Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAHA DAILY Jt8l3 : TTMSDAV , OCTO1JI3K 13. ! I8 0.
nile of nlMiut tlilrty-ciRlit hours In Hint
iiectlfm of llio Btnlc tonlRht Instead of abat
ing , thet gale ROVUM to ho IncroaiilnK Among
tlm crnft reported ns damaged I Hie nclioonrr
yarht No\eleUc > . which \\n * tlrlxen nnhoro.
Tlie yacht In Imilly 'Umnned ' > md l likely
to go to pieces The Mnrm alntm the Hound
\vtiit very fie-vcro. tint not ns dlsaitroui as on
the occnn ronut HUP
The North Herman Moyd tf m < > r from
Ilremon anil riiprlxiiinc and Kaltrr Wllliclm
from Genoa and ( llbraltar arrived almost
Mmtiltuneously at ( | u rant'ne tliln evening.
Tlotli lind been liene to for m\cral ? hour *
outside tin- bar waltlnK for a chanceto ou
the ilonm utatlon boil Alaska , which -wllli
her complfinent of pilot * had anchored all
night undt-r nholtp' of Pamly Hook and made
four unsucrr-rtful attempts to return to her
ntatlnn bc-tuon the llghtxlilpi this tnnrnlnc.
Kach tlmr > the wave * uncpt her decks and
tliB llylBK mmmc shut off all nlKht from her
raptaln. rinall > , at about .130. on the flfth
nttcmpt , the Alaska regained her station
Shortly afterward the M liners Allcr.
Kulser Wllhclnt Cevle an I Anrhnrla , which
had been liene to cll off shore turned their
heads toward the llnlit hlp and pilots were
put on board each The A Her had a nlormy
pax-caKo almost from the time of having
Yesterday mornliiR when near Nantucktl.
the wind Increased to a furious Rllo , blow-
ItiK with a force of II degrees , I'caufort
scaleIt was from northwest nnd the course
of the ship was dlrrct on before The Aller
was off Klre Island at about 10 3U till * morn-
Ins She ilovcd up her i-ij lni's and slowly
crept to the neighborhood of the Huhtalilp
Tim Kaiser Wlllielm II had renernlly fine
weather from Gibraltar until yesterday
niornliiB. when the hurricane overtook her
She plum ; " ! and rolled In the hwo ; seas
making all hands uncomfortable , but sus
tained no damaKC Amoni ? the passoiiKcrs
on board were sevent > members of Colonel
Mnpleion'4 ; Imperial Opera lompany The
steamers Anchorla of the Anchor line and
the While Star freighter Ce\lc anchored In
nuirantlno shortly after sundown. On ac
count of the iale ; and strong tide the marine
reporters were unable to board cither scssi'l
ATLANTIC' CITY , N. J. Oct. 12 The
storm which burst upon this part of the
country > esterday morning continues to
night with no nitons of abatlni ; Reports
coming from outbliiR districts show that
much damage has been done along the coa't
by the high tldc Tonight the city Is cut
olt from tlie outside world Inth the Iteid-
IIIK railroad conrpanlci pnitlng notices that
trains could not be run In and out of f he
city This afternoon Charles Mason nnd
has family were driven out of their home
by tlmva ci A similar case U reported
from Chelsea , where Mr and Mrs Whit-
taker were taken In a boat from their home
on Hummocks About G o'clock tonight
the brlKantlne steamboat wharf. 300 feet In
length , was washed away and a frame build
ing adjoining the Illfatcilcasino , where
the Hlk disaster hapiicned two jcai-J ago ,
was torn dovn by the waves The wreck
of the schooner Metcalf , which did so nuMi
damaii < to the Iron pkr came ashore to lay
IJOSTO.V. Oct 12 The West Indli hur
rlcane , u hilt has swept the New I'ngland
coast the past ihlrty-slx hours with al
most unparalleled severity. Is subsiding to
night Nit a vessel of any description has
left port since late Saturday afternoon
IJvery point along the coast from Newport
to Kastport reports practically the same
condition and there. Is nn entire absence
of any kind of shipping outside the hnrbors
The highest wind velocity In this city
\vas felt shortly before noon to lay , when
fifty miles an hour was recorded At Illock
Island the wind had reached a mnxlnmm
of clrhtj miles this morning Along the
Malno coast the storm was not so severe.
iMii.rrtriii nnuiTi : AT DAVID CITY.
Until Slilrii of ( lie Silt or Un.-Mlou
DlMIMIMNCll lit li * IIKtll.
DAVID CITY. Neb , Oct , 12. ( Special )
A Joint debate arranged by the McKlnlcy
and Ilr > an clubs of thin city as an outcome
of a political address of Ilev J J Mallcy ,
delivered a few Sundays ago , took place
Saturday night between Georco 1' Slieuuloy
nnd lion C. D. Casper , representing the
republican and demo-pop parties respect
ively Shcesley opened In a speech of an
hour , presenting the line of the republican
policy nnd pointing out the safety and sta
blllty of sound money , protective tariff and
reciprocity as set forth In the republican
platform , and submitted ciucstlona on these
lines to bo answered by Casper. Casper
spoke for on hour and a half , making no
effort to answer the questions , merely sayIng -
Ing that some could not be answered , some
ho could not answer and others vvcro not
settled , and concluded with an antimonopoly -
monopoly , mortgago-rldden Nebraska ca
lamity upeech. In hl8 reply Mr Shccslc }
plainly proved that Nebraska wan on an
cejunllly with and better off than some east
ern states In the percentage of mortgage In
debtedness on a basis of initiation.
Joint DlNiMiHsloil of IHNIICN.
NORTH I.OUP , Neb. . Oct. 12. ( Special. )
A Joint debate on the Issues of the cam
paign was held at the town hall Saturday
evening between U. I' . Clements of Ord , re
publican nominee for the olllco of county
attorney , and A Norman , his opponent on
the democratic-populist fusion ticket The
audience room was filled to suffocation , and
the mcetliirc continued until 11 o'clock , both
gentlemen putting forth great efforts to con-
xlnco their hearers of the correctness of
thulr respective positions Mr. Clements'
speech was confined ililellj to a plain state
ment of convincing facts. Kach of the speak
ers occupied about an hour and thirty
holot'l it Ton iiMlilit TicKft.
