Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1896, Page 6, Image 4

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TTTTC mrArrA DAlLiV 15EE : . .irmnAV. nrfrrvmm ? i . isnn.
Whcnt Hoguins What it Lest Wcdnwdny on
a Variety of Reports.
I. < MvoKl Pi-lrex f Hie Hnj' Itcnolic-d
.Soon After ( he fleiiln | : , line u
Ihc I'rleiCi
CHICAno , Oct. ID.-Tho failure of the
x\-vmt crop In India , attended by the eon-
tlnoed enpagem'Tits for shipment to this
country , helped wheat lo regain w'.int It
Itst yesterday , nnd n little ; more , too , De
cember closing nt Ic advance. The coarser
K-olns were not sympathetic , corn closing
unchattK'd and oats ttc lower. Provisions
ndvanri'd to from 2'ie ' to IS'.ic. '
Tbe trenglh of the foreign market was
the mnln reliance of the bulls nt the opening
of the ivhrnt market. Chiefly on account or
thi * Iif-eember opened nt , m advance of
Ue. Inflal trades belllB nt from C ! c to
70 < Another matter which hclpt-d the fur-
theranr'e nf bulllsli sentiment was the com-
pnrntlve snmllnes * of the northwestern re-
C'Ipls. which were reported as being S.7
cnrlo.ids. compared with 1.1JO n week aso
ntul 1.27U last year. Advices from the north-
W " were to the effect tbnt a gradual ill-
mlnlsliment of farmers' deliveries might be
lookeii for. The opening advance was not
fully maintained , however , but although
tjirre was soon after the opening and enl
l > nil KiilifKiuent occasion.- , lots of wheat
for wile , there wete always buyers enough
to pnent a severe break. Tie lowest
prii-cy nf the day were reached soon after
th > opinlnp. Tills decline was due to the
prl-o Curreiil'K report that the wheat crop
promised to irach 4MOOV"W bit. and to the
foniiniii'cl selling by Armour. This feature
w 11 vi ry prominent again today , but the
if.inrss | with which hH lirokers disclosed
li- ! n , in . n en ted an ltnprerston that the
cr.lliu ; was more to break prices than to
K" ' rid of , ils wheat. Hut It was of sulll-
r li nt Inllnencv to f'Uce lce"inber down to
ttl , < ' Then Hie Inlluence of tlie foreign
iv\- , | II-KIII ; to be felt again. Liverpool ,
\vlil. h opened at > < ( d advaliee In the fneo of
j-i t rd.iy'H local decline , .ported a fur-
lli. r i Iso Inter , dosliiK C'lblett showhiK an
nilv un-e for the dny of id to l'4d per cental
fr i American wheit. P.irli and Antwei ]
nml llrilln also noted advances , and ad-
vniu'i x from San Francisco said that Gd
tid\nni. | . per quarter had been bid there
for wh'-nt to no to Calcutta. SI1I : another
ni'i'lv.for buying was found In tlie heavy
evonrt from the Atlantic seaboard , which
ninoiiried to the equivalent of about ( pOOfiM
bu. That Included 1Cion bu. of wheat from
Nrw Orleans which was cleared yesterday. not previously teported. The nrloe nf
IJeeember grndmilly recovered to 70'/ic and
during the remainder of the session held
Bllllly around Ci ! c , with occasionally a dli |
of Vic from that price , but winding up
Btrong with n spurt to from " ( Hie to 70',4c.
where It closed. Among th" other stronrr
rcntures of the day's news was the re
ported tnklnr for export at M Inn-a polls and
Dlilolh together of about 490.010 bit.
Corn WHS quiet and weiiKei. The demand
for the IMS.I article was good , however ,
both fcr shipment from here and nt New
York for export. It was tin ; until the strong
wltidiip of the wheat market that corn
looked like maintaining yesterday's clos
ing pileo CVn l'lornbl" ' re-illzlng wns done
liy longs whose holdings showed a satisfac
tory prollt. May opened about ' , ic lower
nl from 27ic to 2 > > lfo. declined to 27',4c ' and
recovered to 2S' < , c , that being the closing
Oats sold lower on account ot liberal
offerings , also In synm.ithy with the early
decline In wheat. Tin ? close , however
Hho-.ved a portion of the lo s regained ami
onlv a slight drop from yesterday's closing
prices , the recovery belnp due mostly to
nvinpathy with wheat. May opened nn-
chanrcd nt from 20'io to " < lT < .o , ilecMned to
20\c nnd recovered to L'O c. where It closed
Provisions had a llrm undertone am !
noon recovered from the openltm decline
roused by a weak hog market. There was
n noticeable lack of offerings and with i
good demand prices roMe steadily. Tin
close was at tlie top prices. January porlt
closed 12 > 4 higher at J7.SJ14 ; January lard
2'e "ilirhor nl $1.10 ; January rlbn 10o hlghe
nt J3S7',4.
' rCstltnated recelptn for Krldny are : Wheat
"t'i cars ; corn. 97u cars ; oats. 443 c.irs ; hogs
28.0(10 ( head.
The leading fiitiiroa ranged ns follows :
Arl clt't. I QIXIII. | High. | Low. | " cloi j.
Ocl row
70HH (
foin.No. _ ' .
Ocl 24 2.1' ! 14 ?
Dec VR 24 ! < ( * H Vfi
May J7) ) < i VfiM' '
On IB. No , St.
Oel ITS 18
Dec 17U lhi
May -0 U'Ji V'OJIi VOX vo ; .
U H.I n P.- , n ur
Jan 7 00 7 ou
Dee i in 4 - ' . ' ! S 17H
Jan 4 : ui 4 40 4 40
il'ort ' IUIJH-
Di-o .1 ( i.i 3 (17S ( 3 n''H
Jan S 73 3 H7k
( ash limitation * vvrre ax follows :
PlXlt'll I'lnn ; winter patents. J3.KOf73.80
MralKhtH. J3.c < j3.W ) ; Fprliig Fi > cclat . W.SOfi I (0
Hiring pate-nlii , J3.f,0i3.SOj utr.ilKlitx , I3.00S3.30
l.nkiTs. J2.f,0i2.t > 0.
WilKAT No. 2 Kprlnjj , CO\iJC9Vlc ; No. i
rprlni ; . CUidCc ; No. 2 n-d. 71'45iiSc.
OIIIN-NO. 2. simci'ic.
OATS No. 2 , mic ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. , : o\4fj \
Sic. No. S white1 , f. o. b. . 17fJ20e\
IlVi : No. 2. SCc.
HAIU.KY No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b.
I74J37C , No. 4 , f. o. b. . s.10c. .
. . , .
rofl.THY-Market e-asy : turkeys , 7I.iiS\ic
cldekens , CSiC'to : dileks. SJiS'ic.
1'IIOVISIO.VS Mrra polk , per hid. . J0.93B7.PO
Inrd. tier Id ) His. , JI.20 ; short ribs tides , IOOHO ,
} 3.503.70 | : dry pulled shoulders , boxed , Sl.OOf/
4,25 ; short sides , boxed. tl.2Un.2. ! > .
WIllSKY-Dlstlllers' llnlsheil coods. per pil.
Ht'OAltS fnclmnBcd.
The follow Ins were the receipts and shipment
today :
< IIIIU ( ( | < IIIH of tlie Day on VnrluiiN
NKYOIIK. . Oct. 13. FLOtm Ilcct'lpt * . 12.300
htilB , ; export * , 1,402 bids. ; nuirkrl llrm
nml fairly active ; Mlnnoola pat-
eiilH. J3M 4.30 ; Minnesota bakers , J2.70iTI.3- , ;
winter patent * . J3.MB4.2fl ; winter MrnlRhti. J3.C5
C3.75 , wlnt rext nt , J2.30ttw" ( ; winterlo.v Kiadex ,
2.10f(2.30 ( ; city mill potentii , Il.TOfil. ; : . ; city mill
cU'iirH. I4.104I4.W ; mill patent. . awl.ZO ly"
flour linn ; lupcrllne , J2.COft2.7u : fancy , t" jiiw
2 w , lluckvvhe'al Hour , llrm lit J1.C.W1.W.
I I'lrm ; yeilovv vve'styni. Clc.
cuMr ; clonlnic at Mile net adv-iincii" ; ' No.2'"rcd'
Octolier , closed al 75sc ! ; December. 7C&77 1-lCc ,
flowed al tc.
COltN-liecelpts , t.WV ) bu. ; r port . 35,000 bn.
Rpot racier ; No. 2. 3Uic. Optlonx wralcer at
llmt under M rrcrlpm and llqnhlatlon , later
imrlly re'covcre-il with wheat , nnd clo > e'd mi-
e'huiiKiMl to Ho lower ; October nl 31e" UL-
rrnilier , 3I14CH3211 , cloved nt 32c.
OATS-ltrcrlitM. | 117,200 bu. : exports , 4so bu.
Hpot t-iihlrr ; No. 2 , 22itc. Options dull and nomi
nally weak , climlnif at u parllal HWde decline'-
October clofed at 2i'ioj Drcrinber clofce'd at
* Ki'i-i--nrm. ;
IIAY-Kany ; rlilpplnir. J3.MIJjO.CO ; Kood to
choice , J7.dOiS.25.
lecteil Oul\estnn , He ; Itucnos Ayres , dry ' ICc
nominal. Texas , dry , Hie ; Cullfurnltt , 13e. '
I.KATIIKII--nrm : lirnilnek sol , . . lluenos
Ayres , light to heavy wclKhts , 19i > ( i20c.
I'HOVIMIONa-Heef. llrm. Out meats , ilrnr.
plekled liellles. CjJCo. l.nrd , Fteiidy ; western , J.r ! > 7't ; rrlliifd steady. I'mk dull , ine < .
JS.UHi'J.25. uliort clear bellies , J7.WftO.W ( | ; family
JHI.COfl2.W ! )
TAI.I.O\\-Klrm ; rlly < 2 per
Umed nt Jl.ll. Itnsln , llrm ; slrulnrd ,
common to KU < H | , Jl.iiHul.M ) , ruiiHnllne , llrm ;
: sti > ' . < - .
HKM' Firm ; dotnesllc , fulr to extra , 3H < f e :
Jnpnn. 4 il'ic.
MOI.ASSKH-Htmdy ; New Orleann , open ket
tle , Koiul to clioloi' , 29i/37c
Hl'TTWII IlfcclpU. f..0 ; pkcs. ; nitirket utendy ;
wrttern creamery , ISWIOci weBtrrn dulrles , 7' , U
HV > c ; KlRlns. li'o ; fnctutlrs. 7CT1IO.
C1IKKBI-J--llrcclpt * , k.KO pkx * . ; murkrt iUl | < t :
luiKe , 7i(10o ; smiill. 7b0 | > iu : purl klm , 3V tf
( He ; full tklms. : 2Uc.
IvClClH-'Itecrliits , 7,417 pkRS. ; steady ; flnlo ami
IVmmylvnnlii , : or ; western , l5iili > Ho.
