TITE OMATTA DATLV BEE : OCTOBER 12 , 1800. toitrr. ic > n to ho overgrown nm\ \ tent , ttnJrr fnlin ro iMructlonn anil pt..f tleal abuses in tlio ftilmlnutr.tllim. "I nin obliged to yon fnr the favorable manner In which jmi uprnU of m > me of ny Into public mcflfturoi , wlilch Ilif pure nnil In trlnxlcrtlly valuable nmtcrlnl of tlif useful nnil luatitlfiil prevent you tender Rlvcs occa Ion to Intro luce , on you teem to think , not Inapll ) Tim usofi.l nnil ornamental pur poses to which gold can be applied arc thf properties that give | t real value and render the demand for It universal. Thin , with other peculiar qualities , has mndo It In all Wi ! , throughout the world , the ntnndnrd of value Thorp Is no fraud lit sold , like the honest principles of the foundom of our gov crnmc-nt , who declare liy constitutional pro- vlilon the precious metals to bo the only money of the republic , It Is unchangeable , and will do Its olllcc well everywhere and at nil time i , no Alchemy can multiply It no chaitfred pi Iv lieges can KVP ! sudden an 1 iinst'i n oxpaiutlon or contraction to UP nmount Nnturu has sot limits and labor Imparts MI Invarlible vnlun to It. It \ then fore , the Iruo representative of the prim IplcH of Justice ami equality which HhouliI enter Into everything that cpcraltH on our Institutions , anil should bo ever In sisted on by the Industrious clnssrs as the nctunl circulating mrdlum to bring contin ual ! ) to the test every species of ( redlt cur- rcnry , and to supprtM the Hpurlous papal system , rftlnii on no HO ! Id basis , nnd giving hlrth to fnnds and slock Rambling ; which tends a ninrh to estrange our people from honest and useful pursuits , and our leglsli tlon from that prlmltlvo pitilotUm which was onro entirely dliected to foster them "Accept the assuiance of my rcul'cuti Your most obedient sen ant. "ANDRUW JACKSON. " "The Itov. A. 3. K. .McCallnm. " si\v\ii/s : MIIMJI > I.NCI : . AMouiidliiLC raliiAsHiTlloni * In His liottcr of Ai'i'ciiliine'e. New York Hun ( 'lorn ' ) > r. Arthur Sewnll , In lila letter ncct.pl- 1ns the popociatlo nomination lor the % .lco presidency , tnnkos this iu > touuillng declara tion. " \Vo arc told that the country has pros pered mull r the present monetary stand ard , Hint Its wealth has enoimously In- rreased Gi anted. Hut In whoso hands ? In the hands of the tellers , the producers , the fanners , the miners , the fabtlcatois In tlio factories iho cteators of the nation's wealth In pence , Us defenders In wnr ? IIn\o tlmy the piosptrlty which WUB theirs so late ns even twenty jcais ago ? I deny It. They iloiiy It None nillrm It save those whose Interest It Is to do HO , whoso pioflts would diminish ns prosperity rettuns to the on vhoso dlstnss they thrive. " Mr Scwnll presumes too murh upon Iho Ignorance- the publle. Facts on record prove that contrary to his denial , wealth lias accumulated dining the last twenty years In tlio hands of "tho tellers , the jjro- ilurorH , the farmers , the mlncis , the fabricators caters In the factoi lis , the creators of the nation's wealth In peace. Us defcndcis in war " Take first , the fnr met 3 , on whoso behalf , mainly , the present crusadu against honest money and In favor of a debased slandaid of value. Is conducted. The census of 1S90 gives these proofs of their progress In wealth sliuc 1S70 : Ni of Value of lmp'eniptn rnrnm I.mul finui etc " "to ivro 2 & . ! W $ 7 itn in ova JMI SIIJ.TJJ 1SSO I IJM 107 Id 117 0Hi ! 77l > 40 < i i20 OVi IkDO I V.ICII 1327J2.JCID < DI.7I7.4C7 Hero Is an addition to the \nlno of the farms of the country of one-third since 1SSO , and of six-sevenths since 1S70 The value of farming Implements nnd machinery lias llkcwlso nenrly doubled since 1STO , and has Increased one-quarter since ISM ) . The savings bank returns show a similar result In the enso of the workers for wages In faclorlis nnd elsowhcre. Not only have their wages risen , but. owing to the re duced cost of the necessaries of life , they hnvo been enabled to save and Iny up hun dreds of millions of dollars Statistics for 1870 am wanting , but the reports of the comptroller of the currency for the ten years from J88r to Ic9.r. show ns follows : hnvliifts No of AA crust' Minim IVtiAMture DtiwHH l > e [ > oslt IMS i a on r.i ti or , i-i m t3. . r ISM 1017 4 STl/.H ) 1 S10.M7' ' Jl 37136 Nothing but sheer Impudcnco will enable n mnn to deny the force of these figures and to keep on asserting that the tellers of the country bn\c not been getting a fair share of the fruits of their toll. I.ICIIT AMI HllKillT. ITirlom LifeMiss Donitliy Curious thing , that nev. Mr. lllckn should iimiry hit typewriter. The ltl\nl I'nrson Had to She know where ho got his ser- monH. Chicago Tribune : "Get out , vou brute' " mivuKoly Hhoutc'd the ilogcntolirr to the lone lom , doiol.itc eur tluit w.is Hiillllng hungilly nt the w.igon In which were Im prisoned Imlf n tlorcn or more valuable pugs and poodles on their way to the dog pound New York Hernld : "You say you got even with that stingy relative of jours bv- Klvlng his lioy u bleyelo ? How Is that ? " "Don't jou see. 7 It'll cowl him more to buy tin ) extras than r paid for the wheel. " Chicago He-curd : "Why do you hnvo a concealed nirhcstra In your theater ? " " \V eouhhi't afford to have our musicians Ideutllled und butchered on their wny home " Truthlie Mnn ptopoies what's the rtHt of that quotation ? She Wo.nan ac cepts. Washington Star : "Do.in * Bpen' too much time play In' do banjo onless yoh'H KW Inter in.iku a lius'nesH ob U , " said Unelo niwn 1 Pe man tl.it pn > a too much 'tcntlou ter little cumpltshmentH nlu1 likely tcr 'tract notice fob big achievements" Atlantii Constitution : "What onico nro you after thl tlruo ? " "None at nil. " "Then what are you running for ? " "Uecuuse 1 don't want to bo conspicuous. " Detroit Tree Press "Has you husband lieen Mti.iiplng any this fall ? " ntiktil the t.indldate unxlously. "No , Hlr he ain't. " answered the good woman "He' dug his potatoes and stacked his corn but ho ain't goln' to Htumpln' till nfter plot tlon ; the stun.ps tome out easier nfter It's frozen. " Washington Star. " "Has Willie Olggs a responsible position7" asked one glil. "VoV replied the other. "In ono wny. Ieiy tlmo his pinploycr rings