Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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    TUB OMAHA TA1LT BEI . ' lOyDAV. OCTOHI3R 13 , 18II. (
Colonel Cody Lnncls HI * Big Show on Hit
Old Stamping Grounds.
CIIIIMTurn fill t llli llnmU "I'd
Hit Ifi M In Creel tinPniiiiHiN
I'lnliiMinim mi III * H'1-
( urii Home.
NOUTH PLATTE , Neb. Oct. 11.- ( Special
Tclejrm ? J-ColoncI Cwly with hl inonatti-
Bhow arrived about 2 o'clocli today and WM
Ktwleil at the dfrpot by o\or 2,500 people to
welcome thUr townsman back to hli home
Tlie Ooidon rornet b nil. which Mr. Coil >
uniformed nt the coat or $75 a ult , was
out , * alto were tbe Cody guard * In drew *
unUorm It a with Krcat dlfflciilty that
tlio colonel could makehli way through Hie
Imraeiiie crowd to hi * IJnRlUh tnllyhn conch
nnil four magnlilcant block borsci where he
took the rein * and dro\e his family and Im-
' ntr-h He-
mcUInto friends to Scout's Kent
fore loivlng he went lo the band and mil lary
compsn > and ureetod them nnd shonK hands
with all his oliMlmo friends who ( locked
around him , ,
The fair exhibits arc all In their places
read } lo receive the visitors tomorrow morn
ing lion Jack MacColl. one of the In-
\ltid vlBitcjis for tumonow. 1 already hcie.
neivrnmr Ilolcomb will nirl\c tonight r he
Omaba clt > council and the olllccis of tlic
Htato lloird \8rlcilt\ire nrc expected on
the excursion ttaln In the morning All day
todny upon nil avenue * loading to the tlty .
theio 1ms been a constant rtnam of covucd
vagims and other \ehli li * . bringing In visi
tors to I''iHalo Hill's * h w. the fair and llie
leunlon TJio riunlun gioumU loiiuht prc
hciit the npiK-nrawo lit a bus ) clt > , and Just
wmt of II It another clt > of covered wagons
Jln > stores and lintels me tilled with people
ple There art now molt' than D.OOO strangers
here nnd before tomrrroA nh < ht this num
ber will bo doubled. Todaj has beta an
filial one.
one.soMn OK TUI : nxmniTS.
As an exhibition of the products of west
ern Nebraska this Is tenial to any of om
fairs of a l.-rger iipulatlon The dlsplajs
In the atrlailtnral ; , hoiticultural , poultij.
Huh art , sto' k Irrigation and machinery de-
partnunts arc first class lu c\trj particular
Colonel Cody lias on exhibition at tl.o
grounds n held ( if thirteen buffaloes The
leader of tbe herd Is the bull which 1 Illcd
one of Codj'u Indlatib at Antweip , and had
to be left out of the show because of Us
vlclousncss Cod ) ulho linn on exhibition
the Texas slter which fill elf the boat In
Mobile baj and swam ten miles across the
bay to the shore.
The Woman's building will ! > > ono of the
chief attractions at the fair. This building
Is made of stone and was erected by the-
women of western Nebraska , under the su
pervision of MIH A. 8 Haldwln president of
the Woman a dcpaitmcnt of the InlRatlon
fair The women had an auxiliary oignnl-
ratlon In all tbo towns along the Union
raelflc railroad and raised all the funds
by entertainments for the erection of the
bulhUng It IH u substantial anil permanent
stnuiitc. Ileie ate to be found the lloial
exhibits the line arts , the textile woilts
nnd all things which the fine bund of woman
can make.
Ono of the most Interesting"exhibits In
this building Is a collection of old Indian
relics from I'lnc nidge agincy and n col
lection of bones and fossils from tbo bad
lands In South Dakota all by Mrs Hunter
of Uncoln count > Here aio to bo found the
pipes of pi aitthe medicine sticks , the
tomahawks , etc. In the southwest corner ol
the building the women of Oothcnbiin ; ha\e
a fine exhibit of thcli handUork It Is In
charge of Mrs. Con LIe > d and Mrs Plumb
an front of a mass of line fancy needlework
Is a beautifully decorated arch , upon which
Is the word " ( JotbenburK" Among these
nrn also to be found an old English pistol
lelonglng to George II. Hack , which was used
In tbo London lover In 1770. dm Ing the
lelmi of ( ii-oigo III. a mcloiUon made In
ISO'i , two silver cups over 100 jcars old ,
n ladj'B fcadillc 125 years old. and a silver
vase 670 jears old.
In the opposite corner the women of
Ogalalla. with Mrs 13. M. Searle In charge
lm\o a very duo display of fancy work In
the north end of the ball Is the display of
the fancy work of the North I'latto women ,
which. In quantity and quality , Is Ural-clans
The walls of the hall are lined with fine
paintings Mrs F II Adams of Lexington
lias some very line oil work. Among other
oxhlbltcrs of nice work are Mrs Hoxlo of
Ogalnlla , and Mrs Ualdwln , Mrs Ncsbltl
nnd Miss Trederhoof of North I'latto Mrs
Uejnolds of North I'latto has n very line
pleco of era ) on landsciipo work , called
"Shady Nook " In the decorated china de
partment , Mrs A S Ualdwin and Miss
Mtiymc Watts of this city hove very fine
exhibits. Floral exhibits nrn made by Mrs
John I ] , i\nna and P. E. Dullard of North
The women are certainly to bo congratu
lated on the part they have taken to make
the llrst exhibition of the .Irrigation fair a
Nonrl ) Ilnir a Million Iillr Mime > In
'rreiimirer'M llniulN.
LINCOLN. Oct. 11 ( Special ) Land
Commissioner Ilussell hns given nut the
following statement of the transactions of
the Hoard of Educational Lands and Kunds
during the past two years Mr. Russell
is not the chairman of the board Ho Is
a member of the board , and has so far
kept the records of that department ol
thu state government. The report Rajs
"On the 10th day of October. 1890. there
was cash In the state treasurer's hands
I'enmne-nt i-chool funil | I2..770 : s
UllUirclty fund . 19 BC5 C3
AKrlciilluml eollc-so emlovvment CO.'jM 15
Normal 1 vW U
I'ernunetit cullno U.2TO K
Total tmlunce In trcarury JMC.5TO 71
IIuiulH inirclniMil but not yet
l > riFUitc < l fur pnymcnl :
Huinnlirs counts JlfiO 009 CO
1-nncasliT county 70,003 00
Tolul 1170.00008
Dnlnnce unlnvmtnl of J3Cfl.670 71
"Thu boird has Invested for tbo benefit
of tbo permanent school fund In bonds
drawing 4 , 4'4 , fi , C , 7 , and 10 per cent
Interest $1,327GU 35 , nuking a total amoun
belonging to the permanent school fund o
$3,864,082.00. There Is In the ofllco of the
commissioner of public lands and build
lugs belonging to the public school film
J5,000,000 worth of promissory notes draw
lug C per cent Interest.
IteilVIIIMV County I'll I r.
INDIANOLA , Neb. . Oct. 11. ( Special. )
Friday was tbo last day of the lied Willow
county fifteenth annual fair. More thai
2,000 people wcro In attendance. Thu racis
we-ru excellent , Kitty Wright vv lulling tbo
threo-mlnuto trot in 2 28 , and tbo 2 40 tro
tn thu same time. Consume won the free
foi-nil pace and trot In 2.20 Lucky Bald
win won the half-mile running race the
first day In O.DO % . Orphan Girl won tbo
running races thu second and third days
In 0COVi : and O.GO , respectively.
( Sreeli'j Ciiiinty Il lrlet Court.
OKCKLUY CKNTIJH , Neb , OcC. 11 ( Spo
clal Telegram. ) Judge Kendall departed fo
hla homo lu St. Paul yesterday , after hold
lined by people of refinement
for over u quarter of a coiitury.
