing reports at headquarters for the grand
lodge seeslon which convenes in this citj
Thursday morning-at 9 o'clock. Miss Rose M. .
Owens , grand counselor , is In the city , and
Dr. Mann , right worthy grand templar , is
expected toaorrtjw. The reception to the
head of the order and officers and visiting
members will be given on Wednesday even
ing at the lodge room ol Lincoln lodge. No.
35. of this city , at 1519 O street. Tbe cxer-
Hses will begin at S o'clock and the meet
ing will be open to the general public and
free. A grand mass meeting will be held
at Grace Methodist Episcopal church on
Thursday evening , beginning at S o'clock
sharp , which will lie addressed by Dr. Mann.
right worthy grand templar. This meeting
is one In which -every citizen of Lincoln
should take a personal interest , as tbe
speaker IK one of the most eminent temper
ance orators on the platform and is the
offldil head of an order upon whose Juris
diction the * un never sets. The ritual of
this order is issued in twelve languages and
the total membership of the organization Is
not less than C09t > 00. Tbe friends of tbe
order in this city make this early announce
ment and special appeal to all friends of
the temperance cause , whether good tem
plars or not. to unite in making the audi
ence of Dr. Mann both large and representa
Undimlnlched in numbers and as lull of
enthusiasm as ofyore , members of the
Matinee Musical held their first reunion in
the beautiful new club rooms in tbe Sals-
bury block this afternoon. Several new active
members were Introduced. Associate mem
bers were also made welcome and not a few
submitted their names lor future participa
Rev. Dr. Gordon of Omaha preached a fine
sermon at the First Presbyterian church yes
terday morning. Dr. Gordon was pastor of
the church long ago and was succeeded by
Dr. E. H. Curtis.
Judge Cocbran was engaged this morning
In hearing arguments on the habeas corpus
case of Mrs. Louise A. Fletcher against the
oSclals of Tabltha home.
The remains of Edward Hughes , killed by
falling from the Wild "West show train.
while en route to the next show town , were
shipped to Chicago Saturday night , where
they were met by Ohio relatives and taken
back to Columbus lor interment.
Mrs , Samuel Katz of Omaha Is the guest
of her sieter. Mrs , L. J. Herrog of 1714 N
street. ]
The regular meeting of tie State Banking
board was called this afternoon , but ad
journed at once for lack of business to trans
act. after ratifying a few former actions.
Omaha people In LincolnAt the LlndeH
Ed Smith. G. W. Dahms. C. E. White , W. P.
Durkee. At the Capita ] Charles Tcntte. At
the Lincoln E. C. Redlck , F. R. Loomls ,
Frank Irvine. T. E. Wing. Harved Lewis. '
Drillrntr n German Inllit-rnu Cbnrcli. '
LOUISVILLE , Jicb. . Oct. 19. { Special ) |
The large German Lutheran church southwest - i
west of here was dedicated yesterday. Tbe ]
building , which is a substantial structure '
of brick and stone , has been in process of
erection since last winter and has cost i
about $10.000. As the weather was fine , pee
pie -came from a great distance and many >
were unable to get into the building.
Services were held in tbe morning and afternoon - i
ernoon and were conducted in bath German
and English. The people are justly proud
of their edifice , as It is the finest of its kind
in the county.
Su . | nTt Clinrjrrd with ll n
Police Officer Joseph Smith last night ar
rested Arthur Stull. tllas McCoy , and a pal
named A. J. Bauer as the two came out of !
a restaurant. They are suspected of being j I
the men who robbed the bank at Shelby
October 7 snd who also had hand in the
Bralnard job. Sheriff Hahn of Polkcounty
Is in the city with Cashier E. L. Anderson of |
the Baak of Shelby. Stull was at once
recognized is an old offender , having been
in the Grand Island police court before. He
says he d-rne here from Omaha last night
an * "urther Utes lhv fc * t i a
alibi having beec eaa > pfili"J 'o Tt * , ' 1 to
deteitlvci at Omaha ftvr * ' day Hare July.