u bell IIO'B expected to respond " Chicago Tribune"Have \ou any goad substitutes for coffou ? My doctor bays I must quit using the genuine" "Oh , jes , wo hn\e sovornl excellent and wholesome substitutes for the geiiulno nr- tlfle " "Well. gt\e mo n pound of what you con sider > our very best" ( In a wbliper ) "Jamen , Inlng me a pound of that 'puio ground Java. ' " Tim novi'laml IIcrnM AHs1 you niy that wo must pirt , That you can never wed with mo ; You s.ij another claims your heart ; Ah ! would. Hweot one , that I woio ho. Hut. nlnco I e iniiot elnlni you mine , Oh , pijthfe , giant mo just one thing ; I'll piomlse not to mope 01 plno If you'll roluin my diamond ring. TIM : PIPTI I'uii CI\ OlilrnKO 1'ost A hnlf n pounl will ba a pound , n half n dime u dime ; A half a ' uf will bo a loaf , n Hlnglo line u ih > me ; A half a mm will bo a man or that's nt least the aim- Am ! Imidly half u platform now Is giving Hrj.in fame. A half n xoto will bo a vote , a broken hluda a knife ; Tlia populist will bo content with only half n wife And , rurylni ; out the theory , will live but half n Mfo. Well HittiMikul iho wlillo to call n slnglo stop a II fo A half a book will bo ix book , just no with dollar bills ; YVo'll cut a coffee mill In half to muko two coiTeo mills ; A half .1 waist will bo n walxt , from which you oiu-Jit to guess The queer iffeet free HlUer'll have upon our atylo of dro.s.s , A half a kiss will bo n kiss , ono room will be. a ttat , The alley kitten then will bo n costly mal- IPHO cat : An Inch of ribbon wo will call a full-nUed "picture bat , " And half a clmnco will bo a chance , but Ilryau hasn't that. P PIiiiIui ( [ ! [ | | Pulse of Western Progress , , | I' A ( Ircpnp representing an cast , rn syndicate , nan purchased the Oregon Hiitte 'pii nituiitpd nbout seventy mllps north of Ilock sprit. * * . In Trcmont county , on Rwpotwater river , says n Lirmlo special to Iho Denvci Ncvvn. The property belonged to Tom Dunn. Charles O'Connor nnd A C farlaiip of llawllni nnd comprises about 5,000 acres Mr Greene nnd Colonel K I * . Snow of the Lnrmlo Mining Hxchnnge. Im bp-tn for norno tlmo past testlr.t ; the ground and nbout $1,000 lias been expended In this rk. Their Investigation 1ms led to the deal Jtiil cormummutPd. The owners of the property asked J1BOOOO for It but thp purchase prlco Is between $30000 A ml $100.- OOP , the etact figures not being given. A plpu line tvunt-l\\o miles long , with n cnpaclty of r.,000 Inches , will be constructed at once In order to work the ground. The Oregon Hutto plicer ground Is not n now dlmovpry. having been worked In 1818. and lennlim of the ditches are still to be found In what Ii known as Oregon gulch , ig.iln In 1T9 100 minors from Utah under took to work the ground and succeeded In building n ditch four miles long , but the Indiana sm rounded them , killed a mini bur and drove the re t away Save a llttlo donultory prexspoctliiK the Held has lain Idle ever MIIOP , though well known to be rich The svmllcato vvhleh has Jitit purchased the ground expects tn expend from $230,000 to $100 000 In Retting dltchea cut pipe lines laid ote but are confident ofnmonip ; rp- tilrn Tills la probably thp largest deal In mining properly over consummated In Womlng. TWIN LAKKS GOLD CAMP. Glov , Ing reports of the new gold cimp at Tivln Lakes are brought to the city by Mr Hugh K Williams , nays the Denver Times Mr. Williams Is as confident that the pros- liects In tha' district are destined to develop Into nilnoi which will malto It as famous ns Crlpplo Creek with the- next two ) cais He has brought with him n number of speci mens of ore that have been taken out from some of the claims which asiny a fabulous amount nnd of which Mi Williams sis there Is nn InrxhiuMIMo quantity. Some of the specimens show free gold In vlilblo quantified which assay between $20- 000 and $ tonne to the ton These are unus ual ipe > linens but the avcrnge runs high In gold illver and load , and If It can enl ) bo mined In sulllclcnt quantities the future of the eiinp Is assured Some of the ore Is ex- nctly like the California white quartz which Is the principal kind found In thnt state The ere which Mr Williams has brought with him was taken chb tlv from the Huterprlse group , which ! located on the summit of Mount nibert There are several shipping piopertles. and the Gordon mine has yielded 5I > 2 000 this > ear at a shoit distance from the surface The little lee mine has been started up , nnd great icsults nro expected from this property Another group which piomlspn well Is thp White Star group , which for some tlmo has been tied up by litigation Work hns been golnp on on the Gordon mine for two yo.ira. but the other properties are of moro recent date. A deal Is on foot to sell this property , which. If successful , will have n stimulating effect on thp entire camp Mr Phllllpi , leprcsentlng n Now York coin- pan ) , has commenced driving a tunnel through the mountain vvhleh will bo nbout " . 000 foot in length The Mountain Quail property Is ono of the piescnt shipping mlnto In this region , nnd It Is said that the ere la yielding about $900 to the ton nt n depth of forty-eight feet Mr Williams Is n co-pnrtner with Mr P W Dargln In the ownership of the Enterprise group , and Is confident that It Is destined to bccomo as well known as any of the large mines of the older camps The average value of the ore which has been taken out up to date Is 40 per cent lead , 22 per cent silver , and nbout the ounces of gold to the ton Mr Williams states that he and his partnei traced a vein for -I.BOO feet In length , which shown that there Is a Burflclcnt quantity to encourage development work. FOIlTUNnS INLASKA. . Alnskn papers contain Information of new nnd valuable finds of pold bearing ground on the Yukon , at Cook's Inlet and at Ber nler's bay , saa n Tncoma special to the San Francisco Chronicle The latest icports In dicate that Cook's Inlet will ) ct become an Important mining field , though gold inns' be dllUcntly searched for by experienced miners. J M and A I Thompson. Wisconsin miners , returned to Juneau from the Yukon. They mndo n tour of the lilrch creek dig gliiR3 In July , and found that Mastodon and Dcadwood gulches were yielding heavy clean ups They