Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1896, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA DAILY IMS 13 : TUTUSUr\ , OrTOUEK 15 , 1800. ,1 B. r . I COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT MIMHl MENTION. Pliutn cuppllcft nnil onmpras , fill Il'dwny. Mrs Joel Stewnvt has rfiturncil ( rora Chi- Mr * . l.iiilcr Kelt of North Pintle I * 1" tl.c ilt > . S. II. Mbrrtmey of Ilarlan * * In the city la t night. Supoiv-Uor Dentlcr of Pit-Mini township IK In the city. MM I A. 3one ! I * visiting Mrs , Shaw on North Six'h Dtictt. MM flo rge A. Kccllno 1ms relumed from visit tn frlcndtl it IIUillliKlon. la Mm H. II. UMton of O'Neill , Neb. , Is R ( jurat of her sinter , Mrs. 0. I ) . UlfiK . W. U. RtotiT of DM Molnt't. roprnaoutlnR the American Hook company. | R ! t'10 ' cll-v- A. Stlllmnn returned from Hotk yMciday. Ho 1 ! r. bad litalth find. lu1 to 'or a re t. The McKlulcy Ounn ! anil Drum corps will inrt-t lor drill promptly at 7:16 : this evening ftt the armory , Klxemnn buildlui ? . O. H. Van Houten of Lenox , secretary of the South wcMorn Iowa Ilnrtlcillttiral so- clrt.v , wns In the city yesterday. A case of measles was reported today ot SCO.1 ! Third avenue , nud mf-mnrnnous croup nt 2010 South Trnth street. The Ilaptlst VOUIIK I'eopKs union Is Making itrrminemenlM for KlvliiK "Tlio Tem ple ot Fame" during the next month. The had IPS' Roclety will nlvc n 0'lal nt the Second I'rcsbytoilnn church , ccrnor LoRiin and Harmony strci-U , this c'.cnliiR. The Council muffs Uowlng niMsoclntluii Is talkliiK of renting thn LeaKiie rooms In the McrrlJim block fur-uptown headquarters. Mr. and Mrs. AV.V. . Chapman are imiklnr : arrangements to leave for Kirksvllle. Mo. , for the benefit of Mr. Chapman's health. Mrs. QcurKo Clmvcs ! Is reported to be 111. Her daughter , Mrs. l.oftcr Kills has bu n called to bet bedside from North I'lattc , Nob. Nob.The The Ladies' Aid society of St. John's Rn- Rllph Lutheran church will mcul this after noon at the residence of Mrs. L. Leffcrts , 32ft Eleventh avenue. The women of Unity iiild ! of Grace Epis copal church gave a pleasant "Kxpcrlcnce" social at the home of MM. Charles Watts on Klrst street last night. The 1'ottnwiittamlo County Farmers' aa- noclatlon held a meeting at the Kiel hate Tuesday afternoon. The organization was Rhown to be In a flourUhliiK condition. Frank Ilt-lllngcr was reported Kick with measles at 2C03 Third a\unui > yesterday 1'eler I'etcrjion was reported hl'.k with mem branous croup at 2010 South Tenth street. There has been practically a corn famine In Council llluITs for the past few days 01 account of the farmers being unable to gu their product to market.Vhlte corn bus been nt a premium of from 2 to 3 cents. Card * , have been received by a number o Council Illuffs people announcing the mar rlagd of Miss Merlam Woolson , daughter o Judge Wooleon , to Mr. Ilrookx. son of Pros Idcnt llrooks of Tabor college , lust evening A meeting of the executive committee o the Western Iowa Poultry , Farm and flardot association wns held at the olllce of Auilllo Mathews for thu purpose of arranging the premium list for the show , which will beheld held here In December. Charles W. Shrnder and Miss Mill/in 1 : 1'arrlnli , both of Omaha , were married yes terday afternoon at the Haptlst parsonage Hev. V. C. Ilocho olllclatlng. The par tics wcro accompanied by the bride's par cuts. They left for Denver last evening. The I.ndlon of the Maccabees cntertalnci a host of their friends at Ileno's hall las night In honor of the second anniversary o the founding of the order In this city Dancing was enjoyed until a late hour Supper was served by the women during th evening. _ N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 230. C. II. Vlnvl Co. , feinulo remedy. Mcdlca consultation free Wednesdays. Health bool furnished. .109 Mcrrlam block. The beautiful art needle work display or ranged by Misses Clark & Wetzel will oc cur Thursday , Krldny and Saturday. Th display will be the moat elaborate and beau tlful yet given at 330 and 338 llroathvay. IMaoi'n fur llruUlratlon. City Clerk Philips will be ready to funilsl thu council a lint of the places of reglstra tlon by this evening , and the council wll probably hold a special meeting tn rccclv ami approve his report. He has been put tin In U his Hpare lime looking up sultabl building * and locations that will compl with the law. Yesterday he visited Has Omalu and determined that the rcglstratlu .n'aco should be ot the corner of Ninth avc line and U street. The days llxed by law for registration nr October 22. 24 and 31 anil the day of clectloi The law declare that once In four year there must be an absolutely new reglstratlo made. On all other years and for all othc elections thu old lists can be revised and cor reeled. Kvery man who desires to vote at th coming flection must lake the trouble to i ; personally before the registry board of hi precinct , answer all of the questions re quired by law and swear to the truth of hi BtatementH and Blgn his name to the lists He cannot dclegato this duty to any of hi friends. On the day of election the board will sit for the accommodation only of tlios voters who were out of thu cUy during th regular registration days. Each man \vh registers on that day must swear that h unavoidably absent. Got your winter supidy ot coal now bofor the rush Mid rise In prices , li. M. Shubcr will fill your orders promptly and bis price are the lowest. Telephone No. " 0 , C2S Wes U road way. _ U takes half a ton of starch per nioiit to BtinVn the shlrtH , collars and cuffs of th Kaglo Laundry's patrons. Have you trlc < them ? 