< m aenMBt f a letter Gbirf Ryan of tbtt
i cltr nen * to Omaha DtU Thai-glee aim
I with Iwrtne a oMaplrfe iff of burglar toota
Biwr claim * te 3m v nun * > err from Wa-
bit * "I ain't p K sotU * ' tw My. ptnteer.
until 1 know w t raft | i fer. " WM tbe
MateaKtit be mad * JtrHsayi Bitter it a
> oaip r urr tr M * r * -Ai kari-ne
mrt htm unil > st T4 rll C * * tor Antornon
prefer * oar. w < tty -wMtNtr tbe wea tswww
! * * deerlpttoB wBBS ttatll CaKrf Mellck
of Lincoln and I > ft * rttr .Round * of tb * lt-
t r city arrlTT. "
U L. Dj-c * \ rpl Method nf Itnilnc
LINCOLN. Ort. . ( > * rlal \ L. L. Dye.
a railroader living at IMS North Fifteenth
street , this rhy. aantsed hlo * elf Saturday
nlgat. while dmak. t > y poarlni ; a kettle ef
bet wttrr ec Ms wife , and afterward beat
ing her te a Jelly because SB * eiecf > d to tar
toraperalwe of ber lorotaDtarr beth. Mrs.
D. * e caut-ed ber hu baBd's arretit IhU a ora-
li g. aa4 in tke police court be aa&e a
Boble attempt to explain hit trrattc actions ,
bat Mrs. Uye re < tised t * withdraw the com
plaint , aad the eae 'eat over for future
I'eter Ocatnre and wile , tie French-Ca-
aadtens found guilty ef inhuman treatment
of thrtr little daughter , Minnie. were today j
sentenced by Judge Co-bran in the eo ntr
court to pay a floe of JIS , The S ewa *
made low in consideration of.the parents
agreeing to give up tbe child for adoption
by near relatives. - .
Morris Gtlllck. an all around touch and
thief , escaped from the county jail late
Saturday nlcht and iaa act yet been appre
hended. He was alhwe-j to etep Into the
t-r-ge In order to * peak with bis mother and
; f < rney. and. while the cage was open.
tung out into the corridor and made his
e-ftcipe before the Jailer could close it o as
to prevent a wholesale Jail delivery. A raan
answering his description , accompanied by
a pal. shortly afterward snatched a hand
bag containing M from Mrs Mary J. Morse.
as the was passing the High school.
A fellow wbo gave his casie as Jones gave
his motber-ln-law. Mrs. Martha E Tate. a
terrible beating this afternoon at their
hone. 1144 P street. The woman's face
and clothtne were covered with blood from
a number of cuts on her hend and face.
Jones was locked up. He claimed that tbe
old lady interfered with hu private affa'rt. '
John Ratnalls Is the name given by a
young fellow wbo was arrested by Marshal
Wrpy of HaveJfiek last -night on suspicion of
being one Fred Brook wbo Is wanted at
Lenox , la. , for seduction. The prisoner was
locked up in the city Jell to await the arrival
of an ofSeer from Lenox. He does not answer
the description of Brooks very accurately
and Chief Melick thinks he It the wrong
Paul Bnehler. alias Kid Herald , the young
fellow wbo was shot by Dsnver Frenchy.
has improved se much that he is able to
walk about his room at Tabitha boFpital He
may be permitte-d to accompany his mother
to their home in Oaaha this evening.
Uitrndlnt ; tin Irrlcntlon Dltcli.
OCALALLA. Neb. . Oct. 1 * . < 5pecial. )
W. O. Rogers of Omaha purchased a large
tract of land in the North Plane valley
under the alfalfa ditcfe. Fifty teams are
it work on the ditch and expect to complete
the canal by January 1. The Alfalfa ditch
manager * are considering , a proposition to
extend the canal tevm afile * further east
along the .North Platte ralley to a poln
six miles northeast o ! Ogalalla. which will
put T.OOO acre * more under the ditch.
Croud of Tonne I'CPI'le plinken t"i.
LOriSVlLLE. Neb. ' Oct. 1J . ( Special. )
A carriage load of youep people was ac
cidentally upset here yesterday. The team
started to run , but aoaa broke from tbe
carriage , which they left badly shattered.
No one was seriously hnri.