Ing n four wefk ' term ot mart here The
i" iiiiin of tbe ( lr fle > eouiitj dlutrlet cnttr :
1ms IITB ( lie mott prntrsetcd ItPld In five
jor rnd tbe wxrk noeioiplUliod WRJ tbn
BrntMt of tny trrti ever Iwld bere One of
the lat onler * m dcvi for the sttlt of
the attuclltd property In tb * c' e of th *
cauniy ugalnat thft ex-ttcntturer and hi *
l.nllcr llti ) ' illnl ' rnnfei-eiH'e.
niKMONT Ort Jl.--Fpivial ) Then No-
hrMki of the Chinch of
Latter Iny ? alnl met hern Sntttrday ,
I'leslddit Jftfoph Smllh nf Lnmtml ,
In. , picnldlan. imhoji L. I' . Kcllcy
nf I , * muii I v\fi al o ptifctit. As
lltirn are but few cliiirehcR In the district
the attendance wss light The' leports from
the churcheii showed a RatlAfActmy Incteaso
and the dfuomlnatlon to be > In a prospcrnun
condition Pcrmnm1 wcru preached ) e ter-
day afternoon and cvcnltiK by President
Smith and lllnhnp Kelley The lilihop oc
cupied the pulpit thin moinlng. Commenc
ing tomorrow ovuiltiR a somewhat novil re-
Hull-its dcbato will be held rt the Christian
tabernacle between Elder .1 P. Mlnturn of
the- Latter Day Saints' church and mm *
clcrgtnan leprcwntliig the Christian
church each maintaining that the church
which he leprrrcnts Is founded upon the
Ulble and the mil ) true church
It lull Crude Siinnr Iteets.
PHEMONT , Oct. * 11 ( Special ) Prom
prczint Indications there will be r.o com-
pl.alntM made by fannem who have raUed
beets for the Norfolk factor ) about their
beets not coming up lo the standard One
rare-load shipped by P. P. llrown & Co.
tested 1C per edit saccharine content and
S3 5 piirlt\ , and another shipment went above
lit per cent aacchrlnc content and S" per
cent purity The yield per acre U good
Parn.iri aie generalh antlsficd nov that the
low grade of beets last season was caused
by the dry weather.
Help * ririT Vv"i7eMi.
Dl'NnAIt , Neb. Oft. II. ( Special ) A
! lrl//Ilng rain began fulling Prld-iy evening
and has continued until this morning It
vvlll greatly benefit the wheat. Moio fall
wheat has been town In this vicinity than
for ) csrs past The farmers are much en-
Ltinxed by the Use In the price of wheat
nnd the prospect for a republican victor ) .
I UltAIN AM ) 1MIIM ISIO > ! .
'etitm-er. iif tlie 'I'rnil liitT mill riiislnit
I'l-li'i-M on Snliirilii t .
CHICAGO Ocl -Tne in.nkits v Ithotit
\reptlon v ere ationg tod.iy Compared
vllh Tliur dn > 's cloqltiB prlec- - there Is nn
dvniuc of % c In wheat and % c In coin , 'ie
n oils and 3i'c ' pet bbl In pork. Several
nduence * ) combined to help wheat , pei-
inps the principal one being repo ts of dl -
ste-r to tlie Ausii.iH in elop Tor a second
i two at the one-nlntr the m.ijorltv of the
rovvd In tbe w lie at pit was Inclined to
like a bearish vliw of the ltu itlon Hut It
vns oiilv for Hint length of time Then the
iintlment sudilenlv elinnged and for nn
lour prices were golni ; meadlly upward ,
mill an adviinee of over Ic from the opon-
ng prlee of fiom GS'/vc to nS"e for IVcember
i.ul bein reji-lud ' 1 he eisy feeling at the
opening principal ) } c.iusid lis the
lorthvveBtern receipts Mlnne.ipulls ami
luliith received 1.02G ears which althotiKli
cam IPStlmn ti ci lied on the previous
jiturdiy nre only " 1 e IM belowtlie nutn-
ier nrrlvi-cl u > e\ir ago when It wn-t ne-
.nowlelpe-l very beivy lecelpts of that
enson The bc-uis weie a ! o Homewbat en
ournred by llie view IJr.idslreet's e\prcsscd
of the Hire of this'H crop which
lUtborlty Is Inclined to think will not fall
iiucli rbort of MIO fiOO 000 Im Among the
e.moiis lor the ndv ime which to suddenly
ollovid the opening weaktuss were the
olleivvlng Tbe week's clearances of wheat
nml flour from both consis were again over
.Ooenoo tut Liverpool firm nt nbout
esle-rday's .ulvanie of ? ( d nnd reported an
other cirgo of wheat as bi Inp engaged for
Hhlpment to Calcutta A Kin Framlsco tel-
prntn snld n cablegram from Australia to
v rellilile house reported the wheat crop In
\ustinlli destroyed by hot , scorching
veatliei Tno "tntement was afterwards
ellonited on another tolepram and helped
o cxuse- HIP advance to ii'i'ie in the first
hour Liter however , the- bull feeling toned
limn n good ileil. It was rumored the vln-
ble Fiipply Mondav would show nn Increase
of 2 , " 00 POO Im Piidahy was also reporled lo
iiivn ti.ken adv ullage of the advance to
sell a lilg line and St Louis took profits on
ibout 2.00Q.OTO bu The price declined to
C.S'e , but reacted rigalu and closed steady
it Kc. an adv. nice of about * ; c
Corn was active , strong nnd higher The
onil receipts were below expe-ctatlons The
e\oort InislnosH keeps active nnd cables
made a sharp advance' . Shorts covered nnd
there uns n good Investment demand The
strength was maintained , even through the
soft npots of wheat and the closing vvas
Him at n good sulislantlnl advance May
op ned } 4c hlphi r ut from tG\c to 2fA1c. ad
vanced to 27' ' . e and closed llrm at 271xc
Onts were firm and higher , in i Inly In-
luenced by the action of corn Business
foru Situr.l.iy waverv active and the ag
gregate bales considerably In excess of the
ivt rage The demand vvas Kood and the
offerings moderate yet sufficiently me.iger
: o bring about a firm feeling Mav opened
Ho higher at 181C , advanced to L'O'lc and
closed steady nt 20\c
Provisions were very strong , packers were
L" , a' ' buyers nnd although one firm sold
l.COO tlercej , of lard the market absorbed It
and advanced while It was liolng dispose !
) f After some reaction irom the top prices
heavy ou'slilc buv Ing orders were received
mil wire the principal cause of the bullish
snap with which the mirltet closid Jan
uary pork closed TSVii- higher at $782" , Jan-
ii.iry liril 7Uc hlilmr at $1 5J. Jnnuarj
ribs IJUc. iilglier at $1 S7's
Estimated recelptH for Monday are
Wheat. : ui cars. corn. 1,100 cars , oats , COO
cars , hogs 47000 he id
_ The lending futures ranged ns follows ;
Art elos Oiun High ciojj
TnNn 2 H'I-IIIR ' csuc. No 3 sprlns
, No 2 red 70lie
CO UN No 2. 231,0 , No 2 yellott , 2lc.
OATS-Nii 2 17\c. No 2 white 20o , No. S
white 16\tStC4C
mi : NU 2 swe.
IIAHI.iV No 2 , nominal No 3 , f. o. b . 24
{ ? KC , Nel 4 f. o tl , 2IW2SC
' KD Nn 1 74Vs 75c.
TIMOTHY Kii : -I > rlm . I2.TO
I'HOVISIONS-rork mess , per bill 17 00 < J7 05
Uenl , | > i-r W > UK. , ( I ITVjffl SO. Khort rltis rlilrs
OCHIKJ1CSJ375 | Dry Hilled BhmililerH llMixe l )
Jl 00M U'-i , cliort clinr titles ( boxed ) , > l C0i >
I'ot'LTHY Stonily , turlei-yn , EJfllc , chickens
7c clucks. Kifle
WHISKY Distillers' ( Inlslicil Roods , per gal.
