Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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    TTI13 ( TMATTA DAILY TlNnAV , OfTOlVign 10. 18J)0. )
nations n to the proper equivalent The
country that overvalued gold was soon with
out silver , nnd vlco versa. Sotno countries
insisted on a ratio of 13 to 1 , others of
It to 1.
"About 200 years ago the average Judg
ment of Kurnpean nations was that the
proper equivalent was IS to 1. That was
the rnllo adopted In whnt was then known
us the market of the world. It was deter
mined by the market values of the two
inctnls. "
Scnntor Allison then turned his attention
to the history of the coinage laws of the
United .States. Ho began his review of the
American monetary system by un examina
tion of the financial conditions existing In
17 2. Ho referred In words of highest praise
to Alexander Hamilton. , He said It never
occurred to that financier that It would be a
crlmo to fall to provWc for n statute de
claring for the free and unlimited colnagt )
of silver nt the ratio of 1C to 1.
"At nrst Hamilton was Inclined to favor ,
n single standard monetary system , but
after reflection decided In favor of n double
standard , lie sought the advice of the re- ,
puled founder of the democratic party , |
Thomas Jefferson. This distinguished states
man maintained that both gold and silver j
should bo coined , and nt a ratio of equiva
lents fixed by the marketr. if the world. He
also said that we should h careful to
learn the market values In the countries
fllh whom we principally traded , or were
likely to principally trade. He did not nd-
vocato fixing our ratio of equivalents to
suit M Hung Chang and his Chinese fol
lowers , with whom we had but little com
mercial relation. They fixed upon thn
double standard. They made the ratio of
1C lo 1. after Inquiry In ICngland , Praneo
nnd other pomilnted states of as
to the market values of the two metals. "
Senator Allison then spoke of financial
legislation In Prance , saying : "Whatever
we may say of the republic of Prance com
pared with our own republic \ve should ad-
inlrd thn Integrity of that country , that has
always stood against a debased currency. "
Returning to iho monetary history of this
country , he said : "The trend of the dchitc3
of 1SSI shows thai the financiers of tlmt
tlmo were In favor of the continued circula
tion of both gold and silver In our coun
try. " He added : "I've recited this history
of currency to show that our fathers were
aware of the Importance of basing the ratio
of the two metals on the market values of
them. Now , we are told by the Chicago
platform that we should nt once declare for
the free coinage of Bllvtr at the r.illo of
1C lo 1. without waiting for the aid or con
sent of any other nation. In the eleven or
twelve speeches Mr. Ilryan makes a day he
says this Is necessary In order to establish
bimetallism. "
CHIMB OP ' 73.
Speaking of the alleged crime of 1873 , Sen
ator Allison snld : "I know of no one In Ne
braska or Iowa who wants to re-calnbllsh Ihe
conditions that existed In these statin In
3873. It Is argued that the dropping of the
silver dollar of 412'A grains mil of our cir
culation has caused depression. Wo were
then on a paper basis , txeepl. In California ,
where there was eomo coin In circulation. "
Of the publicity of the act of 1S73 he said :
"Two years brforc that provisions were in.ido
for collating the coinage laws , dropping the
obsolete sections and codifying the sections
that were left. " Senator Alllion fuitlu-r
Rhowcd that the bill was given considerable
publicity , and said that "the standard silver
dollar to be dropped" appeared ns a heading
In the bill In large print of capital letter ? .
He briefly recited the history of the mon-
elnry legislation of this period In both the
nenato and the house. Provision was made
for the coinage of trade dollnrn by the gov
ernment for the owners of silver bullion ,
the government charging only the .ictnal
coat of coinage. "That bill wns ' .ho work
of Slcwntt ami Jones of Nevada anil It wno
constructed In their Interests. It vas doc
tored for the benrnt of the silver mine own
ers and for their bencllt nlone. " Senator Al
lison snld be had made this statement In
congress In 1S7S. "Flnre then the st.itc-
mcnl hns been made by free silver organs
Ihal ho admltled thai the law of U73 had
been doctored. It was doctored nnd for the
solo Interests of the Hllvrr bullion owners
nnd by their representatives. "
Scnntor Allison then devoted some time to
explaining the nbandonmenl of free coinage
of silver between 1S73 and 187C by the na
tions of ICurope. In 1S7C the mints of
ICuropcnn nations were all closed nnd silver
began to fall , to diverge from gold In value.
This was because of the action of ICurope.
No money that was money In 1873 hai ceased
to be money slnco then.
Of the Increase In" the world's volume of
metallic money since 1ST , ' ! he said there had
been $3.r > 09,0flfl,000 coined money added , or
three-fifths of the coined money In circula
tion. This year there will Jjr.0.000.000
more added. "So now what becomes of the
populists statement that one-half the
world's supply of money was stricken down
In 1S73. If this Is destroyed our popullxtlc
friends have not a single leg on which to
stand. " ( Applause. )
In connection with the Illand-Alllson bill ,
the , speaker said , his name was never men
tioned excepl by way of vituper
ation. "When the bill was praised
It was called Illnnd's , when it
wns condemned It was termed Allison's.
The government by that law placed In cir
culation 42I.OUO.OOO standard nllvcr dollars.
They are legal lender all over the United
Slales , unless otherwise stipulated In the
terms of a contract. It was Illand himself
tlmt Insisted on placing that provision In the
law. "
Scnalor Allison. In speaking of Iho Sher
man bill , called especial attention to the
fact Ihal Ihough that bill bore the name
of tha distinguished financier , ho In reality
opposed the measure all along. It was given
his name because he was the chairman of
Ihe committee that framed It. It was the
work of Senators Teller. Jones and Stewart ,
all free sllverltrs This statement was re
ceived with shouts of laughter.
Sltfco 1S73 50.00n,000 of silver has been
absorbed , one-half of the products of the
silver mlncB. one-sixth of the sliver of the
world How then can you trace the diminu
tion of prices to diminution of metallic
currency ? " The speaker vividly contrasted
the gold-using countries with the sllvcr-
uilug countries. The one set has splendid
Deatitlftil eyes grow dull nnd dim
As the Mvlft years steal away ,
lieautlfiil , willowy forni3 fosllra
Lose fairness with every day.
lint she btill Ic queen und hutii clmrroi to
Who wears yuuth's coronal beautiful
Preserve Your Hair
nnd you preserve your youth.
"A woman is ns old ns Bha
looks , " Bnyo the vrorlU. No
woman looks us old as she is
if her hair hns preserved its
normal beauty. You can keep
hair from falling out , restoring
its normal color , or restore the
normal color to pray or faded
hair , by the UPO of
Ayer'S Hair Vigor.
commerce , the oilier hilt llttlo commerce ,
and that sluggish and slow.