Hl'tlAH ' Itnw iiiilet hut llrnii rcllne.l rjulet nnd
tlrndy. Kriinnlated , 4He.
ri.AXHIlirn IIUirKHHlendy nt J4.POU5.M.
MirrAI.H-riit Iron , uteady ; noutbern , JIO.S5W
11.00 ; northern , J10.7iOU.00. Cu ? r. ( iron * ;
biok'r" . JI .7Si rxrhnnit' " , JIO.WtllO.78. Ix-nd ,
MP. ' | J ; htnkcrs. IIO'i ' ; pt.MliK1 JJ 7MTS.75. Tin. i
nriiin-i Kindts. tiil.M. ; I'lnlcs , market
> | idtt. fp-ltcr. flil ; domollr. J } . 013.70.
f'onillMnii n r Trnilenml ( liinlitllnni
on Slnplo nml Knney I'Oinlnor.
' ' *
li'fTTKK-'ortniiMKii . c ; choice to fancy ,
country , llflllc ; uparator creamery. ISCIGc :
KNlhrird cream , lJfl3r.
OAMlI-l'iidile clilrkcnii , per doz. , J2.5W3 M ;
< | iinll. tl.KVLM ; leal ducks , II.Mftl.M ; red heads
aim milliards . lJ.Mfl3.00.
( 'HIIF.Srl-Dumestlc brick , Jc ; IMam. per doz. .
JJ.r. . < bib house , 1-Iti. Jnri" , I cr doz. , Jl 111 Mm-
bensT. fnnry. per Ib. . 9c ; Hi > quefort , ' .4-lb.
Jaii , per do * . , J.100 ; Young ; Americas , lone ;
twins , fancy. ! > i > r.
VKAIr-flioIco fill , ffl to IM HID. , arr quoted nt
idle ; burc and contse. 4Rtc.
rni'tTHY 1,1 vi- hen * . fi'ifKc ' ; rnck * , 3c ; MirlnR
' ' > . . " . ' ,4li ( ! < - ; fprlnR ducks , 7Hcj turkeys.
, . | i-e , Win , dead plErnnn not wanted.
llAY-rpland , ll.r.O . ; mldlaml , Jl ; lowland ,
J.M ; rye rtrnw. J4 ; color makes the price on
lay ; llchl hales tell the besl ; only lop cradrs
> ilnir lop price * .
IIIIOO.M CONN-nxtromely s'.ovr rale ; new
crop , delivered en track In country : c'tolco rrcen
Hf-wniklne carpet , per Ib. . z c : choice ercen ,
' to hurl 2Mo : common. 1'Jc.
S\ViKT COTATOi.S-On : orders , per bid. . J1.75.
TOMATOirt Per li-bu. bai-ket , r.OOC.Oc.
ONIONH-Oood Hock , tier bu. , 35fltOc.
LIMA UKANS-l'rr Ib. . 4c.
r.flANM-llnnd Mckrd nnvy. prrbii. . Sl.iont RO.
t'AIITlAOIIIonir Krovvn. prr hundred. " 5 ! K' .
ni.BUV-Prr : dnz. , Mr ; fanes' , larer. 45J60c.
1'OTATOr.S-Ooejd idork , per bu. . 30H3JC.
OHACKS New Vork. 12',4c.
I'AI.II-'OIINIA CKAriins-KrccFtonfp. 90c.
I'M'MH-No ? hlpplni ; loch.
rAI.IPOUNIA ( IIIACIIH Tokays and other
ani-y varletlr , Jl.2ft.
ACc'l.KH-f'nokTnu. "per bbli.'Tl.iS ' : ' e'atlmc , j'l.V.
12.rt | ; .lunalhans. fancy , J2.2 : ; New Yoik , J2.00
( ' .Vi-IFOItNIA l'UAIta--rrr box , 11.73.
f'AMKOIINIA IJI'INCIW I'rr box , J1.75.
OIIANIIKS Mrxlran , } 4.floni.i.
LK.MONS Mrrrlnnii , J.1 tWl.BO ; California
cnuiiiN , fl.WJ74.fid.
IMN"AN.\P-"h"lce. larur ! < tocl ! . per b inch ,
2.0'iff2 2 : , ; mPdliim-Klzed hunchrs. jl.5on2.CO.
OYSTIJIIS New Yoili counts , per can , 4"cj
New York rrlrctf. tier can , 4Uc ; extra felee'lu.
> er e'lin , 3.V1 ; Htandards , | * er can. 30c : nie.lliinis ,
ier can , 25o : New York count * , per ICO. Jl 21 ;
ler I.COO , $11 ; New York tcleem , per Eal. , J2 ;
MT tub. Ill ; bulk Ftandardi , per Kill . SI.TO.
HONI5Y Pnncy vvhlte , | irr lh. , 14JJ15c ; choice ,
13c ; Cillirnrnln , andicr e-onr | , lOc.
I'IDKIt Clarinecl Juler , per half bbl. , J2.7S ; p r
> bl. . J4.Mf4.7 : > .
MAl'I.K SYIlt'C Klve-unl. ran * , each , 12.7 : ;
: ni. onus , per dtz. . ! 12 ; half-Kal. can.i , J0.25 ;
tiarl : rann. J.1.rn
I'lOS Impiirte.l fancy. 5 crown , 30-lh. Imxrn ,
llr > ; eliok-e. . 10-lh. bnxej * . 3 rlovvn. PfMOo.
Nt'TS Alninndf. California , per Ib. , medium
ye , NY ; Tarracona iiliiion. ] . " , per lh. . hirer ,
i'ic ' : Hiny.llK. per Ib. , > c ; Knclltli walnuts , per
lh. . fnncy soft shell , I2c ; mr Hum size , lOc ; fll-
| iertd , per lh , lOo ; pecans , poll hed medium , ( > c ;
Ke. lOe ; peanuts , raw , G'ifi7c : roasted , " 'ic ' ;
'stnuts , lOe.
rnrsii MIATS
UKir-flood : native steers , 4i'0 to COO Ibs. , C'iO
7e : vvi'stein ftfers. FiftMie : P < H ) . | e-uvvs and tielf-
etr. SflS'tc ; medium cows and heifers , 4' , c ; Rood
foreiiunrtcrn cows and relfers , S'ilHe ; KiKid
f'lrriiuartem native Biters.4itfjr.c ; Koiid hindquarters -
quarters COVVH and heifers. C'jc ' ; Kood hindquar
ters native strrrn. fc'ic : cow rounds. fr ; e-ow
platen , "e ; bnnelccs cliurks. 4r : row chucks , 3e :
t T chueks , 3'4c ; brff tenderloins , IBo ; beef
riills. boneless , tv ; sirloin butts. h < meless , k'Se ' ;
lotn hacks , boneless , IV ; loin hacks. 7c ; cow
l Ihs. No. 3. 5140 ; cow loins. No. 3. 7'ic ; iR'ef
IrlmmlnKs. 3c ; rump hutts. Cc ; shoulder clods ,
l'iUK-rI > rcsjed hrKs. 4jc : pork loins. 7c ; jmrk
tenderloins , lie ; spare ribs , I4c ; hum Miui.aKr ,
liutts. fi'.H' : pork shoulders , rough , 4'Jc ' ; pr.rk
lii.iiMrrr. skinned , f.e : pork trlmmlnRS. me ;
leaf bin ! not rendered , r ie.
MUTTON Dre'sed lambs , 7c ; dresu'd muttnn ,
; tucks , mutli.n , IV ; lens , mutton , f'fcc ; sad
dles , mutton , fi'te ; stews. 2isc ; sheep pbn-ks , 3c ;
heep tonKue's , | ier doz. . 23 * " .
SI. l.imln Ccnernl AlnrKel ,
ST. I.OUIS , Oct. 15.-Kl.orit-.Miirket llrm and
sonic export business , hut only of small lots ; a
fair domestic trade ; patentti. JJ.7Mi3.M ; extra
fancy. t3Kia.K. fancy. J2.7r.5i2 ! K ) ; cholee. JJ.STitf
WI1KAT Fuiutrt. opened hlnlier. but IK-KIUI at
men to decline. , and vverr weak for a lime lie-
i-atise there was more wheat for sale than
minted. A rtport that Liverpool was hlKher
caused a swift rall > . and the miiket closed mi
V' above yesterday ; tpot. nominal ; No. 2 led.
I'imli. elevator. 71 > .ju ; Hack. 72 i73i ; ; No. 2 hard ,
cash , 61'tc ; Ueeemher. 7Te ; May. 77SC bid.
CollN-There was a further decline In futures ;
"thiT domestic maikets and the trading llisit ;
spot , lower ; No. 2 cash , 22c ; Decemhor. 2S'4c
bill ; May. 2fic.
OATS KuturcB were neKleeted most of the
wsslon and the feellnc was easy ; spot , dull nm
steady ; No. * 2 cash. ICc bid ; May. 21V4o bid.
HYK 3. > c bid.
. .
11IIAN Klrm ; east track. 40c.
I-'lA.\SI.ii-Htendy ; 70c.
TIMOTHY Sii-i : : > Crime. J2.CO.
MAY Showe'd no Impruvenient : prairie. J5.COfl
7.00 ; timothy. J5.Mfi9.f.O. ) t.lls side.
COUI.TIIY Market lower : cldckens , old. fr
sprlnc BHc ; turkeys , llrm. M4fi9c ; ducks , steady
sprlnff. C'if7c : neist ? , steady : sprlnK , 450'4c.
lll'TTKIl rirm ; cienmery , 15f214u ; dairy. 9T
KORH Illchrr : 14c.
W1IIHKY $1.18.
I KAH-Qulel ; Fteady : J2.r.OfJ2.C3.
Sl'KI.TKH-llel.l nt J1.45.
CKOVISIONH- rk. lower : Hanlard , mrs . J di-
hlnir. J7.23 l ird. Fteady ; prime Bteani.
J4.C5 ; choice. J4.121ll.icon. . ( boxed ) , shoulders.
M.7S ; IOIIKH , Jl.Si'i : rlhs , J4.73 ; ehorts. JI.S7'i.
I'ry salt meats , ( boxed ) , shoulders nnd extra
short clenr. Jl 25 ; rlhs. JI.25 ; shorts. H.37U. .
IIKCKICTS Fliiur. 3 00 < ) Mils. ; wheat. 35.0C <
liu. : corn. 7S.WO Im. ; oats. ll.fOO bu.
HHICMiNTJKlanr. . ILeOO Mils. ; wheat. 10,000
lui. : corn. 39.MO bu. ; oats. 10. , lin.
I.lveriioiil .llarketH.
MYK1ICOOU Oct. 15.WlliATpot. . llrm
denmnil niwlrrute ; No. 2 red. spilnK. t's 2d ; No.
I bard. Manitoba , Cs 3d : No. 1. California. Cs Kutures opened Fteady , wlti : near iiosl-
llons 'id hlRher and distant poslilotiM
hlKher ; closed strom ; , with near positions l
higher nnd distant positions Hffld liK'hcr :
ness nlxiut eiiu.illy distributed ; Oetoher. Cs .
