Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1896, Page 3, Image 3
TUT ! mFATFA D.ATTjY 1VRTC' TTT nflTO 111317. 2 < K 1fin . COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT ' .MIXOIl MP..NTIOX. Photo supplies And camera * , Ml Mrs F. M. Compton of Union street In re ported III with diphtheria. "Ilarkcst Humta" will be at thn Dohany opera house Thursday night. Oftiibor 32. Regular communion of IllufI City lodge , Ahflcnt Free nnd Accepted Masons , this evunlrs Justice Vlen returned yesterday from 6 brief business trip In the northern part of the state. A marriage license wn * United ye'tcrday to Oi'oigc I , , McAllister of Cat roll , la. , ago 27 , and Elizabeth M. Kruune of Council Jlliiffs , rtfio 21 , N. C' PhllllpK has n'tmn&d from Clnrlnda whrro he went to nee Mr. Voawlnklo , whoso condition has not Improved since lit- wan Bent to thu twlum for treatment , All members of the McKlnlcy Qu.ird and Until corps will nucl nt the armory jiromptly at C:30 : this evening to take car riages to t'rciccnt. Ilrlng an overcoat. The funeral of Ml Altec Mary Thistle- thwnite will beheld at 10:30 : a.m. today from the residence CIS South First street , Itcv. Dr. Phelps of Omaha officiating. Ilurlal t Walnut Hill. Council Iluffs ! tent. No. 32 , KnUhls of the MaccabccR , will tnltlnlo candidates ' 'Wednesday evening at Woodmen of the World hall. All members rctjuejted to bo present. Ily order of commander. Two m.'w clllzrn * were made by Judge McGcc yesterday. They are Lars P. Madscn and L. C. Peterson. Judge McCJce wilt hold a acsslin nf the superior court Thursday ovonlng for the purpose of naturalization. A distinguished party of railway mag nates was In the city during the greater part of last week. General Manager W. C Ilrown , from the Uurllngton headquar ters In Chicago , and C. M. Levey of Ilur llnctnn were among the party. "Ol" Pole. " ono of the veteran horsca of the patrol department , was traded for a new steed yesterday by Alderman Ilrough , chairman of the fire and light committee. The new horse Is a large black , and John Wallace was given Pete and $35 to boot for him. Contain II. Robinson had his colored marching club out last evening for drill practice , The member * were dressed In their new uniforms nnd presented a fine oppearanre. The boys arc proud of the distinction they have achieved as being one of thn best drilled clubi In the state. Ml.ig Harriett Gray MacDougal will meet young women and girls In the Young Men's Christian association gymnasium thU after noon at 4:30 : and again In the evening at 7 to arrange for the various classes In phys ical culture. This Is nn open lesson am all who nro Interested are Invited to be present. The police have been notified that on the night of October 1C the Kansas City St. Joseph & Council Bluffs depot at Mnrya vlllc , Mo. , was broken open and stwcra ! trunks rifted. Among the plunder were nliont 200 pocket knives bearing the stamp of Hlbbard , Spencer K. Uartlctt , some baud kcrcbirfs nnd clothing. Sheriff Morgan Is looking for a petty thief who got away with two silver hal dollars from his ofllcc yesterday afternoon Mr. Morgan was making out tome papers and had u little money lying on the dcsl with which to pay the costs for recording them. Ho left the office for a mlnuto am1 when ho returned he noticed that he had been "touched. " Ho found no clue to the thief. Georce J. Crane returned yesterday after an nliHenco of several months In the cnat crn states. He returned with ample proofi that his business had been successful , am ntso a new slelght-of-hand dcmonstrn tlon of how llryan's election will make money plenty. He came all the way home iroai New York to vote for McKlnlcy. Hi nays that In many localities' In the can rcr-o are wrought up to such a pitch thn U Is not safe to advocate populism. Hi thinks McKlnlcy will carry Now York stati by fully 500,000. The Oakland Avenue Reading club , com posed entirely of ladles , has decided ti admit the gentlemen to four meetings till ; winter. At each of these meetings tin principal paper Is to bo presented by a gentleman , and the subjects to bo consld cred will bo ns follows : "Tho Fedora Executive nnd His Cabinet , " "Tho Federa Congress Its Constitution and Powers , ' "Tho Nation nnd State Their Relations Duties nnd Powers , " "Tho Federal Ju dietary. " The club Is now In Its eight ! \ear. "Trilby" has been successfully prescntc all over the world and the orgnnlzatlo which Introduced It to the Australian pitbll will present thu piece here on next Satur day , October 24 , nt Dohany theater. Th most prominent members In Mr. A , M Palmer's company are Eleanor Harry a Trilby , Jennie Relffarth as Madam Vluard George P. Webster ns Little Ulllee , Charlc Cnnftcld as the Laird , Herbert Curr ns Taff > E. W. Morrison ns Gecko , Gebrgo Trader a _ _ 7.ou Zou , and Charles Kent as Svengall. At a meeting of the Railroad Men's Soun Money club held last night it was unan Imously agreed to change its name to th Itatlroad nnd Express Men's Sound Mono club. C. II. Howard wns elected vice presl dent to represent that branch of the scrvlc on the executive board. The club Is In flourishing condition and this nctlon wll still add to Its strength. A delegation o 300 expects to go from this club to DC Motncs on October 24 to participate In th Btato railroad men's grand rally to bo hcl at tint point. " " " The work of preparing the roadbed fc the macadam paving on lower Broadway I being rapidly pushed. A start was mad last Thursday , and nil the blocks have bee torn up and carted nwny. A gang of to men under the supervision of Prlco Olbso nro clearing away the splintered blocks nn the under layer of planking. Conslderabl gravel la being left that had been used I filling the Interstices between the blocks The gunibc from the bottoms has been rollc Into the cracks and caked until It Is altnos ' as hard as slag. About two blocks a day I all that can bo finished by the present force and the roadbed has uecn cleared up as fa Twenty-second street. C. II. Vlnvl Co. , female remedy. Medlca consultation free Wednesdays. Health bool furnished. 