I2U31N. Neb. . Oil. 12. ( Special. ) The re
publican electors of Logon township met at
headquarters Saturday and put In nomination
the following ticket 13. 13 Krlsble , super
Maor for the dlsulctVllllam II Campbell
township clerk ; W. II. Crntty. township
treisurer. Jack I'arklns , township assessor ;
ttxi.i Foe. ovcrstci highways ; II V. Vail ,
Justice of the pence , J V Ilrazlr. W. 13
Hrooks and I Wolf , Judges of election ; ' J
It dnlcy and A F. Ilnllah , clerks of election
MiioN ( JiiNcl.t Dranii In I'olU Couiil } .
OSOnOl.A. Neb . Oct 12 ( Special ) The
republican lints arc now all drawn In 1'olk
county and every man Is at his post. The
last republican convention haa Just been
held nnd the county ticket completed. Hon
13 li King has been nominated for county
attorney A C5. Ucrggrcen for member of
the Icgtalaturo and * Robert Kuinmcr for
county trcnfctuur.
Donlli of Knilicrliic INuic. .
Katherlne , the daughter of Superintend
eut of Schools and Mrs Pcarse. .died yustcu-
day moi nlng. aged alont 8 months The child
hud passed through a lluctuatlng slcgo of
conue-tllem o the Innss , several times
bcemlni : to bo batter , but followed by re
lapses , resulting at Idst futallj.
Set vices will bo hold nt the residence , DOG
South Twenly-llrst avenue , at 7.30 o'clock
thla nuirnliiK , nftoj' which the remains
will bo to nvcrgtccn cemetery , Ueat-
llcc1 , for burial.
\V > onilim .lull lllril llHcuiM'H.
CASIM3R , W > o. Oct. --Special ( Telegram -
gram ) --IMward A. Lockwood , t'io Casper
tuMdermlst In Jnll on the charge jfrlmlnal
assault , escaped last uvenlng. Slid Iff I'at-
ton was In the 1'owder River countiy after
cattle tlilovea. The sheriff offum u larijo
reward for his capture.
T > IIIII IN .Sufi , in .
LONDON. Oct U A Tails dispatch to
the Mornlni : Test sajs M. Darlln , mlniator
of justice , has decided to nfuso the ex-
tindltluu of I' J I1. Tynan ou account of
rescrlptlvu In.muulty ,
\ It will go. . .
\ Right to the spot
Aycr'a Hair Vigor will go
right to that balel spot and
begin to bring the hair back.
i It Makes
Hair Grow. ,
Major MoKinloy Explains tbo Country'o
Troubles to Workiugmon.
If All mtr lit \Vorlil WiriCiil
( 'miii < i } U'oiilil Mi.No Itettci-
( lir It II Dill Mit
( Ml uiilnte ,
CANTON , 0. . Oct. 12. The drat of the
two delegations atmouncetl for today t me
In on a special train of cloven coachis
which reached here shortly befe-ru 1 o'clock.
The pwty came from lloacoo nnd the
Monon ahela valley of Pennsylvania nnd vvns
made up of citizens representing the vari
ous interests of that locality. They were
very enthusiastic and organized Into march
Ing clubs , mostly uniformed. Hands and n
coloie > d glee tlnb furnished the music.
Owing to rain the' delegation was taken to
HID tabernacle , where McKlnlcy icspomled
to the Intro luctory address of the vciiernblu
Oeoigo V. Lawrence , cvmcmbor of con
gress and nn octogenarian.
In the course of hla address , Major Me-
Klnley said.
"Western I'cntiHylvanla Is filled with many
pioud and historic memories. It registers
the birthplace of that splendid parllnmen-
torlan .mil gifted statraman nnd gicat cccre-
tary of state , James 0. Illalne. It It very
gratifying to mo to receive from the lismls
of the Kayrtte club this beautiful cane , made
of the wood of Mr. Hlalne's homo In which
ho was born at llrownsvlllo and I
assure you that it shall always be
preserved and kept In my family ar
a precious souvenir. You nro fortunate , too.
In having nt one time among your citizens
of 1'ayctte county that Illustrious flnanclei ,
Albert Gallatln , who became the fliwt sec
retary of the treasury under Thomas < Jrf-
fcMcn In 1801. and who tilled that gre-at of
fice1 twelve years and Is known In the his
tory of our country as one of the greatcjt
secretaries we ever had , ranking with Alex
ander Huintluin It is said the first reso
lution he introduced as congressman In the
national house of representatives was a reso
lution Inquiring about the condition of the
treasury a resolution which Is not needed
at this time. Ho was distinguished for
having Insisted that the revenues of 'ho
government should be adequate at all times
to meet the public expenditures , anil one
of the > greatest monuments ho left Is that
during liU administration as secretaiy of
the treasury ho reduced the mtlonal debt
from $ SG,00.noo ) In 1S02 to about $13,000.000
In 1812. U vvas his proud boast , when he
made his report to congress , that this won
derful reduction of the public debt had gone
on without resorting to Internal taxation ,
either direct or Indirect , but that thh vast
sum of money was provided for by duties
upon Impoits
"This bit of history suggests the condl-
, o. of our own treasury and thu condition
of our own people. For three years nnd n
half the government has been borrowing
money to Itvo upon , and thu people have
been doing likewise1 very largely. We want ,
my fellow citizen : ) , somehow to stop that ,
both ns to government and people Wo may
not bo able to do It at once ; when we are
sick It takes n long time to recover our
normal vitality but there ought to be no
question that It rests upon the American
peaplo nnd those In charge of public af
fairs to adopt Eomo policy , and that right
speedily , which would llrst provide enough
money to run the government of the United
States. Wo ought not to Issue bonds In
tlmo of peace , except to preserve the credit
and honor of the government That opens the
question ns to what policy will save
us from that. ( A voice1'iotcctlon policy. " )
I adopt the suggestion. I do not know of
anything that will do It better than pro
tection , for It Is n proud fact In American
history that In 11 the years , nt least for
the most part , tinder which we have had
n protective tariff , we have always had
ample icvcnues to conduct the e\pcnaca ot
the government. Now that policy wisely nnd
judiciously applied In public law Is one of
thu first and most Important nets for the
people to perform. They cannot perform It ,
however , without a republican congress and
a republican administration The only power
that can mnko n piotectlve tariff congress
resides In the American people and the only
power than can make a protective tariff ad
ministration resides In the American pee
ple1. Uy your ballots tlirco weeks from to-
moriow you , In conjunction with your
follow citizens In every part ot the country ,
will determine whether or not that policy-
shall prevail for the next four years What
will your answer be , men of Pennsylvania'
( Cries of ' 'McKlnley and protection" ) My
fellow cltlze'iis , I am In favor of thrt policy
for another reason Because wMlo It
provides adequate revenue for the govern
ment It cncourjges the Industries and oc
cupations of the American people. There
is u notion In some quarters that we need
to bring about prosperity with free silver
I do not bellevo It would benny freer under
free coinage than It Is now There would
bo just one way for the worklngman. to get
It and that would bo to earn It There
would bo just ono way for the farmer to get
It and that would bo to sell his products
There would bo Jubt ono way fcr the mer
chant to get It a good old-fJshloned way
which v ould Lo to &ell his poods over his
counter nnd give something for the money
That Is the only way you could get It If
we- coined all the silver In the world.