will give the best results this ) ou of an ) of the Yukon mines , making most of the miners working the-m Independent ! ) rich Many of them will come out next ) ear with $10.000 tn $15,000 The large amounts of gold which they saw led them to believe thnt this was true. In the gold diggings wages nro the same ns last sensin $10 per day. On Ragle creek , owing to the necessity for packing pro visions over another mountain divide , miners are paid $12. A boom la on nt Circle City. Miners are beginning to eomo In from the surrounding camps for the winter A great majority t > f them have done well this sum mer , and on account of the development work expect to find large quantities of gold dust next season. In August town lots worn selling for $400 Silver Tip creek , eighteen miles up Six Mlle , carries coarse gold and has been prof itably worked since midsummer Its trib utaries are being explored , with good Indi cations of success A third strike has been made on Now creek emptying Into Kanlk river , on the north side of Turmgaln arm Reports are ) ot meager , but scvcial claims there are known to be giving good results George Hach , superlnte > mlent of operations on the Horrible claim , Dornlcr'a bay , and George Smith made an Important strike two weeks ago They located ne.ir the Horrlblo a four-foot ledge of high ! } mlnerall/cd rock When otrlpped It revealed almost a solid mn ° s of rich sulphurots. Assajs run over $100 to the ton and the discoverers have refused ? 10 000 for the claim S II Cummlnger hns discovered at Chlg- nlk bay. on the west sldo of Cook's Inlet , an eight-foot vein of semi-anthracite coal It differs greatly from the poollgnlto coal at Coil bay Tests are being made to as certain Its value COAST LUMnnil TRADR. The moat Important Item of news In cargo shipping for some tlmo Is the recent chir- terlng of the steamer Woolwich to load lumber from the Tacoma mill for South Af rica , says the Tncoma NOTTS The vessel , which was chartered by the Llngham syn dicate Is now en route here from Shang hnl nnd Is expected to airlvo nbout the first of the month , although she has not been spoken up to date This Is the first strainer chnrtered by the 8 > ndlcato In nlno months. At the beginning of the trouble In fie Transvaal milto a lumber trade had been worked up with the South African states , the shipment last ) ear from the Sound being about 30000000 feet With tha commencement of hostilities and the con sequent shutting down of most ot the mines , the trnda has been at a standitlll. Mr LltiKham was arrested nt the'com mencement of the trouble for complicity In the Jameson raid and. as stated , the charter of the Wcolwlch Is the first move vvhloh the Kmllcatc has done since In regard to the cargo trade from the Sound the Northwestern Lumberman of a recent Issue saj.s that the lumbermen must for a niimbci of years mainly depend on a coastwise and forflen trade as outlets for their products Looking Into Iho future , It seems as If the dependence Is to bo n growing one Besides the California demand there Is the entire Mexican , Cen tral American nnd South American coast down to Patagonia which Is moro than likely to want moro lumber than In the pint There will also ba a growing de mand In South Africa , It already having attained largo proportion. ! . The Kngllsh and continental markets will Increasingly demand shipbuilding 'stuff , spars and other strong timber from the north Pa cific coast Then there nro the Asiatic countries and Islands to bo supplied , n market of vast extent and euro to In crease , Australia U waking to new llfo , having recovered Komenvlint from the de pression which began with the decade. . It U stated that the dmnaml for coast lum ber la again becoming qulto brlik , especially at Sdnoy , Thu wo nro able to forecast promising results to the business of handling forest prodti is In Washington Oregon and C.il Ifornh na welt ns In Itrltlsh Columbia . It In prohible thnt within flvo years the | coast operators will bo lens nnxlous to puMi their output eastward Into the In terior than they now arc , though there will also bo a growth of demand for fir , pruco , cedar and redwood In the coun try while foreign trndo Is developing. HNOIIMOUS K1SII HAUL A Port Town'cnd dispatch to the Pent tic Post-Intelllgisncer sas The catch of ail- mon In southwestern Alaska Is about 30 per cent of thnt of tait ) cnr , and Is about c < | iml to thp pack of the preceding year What U believed to have been the largest num ber of flih ever taken In n net at one haul was mide at Karluk this Mimmer In one haul 75000 fish were caught. The fish averaged about eleven pounds and the en tire catch weighed about 412 tons It Is almost InipoMltito for n person unfamiliar with fUhlng to realize the vnst pile of fhh In such a haul The steamer Afonnnak from Karluk Is land , which brought the news of the big day's catch nt Knrlnk. reports the follow ing catches at the various canneries Kar luk 170000 caies ; Chlgnlk bay , 4S 000. Fouth Km ! 24.000. Joseph Hume , Chlgnlk bay , 14.COO ; Pacific Whaling company , Chlnnlk bay , 21.000 , Johnson s cannery , Nushejek bay , 115000 , Cook's Inlet cannery , 33,000 cases. rORTY MILE I'LAYED OUT. On the last mall trip out from the Alasknr. Interior , says the Namlmo , U C. , J. L Anderson , who has spent a year and a half In the Port ) Mlle district , came down to Juiicau for the winter. Ho glvcM It as the prevalllnc opinion that the IWty Mile district Is practically worked out and that unless new and unexpected dis coveries are made , Porty Mile will cease xo bevof any Importance as a mining camp Ihero are. however , several creeks In the district which have never been moro than partially prospected and upon these depcndf the future prosperity of Forty Mile Chicken creek a tributary to the north fork of Forty Mile , has shown prosi > octfl of from 10 cents to $1 to the pin. with bedrock at from two to twenty feet below the surface and American creek with Its small tribu taries , nbout forty miles below the post , nro streams of some promise. Forty Mlle has lost most of Its population and Is a ver ) dead camp as compared with Its palmy dau Its glory has seemingly departed On Kagle creek In the Circle district early this summer $90 was realised from