Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY HEltltlTTUDAY , GOTO HER 10 , 18I ) .
Cash Selling Price Lowering
Money Raising Money Saving
The great purchasing power of YOUR CASH will be felt again on Saturday- Our unapproachable Money Saving
Cash Selling Price Lowering
Clay Worsted'Suits ,
An offer which cur passes that
of last week an opportunity to
buy a dress suit for less money
than it costs to make one.
SackSttlts 100 suits of pure worsted made In
Sack Suits only about one-half ay > round
corner 3-lmtton sacks the
others straight front the
biggest worsted value wo
have ever sold It's a reg
ular $12.00 cult , our prlco
Saturday will be
. Frock Suits
-.g *
V /
m Jp eL % _ M $12.75 we consoll-
m s j date four lot numbers
Ji 4S&BJ of high gradu clay
worsted Frock Suits
sold this season for
$18.00 and $20.00. They arc cut In longs ,
stouts and regular sizes. We unhesitatingly
claim them to be the best values In Dress
Suits ever sold In Omaha perfect fitting and
tailored second to none In our stock. It's
your cash wo waul. You can have the Salts
Boys' 2-Piece Suits.
Boys' 2-plece Dine Cheviot Suits I to
15 > oars small sizes In reefer style 1.98
with wide collars .
2-pleco pin check cheviot In a neat 2.4S
gray effect our cut prlco .
Drown Cheviot Suits 4 to 15 made 2.IS
double seat and knee .
The same goods In Ilccfer sizes 4 to 2.OO
8 our cut price-
Dark BIZCH gray cheviot 2-pleco Suits all 2.OO
Fancy Worsted
Suits up to 14 .
Illack and blue '
cheviots at
fj $ Long Pant Suits.
4,50 , 5.00 , 5.50 , 6,00 , 6,50.
noys" clothing cut t o IK made to wear and the price cut
deeper than evor. Co mo Saturday morning you can get better
attention than In tlio afternoon.
An Underwear
Nothing Is so discouraging as trying
to sell Underwear to a customer who Is
thinking of spring "early bird , " etc.
We will sell Our.Uiulcrwcnr
And will have plenty of help this tlmo
to wait upon you.
For Jersey ribbed Shirts
and Drawers a new lot
this week which you
ought to sco the first thing.
Men's brown derby ribbed Shirts and
Draw ers
Natural wool Shirts and Drawers , full
weight . . . .
Fancy mottled , llceco lined
Shirts and Drawers
Heavy finished Ualbrlggan Shirts and Draw- * f\f\
ers tlio best Imported goods JL.\J\J
Medium weight Wool Shirts and Drawers-
Just the weight for now. . . . . . . . . . . . .5Oo
Super weight camel's hair for early fall
Scotch wool , light weight , Shirts and 7 f\f\
Drawers J.JLf
Medium Half Hose-
two for
Heavy weight cotton- 19o
full finish
CO dozen .Men's 19o
Suspenders at
Hoys' Sweaters
In three colors at
Are the correct thing this year. No boy wants
an overcoat way down below his knees he
can't act like a boy unless he has a Reefer ,
Some are cut with ulster collars some with
regulation velvet collar They are the most
practical garment ever made for boys' wear
so we are unloading the garment that you want
at this season and which you
will have to buy later , but
prices will not be as low in
in January as they will be at
this sale Saturday.
This garment Is for
boys 8 to IS years ,
made from an all wool
blue chinchilla , wool
and scrgo linings ; this Is n combination
Ulster and Hccfcr and an eye-opener at
Boys * Q25
Reefer O
This Sailor Collar
Hccfcr , 3 to 8 years ,
braid with hand
some pci rl buttons
and mohair collar and cuffs just makes the
boys laugh It's a gem at $3.25.
Wldo sailor collar , mo
hair braid and made
from a handsome
chinchilla. It's a beau
ty a money-saver and you can buy them
at $3.50 on Saturday. Good way for you
to make money.
In sizes t to S. This
garment must bo seen
on your boy to be ap
preciated. It Is a
fancy coat without Iho fancy price ,
eash sale they arc yours at $5,00.
.Money liaising ,
Money Saving ,
Price Lowering ,
Cash Selling.
Boys' Knee Pants S7c
Wo have them for half this price but this Is a cut on the
fine goods.
Another Lot Boys' Pants & 5c
You can't buy them outsldo the Continental for double.
Boys' Ulsters OO 4.5O 5.OO
It's a great time to save money on Boys' Ulsters.
Men's Derby's
AT 1.95'
Not a cheap Hat but ono that you have to pay the hatteri
$3.50 or $1,00 for. Wo want to make you talk about our Hats
woaut work for four men In this department and wo wauU
your money Saturday at $1. 5 a Hat.
s o6tni-j > jL 90ani
Business Suits.
