Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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    Til 10 OMAHA DAIliV fife "M"N"IAT. ( ) OrfWlM3K 12 * , 18J ) .
II lltwr.WATKIl. IMItor.
IMIhWlllinul ! ( Pun.U ) ) One Ymr..t S < *
n lljr HP mill Hundar. On Vv.r . ' ? 2 !
Blx Month" . * J *
Hire * M until * . J JS
Hun , Uiy live. On- \ > t . J ' g
Buliinlfl- Hoc Otto Y"nr . . . Jw
Wethlr l' ' . " > notar . *
Omnha : Tl.f l w DnlMlnf.
Hmitli Oitwha : Hliiyr 1 > < k. . Car. " nnd illh St.i.
Council muff * : 1 North Main mnvt.
CMcHto run : | J Clmmbcr of romnwrM.
N w York : III nmi 11 , 11 ittnl ft , Tribune UWrf.
WiiKhlngtuii : 1107 ! ' Stint , N. W.
All cuminHiilfRtl.-.n/i / ivl.ttltiR to nrwx alid # < H-
lorful mutter nhotiM lie niMr * > 1. To tin' IMItor.
All Uu'lnfK * 1'ttont ntt'l rcmllintioM rtioutil ts
flilteftmil lo liit ) ! ! < I'BliUnlilnji f.'iimi'.my.
Oinnlm. DmfU , rliratts nnd p < * Uirfli i > unlers tel
l j limit * imyiiMn In tlir unlrr nf t.i < - cntnimny.
TUI : iiKKM't'iu.tHinct COMIUKY.
STATIMINT : OF cmcui.\Tiox.
Stole of Nclirnskn , j
IouL'la County. . ,
a-nra < I ) . T/.wliuck , Mcrctsry nt Tli * ll * " 1'uli.
Ilihlne coininny. l 'Hm iliily Bwurit. civ * that tin-
nctiialniiinliiT .if full nnd mwflpl'to o"ili' | nf Tn <
Dnlly , Morning. nrenlm ; rtllil Stltulnir ll.e vrtntnl
rturlns the tnotilh nf HepI'mWr , lfjt < W * " ' W-
T.V. . M.C7J 16 . IMW
; . SJ S tl 17 . 20,187
3 . 21 * I1 IS . ] Jj [
1 . K.fcll W . * ? .
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7 . ts ir. sa . 2 .5js
9 . SiiIW 24
10 . SMIS
11 . J0.027 M
15 . . . HUM T
11 . * > WQ J
II . J03IJ 19
15 . SUB 3D
! , < deductions far unsold nnd returned
copies . . "
_ _ _
Tntnl net snips
Jfot dally nvnr.iito
nrojuii : n.
Swe.rn to Irtfore nu unit ml.i.-rllinl ! n my
lircxcnro this 1st day of Oelrlj r. I"M.
( Ronl ) * NMnry I'ulille.
Honest nii'ii give hoiu'stvorU for lion-
cst money.
You Iwvnift lu-nril n popo.-nit snylnir
a \vonl about FloHilu , IIMVO yon ?
If there must lie a combine hi Urn city
council , let It 1m a coinblnc for joe < l
nnd honest siiliiilnirilnition of oily busl-
Is Knrl Ilo ebory a bolter ? This ( i\ies-
tlon Is respect Hilly refi-rreil for reply
to the popoc-ratlo oracle on Hie .subject
' ' lee It demiiixled
I'lirt' Imperatively under -
dor the Duncan ordinance. IJut thu Ice
which the Tree silver party will cut
after November , ' < ' need not be subjuctud
to any chemical test.
The performance 'of certain councilmen -
men and members of the J'.nard of Kd-
ucatlon on the base ball and foot ball
Held Is like the burst of sons which Is
ald to Isiie from thu throat of the
lying Hwan.
Itryau Is to speak to womeji only at
Minneapolis. He iiil ht have advertised
a speech to men only and have been
wire that every woman would Impilrc
what was said at a moetlni ; where her
presence was barred.
The people of Nebraska know that
Hon. .1. II. MacColl will make for them
u reliable , safe and conservative chief
executive. That Is the reason they will
honor themselves by honoring him with
an election as governor.
Tlu > Ion ; ; legislative experlenee ( if Or-
liiinlo Tefl't gives liini pfenliar imnllll-
ciitlons ti ( preside over the senate an
lieutenant governor. Nebraska voters
will make no mistake when they east
their ballots for Orlando Tell't.
India will not be able to export any
wheat this year , so that our free coin
age know-it-alls will have to llml some
other explanation than India silver com
petition to account for the difference be
tween what Hie price of wheat Ls and
what they think It ought to lie.
"TluMiutlook for Itryan and free .silver
Is much better than It was ten days
ago , " writes Chairman Under of the
populist national committee. If so , Mr.
Kryau's outlook must have been dismal
Indeed ten days ago. for the1 improve
ment Is not perceptible to the naked
The popoerals say that they have no
fear of losing a vote to the candidates
of the sound money democracy , but It
Is to he noticed that they have not let
the opportunity slip by to Hie the pro
tests agalnsf the sound money demo
crats being accorded a place on the ot-
Hcial ballot.
If ( Jeorge Kreil Williams of Massa
chusetts should run across the blear-
eyed picture printed over his name In
Mr. T'.ryan's paper , the chances are it
would not take twenty-four hours for
him to trim his political sails , put away
his gubernatorial ambition and join the
republican licet once more.