"Resides , did It ever occur to you that
mouey docs not mnko work ? Work makes
money There Is Just as much money In
this country today as there vvas from 1S70
to 1S90 and inoro. but Is the tiouble'
( Cries of "No v.ork , " "No work" ) . Yea ,
no work It Is work that puts money Into
circulation Money does not want to bo Idle
nny more than labor wants to bo Idle The
mnn who has money wants that money to
bo earning something and the only reason
ho does not put It out now Is because ho Is
afraid ho will never get It back or will get
It Inck In n depreciated currency. And when
bo does not put It out nnd It docs not cir
culate , then there Is no work. When you
linvo Idle men and Idle ) money , distress and
suffering prevail
"Now. I do not Know what you think about
It , but I think you cannot have money too
gooil When a inlue-r Ins performed a week's
work-I do not know how long It has been
since he haa performed a full week's work
when the miner In the milieu and glass
blower In the glass works and the workingman -
man In any occupation has performed his
week's woik and haa his week's pav , that
week's pay rcpiesents the value of his la
bor for six elavu , ilcu'.i It not ? ( Cries of
" \c's , yea' " ) Well , now , docs he not want
the mnnev so received to bo the best In
the world * ( Great applause and "Sure ,
sure1" ) Does he not want that which rep-
iclients Ma six days' work to have as much
purchasing power ai any money any when * '
And when you have received dollars worth
100 i en Us In purchaxlng poner you want
to knou that they will not IOM > , but keep
that 100 cents' worth of purchasing power.
That Is the kind ot money wo have now ,
and that U thu kind of money wo
propose to continue to have. Thu
money that will buy the moat Is the
money you want and what you
want now Is an opportunity to earn It. You
cannot earn It through the mints , but
through the mills , mines , factorleu and by
honest toll. We can only do the best wo
Itiiow how In this world. , We can only fol
low thu light OH ttod gives us to see the
light I bellevo that with returning confi
dence and confidence U half the capital of
the world money will come out from Its
hiding place , bo Invested In enterprise's all
over the country and put Idle men to work ;
and so believing , 1 stand for the policy
which will most surely restore confidence.
"Now , having said thU much , 1 destro to
thunk the glaus workers for their gift , which
I highly value , for nuythlng that cornea
from ( ho hands of labor Is alwayt cherished
by mo. There Is nothing In all this contest
that haii glve-n tnu to iuuci | satisfaction am )
encouragement as to fi < el I tjavu the work-
InRiuen of the United States standing for
the caune which I represent. I thank you
all for thU call and wish for you a pleasant
vUlt > IHTU In Cuntou and a safe Juuriivy to
iiv\\itn iitii't 111TIS tin. inn w.
AiUliM'N III finuil DrtttiH'riilN ( o Volf
for I'nliiu-r ami Itni'Kiior.
WILMINGTON. Del Ocl 12. In n let
ter to Samuel Bancroft. Jr. , editor of nvery
K.-rnlt'B , lion. Thomas P. Ilayard. United
States ambaeiador to Great Dritaln , has
rcpiiillnteil the platform and nominees of
( ho democratic convention held ut Chicago
mil ndvlscn cnnctltut'emal ' democrats to
vote at the approaching el < ctloti for MCSM *
Palmer and Duckncr , tlie nominees of the
Inrtlitnrolls convention The letter Is
dated at London. September .10.
The text of Mr. Hayard'a letter Is ns follows
LONDON . Sept SO-My l ) < " > r Mr. Han-
croit. It oeems se-nn-ely poiHblo thnt any
one could doubt In reunion to my
personal opinion upon the xerloun U ue now
paced bc'fan * our oininlijincii by the irm-
e'liinery of the1 several political orsMiilia-
tlon * *
When n citizen , ttrntVptilnK himself to be
a dun ernt Is e-ulicd tip n by mnny or It. few-
to vlelel his convictions n , il urgent to the
doctrine thnt comcremi hurt the power uml
inn rlKhtfullv c-M-rclse It by UK legNl.ulvc
lint to crenti' valii"nnd ) rpsnrdlensi of
their Intrinsic or e-ommercl \uliio to Invest
oneor I'm other of the earth's metilw with
nn irbltniry power us money nnd ovpr-rldc
nnd niter , ut legislative will or caprice , the
lutlo of the c xch.ingtiihlllly of metal ,
r gaidliw ot the Imp.itrment of tbo olill-
f..Ulon of contrae'N , III * iiniwer should bo
that such n claim of power I * not e-onslstniit
with covernmiMit of limited powers IIM do-
llni'il Iiv ottr constitution , but contains the
quInteMcc-nce ot tvr inuv. dishorn stv nnd
nbsolutlsm , and H destructive of that
morality which IH i soentlal to the peace1 and
.stability of civilized society. It I" III pl.iln
words , n pro1 osltlon to elostioy the Institu
tion of property and break down ev-crv
ItKal defense for Its protittlon This ques
tion and It is ans.viml iiitUolrntlj , justl-
IUs the prompt and absolute refusal of n
I'onstliiitlonal democrat t niipport. In any
depr - ( . the nominees of the ( 'litcnso con
vention , ( Messrs Hryan and Sow-all ) , and
the preposterous clilms of It' lxhitlve power
contained In their platform under which
the < redlt of tic nitloii and the pence and
order of society would Inevitably perish.
