THE OMAHA DAILY HEE : SAA'UKDAY. OCTOUJ2K 17. 1800. COMMERCIAL AI\D FINANCIAL Wheat Continue on Its UpT&rd March and Becurw an Advance. DECEMBIR RISES .OVER ONE CENT lluojnncr "f Fitrrlan Mnrkcl" Con- ( rllnitr. t Ilir .strrnBlli nl the Doinmtlc Orrnla SlocU mill 1 1 onil * . CHICAGO , Oct. If Wh t continued on It * upward march today ml * t th clo * th * December option had scored n advance of lle per mi. Foreign news was again n jfMHMlbto for the jump. Corn * m > oats were not ao enthusiastic , wit nevertheless ffOTfV advance each. PrortoliMM were distinctly weak , but the decJlne was small. A riff of over le waa chronicled In the prtw of December wheat at the opening find one rlM not have much dllll-culty In finding an explanation of It. The opening quotation from Liverpool was at ! d per cental advance for spot wheat and Id per cental for futures. A private mewmge from Liverpool paid that the milling demand "checked toy the advance , " but this had no effect ami , la fact , was not borne , put by the report * from the seaboard. There Is no disputing the fact that the foreign situation and th foreign strength are set ting TM pco. The Indian crop situation Is icr owl ncmore M-rlous and Increasing th nervous apprehension In Great Britain. while' the At rallan outlook continues dlcour.K-ng. and even 'a tJie Argentine th > re Is Increasing dantei of crop destruc tion. Shortly aft r the opening free sellIng - Ing set in , racwtly by n contingent of scalp ers. who were satisfied with the protlt In the or-oilnp advance , and proceeded to take It. As soon j thl was over , however. ami that a not long , prices ndx'anced again. The opening price for December was at from TJHc to Il e. compared with yes terday's cKwfng figures of from 70&jc to T'I' ' C , After touching 71'Ac for an Instant thf > selling referred to broke the price nml n decline of TH4c took place. Then the natural buoyancy of the market ex- erte-1 Itself nnd by noon December had re covered o Tic. Another null factor was the northwest receipts. Minneapolis and Duluth reported receipts of tS3 cars again ; ! 1.W4 n w k ago and 1S7 laet yi-ar. The San 'Francisco market was quoted 4c per cfntnl higher eirly In the day and reports fr m ihtrc snl l that two more cargoes had been worked for India. New York wired thnt th * whe t ordered to the other side had been accepted. About 11:30 o'clock New York rf-portwl sales for expert of forty boatload ( J3).f bu ) . chiefly buluth wheat. The market was rather nervous during the cf ! ngojr. . but was stendllv supported and IVccmbtrr closed firm at yc. Corn was fairly active and averaged higher. Thf-re was a good deal of realiz ing during the early part of the session and p irt of the early advance was lost , but the yuhfltquent rally In wheat caused a good recovery. There was some Belling for foreign account. May opened about Uc hlghc-r nt from S 4c to 2f-c. declined to 2 c and rallied to aSc. where It closed. O.Us were active , ilrm and higher with quite , i good business transacted. "The flrm- ns of wheat was principally responsible for II" ' bi-tter price , yet some Independence was th * result of good buying. Slay opened sc h1rh > r at Sl > * c. declined with corn to c. then rallied to 2uSc , closing steady at . Provisions alone of all the markets showed distinct weakness all day. The opening was at a slight advance In sym pathy with a firm hog market t'ndcr a poor demand and liberal offering * by pack ers prices Moadlly declined , but steadied rear the clo e with the grain markets. Jan uary pork closed Sc lower nt J7.7714 ; Janu ary lard S"c " lower at JI.37H ; January ribs 5s lower at Sm. Rstlmated receipts for Saturday are : 'Wheat. 2K cars : corn , S 5 cars ; oats 5"0 curs ; hogs. ZJ.f > ) head. Tlie leading futures ranged as follows : Art ! Op"a. | lllth. | Lo v. | Close. Wlot.No.- 1 rv-i I TI 7IH < 7W 7S < 7IM 7J Mar. . . . 76H 70H Cctn.Xo. 2. CVI S4S 3&i May. . . . : . . . SSH Osts. No. 2. rwt ! * 18 Ueo .Mar 21H Pcrn.rcrbbl . 0 P24 r 113 C S3 n INI Jan 7 PO 7 ! > i 7721 Lanl.HKHtu Dvc . . . . 4 23 4 23 4 13 4 17 * Jan. . 4 43 4 43 4 33 4 37V , Slortllltrt- IV < 3 CO Jan : s 38-1 * Cafh quotation * vrre a * follow * : KlXtl'Il Steady : winter patents , tt.t6GJ.C4 : straights , moijt ) ; tprlnic specials. fl.v > tM. 0 : M > rin < i.atrnts. U.VH/J.W ; straights , bakrrs. tM l2. 0. AVHKAT Na I rprlnr. tm ; No. $ prinB , t , , < w . Na S red. TlHVTlHr. C > mx No. I. ! i.c ; No. t yfllow , II. OATSNa ! . UHc No. S white , f. o. b. . ? iO ! < N.I. J while , f. o. b. , 17ffT 4c. JSVS-No. 1. KHc. nARLKT No. I. nominal ; No. J. f. o. b. , S7O Kt N. > . I. f. o. K. WO c. ruAxsKKD NO. i. : > orc TIMOTHY SEKD-I'rlme , tiS5W I'ltOVISIf.Nft Mr s perk , i r bbl. . I. rtl. per 10) ! ! . . ! 4.M. Sbort ribs sklei R.r cn.fa Pry raited shoulder * ( boxrJ ) . < r. . FlKirt rleai t\Jr ttmttd } . SI.K94.I7. WHIPKT Dlstllleri' flnl ! iod Eoodi , per gal. . II U. U.Hie Hie following were the receipts and shipments tr-My. NEW voiiic ( ; , MAIUCUT. Quotation * of Ilirliny on Various CniilliioilltlrK. NEW YORK. Oct. It VLOITH-Tlecelpts , IJ , . KX > LM . < iuleter tiiJar. owing to the \ + 6lte ad vance maJc l > r holders ; winter patents. U.l 0 4.10 winter straits , JiT IJ.M ; winter extra S2.SO B4.W ; , wirtir low KraileA JiS # t.Sf > : K-utliem flour , nrrn. Jt.5w4SI.CO : Minnesota patents , JiSuW 4.9 * ; Mlriw ota bakers. > * . ; eL3S ; cltr mill pat- rntf , | l.7 jn. city mill clear * . II.1O8I.M ; mill uluil * . JJ..j4 < 4.N. Uye Hour , flrm ; superflne. J'44jf f . fancy. K-lserH. Iluckwheat , flour , nnn sit It I' l-a. Ill'CKWHKAT Steady ; tie , prime stale , track , OOlCtf MCAU Firmer. No. : wrutero. 4i04c n\lI.KY Firmer. feejinc. JO" . HAHLKV MALT Dull ; vie tern , MfiKc. WlIKAT-r.ccvlpta. S6.6W bx. expurts. 43.MO b-i , N . 1 b r > t il' ' c. Option * | aue < i thrvuRb KII t-vclllni Hh Cte ; heaviest l > u ln < > M in rncnthn. ftrcne and nilvanclnc forrlm markets , bnll strtlment. forelen butnc and lilc rable- mtl < " > ricrs rausej a "c a.ltanc irr \ > t\frt \ and itiiuulxtcil hsarr t m stlc bujlne. I KJ ! ft | . Inx vrrr ncrvuu" . lrsc salts or Ions wheat prolucnl no material effect , an , ! the irt-irVrt clifed at tl.e top and H. rtc abote Urt nlfbl's K e : N . J re.1 Oetcbfr. ckJieJ 7T' c ; IVifml-T , " ' .CTJc. clo lnj at 73c. c OKN" Itrfelols. 1S. ! > bu. . export * . ttj l > u. ; fp-Tt firmer : N - t , 31ic. Options were higher en 1 m. re active , with good Keneral buxlUK te < l by the . .lvancrIn wn at nnd a blic O.-mnnJ. clwlne < * o net hlsber : nclo4 > vr ul illjc : I > cemtx-r , XQmc. clartws at ATr--Ileeelpts. 1J.SOO .u. ; exports. U. : o bu.- srxit. flrm : So. J. J3c. Options were quiet , but uroiir Kittt the other markets , rioting at Kc a't\T niOctober , cl * sl a : cli'elat 3 * e. HAY-Steady. eood to c'loke. I7. . . \T1IB1t Vlrnt. hrmlncK ! , Uueaos Aym * . ll < > 't to heavy welcbts. . . . . - ern dairy. 7' yiif : e i rn crManry. UOlic : lJlc' I e : fa.-l ir. iltllVpkics. . ! pkics. : nulet : large , K'MS Itcreipts. 7.IM t > kss. ; ste il.r : state ami - - ' ' - " - - nwtrra , iMlMye. tlm. tut IIM.IK. tej J- ; . . _ . .itclJled fftouM r . | i. lv- : pi ' , ! - f m . ' . 4tlt * . lr\l. stea-ir : > tern te. m. tl UIJTH ; rvniiwl. Brm r. I'ork. rlnll ; in * " . . .iA - . : short clear Ixllles. 17 S * * ! * : * ; f. - ii - It * ' J.S . TMlAnV-Klrm ; cllv < ! per rks. ) . 3 flic : tf . "r > pk s fr e ) . JJ4'rC. . at tn qnillcr. 0t.s | I'etri.leum fnll d rlose.1 at 11.11 14-1. I ! . -in nrn. strained , eomntor. 'c co ! . JUTSU ' * v r > ' "opt eil oil. qul-t ami l ar'ly it : pilme rt--le , S'tOtlkjc : prluw rrvV. f , a. b. n-1- : li4V. prime sunitner j IWMr Sf i . 