724 Droadway. Telephone 1G7. Choice chocolate creams at Purity Cand Kitchen at 20 cents pur pound , Saturday , Itrnl llxlntr TrtlllMfiTN. The following trnnsfora of renl ostnt nre reported by J. W. Squire if. Co. , n " having "been filed October 14 , UtKJ : Kchvard Lewis and wife to William LewlH , jti'VJ IIWU 35-71-40 , Vv il . $1,400 County ti-casuror to W. P. Webster , lot 3 , block 13 , Hyatt's mihdlv , tax il. 17 Same to some , lots 1.1 , 14 15 , 19 to 27 , Mock 2S , HityllHs' 3d ndd , tax d . i Saint ) to same , lots 2S , 29 , SO. block 2S , lots 2. It , C , 7 , X , 12. 13 , block 23 , Bay lies' 3d add , tux it . 1 Bamn to tuunc , lots 1 to 10 nnd 11 and 12 , block 2S , liiiyllsti * 3d add . 1 Sanui to name. IOH | Hi. 17 , IS , lit , ? ) . 21 , 22 , block 27 , Itnylbs' 3d ndd , tax d. . . . Sam' ; to name1 , loin 23 to 39 , block 27 , llayllHs' 3d add , tax d . 1 Sheriff to I' . S. Masonic lienevolent Association , lots 11 nnd 12 , block J , nnd lots 1 and 2 , block O , CurtlH & liiimtuiy'H ndd. His se'/i ll-7l-43 ! , n d. . 5.0CO Bumu to Mime , ce'.i nw'.i 12-74-41 , a d. . . 2,51 'llHl trnimfcrn , amounting to . $9 , j The opening of the Purity Candy Kitchen which was postponed for n week , will b held Saturday. Candy at half price. Chocolate elate creams at 20 cents per pound. SiMVi-r l'lif , KJre Uriel.llt'ltliiK. . 'Wholesale and retail. J. c. lllxby 20 Main street. ' , _ _ _ Lundgard , the Tailor. 130 S. Main street. MnrrliiHTi''ilMi-H. The following mnrrlago licenses wcr issued yoHterday : Names nnd Address. Ace K. K. Oebler. St. Louis . .3 l-' J. Swire , Council Illuffs . Harry lusher , Potlnwiitlnmlc . i Dtrtlm McICeHson , I'mlerwood . j A. K. Pntton , I'ottnwuttumle . Hosalcu Osier , I'ottuuiittanile . For Infants and Children. * ties AFTER THE COMMON CARRIERS Police Make a Round-Up of the Ter.smten n Dray EVF.RAL FOUND WITHOUT LICtNSES limy Men lnilliii'it : to Ignore ( hiI'IMI - vlfiioiiN of the OrilliiniMMItruu - ii' the Mininvr of i'lili- Ilit The police started a crusade yesterday gainst the ramnton earilers who have PKlectcd o * refused lo comply with the or- Inance icquIrlnR them to exhibit In a Jii.ipli.uouB place on their vehicles the brass > iHtr- furnished by the city Riving the iiunt- MT of tlso ilce-nce under which each vehicle M bolni ; operated. The police have had a great dinl of trouble with the teamsters .bo have looked upon thiV provision of the ordinanrn with contempt. At the beginning of each year the ollici'ra arc required to do i good deal of missionary work among the oninsiers. Licenses are talc'ii out and palii or and the- teamsters will forget to remove ho old plate nnd substitute the ucw. Many of tlit-m will also forget to take out the II- COIMO , and n.ori ) trouble Is made for the lolloe. A round up of all the corumot : cat- Hern In the city wan made yesterday and ( ohii Vanwy , IM. Gerard and William Hoi- o\\ay were found to be operating their wagons without a license so far as an In- Hpuctlon of their vehicles revealed. The > weru arrested and will liavo n hearing In the court this morn'iiK. ' A million r.v.-iil. IfiO pieces of ullk ribbons in all the new and desirable shades on sale this week. ThcFo Rccdi were bought very cheap and cannot ho duplicated. Note the prices : No 7 and a. at Oc a yard. No. 12 , 10 nnd 22 , nt 1'Jo ' a yard. yard..JUST .JUST HECEIVED. A new line of mitres' and children's caps In nil the latest styles and designs. Our special sill : sale to continue nil the week. $1 grade plain changeable taffeta silk to go at C9c a yard. r,9c and 7 ! > c fancy slllcn r.t f > 0c. $1.50 grade fancy printed warp silk , beau tiful and Dresden patterns , at 9Sc a yard. Heal Imported Japanese silk In pure while at 2 ! > c n yaid. 7 ! > c grade fancy figured black silks at CQc a yard. ? 1.25 quality satin brocade grosgraln t-llk on sale at "uc a yard. HOSTON STOHE. Hroadway , Council Hluffs. Sideboards , the lln t .1 town , and nf course at tlio Durfe , . . urniturc ciunpany's ( ; . \\Tiiiii/.s cunivi ) TOO I.IIIKIIAI. Clirlsllim Church DrrhlcH lo Ai'i'rp Ilii * Voimu ; I'nxlor'N llfNtdiintloll. The olllclal board and a large part of thr congregation of the Christian church met In the tabernacle last evening for the pur- pone of determining whether or not the > should keep Hev. E. A. Cantrcll , the > ouni , minister from Mount Pleasant , who was called two weeks ago. Thn young man cam ; here under circumstances that made hlt > prospects bright. Hut for no me reason that Is not clearly understood liy a large ma Jorlly of the congregation the sky darkenec very quickly , and when ho returned to Mt Pleasant after preaching his flirt sermoi he carried with him an unmistakable bin that he might expect to have bib rcsigna tlon called for before many weeks. Instem of gntlinrlng up his household goods am making his arrangements to remove permn nently to Council Hluffs the young minister sent a letter to theolllclal board notlfylnr It that ho would resign at once. The trouble grew out of some portions of his