seven teen pans of dirt , and rich returns are an ticipated from claims located there. HORSD MEAT TOR EXPORT. According to Northern Pacific officials , n scheme Is nowon foot to put up horse meat nt Mcdora , N. D , for shipment In packages to Europe , sajs the Portland ( Ore ) Tele gram , If the governments on the continent can only be persuaded by the Washington authorities to remove their present restric tions against the flesh of the equine when done up In American tin Medora was the one-time habitation of the picturesque and now Immortal Marquis do Mores , and the seat of his attempt to slaughter cattle In his own abattoirs on tl.o prairie , and sell them by his own great retail sstem all over the country. Tim buildings ho erected arc still standing , and the plant Is In such condition that It could bo put to USD at short notice U will bo , > f the diplomatic relations already entered Into are successful. Horses on the plains , at from $5 to $10. arc not worth selling , and ) ot they are property too valuable to kill and too cxuenslvo to keep allvo. There Is now en route a trainload - load as an experiment for shipment across the water. Horse meat Is a common article with the poor of Paris , and the present tralnload Is destined for that market. Rates on horses are higher than on cattle , but If they can bo brought down , the experiment can bo conducted very successfully The horse canning business In Portland , which was Inaugurated last ) car with n flourish of trumpets as It were , and for which great success was predicted , failed utterly and the projectors are wondering now If they are ever going to got any money out of their Investment. The establishment down the river at Linn- ton hns practically done nothing except to manufacture fertilizing material for agri culturists. The llrst batch of horses which was brought In off the plains fulfilled all the requirements , and the meat was ex cellent However , there being llttlo or no demand for canned horse meat neither the establishments at The Dalles nor Llnnton made a fortune on the venture. Ono of the managers of the concerns who took n trip east said that In time they might succeed In building up a trade , but at present there was llttlo or no demand. THE DAKOTAS. The wheat crop In North Dakota Is only about one-third Us usual size. The Masonic Temple In construction at Aberdeen has a cornerstone that came direct from Jerusalem. Black Hills gold mines expect tn turn out altogether this year $10,000,000 In bullion. The aggregate of free milling gold ores for the year Is estimated at 030,000 tons , prin cipally from the Homcstako and associate companies. The low prlco of corn and the high prlco of anthracite coal Is llablo to lead to the use of a good deal ot corn for fuel In South Dakota this winter Already , In Sioux Falls , many people are giving orders for corn. It will give at once a cheaper fuel and help lu defeating the coal trust. Range stock Is not In qulto as good condi tion as at this tlmo last year In North Da kota The prlco Is low ; there Is an abundance of good feed for the winter , the herds were sold close last ) car on account of good prices , stockmen are in no haste to sell now , and shipments will bo less in the aggregate than lost ) ear. The South Dakota state fair held at Yank- ton came to a close with ono of the best records of any state fair In the northwest. To show horesemcn that the fair association would do ns It guaranteed the purses were paid within two hours of the time the inee was won Not a dollar of the expenses is left unpaid and there Is a snug mini left In the treasury. A petition wab presented to the county commissioners of Cass couuty requesting as- slstunco In securing control of the famous Hutto artesian well In the western part of this county. The well l.au never boon under control since It was bored , and shoots up a six-Inch stream of water ami sand thnt has ruined the farm , and the sand now cover * about fifty acres of land , varying In depth r&j * / , V ' ' : \ lifr- ' / 1/4 / * ' After It's all said and done and yon stop to think a little Utetu's not much use trying tit Kct carpets onlsldu u car pet store cai pets that you'll lllo after they'iu down carpets that look belter every time jou io Into the room then theie's the style iinestlon we deal In carpets ami by that means we control the styles. Omaha Carpet Co , Qnly luMvo jgjg Dodge from a few Indus t.i nli v feet A lake hns been formed over the re t of the farm , am ! the roadway Is three fH t under water AH the farm buildings have been moved and the sand has begun to spread over adjoining farm . COLORADO They are drilling for wells at Tlorcnco teas as great n depth ns 2,500 feet. At the Dig Chief mine on Alps moun tain , a recent shipment nhowed0 ounces of Rllvcr and ono of gold to the ton. High grade ere has been opened up In the Republic on Ouyot Hill nt Crlnplo Creek AFH.IJS nt fifty foot return from $30 to $1.303. The recent strike In the May Hello at Crip ple Creek shows n pay streak twelve feet wide , with ere grading from $ CO to $100 per ton. Italian miners hive opened up n rich vein of gold-bearing quartz In Deer Park , near Sllverton. The ansajs show over $5,000 to the ton. Ihomas CalMian , who Is working a lease near Lavvrenco , brought sonic specimens of ere Into Victor which came from a three- foot \ii ! > . nnd which run $400 to the ton Two lease owners In the Coppeiopolls mine onYst Asucu mountain are re ported to have struck a four-foot vein of pay ere and a six-Inch streak of uray cop- I or running Into the thoimnds. Some very rich ere has been taken from mm of Judge \V H Wiley's claims In the Halm's Peak district. At the surface It ran $28 to the ton gold , and the men are now In eighteen feet on a vein which assays nearly $50 to the ton. Many stakes have been driven on Speci men mountain In the Kstcs Park region Hero gold Is found In the least expected places and In very unusual formations The work on this mountain Is mostly being carried on by Denver capital. A remarkably rich strike was made n few da ) 3 ago In the PhoenK mining dis trict of Ollpln county , b ) James E. Sea born and his parti.