1M ' ' run : dorontlc. ( sir ta xtn. ; St vc : JM in I'i4ic. MOI. IfHKSfleaJy , X w Orcjn ! , np n ket tle , cw' to choice , J7c. iron , cjulft. rwrtVrn. IR7iff 1 * j : l r * > ker . Slv.72 : ev'cl44ins ; < t , slej-lv : l.r.J > er . JJ4 * : i in nt * . JlWnrTi. Tin. flrro : strattr. IU.J4WJit.4Kl ; l-lxies. slc 'ly. Spelter , quut ; J m < lli. 1.3X St. I-oul Grnrrnl ' WT IvOrif. 4 > l. ltHIIT. n-t nl r c oj d"mrHc | ra > l n.l rx > vi > r | ns p l < ul . WV-ilj.w. * ' < tni fsncy , I ? .nrr. K.KMi J < cbolcv K Curfn. TATOp ne t urort. hot lh ' of by l-Hur mllalns T a heary to lh advano * . but ll > * lu. - > t Ic fcliher IJi n > > uUy for ( ult-rs. sun anil higher , J.'fc 1 rsU. cuX 7 * . trjek , TlfWe ; X . J kard. rash , 4HH . t > e- CMober. n ,8TJic. lar. TlSe MJ. i. HS r r * ad s ee < In sympathy wHh wh * t sM n rennrts of Urtr mfe tor el P ft. and . - l VVle hlrher than . Hf * .Ml. but hlrtier. Nn S cash. Hc bM : De- cemher. S'tc arkel. May. Kc. OATii rumm shewed a ttrong a4mitee In srmtmUiy with all -Klter eereata. Fnot hleher. with a better Ifxtniry : No. 1 cash. Hie ; May , nr W K bw. HAT-Minwwi no tmprmnement : rnlrt * . Jl-t 7."fl. timothy. ILM + t.M. tkts td * . nt'TVKH nn ; ervamvrr. JwHe ; * lhT. Ml roCLTRr-W ak : etteken , 040 , ( : tprfiur. tHc. turkeys , rtran ; at t f c ; dvctrn , stewtr fct w V * C. CORN MKALr-IUM. HRAN-nrm. sold this ri < te at lt , ami fflh > at < tV. on track. KU\X EKn-Sle dy at 75. TIMOTHY SBBM-rtrae. | t . EOOS r rm at l e. METAII vl. d tl at JLOMKJS. ? t l eT. ( jut-t at | t. 45. PROVISION ! * pork. es ter ; standunt mm , Jobblnr. T KKT.rH. Ijirl. esjMer. i 1me steam. I4.MH : ch'.ler. II W Bacon , based M.TS ; Ininrm. . TH : ribs. : ( * orU. . I > ry Mlt ments. Snted rK.uiem. 14.36 ; extra short etetr. J4 . rts . S4.S. > hnr < s. J4.JIH. RfXTJUTF n iir. M bN . . wh t. a.t0 bo. ; eora. 7. * b" . : o . * * . ( * bo. BinrMENTS-noar . * bM . : wheat , bn. . corn , 4.9i bu. . oats. J1.COI t . OMAHA < : I.MU.M. .MAUICIT. Conillllnn of Trndr nnil on 5 nplc nnd Kniicy Produce. EOOP-Oflod stk. . ISc. ni'TTERmm < m t * fair. e : choice to fancy. country. llSlJe : iep rater creamery. cathered erecrn. iJl c. OAME-I'ralrl * chickens , per dot. < ju H. I1.3 L56 ; teal ducks. J | . 81.M ; red he < ls and mallards. tt91 ( . CHBESB Dome-lit brtrtc. > o ; K. ! m. per iJoz. . J .K ; rlub houte , ! . . Jars. | er ilot. IJ ; Um- Uerger. fancy , p-r n > . . ! > c ; Roqxwfort. H-IJ ) . Jars , per dnt. M.t5 . Toi'ng AnwrlfJis , l Hc ; Iwlru. fanry. ! , < . VnAtr-CTiolce fat M W I Ibs. . .re quoted at T fc ; l rrr atvl r < - rre. 4fHc. Pot'LTBY Ure hens. % * < coc * . ic : spring rhk-kens. S > t4r r : prtng dn'-Us. TeJc : turkeys. sff 14s . rianoXR Lire. SV. dead ple n * not wanted. HAY ' I'pltnd. 14 : * : mMland. II : lowland. C'rre straw. > 4. color makes the price < n bay ; light lain sell the brt ; only top cr.idti brine lip prices. BROOM 4TOnN Kxlrfrr-ly slew ale : new crop , delivered en track la country : choice green feir.wnrtclnc carp-t. p r IK me : ctolce green , running to hurl I'Ac : cemmon , IHc VEQ ETA HUES. SWKRT POTATOKS-On crders , 'p r bbU. ILS. TOMATO-'Jt-rer H-fco. basket. SNW9C ONIONS Oood stuck , per bu. . 3S 9 C. LIMA DEANS- Ib . 4c. _ , , ' nK\NS-ll p.1 vVVe.1 navy. r ' bu. . SI. 4471. ) L oAnnAOB Hen * KTOITI. per hnnJred. f TI.KRY-Per dnt. . Sr ; fancy , laree. POTATOKS-Oool ttrck. per ba. . 94f . ritriTs. CR.\PE-S-New York. 154c. CALIFORNIA I'KACTlBS-Kr * tones. SOc PLUM ? No shipping ftocfc. CALIFORNIA GRAPES Tokays and other fancy Tarletle * . .a CRANRRKRIRS Cap * Ci-l. per bbl. . JC.W4J * 5 * APPLIrooMnc. . per btt. 11 TS : eating. Jl.M tj ; Jonatham. fancy. JiS : New York. . CAIFORNIA PKARSt-Per box. J1.7S. CALIFORNIA QfiNcns-rer box. Jt TROPICAt , VRUITrf. ORANOE. Mestcan. J4 r > C 4.M. LEMONS M'-Mrnj ; JS WSS M : California lemons. UtX 4.5 . ItANANAP < tio4ce. Urge stock , per bunch. tr < W J.S ; ro.dlum-sUe.1 bunches. ll.SOSt.W. MISCKLLANBOfS. OYSTERS New York counts , per can. 45e : New York selects , per can. We : extra selects. per can. fie ; standard ! . p r can , IDC ; nwdlunw , per can. Sc. New York counts , per 144. Sl.S. per l.M . ill : New Ynrk M-lects. per ital. . JJ ; per tub. 111. twite rtandanls. per gal. Sl. HONEY Fancy white , per Ib. . 1401fe ; choice. lie : California , amber color , Itn CIDEU-ClarineU Juice , per half bbL. J17J : per Lb ! . . it.M494.7S. MAPLE SYRfP-Flre-cal. cans. earn. JtTS ; ( TO. cans. IT doz. . 11 ! ; half-al. cans. 1S.JS ; : on cnnc. SX.M. nC5 Importe-l fancy. S crown. 3-lb. boxes. 14 < - : choke. Jlb. . boxes. 3 crown. MJlOc. NUTS Almonds. California , per ID. , medium Hi ? . l e ; Tarragona almonds , per In. , large. i : < * c ; Itmill . ftr ] ! > . , ( c ; KnRllih walnuts , per In. , fancy soft shell , : c ; mJiurr. site , ioc ; fil berts pr Ib . le ; pecan * , polished medium. Sc : lanre. l c : peanuts , raw , 6s97c ; roasted , 7Uc ; ch tnuts , Ite. Ite.FnESH MEATS BEEF Good native stn > rs , 4 * to COD Ibs. . ( HO 7c : western steers. SIJSHc : cool e ws and hetf- rrf. i4J54c ; medium cows and heifers. 44c ; good forequarten cows and heifers , I > t84c ; iood' fort-quarteri native steers 4S5c ; need hind quarters cows and hirers. C K ; good hindquar ters native steers. iie , cow round' . So. cnw pUles. Sc : bonels chucks 4 : row chucks. Jc : steer chuckj. JSc ; lieef tenderloins. J c ; brtf rolls , boneless. c. sirloin liutls. h-tnrtoos. > t ; Mn backs , lonele-s. > - ; | | n backs. 7C : cow rtl.s. No. J. i4c ; cow loins. No. a. 7U ; beef trimmings. Sc ; rump butts , te ; shoulder clods. PORK Dressed hcgs , 4 ic. pork loins. 7c : p"rtc tenderloins , lie ; spare rib * . 4Hc : him aauuge. butts. SVsC ; pork shoulders , ruuich. 4Hc ; pork 'houlder . sklnne , ! . t < r : pork trlmmlnKS. 4hc ; \fft \ lar.1 not rendered. S' c. MUTTON Dre eJ lambs. 7c ; dresseJ mutton. So ; racks , muttvn. * c ; lees , mutton. * tc : sad- lies. mutton , t'tc ; stews. IHc ; sheep plucks , Sc ; ! ie < p to&sues. per dot. Z > HIDES AND TALLOW. . HIDES Na 1 wreen hides 4c ; No. J ETeen hides. Sc : No. 1 rrcen Mlted hides. _ 5c ; No. S per Ib. , fess than fully cured. SHEEP PELTS Creen salted , each , 5474 c : : ten salted snearir.i ( short wooled early skins ) , each , ISc : dry shearlnn ( short wouled e rlr skins ) . No. 1. < ch. it : dry shearltncs ( inert nooled e rl iktns ) . No. t each. Sc. dr > * Hint Kansas and Nebrarxa butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . actual welntit. 4QSc : dry flint Kansas and Nebraska Murrain wool pelts , per Ib. . act ual wetcht , IO4c ; dry Cint Jslorado butcher wool pelu. per Ib. actual weight , 466c : dry rtlnt Colorado Murrain wool relt per Ib . actual welKht. 304e ; fret cut OS. a : It Is useless to pay freuht on theai. TALIJOW AND GREASE Tallow , No. 1. JHc : tallow Na J , Sc ; ereas * . .rhl'.e A. SHc ; trease. white R. IHc ; greaie. yellow. lc ; i eas * . dark. IHc ; old butter. : RSH > beeswax , prime. IX ? SSc : rouch tallow , le. I2ONE.S In car lets , weigher and delivered In Chicago : Dry buffalo. jr ton. J1I.WOI4.W dry country , bleached , per ton. J15.WSU.W ; dry coun try , damp end me.ity , | > er ton. 1C.004JIM. WOOL Unwashed , line heavy. Sfl7c : fine , light. 19V : quarter blood. 16filSc : seedy , burry and chaffy. ! 4Wc : cotted and broken , coarse. 7 ( * > c ; cotted and broken , fine , frfjic. Fleece washed Medium. llfllSc ; fine. ItBISc ; tub washed. ICO ISo : blaclc. ( c ; bucks , ( c ; tag locks , JCJc dead pulled. Liverpool . LI'VERPOOL. Oct. It WHEAT Fpot. strong : demand moderate : No : red. sprint. SH-I : No. t hard. Manitoba. C. id ; No. I t lUnmu. fa M. Future * opened easy , with nar and -lifUn : | K > sltlons Id hle.ier ; clnse-1 irrejrJlar. with near positions 14 ( M hUher end distant porKlon * ISSH.'l ' hUher ; business alvut equally distrib uted. Octet > er. ( t S'jJ : XoiemU-r. < 3"-4 ; IV- rember. te J , J ; January. 