\Vorklnc on the Ovi-rlnnd TrncU.
OGALALLA. Neb. , Oct , 19. ( Special. )
The Union Pacific cdmfwbr has a large
force at work three m51 tsi'eMt of this place
raising the track and widening tbe road
bed. They are raiting jbe track four feet
in some places.
Dlpljllitria In David City
DAVID CITV. Oct. . ( Special. ) Several
cases cf diphtheria have been reported and j
one death liiu. occurred here. No action has |
been taken by tbe Board of Education in ,
regard to closing the echools. '
CIoe of n l.outr nnii IllMluKtiIi.liril
I'ulilic Career.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 1 ? . William A.
Richardson , chief justice of the court of
claims , died at bis home here today aged
74 years. He had been ill for some months
with a complication of diseases , aad owing
to his advanced age his death had been
generally expected.
Judge Richardson was horn at Tyngsbor-
ough. Mass. . in 1821. and was a graduate of j
j the law department of Harvard In 154C. was i
| , Judee advocate and general's aide in Mas- [
Fachu&etls and was president of the common i
council of Lowell in 1SSS-54. In JK55 be ,
was appointed to revise tbe statutes of I
Massachusetts , and subsequently was chosen
by the legislature to pdlt the annual sup
plements of the general statutes , which he
continued to do for rw-esty-two rears. He
became judge of probate in 1S56. and was
judge of probate and insolvency from
IBob until 1B72. The Judge declined a
superior court Judgeship in 1SC6. and tbe
same year he became assistant becretary of
the United States treasury. He went to
Europe as the financial agent of the gov
ernment in 1E71 to negotiate for the sale of
tbe funded loan of the Veiled States and
made the first contract abroad for the sale
of the boi'ds. In 1873 he became secretary
of the tretsury. resigning in 1S74 to accept
a seat on tbebench of the court of claims ,
of which he became chitf Justice in 1BS5.
This jinslUon he held at tbe time of his
death. Judge Richardson nas the author of
a number of publications of a financial and
legal character
KEOKUK , la. . Oct. 19. Jesse B. HoweJl.
for twenty-five years business manager and
part owner of the Gate City ( newspaper ) ,
died this morning , aged 45.
BEATRICE , OcV 19. ( Sp'ciil Telegram. )
Nathaniel E. Miller died in this city at 10
o'clock last evening , after an eight weeks'
illness , tt the age of 47. Hiz case has been
one of j ? cuHar interest to the physicians ,
they being unable to determine the exact
cause of his illness. A post mortem examl-
natl-n satisfied them that death was the re
sult of typhoid fever. The funeral will oc
cur from tbe Centenary Methodist Episcopal
church at 2:30 : o'clock , Wfjdnesday. i
Xegr * Slags a ( Ssrk at Hastings and Es
capes TOtl HU Bwty ,
elrj--lnr urfrnr Hoe | > rr
> uJIcr f rum n TlileTn
HASTINGS. Ort. 1 * . ( SrertBt T lPsr * - >
The larce ctothtag born * ef WHtlam Falki
was robbed tonight of about J1W. It was
qtrtte a darisg ptoce of w rl : . Abwt T
M Hiram Nell IK. tbe bead eterk. rultce * tbe
store te put tbe eb ID the r-afe , a negre
jumped frwn bfblwS one of tbe eetmters and
tthipged hla. Tbe negro taea wwit te the
safe and tot > k over JIM. ene satM g Mvat h.
with initials E. B. OB one -etde and B. B. ee
the other , ene lady's wctch and a stiver
watch. Besides tfecoe several hvadrrd dollars
lars * worth of Dot * * were taken. The thK
entered tbe store through the cellar. It If
thought that he was assisted by a couple tif
white mea. A reward of SM has bewi offered
by Falk for the arrest of th barglar. A
party has been organised and tbe city is
being thoroughly searched.
FREMONT. Oct. 19. < 5peclal Telegram I
Some one broke into the farm noute-pf James \
Parker near H op - Sunday night and stole i ;
JIG. None of the family was awakened and j
the loss wa * not known until morning. The |
same man then went to the barn , where a
hired hand of Parker's slept , and threatened |
to brain him with a necfcyoke if he did act
hand out K. On brtng convinced that the
man had no money he leftA former farm i
hand , -who wa * discharged by Parker a few ]
days BCD. is suf } > eeted of doing the work.