-vV-ftMucd Stevens , both residents of Denver. The claim on which the find was made Is the Crown Point , located about flvo miles north of Apex , In the Pine Creek district and about one milo north of llouldcr Park. The owners have five claims , but have only developed the Crown Point. The shaft on this claim li but twenty feet deep , ami It Is estimated that In sinking that distance , from $3,000 to $3,000 has been taken out. WYOMING. Uawllns Is to have a public reading room. Wyoming cattlemen'ifro replenishing their herds from Iowa stock. Rawllns has a curfew law. All children under 1C ) ears of age are prohibited from being on the streets after 8 p. m. Assas from the Richmond ere at Cooper hill , made recently , show $117 SO and $10030 In gold to the ton. Ihc vein In the now tunnel Is about five feet , with a very rich streak of fourteen Inches. A large reservoir has been constructed on the Hurllngton compahy's claims , on Kelly creek , Johnson county The machinery for the reduction plant Is now at Clcarinont , from which place It will bo freighted by team to the mines. A freighting outfit c&nnHtlnR of fifty four- horse teams with Shoshone Indian drivers has commenced to haul the largo amount of freight stored at Casper to the reserva tion. The work Is about six weeks late In starting , owing to the largo amount of har vesting on the reservation Ranchmen In fronr-tho North Powder river report a tcrrlflojoxploslou at the steam sawmill of Chapman & . Co , on Hear Trap creek , n stream flowing Into the Powder river. The force of the explosion was so great that all of the ! mill machinery , ex cept the planing machine , was completely demolished. The holler was blown Into n trco , vvhcro It still rcnlalns. M. 0. Chap man and William Wardlow , who were work ing about the mill , miraculously escaped serious Injury , the force of the explosion being In an opposite direction fiom where they happened to bo working. oitnonN It Is reported that the government will put In the harbor lights In Coos bay as soon as the location Is decided upon. They will be four In number. Charles Sandoz will contribute toYasco j count's exhibit at the Portland exposi tion a squash that Is about two feet In diameter and weighs 117 pounds The contract for building a mill for the Columbian Milling company , on Krult creek , in the Cable Cove mining district , has been let nnd machinery for the mill Is on the way. way.The The Kort Klnmath creamer ) ' has made this season about 9,000 pounds of butter and four or flvo tons of cheese. During the season the supply of milk was fro.n 250 cows. The poles for the sixty miles of tclegriph line nro being landed at Warrcntawn by the Western Union Telegraph company , saa the Astorlan. That place Is to bo mndu 'he base of supplies of the entire line from the lower Nchaleni to Goblc The North Hend mill , on Cooi bay , Is sawing lumber for Guatemala , Central Amer ica. The lumber will bo shipped from Marsh- fleld direct on the Webfoot. This will make the third foreign shipment of lumber from the North Bend mlfl for 1S9C The eca gulls that were brought to Kcw- bcrg from the sea coast by the Hales bos arc now qulto domesticated They arc pretty much all mouth and have an appetite like a sausage grinder , so that with plumy of meat and fish they are well contented. The Milton Eagle sas that many of the strawberry fit-Ids about Milton are producing the second crop ot fruit now The other day George Kdwards picked six quarts of j tine , ripe fruit from his patch , and Mr I Maestrettl will pick a sample half crate for the Portland exposition Hop picking has been finished around Harrlshurg. J R Cartwright harvested 75.- 000 pounds , Charles Cunningham 10.000. J. Bartholomew S.OOO. and Dr Davis 3,000 pounds , this being about all that was har vested , wlillo last year the output amounted to something over 400.000 pounds There Is 9 bear In the neighborhood gf Coos City , which has been decreasing the number of hogs owned by Lester Smith to an alarming extent. Jlrnln dcvoloped an appetite for fresh pork early In the spring , and whenever ho makes a raid he goes the whole hog , and sometimes more. He has devoured seventeen nipiuhqrs of the porcine family , and there U nothing to Indicate that We have four on hand that piano deal ers can't Infill ID touch-tho Klmbitll tliu Krnnlck & llaeii tno llallet & Davis and that I astetn mtnlo piano that ex cites w ) much Intelesl they me the four best pianos made and aie acknowledged us Mich Uiu world over by all musicians. A. Hospe , Jr , Music mul Art. 1513 DoUgUlS liU desire for pork hfti been nppo.tnod. lie refines to bo I > lvmod declines to put hi * foot In a trap , and bcgi to IIP oxcu efl from hastening hit own death by Interfering with the meat attached by strings to the trig gers of a loaded shotgun The Cre i'ont City and Orinl's Pas tele phone people hnvo commenced tint construc tion of a branch line from Anderson's. In Josephine county , to the Shklyou Copper mpRiij's mine and thonro on to Oak Tint , on the Illinois rlvor , where i-viral com- pinle's own placer properties. The branch line will be about twenty mllen In length Pocket hunters operated on the mmintnlns back of Canyon City , tn Grant county , dur ing the summer , nnd the result of their Industry In shining gold amounted to sev eral thotnam ! dollars Their phn M to trnco the Mimll "stringers" of white' quartz until a "pocket" or rich spot Is found , vvhott the ) can easily pick and pound out n hand ful of gold 1'ot'r hunters , while hunting In the vicinity of Ashland on the Unipqua divide , came upon what thev hnvo good reason to believe Ii n mammoth silver quartz Iodse. ; The ledge Is fully 100 ) nrds wide , and how long they don't know. Mr. Hnidln , ono of the men. who Is a minor of wide experience. pronouncc'd the qtnrtz good for $1,000 or licttor to the ton , If It nssns nns'whero near what Us appearance would lend ono to con clude. WASHINGTON. The dam near Kills KHood's lolnv : camp , ncir Shclton. In Maion county , has lmr"t again and the damage this time la so greit thit the dim will not be ropilred. but nn extension of the railroad will be innile. At n mnss meeting of the business mon of North Ynklmn the other night It was determined to build a wagon road to the Cascade mountains a distance of eight ) mllca , In order to make North Ynklmi It * supply station. K C