Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DATLV T5T3E : TUESDAY , , OCTOllEK Irt , 1890.
' i I'l.o'o supplies ami cameras , B4t 1
Mm W HroiiRon ot IuwHUo | I * visiting
John T Hazcn of Avoca was In the elty
yca'tij iy
J (1 Culli on of Ilnrlin was In the city
I t | v Vt.itcd Stales Marshal Kller of
i't , i In in the city.
i he Trinity women will hiivo their mlncc-
* ti i > u' r , aly tor IhankHKlvliiR.
.M' : IMlth Ht.ivo of OhdinpfllKn. III. , U a ef \\\f \ J \Vadnvvorth. .
C K Ttiti.lull has teturnod from Sioux
Cl'j nnd will make this city hln home.
The dlrcrtcrs of the Young Men's Chris-
tlnp n - - latlon will meet this evening at
8 oMotk
II L llnbcrtson ot Neoln. was In the clU1
51 tcri'm ' attending to n case In the ills-
trl t ( ourt.
C H llnndlctt. Many Itirdln and V.
ury have gone to Nobrinka. on a
B lour
Judge MtGoo left yesterday for Kansas
Cltv , \ here ho expects to remain for at
leva * a vvtfek
Mlsi Wlnnlfrod Smith of Kvunaton , who
lia hern visiting Mrs. K. S. Smith , has rc-
turiud homo
Judge McClco hfls nnnnnnred that ho will
lioM nlflit cciiions nt the mipeilor court
nc t w < ch foi the purpose rt naturall/atlon.
The women s society of lho Tlret I'rrsby-
trr an rhurch will mint this afternoon
nt 3 oVIock with Mru. 1'ariralco , 811 Second
live ntio
V.'antcd - Competent girl for general
ho1 TV ork , small family , no children Ap-
plv Mi ? AV S Ulmmock , 219 South Seventh
Unit *
C i-n Stewart Is making arrangomcntH for
tlr celebration of Hallowe'en when they
expect lo itvo cut1 of the entertainments
for which the Scotch ate famed.
All tnoinhvrn of tlio McKlnley ( Juanl nnd
Drum corps will meet for drill prompt ! }
nt 7 10 th- ! : evening In the armory , Clscman
building Huslriesg ot Importance.
The bcnrd of directors of the Young
Mtn'H Christian ugso''latlon ' Is requested
to inert , for tlio transaction of Important
buslmss this ovenliiR nl 8 o'clock.
J I ) Ileyward , ono of the pioneer citizens
ol n.irner township , died at the farm rcsl
( Unco nt 10 .10 yesterday. Ho had icaehcd
the ripe old nge of 90 jcnrn. The hody will
tic burled nt 10 30 today nt the Garner cent
Ilandlcy and Itlpley , the two pickpockets
nrroHlod on I'rldny. were yesterday lined
K ) and rcfl'H ' In the police court on the
churKo of carrying concealed weapons and
SMI ! ( o JuHilcc Cook's court on a state
Ivconard O. Lctttr.lnRCr left for Dayton , O
Inut evcnltiK. 'vvhcro he will he mnrilcd to
MBS | Florence Gallowny at the homo of the
tilde's parents lomonow evening. The }
will make their home In Council llluffR. The
lirldeIs n nleco ot Phil \Vnrtliam of thin
"nad'n Olrl " n presented hy the Chase-
TJitcr company nt Iho Dnhany thealcr hist
' iilKht proved nn ntlractlvo performance
The nUendanro VVBH lar e nnd -number
of plraHltiK spielaltlcs w ie well received
Jlcrcy Ha\ter In the role of Mill scored n
diPldod KUCCC&S
K \V t'lrlch of Hock Fnlls , 111. , Inn rc-
fiursiod tha police to look out for and de-
tnln his 14 jonr-old Him , Kred. who has run
nway from homo Tlio hoy. Ulrlch thought
Id making for thg , wj'4lnni' mnJ' ' " ' f ° und
In company with a street fakir. Ho was
repoited to have gene away with Iluffalo
Hill s Hltow.whcn It was at Clinton , In.
A Jury" In the Curtis assault case rc-
tnrnoil n verdict of guilty as against young
Curtis It was the second jury trial of thr
name cage , and It has hccn dragging In the
courtH for lho last monlh nnd building up
n gigantic hill of costs. It Is not } ot tin
lulled , for notlco of appeal to the district
ccurt was Immediately filed. The bond was
fixed at $200.
I.ou flowers nnd Iloso Clifford , two
women from Omaha , were found In the wine
rooms of Conner's Bnloon on Lower Main
ntreet } cstcrdny. A , U Ilowcrs wno In theli
jompiny All were arrrslod nnd taken to
the stntlon under the major's order to nr-
rest nil women found In wine rooms. Each
tint up a cash bond ot $10 for nppenrnacc In
jiollco court thU morning.
The Monday Muslcnl club held Its first
meeting of the Hcatinn yesterday afternoon
nt the residence of Mr . O II. Simons In
Turlcy'a ( lion There wns n largo number
tit the members nnd their frlonds prcaont
and n dcllghlful program WIIB rendered
The next mcotliiK will ho held nt the resi
lience of Mrs II C. Cory on Sixth avcnuo.
The club meets uvory other Monday.
A reward of $2ri has been offered for
the cnpturc of the thief who stole n horsr
from Ultcrhick's bain lust Friday The anl
nml ho took from there has been recovered
) ii > having traded It with a man namei !
Allen on South avenue Allen's horse Is the
ono the police want to recover. The same
man Is thought to bavo otolrn. a buggy ami
liarntMs .from Kelson Lewis' place In Jninct
It has been discovered thnt the Scnndl
navltin Lutheran church nt Avenue * A nm :
Ninth street was broken Into Friday night
ind two contribution boxes robbed of their
contents. Uutrnnco to the building was of
fectcd by bursting * open the front dooiv Thc
boxes were on the wall just Inside the cn-
u Irnnco nnd nothing else In the church was
disturbed It Is thought to ho the work o
lomo lads In Iho nclghhoihood.