309 Mcrrlam block. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. Enti'M EncnpcH tlic AHylnin. Charles Estcs was brought before the com wlasloners of Insanity yesterday morning fo o.vnmlmiMon on charges preferred by John Jlyerly. Both men live near Big Lake Ilycrly stated to the commissioners tha Estcs has been despondent for some tlm becauto he had been out of work. SunJa afternoon he was found with a gun placcc against his head In the act of .taking hi own life. The examination of the patient dovelopoi the fact that ho was Buffering from nervou prostration , brought on by the excessive us of tobacco. Estcs Is a young man , 21 yean old , and came hero from Harrison county Ho has on several occasions threatened to commit BUlcldo. When brought before th board Kates talked rationally and agrcc ( that If ho was not placed In the asylum h would brace up and banish nil Ideas of self destruction from his mind. He was nllowc to go with Bjcrly , who will keep a watcl over him. Get your winter supply of coal now lief or the rush and rise In prices. L. M. Shuber will fill your orders promptly and his price are the lowest. Telephone No. TO ; C2S Wes Broadway. Iloirmayr's fancy patent Hour makes th. beat and meat bread. Atk your grocer for It l It on I I'uliitc TnuiHferN. The following transfers of real estate ar reported by J. W. Sijulrr , us having been filed October 19 , l&M : K. M. PiiKoy and wife to Hans Olscn , lieJ4 nn',4 2S-77-43 , n , c d I. B , Wrlsht and \vlfo to U. 8. An drews , lot 7 , block 31 , Central mibillv. , 40 Four tnumfere , amounting to . GO the Tailor , 130 S. Main treat , DEOXC HELD FOR TRIAL Boy Who Had n Bad Dollar Goes to Jail for the Winter. IE TELLS A STRAIGHT-FORWARD STORY } la c U'K-nConliiK- * to Sluil.'o III * Account nt Itnw He'nine lo Ilnvc tin * Siicirloim Coin. Frcil DeLonn , the 17-year-old boy arrested ti the charge of passing counterfeit money , was given n hearing before Commissioner > tcadman yesterday afternoon. Special gents of the Treasury department were ironcnt lo prosecute tup case , and the boy vas held to the grand jury. His bond wi" : fixed at J500. There was no one who felt ncllncd to stand good for his appearance nt ho next term of the federal court and he was sent to the county Jail. He may bo obliged to remain there until the middle of icxt March. When brought before the commissioner the boy still adhered to his fltory of fin nystorlous htranger having given him the money with Instructions to return him the : hange. The story was given In such a per- slatent and straightforward manner that the federal officers arc rather Inclined lo be- leve It and will make a determined Htarch for the real culprit. His story was some what corroborated by the testimony of Man ager llowen of the .Dohany thi-ater. who said .here were four strangers behind the hey when ho nttcmptrd to pass the counterfeit silver dollar , and that they followed him out when ho left the rotunda. DcLong says the man first accosted him mar the corner of Pearl street and Broadway nd asked him If he did not want to buy norao theater tickets for him. When the boy replied In the Affirmative the mat' gave htm the spurious coin nnd told him to buy the tickets and keep them , but lo bring back the change. When the worthless character of the coin was pointed out he started to re turn to the man , and found him watting for him nt the doorway of the theater. When ho gave the man the money and told him It wan bad he said the fellow exm eased sur prise , nnd taking another coin from his pocket , told htm to go and buy 10 cents worth of cnndy nnd ece If It was also coun terfeit. He did so and was caught by the young girl nt the candy counter. An hour In the nwcat box did not Induce the hey to make the slightest variation In his story. While ho was being questioned he admitted that he ran away from hln home In Blonm- Ington , III. , six months ago. The boy Is a bright and handsome llttlo fellow , with a refined face and manners , and has evidently had good home Influences. Every person about the commissioner's ofllcc felt the strongest sympathy for him. When he was told that he would have to spend the winter In jail he had n hard struggle with his feel ings to keep from breaking down. A few tears gathered In his eyes and n sob shook his bosom , while ho murmured something about "mother not knowing It. " IIOAIII ) OF EDUCATION SESSIO.V. Monthly .Mei-llnp ; ntVlilch Uautliit * HiixliiONM IM TrniiNiicteil , The regular monthly meeting of the Hoard of Education wns held last evening with all the members present except Dr. Robertson and W. H. Thomas. In the ah sence of the president , E. R. Fonda was called to the chair. After the routine business had been dla posed of Member Fonda , chairman of the committee on fuel and heating , reported that the furnace at the Avenue B building had played out and that , owing to the ur gency of the ease , the committee had gone ahead and replaced them on its own re sponsibility. The new furnaces , he said , had cost $110 each. The action of the com mlttco was approved. . Superintendent Hlscy submitted the fol lowing report of the enrollment of the schools for the first month of the school ycat ending October 2 : First grade , 902 ; second grade. GG2 ; third grade , r > G5 ; fourth grade , 133 ; fifth grade , 401 ; sixth grade , 2G7 ; sev enth grade , 221 ; eighth grade , 14S ; nlntli grade , ICG ; tenth grade , 101 ; eleventh grade 0 ; twelfth grade. 