first scr mon which some of the older and more conservative members of the congrcgatloi thought contained n trace of heresy or some thing dangerously near It. This matter was discussed at length tn the meeting las evening. Mr. llonham. who has been the most pronounced In his opposition to the new minister , thought the young man was Inclined to preach'a gospel of his own rathe thnn that of Christ , and as a C'hristlai church they could not 'consistently perm I this. The heresy was supposed to have beci contained In a sentence where the yount , mlnlstei was dilating upon his charity am declared that ho would not refuse to extent the hand of fellowship to any person. Thl was taken by some of the church odlcla board to be a defiance of the church's nu thority , and might mean the bringing Into the church of undesirable members who could not be gotten rid of If the mlnlstc lefuscd to withdraw the hand of fellowship Many of them present thought the ynnni minister had been misundciutnod , and the discussion was continued until 10 o'clock A motion was then mailo to refuse to con slder the resignation. A secret ballot wa taken , which resulted In thirty-six In favo of refusing to accept the resignation am twenty-six opposed to retaining the in In IK tor. This was cot unanimous enough t satisfy the congregation , and after furthc discussion n motion to accept the reslgna tlon carried. The friends of the new mln Ister who voted for the motion ndmittct that there could be no harmony with sue a large proportion of the congregation op posed to the pastor. A pulpit committee consisting of Member Mack , Conoyer , Holloway , Harr and liar stow was appointed to assist the onicla board In securing a pastor. I'lirmorH * liiNiiriiiiei * Company. The Pottawattamle County Farmers' Mu tual Insurance company was In session yes terday. Vice President Harrett In the dial in th.2 absence of President Campbell , wh is HI. Heports of odlcers show ECO policies Issuet last year , ot which ISO were renewals and 3SO new. They represent $120C3I on llv stock and $ OS0.987 on other property. Th net gain In risks was $323,111 ; total risk on Iho stock. J527.CS3 ; other property , $2 , 122.15 ! ! . During the last year there was an assess incut of $8.01(1 to cover $ SGOO In losses , Th total of unadjusted losses is but $800. Most of I tin afternoon was devoted to th adoption of new articles of Incorporation , the twenty years' lifeof the company hav ing about expired , nutrlcl Court \olcH. The ease of F. H. Evans against Joslah Danforth was continued In the district court yesterday nnd assigned for special hearing December 1. A continuance was taken by agreement In tlie case of Charles Johnson against Xels Sorenson. Judgment was entered In the case of F. T. True against F. II. ami J. F. Evans yester day In favor of the plaintiff. The arguments were commenced yesterday afternoon In the case ot William Wajar against Peter Peterson. Hoffmayr'c fancy patent Hour maker the test und most bread. Ask your grocer for It. I'aliuor mill lIui'liiiiT lu Hillcrc. . The democrats ot Council Illuffs have decided * cided to have a Palmer and Uuckner meetIng - Ing within the next two weeks at which both the leaders will speak. Word was received yesterday from L. M. Martin by Emmet Tin- ley asking whether October 27 would do for the demonstration. Hath Senator Palmer and General Hucknor will bo here. The time of the meeting has not yet been definitely settled. A Urge reception will also be held during the day to the two distinguished vls- Istors. ( It'll -r-S\vln- l - . Mr. EmllP B. Oeliler and Miss Fannie Swlro wore married at noon yesterday at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. John Ileno In the presence of a number of friends and rela tives. Mr. OchltT Is a prominent business iiian at St. Louis , being manager of the Illi nois Jlydaullo Preas Hrlck company. The bride Is well known tn thin city and hat been a teacher In the schools for several years. Mr , and Mrs , Oehler left at 4 o'clock for their homo la St. Loult. .HP.V13ll M.TTI { II < JOiS OVKH A JAI\ . of CnttliiK < > " ( . OnKlrnt Stri-i-t ItlNlrlfl I'imclltiMl. Thn city council met In opcclal session last veiling to consider the petition of the prop- ity owner * on Graham and Madlion avc- ties to have their portion ot the First trcet sewer district cut out from the con- Hict. City Attorney Hazlcton submitted a cport on the legality ot such n course by he council. He held that "the city had 10 right to take this portion of the work rom the sewer district without the consent f this property owners on South First street , r without the city assuming the difference auscd thereby In the asscflsmcnt against ho property on South First street. " The Ity attorney then quoted the ordinance ; ovcrulng the assessment of sewer Improve ments , which provided for the apportion ment of the cost ot the Improvement pro rat a per lineal foot of the abutting property along the whole line of the aevve-r. Irre spective of the size of the pipe used. "Thu part which It Is sought to cut out s the least expensive , " snld the city nttor- ley. "It will therefore be readily seen hat the amount of the assessment against he property abutting on South First street Icpcnds upon the work being done on Gra- lam and Madison avenues. The owners of iropcrty on South