Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1896, Page 6, Image 6
r. THE OMAHA DAILY HltJIU-.TTTUlSSDAY , OCTOl.KH in , 180(5. ( COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL December Wheat Again Reaches the Sevonty-Ocnt Mark , THAT CEREAL OPENS RATHER WEAK XIMI * , llo vver , I'nrlnUft nf it HlriiiiK IliillUli I'liivor , lt.\u < | it nH UeunrdM .sliliinii'iiln from HiiHoliui I'urU. CHICAGO , Oct. 12. Dt'combor ' wheat iig.iln reached the. 70c mark today. The ciuno principally from renewed reports from liiillti. The ndvanee not held , ho'.vover , December cloning with a ( ,11 In of W. Corn advanced lie , and onls , 'if. Provisions were unusually active und strong , cloaltiK at from 224c ! to Kite higher. Wheat opened nt n Might decline from the prices prevailing nt the close Salurday. The government report Indicated the tolal winter and spring crop to bo about 413- tOO.W bu. ; that favored the bull * , but the rccelplH hero and In lho notthwiKt for lho day were heavy lo como fiom such a mnall crop , anil Unit sllmulalcd lho bears. Liver pool was unchanged , according lo the llrst cablegrams reeelved , but Iierlln started weak al from Ul mm 1:3 : lo 2'A ' marks ad vance. The opening trflnsactlons for I Jo t-ember were al GS > ii ! to < M jo as against Km Saturday's closing price , and those were the lowest "prices during the day. lho Htibseiiuent rise was flow , and stubbornly contisted at llrst , for there was much In the day's domestic news to encourage Hell- Ing hy all , bul th < most enthusiastic of Ihe bull crowd. The foreign news was , however , of a strongly bullish flavor , ex cept as regarded Ihe shlpmenls from iJanu- blan and HiiHXliin pnrtr. , those being heavy , The Indian need wllo wheal was apparently conllrtned by private dealers and by some thing more tangible- more engagements of wheat nl Han I'rnnelsi-o for Hhlpment lo India. San Francisco wired that Knglnnd nnd Australia and India were all com petitors for wheat there. All cabled offers of Hour by local and .Minneapolis millers were accepted Iiter cubic-it came surpris ingly Ilrm. 1'ails and Iierlln closing with almost a boom , aiid Liverpool also closed Hlrong. The receipts here were 500 ears. Minneapolis and Oiilnth got 1,700 earn ag.iinst 1.G03 the preceding Mond.iy , and 2.00S on the corresponding day of the year befoie The visible supply showed an In crease of 2,3IXOOi ) bu. compared with an In- of 2,640,1100 bu. on the same week of the year befoie. Liverpool slocks , which wi-ie very small befoie. are IM/Oj bu. less than they were a week ago. The price rose lo 70' ' , e abotii an hour from the closi- , hut tlio Inevitable selling to realize prollls caused a Ic reduction , and at the close fiS'.iC ' was thu current price. Corn was In no need of assistance from thu wheat pit to Uecp up Its end of the bull campaign , which la now on. Foreign orders for corn , both on lho spot and for future delivery , were In many hands , and lho market was active all day. May opened unchanged nt 27-V. advanced to 2 < Vic , and closed ilrm al 27c. In oats iiilte | a good business 'was trans acted. There was a fair demand from shorts , but the strength came principally from lho advance In wheat and corn. The markut followed those grains In lho last hour's reaction. May opi'iicd unchanged at 20'ic ' > . adx-aiiccd to 20H . and closed steady a I 20c. Provisions were as strong nnd ncllvo as grain and did not , Ilkn the latter , lose the larger proportion of their advance before the end of the session , last prices for pork lard and ribs being nt the top llgures of the day's range Packers were prominent buy. ers , and there was ronglderablo stop-loss buying. January pork closed UJ'.so ' higher nt } ! , January lard 22',4o higher at $4.72 . , ; January ribs 22 < c higher , at Kstlnmtcd receipts Tuesday : Wheat 310 cars ; corn. 1,27.1 ; oats , CSS ; hogs , 22,030 head The leading futures ranged as follows ; Arleley ' | Upon. I nigh. ) ' Low. " | Cloij. Wlirnl'Nro.V " Oot ( JTJWlW 1K-C.V. " . . ; ; . " 8K ? May 7'JH 73H Con-.No. 2. " " " 24 23 H II . . ! . ! ! Doc. . 26 UIH H . May. Oiln.No.-2. . HH Oct H Dee May VuK Pork.rcrb'Jl 7 in 7 S7t ! Jan. . . . . . . 7 03 H 10 H i J Lnnt.KiOtbv Dee . . . . 4 S5 ' 4 : i5 ! Jan 4 ] > * 4 61 ! . ' . I 75)t ) MiortUlbH- 3 77 * . 3.I 3 Pl Jan. 4 00 4 1(1 ( 4 1(1 ( Cash quotations were an follows : KLOPll tJncliaiiKed ; winter palrnts , I3WR3M- BtralKhl , IXoj3.Gi | ) ; cprliiR specials , J1.801H CUV ffiWS. 'ii. ' & l UMa"08 "rnlK"t8' " CO'U3:30 : ; . . ! * ' No-s "ir"1B'C1 o VN yw ! 'o o ; - ' COIlN-Nu. 2 , 13H02IC. OATS No. S. I7 > ic ; No. 2 white , f. o , b. . 200 20Hc ; No. 3 white. 17c. HVI---No. 2 , SSHe. IIAIILUV No , 2. nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b. . Ilff 35c , No. I , KLAXSii-i- : : . 1. 7l'iff7c. ! ; TIMOTHY SI-i-i : ) Prime , Jl.CUfc. PHOVI.SIONS-.Mefs. poik. per bid. . J7.sfl7.30. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . ( .f,01jl.02H. Short rlbi. vlileH ( liHise ) , 3.tOM.10 ; dry sailed ntmulilcra ( Ixixe.l ) . JI.WHM.2. , ; sluirt clear slilea ( boxtil ) . flUti4.37i > . WIH8ICY Dlstlllcru' IlliUhcd Roods , per ial. , tl.1l. The following were Ihe receipts nnd shipments today : On Ihol'ro.liico oxclnmrj lol.ivllui buttur mar ket was Ilrm : creamery , tKllHc ; dairv. Uui lite. 1'tfH , Ilrm ; freali , 13c. Uhec-uu , Ble.idy ; Bttllo. NK\V YOHIC CI.MUAL MAUICUT. QiiolatliniM < if tliu liny on VnrloUN ClIIUIIIIIlllllt-N. NiYOIIK. . Oct. i-KLOt'U-llecelpts. 19.- 300 bbls. , exports , 13W bbls. ; mere active and BtronKer wllb the rife. In wheat , Southern Hour Ilrm at 13.75.Minnesota patents , S3.Off ( 4.25 ; Minnesota linkers , J2.CJI.3J ( ; rprlin- . low Krailen. | ! .10Q:0 , nominal ; winter pat ents , JJ.M > HI.10 ; winter BtraUhts , J3.MG3 70- winter low ni-iiJe , J2.KI&2.30 ; city mill patents , J4.70HI.75 ; city mill clears. Jl.lViil.M ; mill patenta. t3.o < i4.o. Ilyu llimr , Ilrm ; Miner- line , J2.COM-.7 ; faiu-y. t : .7oi- | > . 'jO , liackwlieal Hour , rtenily at 51.(01)I.JO. COUN MKAL l-'lrmer ; yellow wt-atorii , 67c. HVH Steady ; No. 2 weatern. 43'i&llc ; car lots , ItAULIJY-Hteady ; fcedlnir , 2S',4fi2Sic. iiAiua.i . / r-Qulel . : wesicrn. I > : jr55c. WIIKAT lii-clilit. ! | 27 ! .400 bu , ; exporlH , 70.641 bu , ; | > ol lln.i. No. l hurd. 77 > ic. OplloiiH upeiu-i weaker uiiuiriv rt vellliiK , bearish forelKr weekly piitim .11 1 heavy nirlnK wheat rceelnu , but rallied U.j iliarply un better late cables , liberal reductl , n In Ihc IJiiKllnh visible nupply and ncthc ui.iern biiylnt ; , nilvanclni ; lo tlio hlKhent price of tlio reaeon with n limit reaction on loutsellliiKi cloH-d Ud'Uc net hlKht-r ; No. 2 red. pctober. cloned ut 72)jc ; December , 74iyi 75sc : close.l nt 75 ic. COUN llccelntP. 32,200 bu. ; cxportH. 41.805 bu. ; upot Una ; No , 2 , 3lc. Options vlrmiK all day , pell- Ine up on covrrlnK and In sympalby with wheat anil n Kood export dematui ; clorlni ; nt -\tfa IdKher ; OctobtT cluted at 31c ; Uiccmber , 31Q3iic ; ; closed at .tl c. OATH-llecfhitP. 3'J5SOO bu.j exporls , 103,043 bu. ; cpot ilrm und fairly active ; No. 2. 22c. Option * iiulet but llrmer with corn , clotlni ; nt lie net advance ; October cloyed at 22'ic ; December , 23Vi Cl 3 c ; elnted lit l3Vc. ! HAY Quletj vprlne , J5.506C.OO ; good to choice , | S.M H W. llOPH Qulct ; Htnte. common lo choice. 1S3I crop. 2HWIlio ; 1W5 crop , 3fi7c ; 1RM crop , SfflOc ; Tactile coant , U0 ( crop , 2 > iVlc ; 1S ! > 5 crop. 5iCUc. | HIDKS-KIrm ; wet. tailed , New Orlcnns , i < e. lected Oalventon , lie ; lluenon Ayre , dry , ICc , nominal , Texas , dry , 'J'.ic ; California , 13c. l.lIA''Imi ; liemlnck cole. Jluenoa Ayrea. Unlit to heavy welnlita , ISHdIOc. PIIOV1K1ONS llcef. llrmer ; cut meat * , firm ; pickled bellies. J5.00ii5.79 ; pickled rhouldera , Jl.2.'i. l.unl atroiiKer ; western steamed. fl.M ; retlned. IdKher. Pork. IdBlier ; ineim. J8.50JI9.23 ; nhort clear belllex , , ; family , lO.Ojnj.r,0. lll'TTHIt-Uecelpm , 6.1JO rkl ! . ; quiet : western dairy , iHffllc ; veslcrn creamery , llHUU > c ; Kl- Kln > . ISc ; factory. 7U1U' . OlIKKfin-Itrcrlpti , S.a : pkcu. ; quiet ; larifc. 79'to ' ; small. 