S'erllng. manager of the Hlowptt mlt-p sivs that he hns taken nbout $10- 000 from thnt mine this Eonran The nrp luns over the plates $ IG to the ton. Thcv arc preparing to use the oanldo procesi which will ral e the ) lcld to over $10 per ton Charles Orccnleaf killed a largo cougir on the Creamer plnco He wont nfter wr'cr and when ho saw the onlm.il he did not know what It was. When he got too close the boast turned on him , nnd follow CM ! him within n few ) ardi of his door , when Mr Greeiilenf got his gun and shot the beast Work will be begun sron on the old Pla- corlleld mine on the Columbia river , near the Colvlllo reservation The mine Is not a new one It was formerly owned by "Wild Goosr Hill" and others but these did not develop the prospect , because of n lack of water. In a'ler ) fnrs Chlnimen worked the mine dur ing the spring , while the snow from the surrounding hills was melting away , which furnished a sunll amount of water. Halng in Stevens county U over and biting U being finished by manv In near ! ) nil cases the ranchers Intend disposing of their hay at once , as It doesn't pay to hold It till spring Some held their hay lust year till the assessor came around and they had taxes to pa ) on It. They claim they could have received $9 , and some as high as $11 , and now they have to take $ S 50 per ton for I' . So. If they will sell now. they will save nil extra expense and get Just ns mucti per ton. Taken as n whole the fruit crop Tins paid exceptionally well this ) ear , savs the Ya- klnia Times About sixteen carloads of prunes have been shipped to eastern points , nc-- tlng In neighborhood of $10.000 The system adopted this ) ear In handling prunei IIPS been found highly satisfactory If one- grower did not have enough to till n car several would go In together , each one branding his fruit , and keeping all accounts separate. The work of rendering Into oil the carcass of the big whale captured near Tacoma last month Is nearly finished The work Is umicr the supervision of nn expcrltmced refiner nnd between 800 nnd 1,000 gallons will be obtained Portland nnd San rianclsco firms have made ofois for the refined oil ; the highest price offered Is 97 rents The usual prlco ranges from 03 cents to $1 35 The bone 1s expected to fetch $100 , and about $1.000 will bo realized , which , together with the amount made by exhibiting , will give the four men Interested over $ .100 apiece for their six weeks' work. L.IIAI Bernard , proprietor of the Hotel Bernard In Palouse. has purchased out right the Alaska. Stake nnd Defender placer claims. In the Hoodoo district , forty miles cst of Palouse , paving $ t COO cash , sas the Spokane Chronicle Tho-se nre the claims from which the tone Six company has been limiting a big cleanup during the scHson It Is the Intention to work a force of about fifty men through the winter strip ping pay ground , and to put In a hdraullc works In the spring. The former owners cleaned up. with pick and shovel , about $10 per day to tbo man The work of picking cranberries In the marsh at the head of the bay has begun In earnest sas the Ilwaco Journal , a large number of people , both Americans and Chinese , being engaged In the work It Is claimed that this ) enr's crop of the fruit will bo the largest which has been gathered for several seasons at this place , and If the froals hold off for a few weeks longer , a largo pack will bo shipped. The picking and cleaning of the berries Is a most In teresting process , and It is well worth a visit to the plnco to see the pickers nt work. Work on the new bridge across Bear river on the line of the nairow gauge near Colfax , Cal , Is being pushed ahead. Surface assas on Hard Trigger creek , about four miles from Warm Springs. Idaho , glvo $151 In gold and ten ounces silver. A great many more men than ever before \\ill. spend the approaching winter at Circle City , the metropolis of the Yukon region , Alaska , H Is reported that a recent discovery of copper has been made within thirty-five miles of Tucson , which Is not nlono very ilch but expensive Near Santa Ana , Cal , there are BOIIIO 1,000 acres now producing Lima beans , but the outlook for prices Is that growers will hardly cover expenses. State Line district , on the borders of Utah and Nevada , Is less than a ) ear old. but lias de-veloped a mine the Ophli for which an offer of $100000 has been lefubcd. An old Indian woman was bitten hy a rattlesnake while gathering plnonuts In the mountains near Hot Creek , \evada. and after suffering two day.- , died from 'ho ef fects of the bites. Another natural gas well has been com pleted at Like Shore , Utah , which regis ters a proatiuro of 253 pounds , and 150,000 fHit of gas from the new spouter Is now being turned Into the mains of Salt Lake City dally. Way hack In colonial times the fathem nuil xrandfathcrH of the men who are ) now milking Acorn stoves \\cru In the stove Imslness It's a generation of stove makers and there's no stove that comes nenic'r behiK perfection than the "Acotn OaU" which hums soft or haul coal and bums m-aily all thu smoKe with Us Htnuke commmer. John Hussle " ? Co 2407 Cumitig CONTESTING FOR A FORTUNE Long-Dnwn-Out Struyglo of tlio Jaus Heirs , CLAIM PROPERTY OF FABULOUS VALUE llaio Tlielr Content on liie llilllitHl. % nf n lleait linn to > > lmi a Dooil Heirs > niuefoiK UN Itie of tin1 eu. If the slRiii of tlio times count for any thing the AnncKe Juns heirs In this country iii-l Holl.md and the few others scattered on the outshlo will be up and n-dolnfc again In a shait time. The renewed ncllvlt } U now he-lug nwnketipd on the Pacific const. Thli > li became Oenernl W. 11 H. Hart of San l-'ranclsco has returned home from New York with assurances that the tlmo Is ripe foi another legil move. Oeneral Unit bases his allocations upon some decisions that he h.