StTOAIlS rut lonf , 5 32. Kninulate.l , Jt 7C
Tim follow IIIK were the receipts anJ Btiljiment
.U dill
_ 04,01)1) )
On the I'm liu-o exslii itoliv thn butter in ir
kri wim Urncrctmcrv Ilitl7o (1 ilrv Uf
l..c Kffk'H. llriuor. Ire-xh lOo. CliicueHtcaely
They are so little you hardly know you
are taking them They fauso no griping
yet they act iiulckly and most thoroughly
Such are the famous llttlo pills known a
UcWitt'8 Little iarly Risers. Small 1
size , great In results.
Millie HlNtui'liiiiiee nil the Street.
JiuneH DoilHon wim arrested yesterday fo
creating a dlHturbsinco near HevcnUent
nnd llarney Htrcc-tB lie was iirre-Hted wit
dllllculty and tn' en to tno xtntlon , win r
it chargii of belnp drunk nnd ellsordcily wa
lodged ng.ilnst him
Tetter eczema and all similar ski
troubles are > cured by the use of OiVi'ltt'
Witch Hazel Salve It soothes B : once , am
lestores the tissues to their natural ccn
I'.ou , and never falls to euro piles ,
Itt'iil HMliiti * ie'aiiKeVte'i'tliiK. .
A mccllng of tbo Heal C-ituto cxchung
will bo held ut noon todny at the Commer
clnl club iooniH to dlsciiHa no Torrcnu ty ?
te-ni of transfers.
't/He / Ilnmforil'M Acid I'liiiNitlmte.
Dr. L , 11. Allen , Minneapolis , Minn. , says
"I have pre-kcrlbed It In extreme nervou
case * and ludluciitlon , wlUi great aatlafuc
tlon. "
Eomo HoRCtlonnry Causes Have Been at
Work on Wall Street.
Thli , llii e\er , AVIII ( > nl > lie Ti'liipo-
i-tiry Cum lellon Still Ill-Ill ( tint
slUrr iKltnlluiilll 1UI I > | H-
pixe-il llf III > \ (
NinV YOHK , Oct. 11. Henry Clews , head
of the banking lionise of Henry Clews ft
Co , vvtltes of the Bltuntlon In Wall street :
Tbe pan week In Wall street bus been , to
n oertiiln extent , u re'iietlomuy one. During
HIP wiek pt ov lulls there was n di elded lui-
IliK movement and tbe conciquulit rise In
prices offered ge ncrnllv linndsoino profits
Naturally , therefore , there has been , foi the
lust few-days , extuimlve realllng , utti nded
with ImsulnrJtv In prices nnd u general
diellne. On Tbursdny thtd tendency \vm
help l y reports of the eml > inns-uncut of
an Importiint Ilnanelnl bouwtIn 1'arls nnd
the ri xult of tbe OoorRl i state eloetlon
Tlicrc bns , hovvtver , boon no elianno In the
real undertone ot strength , but IIH there
nnet thne weeks lie-fore th < - effect of the
imtloiml eliellon eiin nlfcol the market ,
gpeeulutlve operatois see chnni-es for Ilut-
tuatlons iluilng the Interval , and those who
liavi' sold out are quite willing to help any
temlonr.v that would Pliable them to buy In
again at lower prices ; and for that rcimoii
tbe usual street tiicllcH of pessimistic rumor
and talk are recoiled to.
The fo.elgn exchanges aic drifting back
toward a position admitting of expoitfl of
gold Tin HtctlliiK loans made about three
mouths afjo , to ri t relief to the then prt-
\alllng HtiltHTiuj In mone > , have nov. been
entlieb liquidated , and the rel itlon li tvvccn
supply and de-mand of bill * , which eausid
tin large Imports of gold , has been \lt-
tuall > nstored Temporarily , the amount
of export bills coming on the market Is
lieiked hv the in ml Utility about getting
icrtb room for ptoduee awaiting shipment ;
ait the enrlj arrival of vessels ( UIa > ed by
mf.ivorable wealhi-r may bo e\peetid to
bate this obstacle , when an active resump-
lon of gold Impoits will lie In order Al-
i-ndy It ha * be n found possible to ar-
.uigi' for the shlpmiMit of amounts varl-
usly stated between J1..V0,000 and SI.2.VOfpO
f the metal from London Tlicwc prospec-
Ivi arrivals of gold will help the growing
endiney tovv.inl ra o lu the loral money
iiilki't Last woik'H bulk statement showed
n Incrcacc of Ji.SOO.OO ) In the surplus re
el ve , with n corresponding gain In thee
o ins and discounts , and the prospect of
ho eaily return of eiineney fiom the In-
eiloi and of fuilhei lecelptB of foreign
old can hardly fall to have u f.uorablo
fi'eet upon Wall street time loans a * well
upon the disposition to discount com-
nerclal p.iper.
There Is no abitement. In Wall utreet , of
he settled ronvletlon the November
verdict will dispose of the dangers of the
rec silver ngllatlon There m t > be dlffer-
nces of opinion ns to the dimension ! ) of the
oniervatlve vletor > , liul It Is assumed for
grantc'd that the election will glvo the coun-
ry u pri'rtldent and a of rcpreneiitu-
Ive * which nuiy be wifely trusted to pro-
ee't the gold standard Tne best evidence
of this conviction Is afforded by the
nnnlmlly with which the binks ami other
rullt Institutions show their Incicasliig
readiness to grant credits about which thev
vould have had serious misgivings one or
wo mouths ago The managers of our
lading corporations are abovi- nil others
coneeriud lu hiving n round basis for
udglng as to the probable outcome of the
election The best sources of estimate are
vlthln their rcieh , and they cannot afford
0 act upon dubious lnfor.ntlon When ,
hi refore , these administrators of fln.ince
s'-ow confidence not merely by their words ,
ml at the s.nne time In their actions and
> y the assumption of Increased responslblll-
Ics , It rmy bo taken for grtnted that the
lo'.ltleal prospect la reasonably sure for
Htiuul money
Hut notwithstanding this confldcncc It Is
pcrhnixM not likely that Wall street will go
much further than It alrcadj has In pro
llseoiintlng the outcome of the election
Jveii these who are expecting uroat results
from a sound money verdict will regard the
icxt three weeks not so much as n time for
irlces as an opportunity for buying stocks
mil thcj may therefore be expected to en
courage a downward ton- rather than an
idvatice In this connection. It Is also to
ie considered that a stage has been reached
In the election canvass nt which there Is
ilways much conlllet of claims about the
rompir.itlvo strength of tbo pirtles , which
Is attended with some excitement and os
cillation of estimates IJoth sides luivo a
motive for concealing tno truth The
weaker party finds It prudent to encourage
ts supporter * by extravagant assurances
of success Tin' winning side dreads notli-
ng so much as tno possibility of encourag-
ng laxity of effort among It.s friends by
1 too confident assumption that Its victory
s Inevitable Thus the attitude and pro
fessions of both fides are calculated to put
observers off their scent ni to the actu il
Irlft of political sentiment Wall street Is
\ery sensitive to Intliiences of this kind , and
; hls fickle factor Is likely to Inllucnc" prices
more than any other cause for the next
three weeks
Rstlm.itcs of the election chances of the
respective pirtlcf ) overlook very generally
the Important fact that free coinage Is not
the only great question calculated to Influ
ence the vote Hvcn allowing that there
Is a laige mass of our people who. from
Ignorance or other causes , fall to under
stand the wldes-pread dangers of depreciat
ing the standard of our money system , yet
Is It resuson.iblo to assume that there- same
icoplo will not be Insensible to tbo essential
llsloyalty , the revolution and the anarch-
sin openly sinctloned In other planks of the
Chicago platform' ' It scums Impossible to
concede this much of any really serious
liortlon of the American pcoplo without
casting upon them a stlKiiia of unlltnc ;
'or citizenship which nothing In our
lilstory so vvin.ints These aspects of
thu cinvass hive hitherto been ncld In
abeyance by the heat of the discussion on
the money question , but It Is to be pre
sumed that , during the remainder of the
campaign these- neglected questions may re
ceive fuller attention , the effect of which
could not fall to swell the majorities on the
consirvatlvo side. It Is especially to be
hoped that an express effort may bo made
to stay the divisive and daiiperous attempts
to foster sectional hostilities and class ani
The spirit of jealously displayed against
tbe cast In many of the new states In the
far west because of the disparity In wealth
which exists Is simply absurd The people
who cherish that animosity forget the fact
that the eastern people have had over 100
years' start In the accumulation of wealth
The remoter new states occunv a Dosltlon
tow aid the eastern more wealthy states
hlmllar to that which some young men
just commenting life hold tov.ard old men
who have accumulated thi-lr fortunes Such
starters In life easily become dlss.itlslled
because they have to cope with powerful
competitors. In taking this attitude , they
do not take Into account that the older
men havu given three score or moro of
yours of hard work to the accumulation of
their wealth , and that they have the same
opportunities to accomplish all that tbo
older onis have done In acquiring riches ,
providing they apply themselves to effort
with equal diligence With the equality of
opportunities In this country that all men
possess , why should there bo any feeling
of envy simply because one part of the
country has bad 100 or more years' start
over others and has become rich by com
parison ? England was rich , through the
accumulations of many centuries , before
the United States came Into existence Did
the people of the United States feel any
animosity toward thu English people be-
cau o they had the start of them In moneymaking -
making by many generation ! ; ? Take ali
the great fortunes In this country at tbo
present time they were founded by men
on the common level of all the people with
out any monev backlULr This applies to the
Asters , tin' Vanderbilts , tno ( Jocluts , the
Mills , tbo Huntlngtons , the Pullmans , the
Itockcfellers , the Carnegles and all our
othPi rich men What has been accom
plished by thorn can lie accomplished by
others In the future There will bo Jusl
as good an oppoi ( unity to make money in
tin * coming generation ns there has been
In the past. In a country like this , where
the resources are so vast and the oppor
tunities so gnat. If people will knuckie
down to woik for which they ate adapted
and apply thcmiclvcs closely to It.
