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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1896)
Tlllfl fVMATTA 1TAITYV HHIIC : TTTKRHAY. OOTOlllfllt 111. ! ) ( { . SPEGIHL NOTICES. rlltti'im'titu fur iv III Intitltcn until lUt.'lll | i. in. , fur lir iiMilnir ntnl nnlll H p. in. f r ttir iimriiliiir unit Siiiulfi ) rillllntiNi AiltcrllnprN , liy riMiumlliiR " > tiiTiMl 'lici'j ! , rnti linto niKwrri nil- < ! In a niiiiilnTi'il li-HiT III riir - of Tln llri- , \n m ITU mi mlilrrnti'il TV III > n * ilrllx'rcil on | irc ciilntloii < if OilC'lH'Clf < llll ) . Union , t 1-Uu ft unril first liiHcrlloiit ] < t it Miml ( lii'Pcnrirr. MtlliliiK Inkrn tor li-fiN limn Uric fur tinllrnt IIIIKT- Ollll. Tlll" l ItdV ITtlM-lllrlltl. IIIIIKl llC run < > oiiiiiiill < , < ! > . > \ \vni : > MI.I3 III : * . ! * . WAI.Tin : AN IMI3A , WHO CAN THINK OP nine simple tiling In patent ? Protrel your Men * they may lirln r > > u wealth \\rlte John Wnlilrrlmrti t ' "o . Depl V. . Patent Attorneys , \T lilni < ton 1) C , for their Jl wo prise offer nri'l n lift of yn Invention * wunlel 11 27 ] W\VTii > TllAVKI.JNO HAI.KHMKV roll fT- Riim i > M reliable * house , experience unneces sary extra Inducement ! ! to customers , 17" to ll. > 0 I per mnnth unit expenses Chns t' lllshnp A Co . 81. Ixmls. It MV.I NIO ANY MAV PAN M\11N HAH1IKH TUADi : now In twii months , formerly took two > enrn r nstnnt practice iliillj Unites mrnm ! Sntur- tlnye Pull set of brand m > w lools Klvi-n free upon entering If you want to learn this trmlp write for our trr * cnmloBtio Meters Marker PrhMil , 2 3 8 Clirk et , < him * " WANTrK | ) AN lTxi'lTiuiVfiil ; : lNDHY - MUM at K"0'1 hnhlt * . who umlerstRnils how to rmi a steam lutimlry. O J Carlson Wnhoo NebH' * US. 11-031-12 _ _ vTvvTKD ONI : M\N IN KVIIIY HOPNTY to rrpnntnt Ifltgo medical nounO < M | pil > No fxperleme rpfiiln ! Work Unlit. It < o. . box TOO riilciiK" . HI. M-MMO IT vi vNTinT roLim-oiis. OI.VILIMIX : AND Id lies of good nppcnrance , to Intnnlnrc n New nrk inmazlne- Can make fioin 125 to Jl" per w k Cull nt OIK.41' It. building \ \ 111:1.1' . \NTirCA Nt'H8iuY novp.uNi s YOUNO or miihllP-aRiil laily Hint bus hml exptrlencn vi Ith small chldlreM. Address A 5. Jlee iilllc WANTiin Kxriuuvnu : : aim. ron nusr work SW HolRp > 1 -MCT rou HOt'SHH ' IN AM. PAHTS OP TIII3 flTV' Till : O r Daxln Cunipiny , 1M > > 1'nrnam D 278 iiousifs. iu\r.\VA & coTlos N ISTII ST. I ) 273 : IIOt'ni:3 C A 8TA11H.923 N. Y LI Pi : STHAM iir.\Tin : sioitirf AND ri.A-rn Ilirannl linnck , agent. 1C1U ChlciiBn ctrict D S75 cfioiri : iiorsis AND foTT.vniw AM. ovint "th < tlty. J3 to 5 . ridillt ) . KU3 riirinm : ilisT'oK nousns. TIM : m HON Co1J S llth t I2.7 I , " \VA7.i.Aci : . nuow.v III.K anil DollBlllK. 1 > ! .S roit HUNT. rljuNisiino on u IIOHKV. 8 reemit ; modern U Park niiuc I ) 033 ' AVI : , 10 HOOM itopsi : . OAK Tloor'ttml llnlsh moilern In every respiet grates mantles , rtirnitrc ami lauml-y ; bfst built I' ' ' " " * tn Ho city. $37 M pt r month Omaha Heal Kslate an-l Trust Co , ill bo lllli s SVIl"ST MAHY'S AVi : . ' IIOOM honre 1 ! , * ( > nitln Hn < s , 1CI3 Parnnm " " rTvr"niiMW ; HOOMS. "MOIHUIN" LOPHKII IIk , B 13 eor IClli nnJ Jones Garvln llros , 1(113 ( Kitrnnm n-174 . eos s AM. si/is : i-noM ISM UP. r nKn. . ICtli nnil Douglas. D -1.8-.1 rou UINT. : T-HOOM POTTAOI : or I.AUUI : ilhianrloiiii , with inoiliin cuiucnlem < , In- ciudlni ; liitli room , with i irctl ln tut > and rliitlnniirinr \ \ stand , ncutj ilnblinl In the MI t altinitlte Milliner , lirn jin.l , with line tucs nnt Jf. lier month. Inontlnn. IJJJi l. . tlili 1 dunr noith of l.nKc A | > | > ! > to \ \ I ) M"lklo uOt nr t National bnnk bnlldlncD D MulO iionr IIOOM MODP.IIN riixiiK DITACHIU. 1719 1'oppletoi ) a\enuej choice , J30 Klfihl rtKini modern , 33r.l nnd Hurt - < tii , 123. lO-room modern hrlck , KO N SI. 13S 00 0 room incdciii brick , HI S XUth J23 00 12 room niodtrn. Mth n l Wwilnorlli J22 50. O A. UTAltlt. . * 5 N Y. l.lfe llldc 'fan. iiiNT ; , M < rN iyrH ST. 10 iiooMti. MOD- rrn , S10CO 'J"09 I'nllfoinln. t . 7 room * . 11500. 2527 liixnniiirt l . 7 r onn . MI 00 HDUKCH fur nnt In nil purtti of Iho ell ) , ) lltt.NNAN-I.OVK CO . 0 Pnxl.m blk AN I.l.OlMU.y I.ADY1SIIINO TO MAKK her hoim * with H vnall ; irl\.ita funilb. will rent litr moduli houiic of nine roomn unfur- lilnliel Tor bo.inl nnd tuo rooms hc will pay $35 11 month Itefirctin-s fxcluuiKiMl A 2 \\iff D-617 _ _ _ _ _ A 4 ANirTTlOOM MODIIIIN PI.T 1112 SO llth D-6M 16 * _ A riNi : MOjiuiiN niiirsi : COMPUIKI.Y fiiinlthril , \ < llh barn , for ulnter or lnnKvr 113 N 3'r.l ft U M5U-13 * _ _ floi'sr-s roil niNT-s IIOOM COITAOI" : . u. r loom lioiipi * , $ s , 8 ro ) m hoiibt ; $1U. K-room linci'c anl Mublr. SIS , 10 room incHltrn liou-ta , Sin Jlf nnd i.'tf J A. bcott , nt Oinnli i Nu- llonnl Haiti. D ca U _ _ TUN IIOOM iiiuc'K. riii\p : HKST I.OC-A- tlun In Omihii. W I" Clark , 2uo DoiiKlas St. D-C3I IS' MODIIIIN pi > HNimni > iiouMi : INQUIKI : N , : c.ur. 29th ant t.eivciiHorth st D-MCU 19 uiN'i'KiUMMiin ) : not ) vis. ror. HUNT. HOO.VH WITH o liuniil , mnni hint , tltitilo lUhl , ckvalur , fixo btllin , tutcB nniuniitilc Ilrunawlclc liottl i U 99li MV'I.V : rritMsiiiu : , Inlt ; i.M , t M.irj'H i : Milt II * HOI hi Kl.l IMMI I'OfU HO > Mrf HAM ) . Nomc'l ) ftiinisliLil , nlfo lartc barn 2101 Hurt II-MGH 1J ) iioinis AM > no.vuu. roil iii.'MT. ruiiNiMiii ) IIOO.MS. WITH OK without Ixianl , etinin luat uml nil inoikrii InipruXiint HID , Piinlal luintes fur thu wln- ' ler , MlUlnnil holi'l , lull uml ciilcuKti , M J , J'liinck , ptoprlilor r 900 AI.llA.NY-riOl DOHQI.AH ItOOMH TlJIl- nlhliod or iinnniilfliul , [ irlccs to suit HID tlrr" * talile cxtrllvnl. 1'Olt Itn.NT t'MM'll.MSIlKI ' ) ROOMS. rpniiousiiciii'Nn : MAN hnd wife , \\ntcr In kltcltcn , ultel ulnU 313 N' . Uta. c HUNT STOlinS AM ) OPPICIiS. riiisrrisa mticic HIOHI : IUJII.DINO , ion Turn mi , tliito etorlcs uiul titeenientlll alter to Milt ttnaiit ) low nut 314 1st Nnl'l II k lildi ; J-lsu ell itiNT'niiiroity : IIIIICK ut 910 rurnnni HI ThU liullillni ; IIIK n llrtproof ernient baspinciil. ooniplcte nlinm lu > atliiK llx- turtJ , nnui tin all Hours , ku , etc Apl > lat the ulllcu tif Thu Ike 1 613 WAM'KU. . \VANni > . Ay.sourr. COMIC iniittn and pampatKn Inillnni , lull teller * ; lie | xr tloz , M.J ! > ir 100 , | t pilJ. tiovu p r I.IK'J li > r\in ii. l'iini | < alin | bu | > i > ly Cti , ( I ) An It tit. noMiin , Mo J-IJ7 AOUNTS MAKU TO IIS A DAV INfiTo tltiiInu the "C'omct , " the nub Jl tnap > hot taint-Pi niuilp. The ( .ronlent Keller of the c n liny , Kdiriiil nml local iigriitH unittnl nil user the vvurM. 1'sclui'ltt' teirllorj Wrlta toilay fur urnin niut Euinplm. Alkcn-Qltnion ro X M. I.n Crowe.VI . J-MCIO WA.NTUD Tl ) HUM' . 