November , fis Hid : December. CM 2'id : .Innuafy ,
Cs 2iid : Tehrunry. Os 2'iil ; March. Us 2'jd.
e'OUN Spot , steady ; American mixed , new , 3s
'Jtl. Kutiirva epened tleady. with near nnd dis
tant positions li'l ' hlKher : hiiFlncES nhuut cruali | >
dlHtrlhuted ; , 3s 3'.id ; November , 3s 3id ;
December , 3s 3d ; Jumoiry , 3s 2'.4d ; .March. 3s
l''I.orit Klrm : demand moderate ; St. I.onls
fnncy winter. Ss 3d.
CHOVIHIONS liacon. 'steady ; demand mod
erate ; Cumberland cut , 28 to 30 Ihs. , 33s 6d ;
s'aort ribs. 20 to 21 Ihs. , 30s ; long clear , light.
33 to 3S Ibs. . 30a ; IOIIK clear , heavy , 40 to 45
Ihs. , 21's ; short clenr hacks , llKht , 18 Ibs. , 27s
l l ; short clear middles , heavy. 13 to 50 Ihs. ,
24s : clenr bellies. 14 to 1C Ibs. , SIK cd. S'louhler * .
siiuare , 12 to 18 Ihs. . 27s M. Hams , short cut.
II lo 1C Ihs. . Ms. Tnllow , line North American.
2tH 3d. Ik'cf , extra India mess , Ms ; prime mess.
40s. Cink , prime mess , line western , 47s M
medium western , 40s. I.ard. steady ; prime west
ern. 2.s : ; rrllned. In palls , JOs.
niKHSK Steady ; demand moderate ; tlnest
American , white ( AtiKiiM ) , 4Us ; ilnest American
colored , ( Aliens ! ) . Ms.
Ill'TTUn Kini-st t'nlted Stntes , WH ; Rood , COs ,
COTTONSnKD e III.lvei | > ool. 17s.
HICI'MtUiKKATOIl llii- : | . ' I.'oreiiunrters , Slid
IdndiiunrlerH , CVd.
HOl'ri At London ( I'aclflc coast ) , 3.
fairly active. sllKhtly hlnher ; soft , active , l&2c
hlKher ; Nu. 2 hard. Kic : No. 3 , GOfiClc ; No. 2
red , one car fancy , 77c ; No. 3. 72JJ7ic. ! latter for
fancy ; No. 2 sprint ; , nominally , COS6lc ; No. 3 ,
CO UN Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 21H 22c ; No. 2
OATH Slower ; No. 2 mixed , 17c. nominal ; No
2 white , Ih"4fl21c.
HYK ririn : No. 2. 3IVC.
HAY Steady ; nnclianied.
lll'TTKIl I'lHInu more fettled ; creamery ,
14V W15".c ; ilalry , lilfT12c.
KCIOS Not so firm. 13c.
Dry ( ioiiilK.
NIJW YOHK. Oct. 15. There wns n more nen-
ernl inquiry ns the result of the better feeling
In commercial circles , and , while home > business
resulted for Immediate requirement , menu was
laid out for Fprlm ; . Woolen und worsted dress
good ! , had more attention , and tlie same Is true
of specialties In cotton. There IH n quiet request
for Information ns lo values and Ftucks that
may develop Into n larte huslnesx nt any mo
ment. Crlntlni ; cloths int. In better request
with free enles. nnd the mnrket Is showing In-
creiiFeil steadlnei's at current prices.
KAl.b IlIVKIt. Mass. , Oct. 15. I'rlntlni ,
cloths , steady nt 2 9-lCu ; fnlr rnles.
London SloeU ( luutiitliiiiH.
LONDON' . Ojt. 13-1 | i. in. . :'v KHl | Muxlcuiordinary. 'JO't lOSUiHl. I'.inluo.n 7:1 : ?
Ran. I'aiilflu OtH 1 'N. \ . P4i
Krlu l-M I'Kinmvlvnnia Ml )
KrlnlHlDfd . KlU.Ue.-nllni : i-JH 1'4 ' iMi-x. Cen. nuw 4 . . 00
1IA11 KILYIIIl WT.d per ounce.
MONIJY 1 14 per cenl.
The rate or dlscounl In the open market fur
shorl und Ihree monllis' Mils In 2 % per cenl.
1'eorln MnrKeiH.
CiOHIA : , Oct. 15-COIlN-Steudy ; No. 2. 23ic
No. 3. 23o.
OATS Quiet , linn ; No. 2 white. 20 > 4c ; No.
white , ISc.
IlVi-Qulet ; No. 2. 35iI3 c.
WIIIHKY Mnrkrt Ftondy ; J1.1S for lil li wines'ICorn. : . C3,470 bus. ; oit , 9S',150 bus.
rje , 1,100 bu > . ; whltky. 75 Kills. ; whvnt , 7iX
SlllCMKNTK-Corn , 27.7CO bus. ; oats , 18,83
bus. ; r > e. tXIO bus. ; whlFky , l.lui RHtB. ; wlieut
12,000 bus. _ _ _
NUW YOIIK. Oct. 15-HltaAU-nnw. nrm
fnlr ri'llnlni- , c : centrlfuKul , 9 < ! test , 3a ; rellnei
Itrmtr ; standard "A. " 4c ; Kranulntcd , etc.
IXJNDO.S' , Oct. IJ.-Ht'O.Mt-Cane. Utady ; cell
IrlfuKiil Java , ion iHd ; Murcnvuilo , fair reflnliiK
j 3d. llf > 't siiKiir , steady ; little October , 8 ; Nu-
vender. 9s Mi < l , _ _ _ _
Coffee .llnrkel.
NUW YOIIK. Oct. 15. CQKt'KB-Onllon
epcne.1 ileady : Ocloher 15 points hluhtr ; otht
niontlu & lo id points hlKher ; ruled Ki'nerntly ( In
on foivlKn nnd local support and llrmnets u
pot coffee ; clorrd steady ul 10 to W j ) UlU lie
udvnnce ; October , I10.OU10.S5 : Novrmber. J5.K )
DrcvmbDr , 15.70'u'J.85. Hiiot coffee , Illo. | | rm ; No
7 , Invoice. $11 ; JoLblur , | 1LM. UIU , steady ( Cor
dova , llS.OOfTIJcX ) . Total warehouse deliveries
from llir Vnllril Hlntrn , 11.133 Imus , tncliidlmr
10.WI lines from New Vork. New York steirk
today. IIV3ID bans , United Htntm stork , 17.111
Irtim : nllonl for thr 1'nltrd States , 4W.IXX ) bass :
total vlnlblr for thr fnltrd Ktntes , C ? ,1U bnRs ,
aKnlnM 573,3rC IUIRS lail yenr.
HANTOS. Oct. IB , iXHTIJIJ-airnilyi Rood nv-
ernRe fnntos , ll.SOi ) rels ; receipts , SJ.OnO bas | !
stiH-k , 387,000 buns.
HAMIIl'un. ' Oct. 1.1.rorr.nfRlrndy ; Sffl
pfK. ndvancr ; snles. 12W l hairs.
1IIO. Oct. lt.-4OrVKl ; 1'lrmi No. 7 Illn , tO.WV )
rrls ; exchatiKr , 22I-3M ; receipts. fi.Poo hints ;
cleared , for llir t'nltrd Htntes. ! I.X)0 ( ) baK : for
Kliripn , 1000 bacs ; sleek 3 I.O < iO baRK.
IIAVilK , Oct. 13-rOI-'I-'KK-flofed steady nnd
active al l\i)2f nel advance ; sales. 2S , iO baRs.
. MnrketVnn IrrcRiilnr , with
n SnuKlnir Tenile-ney.
NI-\V YOltK , Oet. 15-The stock markel linlny
wan Irregular , with n sagxInK tendency , on n
diminished volume of business. Thr profrs-
slenal traders maintained their control of Ihc
speculation , but sonic commission house pur
chases for ens.i were also reported. Thr Indus
trials bore the brunt of perslstenl hear drives
nnd the ccnernl list was sympalhelleally de
pressed. The market ns n whole was unfavor
ably affecte-d by the stiffness In the money
mnikrts and by an unexpected heavy with
drawal of Rnld from tlie subtreasury under
somivvhal peculiar circumstances. Thr details
of tlip transaction will he found In anoliier
column. The stock mnrkel made an early dis
play of KtrenKth on the failure of the K v-
einors of tie Hank of KnKland to advance Ihc
minimum rate of discount of Ihe Institution , us
had been exported. An advance to 3' per cent
had been considered In the light of n foreKime ?
conclusion , owlni ; to the rise In tlie London
Mrvet , or op > > n discount rate , to 3 tier cent ,
which IH the current hank Iliturc. This e-on-
servallve nttllude f the Itrltlsh Bovernmentnl
llnanelal Institution was regarded as assuring
further larRe s ilitncnt | of i"U to Dili country.
Thr Kood effret Has soon dissipated , nnd a
uecrssion c.f hear attacks broke prices , despite
avnrnhlr trade reports arfeetliiK some nf the
( > cks Involved. The jrentct tiear apKiesalon
ccurred In tlie afternoon seFslon , and e'liused
lie wiping etit of t ie e''irly Improvrtnent.
Th market opened llrm despite lower London
rlres , under the U'ndcrshlp of Tobacco. In tthlelv
toik effective manipulation was iiKaln app.irent
n revived ruiinr. : < of nn ItnpendlnK luin-hase of
ii'lliiR llrms In ippmltlnn lo the rompntiy by
ovverful tlminelal Interests. A rise of 37 per
ent tn 7ii ne'curred on an IrreKUlar movement ,
iibsrqiienlly leaellon took plnee to 7t'.j. The
mil Ilijure was 7SU. Hey State fas ! dropped
i ; per rent to R on rinnoiH of nn
ctual or ImpctKlIn receivership , which elicited
mnhatle denials nf Inside Interest . The stoek
. 'illlel In 10'i. The i rrsMiie npalnst H > " H t
ntis d di c' nes of 2 11 r i eil In fe'iignr and I.e t'i r
ml lo Fi's of n point from the hleh lewi were
evued bv ChletiKo ( las and flenerol Illectile.
he Kiancers and other leading shares s dd off
to 1'i per rent , vvltli St. Caul. ItuillnRtnn nnd
lanhattan lending. The close was weak at
rnrtlmml net les rs. Itallrnad bonds were dull
ml fractionally lower In moi-t Instance ? * .