( in the other hand wo him- the repub-
ncnn orgnnl7.itlon , whnso moasiiioH and
vvho e lenders have steadily created such a
ticket nnd such propositions ns vvero pre1-
pentcd at Chicago vVhilo tompollod to 10-
enll from the policy of compulsory purchase
and coinage of Mlvot ns an unlimited
tender , vet It Is Insistently proposed to em
plov and Intensity the piofounl powers of
public taxation , to prohibit commerce with
ofier countries and then byn'event iev-
rnno from coming Into the nubile trom-
ury to levy taxes which shiill prevent the
payment and collection of other taxes ne
cessary for the muport of the government ,
vvlion * powers arc exerted directly and per
sonalty upon each Individual citizen and
over every pirt of land or water within
Its nttlonal boundaries
livery constitution tl democrat can truly
reply to such propo'ltlonn thnt they are
fraught with f > uch cross Inequity between
man and man ns Is Inconsistent with public
safety , because It employes the most far-
lene-iinK' and sovereign power kno'vn to
government to Impoverish tiip working and
poorer members of society ( who form the
gnat tnalorltv ) . nnd aggrandize
those aliemly financially stiongcr.
Hvory democrat lov > l to the principles
of bis pirtv can properly refuse to aid Ml'
election of candidate * avowing principles
and policies that have so plainly led to
our pn"-eiit danijers , nlirtrnlch are niinl-
festly fatal to the vvelfaio of our country
But. bappllv , there temalns a c-ltailel and
nn nsylum for the polltlc-al conscience of
any man honestly convinced that thp path
of eluty lends him to keep steadily In view
the Brent purposes for which our fathers
ordilneel the constitution of the United
Stales , "the formation of n more perfect
union ; the e-stabllsbmeiit of Justice , In-
Furance of domestic1 tr.inqulllty : prov-Nlon
for the common defense , promotion of the
Kencral wclfaio nnd the security of liberty
to ourselves nnd our posterity. " II ipjillv
caiidl'-ill's nre presented upon n clear mid
unambiguous platform that assures safely
vj the financial honor of our country , to the
honest business transactions of all Us cltl-
yenn without discrimination of rnce , nge ,
sex. occupation or fortune.
The perjoual reputation of the candidates
of the national coiistltutlonnl democracy.
Messrs Palmer nnd Itiiekner. Is unsullied
and that KiiaumtccH their fldi'lllv to their
pledges nnd their election \vould go fnr to
ro establish the tnonl health of our coun
try I hope nnd bellevo that In every state
of the union nn electoral and congrosion tl
ticket will bn placet ! before the people ; and
that cverv cltlren may have tbo opportunity
of recording Ids vote nccoidlujr to hla con
scientious bo'lef nnd In supphrt of thee
prlnclploH c etitJ.U to thu nmlnicmincr of
the government of our \vrlh and dearest
hopes I um , sincerely yours.
To Simuel Bancroft Jr
I'olntM Out n I'l-vv of ( In- Kill * dial
\Viinlil Acc-rtic from I'ri'c C-nliiiiivc *
DETROIT , Mich . Oct 12. Two candidates
of the national democratic party appcircd
this afternoon before nn audience which
entirely filled the auditorium. When they
entered thd hall , escorted by several promi
nent democrats , the audience rose and
cheered. lion Don M. Dickinson presented
Postmaster John J. Knrlght as chairman of
the meeting ns n "statwnrt democrat from
Detroit , who fired the first gun nt Chicago's
conspiracy" After a brief address , Mr.
Untight presented General Palmer who was
enthusiastically received
General Palmer was cheered repeatedly
by those present , most of whom arose to
their feet Ho said he would not discuss
the attacks made against the right of the
United States to enforce Its own laws , but
would talk about the currency question.
'Mr Onan pioposes , " said he , "to add to
the currency already In circulation by tbo
coinage of silver Unless the free silver
men can make n dollar , vider their free
coinage act , of equal acceptability with our
present money , all tbo other money will ills-
appear and you will have as currency only
the money provided by free coinage What
ever free coinage falls to add to the 47 cente
that the standard sliver dollar IH now worth
above tin bullion value will Do a public lessen
on our $430,000.000 , our present circulation
Mr Rryan claims that under free collide
silver and gold will meet at some pqlnt
and that will be the standard , but nobody-
has ever been able to say where that point
la People lalk about a US-cent dollar I
do not know whether It would bo a M-cein
dollar or n CO-cent dollar , and I know as
much aboutIt as anybody else. Now. what
would bo the value of the silver dollar when
not maintained by the pledge of the gov
ernment' ' The government has undertaken
to redeem these silver dollars at full value ,
and I have a right to demand that the gov
ernment keep good faith with mo In this
silver dollar ; and the government will do
It , unless It Is deprived of the' power to do
It ( Applause ) If free silver fprevalls , gold
will bo a commodity which will have to ho
bought and borrowed and It will be hard
to get ; but If we had this question settled ,
mouey would soon come from Its hiding
place. Men "vho have money are Juat as
eager to use It as you arc , to sell what you
have to get It When the American people
ple declare , as they will at the next elec
tion , ( hat public and private debts shall
bo paid In the money of the contract you
will find money plentiful"
In conclusion , speaking of party authority.
General Palmer congratulated himself upon
being a free resident of a free country , and
as such free to do his own voting In the
fear of God For himself he would prefer
to llvo under a rlghte-oui , monarchy than to
submit to such principles as those declared
by the Chicago convention. After three
hearty cheers for General Palmer , General
Hucknei was presented Tlie great majority
of the delegates to the Chicago convention ,
ho asserted , had been Instructed by their
county and state conventions to frame the
platform In accordance with well defined
democratic principles , but they had been
misled Into adopting a net of popullstlc prin
ciples which the democratic party had
fought against for a century. While hU
associate and himself did not expect to be
Installed at the national capital they did
bellevo they would bo Instrumental In sav
ing the life of the democratic party , and
they bellc'venl It would forever survive even
the stabs of Its friends
cT.s TO TIII : rr.sfov r.iicTnts. :
lllilillf-of-Cic-lltniil I'lMHillNtN Doclnri !
Til el r UcNluiuitloii MlNleaill nu.
TOPiiCA. Oct. 12. Abe Stclnbergei. sec
retary of thu state organization recently
formed by the mlddlo-of-the-road populists ,
today filed with the stale election boaid
n piotiMt against the certificates of nomina
tion returned by tlio olllcera of thu ivguUr
populist state convention , which entered
lulo a fusion agreement with thu democrats.
Ho ullfgos that tbo leturn made falsely
atatei thai the electors named , as they'will
appear on tha popul 1st ticket , aiu fur Drynn
and Watbon , when , ax a matter of fact ,
they art * the democratic electors v/hu are
plcdxed to vote for Ilryan nnd Sew all , Ho
c.-era that thin la an nt-.c.i'r't to mhlend the
populUt voters of the 'at ? , who utherwltu
unulil vnta for Ilrvan mill Wutun.i l.vl < ir
Otoo Comtf Republicans Hear Speeches
niul Celebrate.
i >
CJi.i niul NiiineriMiH Ailjueetil
Timnx ( 'uiitrlltiic < n MultKuilc
Of No II III ! MOIHA liter *
anil HIioiiti-i-N.