ELMWOOD. Neb. . Oct. 19. ( Special. ) i
The Jewelry store of A. W. Neihart & Co. I
was entered by thieves la t night. Quite |
a large quantity of goods was stolen. They j
entered the store by breaking out a window '
glass and raising the window. j
AHornrr Crnernl Krndrrnv i
Vrr lon of tlir Mnlutr.
WASHINGTON. Oct. ! . The attorney
general has tendered an opinion to the M-C-
retary o ! the treasury upon the question
of Chinese certificates , which is of Interest , j
Heretofore registered Chinese laborers who 1
for any reason may have left this country J
without obtaining a certificate from thei
collector at the p rt of departure have j
been allowed to return to this country upon i
submission of evidence fuSiclent to tatisfy j
the collector ef their identity as returning |
reeiitered laborers. The attorney general i
holds that the statute requires t.ueh labor
ers actually to obtain the certificates lie-
fore departure from thU country an that. !
failing to do so. they should be refused ad
mission upon tbrir return. He also holde
thai the registration certificates statements
and other papers , which are required from
Chinese lalwrers before Issuance of the cer
tificates upon which they may return to this ,
country , shall be deposited bj- the Chinese I
laborer with tbe collectors at ports from I
which they leave this country and not. )
as has been the practice heretofore , with
the customs oSceix at places where the !
Chinese resided In this country , which of1 1
fleers have forwarded the papers to the
collectors at tbe port of exit. The secre
tary of the treasury has issued a circular
letter of InstrsctiDns to collectors of cus
toms informing them of the purport of the
opinion above referred to and dlroetlng them
to conform their actions hereafter thereto.
Dr ) > < Iur * at Krnrnrr nu < l Il
to Get a Sharp of tlir Itrinnin .
WASHINGTON. Oct. 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Comptroller of the currency today
declared a dividend of 0 i > er cent in favor
of the creditors of tbe Kearney National
bank of Kearney. Neb. , on claims proved.
.amounting to $91.44. Also final dividend
of 44 per cent to tbe creditors of the City
National bank of Hastings , making in all
34 U per cent on claims proved , amounting
to 22.SSS 29.
Comptroller Eckels has approve ! the
American Exchange National bank of Chicago
cage as reserve agent for the Union National
bank of Omaha.
Motion made last week by Charles E. Ma-
gooa of Lincoln for a writ of certlorari in
the case of Cheney against Bilby wee today
denied by the supreme court.
James H. Mclntosh of Omaha tvas today
admitted to practice before the supreme '
court and later asked that a writ of cer- j
tior&ri issue in iZe case of Kingrnan & Co. j
against the Western Manufacturing com- |
pany. This .vrit is asked from the circuit
court of ap ; > ealc for the Eighth circuit.
Mns. Dallas Bache arrived Sunday from
Omaha to join her husband , who is here on
business connected with tbe Medical corps
of the army. _
Kingof llnlj Ir < - rnli > Him -nlili a
Rnrc HUtorlral Work.
WASHINGTON , Oct 19. Baron Fava. the
Italian minister , today visited the while
house by appointment , fcr the purpose of
presenting the president , by direction of the
king of Italy , a testimonial ofesteem in the
ehape of a eet of volumes of tbe greatest
historical value touching upon the early
history of America.
The work is in fourteen volumes , being
a collection of papers relating to the dis
covery of America end the enterprise of
Christopher Columbus , as well as the Italian
explorer , who preceded tbe great navigator.
It was compiled by a special ccmrnlssioQ
epjwlnted by the king of Italy printed
by the Italian government.
Plenty < if Cnndidnleo for < Iir Vurnnt
l'ln < - < - lit tlir I'mll T ltj.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 19. The name of
Rev. Father Conaty. head of tbe Catholic
Summer School of Philosophy at Platuburg ,
X. T. . is prominently mentioned for th
place of rector of the Catholic university ,
end the belief prevails in well-informed
circles that his name will be one of those
submitted to the pope. Father Conaty U
a man of intellectual tendencies , end hi *
activity has brought the Catholic summer
That Winter jacket.