47 ; enrollment In grades 3Ci02 ; In High school , 334 ; total enrollment 3,936 ; average number belonging , 3,806,22 average dally attendance , 3.G90.6I ; cases o : tardiness , 239. Continuing the rejior states : "Tho ntitubci of teachers' nnd principals meetings held during the month was nine teen. At eleven of these the attendance upon the part of the teachers was voluntary No record of attendance at these meeting has been kept , but all of them have beci well attended. At the request of the teach crs arrangements have been made for hold Ing grade meetings for each of the prlniarj grades as often as once per week , while thu evenings are snlllelently long to make the afternoon meetings practicable. This demand upon the part of the teachers for an opportunity to discuss matters of dls clpllno , school management nnd the tales' ' methods of Instruction Is to ho commended. ' Secretary Ia\v ) on reported that ho hai askrd Attorney General Remlcy for an opinion on the right of the hoard to change tbo books of the schools without advcr Using for bids but had not yet hoard Iron him. The question was raised nt the farmei meeting of the board when It was decldci to change the geographies now In use. The board had settled the matter by advertising and the bids w'll ' be opened tomorrow even Ing , when a special session will be held. The bids for furnishing coal for the com Ing year were opened. Estimates were re cclved from N. W. Williams , II. A. Cox Carbon Coal company. Council Bluffs Coa and Ice company nnd E. I. Shumaker. Thc > were referred to the committee on fuel an heating tor tabulation. The board adjourned to meet Wednesday evcnlnr , when the school book bids wll bo opened and the question of changing the session at the High school decided. llninllox n Gun Robert Stevenson was brought to thS ( Woman's Christian Association hospital yes tcrday from Garner township , suffering from a bad gunshot wound In the neck. Ho was out squirrel hunting Sunday afternoon , when ho accidentally discharged his gun , , receiv ing the cntlro load on the left side of hh neck. Ho was stooping over an embankment and was trying the firmness of the clay with the butt erul of his gun , when It was dis charged. The entire muscles from the lower sldo of his chin and the neck were torn away , severing the jugular vein. Ho bled badly and was In an unconscious condition when the doctor arrived on the scene , having been summoned from the city. The flow of blood was staunched and thu chances of Steven son recovering are considered fairly good. Ho was brought Into the hospital yesterday afternoon In order that he might bo better cared for. Ho was employed on Mrs. Dil lon's farm and Is about 19 years old. For Sale Antique parlor set of hand- carved. solid rosewood , tapestry upholstered. Also No. G Radiant Homo heater In perfect order. Inquire Mrs. Q. A. Robinson , Thirty- fourth street and Avenue A. lyln r with CoiiNiiiniitloii. Oliver JOUCH a young man of 20 years , has been admitted to the Woman's Christian Association hospital In the last stages of consumption. Mr. Jones Is a bright young man who has been making his way without the assistance of friends , and has given great promise of future brilliancy and use fulness. Hn has completed his academic course and was arranging to begin his col- leg * studlei In nn caateru university when ho was taken sick. Ho struggled on with out medical aid until the disease had reached an advanced stage. Ho was aent to the hos pital by order of IJr. Keller , county physi cian , who was called to sea him. When ad mitted the physicians could give him uo en couragement to hope for recovery. Sewer I'liuKlre llriek , . Wholesale and reUlL J. O. ilUliy. 202 Mala itreot DISCUSSES THE SI2WKH HUE8TIO.V. Council Multc * Another IJITorl to Set- tip tllO IlNllllV. | The city council last night took another vhnclT at the sewer problem Unit has arisen ver the controversy between the contractor nd the property owners nt the Juncture of raham and Madison avenues and South First trcct. The council has held a session or wo considering the matter and endeavoring o fix It up to the satisfaction nf all con- crncd. i Attorney C , M. Ilnrl was present to cproscnt ( the property owners hst night and ho I city attorney looked after the Intercsta f the city. The contention of the city Is hat the Madison and Graham avenue sewers ire n part of the First street sewer and hould be assessed with the other property n the sewer district according to the new aw. The property owners contend that these ro separate sewers , and that If they arc con- itritrtcd they shall only be taxed for the dual cost of construction. These pipes are inly eight Inches In diameter throughout heir entire distance , while the lower end t the First street sewer la much larger and more costly. The residents along the two xvcnucs have stopped the contractor by hreatenlng him with Injunctions If ho goes ihead , and the action of the council at pro- lous meetings has helped the delay until he contractor has demanded that something > o done or that these two short streets be llmlnatcd from his contract. The aldermen discussed the problem for in hour und n half last night , and finally leclded to refer It once more to the commit- ec of the whole and the city engineer and attorney to Investigate today and report at a special mcctlug for the purpose this evcn- "ng.Tho The contract and bond of N. W. Williams for furnishing tbo city coal was filed and approved. llldfi for paving the alley between Bryant nnd North Main street were opened. J. J. flughcs bid on DCS Motncs repressed brick , op and bottom , $1.49 cash ; all Council Bluffs jrlck , $1.34 cash , with 10 per cent added for certificate * . Frank Cooper bid I1.3GV& on all Council Bluffs brick and $1.4816 on DCS Molnee repressed paving brick for top nnd tom courses. E. A. Wlckham submitted a proposition to do the work with nil home jrlck for $1.29 or $1.43'/5 for Des Molncs ma terial , payments In certlflcacs , with G per cent discount for cash. The. bids were re 'erred to the engineer for tabulation. Mrs. S. R. Woods asked to hnvo the tnxcs on her property for thu past year remitted 'or the reason that she was old , Infirm and a widow and unable to prevent her property ! > clng sold for taxes. The request was re fcrrcd to the Judiciary committee with In structions to report at tbo meeting next Monday night. Neighbors of James Snoddcrly nnd An drew Peterson of 119 Madison street notified the council that the fence In front of the property had been moved