10. S . 40. M AfltK TIIACTO. T1IHEK TO KIVU mlln : nliio fnrmi ten to llfty miles of Omulia. lU'inlii , 1'aMon block. K-MI52 M S.TOUAGI : . BToiiAai : AND WAHCIIOUBB co. COS 9\9 \ JOMH , UMiorul itoritg * uiul furwunllne. * UU. VAN & imWAOK , HIS KAH'U. TKU IS&t M-2U WA > TP.IT < ) lit Y. IIHr'I.VmaVANTii ) . AIIOUT 30 TO M ttfl. vvlili twa or llirso roH of drawer * under , ullubl * for Or UK .torn. C , L. Colb ' ( Ill SAI.P > llsrKLIi\M3OI'1i. I'HST iiAitmvoonOVKN COHN-CIIIH- mmle C It Lee , Wl Douglas. Q- : 1011 HA1.K. IMIKAI * . HNK HMITII t'JtKMIMIl lyiu'wrltrr , with ilfK , on * Imnk chrfk pnnrli , two fntir-vtheel truckx , one IMt'r prcxi. J. II. DUinont. llFe'rlver , llll liarncy nm. q-MWI rriiioiiT i-iASO KOU HAI.K. CAM , AT M ; ftntilh l lh tl _ OM-RI U * I'OIt S.M.I : , U4TTH11 I'lii5is HTATB ATI.VM nnd nmtn nt > our ov\n price 305 N V. l.lfe biilldlmf. LJ-WO 11 * \nivov\vrs. . MUS MAHY KllITCLAIUVOyANT HI N ICth. H-MMS IT- n \TIIS , ITC. MMK HMITH 1151 I > OflI.AS , UOOM 6 , SIA.1- nitf an'l > | cnin Imtlm T MWW17 * MISS AMIM. VAPOU MATHS MA WAJE B07 13th St rpom 3 T-MW NC iii.crt.nrrin1 MwAoj PAII- Inn , rcrrenlilnK Htiil curative , tlnn't full to rnll 417 So llth it tip t lr 1 MO * . K * rr.n.sAi. . . VAN VAt.Kr.Niuna nisTuo\s : rnit- mnnenllx by cl"ctrlclty nuporlUioni hnlr , niolos nnrti , etc Itwtn IIC N V. l.lfe IIMc Iltll'TfUi : CUIII.D. NO PAIN. NO IMmN- tlon from lm lnrn , ue r < fT to liundrels nt pnllcntt rured O i : Allller Co 307 N \ l.lfc jtilMlnit OnmlmNeb l 7 I1ATIIS MASSAOi : . MMK POST , 119'4 S fTH U-2'8 vi.vvr. IIOMI : Titr\TMi\T : : rou t- trnulilc I'hjflclnti In HttciKlanrc Cnnxultn- tlon ur hinllli boulc fico 313 lice bliltf sin : r.\UTin itAitmvAnu co , HM ooi-a lav for mantels , grates , tiles , nmrblc worle rtc. U 3C3 A 'iOt'NO. PHOsPKIlOUS HfSININS MAN wl hps In ixrrrrpuml with a roilnel lml > view , inntrlmnny , st-ml phntniiniph AiMreM Ilnjinund Hooin 2 , 77 K 1'nik Ft lluttr , Mont U-MCSi 13 * MOMVin i.ii\\HIvi , P.STATI ANTIIONV 1,0 VN Jk. THUKT ro SI" . N Y I- Quick nionc ) nt Urn rate1' fur ciol. < > farm loam In limn , nor thorn Mlsimurl , eantLiii Nclirn.-k.-i W-2JI CITY IXJANS C A. STAUIl. Sii. N Y MONIIY TO I.OVN ON IMPUOVKl ) OMAHA real ottte llrenntn , I.ovo Co , 1'axton block. W133 _ _ _ _ LOANS ON IMPItOVKI ) & . ( JNIMPROVHP CITY property. VV 1'arnnm Smith & CO . 1320 Tarmin -W-29I AflV UATiM Tlin O P. UnvU Co , IW , rarnain 81 \V r > 3 nrv. UIAI : , ISTATI : -I'HITIIS : TIIIIY are mfeV c in offer pllt-ctlBeil in rtpftfjes , s cun il li > K' > o'l CJmihit real entile nncl rholoo NtbriiKkn and l wa fnrrnx If > ciu lime M ( KO f. . 100 rr jsootp In Inxmt , tall an.l in-c u Tlie Hlrltn' Itanl Tstato Aifenry. 3"5 N Y l.lfc blclff \ \ KW PUIVATI : MONIriiojt 1100 upwvTti ) F 1)Vail , Kill nn I DotiRlan. w IT1 * 31 MO.M3Y ' ! < > l.OA.N OIIA'I'I'ni.S. \ioNi : Y n o I.OA N ON rTtuN iTrui : . PIANOS , liornri * , wagons , etc. , at lonrnt rate In clt > , no r * nio\nl of Knoils. strictly rnnlhlentlnl , > ( itt can p.ij the loan < > it at uio time or In any amount. OMAHA MOUTOAOI : I.O.VN CO 3oo so. mil si X 290 MONIY TO U > AN. so. co 90. DAYS. ruuNi- tuie , pianos etc. Duff Green , room 8 IlirkPr blu X 297 IltlSIMJSS rou SAM : , AUOUT 2,000 MIS. MINION TVPI : TOO Ibx nKiitr. ISO pair tv\o-thlnl rases 40 ilonbli * Iron rtiuuls fur \\o-lhlnl c-i oi. Tills material nn uiiril tin Th # Omaha llec ami U In fairly good romjltlon. U III bo tol.l cheap In li'llk nr In qualilltlpi to suit purchaser Appl > In person or In mall to Hie Ileo Pub- llihlnB Co . Omaha. Neb Y 713 DIMrict iiKtntH for the Manhattan I.I Co liisur- IUKO c'liitiMiiy of Ntiw York This compaii ) In forO-sIx JinrK old nnd has palil tn polloholikrs tl 7tft > in Total arv > ta helil U. ccmlicr 31 M ll.M , fcr piotectton of pnllc ) hollers ] ll IS * 111 ttiinis palil tn pollcyholilt r nnil helil for llu Ir licnillt umounta to $ V1 2 2 311 00 Tolnl prtniluniH tulil by | illc > hohlers JI5 110 fix" a ho ci > mpan > his cilnfil o\er all D-IUMIIO JJ.iiS30 CO. it gain of 107-10 per cent vvlilth pro\es eoncluhlvel ) that n policy In thU compiny la a K < Monnet \ for an > one to ox n T 10 new politics Irsued lo this compvn } con tain viltiiible nroU lnns it < K irillne NON POIt PiiTtHli : IMONrnsTIHIIlTY. nn.l cash lonni nt & per eent Intcrem. la liultintrloUH nml cncrKClIc atonlH sueli lulp ulll be Rlvtli that siece 9 ulll cro n tnclr cffoits Man ) URIMUH ImMfalleil to riMIzo tlic proper Ineome from their lal > ori , becatire the proper assistance lut esicio to succi * wan not ufTereil to themi Invite rorreipoiidtnco and personal Intervlena lth reliable pernoni ttlm would Illte a mo < l I .crntlve business , lhat nlll IMS permanent anil In which a KIVX ! nnd fife litLonie nn > ! hunt up for fiom v\ho five It thilr bent imriJi'H nnil I ilMini. Ptearc niblii'3 or cull upon JV IVati .V. H > n . general nKenlH , (47 ami COS lift- bull ling , Omaha. Nebraska Y MWi II AVKUAOI : \VIIKI.Y Nirr iNcoviTv ml iM Investeil Safe conrervntlte Pro pectui proofs , free P Dil > , 1293 Ilioiilna > Now York. Y-MC3J N1J' _ _ _ noiT s/vi.TFrwilM. i.6T\\Tir7TiuiJcrsiTm ; ) : In .Mr < un InirK' Neb nt n barKiln If taken ut nnee , or nlll trade for Kuoil . n H Osborne , hlloinslmri ; . Neb Y MM' ; ! } I'Oll tiAJ.IJ- lli\I. IJSTAT13. IP YOU iisiiu : TO PI-UCHASI : PINK VA- cunt propcrt ) , cheap lots or boums und lots , fer cash or on very en j Irrins , do not fall to see the riilelllj Tnift Co , tinithcnut corner of lire bnlhllnc Their list U larce nml they rrrommcml nothing but bargains Ite298 AUSTIIACTS fl 113 JIYItON UKKO C'OMPNY. . Ite 19 HOUSES. LOTS. PAUMS , LANDS Oeo P. IlcmU Itcal Imitate Co. , Paxton nik. He M213 O23 1'AHM I.VNUS. C F. HAllHISON l' N Y l7 Hi : 910 ei20 I.OhT. I/J.ST. I.IOHT nitov\N roi.i.ii : noo. AN- ers to name "Dan" , f i eo leuai-.l foi his iftuin to Ch irlca J ilretne , J.'l llainry st I.oat MW7 II * LOST-AT v.ii.uvnvr .snow. POCKP.T liui k containing mune > ami ioM run billion , icturn to till Netr York l.lfe blil ? , ] | l > eral rc- _ vv ajril I.OH t-M 6J 13 LOST , J100 UnVVAHU l-OIl "uiSTtTltN OP PU- inttlo Poi Terrier pup , tan colored nead nnJ enrv. black n rouml nock uml til ) , white buil ) nml white stripe on noise 1917 JacKon HI 12 * PHOM PAsiriii : ONI : III.ACK AND ONI : bicy hori-e. weight l.liO ami 1.1U ) He- turn A. lluclni. llinnon , Neb , lew.trtl H. MAHOVVITZ LOANS MONUY. s N ia ST. 30 ; .Ml SIC , AHT AMI l.AMillACii : . dnoual : I ni.i.n.viiKCK" ! ! XNJO MANDO- Uu njid fcultar Icaelier HIKIII 113 lieu Illdg I\CIMINT : : UPHIOHT PI\NO 112co htelnwn > (5i mil big bargain , pinion 10 rent che tp , line ai".urtiiitiit of in inI llu , mnile from uprurv u eil In htelmvnj'n Piano factor } below com 3lb McCaKiie IIMg M COS 17 111,11DIM ; AMI I.OA > ASSOCIATIONS. SHAUIH IN MUTUAL u. s , n AHS-N I > AYS 6 7. 