6 4J ; February , tt 4-1 ; March. C 4.1. CORN Spot , steady ; American mlatft. a < w. I IHd. Futures opened steady and utwvnB 1. clocisl steady. wltS Novcnilr > id hleher and other month * unchanged : buslneu nl > ut equally 'Ilitrlbuted ; OcttUr. la ± d ; November. 14 tH-I : December. Ss S > ; d : Januvy. js JHd ; February. ta : : ! . March. t : < * ! . FLOrit Flrm ; d masd in lerate ; St. I.auls fancy winter. In II. PROVISIONS Itacun. tlrm : dtmanil mo-lerate : Cuml rland cut , ri tn s ! b . . . lit. hort ribs. .n : i Iba. . # * ; lone lUht. Si to SJ 1U. . Ms ; Inn ; clear , heavy. M to C HM. tshort clear barks , lUht. l < i Ilx. . s ; short clear mid dles. heavy. 41 to M It * . . : i > : iear U-ilkt. 14 to 1C R-j. . ) * W..oiouU : < r * . square , i ; to 18 lint. . Tt M. Hams , tbort cut II to ! . . W . TaUow. Ho- North Arwrlean , ils M. U f. extra - tra In.lU mees , - * : prime roeu , < : . Puik. Itrlnv nttw. nne western. 47x c.1 ; medium vest- em , 4 < w. , qalet ; prlma we | erB. Us ; rc- Dre-l. In palls. ! J . fHKKSKIrm : derurul m < JerBtr ; finest ArceHcan.rrhltr. . AT > w t. 4i ; finest Aiufrlcan. . . . IIITTKR--PI j t United Sutes. C ; cood. to * . Oil.Lln rel oil. U i > elroeum. | refint.1 , e * .L HEFRIOERATOi : HirrF-F , . . HOPS At London it'arlnc coast ) . J , Th * rwclpl * ol wheat luriiir the p * t thrt < Oiyvrrr rc.W nnt4l > . InrU'JUv ; ISt.MA cm- tal * Arri rH n. The recelptji f American cam 'Jurlaj t-ii pojt thro * .lays were JK.'v ) cental' . \Vt7nI SInrlTri. JIOSTON. O l. It Tbe lloftcn Ccrauxrelal UuiMIn nil ! > ay lonw..rr , - nf the wo > l market : Tbe market shows -Hshtly smaller in < > rpni nt lhr U t week , but chiefly because licKers , ) e -li. | to sll. All irk-en ere sllcbtly hinr. | f.nte ihf Maine elccllur. Mlohlcan N bao ail- v nc * < l n full cent from II ta U cms , su > - lnf. . | Is Wins bcM all * r ih ccuntry for ur. , .j- \-anm In rase of MiiKliilty' * election. In Mlclil- c n ami Oh .i tee mirp't" < * is bl > ! arc lar r. All hoM. n tn IlantMi " flnr > In | l > elr vlcus. and In vl n f ibe rontlni' l duilecji In luanti- facturlBI ri xl ln * alc air lrzr. Thouih forvlsn w l receruly Ucn r sJiUipcd abrtud. Arartr B are Imjti.s r.ealn at tbc I ndvi , wlier * tb "imftttlen Is ke n. Tlie MitM .J tl week are H74. * lb < . d.isttc mt 7n.frM > UM rorelEfl , aiKlriM tXt < * > . O 1U. * < -ut-jl ; anJ 75 . ' w lh . furrtcn last te k. an.l 4.TM.tV ) 1 1 * , itemestlc anJ I C74.44M IU . fnrvlcn In ih sanw > n * lat : year. T > 4e jutfn IB dale rtK.w a > lecrraM > of M.4IXX1 11 JtoflHUlc. ana ? . " .4r > .7 ) 1I . farctca from IfKnlr ta the same tele la ItK. The receipts to date tbow n ile. et UM of 14I.1M lialts Ocmonic arnl IK.SIT l le < f r lrn. _ _ _ _ m Ppurlu > Inrkc ( . PJIORIA. Ott. ll-OORX-Flrru < bUb r ; Nc - i Sic : No. a , SJ"-- . < > . \T. < - linn : No. ! nhlle. lOftNV : No 1 wlilt . I'.Vt- < ! and tmictirc : Nn. f. vnilSKT-Mariiet sloady : Ooltlwl ( IS * t > tl * cf I'.rt f r hlrt. . nmr : * tfjt. 7.C bu. . S4 4r * bJ Obl Tolrdu Cmlut TOLUWl Oet. lC.-\VHKAT-Huh r actnv ; ; > „ 2 r4. ; M ; IVcncWr. 7tV ; May OATS bull. l * Jr : Ne. ! mUHt. Ite. UYIT-lile ly : No. 3 rasU. 4c. > 4'U > Vir. i&IlDPall ; hUtirr ; vri3 > c [ ! CONFIDEM/E CHECKS flttlDE Prices Qo Up in View of the Prosperous Times that A/o Coming. EXCESS OF MERCHANDISE EXPORTS Km ornbIf llnlnnce nf Trndc for Srp- lenibrr t'oiinterbnlnncpil liy ( iiild IininrlK | Similar C n- dllliilin In October. NEW YOHK. Oct. It n. O. Dun & Co. ' Weekly Itevtew of Trade tomorrow will My : The one commercial change which more than ny other ensure * better buMne.'s In the near future Is the exc * of mer- chandtse exiH > rts over Imports. In Septem ber expert * trere J9S.4jas.iJW , ami Imports only . ) * * ,7W , and the exceiw of exports was W4.I75.SJJ. In payment for which net Im ports of gold were OUlMSJ. Last year the excess of merchandise Imports was JS.- 7 < CK7 In September and net exports of gold J1C5W.S6S. In two weeks of October the exports from New York have Increased 30.5 per cent , against Jl.J In September , while Imports have decreased II p r cent , against K2 In September. Continued shipments of sold from Europe , not Including JI.C- > 3.0'J from Australia , now amount to U .R.W8 since the movement bsan. . of which te.S .CtM has already arrhed. Th hea-j- movement of grain is the corner stone. After an Increase of JS.HJ.S7S m exports of breadstuffs - stuffs In September , there has be n shipped the past week tram Atlantic ports alone. 2.111,774 bu. . rtour Included , and 4M , rli bu. In two weeks of October , aratnct ] , ilv.71 bu last year. A more Important fact Is that all available rr ln freights have been enmced for months ahead here ami on tbe Pacific coart. The minister cf sericulture tn India stateii In council on Thursday that dis tress was etpecte-4 In a larse part of India as the result of drouth , but Importations of wheat fr.m California would help tu prevent actual famine. A high offlcul of Russia , now In this country , confirms accr-cr.ts of shortness tn the Russian ) leld. Thus the estimate that Kurope will fall lW. bu. stwrt of last year In supply - ply of wheat li strongly supported , and while tl.-partment estimates of the yield In this country are not credited , there Is every reason to expect a remarkable foreign demand. Western n- rtpts fall a little telow last year's , and for t o we tu have been li.3S.01S bu. . acalnst 13.MI.4vi bu. last year. Wheat has advanced 4i c for the week , and corn Ic. Confidence as to the future makes trouble In some Industrie * , because speculation In materials raises prices so that demand for flnlf hed prvlucu l checked. Hoot and shoe makirs Ret very narrow orders at oM prices , or at * n advance of ! e * than 1 per cent ( or the e li , arxl less than t per rent from the loweit point. Similar < ! tt ! > cuUes | threaten In the Iron manufacture , for pic Is hleher , Iles emer at HtW and grey force at JJ.7S. At Plttsburic whole plates , en- ctes and beams are weaker and various com binations hoi I price * only by leaving outside competitors to take the market as far as they can. Steel bars are largely sold at le. white 1. : l demanded for Ircn. All the nalli that outsiders can prvluce are sold at lets than the RKAoclatlon asks , llilletii are still sold for less than the pool price , and Its shipments In St > - temter acrrecated only S .0w ) tons , rnslnly of eheet and tin plate bar ; , and the demand for r ll Is KrowlnR small. Wool Is stronger , with continue. ) sf > eculatlve > buylnc and sales at * l- ern markets have been 14.MK. * ' ' ) llx. for two week * , anlnst 2L 8.7 0 Ibs. last year , and lt.70f.M4 Ib . In 1SK. but conslened wool has. be n mostly withdrawn until after the election. N . rain Is at present possible In Roods , and though the number nf mill * starting for the we k to flfte-n. against seven stopping , much of the work done Is In anticipation of a better demand than now exists. The cotton manufacture has also started more spindles , but the demand for coeds scarcely Increases , and print cloths sell at S. C cent * . The manufacture of miner metals also dratrs. tbourh domestic d'mand for or w > eT Is moderate at 1" TS cents fcr laVe. Lead l a sh it weaker at I TJ. an ! tin makers are under- r'lltne forclicn. IS to y > cent * per txjr. Failures for the week have < een KS In the t'nlted States , siilrut iC last year , and forty Jn Canada , acalnst fortr-slx last year. WKKKI.Y CLKAKI.VG IIOf.SB TOTALS. HuMlnckM Trnnonctcil li - tlif . \ K'lntil llnnKH. NEW YORK. Oct. 14.