First street had and now iave HIP le-gal nnd equitable right to rely on the reduction of their assessments caused ) > the construction of the whole sewer , and hey cannot now be deprived of thh right - > y the proposed action of the council. " L. C. Larsen. one of the- property owners in Graham avenue , addressed the council s nd threatened to consult a goo I lawyer a'bout ' the matter If he was forced to pay 'or the sewer on First avenue , from which IP would derive no benefit. He Is one of the > etltloners who want the upper portion of hr work abandoned for a year or more until the < raving Is ready to be done on his street. G. W. Jarkson of South Flist street an nounced with equal emphasis that If the isl of the sewer was not asse icd accord- ng to the ordinance ho would go to law ibout the matter. E. 0. Wlckham , the contractor , had agreed in relinquish his contract If the legality of he assessment of the work on First street was definitely settled. After an informal discussion of the mat ter by the property owners and the alder men It was decldi'd to lay the matter ovc- null Monday. In the meantime AhlTvan "asper volunteered to get the couaent of the Graham and Madison avenue property r.vners to their proportional share of the First street sewer. KllxKrrnlil FlnilN n Knrliinr. I-Mward Fitzgerald of Chicago and Mrs. Maria M. Stackett of Cou..cll Hluffs were married in sils : city September 28. This fact created but little Interest nt the time outsldo of the Immediate circle of friends if the two persons , but recent disclosures ibout the Identity of the Vroom , as given iut by Mrs. Fitzgerald , show that her hus band Is by no means an ordinary personage. U now turns out that he is the heir to ono of the largest estates In Ireland and 'hat ho Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald will leave Council Hluffs In the near future to start on tbelr Journey to their home place. Glen- delaugh , County Wlcklow. Ireland , which la famous us the home of the great Parnell. Mr. Fitzgerald Is a traveling correspond ent ot a Chicago paper and Is at present cove-ring Iowa and Nebraska sizing up the political outlook. Mrs. Fltzgcrild wan seen about thp report of her husband's good fortune and while she hesitated to give any details about the matter In the absence of her husband admitted that the story was true. "Yes my husband Is the sole heir to an estate embracing 450 acres In County Wlck low. Ireland , " she Bald. "His uncle died May 15. leaving the entire estate to him. There Is a modern bouse upon the place and the description my husband has given me of the family diamonds makes me more eager to BCP them. Mr. Fitzgerald's father had two brothers. Ono of them went to \ustralla and has never been heard from. Thtt other died a bachelor and all his prop erty conies to my husband as ho Is an only son. Ho has been In America for the past three and a half years. He has been en gaged In literary pursuits all his life and has written several books. Wo expect to stay In America until after the election when he will take up out home In our : dace In Ireland. " Mrs. Fitzgerald met her husband for the first lime about two years ago , he having como to her house to board during one of his business visits to Council Hinds. Tonrlntv DIMVII 11 lloiiMe. Mayor Carson was notified yesterday after noon by neighbors living In the vlvlnlty of : \ vacant house on Vorhls street that It wns being torn down and carried away piece meal. The property Is what Is known as tin "Haunted house , " and 1ms been vacant tor o long time. For a year or more It has been haunted by tramps In the night time and boys through the day. Since the wcathci began to be cool people- hunting kindling wood have been tearing the building tc pieces and carrying off the lumber. ( merry Storr Alliiflivil. Nathan Mcrrlam attached the stock of groceries belonging to Mrs. Clara Cattcr- mole at COO West Hroadway yesterday morn ing on a claim of $105 for rent. The shcrlfl took possession. It was shown to the court that the agents of Mr. Merrlam had discov ered that a portion of the stock of goods at the store had been removed during Tues day night and given over to Stewart's Hros In settlement of the firm's claim. Tetter , eczema and all similar skli troubles are cured by the use of DrAVltt's Witch Hazel Salve. It soothes at once , ant restores the tissues to their natural cou- P'.iou , and never falls to cure piles. IOWA'S IV. C , T. U. COXVlJXTIO.V SrvrutU Animal Slrrllnic of tin ; Or Kliiilztllloii nt lloonr. HOONE , la. , Oct. 14. ( Special Telegram. The seventh annual convention of th Iowa Womcu'B Christian Temperance unloi opened for a three days' session In the Methodist church here this morning. There arc 100 delegates present , with the following officers In their places : Mrs. Marlon H Dunham , president. Hurllngton ; Miss H. Mix , corresponding secretary , Danville Miss Addle M. Estey. recording secretary DCS Mollies ; Mis , L , D. Carhart , treasurer Marlon ; Mrs. Howcna Stevens , chairman en tertalnment committee , Hoono. The gave used by the president Is made from an oal beam taken from the houeo In Monroe county , New York , where Frances Wlllard president of the National and World's Women's Christian Temperance union wno born. It waa presented at Haltlmoro las year at the national convention