liniiii-iiNi * CM IIH CM "Vcnv ntVurU ( o I'r ? > -
lIllCMII < ilKllllll HllNllll-KM Illlllin ,
NJJW YOHK. Out 10. Wall Btreet has
bad an excaptlomlly Intereftlmr v.eek
Thurti hah been activity , and there. ha\c
been lluctuatlons beyond what ban recently
been ordinary
The crowd has been continually In
evidence. It Includes in Its lists now a
number of conspicuous millionaire opera
tors , who for Home time iust liavis been
holding aloof. Two or three tlmis a fort
night or more atio , they tented the quality I
of the market , but founA icshitnncu which I
deterred them from going ahead in any ex
tensive way. This week , however , thny
havu been aggrvpfdvu to thu extent of mak
ing almoM dally raidn upon all thu leading
stocks. Their favorites have been Sugar
trust and the crancer railroad shares. In
the former theyjljiy hnil what ha tin-
doublulivboeii liihldi i o-oporntlonn.
A quarter of the total tntnrntclloitH during
tbo week luivc bi-diilti Supir trust mock
The price has bei n plit dnvvn thre-e or four
point * , an 1 much rtiK'ltcen henrd of new opposition -
position rpllnetlm Thin tort of ta'k ' , how
ever , would lime llttlo credit had there not
be n almost dnllv Matomrnts from trust
headquarters ri-prricMitlnK that the migur
ttnde was In an urruppy nhapp , them ? de-
preKKlng Ktatrmctii * bring more than once
nccompaiilcd by th > "n iher Ineffective fa tor
of reductions In tno trust's product of relined -
lined rugar
The nhort Internet frt the stock Is much ex-
tendril , and Its mirW I IM In punpi now fern
n quick turn uptvaril if Inside Inlluences
care to havp qiiohitlons RO that way I'ppn
the othp. hand , further i eduction * In the
price of refined sugar can force Wall street
bulls Into leaving the stock altogether alone ,
for that would cllnci in the Wall street
mind as it fact what Is now aomethliiK moro
tlmn H Kiifplclon , that thf very highest
powers In the trust are working to get this | 1
stock down under par It \ * nlwny * true-
ami Just now It Is aeully so-that the Sutar
trust stock mark ) t Is wholly at the beck and
call of two or throe millionaire Insiders
It Is a tempting game they lay out. but
few outsider * plavlng It have ever escaped
unhurt Quick action Is provided for one s
money and for tin- money also there Is
usually provided a prompt reciptaelc.
Surface Indications now point to a fut ther
decline. The obliged to plnv the rime
could find -xime i xcuses. doubtless , for
playing It on that side- . Still , the conu-
gatcd fact Is that "peculation In Stum tiust
stock Is , after all , only three card inonte
largrr grown
In the Rraugir stocks the bear war cry
has bein that badly decrened riirnlnnt
about to be shown would plnv smash with
their tlminol'il status In this the bear
oracles ba\o been ( Upending upon compari
sons with larnlngs which In the fall of
last vcar vvcic phenomenally big. It has
been taken for ( .ranted that no such corresponding
spending results could be obtained this
year At the start It was Insisted that
even HIP noimal llrurcs of two years ago
could not IIP reached Tills last claim has
been abandoned The bears have not taken
Into consldci.itlon and could not antlclpitc
he railway aitlvltv started bv booming
iroditce markets iy dint of much spec-
ilitlvp angiisslveness they have siiccet-'lcd
n pounding down the prices of all the
? rangirs somewhat Their accomplishment
s small compared with their effort and thc-
lolsc they have made. lUnllngton li down
c s than two wholg ttlnts for the week
mil St Paul ftTirT'Ttoe-lc Island average a
Iccllne of bvei throe points each.
If halt the iPtalled chronlchs of western
voe heard In Wall street were one-half title
heso stocks ought to be down ten times
as far as they have gone.
Nowhere Ins there been any sign of
slgnincnnt liquidation In tin- grangers or
nnv other group of railroad stocks. The dc-
cllucs , such as they are , have tesulted
vholly from n ramming. Jamming pim-
nlgu , whose most conspiciioua fcatuio has
icen the "piling of short stocks by whole
sale The short Interest In St Paul today ,
believe , can In * moderately estimated at
0.000 shatos In Ilurllngton and Hock Is-
and the HhortK nrcxP rhaps less extensive ,
nit the aggrpRatc there' , also , Is enormous
ven In Nortlivvnt there Is nn iinwleldv
short Interest What Is consequentially
rue Is the fact that thc o stocks are al-
nest vvhollv short for the account of the
same group o' Fpceillitors The way they
ramble certainly ban dash and spirit enough
u It to be attractive , but Wall street Isn't
ilways a respecter of spectacular plunges
One of the most notable features In tbe
market now Is the quiet firmness which
attacks disclose It Is not exactly resist
ance. It seems bo a splilt of con-
Idence and almost an ultpr carelessness
is to the antics of the raiders.
A thousand shales of stock thrown
fiercely nt the mniket puts a quotation
low u le s than n legitimate order to buv a
single 100 sharesof stock will put it up
This has bicn cxcldpllllul over and over
igaln this week anil In almost every pirt
of the market.
The resumption of gold Import * Is exert-
ng a tonic , effective upon the contldenco
of the financial nor HI. These Imports have
icen resumed In largp volume In the \cry
'ace of predictions ftom high quartern that
: bcy had been checked for a considerable
time to come Yet , within the list three
or four days , almost J10,000,000 more of for
eign treasure lias'betn started this wuy.
This Is us WIIH predicted In these' dls-
latcbes n week ago. The same authority
[ was able to quote then , justified by the
week's remark ible nscord , now s.iya that wo
can count conlluintly upon se-dng the gold
Imports froniilrpt > e reach beyond $100-
000000 by , the end ot the year.