-The fotUmlnjr table , cotnplleil by l rad treefa , shows the total clear ance * at tbe principal cities and the percentage of lncr or decrrsiM. as compared with tbe corresponding w k Ust year : . - . ( CTTIE3. | CIearanee . | Inc. I Dec. New York j "sss' , ; 'ji j. . . ; . . | "u.i CtilcaiTO 17.9 llfliton rhiujeiphi * . . . . . . : : ; : ; : ; ; : St. Ixnils 17.1 San Kranclfco I4.--4.M * . H.J IlAltlmorv _ . ii.iu.mi . 11.5 PlttstwrK . I 13K : . 4I . 11. ! Cincinnati . I 19.CJ.J6 * . * .e Kansas City . I ll.e . S ) . 10. * New Orleans . I 9JlS. : i , . .s Ilurtalo . I 14u . 73l . Mllwauke f . 4.7J.4i ! j lil ! Detroit . S.7.4. . | Si. I LouUvllle . i.i31.1-3j . : 15.C Minneapolis . . ! > : . . | 1J.S OMAHA . i. U.4 < 7 . j 1J.C Prortdence . 7 ; . . S,114.74) t . .i Cleveland . S.SO.tte . li.S Houston . . 44.MSI . 1 . St. I'aul . 4l .S 4 . i II. 1 IMnvtr . Irdlanapolls . l.J ! . Columbus , 0 . S.3M.5 * * . I I7.S Hartford I . . . .I a.e Hlchmond ( I.W.7M SI. ' \Varhlncton j ' a.e Xnoxvllle . , I ' Dallas 3.S St. Joseph w.s I'eerta 1.CK.4H11 ; ,4J .TS4 | i S.I Portland , Ore. 144J. SJ1 3.S' ' New Haven 1J.5 Savannah II. ( SprinfiHeW. Man. . s.s Worcester 1'ortland , Me 1171.407 i t.S Atlanta 1.H2.1I4J I ' Tort Worth Waco 4. I. ' I 51.V SjraeuM' K7.7W ! I : i.S Des Molncs 7 ; .I7 I 51.1 Grand Haplds W9.4J7I .J Seattle CI.U ! bowell Wilmington. DeL Norfolk i.iii.iiii : .4j Slour CTtr a7.4 ' I is.i La * Anxelcs . . . M.5 Tacwna . . .I ! . Tel < > 4o . . . | S.7 Fpokace JCJTI M.II Jacksonville . . .I 3.1 Lincoln . . . | 11. * New Uedford Wichita K2374) ) ! . : lllrmlnshiim 441.4WI 7.1 Toptka 361 jir H.I Islington. Ky. . , . luyton Ilay City. Mich. Pall River Akron , O Sprlr.glielJ. O. . Canton. O flcux Falls 7 .ae : . . Premont. Neb. . C1.74 Hastings. Neb. . M.974 Chattanooga Kars Nashville Galvtttton CSK.MD ; . . ij.i Salt Jite 1.1 Scranten : OT.E ' Helena 11.5. Augusta 1J.7 | . Kalamaaoo 1S.1 Rockford u.j TonlU. . F .jt 8LSit.S4i 14.7 llicu ! iie of N. Y..I 17.7 DOMINION OF IZANADA. Montreal ! l 1I.M1.177I. . . . . ! 17.1 Toronto i .7J W | S.J ! llallfex j 1.SII.M7 ! 1.1 , llarallton j Ttl.til1. H. < Wlnrlfrftf i 1.4J5 171' 9.3 T UJj , . . . . 'JJ I CH riig * at Ilay City. Kail River. Akron. t'priseCrU. Canton. Kioux Palls , Fremont. Has- tns * . Oint'aticosa. I'arso. Nashville and G l- > t U > n r.oc Inchx'nl In t * > totals. I'HJCUb Alti ; .VlV.\\CI\fi TOO FAST. C'liKliilrkicc III Sound > lolif > - Victory finite Altuiidnnt ! ) ' I vhlcnt. NEW YORK. Oct. : . Urailttreel's tffmcrrow Mill > ay : Y. ' : tii'ie voiuia uf stnentl trade he' nnt ; nctru < 'l raitrrlitly. nw . ndltlons are fa\vr tl i < , ny early l.i jirjicni't. N tw.ih- standlng nuuy Irsricr uMrchanu prefer to w4lt until after -.xii.m lfur placiug crders , and > -ther > ar > wiling to fxAet subject' f concilia. tk > n sbouU tbc trnvfuwnt for frte "colr c * of illver be x < iful. enilmn > t at larcer business centers rcfartU Ibr siK m * cf the cam ; > * lsn f r seta ; l icaaer secured. ICXSXMW Instances mvr- rbants am ilUcovcrlns tut vjca ef the situation t.y placing inters. Kest ire * of th * business e k jri' lh * . \ < itlnu.l njvance In price and Hrrr.Kth uf Hheit. ar.l I he maintenance of a l rivoluuM - nt wheat en > rt > . nctably to India iAui \ > lr ! lc. Wtelle wool \ * no hlz er. hold.rr bate > uld 'fMC i l : > rendvr them Indifferent tu Un&viitaie loslctnu. nJ ara boMln ; sticks fur full cvf * . While covers fc.r Ircn and ste > trull * ' . . ' ar : > v Uelnc pUcetl ( nrely , they wouM tjr uirr ' * wauM aecept current < iuotu < uu f. < r U > 7 it ll 'ir. t t ern Uf U Ht hither , ami. r-tlwlttutandini ; IM rrvvlnz eiport trade In irun in 1 slot IMS brwr checked by hither oc jn ' flsnt tate > .ml ru * priots by Herman stt. I , taker * . K U i..tldpate.i that wUhla thit * weeks t > ; tLdftliOeman lll raet eifxctatloox On .he ParlSf cui i trii hit been tlmuUlrd tor the . ! v ru . In IA * price of wU < at and continued ullTity la p m of ICBttr and. other pies. jiu'.abr > t J'i ati , Auttrcito. South Africa and tn-Hn. Tn.le la rerrvlnt'iln tbe Ran Joaquln T My. Calif ornli. t e4) | the eomitHllon at a en petlfi ( rallrvad. " * Riports of wheat. fVmjr Inclo.lwl as wheat. from NitS coasts of tbn-L'nKed States s.n-1 fmtn Montreal this wek amount to 4.1M.I17 tm. , against . ( M.x ( > 1 bu. kMtr-iwH , 1 4 .ew > b . m the veek one year ago. ' t.r % . m bu. two years acti.2.7aa * > bu. three jTifcs. ago. and as com pared with JT , bu. In 1W corresponding week of ! . . _ _ The total number of bnwnes * falh > re < i report e l thmwrhoat tie fntlnl rtdtes this wek Is IT * . twelve fewer tlmB Msl'trfek. ten > e * > than In the sr otrl n H of October im , bat twenty-rtx more than In th tonMifWains ; week of 1M. As com iaR4 with th * M7 ad week of l * j , nt * week's total ftmff a decline of sixty- one. ol There were thirty U t4MM.fallarw m Canada thH week , acalnst tMrtyVen last week , thir ty-seven te Ibe week efwyi-ar ago. thirty-nine two ye r ago , and tnlrty-foar three years ago. MTTI.I : Tnxnit.vcv TO spicri.ATi : . \VnlI Street MnrUct Prtifr lounl In 4ttin1l < r njtil Xervon * In Tonr. NEW YORK. Oct. J * . Rra.lstreefs rlew of the stock market tomorrffw w.ll say : specu lative conditions have become drcl Irrttr uncatls- faetury. To W M street market tate w k has be n narrow and professtonal in quality , and nervous antf unsettled In tot * . Hanks have gen erally marked up tons * , and It appears to be dlfflcnlt tn obtam money for speculative pur- poew. Th favorable csndltlons of nnr foreign trade , the export demand for our crreals and other prudnci * . and the consequent decline of exchange and renewal of gold imports has for the tlmbelmr falW to stimulate speculative sentiment as ttvey u dottMe > ) ly wool 1 under ordl- nary circumstances. The better feellnc toward our stocks abroad did not , howeier. result In fvneign buylne. at last n any appreciable scale. The market bre. In fact. ha * , apart from the manipulation nf small rrofertmnnls In partic ular sticks , exhibited little beyond the leniency nf the la rre r shorts to cover , and of holders of la-nic stocks to sell , tbe objeet In each case benc to reduce boMlncs In the /ace of the stringency nf money. This sell Ins. on the whole , has outbalanced - balanced the baylmc. and cauMil declines throughout the list , while In * rm > m traders have naturally taken advantage of the situation to prew stocks for ml * , even th-iurh they were prompt to cover , where strch operations , displayed a profit. These condltt ns have added to the uncertainty an1 undecisive character of th < week's tradlnx. On Frfday the market was dull nnd IrreCTlar In tendency. . STOCKS AXU IIOMIM. 5lM-cnlntlnii In ! ' MirltlrVn Ppr- ftincti ry In tlic" nxtrrnir. NEW YORK. Oct. It The speculation In stocks today was perfunctory In the extreme. and with one or two unimportant exceptions , the fluctuations In prices wert narrow. The only two stocks that reached even comparative ac tivity were Sapar and St. Paul. The move ment was Irregular , Sugar was depressed early , nearly a point on the circulation of reports of n probable strong combination of Interests opposed in the American Sugar Ileflnlnc company , and the Inrcado that are made oy the f' . reign products on Its domestic trade. The first men tioned story elicited an' emphatic denial In usually well Informed Sugar circles , on which a rally ensued of 14 per ceet ta lo ; * . The full rwovery was not held , but In the boards the Im pression prevailed that the traders had not ucctde < l In shaking out an amount of long rt'jck comrtmuurfcle with , tbelr outlay of en- ersy. Tobaccu was marked up IS per cent to Tt' , by the interests that have l n Identified for some time past with ll manipulation. There was. as heretofore , a. deirth of news regarding tl.e basis of the upward movement , but the old rumors of a