Justice Cook rendered his decision yostcr
day In the Carter hardware rase In favor
of the defendant. The suit vvna an action
brought by the Omalm house against Jack
son & Orady of this city to secure paymcni
of n bill for $78.98 worth of hardware fur
nlshcd the defendants. On the trial It wax
ehovvn that the goods had been sold Indi
vidually to Orai'y nnd the hook entries after
ward chaiiKcd to mnKo the charge slani
Against Jackson & Orady Jackson Is re
Bponslblc. but Grady ID Insolvent.
The addition of the attendance columns
in the enrollment books ot the clt > schools
disclosed the fact that the attendance thlr
fall for the IIrut month of the school ye ir
Is considerably greater than ever bcfon
in the history of the city The totnl tn
roll men t for September In Iho vvnrd schools
shows 3,936 nnd tlio High school 334 KOI
September of last year the total enrollmon.
was 3,791 In the ward schools nnd 293 In
the High school. This Is nn Increase o
145 In the ward schools and forty-one litho
the High School. The prospects are excel
lent that the total enrollment for the en
tire jear will greatly exceed that of las
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
C. II , Vtavl Co. , female remedy. Mcdlca
consultation \VeilnondujH , Health book
furnished. 309 Merrlnm block.
We know that Cod-liver
Oil i a fat-forming food
because takers of it gain rap
idly in weight under its use
and the whole hody receives
yital force. When prepared
as in Scott's Emulsion , it is
quickly and easily changed
into the tissues of the hody.
As your doctor would say ,
"it is easily assimilated. "
Perhaps you are suffering
from fat starvation. You
take fat enough with your
food , but it either isn't the
right kind ) or it isn't digested.
Von need fat prepared for
/oii , us iu Scott's Emulsion.
I. A , Grnntz Scntonocd for Securing Pifty
Dollara in that Manner.
Mutton n Heroic IIITorl to llciiinln
Molirr , lint Domicile In'rMHIy
rinnll ) Drive * Him to OlilUlon
III till ; Ciil Unit Cliforn.
H. A. Grantz was sentenced to n } ear's
mprUonment In the Port Madison pent-
cntlary and to pay n $50 fine by Judge
ilac } } esterday In the district court ,
Grantz , while on nsprec * during the sumner -
ner , forged n. receipt on a lumber firm In
Vcola nnd secured about $30 from Mrs. Wil
ls Downs , for whom ho was building a
louso. Ho v , as Indicted on this charge and
or obtaining money under false pretenses
On the forgery charge ho was sentenced
and the other was dismissed by the state.
A petition signed by nearly every resident
of .N'eola was presented to the court , ask-
ng for cle-menej In the case. It was set
out that Orant ? had made n heroic effort to
overcome the drink habit and had succeed * d
"n doing an foi several years until his fain-
Iy troubles again drove him to the old
mhlts Since Grantz was nrresteil W. C.
Hater has bren Indicted on the charge of
induo Intimacy with his wife. This ap-
iroachlng disgrace Is given ns a reason for
: iiant7 rotting on the spree that resulted
n sending him to the penitentiary for a
year jcstorday. Sheriff Morgan left with
'ils prisoner last evening for Fort Madison
Kred Duncan , charged with scductlcn , waste
to have been tried In the district court } os-
lordny afternoon , but his attorncvs man
aged to get a continuance Considerable
ntcuet was manifested In the outcome and
: ho court room vas well filled The at
torney stated that they expected to get
n number of wttncsFcs from out of tovn
JudgeMney overruled their motion for a
'ontlnuance. tnt l.itir , with the consent of
I'nxpcutlng Attorney Snundors. let the
case go over.
\Vllllam Hlnger , charged with stealing a
bttndlo of hides from the Union Pacific
freight depot , pleaded guilty } csterday The
hides were the property of McDonald &
Co of this city His tlmo for sentence
was fixed for tomorrow. '
The case against John Joncsehclt and
Julius Craft for cutting timber on the liml
belonging to James Cole , below Like
Mannvvn , wns dismissed. It was shouti that
one of the Coles had given the men per
mission to help themselves to the timber.
The case against . M. Oajlmrt ot Under
wood , charged with uttering n forged re
ceipt , was continued.
Judge Mncy continued n number of law-
eases } estcrdny. They were an follows
Town of Lake Manawa against Lake Man-
nwn I [ all road company , II. W. Williams
against J H. Love. Poycko Ilros
agilnst John T. Hazcn , Llnlngcr-
Metciilf company against Herman
HueUdnnk nnd others. Lavlna M
I'ark against Maftnnlc Ilcncvolcnt Loan as
sociation , C. H lloatvvright against George
W. Schlckctanz , Anhcusor-llusch nrcwlng
company against J J. Crowe.
The ease of 12 Itelnhart ngnlnst John
O'Connor wn dismissed by the plaintiff
nt his costs without prejudice.
In the guardianship of Adolph nnd John
Jrsso Husso nn order was entered to sell
the undivided Interest In two-thirds of the
real estate of the estate of John Ilusse
deceased. The property eonslsts of 17C
acres In Keg Cioek township. Rasmus
Campbell.V. . D. Wolko and Dotlcf Miller
vveru appointed appraisers.
"Sultana" cigars guaranteed to cure a man
of the tobacco habit. Nit !
A million ntrnf.
200 pieces ot silk ribbons In all the new
and desirable shades on sain this week
These gooiU were bought very cheap and
cannot bo duplicated. Note the pricesNo. .
i" , 7 and 9 , at Be a } ard. No 12 , 16 and 22 ,
at lOc a yard.JUST
JUST nncnivno.
A now line of misses' and children's caps
In all the latest styles and designs.
Our special silk sale to continue all the
$1 grade plain changeable taffeta silk to
go at C9c a yard.
6Uc nml 7Cc fnncv silks at f.Oc.
$1.CO grade fancy printed warp allk , beau
tiful Persian and Dresden patterns , at 9Sc
a jnrd.