8 per cent whin 1. 2.1 jears old , nhviija rcl ikinnLkv 1704 1'arnam Hi Nattln vr bcc , _ _ _ 300 _ HOW TO anr A HOMI : on snctiui : OOOD Interest on nut Ings. Apply la Onuhn L A II. ADS' . 1701 Purnam U. M. Nuttlnuer , bcc 201 ! CHICHKSTUU'H iNOIIKH I'KNNY royal pllU ( Ilamoml braml ) are the beet , hufe. reliable Take no oilier , beiul 4o slirnpa for parllculara. "Ktllef fur Ladles , " In letter by return inn 1 1 At ilrUKKliln , Chlcheiur Chemical Co. , PalluUelphlii. i'a. Mention Dec. MCM 13 * IHP..SM.\ICI ) > G. GOOD DUnSHMAKKIt WIHIIKB WOHIC IN RUU.I fmnlly , Would KO to ollleera' families ut forl or take pcvltlun In llnoii room In lart.0 hotel , btainmrriu. U05 Colby tit. FOU.M ) . FOUND. A I-OCKKTHOOK. CONTAt.NINCJ A null lum of money. Inquire at S37 H. Ml ! ) Ut , 13 * UI'llOLSTKIllXG. FUItNITUKI-3 PACKI5D. KINIUHKD. HE. paired ; in Urejuv < inudt aiul rcnutalcJ. Try \V lkln. Jill Cumlnji ; t lf 1U | . M.\CIII.MH KW IIOMI : iiorsKiioi.t ) AND WIIITB mnchlne ottlce. UU Cnp av * . T l 1871. I3I.UCUTIO.V. I.LA DAY. 11. 8. JUD PLOOU. SM 8 JSTII. 3JS Jl AM ) I' YOU WANT TO IIPY Oil SELL YOPH HI- cjcle , RO to Omaha Hlei.le to 3M MIOII'I'IIM \M ) TVPIJWHITIVO. . C VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. M3 N Y LP'B , till SUES & CO. , PAThXT SOLICITORS , llee Hulldlni : . Oinalin , Nolir. Advice nnd Piiunl Hook Y jMirchasiiiR poods niadu i t this following Ncbras- Uu f ctorks. If you can not liiul yen want , communicate nith the in.miifacttircrs as to > \ h a t ilc.ilurs lunullc tluir goods = = _ . = ; DAGS. UUULAP AND TWINE. 11UMIS O IAIIA HAG CO. Manufacturer ! ' < all klnjj of cotton and bur- Inn las * , cotton Hour Barki and tMlno a pec- nlty cn-rts 6H s. nth St. OMAHA lllli\VI.Ni A.SSOUIA'I ION. Car load ihlpnienta in.ije In our own refri * tralor curs , lliuo Ullibon , IMIle Ux ort , VicnM Uxport nnJ rainliy Hxport dellvcrej to all pa'u Mf 1\ti city IRON WORKS. UAIS * \ LUUC.II.L , 1UONOHlv * . Iron anil Hr.iHKounilern. . Mantifacturrin nnd Jobbers of Maclilnery Otn- < ml icpilrlmc a xpcciDiiy jMl , 1 03 anil 1COJ Jickcon Bireet. 0"iftl' . Ntb. IMUSTUIAI < UIO. % WO11ICS. Monufactuilrn and rciulrlnc of nil kln s ot iLacnlniry , cinlnts pump * , viovulur * . pr nllns tire hangers , ihutilne una couplings lift f and IMS lion ml SI Omnlia I > A\TO. > .v. VIUUI.I.M : IKON AVOUICS. Manufacturers of Aichltecutrai Iron Work , ( lentrat Putinilty. Machine and Illarksmltlr work. Knclneers nml Contractors for Plie Proof Hullil. lne. onice ami noiks. U. P. Hy. ind So. 17th street Omala. NIGHT WATCH. FIRC SHRVICC. A3MJHICA. > UlSTHICT THLIUiltAIMI. The onlj perfect protection to prop > tt > Kxain Ino 'I llcst tliliR on cnrlli Itedufi-a Inturnnce tatc 111 * DotiKlnii tro t. SH1HT .i. n. IVA. > S.MIIIIA.SKA SIIIHT COMl'A.NV. HxcluiUe cuitom ililrt tailor * . 1211 rnrnam TCNTS AND AWNINGS WOI.P Iltt.OS. A CO. Manufactuicra of tcnn , awnlnks , tarpollans f..iK9. lianncra and iltiiineri. TiNTH KOU UKST. 703-TOO bouth Blxtcenth itreit. N'tb. J Man's Greatest Joy I Is Ills siren cth an J vl or the full possession uf Illsotters. [ binlsh the danRcrom weaknesses of both sexes , revllailic ilic nervous system , cnikh nnJ purify the L'uuJ. They check all drains forever. $1.00 For Box , 6 Bozci. , $5.00. A leKal Ruarantce tn cure or n-fiind th lu'inejvltlievrry $ S.O ( ) urdi r. AJdrtsa Slicrmnr. & McConnell Drue Co. , 1513 DoJro St. . Omaha , N'b. Wo fend the French Htmfdj CALTHOSfrcc. ( n > UO ll.i.n.l. lesM KiuirauttotliatCilTllos will HTO1 * DUcliarcranii'l l'ra ! lun , 1 Ifltl' ptrinulorrhLtt. urlroeile cuil UUS rciltU lx t % IEUI- . Vie it ami fa ) if tatiijitil. VOIJ MOHL CO. , 332 B , hoU Aarrlrii lErnU , , Ohio. CURE YOURSELF ! IJI.M Ills HI for tinritural illichirgm , Intlaiamntluns , Oa rkMtff4 Irritation * or ttlcerntlonj oot u stdsiarv or niiitoiin rjrnilirinii. rrtrraii eonujlon ralnli < 9 , nml i ot attrln- Knit or . U a. * , jj- 1 or sent In pUIn wrapper. > Jxyvl by rxpiff. , prepaid , for > " V \ ' < r 3 bottles. V. . > r'r w I'jf , r uiir uror uri reiiucei MIL WAX 1'IME ' CARD Leaven | I1L11MNGTN & . MO HIVI.P. , Arrives Omali ilUnton Uepuv , lOut & MatonHu.j Oniulu Sliim . Denver l.xprefs . . . . 9 S 4 Mpm.lllk Hills. Mont A. 1'tu.ot bij Hx. 4 O 4 OJpin Denver Lxpii. a . . . 4 > jpn 7.0Duin .Nebraska Local ( eiteept bumlay ) . . T.I . . .Lincoln l.'i-iil ( exciin bun.ln > .It o 2.Mpm .Past Mail 'for Lincoln ) 'lally _ Leavis ICIHCAOO. HI'IILINOTON X ej jAnhej Oniuhal Union Depot , loth A .Mnpon hla | Omah t 00pm Chicago Vestibule K 3 i nm Clilcugo i : presK 4:15pn : 7.5Jpm.Chicago uml i > t Louis Uxprcs . . 8 OOara 11 4fam. . . . 1'aclno junction Local . C lOrr Pn t Mall. . . . . 2.SOBH Leaven iCHlCAOO MIU & bT. PAUL. iArrlvca OmahaLnlor ] Depot , loth f. Macon bts I Omah C 20pni Clueago Limited 8 Kan ll.COjm Chicago Kxprito < ex Sun'a ' 3 2upm i aVes ICHICAOO i NOHTHWHSVN" lArfTves Omahal'nlon Depot. 30th & Mason fits. ) Omah 10.13am T Unr'crn Kxprcsa 3 40pn 4ipm : V'ctllbtilctl Llmltctl . C 10pm l.Mpm 8t. I'lillt i\pui9 9.20i ! 6 Wllil at Paul Limited : 9Mp 7 20am . . Carr" ! ! js Sioux City I-ocal 11 iOpi C.SOpm . . . Omina Cii'.caso Special S . .Mlosuurl Valley Local 8 Leas ICHICAOO , It .f. & PACIP1C lArrllci < 3inahaUnlon | Depot ! IJlh Mason His I Omali 10M'am..Atlantic Cxpnsr lex. BundaiT. 5.35pm T 00pm . . . NU.III Kxprets 8.1 a > I.Mpm. . Chicago Vesilbuletl Limileil 1 31pm l-V'iim ' St , Paul Vestllmleil I Itrlteil . 1.3Spr _ _ _ _ C.45i ro Oklahoma . 'f Texas Er. ( . Bun ) 10 Warn l.topm. . . . 1 .CploratloI.lmU'y. . _ . . , < 00pm Leaves" ) c"ST"P"al. i tj" Arrives" Omaha ) Depot , "th act ! Webster nil i Omaha s 15 tin i. Hlotu rty ; Atxon.madntton. . S.OOpm 12 30pm .Sioux C'.l > I. ] > ! - " < lex Sun ) 11 5Jam C.lipm. . . .at. 1'ut.l Limltfd V.lOnn Omiihal"p. ! . . n. a MO VALLHY. " lAirlves Omiihal _ Depot.15tn _ una Wijbsirr HIE. i Omaha 3 CPpm . . . .Fa&t Mill arj Hxprcus . . . 5 00pm 3 ( Opm. ( ex. Kat.v tVyo. Cz , ( ex. Mon ) . 6,00pm 7 EiOam. Prcmon : Lotal (8undn ( > a Onlj ) , . 7 Mum. . NoriuIU ixpie icx Sun ) lO.SJum C.lSpm. . Ht Paul Hxpress. . 9:10an. : Omaha I K. C. , HI J i C n. ) Arrives liaJUntonDe | > ot , 10th ft Mason Sti Omaha 9 OSam . .Kansas City Day Express..Tc.lOnm 10 OOpm.K P. Nluhl Hx vlt U. P. Tinmi bJOam Leaves I MIHSOUIU PAOIPIC lArrlvci OmahaL Dtpol , iSlh and Wcbiter Sis. I Omahi 3.30pm. .Ncbrnika it Kansas Limited " , U.23pin D.SOpm . . . .Kaniu * City i : pr > ss . t 00am 3 Oflpm .Nfbranlta Irf > cal ( ex Sun ) tt ODani Leaves I BIOl'X CITY & PAC1KIC , "l.VrThes Omaha | DeK > i , 15lh nmlVelMler Sis. | Omaha _ ilSpjn. . . . . . . . .St. Paul t.lmllett . 