-u dllK out of Iho old court rccouls. He savs tint the supreme court of New Yoik In ISS7 In a decision provided for the division of the disputed property In twenty-tint- patents According to hli thi'oiy all the Annekc heirs will have to do lg to get after the coin to cany out the provision. As a llrst step General Hart proposed n reorganization of the heirs In a compact holy which shall work like n great big beaver. He ndvlsed that as soon na the organization H completed Hits body petition the couit to lew a 1 per cent assessment upon the property to settle up the Indebtedness and other expenses which have accumulated dur ing the je-ars of contest. As soon us the debt la cleared he avs that the heirs nil ! step Into their pioperty. This ought to be good now a for some pee pie In tliU city , because there me1 n number of heirs here , as there are In eveiy other city In this great country. U Is the fashion to bo an Anneke Jans heir If 0110 wants to be In the swim. If corpses luin over In their graves on account of the troubles thej caused by their brlof existence on enrth Anncko's couch is pretty well tumbled She must have hnd verv prolific blood In her veins IiniltS AHi : NUMUItOU1 ? No ono has over tried to c-alculato the number of Annekc's desceiidnnto She Is said to have seven or eight children and each of these had seven or eight. Seven or eight has been n good aveiage since An heir that had or has only four Is dls- graced and stands a good ohnnco of being kicked out. If , however , by any chance or mlschancc < . a genuine heir has only that num. her , so.no other heir usuallj stands read ) to make up the disciepanc ) b ) having four teen or fifteen. ' 1 herein lleh the trouble The prolific blood Is making too many heirs. Some of the heirs are looking foivvaid to the time when by Intermarriage everbody In the United States will be an heir , and It ma ) not oven stop nt that Of course , an ndnntage might be found 111 this thnt the very III.IHS of hells might stop the dispute by Inking forcible possession of the disputed hinds Hut on the other hand , with so mail ) heirs It would not seem likely that even a good part of New York would be able to give each moro than enough to bit ) a piece of pic , especially If free silver carries This Is the secret of the attempts to get posses sion of the valuable propeit ) right away. If Anneku's heirs cannot bo counted It Is far more Impossible to estimate * the value of the property. It Is located right In the middle of Now Yoik , all about the plot upon which Trinity chinch stands. The ground In this vicinity has hocomo to valuable - uablo that no figures are placed upon It any moro U would take a small fortune to buy a sqnaro foot Aa there nro about sixty-two acres dnlmed. It will bo seen that the Anneke holrs were no fools In pickIng - Ing out the spot PAUTCD TIThC UNDKH DUIIKSS. There was a time when this piece of land could hnvo been bought from the noble red men for n good dilnk of whisky , but oven that was a long tlmo before Anneke cnmo on enrth Anneko was not really responsible for all the trouble. It was In reality her flisl husband who had the pull with the government , for the land was deeded to him ns n farm. After the death of this good man and her second husband , the land was turned over Into Anneko's nnnio ns the widow. When Anneko was Dually laid nwny with her forefathers the land was divided among the eight children she had. All this occurred In the e'arly part of the seventeenth century , when Now Yoik was New Amsterdam and was only a speck on the face of creation Three ) ears after the grant was con tinued to her children the Island was cap tured by the English , nnd a little while afterward , under duress or otherwise , the children , excepting one , conveed the prop erty to Governor Lovelace , as a private In dividual. The cxioption was ono of An- noko's second husband's sons , his name beIng - Ing Hogardus. Ho couldn't deed over the property , because ho was In his grove , and hnd been thcio for some ) ears Two years afterward the Dutch captured the city again , but n jear later the Kngllsh got their clutches upon It ngaln , nnd held It until the United States ousted them Hut when the English got back the ) sobcd the dis puted property In behalf of the crown , Ig- noiIng Lovelace's ownership Years after ward the propelty was ionvecd to Trinity church , und Its title wzs confirmed In 17SO , when the lent was extinguished. HOGAHDUS CAUSHD TIIK TUOUHLC. The trouble was caused b ) llognrdus , be cause if he had not been dead ho would probably hive ( imveed his section of the land to the English with the test , and there would have been no AlincKo Jans licit H Hut ns he was dead an a door nail at the tlmo It would not bo fall to accuse him of belli , ; responsible The circumstance , howovel , furnished an excuse for the first litigation , when the third descendant of Hogaidus in 17-41) ) began the first suit , on the grounds that the property was obtained from the crown by misrepresentation The plaintiff was nonsuited , and some moro BIIIIH were begun In 17CO , lf > 07 , 1830 , 1834 nnd 1817 In the Intter ) c > nr It was decided thnt Trinity church had a valid possession of the propert ) This deohion hnd llttlo effect upon the heirs , however nnd as tlmo progressed they worked harder nnd hnrdor to get hold of the property. At the present tlmo regular associations hava been formed In the larger cities and sections of the country , with this object In view. Iho American hclra arc A man will KIMH ] ) tit most when lie's In ( liiiK'i'r-H' ; 1m tliiul'H lil. < i'.vcH are Klvlng out lie may ln tuhi'ii In by M > IIH > fnlvc optical ik-partinunt but liu won't liu If lie liuinltt'H unions liU frli'inlh-Hicy all know tw know that vvo lit KhlHhl-H to till' KlKllt I'.V ' Ht'll'lltlllU niutlioilhilon < ! i > y an opm optician. Aloe & Penfolcl Co * 1408 Famam U | HK to luuomo conncTied with thouc In llollnnd , who , In addition to thn Trinity chtirrh pruprrt ) , me snld to be rmlcnuirliiK to KOI hold of nbotit JfO.006,000 of Antirko tans1 monc > in Holland banks Tlioro weie times wluu the contest was not ns peaceful n It Is now Once a pnru of wiuntters hunted on the pioporty nnd weio not dlnpoMcoful until n llttlo war had ln'on founlit out. r.vi'p.ttiMi INTO \ \vinnit PIIM.H. Mr * , t'enlllf I.cnii't Minn Prli-nilN lie- lit ml Her In Oiniilin. In the renwnl of Mr < Kill W. 1'enttU from tills city to ChUago , which hxa bien nntiouncetl bj her to take place October II , the Woman's club will lese n member am ) olllcer who has bcpn one of Its roronnl/rd lenders , as well as an IndcfatlKitble worker In lltcMrj nnd other fields In ms Mr , It. II. I'eiittlc. lunband