XnURASKA CITY , Oct. 12. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Toulght witnessed the largest and
most muKnlllccnt local demonstration ever
held In the history of Nebraska City and
Otoe county. The occasion was the repub
lican sound money meetings addreas ° d by-
Senator Thurstoti and Congressman Strode
All the afternoon trains vvero laden with
delegations from outside towns , Peru
Urownsvlllc , Syracuse , Palmyra and Weep
ing Water sending their McKlnley club ?
enmasse. The 11. N. Dovey Sound Money
Maivhlng club , more than 100 strong , ac
companied by-a silver cornet bind , came
from Plattsmouth. Hundreds of farme-ra
from the surrounding country came lu the
early evening nnd by 7 o'clock the main
streets of the city were jammed with a
singing , enthusiastic mass of humanity
The torchlight procession outnumbered
many .times any previously attempted In
this campaign Four brass bands and fully
1 000 voters were In Hue and matched und r
sound money banners A brilliant pyrotechnic
technic display added materially to the
Interest and effectiveness of the parade * The
opera house was packed to suffocation nn
hour before the parade was dismissed.
It war found necessary to hold nn Im
mense overflow me-etlng nt Standard hall
and yet hundivds were turned away. Hon
G F. Warren presided and Introduced the
speakers Senator Thurston discussed the
financial question , demonstrating with logi
cal clearness the correctness of the sterling
principles enunciated bv the nlatform of
the republican party. The status of the
prosperous worklngman and farmer lu re
latlon to the existing money standard war
shown to depend upon governmental pol
icies which are In ellrrct opposition to the
fallacious doctrines advocated by the pnpo
cratic speakers
Judge Strcde delivered n strong , logical
address which greatly pleased his auditors
The crow el j remained on the sti-eets mill ,
long after midnight , giving vent to their
culliuslGam by shouts and the explosion of
THCUMSKH. Neb , Oct 12 ( Special Tele
gram ) The largest political demonstration
over held In Johnson county was the le
publican rally here today Notwlths'aii'l
Ing the muddy roads the city was full of
pcoplo and the rally was n complete1 3'jc
cess. All Incoming trains brought large
delegations .lion. A W Field , William
Warner , Chuich Howe. Jack MncCill
Charles FI. , Casey , A J lUinihnm and othci
prominent speakers were here The big
parade tonight wns the feature of the day
Twelve hundred uniformed people were In
line. Including the Tccumsch McKlnlcy cav
alry. Pawnee. Clty , Havelock , Sterling
Vesta and Cral | ' Orchard Republican clubs
Lincoln and.Tnble Rock riambcnii clubs
Woman's Marching clubs from Pawnee City
Crab Orchard. Sidling and Tccumsch and
the bauds ot Tecuiiueli , Pawnee City. Ster
Hug. Crab Orchard and Vesta and Llncoli ,
and Tecumsch drum corns Free suppers
vvoro serve4 to ,1,200 people.
I'olllli-nl ( liidii-t-liiK ; > (
lll-ttllllllIUIN | II ( llllHllllKM.
HASTINGS , Oct. 12. ( Special Telegram )
Tbo lufiit tpolitical demonstration of anj
hind held. In' this city this campaign was
the rcpubllcac--1 rally hero tonight. There
were fully C.OOO people In line The proces
Blon was made tip of the Hastings military
band , Hastings riambcau club , Junlata
Flambeau club , Women's McKlnle > club ol
Hastings.Vomcns McKlnlcy club of
Junlata , I'rossor McKlnlcy club , several
Days' Hcpubllcan clubs , drum corps and
about'-lOO business men of Hastings. Hon
John V Farwcll of Chicago addressed thou
fsanila of enthusiastic voters at the1 republican
amphitheater. Ho commenced on tlie tariff
and followed It with the money question
He said that four years ago the pecplo .said
"Gl\o us free trade. Grover Cltvcland 01
bust , " and they jot all three In speaking
of free sll\er he said that If Ilrjan v\ai
elected this country would meet with t
terrible crisis , ono that would take manj
jcars to shako off
ST PAUL , Neb , Oct. 12 ( Special ) Ma'
Adler of Omaha spoke to a large and \crj
attentive audience at Nebovlllo Saturdav
night. His speech , which lasted for ovei
two hours , dealt first with the money qucs
tlon , but protection and reciprocity was aUc
not forgotten. The audience was well
pleased with the speech and applauded the
speaker throughout his remarks
HLAIR. Neb , Oct 12 ( Special ) The re
publicans hero wcro compelled to postpone *
the rally that they Intended to have had
Saturday on account of rain and mud If
the weather Is favorable , they will bold It
Saturday evening when General John C
Cow In will deliver an address. The re
publicans hid a treat Saturday afternoon
and evening , as It was , as they were well
supplied with speakers 1M Cornish talked In
the afternoon and Charles Green In the even
lug If It Is pleasant next Saturday , the re
publicans will show- the free sllvcrltes the
" "
STHATTON. Neb , Oct 12 ( Special ) Sat
urday evening W. O Hoblnson of Trenton
delivered u address to an enthusiastic audl-
once on the Issues of the campaign Itobin-
Bon Is well Informed and treated his sub
Jeet In an intelligent manner. After Robin
son's addrf-ai , C C. Vt-iinnm , chairman of
the McKlnlcy club , Introduced W. r Ilutton
republican candidate for county attorney.
Hitchcock county will give JIcKInloy a ma
M'COOK. Neb . Oct. 12. ( Special Tele
gram ) The republican speech In this cltj
tonight by Hon W S Summers of Lincoln
was one of the most logical and ijiiitlfylng
of the entire campaign
I'rotuHlN AfCiiliiHt ( lie < Nonilnulloii of
I'riiiiiini fur CoiiKi-eNs f i nuii.