You want one , but you don't know ,
I ' really , where to go. There's so much
said about Jackets that's not true that
you're bewildered. Now here's a
plain statement
j We Sell .Jackets ,
There's nothing : bewildering about that
- -wJ
statement. We migrht o-o on to tell
* > C5
you about our styles , our prices , our
qualities , but we will not We simply
want you to remember when you're
down town that we sell Jackets.
It U'ill pay you fo trade here.
The 151 !
New Store Douglas
wheel Into marked prominence. He In at
tached to the S-prlngfleld. Mass. . diocese.
The friends of Dr Garrlgan vice rector
of the university , are expecting that his
name will be included in those t-ent to the
pepe. They say he has ; given erven years
of hard work to the university , leaving one
f the bft parishes in New England to take
the vice rectorship. It is urged that he
tbonld be considered l > efor priests from who have no rpecial know ledge of
the university arc brought here.
Dr Edward P. Allen , head of the Mount
St Mary's seminary. Emmrtsburg , Md. . Is
mentioned , as he te the bead of the on Is
large college i-ondarteo by the secular
branch of the Catholic clergy. The beads
of the large colleges controlled by the
orders. Including Fordhiim. Georgetown
and Notre Dame , tre coaslflered ineligible.
as the university is distinctly a secular
Hit * ArrMnKt-tl Him C < inuar Itnln * *
5o HP Cnn Lnf II for n Time.
WASHINGTON. Ort. IS. It is inti
mated in official circles brrr that , although
no repnlar formal leave has yet been issued - j
sued to Genera ) Fitxhugh Lee to absent j
himself from his post as consul general at j
Havana , he has arranged the business of ,
tbe consul generalship BO it may be safely ,
left , for a time at least , to the care of Mr. i
Springer , our energetic vice consul general.
It if rxiwted therefore , thtt General Lee
will s-oon pay a visit to his borne in Rich
mond. It -understood from the same ,
sources that General Lee is In no respect .
dissatisfied with his office or with tbe relations - '
lations that now exist between himself and .
the authorities at Havana , but be has uedt-r-
gone A trying and particularly unhealthful
Bea&on at Havana while engaged in the dls- )
charge of onerous duties , and feels the j
need of recuperation. The visit will , of j
course afford an opportunity for Secretary j
Olney toconfer with Central Lee as to |
the present aspect of affairs on the island. '
but further than above fctnted it cannot " 1 *
gathered that the consul general's move
ments have any significance as aflectlng
relations between Spain and the United ;
Aiuouut of Ravine * . * HcnOj- fur ,
riiinl llrnrliisr. j I
WASHINGTON , Oct. 19 In the supreme ,
court today a number cf motions to reassign i i
cases were granted , aracng them being the j I !
United States against Joseph Dunlop of j
' i
Chicago , which nn * set for the second Monday -
day in December. Dnnlop Is a newspaper I
proprietor , who w-as ronvlcted of sending j
obsrene matter through the malls and has j
cppealed to the supreme court. I
Justice Peckham announced tbe derision of i
tbe court in tbe case of tbe Bear Lake und j
River Water Works and Irritation company }
against the Jarvis-Conklin Mortgage Trust t
company. &Srmlng the decision of tbe '
supreme court of tbe territory of Utah in i
favor of the first named company. I
A motion was made by counsel fcr the
plaintiff to dismiss or affirm the decision In j
the case of Harriet Monroe against tbe New j
York World , involving the publication of the j
World's Fair Ode by the New York World i
previous to its reading at Chicago. |
Sixteen cases Involving the constltn- I
tlonality of the Ohio. Indiana and Kentucky '
laws taxing telegraph , telephones , bridges t
j and railroads , were tet for hearing on the
first Monday in December.
Lit-nlennnt Ijnl Rrolcni. from Hl
r > ltlini ut ll t = -r . Collect * .
WASHINGTON. Oct. 19. First Lieutenant
j George B. Dsvls. Fourth infantry , at his
j owa request , has been relieved from duty as
military iiittiwtor at Rutgers college. New
Brunswick. X. J. , by Captain William C.
i Sutler. Third Infantry , and ordered to join
his company.