Heal Imported Japanese silk In pure white
at 2lc a yard.
7f.e grade fancy figured black silks at 50c
i > nrd
$1 25 quality satin brocade grosgraln silk
m s lo at 75c n } nrd I10STON STORC.
Hroa.dway , Council llluffs.
A Sliver Pitcher Krce To bo nwnrdod
November 10. 1S9C , to the person returning
the largest number of coupons , one of which
will bo given with each ami every "Sul
tana" cigar purchased until that date. Moore
i Kilts.
Oniiilm Firm Cds ( he WlilnUy.
i\or slnco the local morning publication
went Into the hands of a receiver about
two } ears i go there has been considerable
litigation between the creditors trying to
realize on the assets Among these assets
was $120 worth of whisky and other liquors.
This had come Into the cellars of the paper
from advertisements and otherwise , and
was on hand when Receiver A mil took pos
session. Among the creditors was the Car
penter Paper company of Omaha. It at
tached on a creditor's bill and got
possession of nil the book accounts and sub
scriptions and other property not covered
hy the mortgagee held by K. 13. Hart. In
searching around for further assets Its at
torneys learned from n drayman that
ho had hauled a lot of bottles In cases from i
the nevvhpaper building to the house of Mr
Hart. This was the whisky In question and
was Immediately attached and has been the
source of a great lot of legal maneuvering
ever since. The dispute over the liquor
was dually settled yesterday and an order
ijlven to tbo Carpenter Paper company for
the firewater and It was hauled forth from
the eellur of Mr. Hart's residence and carted
aver to Omaha.
\olle-i- .
J. C Anderson Is no longer In our employ
ind Is not authorized to talto subscriptions
or collect money for us.
The silver pitcher now on exhibition it
the Corner Clsar Store will bo awarded No
vember 10. IS'JC , to some smoker ot the cele
brated "Sultana ' - .
elg-ir. Snvo your coupons
Sideboards , the fliu.c i town , nml of
course at the DirCd. urnlture company's
Lundgard , the Tailor , 130 S. Main street
Hull ) nt I.OKIIII.
The republicans of llnrrlbon county have
arranged for a big political rally at Logan
this afternoon nnd evening , and the pros
pects are excellent that It will bo the larg
est country political meeting held In the
western part of Iho state during the present
campaign. The managers have arranged
for the running of special excursion trains
from nil points within fifty miles of Lo
gan at ono and one-third regular fare
i\ery McKlnley club of Harrison county
will bo present and It Is expected that all
of the towns along the railway lines will
send uniformed dubs , Governor Drake
and Rev Newell D , Hlllls will bo the
speakers The luttor Is the successor of
Prof Swing In Chicago , and is ono of the
ablest political economists of his tlmu , as
well as a wonderfully successful minister
lloth of tlieso gentlemen wilt speak at the
afternoon meeting. in the evening there
will bo a great torchlight procession , and
Hon. A. L. Hager and Rev. Hlllls will speak
A largo number of enthusiastic campaigners
will go from Council Dlufls.
, I'linrv Work llNila > - .
Misses Clark and Wctie ) have arranged
to give their autumn fancy work display on
Oct. 15. 1C aud 17 , at the Durfco Furultur *
Co. ' . Souvenirs will bo given away.
The moat perfect product of American
labor and Imported tobacco U the "Comer"
So '
AKIJ MHirriNd or siiiVim roucr.s.
I'rcti-nilcil M < n i-mciil of Council IHutTH
iNfiii-tlti'M nil Oniiilin Projrot.
For several days local and Omnhn demo
cratic and populist papers have kept
standing In their columns notices that the
Jewish voters of Council IllulM would meet
In the hall of the Patriotic Sons of America
Monday night and organize n Ilryan Frco
Silver club. Distinct emphasis wns laid
upon the nsscrtlon that It wns to be n meetIng -
Ing of Council llluffs' Jewish citizens , nnd
that there were to bo nddrcs es by prom
inent speakers In English , Hebrew and Ger
man Only the Inlter part of the promise
wns fulfilled. Only three Council muffs
Jewish voters were present Harris , Drollch
nnd one other Israelite who were pointed
out as lenders In the -movement to throw
| the entire Jewish vote ot the city to the
Hryanltcs , were absent The spcnkcrs wore
there , nnd they brought their audiences with
them t Chairman Colion of the Omaha pop
ulist city central committee called the meet
ing to order and presided during the even
ing. Ho delivered n speech , and so did
Prof. Rudy and Mr , Ilochman , both of
Omaha , The Amorlcan-Hebrow Bimetallic
club of Omaha was present with nil of Its
j members nnd made an attendance nnd re
spectful audience. John J Frnlncy , John
Abies ntvl Phil Wnri'hnm represented the
Council llluffs Jews , with the assistance of
several Jewish young men. Frnlnoy and
Ahlcs mndo speeches , which pleased the
Omaha audience. The speaking was finished
nnd the meeting was ready to adjourn by
10 | 30. and Chairman Cohen nnd his follow
| Omahans < left for home1 , wondering why It
would not have been just ns well to have
lield the mooting nnd made the speeches In
the Omalm club headquarters and saved lho
motor fare.
A trial will etiivlnco } ou of the superior
excellence of a "Corner" 5-ccnt cigar.
When } our bundle comes homo from Ilia
Kng-Io laundry } ou know It will bo Hunt
You get what } ou want nt the "iagle , "
724 llroadwoy. Telephone 157
The "Corner" cigar must be hotter than
any other or else they wouldn't sell better.
AllolllHOII ll\ I , ! ( < Still. *
Word was ] received hero last evening that
the supreme court of the state had reversed
the decision In the divorce case of Attchlson
against Altchlson , granting n decree to the
plaintiff , with the custody of the two chil
dren. The case wns tried before Judge Macy
In October , 18D4. nnd the petition of the
[ ilnlntirr , Mrs. W. n. AltchlRon , was denied
The allegations were made that the hus
band had been guilty of adultery , but the
court refused to entertain the charges The
case was bitterly fought nnd the outcome
In the lower court was watched with great
Interest. The parties to the suit are both
prominent and highly connected. One of
the memorable features of the case was the
decision of Judge Macy H wns almost
fatherly In Its admonition for the parties
to settle their difficulties out of court , nnd
while the husband had nctcd Indiscreetly
there was not sulllelciit grounds for the
granting of the divorce. The opinion van
the subject of general Fommcndatlon nt the
time , and It was thought that the matter
would bo patched up.