LINCOLN. Oct 12. ( Special ) James C
Dahlinan. ohtlrmTFn of the democratic state
central conmiltR'l" , In conjunction with one
John C. Steven's'of Hastings , Is again on
file in Secrc State Piper's ofilce , OH
an objector j # | lo l / certificate of nomination
filed by Ransom S I'roudflt of Guldo Rock ,
candidate foR enugrcss from the Fifth dis
trict. The grpiunb of this latest protest arc
First , tliat Chairman Haws and Secretary
Mai tin , of \\\t \ \ \ > jv/mtnatlng coinentlon , arc
not members , of , ( ) io democratic party of this
state , and tCjit-jim convention of said part >
was held at'UiitUlino | and place designated
In the said orflfycato ot nomination. 'Ihei
next etlght 9l , > ( ; | ) arc Klmilar In o\er >
particular tu thn protests heretofore Hied
against other.fofl ( democrat congressional
csndlJntea. If ! the tenth objection , It Is set
forth that the secretary of stato.has no
jurisdiction Iffflpi , the said certificate or
otherwise , to ellucr file or consider said
certlfliatc tlldt.fqr the rcaHons Hiccltlcd ) In
the body qf tlfti'prutcst , and because ) of de
fects on the fade of the said cnrtlficate , the
proceedings therein ccntllUd are not In ai >
parent conformity with the law nnd ought
not to bo filcd.i-or placed upon the
and sample ballots. "
Hearings on ( ho several protests already
filed , lime , by stipulation been continued
till \VodncaJay of this week at 10 n. in
ConuO Ct-utrnl C'oiiiiuKle'f ' 1'lcl.ct ,
I'APILLION , Neb. Oct. 12. ( Special. )
The republ'can county central committee
mot today and placed In nomination u
county tlcl.i't. thu nominees of the county
convention held at Orctnn Satnrdu } havlnu
withdrawn. 1h nomlncoi nreM. . A. Limn
representative : T II , Holland , atturno anil
Charles Kratnbeek , conimlssloner Third dU-
.NniiK1 ( lnliM > ell for Ihr .Seniile1.
SUI'KIUOH , Neb. , Oct. 12. ( SpecIal ) At
the republican senatorial convention held
! ie > ri ) Saturday Hon , S. T. Caldwcll rvculvcd
UK , imiiilnntlnii from Dili district.
niocllon f ( 'onurivmninii InV
l HIIH | | > I'orowlnuliMioil.
CtinVtiNNKVyo. . Oct 12 ( Special )
The time prescribed by Wyoming statutes
for filing nominations nnd declinations of
nominations with the secretary of utato has
expired and no now tickets can nowbe
placed In the field or changes nmili1 In those
already named The nominees In the state
for eoncrcas ro Frank \V Mondell. re
publican , the present Incumbent , John R.
Oihorne , democrat and William Ilro-Mi
populist. Continuous efforts have been mailo
for the past month by the democrats to
Induce \Vllllnm Drown , the populist eanll-
tlalc. to vvltlulrnw and support Oaborno , but
ho Ins persistently ivfimrd nml Is mak
ing a strong nnd netl\e > eativass for vitcs
llrown Is .in nble speaker and a min of
considerable abllltv and will draw n large
vote which otherwise would be ra't for
Osbnrne In ISO I WIIIHm Tldlnll the popu
list candidate for congress , without mak
ing any canvass , received 2 906 votes Olv-
Ing due allowance to the fact that free coin
age U the leading Issue In the campaign
In this btate , thnt there Is nn possible show
for William Hrow'n to carry the election , and
tint a vote cast for him and taken from
Osborne damages the silver cause a conservative
vative estimate of the vole llro.ui will re
ceive Is 2000 This estimate l.s confirmed
by careful estimates which have been sent
In to the republican state committee from
all the counties of the Rtnto
The ranvaps of Mondell , the republic-ill
candidate for congress , has been a remnrK-
nbly successful one and he Is not only hold
ln his patty Htn-ngth Intact , but U gaining
In several localities from the democratic
strength Conservative estimates of his
pio'iable vote made from returns of dis
trict commltteemcn throughout the state
fix his vote at 11 000 Osborm ? . the demo
cratic candidate. Is. on the contrary , having
ooor success In his own county An In-
'tance Is reported from the town of Ilanna.
In his own count } , where n meeting at
which he npoKo wns attended by but twen
ty-five people A republican meeting held
In Hnnna the same evening , at which the
speakers wore men of no especial rcputi-
tlou. was attended h > 200 Mr. Oabarno.
besides favoring free silver , Is an advo-
"ato of free wool It Is reported that In
'ohnaon ' county every shctp grower repub-
Mem nnd democrat will vote against him.
Hid In Natrona , Converse , Fremont and
t'lntn counties , where there" are a great
imny sheenmen , the snmo feeling of op-
osltlon to him exists His vote In the
itatc will be In the neighborhood of 7,000
Mondell's malorlty will he upward of 2.00H
uiil his plurality about 4,000
The estimate1 of the congressional
may not bc applied to the electoral tickets
The democrats and populists have fused on
the ptevidential ticket and tln > Ilryan ticket
111 show more strength than the democratic
Congressional candidate. The democratic
nmmtttco Is wild e'alms of ccrrj-
HK the state for Hryan by r > 000 majority
Thcso assertions are based , for ( the most
pirt on rumor , ns the committee has nnele
10 canvass of the state or of anj part of
it. A district canvass of everv election
llstrlct In the state made on behalf of the
cpubllcan state committee shows that the
-tale will be carried for McKlnley by a
majority of from 1 000 to 1 500. . .
uijNv A "i7iTV\MTi : sj ; > s ITHIV
( lint loni | > < ( < TN llnllilon *
TtM-lr MOM Are * einl.-KI , Ui-f.lleil.
IlHATRICi : . Neb. , Oct. 12 ( Special )
iryanlto orators and papers have been
barging that republican employers arc forc-
ng the men who work for them to vote for
dcKlnley by throats of discharge , etc , In
'vent of Bryan's election. One of the
ustltutlona accu cd of this method Is the
Dempjtdr Mill Manufacturing company of
his city A li-eo silver paper at Lincoln
jnd Captain W. II Ashby In a speech have
specifically charged the Dempster company
with threatening to close down the works
if Ilryan was elected The employes of the
ompany absolutely deny the story. It grew
jut of the fact thnt recently the mamgor
jf the works found It necessary to lay oft
ionic eighteen men until work picks up
These men were promised employment to
.0011 as business revives , and this Is nil
hero la to the story. Seventeen of the
men laid off weio republicans and one a
lemocrat These men all say their politics
has never been questioned by the Dempster
Aililrt-KN ( ionium Par HUTU.