Druggists , in their annual national con
vention , are again exercised over the
prevailing cut rales In patent medi
cines. Hut why .should the drngcists be
exceptions to the general rule that ban
made lower prices follow cheaper pro
duction ? If the medicine Is to go
down , why not also the prices ?
Mark Ilanna Is now the target for
popocratle vilification and abuse , lint
every republican campaign manager of
recent years has been subjected to sim
ilar treatment , and , notwithstanding the
fact that he Is not a candidate for oT-
llce , has been held up as a criminal
scarcely lit for the penitentiary or a
merciless savage without regard for
the rights of man or beast. It was so
with Xach ( . 'handler , Mathew Stanley
Quay and Thomas H. C'arter. The very
exaggeration of malicious attack. )
arc their own refutation.
The Hrst Installment of Mr. Hitch
cock's scheme to enlist the services of
thu sliver statcrt press In a protest
against the re-election of Congressman
Mercer , under threat of refusal of those
states to partlL'Ipalo In lh Transmfs-
slsslppl Imposition has arrived. As
everybody knows that these terrible
bogies have been hatched In the World-
Herald olllco In this city that paper
might Just as well print them at once
and tmvu Itself the trouble of clipping
them from other papers. The ruse Is
too transparent to deceive any one pos
sessing thu avuragu amount of. common
: ; i ; < v.i.v .IA ; < runtnntrinx.
I In a pnblle meeilnu hrld at Imllauap-
! ell fepti-ioliiM'tni a Mr. David * " ! ! , form
erly eniintvied with an Omaha tiermau |
paper extolled \Vllllitm .IcnnhiKs llr.u.n I
as the champion of personal liberty and j
' the Implacable foe of prohibition. Thin j '
i i portion of the Pnvtitwiti speech I * lie- t
| ins reproduced In the tlermaii free tll- ;
| ver organs for ' ' " ' immlfeat purpose of j !
influencing riermnn Americans to mip-1 ' ;
port the candidacy of Bryan. "Amerlkti , " ;
the lending ( Ji-rinnu Catholic paper of' !
th. < w " t published nt St. I.ouls , gives ,
siu-h great prominence to Davidson's
mterane s that we deem < ntr duty to
correct Its bold and unblushing mis-
At cording to Davidson the republican
legislature of Nebraska enacted a pro
hibition law In ISST which was to be
.submitted two years later to the voters
of the state for their ratlllcallon. The
chances for carrying prohibition were
very promising , and Its supporters con-
lldently looked to winning by a majority
of at least firi.DOn. "In those days. " says
the voracious PavMsmi. "the democracy
of Nebraska was very wak and poor
and counted but tor lit lie In Its politics. "
The situation appeared to lie desperate
for the opponents of prohibition , where
upon he ( Davidson ) was deputed to se
lect a capable man to carry on the cam
paign aglnst prohibition. "It seemed
desperately hopeless for us. " declared
.Mr. Davidson , "hut we did not wish to
throw the gun into the corn , to use a
Herman adage , and my choice was the
billllant young lawyer. William .leu-
nlnsrs liryan. who. without hesitation ,
assumed I ho responsibility to stump ( In
state and stamp out prohibition. He
was tireless In his efforts. He sought ,
as he is now seeking , to meet the enemy
In his own aliTiughoid. and broke down
onn bulwark after another. From that
lime on thu filiation Improved visibly ,
but i.'Vi-n up K ) ( lie very day of election
one of our loading brewers offered to
sell his plant for a mere song , for my
self 1 fell continent that we would beat
tin- enemy by at least : ! ( votes. To
do this we had 10 turn SS.OOO votes , but
It was done and the credit Is due ex
clusively to William .lenulngs i'.ryan. "
This historic reminiscence must cer
tainly be a revelation to the people of
Nebraska. In ihu Hrst place the re
publican legislature of 1SS7 onaeted no
law relating to prohibition. The legisla
ture 1ss : > did submit two alternative
amendments tn the constitution , one pro
hibiting the manufacture and sale of
liquor , the other to nutliurlxe the licens
ing of the lliior | tratllc. In the next
place the democratic party was at that
time stronger than It had ever boon In
the history of the state , which Is shown
by the fact that In 1SHO it elected Its
candidate for governor for the Hrst
NolMidy In these parts ever heard of
Mr. Bryan having anything to do with
the campaign against prohibition. Dur
ing tlie struggle in the legislature he
was never known to have uttered one
word In behalf of personal liberty or
against the submission of the proposed
amendment. When the issue was
squarely before the people he not only
did not deliver a single speech against
prohibition , but dodged the issue
throughout his own congressional cau-
vas't. In his own town of Mucoln he
was reputed to lie in sympathy with the
prohibition side , although his party had
in Its platform declared for high license
; fnd against the prohibitory amendment.
The fact that Mr. Ilryau today con-
tldontiy counts upon getting not less
than one-half of the prohibition vote In
Nebraska , as he also expects to do In
Michigan and oilier states , disproves the
fictions of Davir.fcon. Everybody hi Ne
braska knows that the campaign against
prohibition In IS'.IO was conducted by
The llee and its editor In conjunction
with prominent republicans and demo
crats without the aid or consent of Mr.
Bryan. If the editors of Amerka have
any doubts on that score let them direct
an Inquiry to Fred Meta of this city ,
who Is on the Bryan electoral ticket.