The Wall street btfar contingent affects to
care nothing for this kind of Improvement
U Is manipulation , they nay , "forced Im
ports , " HO they characterize them , that
"counts for nothing "
What the bears refuse to consider that Is
of Impqrtance , oxen beyond thcso gold Im
portations , what , Indeed , brings this gold
this way. Is the development of a foreign
balance of trade In our favor , which Is ab
solutely certain before It stops to go to
figures wholly unprecedented For Kurope's
short crops we have a surplus , and Kuropo
has got to glvo us gold for them
Wo arc buying European goods lo the ex
tent of millions of dollars less than has
been our previous average. Kven these two
accounts put us , for the first tltnp In years ,
at the head of creditor nations. Ye't that
record tolls but part of the tonic story. We
are shipping not grain and provisions
merely , shipping them not only to Kuronc ,
but to Asia , and shipping them at vastly
Increased cash prices , bin wo are as well
shipping merchandise in volume lM > yond
e-very past ncord and making such ship
ments nt the rnto of SifiO.OOO000 a year
These are tremendous figures They are but
at their beginning They arc going to be
bigger We arc now having only the light
w.iMed preliminaries to a business boom
that shall bo historical.
Such language sounds llko unleavened en-
thiipbiNni A hence I believe It will
look calm and conservative enough. The
only balk that national prosperity could
suffer would bo In a llukc by which Uryan-
Ism might win There are too many honest
men , theie Is too much sanity In thU coun
try , to permit that calamity.
The magnificent showing made bv the
honest money pirjde In Chicago on Krld.iy
has much Impressed New York business
men It has Influenced tc-ntlment here , not
only as to estimate a regnidlng what may be
expected at the polls In Illinois next month ,
but It gives cour.tKC to the people who have
financial undertakings people who are con
vinced In the west , as well as In tin
east , the political grab game IP golnpr to be
repudiated by a majority that sh.ill be over
Apropos of this , Alfred De Cordova of the
Stock exchange said today " Chicago
sound money display makes history The
Mgnlflcanco of It has no local limits It Is
an object Icshon to our whole country to
the whole world Ohlcato has been repre
sented as the \cry hotbed of the repudiation
c.imoaUn. The answer Riven by tils
patriotic outpouring of Chicago's citizens
Is a conclusive disposal or that libel upon
that city thn business hub , the cominercla
and financial heart of thu vest As
Chicago has been mlsreprisc'iited , and IIP
she has already given the He to her de
tractors , so I bc-lluvc will the western coun
try generally como to the forp Intrepidly
patriotic And when wo u-allzo tills fact
there will bo no further trouble In this coun
try or abroad regarding the stability of
American business and the safety of Amer
ican investments' '
Heforo Tliomai T Rvan and bis asso
ciates bouKht the Suabuard & Ho.inola
railroad last vvcpk , .they had made for them
v careful e UIV'.ISH Of tbo jiolltlcal outlook
This examination vvas not confined merely
to the poiithmi district with which tbe
property Is Identified , but had to do with tie
Mtu itlon all over inc. countiy Thf.v pos
Hesscd bpeclil opportunities for getting at
facts , and what rtirT learned they were sure
they could rely upon
The result vva rthat from every quarter
camu assuming which left them with no
doubt as to tliu election of Mr. McKlnley
and the stamping out of repudiation
schemes. AmlAso" convinced , they imido
their millionaire' Investment Had there
been c\en thb. slightest tlngo of uncer
tainty in tbo reports which they received
they would h.ive given thu traiiMictlon no
consideration /Vtid In this name encourag
ing line I am iKimltted to quote thn fol
lowing from thohwid , of ono of Now York's
biggest wholesale , house ! ! ' "Important
chungus wre upn"firing In the business worh
Indicative of UiO'flrLady established belle
that \v hall hU-Vfllin overwhelming honest
money victory nc < t month. From every
quarter we are receiving evidence that i
big business revival Is close at hand This
In particularly true of affairs In tbo nouth-
"ReprrsentatlVPH of our house In that sec.
lion who only a little whllo ago wore despondent -
spondent have nil of a sudden been fonec
to hustleto keep up with the huslncH. * offerIngs -
Ings Wo have bad to put more salesmen
on the ro id. What Is true of Urn southwest
Is almost true of much of the south , espe
cially of Tcnnchsco and Alabama Thin
now liveliness can bo tiaccd absolutely to
tiio conclusion that business mnn hiuo
reached the conclusion that Mr llrynn Is
going to be swcp asldo Many of the orJers
wo receive. Indeed , u largo proportion
carry the proviso that tliu contract is basec
on a belief that Mr. McKlnley will bo
elected. This UK ans that thc-He merchants
of tliu south and southwest feel that as
soon as the election Is over Improved busl-
ness conditions will be asherled and that
an era of good Ilmei will begin forthwith
They want the aoods In hand for an early
start. "
Stock exchange .commission bouses gen-
i rally are advising customers to bo patient
and undertake law new contractu , pviidJiiK
the election , There will be bargalna unouul
then , they point ou to make JVull street
nltrnclUe , for with the triumph of sound
inone ) It Is unlvemnlly iiRned Unit thu
ehenpness nnd mifoty of American Invest
ments vvlll be every where rcroinl ed. H
Is the testimony of eveiy Importnulnll
street ImnkltiK liouce having fonlnii c'onu'o.
tlons thnt Kuroi cnn Hive-morn vvlll lush In
here mid buy on n tremendous enlo AS
roon n * they see the llryin iilghtmaro
wiuelched. II. ALLA\\A\ .
llrenU In IVcilern , lint llthei' Cuttle
Hell Well Tliouirli I'lenliriil.
SATU11DAY , Oct. 10.
llecelpta for the dtijs luilliated wero.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Horses.
October UX 2.772 .1 tM2 . . . 41
Octolier ! > 2)110 ) 40H 23
October S 1.KM JG57 1IW7 . . . .
October 7 3.i7 3211 1.11.1 j
October fi I.J501,151 1 ! 7..0 41
October fi 3,070 1 G"t tin I'K )
October 1 1.011 4 7-10 2,128 21
K'tober 2 3.20S 3.S33 1 40 !
October 1 li 2-H 1.NW 211 25
September 30. . 4,551 4.543 7.R13 . . . .
The oillclal ntiiubi r ot earn of stock
jroupht In today by each road vvns !
Cattle. Hogs. Horses.
Missouri Pacific Hy I n . .
tTiilon I'nrlllc system. . . 2f. IS 2
H At M. H H. H ' . ' 7 1 *
U. K Q Uy 5 3
U I. & P. Uy , cunt. . . . 3
H I As P. Hv. , vvet .15
_ . St. P. M & O. v 4
P. i : At M. V. H. U 2(1 ( 17
Total rei'elpts 103 M 2
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , e.ich buyer iiuiclmsliig the mini-
licr of head indicated :
Hirers Cult' ' Mow
Omaha Packing Co J J
O 11 II imiuond Co Jul 1 ! > i"
Swltt and Company 4S3 $11
Cudiihy Packing Co. . . . 310 ! > ' ! >
I. L Cniey 6'J 313
Lohniiin Ar Itothschllds. . I.
He ntein iV Underwood. . . . 317
Huston , V Co 35
LiOton . * i Co til
Spnr ) ft It IM . . . . .
Ciid.ihy llros Co , K. C. . 1U
.1 L Cirey , K. C l" >
Other bujers 271
Left over SCO . . . . .
Total . . . 2.400 3 7W " > T1
CATTLE The receipts of cattle today
miinbeiiNl ! 'iTS he-iil i iicnl'I 11 \
dny and l.nn on Saturday of lust week , it
was a good , big tun fur the last day of
the wiek , but In spite ot that nnd the
additional fact that put chafes would tn
many cases have to be cnrrlxl over until
next week , the- market us ti whole was In
pretty fair condition.
Heef Hl'-eis sold In nbo'- ! the name noleh
a8)ostcrday , though the fc"lng ! was hardly
so strong , and Jn some cases common kinds
may have sold u little easier The de
mand , however , was m live , and the ) uriU
were denied In good "e.ison.