7W1CH ) ; part sklins , 3HCf6Hc ; full KOOS ItecclptH , 7 , US pkRs , ; steady ; slate and IVnimylvnnla , miilOo : wesiern. llUdlSe , TAl.lXJW-1'lrm : city ( J2 per pktr. ) , S f4c ; country ( | ik frre ) , 3Tii4Uc , as In quality , HICK Vlrin , ilriniKtlc , fair to extra , 3HlCc ; Julian , ( Wl'io. ' MOIMH8KS Steady ; New Orleans , open ket- tie. KOOI | In choice. 291737C. l'IAXHKii : ) lIHlCKS-Htcady nt Jl.00ff5.00. OILS Cmtoimed oil , active and excited : prime cmde , : : HTMc : prime crude , f. o. b. mill" . 15W 17Uoj butter Krudes. ! Sc ; prime white. :7iSe. PetrclcUm' . quiet : United cloxcd ut 11.10 bid. Itoiiln. Ilrm : utratned , rnmmon to coed , JI.77iU ! | . 0. TiirpfnlliuIlrm ; : $ fi : > , ' c- , M12TAUS-PIB Iron , nulet ; Fonlliprn , JI0.25f 11,00 , - iiorlhcrn , J10.75(113.CO. Copner , straily ; brokers , J10.U ) ; rxchanKe , I10.COU10.S.V l < ad , ulmdv ; brukrrii. J2.CO : rxchanip. ; J2.7i.Hi2.7 : . Tin , barely steady ; mralls , IIJ.wnn.C5 ; plates , rasy. Hprltfr , ijU.e | | ; donickttc , J3.COO3.75 , 3\ool " I/iKDoKi Ocl. "i : . The offering at the wool motion sale * ( ojqy ugsrvkated .J5.U7 baUi , of whlrli MO Iwles wrre withdrawn. The entn- Imruo nun medium In qnnhly nnd t w > nltcn > l- nner lnrK fmnpfllllnn wmi ncllvr , with tirlun nrm nil Mrmind. Hm > wVhlli I'npo of rwi llnpv nd NutiiI wns niirrly might nftr nnd th < ! pilfini l en I lied mtnvllmM e r * l d th e nf Ihc July rln'lnp. PallnwInR nn- the In delull : New Hoiilli Vnlf * . 3.IM < -ur d ( tUdfiln I'lrt. pirsiiy , 4VMW'd Innd I.Mifi ral i * 'i.urd I < IH1" * 1. itfl-4il. Victoria. 1.9T7 lidlen : prourwl , ( > ( x illicit : Rtfflvy. r.iftM Ta miinla. Oil tml * ; srt.iire.l. 11 ,1 ; uiTBiiy. [ . 'iWt'fl. New /inland , 4 l ri Imlpp ; ncimreO , Hd llii < d. < > ! > of Good llupf and NBUl. J hnlcn ; fcolircd , 111 ' .fl ; O.M.MI.V ( ; iMu\h .IIAIIICRT. Ciindllliin of Trade Mini ( liiiilnlloii" mi Sliifilo nud 1'nncy Produce. iiK-Ioo.l ; Rtork He. Ill'TTKH-nuiiiiion to fair , c ; tholec to fancy , country , llflllc ; ifpnrn , r creamery. 13010c. pnllioied rrcHtn. ISftlSc. OAMC-Pralrle clilcHenn. p r dn . . .Jt.SOffJ.W ; quail , ll.Ziftl.50 ; ml ducks , Jl.SSfll.M ; rnl hoods nnd mallHrd * , ) ! .60 J.W ) . i.'UCKflli Dnnirrlle brick , K'i Hdnm , per doz. . JCI.I5 ; club houfc. Mb. JonI I cr ilc . . U.1S ; I.lm- liorKcr. fancy , ir Hi. . 9c ; Ilo < iuefort , vi-Ib. Jariixr doi ! . , JJ.CO ; Young Anicileai. 10ie ! ; twlim , fniiry , DV- . VHAI Choice fat. S ) to 1M Ibs. , nrc quoteil nt TfiSc ; IHIKP nnd coarfe. 4fl c. POnTHY-l.l\o henK. Rfiu'ic ; ecrks" . 3e ; prlrK chlekrna , 54flRc ; rprltiK due ! < . 7 37Hc ; turkeys. I'lOKONS Tlvi . Wk. ilcnd plucnns not wanted. IIAY-L'pl.ind. Il.fiO , nilillnnil. SI : lowland , tl.f.0 ; rye rtrnw , J4 ; eolor make * Ihc prleo on buy ; Ilcht bales kell the l * t ! only top eraJes lirlnn ti p price- . ItrtOOM rOUN-U tivine1y slow rale ; new crip , dellvrutl on truck In country ; c'lolco Brcen frK-n-nrklne rnrpi-t. per Hi. s'ic : cV.olcc green runnlns to hurl 2Uo : rnmmon. l',4c. ' SVVlIirr POTATOKB-On nrders. per bbl. . J1.73. TOMATOtJS-Per ij-u. , ! biii-ki-t. SOIfCOc. ONIONS tloixl ftock. per bu. , S5gtOc. LIMA UliANS-Prr Hi. . 4c. r.llAN.i-lidi'.l uiikril navy , peibu. . . SI. 4091 'fl r : Itomc rmwn , f'r hundred , 7f.nsflo. Y Per do * . . 2f.e : fancy. lnrei > . 41JDOc. POTATOKS-Oord t-tnck , per bu. . M3c. KUP1TH. OllAPis-Ncw : Yoil ; . IZVic. I'AMI-MltNIA PK.\rllis KroeBlnnei" , OOc. PIl < .MH--Nii tldppliiR Mncl ; . rAI.irfUiNIA flUAPi : ? Toknya nnd other fancy \ailcllcr. Jl 25. r'UANIir.ltllltP-riip : , > ( \ 1. | .er bbl. . JIMfifir.O ' bid. . entlns , JIM APPI-nS'-CooUlnc. per . S1.73 ; O2 10 : .Tcniithnim , fancy. Ji.15 ; New York , J2.W I'AI.Il-'OttNIA Pi : MIS Per box. JI.7S. f'ALIFOUNIA QriNCKS Pr box. 11.75. TUOP1CAL t-MU'ITS. LKMONs"Mtrtlnas , Jll WJoYBO ; California lemons. 14 C0i4f o. llANANAS--Cholre. larRp * tocli. per bunch , t2.0002.2r ; incdhim-Klzcil bunches. Jl COu"2.CO. MlsrnLLANKOt'S. MVSTKIIS NI'W Yolk counts , per can , < "c ; New York selects , pi-r can , lOc ; extra rclcctK , pc-r can. 35c ; stamlanK per can , 5"c ; mediums , | icr can , 23c ; New Yolk counts , per ICO , $1.23 ; lier l.COO. Jll ; New York H-lccls , Per gal. , J2 ; ; ier lub. Jll ; bulk standards , per Rat. . HONI-IY Fancy uhltc. per Ib. . 14015c ; choice , lc : California , amber color , lOc. ClliHU-ciarllled Juice , per half bbl. . J2.7J ; per bbl. , tl.M9f.73. MAPLI8YIH.'P Flve-Rnl. cans. each. J2.7S ; c.i' . cans , per doz. , J12 ; half-gal , cans , 16.21 ; mrl run 11. JJ.r.n. PIGS-Imported fancy , B crown , 30-lb. boxen , lie , choice. 10-lb. lioxes. 3 crown , fl10c. NPTS Almonds , California , per lo , . medium tlzp. IPc ; Tarragona almonds , tier lit. , large , I3V4C ; IltHZlls , | > er Hi. , fc ; I nKllFh walnuts , per Hi. , fancy soft shell , 12c ; medium size , lOc ; 111- belli" . | ier Ib , ICe ; pecan * , pollsbcd medium , Sc : large. lOc ; K-nnuts , raw , C < iQ7c ; roailcd , 74c ; elirflimls , lOc. DATKS Halloween , per Ib. , Sc ; farjs , 10-lb. boxes , tr Ib. . 7c. IIIUHH AND TALLOW. . IIIDiS : No. 1 wrecn hlilcs. 4c ; No. 2 Rreen lililc * . Sc ; No. 1 green salted hides , rc ; No. 2 Krveii fnltpil hlilcs , Ic ; No. 1 veal calf. S lo 12 His. . Cc ; No. 2enl calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1 dry Hint bides , 7 { < * c ; No. 2 dry Hint hides. Gr7c. Nn. t dry salted hides , Cc ; part cured hlilcs. Vie p"r Ib. . less than fully cured. HIICKP PKLTS-Oreen tailed , caoh. 25fOc. crceii salted shearlnes ( short wo.iled early skins ) , eneh. 1'c : dry eliearliiKS ( short woolcd i-nrly skins ) , No. ; , each , Gc ; dry ybearllneii isliorl wiioled cnrlv fklnr ) . No. 1. each. Be ; dry Hint Kansas nml Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Hi. , nclunl weight , 4H " ! dry Hint Kansas nnd Nfbrnskn Murrain wool pelts , per Ib. . act ual weight. 3lc ; dry Hint . "Mirado biitchei iv'ml IICIIK , prr Ib. iictual weight , 4ff5c ; dr > ( lint Colornilo Murrain wotd pelts per Ib. . nctunl nclclil , 3fMc ; feet cut off. ns It IB useless to pay frelKlit uii tlirm. TALI/V.V AN OHIOASI- : Tallow , No. 1. 2'4c. ' lallow , Nn. 2. 5 ( > : Kren . .vhltc A. 2'.4c ; greare white 11 , Hjr ; srcare. yellnw. IVic ; Krease , dark 1'ic ; old butter. 2fl2'7c ' ; * beeswax , prime. I21J 22i- ; Tough tallow , Ic. HONKS In car b-ls , weigher nml delivered In CldriiKo : Dry bucfald , per Ion. J12.00KH.OO dry country , blcaclied , per ton. J10.CO 15.00 ; dry coun try , damp nml mealy , per ton , JC.009S.OO. \VOOI rnwiichrd. line heavy. CB7c : line , light. SflOe ; iimrtcr | blood , JOfM2o ; seerty. buiry nml clinffy. KiSc ; celled nnd broken , coarw.7O9c ; rotted nnd broki-n. Hne. CiJSc. I-'leece wasliej Meillum. Ufilfc ; line , llfJICc ; tub wnibcil , IGff ISo ; black , Sc ; bucks , Cc ; tag locks , 2j2c dead FlinSII MEATS. III5KF Oood native steers , 4 i lo COO Ibi. . Cliff 7c ; wi-stein steers , tQSUc : good cows anil helf- eis , MTSltp ; medium COHH anil hclft-rs , 4Hc ; guoj fun-quarters cows and hclfera , S'.ifilu ; pooil forciiiarti-rfl | nallve steers. 4'44/Bc ' ; good lilml- quartern cows and heifers , C'.fcc : good hlndquar- lers native steers , k'.ic ' ; cow rounds. Be ; cow plates. Sc : Imneless cliucks. 4f > ; coiv chucks. 3c ; fleer chucks. 3Hc ; l > eef lenderlolns , 19o ; beef mils , boneless , lie ; sirloin bulls , boneless , S'.ie ' ; loin backs. bonelecH. DC ; loin backs , 7c ; cow ribs. No. 3. B'.ic ; cow loins. No. 3. T'.ic ; lieef trimmings , 3c ; rump butts. Be ; shoulder clods , POIIK Dressed begs. 4Mc : pork loins' 7c : pork ienderlriliiH. He : spate ribs , 4'.4c ; bain sausage , mils , Stic ; pork shoulders , rough , 4'.ic ; pork lioiililrrs. vklnni-d. Be ; nork Irlmmlngs , 44e ! ; lei > f Innl nn rendered. CVie. MUTTON Drcwed lambs. 7c ; dressed mutton , Cc ; rucks , million , Vc ; legs , mutton , fc'tc : Fad- dies , minion. fc'ic ' ; slews. 2Vlc ; sheep plucks , Sc ; theep tongues , per doz. . 25c. 51. I.niilH Cc > iit-riiI Miirkct. ST. LOUIS. Ocl. 12.