The snles were J'ill 000. Oovernment bonds
vere firm on trnnsnrtlnnsj eif J43.0O ) . Sllver'cer-
Illrale-i were sliKhtly hlKher on purchases of
The'Kvenlmr Cost's Ixindnn llnanelal i-ible-
T.\m says : The stork markets opened unsettled
odav. pending the dn-lslon In the hank ratr. and
ons'oH wrndovin to lOS'f , . On Ihe nnnounre-
nenl nf nn eh'inne In the rate , the market" rai
led Rcnernlly , consols ilslng lo lOS'i. Kxcept
or cnnsols. however , the recoverv wn short-
Ived. nnd. on signs of trouble nnd fnriel lliUlda- |
Inn In the mining miiket. the dull tone again
isserted Itself. Mine. * vveie heavily sold from
'arls weak accounts being closed there nnd
lere. Americans were str.vlv. Of nil the nmr-
; el . U may be said that Inaction of thr bank
> nly prolongs tlir uncertain feeling. There
vn * n. general surprise hen Ihe Imnk returns
leeame known and the bunk did not ralfe the
rate. It Is l lleved that thf illreelorn will cither
> orrow money from the market lids week , nnd
so make the rate rffrctlve. or will ralfc the
rnte next week to 4 pel cent. The details of
lie gold movement for Ihe week show that
1 3fi. ( ) In bars and t'nllrd States coin were
sold Hat JC370.0CO were exported to Kn > | it. and
hat JCM.Oefl were ( nought from Kgvpt. und ! ) .000
nun I'lirtugal. The Carls nnd Ilerlln markets
wer.w < -nk.
The following were the closing quotations on
he leading stocks of the New York exchange
odny :
AtuhlHon CJ-'IlN'- . Central lu )
AdnnmKT 11:1 : N. Y. A N. K 4. .
Al'on.T II f..1 llJnliirloA W.
Am. Kxnnm l. > 'ijrccott ' linn II
im Oregon Nav Ill
Canada Poclllc. . . . f.U'l O. S. T * A U. N C.'lj
C.inneliSoiitli : rn. . 4.1 'IMclfle ' Mall IM
CYntralCaelllo. . . . it' : I'oorw Dec. A. K. . . l-i
.AOIuo 14 | Pltmbiinr IHO
Cldcnco A Alton. . Ifi.l I'nllman IMIaeo. . . 14.V ,
C..H.AI ] II.V4 He.-idlmr -3H
Chicago ( van oli't U. ( . \V I.
Consolidated Gn. : 244 II ( j. W.tiM 40
C. C. . . ! . ASl. I. . . . W4 HOCK MiuM fifiTfi
Cedo. Co.ii Ali-cin. li'lt St. IMlll ( i'.Ui
rotianoil Uert. . . . i : l Mania I'J.'i
Delawarel Hud. . 111H ! St. C. AOnrm-i. . . . Hflit
Del. . Lack , t VV. . . lo.i . do nW II *
D.AlMi. nfJ 4''M Southern Caeifla.
K.iNlTeiin 1:1)4 : ) Suirar Koflnorv. . . . 107
Krla Tonn.Boil : Alroj. J1K
iloiitil. . . . . . ; . . . . . IS Tux.lHlMclllc
Fort Wiivno 13S ' " 60
O.Norlliorn nfJ. . . 117 tjidou'lCiclhe. . . . !
C.AII. I. iiM H ! ) ' ' " " ' ' ' ' ' 3S
Hocking Valla1(1 ( \V.'st.'L. A . . . . . (1 ( . . Ul \v. st. L. A c. i > r t. II
St. P. & Dublin. . . . IK WullH K < . . . [ . "
K.AT.nM ' - " - W. stern Union. . . .
LnkoKrto A Won ! Wheeling Si U H. .
elonfd il'i pfd
" ' 141 ( M. A St. Ij. . . . . . . * . . 14
Lraei Trim. . . . . . . . IU ! D..V U. O. . . . 10
LonlHVlllo AN. . . . 4' " . < O. K Jl !
L , . AN. A 4 K. I. 14 <
Manhattan Ron. . . . flliH C. V. .VI 17 <
McinuhlHAC 15 I "do Ufa 1)0 )
Michigan Cunt 8H T. St. U Alt. O. . . . 4' '
MlHHonrl C.ieltlo. . 1(1 ( | T. SI. L. AK.C.fl 10
Mobile.V Olno Itih , S. K. U K
N.-iHhvllloClrit. . . . CS 'S. ' U. U fd ' - ' . II ,
.N'-itUimlCor.r-f ! : i. 'Am ' To ! ) . Co. . . 7fl
NatCnnlaionfd. . t < ' i tdo nfd III
N.J. Oontral p.-l'Am. ' Tel. AC. Co. . . III
N.&VT. uU 14T Com'ICiblo : Co. . . . 1411
North Am. Co IX Am. pf.l
Northern I'.iclllo. . ii'U. : | S.Cordru-o ell. .
N. 1'anlllc nfJ ! flt III. S. l , ntlio. pM. .
IJ.I' . .V ( ) m U.S. Hub ! * "
Nortliw t > turn ( I7H U. S UuubOTpfd. . UG !
UonW 14VHI
The tdtnl mlrs iif flocks toilny wen1
X MV York .Money.
I'lrin at 45J7 per e'cnl ; lust loan. 5 per cent ;
closed. 4li5 per cent.
ClllMi : MKIU'ANTlI.i : CACKU-Noinlnully S
< j per cent.
STUHLINO IZ.XCIIANCHSteady , with actual
liUFlnvsti In bankers' hills lit } < .MinfH SI fur de
mand and JI.Wiid.M for sixty days , posted
rates. ! l SI'tfi I.s3 ! , nnd ! 4.SI4.s : ; coninuTclal
hills , J4.7ti < i.
IIAlt KHA'nit-CI'sC.
GOViHNMKNT ; HONPS Finn ; state bonds
ilull : railroad honds weak.
Closing iiuotatlons on liomls were as follows :
Il-UiiC. ' I' . , l ils or 'Jj. . . . ] in ) I
U.S. 4HCU.1.IHJ.V. | 115- ! D. * K.O. Ill )
U. S. Si , nv 111 3U : ) D. .t H. U. Htf
U. S. 5i. OO.IP ' OSi
11. S. 104 > { ( i. II. .VS. A. Il'i. . . . HHi'ii
U.S. IH.COIII ) 1117 0. H.VS. . A. 7B. . . . Kill
' Oi ! < II. .tT.C. Sa .
H'acliTeiMof 'iij' !
. Kll dolls .
* A In. elm : A 1111 IM. . K. , t T. iHt li.
Hill | ilo ' . ' ( Ms .
i Mutual Ualoa'li. . HI ?
N' . J.C. ( } ) ti. 'n. . . . 11.1
< I.i. Now Con. it. on No. I'.iollla 1st ! . . ir-jn
IIM 101
1X. C 11- ' N. W. Coimoli 1:1.1 :
N. u. * & un doS. ! ' . Dili. li. 107 (
S.C. noiifund. . . . 1 U. fi.Vust. . Ituv. .
Tenn. now H l id. 7(1 St. v. CJISJH : TH .
Tenn. noww 3 < . IDS iloR. , vlV. . li.
< Tenn. old II * nu St. I * A I. M.QanX.
Vn. Ceiiinrint 57 I St. I * AS. P. ( J.I. I. 1H3
dodofurrcd D' iToxas t'.ia. IHH . . 1H3MIM
Atclilnon 4 * 7tJ4iTuxis : ; I'.ie. 'Jds. . . . 17
AlciilHOii'.M A : iHS ( U. 1' . Isf ) of 'JJ. . . 1IIOU
Canada So. lids. . . Ill : \VeslShoro It
I..A.N. f.7t $ O. II , AN. Iiti. . . .
Soutliern.ta. . Ht : ! < lN. 1'a.o. : i'U
Ibid , offorcd
IIONtOU StdCli ( lllOllllllIIN.
HO5TOX , Ool. 10. Call louin. fi't7 ' n3r cant !
Ilinu loins. 0 7 par oont. Closui.pnsj t for
tooUH. pj 1 1 1 nl nl'il if Viirn :
A.T.fcS. V . Kil. Kiuo. Ill . 111.-
Am. Siisar . 1(17 ( Cnn. K\o \ : nM . 111.Oil
Am. Huirar pfJ. . . . li.l AtclilHOr Vd .
. . li.l4J < AtUlllHOIl .
Hull Toljplione. . ' . ' 01 Nrw Knxlur.l : Oi. .
llostoii A Albany 202 WlH. Clilll. iMt . . .
O. II. .tu Allo'.icz.Mliilnr Oi CO
Kltchunri . . ( ill Atl.uitlo . COHI
CMI. . . SOW Hoston ft Mo nt in \ B < 1
IlllnoiH Sl'jul 40 llutlu.V lloitan. . . . "
Mexican Central. Cnliinirt.t Hojli. . 3I01"
OlilColonv Pranlcllii . U
Ore.SturlLlna. . . 1:1 : Ki.irairio. : . 10
lUiboer. in
Union I'.iclHc inHi ( , Dinner. ifo' °
Went Kiul 04iTainar.ick. ! , hO
Wrai Hull nM Hll Wolverine
\V. Kloc. nfit
Sail I-'i-niiulNvo T ( liiiilntloiiN.
SAK PltAN'OISUO. Ojt t.t.-Tha oniclal clmliif
quotatlolia f or .nl.lni : wo-j a-i fjl-
Iowa :
AH.i77 Ta Halo A Norcroii. . 170
AlnlmCon lei JllHtlCI ! 3n
Annex Ill ) t.-iilv-W.mli. Hon. . n
Ilelcher (17 ( Muxlc.-\n fiU
IlrstX Il-'lolior. . . . lift Mono , . l/.o
llodmCon fi' ' OecliluiHal Con. . . . 67
Ilulllon ! ' . ' Oohir 140
Oveniinn IH
Cliallciu-u Con. . . . 40 I'OIOHI. , H.I
Cliollar . ' 'Oft Savairu 72
Comlnunco . . . . 140 Snorplon 72I ( I
Con. Cal. .v Va. . . . 1H5 Slurni Nov.aU'i , , , , 71
Con. IniPTUl . ' - ' Union Con Ul
Oi-ou n 1'olnt . CO UWIi Con. UlII
Kxuliuniinr . 4 Yollovv 01
nouliliOiirrv. , . . . 83
Silver > > i-t. UIHt : Mitlui l d > lur .
blilii ilratu , nir. tjlo/r.ip'no. ' iur.
New York Mlnlnu ; ( liiotiidonn.
NKW YOIl'C. Oil. IJ.-Tlu following are tlio
closlnv inlnlur
Dulwcr 40 Ontario BOO
Chnllnr IHO Onhlr. lin
Crown Point fiU MMymomn.Ml
Con. A Va. . . . l.tQ UnlcKHllvur ino
Deudwood 110 UntcKRllrcr uM..1600
( iovilil A.Cnrrjr. . . . . 40 Sierra N'ivaui. : . . . . 110
llalcA ; Norcroan. . 1'3 Standard Con K 0
Iloincttiiku , 2UUO Union Con 40
Iron Sliver , 4' ' Yullow Juclcul. . . , 40
Mexuian 40
off rt < l.