The next thing we may expect to hear
will be that some other campaign fabricator
cater \\lll claim for Bryan the support
of Catholics on Hie ground of ids cham
pion . . ) of their cause In the tight
against A. I * . Alsm in tlds city and state
a year ago. On that occasion the World-
Herald , of which Mr. Bryan was re
sponslble editor , championed the A. 1 * .
A. cause and did all it could to elect
the A. I' . A. candidates. Then , as in
( lie prohibition 11'-ht , Mr. Bryan played
hide ami seek and sought to placate hU
democratic anti-A. I' . A. friends by dis
claiming responsibility for the editorial
policy of tlie paper , which at that time
was absolutely under ids control. If
the editors of Amerka have any douhM
on that score , let them direct an inquiry
to Hon. T. ,1. Mahoney of Omaha , late
democratic candidate for supreme judge.
TIMIKX / Bri.votf. .
The. popocratic candidate habitually
cites past great leaders of the demo
cratic 'party in support of his cause ,
doing this with the same reckless dis
regard of truth which ho shows In his
referrnces to the views of republican
leaders , dead and living , .loffcrson and
.lackson , Lincoln , Blaine and Cai'Dcld ,
have thus bi'on shamelessly mlsrepre-
sciitef ' by Mr. Bryan ami it Is to be
expected that he will continue this sort
of thing until the cud of the campaign.
There is one of the democratic leaders
of the past , whose memory Is cherished
by all sincere democrats , whom Mr.
I'ryan has not , so far as we have c b-
siTVi'd , cited to bear testimony to the
democracy of the Chicago platform. This
Is Samuel ,1. Tllden. No one. we ven
ture to think , will question the democ
racy of Mr. Tllden or doubt that he
understood most fully the principles of
democracy. He was a democrat of the
old school , receiving his political train
ing from .lackson , Benton and Van
Bureii. The opinion of such a man cer
tainly ought to have weight with those
who have not utterly abandoned demo
cratic principles and di'ilded to reject
the teachings and precepts of the old
leaders of democracy who gave that
parly character and prestige.
Samuel .1 , Tllden was a pronounced ad
vocate of sound eurruncy. Tlie Haiti *
muru Sun polutu out that lu thu preil-
delillal caiivinst of ISIO ho exhaustively
dlMcuwd the whole question of currency
in Its relation to prices and wages. lie
was pleading , that paper says , especially
In the Interest of the farmers and the
wain * earners whom he grouped together
as "the productive classes , " for a stable
standard < > f values and a currency that
would not rob them of their Just pro-
Ills and earnings by rising In value today -
day and falling tomorrow. Mr. Tllden
declaroiT that "It Is the Interest of the
farmer and every other producer to
have stable and unllitptuatlng prices
for his productions , " and said :
An unstnble currency producing instability
in Imslnc-wi nnd prices. U peculiarly injurious
to the farmer. Neither Ids eihirntloii nor
Ills disposition accustoms him to watch the
bnromctur or the exchange. When ho hn * con
ducted his builnras with prmU'iico and skill ,
with n fanilllnr knowledge and sagacious
estimate of all the circumstances that be
long to it lie ought to bo safe. Ho ought
not to bo aubject to the tremendous aReiiry
of an unseen cause wulch may dUapimlnt
his wlspjt calculations anil overwhelm him
In sudden ruin. He oti lit to be secure In the
tranqulllty of his Orcaldo from thu curse of
an unstable nnd IlnctuatinK currency. words , as tlie Sun says , are a.i
sound now In their economic teaching as
when they were utteied Hfty-slx years
ago , and they are as far apart as the
poles from the doctrine of money Wil
liam Jennings Bryan Is teaching. "Mr.
Bryan believes Unit a tliictnatlng cur
rency , worth perhaps SO cents on the
dollar on Monday , 70 cents by Wednes
day and only W cents by Saturday ,
would be a great boon to the farmer
in marketing Ids crops and ids pro
duce and to. the wage earner In collectIng -
Ing his week's wages. " Samuel J. Tilden
represented to tlie end of his life the
best traditions of democracy , and in
no respect more than in his advocacy
of a sound and stable currency , the
value of which , particularly to the pro
ducer , no one knew imttcr than he. A
statesman of distinguished ability , his
opinion ought not to be without in-
Hueiice among democrats who still
cherish respect for the former great
leaders of their party and have not
been Infatuated and deluded by those
who. In a false livery , arc seeking to
usurp their places.
.ts m councili.\ .
For twenty-live years The Itee has. In
season and out of season , battled for
the right of every American cltlxen to
cast a free and nntrammeled ballot.
During all these years il lias opposed
every attempt on the part of corpora
tions or Individuals lo dictate to their
employes how they should vote and it
has denounced as iinamerican and 1111-
republican the coercion of worklngmeii
either by threats of discharge or black
listing. In contrast with those who now
seek to make political capital for the
cause of Bryan and free silver by crying
coercion. The Hco has always practice
what it preached. Of the hundreds and
hundreds of men who have been em
ployed by The Bee. not one has ever
been molested , discharged or
with discharge on account of bis po
litical views or action. On the con
trary , employes who have boon time and
again actively arrayed against candi
dates supported by The Bee are now
on Its pay roll.
Now. as always. The Bee is most de
cidedly opposed to political coercion In
any shape. It Insists that every wage-
worker who is entitled to the franchise
be left free to cast his ballot In accord
with ills honest convictions. Now , as
always. The Bee deprecates every at
tempt to Influence the votes of laboring
men except by showing1 them their true
interest as citizens and bread-winners. .