-FI.OUIt-Markct nrm ami voine expert business , but only of Miiall lots ; u fair domestic Iruile ; patents , J3.71ii3.VO ; xtra fancy. J3.K3.4J | ; fancy. I2.7502.W ; choice. f2.35ii2.4J. WIIHAT There was quite n light for pos- csMoa of the t-peculatlve market thlH forenoon ind the consequence was a very unt-ellled and ( regular market , though It flume , ! remark able strength In face of two very bearish Items. V nipbl advance followed reports of higher cables nnil tliu balance of tlm t-esslon the torn- wan Htrong ; n > l etcady : No. 2 red , ca h. In elevator , 7Ic ; on track , 71'j4TI2ilc ; No. 2 hard , cash. Clc ; Decemlier , 72'ic ' asked ; May , 7CHc. COItX The blrcnglh In foreign markets and icpiirlH of good export buying had bullish cITect and domestic markelu advanced. Trading wnn rnllier light , however. In the local market ; pot llrmer ; No. 2 cash , 21 > if22c ; December , 23c liked ; May , 2JT c Mil. OATS Futures Ilrm ami higher In sympathy with llm advances cl ewhere ; Fpot Ilrm ; No. 2 , l > c ; May. 21'.4o bIJ. UYi-33c bid. IIA HLir Nominal. COIIN MI-7AI.r-Jl.30. IlltAN Strom ? : Kales this slile were made at fOMIIc. nnd bid Ke. cast true ! ; . . FLAXh-tKD : 71fi72c. TIMOTHY SHKO-Prime. J2.CO. HAY Oiolce grades still scarce and firm nnd lower craden dull nnd nleady ; prairie , J7.00 { 7.0 ; llmol.iy. , lids side. IHJTTKK Flrmj creamery , HBISc-dairy. ; 10J lie. lie.irOS irOS : ! Steady nt 13c. POL'I/TJtY Steady ; chickens , old , S',4o ; uprlmj , olurkfvs , 7tflSc ! ; ducks , 7 74c ! ; geese , 406c. WUISICY-tl.18. IAI | > ( Julet and steady nt J2.BOi2.S5. SPILTKU : iicid at ss.4V PllOVlSIONS Poll ; , higher : etamlard mess , jobbing. J7.BOi7.75. Lard , hlKlier ; prime steam , JI.30 ; choice. J4.40. llacon. boxed shoulders , J4.7S ; longs. J4.S7H ; ribs , J4.7.1 ; tiliortH , J4.S7K. Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders. J4.25 ; longs , Jl.12'4 : ribs. JI.2T , ; thorts. Jl.37ii. HKCKHT8 Flour , 8.000 bbls. ; wheat , CI.OOO bu. ; corn. HI COO bu. ; oats , V4.000 bu. BHIPMHNT8 Flour. 10.000 bbln. ; wheat. 17,000 bu , ; corn , CI.COO bu. ; oals , 15WO bu , LI vcrpiin I.IVEnPOOL. Ocl. 12.-1:15 : p. in. closing. W1IIJAT Spot Hrm ; demand poor ; No. 2 rc-d , rprlni ; , Cs ; No. 1 haul , Manitoba. CH 2Vid ; No. 1 California , Ca 3d. Kulures opened quiet and iinclianKcil ; closed Him , with near positions unchanged to < , ; il higher and distant positions U'l to ilil higher ; tunlneta heaviest on mliblle l .sltlons ; Oclober. BB lid ; November , Ba lUJil ; December. Bs lldi January , Cs ; I-'obruary , Cs ' .id : March. Ca 1,4,1 , COIIN Spot firm ; American mixed , new , 3s HJd. lAitures opened easy , with near poslllons ' .VI higher and dlvtant pnnltlonn ; > ! liUlicr ; cloteil Hrm , with near and illslant positions W to Uil higher ; Lu lnesB about equally dis tributed ; October , 3s l'.4d ; November , 3.1 ld ; Deeemlier , 3s 2d ; January , 3s liil ; Match , 38 2Vid. FIjilllll Flrni : ilemii'inodcrntc ; St , Louis fancy winter , Ss 3,1. PHOVIHIONS llacon , flrm ; demand fair ; Cum. berland cut , 28 to 30 Ibs , , 33s ; short ribs , 20 lo 21 Ibs. , 29s Cd ; long clear , light. 35 to S3 Ilia. , : us ; lung clear , heavy , 40 to K lbn , , > 2Ss ; s'lort clear backs , IlKht , Ib Ibs. , 2Cs Cd ; pbort clear mlililles , heavy , 45 to BO Ib9. . 22s Cd ; clear b l- lles. II to 16 Ib3. , 30s. SboUlJer.i. hquare. 12 to IS His. , 1C * . llam.t , Bbort cut , If to 10 Hu , 49s Cd , Tallow , Hue North American. 21s 3d. lleef. extra InHa , mers , Ms ; prime , 4 s. Pink , prlmu mess , line western , 47n Cd ! me dium western. 40s. lard , Hrnr ; prime western , 3n r.l ; rellneil , In pull * . 259 Cd. C'HKBHK Firm : demand fair ; Hnest American while , Augunt , 4Ss ; line * ! American colored , August , 43 > , III'TTKK Finest United Stales , KM ; good , Cflji , OII S Linseed , 17 ! ) d. Petroleum , refined , lii-FUiai-ilATOIl : : IinnF-Forrquarten * . 3Hd ; hlnilnunrtcrs , CKd. HOPS At Umilon (1'aclllc ( const ) , 3. London Silicic ( | IIIIIIOIIN. r/NIOX. Pot. 1' ' . 1 p. in. dollar ; CoiiHolH.m'v lO mMuxIcanorilliiary.H UoiiHiilD.aca'l. ItlHIt , St. I'anloon 7u ) Can. Paclllc 07-HIN. V. Crntnn 114(4 ( Krlu liOjIPcnimvlvanu 6UH KrlolutuM til ilU'Hilliu lU ) Ill.Cuulral PI | Me . On. naw 4n , OHH IIAIl SILViil-2aT4d per ounce ! MONKY 1O1U per cent. The rate of illncuunt In HID open market tor short and three month * ' bill , ti ! per cent. Flliiiuctiil NOU-H , CIIIOAOO. Oct. lS.-ClrarlniE . IS.8I9.4JO. Money ulraily : on call. CU7 ir cent ; on Urn * . 7 per cent. New York ixctmuge , ifo discount. I'nrtlgn exrhance stenddrtnnnd ; , Jl.ei ; sixty days. H. n * . lofTlN. : Oct. II. Clcnrlni ? , Ji : , M,7fll ; linl- amrs , I1.M0.910. IIAI.TIMOIIK. Oct. 1I.-ClfnrlnR , J2o 7.K i Jlll.'W. NK\V YOIIK , Oct. i-ClMtrh1K . tnJM , ! > lS ( winners. jr..W.OM. PIIILADKl.l''llA. Oct. 12-Clwrlnifs , | T.U , 7lt ; bhlanci1 * , ll.lKi.07n. ST. LOI'Irt. Ocl. It-ripnrlnns , tl.Mf > ' 0 ; lal- nnrcs. 11II.KM. Monpy , flfft per cent. New York exeliunge , 11.25 dlrrount bill. STOCKS AXIl IIO.VIIS. Seenrlly MnrUct tm-miliir nil 11 Poorly lllMlrlllllltMl YllltMIKOf llllHlllCMM. Ni\V : YOIIK , Ocl. 12.-The Hock mnrk todny. on n comparatively light nnd ixwrly dIMtlhulod volume of bitidnem. was ; Irregular nnd feverish In lone. Loner I.Mnlon pi Iron for American se curities , a llnner tendency In foreign cxchmuo and i-onllnued slirriitRm In money rales , together with dlMipiHiinllnic rnllrond iralllo rviurns for HIP llr t week In uclcber. compline the lnr nm- terlnl. An usual recently the rpcclalllcs inonnpo- lied the intention vt llio prorestlnnal ilenk-ls , ind In the entire list only the Muck * ctoti-d luleworthy totals. On tlio stocks mentioned Iqulilallon llrst became clearly apparent ami ex- ried n sympathetic unravin-iible InllUiMice Uton lie geneial list. The gcneinl imukel opened venk and lower under moderalu olTerlnKs lor > oth nccounts , Stmnr Iwlng the weak teattitr inder cftcrtlve manipulation. The ( U'Clliie In Ihc lock was parllally uttrlbuted to statistical Ic- ions rccllliiK Ihe heavy Inroiuls Unit have been uade by foielmi grailes of the product upon the vnllriy uf tlie American company , 'me ox- icmo IOPB was P.fc per cent , Ihc stock touching 05V4 nnd closing only n slight fraellon higher , turlng the llrst hour the market generally was ncgular , with a siiKiilng tendency. SuppoitlUK n-iltrs appeared In mine Instances ut Ibc eaily uw poliHs , which Inltuuiced n frncllomil iccov- ry In the general list and cairled Tobacco up 0 70 and Manhattan t ! ) > % . llcncwcl pressure , lowover , soon marled the Hit again on the down tirade iinJ broke New Jersey Central 2',4 to OS. Die other extreme declines extended to ! * per cut In Sugar. The depression vsns tncluenlnl lo the news of n slight advance In actual dc- nan 1 sterling , nnd or He rise In posted demand by a leading drawer. London , however , was n moderate buyer of .he Inlernallonals , and the loyrc.i score I by Ihc rallv.ny slimes \\eic not material ax a rule. In Hie early afternoon rallies occurred on cov ering of shorts partly , cari-jlng1 prices up an cx- Inme 1 * . per cent for Manhattan. Sugar rai led IVfc per cent and llurllnglciii and New Jer sey Central 1 per cent. Among the Inactive Hhnivit Illinois Steel fell Pi per cenl nnd llubber ireforred 3 per cent , delations were tlio chief inllntnce In impcllllng prlceH In the late lenllngs. A fealurc of Interest was n decline of 1 per cent In silver certlHcnlcK on slight denl- nps. The closing wni dull nl rllghl fracllonal le linen. Cms d-'inble ires urc r.evel'ped ngalrst Heading' nml oilier speculative bomls , mil ee- leclally Kansas Texas seconds , which leceJed lli per cent to BOH. The lioiidn rallied later to C2. The concessions In the Heading Issues nv- crnged n point , with the closing nt nboiit the lowest. The salei were J8IS.OOO. Governments were weak anil slightly lower on sales of Jll.COO. Sll- \rr rrrtllleiitcK were notably wenk , receding 1 1-cr cent to C4H4 f.n offerings of $30,000. The de cline Is partly attribute , ! to liquidations by n pool here and In Huropc. The fon-lgn Inquiry ilpn has been waning for some time p.isl. The Kvenlnn Post's I/imlon llnanclnl cable gram says : A rising money market nnd fears if , n rise In the settlement on TliiiraJny dam pened nil the- stock markets ) today. Consols , after touching lOS'i. ' closed at lOS't. All the gllt-edgeil Flocks were wenk. The markets. Indeed , me to demoralized that It Is not possible lo sell large linen of any stocks nt quoted prices. At the same time there Is nothlmt nppronchliiR n real panic because there Is no great pressure to sell. The key to the situation lies la the fact that the amount of pawned stocks \ > very large. KnHlrn were Hat. closing at the worst , although con- tangofs In the mining settlement today were very light. Americans weie lower , but much steadier than the other markets , Ihe bull r.c- rititnt IwltiK comparatively small. Hrazlllan stocks were * ery Hal. The general ncttlcim-nt will begin tomorrow nnd small failures arc r eked for. The Paris bourse was weak on heavy sales of Spanish stocks nnd bear snli-s of Kalllrs. The Iterlln market was llat on d'arcr money , the account of n prominent operator being liqui dated cspi-clalty In Argentines. The following were the closing quotations on the leading elocks of the New York exchange today : AtchlHon 11U rtonfil 14V AdaniHKv 11.1 N. Y. Central I'll ' Al'on.T. II f' . > N. Y. .V N. K- -til XiiiTKxnnMB. . . . . . 