We are bound to be. the early bird
this year , \V-e are satisfied from
the result of last Saturday's sale
that there is plenty of money in
Omaha and that the buyer expects
a good deal for his dollars. We are
unloading now for two reasons we
want your money now. It is better
for us to unload now rather than in
January , as is the usual custom.
5oco Suits , in frocks and sacks ,
made from fine cheviot cloths mel
tons , worsted ami cassimeros to bo unloaded regardless of
regular values. Long , stout and olT sizes in uimy : of the better
qualities , so Hint most shapes can bo fitted. It'n a money rais
ing money Having prlco lowering-cash selling sale unliKe
anything yet.
Men's Winter Weight
Serge Suits.
Tlio biggest money's worth of the
age In men's Doublo-Ilrcasted Sacks
at $10.75 , Slnglo-Hreanted Sacks at
$10,75 , Slnglc-llrcastcd Sacks , stouts ,
at $10.75. Do sure to ask for It , wo
have sold them all this season for
JIG.50. A hard twisted , smooth sur
face black serge. For service "mid
color nothing better was ever made
tlio/.stout sizes run up to 46 breast. .
Men's Suits at $9.75 Wo have con
solidated three lots of high cost Cas-
liucro and Cheviot Suits for Satur
day all cut sack style which will
be sold at $0.75. They are scorchers.
The price Is $9.75. Your cash Is the
only thing that will buy them at
this prlco
Men's Suits.
We propose
to move the largest stock
of flue , seasonable goods
wo have ever owned. Wo
huvo too many Suits and
have cut the prices to
the core In order to re
duce stosk $15.00 , $12.00
and $10.00 worsteds at
$10.00 , $8.00. $7.00. $6.00
Men's choice cassimcre , all
wool , ' hair line , up to 42 waist ,
Men's fancy cheviot , abso
lutely all wool , regular $3 goods
Fancy Worsted Trousers
O o
Men's odd suit pants , all colors , all lengths ,
all sizes the remnants from our fine suit stock
price $3.25.
Fancy Dress Worsteds 3.75.
About 250 pair of men's fancy dress wors
teds , cut in price so that we hardly recognize
old prices. Some at
3.OO ,
8.5O a/id
Winter Overcoats.
On all this season's fine ovc.-
coats at $20 $22 and $25.
Our ? 20 overcoats cost you. . . 3G.OO
Our J22 overcoats coat you. . . 17. OO
Our $2. ovorcrnts cost jou. . . 2 O. OO
This ofTer will not hold good after Saturday
and bear in mind these prices are made for
spot cash.
Men's Illack rte.iver Overcoats , serge lln'ngs ' ,
our price at thU sale . . .
Men's Drown Denver , fut Rcrgo lining" .
$10.00 Is the regular price .
Oxford Mixed Kersey Overcoats , nil styles , /-f f\f\
* J ls\S
. .
serge lining , sateen sleeve llnf.igs
Black Klyslnn Overcoats , ull wool and trim- o Ctf\
. . * JJU
med like a $15.00 coat
Men's Illnck Kersey Overcoats , silk SCL\O
linings , heavy double warp sotcen body
linings , at .
Illuo Kersey Overcoats , regular tailor made ,
raw edges , taped sleeves , elegant trim-
inliiBS , at .
Kerseys , Meltons ,
Chinchillas , at
Men's Ulsters.
Men's good Linen IJeavor Ulsters ,
full length , wide collar , cut to. . .
Men's Wool Kersey Overcoats , fold
everywhere for $10.00 , our prlco.
Men's Chlnchll.i. gray color , wool
lined , cut extra long and lined
with plaid \\orsted linings
iii.ACic iMinr/.i : _
The greatest bargain ever ottered
at any tale l.i our all wool , raw o rrri
edge , black Frli zo Coat at * - * * * *
$12.00 AND $11.00.
Light Weight
We haven't many to sell but what are left
are tagged so that you can't help buying one
for values unherird of and which are only
given when merchants want money.
Special Notice.
The prices quoted at this sale are for spot
cash. We must refuse to charge any of these
goods. We like cash trading. You'll like it.
You can't afford to trade any other way.
Odd Vests
Well , wo didn't think so many wanted Odd
Vests wo sold n. lot of I hum last \vi-ek
perhaps It was the odd prlco that mndo
them so popular another big lot Satur
day for
And another bigger lot You can have all
the high cost Odd Vests which we didn't
have ncrvo enough latt week to cut In
price Saturday for
The Continental Price Lowering Cash Selling Rules of Business
f" T Corner N. E. If you are not satisfied wilh
VX-V 15th and Douglas Streets. Cor. what you have at the purchased
Ilic Busiest Corner in Uirulii. &
* 15th Continental
No p'acc ' in the city where
your cash buys as much and Bring the goods back un
as at injured and get
Continental Money Raising Money Saving Douglas Your Money Easy B *
r *