to Mrs Dunham of thu Iowa Women's Chrlstlai Temperance union , The reports of officers and committees occupied n large portion o today's session. Heports show 111 new aux iliaries organized during the year , with I.07C members. The treasurer's repori nhows that the financial storm has rcachet thu society , but It has already planned to meet this by sending' a financial ngent Into the state to raise funds for the continua tion of the various Hues of work. Tonight there was an address of welcome by Mayor Farrow , with a response by Mrs. Eleanor K. Mcacham of Washington , la. 1'iuilN ItcfiiHfil Hall. WEHSTEH CITY. la. , Oct. 14. ( Special Telegram. ) Judge Hlndnmn denied Dr. Pau and his son. Jim Paul , ball , as their at torneys requested. This Is a success for the state , an the fight lay as to whether or not the grand Jury Indicted them for murder In the first degree , which Is not bailable. Sin-Hill ItrllKloiiH .Srrvlrr. CHESCENT CITY , la. , Oct. 14.-Spcclal. ( ) Sunday the pulpit In the Latter Day Saints church was very ably filled In the morning by Hev. Mr. llutlcr and in the afternoon by Hev. Mr. Williams ot Councl Hluffs. > pecd and safety are the watchwords of the age. Ono Minute Cough Cure act * speedily , safely and never falls. Asthma 'jrouchltls , couEbt and coldi are cured by IL ROBBER ADMITS HIS IDENTITY Desperado of tlio Elierburao Affair Turns Out a Country Boy. BROTHERS KELLIHAN WERE TIKEB/fNOITS" / ICnuivii nt Their Home nt Itook jltni tin fii iulToiiNlvc , % % ' < ' I I lle- linvril nnil IniliiMtrliiiiM You ii n Men , ' PAIHMONT , Minn. , Oct. 14. The Shor- burne bank robber confined lu the Martin county jail has made a statement to Sheriff Hill , which has been verified , giving his tame as Lou Kcltlhan nnd his home as took Ilaplds , la. , where his parents reside. Ic gives his age at 21 and stales that his brother , who was killed , was but 18 years Id. Id.HOCK HOCK HAPIDS , la. , Oct. 14. ( Special Tel egram. ) The latest developments In the Shcrburne murder and bank roabery fell like i thunderbolt upon this town last evening at about 7:30 : o'clock , when a telegram was received from Hlue Earth City by Sheriff Kemplay , to the effect that the confession of the second robber , captured at Lake Mills , showed that they were boys who had been torn < and brought up In this county and been residents of Hock Haplds for nearly twenty rears and that their names were Lou and ilans Kclllhan. The parents , wbo have al ways been considered as generally good eltl- : cns , are prostrated by the news. Hans has leen away from homo for about four years , .ho most of the time with a theatrical troupe. He came home about two weeks ago and paid ho had a position for Lou at $12 n iionth and expenses. There being nothing > ctter In sight , Leu went with Hans and no word had been received from them until nst night. The portrait of the one In jail ip.s been recognized by a score of rlends and neighbors , who have known Hans and Lou Kclllhan from boyhnod. and who iave always known them as quiet and Inof- 'cnsive , quite free from the usual bad habits of boys of their age. Lou has always been 'ound trustworthy and he has been held In the liUlifiSt esteem by those who have ers- iloycd him. Hans having brrn away for 'our years , little Is known as to what he Vas > ecn doing. The father , John Krlllhan , and ill brother-in-law , J. U. Wllion , starteO early this morning for Hltie Earth Cltv t < i lurther Identify the second robber , Lou Kel- lilian. TIMHU'S TO < iO TO Till : COAST. Orilcrn for ( lie IKIIIN | | < | OII of HIP Colu mn nils of tin * Tlilril Artillery. WASHINGTON. Ot. 14. The secretary of war ordered the following disposition of the commands ot the Third artillery , now sta tioned in the Department of the East , but vndcr prdcrs to Join the Department of Cali fornia : Thn colonel , headquarters , one irnjor and three batteries to Angels Island In San Francisco hart.or ; one major nnd two batteries to Alcatraz Island In the name harbor ; one battery to Kort Manon , name harbor ; one mnjrr and one bat tery to Fort Canby , Wash. : and the lieu tenant colonel and four battrrlcs. Including HIP t-.vo light batteries , to the Presidio. San Fraii"lsco. In addition , the colonel , head- qunrtcrs and four companies of the First Infantry , now stationed at Augels-lsland , arc transferred to the Presidio. At the Instance of ; he Interior depart ment the secretary of war directed the com mander of the Department "of California to remove the United Stites troops , now sta tioned In the Sequoia and' General Grant parks , to other posts In the , department on or before the first of November. OrilorH \ViilmM4lii } ' . WASHINGTON , Oct. 14. ( Special Tele gram. ) Captain Jefferson I ) , P.oludcxter , assistant surgeon , has been relieved from duty at Fort HHcy and ordered to Wlllet's Point for duty. First Lieutenant Louis M. Kohler. Ninth cavalry , has been detailed * s professor of military science and tactics at the College of Agriculture. Durham , N. IL , relieving First Lieutenant Henry C. Hodges , Jr. , Twenty-second Infantry , who will Join his company. Post Chaplain George W. T unbar has been onirreil lo his homo to nwalt retirement. The following transfers In the Fourth In fantry are made ; to take effect upon the arilvnl of that regiment at Fort Sheridan : Captain George O. Woostcr , from company K to company F ; Captain Sllns A. Wolf , frcm company F to company K : First Lieu tenant Frank P . Andrus. from company C to company E ; First Lieutenant Mangus O. Hollls , from company A.o company K ; First Lieutenant II. Hrown , from company K to company A ; First Lltntcnnnt Dwlght E. Holley. from company D to company C ; First Lieutenant George y. French , from company C to coirlpany D ; First Lieutenant William C. Near , from company E to com pany G ; Second Lieutenant Melville S. Jarvis - vis , from company V tn company E ; Second Lieutenant Joseph C. Castncr , from companj C to company II ; Second Lieutenant William Hrooks , from company A to company C Second Lieutenant FrcdcrlcK Stetson , fron company H to company A ; Second Lieutenant Wllli-iin A. Halbourn. from company E to company H ; Second Lieutenant Daniel Dun can , from company II to company F. Leaves of absence : First Lieutenant George L , Anderson , Fourth artillery , ex tended three weeks ; Captain Nathan S. Jar vis. assistant surgeon , six months , with per mission to go beyond the eea. ItrfiiHCM ( o lit * TniiiNfrrrtMl. CHICAGO , Oct. 14. Dr. James H. Hamll ton of the United States Marino hospital , stationed at Chicago , has wired n peremp tory resignation to President Cleveland. This action puts a new complexion upon a matter which has been agitating the arm > for weeks. Dr. Hamilton bcs not received a reply from the preoldcnt. Some time age Dr. Hamilton was ordered to the Marine hospital at San Francisco. Ho objected tc being transferred and made an official pro test. This protest was overruled and Dr. Hamilton waa notified that ho must proceed to San Francisco forthwith. He then de > elded to retire from the service , nnd his tele , gram of resignation was short and sharp. WASHINGTON , Oct. 14. Surgeon Gen eral Wymun declines to reply to the strictures of Dr. Hamilton , saying that ho was ordered slnrplr la accordance with the regular custom ot the service. Dr. Hamilton Is editor ot a medical journal In Chicago and Is also a professor at Hush college there. There IH llttlo doubt but that the president wllUaooept his resig nation , > . : DflltllN of t1)1(5' ( . JEFFFEHSON , la. , Oct..ll.r-jSpeclal ( Tele gram.William Dllllngcr , forty-three yean a resident of this count'/ and a wealth } ' farmer , blew ! his brains out li'tu last night. Ho was 75 years of aue. ' NONE NEED EEAft IT. The I'jTiiinlil I'llo iSnrVp Cun-H lln > MOM I AKKi-uvatt'il ( 'IINUI of I'llc-s With . \IiNOlilU-.silfct > - . Pyramid I'i.c Cure wilpc'tirfcthu most ns- Kravatcd cosu of hemorrhoids In an astonlfih- InKly short time. It relieves the concealed rmrts. reduces the tumors Instantly , no matter how Inrsc. allays Inflammation and stops the achlnK-or Itchlot ; nt once. Thousands who had re&orted to expensive surgical treatment have bee'n cured by the Pyramid I'ilo Cure In a numlicr of Instances porsonsi who had spent months In a hospital under n pile specialist. It Is n remedy that none need fear to apply , even to the most aggravated , swollen and Inflamed hcmorrholdul tumors. If you are aflllcted with this stubborn disease you can master It , and master it ( Illicitly. This remedy Is no longer an experiment , but a medical certainty. U Is manufac tured by the Pyramid DruK Co , of Albion , .Mich. DruggUtu sell It at f > 0 cents per box. It Is becoming the most popular pile euro this country has ever known , and druggists everywhere uro ordering it for their cu - totuen. 1'OIIM AVOTIIKH POOT II.M.Ii THAM , TlKirMnii lUllcs Auree In Pill it UleU- Inir I'rmxil In Iliv Flcltl. , Omnha sepias lo be on the way of bavins nemo fool ball during the sen son. nlKhl another loi'al foot bitll airitrcRnUou was launched under the name of the Thurs- ton Hlllos Kent Hall tonni , Ha members beliiK largely of the mllllary body. The meeting wns hold In the armory nnd was an enthuslaMIc one. KlKlitecn nten wcro In nttendnrco nnd plo.lnod themselves to turn out regularly for prartlei' nnd to do all In their power to form n Hrsi-ol'iM team. Preliminary plans wvro dlj-cuHvod at lelietll. O. t'olemaii was eleeled ea.talu | of the team , ami A , ! ' . Owln the muuacoi. It was decided to meet for the llrst practice In the armory hall tomorrow nlirht. The follow ) ! ! ; ; form the muteilal out of which the team Is to bo formed : A. R i Owln , O. Coleman , H. Cross , U. Tow lie. J \V. Kleld. H. Askwllh. M. Suyder. H. Miller - ' lerV. , . Haehr , H. I'rlckett , A. Slokes , \ . Korby , ! ' . Vincent , H. H. Taylor , \V. C. Taylor , V. Mumrecke , O. l-'lslior , Kd. l.owry , Cal 1'ane , .1. Mllie.V. . Mclxell , H. HopUliiR , Frank l.ehmer and Joe 1'olcar. AiiNli-iilliins ut Sun I'Vimi-Noo. ' I SAN' I-MIANCISCO , Get. ll.ThlIlMt of i tlio series of the CallfunilAu : ! < tr.illi : orlteket malohi-it took jdnoo today on the 1'roMlillo ovnl and the ilr < t d.iy's play re- suited In a victory for the visitors by a store of 1KI to 20. Austr.ill.itut In llrsl nnd Cnllfornlu li-d : lost ylxlclctn wlioi > the day's sport closed. The homocnm : pliifcd a surprlsliiRly oo.l Kanie im.ilayt the ClmmpIoU ! " . allhoucli the soorc does not lu- dlcnto a show of ability on the lurt of the locals. Their showlUB toward tlio last part of the KIIIIIO wat really of the top tioti'li order and surprlsod llio vl.