107 Onlarln.t 1:1 : llnlllinuni.VOIilo. ltOreiroii : ! ; Itnn Canada 1'aelllo. . . . All ( Irecon Nav 10 OaiiailaSoiilbi-rn. . 44 | O. S. U .V U. N 1- ' Central P.ielile. . . . i : < iPacltlc Mall 1U CI'H. ; , 'i Olno iiPcoriilec. : ! ! : 4. E. . . I ( ; iilcico : .t Alton. , in.'i I'lltHljiirk- ICO C..K.VU H7' ' ( Pullman Palace. . . 141 Chicago Oat 57jHraillmr | " 1 CoiiHOlldated ( ) . 144 Ml. ( ! . W 1A C. . I ! . . J. A St. L. . . 1M ! < Ml O.V. . MM 411 Colo.Co.ii xlr.i. : ! tHocK , iHlatul. . . Cotton Oil Cert. . . . 11 St. Paul U7 } > DelawareV Hill. . HUH ilonM I'JO ' " ' St. 1' . .t O.ninii. . . . : < fl Df 'ltTu. pf.l. . . . ! > < ilntifj. . . . 11H KaHlToun 1.1 Soulhorn P.iciao. . llllt Krlo ' . " .I Suear llollnerv. . . . 1 ( ) . * ilopld 17 Tumi. Dual . .Vlroi'OV < KortWavno 13H TuxaxPaclllc ilt ) ( i.Noritiorn nM. . . Ill ) T. .to.Cjit. ; iif.l. . . to U.&I&I. nM H ! ) Union IMcllic U llocklmr Valbjv. . . 1ft- . . U. S. KxuroH4 3fl . . H7 > IV.St. 1 * * P Mi St. I1..tUulnl ! ! . . . . 15 W.St. L.AP. nt I. K.&T.UM Kill" Well * F.iriro Kx. . . LakoKrlo .V Went. 1 UtjV - Btf-rn Union. . . . ( loom Ul iWheeling .tl * B. . LukoSiiora 1 li : i no pfu. U-adTriiHi _ - i. , v st. : LoulHVlllu.VN. . . . 41H D..VH. U - ( i. K ManlialiaiiRon. . . . N. L McmDhlB.v a C.K.AI Michigan Com KUJ do i Mlxnourl IMcltlo. . T. St. L..tK. C. . . . 4Vt Mobile , t Ohio 111 T. SI. U ii IC.C. pf I 1(1 ( NaHlivllluCh-it. . . . OS S. U.H. 7H National Co r.l.i.-j. 4 Inl S. It. R fil 7-Jlt l < Am. Tob. Co ( ill N'.J. u ! do nM. H3 N'.V\V. ufd 14 Am. Tol..Vy. Co. . . tll'4 N'oitb Am. C3 1U Com'IC.ibluCo. . . NortlnTil I'.ielllo. . pjm Am. bujr ir pM N. Pacific DM 184III. S. fitlio. . " pf.l. . B5K U.I' . U. .V U IH U.S. Kiibbe.- 14S , Nortliwcmurn 07J6IU. S UulibertiM. . offcre.l. The total rales of stoeks today were 130.574 iales. IncludhiK the following : American To- Incco. 10.500 ; lIurlhiRlim , 10,700 : Ceneral Hlec- Irlc , 3,400 ; Louisville & Na hvllle , 3100 ; Man- niilliin. , Mi ) ; IteiidlnK. 01.41)0 ) ; Itnck iHlnnd. 3tUO ; SI. Paul , 11'JOO ; silver ccrlincalc . 31.0CO. X * v Yoi'Ic .Aliuioy. NK\V YOIIK. Dot. 12. MONKY ON' CAI.I < : asler nt 4 7 per cent ; hist loan , 4 per cent ; cloned at 4 per celll. PItl.MH MmiOANTII.n PAPKIt Nominally 7'A SHi ; KterlhiK exchange firmer , with actual busi ness In Imnkern' Mils , ( I.S4OI..SIU for deniam' . nnd Jl.81Vie4.E45 ; for xlxty days ; posted r.i'cu. I4. $ : < T4.S3 > & nnd t4.85fft.EC. Commercial 'Mia , .EOU. HAIL SII.VKH-f.4He. SIl.VlMt CMUTiriC'ATKS-Ct JfifiS'.ic. GOVHUNMKNT IIOND.S Plendy ; slate bonds , Inactive ; railway bonds , wvnk. Cloning iiuotnlloiiB on bonds were us follows : U.S.-tH , r.ninv. . llo'4iO. P. l Mi > t 'Hi. . . . HID U.S.4itC3Ui.iuw. | 11.1'iln. .VR.O. 7 Ill ) U.S.fii.rui llll'tll ' ) . All. O. 4 u. s. oa. HUH ; Krlo-.Mt uO 11. H. Is. r.iy . Kid ( . II. * S. A. IH. . . IWlJi U.S.4 .ooiio Kill ( } . H. AS. A. 7s. . . 11)1) ) U.S.UM.-u UJ- ! II. .VT.C. 04 HIOU PacltleUsof " .la. . . 11)1 ) dolls li'.i Ala. , cl.ts-t A 101 ID- . ' M. . 1C. ti'F. l Ut. 71JK ' " Aia..olmo . Mutual IliilonU't" 11)7 ) Ala.O'urriiacv . 11.1 N. J.O. Om. : Al. . . . 11-J Ln. New Con.n. . . DO No. P.iollla . . Ill " 111) ) ilo-.N HIS " N.6."iis iiy N. Vf. Con ls N. C.4S U.'i | doS. V. DJU. j . 10(1 S.C.noufimd. . . . IK II. O. Wont. - * Tenn. uovv Hot ill. 70W St. P. Gj.mN 7 . 12(1 Teun. novvmt ji. 105 doO. fil' . \V.t. 111 Tenn. old Us RU St. M.Ojnl. 7 * Vu. C/MUnru-i SU St. L-iS. F.j.i. 1. lli'J diidefi.'rred 4U Toxai I'.ic. INK . . fioy Alehlson-la 72l < X.IH P.IO. Kill. . . 111 AlcnlKon'JJA Hill U. P. lutlof'iJ. . . 1UO' ' ( Can.iduSo.-JilH. . . lll-J \Ve. t Shuro Ii * L. , VN. imllloJ4 . 7'J O. H. AN. 1 H. . . . 10S Soutli ! S1K N. Pas. HU offered. llflMtOII Sluelc < tiiolntIoiiN. BOSTON. Oct. I - ' . Call loans. 5 ! < nsr cent ! tlmo lO'lus. 0147 par couu Uloinu urinal for locUB. 0)1M ill nl'il ir n HDI : A.T.A.S. K 11K \VlH.Cjlltr.ll m Am , Hauar B.I. Klec. Ill 13.-5 Am , Suar prd. . . . lui Moil , Elu3 I > M fill Hay.StatoOai , . , , luiOH . . . . . . . -IH 7-'h Hell Tnliipliono. . . lloMoii ii Alb my. Xllo-.iczMlnln.'O ) r.ll Uoaton.fcMalno. . 1S7 Ail.intlo Ill Fliuhbiirir PI ) HosUm .V Moulin i Ba Oen. Kloclrlo Hulto.V Holloa.'H Mexican Uimlrul. . * C.ihnnet V llojli. . 310 N Y.K. B Centennial Old ColonV na Prankllii 11 Ore. Hhorl Lma. . . . 12 10 Itiiboor. 14) ) OSCUJl-l Union 1'aclrto n Oumcr 110 IVpHtKnU 1)7 ) Ta'.iiar.ick 8.1 W. Eloo. utct. -td VolrBrlnu 0) Sail I-'rmielHco . IliiliiK ( liiotalliiiiM. SAN FllANCHCO. Ot. P.-Tha o.llolal cloihu Quotallona f Jr .uUinr Hljixitonwjrj ai fjl- lows : Alti 1H nould JiOiirrr Tl AlDhaCoa IS Itulu.V .Sorcrus ) . , l-'S AniluH . 'J.1 Jimllce , Itelcher . Ill Koatuoliv Con. . . , , tl HCHI.V tli'lcliur. , . . 0- ' L-tiiy Wasti. Con , , IlodioUon . C3 Muxlcau 41) liulllou . 17 Menu , 1(1 IhilwcrCon . . 41) Occidental ( Jon , , , , 44 Caledonia. . . . . . . . . 14 Oplur n r Cliullcutfu Can. . , , fil Overman , , , is Cliollar. . 1HA POIOHI , in ConllniMic-c. . . . . ) ; ) [ ) Savairn , , 4H con.iXil , , v V.i. . . . 1UU Sierra Nova'l.i. . , r.H Con. Iiiinurl.ilJ Union Con r.5 Rrbun Polnl . 511 Utah Con r.5K ) Kxoheuuor . . . . . . 3 Yellow Jacknt Ul Silver bir-i. Hl',11 M j < lj 11 il jll irJ bli-hi uritu , nir , Diu r.iitliie.'Xi. . NrTV Yurk JtluliiK1 ( ( iiotiitliniN. KFW YOltS. Ojt. p.-Tha folluwlmr nru the clottinir mliilu ; qiut-iu-riii Hulwor 41) ) Ontario Klin Cliollar. ' . ' ( ) Onhlr. . nil Crown I'ultit Ml 'I'h-momn -0 COIL Cal. \ Va. . . . l.MI ulcKiillriT , . Kill Dead wood 10.1 UulcXHllvur ufdICUO Gould A curry. . , . , "u Hiorra JJ'ivaa'i. . . , , 05 Hal * NonsronH. . 130 Standard Con 1BU lloinenaku 2UIKI Union Con 66 IroiiHIivtr , , , , , . , , 40 Yellow Juokul , . . , 33 Mcxicai 43 offcrtJ. OMAHA LlVli STOCK MARKET Icnvy Run of .TCwfcrn fnttlo and Very low Nntivta on Snlo. GOOD STOCK BRINGS STEADY FIGURES Common lo P ir , l-'ot-drrn Suiter n Slice A m n itnt luj ; to Almoxt u Dlnio lfiliidfiill of ItoKN Soil * lllwlier. MONDAY , Oct. 12. nccclpts for lho dnys Imllealcil worn : Calllc. HOBS. Sheep. Horses. i tun . * . ft tO lJ * October 10 2.772 3.CI2 October i' ' 2310 4.013 October 8 I.M3 3u7 ( 3H7 ( October 7 3,707 3S14 1,4)3 ) October fi 4.2 0 27..0 October 5 .l.fiio CM October 3 1,013 4,710 2,125 October 2 3.20S 3.S33 1.4W October 1 C,2fl 4.5TJ 211 25 The olllclal number Of cars ot Block brought In today by each road was : Caltle. HOBS. Sheep. Horsc.s. C. . M. .t St. P. Uy. . . . 2 Union Paelllc 2'J 1 -I C. & N.V. . Uy 1 H. .t. M. K. U. U. . < TJ 3 2 C. . U. I. & 1 * . Hy. W. \ 1 7 ! ' . 15. .t M. V. U. 11. IM 3 j- Total receipts. . . 17U 11 13 2 Thu disposition of the day's recelpls was as follows , each buyer purchasing lho mini- of head indicated : uyors. Catlle. HOBS. Sheet ) , "niaha Packing Co 11 i. II. Hammond Co 250 2m ivvlft and Company ? JI 'udahy Packing Co 1,311 21S t. llecker ami IX-Ban. . . . 4IS . . . . . \ , . Carey < ! > 2 .ohmail ei Kothehllds. . 120 V. 1. Stephens ' 3ifi . . . . 1111 & Io\vls Co 120 Iciilon & Underwood. . . 