9:10am : Leaves" I SIOIJX CITY ft'lMOlT'liJ lArrhof OmnhalUnlon Depot , 10th i Mason fits | Omaha B IGnro . PI , Pnul Passcnifer . . . . . " : ! 7 SC m . Rloux City J'unctiKer . . . . t 05 i C.tipm . fit. Paul Llmllfil . . . . 0 iOiii t LVuVr * I UNIOTTPACJI'IC , J OmabaJjUnlnnDepqt. 10th ft MaonSts. _ ( " " 9 Ham" . , , 7. . . . .Kearney"ipn . " , . :10im > < l m . Overland I.lmlletl . llipl : : fMpm lleal'ce A Htronub't ; Kx. ( ex hun ) K.OJim ( , ipm..Uraud Uxpniu ( ex fitin.i.0jpn ) I Opm . , . Kusj Mall. . . . . < i..n + \e l WAHABH IIM"\'AV ) Arrfvi- matmlU'nlon Drpot. loth & Mason Hti I Onu'ii- tym . pt , Louis Csnuon lUlt . . .ilia 4. . TWO KNOCKOUTS AT 1IASPETI1 Dlok Moore act ! "flcivMy Dill" Quinn Given Enough Jmd More. % DICK O'DRIEN ' AND JOPWALCOTT WINNERS 'nlorcil ' Alcn UNO I p HP von Iron Hotiiiiln of Iliiril ri htlnR.i Inil tinlion - liinliiii llnil tli < "Jlcttr of It Alii ION. MASPETH , L. I. , Oct. 12 The Empire .Uhlutlc . club held Its second boxing tourna ment of the season tonight The first ovcnt was n ten-round go nt , catch weights tvvecn Dick O'Hrlcn of Ilostott nnd Ulck Moore of St. Paul. The second and princi pal bout of the night was a tvvcut-round eontest nt 148 pounds between the colored Iwxors Joe Wolcott of Iloston , nnd "Scaldy" lllll Qulnn of Pennsylvania There were nbottt 3.000 people present when Moore nnd O'llrlcn entered the ring. O'llrlcn had n shnde the better of the opening round , but In the second ho came \cr > near going out from the effects of three straight lefts on the face and after Moore had swung a lurd right on the Jaw , the gong saved O'Hrlon. Moore held n decided atlvantnge during the third round , but In the fourth O'Hrlen inndtf the conte'st very Interesting. lloth pln > od for body nnd fnco , but O'Hrlen did not please the experts by his fnticy movements In the fifth round. Moore fought cleverly , but O'llrlcn went back nt him with rapid work , using both hands on the body and face Moore protected his Jaw with the left mitten , but the force of O'Hrlon's last blow was so stiong It reached Moore's Jawnnd the St. I'nul man went down nnd out In short order. Tlmo of the last round 2 57. Ueferco Hurst then declared O'llrlon the winner Wolcott nnd Qulnn followed Hound 1 Qnlnn led off with n left on fnce Wnlcott ripped left on bodv Wnlcott swung right on bend and Dill put hard left on body. Wnlcott smashed loft on Scaltb's eye lloth swung lifts on body nnd Scaldy tout a hard right on the wind and Waleott dltl the Mine Uound a Waleott landed loft on face nnd they exchanged lefts on body lloth ex changed lefts nnd rlghtu on bodv nml head Waleott swung right on luck of hend nnd Jabbed him In tin- face , lit' landed n good loft on body nnd Hill Hent his left In the fare Walrott Jibbed left In body and swung his right twice hard on the head Ho lint Qulnn to his knees with a hard right swing on the head and the gong saved Scnldj Hound 3 Waleott ledofTwIth two left Jibs on face Ho tried hnnl to re.tch Qnlnn's body , but he overreached himself uml fell against the ropes lloth lighters did noth ing cITertlve Hound Qulnn landed hard left on face. Wnlcott roped left anil right In Qnlnn'H f.iee , and got a good hcpok In Qulnn's neck with the left and Jabtjed tins tme glove twice In the same Qulnn tried to avoid the rushes of Wnlcptt , and VV.IH very tired when the round ulidcd . Hound r Waleott .opened with left on face Qulnn sent left on body and swung left on eyes Wulcott stut b.itj ) two hard lefts on body. Then Wnlcott sent right nnd left on head i Hound K Qulnn tried n rlqht swing , but fell short. Then they mlxul up In hot ex changes with both h.lmls on body nnd face The pnuo was very fiHt nnd Se.ildy grew rather weak Walcolf out-pointed the I'cnii- sylvnnlnn , and toward the i-nd of the round Qulnn was In aery wenk condl tlonHound Hound 7 Scaldy c.imo up to the murk In fairly good Hhape , nnd I nuled n left J ib In the wind Hoth Untied lefts on body anil right on Item ! . Tht'y swung and Jabbed with both hnmH nnd finished the round In wild work. Hound S Scnldy led off with a left stmsh on body Wnlcott sent his right on face and wind Hill tried three tlnus to swing v Ith light , but fell short. Waleott knocked Scnldy clown with'/ } light b.vnd swing on head. CUTTING A HOT PACK Hound 9 They opened with left ex changes on body nml fnco Scnldy swung right on hend Joe ripped his left hard on the stomach twice , nnd sent Ills right across to the face' . Hill tried to dodge Joe's loads , but he shoved his face twice Into Wnl- ro't's left uppercuts , nnd when the bell rang ho was very vvonl : Hound 10 Waleott l.indod on hend and neck and then ho rained lefts and lights on fnce arjd body. Hill was game and got back with two good lofts on the head. The pnco was too hot fet him. nnd Joe put him on his luck with a left Jolt on the Jaw. Scaldy surprised everyone by Jumping to his feet In a second nnd ho cleverly fought out the round Hound 11 Wnleott had n wry dectdul advnntngo In this round , ns he punched Sr-Udy continuously wllh both hands on fie'e and body. Qulnn was wonderful ! ) F.aine , however , and swung hid right twice on hend with good elToi-t Hound 1. Waleott Jibbed hH left re peatedly on the face nnd Suiiltlv sent hick lilA left on face nnd bed > Waleott tried hard to put iH man out , but he failed to land on the rlpht spot Hound 13 Waleott landed hcav lly on head and Jiw with right and left Ho knocked A Wonderful Medicine For Bilious and Nervous cli as Wind and Fain In the f tnmach , Blck HcnJaclie , Olddl- nws , FullnMaandBrroIlInc ofter moils , Dlzzl- ness nnd Drovtslnoaa.Cold Chills , Flushings ot Ilcat , Loss ot Appotlto Shortness of Brenlli , Cos- tlvsuoEB , Blotches on the Si In , Qlsiurbcd Sloop , mghtfulDroana.andallKorvoua and Trrmb- HDK Sensations , Ac. , Mlioa tUcao symptoms are caused by conatlpatlou , no most ot thorn aro. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE nCLIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. This 13 no action. Kvery o adorer Is onrnestly Invited to try ono Uox ot thcso Fllla and they 111 bo utkucm Icd cd to lis A WONDERFUL MEDIOIHE I'JI.LS , taken aa directed , ulll quickly restore 1'omalca tocompleto health. They promptly roinovo ohstructlous or Irregu. tarltlcs ot the uysiena. For a Weak Stomach impaired OegestioaD OSsoB'dea'ed Liver they act Ilk o magic n totr Uoson nlll work venders - dors upon the Vital Organs ; olrongtlioiiliig the muscular cystcm. roatorlnc the loug-loat com. plozlon , bringing back titty Jioeu cdgo ot ap | > o. tile , and arousing Trlll , the Kuucbild of Health the ivholo physical cnorcy of the human frarao. These are facts admitted by thousiuds , In all clasaeaiot oocloty , and ono ot the best guarantees to Ilia' I/ervous and Debili tated Is that Ilccclmnife IMIls liuvo the Largest Sulo of uny 1'atcut ftlodlcluo In the AVorlJ. , Annual Sales more thai } ' 6,000,000 , Boxes Iks. at Drug 8 lores , or Will bo sent by U.S. Agents , D. r. ALLEN c6f liM C'ltunl St. , Vow iork , post paid.'upon receipt of prlco. Book frco upon application. ' ' THTJAaiMlV Dii AHTirKNT WASH INCH ON. I ) . C Oft 8 J . Soul (1 propoHiiU vslll ' lie received at tliN , icpmniuu unti 2 o'clock p in , Ostobcr 2. , ISTd ) , for tnanu rnatiirliiK.antl placlriB In iiuolllon , In coin PloluorUliii , ' order , In tlio United Stnto hullillncH nt rnrco , N D. , iind Sioux City In. , combliiatloii BIIW nnil elcctrlo ll ht llx turiH nruwliiKH. aiii'clllL uuiirt and lilnnk foriiin or ptoposnm can bu hail upon uppll cutloii to thii ( U'pnrtmi'nt 1' liltls nil not bicoiiHliloriil. . Tim rlKht to reject an > and nil lilils ami to walwi ilpfucta In lu ntr\ul PropoMUls uhotild ho ncMreHscd to the Hecrotitr > ot the treumiry. and Indoraed ' ' I'roposilii for B4B llXturuM , I'.irBO am W R. CUUTI3. Acting Sccrotury niMxoltillnii pirtnrrshln lioretoforo iloln * umli-r the Hun name ot nutlcr R. St tit jioirl"tors | or Windsor > int l , lina tills dii > IK eu tlUnolvrd. J. u. Uutli-r III continue llm bimlnoBS , paying all otitstandlni ; ilobls and tollcctlng all account * ) duo the H tit Inn. J. D IIUTLKIl. _ , . Omixljo , Neb. , Oct. J3 , 1KH3. down three1 tltnpnlth rlRlit and oft hand MwlnK , litu the tcnuolty of thn Vnnylvanlun wa moro tlmn Waleott rotild Jouu and Hill foniKht Imclc iraiiuMy null the KUIIC pntlcd tlu < round Itoitml II s < nldy ounc up frcnh In thl. omul and ho MIMII In a right on head atul pft on body. HI * Ritmenc * * won the svni- mthy or thr crowd and when lie landed a hint lift on the lit-ml and a rUlit iiniiRh on the fit ro , Wulrntt stiiKKerod Into liH corner nt the pall or tlmp Cdl LDN T SAVK HIM Hound IV-Wnlcott bewail with tin OP le . on bod.v nnd Seild > KOI I nick with n hard eft on face U'nlintt lindid a rUlit pvvliiR > n buk of htnd and two lot lifts on Jaw Waleott atlmlulKtered a lot of punishment o bin opponent , but Soildv was Knnu < nnd > arnetl thw plnudlts of the spoils , who Mieered him for his pluck Hound li > Wnlehtt rtHhed with left on odv nnd followIM | with rlcht and left on ody nn I rarp HP knopked lllll down with i rlRht iiiiiKh on tinjiw , lint lllll ctnu > up mtiHMll.itply nnd wa rpndy tor more when ilu Kontf souiuli d Uound 17 Wnlpntt rnshod nRitltt Inndlne pft on body and rlp'it and ipft on rape. Itlil waM - < ent down thr > i HIIIP-A with tlfiht iw Inn1' but IIP manncpd to cotnp up mil In DIP moit plnpky m inner fought nol ! HH pltlplc held him up , but hit utroiiRth i eon Kn\t > out and nrttr Mtnndlnt ; nero nunMimptit HIP ordlnury tmn ronlil biar , Qulnn was knocktd out 1 > > a prt hand iwliiK on the jaw The tlmp for thN round \\a.a two mlmitoi and llfty-plKht The referee declared Wilcott the winner. Two mlnnlos liter Qulnn walked out of fie ring and was congratulated liv his ad mirers for bis wonderful wotk "PEDLAR" I'ALMHIl STILL CHAMPION' . LONDON. Oct 12 "Pedlar" Pnlmtr of England , who holds the title of champion jantani weight of the world , tonight defeitcd Johnny Murphy of Iloaton In n tvvcntround go before the- National Sporting club The Utiartcrs of the club were crammed to their utmost capacity , ninny fa hlonnble sports being nmong the. spectators The opinion Johnny Miirphj's friends ftas very thnt ho hail cut out n tough Job for almsclf nnd Palmer was n hot fnvorlte nt Lhe odds of ( i to I When the piiRlllata en tered the ring 11 was easy to be seen thnt both had paid strict attention to training , and It wns also plain to uxpctts that they were In for n long nnd tedious fight Pal mer meant to tnko no chances , but to win on points At no stage of the twenty rounds did he attempt n knockout Ho punished the American very little , nnd. In fact , there wns very little blool shed Palmer , how ever , nlvvnjs had the fight In hind , nnd at no stage was Murphy dangerous The Lon- loner depended mainly on his left hand The glove was seldom out of his rival's fnce , nnd scarcely more than n half dozen right- hand counters wore exchanged The major portion of these were delivered bj Murphv luit lie was unable to get near enough to do any damage Palmer's right-handers were of the lightest possible Kind The affair was voted very tame , the enl > redeeming fea ture being Palmer's clovermws ami Murph > 'a namcticss There was very little applause nt the llnlsli , nnd , In fact , thn light had been so ono sided that It was a relict to sec It ended. biioitT suiiiiT roil 1111. ; oi i.n. Yiirlit HlK'InjrNxiicliitIou l > lxiiiln- > N Illn Ciiiiilnln | ( tilth a Curl Note. LONDON. Oet 12 Tile council of the Yncht Hacllig association met today at the Lingham nnd decided to send the following to Howard Gould , with reference to his protest against the manner In which his sloop > acht. NlnRiirn , Inspected by the eommlttee of the assocl itlon , without his knowledge or const nt "Sir. 1 nin dlioetod by the council of the Yncht Itaclng association to neknouledge the receipt of n letter from > ou dated Seplembei 2S. I am to replv that the visit of the eommlttee to Niagara wns made In the usual course nnd solelv In cons'-tiuence of the olllelal measurer having , In JIny , 180 , In execution of his duty , reported to the- council that her water tanks were con nected together In such a innnncr thnt the ) might be lined ns shifting bnllnst. Notice of such visits Is never given The commit tee expected to llnil jou on boird , but , bearing from jour cnptaln tint yon had left for London only a fovv minutes before. It requested permission to Inspect the tiinko , which wns re.idllv given , its Investigation fonllrmetl Iho report of the meabiirer , and It ' recommended to you In wilting that the ta'nks should be tllnconnecied , nt the same tlmo expressly disclaiming anv Imputation that the tniiKs were nctunlly put In for Im proper use "Tho council falls to perceive tlmt nny dls- courttsy was displayed towanl vou. and cortalnlv none was Intended. It Is nol necessirv to enter Into a discussion of the other points raised In jour letter As jou thought lit to mnkc your grievance public through the press. It Is proper this reply shall pass through tl.o name channel DIXON KL'.Ml1 , Secrelnry. " " nnoHCin MIIHSTII >'itr.n. Moux City .Scooter Sci'ttrcM it Sffi't - I'll 11 nt DnlliiN. DALLAS Tex. . Oct U The opening night of the twelve dn > s blejele rne-o meet at the Dallas Cycle pirk was well attended , at 2XJO ( peoilu being pri-Keiit. Sev eral state records went glimmering. In the sixth race Ge-orgo Mlersteln of Sioux City was run Into by another