Cows and heifers nlso snld In about the
same notch ns yesterday , there being no
quotable clmnne In the in irket
- In the- feeder division tbo situation vvas
not quite so favorable to the selling Inter
ests , nnd values genertllv were atiout lOc
lower. The weather was wet and cold ,
which mnelo the cattle look tlicir worst , and
that , together with the fact that It w.ia
the last d.iy of the wecK , helpe-cl to bring
about the dii'llne. Anothei reason foi tie !
break was the high prices thnt fecde-is
have commanded this week. In plte of
the bear Inline jicis the demand goeid
and the bucrs all seemed to want cattle ,
nil of the carli arrivals changing hands In
f.ooel season
The cattle- market of the pi t week has
hern till that any seller cotilel as't for Tno
ill inn ml has been very brisk for all kinds
anil giades , bc-ef cattle as well as Miockers
nml feeders In fact , the demand has been
no large , while the receipts have been only
moderate , that the m irket has been grad
ually pushiel upward , the trade each day
being reported strong This upward move
ment has occurred In the face of a down
ware ) tendency at most other markets nnd
II 1' s ifc to say that on moat dr.ys of the
week this has been the highest market In
the country Packers comol.alti that they
are unable to secure enough fat cattle- to
m let the demand of their Hade and a good
many have been shipped In from other
markets to moke up the- deficiency Tin-
great quantity of feed In the country has
created n heav-j elem mil for f"edeis and all
arilvals of entile coming under that de
scription have sold readily und on a good
niiinv days Uiere have been hardly enough
to satisfy nil the buers.
1KK5S Therewere 1 2 IIOCR reporldl In the
> nnl totn > . OR iiKnlnrt 4.IH1 jeHerclay nml
4 " < 0 nt the close of lad vvirk
The nmrke-t wan without nny particular fea
turenf Inlrrot Tintrailo openml nlxiilt rleail >
ami continue , ! In that condition until tlie clou'
Tie eleniaml V.HB uctlvp unit the IIORH were all
Fold nml wclehnl " ] > lone lefnrc mlelOny
The hc-av > ting * fold nt 13 05Ii3 1" llie same
ns je-stenlay. while the mi-ilium wcl ht nnil
nilxcil lonila liroiiKht ? 3rii3Z5 OneInnd ave r
nulntr 200 pouncH , sola up to 13 3u , the e.ime
lop ns jeflcnl o
Taking tlie nvernge of nil tlie Fnle there vvns
n hllflit Riiln over jcMenlnj. miiklnK thin tlie
tilKli ilny nf the wiek , nnd the highest of any
clnv flnre the middle of Mn >
The hug market of tin past week IIOB been
In n v ry fatlsfnctory condlllon , viewed from
n Feller's plnndpnlnt The ileinnml hun been
Inrgc nnd nil nrrlvals have met with rendy
i.ale. the coinictlllon | Ix'twtcn buyers lieeplng
prlnfl up to n hlKi point ns compared with
other marKet * Thu wick opened with a sllRit
ileellnon Monda > . but during the- next thrro
dn > 8 the innrKct advnneed rnpldly. Tliurseta > 'H
mailtet wn on an avernce ! 0o higher linen
Mnndn'n innrKct. During theInft two ila > n
of the week there was no material chanip In
hlinnt * There were no pheep ) Krc to make
nny test of the market
cinrvco 1,1 vu .STOCK.
There AVllN Not KnoilKli Cat lieo MnU < >
a Alnrlcet.
rjIICAGO , Oct 10 There were not enoiiKh
cattle here todny to mnko a market , nnd prlcei
clorcel mostly nominal nt yiBterday s quota
tions. 1'rlciB ruled n follows * I'ancy becvei ,
from } j 10 to K 12 , me ilium to prime Hirers , from
II to ti , ptockers and feedera , from KM to
S3 S5 bulls , COUH nnd heifers , frcnn (22.1 to
J3W , calveH , from 12 M to JO 25 , Texnna nnd
westerns , from J2 30 to fi "
Triede In liot , " v nn fairly nctlve , hut prices
were from Cc to lOo latter , the Krentist woak-
neiis licim ; In such droves ns shippers are uruilly
In the hntilt of Inlying 1'rlces for all grades
rnlt > d lietneen from 12 fi to 1350 , the liulk of
sales lielng well above t3
'Ihc InslKlilllcant offerings of Mttep today sold
at unchanged prices sales being on n Imxln of
from $1 00 to $3 23 for Inferior to fancy sheep
and from S2 tv > to > l 75 for Inmlis , w 1th the best
western sheep salable at $3
lleeelpts < 'nttle , W ) head , hogs , 13,000 heaJ ,
cheep. l.COO head
KauNnH City I.l\c .Stock.
KANSAS CITV. Get 10 < 'ATTM3 lleeelpts ,
1 COO heed , shipments f , too head , market un
changed only local trade
llOflS He'celpls 3600 head shipments. 2 SCO
head market strong to re Mistier , bulk of sales ,
J3 03H73 ! r. . heavy J3CCff320. pickers J1 06H3 20 ,
mlxe.1 3 CM73 25. llBhts J3 IS93 M , Yoikers
ics > 3 10
HHIini * lleeelpts. none , Blilimients , l.COO head ,
no market. _
.Slciek In Slyrbl.
Ilcconl of receipts of live stock nt the four
prlnelpal marKcts for Saturday. October 10 UW
Cntlle. lloga hlicip
South Omaha . 2 H7 3(42
Chicago . 200 19000 1 ' * 0
Kansas City . 1 MO 3 rooSt
St Louis . MO 3000 C.fflO
Totnla . . 1.317 2s7il2 0,000
St. I.onlH Mie SdieU.
ST IXJt'IS. Oct. 10 ( "ATTI.K-llccelpts. COO
head , market steady , native shipping Mecrs
JJCOftOOO , TCIUH Hle is , J2 COtfJ bO , cows , > 1 rdfl >
2 CO
COIIOOB Ilecelpls 3000 head , market n thadi-
lower , light J320fj3l2'4. mixed. 3 OOtJJ . " 0 ,
heavy J3 10H3 3S
filli : ! : ! ' Hccelpts , D.CW hiad. market ttrong
I.eiiiilini Whcnl IiirKeteHii - .
LONDON. Oat 11 The weather during
the past week continue J wet nnil autumn
cowing was almost Impossible , as the rain
saturated the heavy land In the m irket
wheat was active There was a pelleral
confidence , and an absence ot st Illng
piessure Cillfornla wheat , prompt ele-
llvery , was quoted at 2ta Cd to TO 1,1 IJuliith
wheat October and November delivery , was
nuotecl at JOs and northern spring wheat
was quoted at L"M li/il Klotir firm
and active at Is advance , but ! now
Miil/o was firm and about 3d lower for
mixed American November delivery to
London was ciuoud at Us "il. and December
nt H fid Parcels weiu firm
H.irluv was firm , and there was fair In
quiry for California b.iru-y Oils vvas
stronger held Clipped oils , American ,
November and December delivery , 13s SV-.d
IliiNMlaii-AiiierleiiiiH Aellt e.
The officers of the IlUHalan-Ainerlcan Me
Klnlcy and Hobart club met at Ml Soutl
Tenth street last night to dcvlso ways am
nuaiis whereby a series of meetings couli
bo held between nnvv and election day
A committee composed of M I-ogatia I
H. Carrel and I'hlllp Nathan wad appointed
to consult with the chairman of tbe repub
lican county central committed to make
neceksary arrangements It was ttleo de
cided that the same committee , Including
J. D. Nuthannnii , bo authorized to look after
the rcgUtratlon of the members of the club
It wan determined that a riceptlan be tendered
de-red to lion David II. Mercer as BOOII an
Speed and safety are tbo watchwords nS
the age. One Mlnuto Cougb Cure nets
opccdlly. safely and never falls. Asthma ,
broucultla , coughs and colds are cured by It.
The follow InK propiHfd amendments to the
Constitution ot the Stnto of N'tbitisku , at
hereinafter set foi ill In full , ate Mibmlltod
to the electors of the Stale of Nebraska , tu j
be voted upon at tbo goucral election to bo (
uelil Tuesday , November 3 , A t ) . 1SOO :
I ' A joint icsolutloil pi'oiosliiK | to umriul |
I sections two ( S ) , four (4) ( ) , titul ( ho < o ) , of
article sK ( il ) of tbo Constitution of ttto
I Stutu of Nebraska , relating to number ot
Judges of tbo supreme court nij ; tbrlr tein\
I I of olllce. i
I Itu It resolved and enacted by the Legis
lature of Urn Btate of Nobiaska : I
ycctlou 1. That si ( lion two (2) ( ) of nitbilo
sK ( f. ) of the Constitution of the State ot
NeliiiiBka be amended so as to nnd as fol
lows. !