probable termination of the fight between the company anJ Its competitors were again presred Into service- There was little erne no news having a generahtaring upon the mar ket aside from the arrival of atmut SLCS.CtO In gnU , and reported additional engagements for Import , aggrFgatlnc JtJf.C' . The existing comparative money . f trlngency was Illustrated by t vcr4 bank suspensions In the interior. The monctny , of the market waste to an extent relieved. hBwtver. by the announce ment of the appointment K re < elvers for the Ilay State Gas company. I Then * was a notable lack of excitement over thls.devel.ipment. as the S4rt t considered It to } * rrkre fully slgnlflrtint of politics than financed The > t ck fell JS ir cent to 7 on the news. FTh < f general market dis played a better tone In t tttafienwn session , and price * sllfTmol all arousd to a fractional ei'ent on the irold engageraeMs and strength of the wheat market. Toward tie close n easier tune obtained with * Consolidated dQas conspicuous far a decline of 1 per cent - Tt e closing was steady at ( llKht EalM. Deallne * In -nds were light , but firmness Trai genersilri' 'olfplaye-1. Louisville and New Albany consol - < no. e 5 per cent ; the Mies were V < > . 0. r ; Governments were stn < nc and fractionally higher on purchases of tJ > 4 Silver certificate * developed strerunh and'rt * H per cent to 1H on a moJtrate revived fnrelsjj Iniuiry. The sales were K * * * Thv Kvenms Post's L n.lpn financial cable' sram says : The stock markets opened dull Uxiay on ccnUnue * ! llqurilzllon In mines , here anl h Iaris. - . Tten > waj B1nH' * * rJntei > but the Iree was flu , colJ"ojr.nijV falling , ta IfliU. Tb -ontlnoed E M wllhdrawa * isxcausbu : all kinds 'f rumors , chief among Oileh U that the ban * m y raise the rate on Mrndty. Vnlesa a very bcary amoant cf gold r * out , uoweter. st ch nctlcn will be surprising , as no chance has tvcr been made so far In the rttllnr price f--r eagles. On the last occasion , when the bank rate ws rals d frcm 3 In I per per.t , th bulk - ! k i h-M was Ci.0 < iO < * * less than now. At th same time Ihe bank $ ow holds r. Mixio In Japanese money none of which was heM on the occasion named. Americans were careparatlvcly steady and closed firm. The P rls l urse- was Bat. but the close was abuve the worst. At Ikrlln the market was weak. The following were the closing quotations on the leading stocks of th New York exchange today : _ _ _ " _ AtchUon . 12HI 4o"oW . J4 ! AdaraoKx. . . . 143 IN.Y Central . JXJ APon.T H . 6S IS. Y..VN. E. . 45 Am. Kxnraia . 10 * ftetarlo.V W _ . 13 RalUmoruXO'ilo. M Oreconlmo . Canada Pacific. . . . VH 4 > rcron iiar _ . 1C OanadaSomh-rn. . 4 S O.S. L..V U. N . J2 Central Pacific. . . . 13H Paclfte Mall- . 1 * t nh-rt 14 PerftrlA r > i. A R. . . ! Chicago i. Alton. . 1S5 'Pfttstjurr ICO CHH Pullman Palace. . 143 140n. . G. IT . IS r. C. . . ' .A St. L. 25 ' * R O.V. . of I - 40 . H Kc I UTil. _ . . . CottcaOll Cert. . . . 1S SL Panl . 4PJH Delawaru' Hud. . I'-'IV Monfa . Del. . Lak V. . SL P. VOnini. . . . D.ilUG. DfJ . Ka-.tTean . IS'4 Pjuthern Erto . „ 304 iumrIlefla T. . . . 107H donrd . IS 'Tenn. tVi.1Vlroa. . vm FortWarna . li TelePacific . ! J Q.Nortnern DM 110 'T.Jk ' O.Cat. r fj. . . SO C.ti .Lofa . H9 Colon Pvelas- . . . . SO7K Uocklrur Vallir. . . IOM.U. S-KxnM < - . Si * U4 W St. L. A P . SiSM < tP. . i Dolata . . . IH W.St L..V P. nrt. 13H K-AT.Pfd. . --31 ; Wells r.irzo Et . s * UkoErioi Wo ' . 14)s ) Vf stem Unloa. . . . Oi tWhcollnr * L. E. . LakeSlore . 14J i Qo p3 [ . 25 Lead Print . lOM'M.iSt-L . 14 ! * Louisville 4N. . . . * D..VR.t ! . 11 L..XN.A. . h'.G. K . SAH Manhattan Con. . . . 3Ui N. L. . 1 * J5 C.F.Jkl . 17M _ ( < ' 'do nfa . IfO Ulotourl P.K13S- . 18J Ti St L. A K. C. . . . < 4 Mob'.luOhio _ 1I > T.St L. JtK.C.Dfl 1(1 . . . OS 'AM Toi Co . 7ifi N.-itlonalOorlirj 4' ( , Co nf.l . 01 - . f'i Am. Tel. * C. da. . . 8 ! N.J. C atni . { " -"H Coral O We Co. . . 14 N..VW.ofJ . JJ'l Atn.S.iTirpM . North Ara. Co . . J > i U. S-CorJiro irtL Northern P letti ; . li' : < U. S. LealUS" Dfl. N. P.ictflc Dfd _ . . --OH U , s. Ku&ly- . L'.P I ) , i G _ . It * U. S I'-ubtwrpfd. . CO t ex-dtv. Tfc total rales of f tc < k toJay were shares. Including the following : Antrlccn To- huccn. i.teti ; liurllnston. t.i9 : ilar.haunn Ci : > tclldated. 6.5tC : Heading. S.41XI ; St. Paul. 1S.4W ; silver certlficatca. .W XIMV Ynrk Jlonry Jlnrkpl. NEW YORK , OcL It-MONET ON Firm at t < rH lr cent. PRIME MEIIC.VNTILC PAPER-Nomlnaliy JO J per cent , . STERUNC EXCHANGE Slower , with actual IrtiMnesa In bankers1 blllstat 54.a O4 SI ( or de mand aivl tl.t&\it.tsl for sixty days ; pasted rates , Jl 140I W and U4.snr84.s ; : commercial bills. fi.h. ! t SILVKK CER.TIKJCATES iJi : . a at HAR SILVER < 5Hc. .nf MEXICAN DOLLAR5"J4c , GOVERNMENT HONDS atrone ; state bonds Quiet : railroad bonds tin" . . Clotlr.c quotatlcns on ct-lJ were as follows : U7s 4 . Tf u vv f ' -Ji. . _ 7 : . ( J. 7a . 11U U. S. 51. re.- . It . t"i VSi'Jd . 3-4 - .ir. . . . . lili -ffcJt. A3. A. U. . . ItMU n.s.4s. cj.rj . 107 K. IJ. 3.A. 7 . . . JIM . . . . Pacific Utot JJ.- nil AIX ci * A . : t . 1DJ ' Au..clmc . 91 luml Union j . . lit ? 91 \.i.ll Gst. 3i. . . . La. Now 42oa. * . . 01) No. P I3ltl3 ! > , - MltMiurt > Ii . 101 N. C.ii . 11. N. Ci , * . . . . . . . . . 107 S.C.aoafaal. ett liti , . ii8H 12- . ' . 1O1 dnC. J ; P. W. . 1114 Trail. oUl i : . 410 'SfeJU \ L M.GTi I. 7.t Va.Ceatnne < . ill > L I > i S. F. t , i . dodeftrrxl . Atctiltou l * . . AtculKou-.M A. . . . * 1S U. P. l of ' > ! . 1 OM Panada SaMt. . . . . tillVi ; 3 an J . . , _ lO.Dj r. A N. nntrifri n. "iff o. it , A ; ; . un. , . io < H4' , N.H * S li . lS offtred. \p v V rk Mlnlujr 4iuntullims. NEW YORK. 4 ctli.TUe foltowlnj aw the closing m 4U Oatano. . . . . . . > nhlr. UJ Hrnouta CoaCal. A Vo. . . 1-sU > Uto.Jltr-r . l Ill Uulex 1lrsr oft. li . 7it Ual & Kororasi. . 143 Unloi C > r. IronKlivcr. Vcllow Jictel. . . . Mexicai . CO effered. _ _ I'orclun t'luaurlul. BERLIN . Oct. It-Exchange on London , eight days' sUht , W marks V , pi * . PAIUS , Oct 1C Three per net rentes. 19' ; 4 * : for | hc afcouat. excaancv MI LoQdun. Uf IHiC for checks. LONDON. Oct 14. Dar sola U ouotrd c | 77s U' Jtr77i 11 Vi OolJ quoted at Uueooa Ayrv * Io4ay at 1MM. MatrM. 1 . Lisbon. MS ; Itnme. MIK The amount of haltfna withdrawn from the Hank of Rngland en hsUnor lolay , S33. m of which in.or was American r M ; amnint deposltnl on balance. 10,409 , llo ton SlorlJ ( } nnatlnn | . ITOSTON. Oei. lCall l ) onn * H p r cent : lime , loans , M7 fv cent CloMwir prteM for Mock % . bowta and mWlnc share * . ATT. AS. P IJViWi . Oatrn 5 Am. Sil r 107 > R4. Ktff. Ill 11) AW. 3o r pM. . . . MVOen. silo ? MJ. . . . M IlarSlitetUv. . 31 l-l > Atehl9T 2-1 IfH Hell T4ephoo . . . Mi lAtehlvta 4 * . . . . . 734 notion .V AI inn r. y l JNew Bn--liwl ( In. . 109H boston i Maln > . 1)5 ! On. Kloctrlo 3 . . Hi C. H.AU Hx4Allo-i-iMlnlnr OJ 35 KltcblKirr W AllintM I Illinois st ei 40 JOe UM\Moatiai MeitcnnOeatrM. . 7H RulleA B Jlln. . . . tH OWColoov 173 Cnlllmi-tA 1134U. 3IU Ore. Short Lias. . . . 1.14 rmnkllu 9 Ruocer. 13 Kmrrrti. . - lo } < Union P.vclfte 7 Oe-M'v ? 44 Wp tRnd fH Outner 1IB VfeM Kol nfd. . . . U .Tamarack. . . - . . . . fl t W. glea. ofd. 4j < ! xrolrvrlM 4 5nn Krnnclnco Sllnlnir O.notntlon . PAN FRANCISCO. 4 > rt 1A.-TV ) oSlelil clo ln Quotations for minlac stock * u > .lay were n fol low : Alia U flUVe.v .s'owroi * . . Tin AlnhaOoa 1 IJiMUee 7 Xrxuuetv Don 'I Belcher 2 Lvtr Wain. MM. . 3 Ilc-t.t it-Ichor. . . . 9V Mexteaa 48 BoitteCOa. 8O Mono 16 Bullion 19 OoeMefitalOO ? . . . . 43 H < . liver Con 43 Oobtr ISO ratnlotiia. J * Orerman 16 Cballrnce Con. . . . PotoM 09 _ 2.1 iSaT.