In defending the right of the workingman -
man to thu flee exercise of tlie suffrage
The Bee feels In duty bound to warn
them against the blatant demagogues
wlio are raising tlie cry of coercion in
order to arouse th ir resentment and to
blind them to their own interest in the
outcome of the present campaign.
There are times when the interests of
the workingmaii do not coincide with
those of his employer. In such In
stances it is Ids right as well
as his duty to light his own
battle by all legitimate means at Ids
command. But there are also times
when the Interest of the employer Is the
Interest of the wage worker. In such
case it would lie folly for the laboring
man to cut off Ids nose to .spite his face.
Tlds is the present situation. Ilecauso
tlie concerns that represent largo Invest
ments of capital and employ great num
bers of workmen In mills , factories and
commerce regard tlie election of Itryan
as ruinous to their business be
cause it will destroy credits
and unsettle values , Is there any
gooil reason why their employes should
deliberately vote for candidates and poli
cies that would damage their employ
ers and take the broad out of their own
mouths ? How can worklngmeii bolter
their condition by voting to cripple or
actually destroy tlie establlshme.nls
upon which they depeitd for employ
ment ? If the men who have Invested
capital In mills , factories or railroads
are earnestly trying to restore the condi
tions under which the country prospered
four years ago. Is It not rational and to
tlie inlerest of tlie worklngmeii to Join
with them and assure for themselves
and tlie country at large the speedy re
vival of good times and abundant em
ployment at fair wages paid In money
as good as the best In the world ?
A circular Issued by the Department
of Agriculture , giving the amount of Im
ports and exports during the ten years
ending June ! ! 0 , 1W(1 ( , shows that the
Imports for the last fiscal year exceeded
all bun four of the ten years , thus prov
ing the republican contention that tin-
effect of the present tariff was to stimu
late Imporls. For the fiscal year of ISi ! )
the value of Ihe merchandise Imported
was , In round tiynres , ir ttH > , ( ) ( ) f ) ,
while In the fiscal year of 1S1K ! Hi was
$770 , < HM ) , < H.1o1 an Increase of SlLVi.ow.oOO.
It Is true that Importations were cnv-
talled In the former year In antlclpa
tlon of reduced tariff duties , but this
fact does not diminish the signlflcancn
tif the later figures , nor does the further
fact that ( hey were exceeded In tin-
years of our greatest prosperity , 1801
and 181) ) : . ' , when we exported mora of
' i > ur proilf.(3lt } than In any oilier two
' years of our hNlory. We exported In
' l.sti'j. for initniicf , that year of unpar
alleled domestic ami foreign trade , mer-
tin- value of SloiO : , < > OlKM ) ( ) ,
! $ :2iXorK.0to : ) ( the value of
Imports for Hint year.
It will ije Apparent to any man of In
telligence i that the SI'J.l.iHtO.OilO excess
of Imports ID'the ' last list-it 1 year as com
pared with" 1S I deprived American
manufaclmvjis and producers to that ex
tent of i ho11111110 market ami thereby
unfavorably affected labor employed In
the maiuifncturrng Industries. As a
matter of fact the difference between
the two years was considerably greater
than is shown In the above , because
the merchandise lni | ortod In the last
llscal year was at a lower valuation than
two years before , so that the excess
last , year was probably nearer .t- i > t" > , -
OOO.OIX ) . But the smaller llgnres are
qttlto sutlleloiit as evidence of the. bt'iie-
Ills to foreign manufacturers of Ihe pres
ent tariff law. It is well known what
that law did for the woolen and worst"d
manufacturers of England , who In
creased their exports to the Itnltod
Slates more than $ i < MXM ) . < ) Ot ) the year
following the enactment of the law , ex
periencing for that time the greatest
measure of prosperity they hail over
known , imports have been on a re-
duerd scale for some months , owing to
the depressed condition of the market ,
which became overstocked , but foreign
manufacturers are prepared to pour in
more as soon as the situation shall
seem to warrant them In doing so.
They have still with them the favor ex
tended by tlie democratic tariff.
H Is not surprising that Mr. Bryan ,
who Is In p.n "ro3yfflislble for this legis
lation , Insists In Ignoring the tariff as an
Issue in tlds campaign. He knows lie
could Invent i o sophistries to delude the
ptoplo from a clear understanding 01'
what the trade statistics mean. Asser
tions and assumptions could have no
weight against these solid facts , which
plainly and convincingly tell why Amer
ican mills Mini factories are Idle and
hundreds of thousands of American
worklngmeii Tvnil women sire unem
ployed. Yet Mr. Bryan is no less op
posed to protection now than he was
when In congress he pronounced It the
most vicious political principle that had
over eiirsed tills country. Ho showed
this In a speech at Ann Arbor , Mich. ,
in which he said protection should
be described as "spoliation by act
of law" and as the fruitful cause
of many If not most of the evils from
which \s'o su'ffor today. There can be
no doubt as to what popocratie suc
cess would mean regarding Ihe tariff
as well SIM the currency. Free trade , era
a policy.very close to 11 , would accom
pany free silver , thus striking a double
blow at American industries and Amor
lean labor.