Section 2 The supreme court shall until
otherwl o piovlded bv luv , coii'-lst of live
(5) ( judges , u majoilty of whom shall bo
nccessaiy to foi in a quorum or to pro-
I , noiineo a decision. U luill bavo oilgliial
1 jiirlsdletlon In cases relating to icveiiuc ,
I civil cases In uhlc.h the state Khali be u |
party , tnandamus , into w in unto , habeas
coipus , and such appellate jurisdiction , as
may bo piovlded by law |
Section 2. That section four (4) ( ) ot article
six ( t , ) of the Constitution of the state of
Nebraska , be amended so ns to lend .is fol
lows : i
Section -I The Judges of tbo supreme
court shall be elected by the ebetors of
tbo state at large , and their t"im of olllce ,
except as littclnulur piovleKd , shall bo foi
a period of not le n thin live ( o ) yiar.s as
tin legislature mav pie si i the i
Section 3 That section live (5) of niSlelo
six (0) ( ) of the ( "onstllutlon of tl'e St ito of i
Nebraska , be amended lo read au follows
Section fi At the llrct g"iieril election tn
bo held In the year l"io tluro ( .hall be
elected two Judge's of the su.ireme couit
ono of whom Khali be dieted for a term of
two (2) ( ) y < ais. one fet the term of four (4) )
years , and at each general eloetlon theie-
after , tliciu shall bo elected one ludge of
the supie-me couit for the teim of live ( i )
years , unless otherwise piovlded by law ;
Piovlded. That the Judges of the siiptemo
court whose terms have not i-Njilml at the
time of holding tbe reneral eloc ( Ion of 1STO
shall continue to hold their otllee foi tbo
lemalnder of the term for which they
vero respectively ei ininlshloned
Aitproved Jlarcb J . A I > 1'03.
A Joint resolution proposing an amend
ment to section Ihliticn (1.1) ( ) of artlelo nl\
of tbo Constitution of the State of Nebraska ,
relating to coiuprnsillou of supreme and
1 dlstilct court judges.
Ito It resolved by the Legislature of the
State of Nibrasktf
Section 1 That rectlon Ihlttccn (11) ) of
article six ( C ) of the Constitution of the
I State of Nebraska be nine mini no its to
read ns follows1
Sec 13 The Judges of the supreme and
llstrlct courts ohall receive for their ser
vices huch compensation aa miy bo pro-
\ldcd by law , payable tuarlerly
The legislature shall t It.s llrst session
after the addition 01 * this amendment ,
threc-llrihrt of the m.vDers elected to
each house concurring * fltabllsh their
; ompensaton ! The coniv nsallon so es
tablished shall not be chant. . . . ' 'encr than
once In four years and In n evenj unless
: wo-thlrds of the members el. oted te. each
louse of the legislature concul therein
Approved Muich . " 0. A D ISA
A joint resolution pioposlng to ninend
section twenty-four (21) ( ) of nrtlc-fi nvc (5) ( )
of tbu Constitution of the State of NMirnsUn ,
relating to competiBatlon of the oHlccrs ot tbo
exccutlvo department.
llo It resolved nnd enacted by the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska-
Section J That t-ectlon twenty-foiir (24)
of article five d ) of the Constitution of
the Slate of Nebraska be amended to lead
as follows1
Section 21 The otllccrs of the executive
department of the state gov. rntne-nt sluill
rec-elvo for their services a ( ompens.itlon
to be est ibllsbed bv law. which Hhnll bo
neither Increased nor diminished during
the term for which they shall hue ; been
commlxflotud anil thev shnll not receive
to thcli own use any fees , costs. Interests ,
upon public moiieyn In their hands or
under their contiol , pciqulnltcs of otllco or
ither compensation , nnd all fees that may
tiereafter be payable by law foi setvle-is
performed by an ollb'c r provided foi In
thl ' to shall be paid In advance Into
the stain treasury The leglulatiiie shall
at Its first session after the adoption of
this amendment , three-fifths of the mem
bers elected to each house of the legisla
ture concurring , ittabllsh the salaries of
the olllccrs named In thin aillele The
compeiiH.itlon so established shall not be
chanced oftencr than onee In four years
and In no event unless two-thirds of the
members elected to each hotmu of the leg
islature concur therein
Approved March 21 , A. D. IS03.
A joint icsolutloil proposing to amend
section one (1) ( ) of article six ( G ) of the Con
stitution of the State of Nebraska , relating
to judicial power.
llo It ii-Holvcel and enacted by the Legis
lature of the State of Nchrn kn :
Section 1 That section one (1) ( ) of article
six ( C ) of the Constitution if the State of
Nebraska be amended to read as follows :
Section 1 The Judlclrl power of this state
shall be vested In a supreme court , dis
trict courts , county courts , justices of tbo
peace , pollco miiKlstiates , and In such
other courts Inferloi to the supreme court
as may bo created by law In which two-
thirds of the mcmbets to each house
Approved March 23 , A. n 1S35
A joint resolution pioposlng to amend sec
tion eleven (11) ( ) of article six ( C ) _ of the
Constitution of the State of Ne'braska , re
lating to Increase In number of supreme
and district court Judges.
He It rcsolvcel nnd enacted by tbo Leg
islature of the State of NebrisVa :
Sectlu.i 1 section eleven ( U ) of artl-
clu hlx ( C ) of the Constitution of thu State
of Nebraska bo amended to read ns fol
lows :
Section 11 The legislature , whenever two-
thirds of the members ile-ctcd to each house
shall concur then In , in y. in or after the
year ono thousand eltjlit hundred and
nlnr'y-seven and not oftencr than once In
every four years , Increase the number of
ludgcs of supreme and district lourts , ami
the Judicial districts of tlie state. Such
districts shall be formtci or compact terri
tory , and bounded by county lines ; and
sucn Increase , or any change in the
boundaries of a district , shall iot vacate
the olllco of any Judge
Approved March 20. A. D. lS9j.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section six (6) ( ) of article one (1) ( ) of the Con
stitution ot the State of Nebraska , relating
to trial by Jury.
Uu It resolved and enacted by the Leg-
Ulaturo of tbe State of Nebraska
Section 1 That section six (0) ( ) , article ono
(1) ( of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska be amended to rend as follows :
Section C. The right of trial by jury shall
remain Inviolate * , but the legislature may
provldu that In civil actions live-sixths of
the Jury may render a verdict , and the
legislature by also authorliu trial by a
Juiy of n less number than twelve men ,
In courts Infe lor lo the district court.
Approved March 2 ! > , A. D. . 1S3S.
A Joint resolution proposing to amend
section ono (1) ( ) of article live ( C ) of the Con
stitution of Nebraska , relating to olllccrs of
tbo executive department.
Ho It resolved and cnaetid by the Leg
islature of the Kttito of NihniHka.
Section 1. That seetluii tuio (1) of arllclo
five ( D ) of Constitution or the blato
of Nebraska bo amended to read au fol-
Se-ctlon 1. The executive department shall
consist of a governor , lieutenant governor.