ol Mrs 1'enttlo , cnnir to thU city fiom rht- cn D In n spano to .1 call to take tliari ; of the Onishn Ileinld In this capaittv ol matiaglnR editor A femonttu later ho was Joined by his wife who decided to m ika Omaha her home , nnd journalism being her \ocatlon at thnt timeo \ eon lucnmo nn edltotlnl writer on the Herald staff Thli position was held by Mrs 1'onttlo for nboul a year , or until the Herald ihnuged o\M r- shlp. Mrs 1'cattle's Hold of labors was then considerably lnc-rca d by the addition of a Inrgo nniount of fentuio work or "spuhiN , " as they nro called In nowspapir parlance It was these stories , full of locnl coloilng nnd told with n wealth of dcsnlptlvc Ian- guiKi . which ilist Impipsspil Mrs 1'enttle'B prcsrncp upon the public mind of Omaha. Tor several > cnis previous to her removal from I'hlcigo she contributed aitl- eles to thp Chicago Trlbunr , short miign- rlno sketches to cnatern pel lodlcnls nnd later wioto 'The Judge. " a serial story which cnptuied n $1 0(10 ( prl/e offered b > the De troit Kree Triss Prom wr'tlng editorials nnd npccl.il nitl- cles Mrs I'eittle'n Held of literary lahois rapidly expanded Into the higher plane occupied by thp magarliics Her efforts In the newspaper line In the last few yours , or moio particular ! ) slneo her husband has "tpveiod his connection with the local cMablKhmcnt , have been confined to a column devoted to women , and through Its mi ilium MM. I'eattlo has talked to her feminine friends on a large variety of subjects Though busily engrossed of late jenia with the work of several charitable move ments , Mrs IVattle has ptinsmd her lltir.iry work vvltli unabated at dor and has suc ceeded bv hci efforts In carving out for her self a niche In the gnllery of contemporary Aim rican lletlon writers. Contributions to such m.iR'izlnca ns Ccnturj , Harper's , the Cosmopolitan and many smaller ones have erved to bring about this result , nnd her reputntlon , nt tlrsl onlj local , hns spread fnr bevond the conllliLS of Omaha. Of bet writings published In book form "The Moun tain Woman , " a collection of storks of west , prn llfo , has reielved f.ivornblo comment from critics across the water , than whom there are none better capable of judging " \\lth Script and Staff. " a juvenile storj ol the crusadts , Is cotisideied hv the author as one of her best , and has likewise been well rccelvtd by the public. Mrs I'entlle's spheie of u efulnens In Omaha Inoludis an active participation In severil binevolctit movements , promi nent among whlih was the Open Inor ) , an Institution for the care of abnndoned girls ; the ntato Humaiio society , the Associated Charities nnd otheis Iho field In which Mrs IVattlo Ina been the most prominently Identified however , dnrlni ; the last jeais of her residence hero Is that covired bv womin's work nud ad- vantenipiit In this connection lie was ono of the prime mover.s In the rcoiganlia- tlnn of the Women's club of Omah i which , had previously led an occasional sort of cxlKtcnce , dependent on the whims of Its numhurs. The club Is now unit of the largest In the state and Is a strong factor In the Stale I'cdctntlon of Women's Clulm. which , at the present dito numbers forty , with an aggregated monihomhlp of c OOt ) Mrs I'eattlo was clettt.il to the piesldentlal ( hair of the Oninha organlratlon In May of the current > ear One of tlia features of the State 1-Vitpratlon of Clubs , of which Mrs 1'iattlo has hi en a champion , Is that of the circulating library This department of the fcdepitloii has been established for the distribution of books to fanners' wives and Isolated women , who otherwise would bo cut off to n lar o extent from reading current literature Tlio library Is kept up entluly by the con tributions and money given by the members of the feiKrntlon and Is In a flourishing con dition " 1 shall leave this city with many re grets. " siild Mm. I'eattlo In speaking of her departure. "Omaha has been the B-OIIO tome mo or ninny nleasiius and has furnished the material for many friendships which a distance of COO miles will not destroj. The ntollectlon of the d.ijs spent In Omaha will never bo effaced from my memory I leave the tlty , not because 1 t'eslre to dose so , but moro particularly on account of the Intelests of my husband , which call us elsewhere. " Why throw away > our money for rvery new cough syrup , when you can buy that standard remedy Ir Hull's Cough Syrup7 SUM KiKlitliiK Wlii-ii I.IIH ! llenril l-'i-nm. KI3Y WiST. Ha , Oct II Hepoits from Ncuv Itas are to the effect thnt Oeneral Cas- tellanoi , with 2,000 troops , all armed , left 1'uerto I'rlnclpo October 1 emoire for Catl o , and was attacked by Insuigents Ho found exknitvo fortlflcitlons nfter having marched nine miles Into the jussa , and a Hharp cannonade - nonado iisulted General Casttllan'.i ciossed the river at Can Amaguaycan Ar- rlv Ing at the plantation of Los nstropaox , ho found himself pretty well surrounded by the Insurgc'iits , who were strongly en trenched General C.tstillanos use-d his ar tillery with considerable effect and the In surgents reslste I stoutj. ! 'I he insurgents at sunrise on the morning of October 5 mndo the assault on the Spni'lsh position. When reports were last received the combat , at 10 o'dock of the moinlng ol October d , w.ia Mill going on , with considerable less to both hides. Many lives of usefulness nave been cat short hv neglect to break up an nidlnary cold Pneumonia , bromhltls and oven co.i- sumption can be averted by tbo prompt II.SD of Ono MInute Cough Cure. HaiiUor Sonli'iiceil li > PI\i > Wur . CINCINNATI , Oct. -Jlldgo Tuft of the United States court sentenced William W. lloynton of the I'runklln ( O ) National bank to live years In the penitentialy for viola tion of the United StnteH bnnklng law , to which lloynton had pleaded guilty. The king of pills Is Deetham's Dectham's. FEIN PICTURED , PLEIASA.NTLAY AND POINTELDLvY PUT Misses' wet weather shot'S n. adapted for wet weather have heavy dull tfoat slock heavy holes we carry them In two qualities best misses' sixes .f'J.OO nc.\t be.st 1.7i"In misses' sl/.es not ! less vhcne Kct you starlet ! to linyliiK this shoe yon will hi > our cus tomer forever-as it Is a snro trad maker , Drexel Shoe Co. Farnnm