Into the street about six feet , to the serious damage of the street and the residents. Referred to the Judiciary committee. Just before the council adjourned a mo tlon from Alderman Brough called nttentlc.n to the condition of Indian creek from Nine ternth avenue to Broadway. It was shown that It wns necessary to complete the exca vations begun last spring. City Engineer Tostevln estimated that 15,000 yards of earth must be moved In order to complete the work , nnd that the cost would reach $2,300 On motion of Alderman Brough the engineer was ordered to go ahead and do the work at once , nnd give employment to men nm teams In sufficient number to work advan tageously. The council then adjourned un til this evening. HEV. W. S. IIAUXES TO HE CALLED 1-MrMt I'rcHliylcrlnii Cliureli IlccliU-n Upon Him fur I'liHlor. The congregation of the First Presby terian church decided to. call llev. W. S. Barnes of Madison. Ind. . at a meeting 1'eIO last evening In the parlors of the ehureh. Rev. Joshua Rlalo acted ns moderator. When the question of selecting a pastor was up several weeks ago the veto of the congregation showed that the majority vcrs In favor of Mr. Barnes , but the send ing of the call was postponed for .1 time In order that the matter might bn further discussed , There were over sixty present last evening nnd all favored the extending of the call to Rev. MK Barnes nt once. The elders nnd trustees were nccordlugly In structed to prosecute the call , Mr. Barnes pastorate to tnko effect January 1 eras as soon thereafter as convenient lo him. Rev. Mr. Barnes occupied the pulpit at the First Presbyterian church the first two Sundays In September nnd made n favor able Impression. Ho Is n good thinker an > forcible pulpit orator. Ho has been a Madison. Ind. , for several years , having formerly occupied a pulpit at Kearney Neb. It takes half n ton of starch per mnntl to stiffen , the shirts , collars nnd cuffs of the Eagle laundry's patrons. Hnvo you tried them ? 724 Broadway. Telephone 157. Overtoil MlNxloii Aniilvrrnnrr. The Ovcrton mission people held a meet Ing last evening that was largely attended It wan In the nature of an anniversary eel cbration and commemorated the fact tha the mission , founded ono year ago , had licit a meeting every night since without a miser or a skip. The mission meets In the old Pierce strcc school building on East Plerco utrcet. When the building was abandoned for school pur poses Captain Ovcrton secured the consen of the Board of Education to use it at nigh for mission rr.ectlngs. The school furnltun was taker out and the mission people wen permitted to provide their own convent eiicca. The old pews of the Broadway Meth odlst church were secured by Captain Over ton , and as they nro of a substantial nature turo nnd well cushioned , they have affcrdct comfortable seats for the crowds that hav < gathered there nightly. The mooting last night was In the naturi of a praise service. Every person prcson who was Interested In the work detailed th pleasant Incidents connected with the year' labor. Captain Overton pledged the mis slon workers redoubled efforts for the com Ing year. A meeting will be held every night , regardless of conditions , and this will bo continued as long as the schoo board permits the use of the building. Sideboards , the finest In town , and o course at the Durfeo Furniture company's. Illlitly Hurl Iiy 11 Full. Jamo.s Current , a labo-lng man , sustained severe , If not danger ; .a. Injuries yesterday morning by falling from a ladder while en gaged In trimming shade trees at the rest dcnec of C. R. Hannan. Current was standing on a twclvc-foo ladder Hawing off a large bough. When I fell It struck the ladder and knocked I down. Current fell with great force upoi the brick pavement , striking on his bacl and the back of his head. Ho was uncoil sclouH when ho was picked up and carrlc Into the house and remained so for som time. . A KUigeon was called and the In jurcd man was taken to his homo at 31 North Twelfth street. An examination showed that ho had suffered a severe caucus slon of thu brain und It was Impossible tc determine the outcome. Ho was partially delirious and was vomiting moru or less aj day yesterday. Current has a family dependent upon him. I'liliiu-r n nI Ilnukiicr nt. General John M. Palmer of Illinois an- QenerJl Simon D. Iluckncr of Kentucky candidates for president and vlco preslden of the United States on the national demo cratlo ticket , will address the citizens o Council ItlulTa and vicinity Monday evening October 20. They will bo accompanied b General Edward S. Uragg of WUconsln. Hon T. J. Mahonuy of Nebraska , Colonel W. \ \ Wttmer of DCS Molncs , Hon. J , K. B. Mark loy of Mason City , all well known through out the country as democrats and orr.toru It Is the desire of the local committees t make this tbo greatest meeting of the cam palgn , They are so Illtlo yuu hardly know yo are taking them. They cauie no grlplug yet they act quickly and most thorough ! ) Such are the famous little pllU known a UeWltt'a Llttlo Early Hlaere , Small i size , treat lo rexulti. IECEIVEIO\VA \ ODD _ - II10 lason City Oitlzons Prepare n Bjilomlhl Reception fortho Visitor ' , . ' . 