Fair Run of Common Cattle Finds tlio
Trade 'Unchanged.
orV Slock Al . ( Steady nml
l-Vrilt > rN Co n iil'/lli / * 1-Jnnlor Him *
llronU .sMir'n1AloiiK ! " 'III '
Pr'ovtxIoitM ,
THURSDAY , Oct. 16.
Hccclpts for the elnys Itutlcntcd were :
Cattle. HOKS. Sheep. Horses.
October 15 3.S07 4,702 1.SI7
October 14 3.1WI 4,2M 43
October 1:1 : 3. ! > : w 3o .i 1.407 . . . .
October 12 4.3-a fi02 3,353 62
October 10 2,772 3,012 . . . . JJ
October ! l 2310 4,013 23
October S lU3 ! 3Vi7 ( 3,027 . . "
October 7 3,707 3.211 1.413 i
October 0 4.250 4 , < fi3 2 7.0 44
October fi 3,070 1.629 CM 1W
Thu olllrlnl number of ours of stock
brought In today by cnch roiul wns :
Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep.
P. . M. & St. P. Hy 2
O. ft St. I , . Ky 2
Mo. Pacific Ky I 2 . .
t'nlon Pacific System 82 21 1
H. ft M. K. U. K 1 1" > '
C. . H. ft Q. Ky ! '
C. , K. I. ft P. Ky. , enat -I
C. , 11. I. ft P. Ky. , wont. . . . 11 1
C. . St. P. . M. ft O. Ky. . . . 2 3
F. , K. ft .M. V. K. K 2S 19 . .
Totnl reeelptH 113 78 S
The disposition of tlio days receipts wns
i as follows , eaeh buyer purchasing the num
ber of he.-ul Indicated :
I Huyers. Cnllle. Hops. Sheep.
; Oimilm Pneklnir Co M ffi-3 . . . .
The O. II. lliiimmuid Co. 3.M ! 1.1M 217
! Swift and Company 4.i1 1,070 42
I TheCudahy PaeklliK Co. 3'11 ' 2.446 l.KJS
! It. Hooker nnd Derail.M
I Yunnan ! ft Co 112
' .I. I. . Carey KM
i \V. I. Stephens 21.
| Hill ft Lewis Co 10S
'Kenton ft Underwood. . . . 120
! Huston ft Co It
Livingston ft B 31
Cudahy Hros. Ce > . K. C. . . Ill
Other Itnycra G51 . . . .
Left over 100 ST.O . 4S1
Totnl 3.S14 5.401 1.SI
CATTI.I There was n Keiod. fair run of
cattle today , the receipts numbering WO"
head , ns imnlnxt 3.0'l ! yesterday anil 1.93.1 eit
Thuiliiy of last week. The Keneral mar
ket did not show very mueh ehaiiKe ns
eotnpareilvltli yesterday.
Meef steers were In llflit supply nml In
Kood deninnd nt steady tirlces. One buncl
of fairish enrnfeil native steers sold nl
Jl " . The ofTerltiRa were all taken In KOOI"
Thu mnrke * on butchers' stock was also
about steady , and the twenty to twenty-
live loads of cows and heifers on sale were ,
mostly all sold enrly In the elay.
Tlie stoekeraml feeder market .was stend >
to a little cn.Hler. Salesmen who happened
to have e-attle thai pleased the buyers re
ported their pales ns steady with yesterday
but the tendency nf Ihe feeder market was
lower. KcprcHentnUve sales :
N'o. Av. Cr. No. Av. Cr. No. Av. Cr.
i..KM > $ jio 7..I2 : : ji 70 3i3..i3i ! ) Ji r
II..1lfc7 3 (3 : . . . .llO' ' 3 75
L. . . fr > IV ) I. . . . I'M ) 2I.- . l..i.5.1 243
1. . . . 7 0 1 f.O 1. . . fri. ) 2 C. 1 . tW 2 f l
2. . . . or.1 I7S 1. . ' . . M ) 2T3 7. . . . ' . .21 2M
L. . . K < > I ' . 'I 1.-W ) 230 l..1K ) 2 M
S. . . . | IX > 2(0 . . . .llil.1 23K 9..11)22 ) 2M
1 7PO 210 I.,1114) ) 23.1 1 1010 2 S"
t. . . . S.-.0 21D 1. . . . ! " * ) 2 M 1..10.V1 2 K
1..12.0 2S | 4..1012 2 W 1 1011 2 CO
1..1ICO 2 IS l..i.llJi ) 2 M 4. . . . ii.VJ 2 r.1
1. . . . HO 215 fi. , . . ICO 240 I. . . . ! > ! ) 20.1
S. . . . > SI 2 I'd i. . , . MO 240 3. . . . 1-fiO 2W
1. . . . M > 220 . . ! . W' 240 1..1010 2 ! 0
. 410 2 40 ' ' nn i. . 410 2 75
. fsn 2 41) ) & . . . . T30 2f.3 i. . 7 l 2 75
. 7fo 2 40 , 7)0 2. . 1(2) 2 SI
2 40 19. . . M2 2 CO 1. . 2 M
! 4lil 1 KM 2 TO L. . . 434 3 25
. s.18 2 53 1. . . . 840 2
.1220 2 00 1' . . 1.1WO 2 50 i. . . , MO 2 r.o
. WO / 1..IJ2I2 ) M 1..17SO ' 2 CO
.1170 2:0 -.2..1370 2 10 1..1CU ) 2 G5
.1 75 2 : o 3..10CO 2 40
. 375 2 oo C. . . . I ? : 3 fit 1. . . 210 B 00
. 378 2 W 2. . . . SCO 4 ( O 1. . , ICO r , co
. 3110 3 no i. . . . 100 r.oo 1. . . . 5 25
. 370 .1 M i. . . . no r. do i. . . . ir.o C 25
. 240 3 : i. . . . 10 5 w 1. . . . IM 5 25
STOCKKIIS AND Pi : ram-nts.
, . OCT. 2 13 1. . . . S40 3 20 2C. . . . 723 32.1
.1UIO 1. . . . Mifl 3 20 52. . . . 62S 3 30
' ' 2V. . . . I'M 3 20 10..1048 3.10
, . 720 205 ! ) . . . . Iil5 3 25 1I..1HJ1 3 3' )
. . 00 3 0.1 ? . . . ! U5 s : . - . 13. . . . 102 ! ) 3 30
. . SCO 3 ) . . .1014 3 21 10. . . . MS 3 35
' ' 3 00 14. . S2S 3 2.1 13. . . . Ml 3 40
, , 720 3 05 1. . S70 3 25 4. . . . ! K)7 ) 3 45
, . 3 10 30. . Ml 3 25 32. . . . 741 3 SO
. . sss 3 20
Nn Av. Cr. No. Av. I'r.
2 sirs. Tex..KM 12 CO
1 cow 1010 J2 10 10 fpeilers. . . . Ml 3 20
ZCOWK 1075 2 25 12 feeders 1170 3 30
1 bull 1210 2 25 ! )2 ) feeders. . . . 743 3 40
2 COVVF 1125 2 W 41 steers 1300 3M
2Meers 1250 2 75 2eteors 122S SCO
10 feeders. . . . 911 3 10 1 calf 100 5 00
IS feeder * . . . . CIS 3 15
llleharJson & Co.
2dteer 1110 SCO
Hepburn Ilron.
2 liullK ISM 1 7S Ucovvs 103.1
3 COVVB t'CO ' 1 75 1 feeiler 1050 3 20
4 COVVH U7u 2 55
It. I-lcco.
4 cow * ! > 25 fi feeders. . . .Ift.VI
2 Heem 1017 2 23 3 eiih'OM . 30C 3 M
5 cow * 950 2 03 CKFtevm . 1017 3 CO
I heifer CCO 2 73 U3 feeders. . . .1033 320
llfiiry Kolder.
1 heifer COO 2 C3 10 feeders. . . . COT 3 33
2 feeders..1015 320M. S3 feedi'ru. . . . ( .00 3 33
M. Xclran.
Sstrn. UK. . . 9M 1 75 2 feeders..1000 2 CO
1 heifer. 1120 210 40 feeders. . . .1073 2 CO
1 sir. HB..10SO 2 25
7 steers 1027 3 15 10 feeders. . . . 932 3 25
2 feuJerH..10CO 320 10 feeders. . . .1100 335
. Johnwun.
1 feeder 000 2 SO 45 feeders..1073 300
T. S. Stee.l.
2 cows. . . . , 955 22.1 17 covvn 334 2 C5
3 heifers. . , 703
Heel & Prlenil.
9 cows. . . , . .HOG 2 25 1 slue. 1145 3 33
1 Kir. UK. , , .1530 2 2.1 S5 feedera..H45 333
Tallinn ! Co.
IS cows. . .loos 2 25 4 Fte-ers 1107
45 cows. .1014 255 IS steers. 1170
r heifers WO 2 5 7 ( itc/TS 11C5
\S" . C. Ixirn.
2 cows 970 2 M 18 feeders. . . . 9fO
2 enws 9(0 ( 2 CO 31 feeders..10CO 303
1 str. tl.10Mi ( 2 C5 to feeders. . . . ! ) CO 3 20
2 feeders..llt.0 2 75
. Pitch.
8 bulls 1301 1 feeder fUO 2 CO
2 bulls 12CI 2 00 6 fe > edcr8..inss 2 CO
r bulls 1240 2 20 14 feeiler.1023 3 00
& cows 97C 2 23
tieo. IlUKFCll.
1 bull HOO 1 75 8 cows. . . . . .1095 2CS
1 cow 10 < X > 2 10 10 steers. . . 3 20
1 cow MO 2 ! 5 4nteers. . . 3 25
4 cows 1050 2 O ) 22 feeders. . .10v8 3 CO
1 steer. 910 2 f,0
T. II. Vcrden
r. COWP ,2)10 i 1 staR .1300 1 tit
1 eow 710 .2 19 , . 3 M
1 hull 12 > 0 2M 10 3 r
7 cows 914 li.10 17 feeders. . . . 973 3 30
6 cows 1090 SK . . 4 feeders..1100 3 50
'J'.lT\\'liIttnker '
1 bull 1010 3 cows 1020 2 4"
1 cow CO J 60 , , 39 htrs. Tex..1124 2,90
7 cows 10C2 3,15 2 feeders..1115 3 20
4 bulls 1237 250 ' 21 feeders..1110 3 23
29COWH 1033 ' 2 45' 1 calf 3d ) 4 00
HOi.S The re-ctlptHt of houa were Illirml tuiil
the lai-Rcst In uoiur idu s , 4,7li2 beliiK reported In ,
cs iiKalnst 4,202 yesterday and 3.C" u week OKO.