Senator Alllron rend from Iho democratic
platform of 1S92 , which Ilryan adhered to
with great rigidity , asking for bimetallism
by agreement , llo referred to
the cruel manner In which Ilrynn nllowcd
his government to be humiliated while ho
wns In congress , from 1891 to 1S05 , es-
pcclilly during the discussion of financial
legislation In 18f 2 , when llrynn's voice was
novcr heard to keep the nnllon from being
humiliated. In IS9t : Ilrynn never lifted his
voice to criticise Ihe repeal of the purchns-
ItiK clause of Ihe Sherman acl , and Ilryan
wns not usually backward about coming
forward with his opinions.
.In conclusion. Senator Allison , who had
spoken with great earnestncsn throughout
his masterful address , made a most eloquent
appeal for the election of McKlnley nnd n
republican congress. Thin , he belloved ,
was the remedy that should bo applied.
PnctrjrlcH would again stnrt up nnd the Idle
Inboicrs would be given employment. His
taunt Ion of Dave Mercer's name provoked
grrnl enlhuslnsm. Ilia stntemcnl Ihnl he
was not only n neighbor , but n friend lo Ne-
brnskn. wns loudly cheered.
Ucneral Mandcrson cnllr.d for three cheers
for Senator Allison , nnd three chcors for
"McKlnley , protection nnd Bound money. "
They were given In such a hearty manner
thai Iho thrnter fairly resounded wllh Ihti
d n. Then hoi g me ling was tvcr , llioufh
the speaker nnd guest of Iho evening was
busy for the next half hour , receiving con-
'inn nd r.lnncjIitlcrcnti Hold n Mod Inn
nl Krciituiil ,
PUBMONT. Oct. 1C. ( Special Telegram. )
The sound money men had a meeting
hero this evening. Dr. 0. L. Miller of
Omaha spnko on the curmncy question from
u nonpartlsan standpoint nt the opera houac.
P. W. Vaughn presided. Seated upon the
platform were ininy democrats , who hvo
repudiated Ilryan. nnd will vote for Me-
Kinky or Palmer. After brlclly reviewing
the coinage legislation of this country from
the adoption of the constitution to the pres
ent , he showed the fallacy of the double
standard Idea , nnd the necessity of a single
gold standard. His iiililrcsn showed careful
titudy of economic principles , and the finan
cial legislation.
C.LlCNWOon , Neb. . Oct. Ifi. ( Special. )
The republican meeting here last evening ,
with W. J. Courtrlght of Premonl as the
speaker , wns a great success. The nudlcnco
was treated to a continual pulverization of
free silver fallacies , presented In n pleasing
RAVICNNA. Neb. , Oct. I. . . ( Special. )
The grandest political demonstration ever
witnessed In northern lluffalo county was
observed Ht Rivcnnn Wednesday evening ,
the occasion being the visit of Hon. A. 1C.
Cady. The torchlight parade was the
largest ever seen In this section.
OAKDALK. Net ) . . Oct. ir . ( Special. )
Judge J. Pawcctt of Omahn spoke lasl
ulglii on Ihe political Issues of the day
from the lemihllcan stnndpo'nt. '
HRAINAHD. Neb. . Oct. 15. ( Special. ) An
Immense audience Greeted Congressman
Haincr , who spoke at the opera house last
FIIBMONT , Oct. 15. ( Special. ) A meeting
of the Danish republicans was held nl the
courl house last evening which was nd
dressed by Judge Hannibal of Ord In the
Danish language. There was a good al
tt-nduncc nnd much Interest manifested. The
Danish \ote of this county will continue to
be counted In Ihe icpuhllcan column.
J. P. Wolf of Lincoln and W. P. Porter of
Merrlck county tnlkcd to n fair aizod nit
dlcnee al Iho Ilryan club rooms on Fifth
street last evening.
PRI1C.ND. Neb. . Oct. 15. ( Special. ) Hon.
W. 1' . McCreary of Hastings , president of tin
Republican State lengue of Nebraska , ad
dressed a large and enthusliistls nudlcnco In
Warren's opcia house at this place last night
fully 1109 people being present. President
MeCrcary made a very logical argument In
favor of sound money , fully exposing the fal
lacies of Ihe free silver doctrine.
SCHUYLICR. Neb. , Oct. 15. ( Spcclal.- )
Lnal night In flrant precinct there was or
ganized a McKlnley club of eighteen mem
hers , with promise of a dozen more as noon
as parties can bo neen.
PUBSTOX. Neb. . Oct. 15. ( Special. )
Scnalor Sloan of Geneva delivered n stirring
nnd convincing address to the voters of
Jefferson , the banner republican townuhlii
of the county. The republicans are active
and aggressive here.
1IURWICLL , Neb. , Oct. 15. ( Special. )
Olio of the most enthusiastic republican
meetings over held at this place was held
Tuesday night. . Hon. It. H. Lnngford of
North I'lnlto addressed a crowded house In
a speech of two nnd one-half hours.
SIDN1CY , Neb. , Oct. 15. ( Special. ) Hon.
1C. O. Holmes of Kearney addressed a very
largo and enthusiastic audience Tuesday
night. Holmes made n most complete ex
position of the fallacies of free silver.
Among the nudlcnco Micro was a lurgo num
ber of free silver people who left the court
I'ouso after Holmes' logical talk , satisfied
that they were on the wrong road , and EO
expressed themselves.
CLAY C1CNTICR , Neb. . Oct. 15. ( Special. )
Hon. John C. Wharton of Omaha ad
dressed an Immense audience hero Tuesday
evening upon the political Issues of this !
campaign. The largo court room was filled ,
and qulto a number were compelled to stand.
Whnrton made an eloquent and very con
vincing argument for the return of the re
publican party to power.
ARLINGTON. Neb. . Oct. 15. ( Special. )
One of the mosl orderly mecllnns of Ihla
campaign was held by the tcpubllcnna In
Arcanum hall last night. The seating ca
pacity was all taken. P. 1C. Winter of
Omaha spoke In the German language. Judge
Hen S. Ilaker of Omaha was the ncxl speaker.
GIL1CAI ) . Neb. . Oct. 15. ( Special. ) Some
time ago n German speaker from Omaha at
templed lo hold a republican meeting at this
place , but1 the radical element of the demo-
pops broke up the meeting. Last evening
Jacob Hauck of Omaha came down hero and
delivered a very logical upccc-h on the Issues
of this campaign. The Germans paid tin
closest attention to his speech nnd applnudoi1
him frequently. 'Ihf Htrongeat populists ad
mitted after the meeting thai 11 was tin
strongest argument In favor of sound money
protection and prosperity delivered at
LONG PINK , Neb. , Oct. IB. ( Special. )
The republican club told a sound money
meeting last night. It was largily attended
by people of nil beliefs , the lull being
crowded. The flrbl upoalier of Ihe evening
was P. P. Glntsncr of Slunrt.