'ORTY-NINTH ANNUAL SESSION ; , ; iu iiiiiiirliinl .MutterVIII Coitiu'ltvforc the Unity ToitfhliKt CniiNtltiitlonnl UiU'NtloiiN UHickitli II I'll n ell In IJvliloiioc. I ' / MASON CITY , la. , Oct. 19. ( Special Tele- ram. ) The forty-ninth annual susalon of the ; rand lodge of the Independent Order of Odd nt the grand encampment of Iowa , nd ninth annual meeting of the state as- embly of Rcbekohs will convene In this city oaiorrow morning. The entire business por- lon of the city Is gaily decked with cm- ilems of the order , flags nnd bunting nnd ho Intersection of State and Main streets s a double arch surmounted by life-sized portraits of four of the leading officers of he lodge and gaily festooned with national olora and many colored lights. Important matters arc to come before each body this year. The grand encampment Tuesday will consider and probably adopt anew now constitution for the subordinate en campment. The grand lodge will , among other matters , take action on building the Orphans' Home , the matter now under tern- > orary Injunction , restraining Its being built at Indlanola. The state assembly work , for he first tlmo under the state assembly de gree , will bo conferred by the supreme repre sentatives' session tomorrow. An Informal reception was extended the grand lodge and state assembly at Hotel Anderson tonight. Moderate Sentence for AfiMinlt. DKS MOINBS , Oct. 19. W. A. Cummlngs. convicted of criminal assault on Myrtle Hock- well and Ucsslc Stephens , 8 and 10 years of age , was sentenced today by Judge Holmes o fifteen years' Imprisonment on each charge. The second sentence la to begin after the first Is served. SATURDAY WEEK IS VI.AO DAY. Democratic Cliiilriunti UfRCN IHipli of Kinhleiii of National Honor. CHICAGO , Oct. 19. Chairman Jones of the democratic national committee Issued the following appeal Into this afternoon : Democratic National Headquarters , Chi KO , October 19. The American lint ; has always been the emblem of national honor and It will alwnyx remain so. It Is too sacred to be prostituted to partisan pur poses an Ims been attempted for the first tlmo In tills campaign. Its Influence lum al ways been for the good of mankind , Its dis play IM always potent for the advancement of all that Is bent In our government , for It appeals to every Hcntlmcnt of patriotism and national pride. I , therefore , suggesl that on Saturday , October 31 , nil those who desire to preserve the country's honor nni Independence an It came to its from the fathers , who believe In the rights , of evcrj man. rl h or poor , to cast n. free nnd untrammeled - trammeled ballot , who oppostl government by corporations nnd the coercion 'of voters and desire that real nnd genuine prosperity may once again return to bless our people display the national colors at their homes their places of business 'and wherever else they may be seen In order that voters whoso hearts are for their country , may IK oheered and their purposes jxtrcngthcnrd and that those who are wavering may taki oourngo of their patriotism texperfprm their duty as citizens "to the eml that govern metit of tlio people , by the neoplH and for the people shall not perish from th'c earth. ' JAMKS K. JONES , Chairman Democratic National Cum mlttce. HIIN X < IlpnrlnK oil L'olltlcN. DUBLIN. Oct. 19. Archbishop Walsh has been In receipt recently of considerable cor rcfipondence by mall and wire regarding his pamphlet on bimetallism , which .has been reprinted In the United States. Ire' , says he Is not surprised that It has been sought to turn It to account for political purposes but he adds , no ono reading It with ordlnnrj care can fall to see that nothing he has sail about bimetallism has uny Veal bearing upon the question now being'to warmly dls cussel In the United States. TILIU.\PIIIC niinyrrins. Missionary bishops of the Kplscoim church are to bo chosen this week. Monstnpha Tnpsln Hey , the new Turklsl minister , arrived nt Washington Into yes Icrdny. International Typographical union has flnl ! < hed Its session at Colorado Springs having cost J30.CCO. Treasury gold reserve stands nt J121.7S7 , 201 , J253.100 in gold coin und 132,100 In bir. : having been withdrawn. Kdltor Horace Rublee's remains will IK cremated at Forest Homo cemetery , Mil wntikce , on Wednesday. Naval court of Inquiry lias exonerated thi captain of the battleship Texas which wn grounded recently in Newport harbor. Coon Itros. , PhlladclplUa cheese dealers have assigned , on account of the nionej stringency. No statement Is given out. Golden Kagle Clothing ; company nt Topeka managed by E. Httllngcr , has fulled , will assets and liabilities amounting to abou tfO.OCO. Steamer Cora left Key West with 100 ton of coal In sacks and It Is believed thU < wn transferred to thu Three Friends to In landed in Cuba. Revenue cutter Wlndom will leave Haiti more today under sealed order ? , presunmblj to watch for Cuban filibustering expedition off the Florida coast. Murloii Deposit bank at Marlon. O. , hni failed , and thu owner. T. 1' . Wallace , ha assigned all his Individual property for tin benefit of his creditors. Western New York Preserving and Mnnu facturlng company of Springfield has KOII Into a receiver's hands. Assets nro glvet as J2C.7M. and liabilities. J1G7.373. Fraud order has been issued by the post master general against James C. I.ovini treasurer of the Tortlllata CJold Mlnlnt company , advertising mint.In ! California. Twenty delegates , representing generally beneficial associations of civil service cm ployes nt customs houses of eleven ports met In Washington to form a benevolen association. Final arrangements have been completci for transfer of controlling- Interest In Sea board & Hoanokc common stock to the Ryai syndicate according to reports. Thn urn stipulated In the contract expires today. George Gore and Frank Martin , colored were killed , and Jim Dennis probably fatally Injured , In a light nt Hello Ellen mines li Alabama , when Sheriff To.turn attempted t < arrest Gore , who was a notorious negr desperado. George S. Moore , assistant district nt torncy for the middle district of Alabama has been appointed by Juslletr 'white of th supreme court as acting 'litbtrltt ' attorney In place of Mr. Clayton , roodiltly removei until a reeular appointment made by President Cleveland , tcll , . , Postal authorities nt WatdijiJHton look 01 thu arrest of Wallace , nlliuiluntoii , wli was seen to take a nuill a&c from th union depot In Kansas wfifle he was dls gulscd as a railway mall 'clerk' as an Im portant capture. Thu mnn'liamconfcsscd tether t other similar robberies. - Dr. Hagar of Zurich hafe , discovered i hitherto unpublished conoti't' ' overture b Wagner. -o , t < London newspapers contlniipi to complalt of Sir Kdwnrd Clarke's 'V/inezucla speech raying his attempted cxplaiWtlbn evades th teal Issue "i * Vaults of the Rank of KfAntdoY nt Guaya null were entered yesterifci/mror thn firs time since the great llro oijrj ei'crylhlnjj In fide found safe. jj , ( Prof. Bering nnd Ilerr.JCnorr , a Horll lecturer , 'has discovered a tetanus ant toxin , which Is expected to greatly reduc the number of deaths from traumatl tetanus. 