-uv I" Confrieaee 140 l.wrmop CX > n. iSil. .x V.v. . . 17O Slern Sevan. . . . OS rcm. 2 Union Con id Oronn Point . . . . 5' ' Utah COB 11 Rxcbeaocr . . . . - 3 Yellow J.texet . . . S Ooiild 4 Currr 73 Mexican dollars.JHc- _ I.iinilon Stuck 4lni > | ntl < iii . LON'DOK. Oct. 1C. I p. m. cknln ; : Consol .m'v. . . lOi s CcnwM. aoc'L . 10 < (4'lSt. ( Paulco.n . 7U { Can. 1'aciac. . 5 54'N. V. Cenlrit . P4J , Erc . / . 1 4H Pennsvlraau . f.SU KrtrlKttirj . 3:4R { .vlln ; . H5 111. Central . - _ 1 1 _ | Mex. Ccn.aeirj - 4J 4 RAP. SILVER-J Hd per ounce. JtONKY l * f m per cent The rate In open m 'Vet for short Mils. SS4JJH per cent : for three months' Mils , SH4tt14 l-er cent. _ I'lnnnrliilnie . nO.STON. Oct 18. Clearings. tlS.139.Mf : bal ances. 11. MAS * ; . HALTIMORE. Oct IS. Clearings. II.4411M : balance * . NEW YORK. Oct It-Clearings. JK.1W.V5I : balances. Jl.X7.i . ST. I/3flS. Oct IS. Cleartncs U M,77 : ; bal- ances. 17.41i. Money , sfts per cnt : New York exchange , II. S discount bid ; tl discount iiskei. CHICAGO. Oct -Clartngs. . J14.M4.1T * . Money , steady : on call , t$7 | > er cent : on time , 7 per cent ; New York exchange. Stc discount ; foreign exchange , steady : demand. 1 1. $34 ; sixty days. J4.S4H.C , _ C flcc > lnrkot. NEW YORK. Oct 11-COFFEE Options opened steady , with Octol r unchanged and vther months a to It points lower ; rul 1 fairly actlte. with flrm undertone on local and foreign buying ami stability of spot holders. clod steady at 15 to S points advance : December. JJ.TiGl * . Spot coffee , firm ; No. 7. Invoice. Ill : Jobbing , Mll-l. steady. Total warehouse deliveries from the United State * . 7.4M bor . Including tC * bars from New York ; New York st'ick to day. IS m bags , t'nlted States stock. l : .4 t bH7 < : afloat for the United States. 4il.O ) bags ; t'.tal vb > IM for the l'nlt l State * . tl 4 l baas. aralnit MLS * bags la < t year. SANTO. * . Oct 14 COFFEE < } alet : rood av erage Santo * . 11. TOO rets ; receipts. : i.C4 bags. stock. * & < * bags. HAMRfRO. Oct K-TOFFEE Steady : i pfs ; . ajvunce ; soles , II * ) bags. RIO , Oct -COFFEf Firm : No. 7 Rio. 11.344 rets : excharute. SIMM : receipts. II * bags ; cleared , for I'M United Slates 1J. " bam ; for furot > . f .M94 bags : stock. XAZ f > o bags. HAVRE. Oct lS.-4X > FFEE-Clo < J steady at net advance ; sales. 43.W ) bags. Dry G oil . NEW YORK. Oct 11 It his beti a sl.iw Jay so far * the pei > onil demand lxi rm- ccrned. but an Irregular mill order itqurtt for vJark prtnti. choice styles r.itfra i.r d om other specialties took varyl'jfi quantUlm. and. In some Instance * , gnod lots. Sljpt-r ? . f - rver , were slow In demand , but a coud mov n nt wa effecte.1 fmm the mills In the exec > i Icn of former orders. Printing , clothtlrm at ! VISe , with ( ales at Fall River of : i.i > ' - > pieces far th . Oct U-Cloth ami yarn market quiet ; sales hard to make , unless by FAUI. RIVER. Oct. it Print cloths steady at tl c : > ! ' mil probably slightly exceed pro duction this week. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct. ! . COTTON Futures rlo d quiet : sale * . K.y bales : October. n.U : November , I7.K : December. 17.T4 ; February. tT.Jl ; XI rth. K.X ; April. JT.S-V ; May. ti. ; June , Ii.7. Spot cotton , quiet and unchanged : sales , 5.575 liales. ST. LOCIS. Oct. 18.-COTTON Pteady ; mM- Ilinc. 7 li-lCc : sales , SO bale * : receipts. J.eTJ l le * : shipments , 3S bnles ; rteck. H.1K liale-s. NKW ORI.fI.VNS. Ot- te.-4OTrON Steady : r-.lMllnir. 71-16c ; low middling. 7c : Eood or- dlnar > \ 6ic- ICiin > : i City .Mnrket * . K-AN'S S CITY Oct ! . WHEAT Slow : No. ! harJ. Sc : No. S. CfiOc ; No. t re-1. 7 c : No. S , * > T e No. ! prtns , nominally , Cc ; No. 5. nominally. * e. frRN-Flrm : No. ! mixed , S6 = ; c ; No. * whltr. nominally. Sc. OATS St'B'ly. 'air demand : Nn. ! mixed. Tilnallr. 17c : No. I white , 154Sc. RYE I'nchansed. HAY Steady and unchanged. TKR Steady : creamery. 14HOlHc : dairy , tfteilc. fciMiS Uarely steady at IJc. Sncnr Slnrkpt. NEW YORK. Oct. -SUC.AR-Raw. . firm : fair refining. ISc : centrifugal. M test. Sc : refined firmer : standard "A. " 4c ; granulate ] , 4Hc LONDON. Oct. It SUGAR Cane , quiet ; price * fully maintained : centrifugal. Java. 14ja ; Mufcoo- vado. fair refining. s 3-1. I > et ucar. firm. l > ut little doing : October. M 1SJ ; November. > J Whcnt. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct -WHEAT-Hlcher : October. 6 Kc : December. fSUc : May. 7JHnwc ; nn track. No. 1 hard. WT c : No. 1 northern. S7So : No. S northern , SSSc : receipts. 4S9 car * . Oil Clly > lnrkrt. OIL CITY. Oct IS. Credit balances. 11.14 : c r- ( V ie . no bids : no offer * : shipments. JJ.7 * } bbls. ; runs. 1U.4K bbU. _ Krlsjco "licnt. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. lt.WHn.VT-Eaiiy ; Dcemlr. $1.40 aiked. May. tl. < r. TI1I3 lTiAI.TY MAHKKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday , October 15 : WARRANTY DBEDS. Peter r7eu and wife to Thoraas Puls , e H of nw 10-15-11 . J 300 D V Shipley and wife to Francis Dot- son , ' .i acre In nw ne 5-15-13 . " 3 QIVIT CLAIM DEEDS. Edward Prlchard to Caroline Prlch- arJ , lot . blk 7 , Bowling Green. . 1 Total amount of transfers } Si FOIIKCAST OF TOIJAV'S WIJATIIEH. North U'lniln Will IlliMv In \-lirn kn , lint It Will Ciintlniif Fnlr. WASHINGTON. Oct. 16. The forecast for Saturday Is : For Nebraska Fair ; north winds. For South Dakota Fair ; variable winds ; warmer In eastern portion. For Colorado Fair ; east winds. For Wyoming Fair ; variable wlnda. For Montana Fair ; wanner ; winds shift- Inff to * outh. For Missouri Fair ; cooler ; north winds. For Iowa Generally fair ; c/ooler In southern - t orn portion ; north winds. I For Kansas Fair : northwest winds ; cooler In eastern and southern portion. Lornl Iti'coril. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER nUHEAU. OMAHA. Oct. 15. Omaha record of tem perature and rainfall compared with the corresponding day of the past three years : ISM. 15M. ISM. 1SS3. Maximum temperature . .43 09 54 7G Minimum temperature . .33 Z3 LZ < S Average temperature K Cl U 61 Rainfall W .W . 0 .0) Condition of temperature and precipita tion at Omaha for the day and since March I. 1-6S : Normal temperature for the day. 65 Deficiency for the day 1 Accumulated excess ilnee March I re Normal precipitation for the day. . , dt Inch Deficiency for the day OS inch Tefal precipitation since Mar. 1..39.S3 Incbus 1 | Excess ulnoe March 1 S.75 Inches Deficiency for cor. period , las. . s.91 inches Dencleney for cor. period. l Inches lt > p"r from Slnllonn nt S p. in. STATIONS ANn STATn O ? WnATHEIL Omaha , ekar ill Cl North Italic. cUar. . . . ta it Idle * City. * ! ar. ci ! : si u RapM City. cl ar Ul 4 Huron , clear Ml M ( bie K . cloudy 441 4M .M rit. I uU. ctoar , esj ; . ? t- Paul etvudy I < ? M ( T | lUTMipert. clouly t l Sit . ( Kanus Clly. cle r h' , 1 l C.W Helen * , dear ' M' 4M , llav.v ; clear ! i * -0 0 UUnurck. part clauJy < 4i M * ' Wllll ton. pjrt cltrair j 441 , W CalrMtoo , i-ltar . 71i.w _ T Indicates trace cf precipitation. U A. WELSH. Local forecast OfflcliL OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oattle Receipts Light and Quickly Taken Up at Strong Prices. HOGS STIFFEN UP ANOTHER NOTCH t l.nnito Are Scnrcc nnil Ihe rrlnnn Knll llrliMT Timor of Ilecrnt llnyx Sheep > cll Well. PHI DAY. Oct. 17. Hecelpts for the day Imltented were : ( Sxttle Hogs. Sheep. Horses. October U UK 3.1 4s * > O October U WB7 4,7 1.SJ7 October H 1WI 4 , e October U SSK , 1.4K October IS < . * B K 3 , S 82 October M S.772 * . . . . . < J October s : s 4. u S October S l.SB X.B7 3.O7 . . - October 7 i77 ! . 