Past Chaplain Dr. Lowell has been or
dered before a retiring botrd at New York
fer examination.
Fir * : Lieutenant T. J. Kirkpatrlck , assist
ant surgeon , has i > ecn detailed as a member
of the i curing board at Fort Columbus ,
N. Y.
Lieutenant Colonel James F. Randlett ,
promoted from major of the Ninth cavalry ,
has been atiigned to tap tame regiment.
Malor A. E. Woodson. promoted from cap
tain of the Fifth cavalry , has been assigned
to tbe Ninth cavalry.
Captain F. W. Foster , promoted from'
lieutenant of the Fifth cavalry , has been
assigned to tbe same regiment , troop -M.
Ulvldf-ndn for the De ] > OKltor > > .
WASHINGTON. Oct. 19. The comptroller
of the currency has declared dividends in
favor of insolvent national banks as follows :
! The First National bank -ct Bedford City.
Va. . 30 per et t ; the Kearney Natlenal bank
of Kearney. Neb. . 30 per cent ; the First Na
tional bank of Port Angeles. Wash . 2V per
tent : the Farmers' National bank of Ports
mouth. O. . IB per cf t : the First National
bank of North Manchester , l&d. . 16 per cent ,
the Corry National bank of Carry , Pa. . 10
per cent : the Slate National bank of Hast
ings. Neb. 1C per cnt.
Jinlcr . \ < 1orntc GrnrrnI I.rnilv Aftks
Relief for tlir Uf-crrlrr * . .
WASHINGTON. Oct. 19. In his annutl re
port to the secretary of tbe nnvy. Judge
Adiocttle GcaersI Le.mly calls attention to
tbe fact that , a number of sailors wbo left
theV ships at the close of the war wltbort
obtaining formal discharges have betn es
topped from taking advantage of the act cf
August. 1K6& , relieving them from tbe charge
of desertlom by tbe expiration of the time
allowed for the prewmtnthm of their appli
cations for restoration. Therefore he recom-
raende that Icgiilatlon be enacted to relieve
He alee reaews former recommendations
looking to the authorization of tbe ut * of
the deporlttoHs before court-martini , as is
tbe caw * in the army and of Irpidetio : : to
compel testimony by civilian whneses be
fore such courts. It is tt&MI tbe army prac
tice of discharging from the service l > efore
confinement enlisted men sentenced to dis
honorable dli > charge and Imprisonment
would do much to relieve the rolls froa
the names of persons wbo are now part of
the enlisted force , but contribute nothing
to its efDcienry. A suggest Ion is tn&de also
that the government be clothed with power
to acquire the right to use Intentions made
by pen-oni in the cmpk > y of the govern
ment upon terms to be fixed by the head of
tbe department using tbe invention , subject
to ojijK-al to the courts.
N -Mfc for Ilir Army.
WASHINGTON. OcL 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The following assignments to reg-
hnenu of oScerc recently promoted are or-
dere-1 : Lieutenant Colonel James F. Rand
lett. to tbe Ninth cavalry : Major Albert E.
Woodson , to the Ninth cavalry ; Captain
Fred W. Foster , to the Fifth cavalry , troop
M ,
Assistant Surgeon Thomas. J. Kirkpatrick.
jr. . has been detailed as a member of tbe
army retiring board at Fort Columbus. X. Y
Post Chaplcin Delmar R , Lowell hat been
ordered befote the retiring board at Fort
Columbus. N. Y. . for examination for retire-
Captain William C. Butler. Third lafiutry.
has been detailed as professor of military
scieLLt and tactics at Rutger's coltere. New
Brunswlel : , N. J. , relieving First Lleutenat *
George B. Davis. Fourth Infantry , wbo Js
ordered to join hi * company.
Private William L. Allen , coajpany G.
Second Infantry , bm Uien transferred from
Fort Yates. N. D. . to Fort Crook for assign
ment to a company of the Twenty-second
Infantry. _
Rrmorril for Ilrlbliiir n Nenpn ] > rr.