325 luslon .t Co 23 . . . . ttlttlim & Co ICO ther buyers 411 .eft over . . . . 100 30.1 Total 7703 COS CATTI.K The receipts ot cattle today vero 4,3M ) head as apalusl 2,772 head Satur- lay and 3G70 head on Monday of last week The catlleveie practically all wes'.cn s nud i good many of them on the commonlsa order. There were no BOod corn-fed beeves lero , and not many western beeves. The Und of cattle ou sale was not calculated tn ircate much enlhushixm iimonK buyers , and he trade was dull and featureless. ChlcafiO reports all IndU-ated r. break In values at bat nolnt. nnd the feeling h ro was In cou- < * ( | iiunco weak , at the -mine time , with such small offerings of catlle 'hat would lo to kill It was Oiardly possible to force allies down to any appreciable extent. The market on cows and heifers opened slow , and It WIIB late before n clearance vns effected. Uuyers were Inclined to hold off owliiK to the unfavorable reports from other markets , nml In the end they suc ceeded In buylmr omc ot tlio cow stuff a Ittlc easier. Htockers and feeders made up Ihc blp end of the recelpls today. The most of them uere weslcrns , and quite a. Rood many on he commonlsh order , so that really deslra- ilo feeders were none lee plenty. The narkel , as a. whole , was a lllllo quiet , and sllll the Bood kinds ot cattle sold quite freely and at about Saturday's decline. The common kinds were' not quite such free sellers at a decline * of BfrlOc. but In the end the yards were pretty well cleared. Hep- rcconlntlvo sales : { COWS. Vo. Av. Pr. No. .AV. Pr. No. Av. Pr. L. . . S20 $1 20 C..123C 12 43 3 MS J2 75 2..111K ) 2 40 7. . . . 747 2 f ! s. . . . ru 2 no 1. . . . 420 2 00 . . . . 7U 2 43 . . . .IG50 220 J..132g N2 10 , 1..1210 2 CO STAGS. 1..1310 2 33 U. . . KO 2 SO L. . . SOO 2 75 CALVES. L. . . 290 2 23 1./.S73 380 ifs AND raKDEHS. L. . . 770 2 CO 21..7CO 3 CO 43. . . . 937 3 CO 4. . . . (67 3 00 3.(30. . ( 3 30 No. Av. Pr. . Av. Pr. t bull ISO 1 90 7 fleers. . . . .11M 300 5'rnuH 938 2 25 21 steers. . . . , .1233 3 33 I lielfei 11:0 2 71' NCIIHABKA. 10:0 2 43 120 feeders. . . C23 3 35 &t cows SS5 2 4.1 SS5Cliark3 Cliark-3 Schroner. 11 feeders..1017 3 C3 II. M. rnildls. f cows SOO 2 40 11 heifers. . . , , C7S 2 40 A. O. Lovvne. 1 feeder 1030 2 . ' ,0 23 feeders. . , ,1174 3 20 W. II. Mcl'livrson. 1C heifers..1072 3 10 51 steers. . . . ,1247 3 K II. (1. Ncwcomb. 5 cows 911 1 75 2 feeders. . . . 900 3 30 23 cows W3 230 i feeders. . . . 700 3 33 1 cow 1070 2 15 SOUTH DAKOTA. 2 stnKB 1055 2 CO 15 feeders. . . . ,1041 3 00 23 feeders..1101 Z 70 \Veare Live Block Co. 2 calves 2M ) 300 4 calves 307 375 2 calves 220 3 75 4 calves 1C2 4 50 7 sirs. . Tex. J201 3(0 8 feeders. . . . 10C5 3 57 utrs..Tejc..lO ! > 7 3 (0 D. D. Streater. 1 heifer COO 175 IS ulcers 9C9 2 90 1 cow S30 2 O ) 11 steers 1205 3 10 Van HiiFcn. 1 cow 900 2 00 10 feeders. . . . 937 3 23 13 cows 978 2 40 1 calf 130 4 tO \Vearc-L , . S. Co. 1 | , n | | 1000 2 15 IS steers 1290 3 35 2 heifers 710 2 CO Western Handles. 13 stcerB 1113 IM C4 feeders..1127 2 M - COLOHADO. Jave llnniia. t | COWB 7CO 210' , 1 calf 140 3 CO 13 feeders. . . . 79S 3 15 J. II. llohr. 8 fecJcrs..lilS 2 CO 42 feeders. . . . S27 3 1C WllHam Westholm. 27 sleera ms 3 CO ti.'lt.-Hi-own. 2C feeders. . . . SS5 3 M D. T. Catlle Co. 1 tu | | 14CO 2 15 2. feeders..102 3 15 4 feeders. . . . 1027 2 93 O. W. Allen. 19 feeders. . . . 901 3 20 21 feeders..1052 3 20 M. K. Parsons. 3 feeders. . . 9M 2 CO SOI feeders. . . . 9 % 3 15 38 heifers ! > 73 2 C5 70 feeders..1012 3 25 J. Kettle. f cows 992 2 23 8 cows 9S3 2 C3 23 cows 917 2 C5 1 Bteer 1440 3 25 K.V. . Allen. 1 heifer. . . . . . 570 2 20 2 feeders. . , 4SO 3 30 1 bull . 14SO 2 40 2 feeders. , 400 3 C5 * feeders. . . . 457 2 75 Hanson & It. 1 Bteer S50 3 M 35 steers. . . . , .1252 3 CO William Murr. 2 cown 1170 233 1 Fleer .1190 3 CO 33 cowa & hfslC53 2W S3 steers. . . . , .12C1 3 CO 29 feeders 1155 330 D. T. Cattle Co. 1 steer 1120 2 25 1S1 steers. . . .1120 3 15 iiiiRh antiitii. 1 steer . 1320 3 CO .9 steers. . . . .1317 3 CO 19 steers . 1CS2 3 CO COHSTHAYS. HSTHAYS. 1 bull HW 1 f,4 , ; 1 heifer. . . , . C0 2 40 1 bull 1C.O 2 151 C fenlers , . , .1176 2 CO 1 cow ? JO 2 25 5 feeders. . .10S2 3 15 1 cow (70 2 30- . 1 feeder. . . . C70 3 30 "OM1NO , 1 cow. . ' . 1000 HCSi ! 3 feeders. . , . 90fl 2 75 1 cow , . fi'O 1 2. 8 feeders. , .10SS 3 00 1 bull 14'JO 1 TO. * 140 feeders. .1195 3 10 30 cows 913 130'IK 33 feeders , . .1122 3 15 22 bulls 1194 1 J > 0i ; 1 steer .1320 3 15 2 bulls H30 2 15 1 feeder. . . .1010 3 15 3 cows MX 2 13- ' IR feeders. . . 737 3 20 (5 ( cows. . . . . . . k"5 43 feeders. . JHO 3 25 23 cows 933 12 feeders. . .1075 3 25 1 bull 1120 2'40 ' 3 feeders. . .1191 ! 3 25 40 cows 997 3'IOt C fee-tiers . .1UU3 3 25 K heifers M WO , i .1103 3 2.1 1 steer 11W 2ty _ D calves , . . .370 3 CO 8 feeders..1193 ? 1 cow 1000 3TW f steers 1115 3 40 21 cows UOf 3 00 C3 feeders..1033 IV H. A. ! IHssek. 1 feeder 1050 2 f0 49 etecrs 1153 333 I Mfiftush. 1 cow ' ' 1030 2 Si 23 feeders. . . .1011 3 ? 0 20 cows' . Ml IM v 21 ft-ciK-rs. . . . 9-JO 320 D. , V. l-'abcr. 12 cows. . . , .1U9 245 23 steers 1319 SCO 3 steers. . .1253 V * r Johnson Ilrcs. 10 heifers. . . . . (30 2 IK . 11 cows 918 2 40 1 cow 2 * ' < .T. N. Matthews. 2 bulls 1055 1 CO 2 steers 1120 2 75 12 cows 912 2 S feeders..1022 303 W. C. Irwln , 1 cow 970 1 CO 3 steers 1150 2 7.1 8 cows 907 2 00 27 steers 12M 325 12 cows.1027 ; ; ; ; 235 icaif m 3 75 OHKOON. J. T. Jackron. 4 cows 1120 225 13 feeder 913 325 3 feeders..1110 3 W K. J. Jolmion. 40 feeder * . . . . 5S8 335R R Ollchrent , 2 feeders. . . . 9C5 3 00 15 feeders , . , ,1009 3 20 T13XAH. C4 atpera. . . . . . 920 2 40 MONTANA. R O. Hood. M feeder * . . . .126 3 20 HOOK Tim receipts of hogs were light , eve for u Monday , only 002 head being reported in , on uvaliml 1,623 a. wt-ek ago. There wi-m hardly enough hoes hero to make u real lot of thu market , bul It would I * < af > ) to quote value * MjlOo lilKher , There weru no full loads Unit brought under J115 , anil the bulk tol.l at } 3.1itf i.tO. with nomii weighing un hlith us 294 pounds at j.U. Tla-ro wcru no KOCH ! light loads to lut it top en tlio mntkrt Kvrrytldn * vin sold nn.l the yards i-lrnrcd enrly. Ib-pn-'enlatlv sabs : in U5 IK ) 3 IS .17 m IR ) 9 20 Cl 117 StO 111 17 . . . . . . .IDS W W 41 MS tfl 3 U M * > l W 3 TO l IN 3 Id 7 87 IN 3M M MO 40 3 It 3 l l M 75 C3 m 2 < 0 3 liH Cl fil . . . < 5 49 HI 1 3 pir.s onus AND UNO * . 1 JIO 40 2 M 2 HO . . . 300 3 S83 10 3 00 3. . * 5 . . . SOB HltltKP The receipts were ISI-RC , but the mar ket continued about stonily , llrpteactttu'lva mlcs : 10 , Av. Pi 51 cull 7 * J ! 10 W Dnkoln mixed * 3 2 ( H ) 40 Dakota lambs ( U 3 04 cnic.voo LIvr. .STOCK. lliiNlnoNH III C'nlllc Wii Dull , i\eepl In llu * Clioleer lritvi-N , C'HIPAOO. Ocl. 12. Ilu8lne n In entile iis' dull , except In the choicer droves , which re mained steady. Other klmls weie lovver in some Instances. Sales were on n basis nf from J.I.Jfi lo (3.75 for common unlive beef sleeiii. to mi J5 to 1.1.13 for fancy , with tin * bulk of the traitlni ; nt from (4.25 to 11.75. Stoolcis and feeders were taken freely nt from $2.10 to J3 OT. Cows nnd Iiclfers were In Ihe unial demand ill from II. ' . ' . . In )3.7. . bulls sellltiK at from 11.75 t'i I3.CO , and calves nt from JJ M lo JB.25. Texas steers were unchanged nnd western ranne cattle were In slow demand at n reduc tion of about lOc. llnlli local pat-kern nnd eastern shippers were Hlx-ral buyers if IIOKH nnd prices were droni ; . with nn nvcrnci * advance ef lOc. Hales were made at from 13 to 53.CO for coarse huivy to choice lUht weluhts. with i-ales larRely at from (3.2fi to { 3.CO , and heavy Hold nltnotit as 'ill ns IlKht. j'liele was n fnlrly nc-llve demand for sh-ep and prices were tint-hanKcd. sheep beliiR salable nt from JI.7. > to (3.25 anil lambs at from K.SO lo J.1.r > . TrailltiK vvas mostly al from $2.CO to ID for western sneep , and nt from (3.25 to (4.33 for lambs. Kceilpts : Cattle , 21,000 head ; hogs , 40.000 .lend ; sheep. 25OfO head. iN Clly Ilvi * SloHc. KANSAS CITY , Oct. 12. CATTI.K Uccclplii. 