1.41 J ] October S < .SM 4.41 2730 41 The official number of curs of stock brought In today by each road was : Cnttle.HoR ! .Shcp.Hor's. C. . M. A St. 1 . Ily. . . . & O. & St. L , Ity 2 . . Mo. P. Ily i U. P. system It 12 19 n. Jt M. It. H. U. . 19 II C. . H. & Q. Ily 4 S C. . It. I. AP. . fly. . K. 2 O. . H. I. & P. Ily.V. . 9 . . . . C. , St. P. . M. A O. Ily 1 F. . E. & M. V.,11. n. II 9 . . 1 _ Total receipts . . . . S J 1 The dli-posltlon of the days re * lpts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 6 G. H. Hammond Co 46 l.OK wlft ami Company. . . . 7 1.172 1.U7 Cudahy Packing Co. . . . Ill ilS H. Keeker and Degan. . 21 Vansnnt & Co X J. L. Carey S22 Hill AIewls Co M Huston A Co 3) ) U & Schnllor IT Layton .t Co 54 Cudahy Hros. Co. , K. C. 197 Swift 49 Other buyers 2 1 6 heft over SO 150 ISO Totals frOO VS3 U37 CATTLE Today's receipts were light even for a Friday , and the lightest of any day since October 3. Yesterday's receipts numl > ered i 07. and on Friday a week ago there were 2.310 cattle reported In. With Imrely a thousand cattle on sale and with the demand for all kinds good , the trade was soon over with , and the market closed early for the want of more cattle to sell. As to values , the whole subject could be summed up In a few words It was a good , strong market for desirable cattle of all kinds. There were no corn-fee : beeves. In the yard * and only a few westerns. The sup ply of butchers' stock was limited to about eight loads of cows and heifers , so that the total supply of killing cattle was small. The stocker and feeder market did not present any new feature of Importance , the trade remaining In about the same con dition as yesterday. Itepresentatlvo sales : BEEF STEKRS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. IT. No. Av. Pr. 2..12M u co < X > W3. 1. . . . $4 * JITS l. . . . 4ji 1..1HWWB - - - - - 1 Vt TS 4 S5S 2 IS J , fit < 1 * ! ) W 1 * . * 1 M f .140 1 s 2 > 2 25 i . s-v ) 40 2 IK M 2 tt : si i , uw S4 j : w 4 139 2 2 i .MM S4H : MS M i S7 2 s s . a 60 i M 4 es : x i , i4i 60M 1..KM ICO I..JOM 236 3. . . . 'JM J * 1..HM 20) 2..1OX 238 1..11J * 175 3..MU I M HEIFERS. 1. . . . 77 J 15 1. . . . | t * IS * 5..H1S 273 J. . . . SM I Si 4. . . , 4X7 : it ! . . . . H6 2 M . . . . 7 * 244 : . . . . * 2U 1. . . . MO 2M 7. . . . US 2 34 13. . . . HA ita 1..11S9 1 W * . . . . 21 2M 2. . . . 73 * 2 5. . . . 32 3 1 I. . . . W 23 * BULLS. 1. . . . ! ! 2 1..11W 214 ! . . . . IM I..ISH 22 21 * i. . . . ! 0 ten I..1OO 244 1..112 : 4t 1..1MO Z C3 CALVES. I. . . . 3 260 ! . . . . 311 3M 4. . . . I4H SM 2. . . . 215 2M S. . . . 31 IK 1. . . . 1H 325 4. . . . 32 2 TS I. . . . 12 } 1 M I. . . . JW S 25 L. . . 2 3t 7. . . . JIJ SS 1. . . . 1 J 2S 1. . . . 0 3 0 2.V 4 40 STOCKJR.S ! \ < a FEEDERS. 1. . . . 7 2& . . . . . ' 5 S2S 3. . . . 720 3M 2. . . . > 27 $ I..720 J2S 2..SS6 3M 4. . . . SM 20 S. . . . 5tt 3S > . . . . f. J M ! . . . . * * 300 S. . . . STS IK . . . . C2 3 2. . . . Ml SfO 2 . . 123 S2 * 1. . . . S4 jr. S..4W ; > 1J..WT jr. 15. . . . Ml Jli l. . . .TjftJ n 9. . . . 7 1 32S 4. . . . SC S ( i I. * . is 13 5. . . . 74 334 I. . . . 4M 3 J1.V J 20 2..1 2J 310 12..1005 3U 1. , . J' 3 24 . * WESTERNS. ' * NEBRASKA. No Av. IV. No. Ar. Pr. 1 bull > * ) J2 W 7 MOTS IMI J2 73 2co s 11(0 J l * l feeler * W 2M cows S0 215 1 feeder f\9 310 1 cow ISfiO 2 S' . 2 stes I 3 ! 1 cow I1M 235 11 fevJers. . . . iSt 313 1 bull lv > 233 11 fee-ltrs. . . . SU 320 1 steer YA 2M 21 feeders. . . ! 5W 2 heifers SM 2 CO 1 steer ll J 4 tCcuws TJ 2 I * steers 14X 3 CO It Ltsce. ! steers 5 IM < 4 steers W3 I ! C 4 steers 1M2 2 1 2 ferders..l 4 J 13 WYOMING. J. S. Cra nor. 1 ttill MOO 1 24 feeders..194S 3 Si 2 bulls ISO J 13 It steers IDC 3 IS Scows 113 245 John Trent. I f < Jer M 334 1 feeder S 330 II feiers.S77 3 3a fewjers..ltol 330 H. P. rlL COH-S H ! 2 M ) 22 heifers 93 2 & > 1 bull 14JW 22 * II feeders..111 ! 2 M I coos I : JS X feeders. . .IM7 310 4 sirs. tle..I'12 SM 4 > t rs H7 320 1 heifer 3 * 2W 2 steers IlT J JS 21 cows 1063 2 43 4 yearllati. . 477 3 M COLORADO. I. Vf. Rice. 1 bull 1 * 1 CO John Ivens , Scows 226 1 feeder J40 3 M 13 cows > I 2 M fte-ler. . . . . STI 334 1 stas 1114 2 M I feeder ! > 310 2 feeders..I2 3 M $ feeders. . .KK1 234 2 feeders. . . . 75 3 2S HOGS There were 3.138 bogs refwrtcd In to la > . as acitlnst I.7C yesterday and 4.ill r < n Ut Krt- Cay. todays receipts being the lluhteH since Tuesday. The demand was good and the market was active at steady to strong prices. The Ixiyerx all wgnted a few an < l the yard ] were soon cleared under the fret buying. Heavy hoes MM very largely at $3.2 * . with a few Iods ct ? 11M < 3 li : the proponton of sales , however , at J3.10 and H.15 was much smaller , than jestenlay. j I There weie very few Hunt hoes In the yards ' today , so that the top dli not shotr up as well l 1 as > etenlay. when there uere several rlcht Keel llht loads on rale. The bulk nf th hozs sold at S3.2 3.S. as a alnat K. : 1. yester day. Representative sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. . Sh. Pr. U 34 $ 48 10 GS tt : se | i H 7 M 3 15 51 KO . . . 320 63 S12 1M 315 M tl r > 1 S 29 SI J2 1W 3 IS 51 -S3 tt 3 2 * M 32 ! 1(4 315 54 312 IGO 3 2" > U * S 10 215 M ; 31 * 2 338 44 39 . . . 315 W 3X9 48 3 M 316 8 S li 54 3U 244 3M y. 3FA t S IS 37 312 4 J i .35 IS 2H J U K ta $ J 34 3K 1M 315 (3 3K . . . 324 K 237 10 315 M 36 2 > 3 2 * 01 234 10) 3 1T4 II 313 . . . 334 II SIS 120 3 n > 4 M 31 * 32 = 2 10 3 17H 71 2il M SM El SIS H > 3 17H Cl Ml . . . S ' - M .3 * 210 3M I7J 1W J M XD S 3 20 Si 2 21 313 . . . 320 7 * SI. in 12 3 20 S 211 . . . 3 S > I 40 3 20 5S J 7 . . 3 2 M 3 20 d 2S2 r * 3 2 ) S 2 12 ? 32t 20 320 70 34 * 41 S M f. -3 SM J K 47 . . . 320 CT 24i 124) ) 3 3 * ! SIS . . . 320 1 JCO . . . S S < t > * 7 * 0 3 2 X 2 t . . 3 31 24 It 320 PICS-ODDS AND ENDS. 1 IM . . . 3W 4 2i . . . U 1 SM . . . JW 4 94 . . . 15 4 B2 . . . S M 341 * . . . is I < . . . S 2 2 . . . 4M . . . S t SM . . . M 4 3M . . . 314) ) 4 $ V * . . . 32 * I ! S 7 . . . SM 1 170 . . . 355 SHEEP The receipts were liberal today , but tbe demand was Kood and everything " i the market sold readily at tuady to tttone orlcei. Repre ntatlve sal s : No. Ar. t ; western wettwrs 110 3 : 5 W73 w stirn lamtx 35 * Ivan on Cltr I.lvr Stork. KANSAS I71TV. Oct. IS CATTLE R celpt . l.du beadsfclpmtnts , ( ,340 hfad : bt crade > . steady ) others , flow ; Texas steer * . i.r : 3IS ; Texas eows. tl.75 rt.2i ; native steers. .4 tl.7V. iuth cows tn. ] h tter < , II 2303.W ; suckers and e-lrs. n.l83.Z. UilU. W.W. HOGS Receipts. i > head ; khlpmentf. 1C6 i.-i-l ; market treak 5c lo rr ; bulk of sales , U.M-ftl.15 : bvavy. l3.Wfc.Si ; packers and mixed , { 3.150L25 : Ilibts , ; iMj3.34 ; rorkers , . : pijes. .c l.fe * . : market steady. Iambi , i.M4jl2S ( , routtvns. tl 2 S3 60. Vork Live Stork. SB\V YORK. Oct. 1S.--UEKVE * llecetpts. 1.CV * dull aod lower , native tf-r , it ' ta co t n.coui. ; t ii * a.l OICIL. t2.4ftirt.4B. bulls , IMtf2.4 ; dry CUKH , | tr 'Jt-M. cables ( trcrs At lii-Jll : , $ .tiH\ r frtten lor beef at fpnir. .hrp itrennl welrht. eirnH * tomorrow. Ml OM sheep. anJ l.tti quartern 4T Vert. SHflKP AND 1-AMIW-lleCTlptv I.3B very < MII : rtieep. U 4 t . HOOSlleceirtu , ! . S he > . < e.m , t . y SVt CIIICAttO T.IVIt > T4H'tC. To4 I'rir Fntntl r Cnttlr Wrre > f- ff rrril In > lnUr n > tnrkrl. CHIPAOX > . Oct. K-Tno few f t twll e catile were offered to make market , other KlnJs of cattl * mM rtowly at K iwrally vnclukncxl prices. Abowt 3 head of prime Hereford. An- nf ami ether su e-rlor eattlc W at Irom V- lo n . Other nle ere at frvm n.41 to tl.M fnr common lo choice , ami the bulk ef the e Hk- crowed the srale * at from 14. to 14 TS. THrre wa a talr Mocker and feeder trai e. with s le at from t 4 ta U.M. l > < ws t l helfrrs x > M at fmm II 34 to 12. ? $ . Itult * nohl mrxtly at fn i It to It TS. a few e frt halls fetrMn ; from U to SIX. * tth an oce > MMl e Ve a. hut M . . Texas eatll * eoM fr ely at from I. M tn HIS far steers , and western rampe mine > oM at from II W tn II M. chVeflr at from ItiS ! ' 4 4 , Mfe cows and heifer * bruucht fmn IMI to lt.44. T > e h c market w * In better cnrxlltlnn to > day. the demand ftvnrlnr. deckVeH anlmallvvn and r > rles * * r Mronsf to * c hhrtier. < leo were mud * at fmm It to U H fir the ( wore * ! t b t .lm rthe Iwlk coins ; at frcm tl Jt t tl 40 and packing lots brlnelnc from U.U to Mr- . The syndicate t > * ld It 4 fnr llrht horn. Western sHeep Knotty | rrdomm le.l atxl sold actltely at from 1140 to 12.14 Common to prime natives Mild at from It 75 to UM. few vntnc over It. and fee-fern took a trrat many wrvtems at from J1.44 to 7 . I irab * avermced from ISO ta 2tc lower. lth mle at from IS. 44 tn II 'i for poor to prime Urir , chiefly at from 13 IS to I4.X. Heclpt : Cattle. 