FRHMONT. Oct. 12 ( Special ) The Lo
gan Vnlley Germnnla hall wns filled to over-
llowlng yesterday afternoon , as It was "po
litical day" for the "Fnimervereln " This
farmers' club Is In the habit of notifying
the county central committees of the dif
ferent parties to send flpcnke-rs out to Its
hall on a certain day during each campaign ,
inel so It was decided that Sunday German
speakers should bo sent there to present to
the members of the club the political sltua
tlon from their different standpoints Wil
liam Glasmann. editor of the Standard of
Ogden. and Mr Martin of this county rep
resented the free silver side and Judge J N.
Klllan of Platte county came as the repre
sentative of the republican party It was
understood thnt addresses were to bo made
In Gei man , but Glasmann claimed to be
unable to mnko n German address nnd In
sisted upon delivering his lecture In Hn-
gllsh nnd they Insisted , therefore , that Kll
lan should nUo mnko his iddrcss In Kngllsh.
, n spite of the fnct that there were a good
many old Gei man farmers present who co-ibl
not "understand the Hngllsh language Kll
lan refuted the arguments ot Glasmann In
suclt a striking and convincing manner that
it pioved that ho was not only equal to the
taslc In being master of the language , but
that he was far superior to hla antagonist
In reasoning power , logical conclusions , wit
and humor The Germans wcro well pleased ,
nnd ono ot the most Influential farmers ,
who has lived in Dodge county since 1SGO ,
shook the Judge's hand and sild. "I have
voted the democratic ticket all my life , but
this fall I will vote the republican ticket
from top to bottom. "
\Ilen of I ( nil Tall.N SlUcr.
CENTRAL CITY , Neb. . Oct. 12. ( Special
Telegram ) Congressman Allen of Utah ad
dressed the Bryanltes here tonight No
new arguments were advanced. Thla Is
the sixth meeting the Dryanltcs have had
HHRMAN , Neb , Oct 12 ( Special Tele
gram ) The fice silver forces held a well
nttended rally hero tonight Judge n R j
Dulflc made n short address and was fol
lowed by H. I ) Smith , who made a strong |
appeal to the'people A feature of the1 cn-
teitainment was sixteen little girls to ono
boy who sang sovcial campaign songs.
rim TIII : ni'.MDcn VTIC rum \HIKS.
of Drlcuiid-i niul ( 'miiiHImnnlc
iliilcs Handed In ln- l M li ( .
The namis of the delegates to thei demo
cratic primaries nnd candidates for
council as handed In to the central commit
ted last nlsht nro ns follows
First Ward Pledged to support Isaac lias-
call for coiincllmnu-nnimett Inman. Allen
] Mcrnnn , Fred Albrecht id : J Dec , Chailes
I KrtiK. V J. Sebeek. Adnlph Flala. Frank
Saulter , John Murphy Hedged to support
i M F. Funkhouser for council Henry F
I Dtexel. Mlku Roach. Frank FIxa Andrew
; Ftlrk , Thomas llaye'H , Hc > nry Mathleson.
Louis Hnnicn. Oswald Loruatcli , Andrew
I Second Ward- Pledged tei support Thomas
1 J Flvtin for councilman Prank Jrllen sr .
Rudolph Havelkn. Christ Klmsucr John
Schmidt. J Johllcnok Frank Hynek.nton
j BrariU , Otto Blel , Anton Gross For Christ
j Rossen for council L D Plrkard , John
i Hrnrda Albert Hoffimn , Charles Stahmcr.
I Charles F Betiggreii. M Jensen M. Mlnnt-
i kin Fred N'vgonrd , Joseph Kulas
1 Third Ward Mike Dairy , Walter Stein-
met ? , John Reed Jaim-s Swift , William
Powers , Mitch Fleming nnd Otis Carey ,
i This delegation li unpledRcsl. with James
I Norton. Pat Ford. Julius Meyer nnd An-
i eJrdew 11 McAndrews In the lle'ld. A second
end delegation , which will suppolt Dr. J.
| II Ponbody for council , U ns follown P
H. Carv , Lawrence Fay , T. J O'llrlen , W.
S P C Hoafov. Dan 11 Honlti.
H M Hugglns , J J O'Connors. Milton
i llondrlx has nlso registered his name for
| tbo crtmoll
Pledged to Frank II. Cosgrovo for the
Fifth Ward C H Hnwksworth. Walter
Molse. Thomas 11 Dalley. William Trackley ,
Marl In Tlghe. W V Bennett , T M
Ity. Hnrry K Perkins nnd William McKcuua.
Sixth Ward Chart ? * Rtimohr. George
Tlcrney , Richard Hunter. Charles StorJ. .
D Itustln. W. . Folkcr. Frark Wiener.
Daniel Kelly nnd William Butt , partially-
pledged to William Slovcra nnd .loir W Bed
ford A second delegation , composed of the
following , nre for 1M D Pratt IM Flurv ,
W. H. DcFiance , Otto Wagner. Fred Stacker
Seventh Ward Pledged to H II Martin
for the enuncll John Flanimgan , Michael
Muiphy , Dan Cameron , C. 13 Fanning. H
S Winston. James G Mogeoth , fjcoigo P
Cronk. Charles B Hall , Martin Langdou ,
I ledgcd to James Schnclderwltid John R.
Dennis , George K Ring. William Harold.
Henry Rchllfo , Joe Borawlck , John Hetzel ,
William Czerwlnskl. John H. Maus nnd
lames Pchno'derwlnd
Eighth WardG L Igoo , John White
i H Davlea. Hd Fltzpatrick. J. Angel.
James Flt/pntrlck , C L Smith John Mc-
Grcad. Thomas Cleveland , pledged to sup-
poit J H. Davlcs ; Fred Woyniullcr and
J P Connelly ore- also out for the council.
Ninth Ward K B Dalley , J A Fltr-
patrlck. Frank iaton : , J. J Mahoney. John
f. Hopo. George W Ketehum , W W
Parlno Rufus L Parker and F. W Simp
son. with F W. Simpson and Churchill
Parker for the council.
SM.VIIL ri n.oMj" TiTs .snisiDnn.
IH Onl > n Cfiifli. / < < | > lir n , iioel : ( < m
Dn.t \ | > ! > roaolio .
A large and enthusiastic meeting was held
last night by the Fourth Waid McKlnley
club of South Omaha In the school house1 ,
Thirty -thlid and J streets The meeting
was pnsliKd over by John Walsh and wan
nddrosFod by Charks F Tuttle. H A Ilald-
rlge. A. II Murdock end John H Butler.
candidates for the state legislature Louis
Brrka made a speech In Bohemian.