2.0CO licnil ; flili'inoiitn. l.soo liciul. llci-t KrniUs Ipiuly , utlivrii flnw ; Tcxn * ! , } 2. : . < < ? 3.2i ; Pexns rows , } 1.75 < f2.2. , ; native ftecr * . IS.Min.M ; intlve cows nnil heifers , | 1.60r.1CKi : stockcrs nnd c < > 'crs , } 2.45l ? .7ii bulls , | l.ria02.C > . 1IOOS Itecclpts. 3.0CO hcnil ; Flilimelits. | COO ipail. Miuket I > | ICIKM | strain ; lo Sc hUher , clnppil strimg ; bulk of stiles. J3.10ffi.3J ; ; lienvli-s , 3.0T.W .30 ; packers. } 3.crjf3 K : inlxe.l , } , .T40 : llBlitK. 3.30fi3.72i4 ; Vorkcrs. ? 3.M i3.37'i ; plus , J3.20fi3.SO. HIUK | ' ltprelil | , 8IHi ) honil ; shipments' , l.Ci'.O iviul. Mnrkct stenily ; lambs , J3.001H.W ; muttons , I. 102.t0 , _ Xt-w York l.lvtSliioU. . NB\V YUltK , Oct. 12. III-7KVKS lUcclptR. , ' . 'li lieinl ; Ktecrs simile luucr ; rouuli stuck Mroily to llrmj native steers , tXCnff I 75 ; staq nnit oxen , J2.50f74.2S ; bulls. J2 KtTZ.iS ; < lry eows , 1.1.0(12.50. Cnliles iiiop | | American steers nt injf Ic , ilrrrxvl welKliU : ivfrlKerntnr beef. ( flSV : slifpp. S'ilfn'.ic. ' iliesseiltrlglits ; no expuits. Hlll-i-i > ANMJ LuXMIIS Ilrrplptx. 1S.t , heail ; active nml Ilrm ; rlo.ieil slow ; Flinile easier. Flieep. J2.25ir3.75 ; lnml , JI.WS.1.25. I10US llpceljits , 11. M7 licnil ; steady nt JJ.MJf 4.00. _ Si. l.oiilM l.lvo Stock. ST. I.OUS. Oct. 12.-CATTt.n-Hecelpts , C.WiO icnil. .Mniket slow -to flcaily ; native tOilppliiL- slcers. J3.iO ! 74.tO ; Tcxnn sliers. J2 COfi3.JO. 1IOOS Ilcci'lpts , 4.0fiO licnil. Miuket fining to c higher : llKtil , J3 20 3.50 ; mixed. J.XWSjJ.35 ; n-nvy. J3.10S73.45. Siljir-Ilecflpti : > . 2.WO he-ail. Mai lie t Rtrong. Sdtclc Itecnnl of ri-celpts of live stock nt the four irlnclpal markets October 12 , liDG : , , Ciittlc. HOKS. Sheep. > outh Omnhn . 4. SCO r 2 3.S5S Clilcago . 21t'00 40.000 25.(0u vnnsas City . 12.000 3H ( f.ooi St. Ix > uls . c.OOO . 4. dOO 2.0HC Total . . 43.SCO 4T.C02 SS S CoffVi : .Aliirki-l. NKW YOKIC. Oct. K'-COFFKK-Optlons openeil steady nt G to 20 points advance ; raleil fnlrly ncllvc with n Ilrm umleilonc on Kuro- pean Iniylng ntul heavy warehouse deliveries ; iilinncc checked by heavy reeelyls unit locks nt lilu nml Hantos ; cloteil linn nt 20 in 2j polalH net ndvnnre ; snles. 10 Owl biiKB. hi- chulInK Oclotier. ja.70fi .M ) ; r - > l r , ja.S-'ifl1 J.40. . ' pol ciiffec , Illo , ijulel ; No. , .nvolce , i , ; JobblnB. $11.1214. Mllil , ijulet ; Cimlovu. Total warehouse ilellverles for lli - hjc for the t'nlleil ' States. 674.SS1 bags , ngalm-t o73,738 IKIRM last year. SANTOS. Oct. 12.-COFKii-PI uly ; Kooil nv- rniKP biinlos. 10.200 rcls ; receipts. 22.0WI Imps ; sleek , 355.000 bags. Weekly report : Steady ; cooil nvcrate. per 10 kilos. tl.SCO relsj receipts liirliiK lii > week , 154.0W bniss ; Bilpmeiits to the UnttiM Suites , SHl.KXI IIIKS ; stock , 4 ! > 5.tOO bans HAMIirittl. Oct. 12.-l-0-KE-StcniIy | | nt ' , i to ' .4 Jifg. decline : sales. 211 WO bni-s. l mo. Oct. . 12-C01.'Kii-Fat | ; No. 7. 10 Mo rcl ; rrevlplK during the week. fO.IOi ) bass. shlpnienls to the. Unlteil Stales , 33.WO bacs- stock. 31C.COO bnss. ' IIAVHK , Ocl. 12.COJ.TiiClofel rtrm nl Hi to lif net nilvnnec ; pales. 31,000 b.iB . KiiiiNim city . . KANSAS CITV. Oct. 12. WIIKAT-Slow bul sternly to sllshtly islur ; No. 2 lilir. ciGMc latter for choice ; No. 3. MflOlc : N , 2 Veil. 72e' No. 3. GS,2c , latter for fancy ; No. 2 sprlnir VKi etc : No. 3. ccfirpc. , COIIN Klrm nml active ; No. 2 mixed , 2Ic ; No OATS-Slow. offerlnss llBht nml prices barely Bleady ; No , 2 mUfd.i nominally , 17C15c ; No. 2 white , new. ISHc ; obi , 22c. KYI- : Finn ; No. 2 , nominally , 33J34c. HAY Stenily : choice. timothy , $7.00ji.DO , choice , prairie. J4.MW5.00. HlTTKIl Plnn nt Ic hlcher ; creamery , 14Sle ; dairy. lOiMZc. UUGS Klnncr at 13c. Dry CooilN. NEW YORK , Oct. 12. The ppot demand for ilry Kooils nnct also the mall cnk-rs called for n Hinlteil nhsorlment of purely Fensonable fabrics today. The many for\vanllnis of moderate nt- Forlmenls of nil kinds of ioo.l8 , Inelndlnir cloth- IIIR nooli-ns , underwear , etc. , nUded considerably to the new business. New priming clolhs very slindy nt 29-K.c nml Email salea reported. I'AMi ItlVKIl , Mass. . Oct. 12. t'rlnt cloths , nt 2 9-lGc. Col Ion .Market , x NEW YOIIK. Oct. 12.-rOTTON--FutureH rlofcd very steady ; nnles. HCi.SOii bales ; January. J7.M ; IVbrunry. JS ; March. SS.05 ; April. JS.M- May. J8.13 ; June. W.1C ; October , 7.07 ; Novembsr J7.09 ; December. tlM. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 12.-COTTON'-Stemly and un- ehanced ; middling , 'He ; Kales. 13S bales : re ceipts. C.21S bales ; ghipmcnls. 401 tales ; Block. 21,155 bales. _ Market. NEW YORK. Ocl. I2.-SItr.Alt Raw. steady : fair refining. 2"c ( ; , so leel , 3c : rt- llncd , cjulel ; slnndanl A , 4Hc ; cut loaf , 6Hc : gninulaled , 4'ir. LONDON. Oct. 12. SUQAR Cnnr , dull ; little doing ; centrifugal Jnvn , 10a 4 lid ; Muscovado , fair lennlntf. 9 < < 3d. licet sugar , dull and easier ; October , bs lO'.s'l ' ; November , Ss VlNllilt * ( irnlii Supply. NEW YORK. Oct. 12.The visible supply of craln Satunlny , October 10. us compile. ) by the New York Produce exchange. Is : Wheat. 52.- 431.000 bu. ; Increase , 2.318.COO bu. Corn. I4.4CO.OOO bu. ; Increase. (91,000 bu. Oats 9.033.000 bu. ; Increase , 449.000 bu. Rye , 2.032,000 bu. ; Increase 25.000 bu. Jlarley. 2.920.COO bu. ; increase , 715,000 bu. _ Toledo Crnln. TOF.KnO. Oct. 12. WHEAT Steady ; No. 2 cash , 74c ; December. 7Cic : Muy , 7iriic. ! OOIIN Dull nnd ensy ; No. 2 mixed , 23c. OATH Dull : No. 2 mixed , l c. RVH-Knay ; No. 2 , 4nc. CLOVUIl SEED Dull ; prime October , 5.274. ! MIllllCIIIKlllH WlU'lll. MINNEAPOLIS , Oct. 12 WHEAT Close ; October , CS'-ic ; December , Me ; Muy , C9M70c. On track : No. 1 hard , CCo ; No. 1 northern , tie ; No. 2 northern , 721ic. 4)1 1 City Mnrii c1. . OIL CITY , J'a. , Oct. 12. Credit balances , 11.1(1 ( ; ccrtlllcntes opened hhh , low und closed , II. 1C. Shlpmcnta , 1SS.017 bbls. ; runs , 4.C27 bbls. lllltler. ELOIN. Ill , , Oct. IZ.-IIUTTER-rirm ; offer ings , 24.COO Ilia. ! snlea. Jl.MO Ibn. at We. ' 'KrlKiMi Whent. SAN KRANCISCO. Oct. 12. WHEAT Quiet ; December , Jl.21'4 ; May , JI.27T. . RKRLIN. Oct. 12. KxchnnKe. on Ixjndon , clslit days' FlKhl , 20m 35pfg. 1'AIIIS , Oct. 12. Three per cent rentes , 103f Ua for the. account. KxcluuiKc on London , 25f 17c for checks. LONDON. Oct. 12. 4 p. in. Gold Is quoted at IluenoH Ayrcs today at 1P2.50 ; at Madrid , 19.25 : at l.lnljon. 31 ; ( it Home , 105.00. The ninount of bullion withdrawn from the Hank of England I today , 100.0H ) ; amount of bullion dciiOblled , 9,000. ( luld bars , 77s ll'id ; American cuclen , 7Cn 7'iJ. TIIIJ IU3AI.TY .1IAHKUT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Monday , October 12 , 1690 : WARRANTY' DI3I3DS. 15 15 Ray and wife , to K I , Stiyder , lot fi , block 1. Oxford I'laco t 950 T J O'Nell to M F Stout , lots 'J and 10 , block 132 , South Omaha 2,000 i U I' Redman and WHO , to A II Red man , tax lot 0 In sw 321I13 , ( ex an Irregular tract In so corner ) 2 , QUIT CLAIM -DICIJOS. M A Ilerhott to O N Herkctt ot nl. lot 2. block 221 , and \v'i of lot C , block 2IR , Omaha 1 J K McKnlKht executor , to Omaha Loan and Truat company , lot 1 , block 8 , H V Smllh'H add 1 MOPH I'erHon to M ! ' HarrlH , lot II , W A Redlck'H add 25 DiiCI)9. Sheriff to Homo Klro InMiiranco com pany , lot 1 , block 12 , Improvement AHBOcliillon add 1,301 Auioclutlon udd 1,201 PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS The following proposed nmondmrntu to tic ! Consttlutlon of the Slnto of NebrnnXn , fta liornlnaftcr set forth In full , ure submltlcd lo the electors of the Stntc of Nebriiskn , lo bo voted upon nt thu general election to 5 > u buld Tuesday , November 3 , A. 1) . IS'Jfl ' : A joint resolution proposing to ntnoud sections two (2) ( ) . four ( I ) , nnd live (5) ( ) , of article six ( C ) ot the Constitution of thu Slnto of Nebruskn , relating to number of judges of the supreme court nnd their term ot otllco. Ue It resolved and enacted by the LoKts- laturo of the Statu of Nebraska ; Section 1. That xcctlon two (2) ( ) of article x (0) ( ) of the t-oiiRtltutlon of the State of Nebraska be umcudcd so a to