The tihnni ndvaiice'in'valiiHS the nast few days
has evidently hnU.aL.siiiiiulntlnB effect upon the
shipments nf IIOKS. -
After n steady upward tendency since Monday
nf last week , durlrtf' ' which time value * ad
vanced 33IOc. the Inevitable reaction came to
dny. Yestrrdny's Kljarp bleak In Lie provlnlon
market was Ihe Immediate cause for the de
cline In the lidkc . mnrkul today. The Iradn
ope-ned 10f)15o loKi'rhaii yektt-rdny'B mornlnK
market , and an .rufcfiiien Rcnerully were pre-
pnied for the hn'iKf 'they took their medicine.
and the movement yt'n fairly active at tlie de
cline. Kvrrylhliw i\tns sold In Kood tcason
nnd the market chisnil n little stronger under
the Inlluence of the coed local demand and more
fnvoruhle advices from rartern markets.
llenvy IIOITH sold Try larKely lit J3.10U3.15 , ijs
HKulnst J3.25W3.30 yenterdnj. A few loads .f
henvy IIOKS , thnuKh not many , sold at J3.m In
Ihe vami ! way lhal a few loads brouxht J3.33
Theiu were some prvtty Rood llRhl hnss here ,
llKhter than anything on sale yesterday , which
went ut J3.30 < iT3.35.
The Kfcnl bulk of nil Ihe IIORS sold nl J3.15ff
3.20. the hulk ycstenlny beln r nl J3,30ft3.35. To
day's break cnrrlos thu market Kick to nbout
where It was on Monday. Ite'prmentntlvc sales :
No. Av. Hh. IT. No , Av. fib , Cr.
. . .257 M ) 11 10 f.'J . .314 yo ji : o
BS. . . ,314 120 3 10 fd . .2CO Ifxl 3 20
r.o IM 3 10 fdC2 . .305 2M ) 3 20
2 370 3 10 C3 . .347 ICO 3 to
2C. . . 270 to 3 10- f.0GO . .303 3 20
49 3.12 toCO 3 10 GO . .2SO ICO 3 20
13 423 3 11) ICOM 3 20
M 312 COne 3 1214 tS 2S3 120 3 20
68 31fi no ? i $ 48 233 1:0 3 20
57 ! l ICO 3 15' C2 S'lO 2U4 3 29
55 V28 3 K.j t3 232 ( 0 3 20
II 315 3 lit. 17 278 40 3 W
SC 274 M ) 3 15 41 325 ICO 3 21)
B7 S07 120 3 IS 79 209 * 3 20
C3 2W (0 3 15 k3 IH 40 3 21)
f.5 341 3 IB CO S09 40W ) 3 20
M 373 120 3 13 M ft4 40 3 20
42 305 10 3.15 . . . . . . . . 40to 3 20
M 293 129 3 U U J33 to 3 M
31 93rt . . 3 IB M * I7 IM 1 ! A
4 ! .314 IM 3 IT. U 317 M J il
W . . JIJ fO 3 IS 71 . . . . * ' UO 350
: l 270 KO 3 IB M. . . . . . 311 . . 3 M
4 .TK . . . 3 IB t * IIS 10 335
no 307 ire 3t.t : < i : < too .1
M : M fO 3 IB 7 < 33rt . . . 33R
( S M7 IM 3 IB M 217 . . . 3 SR
K K > 3 tO 3 IU 7R 279 W 3
l MS . . . 3 IH4j U J l IW 3 ST.
67 274 . . . 3 X 69 2SO M 3 JR
K : ni so 3 so m MI 40 3K
B3 2M ISO 320 6K 2HS . . . 3 K
fO 2M ISO 3 JO 61 32 JO J
If , i1 120 3 M to IOC ICO 3 2S
M 17 40 3 SO f.0 303 . . . 3 27'i '
ffl 272 M ) 32i ) fit 21 120 3 SO
1C' . . . S M SS 175 . . . 3 3fl
7 203 M > 3M CO 221 40 3 SO
.7 ion fO 3 SO 78 2H 43 3 S3
cias-onns ANO n.vns.
103 . . . 2 RO 2 31(1 ( . . . 310
3 420 . . . 2 ( K ) r. 311 . . . 310
13 W. . . . SCO 4 402 . . . 310
2 SM . . . 3 ( XI 23d . . . 310
B 344 . . . 3 Of , 2 335 . . . 310
C 2.16 SO 310 3 176 . . . 320
4 2JO . . . 310 1 3CO SO 3 20
3 W.1 . . . 3 10
HIIKKP There were 1,847 'sheen In the yard *
and ihe most of them sold curly nnd at Just
about Firmly prlcrs. Itrprrientntlvc sales :
< > Av. Cr.
49 culls to Jl 60
WO Wyoming mixed 91 200
S.VS Wyoming mixed 92 2 40
217 western wether * 102 2 1 > 5
Clioloc lleeveH Were Stroiitt n (
We-il n eMilnyV KI ureM.
rilK'Afin , Oct. 13. Choice beeves were KtroiiR
nl yesterday's advance , but ordinary to Rood
catlle sold Flowly nt n decline of lOc. Common
lo choice cultle were wanted nt from J3.60 to
Jl.tO. snles beltiR largely nt from tl.25 tn U.7B ,
nnd prime to fancy e'attle were iiKiiln held nt
frnm J5 to J5.2.1. The mocker nnd feeder trade
was moderate at from J2.7Ii to I3.MI , Cows nil I
hclferH snld al fieim JI.2Ti tu J.1. > 0. bulli sid.l . at
from J1.75 tn J3.25 , chiefly nl fr m 12 tn (2.75. and
calves were active at from J.1.60 tn J for common
to choice. Texas itcers snld at from } 2.o to J.t 15
nnd raiiRe cattle moved off at from J2.0 ! ' tn J.I.M
for steers nnd nt from J2.2A to (3.30 for cows unit
Trnile In IIORH wns fairly RiM > d , 4'hlrngn park
era lining most of the liiiylnn. e'nmm ill henvy ti
prime IlKht IIORS snld nt fiom J.I to J1.52'fc. nml
tlie Rciuial market was 15e lower thiin jester-
day's lw-Ft prices , with rales largely nt from
(3.20 ( to M.IO. The nuirkel closed badly , with
choice hoi ; * Felllm ; nrnnnd J3. to.
Trifle In sheep wns fnlrty active nt Rener-
nlly unchanged prlcrs. Sales were on a basis
of from J1.75 tn J3.25 for Inferior to prime sheep ,
wc'terns relllni ; at frnm (2ro to S3 , a frw at
(360. Feeders ImiiRht a good many sheep aionnd
from J2.40 tn (2.CO. l.anilm Fold at from J2.75 to
J1.M ; larRily nt from J2.25 to JI.25 , Incbi'lliiR n
Rieat ninny western" .
llecelpls : Cattlr. 12WiO brad ; IIORS , 40.H'0
head ; sheep. 15000 head.
KIIIINIIN City ll\e 'tfiielc.
1CANSAS IMTY , Oct. l.l.-CATTI.C.-Urcelpli.
R PCO head : shipments , I. CCO head ; mirket Fteady
Texas steers , ( ! .25fi3 25 ; Texas enws. SI. ? . * > { ! 2..1 ! > !
native sle-crs. J3.I5 TI M : nntlve cows nnd heifers ,
S1.2Bfl2.00 ; Ftockcrs and fcedns. J2.40ji3.75 ; b-ills.
JI.W ? 2.- ( ! , .
lions Itreelpl * . ll.ono head ; shipments , 40n
head ; market weak. IflWlSe lower : hulk of Fairs. i3.25 : hen vie * . J2 9. . ? 3.20 : pnckcr * . Jl.efifi3.r. :
mixed. J3.COff3.30 ; IlKlits. J3.25U3.40 ; Yoikers ,
J3 2A47 3.3.1 ; plRS. J3.COi3.20.
SIIKKC llecelpt * . 10 IKK ) ! iend : shlpmsnti , 41.1
hem ) : mniket steudy ; Inmhs , J3.00i7l.0i ) ; muttons.
J 1.7057 2. 60.
SI. l.oulH Live Sliielt.
ST. I.OlfIS , Oct. 1.1. CATTI.IJ-Uecelpt * . 6. < oo
head ; market steady ; native shipping steels ,
> n fO 4 75 ; Te\ns steers , (2 40fI3.rn.
HOCH HrcelptB. 8500 head : market 10 ? lower :
llBht , t3.10J73.25 ; mixed. J2. ! 'if3.M ; heavy. 13.0,1
. .
HHKKC Itecelpt * . 3.0WI head ; market steady.
Ni'iv Yeirk Ilve > Sfnelc.
Ni-rxv YOIHC. Oct. i-itiivis-nrreiit : |
none ; no tnidbiK ; culden ipiote American steers
at lu flUHc. dressed welKhts : sluci | at KliMli-
ilrciFed vvelRhts ; rcfrlgrrnlor beef nl ! > * JST4c ; no
export * .
lioas HecelptH. 3.27.1 head ; firm at J3.75ftl.l5
SlueU In Sluhl.
lleconl of lecelptn of live stock nt tlie four
principal markets for ThuiMlay , Oclnber 15. 1'W , :
CattleHOKS. . Sheep.
South Omaha . 3501 4 ( B2 l.47
. . .
Knnsas City . s.tieo H.imo lo.ono
St. l.iiulH . C.tOO S.500 3.K <
Totals . 2JI.M1 C7.152 29,817
KT. I/iriS. Oct. I ! . CorniN-iJulet ; 1-lCc
o\ver : mlddllnK. 7 B-lCc ; Fates , 233 bales ; receipts
3,4."i8 ' bales ; shipments , tW bale-s ; stock. 22.9 4
> ales.
NI\V YOIIK. Oct. 15.-rOTTON-Kutnres
- steady ; snles . , 1C.1.0CO bales ; October. J7..V ;
S'nvetrl't ' r. J7.61. IM-cnd > er. 17 75 ; January. J7.SC
l-Vhniary , J7.D2 : March. J7. ! ' ; Anrll. JS ; May'
'U.OI June. ( K.07
: : middling. 7 15-Ifc ; net re
ceipts. 3.332 hales : Rro > s receipts. I2.SCI hairs
NIJW OUI.KAN.S. Oct. 15. COI-ro.V-ejiilct :
73-lCc ; low mltl'l'lnc. 7c : good oi.llnary. CJjc.
Toledo < iriiln.
TOLiiO. Oct. 15. WHCAT HlKher : nrm ; No.
2 red. 75ie ; Di'ceinber , 7S'se : May , 7l3ie.
COIIN Dull ; steady ; No. 2 mixed. 24 ic.
OATS Dull : Fteady : Nn. 2 mixed. 19'ie.
CLViil : sm-rn-Stcady ; prime Oetober. J5.f,0
MIiineiiollHVbenl | ,
> IINNIACOLIH. oet , 1.1. wuiAT-Quiet ; oe-
iober. ( .7c ; Deeember , G7"jc ; on trnelc. No 1
mrd , GT'.ie ; No. 1 northern , esc ; No. 2 northern
Clc ; receipts , t09 cnrs.
Oil CIl.v Mill-lift.
OIL CITY. Oet. l.l.-Cre lit balance * . II.II ,
certlllcntes , no bids or offers ; t-lilpnicnls. ts.nri
bids. ; runs , 103.450 bids.