' The irrigation fair In progress at
North rJa'Ho is a novelty in the line of
expositions that should not ! only attract
attendance from all the surrounding
country , but also pnlvo an advertise
ment of , ) hu , of that section < ji
the state of Inujilciilahle value. Irrlga
tlon bus worked nnthonght-of trans
formations in the semi-arid areas of tlds
state and its capabilities have onl.\
been tested. .Irrigated Nebraska is
bound In the not distant future lo hr
counted among the most productive
agricultural regions in tlie world.
The local Bryan organ is making
franllc appeals for contributions from
other people to Its campaign subscrip
tion fi1 1. It promises to acknowledge
In print every contribution and actually
prints a list containing seven names.
The name of the publisher of tlie sheet ,
however , nowhere appears unless It Is
hidden behind the Item " .Man , 10 cents. "
Tlu > DIxliniirMt Dulliir.
Detroit Kree Tress ( Jem. )
Bryan gars Uio present Rolil dollar Is a
"dishonest dollar , " yet ho preillcts that fret
collUK1by Bunding silver uy to $1.29 , will
innlu > the silver dollar equal to thu | , ' ( > lil
dollar. ! n other words , make It dishonest ,
Tlic > Fuvorlli * TriiHl.
CU-velnnil World.
Ilryan is Rolng around the country asli-
liiK his follow citizens to abolish every
trust and syndicate except the one ho Is
working for , nnd to turn topsy-turvy the
\vholo currency of the country for the sake
of "booming" the special trust for which hi
is blov.-lng his horn.
A NcImiMkii Strnir.
Walter Wi'llinan In Times-Herald.
In a sini-ll town out on the prairies of
Nebraak.i 1 saw a political parade. There
was one placard In thu procession which
attracted my attention and set mu to think
ing. It was so simple , yet so snijfct > l.lro of
the very essence of all the \icrd's ! practical
wisdom. la Its four short words It mnninar-
Izcd the progress of civilization so far as
the measure of value Is concerned. In a
single , simple , common phrase. It con
densed the opinion of all mankind a great
volume in a dozen letters. The placard was :
llciinllnli- I liy .Ii'llei-Noii.
InillnilnpollH Jonlnal.
At JctTcrsonvllIo Mr. Hryan said he was
glad to speak in a city immed In honor of
Thomas Jtff > fson , "because wo ara In this
campalKti 'iUU'lnptlng ' to revive the prin
ciples' of Jctttjson and apply them to the
solution of the question ot today. " At Now
Albany ho mjdo his favorite argument :
"Shall tl.o Aliuric.ins : have a financial sys
tem of their own or shall they mako' a now
Declaration of Independence ? " Mr. Thomas
Jcffurtjon.'W'hom ho eulogized , and who
drafted th't i'J'eclaratlon of Independence ,
which ho twl s to his purpose , said : "Just
principles will Jead us to disregard legal pro
portions altogether ; to Inquire Into the mar
ket price ol gold In the several countries
with whlch/vo Ehall principally be connected
In commovcfcj- to take an average from
them. " IjTWin- repudiates the "Just prln-
clpleo" ad 5cated by Jefferson.
I'axxliiK of i\tfrmlnulorN. :
i'ew York Sun.
A few -f&fsy. ago the Hon. George Gra
ham Vest of .Hlssourl "challenged the pro
tected Industries tu a war of extermination. "
The protected' Industries declined to bo ex
terminated. , The Hon. George Graham Vest
Is now roaming obscurely over Missouri ,
making spoachcs for Ilryan , and struggling
to bo re-elected to thu senate.
At Cinilnnutl last Friday the Hon. Wil
liam Jennings Hryan also went Into the
extermination buslncud :
"Wo are opposing the gold standard. Wo
have commenced war against it. It U a
war of extermination.'u usk no quarter
and wo give no quarter. "
Kino words for a boy orator , but the
gold standard v , 111 decline to bu extermi
nated. The merciless Hryan will find
something else tn exterminate. Vest has
given up exterminating the protected In
dustries and Is now exterminating thu golu
Htandard himself. There Is always fiomo-
tht.'ig for an ambltlouo exterminator to
turn his hand to ,
Personally , however , wo are Inclined to
think that Mr. Ilryan will not bu extermi
nating next winter , U Is much moro likely
that bo will lecture.
Nebraska City Tress : \\Vll all vote for
"Jack" MacOoll this fall.
Hiil Cloud Argus : The race for MeKln-
ley nnd MacColl Is already won In No-
O'Neill Frontier : "MeKlnley. found Money.
I'rntiTtlon and Mnet'nli" Is tin * Imttle cry of
Ntibrnska republicans.
University i'lace Gazette : Charles B.
Casey of i'awnro county is candidate for
state treasurer. We have known Mr. Casey
for fifteen years nd believe that no bftter
selection could hsve been made.
Douglas Mnterprlso : The rnllre repub-
1'ean ' state ticket Is worthy the fcupport nf
every voter In this rounty. They are all
men who will conduct the Mate's affairs
In a safi- , conservative and economical man
Nebraska City Press : Jack MarColl Is one
of the sturdy pioneers nf Nebrsakn who
by pluck and perseverance lias built him
self up as one of the state's foremost citi
zens. To have such a man for governor
would be nn honor and n credit to the state.
The people of Nebraska are- not going to
make the error they did two years ago
and will elect him.
Grand Iiland Independent : The cam
paign In Nebraska by the republicans has
been one of earnest workers In nn honest
causp. rervonalltlrs of the various caudl-
datrs have not entered Into the campaign ,
and while there Is always more or Kss "sldo
talk. " the great majority of republicans
ronll/e that the country demands n change
from the present conditions and loyalty to
party and party principles should be placed
above Individuality.