read as fol- IO\\H : Section 2. The supreme court shall until otherwise' provided by law. consist of tlvo lul jtidicH. a majority of whom shall bo necessary to form a quorum jur to pro- iiounco a decision. It shall have original jurisdiction In cases relating to revenue , civil cases In which the state shall be a party , mandamus , quo warranto , habeas corpus , and such appellate Jurisdiction , us may ho provided by law. Section 2. That section four ( I ) of artlclo six ( ( I ) of thu Constitution of the state of Nebraska , be amended so as to read as fol lows : Section t. The judpcft of the supreme court shall be elected hy the electors of the state at large and their term of olllce , CM-ept as hereinafter provided , shall bo for a period of not less than live (0) ( ) years as the legislature may prescribe. Section 3 That section live ( " > ) of artlclo six ( fi ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , be amended to read as follows : Section 5. At the llrst general election to Im held In the year 1W. there shall 1 > elected two Judges of the supreme court one of whom shall bo elected for a term of two (2) ( years , one for the term of four1) ( ) years , nnd at each general election there after , there shall be elected one judge of the supreme court for the frm of live ( . " ) years , unless otherwise provided by law ; 1'rovlded. That the Judges of the supreme court whose terms have not expired at the time of holding the general election of ltf'6 , shall continue to hold their olllce for the remainder of the term for which they were respectively commissioned. Approved March 2fl. A. I ) . 1MW. A Joint resolution proposing nn amend ment to sccllon thirteen (13) ( ) of article six of the Constitution of the State ot Nebraska , relating to compensation of supreme and district court judges. I5o It resolved by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section thirteen (1.1) ( ) of article six If ) of the Constitution of the State of Neliraslca be amended so as to read as follows : Sec. 13. The judges of the supreme nnd district courts shall receive for their per- vlces such compensation as may be pro vided by law , payable quarterly. The legislature shall t Hn Ilrt session Viftcr the adoption of thin amendment , Three-fifths of the mi' berB elected to each house concurring xstabllsh their ? omncnsatlon. The com -nsntlon so es tablished shall not be chanp. . .ficner than once In four years nnd In n. i > viii ? unless two-thirds of the members el. otcd t . ; ach house of the legislature concui therein. Approved March 30. A. D' 1S5 > ' A Joint resolution proposing to onicm ! sccllon twenty-four (24) ( ) of artlefi five (5) ( ) it the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , relating to compensation of the oniccra of the executive department. He It resolved and enacted by the Ix-cls- lature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section twenty-four (24) ( of article IIvo (5) ( ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo amended to read as follows : Section 21. The olllcers of the executive department of the state government shall receive for their ser\'lccs a compensation to lie cxtntdlshi'd hy law. which shall bo neither Increased nor diminished during the term for which they shall have tiocn commissioned nnd they shall not receive to their own use any fees , costs , Interests , upon public moneys In their bauds or under their control , perquisites of olllce or other compensation , and all fees that may hereafter be payable by law for services performed by an officer provided for In thl "l Khali be paid In advance Into the state treasury. The legislature shall nt Its first session after the adoption of this amendment , three-fifths of the mem bers elected to each house of the legisla ture concurring , establish the salaries of the olllcers named In this article. The compensation 8O established shall not be changed oftencr than once In four years and In no event unless two-thirds of the members elected to each house of the leg islature concur therein. Approved March 29. A. D. 1S03. A joint resolution proposing to amend section one (1) ( ) ot article six ( C ) ot the Con stitution of the State ot Nebraska , relating to judicial power. Ho It resolved and enacted by the Legis lature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section one (1) ( of article six ( C ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as follows : Section 1. The judicial power of this stutc shall be vested In n supreme court , dis trict courts , county courts , justices of the peace , police magistrates , and In xuch other courts Inferior to the supreme court as may bo created by law In which two- thlrdH ot the members elected to each house concur. Approved March 29. A. D. 1SI5. A Joint resolution proposing to amend sec tion eleven (11) ( ) of artlclo tlx (0) ( ) of the Constitution of the State ot Ne'braska , re- latins to Increase In number of supreme and district court judges. Ho It resolved nnd enacted by the Leg islature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section eleven (11) ( of aril- clo six ( C ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo amended to read ns fol lows : Section 11. The legislature , whenever two- thirds of the mcmbera elected to each house shall concur therein , may. in or after tlin year one thousand eight hundred nud nlnuty-sovcn and not of tuner than once In every four yeara , Increase the number of ludgcs of supreme and district courts , and the Judicial districts of the state. Such districts shall be formed of compact terri tory , and bounded by county lines ; nnd suen Increase , or any chaugu In the boundaries of u. district , shall not vacate the otllco of any Judge. Approved March 3U , A. D. , ISDj. A joint resolution proposing to amend section six ( G ) of artlclo one (1) ( ) of the Con stitution of the State of Nebraska , relating to trial by jury. Ho It resolved nnd enacted by the Leu- Lilaturo of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section six ( G ) , article ono (1) ( ) of the Constitution of the State ot Ne braska bo amended lo read as follows : Section G. The right of trial by Jury shall remain inviolate , but the legislature mny provide that in civil actions live-sixths of the Jury may render n verdict , and the legislature by also authorize trial by u jury of a less number than twelve men , In courts Info lor lo the district court. Approved March 29 , A , U. , IS'ji. A Joint resolution proposing to amend ncctton ono (1) ( ) of article five (5) ( ) of the Con Btltutlon of Nebraska , relating to oOlccrs of the executive department. Ho It resolved nnd enacted by the Leg islature of the Stole of Nebraska , : Section 1. That section one (1) ( ) of arllclo five ( G ) of the Constitution or the fatuto of Nebruakn bo amendul to rend us fol- Bec'llon 1. The executive deparlment shall consist of n governor , lieutenant governor , secretary of state , auditor of public no- county , treasurer , superintendent of public Instruction , attorney Kenurnl , commissioner of public lamlfl and buildings , and three railroad commlnsloncrn , each of whom , ex cept the said railroad commissioner ! ) , Hhall hold his otllce for a term of two years , from the drift Thursday after thu llrst Tuesday In January , after hjn election , nnd until his successor Is elected nnd quail , i tied. lOach railroad commissioner ghnll I hold his olllco for a term of three yearn , beginning on the firm Thursday after the Jlrut Tuesday In January utter ills election , nnd until his uscccHHor m nleclcd nnd qunll- lled ; 1'rovlded , however , That nt the llrat general election held after lh ndoptlor 'or Ihls amendment there HimII ho eleuteO ' thrcn railroad commliidoncrs , ono for the I period of one year , one for thu period of two yen , and ono for thu poilod of , three yenrs. The governor , secretary of mate , auditor of public accountn , nnd trenunrer Khali resldu nt the capltol during their term of oirico ; they shall keep the publlo 1 records , hooka nnd papers there , nnd nhal I perform uucli duties ( IB may ba required by ' law. Approved March 20 , A. V. , ISK. A joint resolution