-tltnrs Ouilii * Iho llrst half of the name the local ten-n Heomoil awed by the playing the Autri- Hans , but after lunch the homo lonm soenifd lo nain conlldeiice and llielr plnylnt ; Im proved Kroally. The visitors showr.l KtroiiRth In the Infield and scorned lo rol > on their liowllni ; to di-feat the local im-n , while the latter paid more iitteullou tii the outlleld work and spread their men out as much as possible. The lulling of liincu nnd Purling of tlio visitors was a ivvolntlon o the locals , ns was the liowlliiK of Jones. The best wotk on the part of the local ilayers was done by Hoberlson nnd Myers I'lmlli'r Million n > IMV Itot'iiril , NOUTII ri.ATTNeb. ! . , Oct. U.-vSpeclnl Telegram. ) The bleyolo laces wore Ilist- class. In the llvo-mllo professional Ji.nnM- cap , C. 11. Coulter KOt the world's recorder or the unpaeod professional llvo-trllo. miking It In 12:12. : The results : One mile , county championship ; Frank Orlck llrst , Joseph Filllou . ' 't--sud. Time , J,11.Ono Ono fourth nilio , professional : IJcrllc tanks of 1'enver tlrst , C. U. Coulter seo- onil , John Oreon third. Time , 0:3.1. : One mile , amateur : C. S. I-'rswoll , Clic-y- enne , llrst : C. II. Xlinnicriiiun , Koarnoy. secoml ; 1-Mwanl llurst , Cheyenne , third. Time , 2:2.1U. : Tl'.r ie-iulle linndlcnp , amateur : Joe Motrlck , Cheyenne ( H20 yards ) , llrsf. O. S. Jrswell second. Time , "MS',5. One mile , profosslonnl : c. C. Collins. Denver , SJrst ; II. J. Hanks seconti , SlcCall , O.t-'a , IJilnl. Time , 2ld. -Svo-mlle handicap , professional : C. 11 Coulter ( . : ; -ratch ) Prst. F. H. McCall ( llfty vnrds ) second , Danks ( scratch ) third , rime , 12:12. : TI-IH-IIII SlitKH it ItviKirdT. CMSVKhAXP , O. . Oct. 14. A story I- irinted here to the effect that I'at Tebeau. captain and manager of tlio Cleveland H is > - ! > nll club , last night assaulted nnd badb iijured IClmer I'asco , a reporter for an nftcrnoon newspaper. The affnlr Is alU-go I : o have taken place In the barroom of tbi Kennard bouse. Tobeau ohiirm-tl I'arco with writing for his piner an e.visKoratcd iccount of the recent trouble between him self and Left Fielder MeAleer. The dlseiii- ilon wnxed hot and the lie was soon passed losultlng In I'asco being knocked down by Tebeau. The bartender then v ont between the two and while beas remonstratiiv with Tebeau Jack O'Connor , also of the Cleveland Hasp Hall cluli , iilso struck the rejiorter. The latter was taken to the toilet room otvl the wounds warned , wlile ! Te- lic-au wen * home 1'anco refuses to have Tt-l-oau arrested. I'lncN fur tin. SII | | | TH. I > OIMSVILI.K. Ky. , Oct. II.-The ease of the Cleveland base ball players , which was tiled In the police court last summer for disorderly conduct at the ball park , came tilt hi the criminal court today before Judge Noble on an appeal. The players were Tobenil , MeAleer , Hurketl and MoKenn , and they were lined Trom $ r > 0 to } 100 by Judge Thompson. Dr. Stucky , the president of the I.ouU- vlllo Haso Hall club and chief prosecuting witness , wrote Judge Noble that the trouble arose In the heat of excitement and that , as tlio men were non-reslilents , the matter had best lie settled. Klnney , Orcgory and Klnney , their attorneys , confessed lines of J10 each for breach of the peace and tlie cases were disposed of. Vi'Htorilny'H Pool Hull Score * . 1MUNCHTON , N. J. , Oct. ll.-The Carlisle Indians came upon the Princeton foot ball Hold today In of Tiger scalps , and at the end of the llrst half It looked ns If they would prove successful , ns the score stootl K to 0 In favor ot the Indians , and the Indians wore outclassing the Gladness Comes With a better understanding1 of the transient nntiire of the many phys ical ills , which vanish before proper ef forts pentle efforts pleasant efforts rirlitly ; directed. There is comfort in tlie knowledge , that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease , but simply to a constipated candir tion of the system , which the pletisauV family laxative , Syrup of Figs , prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millionsof families , mid is every whisro esteemed so highly by all who value Rootl health. Its beneficial effects are due to thu fact , that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness vithout debililating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important , in order to get its bene ficial effects , to note when you pur chase , that you have tlie genuine arti cle , which is manufactured by tlie Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health , and the system is regular , laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If iilllicted with any actual disease , one may bo commended to the most skillful physicians , but if in nerd of a laxative , one should have the best , and with the well-informed everywhere , Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely ussd and gives most geiieralsiitisfuctiou. THE TAILOR. Fine Line of Fall and Winter Suitings , 130 S. Main Street Council Bluffs , la. Dohaiiy Theater. CJKOHGH N. HOWEN , Manager. One Solid Week and tinturJuy Mntliioc , Chase-Lister Theater Co. Supporting MISS fJIJIJTII ! I2WINO TO.VHill'r "FOHOI VK.V &uuts no'v on sulo at Kullor'u DruKtitoro , lOu. In thr- second Imtf. however , Iho n jthiyem took a lilg brnec and tumid the tnldcs upon their opponent . At tit ! > end f the game Princeton hntl rolled IIP a noort of 52 points , niul the Car- Unit s failed to add to their cor < \ I'lllLAniCl.t'IllA. I'n. , Oct. H.