Friend Telegraph : The election of the
straight republican ticket lu this Htatc tills
fall means a great deal for the Nebraska
former , the laborer and the general business
of the state. Don't allow the state to drop
Into the hole Into which our sister Kansas
has dropped and from which capital has
been rapidly withdrawn. Iet us say to the
world , Nebraska Is In favor of an honest
dollar nnd ngalnst lint currency and re
pudiation In all Its forms anil that Nebraska
Is a good pHce tn crrrt factories nnd make
all kinds of Investments. This will make
Nebraska boom as she did from ' 80 to ' 02.
Philadelphia IJceord ( dem. ) : "Coin" llnr-
vcy nearly provoked a mob outbreak at Clin
ton. In. , on Tuesday by an Indecent per
sonal attack on certain veterans. Harvey
Is a light weight ; and ho may be thankful
be wasn't n punched coin.
Salt Lake Herald ( silver ) : "Coin" Harvey
has inndo a very bad break , If wo may rely
upon the news that comco from Clinton , la.
In a spoeh there he Is said to have ar
raigned Generals Pickles , Howard , Alger and
others , referring to them as "old wrecks of
the rebellion who have lost their honor and
patriotism , and arc tools of political shy-
locks. " It Is said that he came near being
mobbed. Had he been , ho would havu deserved
served no sympathy.
New York Tribune ( rep. ) : H helps his
( Hryan's ) cause to have "foln" Harvey In
sult Generals Pickles , Algor. Howard and
other loyal veterans as "old wrecks of the
rebellion , who have lost nil their honor and
patriotism and are tools of political Shy-
locks. " No wonder the Grand Army men
In his nudlcncp at Clinton. la. , broke up
his meeting and wanted to throw him Into
the ntreet , but the veterans throughout the
west will make a moro effective answer at
the polls.
Philadelphia Press ( rep. ) : The Dryanltes
have no lovt- for war veterans. Ilryan Is
seeking to re-establish the very sain" state's
rights doctrine that went down forever with
the rebel flag at Appomattox. Hu and his
followers are seeking to reduce by one-half
the value of nil pensions now paid tlie
vutorans or their widows and orphans. No
wonder that Harvey Int out In public a little
of the Ir ) > an venom against the veterans.
Hut it is nevertheless a shame that any man
In America should make such an Infamous
assertion about the men who so often for
their country's sake faced rebel bullets.
New York Times ( dem. ) : It seems that
" Coin" Harvey Is still at large and on the
stump. Hut he Is not likely to be at largo
much longer If he lakes occasion tn In.sull
veterans , as ho did on Tuesday at Clin
ton , la. , when he referred to Generals
Slcklps , Howard and Algnr , who are travel
ing In support of o < ind money and the na
tional honor , as "old wrecks who have lost
nil their honor and patriotism and are
tools of political Shylocks. " Ho Just es
caped being converted Into a wreck him
self by Ills Indignant hearers. It would
have been n pity If they had disabled him.
for a brute who talks In this way does
good service to the other side , and "Coin"
ought to be kept talking. If Mr. Ilanna
has to pay his expenses.
Chicago Tribune : The town elections In
Connecticut show that Hryan's visit caused
a great republican gain. If Ilryan can be
induced lo visit every state perhaps It
can bo made umnlmous In November.
Cincinnati Tribune : Florida Joins with
Vermont. Maine and Arkansas lu rolling
up magnificent and phenomenal repub
lican gains. It Is all one way this year.
From whatever state In which the prelim
inary elections are held comes the news
of either tremendously Increased republican
majorities or r. larger republican vote and
greater gains lmn ! ever before.
Philadelphia llecord : There Is a falling
off In the democratic majority in Florida ,
notwithstanding the practical union of
the gold and silver democrats In support
of the sUto ticket. The Indication that
the sound money men In the legislature
will bo able to prevent the re-election of
Senator Cull is the best feature of the
Florida news. Mr. Call Is one of the most
pestiferous advocates of repudiation and he
is now likely to bu served with a dose of
his awn medicine.
Philadelphia Press : At New Haven nnd
elsawhero in Connecticut Hryan enthusiasm
was so great that It took the form of breakIng -
Ing up republican meetings by the use of
stale rggs nnd other Hrynn arguments. The
town elections in Connecticut ahow how ef
fective such "arguments" were. The re
publicans have more complete control of
Iho Btnto than ever before in its history.
And this following the boy orator's tour
nnd the crowds that greeted him ! Evidently
Hryan would have profited had uc rcsi
at uomo In Nebrjska.
O. W. Goodpastcr Is a Palmer and Ruckner
elector In the Ninth Kentucky district. Ho
will stick.
Frank James , a somewhat famous Mis
souri character , has espoused the free silver
cause. Force of habit.
The Young Men's Democratic club of Phil
adelphia repudiated thu Chicago platform
nnd ticket by a vote of 101 to 12.
The National Association of Life Insurance
Underwriters was polled while In sosalon In
Washington. Kesult : McKinley , 140 ; Ilryan ,
10 ; Palmer , D.
Cleveland made throe speeches In 18X1 ,
one In 18S3. and four In 1SD2 ; Hryan baa
repeated one speech 230 times and has
three weeks to go yet.