Hon. C. H. Glover of Ihe Valentine land
ofllce followed wllh a talk on the standard *
and finance.
PRI1CDICNSAN. Neb. , Oct. 15. ( Special. )
Jacob Hiuck of Omaha , addressed n large
nnd enthusiastic meeting of German-iAmcr
trnna at thin nlnco last Illckt.
KLMWOOD , Neb. . Oct. 15. ( Special. )
Congit'ssmnn J. I ) . Strode of Lincoln made a
speech to a crowded house tact night. Stand
ing room was at a premium In the opera
house , where ho spoke. Ills explanation
of the money question was made very plain.
HASTINGS. Oct. 15. ( Special. ) Saturday
nlghl J. L. 'Mcl'heeley nf Mlndcn and \V. P.
'McCrcary ' will address the voters of Adams
county nt the amphitheater In this city.
Prlday night. Oclobcr 30. Hon. John M.
Thurston will deliver un address.
RICD CLOt'D ' , Neb. . Oct. 15. ( Special
Telegram. ) An enthusiastic republican
meeting was held here today. The opera
house was filled to overflowing. Slajor
Warner of Kansas City addressed the meet
ing. The old soldlorx tendered him a re
ception , wherein they were nobly assisted by
the Women's club. Upon the discharge of
a cannon n procession , headed by the band
and containing more than 100 old soldiers
And ueventy-llvc members of the Women's
McKliiley club , took up the march to the
hotel , thence- escorted the upcnker lo iho
opera hoimo. where an elaborate program was
presented. Major Warner spoke for iwo
ASHLAND , Nob. . Ocl. IB. ( Special. ) A
McKlnley rally came off at Memphis last
night. About l.uOO people attended. Judge
Plelil of Lincoln addressed the people.
NOHTIl I1ICND. Nob. . Oct. 15. ( Spcidal
Telegram. ) Thlt has been a red loiter day
for the republicans of North llend. Judge
McClenry of Hustings and lion. Jack Mac-
C ll addressed n large crowd In the opera
house In the afternoon. It was left for the
evening speaking to cap the climax. A
torchlight procession of 1S > 2 voters paraded
tinMretH. . General Cowln addressed the
largest audience that wns ever picked In tue
opera house. RQHJ Hammond nnd others
made tnllis.
KHAUNRV , Neb , . Oct. 15-Speclal ( Telegram -
gram , ) Senator Thuraton spoke In the opera
liotiso hern tljlq evening. Ik'fore thn udJrex *
tli pppulU ! 'Committee hud ullpj dUlrlhuted
, with garbled extracts from Thuraton's
I speeches of two yenrs ngo , calculated Ic
annoy him an. ! laUliad the people , hul he
I answered them In such n clear and sntlsfac-
I lory manner Hint Ihe scheme rencled ngalnat
I iho perpelrnlora. He called attention to the
| fact tlmt llrynn hail never yet answered the
qucsilon whether he would double Ihe value
of the .Mexican dollar or divide Iho value of
i Ihe U n Urn ! States dollar nnd he never would
answer It , as he did not know.
mi VAN TAi.i7s T7jFrAn n.vpins.
liny TrnvHIwt Tlirmiuli MI
I'tiiteil ivltli Three III T Hpoi'i'liON.
OtiAND RAPIDS. Mich. , Oct. 15. William
J. lltyan tonight addressed In this city three
meetings , one at Campnu square , one at
Powers' opera house , where ho addressed
the women of Ornnd Rnplds , and the other
nt Lo.kerby ; hall. At Ihe nrst meeting he
wpnke to as large n crowd as could wedge
I'sc-lf In at the junction of four streets , anil
It Is safe lo say not one fourth of tho. o
presnnt could he-ar the free silver standard
bcaw. Thr- speech at square was
a short one nnd In II Ihero were no new
features. The speech to the women Mr.
Ilryan made of speclnl Interest In his arraign
ment of republican leaders. He put Colonel
Robert O. Ingcr.tnll , Mural HalstenJ , ox-
President llenj.5ir.ln Htrrlson and Secretary
of Ihe Treasury Carlisle In the same cate
gory as Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
Hyde. Ills denunciation of them was scath
ing and bitter. He said :
We cannot afford to engraft upon our
government a bad system , even though we
could . < 't a temporary benellt from It. The
best thing that parents can leave to chil
dren Is a Jiift government that robs no
body for anybody else's bencllt. Now , In
our discussion of the money question , we
run provo our eau -e In muny ways.Ve can
apply principles will knuvn to this iin-.i- |
tlon nnd by the np illeatlon of those prln-
vlplos make the subject rloar , but that Is
not sullirlont.Vo o-in prove our oatiio by
-iiithoiity , nml tlu-ie U not a position
which wo t.iko In this campaign but what
we are aide to support tlmt position bv the
authority of tin1 most eminent ropubllc.ina
In this Country. It will be remembered n
few years ago Ibero was a greal deal of
talk about a character i do not know
whether I ought to call It a i-hnraeter or
two ohtirnotor * but It was Ilr. .lokyll and
Mr. Hyde. You will remember thai tlio
amo person nppoaroil at ilUTorent limes In
different rtni-notor. . One tlmo the man
was a gooil man , benevolent , kindly dis
posed , at another time ttie same person
was a mean num. a vllhiln Hreklnr lo tnke
biim.ill life. My friends , wo have the char
acter of .Tekylf and Hyde Illustrated well
when we come to discuss the silver ques
tion , lioeauio we can cite you to r number
of men who have been both Jekyll and
Mr. Ilryan begnn the day early , speaking
nt Ft. Ignnco at 5:30 : from Ihe rear of his
car. Ho wns wearing only his nlihtrobc ,
trousers and overcoat. Hy the time the tr.iln
roiched the straits of Macklnac Mr. Ilrynn
had emerged from his statctoom attire 1 In
a shirt more suited to the etiquette of Mlf-h-
Igan. The trnln wns taken across the stroll *
on a barsjp " nd nt Mackinaw at 7 o'clock
Mr. Ilryan declnrtd thai n dollar with the
stamp of the fulled States ww wnrth 100
cents the world over. The candidate spoke
briefly nt Petonky. Charlevolx nnd I'cllnlro.
At Trnvers Clly he spoke for half an hour.
He promised thnt ns the campaign proceeded
he would do more work every day than on
nny day preceding It.
After Ica'-ltiR Trovers City , the next stops
were Walton nnd Manton. At Mnnton the
entering was led by n llttlo girl , who th < "i
tunird on a man who wore n hut Indlciilve
of his allegiance to the gold standard nnd
scathingly rebnkrd him. Mr. Hrynn re
marked that probably the little one eonld
make a better argument than the goldlte.
to which the republican replied thnt "no
arguments were needed , but that money
talked. "
"Yes , It does , " replied Mr. Ilrynn , " but It
docs not vote , " and the crowd cheered the
statement enthusiastically.
Twenty minutes wns the llmo nlloll vl for
Mr. Ilryan nt Cndlllne. Here , ns at all other
stopi during the forenoon , the yellow bailees
of the gold standard advocates were con-
A ten-mlnnto stop at Heeil City , thirty
minutes nt Hlg Rapids : twenty minutes tt
Howard and brief ntops nt fireonvlllo. Held-
Ing and Ionia concluded the trnln-sp akliB
of theday. .
ICIrmciilVlileli IK Not SntUIlcd 11 III
tin * HcNiili of tln Primaries.
The ngular meeting of the Seventh Ward
Republican club was held last night al Its
headquarters. 1212 Park avenue. The meet
ing. however , was of brief duration nnd a
motion by one of the members thai Ihe body
adjourn and altend the meeting at the Iloyd
theater was carried unanimously. A portion
of Ue ; club , however , did not care to hear
Senator Allison , and shortly after the ma
Jorlty had left started n little session on
their own account. H. 1C. Cochran was
elected chairman and the object of the meet
ing then became apparent.
A. 1C. Baldwin secured the floor and stated
that ho had reasons for believing thai the
republican primaries had not been honestly
conducted during the late contest. He stated
that there was evidence Ihal parlies outaidc
of Iho Sevenlh ward had been sworn In nt
the Insl minute nnd In spite of the fact thai
they had been challenged their votes hud
been accepted. He thought It necessary thai
an Investigation be held ; that the poll books
bo examined by a competent committee and
a report on the same be made.
Prerl J. Smith , Joseph H. Taylor , John C.
Thompson nml G. S. Ambler spoke along the
same lines. J. P. Contsworth was of Ihe
opinion Ihal many of the alleged fraudulent
voters would bo found to be all right upon
examination Into the mailer. The boundary
lines of Iho ward ran closely to those of
South Omaha nnd ninny of the men snld to
live In the other city in reality lived In Ihe
Seventh ward. Ills suggestion to leave the
mailer lo Ihe enllro club was snowed under
by the wishes of the majority of those
present and upon motion of Baldwin the
chairman was empowered to select a com
mittee of seven men , six from Ihe precincts
and one-at large , to Investigate the methods
used nl the lasl primary nnd reporl Inter.
The commlllee ns selected by Mr. Cochran ,
mainly from the suggestions of those pres
ent. Is , Hi B. Cochrnn. chairman : A. 1C. llald-
wln. Grahnm Parke. jr. . J. II. Taylor. C. M.
Gilbert , Andrew Stonewall , J. W. Idler and
Charles W. Haller. The committee Is to re
port us soon as II Khali have finished Us In
AVi-ltstcr fninpulKTiifiiK In Intvn.
DUNLAP , la. , Oct. 15. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Hon. John L. Webster of Omaha ad
dressed a large audience hero this evening
on the political Issues of the day. He made
many good points In his speech , and > vas
repeatedly applauded. The Woman's Glee
club furnished music.
An extrcmu razor too shoo for ? 2.00
nml ? L . -L'liilinilyliiB . nil tlio style and
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$1.00 Kltoo and for Horvlee a wliolo lot
butter than most of tlii-in-biittor in
uvory way titan any ? : t.0 ( ) or $4.00 slioo
yon will see anywlioro dsevo like to
Null tlioiu vcr ; lady In so ull nulls-
fled and hnys HO many kind words for
tm thai IdiockhiK off somu of tlio iirollt
Is n
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Fariiam
OK TIIMtir.4ii. .
Til IKof DefendlnuTlicin ol vcr
AunhiMt llrviuiltc OiiMliumtitN.
I.OUISVIU.JC. Ky. . Ocl. IR. Some vigorous
discussions dflffie money question charac
terized Hie scbon'tl day's etsMon of IheKen -
lucky Hankers' asuoclnllon. Afler Ihe re-
porl of Ihe qjccuilvo commlllee , which In
volved no ImpM-iiftd mntters , n paper by S.
1C. Snced of Henderson entitled "Tim Ilanlm
and the People , " v.-as read by II. G. Will of
Ihe same rlly" . " 'T
During the * course of the discussion Mr.
Witt said thiH-tho bankers of the stnlf had
nnt at their desks nnd allowed the tmwt
slanderous articles attacking them to appear
In their home papers nnd he thought the
bnnkers should take up the light nnd nol
nllovv ihemselves to be so outrageously
treated. "Per niynplf , " said Mr. Witt , "I do
not propose to stand much abuse. "
Mr. Thompson of Pndnrah said that the
gold men In the western pprl of Ihe nt.ito
W'cro being hullUd nnd he despaired of Ken
tucky colng for sound money unless Mr.
Carlisle or other speakers of equal eminence
were sent to his section to nddrcw Ihe pee
ple. President Leathers joined the discus
sion , snylng thai $30.000,000 of Louisville
bank capital was owned by fully 25.000 people
ple representing all classes.
Another paper from Lawson Hcno of
Owenshoro on "Are Wo Responsible ? " wro
read. He condemned the practice of paying
Interest on deposits. Colonel Redman of
Frnnkfort concluded the discussion , ndvo-
eating nn active participation by the bankers
In the campaign.
A committee cm legislation was appointed.
Sine die adjournment was then taken.
Samuel P. MrlKlutni In ttie Hole of
I'rcMldcnllnl lloodiio.
Samuel P. nrlgliim Is an ardent sup
porter of W. J. Ilryan. Mr. Ilryan knows
It , but has failed to acquire the additional
Information thai llrighnm Is a hoodoo to
any innn who cherishes presidential" -
plrnllons. He has been vollng for presi
dents for a great many quadronnlums , but
bo has never voted for a winner. He voted
for the democratic candidates during all
these years when Iho republican parly suc
ceeded Itself every four years. When
Grovcr Cleveland was flrsl nominated he
changed his politics nnd voted for Hlnlne
and Cleveland Immediately won. Then he
concluded that Cleveland wasn't such n bad
sorl after all , and when he was rcnoml-
natcd llrlglmm helped him along. Dill II
lost Cleveland the election. At the next
election the hoodoo worked as effeclunlly
ns ever on Weaver , nnd now tint llryan
has been selected to carry this fateful bur
den the hoodoo thrcntcns htm. Since the
facts have leaked out , there has been a
tremendous pressure brought to bear by Ihe
silver managers lo Induce Hrlgham to
transfer his vote to McKlnley. lint It won't
work. Hrlgham Insists on riding in the
llrvan hearse , and the pcoplo who wont
pnstolllcfs under the silver administration
are In despair.
IteiiutillciiiiK Turn Out < < > Listen ( u
Local I'andidnlcH.
The republicans of Clontarf precinct licit'
a rally last night and much enthusiasm for
the llrkel wandeveloped. , Candidates Hugh
Myers , John II. Hutler and T. K. Sudborough
made remarks ; Mr. Myers made n stron ; :
plcn for the s\ippo t of the local nominees
of the party. John Ilntlcr gave the parties
who arc assail Ing the republican nominees
on the score of alleged opposition to fra
ternal Insurance , n hard rnp. O. H.
Hurchard folloVcd In n opccch. In which he
called attention to Hrynn's promises of pros
perity four years ago and the utter failure
of the democrats tii make them good. He
asked how the .Inhering man , who wns fooled
then , could again trust with power n man
with such a record. The free silver question
was discussednl , some lenith.
OIINC of ( .Ji'licrxour from ( lie Konrtli
District Aruned nml SiilimtlIcil.
LINCOLN. Oct. 15. ( Special. ) Still an
other protcsl was henrd by Secretary of
Stale Piper loday. This lime It came from
Iho republican cnirji , and was directed
against Klmcr L. Cohcrsour. "silver repub
lican" candidate for congress In the Pourth
dlslrlct. Mr. CohcrFour was nominated by
the Heatrlce convention , which ,3 ' said to
have represented some 400 bolting "silver ro
publicans" In Gage county and the Kourth
dlslrlct. Ills counsel today was Judge Hush
of Heatrlce.
The opposing counsel were John H. Ames
Lincoln , nnd S. H. Stcelc , Divlil City The
testimony wcs of the usual character nnd far
from Interesting to the general reader. See-
rotary Piper withheld his decision until Sat-
urday. when ho expects to pass upon Ihe en
llro batch of protests.
Prlvlliw HcfUKOil < < > Kort-lBii Horn
I'cr.soMM Holding I'lrxl Panel's.
There were several complaints received
yesterday by the city central committee from
people who declared that the'boards of reg
istration had refused to allow them to reg
ister. The bulk of the trouble seemed lo bo
localcd In the Third ward , where several
Hebrews who had taken out their first
papers were not allowed to register. The at
tention of Mayor Ilroatch was called lo the
matter and during the afternoon he Issued a
proclamation to all registrars Informing
them of the law and directing them to per
mit any voter to register who was a citizen
or had declared his intention of becoming so
thlrly days before the election.
1'iiNlon Force * Hold ItnllIcN.
IIBU CLOUD. Neb. . Oct. 13. ( Special. )
A populist meeting was held at the Ilryan
headquarters yesterday , addressed by 1C. K.
Thomas of Omaha. The meeting was not
so largo ns expected.
PR1C.MONT , Oct. 15. ( Special Telegram. )
Congressman C. H. Allen of Utah spoke In
the "district court room. He presented In n
good shape the usual arguments of the aver
age free silver orator.
PI1CRCK , Neb. , Oct. 15. ( Special. ) Posters
were struck off yesterday announcing a free
silver speech at Kelpcr hall In the evening
by Prof. Helsc , the-noted German orator
from Omaha , but the crowd failed to materi
alize , only n handfull being present. The
faithful then decided to postpone the speech.
KICARNKY , Nob. , Oct. in. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Prank Stcyrchii of Utah delivered n
free silver mldresVpo Iho fuslonlsls of this
seotlon tonightI
lly telephone when -you want that
"Acorn Oak" heater sent out the one
that has the sinoko consumer the only
stove that has one eats up the smoke-
makes more heat out of It saves the
soft coal keeps everything from xcttliiK
smoky or sooty keeps llro for three
duypj at a stretch with soft coal and the
price It will please you too.
John Husjsie n * Co
V $ % & 2407 Cuming
Searchers for Them Ilniulicappod by Lack
of Accurate Descriptions.
Union Pnclllc Olllclnls MnUhiK livery
l2lTorl to Cniiluro lln > Purlieu
Who llrlil t'p the
"PiiNt Mull. "
Nothing new concerning the robbery of the
Union Pnclllc's "Past Mall" Wednesday
morning near Ullttnh , Utnh , devel
oped during the night or yester
day. The dispatches received nl
the local headquarters nnd nil other rcllnble
Information cay there were three men who
did the liold deed , not two. as Rioted by n
local paper. The country Is well covered
with scouts who know the Wahsatch moun
tains thoroughly. Whether they havcslruck
any Irall In nol known , and 11 Is probable
that there will be no news until the capture
of the men. Chief Canada of the Union
Pacific's special bureau Is In constant com
munication with the nuthorlllcs of thai
country , llo sa > the work Is under the
direction of the Unllcd Stntcs innrshnls.
The offense was one ngnlusl Ihe government ,
but the railroad company Is doing
everything It cnn to nsslst In the capture
of the robbers. He will not c" out nl pres
ent , but should his services be needed he
will go out later.
The meat serious handicap lo Iho work
of hunllng down the criminals Is
the fncl Ihnl none of Ihe trainmen arc nblo
to Give descriptions of them. The robbers
were masked ; the trainmen were terrified ,
nnd the whole Irnnsnctlon occurred In n
briefer tlmo than II takes to tell It. so that
there wns not much opportunity to secure
accurate * descriptions. H Is thought that
the three men nro ones thnt have been
known to Ihe Union Pacific detectives for
some time , though they have never before
coinmltled any crime ogainsl Ihe road. The
deocrlpllons of lluw men will be scnl oul
and may bo of assistance In the search.
The little town of Ulntah will soon become
fatuous If I : Is made the eat of many more
startling ovints. 11 was Ihcro Ihal "Gen
eral" Kelly of Commonweal famecaplured
a Union Pacific Iraln In IfI. ! ) nnd loading It
with his army of Comnionv.-calers. ran It
clear through to Council Illuffs. where ho
.irrlved on Sunday , April 15. 1SI. ! ) An e\eni
of thai kind l.s usually enough for one small
town within a single decade , bul II Is likely
that the holdup of the "Pjsl Mall" will
now bo the favorite story of the town for
years lo cctr.e.
( iroccrN Hound lo Protect HitUIINIIS -
pee 11 Mir Housewife.
The regular meeting of the Retail Gro
cers' association was held nt the looms of
the Commercial club , and , notwithstanding
the counter attractions , the attendance was
large. The neap question , which hns con-
r.umcd n good deal of the time of recent
meetings , was finally disposed of. A letter
from the Chicago soap I'.anufacturer who
hns been out of favor with the grocers' as-
-.Delations of the country for several weeks ,
was read and pronounced entirely satlsf.ic-
tn < y. The manufacturer promises thai ho
will not discriminate agalnsl Iho grocers In
favor of the department stores , and In the
future Chicago sonp will not bo denied to
those In need of It.
A committee representing the Gardeners'
association put In a plea thai Ihe growers
aid them In securing such action on t.'io
part of the city council ns would prevent
sardcneis from across the river sclllni : In
Omaha without taking out a regular ii-
crnse. The grocers , however , seemed to
feel thai they had troubles enough of their
own , without attempting to fight the batllcn
of other people , and the mailer w 3
The mosl Important object. In the eyes of
the grocers , to come before the meeting , nnd
the one to receive the most careful atten
tion , wcs the question of pcddlcra' license. ! .
After careful consideration It was decided
to use ell honorable means to secure the
passage by the council of nn ordinance com
pelling peddlers to tnko oul n regular 11-
cense and to dlsnlay on their w.-irona a
number thai would be a means of Identifica
tion and would Indicate their calling. As
pointed out a week ago. the grocers were
riming to do away with the deception that
It U alleged has been regularly practiced
upon housekeepers In this city , by which
the peddlers represent themselves as farm
ers and sell the refuse of the market as
fresh produce from the farm. It wns re
marked thai II Is no uncommon slrht In
this city to sec a peddler with stale fruits
and vegetables , shipped from all Hcctlons of
the country , claiming that his whole stock
wns grown on his farm. With n grcal big
number painted on nil peddlers' wagons , the
grocers think thai unsuspecting buyers trill
have some protection.
Touched u llnllroiiil Mini.
II. 11. Randall , tax collector for the Hur-
llngton. Is mourning the Inss of hl.s pocketbook -
book containing $ .V ) and a large number
of railroad passes. Mr. ll.indall In stepping
aboard a sleeper at Lincoln yesterday wan
Jammed In Hie vestibule by two hard-
looking characters. He thought llttlo of
the Incident until ho felt for his money
after the train had started and then dis
covered his IOHS. The pocketbook nnd n
few of Iho passes were afterwards found
under a seat where they had been tossed
by the thieves.
C. C. Hughes has been granted a permit
to erect a residence costing $5,000 at 1321
South Thirty-second street , facing Hanscom
Prank 1C. Solved reported to the police
last nlghl Iho loss of a gold A. 0. U. W.
pin valued al $10. The pin was losl In
the vicinity of Twelfth and Parnam streets.
Saturday nt noon the women of the 1m-
inanuil Daptlbt church will serve lunch al
the Young Men's Christian assoclallon
rooms , nnd In the evening supper at Ihe
same place. The proceeds will bo devoted
to the needs of the church.
Peter Johnson , an employe of n commis
sion firm located on North Sixteenth street ,
was arrested last night on a charge of
adultery preferred by Hans Peterson. Peter
son , bis wlfo and Johnson formerly lived
In Chicago nnd It was In this city thai Im
proper relations were said to have existed
between Johnson and Mrs , I't'torson.
, (
That's what you're looking for-oll
cloth stove mats wo have them for all
size stoves and In a Kreator variety of
patterns at lower prices than anybody
zinc binding with tacks and corner
pieces to match any mat ii'/ic ' a yard
that's our regular price we didn't cut
It but It's the lowest In town.
Omaha Carpet Co.
1515 Dodge
TOO 1UTII KlVXrl \l. \rHIIT\IVrV. .
Colornilo Mlillnml ItrorKiiiilrnlloti ! ) < -
fvrrril for n Tlnuv
N'BW YOIIK. Oct. 15.--Tlio reorganization
rotninlttco of the Cidorcdo Midland
announces tlmt ilio unsettled Hnnnclnl ltn
nllon deterred the rnmmltti-o from UsultiR
n plan for the rehabilitation of HIP property
nml refincsis hondh.ilders to nit > asucnta U
mi extension nf the agreement previously
entered Into until .lime 30. is 7.
Tlio phyalcal coiullllon of the property
has been greatly Improved ami the li.detitetl
nous nf $ , incurred by the former re
ceivers , Ims been minced to $117.500. Tilt
report of operation tor the pant three years'
rhows n reduction In thp percentage of ex
penes for 1S' < 6 RS compared with IS95 of
rU ( > 7 per crnt. Tlio gross earnings as eotn
pared with ISM Increased $3in.s2i : ; oporatlin
expenses. $121 733 ; net earnings , $189.123 , nnd
surplus , $202,717.
mitT ntooic .M > 'rr.s.
Corporal D.tvld It. Wllcox. eonipnny 01. was
discharged yesterday on expiration of term
of service.
Corporal Have * , company II , was prattle- . !
n three inontH' furlough , nt the end of
which lie will bo discharged.
The cnlUtcd men will Rive n grand ball
In .the nenr future , which will b < i the open-
IIIK of the reason. All look forward to nn
enjoyable fine ,
Pr. Keefer. Ilrst lletttenant nnd nsslstnnt
surgeon , stationed nt Port Crook , has been
granted n two months' furlough , which he
will spend In touring the 1'ncinc coast.
Troro are quite a number of old soldlerj
discharged on expiration of service from
other regiments re-enlisting for the Twenty-
second , as iliey think Port Crook Is .1 good
place to soldier In.
1'rlvatoVllllnm Delnmeter , rnmpany A ,
passed through the post , having been given
his furlough \Vlnnchago. . lie came to
Crook to wind up affairs before Rolng to tils
home at Spokane Palls. Wash.
The second buttallnn of the Tweiity-secon.l
Infantry returned this niornlng from the
practice march to and the Wlnm-bago
nfconcy and the rllle practice. It Is nbout
ninety miles to the ngi'iicy. Olllcprs and
men stnod the march spli mildly. This closes
the rlflo practice for the season.
During the next two weeks a number of
artillery iiml Infantry re-slments will pass
through Omaha rn route to their new ata-
llons. among wMch will be the Third nnd
Plflh artillery , and the Plfteenth Infantry.
Or. Keefer will Join them In Omaha nnd go
with them on their way through.
A Mii'lnf Ion or KiiriurrM * Institute. * .
CHICAGO , Oct. 15. At the meeting of the
International Association of Fanners' In
stitutes today the following oHlc-cru were
elected for the ensuing year : President.
George McKerrow. Wisconsin ; vice presi
dent , K. I * . Htlttorflcld. Michigan : secretary
and treasurer , P. W. Taylor. Nebraska.
ncntlm < > f n Du.v.
PAIItnURY. Neb. . Oct. 15. ( Special. )
\ V.V. . Kvans , for twenty-two years a resi
dent of the city , dletl last evening. He
will bo burled under the ritual of the Ma
sonic order.
John P. Polornon , a well known engineer ,
was burled this afternoon.
MitvtMiti-ntN of Occult \Vi-u-lH , Oct. 1.1.
At New York Arrived \\VrUoiiilain. from
H'-ttoMlnni. i5 Ili-d Ptieri * : lllmni < rck , for ; , for ItoMenlnm.
At Qiii'on.sto.Mi Snlli'd < .3orniinlc. : for
New Yorl : .
At Movllle Arrived Clrcas.sla. from New
At Honloune Arrived Spaarndnm , from
New Yorl' for Ito'teruntn.
At Rotterdam S.illetl .Maasdam. for Now
At Liverpool Arrived Ciitiilonln. from
l.oalonYiies1niiil ; , from Philadelphia.
At Plymouth ArtIvi'dAugusta. . Victoria ,
from Now Yoik. for Chorliouri ; nnd Ham
burg. ,
At nremorhaven Arrived Iliivol , from
Now York via Southampton ; \Volmar , fiom
New Yoik.
At Oenna Arrlved--KniB. from New
York. Sailed \Vi-rra , for New York.
Colonel Jlills h.i rontlinied \ > y tln > deparlinent : i ' omimivlant of the
cadets ill West Point for another year.
John U'nminmki'r Imp been re-elected
prtHiJcnt of Pennsylvania Sabbath
n'hool convention now In session at Car
lisle , P.I.
Sagoll. Mich. , was In great danger from
forest fires yenteriHy morning. The tlaine. ,
nrc covering a lirgo : tract of country In
the northern part of the stale.
Policeman Uolierts , who was Bounded
When J.imcM Vthllc at CollimllllS , < ! ll. , lined
a rllle In a light with the police force , has
died. White's won has been captured.
Hev .1 oi n W. Mllam , agi-d 45. and Ids wife ,
.iced 40 of Inillannpoiis liave been declared
Insane. Mr. Mllain was until recently pas
tor oT Madison Avenue church and a hard
Si-amen's wages at San Kranrl.soo have
boon reduceil J.1 per month for lumber ves
sels ami J2..V ) per month for colliers.
owners allege poor business. A strike Is
Winter tourist rates have been put Into
effect by the Santa Pe from Colorado com
mon points to all points to which they ap
plied last year. Other western roads have
readied no agreement.
Judge Caldwell. In reversing a decision
of a lower court In Arkansas , has rendered
an opinion a Pulled St.itis marshal
cannot Interfere with a constable In the
pos.-.esslon of property which the latter hat.
levied upon.
Miss Hlanchc Oray , daughter of a prom
inent citizen of Bpaiildlng county , Georgia ,
was horilbly assaulted by a negro while on
her way to her sister's home. Next mornIng -
Ing the negio. Henry Miller , was hanged
and shot and left hanging In n grove with
a placard on bis dead body : "Thus wo de
fend our women from outrage. "
P. .1 P. Tynan Is at liberty. His release
was unconditional. He llmn'.tcd Jailers at
Hoiilogne for their kindness to him.
Canadian Independence club was organ
ized at Montreal with 1W members pledged
to work might and main for political inde
An Issue of ] : > i.8ifl tours , thirty-year
sterling debenture bonds of the city of St.
Catherine , Out. , was placed upon the mar
ket In London at U ! yesterday and was
largely oversubscribed for.
Political Items.
Tom Watson bn.s mailed his letter of ac
ceptance to Senator Hutler.
William J. Ilryan was shown the populist
manifesto regardlim fusion at Cadillac ,
Mich. , but had nothing to say.
Archbishop Irol.ind Is visiting Cardinal
Gibbons at llalllmoro. He says ho him mild
enough about politics already and declines
to hu Interviewed.
Judge Slmontown at llarrlsburg. Pa. , has
tendered a decision that the certificates of
nomination of William II. Meredith and w.
II Itltter. rival republican e.-mdld.itcs for
the Porty-llrst beimlorldl district , were In
i.o\vins : TI : VM pu'iMi iiiH'ottn.
Orrlu ItloUiiU Drive * .Insle II and Ml" "
! Mln In n No > v Murk.
l.nXINdTdN , Oct. II.Pnur thousand
people turned out today to see the trots.
The weather was warm and pleaxaut ivjd
the trnck fast. Tlio unllnlshed 2 51 trot car
ried over from Wednesday was won In
straight hontu by Clayone. Inn he W.IM
obllxed to trot 111 Z2to : \ do It. The J 1 ?
pace Is tinnnlMhod and WHS postponed tut
II u. m. Prlday. In the last heat of the
nice , Arthi'r W , winner of two heats , was
run Into and otil down on the Mm turn
by Pales , but will be allowed to continue
III the race , .losle It and Miss Klta were
driven double by llrrln lllekok to beat the.
team pacing ircord of 2U''i. : and went the
tlrst half In 1:01 : and llnl lied the mile In
IMWV Jo Slump of ColtimbU" , O. , sold bis
trolling horse Joetati. 2:11'4. : ! Kv l-"rd Jon-
klnson , dam bv Ohorlln , to W. K S.-liel-
slnger of Vienna , Austria , for J2.HW. Pox
* Son of Ulchmond , Ky. , sold the gray
Oily I.liey ( lllbort , 1-year-nld. by l > r.
Hooker , dam by Warlock , to II. P. Wlilie
of Chicago. 111. , for $710. l.uey Gilbert Is
tlie fastest yearling In Kentucky , llesults.
-.21 trot , purse , $ MVl : Clayone won second ,
tl'.lrd and fourth heatH. licst time , 2I2\ : .
Itoliwoti won Ilrst heat In 2l : . and was see-
ond.Voodford third. Henry H. limle
l''lanlgan ' , NViiic riatk. Nut Prince , Pr.
Hobli'sPii hinl Uiitul also storied
I be Ki-niueky. for 3-year-olds , purse ,
. > : lllngen won tlrst. third nml fourth
heats. Itest time , 2-U > , . Vlpsanla second.
Hose j rolx won secnnd he'll In 2.1 : ' . ' . . . and
was dHtimood In the fourth heat. Haroness
Mnrguerlto distanced In second heat. No
2:11 : trot , purse. JI.O.Miilot . Hov won
second , third and fourth heats , lie-it time ,
2:12. : Walter 8 won Ilrst liiet in i1 : ) , , and
was second. Satin Slippers third. Maud
Wrlijht. Pomlne , Illidle Ulay , Helen K and
AKitmn also started.
2:17 : pace , purro. $ Tro ( unfinished- . Arthur
W won second and third heats. Hest lime ,
2-12'i. Uncle Ton ; won first heat In 2'.I- ' , ,
lov.'a .loo won fourth h cat In 2 12' . King
ICgliyrt. l.ucy H. Kdgar ll. lOdwIn Clay.
Viola. Palos. Klcatior. John Son and Tha
Jewess also started.
Third Itiiuiiil nl I'll llrs I it iv.
I1PKON. S. ! > . . Oct. l.--Conslderald
progress was made today wllh the Ameri
can Waterloo enp coursing meet. The un
finished Ilrst round of the Waterloo put > own
wn- > first on the e ml. Results :
Kino of Iho Hills. Clilcago , beat Waylarer.