-Thf I'nl- vcittlty of I'eiinsylvanla Foot Hall lp m dofcatod the l.'nlveiiiHy of Virginia on Frnnklln Held this afti-ruoon , 20 to 0. CAMHUIPfJK. Mai. } ! . Oct. -llaivnrd MoatedVesleyan this artoruoon. SS to 0 , In a contest nmtkfd by loogo Da ; ' < Cnur limnt Iliii-iin , S. . , Oct. 14.-The iiocond day of Hit . .ViiiprlcnnVnterloo cur cuurnlng m-'stluir brouiht ; some surplices for the l.tlfiit. rrolender "touted" ns "hot , ' but heAMS ruuudly beaten by old Sir Huno , wlilio Hoi I'Ven her owner e\ifcieil | the Im- Jiorted dog. Hetl of Sloue , to beat Silvia The ( liteni of Mlniiciipolls , the < -r.iek of the kennrl owm-tl by Mr.VntnuR , was not so .iflonlMilHK to Ilioso In who know. n they wi ro av.iro that she wis dr.iwn lo.i line and hid UOIIG off form. The wiMtbvr wn fiMln rl'.ir and hot , too warm ti-.iliy for pourMng. The attendaiu-o was iaiije. prob llbly 100 or 'tl ' | ieuie. | | lIvlUillUB rt gr.Ml many women. Hares were none too plenti ful. Sixteen courses \\ero run. Not ninth fault could bo found with the slipping , but the jii'lRC-i were not altogether harpy In a t'i w tlecl'Ions and the dissent was ncivral. Tlio three courses left over from yester U.iy's tnrd wcro run off llrst and resulted Sir Hugo , Huron , beat rrelender. Si'i. Atimnroh , Huron , beat Faiiuln , K'kton. . I ) . Muiklrl ; , Hiiwarden , in. , beM Miss Mat- felt , Huron. This finished the first uoiiud of the \\Vti-rioo clip. The rcHullt ) la the st'i-oml round were : MlHterton , OaUs , bent Itochester. . IUd of Stone , Oaks , N. U. , bent Syhi.i. I | S't. l.ouM. I Moitii , Alinrd cn , heal Kami , ouviii.i. ! Mgbtfoot , MlniiPanolls , beat .Mt-rey Max Huron. Uojnl HticU , Hatita Cruss , Cal. , beat 1'ai Malono. Cable , 111. Ol.'ii Hvf" , Cable , 111. , beat Hobi-rt de Plable , Chicago. I'Vnnk Orei-ti , H.-twartleli , la. , beat Sir Hugo. Huron. Monarch , Huron , beat Mulklik , Ha w.xrUen. A start wns m.iilc with the llrst round of the \Vaterloo purse , which Is for lln- sixteen Kieyhounds beaten In the llrst i ound of the big event. Five courses win- run : Pakota , St. Louis , beat Josephine , Hrook- lyn , N. V. t : tii > Aberdeen got n bye. Mas'.ic Dennis , Chicago , was wlthdra\iii need rhei r , Chicago , beat I.ndy Tali-o'ier , Minneapolis. Gyp. Klktun , S. U. , boat Minnie. Minne apolis. Moonshine. Oaks. X. IX , beat Snowbird. Mitchell , S. D. _ Punt Hull ( Jiuinat UVhxtor I II ) . wnusTUii CITY , in. , oct. n.-Spi-t-i.ii ( Toli-Rrnm. ) A matfh game of foot ball was playetl here today between the Wi-li- ster City Athletic association and Iowa Falls. Kllsworlh colk-KO. Score : S3 to 0 ill favor of Kllsworth. Is far ahead of any blood remedy on the market , tor It dooa M > much mote. I- ) flik'3 rrinovln liapurltleM , nnd tnnlngiip tlio run-tlown oyntcin , ItriiTi nny'blnod discme. Hiiiattirsiiotbiiwdccp. eati'd or nbstlnatc , which other so-callrd blood remedies ) fall to reach. U U n real blond remedy fnrreal blooil dl en e8. Mr. Aa Siul'li , of ( iruciu'nstlc , Intl. , writes : "I had such .1 hail case of Sciatic ItlicunmtUni that I bccamo absolutely liclpe ! < 5 unablJ to take my food or hindlu : mv.'elf In any way. 1 tnolc many patent medicines , but they did not reach my trouble Ono ilozcn bottles of K. 8 H. cured mo Bound anil well , and I now weigh 170. " Hooka on blood and Mln diseases mailed free b ; Swift Specific Company , Atlanta , Oa. CURE YOURSELF ! Vtv lligd fur mi mural illrrlinrBPH. lnllaiiiiimiliin . IrrltMloni or uUvrnllonu uf llllicolla It'tlllt'rutH'0. ' I'utnlcM , Bill ! Lot llftrlll' B"11 or r i uniiii. * lwl l ' ' . " MniCKUIii. or M-iit In rlnlntrnrixr. . ! 'v ' ' " "I"1'I'lfl'iiM. ' . for DUFFY'S PURE FOR MEDICINAL1 USE NO FUSEl. OIL The Best Romuily for Chills , Coughs , Colds , Grip mi d Pn oxiiii onia. It - iTord s the tfroixto t I'oliof to WOMEN nnd K i v o s strength to MEN. Soiul for pamphlot. DUITY MALT WIHSKHY CO. , Rochester , N. V. & Searles , Nervous , Cliroaic and Private DiseiS3S ; , \UULV. . AM PrlMitc DNcnvc * iiJ DNortlcrnof Men Trent m out tiy mill Consultation frro SYPHILIS Curi > 1 for life and tin po s u thoioimhly cli.iUHi'tl from the nysti'm. I'll h-i FISTt'L.V and HKCTAL I'LCEIIS. HYintOl"l-LKS nnd VAKH'iHMJLK pot , i-nity nnd sur- eessfully cured. Method tu-w nnd unfailing STRIGTUHEAHDBLEErffiSe , Uy new method w. ibout pain or rutting. Call on or address with Ht-imp. Dr. Scarlcs & Searlcs I t'J S 14th St. . , Umnlia , Neb- rra cin DY ; * * vt OYIilNKANR CI.RANINfl Clothing , Dress ail lions 'hall G OMAHA OKKlCti-Uil Kniiium. Tel. I"i i2t. COUNCIL , IIMJI'TSVoik and Olllce. Cor. t v * nue A and :6tti St. 'I > 1. SID. Council Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL , $100,000 \vi2 SOLICIT YOUU uusi.vnss. vvi : nr.smu YOUU COLIIOTIO.\S. OM : OK TIIic OI.UICST IIANUM IN n WA. a run c'nNT I AII > o.v TIMI : mi'osiT2l OA.LI > Arm DEB un on WHITE. fe teS S : © © 000 te OF IOWA Will Speak at teF \ & - Senator Manderson will introduce Mr. Allison. ALL ARE' WELCOME ooo fe l % feF te - ' Wi- ' * The Keeley Institute SBKg WHISKEY , MOlliMIlXE.OPiUJITOBACCO . , AND CICAHM UA'JIPS , . Write for terms and tcHtlmimiaU Corrunpondunco confidential. * Net > .