Of course , If you want the best } ou will
buy "Sultana. " Marie In two sizes lOc
straight nnd three for 25 cents.
Sfwer 1'lp.I'll - , - llrlH.- , . „ - , , „ , „ .
Wholesale and retail. J. C. lilxbv ; 02
' '
Main street. .
Hoffmayr'c fancy patent flour makes the
cut ur.d most bread. Ask } bur grocer for It
Frosts are coming. Smoke "Sultanas"
and keep worm. They're worm things.
Private "Red" Lawrence , company A , was
discharged nt the Wlnncbngo target range
on expiration of his term of service
The ollleers gave a bll at the post hall
In the Administration building Friday even
ing. It Is th- first given In the hall. They
had n very pjx-asant time.
Private Cha'rlcs nastbcrg , company G , has
been granted a three months' furlough at
the end ot which ho will bo discharged.
Ho will go to Fargo , N. D.
The ground for the new canteen building
wns staged oft Saturday , being Immediate ! }
In the rear of the mess hall. It la convcnl
cntly located for both battalions.
Two members of company A arrived from
the \S
Inncbpgo target
range Friday and re
ported everything getting along finely , and
that the troops would start homo Saturday.
Fort Crook City Is still eomlng to the
front , and Is soon to have a postcdlcc which
will be a good thing for the community as
the mall facilities are very poor just at
Prlvato Carl Carlson , company F , lies
been granted three '
n months' furlough ut
the end of which he will be discharged
Carlson Is going back to Sweden to visit
friends and rclat'ves. '
Prlvato Itajmoml of company G met with
a painful accident Friday evening. While
at supper ono of the waiters lot a bowl of
boiling hot food slip from his hand and fall
on the } oung man's nccU nml back , scalding
him so badly that ho ls blistered everywhere
It touched him.
Corporal "Jnkey" Long , company F , has
been granted a three months' furlough at
ths end of which ho will be discharged.
Long made a good record for himself while
with the Twent-second , being a model
soldier and dlsclpllnarlin. and the bos
are sorry to sec him leave the regiment.
The dress parades nro getting rather In
teresting now , as under the supervision of
Captain Kotclium the companies arc made
to go out to their position In double time ,
while the band stands still and plas a galop
after the troop by the band they make the
review by double timing all around the
parade ground. The boys say while It Is
rather hard work there is loti of fun In It
for them. "
In .NVIiriixUu It Will Hi- Fair ,
MKlit. Vnrliililt.VliulN. .
WASHINGTON. Dot 12-Tlio fore-cast
for today IH : For Nebraska anil Kansas-
Fair ; Unlit , variable winds.
For Colorado nnd Wyoming Fair ; slightly
warmer ; Unlit , variable winds
For Montana Fair ; southwesterly winds ,
For Missouri-Fair ; northerly winds be
coming variable. '
For Iowa-Fair ; northerly winds , becom
ing variable.
For South Dakota-Fair
; slightly wnrmer ;
southerly to westerly winds.
Iiiifitl Itrcortl.
OMAHA. Oct. 12-OmhYYecoYroV ; , ! .
per.ituro and rainfall compared with tMo
corresponding day of the past three years
1 9 < 5. liOj 1S94. 1SS1
Maximum temperature. . . . 01 CD CS Cl
Minimum temperature. . . . 4i wis sr
Avcr.igo temperature 52 62 58 4S
Halnfnll us . ( ,0 , .00 .01
Condition of temperature and precipita
tion at Omaha , for lho day and since March
formal temperature for the day 55
Dcliclenoy for the day s
Accumulated oxceHs since March 1 . . . 20
ninin'ir7'lpl.lUIJn ! ' ' day for tlle ( Il > yWinch 03 Inch
Total precipitation slnea Mar. 1. . 30 S3 Inches
nxcoHn ; Klneo March 1 4.5s nches
Oo c e-ney for eor. period. IMG. . . ! , 51 Ine-ieS -
Deficiency for eor. period , 1SS4. . . 13 76 Inches
m-liorlH from StiitloiiH ul h v. m.
Omalm ' , clear ci.on \
N'orlh I'lutte , clear OS | .DC
Kult I.HKF City , clear. . .
e'lirjcnne , imrt rlouily.
Iliiiilil City , clear
Huron , clear
ClilniKP , imrl cluuily. . .
HI , l.ouU , rltar
HI , I'liul. cli-ar . . . . , ,
Uiurmiorl. clriir
Kansa City , clear. . . .
Helena , clear
lluvre , clear
Illrmnrck , clear
\V4lll tun. clear
Qalvrtton , clear
Indicate * tract cf precipitation.
Ob erv r.
Size of MoKinloy'a ' Mnjority in lowi is
Uncertain to n Degree.
ltf riKiircx llnok t'p Thrlr An-
Korllnn * , lint Slum.No I'neifc tit
Support Tliolr Wonder- '
(111 ClllCllllltlllllN. ' ' ' '
DBS MOINiS , Oct. 12. ( Special ) The
political campaign Is just at the point of
turning Into ( ho home stretch. The main-
Kcrg ore making their last preparations for
thy serious , earnest work of the closing
< la > . On both sides they are carrjlng the
air of confidence In the result In Iowa , but
as the end draws nearer \\hatc\cr doubt
there has bicn nt any time Is being dissi
pated and It Is becoming plain that the
state will go republican by a good ma
National Commlttecman A. 11. Cummins
puts his lowest figure on the republican
majority at 35.000. Chairman H. C McMil
lan puts his minimum at 40.000 ; Treasurer
I'ray lea\cs the figure higher than this , anil
Is confident of 00,000. Two months ago the
rcniilillrnn innnnccrs admitted among them
selves that the state was not In as good
condition ns they would liavo liked The
extent of silver sentiment in the rural dis
tricts was uncertain ; It was reported to be
serious , and there Is no doubt that It was
much worse than It Is now. There has
been a steady Improvement In conditions
until now the managers say the party Is
well In line Chairman McMillan declares
the defection of republicans w 111 be remark
ably small , Insignificant In most of the coun
ties , llut , on the other hand , the expecta
tion Is that at least 30.000 old line democrats
will dtsert their party ticket. Of these It
Is counted that 25,000 will vote for McKln-
ley , and the rest for 1'almcr.