propoilUK to amend ice lion Iwcnly-sU ( SO ) of nrtlrlo flro ( B ) ot th Communion of tin- Stale of N'chrnslin , limit. Ing llio number of execullvo ulnlc olHcera. i.tnVnl' . ' r7 ° , liv''lto.lin.1 ' of ° " "l Nebraska > l't ! bf lho : * * * Hfctlon I. Tlmt MM lion iwcnty-six (2fi ( ) of- article Jlv ; ( f. ) of the Constitution of Urn Htnto of Nebraska be amended to tread na follows : Section 1C. No oilier executive state om- ccw except those named In section ono (1) of this artlclo shall be created , cueept by nn act or the legislature- which in con curred In by not | P. than three-fourths of the members elected lo each lunisa thereof : I'rovlded. That any olllce created by nn net of the Icgislatmc. nwy be abolished by the Icglalaiurc , two-thirds of the members elected to each hoimo thereof concurring. Approved March 30 , A. 1) . , 1SW. A joint resolution proposing to nmcnA lection nine (9) ( ) ot article eight ( S ) ot the Constitution ot llio State of Ncbrankn , pro viding for the Investment ot the permanent tducatlonal funds of llio state. Ho It resolved and enacted by the Lsg- mlature of tin ) State of Nebraska : et-tiou l. That section nine (9) ) of arUcla * lKlit ( M or the Constitution of the Stntn or Nobroakn lie amended to read as fof- - , . . . . . . . . - - - - ' > i mi i * ' ii ) | j ; 'fji til u of that may In any manner accrue , so that Inn same shall remain fon-vir Invlolnlo and undlmlul.shcd , nud Khali not hn In vested or loaned except on rnlted States or state ncctirltli . or reilsu > iod county bonds or registered school dlxtrlot bond'i of this stnte. and such fuiulsi , with the Interest nnd Income thereof me hereby } solemnly pledged for thu purposes for i which they are granted and sot apart , and ' shall not be transferred to any other fund for other uses ; I'rovlded , The board created by section I of this nrtlelo Is empowered to sell from time to time any of Ilic securities belong ing to the permanent school fund nnd In vest the proceeds arising therefrom In any of the Fectirllles enumerated In this sec tion bearing a higher rate ot Interest , whenever an oppoitunlty for better Invest ment Is presented ; And provided further. That when any warrant upon the Plate treasurer regu larly Issued In pursuance of nn appropria tion by the legislature and secured by the levy of n tax for UK payment , slm'll ha presented lo the stale- treasurer for pay ment , and there shall not be any money in the proper fund to pay such warrant , the board created by section 1 of this nrll- clo may direct the slate treasurer to pay the amount due on such warrant from moneys In his hands belonging lo the per manent school fund of the mate , and lie shall hold said warrant ns an investment of said permanent school fund. Approved March 23. A. IX , IS'jj. * A Joint resolution proposing on amend ment to the Constitution of the Stale of Nebraska by adding a new section to artlclo twelve (12) ( ) of said constitution , to be num bered section two (2) ( ) , relative to the mornIng - Ing of the government of cities of the metropolitan class and lho government of lho counties wherein such cities arc lo- calcd. Re It resolved and enacted by the I..CR- Islaturo of the Stale of Nebraska : Section 1. Tniit nrllelo twelve (12) ( ) of th ' Constllullon of Ihc Slate of Nobrashn bo amended by adding to said article a now section to be numbered section two (2) ( ) , to read as follows : Section 2. The government of nuy city of lho metropolitan clnss and the government of the county In which It Is located may bo merged wholly or In part when a proposi tion so to do has been submitted by au thority of law to the voters of such city - and county and received the assent of a majority of the votes cast In such city anil nlso a majority of Ihe votes cast In the county exclusive of those cast In suclt metropolitan city at such election. Approved March 29. A. D. . IMS. A Joint resolution proposing nn amendment lo section six ( C ) of article seven (7) ( ) of the Constitution ot the State of N'obrnaka , pre scribing the manner In which voles shall be cast , He It resolved and enacted by the I.CK- tslalurc of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section slxG ( ) of arllclo seven (7) ) of the Constitution of the Btato of Nebraska be amended to read i.s fol lows : Section C. All votes shall bo by ballot , or such other method as may be prescribed by law , provided the secrecy of vollni ; b preserved. Approved March 29. A. D. , 1S35. A joint resolution proposing to amend section two (2) ( ) of article fourteen (14) ( ) of th V Constitution of the State of Nebraska , rola- ' tlvo to donations lo works ot Internal Im provement and manufactories. He It resolved and enacted by lho I < egl - laturo of thn State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section two (2) ) of artle.Ia fourteen (14) ) of the Constitution of the Stnte of Nebraska , bo amended lo read aa follows : Section 2. No city , county , town , precinct , municipality , or oilier subdivision of the state , Hhall ever make donations to any works of Internal Improvement , or manu factory , unliss n proposition HO to do shall have been llrst submitted to the qimllllcd ; electors and ratified by a two-thirds vota at nn tdcctlon by authority of Inwj Pro vided , That such don" lions of a county with the donations of such subdivisions In the nggrcgale shall not exceed ten per cent of the assessed valuation of such county : I'rovlded. further. That any city or county may , by a three-fourths vote Increase Hucli Indebtedness five per cent. In addition to such ten ner cent nnd no bonds or evi dences of Indebtedness BO Issued shall bo valid unless the sumo shall have etiilbr cil thereon a certificate signed by the secre tary and auditor of Htnte. shoulnur that thn same Is Issued pursuant lo law. Approved March 2 ! > . A. D. , 1803. I , J. A. Piper , secretory of state of tlio state of Nebraska , do hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amecdmcnlB to tlio Constitution of the State of Nebraska ara true and correct copies of the original en rolled and engrossed bills , as passed by the Twenty-fourth session of lho legislature of the State of Nebraska , as appears from nulil original bills on file In this office , and that all nnd each of said proposed amend ments arc submitted lo the qualified votern of the state of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to beheld held on Tuesday , tlio 3d day of November , A. D. , 1S3C. In testimony whereof , I have thereunto get my hand and affixed the great seal ot the state ot Nebraska , Done at Lincoln , this 17th day of July , In the year of our Lord , One Thousand Klght ( Hundred and Ninety-six , of the Independ ence of the United States the Ono Hundred and Twenty-first , and of this Btato tlio Thirtieth. Seal. ) J. A. PIPBIl , Secretary of State 1ue 1 nioNovS morn onlv. MADE ME A MAN SSi AJAX TAUI.RTS POSITIVELY CiUHK i'tt\ .Vrrrflii/'U 'Mf * l-nllliitf Mara. [ / . -I orr. lmioHM | < -HU-fplfn.llu i , lo .ciiUMxl * ' * n by AliUM * anil oilier KK-HMMM una Inillt- crellollli. Thru lllr//u nn < ( turrllt II-.IUIH I > j > t Vllulltir In olil or lounu , nnd lit a man fur tulr , Im.lnwo or marrliiK" . 1'n-vpia Intimity unit Cniiiuinpllon It . _ . Tli lr ii i liow Inimniliiita lmroT | , . input und rlfrrti ii OUHH where nil othnrs tall. In. Ul u | on IIHVIIIV tliu ienulno Ajax Tablets. TliuT tiarucuruil Ilioumiiiilii unit will euro yon. \Vo ulvo f lnin wniixr. | IMMI rccont o | , rco. ( \JAX RBMEDY CO. , For sale In Omaha by James l-'orsyth , 202 IClli liticet. Kuhn Xi Co. , Kill and DootUHlrviln. . JAMES E. BOYD & CO Telephone KKH ) . Oiiuilri , iNcb. COMMISSION GRAIN : PilOYISIJ ; AND ; , llourd ' ) ( Trade. lV.rct wires lo Ciiicsco anJ New Vork. Currtspondcntsi John A. Warren A Co. WHEAT BOOMING and never offered a betltr opportunity for muk. Ing money.Vrltu K. ti. Murray & Co. , Hankers & lirokem , 122 Illallo llldK. , CnleBgo. ini.-nil-1-rn of the ChleJiKQ Hoard of Trade la rood lunitlng , for their book on Hlatl tlcn und tipucu. i lutlvu Information , und Unlly Murkut letter , both freo. HPHCIAL ATTENTION UIVUN TO OUT Oil" TOWN OIIUI2UU.