Conservative estimates of the vote of
greater New York place McKlnley'B plurality
at 31,000. The sound money majority In
thu H'.ato will reach 250,000.
The Illinois Steul company of Chicago em
ploys 4,500 men. Two thousand of them bo-
long" to McKlnloy , ami 1,800 to the sound
money democratic club.
The popocratic national committee's plea
of poverty docs not hitch with reports. It
Is claimed they have secured the exclusive
use of sixty halls In Chicago from October
10 to November " .
When Ilryan was In Hrooklyn ho cx-
prciwed a wish for the presence of Henry
Ward Deeclicr. One of Hecchcr's Rons , a
leading democrat , han retired from a lonl
democratic committee because ho rannot
support Hryan and Ihe Chicago platform.
Two young men of Philadelphia have been
paying marked attention tn the same young
ludy. They have decided to let the election
settle matters for them. If the democrat
wins the republican la to stop calling on
the young lady for six months , and vice
Attorney General Stockton of Now Jersey ,
a democrat , was supposed to havu been In-
feclud with frmj flllver virus , and was In
vited to take the stump. Stockton not only
declined , but roundly denounced thu Chicago
ticket and platfuriu.
Onl Out * : Kvcty day add * mv.y new \.itr *
to Cntly's majority. Ho l nolnx tu b *
i-Uvtwl ,
CirlRhton Courier : How I * . .lUmmomt t *
iimklim a vigorous cnrnpnlKti nflrt is iwlitl R
voiiw every il.ijr ,
Stuart I , Urr : Hon. A. K. Cndy , U olootnd ,
will he cue nf the able * ! ami mm ! eiucltnit
mem tiers of the next emigre * * In HIP lower
house. To cle n him will be a hlKh credit
to the big Sixth.
Douglas KnteiprUe : Judge Strode has
in nil p and will attain mnke the Flrat district
of Nebraska n congressman who will perform
the- duties ot that olllce In n faithful nnd
fearless manner.
Grand Island Independent : Andrews , Mer
cer , Hnlner , Strode , Cady and Hammond
will bo n contingent la coiiKreM that will
"stand up for Nebraska" at all llme and
under all circumstances.
O'Neill Frontier : A. K. Cndy Is gaining
strength every day nnd present Indi
cations ho Is a turo winner. The people of
the Sixth are tired of populism in congress.
Vote for Cady and be In the band wagon.
Dlller Uwnnl : To put In full force and
effect the policies of the republican party
It Is necenaary that a republican president be
supported by a republican congress. This
makes of great Important the congressional
election. Vote for K. J. tlalncr.
Friend Telegraph : Don't forget that Ne
braska has not a more palnttaklm ; and hard
working congressman than lion. K. .1.
Hnlner. Mr. Halner has Jus5 lett his can
vass to look after the Interests of settlers
on the Otoe lands. Vote for him nnd a
continuation of his good work.
Wood Illvcr interests : Congressman An
drews and his opponent , Mr. Sutherland ,
hold a Joint debate nt Hdgar last week.
Kveu the supporters of Mr. Sutherland conceded -
coded that Mr. Andrews was by far the
hotter speaker. Mr. Andrews Is a much
stronger speaker now than he wa two years
ago. Ills marked Improvement la exciting
much favotat le comment.
Atkinson Graphic : It whriild bo borne
In mind by the people that the election
of A. K. Cady to congress means much to
wsatorn Nebraska. The next congress will
ho strongly republican , and In order for this
part of the olnto to have any Influence she
mint have a republican member to look
aftei her Interests with the majority. The
Uttic handful of populists who have been
In congress In years gone by only proved an
Injury to Iho 'welfare nf the people who
rlectod them. Cast your vote for A. H.
Till ! WIIIJA'P AUCt'.MU.Vr.
Fremont Tribune : Cotton and wheat ore
steadily going up. while Hryau and free sil
ver constantly decllno.
Kmerson Hntcrprlse : Wheat Is going
up. but silver seems to be going down. if
sliver pulled wheat down , wheat ought to
pull silver up.
Hattlo Creek Hepubllcan : In the past
three weeks silver has gone dov/n about 3
cents an ounce , while the price of wheat
has gone up nearly 15 cents a bushel. Pop-
ocruts continue to tell us that prices of the
two articles rlso and fall simultaneously
but they don't !
Hurchaiil Times : We have been told that
the low price of whct was caused by the
gold standard. Why Is It then that tlie
price of wheat Is now rising ? The same
gold standard that has existed for n long
time still exists with no room for a doubt
that It will continue to exist.
Stanton Picket : Wheat nnd silver do
not necessarily rlso or fall simultaneously ,
Mr. Ilryan to the contrary notwithstanding.
For the past month wheat has been slowly
but steadily raising , and will continue to
raise , because of n genera ! shortage , while
silver has been Just as surely and steadily
falling , and will continue to fall , and foi
the simple reason that the country Is long
on silver.
Wood River Interests : Among the favor
ite arguments put forth by democratic orators
tors In the early part of the campaign was
that the price of wheat and silver went hand
In hand. When silver went up wheat went
up. end when sliver went down so did wheat.
This argument Is knocked Into a cocked hat
by the present condition of "the market. For
some time silver baa been on the decline
while wheat has been steadily going up.
Pierce Call : It was said a month or BO
ago that 5 cents advance In wheat would
mean the defeat of Hryan and the death
of the silver craze. The past three weeks
has shown an advance of twice that amount
and a decllno of a cents per ounce In sltMT.