These are the estimates of the republican *
They nro given In plain figures , and. the
commlttio asserts , are based on polls of
the counties All but 3 very few counties
have been polled , many of them tttlce. The
second poll Invariably Indicates a great
Improvement. The men who In the first
count were labelled doubtful or liable to go
democratic are found to bo In line again
The Improvement has been steady and
On the other hand , the democratic com
mittee Is making blanket claims to every
thing In sight. H has not taken a complete
poll of any county In the state and Is not
iropai < ? d to name the specific counties In
which its party will make Its gains Its
members declare , however , that In all the
central part of the state the party will make
great gains. In the western part
of the state they count on
gains In all the counties except
these that Include cltlrs They claim
that their calna will continue as far cast
as the sceond tier west of the Mississippi
river ; eatt of this they admit tlia ) the situa
tion Isery uncertain , with chtnces that
they will suffer losses They Insist , how
ever , that ( heir pains will far more , than
overcome their IOSECS. The highest demo
cratic estimate of the sound money \ote
of the party Is 10.000 , of which lialf Is ex
pected to be for McKlnley ami half for
I'almcr Against this the committee 'places '
Its estimate of 35,000 to 50.000 republicans
who will vote for Ilryan. and concludes that
the democrats will carry the state by 30,000
or more. | "
lloth committees are worhlnft diligently.
There Is little relaxation of energy In send
ing out campaign literature. The , number
of pieces sent out weekly Is not quite so
large as a month ago. but the .decrease IB
small. On the other hand , the burc'aus of
speaking are handling more speakers. The
demand for speaking Is unparalleled. There
has never been a year of such' Targe meet
ings. The committees are unable to satisfy
half the demands for oratory A great
number of orators from outside the state , of
national reputation , time been sent Into
Iowa , but the national committees arc unable -
able to keep In night of the demands
In organization the republicans , arc far In
advance of the democrats. They ha\c a
splendid .iir.clilno. from thc-etato down to
the precinct. In the olficc nro now Hied Immense -
menso lists of various classes of voters who
arc considered worthy of special attention
and they are cared for accordingly. The
Germans have received special consideration
and the results have been highly satisfactory
The reports from German communltlca are
all of the same tone. The Germans arc for
McKInlev and the financial policy ho repre
sents. Moreover , thev are generally gains
to the party. Few of them will vole fo :
Palmer. In Scott county , the great German
community of the state , It Is reported the )
have agreed almost unanimously to support
McKlne ! >
The railroad men have been organlzlnt
sound money clubs all over the state. Ever ;
railroad tcwn of any Importance has one
of them : In DCS Molnts they have abou
000 members , and It Is reported there arc no
less than 125 such organizations In the
state. Railroad men under ordinary con
dltlous are divided pretty equally between
the two parties. It Is believed by the re
publican committee that UO per cent of then
will this \otoforMcKlnley With ref
crcncu to the railroad movement , the demo
cratic managers claim that the men art
wearing McKlnley buttons and marching
In sound money parades , because they know
their employers want them to do so. but tha
they will vote very largely for Hryan.
In the congressional situation the condl
tton Is not much changed from a mouth ago
The democrats assert that they will be
greatly surprise * ! If they fall to elect four
congressmen , from the Sixth , Rlghth , Ninth
and i Second districts ; they also claim good
chances In the Eleventh. The republican ?
concede that there Is a hard fight In the
Sixth , but they say they will carry It by 500
to 1.000 votes. The miners have been the
most ti t uncertain element In the district , but
they i are reported coming In line for Me
Klnley and Lacey , the congressional cau
dldato on the republican ticket. There I :
In the district avery strong element of gold
democrats , and they have decided , after a
long discussion , not to have a candidate o'
their own for congress , aa many of them
wanted , but to vote for Laccy.
The Second district , the democratic strong
hold of the state for many ycnrsj-la clalmcc
for Curtis , republican , by 2,000 to1,000 , It
Is a German and Bound money section. The
other districts arc generally bnllcvcd to b (
safely republican , although tbe > d.einocrata
have arranged to swing Mr. Dryan through
tlio Eighth and Ninth on October 31 wltl
a fccrlcs of train platform spcctlit's that Is
hoped to have an Important Influence on th
result. J i "
The gold democrats are wolf known t'
have a definite plan of their 'own. ' They
are waiting. If at the end of thtf Campaign
they feel that they will be ncedi ? ! ! by Mc
Klnley , they will pass the wbrd''along the
line and vote for him pretty unanimously
Otherwise they will make an qfTdrt to secure
a good vote for Palmer. In order id help their
In the future struggles for Uip'control ' 01
their own party In the tae. ( The goli
democratic leaders feel that for1 fhcm , | n tin
future , much depends on the 'VottiUhcy ' pol
now. Hut the masses of ton nil money demo
cats place the result of the clm pn so fat
above the questions of parfy policy am
control that they will gcnerallyi. vote for
McKlnley In spite of the dellrcs of their
Two Kill ill ArrlllriltN.
OTTUMWA , la. , Oct. 12. ( Special Tele
gram ) Fred Moss , a farmer21 , years ol
ago , driving across the Ilurllngton tracks
at Dudley , was Instantly killed > a
freight train today.