WASHINGTON. OcL 19-The president
hae removed Postmaster John B. Levls at
Blark River Falls. Wis , . and appointed
Divii Thompson as his ruocessor. In a re
cent political discussion it was asuertrd
Lcvis paid a large cum of money to a local
newspaper to support his candidacy for the
office and a rubsequent investigation , the
department states , has substantiated thcst *
Fifteenth Annnnl Convention to Mrrt
ut tlic Mo n nil City.
ST. LOUIS. OcL 19 , Tbe fifteenth annual
convention of the American Street Railway
aseociatioii will be held in SL Louis to ,3
week , beginning tomorrow. Tbe indications
are that the convention will be attended by
| at least 1.009 delegates and supply men.
. Arrivals began as early as Sunday nfir. ,
j wnon a Wabash train brought in a party
' : of seventy-five. Including the president of
the tas-oclation. H. M. Littell of Brooklyn.
The Southern "hotel has been selected as
headquarter ? for the delegates.
The display of t treet railway appliances
nowon exhibition at Uie Auditorium ie the
most complete of any similar display ever
before collected. The articles vary in sirs
from the vestibule streetcar to tbe small
bit of brass or Rtcel used in the construc
tion of an electric motor.
Hoyrott Aculnot the Clover I/rnf.
INDIANAPOLIS , Oct. 19. It is stated hero
that Judges Ricks and Woods of the United
States district court will take action on the
boycott instituted by tbe Joint Traffic ae-
eodation against tbe Clover Leaf line , if the
matter is presented to them , and that St
will be prevented if it is seen that the bturi-
r ness ot the Clover Leaf is injured by the
j boycott.
J'ajia tell me n Ktorr about tlie
"Acoru" not tbe one that crew to I * a
tall oak but tbe At-ora tbat stole a
titove not about our -"Acorn OaU Stove1"
"Oh jes-wy sou-you ineau about the 1
'Acorn Steel Uanc * " the best raupc '
made well It's made of the heaviest J
cold rolled fteel and the touches ! Iron '
It's asbestos lined
throughout warranted - i
ranted to bake better than any other
and alihoush it Is the finest raoce made
U Kells for less than others a k for In
ferior goods.
John Hussie Co.
Consider our
little pncrs.
< % $ ] [ -r i
There are prescriptions that bother
some druprits they send them over !
here to be filled and their trouble * , are 1
over for we de-al In i-rei-wlptlons as In (
everythlne else with that nbi-olute cer
tainty only attained by professional ex-
pertis men educated to their work by
Ions years of training men who would j
not deloi to fill a iincrptioii with Im
pure or Inferior dru fi no dniK Klore
profltc here either selence and price
are creat drawing cards.
Aloe& Penfold Co.
uSS g Fr , t. 1408 Farnam
Now we're sot them down all the
"Itody Brarmels" Jn the More every
yard your choice this week at ST'-l-t
Includtss IMgelows Lowelln Hartfords
Whittalu all Body Bnis > els & 7V1 * a
yard border * to match also ball and
htair patterns irrtiare too larpe a Ktock
it muKt be reduced and we take Ihi > i
sure way of Joins It don't put off it's
daacerous for S7 * c isn't very much far
Body Brussels.
Omaha Carpet Co.
Only exclusive 1515
Cart Uoube here. Dodge
Do you ever Plug for babyV sake or
do you * iusr at all perhaps you play-
whenever you want a bexvilderiiiK se
lection u > choow from all you have to
do is to come in and try to "go tbrouch"
our sbe-et music Mock in lire minutes
we c n cojvlnce you that there'i * no
other really complete * ; heet muxlc house
i the wtsst so Tast and raried IP our
aBwiruiient fcbeft inufclc for a cent aud
A. Hospe , Jr ,
.Music and Art. 1513 Douglas
mothers of boys who buy shopg
here the Cm time invariably say "I
don't know where to buy f-.boes for that
boy he wears them out w > fast" but
we notice they always come for more
after they once buy a shoe we recommend -
mend for wear such as the quilled bottoms
toms wear * out two pain * of ordinary
fihocs and our flT0 Kboe will outwear
outKtyje any dollar t-hoe on earth.
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam