Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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All of the Markets Wcro Abnormally Ac-
live All Day ,
Corn \Viin Ver > - Stroiiwr f r n VnMln -
Utl'H Afl T liltOlM'lllllKl
llelieil | h.v t-'lrm
ClITi'AOO , Oct. H. All of Iho nmrlietH
were nhnurnmlly ucllvo today and the
: e bUslncu * . OfpL-cllilly lu wheat find
Iirnvlhlmm , WIIH enormous.Vli'iit speculator
later * were whlpcnwed by San Krupclsco
cnRiiK'-mcnls for Australia on one hniid ,
nnd huivy rciillzlnx oil the otbcr , December
clo'iuB ut Tic decline. Corn declined ? ic ,
cms ' e , and provisions 30o to 40c.
lu spite of the < ie. advance : chronicled In
the lociil market yeslc-rdny , Liverpool
opened thin morning with n Uc di-cllne.
lint It liitit no i-ffeit : on local operalnrx ,
who iippi-nreil criizy to buy wheat , and
th'lr demands were not Batlsflcd uiilll a
Imlf hour of the ( session Imd elapsed. The
IlrM tnnU-H In December wheat wire nt
from 7'i-Sf ' lo 701JC , compared with from
701. to 70\c at the close of tliu innrket
y , utci.lny. nud before the demand was mil-
Mi. M fiii- Iho time. It rose lo Tic. The
Kir. iiKth ciimc dlieetly from San ! rnwlsco.
M.H-IK'-S . from thai city were sensational ,
nn-l .IM some of them wore aeeompnnlo.l
by i.i.h-rs lo buy wheat they wen In tlmt
v nv Impressive. One incssai ; . '
r. ' - "Six enrKoo * taken for India , live
for Auxtrulln ; Indian denuind enormous ;
Imv t" . < X ) bu. becomber wheat at the open-
li " Northwestcin receipt * , too , worn
inin-h Hinnller I' Ihey have recently been
runnitiK .Minneapolis ann Uultilh not S'V7
ournqnlnst 1IW on the Hlmlhir day of
th.- week before. That mich a sham ml-
van.xliotild brliiB out huivy lines of Ion1 *
whenl was lo be expected , ami out Ihey
c..iiie One broker , whoso selling wn.i cred
ited to Atinour , let KO of Ihe ( Irsl large
line , nmounllnK lo nearly l.Vyifloo bu. . othiTH entne In and n. Blilpendous
nni.nt ; of wns dumped on the ninr-
lt. t. A shnrp declliio wru ; Inevitable , and
liifuTo bottom v.'iis renelu-d , the lit lee of
Iii-r-i mber had declined to from CO1a to
C.nV A brealldni * spell occuircd for a
while , nud then came HIP fun. Prices
flu * Hinted with the rapidity of n knlehlo-
ri"i | ami no on- ! seemed to know why.
The pi Ire soared to 70c nnd from tlmt idiot
Kulftly up lo 70S.e. It ( eiiiM to Imvn
lilt Us hrml imal.iHt FomethltiK on Ibo
hint Jump , II fell t-u quickly afterward to
from GH'kito CUic , and II was slriiKitlltiK
nt Ihe hitler price In n Mate of collapse
at the end of the si-sslon CIosliiK i-on-
tlni-ntal cables were very slront ; , but Liver
pool closed at a decline for Hie day of from
lid lo ' 4.1. .
Corn \va very HlronR for n few mlnnlcs
nfter the opeiilni * . lielu-d | by llrm cnbles.
After tlmt It W.IH uucomfortnbly weak.
On the break In v/heat , heavy liquidation
an.I short selling net In , which e.-.rrli-d
Plli-rs off a cent from the top. There was
Rome eoverltiK Hour the close , c.iiifliii ; a
slight rtaction ; .Mny openetl about Vsc
lilKlier nt S'i-'S.u , sold at * * < : declined to
Si-1- , "nil cln ml steady nt ts c.
Outs opened llrm and hlihcr , rather con
trary lo f-NpectatloiiH with olferhiKS llulit
nnd pnod buyliiB. Tin- strength In wh'-at
and coin hud const.U-ralde lo do wllh lluc-
tiuitlons , i-npei'lally In Ihe weakness which
fo'liiWi-d ' Inter In Ihe day. Htmlness wni )
active nnd fnlrly heavy ; Maj opcn"l about
Se hlRher at from 21'jc to 2IHe , sold be
tween HIV-- and 20'ic , closing steady sit
Provisions had nn emphatic slump. Ho- ;
lirlei-8 were lower , which sinrli'd Ihe inar-
Ket weak nnd lower , and the llnuldntlon
which wuH so marked yesterday com
menced at once. Hhorls also enlarged their
lines , prices declined steadily and closed
at vi ry near bottom , .lanuary pork closd
40c lower at 17.70 ; January lord , IU- lower ill
Jl 27ty and January ribs , 3Uo lower at
Kstiinnlcd recelpiH Thursday : Wheat ,
KM enrs ; corn. ! IM cars ; o.its , Elu cars ; "
HO.nni ) head.
The leading futures ranged ns follows :
"Art cluH. I jOponVj JIUlf. '
( VI. . . . 70 us' *
D.-c 70Xii . . 71 C''K S
May , 7IH(7J
Com.No. u.
24 5I' {
Doc J.V < ,
May 28 } H - h" ISij' li
Oats. No. - ' . .
Ocl 1S4
Dee 1HH
May jn. -'OK ,
D.-c 7 If ) 7 11) ) 0 Ml II 8. ' ,
J.m 8 Ul'l 7 03
I/inl.KHIlb *
Di-e 4D 4 41) 3 KSi
Short ltlui- :
Dc-o 3 711 M 70 . fl'J ! ,
Jan 4 00 -I III ) a 77 * so
Cash quotations were ns follows :
ri.Oflt-Klrin ; winter patents , n.r.ViT3.SO ( ;
KtriilKhts , J3.20U3.fiO ; hprliiK specials , W.SdiH.CO ,
fprlUK pnltnts , H.OOiilUO ; stralKhts , I3.00ii3.30 ;
bnkers. l . & 0fi 2.rO.
WHI-JAT N . i kprlnir. i ic ; No. 3 cprlnir. Mif
CC'tc , No. 2 toil. 70\t7lc.
. I" . 2ijc ; No. 2 yi-llow , 2l ; Gitc.
OATS No. 5. IHiifil ic ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. ,
; , . ; N , , . s uhitif. . o. li. . 17Vil20c.
HYi-No. 2. 37e.
IIAUI.I-r No. 2. noiiilnnl ; No. 3. f. o. b. , 20
eiv. NO. 4. r o. h. . : iifi33o.
KIAXSI.I-D-NO. i. 75pr't.c.
TIMOTHY Kii-il I'rlinc , J2.W.
I'llOVISIONS-J'ink. im-ss. pt-r bhl. . JH.90 7.00 pel1 ( ) His. , Jt.l'O. llaci.n. short rlli.i slili-s
( l. it-e ) . J3.COW3.fO ; ilry saltcil shoulders ( lKixi-,1) )
| IOOfi4'i. short clear rlilcs iNive.l ) . tl.2Jil.37'i. '
I'Dfl.TUV-Hasy : turkeys , , 7'/ti/t'/sc / ! ' ; chlckt-ns ,
C c. .lurks , fiiiSVie.
WIIIHKY I'lstllK-rs tlnlrhcd gowls. per gal. ,
Kl'OAll-nil loaf. JI.03 : granulatcil. JI.52.
The followlns were the receipts anil bhlpmonts
toitny :
< luiitiilloiiN ii f tinUny mi VnrliiiiM
NIJW YOKK. Oct. . '
14.-riXJl'Il-Hecelpts. 28.-
000 lilils. ; exports , C.415 Mils. ; fnlrly nctlvv , In-
cIuilliiK n ileinanil for cholci- clears from ex
porters ; prices wenllrmly hcl.l . ; Minnesota pnt-
onts. JJ..OtH 30 ; Mlunohotn bakers , J2.70G.I.31
winter paleiils. J.I.UJKI.Ifl ; winter Ftrnliilits , JI.CT
F3.71 ; lut.r txtian , J2.3djT2.W ; u Inter low Rrades
KMOii'J.SO ; clly mill patents. | 4.7uii4.i. > . city mil
clears. Jl.lCf4.20 : mill patents. J3.70ri.50. Ityt
Hour llrm ; superllm- , | : .00rr..70 : fancy. J2.75W
2.IK ) . lluckwluut Hour , llrm at Jl.4Jin.00.
COIIN MlvAI. Klrtn ; yellow wrstorn , Clc.
HYK I-'Irni ; No. 2 western , 44 U4Sc : car lots
3M ilk- .
HAllI.KY-Qulet ; fee.ltni ; , ,
\VHKAT-Hicelpts , S7.IW ) bu. ; exports , lC7.COfl
bu. ; spot fairly active , but easy ; No. 1 hanl
Itv'.ie. Options Menup mul down all tiny , open
1 111 : Strom ; mul iiethn iiml closlni ; heiivy in
' .k i'.ic ' net ilecllne. .Shorts ueri' lien jus am
covered vlcorously scvrnil times Ourlni ; ihe
iluy , prixlilclnn violent uplurns. A KOOI ! deul o
lontr "heat was llilililaeil. | ( ForelKii houses
tuniKlit curly , liut cnbles were lower ; ts'o. s
n-il , October closeil nl 74 ? c ; December. 76\f
77H.\ close , ! lit 7G'c.
fOHN-ltecelpts , 41800 bu. ; exports , SS.S1S bu.
spot Meiuly ; No. : , 31(70. ( Options IHietuaUil con
Hblernbly , upt-nliiR slroni ; with wln-nt nnd ile
cllnlnt ; Inter un.ler blir ii-cclpts ami lliul | < la
tliin : cloFOil nt liSPio net decline ; Octobe
cloxi-il nt 3lc ; I'eci-mber ' , 31TtO32 > ; c , clufeil a
OATS llecelpls. 197.200 bu. ; exports. 1IO.SS
bii , ; runt utenily : No. S , steady nt Ji'.jc. Op
lions Keaily nt llrst , but later cased ofT will
corn , clohhiK lit So decline ; October clore.l
K'ic ; December , M'ifTM'i.c. closi-il nt > ,
HAY-Qulct ; fprhiB , J5.WOC.OO ; Kood to cho Ice :
HOI'S -Quiet ; slnte. common to choice 1X9
crop. S'tffl'ic ' ; ISM crop. 3fi7c ; UM crop , Sffioe
1'aellle riinst , 1(94 crop , H'.i'illc ; ISliS crop , JjiGHi
lllDIW-l'lim : wet. fulled. New OrlViin. , M-
lieteil nuUfflon , lie ; lluelum Ayres , dry , ICc
nomlmil , TOXIIS , dry. 9'jo : Callfernhi , 13c.
l.HATIIHK 1'lriii : hemlock sole. liueno
Ayres , light to heavy weluhls , IS'.iJil'Oe.
rilOVlKlONB-lteef. firm. C'ul meats , firm
pickled bellies. C l c. Lard , weaker ; wenleii
Heiim. H.U' . ; retlned , loucr. I'ork , dull ; men *
JS.Mfi ll.M ; uliort clear bellies , JT.DWIO.W ; famll )
TAl.l.oV-nrm ; city ( f ! per pkic. ) . Skiffle
country ipkKS. free ) , 3TtR4Uc , a to quality.
OILS , - ( otionvrcd oil , modi rule demiind ; prim
cru < lo , f. o , b. mills , luo bill : off crude , sto :
inline summer yellow , : ; io. rctroleiiiu. iiulel
united clofed nt II.1M , Itosln. firm ; striiliu-i
common to Kood , tl.77'ini.W , Turpenllne , firm
HH'iI'lrin. ; . donuntlc , fnlr lo extra , SSifCi
Japan , III Uir.
MOlAH.HiS-8Uiuly : : New Orleans , open kel
tie , Kood 10 clldloe , ! 9il37c.
lIl'TTKIl-Hicelpts , 8.MI pkBs. : stendy ; w t
cm ilaliy. 7iiJilHic ; we tern creainvry. UWI9o
iiKlni : > . l o ; fuclory , 7inic.
CHKIIHi : HvcclnlH , C.CM pku-s. ; ijulet : lurKe
7riut > ci simill , 7(7Uo ( ( ; pnrt vklinv , 3V-iCHo ; fill
rklius , : ) f2'iC.
KtlllHllecelpls , I1.5S1 pkKi.i steady ; elate an
IVnimxIvanlii ; western , ISfilk'jc.
KlUlAll-ltnw quiet but llrm ; rvllned quiet an
itrndv : urunulnti-d , 4Hc ,
l'lAXHiiil : > llltlCKS-Bteudy at Jt.00ii5.00.
Irun , qulttj southern. Jio.rstf
15.00 , iiorthrrn , II'.TMJIZ" W > Clipper , pitting , I linRs. iMl.nimiII" . ft'fi ' 10. * " I. ml. I
nilnilbi.ik.i - . . K- " . i-\eii nic. JJ T.'kti ' ! : ;
Tin. firmer , slinlls. nj K1il ! ; n PlHles. tnnr-
kel ipjltt. Hpcller. dull , dume-llc , J3. X(3 70.
OMAHA < ; iMit.\i. : : M.VUKIT. :
Cnndlllon of Trndinml Onotntliinn
> n Staple and I-'iiiicy I'rodiiou.
d Mock , n' ' o.
ommfjii lo fnlr , fci ; ehuloo to
country , H0lc ; irpftrator creamery ,
rJthr > i1 cifHtn , lIBUc. . . .
nA.MII-I'mlile chlckPiis , p r iloz. . J.W - JOO :
rjiull , ll.r.Ql.Mi ten ! ducks , ll.JStfl.M ; rrd bends
nnd mnllniiln , 18.Mil3.00.
ClIHKHH-Iiomi-MIe btti-k. ! > c ; Kdnm. per do * . .
> .K ; club I'limc. 1-lb. Jnr > , for dot. . JJ.13 ; Mm-
rrgrr. fnn.-y , | H < r Hi. , if lloqiiefurt , Vlb. .
Inn. per .but. , 13.CO ; Voung Anicilcas , 1iVc ( ( ;
t\vlni . rmicy , M f.
VnAIr-chulco fnt , fd tn IM Ibs. , anfiuoled at
; 0 > e : tnrcp mid ronrfiMl6c. .
I'Hfl.TllVl.lve h..ns. . r , ' fr- : rocks , nc ; prliiK
chlekens. f..tlidprhiR : .lurk ? , 7 JSe : luikeys ,
PKirON'f--I.lve , Mo ; .lend plceon not wnnled.
IIAV I'plnnd. II.SO ; midland , tl : lowland.
VIM ; rye Minw. Jl : fi-b-r niHke the price on
liny ; light bnles cell the l"-.t ; only lop grndei
' InB tip prlcei- ,
llltOOM COlt.V-KxIrcmely flow rnle ; new
cmp , dellvptrd on track In counlry : choleo crecn
elf.nrklnr cnrpel. p r Ib. . 2' ; < " . choice Krecn ,
innlnr ; to hull 21ir ; ennininn. I'.i'J.
SWHKT l-OTATOnrt-.nn orders , per 11. . U.7S.
TiiMATOKS IVr liapket. tiNTrMc.
ONIONSJSoml slock , per bu. , > 0c.
LIMA itANB--l'rr : : Ib. .
- - . 4c. . . . .
) .i.VNS--llno.t : tdrhe.t nnvy. prr bu . iMAtTITA
rAlillAOII-Home Krown. per hundred. 7. ' . tfinc.
rill.niiY Per d..z. , We : fancy , larce. < SfMc.
POTATOKR-flood Flnrk , per bu. , 30C35C.
Kit f ITS.
KAPiS-Neiv : Yoik. IS'dC. '
cAMnutNIA PIIAi'Ili.1' : I-'rcesloncs , 50c.
PM'.MS--N < . i-hlppliu : sl.-ck.
CAl.irouNtA iiltAPi : * ? Toknys nnd other
fancy vailullpn , .
l'UANIIiHlllis-Cnpp : : C..1. per bid. , JOWflflfiO
APl'M-s : c.mkln ) . \ > rr bid. . M.73 : cntlnc I.S3
! . _ ; .loiialhnnE , fancy. JJ.Mj New York , ! .
CA'i.irOIlNIA Pt.MP-IVr ! box. J1.75.
CAMI'OIINIV rjl'IN'CKS-Pcr box , 11.75.
TUOPICAI , ruriTs.
OIAN IP Mvxicnn. ? 1.00171.2 : .
I.P.1IONS Mei-slnns , jr'WWS.S1) ; California
iPiin-ns. tl.fiQ'itt fA
ItANANAS ClmlppIITR \ ? flock , pfr bunch ,
! ! .OW2.2. > ; mp..llum-8lzp . < l bunclii"
OYSTKItH N.w Y'.ik counts , per can. 4V ?
Vew Y.-ik fekct.1 , pu- can , 4'V ' : extra telects.
< -r run. S-'c. Ftnii.lar.lH , pur can , We ; int-dlums.
mr cnn. ! .V ; New York coimta. per loo. } l. : : . ;
.or . I Crt , Jll ; New Yolk i-elecis. per Kill. . ? 2j
MItub , HI : bulk Mntnlar.l- . p.-r Kul. . | l..o. :
HONiV--Fnncy : white , per Ib. . HSl3c ; choice.
3c ; I'lillfoinla. nmbvr color , lOo.
ril'iil-i'lHiIlled : Juice , per half bbl. , 12.7S ; p r
I.I. . 4. : , tf4.75.
MAI-MI SYItt'I1--Flve-Knl. cam , each , J2.73 ;
nt , inns , prr cloz. , 112 ; half-gal , canr. | C.r > ;
imrt cai > n. M.fJ ) .
rifJS Impi.rl/d fancy. 5 crown , SO-lh. boxes ,
le : t-li.ilce , 10-lb. IHIXPM. 3 crown. OWlOc.
NUT.1Almonds , Cnllfoinln. per lu. . medium
lac. lOc ; TarriiKona nliniui.lK , per Hi. , laiRi- .
I'/tc ; Ilrnr.lls. per Ib. . Sc ; niiRllhli walnuts , per
b . fancy soft shell. I2c ; mltun : slio , lOc : III-
icrls , per Ib. , lOc ; pri-iiny. pollthed in.-dlnm. be ;
nree. 10" ; peanuts , raw. C'ii7c ; rcnutcd , 7',4c ;
lieytnuts , lOc.
lHISr-Oood mitlvcHn rs , 400 to COO Ib * . . BHff
; we totn nteerf , Bfl.Mic ; good cons nnd ln-lf-
rs , fiRJUc ; inedliini COWH and heifers. 4'ic ; KOD.I
'iieipmrtcrs cows and liclfcrs. 3'i lp | : ismnl
"leiiaitern | nntlvcstccrK. . 4',4tf."c : KOO. ! blnd-
pinrtfrs cous nnd belfem. C'4c ; K < " \ hlndiiunr-
errf liutlvo Fleers. S'ic : cow lounds , 6cow ;
dalc , 5c : boneless cliucks. 4e ; row rhifkn. 3r ;
tei-r chucks. 3ic ! , : beef tenderloins. 15c ; bcf
oils , bonelehs , ! 'c ' ; sirloin butts. boncp | , S'-c ;
oln bucks , ixiiicU-jiy. jio ; loin backs. 7c ; cow
Ilis , No. 3 O' P ; cow loins. No. 3. 7'ic ; bref
rimming. rc ; rump butts. Cc ; shoulder clods ,
I"OHK--lrriiso < l IIPRS. 4c : pork loins. 7c : pork
"iiilei-lr-lns , Hr ; | i u > lib * . 4'.ic ; s.iu.-UKe ,
Hiltfi'ic : pork shoulders , rough 4'uc ; p-uk
li'.ulderi rklnnpil. TKpork ; trlmmtnk-s. 4'ic ' ;
cnf Inrd. not ienilrre.1. , i'4i- .
MUTTON Dressed lamtis , 7c ; drpfrod mutton ,
c ; ineks , miitiim , : f. len-i. mull , n > ' -e ; FIH-
lles. mutton. k'o ; sttws , 2'jr ; tttevii plm ks. 3c :
beep tuiiyues. ptr il'ij ; . . ; ; . .
I'loi-H Arc I.'lrnily 'Miiliiliilii.-il -ullh
\ lllsiiiiHltlon to.Shn.liliiotiitlniiN. .
1IOS-ION. Oct. U-The Amerlean Wool nnd Kepuiler will wiy lomurrow : Too wool n wli'dIs less nctlvp tlmn u n-i-i > k
IK . I'ill-en nrtllrmly niahu.iined an.l there
s no dlFporltlon ti. shnde limitations. We me
nfonned nearly nil the conrlRne I wool In Hos-
on today has either been wit ulr.iwn tempniiirlly
or bus been maiKcd up to llcures which nmount
o a withdrawn ) , nnd to this fuel limy be amlbed
n u laritu mensurc thedccrensliiK activity.
Sales of territory show
n com-ldt-raldc fiillhiff
.ft compared wlih a week .IK" . AustrnUnn bus
been somew'.iat more active. I-'b-cces were
very llrm. the deninml iwlnir moro particularly
for medliiin. Hairs of the week In I tut ton. New
\orlc und I'liltadelpiiln nR3ie nte 6.5S7.600 Ibs. .
5,537.iOO Ibs. belnc domestic nnd the reninlnder
Coielun. Total rales Fliitc Januaiy l iiKKit-untc
103.577.3M Ibs. . aialnpt 2So.3l.s ; Ibs. last ycur.
LONDON. Ort. ll.-Todny was the be l sale
of Hit- present series of Ihe wool niictlon. The
blddlnK was nnlmated nt full , hnidenlnir nit. > 3.
Wi-ll Kii'wn Kreasy crosslireIsere ccpeclnlly
souKhl for nnd rhoned nn ndvnncp uf ' .jiliid
over Ihe prior fortnlKht. Offerings cro 11.011
bales , of which MK ) bales were wlthdrnwn. fJaleii
of the day were : Xi-w South \Vnles. 2329 bales :
r.-oiiivil kij.lfds 3d ; Kieasy. 6'i ! > i7d. < Jueeii8-
Innd , 701 bales ; pcourt-1 Is lilUls I'd ; Kroa y ,
CTl-'d. Victoria , PC1I bales ; feoute.l. . "ju.ltils i d ,
Bn-nsy. ff10l. South Au > tr.illa , 2SI bnies ;
seoureil , Is HdBIs Cd. New Xeiilami. C.43S bales :
ycuurvil. 7'tdlils 3d ; Kreasy. M4 0hd. Cnpc of
( HKil Hope nnd Natal , C3J bales ; * coined , b'sdB >
III 3.1 ; ureasy , 4fiCtd. !
I.lvi-rini | > I Mni-ki-tH.
MVMUI'OOI , , Oct. H. WIIKAT Spot , firm ;
leniali.I modernle ; No. 2 ri-d. Kprlns. ts 1"--1 ; NO.
I hnrd , .Manitoba. Cs 2',4d ' : No. 1 , California. Cs
id. Futures opened stendy , with near and ills-
: ant positions 4il lower ; closed nervous , with
March unchniiKcd nnd other months 'iff'-l
imir ; biiflniss nbout vqunlly dUtrlbutcil ; Octo-
: .er , Cs ' .ill ; November , Cs ad ; December. Cs Id :
Jnnunry , Cs Hid ; February , Cs lud ; Mnrch ,
" 2d.
CO11N Ppot , stronc ; American mixed , new , 3s
Slid. Futures opened Mi out- , with nnr nml
llfctnnt po.ltlons ' 41 ! hlcher : closed firm , with
near positions uncliiiiiKeil to 'id lilKlier nnd dis
tant positions uncliaimed to 'id lower ; bu-lnesi
nboul e.lially | illMrlhutpd ; October , 3s 3d : No
vember. 3s 3J ; December. 3s 3'sd ; January , 3-s
2'id : Mnrch , 3s lid.
l-'l.orit Klrin : demand moderate ; St. Louis
fancy , winter. f.n 3il.
I'llOVISlONS llncon. firm : demand Rood ; Cum-
ie.ilanil cut , 2S to r. ' ' Ibs. . MH M ; short rllin. 20
.n 21 Ibs. , 30s ; loni ; clear , IlKht. U lo rtS Ibs. ,
30s Kd ; IOIIK clear , heavy. 40 to 45 His. . I9s ; short
ch-nr bncks. llcht , IS Ibs. . 27s Cd ; short clear
middles , hcnvy. 43 to r.O lb . . 2 < s ; clear bellies ,
14 to II ! Ibs. , 30i Gd. KhoiiHcrs , prjuaro. 12 to IS
Ibs. . 274 f.d. Hams , short cut. II to 1C Ibs. . r.0s.
Till low , line North American , 21s 3d. Href , extra
[ iiilhi mess , C.0s ; prlmo mess. 40s. Pork , prlmu
mess , line western , 47s W : medium western. 40.- " .
I.nrd. steadyprlmo : western , 21s Cd ; refined In
mils. 27s.
CIlt'ISSK Klrm ; demnnd moderate ; finosl
Amerlcnn. white , 40s ; llnett American , colorc-d ,
iiKUxt. r < 0- * .
III'TTKH Finest 1'nlted Stntes. Ms : seed , f.0n.
OILS l.lnsoe.1. 17s d. Petroleum , n-flncil , f.Hd.
HKI-'IHOKHATOII I1BKF Foreiiuartcrs , 3Vid ;
Idmbiimrters. f.Sd.
HOI'S At I ondon ( Pacific const ) . 3.
NK\V YOniC. Oct. II. COFFKR-Optlons
opened stendy. with September 10 points higher
nnd other months B points lower to S points
lilBiier ; ruled generally firm on covering nnd
forelRii buying , followlni ; sternly Kuropeun iniir-
keln nnd liberal warehouse deliveries : closed
firm lit 10 to IT polnls net ndvance : October.
JIO.OOR10.10 : November. J9 r.0ii .70 ; Peceinber.
! > .rAtrK. ( Hpot coffee Illo firm ; No. 7. jobbing ,
* 10 12'-i ' : Invoice , $ IO.fi2Vj. Mild , quirt ; Cordova ,
Jiri.COW17.00. Total warehouse deliveries from the
fulled Ktntes , MM ) hnus. IneludlnK 7.1T.9 IIHKS
from New York : New York Heck today. 1M.C09
IUIKS ; fulled States Etnck 1K.277 bais ; aftont
for Ihe fulled Stntrs. 371.000 Imps ; totnl vtxlblo
for HIP fulled Slnlcs. CC0.2n bans , ntpilnst 657-
430 hues last year.
SANTOS , Ocl. ! 4.-rOFFiK-Qulel ; Rood nvei
Ke Sniitos , ll.sno rels : receipts , three days , 21.000
IUIKS : Flock 410.M" ) II.IES.
IIAMIIf HO. Oct. 14. rOFFIIK-Qulct nt ViifVi
pfc. ndvnnce ; sales. lO.dOO lines.
HIO. Oct. 14.-COFFin-Flrm : No. 7 Illo. 10.-
T50 rels : exchanito. P"Kd : receipts. 23.000 IHIPH ;
cleared for the United States , 21001 biiKx ; sleek ,
32C.OOO Inus.
1IAYUIOct. . 14.-rOFFKi : Closcil quiet at
Hf decline ; snlcs , 19.000 baKs.
NHW YOUK. Oct. 14. SfOAII Unw , stead ) ,
fnlr rellnlmt. 2Mp ; centrlfucnl , PC lesl , 3c ; re
llni-d , iiulel ; stnndnrd A , 4Hc ; cut loaf , S'.ic
crnnulntrd. 4Hc.
UNDON. Oct. 14. SfOAII Onne. dull : no de
inniid ; centrlfUKiil. 10s 4'4d ; Muscovado , fulr
reilnlnt ; . Cs 3d. Heel sugar , firmer : Improving
slowly ; Qclober , gs ; November. 6s l',4d.
I'liiniielal .S'oii-N.
IIOSTON , Oct. 14-ClearlnKS , JIID09C33 ; bnl
ances , J1.SS.-.CI7. . .
1IAI.T1.MOIIK. Oct. 14.-ClonrlnK8 , 12.214,191
bnhmces. ) : ' .r.SI.
NHW YOHK. Ocl. -Clearings , I02.W.0.070
balances. t.S.KI.Ott ! .
PIIII.ADKM'IMA. Oct. H.-Clenrlngs , 110,423 ,
130 ; balances. J I. MS. 972.
HT. LOl'IS. Oct. 14. ClenrhiKS. 14.037.19 ; bnl
nnces , I2 < 2. ! ' > i3 : money. ffiS per cent ; New Yorl
rxrlimiKP , ll.2. > dlicount lild ; ! 1 dlpcount asked
CI1IOAC1O. Oct. -Clearings. . JI4.99I 912 : mom- )
rtendy : call lonns. Cii7 per cent : on time. 0 pr
crnl ; Nrw York rxchnnBe. tl dlncounl : fureliui
exclmngf , weak ; demand , | 4.(3i ; clxty days
II.M. _
Iiiiiiilon Slock ( liiofatloiiM ,
LONDON. Ool. 1 1. I p. m. cloabij :
ConiiolH. m'v . lil' I Mexican ordinary. ' 'U
Ciuiiolx.flnn't . HUH St. I'aulooni . 73
Can. I'aolllo . fdl'tlN. Y. Onlni . nr.1
Krlo . UHU'cniibVlvania . MJ
Ill.C'uutral j. . JU Ulex.Ceii. _ now 4ji110
11AU HII < YiU-9 ! il per oz ,
MONBV 1 per ccnl.
The rnle of discount 111 the. open market for
short bills Is 2SWS94 per cent ; for three month * '
hills , SMfZS P < T cent.
u'ii I''lMMiielal.
lll'.ltl.lN. Oct. H.-Kxehnnue on I ondon , elk'li
days' night , 20 maVI ; 3IV4 pft : ,
PAIUH , Oct. lJ. Three per rent rentes. 101
44 ( < j for t'le account , nxchangu on Ixindon
Clf IS Ho for clieckn.
LONDON , Oct. R-Oold It quoted today a
HID mm Ayrrs nl 1S2 : . .Mndrid I9.'i. l.lib in ,
3IU. Ib'tne Iu7i > 2. Anvilinl nf bullion witli-
drnwn rt"in die of inilan ; < l Unlay. .143.-
( i , nui.iunt iti'iiuFtteil. : ( , ( > .
Seeiiilt1lnrlel mil SloriAi'tlvi *
Tliiin I'MIIII ! A'cxlerilnj.
NHW YOHK , Oel. Il.-Thtf Ftm-k uuiMirl WR
more aclhc limn usunl tuihiy nnd the dlmtlbutlon
of the drHlliiKS wiis nlnu wider tlmn of Intc ,
The Indumrlals In U the first place of activity ,
us n Kiuiip , but u fnlr xolumu of triiiisuctluns
wilt nlro rviordcd I : ; u nutnl r of speclaltlm nnd
IcndliiK rallnny rhnivs. Manipulation was HKHIII
n < ll tnic.-t ftniuii * Hi the opfinllons. The emu reef
of lirkes WHS liri-uiiliu nnd the lluctunllons wldu
III ninny Instnm i- . Tinimitl.el tUfplajcil dt-
rltled mieiKlh : ut HIB uiilFi-t on \iiricly nf
favorable iniluem.'F. London pi Ices came higher
Mid Ihv locnl ti-titlimni uun niu-cted In uilill-
Ion , but on the publlciilloti of our Interiintloiiiil
-aiiu Hollies , which nlforded u clear explallu-
lull for the bulk of the Kold Imports , the
xthnngv maiket iU-\elo | > ed futllier wrnkneFS ,
UUR ! llmnen leaehlliK tlio legitimate Imporl
isls. JI.Mfi for deinaiiil. 1'oiteu quoliitlons were
Is. ) riilucvil ' .tc In't and'j by n it-mi
ni ; dlauer. 'Ilili fiu-t wns supplemented by the
vus of nctunl eliKiiKeminis of Kold ugKrixntlnK
l,3."i ) , ( W and by cnblrd t-Ktlmiiti-s of a pundlliK
mpurt of Kold to this i-oiintiy In thu near fu
me i-xtnidliiK to Jlv.lnKi.OW. I'un-hiisr * for both
ci'.iunts cause I lulvniiL-es nil nrtnind , with the
iduslrlnU IrndliiK , on Knlns extendliiK lo l'
r ctnt In Leather preferred. The ln\eminent
locks wore In fnlr ix-qucst nnd some strlktiiK ad-
anciM occinri-d In the imutlM- lint , l.ncka-
iinii.1 ro t.1 per cint , Cotton , oil prrfrned 21a
rr cent nnd Mctropolltnii Trnvtluti i per ctnt.
Tobnrcu moved In contrast In the Krnrnil up-
uni tiin.l . nnd nflrr nn Initial UFO of > j per
cut to 70 Mumped to Ti on leall/lm : rales. A
urllnl rally followrd to 73uc. The Improvement
as not rrtnlned , the slock Fi-lllni ; oft lo 71 % .
ho lowefit of the day In the Lite dcnllngs hi n
rive by the bcnrs. Illinois Hlecl was nlso con-
plciloli.-i for wide IhictunlloliK. The stock IOFP
' per cent lo 45 , broku eubti-iiuenlly lo 40U
ml milled lo 411. Thu bull * letnlned control
f the miirket iinlll the t-nily nflerneon nnd
inrked Suiar ; up lo 10-.1 nnd HI. Pnul to 71.
) ther shares displayed net gnlns of IVI'4 per
- - lit. A fcntuitof the trudlnt : wns iimiMinl
elKlly In I'tilnn laellnt ) nil i-xtrenn * itnln of
' 7 per cent. In the hist hour nn ndvnnco In
nil minify inteiIn tinloniil to lo per tent
rcelpltnled hcnvy pclll-iK all nround , which
'aiised ' Iho IOFH of nr > Ft of Ihr enrly gains.
.endhiK bankers del recntcd reports tlmt the rise
n money \\is nitlllclnl nnd jirt-dleli-d n shnri |
lonoy market for the next few weeks. Hank
i-poslts niu not Inrrrns-liiK , owing to the Indls-
losltbin of Country Ihinnclnl Instttull'ms ' lo re-
urn funds lo Now Yoik , nnd Iher.Is prnetlcnlly
o llmo iiinnoy offprint * . Incidentally HIP bnnks
inve wllhdinwn nlmoft entirely fiom the tnar-
ift for comtnciclnl paper. Shipments of money
o the Interb.r . continue on a Inrttr s-i-nle. The
nnunl ic pnrt of the Western t'nlon TeleRraph
ompntiy wnn publl hed today nnd was n fnvor-
blo exhibit. The report fulled of effect how-
\i-r In the mnrki't. The closing wns wrnk at
laeili.nal net Kntny. Itntlrond bonds continued
inmon a full v.-lume of business. The Ib-nd-
ng mil Atchlsrn Issue. * led In Inactivity. Kan-
ns Pnclllc fOimoN mlvnnroil 3'4 ' per run lo Ci. (
V notable oxci-illon | to the genrrnl leiidrncy wns
\tchlfon. Coloiitdo & Pnclllc firsts , wlileh reacted
IHT cent t. ) 22. The sales were J1.3S7.HOO.
The nxenlUK Post's Lonilen llnnnclal
aldeKrnm FIIJ-S : The stock market
pened fnlily mioil today nnd remnlned
o nil dny , with Iho rxccpllnn of con-
ols nnd other glltedgc ptocks. whlth were < le-
iressed by Hie gold exports nnd fenrs of n rise
n tin- bank rnlp. Amerlcnn * were quite the
ifst market nnd clnro.l . nt the tep on thn una
nimity of cnhlP ndvlces us to the prospects of
M.-Klnley's rleetlon. There Is much perplexity
s to n. poFRltilicl.nngp In the bank rntp. Having
rrety cnnrnsreil the opinions of lenders In the
nonoy market. I cnn only rny n rise of 3'i
UT cent li looked for , but with more thnn usual
inccrtnlnty. A rise In HIP bunk rale has lo
ome t-\H-nt. perhnps. been discounted , but the
ie t oplnloni look for nn unfavorable effect. Im
mediate or later. If an nctunt change occurs. It
s btllevcd on the Stock r.xchnngc that Iho set-
Irinont will terminate tomorrow without nny
rl'.iK failures.
The followlnir were the closing quntntloni on
ho lending slocks of the New York exchange
oday :
Atchlaou 1-1' ' N. Y. .VN. K 4-
AilniusKv 14:1 : Ontario .tw i : (
Al'on.T. II M Orecon lull"
Am. KxproiB It ) ; * Oregon Niv : li
nalllinore.VOIilo. 1416 O.S. U & U. N P.
Canada I'aolilo. . . . fi7 'Pacific ' Mall 1U
Cnnnd.-iSoiithora. . 44 IPcona Dec. S. K. . . 11
Central Pnclllc. . . . um'I'lltHburir ' lilt )
rin'H..V Ouio 14 I Pullman P.llaco. . . 14. .
Olilearo .t Alton. , lii.1 In adlm * Wt tin ' 'ii. u. w ic
Clilcairo O.-IB UOU Ml . W. lifd 41) )
CoiiKolldat.Hl nan. H ? i UOCK Uhuid I'.u
C. C. . J. .VSt. I , . . . 23 St. Paul 711'i '
Colo. Coii : .V Iroa. U Monfil 125
roll on Oil Curt. . . . 12 ( St. P. , VOinlia. ; . . . Hit
Delaware t Itiul. . I''I's , ilonfii llrt
Del. . hack..t . . . 15.1 iSoillliern ' Pacifls. . 1:14 :
D.&K.Cr. nfd 42K'suirarUolbii-rr. . . . HI75fi
KaMlTeuu 14 iTonn. Coal , V Iro.i.
Krla TexaHP.iclflc UJ4
1KH T. iO.d-nt. uU. . . fit )
FortWavno Dillon P.lclhc " ! (
( I.Nortliorn nfil. , . 110 U. S. KxnrcHi 3fi
C. 4K. I. nfd . HH W. St. ! < . &P f,9 (
Hockln ? Yullov. . . HIS W. SI. L. \ P. nf I 14 W
HllnolH Coutr.U. . . HU Wells Karro ll-c. . . s5
ft.P.'clulutti. ) . . . 17 W.Htern Union. . . . ti.t
K.AT.pfd . : t Wlieellmr & U B. . fit
1.-ikoKrlu.V : Woat. 1IU no pfd .1
ilonfd . I ! . ' . M. .VSt. L
( .akoShnro 14i'4D.Jk : ' ! 11. O HI
. . . 4H'.fin. M iil !
I * . A N. A. N. I.
M anhilia'nCon. : . ; . lUi - C.K. fil IhM
McinublH.v 0 1.1 do nfu liO
MlchlirniiConl hS T. SI. U.VIC. C. . . . 4' '
Mlhxourl P.iclllo. . T. HU I * pfl 10
Moblle.V Ohio lllln H. K. H. . KU
NnshvllloUliat. . . . US is. It. H fd lim
.VillonalCor.ll.3. ; : 4 * ( Am Tob. Co 71
XatOonli''PiU. : . HJt do nfd pu
N.J. Coiltnil 10U Am. Tel. .CO. Co. . . U ! ! <
N.AW.ofd l.r > ICom'lCabloCo. . . . 14 >
NorthAin. Co IK1 Am. pM li.'iti
Norlheriil'.iP.ino. . lll ! ( U. S. Cordaso trt I. . 17
N' . Pacific ufd 10' ! < U. S. Leatlinr nM. GUU
U.P. U. .V O l hitI..S. Uublwi * 14 U7 > ( O. S Hiiblier pfd. . Ill )
.tonfd 14Vts. ! ! L.S. & E lMtTU.i5C- :
N. Y. Central PIW
Tile lotnl sales of stocks today were 219.121
shares , Including Ihe following : American To
bacco , 17. . ' . ( ! ; Atchb-on. G.liCO ; Amerlcnn Sugar ,
ro.IOO : llurllngton. ll.oiJO ; Chicago ( Inn , 4.WO ;
LouisvilleNnshvllle. . S.ltO : Mnnli-ittun con-
solldnted , lO.UiO ; Hendlm , * , 13900 ; Hick IMnlid.
3.MW ; St. Paul. 32.300 ; Triinescrr Coil and .Iron ,
3.500 ; f nlon Pncltlc , 12.100 ; Southern railroad pre
ferred , 4,100 ; silver ceillllonlen. C.MW.
Oattlo Trailing is 'Dull ' nntl Slow at Fairly
: iii e a IKile U'eiVli , bill Price IMiitv
( be Illitlu-fil' . lu'ec 'Mn.v mid Coti-
Nldcrably Abnvc a
\ tis \ \ Am > .
Itccclpts for the days Indicated were :
Cattle. HORS. Sheep. Horses.
October H 3uti | 4,202 4.1
) cioher in ,1 ! ijii . ,
October 12 4.INI G02 3KS
October 1U 2.772 3 , 42 . . . .
October 9 2310 4,013 .
October S lin ! : 3G.7 3K7 !
October 7 3.7H7 .1,211
letober ( i 4.2SO 4,151
JctobeT fi S.C70 i.faa
Oclohur 3 1,013 4,740 2.123
The olllclnl number ot cnrs of stock
brought In todny by each road was :
Cuttlo. HOBS. Sheep.
Mo. Pacific Ky . 4
Tnlon 1'aclllc System . fin 11
M. U. U. U . 31
it. ft Q. ny . r >
II. I. & P. Ky. . cast .
U. I. .t I' . Ky. . west. . . .
St. P. . M. & O. Ky. . . . 1
K. & .M. V. U. It . 15 21
Total receipts 115 70 1
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing llio mini *
ier of hend Indicated :
liuyerg , Cattle. HOBS. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 11 210
I'he O. II. Hammond Co. 1:5 SI
i'wlfl and Company M. 1..M ! ' . ' 0
I'he Clldiiliy I'acklliK Co. ( IIS t ll ) 43
t. Honker and Deqan. . . 127
Vansant ft Co 133
I. 1. . C'arey ail
.obman & Rothschilds. , "lil
W. 1. Stephens 72
Hill f ; Lewis Co 1K !
Huston & Co 1"
. .ayton & Co 103
) tler ; buyers 0.12
.eft over 700
Total 3.KI9 4.1CI1 CTi
CATTM- : The receipts of catlle todny
weiu 3Util , as aKalnst 3O1 ! yeslerday and
3,7i7 ! on Wednesday of last week ,
The market as a whole was slow and
lull and was without any fcalure of Im-
lortance to dlstltiKiilsh It from yesterday's
market. The most of the cattle hero were
westerns nnd a InrRo proportion of them
Heef steers sold In about the same notch
is yesterday. The ofTerlnKS were u little
more liberal than on some days , and In
cluded some heller caltle. There were
some westerns Rood enough to IjrliiK $ . ' ! . .r > 0 ,
mil there was a five-load bunch of choice
lii'jivy corn-fed , natives.
Cows and heifers were In fairly Rood
demand , and the eighteen lo twenty loads
on the market weie sold In peed Reason.
The prices paid were about the sumo as
The stocker and /ecdcr market did not
show any material change , as compared
with yesterday. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
i..i2so 3 vo
cfiws. '
SIO 1 75 1..HSO 2 IS 1..13CO 2 40
"CO 1 73 llJIO 2 2..IICJ 2 40
7S3 i..iwo 22 : . 1:1. : . . * ; c 2 4. . )
4.iV.Z : ( 2 25 10. .1071 2 40
.101) 1 (0 ' ' ' 12. . M3 2 45
.101.1 2 Go 24.'i.'ll2 > ! ? 33 1. .1110 2 ; ,0
. fcSO 2 (0 7.'rl7H : 231 I. .1120 2 CO
.10111 2 CO 1..10.-.0 213 24. .IWS 2 75
. KI 2 n ' ! . . . . MO 2S5 .1110 2 M
1 ! ' 4D 2 ( ) S..U50 2 40 1..13SO 2 S3
1..1UO 2 10
ff ; ? 2 Ji 3. . , . 130 2 CO 2 r.o
' ! > . . . . 713 2 r.O
. 7 ? . 2 33 si. . . 1 ! ; 2 M 12. . CI'J
. CG5 2 40 i. . . . tco 2 no . n- ,
.1PCO 2 40 8. . . . 707 . nC70 2 CO
710 2 40 t. . . . W3 .IOCS 2 CD
, 9S2 2 ' ' , > ! . . . tfO 250 . M7 2 M
713 2 W 15.MS . 772 2 70
76o 2r . 430. 3 15
C73 2 50
1..1KO 1 Ki 2 , . .1043 2 30 . . .1310 2 4\ >
4. . . . 75 2 20 l..12.M 230 . . .1005 2 40
1..12o 2 20 1..I570 2 33 . . .1330 2 CO
1..1320 l..lJiO 2 33
1..1CCO 200
2. . . . IC3 2 fa 1. . . . 17U 4 r.O i. . 140 r. COne
C. . . . 33S 3 23 3. . . . in 4 r.5 i. . no r oo
3 30 1. . . . 130 4 75
' ' ' ' i. . no r. 10
l' . . . 400 3 . * X ) 2. . . . 123 4 75 155 & 23
i. . . . aw 4 00
1. . . . S70 2 73 IK. . . CIO 3 15 3. . . . 736 3 25
i. . . . i-su 8 75 28. . . [ M 3 20 . .1013 320
S. . . 727 3 ! 0 12 ! . . . 7il ] 3 35
1. . . S20 3 20 3. . . . C23 3 35
2iir7io ! 2 75 O 725 3 20 1C. . . . MS 3 4J
* ' ' ' 2 73 23 ! ! ! MS 3 20 , . . SCS 3 40
2.1233 3 S3 . . . Ml 3 20 . . .1251 3 40
r , . . . . 712 2 90 II. . . 710 3 2l ) . . .1UIO 3 40
17..1154 3 10 G. . . SIS 3 20 . . . ICC 3 CO
N'o Av Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 cow 970 12 00 1 fee .lor. . . . . W-U < 2 75
1 cow K.O 2 W 15 feci . . .1121 3 25
I cow . t.0 2 4 10 renters. . . ! > 78 3 30
3 cowx . I3 J " ' ' ) 713 3 35
1 feeder Son 3 w 9 fic.lern. . . ! )75 ) 335
JO feeders..1115 3 f ) 15 ftt-t-rs 121-0 : ilo
15 feeders. . . . CSS 3 M 12 711 3 CO
25 feeders..1122 3 30
I.elsli & Lltllelli-ld.
1 cow Kit ) . . * 40 feeders.- ! . . : : 20
31 feeders. . . .1250 3 20
John Dally.
1 cow 9SO 173 17 cows OC7 2 CO
2 CUWB 10C5 225 32 fppdera..l21j 3 20
J. Dohcrly.
R cows 10IS 175 C feeders..107fi 315
3 cowu 1030 2 S3 3fecd.-r3..12C3 315
30 cows 103C 2 CO 45sti-crs 1JSO 3 35
2 bulls 1033 2 40 23 feeders. . . . 90S 3 23
1 calf 3VO 30) 5 calvt-u 31S 3 W
30 feeders. . . . 10M 3 15
W. S. Slrnlton.
13 feeders. . . . S3S 3 20
1 cow . 10CO 2 35 1 feeder. . . . MO 2 C3
2 cows . 1225 2 50 2 feeders. . . S10 330
1 cow . 1100 2 Ki Ib steers. . . . 13SO 300
Hay State L. B. Co.
17 cows 10SI 2 S5
H. dray.
Islecr 1020 310 2 feeders. . . 1033 3 30
Unnd Creek Cnlllo Co.
S cows 913 2 30 25 COWH b5S 2 C5
1) . Gordon.
3 feeders. . . . 1171 325 23 steers 1155 3 CO
Swan I.nnd & Caltle Co.
1 cow too 1 611 26 Bteers 1007 2 80
1 cow 950 2 31 27 steers 1211 3 20
: < ulcers lOsS 2 W
1 bull 1210 1-H tt feeders. . . 812 2 73
Scows D'.tf 1 75 21 feeders. . . : ,6 3 00
3 bulls 1420 200 17 feeders. . . ,1140 3 10
1 bull 1320 2 25 40 feeders. . . ,1129 3 30
a cows Wl 2 30 55 feeders. . . Mi ! 3 S3
.1130 2 50P.
P. Maxwell ,
li oo\vs 28 2 25 Icalf , 400 3 CO
13 cows 776 2 < 5
P. T. Stevens.
21 heifers 7282 A Icalf . SCO 3 25
15 heifers 76 S tu 3 calves. . .305 3 CO
1 calf SCO2 t3 1 cult .ICO 4 23
52 cows 62322
.IV. II. Slilrlc.
2 cows . SCO 1 7.i 1335 2 00
4 cows . 1017 l jZ 27 COWH 9D6 2 40
4 Kirs , tilt. . . M > 2 * > , . W heifers. . . MO 2 10
2 InillH . 13CO 2 ) 125 feeilerH. . . . S4 3 20
1 steer . 12SO .tl > . & fcedcrti. . , .1010 3 20
-iaDAIIO. .
T * * - '
i stiu * i3We > oof- 1 feeder. . . , .500 3 00
1 still- 1310 2-J3 ? 2 fletrrt. . . . .1293 3 IS
3 bullH 1173'4'23I 3 feeders , . . . 903 3 :
1 cow . 33 feeders. . , .1033 3 25
1 cow . S70 1 steer .1410 3 75
1 cow . 1210 .J.WJ
1 stag 1210-2,83 * 19 ulcers 1293 375
IIOdK The recoljuir of IIORS were Iho larjtest
In Borne days , 4uft IK.-IIIK reported hi , ns aKalnst
3,063 yeslerday ifnd'3l14 ! on Wednesday of last
week. '
The market opihnlctroni ; , the mopt nf the
IIOKH pclllni ; at ' 0110111 steady to stroiu ; iirlcex.
Townrd Ihe cloi < Itased off u mile nnd the
lam len or a dozen loudn bold lower. TaMni * Ihe
market as a whole , It would nveniKo up about
the rainc as yecurdny. If nnylhlr.i ; n llttlu lilKlier.
Heavy IIOKH told largely nt J3.2r(3.33 ( , but a
few loads averaijliij , ' 3 0 Ibs , und oier , went us
hlKh as (3.40.
* The averaKo price paid tulay wan the hlxhent
of tha month to duto anil the highest since
May. Within the past week values have ad
vanced 2530c. Ileiircsentntlve fcnles :
No. Av. Hh. Pr.
11 278 . . - . 13 20
SO 372 210 3 23
99 2S'J ICO 3 25
C3 2114 40 3 25
19 306 . . . 3 25
M 303 200 : 3 55
44 340 40 325
51 SCO , . . 325
47 326 40 3 25
II 303 40 3 25
t.4 350 120 3 25
M 320 3 ZO
C8 31G 3 30. ,
f.6 80 3 30' > |
CO 3 3 30 . i
f.5 21.9 3 30
Cl 310 3 30
3 30 '
CO . 315 3 SO
3 . 29H . . . 330
39 . 410 M I 30 ' K a : ug a
r nj JO 3 M M . . JI2 SM 3 JS
f.S . . 311 1-0 ,1 M ( M . Kb fO X S
f0 . : > Ml S .10 M . . . JV4 fO a 15
: ,5 2W W .1 30 W M IZO SM
fS Ml ICO 3 JO t6 27t . . . 3
61 HIS IH ) 330 ttl 3 l fO S M
r m > n 310 M t s IN s M
73 17 Ml 3 JO 47 ! 71 40 S
ra raj ) 3 jo ci j so SITU
S7 310 . . . 3 JO W 7 * 1 3 7V
7 Wl to S 70 2i * OSJ7't
7 JP1 HO 3 SO < H . . . S
IK 170 IM 3 > 1 Ml * > ! 0 340
K ) 5M | 55 3 JO t ? 5 * 0 340
I IM . . . 1 ! S J < . . . H JO
1 210 . . . 1 3 MS . . . n )
t . < o . . . tj/i r , w < ; . . . ? )
3 l 0 . . . 3 in 1 112 . . . SJO
2 19) . . . 3111 1 .150 . . . X 20
4 DTK . . . 3 IS 1 ti . . . a tt
< lir , . . . 315 t , Jll ! . . . 3 ! t
3 JK to 315 4 Ill . . . * : :
4 .11 . . . n IS 201 . . . lit
2 47R SO 315 4 * 0 . . . a IS
r. stt 40 n n r , . .HW . . . a r.
3 3W . . . 3 liH f. 2t . . . * C3
B 301 . . . 3 M 5 so . . . S 85
3 340 . . . 3 TO
HIIUI2I' There wan only one rinilll hunch of
idier | > III t'.ie yiinN mm It xnld readily lit
Mrnily prices. Hei-retentnUj't imlesl
No. Av. I'r.
Sculls 14.1 JS iX >
40 nntlvc c-wcs I..H 300
! bucks 110 3 00
io i.ivi :
lleevcw WITIVci.v . Scnrcr unit Droves
Sold II Mltlf Illuher.
rilirAOO. Oct. ll.-CATTli--lleeves Wi-rc
very rcnrrc nnd melt droves sold n 111111 * hlRln-r.
Common native dii-sted beef utecisen - In ! ;
mniiil nt from 13.60 to tS.75 , fnlily K" < \ cnttlc
nt from Jl.w to ft.25 und tholec to | iilnin > livi-s
nt from Jl.50 to } .r.lo , choice belnie U'e htelier.
The bulk of the c.ittle t-rorreil the M-nloH at
tl.25 to JI.73. KtiK-kvr and ft-eilrr absiie at
I n mi K'.O to } 3. 5 , largely nt fnun U'.Tr , tn } . : ui.
lluleheiH' and eanners' cattle MiM nt frntn } | : ; ,
to J3.S6 ; ralvvs rcilil nt front J2.MI to Ji.Wi. ; T > \ . < 4
flr"er wire 111vty fnlr dcinnnd at funn i ; ui
to J3.10 and flit heifers yuM elope to M.tHi.Vt -
iin mtiKu cattle weie rather active at from JJ.tfl
to $1.75 fur ttteis and nt flnln 12.25 to } 3.25 l .r
enws mill helfrts , ftcdliiK Etuers uolnt ; at ( nun
{ 3.15 to J3.3S.
I'rli'cH for heavy packing hens weie i.- lower ,
while Unlit IIUKS leniiilncd rtenily. Sales nf
con In1 , heavy to inline nrsorted IlKhtH were inadp
at n raiiKe < if from ( .1.05 to { .1.65 , rholcili.n > .
| > rllne tintrhers' WelKhls and choleo light hi > i.i
celling cluK' to n iinarter. Sales \ \ CKlar i ly
at from t.1.25 to } 3 r.n , with n Rood many sales
at from in. : . ' , to
Tradu In rhri'ii showed fnlr animation nt < ) ii"-
tntlons. Westein tanue rhcrperc wnntrd nt
from > 2.40 to 13.10 for i.rdlnary ID inline lots ,
with feeders fellliiB ficcly nt JJ.40 to J2.70. In
ferior to choice tinllVLylieii | wi-re ynlalil.nt
frcm 51.7. . to 13.10 nnd prime 123 tu 170 Ib. tdici-p
er - Fcarcn and 111 in at J.t.15 to JX"o. l.-imlM
were In Koi'd reiiii-rt nt fioin J2.75 to I.CO ) for
poor li > jirline , with snles principally nt from
} 3.r,0 to
Ht-celptr : ( 'little. KOCO head ; hogs , 31,000
head ; Micep , 22,000 bend.
ICiuiNiis City l.lve Sdu-K- .
KANSAS riTV. Oct. II. I'ATTI.K-Urcfliitn.
S.WO head ; shipments. . " . .IKiO head. IleKt Kri.r |
Kteaily , others ui-nk ; Texas rtccru , > 2. : ' . ! . ) .2.'i ;
Tcxns cows , Il.75fi2.20 ; native Kteerw , } II l.'ifd.T ;
native limn nnd helfeis , tl.25f73.Ca ; storkers mill
feeders , J2.40W3.75 ; bulK J1.,0 , 2.C5.
1KHIS Itecelpts , lo.Ofifl had ; phlpments , ! (00
head. Market opened slroiip. hut t-lofed we.-iU
to r.o lower ; bulk of F.'iles , J3.1PT..4J ) : hfnle .
tl.nSiJ.35 ; packers , tt.lofi3.45 ; inlM-d , $1I5M3.I5.
IlKhtH , J3.40C.1,60 ; Yorkers. J3.35ff3.15 ; pigs , } 3.20ff
8HKKI' Ilecelpts. 2.MO head ; shipments. 2'.0
head. Market steady ; lambs , J3.OOtT4.00 ; mutton ? .
XIMV Viii-k l.lvc Stuck.
NKW YOKK. Oct. II. ltir.Vl-S : HeceltitR.
1.422 bead : stet-rs Irtwer , except for top Kiades ;
oien nnd bulls easier ; ilry cows steady ; native
steers. J3.rflUI.C5 ; Muntana rungcr * . JlOflfil. li ;
stacs a".l oxen. Jl.75iM.Ofl : Imlls , tniifi2Sii ; dry
I-OWH. J1.251r2.7C. ( 'aides quote American fleers
nt lOVMl c. dssed welRhts ; pheip , lOfillr.
ilnffeililKhti refrlBerator beef , SjJS'le ; e.\p. > itt. .
3.910 quarters of beef.
SIIKKP AND I.AMIIrf-UrcelptH. 12.C20 licnil :
very sli.w nnd lower : fhecp. { 2.2583.50 ; lamb" .
JIKiiH.73ery choice.
HOtJS Ilecelpts , ! ' . .Sfi head ; Heady at M.COi ?
SlueU In
Ileconl of receipts of live sinck nt the four
principal markets October II , IMG :
Cnlll * . Hoes.'lieep. ! .
South Omaha 3.001 4.75 43
I'hlCiico lfi.H ) 3I.WK1 i'i.Oiii
Kmipn-t City S.0"0 IflfWiO 2.0"1 ! )
Total 3J.OCI 50.175 Il,3l5
St. I.iiulM Ilv < - Stiieli.
ST. l/tIIS. Ort. 14.-t'ATTI.I--Itecelpts. : C.fiOO
head. Natives stronc. Texans barely . ;
native beef Mcem. J3.70fil.75 ; ttockers and fred-
irs. J2.4'i i3.10 ; Texas steers , J2.CCfJ3 75 ; Texas
cows. J2. if( > .
IIOOS Heeelptii. S.COO head. Maikct f.c lower ;
IlKht , J3.30fj3.50 : mixed , J3.00fJ3.40 ; heavy , J3.10/ !
" ' '
' 300 head. Market
- . tteady.
St. I.oiilN -in-ral ; MiirK'ci ,
ST. I.OflS , Oct. 14. KUH'll-Mnikcl Hi in an 1
Feme expoit hin-lnefs. but only of rmi is ; n
fair domtMIc trade ; patents , J3.75fU. ' . < . extra
fancy , J3.25 j3.43 ; fancy. J2.75ff2.lO. cliolc.- , (2.351)
WIIKAT Opened hlsher on bullleh news , but
soon \\eakenejl and declined , ruling lower until
late 111 the rerrion , when there was u rally.
Kiituri-s clofeil louer with unit ; No. 2 red , cni-li.
elevatur , 71c ; Ir.ick. 72)173e ; No. 2 hard , carli ,
Be ; December. 72io iifked : May , 77J77'ic. '
COIIN l-'utuies deellm-d 111 sympathy \\llh
other ilomestle markets ami clot-eil loner ; i-put.
cosy : No. 2 , cash. 2J'se ' ; iJccemlier. 2i i May ,
2Cc lld.
OATS I'utures weak , but offers to tell at n ile-
cllno met few buyers ; M > ot. dull nnd steady ; No.
2 , cnfli , IC'-jc ; May , 2l"c bid.
UYi-I'lrm : ; 3 > ae. truck.
IIIIAN Stronu ; nicked sold , east track , at 40c.
1-M.AXHKKD Slcnily at 70e.
HAY choice sradr-i Mill scarce nnd firm and
lower Krndes Oull and ftenily : prairie. J7.00i7.tO ;
timothy. i.YPOfill.CO. this side.
WHISKY tl.18.
IIL'TTKH Klrin ; creamery , 15fj2ltc ! ; dairy , ! >
KClflS Stonily at 13Ue.
MiTAI U-iiil. fteaily. with n fairly ( -ood de-
niiui.l ; sales , 5 cars common ( Fiot | ) nt J2.MI ; 4
cars common ( N'oveml-ei ) nt } 2. " > 2li : fi cars de-
IIerlI'.e. . | at 12.57'J. Speller , held at J3.45.
PROVISIONS I'nrk. b'W. r : Ft.-indard me > s , Joh-
lilni ; . J7.37"-fi7.ri ( , . I.nrd. lower ; prime sleam.
fl.05 ; eholre. J4.12'i. llncon , IMIXOI ! sholdcrs , fl.75 ;
lomis , JI.S7'4 : ilbi. JI.75 ; shorts. Jl 14. Dry
salt meats , shnuldrrs. J4 C' > ' extra short clear.
JI.23 : ribs. JI.S5 ; phe.rls. Jl.r.7'j.
rOI'I.TIlY Knsv ; chickens , old. C'.Jc ' ; fprlnc.
Go : turkeys , fj dc ; dneks. C Sfl7c ; geese , Cs !
linrKITI'S Klour. 4fi 0 bids.heat. : . 42.000
bii : corn. CC.OfO Int. : oats. 39 ftO 1m.
HHII'MUNTS Plour. l.t O hbls. : wheat , 25,000
bu. ; corn , 112,000 bu. j oats , 1C.GOO bu.
IVIIIIHIIH ( Ml > Mnrki-ls.
nnd nlMiut lo lower ; soft netlvc nnd llrm ; No. 2
hnrd. nomlnallv , C2e ; No. 3. IHfiClc : No. 2 red ,
75e : No. 3 , 71ff74e , latter for fancy : No. 2 rprlns.
nominally. COfiCIc ; No. 3. nominally. 67fi5''c. '
COHN l-'nlrly active nnd llrm ; No. 2 mixed.
2l'.c : No. 2 white , 22c.
OATS Common tlow. cliolce scarce nnd firm :
N'o. 1 mixed , nominally. ! 7c ; No. 2 white , new ,
nomliiHllv. 20c : old. nominally. 22 < i22'c. { ;
HYK I-'Irm : No. 2 , nominally , aic.
HAY Steady ; choir" timothy. J7.00fj7.50 :
choice , prairie , J4.f.0fl5.fl. )
IllJTTKH Country plentiful but common ns n
rule : creamery llrm nt imfilSVje : dairy. lOfiiSc.
KGOS Steady ; receipts fair ; ipiotable at 13c.
Dry fiooilM.
NKW YOKK. Oct. 14. Tins new demand In the
dry goods market was of very moderate proportions
tions for cotton goods. There was some lerjue-it
for fancy prints of the Job variety of brown.
bleached und colored cottons ; many more arc
Kolm ; forward on old purchases , and of brown
MieetlnK * particularly many more goods nre
sold ahead thnn buyers think for. Clothlni ;
woolens arc hi Meady demand for moderate
iiunntltles. Prlntlmr cloths In belter rfiiuent nt
2 9-lCc. with fiiles of about 40,000 pieces spot and
November and that price bid.
RAM , HIViil , Oct. ! . Print cloths were
( julet and steady at 2 9-lCc.
Cut tun .llurlict.
ST. LOUIS , Oct. 14. COTTON-Stendy nnd n-
chatiKCd ; middling , " ' . -de ; rnle , CM Lales ; re
ceipts , fG5S bales ; shipments , 215 bales ; stock ,
22.403 bales.
tSKVf YOHK , Oct. 14.-COTTON-'utures
closed easy ; rales , 1C7.COO baleii ; October , J7.CC ;
November , J7.5S ; December. J7.75 ; January , J7.i5 ;
Kebniary , J7.90 ; Mnrch , J796. April , JS 00 ; May.
IS. 01 ; June , JS.OS ; spot clun-.l ( julet : inlildlhi ) ; up
lands , 7 15-lCc-j inl.lilllni , ' mi If , 83-lCc ; bales , 3,293
'NKW OUI.IANS. : ot. . H.-CXITTON Quiotj
mlddllnc. 7'ie ' ; low middling , 7 1-lCc ; ooJ or
dinary , 6 13-lCc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'KOHIA , Oct. H.-COIlN-I-'Irni nnd hlRher ;
No. 2. 23Hc ; No. 3 , 23c.
OATS-I-'Irm ; No. 2 white. : o',4fl20 ' > icj No. 3
white. niifilSc.
HYK Dull and nominal.
WHISKY Maikct steady ; finished goods on the
basis of JI.1S for hlKh wines.
Hi : < 'KIITS-Corn. Ck.C.W bu. ; onts. 102.350 bu. ;
rye. COO tin. ; wlilnliy , none ; wheat , 7.200 bu.
HHIPMKNTS Coin. f,0.40fl l.u. : onts , Wt.lM hu. ;
rc , none ; whisky , 1,170 uals. ; wheat , 5,400 bu.
Illur ( i nil n Shipment.
DW.UTH. Oct. II.The steamer Quren City
broke nil grain carrying records today by Inking
134,000 bu. of wheat and 42.0"0 bu. of rye. < - < iulv-
iiltnt to 174. C(0 bu. of wheat. Thin Ids Increase
Is made possible by the Increase of water nl
Snult canal , iillowlm ; boats loaded up to sis-
teen feet to pats. The new drauuht Is cutting
n bit : llgure In hike commerce , us the average
Increase of carrying capacity Is about 15 per
cent. , _
IMIHVlicnt | | | ,
MINNIAPOI.IK : , Oct. -WIIKAT October.
CCo : December. MVtoj May. 70'jc ' : on track. No.
I , hard , 6H'.le ; No. 1 northern , C5c ; No. 2 north
ern , C3c ; receipts , U)3 curs.
( II l
Oil. CITY. Oct. -Credit balances. 11.14 ; cer
tificates opened lilrli. low , und cloved at 11.11
hldj hlpments , 12,14'J hbls. ; inns. 95.52S bbl .
M-'rlHco Wlicul.
December , J1.30 ; Muy , I1.U Lia.
The followlni : proponed amendments to the
Conatllutlim of the Suu > of Neblasku. ns
licti.'lnafter * ot fonli lu full , are sitbinUlcd
lo the electors of the Slate of Ne'omkn. to
be voted upon at tl e Ki' cloctluu lu bo
ItolJ Tuesil.iy , November .1 , , \ . \ ) . isoo :
A joint resolution proposdtii ; tu nmciid
sections two (2) ( ) , four (4) ( ) . and live (5) ( ) , of
nrtlclo six ( fi ) of the Constitution of the
Stnte of Nebraska , relating to i.nmbi-r of
judges of the supreme court and their term
of oillce.
Ho It resolved and enacted by the I.OBI-
lature of Ihn Htalc of Nibraska :
Section 1. Tlmt M-etlon two (2) ( ) of rmlrlo
sl.v ( C ) of Ihn noiislliuitim of Ihe Stale of
Nebraska be/ amended no ns to read as fol
lows :
Section 2. The supreme court tdmll until
otherwise piovlded by law , conMst of live
( M Judges , a mnjiirliy of whom shall bo
necessary to furm a ( inoriim or to pro-
nntincc u decision. H shall have orlulual
Juilrdlctlon In cnscs relating to rev.-nue ,
civil cases In which the state shall IIP u
party , mandamus , quo wairatito , habeas
eurptirt. and such appcllaio jurisdiction , as
may b provided by law.
SiM-llon i1. That section four (1) ( ) of artl.-lo
M(6) ( ) of the Comullullon of Iho slate of
NVhrnsku , be nmended so as lo rend as. fol
lows :
Si-ellon ! . The Judpres of the . tiVrcnin |
court shall be eli-oled by the doctors of
thu slain at lat'se. and tlii-lr term of oillce.
evcept as herclniitter pinvlded , shall bn for
a period of nut less than live (5) ) yean as
the legislature may prescribe ,
Section 3 Thai section five C , ) of nrllcln
six ( C ) of the Constitution of the Slale of
Nebraska , be amended lo n-ad as follows :
.Section fi. At the llrst Rom-nil ele.-tlon to
bo held In the year 1MM. Ihcro shall bo
elected two Judges of the supreme court
one of whom shall be eh-eleil fur a term of
two (2) ( ) yours , one for the term uf lour ( I )
years , and at each general election there-
nfter , there shall be elected one IU.IRO of
thn supreme court for the trm t or live (3) (
years , unless otherwise provld. .1 by law ;
Provided. That the judge * of tin- supreme
courl whose terms have not e\plicd nt the
time of holding the general election of IS" . !
shall continue lo hold their otllco lor thn
remainder of the term for which they
were respectively comml-iploned.
Appi-ONed March 29. A. I ) . 195.
A Joint resolution proposing nn amend
ment to section thirteen (13) ( ) of arllcle six
of the Constitution of the Stole of Nebraska * ,
relating lo compensation of supreme and
district court Judges.
I In It resolved by the Legislature of the
Stale of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section thirteen ( I.I ) of
article six ( ) of the Constitution of the
Stale of Nebraska bo amended so as to
reail as follows :
Sec. 13. The Judges of the ruprenio nnd
district courts shall receive for their ser
vices such compensation as may be pro
vided by law , payable 'iiiarterly.
The lerlalature shall t lls llrst ? o son !
after Ihe nduptlon oi * this amemlment ,
three-fifths of the m.vbrrs elected lo
> ncli house concurrlni ; tab1lsh thrlr
comncnsnllon. The eomr-nsatlon so es
tablished shall not be chant , n . ' . ; iiu-r ! than
once In four yours and In n. V M.J unles.-i
two-thirds of the members el. sto.d tt each
house of the l.-Klslature conciii therein.
Approved March HO , A. D IS-
A joint resolution proposing to mured
section twenty-four (21) ( ) of nrtlcft rive (5) ( )
of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska ,
relating to compensation of the olllccrs at the
executive department.
lie It resolved and enacted by the legis
lature of the Slate of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section twi-nlv-four (21) ( )
of urtlclc live (5) ( ) of Iho Constitution of
the Stale of Nebraska be amended to read
as follows :
Section 21. The ofllcers of the executive
department of the slale government shall
receive for their services a compensation
to be ! law. which shall he
neither Increased nor diminished during
the term for which they shall have been
commissioned and they shall not receive
lo their own use any fees , costs , Inter.-sls.
upon public moneys In Ihi-lr hnnds or
iimler their control , perquisites of olllco or
other compensation , and all fe < s that may
hereafter be payable by law for services
performed by an ofllcer provided for In
thl-- -I.- shall bo paid lu advance Into
the stnte trcnsury. The legislature shall
at Its first session after the adoption ol
Ihls amendmenl. Ihree-flflhs of Ihe mm -
liers elecled to each house of the leglila-
lure concurring , eslabllsh Iho snlnrles of
Ihe olllcers named In lids arllele. Tne
compensation so established shall not l.e
diaimed oftencr thnn once In four year. ;
and In no event unless two-thirds of the
members elected to each house of the leg
islature concur therein.
Approved March 20. A. D. l Tlj.
A joint resolution proposing ( o amend
section one (1) ( ) of article six ( G ) of the Con
stitution of the Stale of Nebraska , relating
to judicial power.
Hu It resolved and enacted by the Legis
lature of the Stale of Nebraska :
Section 1. Thnl section one il ) of article
six ( C ) of the Constitution of the StHte of
Nebraska be amended lo read as follows :
Scellon I. The judicial power of this stale
shall be vested In a supreme court , dis
trict courts , county courts , justices of the
peace , police mnslslrnlcs. and In such
olher courlH Inlrrlor lo the supreme court
na may he created by law In which two-
thirds of the members elected to each house
concur. .
Approved March 2D. A. D. US5.
A joint resolution proposing to amend sec
tion eleven (11) ( ) of article six ( G ) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska , re
lating to Increase In number of supreme
and district court judges.
Ho It resolved and enacted by the Leg
islature of the Stale of Nebraska :
Section T. That section eleven (11) ( ) of aril-
cle six ( C ) of tlio Constllullon of the Stain
of Nebraska bo amended lo read us fol
lows :
Secllon 11. The legislature , whenever two-
thirds of the members elected to each houuo
shall concur therein , may , in or after Urn
year one thousand eight hundred and
ninety-seven and not oftencr than once lu
every four years , Increase the number of
judges of supreme and district courts , and
Iho judicial dlstrlcla of the state. Such
districts shall bo formed of compact terrl-
torv. nnd bounded by counly lines ; and
sucn Increase , or any change In Iho
boundaries of a district , shall not vacate
the oillce of any Judge.
Approved March 30 , A. IX , 1Mb.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section six ( G ) of article one (1) ( ) of the Con
stitution of the State of Nebraska , relating
to trial by Jury.
IJe It resolved and enacted hy the Leu *
Islalurc of the Stale of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section six ( G ) , article ono
(1) ) of the Constitution of Ihe State of Ne
braska be amended lo read us follows :
Hecllon G. The rlghl of trial by Jury shall
remain Inviolate , hut the legislature may
provide that In civil ncllons five-sixths of
the Jury may render n verdict , nnd llio
legislature by also authorize trial by a
jury of a II-HS number than twelve men.
in courts Infe lor to the district court.
Approved Mnrch 23 , A. U. . ! S3i
A joint resolution proposing ID amend
section ono (1) ( ) of article five (5) ( ) of the Con
stitution of Nebraska , relating to olllccra of
the executive department.
He It resolved and enacted by the Leg
islature of the Stule of Nebraska :
Section 1. Thai secllon ono (1) ( ) of artlclo
five (5) ( ) of the Constltiillon of Iho htalo
of Nebraska bo unit-tided lo read uu fol-
Seellon 1. The executive department shall of it governor , lieutenant governor.
Hi-cretary of slate , auditor of public accounts -
counts treasurer , superintendent of public
Instruction , attorney Kent-nil , commissioner
of public lands and buildings , and threu
railroad commissioners , each of whom , ex
cept the said railroad commissioners , Hhall
hold Ida olllco for a term of two yearn ,
from the llntt Thursday afmr the llrst
Tuesday In January , after his election ,
and until bin successor lu elected and qtial -
tied. Kiieh railroad commissioner uhull
hold lilH ofllcn for u term of three years ,
hcelnnlm * oti Ihe flrnl Thurmlay ufier Iho
Ill-lit Tucmlny III January after his election ,
mul until lilH UHCcc-sxor m elected and quali
fied ; Provided , however , Thnt at the llret
general election held after thu adoption
of Ihls amendment there Hhall bo elected
three railroad commissioners : , onu for thn
period of ono year , onu for thu period of
two years , and ono for the period of three
years. The governor , Hvcrulury of stale ,
auditor of public account * , nnd treasurer
ahull ri'Hliln ut the cupllol during Ihclr
term of office : Ihey Bhall keep the public
records , boolta and paper a there , and shall
perform uuch dutlea OH may bo required by
Approved March 30 , A , D , , 1603.
A. joint roiolutlou piopoelDg to amend iec <
lion Uctity-nU ( lG ! ) of nrtlclo five ( G ) of th
"ousiilutluii of the 8UIP of Nebraska , limit *
l'ig tlie number of cxuctilhc itMe officer * .
lie It riAilveit nnd enacted by the I.CK-
Ishiiiiro of the State of Nebraska !
H. 11 Ion 1 Thnt section twenty-six CM ) of
li'.1'1" ' J'V. ' , ( fl ) "f " 10 I'oiiMltmlmi of the
Slate of .Nfhruskii be nmended to trend n
follow M :
Section M. No other exrrnllvf ) Rtuto. ofll-
cerrt exec pt those named lu Mellon otto ( I )
of this urtlclo * hull lie iiratcd , except by
an net of Iho legislator , \\hlch Is con
curred In by not lers limit three-fourlh.l
of the members elected tu each houst
thereof ;
I'tovldrd , Thnt any otllc created by i\n
I net of the legislature may be abolished by
the legislature , two-thirds of Iho members
elected to each he-use Ihetfof concurring.
Approved Mnrch SO. A. I ) . . 1S"J. "
A joint resolution piopo.nlui ; to nmcuA
nectlon nine (0) ( ) of artlelu eight ( S ) of the
Constitution ut thu State of Nebraska , pro
viding for the linostniftit of the permanent
tdiiratlonnl funds of the state.
do It resolved iinil on.ictcd by thu ! ? *
' .slalure of the Stulo of Nebraska , :
Section 1. Tlmt section nine ( ! 0 of artlcls
Muht ( S ) df the Constllutloii of the Htuto
of Nebraska bo amended lo read as fol-
luv\s ;
SVi-iiou p. All funds belonging to ihe state
for i-diicnllouul purposes , tin- Interest nnd 1.
ntctiiivhcieof only lite to be used , shall '
, tic dreiticd tuiKl funds held by Iho state. >
, iiin ) the Mule Hhall supply nil losres ihrre-
of miiy lu niiy mnntier nociiie , no ttmt
Ih.i sniiie shall .
rem.tlu fol ever Invlolato \
and unillmliijihe. | | . nml shall not be In-
\eslcd or lonneii \ , , , , t on rutted .Stales
or sliilo scoiirltles. , rci-.lst-rcd counly ,
i bpmbi or rep.lstpi.-d , - , , , , .l.-m.-t . honds , !
of this state , an.1 su.-n n-d . v th the ' ,
I Intcrcxl and Ineoir.e thiiif K. hereby L
Holimnly pledged fin th.- I > UII.I CH for
which they are crautcd mul M pirt : and
-hall i.ot bo transferreil to a-.y other funil |
for olbi-r uses ; >
rrovbb-d , The boaid created by s.-etlon .
I of this aitleb * Is emiio\vced to sell from
tlmo to time nny of tl-e" n-curltb-s beloux-
Ing lo Ihe lierummutchnol fund and lu- '
u-st the proceeds nrlsInK Ihi-refrom lu nny
of Ihe -ciirltles eniimerutfil lu this sec
tion beat Ing a higher rate of Interest. .
whenever uu oppott unity for bet Ier Invest
ment Is presented :
And I'tovlilcil flintier , Th-it when nny
unmitit upon the slate tieasttri-r regu
larly Issued In | iursimuco < if nn upprupila-
tlou by the leKlshitiir- and H.-ctired by the
levy of a tax for Us payment , shall bo
presented to the state treasurer for pay
ment , und there shall not In- any money
In Ihe piupor fund to pay such warrant ,
the board created by section 1 of this arti
cle may dlieet the stale trrumircr to pay
Ihe amount due on such warrant from
moneys In his hands belonging to Ihe per-
niani nl school fund of HIP slale , ami ho
shall hold hitld warrant ns an Investment
of said permanent si-ho. , | fund
Approved March KI. A. 1) . , 1S03.
A Joint icsnlullnn proposing nn amend
ment to the Constitution of the Slate of
Nebraska by adding a new section lo artlclo
twelve (12) ( ) of unld constitution , to be num
bered section two ( I ! ) , relative to the merg
ing of thu government of cities of the
metropolitan class and the government of
the counties wherein such cities are lo
He It resolved ard enacted by the Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska :
St-cllon 1. That artl.-lo twelve (12) ( of th
Constitution of the Slate of Nebraska bo
amended by lidding to snld article a new
section to he numbered secllon Iwo (2) ) , to
read ns follows :
Section 2. The government of any city of
the metropolitan cl.iss nnd the govciumcnt
of the county lu which It IH located may bo
merged wholly or In | an wh.-n u proposi
tion so to do has been submitted by au
thority of law to the voti rs of such city
nnd county nnd received the assent of a ,
majority of the voles east In such city nnd
also n majority of the votes cast In the
counly exclusive of those cast lu such
metropolitan city at such . leellon.
Approved .March 20 , A. U. . 1W5.
A joint resolution proposing an amendment
to section six ( G ) of article Rcven (7) ( ) of tbo
Conslliullon of thu State jot Nebraska , pre
scribing tliu manner In which votes shall
be cast.
Ito It resolved nnd enacted by the Leg
islature of HIP Slnle of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section six ( fl ) of nrtlclo
seven (7) ( ) of the Coustltulbm of the Slnto
of Nebraska be amended lo read as follows - t
lows : | V
Section ( > . All voles shall he by b.illot. or |
such olher method ns may be prescribed I
hy law , provided the secrecy of voting ba
Approved March 23. A. Ii. . 1S33.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section two (2) ( ) of article fourteen (14) ( ) of the
Constllutlon of tlio State of Nebraska , rela
tive to doiiHtlon.s to works of Internal Im
provement and manufactories.
lie It resolved anil enacted by the Legis
lature of the Stale of Nebraska :
Secllou 1. That section two 12) ) of nrllcl
fourteen ( II ) of the Constitution of thn
State of Nebraska , ! > amended lo read ui >
follows :
Secllon 2 No clly. counl. town , prerlnct ,
iruulclpallty. or other sub. , 'slon of the
Matt * , sliull ever make donaimus 'o any
ucrks of Internal Improvement , or r"tnu-
faclory , unless u proposition BO lo do snH
b.'ive been llrst Hiibmltled lo the qualified
electors and ratified by n two-thirds vet
at nn election by autlmilly of law ; Pro
vided , That Hiieh donation ! ! of n county
with the donmlons of fuch subdivisions In
the aggregate shall not exceed ten per cent
of the assessed valuallon of Mich counlyj
Provided , further. Thai any clly or counly
may , hy n Ihrce-foiirlhs vote. Increase such
Indebtedness five per c < nt , lu addition to
such ten ner cent and no bonds or evi
dences of Indebtediusii so Issued shall bo
valid unless the same shall have endorsed
thereon a certificate signed by the secre
tary and auditor of stnte , snowing that
the same Is Issued pursunnt to la\v.
Approved March 29 , A. P. , 1S95.
I , J. A. I'lper , secretary of state of tlio
state of Nebraska , do hereby certify that
Ihe foregoing proposed amendments to the
Constllulloo of the State of Nebraska are
true and correct copies of the original en
rolled and engrossed bills , ns passed by the
Twenty-fourth session of tbo legislature of
the Stale of Nebraska , as appears from
nalil original bills on fllo In this ofllcc , and
that all and each of said proposed amend
ments arc submitted to tbo qualified voters
of the state of Nebraska for Ihclr adoption
or rejection at tbo general election to beheld
held on Tuesday , the 3d day of November ,
A. D. , 1SOO.
In testimony whereof , I huvo thereunto
set my hand and afllxcd the great seal of
the state of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln , this 17th day of July , In
the year of our Lord , Ono Thousand Right
Hundred and Ninety-six , of the Independ
ence of the United Stales the Ono Hundred
and Twenty-first , and of this state th
Seal. ) J. A. riPKn.
Secretary of Stat *
4uc 1 DIoNovS mom only.
A I.I. . .Vrrrmiftrii * ' KAillntt Mem
ory. Iiniiolencj-.HIi ril | < * M > n Melr .riiuriHl
br Ai.iiMiuii'l . oilinr I.IIMW * mid Indli-
ciuilun * . ' /7i./ | ' ; iil < / . 11/ ' " " ' oirrfi/
iriloiH l/ ' t \ ilnlltr In ohl or lourm. nnj
fit u limn fur > lii.lrbu > lii or inurrlac * .
, r . 1'irvrnl liiliinlty iiml ( V > n uin.lloii | If
tuk.n in tlmn. Tlivlr o > . < i-liom linmmlbitu Iniiirovo.
meiil unil .ITuiln u CUKK v/horo all otbum full. In ,
iiion IIIIVIIK the noimlne AJax Tablflta , Tlmy
il-iln ( * nifr | , ution r r i.i | ol rrice , rir
For sale In Omuha by Jnincs Forsylh , 202 NV ,
ICth Street.
Kulm & Co. , ICIh and Douglaa Btrecls.
Telephone 10 ; ! ! ) . Onialia , Nub.
, Hoard 'it Trade.
JV.rcct wires to Ciuumia und Nrw York * . . -
John X Warren * Co.S
and ncvt-r offered a better opportunity for innk
Ink money. Wilto li , H. Murray & Co. ,
Hanker * & Urokeni. 122 illalto Illdii , . C'nlcueo.
ini-iiibi-is of the. Chicago llcunl of Trude In uooil
rtondlnK , for their hook on Hliitlitlco and Hpecu-
iHtlve liifonnutlun , und Dully Miirk t I.ttlfr ,
both free. HI'KCIAI/