Mrs. MJCIU , aged 72 , of Wllllamsburg , fell
Into a cellar , completely scalping heisel !
and fracttulng her skull at the baio pf the
brain , from which Injury she died twenty-
four hours later.
I'riiiioxoil KxtfiiNlon of IliirlliiKlon
DUS MOINES , Oct. 12. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The announcement Is made toda >
by ofllclalD of the Ilurllngton that It hat
all plans and surveys completed prepara
tory to building In the aprlng an extension
of Its Indlanola line from Ackvsor'h to
Clarkson twelve miles to give a no * route
Into this city. At present trains comu Into
the city from Albla over the Albla .branch
Under the arrangement they will conic
In over the Indlanola line This will tie-
create by about 1M ) miles the dls'in-e to
Kansas City nnd the road will istuMUh
new through service between thin rlty and
that place.
ItnrrU Murderer * 1111 Trlul.
DBS MOIXRS , Oct. 12.-Speclal ( Tele
gram ) The trial of William and Mac Har
ris for the murder of George Frank Sep
tember S was begun today. The 1 tunics
were drunk and assaulted Prank , who \v s
a stranger. The light -occurred September
on a leading business corner In the city ,
'lie victim was standing near nnd In no
vay offending them. One of them rilscuv *
creil him nnd proposed to "do him up " They
attacked him and after he had knocked one
of them down William Harris drew H Vnlfe
nnd stabbed him , death rcviltlng In a few
loure. lloth the Harrises were Indljtcd
or murder and will be tried separately
Vllllam Harris' trial began today.
Siiutll t'nlluriat Den Molnri.
DRS MOINES. Oct. 12. ( Tele
gram ) John A. Johnson , a druggist , failed
odny. He gave chattel mortgagts as foi-
ows : Aaron Johnson , W.OOS ; W. II. Jen-
lings , $173 ; American Savings bank , JTOO.
There nro also about $2,000 of unsecured
We are not surprised that people will not
akc a new cough remedy , when they know
he value of Dr Hull's Cough S > rup.
County Clerk Kedflcld sent n statement to
ho council , which waa read nt the meet-
ng last night showing that the cltj owed
he county the um of $4,91473 for feeding
ind lodging prisoners. Referred to the
fln.inoc committee.
A six-foot wooden sidewalk was ordered
aid on the cast side of Tw cut ) -second
street from K to I.
The fire and water committee reported In
'nvor of purchasing n new alarm gong for
fire hall No. 1. The council adopted the re
port nnd thn gong will bo purchased.
Hylnnd. as ch'alrman of the streets and
ille > s eommltH'i ; reported In favor of n
change of grade on T.venty-scvcuth street
om C ( o K , as requested by the property
owners , and the report was adopted.
The council will sit as n Hoard of Equali
sation on October 27 to equalize the tnx
on sidewalks rccrntlv laid
On motion of Mullily f71 ! which remain *
n the Kldcwalk fund from 1S95 was trans-
'erred to the street repair fund.
An ordinance authorizing a sidewalk enl
: l > o cast side of Tvvcntslxth btreet fro-n
G to II was read for the first time and
referred to thn Judlchry committee.
Hy ordinance the rate of Interest to be
i > .ild on the new $10.000 Issue of refunding
jonds was raised from C to 7 per cent. This
ordinance also provides for the pa } incut
of the interest on these bonds In gold coin
Under a suspension of the rules this or-
llnancc was read the second and third time
and passed.
In this connection the finance committee
reported that It had been Impossible to sell
ihe bonds at C per cent and the Increase
n the rate of Interest was an absolute
A long petition Rlgncd by a number of
well known citizens asking for an cloctrk
I glit at Thirty-third and J streets wan
was read and the light was ordered In.
Tr-'asurcr llroadvvcll reported a balance
n the treasury on October 1 of $4I.40'I7S
ilnce that time $17,000 of this amount has
jccn paid out.
Clerk Carpenter reported forty-two births
and eight deaths In September.
DufT fir em Rent In n communication stat
ing that ho held n claim amounting to $303
igalnst the city and ho wanted hid money
The letter was placed on file.
Elizabeth Uarrctt wanted the assessment
on sjme farm property reduced from $100
per aero to $30 per acre. In this connection
Assessor Cress hinted that he hr.d made
an error In this assessment and the matter
wan referred to the city attorney.
Mayor Knsorctoed an Item passed In the
last appropriation bill for $97 for printing
ilonc by the South Omaha Printing conipanj
The ma > or alleged that the work wcv
botched and one Item was an overcharge of
$30 Upon motion of Snultz the veto was
sustained , Mullaly alone voting against the
The sum of $159 SO was ordered trans
ferred from the emergency fund to the
Judgment fund.
Street Commissioner lloss was directed
to raise the pavement at the cast and west
end of the I. , street viaduct to the height
of the street car tracks.
The finance committee reported In favor
of allowing Elizabeth Freeman $275 for In
juries received by a defective sidewalk. The
council refused to accept the report.
Schultz wanted to know how many gam
blers were making their donations regular ! }
Tioasurcr Hroadwcll replied that three
houses paid In last month , but so far this
month no pavments had bren madct.
After a number of bills had been allowed
the council adjourned until next Monda >
evening. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mini } CnUlr fiiiiilnur Tlilx U'llj.
Superintendent 1'axton of the stock yards
company has returned from the west , whcro
ho has been for the last month looking after
the company's Interests. Whllo away Mr
Paxtnn was through Oregon , Idaho , .Montana ,
Utah , and Wjomlng , and reports the cattle
throughout that section of country In good
eomlltloii. Large shipments are soon to fol
low , as ranchmen Intend getting rid o ;
their marketable stock before cold weather
sets In. This market will still bo the
favorite and many shippers who never before
shipped here will do so tlit.i fall. Arrange
ments have been made between the Northern
Pacific nnd the Ilurllngton whereby South
Omaha will get a gicat deal of business
which formerly went to other places. Every
0110 Is talking politics out In that countrj ,
Mr Paxton says , and both pirtlcs claim a
majority of the votes to bu cast next month.