Hugh O'Donnell of Homestead , Pa , fame ,
who was prevent In the capacity of a news
paper rcrrorntatlvo. was called upon for n
speech. .Mr. O'Donnell , who has canvassed
the yltuatlou from the Monongahola to the
Missouri and has familiarized himself nlth
every phase and feature of the campaign
responded to the Invitation by making a few-
brief renpiks He said that there1 wns n
marked subsidence of the silver sc-ntlnunt
He Lciticltidod by saying thnt "Tho silver
cyclone that swept the country east July Is
blowing Itself out In u puff. "
I'.iiMl Soldi lr llrKliili * } .
Dr. J. H. Mnckay of Madison , Neb. ,
formerly superintendent of the Norfolk
Insane asylum , passed through the
city yesterday afternoon on his way
home's The doctor has spent three
months In the cast , and in speaking of the
political situation , he hald ' U Is all one
way In the eaat. all of the voteii. regard
less of party belli * for McKluIey and Hobtrt.
No one evtr beats of Iliyan as a candidate
for the presidency While 1m was making
his swing around thu circle people went to
see and hear him , but it vvas purely on ac
count of curiosity. "
PA 11,1 u r. u \ > , TIMI : > ms II
I'rcxl.lonl Wlilnnt ( tinlluiiK of
Atlniitle Is No time.
ATLANTIC. la , Oct. 12. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Franklin II Whitney died ycfcter-
day at hla home In this city at Cl years
of age Mr Whitney came to fass county
In March. 1S50 , from New York In ISriS
ho came to the present site of Atlantic and
surveyed It He also assisted In survey Ing
the main line of the Chicago. Rock Island
& Pacific lallway through western Iowa
In 1S71 Mr Whitney founded the Uink
of Atlantic , which business ho conducted
till his death Owing to Illness this sum
mer his business was neglected , nnd the
knowledge of his ban't's ' falluro hastcmd
his death llyhard work while In Iowa
lie accumulated n fortno of over $500,000.
riiiicrnl of Ux-Coiornor U'ooilson.
ST. JOSEPH , Oct. 12. The funeral of
evGovcrnor Ellas Woodson took place fiom
tbo uUhcmal at 10 o'clock this mornltif ,
Mov i lllelllN of Ort-nii Vi'Mnols , < ) < ( . It ! ,
At N-nv York Anlvod-K User Wllhflm '
III , fiom Genoa , etc , A HIT , from lirtmen ,
Anehotla f'oni Uli-ijovv ; Civic , from Liver
pool , MeiiHlia. fiom Htoeklon-on-TtHH
At Hiowluitd I'limtelWest Indian , fiom
Now Orleans , la Now Yoifoi ! Llvcipool.
At Liveipool Arrived Texan , from nnl-
At Copenhagen Artlvcd Hoc-la , from
New York.
At Naples Airlvcd Itulla , fiom New
Yoi k.
At Movlllo An Labrador , from
Monti.-ill for Liverpool.
At ChcibotiiK Anivcel Snnlo , fiom Now
Yortt foi Bicmon
At Glbinltm Anlvod 17ms , fiom New
Yoik foi ( lenoa.
At London Arrived MIclilRnn , fiom New-
York , Hillid Moui.ilnc , for Baltimore.
At Ulasfeovv-AnlMd Slueilnii , fiom
Bottiod at the JJJ HONYADI Springs , Euda Pest , Hilary.
Considering the nature of the Hungarian fitter
Water Springs , it must obviously be desirable for the
medical profession and the public to be assured authori
tatively that the working of these Springs is carried on
in a scientific manner , and not merely on commercial
lines , and with this view the Uj Hunyadi Springs , from
which " Apcnta " Water is drawn , are placed under the
absolute control of the Rojal Hungarian Chemical Institute
( Ministry of Agriculture ) , 13uda Pest.
Pricea : 15 Cents nnd 25 Cents per bottlo.
Sole xferirt ;
SEE that the Label bears the well-known RUD DlAMONU Mnrlc of
Employed nt tlio leading HOSPITALS in NEW YORK , BOSTON.
PlllIAl > I.I.I'IIIA , IlAI MMORfc , UlKAGO , etc. , UHCl at tllO
Gladness Comes
Wi'h tk be'tte'iumlcrstmtiliti" ; 'f tlie
-.vniisie'tit nut niv of the ninny plijs-
Ion1 MLs , nliie'h vnuisli IHMOU * pi open e'f-
fous -jj-e'litle-e'llotls ple'tivilit e'llotts
ri UIlj ellrpt'tcel Tlu'ro is t'oinfot I in
tlio know lotltfe' . tliat M > many fit ins of
slt'Uiu'ss uif not tineto nny nc'tutil ilis-
i'l ! o. but slinplv lei : i eeMistipiile-di'ontli-
Unit of UtL'fc.stem , which the pleubiint
family laxative' , Sjrnpof l-'ijys. prompt
ly remove' * Thnt Is why H is the only
remedy with millions of Ymnilics nnd is
everywhere esteemed sti highly 1 > v nil
who value p > od health. Its lu'iieAelnl
on'octs nre due to the fae-t. thnt it is the
one lemedy which ptomotes inleiiitil
cleanliness without elululitatiii tl.o
orjjnns on which itnein. It is tlieiefeiro
all import-mi , in older te > jjot its bene
ficial elVects. to note when yon pur
chase , that yon have the frennine tntt-
cle , whii-h is mntnifnolnicd by the Cali
fornia l''ijr Sti up Co only ami Mild by
all tepntnhlo elrnejirist.s
If in the onjovme-it of peed health ,
ami tlio system is icR-nlar , laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed If
atllioteel with anv act nil disease , ono
may be commended te > the most skillful
phvsiuiaiu , but if in need of a la.\ative ,
one should have the best , anil with llio
vvell-infoi lueel every whore" , Syrup of
Kiirsi'tntids liinhe > st a'ml is nu > st larfje'ly
el and five's most ffoiieralbatibfactiou.
\ '
That Summer Suit.
"It's called in ! "
"It looks chilly 1"
'And very shabby ! '
Besides the style has chang
$20 will do as much for you
this season as $30 did last
We carry the nobbiest de
signs in trousering.
Pants te > order * 4 to $12.
Sails to order $15 te ) J.'iO ,
bamplos Mailed.
Crunchen lu oil I'rluclptt Cities
207 South 15th St.
\V I' Urn man e i mi ( liana In
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