Bccrctary of elate , auditor of public ac
counts trc-usimr , siiperliilendint of public
Instruction , attorney s.cnfjrnl. commissioner
of public iundJ and buildings mid three
railroad commlssloneis , each of whom , ex
cept the said inllrotid cimmlBsloners , shall
bold his olllce for a term of two yearn ,
from the Hist 'Ihurnday after the first
Tuesday In January , uftci his election ,
and until his mieciBHor Is elected and quail ,
fled Uach rallioid commissioner shall
hold hl < f ofllce fur a tirin of thre-o y am.
beginning on the first Thtirmluy after tliu
ilmt Tin fiday In January after tils election ,
and until bis uscKSHor Is elected and quali
fied , Provided , however , That at thu llrat
general clictlon held after the adoption
of tlilii amendment there shall bo elected
thrro railroad commissioners , ono foi the
period of out ! year , one for the period of
iwo years , and onu for thu period of thrio
years. The governor , m-crc'tary of mate ,
auditor of public accounts , and treasurer
shall resldii at tbu cnpltol during their
term of olllce ; thny shall keep thu public
records , booku and papers them , and shall
perform uuch duties au may be required by
Approved March 30. A. P. , 1833
A Joint rmoluUou iiropoaluc to amend sec-
lion twenty nit (2fl ( ) nf article five (5) ( ) ot tli *
Conntltuilou ot the Sidle of N'ebrankn. limit ,
ItiK tbe tiumbfr of exoi-uilve slnte oniccrs ,
i.i".1,1 1 r01.N d and ( iiacmd by the I.e'ff-
MnlMii . "t 'i1..0 ' ? " 11" ot NebrnKka1
Hectlim t .
wuloii twiiity xlx ( M ) of
fir1,1'10 VJ } M "t the Communion of the
follow * N"r" ' l < ll nmrtided to tread aa
Seilloli Sb No olhei executive Male offl-
ori-s exe ( pi those iinmid In neettciii one U )
Of this nillelo nhall be created exu-pt by
nn net of the IcRhlalure wblih Is eoti-
ruired In bv not lew tlmn tinee fourths
of the inemberH elected to each housit
the icof ;
Piovlde'd , Thnt nny olllce rienlut bv an
net of the IcRlHlalure may be abollhed by
the legislature , two tilt-els of the members )
elrrtnl lo each hoiiw tbeirof eoneuirlng.
ApptoVcd Match 80 , A D , 1S > 1
A Joint resolution proposing to amonJ
section nine ( Ol of article plght ( S ) of tbo
Cointllutlmi of th * State of NebraiUa pro-
UdliiS for tbo lineitineiit of the permanent
educational ftiiuU ot tbe state
He It li-Molvcd aiul enueteel by the L c-
taint me of the State of Nebraska
Hiitlciii 1. That m-etlon nine fO of aillcla
fliTht ( S ) of the Constitution of the State
of .Sebraska be aminded to read as foJ-
Kovllim ? All funds boloiiKlng to the sfftto
for educational purpnurs , the Int.'rest ntiel
Incomewhendf oiilv are to be um.d. shivll
be deemed truct funds held by the state ,
and thu slate nb ill supply nil lotim s there"
of Unit mav hi nnv mnuiiet accrue HO that
the tame shall tunnlii forever Invlolato
and uiidlmliilMlicil ami mil not be In
vested or loaned evupt on Vrltcd States
or state sicurltles or iiKlKt > d county
bonds or reglMeied sclioel ell iiut tioiidt
of state , iinel sui h riiiuts with the
Interest and lii-ome thereof , m lure by
solemnly pl 1r < d foi ( he puipcwis for
tv hli it thc-v inn cninted and set ap irl and
shall not bo ttansferred to any otlur fund
for other uses ,
Piovldcd , The bcnrd created bv etlon
I of this aitlcb N cmpcivvered to sell fteun
tlmn to time nny uf tlie Hccmltlis be loui-
Ing to the irinvinent selmol fund nnd In-
vist the piocevds arisliiK thctifiom tn auy
of the socuilllcs enumeiatid In this pee
tlon bearing a higher late of Intel , st.
whenever an opj ortunlty for belli r Invest
ment Is pro-end d.
And provlilid ftnthcr , Thnt when any
wniniit upon the st ito trcasiiici legu-
Inrly Issui d In puriirinee of an appinprl.i-
llou by the lei-lslatuie and Hcruml by the
l vy uf n tafur Its p.iymcnt , Kb ill bo
pleseiited to the state tiensuier for pay
ment , and thete s'lall not be any money
In tl-e prop , r fut.d to puv mil li w.initit ,
the boird eie Keel hv nellon 1 of this arti
cle mav dliect Die Mate tlemninr te > pay
the aincuiiit ,1uc on such wnriniit fiom
moneys In his hinuls bdoiieltig to the pe-r-
inanent reliuol f md of the state and ho
shall bold .ald wun.iit nn an Investment
of snld pernuiiient He hoed fund
Appiovdl March 21 A P , H'i3
A Joint resolution proposing an amend
ment to the Constitution ot the State of
Nebraska by adding a new section to artlelo
twelve (12) ( ) of said constitution , to be ntim-
betcd section two (2) ( ) , relative to tbo merg
ing of tbo guv eminent of cities of tbo
metropolitan claa and tbo government ot
tbo counties wherein such cities are lo-
He It resolved aril enacted by the I-cg-
Islaturo of the Stale of Nebraslta1
Section 1 That m Ileie twelve(12) of the
Constitution of the State ot Nebiiuka. bo
amended by addlm ; to said article a new
Pectlon to numbered section two (2) ; to
read as follows-
Section 2 The government of any city ot
the metropolitan class and the Kin eminent
of tlie county In which It Is located may bo
merged wholly or In p-irt when n pioposl-
tlon so to do has hern submitted by au
thority of law to the VO'CIH of such city
and county and rccelv d the a senl of a ,
majorlU of the votes east In such city anil
also a majority of the votes cast In the
county exclusive of theme east In aucli
metropolitan city at such election.
Approved March 20 A n ISM.
A Joint resolution pinposlm ; nn amendment
to sictlon nix ( G ) of article re\en (7) ( ) of the
CoiiRtltiitlon of tbe State of Nebraska , pre
scribing tbo mannci In which votes fcliall
bo cast.
He It resolveel and enacted by the Leg
lilatuie of the State ot Nebraska-
Section 1 That section sK ( u ) of artlelo
seven (7) ( of the Constitution of tbo State
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
lows ;
Section 0 All \otes shall be by billet , or
such other nu thod ns may be prescribed
by law , provided the- secrecy of voting bit
prcse rvid
Approved March 20 , A D , 1S93.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section two (2) ( ) of article fourteen (14) ( ) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska , rela
tive to donations to works ut Internal Im
provement and m.mufncturles.
He It resolveel and enacted by the Logli *
lature of the' Stale of Nebraska
Section 1 That section two (2) ( ) of artlelo
fourteen (14) ) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska , be amended to read a *
follows :
Section 2 No city , county , town precinct ,
municipality , or other subdivision of the
stale , shall ever in ike donations to any
vvcrks of luteiiml Impiovern nt , or manu
factory , unless n proposition HO to do shall
have been llrat submitted to thn enialinccl
electors nnd ratified bv a two-thirds vote
at an election by authority of law ; Pio-
\ldcd That such donations of a county
with the donations of such subdivision i In
the aggregate "hull not exceed ten pi r cent
of the asscKSe-d valuation of such county ;
Provided , further That nnv clly or county
may. by n three fourths vote Increase such
Indebtedness live per cent lu addition to
sue h ten Her cent and no bonds or evi
dences of Indi btediiesn ho Issued shnll b9
valid unless the sume shall have endorsed
thereon a certificate signed by lln see ro
tary nnd audllor of state , show Ing that
the sime Is Issiud puisunnt to law.
Approved Man h 9. A D . ISM i
I , J. A Piper , secretary of state of tli
state of Nebrauka , do hereby certify Ibat
the foregoing proposed umci dnicnts to tbo
ContUltntlou of tbe Stain of Nebraska art )
true and correct copies of the urlelnal en
rolled and engrossed bills , as passed by tbo
Tnenty-fouitb session of the legislature of
the State of Nebraska , as appears trom
said original bills on file In this olllco , and
that all and each of said proposed amend
ments arc submitted to the qualified voters
of the state of Nebraska for their adoption
or rejection at the general election to beheld
held on Tuesday , the 3d day of November ,
A. D. 189C.
In testimony whereof , I have thereunto
set my hand and afllxcd tbo great seal of
the nlate of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln , this 17th day of July , la
the year ot our Lord , Ono Thousand night
Hundred and Ninety-six , of the Indcpend-
cnco of the United States the One Hundred
and Twenty-first , and ot tills state tb
Seal. ) J. A. PIPKH ,
Secretary of Statft
luc 1 DtoN'ovS morn onlsr.
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