1'olltlenl IteniM. Judge Powers nnd Judge King of Utit will go east to take the stump for lirya at Chairman Jones' request. Women's National Democratic league \vl present Mrs. W , J. Ilryan with a hamlsom bible , bound in llexlblo seal leather , Tom Reed spoke on currency und tarl to an Immense and enthusiastic audlenc In the Auditorium ut Chicago yesterday. Tom Watson's nllidavlt declining lo per mlt the use of Ills name on the olliclal hallo In Kansas on the fusion ticket has rent-tie Topeka through the malls. Judge O. D. Jones , populist candidate fo governor of Missouri , has resigned In favo of the democratic candidate , which make fusion practically complete. Sterling R. Holt , ex-chairman of thIn dluna democratic committee , 1mH written u open letter denouncing free silver and ro pudlatlnif Llryan , who , lie suys , la not democrat. ix SHOUT sciHM'inr SHTTOH. \ 'our ut NIMV York mill Ono nt HaitiI I .Mure , All ( n n Meelxlou. NEW YORK , Oct. 19.-Four bouts mmlo p the cnrd for the dccond troxlng HIIOXV of he Union Park Athletic- club tonight. The ttrtnln-rnlscr was nn eight-round go nt IS pounds lietwcen Charley Leopold tif Inrlotn nnd Charley Kelly of New York , wo minutes nfter they negan operations" , tolly Moored his opponent with n tight wlnn , Leopold ntnylng down over the limit , ut the referee nllowcil the limit to go on. n a minute later Leopold went down airnln. Tic referee sent him to bin corner , hut Kalli the fighters were allowed to con- Inue. In n few seconds Leopold was sent o the floor once more , nnd Kelly wns given ho 1 decision , The second pair was Sam llolon ami An- rew Cunco. ten rounds , nt 115 pounds. They went the full ten rounds , although In he sixth , Ciineo was floored nnd It looked s though ho wns out. Helen fought hint II the way nnd was declared the winner. Thu third event brought Joe Hopkins and George McFndden , both of New York , to gether for ten rounds nt 12S pounds. Me- < "nillcn ( got the dcclxlon. The last event was to bo n twelve-round ontest at 150 pounds between Tommy West if Hoston nnd "Tarantula" Hilt Smith of Texas. West led off with n left punch on he nose and ' Smith began to bleed. Smith landled hlm'pclf like n novice and West mushed him at will throughout the first ound. In the second round , nfter llght- ng 1 minutes nnd 23 seconds , Smith was { necked down nnd out. HALTIMORE , Oct. 19-Dan Sullivan of Hoston nnd Jack Ward of Newark fought n twenty-round contest to a draw tonight before thu Eureka Atblctlu club. Sullivan vas the stronger at the finish , but showed evidence of strong punishment. Ward was vcak , but apparently unharmed. Joe Gnus , colored , of Haltlmoro , made n chopping dock of "Professor" Jack Williams of t'ensncoln In a contest stopped by the > ollco In the second round. UernrilM ColiiK nt Dnllnn. DALLAS , Tex. , Oct. ID. Severn ! trials 'or ' time records were made. O , I * Stevens made n mile In lf : > SV4. paced by the quad , nnd 15. K. Anderson made a half In 0:39 : , weed by the same team , while Arthur Gardiner rode u quarter unpaccd In 0:27 : 4-5 , ircakltiR thu state record for that distance. Tomorrow night Gardiner will go against the world's record for n mile , paced by the quad. Hu was to have made this attempt tonight , hut It wns postponed In order to allow him to rest up from his long trip , Results : Mile , lap , professional : Xlmmy McFarland won , seven points ; E. E. Mockctt , six points , second ; Jj A. Woodllof and .1. A. jkelton tied for third with four points each. Time : 2HV4. Mile amateur : Dan Daughcrty , St. Louis , won : .Will Loupe. Dallas , socoml ; H. A. Canfleld. St. Louis , third. Tlmo , 2:13. : Mile , professional , for Texas riders only : iCdttar Boren. Dallas , won ; Lloyd \Vllman- , Dallas , second ; Max Morris. Fort Worth , : hlrd. Time , 2:09. : The last half was intide n 1:0314. : Two-mile handicap , amateur : Dan Datisherty. St. Louis , ( pcratch ) won ; Will troupe Dallas ( sixty yards ) , second ; H. A. Canllcld , St. Louis ( scratch ) , third. Vlme , 6:03. : 6:03.Mile Mile , professional , handicap : E. K. Mockett. Lincoln. Neb. ( twenty-five yar.lsj. won ; Hlmmy Mc-Farland , San Jose ( scr.Udi ) . second ; C. S. Well ? , San Francisco ( fifteen yards ) , third. Time , 2:11. : Klevrnlli Hiiiinil nt CliriK. HIJDA PEST , Oct. lO.-The eleventh round of the International chess masters' tourna ment wns played In this city today. Charousek bent Wnlbrodt In n Ruy Lopez nfter twenty-nine moves. Tarrasch bent Wnlbrortt in a Fnlkborfi gambit after forty-one moves. Tschlgorln bent Albln In a gulocco piano after forty-one moves. Schlechter bent Jnnowskl In n King's gambit declined after seventy-one moves. Mnroczy nnd Marco drew a Ruy Lopez after twcnty-ono moves. Noa beat Poplel In n King's flanchctto after thirty-two moves. Plllsbury had n bye. KEAIt.S VOll SAFETY OF SHIPS AT SEA Tlircc V ' mi > In Hollered ( o lie CniNlicil Iiy Ice In < luNorth. . PHILADKLPHIA , Oct. 19. Fears arc en tertained In this city for the safety of the barks Argenta. Silicon and Serene , which sailed several months ago for Greenland to load crollte for Philadelphia. Whether they have been crushed by the Ice floes that have drifted down from the far north or not la .not known. The Argcr.ta sailed from Cadiz on March 17 for Ivlgtut , the loading point on the wesl coast of Greenland. She was commanded by Captain Smith. He was formerly In charge of a whaler and has had many years' experience on the Ice. He had with him a crow of seventeen men , shipped mostly li Philadelphia. The Silicon left Stocltholn on June 5 and the Serene left Havana on April 29. both for Ivlgtut. Captain Hough ton Is new to the Ice , while the others-havo had experience bcforo assuming comm'am as mates and In other subordinate positions. . FOUECAST OF TODAY'S AVEAT1IEM \ortli AVIinl * Will liliMv mill II AVI 11 Slightly Colder In \i > liriinkii. . WASHINGTON. Oct. 19.