Mrs. C. H. Walts has gone to I'ranlilln , '
W. L. Enlow of Harrison , Neb. , Is a visi
tor In the city.
K. A. Ilyrncs has returned from Indlanola ,
where he visited relatives.
The Knights and Ladles of Security will
Install officers this evening.
Master Olllo McReynolds of Peru Is visit
ing his father , .1. F. Mclleynolds.
B. J. Tlerney , a well known shipper from
Anslcy , was nt the yards jcsterday.
Thursday afternoon the directors of the
hospital association will hold a special meet-
in L' .
James II. VanDuscn Is announced to ad
dress the republicans at the wigwam this
J. A. J. Davves of Hillings , Mont. , was at
the 5 arils yesterday with a four-car ship
ment of cattle.
The women of the Eastern Star will give a
card and dancing party at Masonic hall on
the evening of October 21.
The Prcsbyteilan synod meets at York to
day. A. H. Merrill Is the dclegato from
the First Presbyterian church.
Two hundred and nlncty-nlno cars of feed
ers were shipped to the country last week ,
of which 113 cars went to Nebraska , and
101 to Iowa.
The local electric light company Is going
to build u steel smoke stack at Its plant
which will bo 100 feet high and live and
one-half feet In diameter. The cost Is to be-
about $1,500.
Tetter eczema and all similar skin
troubles are cured by the use of Dc-Wltl's
Witch Hazel Salve. It soothes st onie , and
restores the tissues to their natural coa
lition , and never falls to euro piles.
.No Trurr V.-l of Ill lnt n > IIK-II.
The police nro of the opinion Unit the
Petit Klrlf nru hut n mnull fraction of n
crowd of IlKhtflngcred Individuals who
luivo been growing rich of Into through
thuftH nnd holdups which Imvo taken placet
both In thlH city and In ttio Illuffa , The
men who attempted to hold up Conductor
HliKhuy of the Council IlluffH anil Omaha
Motor line are undoubtedly mr-mberH of this
Inner circle , and the police nru making
HtronK effort to either foe-ato or drlvu out
of the city all mich dlsrcputablti cltlzcnx
A fairly good description of thn tallest of
tha trio who nsimllul 1 1 in/lie- IIIIH licen
obtained and It IH expected that he and
hlH pa la will bo located shortly
Don't think you have drank the no plus
ultra of wines until you have tried Cook's
Imperial Extra Dry Champagne.
Catarrh and Headache ,
Another 1'liilti l.cctui-c on the All. Pet-vailing Power of Tills Disease
Illustrative Cases of Various Kinds In Kvlilutice Toil ay.
Suffoicrs from headache- arc mimeroun
Wlu-n they Inquire Into the enuuo of the
i hcndnolm , vnrluuM rcnons nro given. It
! s the noinuch , nys one doctor ; It 1 * the
lieive , y .mothiM ; It l .uniemlc blood ,
n > ' .i third. For the past few yoaix It
1ms bren thp fnd for the doctor to nay
V > P itrnln" la the ommo. Then the p.itlrnt
bought .JP chi"p to relieve the headache
nnd .intl-pyrlm < and other products
.ul otht > r miiivitli's vviru tnUcn to tiubdiio
the throb In the lu < ad.
A leei-nt nrttrle In n nudlonl jouinnl
come * out plainly nnd endorses the ( "ope-
hind and Shcpnid poMtlon. The wiltor
uy , ns they ny , that the chief mine of
hend.icho I * rntntih. The hendacho ll
reused mnlnlv liv the i-\tetislon of the on-
iiirrluil conffemlon nnd liitliuiinmtlon fioin
tin- nose to the frontal ilnus along the or-
till nrv line of communication and the only
euro for It to be fomul Is tlio rare of the
cunie , ritnrrli.
In nt irly every cn e of nnsal catarrh
; hnre Is homliche. H vhoillil be understood
n lufforors trom theio xtonily headaches
that tlio enl > lollef to be found la In the
euro of the cniiKe , e.itnirh.
CAT until AMI inDACIII : : .
It Is not upon simple lirnntiiv that Hov.
H E Hunt , p.istor of the Methodist church.
HRV 13 H Ht'NT Elgin , Neb
Elgin. Neb , now commends the Copeland
nml Shepird Astern to the nick , but nn
the result of his own experience of that
B > Klein He wrlt < K
" 1 had Cntnrrh of the hend , thtofU nnd
lungs for twenty .ycnr * A tleklliiK In the
Ihroiitvlth nnronoiw wax one of thn IliMt
] * ) mptoin * My no ! > o waa tightly Mopprtl
and no wonM of 8111011 about dontioyid. My
| eye > ) woie Inllnmcil watery mil wriik , Blv-
In ? me constant unno > aiiri nnd sulTtrlnK.
"Mjolco was Kroittl ) Itniulrod liy thi >
catarrlinl tnilnmm.itlou proadltiK from the
bend to tinlarvnx .mil nlnit-iili < o. I AI.SO
HAD niiyi'iNT : : AND sfcvuuu AT-
! T\I-KSOF iiKADAriin. WHICH wmn.u
"Though 1 br-pnn the mall treatment with
Illtlo hopes of VioiuMlt , I very KOOII loallM'd
that I WHS getting well IVlhnpt. the boat
comment I could innko upon the tieminent
U to ay Hint II Inn boon of untold ItoiitMlt
. to mo. The ( llMtrcoxltiK HNinptoius 1 Imvo
lifted nliovo are pr.ic-tlenlly gene , I lltul
' n-v-ielf In ro cmnlilMieil health 1'ndoi' thc
old inethoilt of trontmint nothing M > emcil
to clve mo any relief , but thoio l t no doubt
In my mind that the now treatment of Din.
foiieland and S'lopnul Jnstllli'S all the pralio
It lian received. "
1I\V TO s'\HT. |
Y Tin : -iioMi : TIU\TMINT. "
)5.(10 ) ( I'IMt MONTH ,
( lie rtxoil anil I iilfiii-iu t'oc for All
\V. II. C'OIMJI.\M . - ! . 11. ,
f. S. hlUM'Altn , M. U. .