Sin KiatioNoo.
St. cinlr. Chicago , beat Pretender. Ml.
, K.'J"'Iyj ' ' " " "on. 8 IX , ran n bye. Mis *
Knifed being withdrawn.
Interest today eeiitereil on n third round
of tle : principal event , the Waterloo cup.
Hi-suits :
Mona. Aberdeen , beat Iady .Mlsterton ,
Oaks. .V O
Mghtfoot. .Minneapolis , heal lied of Stone ,
Daks. N. n.
Itoyal Huek. S.liitn Cruz , Cal. . beat Clcn
Komi. Cahle , 111.
I''r.jnk Orecii , llawardcn , la. , beat Mon
arch Huron.
Seooinl round of the Waterloo purse :
" ' . St. Louis , beat l.ndy Alu-rdc
_ ( . ! . . ( MI 'heer. Chicago , beat Gyp.-Klkton ,
Snowblnl. Mitchell , beat King of the Hills.
SI Cinlr , Chicago. b at Kanny. Klklnn ,
S O.
Ii Ml on ti'ie day's eanl was the Waterloo
plalo for the elcht greyhounds beaten In
Ihe second lound of Ihe cup. linllf :
Hofhesler , Mlnni'iipollH beat Sylvia. St.
Mercy Hay. Huron , beat Xana , lleillb Id ,
S 13.
Put Miilino. Cable. 111. , beat Itoberl la
Dl.ilde. Chicago.
Sir Hugo. Huron , beat Mulklrk. Hawar-
ilen , la
The meeting will be finished tomorrow.
M. . elicit Wins ( he Hair
DALLAS. Tex. , Oct. 15.-Tho bicycle races
hrre tonight were rather tame. ItcMilis :
One mlo ! liip. amateur : Dan Daughcrty ,
St. Louis , won , 12 point * . Time : 2:2' : ' ! .
Ono-half mile , open , professional : 1C. H.
Moekett , Lincoln , Neb , won ; Xlmmy Me-
Parland , Kan Jose , second ; .1. A. Woodllef ,
Ottawa. Kan. , third. Time : 1 ! . ; .
One mile , open , nitinli-iir : Dan Daugheriy ,
St. Loul" , won ; Will Loupe. Dal'ns. ' -cniiil ;
L. lllrdsong. Fan Antonio , third. Time :
2:1" : . breaklm ; the state record.
l lvc'-mllo , open , professional' C. S W''llH ,
San Pranclsco. won ; X.lmniy McPailand ,
San Jose , second ; Hen Slower : ) , Alabama ,
third. Time : 1:10. :
AiiNtrdllnii * OH' fur Home.
SAN PllANCIb'CO , Oct. 15.The .Aus
tralian cricketers sailed for home on the
Marlposa this evening at the close of HID
irame wllh the California club. Califmnla
liad scored 41 ! rims avalnst IDS In the Ilrst
Innings. Th.bowllm , ' of Jones of the Aus
tralians wan a complete puzilo to tileCnll -
fornl-ins , KII.I they could do nothing with
him. In the second Innings the Aimtralltns
took pity on the local men nnd put In a
slow bowler from whoso delivery seventy
runs wen- made for sixteen wickets. The
Australians then had to catch lh"lr steamer
nml the game ended.
l.'rltmid HIM \Vlici-T iit .Sidney.
SIDNKY. Neb. . Oct. IB. ( Special Tele-
firain. ) II. G. Prltz of Iho Olympic club ,
New York , arrival here tonight on his bicy
cle from San Prariclsco. Ho hns been on the
road twenty-one days , lie expects to reach
Omaha Monday night. At Omaha he will
meet H. P. Scnrle. the champion long dis
tance ridtr of America , who will pace Prlts
from there to Now York.
'I'll re , I iillnlNlicd ( Jnmcs Dl'invii.
IIUDA PICSTH , Oct. IS. Tlio three games
left untlnlshed 111 prl'VloiM rounils of the In
ternational chess masters' tournament WITH
finished today , resulting :
Tin-ranch and Noa drew a qnvon s gambit
declined after alioiit 10' ' ) moves.
Noa and Albln drew a king's llanehetto
after flxty-four moves.
Wnlhrodt and Cliarouzek drew a liny Lo
pez after eighty-live moves.
INSTIltlMIiNTS placed on record Thurs
day , Oct. IS. IKIC. . :
W. A. L. Gibbon and wife to Daniel
Murphy , lots ! l and 10. llarlein Lane.J SM
M. A. Waggoner and husliand to C . A.
Dean , lot I. block S. llaiisconi Plncc. ! ) , .VX )
Charlotte Medloek to Ijiiinm Sndtb ,
ei of ! ' . lot n , block 'A Omaha . 2
Sussle Williams and husband to C. M.
Plagg. lot li > , block 111 , South
Omaha . SjQ
A , 1C. Ihh and husband to Clillst
Chrlstenseii , > ' , < > lot 2 , Isaaca & O.'H
add . 1.150
J. C. Pol lies and wife to A. W. Unit ,
lot II , block ' .I. Han.seom Place . 1
A.V. . Ruff to 1C. 1C. Porbc.i. Kamo . 1
A. W. Underwood and wlfo tci New
ICngland L. A.T. Co. . west 11 feet lot
fi. and all lot 0 , block 2. Perkins' Hiib-
dlv . 1
Sheriff to W. G. Saunders , sVj of w
7.M acreii of H 1S.W acres of sVi nw
Sheriff to John Grant , w' ' lots 10 anil
15. block ; t. llascall'H siibdlv , nVi of
H > / . lot 1. block I , llasculI'M aihl. lot
S3 , Cunningham 't U."H add . '
_ _ _
Total amount of transfers . 111.905
Voi-illL'tl by the Jutl oH at tlio Worlil'H
fair who pronounce tlio Klmlmll to 1m
the host piano on earth-aml Iliorefore
they KHVC It the hl liest awards -but we
Unow -lMforo-fio ! do thousands and
thousands of others all over Ibis Klobe
who will toll you that the Kltnbnll Is
lowest prlced-
Iho blKhest jjnulu-tlio
Uio sweutesl toned- the easiest tonned
piano made -we sell It-rent It-trade It.
A. Hospe. Jr.
Music nml Art 1513
III.1.M ) AS TJIF.V .11A 1C H 'KM
They say'Justice Is blind-that's all
wrong In these days of "campaigns of
education" .Jtisllro ought to wear "specs"
of course thorn are "specs" and "specs"
the "spei-s" you buy at a bargain
counter are ono klnd--the "siecs" | wo
grind for you are the rlghl kind our
professional expert doesn't begin lilting
your sight until by a thorough and
scientific I cist ho knows just what hind
of "spi'Cfi" you need.
Aloe & Penfold Co
1408 Parmim