-Tho forecast for Tuesday Is : For Nebraska Fair ; slightly colder ; nortli winds. For Missouri Fair , preceded by local showers In eastern portion ; decidedly colder north winds. For Iowa Fair , preceded by cloudi weather In southern portion ; colder ; nortf winds. For South Dakota Generally fair ; nortl wind * , becoming variable ; slightly warmer Tuesday afternoon. For Wyoming nnd Montana Fair ; wlmU shifting to south and warmer in the caster ) portion. For Kansas Generally fair and decided ) ) colder ; north winds. Local Heeonl. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUHEAU OMAHA , Oct. 19 , Omaha record of tem perature nnd rainfall compared with th < corresponding day o : the past three years 1S9I5. 1S9.1. 1S94. 1S93 Maximum temperature. . . 07IS "s c Minimum temperature. . . 40 29 S3 41 Average temperature fil 38 CO s Ilalnfall 00 .00 .00 .00 Condition of temperature and preclpitn lion nt Omaha for the day and since March 1 , 1S9G : Normal temperature for the day Deficiency for the day Accumulated excess since March 1 Normal precipitation for the day. . .OS Inch Dpllelcncy for the day OSlnci Total precipitation since Mar. 1..30.83 Inche Excess since March 1 3.01 Inches Deficiency for cor. period , ISSJ. . . 3,21 Inches Deficiency for cor. period , U9I..14.32 inches HeiiorlN from .Station * at N p. in. STATIONS AND KTATH OK W12AT1IBII. Omaha , cloudy C6 Nortli I'lnttf , part cloudy Salt Lake City , clear Clieycnno , clumly Itnplil City , part cloudy , Huron , clear Chicago , cloudy Ht. I/jiils , rnlnlng , St. I'aul. clear Dnvciiiurt ; , cloudy KnnsiiB City , clear Helena , part cloudy Havre , part cloudy lllemnrck , cloudy \Vllllnton , clrn.r Oalve ton , | art cloudy * " * T Indicate * trace"afprecliltnllon. | L. A. WKI.SII. Local Forecast Ofllclnl. WITH A\ hon I was thirteen years eld I began lo have soru eyes mid cars , and from my curs u humor spread. I doctored with llvu different nkllful doctorr , but they did mo no uood , My dUeano was Kcr.nim. Ily this Iliuo It Itad KOIIB all IIVIT my head , face , and body , Kobody thought I would llvo , and would not have but for Curicnu HKUKIUKI. I used four boics of UUTICHIIA , llrocakunof CirriciiHA HOAl' . and three bottles of COIICDIU UESOI.VCNT. Uv hair all came out at that time , but now It Is o thick I can hardly comu It. I am Blitetn years eld. welsh 130 pounds , and am perfectly well , Miss IltKAN CWANDKL , OUytou , N. V. Brnnr Ci'ss TstiTHrRT. Wirni l th > with Cu > TICVSA Biur. ccnIU iMIulkini nl Corlorm ( ulnl- mm I ) . ndtii'MitoKi ' ofCullcmi ItiiuLr > rfr > iUit tf humor euro. Bold Ihrouiliout Iht varld. Price , CirncuiJ , Kit. ) SOAr , 3C. | HlHllYlfT , ft * . Hid Cl. I'OTTSS UI9 int. CHIU , four. , 8ol | 'rop . . U < Uin. mg 'Uvv to Cu Litrj Bkia Humor , " tailUd &M. Catarrh and Headache. THE CHIEF CAUSE OF HEADACHE NERVOUS NESS ALWAYS PREVALENT. \nothorIMttin Lecture on the AIM'tfrv.uUnj ; Power of This Disease Illustrative Cases of Various Kltuls in Kvklcnce Toiluv. Sufferers from hfndnrho nro numovons. Vhon ( hey Inquire ' : ito the cause of the le.idache , varloti.i reasons nro given. It M the stamnch , ynyn one doctor ; It Is the irrvc ! , savt iinnthcr ; U Is anaemic blood , ays n ; hlrd. For the past few years It ins been the fad for the due tor to say that 'eye strain" Is the cause. Then the patient ) otmht eye glasses to relieve the headache nd antl-pyrlne nnd other conl-lar products nnd other narcotics were taken to subdue he throb In the head. A recent article In a medical Journal omes out plainly and endorses the Copc- und nnd shopnrd position. The wtlter ays. as they say , that the chief cause of londacho Is catarrh. The headache ls crused mainly by the extension of the ca- nrrhnl congestion and Inllammattnn from Iin nose to the frontal slnns alnni ; the or- llpary line of cDinmunlcixtlon. nnd the only euro for It to bo found Is the euro of the cause , catarrh. TIIUO.VT TMOUIII.ES. low CiMnrrh COKM ! anil SwolN tlio Air PUNIHBCN. ClmrlCB Sherman , 1M3 Nicholas street , CHAHLES SHERMAN , 1513 Nlnholao St. ias been nn employe of the Missouri Pacific railroad for nine years. Interviewed nn (6 ( ills experience with the Copeland nnd Sliep- ntd treatment , hn said- : "A brief course with nrs. Copeland nnd Shepard has cured mo of n bad throat tils- ease of many years' btandlng , I first no ticed n sense of fullness In swallowing. The walls of thn throat seemed thick nnd Htlff. Later on n bunch soemrd to form deep In the throat , which beo.nmn a permanent swelling. This wns always present and sometlmr.i fell ns big tin n potato , rising nnd falling with each swallow of food. There wns always n slimy , thick mucous In my throat that I couldn't get rid of. For years this thing was n real misery , but I couldn't find any relief. The effect of the catarrhal disease had also lowered my sys tem until 1 wns thoroughly affected by Its poisons. I am nil rlidit now nnd cannot speak too highly of the prompt nnd radical treatment that did the work. " HOW TO .STAIIT. CONSULTATION 11LANKS SENT TO ANY ADDRESS FREE ON APPLICA TION. THOSE WHO CANNOT COME TO OUR OFFICE CAN HE READILY CURED IIY THE "HOME TREATMENT. " 9.-.n PEII .MONTH. In the I'Mvo.l nn.l Uniform Feu for All AV. II. COI'EI.AMJ , 31. . , ( C c. s. siiEPAiti ) , si. u. . r ROOMS 312 AND 313 NEW YORK LIFE UUILDING. OMAHA. NEB. Olllco Hours : 9 to 11 n. in. :2 : to 6 p. in. Evo- nlngs Wednesdays and Saturdays only 6 to S. Sunday 10 to 12 in. BACKACHE . WHY ? Because your Liver and Kid'-c is arc out of ordet Dr. J. H. LIVER AND KIDNEY BAB is the "PEERLESS REMEDY" or curing > ailments of the Liver , Kidneys and Bladder , Diabetes , Rheu- ( i inatfem and Bright's Disease. 9 < TOR 8ALC tVtflYWHCMC AT $1.00 Pin BOTTLE 2 THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE co. , sr. LOUIS , ivio. ( undgard THE TAILOR. Fine Line of Fall and Winter Suitings. 