Frlm-n Wlient.
KAN KIIANOIS(1 > Oct. 15. WIIICAT Stronc-
necember. J1.3JH ; May , Jl.30'4.
IliUl.lN. : Oct. 15.-ixchatiRe on Ixindon. right
days' slKht. M marks 3514 pf .
I'AHIH , Oct. 15. Tlnee per cent rentes. lOf 35c
for Ihe account ; exchange on Ixindon. 25f 15c
for checks.
IXJNDON. Oct. 15. The Hank of nngland'n
rate of dlHcnunt remains unchuliRed nt 3 per cenl.
Hold nt llnenns Ayres , 181 ; Ma. . Ill I. t'J.15 ; Lisbon
33V4 ; Home. lOG.'jO. The amount of bullion Rene
Into the Hunk of Knulnml on balance today.
23,000. _ .
t'MimnclnliileN. .
HOSTON. Oct. 15.-Cleailngs. JI4:3,120 ( ! ; bal
ances , Jl,432,913.
UAI/riMOUl ! . Oct. 13.-Clearlnc , J2.2C2.359 :
balances , JMI.205.
NHW YOHIC. Oct. 15. ClrarlnK * . Iti5.7 ! > ,340 ;
Inlnnres , J5,450.r,9l.
I'lllI.ADKl.l'llIA. Oct. 15. Clearing * . S10.022.-
.V. ; hnlaiices , Jl.527,014.
ST. I.O11IS. Oct. 15. fllrarlnRS. J3.500.SSO ; 1ml-
nnces. J27I.255. Money , Oils per cent : Nrw Yoik
exchange , JI.25 discount hid ; $1 discount asked.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 15. The treasury today
loft J742.200 In Rold coin nnd J32.200 tn liar * , which
leaves Ihe true amount of the reserve. JI22.C5C-
CHICAOO. Oct. 15.-ClenrlnRi , J14,709.7C ;
money , steady ; on I'nll , Cft7 per cent ; on time. 7
per cent ; New York exchange * , Jl discount ; for-
elKH rxrhniiKC , weaker ; demand , JI.HV. ; ttxty
days. Jl.SO-n.
Drum CorpH Out on I'nriiile ,
Tlio Contlnenlitl Drum corps wrenaded
The Heo last night nnd Rnvo n eoupie of
U'ctloiiH with life nnd ilrum , nccumpnnled
with other "cffeets , " In nn mlmlrable niiin-
ner. The orKiinlzallou is : i new one nnd
In composed of young ; men living In the
SevenUi wnril. The eorpo numbcrH tweiity-
HCVUII members. After p.iraeiiK : the HtreetH
tliu corps attended t lie muss meeting held
nt the lloyil theater , which WIIH aililresHcil
by Senator AlllHon ,
.Yeliriihku IM I'roinlHeil n Fnlr Invllli
> 'orlli tii | AYext 'VYIiiilN. '
WASHINGTON , Oct. 15 , The forecnxl
for Friday Is :
Kor Nebniskn , Iowa and Kansas Fair ;
north to west winds.
For Colorado nml Wyoming Fair ; warm
er ; light , variable wlndx.
For South Dakota Fair ; west winds.
For Montana Fair ; llg'.it , variable winds.
For Missouri Generally ralr and ullahtly
uooler ; llglit to frenli north winds.
OMAHA , Ocl. 1.1 Omitna record of tem
pera turu and rainfall compared with the
ccrrespomllnK clay of the pnst tlirce years :
IS'JC. ISM. 1K-.II. 1S-J3.
Mnxlmum temperature. . . Ii3 K'.t M n
Minimum tcniperalure. . . 41 f > : l Ki K
Average lemperature .11 fil Ci CI
Rainfall 00 , OJ .CO .0)
Condition of temperature and precipita
tion at Omaha for the day anil slncu March
I. W-n :
Normal temperature for tlio day fa
Kxcecs for the day l
Accumulated exeexs since .March 1 27
Normal precipitation for the day. . .OS Inch
Deficiency for thu day OS Inch
Total iireclpltallnn since Mar. 1..30.83 Inches
Kxccss since ? March 1 3.83 Inches
Dfllcleucy eorrcHp'tf period IMlj. . S.M Inches
Doliclency corresp'g porloil Itai. . 14.CO Inches
from SInlloiiM nt H p. in.
Omaha , clear Cl | .00
North 1'latte , clear ui72 \ . ( * )
Halt I.aku C'lty. clc-ur 72 | Ml
cltar fit' ' .M
flaidd City , part cloudy. W ,0i (
Huron , cloudy f i , i
ChlcuKO , part cloudy. . . . CO .OJ
HI. IxillIn , clear 74 . ( k' '
Kt. Caul , clear KW \
Davenport , clear 701 .U )
KnnpiiH City , clear 701 . (
llt-le-im , purl cloudy C4 | .U )
llavie , clear w ; , .w
llUinuick , clear
Wllllilon , part cloudy. . . .
L. X. WELSH , Local Korccatt Oflklul.
The following proposed Amendment * to thri i
Constitution' of the Stale of Ncbrnelm , n * '
hereinafter set forth In full , ate submitted I
to this electors of tUc Stnte of Ncbrnskn , to
bo votctl upon at the Kcnurnt dr-cltcr. to beheld
held Tuesday , N'ovctnbcr 3 , A. 1) . 1SSO :
A Joint resolution proposing ; to amend
sections tw (2) ( ) , four (4) ( ) . .Mid five (6) ( ) . of
nrtlclo six (6) ( ) of the Constitution of Iho
Statu of Nebrns1 < n , relating to number cf
judges of thu supreme court nnd ihctr term
of olllce.
Uo It resolved and enacted by the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska :
ileetlon 1. That section two (2) ) of article
nix ( fl ) of the Constitution of the Stntc of
Nebraska be amended so ns to road as fol
lows :
Section 2. The supreme court shall until
otherwise provided by law , consist of live
(5) ( Judges , a majority of whom slmll bo
necessary to form n quorum or lo pro-
nuunco n decision. II shall have ! original
Jurisdiction In cases relating to lovenno.
civil e-ases In which the state shall be a.
parly , mandamus , quo wairnnlo , hnbe-ns
eorpus , and such nppellato Jurisdiction , as
may bo provided by law.
Section 2. That section four (4) ) of article
six ( fi ) of the Constitution of the slnto of
Nebraska , be nmeneleil so ns to rend ua fol
lows ;
Section 1. The Judges of the r uremn
court shall be elected by the elrcturn of
the state at large' , and their term nf olllee ,
except as hereinafter provided , shall be for
a period of not less than live ( .1) ) ycnrs ns
the legislature may preM-rlho.
Section 3 That section live ( S ) nf nrtlelo
six ( fd of the Constitution of Ihc State of
Nebraska , be amended lo read an follows :
Section ! i. At the llrst general election to
bo held In the year I'M. there shall be
elected I wo Juilues of the supreme court
one' of whom shall be elected for u term nf
two (2) ( ) years , one for the term of four ( I )
years , and at eneh general election there
after , there shall be oltclnl niu > .IndRo of
the supreme court for the term of live ( S )
yenrs , unless otherwise provided liy law ;
Provided , Thai the Judges of the suptemo
court whose terms hnve not expired at the
lime of holding the general election of IS'C.
shall continue lo hold their olllce lor the
remainder of the term for which the'y
were respectively eomm ! sloned.
Approved March in , A. D. 1V03.
A Joint resolution proposing nn amend
ment to section thirteen (13) ( ) of nrllclo six
of the Constitution of the Stale of Nebraska ,
relating to compensation of supreme and
dlxtrlct court Judges.
He It resolved by the l cglslnttirc of the
Stnte of Nebraska :
Section 1. That secllon thirteen (13) ( ) of
artlclo six ( fi. ) of the Constitution of the
Stulc of Nebraska be mutinied o as to
read as follows :
Se'c. 13. The judges of the supreme nnd
district courts shall receive for their ser
vices such compensation as may be pro
vided by law , payable nunrterly.
The legislature shall t Its Ilr.'t session
after the ndrotlon o , ' Ihls ninendment ,
three-fifths of the m.vtjors electe-d teach
< -ach house concurring stnbllsh their
-ompensatlon. The -
romf-nsuttmi so es
tablished shall not be chain : , i .ijieiicr I ban
once In four years and in n. wen ! unless
two-thirds of the members < ) > oteil U uiittll
house of the legislature eoncuv therein.
Approved March .TO , A. 1) . ISA'
A Joint resolution proposing to amenJ
icctlon twenty-four (21) ( ) of nrtlcft nvc ,5) )
if Ihe Constitution of the Plate of NMirnskn.
elating to compensation of the officers ot Ihc
execullvu department.
Ho It resolved and enacted by the I ocls-
laiure 01 me otnio 01 .NeiiraMtn :
Secllon 1 That section twenty-four (20 (
of article Mvo ( C. ) of the Constitution of
the State of Nebraska bo amended to rend
us follows :
Section 21. The olllcers of the executive
department of the state government shall
receive 1I 1 for their services a compensation
1I to I be established by law , which shall be
neither Increased nor diminished during
the I term for which they shall have been
commissioned nnd they shall not receive
to their own use any fees , costs. Interests ,
upon public moneys In their hands or
under their control , peiqulsites of olllee or
olher compensation , and all fees thrit may
1I hereafler 1 be payable by law for services
performed by an olllcer provided for In
thl' "lo shall be paid ill advance. Into
the stnto Ire-usury. The legislature shall
at Its first session after the adoption ot
this I amendment , three-fifths of the mem
bers elected to cacli house of the legisla
ture I concurring , establish the salaries of
the I oltlcers named In this article. Tie ;
compensation so established shall not Lo
changed ofleiier than once In four yorir.i
nnd In no went unless two-third ! ! of the
members elected to each house of the leg
islature concur therein.
Approved March 29. A. P. 1K05.
A Joint resolution proposing to amend
section ono (1) ( ) of artlclo six (0) ( ) of the Con
stitution of the .State of Nebraska , rcliillng
lo judicial power.
Be II resolved and enacted by the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section one (1) ( ) of article
six ( ( G ) of the Constitution of tin- State of
Nebraska be amended to read ns follows :
Section 1. The judicial power of this state
shall bo vested In a supreme court , dis
trict courts , county courts , justices of the
peace , police magistrates , and In such
other courts Inferior to the supreme court
as may be created by law In which two-
thirds of the members elected to each house
Approved March 2n , A. D. 1S93.
A joint resolution proposing to amend nec-
'lin eleven (11) ( ) of artlclo six ( C ) of the
Constitution of the Stole of Nebraska , re
lating to Increase In number of supreme
and districtcourl * Judges.