3.MI head : ho < . JtetO head ; head. St. I. onli Live Mock. ST. LOtMS. Oct. K-CATTLK Hecelpts. S. < 9 bead. Market rlrndy : native stni. ltll I.M ; T steers , ILf04f * 7 * . HOCr ? Itecetrts , M. < * * head. Market * 4 t < Vs tower : Hcht. . ! * * - > : mlir.1. tlM401.2 : heavy. IS 4lsyi.lll SHSKP-HecelpO. ! . * * > bea.t Maiket steatly. Stork In Mulit. Itrconl of rMrtpts of lire stock at tbe f. ur l < rtnclp l markets- for KrWay. Ootol r U , l < 4 . Cattle. Ho * . Sheep. South Omaha . I.&X 3.IM 4.IM . . . Xa M.i City . U.l l * l ! . . - t. Louis . * . * . 2.W- ) Totals . * > . K.4BS 20.2M HKSL'I.TS OX Till : 1U'\MX < ! TUACIvS. StcM-nriN Drrltlr tit i\tviul HIP Fnlr I'.roumU Mcctlnc n \ VU. . ST. LOtMS , Oct. 16. At a meeting of the ) Fair Grounds Ilaclng Stewards this after noon. It was decided to extend the meetIng - Ing for another week. Three favorites , a well played second choice anil two out siders won all the events. Track fast. Summaries : First race , selling , maidens , five furlongs : Lizzie Mnck ( to 1) won. Correspond ( S to 1) second. John B. Ewlng (11 to t ) third. Time ; 1:0 : H. Second race. 2-year-olds , maidens , five furlongs : Dan Huger (6 ( to S } won. Tenole ( B to 1) second. Alma Ilus. cl O to 1) third. Third race , selling , one mile : Nleollnl (6 ( to S > won. Loyal Princess ( ! 0 to 1) second. Overella (7 to 1) third. Time : 1:444- Fourth race , selling , for I-yemr-olds. five and a half furlongs : Nina Ixmlse (3 to 5) won , Nick Carter ( * to I ) second. Doc Turberville (6 to 1) third. Time : 1:05H. : Fifth race , selling , six furlongs : Irksome HO to II won. fncle Abb fJ to 5) ) second. Tommy llutter ( J to 1) third. Time : 1:15. : Sixth race , selling , one mile : Battledore K to 1) won , John IHckry (15 ( to 1) ) second. Formal (11 to 2) third. Time : 1:11 CINCINNATI. Oct la. Three favorites and one second nnd a third choice , both heavily backed , won today's events at La- tonla. Track good. Ilesutts : First race , six furlongs , elllng : Lucy Lee (7 ( to : ) won. Kinglet (4 ( to 1) ) second , Chagrin (15 to 1) ) third. Time : 1:17 : J. Second race , for 2-year-olds , purse , five and a half furlonjrs : Let Fly (7 to 10) won. Lily Beatrice (10 ( to j ) second. Ust-ne- Keglna ( to 1) ) third. Time : lll : i- Third race , one mile : What Next ( S to 1) won. Remember Me ( a to 1) ) uccond , Pufra ( S to 1) third. Time : 1:44. Fourth race , mile and seventy yards , selling ; Argentina I (7 lo D ) won. Daly America (2 to 1) second , SL Helena (3 to i ) third. Time : 1:15. : Fifth race , maidens , purse , five furlongs : Kalltan ( S to 1) won. Hazel Green (7 to 5) second , Buck Fonso (10 to 1) ) third. Time : 1M. . DETROIT. Oct. 16. Results at Windsor : First race , selling , six furlongs : Lauretta D won. Stark second. Long ( Hen third. Time : 1:17. Second race , rive furlongs : Leonele won. nibt-au second , Merry Cliimcs third. Time : 1 : < BH. Third race , six fur'ongs : Tlm Murphy won , Shufelboard second , Coranclla third. Time : 1:16. : Fourth race , six furlongs : Yours Truly won , JcLn Carr second. Billy Fischer third. Time : I:1 : < TU. Fifth race , selling , five nnd a half fur longs- Paramount won. Howling Green second. Austin third. Time : laSij. Sixth race , one mile : Tut 11 In won , Dam * a. V second. S.cond Attempt third. Time : l : * t. _ I'H.NMOXS FOIl WKSTUUX 3IK.V. Vtlrrnim of HIP Lntc Wnr Ilenicm- biTrd by tli > fii-nrrnl Uovcrnnient. WASHINGTON. Oct. 1C ( SpeclaU-Pen- aion * granted lssue of September 30 , were : Iowa Original : Edward Taylor. Moor- head , Monona ; Georse W. Knouff. Elmwood - wood , illIK : , Adiillonal : George Hull , Nor- v.-alk , Warrrn Montana Increase : Peter Fisher , Living- ston. Park. South Dakota Original : William Wright , Aberdeen , Rrown ; Hugh P. Shields , Huron , Beadle ; Andrus Erlck'on Elk Point. I'nlon ; Edward H Best. Vermllllon. Clay. Original widow : Delia A. Blake. St. Onge. Lawrence. Wyoming Original : John J. Fein. Lara- mle. Alt ny. Colorado Original : Jacob Ross. Spencer , Gunnlson. Increase : Theodore Bazold , Den ver. Arsrahoe. Issue of October 1 were : Nebraska Original : John A. Hodgln , Waverly. I ncaster : Richard Richards , Crawford , I > aw-s ; Peter McFariand , Brun- Ing. Thayer Restoration and Increase : J.ihn Riy ( dccejs d ) . Schuylcr. Colfax. Orltlnal v.'Idows. etc. : Ann Kay. Schtiyler. Polfnx ; Csperl , < l , Octolwr 5) Mary Chadwlrk. Fulerton. ! Nance. Mexican nar widow : Jannette Greusel , Haveloek. Linca ter. Iowa Orlelnal- Samuel M. Pyle , Mount Pleasant. H < > nr > " . Freedom H.Vhitnker. : . Mount Ayr , IllnggoM ; Peter ljDoux , Spirit Lake. Dickinson : Lorkhurt S. 1M1- Inrd. Shtfllcld. Franklin : Emanue ] Byor y. Dedham. Carroll. Addltlonnl ( i > p < > clal Oc tober S ) : Adam L Rlckonl. Marietta , Mar shall. Inf-rfase : William Wrlgiil. Iji Porte City. Black Hawk : Benjamin Branemnn. Ames. Storj- . Original uldovr : Annie Oll- phant. Cedar Rapids. Blnn. California O-lglnul : Nathan H. Barton , S.m Bernardino. Stin Bcrnardlnp ; John ± J. " > wli La F.iyette , Contra Costa. Wyoming Original : Joseph Graham. C.irnbrla. Weston. IKSUC of Ootobrr - were : Nebraska Original : John Stevens. Udf- j'cti , Furna. . Iowa Original : Joslah Martin. Bacley , Guthrle ; ( sixrclal Octob r O Halbcrt Har vey iclecensed ) . Thor. Humltoldt : ( special October 6) David H. Fci'on. Redl ! ld , Dul- las. dditional : William W. Brooks. Mar- skalltovrn , Marr-hall. Supp'.ementHl : James II. Morgan , Madrid , Boone. Original widows , etc. : Jane Pirtr'dge. Dtnison , Crawford : Mary n. Toole. Clrrmont. Fay- ette. > ette.ColoradoOriginal : Luther S. Whee' * r , Eureka Snn Juan ; Clement Bunker , Pa goda , Routt. Inillotcil fur Fnrupry. DBS MOIXES , Oct. 1C. { Special Tele gram. ) A Delmond , la. , tpccbl siyz that W. E. Bullard. ecretjry ol the state senate , has been Indicted on two counts for forgery. Thit charge created a sensation when It w&j first brought out , several month * ago. Dul lard claimed his enemies wore responsible for it , and Instated on hU Innocence. He U accused of forging a name to a fraudulent mortgage , which tie drpatite.1 with hU mother as collators ! to a loan. I'.nrtli rinukril n LittleHit. . NICE. Oct. 1C. An car'bauake shock felt at Mentone at 0:30 : this mornlag. JAMES E. BOYD & CO Telephone 10.30. Omaha , Nub. COMMISSION GRitf ; PHOYJSI01S : AND : SH)3I3 ) . Board t.t TraiSt. i"/rcc" nl/ea ta Ciucaco n 1 New Terk. Crr or.i nti : JUjn AIV'arrra * O > WHEAT BOOMING au.l ncier citTerrd a better vp crtunlty for male * lrc money Writ * K. A. ilurrsjr 4 Co. , lUnkrn & Krukers , IK Itlalto UWc. . Calcaco , inemlx-is of th L'hlcaso ll'janl of Trade In coo4 rtariittoE fcr fietr book on Htatlttlcs onj K { cu laihir Information , and Uaily Market Letter , hoth free. Pt'KClfit * ATTKKT1ON GIVEN TO OUT or tovnt