wheclmin ami hail one of his ankle hones broken He llnlshed the race , however , securing t.iln ! I > laee > Summaries One milt- , open , profession il : "Xlmm > ' Merarl-intl , Sin Jose , won ; M Hooner SprlnUledd , Mass . second ; MaMori Is Fort Worth , third Time 2U ! > , breaking the stale reeonl One-half mile , am tteur Dan Dingherti , St Louis , won , H P Miller , Slierm in Tex , second , Stoddard Johnson , Dallas third Time 1 03 Quarter mile , open , nmntenr. Dun Daugh irty , St Louis won ; Will Louise Uillas second , D C Jones , Dallas , third Time 0 34 34One One mllo. handlcip. amateur D in DniiBh- ortv. St Louis won. Will Louise , second , D C Jones , third. Tlmo : 2 2J14 Two mlle , handicap , profession il : Mc- Farl ind , San Jose , won ; C S Wells St Loultfcecond ; George Mlersteln , Sioux Cltj third ( All soralrh ) Timer II One mlle lip neo , proftjvloiml II A Woodllef Ottawa. Kin , won UJ points , Uon Htowors Attal.i. Ah , second , O L Stevens , Uttumwa la. third olullrlicir I'M Crcnl Idi'll. CLTViLAND. Oct. 12-An afternoon paper says "Harry A'ondeihorst , the principal stockholder of the Haltlmorc base ball club , has been In the city since last Wednesday Ho cnmo hero ostensibly to see the concluding Temple Cup game Hut ho dltl not go east with the plnjors of the team He Is Iho guest of Presldtnt frank Robinson of the Cleveland club , anil It begins to look ni though there Is n 'hen on' In bnse bill Vondeihorst Is credited with n dcslro to luiv out the New York base bill club , of whom Andrew rroodmnn Is president That ho has hren dickering with the Nnw York president Is a certainty "It Is thought that his Imdnoss hero Is to Interest President Pi .ink llohlnson In the New Yoik deal , to take some of the Cleve land pln > ots , sonic of the naltlmoro men , and with a few of the prt sent New York phi ) era. build up a llrst-clnss team for Now York The Hnltlmoro nnd Cleveland ranks would then bo filled with new material " DnuiiiVnllirr nt Lexington. LHXINGTON , Ky. Oct 12-Three thou- sind people nssomblqd today to see the races The we.ither was dimp nnd chilly and n drlzrllnp lain began nt 3.30 nnd ron- tlniied until night Tr.iek slow Ilesttlts : 211 trot , purse. SI OrO Haron Hogers won sot'ond third and fourth boats. Tlmo I 13'/ ' , , 214 % 213 I'at L won Hist boat In.21,11 and was second Honneer. third James L , Maud C Sue Allen and I'llutta also started 211 trot purse , $2.000 Walter S won sot ond. third and foutth heats Time 2:17 : % , 2:18' : ; . 2 | H. nmmn Offut won Ilrst heal In 2,1C , and was second. San Mateo , third Phllonlilcs , Nnnc > nml Dion also started 2.17 trot , pursa $1000 ( unilnl heil ) Lynn Dourbon won first and second heat. Time : 2-2l 2:21 : } , . Kollclini Axtellold , Willow , Ida Greonlamler , Dorfmark. Martr.trid C Knto Mcdiegor. Surpol , Joktnn. Simmon- ottu nml Judge HIcu alno Mailed. Slxlli Itoimil nl Iliiila I't'Ml. 1JUDA l iST Out. 12 , The sixth rouml of the chess masters' tourna ment was played In this city today Fol lowing aru the results1 Mnroc/y beat Albln In u oiioon's tamblt dorllned.after forty-thrttt moves Tarratch bent Pollel In n kliiB'u bishop gnmhlt after forty-ono moves. Wlimvvor Noa In a Huy Lope/ after forty-nlno movei Plllsbury bent Marco In a I'ftroff dcfenst after llfty-tvvo moves Jiinov.skl be-nt Chaiouzek In ,1 iueen' | > Kamhlt declined after seventy-six moves. TrichlBorln bent Walbrodt In .t l-.i" ' ! ramlilt after twenty-seven move * . Schlechte > r a bye , llndoitiM'li After I InI'lKlittTM. . CHICAGO. Oct. 12-Chl f of I'ollco J7iite-noch has taken n hand In the Uhlcngo Uhlutlc club prlzo fight mutter Toda ) no duti-etlvos were iiut to work on ttic "jHu and a dotcrinlm d effnit will bu mmlo to get thi nec'ooHnrv nvldrncn to convlit thn iirlnrlp.ilH , Dr Milton 11 Pine and Pred W Htvlft. Thu pollro my tiie-y will not ho ) iiteiil In punUhlliK thu prliiflpalu alonu , 1 but will mnkr nn effort to take Into custody the referee , seconds , timekeeper * , and spoe- tutors In faet , pvprl > o ly connected with the affair _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Viintlicr Corbel ! l'riiinsltlnn. | SAN rilANClSCO. Oct. 12.-Oenpral Man ager Groom or the Nationil Athlptlo club of this etty has HRrenl to deposit J10.000 In | the hands of the refew wito may be M'lpetiHl for the llnl h lljcht Imtween Corbelt anil ( , Hlmrkey. for which they ilxnetl artlelps on June 2 lant , and linn set Thursday. 1'e- rcinber 3 , as the tlatp for the lljfit Dan Lviiph , on behalf of SharKtv , aecppted the proposition tonight and anxiously walls vvoid rrom rorhett ltoitil\ fur Hitftuir ltm ruiitesl. liritON S D. Ort 12-Spt-elal ( Telegram - gram ) -SI\t.v or more grehounds with owners ) and trainers are bore to attend HIP annual eourslug contest ror the Amorl- lean | \\attrloo cup and prlscn ag ri'Mitlng I $1 SiO The event begins tomorrow Sportsmen - men are here rrom Indlinapolls , Chicago , Omaha , SlouClt.v . St Paul and Mlnno- tpolls , liosltlos visitors rrom all parts or the state inn cnon-m i : TO MHV rr.virii : . "Mil n > \tlenil till * liifortiuil Pnr M > ell Ili'Ofiillnti nt tin * Ciiiiimercliil Clnli. A more dellKhtrul compliment than the farewell reception which was tendered to Mrs. iili : Peattle at the Commercial club last evening would ho dllllrult to Imagine It was one of those happll ) Inspired events which linger gratefully In the' recollection long after the utrnlns or the music have died avva ) and the pel fume or the llowera has wasted It was at once a graceful tribute to the personally or Mrs. Pcattle < and an Inspiration for many pleasant mptiiorlps In which the man ) fl lends who Improved the opportunity to sa > "farewell" may share The ipceptlon continued rrom S to 10 and during the Interval the spacious parlors vveto constant ! ) crowded A rull orchestra discoursed an excellent progtam and a punch biiwl in oue < corner contributed such lefie&hment us was essential In the some what heated atmosphere. How manj people came to say good-bje would he dllllcult to tell They came and wont all through the evening and crowded the looms r.t all times It was a represent ative gathering of the best elements or Ointhi social , llterar ) and professional llfo and although the women wcie In the major- It ) their good wishes were earnestly en dorsed b ) scores o'f men of more or less pi eminence In the city There was no program and with the o\- i option of a quarter or an hour the entire evening wns devoted to the Inteirhnngc or good wlbhc.s that the occasion Indicated This single Interval occurred shortly after 'J o'clock when OH If by a general under standing the guests crowded Into the front parlor Then In a most happy mMrcxn W H Alexander In behalf or Mrs Penttie's