130 S. Main Street Council Bluffs , la. Council Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL. . . . $100,000 \V3 SOLICIT YOUH IJUSI.VF.SS. WE UIS8IRQ YOUH COLLHCTIONB. ONIi OK Till : OLUI2ST IIAMCS IN IOWA * a riu CENT I > AID ON TIMK D OAIX AND HEE UH OH WHITE. Sea-rlss - & Searles , SI'tCIUISIS IS Nervous , Cliroaic nnd Private Diseases. StXUAUY. Private Diseases nisurdcr.sof Mou Treatment by mill "sYPsiiisr Cured for life and the poison thoroughly cleansed from the system. PILES. FISTULA and RECTAL ULCERS , HYDROCELE8 and VARIC'OCELE permanently and suc cessfully cured. Method new nnd unfailing STRICTURE AND Ly ) now method without pnln or cutting1. Cnll on or aildrcus with stamp , Dr. Scarlcs & Searlcs 110 S. I4th St. , Ouialm. Neb. NC-.V life , new strength , new vigor. will brine back your lost powers nnd stop lorcvcrthcdancerousJralnsonyoursystem. They act quickly , create a healthy digestion , pure rich WooJ. firm mujcles. Weed strength , steady nerves ana n cliarbraln. $1.00 Per Box , 6 Boxes $5.00. A lepal Runranteo to ruro or refund tlio money wtlli evcryJ.'j.OOunlcr. Addiets Bherniar. & McConncll 1'ruc Co. , 1113 Dodeo St. . Omaha , MADE WE A MAN AJAX TABLETS rOSITIVKLY CUHB A / . / JVVrroi/f tiUcniti Fnlllnu Mem * ory. Impotoncy.HletpleMnoM.tto.rnuMMl hy Almi.0 ami olhar KICAHMJU und India * cretlonv. Wiry r/iilr//i/ ( fluAIIIT'I / rnittoro Lnt Vitality In olil ur jounu , nnd tit u man for tud-bu > ln"ior niurtlii n. 1'rrrimt lunaiilly uml Connu nipt Ion 1C taken In llin . Their u n thowH linmeillatu Iniiiravo- ment and oRecli a OUJIK whoronll others lull. In. tint upon hamm tha iirnulnn Ajax Tutlolo. They Imracureit llioutnnilinnd will euro > ou. Wa ulte a roiltlTO wrlllen cuuranten to rllect n cure In each cu o or refund the mouoy. 1'rlra 6O cunm for l ctnao , or lxickaK < M Hull treatmentl for 9'iJ" . Ily mull , lu plain wrafiicr , unon rnculj'tof price. Clrrulnr free. AJAX REMEDY CO. , For sale In Omaha by James Forsylh , 203 N , Klh Street. Kulm & Co. , ICth and Douglas Streets. DrugKltts. DR. ItfloCREVV If TDK OHLY SPECIALIST wild TIIIATS ALL PRIVATE DISEASES Weakncti & Ditordcr of MEN ONLY tO Ytari Eipcricac * . B Vetri lo Omaha. ( look Frti. Coniuluiioa nd nxtmination Kr r. Mth snd Firntm Sis- OUAUA CIToy worn CI.F.ANINT Clotbiaji , Drcs5)5 ) anJ HotisJhali OMAHA OWICC 1U1 Karnam. Tel. Ml. COUNCIL ILUI'TSVoiks and Onice. Cor. / f nun A and : eth Ut. Tel. 210. DOHANEYTHEATRE GEORGE N. HROWN. Manager. THURSDAY , "OCTOBER 22. Sidney R. Ellis' grand production , Darkest Russia. A company of superior excellence. Scats on sale at Seller'H Drtit' Store. THE SOCIETY EVENT SATUIin.VY KVIiM.NU , OOTOIIKH SI. Direct from Auntrullu , A. M. PALMER'S COMPANY. Under the direction of Win. A. llrnily , presenting the Krcut TRILBY , Ily Oco , Du Muurlcr. Dramatized Iiy 1'nul Potter. 1'rkTH : : < . , S.'e , Me , 'Cc nmt Jl.l'U. ' tjcatu mnr on Eulc at Holler's drug Htuie. RAILWAY THE CARD Leave * IHU1U.INOTO.N & MO. UIVKH.IArrhra Omaha ) Union Ucpuv , lOtn & Macun m.v | Oir.uha C.l3am. : . . . . Uenvtr l xiiei | > u . ' . . . ' . ' : li ta 4& > [ im.llv IIllli. HonU & 1'uKCt Sid. Ux. 4Uipia ; 4 : ii > m . Denver Exiutra * . 4:41pm : 7u5iin..NcLrnhliu ; Local ( except Sumliiy ) . . 7:45prei . . .Lincoln Local ( except Suniliyi:2uum ) : 2iilin..l-aut : Mat ! 'for Lincoln ) -iMy. . . Loaves ( CHICAGO. UUHLINOTON li. qTArrlvM OmnliaUnlon ] Depot , lotli & Mnson Kta.J Omaha CiCOpm . Chicago VeHtlbulo . . . . . 8:00atn : 3MSum . clilcuKo Uipreos . : pra " : CCpm. , Chicago unit Bt. Luula Ilxiiresf. . 8:00am : IlMO.mi . I'acino junction Local . C:10um : . Fait Mall . SiOuia : Leaves ( CHICAGO. MIL. & BT. 1'AUL.IArrlves OmalmL'nlonDepot | _ , loth & Mason ate. | Omaha C:30prn : Chicago Llinlten . .77 8:03 : ra llOOam..Clilcngo KxprccB ( ex. Sunday ) . . 3:25pm : Leaves ( CHICAGO & NOnTIIWEST'N.IArrtvea Omalmjlinlon Depot , )0th & llakon fit . | Omaha lOM.'am . Uar'.ern Kxpremi . , . , , 3'Mnm 4 : < Spm . Veatlhuled Limited . , , UMOpni GE : prn . St. Pout Expicci . 9:30am : SHOam . rft. Paul Limited . . . . 8Wirn : 7Mom..Carr-l : ! jt Bloux City Ixjcal.vnlVpm C:30pm : . Omnnu Chicago 3perl l . S:00am : . Mlieourl Valley Local . I.aCHICAGO. ( . It .1. A - Omalmll.'nlon Depot. 10th & Mason 8 U.I Omaha " _ KABT. " JOHOam..Atlantic Cxpn- IPX. Sunday ) , , B:3pm : T:00pm : NlKhi Kxpri-ae 8lnt : : > 4Mpm..ChlcaKO : Vemlhulcd Ltmlted. . . . l:3Spn : ) 450im..Rt. | T'linl Villlnilert Limited . . . l.3ini : | WEST. G45pm. ! Oklahoma ft Texan Ex. ( ex. fiun..IO5am : IMOpin . .Colorado Llmllto. . . . 400pra ; " csT. ; Airlve " Omaha Depot , lit ! : act ! Wcbt" * . _ Omaha sirain : Kloux C'.ty Acvon > mudatlon. . , , SiOOpa lMpm : . . Sioux City KAIUCIK it-.i. 8un.nUuin ) : C'.lSpn ; . . . . . . . . .m. I'uu ! Limlli-d . ; 10am " " " Leaves P. . . "i MO. VAJ.LKV. lArrir * ! " _ pniaho Df pot16tn _ and U'lrtnuT Bti. i Omaha "SiCOpm T.lPnit Mail np.i'KxpieiB . li00nm ; 3 : ( Opm. ( ox. Hut. ) V > 'yo. ix , ( ex. Mon. ) , . D00prn ; 7tOain. : I < 'ieiniuit Loeal ( Bundnyx Only ) . . 7COnm. : , , , Norfull : Kxprern tcx. Hun..10:25am ) : CilSpm Bt. raul ixpr ? a. . . . . . . . . . OMOam ' " Leaves I Ic'roTat" . A C. l lAnlvnf * OmahaJJunlonDep6t , JOth * Mason Bti. | Omaha > ; CSam. . , Knnins City Dny'Hxpfci . ( ilOom IQiMpm.K. C. Nliiht U. P. Tians. : JOam Leiws | MISflOUHI PAOIFIC. lAnrlvcT Omahu | _ Depot , > Cth and Webster Sis. | Orruilm 3:30pni.iNtbri : < lm A Knnvait Llmlted. TTl2:2ptn : 0:30pm : . Kantas City IJipr-re 600um ; . Ni'l > rn > l < a Local ( ex. Hun. ) 9:00.\m : f.envcsT "tiIOtJX CITY & I'Aril'IC , lArrlVM Omalml pcpoi , IMIi nnj Wtbeter His. I Ornah . . . . . . . .St.JMul UmltcJ OilOara Leaves"sTotJX"CITVr"A / PA"rin > fo7 Arrive * OmnhaUiilon | Depot , 10th & Mnson BtR Omaha EMCam HI. Paul Pusrenecr. , " , , . , , " .Ililfprn 7 : > 0am Sioux City Pus ene < r. . . . . . . OiOIpm etSpm ; fit. Paul Limited 9:20um : 830prn ! Kn > l Mull , ; WAHASH HAI'WAT. jArrlve * . , n Depot , 10th & Mama tits. [ Omsli i St Louis Cannon Uflll.i..HSOAB ; }