He It resolved nnd enacted by the Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section eleven (11) ( ) of nrtl
clo six ( C ) of the Constitution of tlie State
of Nebraska bo amended to read as fol
lows :
Section 11. The legislature , whenever Iwo-
thirds of thu members elected to eacli house
shall concur therein , may , in or after the
year ono thousand eight hundred and
ninety-seven and not oftener than once In
every four years , Increase the number of
fudges of supreme and district courts , and
the Judicial districts of the state. Such
.llstricts shall bo formed of compact lerrl-
iorv , nnd bounded by county lines ; and
sucn Increase , or any chnngo in the
boundaries of n dlsttlct , shall not vacate
the ofllco of nny Judge.
Approved March 30 , A..D. , 1S > 33.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section six ( G ) of artlclo one (1) ( ) of thu Con
stitution of the State of Nebraska , relating
to trial by Jury.
Ho 11 resolved nnd enacted by the Leg-
Udaturo of tlie Htitte of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section six ( C ) , article ono
(1) ) of the Constitution of the Htalo of Ne
braska be amended to read us follows :
Suction 0. The right of trial by jury shall
remain Inviolate , but the le > glHlatuio may
provide that In civil actions five-sixths of
the Jury may render a verdict , and the
legislature by also authorize trial by a
Jury of a less number limn twelve men ,
In courts Infe ior lei tlio district court.
Approved March K ) , A , L ) . ,
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section ono (1) ( ) of article flvo ( li ) of the Con-
stltulion of Nebraska , relating to olllccra of
the executive department.
Ho It resolved and enacted by the Leg-
islalitro of the Ktiito of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section one (1) of nrtlclo
five ( B ) of the Constitution o , the hliito
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol-
' "
"section 1. Tlio exee-utlvo department shall
cotiHul of governor. euMinniKov > 'rnar.
secretary of state , auditor of public ac
counts treasurer. superlnlcndenl of public
Itmtruc'tlon , attorney Keiioral. commissioner
of public lands and buildings , and thruo
railroad commissioners , each of whom , ex-
cent the said railroad commissioners , shall
hold his olllco for u term of two years ,
from the llrsl Thursday after the llrst
Tuesday In January , after h s election ,
and until his successor Is elected and quali
fied iach railroad commissioner nhiill
hold his olllco for n term of threw years ,
beginning on the first Thnrueliiy after tha
flrot Tuesday In January after his election ,
and until his UHCccxsor In elected nnd quali
fied ; Provided , however. Thai at the first
general election held after the adoption
of this amendment Ihere shall be tdcotcd
tlirco railroad commissioners , ono for Iho
period of one year , one for the period of
two years , and ono for the period of ihrco
years. The governor , secretary of stale ,
auditor of public accounts , nnd treasurer
uli u 1 1 resldo nt the cupllol during their
tenn-nf ofllce ; they shall keep the public
records , books and papers there , and shall
perform such dutlcu uv may bo required by
Approved March 20 , A. V. , U93.
A. Joint resolution proposing to amend co-
lion In ciity olx (2 ( ( ! ) of nrtlcln five ( D ) of th
r'onHiltutlon of I lie Stale of Nchrniki , ilinlU
! ui : Mm nnmlirr of c.vectitlvo ntnio oniccr .
Ho II ti'xolvcil nml enn Mc < l by ihotg \ *
Isifiltire of thf Rttilf of NohrnnKn :
Section 1 Tlint m-rlloti twenty-six ( M ) of
nitle'lo live ir. of th , . CciMMItutUin of Iho
fltnto of NfliruHliti be air ended to irciul n
Serllcn ! C No other
executive Mule ? ofH-
eorn ixcept ? thoie mimed In proIon ! onei ( I )
of this nrllclei shall be created , except by
nn net of the legislature which is con
curred In by not less than tliiee fourth ! !
of tliu members elected to each hous *
thereof ;
PioIded , Tlint nny olllee created by nn
act ot the legislature tuny bo abolished by
the legislature , two-thirds of the mcmbeia
elected tn cnch ho'iso thereof concurring.
Appt'ived March 30 , A. O. . lSi.
A Joint revolution proposing to Amend
icrttoii nine ( ! > ) of article eight ( S ) of the
Constitution ot the State of NebrnnUn , pro
viding for tlio Investment of thu permanent
ftinils of the Htntc.
llo It rcMilve'd ami clinolPil by the Leg-
iNliituro of the Stnte of NehritpUu :
Section I. Tlmt M-i'tlon nlno if > > of nrticlo
Misht IS ) of the Constitution of the Slnto
of Nebraska bo nnieniUil to vcail ns fof-
lows ;
Koethiii o. All fniula brlonpltiK to the ntnto
for ciluctitionul pnrpo.Hos. the Interest uiul
Income \vh < roof re to foe used , ahull
tie deemed trust f.tmls held liy the slnte.
and Ihe Biatti HhiMi mimdy nil lessen there
of thut jniiy In nny manner ncrrue. EO that
the Mime nl all renuln forever Invlolnto
uuU umlln-.lulshed , n-.ul sii.'l ! not he In
vested or loured cv.jit 0:1 : Vnllod Stnten
or suite secuflilco. < .r icKlstereil county
foomls or rcRlrtereil t-'moi diiitlct bonds
ot this stalo. and Milch findu. : with the
Inter-tot aiul Income th-ivof me hereby
solemnly plrdRrd for the purposes for
uhlrli they arc Ki'nntcd nnd not apart and
lmll not be tr.iiiai'eiiod to any other fund
for other UKCSJ
Provided. The board created by pr-etlon
1 of this artl'-lo Is empoweted to Hell from
tlmo to time aiiy of the Keoiiiltlcn hcloiiK-
IIIK to the iiernmi.ont rohool fun. I and In
vest the pioecedn arising therefrom In any
of the securities eiinnii rated In this sre-
llon bcnilni ; a higher rate of Intereiit ,
whenever an opportunity for better Invent *
inent IH presented ;
And provided further. That when nny
warrant upon the mate treasurer rciu
larly Issued In pursitiineo of an npiiroprln *
tlon by the IcKtolntnre and secured by tha
levy of n tax for Its payment , shall bo
priMictitcd to the stnt < - ironniirer for pny
inent. and there shall not be any money
In the proper fund to pay Mich warrant ,
Iho board created by Hcettnn 1 of thin arti
cle may direct the stale treasurer to pay
the amount duo on tmch warrant from
moneys In his hands licloiiRltiK to the per-
" . " " . ' . ' ' 'l1 ' . .T1"1.fllml ! ° f HIP Mate , ami ho
nhiill hold sild : wnrnint aa an Investment ,
of raid I'erminieut Hclinol fuml
Approved .March 2a. A. 1) . , ISM.
A joint resolution piopoalnR nn ntncml-
mcnt to the Constitution of the Stnte ot
Nebraska by nililltiR a new section to nrtHo
tvvelvu (12) ( ) of .said constitution , to bo nuin-
brrcd section two ( i ) . iclntlvo in the nicrK-
Ins of the government of elte ! of the
metropolitan class nml the government of
the counties wherein such cities nro lo-
lie It resolved at'd enacted bv the LcK-
l.ilatnro of the State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That iirll-le twelve ( IS ) of tha
Coiifltllntlou of the Ktato of Nobrnnka bo
amended by addliiK to wild article n new
Hectlon to be numbered section two ( ! i ) . to
rend nn follows :
Section 2. The Koverumrnt of nny oily of
the metropolitan class and the Kovernment
of the county In which It Is located may bo
merged wholly or In part when a proposi
tion HU to do has been submitted by au
thority of law to the votor.1 of such city
and county and lorelvod the assent of n ,
majority of the votes cast In such city ami
also n majority of the votes ciist In the
county exclusive of those cast In such
metropolitan city at such election.
Approved .March ) . A. 1) . . 1J.P5. .
A joint resolution proposing nn amendment
to section six ( C ) of article seven (7) ( ) of the
Constitution ot the Stnto of Nebraska , pre
scribing the manner In which votes Eholl
bo cast.
lie. It resolved and enacted by the I.CK-
lalature of the .State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section six ( G ) of .artlclo
seven (7) ( ) of the Constitution of the. Ktato
of Nebraska be amended to read n fol-
loivx :
Section li. All votea Khali bo by ballot , or
sneli other method as may be prescribed
by law , provided the st'urucy of voting bo
Approved March 20. A. 1) , ISM.
A joint resolution proposing tn nincniS
section two (2) ( ) of article fourteen ( II ) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska , rein-
tlvo to donations to works ot Internal Im
provement and manufactories.
He It resolved and enacted by the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section two (2) ( ) of nrtlclo
fourteen (14) ) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska , bo amended to read u >
follows :
Section 2. No city , county , town , precinct ,
municipality or other subdivision of thn
Ntnto , xliall ever make donatJonH to nny
works of Internal Improvement , or manu
factory , unless a proposition HO to do KimII
have been llrst submitted to the iiialllloJ |
electors and ratlin d by a two-thirds vole
at nn election by authority of law ; Pro
vided , That such donallonH of a county
with the donations of such subdivisions Ilk
the ngKrcKato shall not exceed ten per cent
of the asseoseil valuation of such county ;
Provided , further That any city or county
may. by n three-fourtli vote Increase such
Indebtedness live per cent , In addition to
such ten i > cr cent and no bonds or evi
dences of Indebtedness so Issued shall b3
valid unless the same shall have endorsed
thereon n certificate signed by the necre-
lary and auditor of slate , Hliouliu ; that
the same Is Issued pursuant to law.
Approved .March S3 , A. P. . : st'5. '
I , J. A. Piper , secretary of titnto of tlio
state of Nebraska , do hereby certify that
the foregoing proposed amendments to the
Constitution of the Stnte of Nebraska ar9
trim nnd correct copies of the original en
rolled nnd engrossed bills , ns passed by the
Twenty-fourth session of the legislature of
the Stntc of Nebraska , AS appears from
said original bills on file In this olllcc , and
that nil nnd each of snld proposed amend
ments arc submitted to the ( jnnllfinl voters
of the state of Nebraska for their adoption
or rejection at the general election to beheld
hold on Tuesday , the 3d day of November ,
A. 1) . . 1890.
In testimony whereof , I have thereunto
sot my hand and affixed the great seal of
the state of Nebraska.
Dona at Lincoln , this 17th day of July , In
the year of our Lord , Ono Thousand Eight
Hundred and Ninety-six , of the Independ
ence of the United States the Onu Hundred
and Twenty-first , and of till * state th
Seal. ) J. A. PII'RIl.
fipcrctnry of Slate
kuc J ntoNovS morn oulv.
New Location.
IStli and Farnan ]
Telephone 1 0.'W. Oinaliu , Xeb.
, Hour ! of Tradr.
IXrict wlrcu to CiniwL'o arid Nrw York ,
John A.Varrtn It Cj ,
and never offered a belter opportunity fur mak
I UK inuiiuy.Vrllu U. H. Murray A Co , ,
Danker * A llrokers , 1X1 Hlullo HMg , , C.dcuifO ,
iiii'inl'i-m of the I'ldcaKu lluiird of Traue In good
tdiindlnK , for Ihelr book on HlalUtlcu und rccu ! | >
lutlv liiforiiialliin , und Dnlly Muikct l.ctlfr ,