Omaht rrlcmls presented her with a mag- nllleent trunk of tillvcr as a slight token of their esteem. Mrs Peattlo replied In a few brief sentences which very appropriately Indicated her appreciation of the very hand some reineinbr.vice and then the final fare wells were said. \\KiCIC OP AAIISI1 Tit XIV llrlK-sl Mrjrr of Oniiiliil C'unnlil I'nilrr II Dltclicil tottrli. Krnest Mejer. a ) oung man residing with his parents at 3120 Miami street , was serl- ousl > and posslbl ) fatally Injured In n wreck which occurred on the W.abash road ) cs- tcrday morning near MePall Station. Mo Mcer has been nlisent rrom home ror sev eral months , and left St Louis a few da > s ago with thc'lnteiitlon of beating his jtva ) to this clt ) At the time of the accident , which was due to the spreading or a rail , and which threw the train rrom the track , Meyer was riding on a brake beam under neath one or the llrat coaches The truck , us boon as It left the track , wns ground Into small pieces and Mo > or was caught anil pinioned beneath several timbers. It took over an hour to rcle.aso him from his posi tion. tion.His His left root was crushed , his right knee fractured , there were numerous cuts all over his fnco and body and he was Internally Injured A npeclnl train brought Mejertt to this city In the Pullman coach which was the only car lu the train which did not Juuip the track. llu was taken to St. Joscoh's hospital and tils parents notified The accident proved quite serious to the rallioad crmpati ) alno , as two of the cars wcro badl ) smashed. Ihu wreck blocked the road for three hmiM when thu cars were nhoved In the- ditch and tralllc once mure resumed They arc so little ) ou hardly know ) ou RIO taking them They cause no griping , > et they act qiilcKly and most thorough ! ) Such are the famous little pills known as UcWItt's Little Karly Risers. Small In size , great In remilts \IMIIO UIIIVITIP.S. Charles McLiln , u large lun-ber dealer of Putnam eounty , North Carolina , has as- ilgnetl Christian Alliance convention In New York has adjounittl The missionary fund Is ex- jictod to reai-.i $1.T3COO. * Khst National bank of IMdy , N M , capi tal , rAOOO , Indohtednt ss to depositors , $73- ' 00 , has elosed Its doors Secretarv Oluoy has received n eUilcgram from Ambassador Kitstls In Paris that Tynan the notorious "No 1 , " will be ie- leased Joe Allhrlght , n farmer , walked Into a grocer ) stole at Iltitrand , Mo , and shot his brotlu r-ln-lau , Ike Large No eau.'io for the int'nler Is known. Thomas Mllehell nnd John Patruso or Mill Cixok. ami Ucorgo Piieliuskl of Mllln , were Instantly killed by a fall of rock tn the Lallln mine at Wllkesh irre. Pa Tnioimi , lake Park it Columbia lallway Is to be extended H" > mlleH to connect with the Oregon n illway Ac Navigation system Work Is to begin today HI"lTop Hartsmnn Is ln-lng talked of at Cleveland as sneic sar to Hlshop Kcano its rector of the Catholic ttnlversllj at Wash- Ingtoti ' 1 lu bishop la now In the e.iM ndvvurd MilliiKh. the HrKNli doikois di lo. gallon , hat left Ni w York for lioston. Ho says ho has offtcled .1 s tnty arrange- meiit with the M.unins tinluiis In the former port Supreme court convened for the October ti rm and sat for time ml-iutes Four at- tornojs were admitted all motions doeXcttd for the day wno postponed , and the- court visited the prc'ldcnt In n body. Al inning rumors as to thu health of i xe Speaker C'rlrp are without foundation Ho has been In n sinltailnm at i. Miffc-rlng from malarltl fever but will prob ably bo on the street In a week or two. lioston Union Loan and Trust company , for whlth a roc t Ivor has be-en letjutsted b ) the savings bink rommlssloneis , who state that Its reserve Is ' > pi r cent beloA legal requirements has c'o-ed Its tloorw Gwnne It ThompKlns , a notorious turf- in in and spotting writer , vv is shot ami painfully wounded In Washington , D C , b ) John Collins n district M > vtrnmi nt cmpoe ! A note fiom Thompklns to Mrs Col'lns ' had ( alien Into the. hush ind's bands County Cltrk Knoff , republican , at Chicago cage , his been arn stul on a bent h wan ant Issued by Judge Payne , democrat , who charges him with having signed 2,000 Until eertlllc ite.s of natnrall/atlon without the eertllli ties having been approved. Mr Knoff denies the ( .luuce William Cottrtnet , the opcratle singer of New York , who was abjudkator In the eisteddfod at Denver , has bet n diclaicd In curably Insane , and will probtbly bo re moved to an as ) him In the fast He Is now In the count ) hospital at Denver. Prestrved Grant at Chardon , O , was compounding a patent nudlclno when the/ inlxture exploded , ami caught lire Grant was burned , bis daughter , Mrs Porry. lost both ets and both hands , and will tile , and Mrs Poiry's child was burned almost to u crisp Court of appeals nt Cincinnati has sus tained the patent claims of the Hcaton Pcnlsula Hutton Fastener romp my ; 10- verslng the lower cotirt which decltle'd In favor of the Kurekii Specialty company Hhoo manufactiiiPiH anil tlcalcrs till over the country are affected Cruiser New York and revenue uittcis Merrill , Houtwell and Wlnoiia ant keeping a very active watch for filibustering expedi tions on thn Florida coast No nttws has ) et been ntelvcd from thn tui ; Dauntless , which left Jacksonville I'Vlilny ' last , un- donhtcdly Intending to land anuthur ex pedition Permission has been rpfused In the cir cuit court nt Mllv.aukpn to the original first mortgage bondholders of thti Gieeti Hay , Wlnona & St. Paul railroad to reopen the testimony , nnd If thu ruling of Special Master IJoyt Is to be set asltlti It must bo dona on cxc options based on uvlilenoo already taken This In u victory for the Fanners' Loan and Ttust company. Circuit Jutlgu Hussoll at fit. Louis has decided , In n tent caxo , thnt the MdMourl Pacific Hallway company must carry J. It , llctll.V blc'clo "from Webster Grove to Ht. Louis and return without ehargi ) nbovti thu cost of Mr Uuttls * trinsportatlon ticket " The railway company Iliad u motion to tllianh the alternative writ of mandamus secured anil Juduu Hunaull ovcr-iulcd the motion. T \ v onpri 1 ' M'Kdl Somi-Aimunl Convention Moots in Oinalia Tin's Morniugi COMMITTEES ARE ALREADY AT WORK ' xxliiiis U III ContlliiiiVIMIMII ! lliin nnilVIII lie DfMileil r.nllfi-l > to Arrlv > A t'Htfrdii > . ! The acml-anmtnl meeting ot the Kallvvny * . Special Agents' Association of the I'nltul i States and Canada wilt convene In this city < | this nmrnltig nt 10 o'clock The com'I ' mlttee on criminal law and n few other r committees met ) csterday nfternoon at t 3 o'clock to prepare their reports for the f eoiivenllon. The headquarters of the nsso- | j elation nre al the Mlllnrd hotel