UOO.MS 312 AND 313 Ni\V YOltIC
Olllco Hours 9 to 11 n in ,2 to S 11 m. I've-
nlngs Wednesdays nnd Satuulaya only
G to S Sunday 10 to 12 in.
Knows that the Peerless Remedy
for Diseases of the Liver , Kidneys
and Bladder is
It has Cured Thousands of Desperate Cases. Try It
Tim HUBplan 1'olltlcnl njFtcm Is the theme
nrouud which the story of "Darkest Ituasln" I
revolves. The field Is an unlimited one nnd '
olfers unUHUnl scope for a stirring piny , aa
well ns for spectacular nnd hccnlc effect.
In the construction of the play much In-
vontlvo power has been displayed , nnd In
a series of Interesting scenes pictures In n
ginphlc manner the laws by which the pco-
plo nro governed. The production la
mounted In n beautiful manner and an
exceptional ! } strong company tells the tale.
The author has woven through the fitory
n strong comedy clement which throws n
bright and cheerful humor over It The
American Colonel from Kentucky nnd the
Gcrmin baroness keep the nudlcnco In n
happ ) state of tr.crrlment from the opening
to the final pcene. "Darkest Russia" will
bo seen In this city for four nlKhts , com
mencing Sunday matinee , October 18 , but
nt which theater U a mjKtcry. It being
announced for an appearance at both of the
local play houses an the aanie * dates The I
outcome' of this theatrical tangle Is excit
ing considerable Interest among local play
goers I'axton and Ilurgcss uro most posi
tive that this production will be staged at
the Creighton on the dates me'iitloned. while
Manager Crawford secin-j equally conlldent
Joseph Jefferson , America's foremost com
edian , supported by a talented company will
bo the attraction at the Creighton for one
night only , Wednesday. October 14. appear
Ing In his most successful production of
"Hip Van Winkle " The sale of tickets
which opened je'stcnlny morning was nt
tended by a gathering sudlclcntly largo to
Indicate the high e.steem with which this
great titar is regarded
Another well pleased nudlcnco saw "Tho
\Vnlfs of New York" at the Hojd last night
Merry Katlo nmmctt Is a great favorite
In this city and large numbers of her ad
inlrers always avail themselves of un op
portunity to see her. A full house Is ex
peeled at the "bargnln day" matinee on
Wednesday ,
Thcro Is at least one actor now who docs
not bollevo in the erotic plays Otlu
Skinner , who beglni an engagement of throe
nights nt the Creighton theater on Thurs
day evening next. Mr SKInncr will pre
sent two pl.tjs from Shakcspeirc's pen *
3HO from that of I-ord Lytton , and n fourth
from his own The ShaKespcarecn pla > E In
question nro "Hamlet" and "itomeo nnd
Juliet. " The Lytton piny Is "Tho Iady of
Lyons , " and the Skinner play Is called
"A Soldier of Fortune , " a ronuntlc drama
In four acts , the action taking place carl }
In the sixteenth century and the sccnci ,
being laid In Italy. The company Mr Skin
ner brings with him la said to bn exceed
ingly largo and well balanced. Scats for
this talented player's engagement will be
placed on snlo this morning at 9 o'clock
The king of pills is Ilec-cham's Ueccltam'v
1'rlrt * I'rofi'NHON. ( o lit *
GoorRO Prlco appealed In police court
yesterday , charged by C 13 Krnnner with
the imi'lcIoiiH distinction of piopcrty. Pi Ice
ahsertH he IH much , m > HtlU ! < l nt HruimcT'H
action , and Htati-H Unit he did nothing hut
stop the horne of the latter days
ago when It Htarled to run away. He miys
Ill-miner called him a number of haul
naine-H and he- , thinking that ho wan In-
mine , walked away and p.ild no further
attention to him.
The Secret of a Beautiful Skin
Poft , whlto lnnd . ( linpoly nalli , and luxuriant
hair , with clean uliolciomaicaln. 1ound 1 In tlio
perfect ncllcm of lho I'miri. produced by Ct'TI.
CUItA hO U' , the rooit effective ilia j.urlucr ,
and bcautlflcr in the viarlil.
. - " > n nh ullht wnrM. Vorrr * Dtrn mu Cutu *
JCiL CUBIO IOJ. fctl. I'rtpfMlwi. Ueiioa.
Pozzoni's Complexion
Fownun produces a toft and beautiful skint
It combiner every clement of beuuty and
Fine Line of Fall and
Winter Suitings.
130 S. Main Street
Council Bluffs , la.
Searles &
Searles ,
srrcmisis iv , Clirojic
Private Disease ,
Ml I'rlvnto Dlsemss
.nil DlsurJor.sof Moil
Ticntniont hy mill
fr 'o
Cured for life and the polmn thoroughly
olo.insed from the y.Mtom I'll.Cd , KIBTULA
lllMl UlX"i VL Ul.CUItS. IIYnilOl'UMZS
and VAIlICOCUI.l pcimnnciitly and mio-
ce'Kafnlly curoil Method now and unfailing
liy now muthod without pain or cuttiiif , ' .
Call on 01 .idilrc'BH with Htamp ,
Dr. Scarlc & Searlcs II' ) H Mth St.
> , Dm ilm , Ncb >
i Till ONLY
\Veaknen & Diinrder of
20 Year * Experience ,
0 Years ic Utiuha.
( look Free. Comultalioi
and 1.x jiu i nation Krer.
14th nnd ramam Sit.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Dohany Theater.
GKOItan N IJOWI3N. MamiKor.
One holla Week an4 SnturJ y Matinee ,
Chase-Lister Theater Go.
hiippoillimMlhS ( IlilJTH ! IJWINfl
no'v on n ih > nt Sullur'H li ) tigriUiro lOo
Boarding School
for Young Ladies
OMAHA , - NlilB'
The Rcv.Hoberl Dolurty.S . , T , D.Rictor ,
Send for Oataloquo.