and the < ! special agtnts will be In the city several J dn > 6. They will number about twcntlUo ; or lhlrt > nnd they come to Omaha solely tj for the purpose of discussing the methods ji nnd Uetillo of their work They are not ij here for n social session and their tlmo wilt ( , be entirely occupied with the transaction of ] business , no social entertainments being on Hit1 schedule This nssoclntlon Is one of the most Im portant In rnllwav circles. H Includes the heads of the sport it service departments of all the great rnllrouls In tlio United Stiles and Canada These are not the inllway sleuths , hut are the olllclals who presldo . over the tlopirtmcnts that look after Iho ; property of the various railroad companies nnd outline the woik of the lallnnd de tectives The olllcers of the association who were elected al the nnmial meeting In Knu- sis City , nro President. J. J Klnncy ot the Santi IV , lopcka , llrst vice prtsltlint , Wllllim T Canada of the Union Pacific. Omaha , second vicepusldont. . Jo'tn DeLoug of the Missouri Pacific. Atchtson ; third vlco prosldt'iit. H Plant of the- Missouri Knnsas .t Texas , Somalia , Mo , secretary nnd treas urer W S Cnln of the Chicago S Alton , Chicago In addition to a few of the nlHeem who are nlicndy In town , Cnptnln Chester of the Kansas Clt ) . Port Scott Memphis and S J Peterson of the Union Paclllc. both from Kansas City , were noticed In town ) e'i- tcida ) morning COM. IS. VIJIIY ll.OW lMOVIMI. . llfiiiiiiiil fur ( 'HIM Nut Si Crt-nl an Wnu AiitlellHiliMl. The changes .In coal ratts between Chicago cage and other lake points and Missouri river points have- not ) el had the effect of bringing Into Omaha nil ) great quantity or the bl.ipk diamond There Is n good dealer or real tudeied and It Is thought that It vlll soon begin to move The sitppl ) or coal on hand In Omaha ) ards Is estimated at 11.000 tons nnd this Is held for the ) ( pait b ) the rl\ largest dealers So the rail roads are not badly pushed ror Immudlato dellverv Still there Is quite a demand being made upon them , as In man ) nr the yards the Is not the kind thnt Is wanted at present Thu railroads arc loading thd cUal as rast as they can and expect to get con siderable business out or the J2 i.ate. which will doubtlens be In existence until Novem ber 1 There Is the usual demand ror cars , hut the rnct that the heavy Khlpments or grains from this territory are taking the caw to the Chicago end of the line tne.ins tlmt there will be no great Hcarelty I'f cars In which to send the coal westward Neverthe less the Hock Island has Just glvon out , a contract for the building of100 coal cam and hail shown that It wal.ted thoio"badly by Insisting that they must bo delivered within the next sixty da > s Milt torn for I'ltHxriiKcr Mi'll. The Omaha passenger .agents ) estcnlay received nctlco or a special meeting of Iho Western Passenger npsoclatlnn. railed ror Thursday morning nt 10 o'clock In Chi- cngo Among the subjects that will betaken taken up ror consideration aroTransportn - tlon or land ngpiits , clergy agreement of 1S97. general question or local passenger pssorlatlons hair rntes on ni count or char ity and children , additional dates ror homo- seekers' excursions , reduced rales ror con ventions of Women's Christian Tcmpcrnnco unlou , St Louis. November 13-20 , NJtlonnl Irrigation assoclntlon. Phoenix Ariz. De cember lfi-17 , and Notional Orange' , Den ver , December 15-17 , and special rates for parties going homo ( o vote. Hnllmi ; Elites mid I'rrNonnlfl. J. II Krawley , general agent or the Union Pacific at Kansas City , Is In the city A icport Is current that the Pennsylvania Is moving to secure control or the Western New York & Pennsylvania that It may gain entrance to lUiffalo Miss Dllprcro 12 Dutrher formerly ot the Ijlkliorn's gereral rrelght ofllco. Is now oc cuplng a pohltlon lu tlio general pnsgcngcr otllco or the aame road I2x-Secretary or War Proctor pnaneil through Omaha ) esterday , his private car being attached to the Union Pacifies west bound "Overland Limited " The. IVniiEjUnnla company has fitted up a largo number of cars properly ventilated , for handling the west-bound oyster trade. Ihcy are hauled on pasccngcr train tlmo schedules. LI Hung Chang decorated A n. Ixilando , the traveling pnsicngcr ogtnt of the Canadian Paclllc railway , who accompanied him through Canada , with the Clilncfio order of ( thu Double Dragon General Agent Ritchie of the Northwest ern ' ) csteiday iccelved a luigo new map of < that sstem for his olHte It him Just been 1 revised by the engineering department and I accurately allows every bit or thu 7,91)7 ) miles i or track. Iho Lake Shore last week placed an order with the Schciicttady Locomotive works for J ten ten-wheel Inc-mncHtvcH or the'simple tspe This Is a heavlet locomotive than the enm- | taio has been In the habit of purclmulng , Liut L Its triliifi are getting heavier and a Havln-r Is i Teeteil In lunulng fewer trains whenever \ pouilble. It Is rumored that A J. Smith , general paEscngtr agent of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern , will shortly resign to accept a position with an eastern rand llu has been with the Luke Shore for eight ) cars anil waa at one time with the old Ice ! line McCormack of ( ho Illg Four , It Is Bald , will succeed Smith The committee or railway executive officials on uniform dimensions of freight tart ) , that has been In session In New Ynrl : City , has concluded to recommend to thu Trunk Line , Central Tralllc , and Westein Preight associations that Ihlrtj-slx jccl bu the extreme length for ordinary box stpck. coal and platform caiv , and forty feet be thu extreme limit of furniture. LUIS. Assistant General Prclght A.Ken * Wood of the Union PuUflc has gonu to Louli to attend the meeting of ( night olllelals there They will re-chock HID Kansas grain rates end readjust the local and through rates from Kansas nnd xuuthcrn Nebraska to points In the Fouth and east Their work will he. submitted ror approval to Iho hlghci olllelulH or the \.esli m roads , who meet In Chicago on WcdnesUa ) . Of inuiliiiil : contnplous blood iioiHon uliiiuiHl n Us victim Jlr. iVnnk JJ , Mnrlln , < )20 ) Ponunyhnni.i Avenue , NViisliinpton , ] ) . 0. , nnd tliu iisiinl pliyaicluu'H truutniL'tit dill him nottlio8ilglitc."tgooil. ; Ilia oontlition readied tlifit dcplurablo Btago wliioli only this terrible dis- eaau can produce. After nil else fulled , was nt ) last found in B. B. B. the greatest of nil blood remeilicfl , Eighteen bottles tles removed thn disease normani cntly , and left ills akin without a blemish. B.R. H. Is guaranteed purely vogutablo ; and lathoiiiilyUnowii euro f < .r . tills moit tijrrlbla disease. Ilnoks freej