This smashes the sllverlte's theory thai
there Is a sympathetic bond between whett
nnd silver. Farmers will , without doubt.
bo quick to rojllzo the present object lesson
offered by the markets.
Nellgh Leader : Within Ihe past month
wheat has advanced In value It cents per
bushel. Increasing tlie total value of the
wheat In the United States several mllllonx
nf dollars. According to the populist tlieor\
of llnance , nnd one upon which their
whole superstructure of nrgumi-nt Is based.
silver should show a corresponding In
crease. Hut , strange tn irlate , the con
trary Is true , nnd It has declined. 'Ihe
product of thu bilvcr mines ami Ihe < au
of the modern reformer run on forever
at an Inverse ratio ot 1 to 1C , with little
demand for either. On the contrary , there
Is a failure ot the wheat crop In portions
of India , Husaia and , and the
price consequently goes up. while the de
mand for the two lor tier articles shows a
remarkable decrease- and a dropping mar
ket. Scarcity , an i a demand at Liverpool ,
Is what is giving backbone to thu wheat
TIII : SMOOTH noifiiit. :
llryiui's llnlill of ' | ' < - | | | : I'nrl of ( lie
I > lilla > lcl | > lla Li-dcer.
When a witness Is placed upon the stand
ho Is sworn to tell the truth nnd the whole
truth. It being held by the shrewd Judg
ment of the law that the suppression cf a
part of the truth constitutes such deliber
ate de-celt as to Invalidate all the evidence
of him who gives it. Indeed , U Is main
tained that the witness who tells only
such part of the truth us Is helpful and
suppresses such part as would bo hurtful
to the side toward which he leans Is a false
witness. Tried by this rule of testimony.
the populist-democratic candidate for presi
dent docs not always appear In the light
of an unimpeachable wltncta. Speaking at
New London the other day , ho Indulged , an
he has often done , In denunciation of thu
national banking system , cud especially
clmrccd Iho National Ilpnk of Lincoln with
having wrongfd him In his character of a
conlldtng depositor. Mr. Hryan said on thiu
" little about the bankIng
occasion : "I Know a -
Ing business ; I will know moro as soon as
I get my dividend on the amount I bad
deposited In It when the bank failed. " The
falluiu c.f the Lincoln bank \vr.j the direct
sequence , It bus btcn stated without contra
diction. of the IMS ot popular conlldence In
Its stability brought about by the agitation
for free silver , which Mr. Hryan has done
so much to promote und maintain.
Hut that statement , whether It be true or
false , has nothing to do with Mr. Hryun'n
char o that thu bank had wronged him.
This charge has elicited a reply from tin-
ollleora of the Institution. They admit thai
Mr. Hryan was one of Its ; thai
ho was a depositor ; but , they add , at no
time did his dcprslt exceed ? 100. and that
cm the day of the failure there was de
posited to his credit the exuet sum of
$7.'l.03. H consequently appears by thn vol
untary testimony of the oltlcers of the bank
that Mr. Hryan's statement that ho was u
depositor la true , but that Mr. Hrjan'H
transactions with thu Institution did not end
there , and that In giving his evldencu re
garding H before his Now London audience
he did not tell all the truth , which , as one
boundcn not to bear false witness , ho should
have done. 'I hat part of thu truth which
ho forgot or HUpprf.iiad , according to the
iitatement of thu bank ullieiala. Is that ,
while at tlie time of tlu failure the In
stitution owed Mr. Hryan as a depositor
$73.03 , there waa and there in atlll among
Us acsets a notu of hand , which beam thu
signature of W. J. Hryan and the i-ndonio-
muiit of hb law jwrtner , A. U. Talbot , for
? 1,000. That U to say , that whllu thu bank
owes him $73.03 aa a depuiltor. ho owes tin
bank thlrteeen 1 1 in en that amount as a
borrower. The latter fact Mr. Hryun en
tirely forgot or BiippreiiSfil , If the tuuteimnt
of thu bank olllclals Is true ; and , further , In
the matter of the loss he suffered as a
depositor , tlu let It bu Inferred by bin an-
dit'iico that It was a very considerable num.
as it would bu naturally asHiinivd by them
that hi * would not make a matter ( if public
complaint and national Importance of a
paltry deposit of ; 7J.03.
I'lireful unit TriivMtorlli ) ' CIIIIVIINH of
Hie SiMiM-itl Sliili-H.
There It no Inline" any doubt as til the.
rmuli pf the flection. Mr. Itryan will bo
dt'tPHtpd. 'Ihe only queMlon Is as to the
extfnt nf the detent. The following table
thorn * Hier milt of a careful and trimt-
worthy cnnvttsR ot the several stairs
' ' '
.Me- Klnli-y. tiiynn. 'fttnlw , Kind
Mnlitit C C MlniH > mtn . . .
N > w llnmit-
fbtre 4 a.SoMh Dukuiii.
Vri nuinl I 0 ICviuurky . . . .
MujmnrtniKotts U 0 cirrRon
Ittwvl * Inland , t 0.\V sldtmlim
- - -
N > w Y.irts. . . . ! W ,
Xw Jfrwy. . . 10 0 Tjrtirntk.i
1'i'InWnrc . . . . S i\\ > min
lVMt riv nin. st M.nul num
Maryland . . . . s
YIIKllllA 0 U Ml * .iurl . . .
Went Vlrulnla S ( I Tvxns
N. Cnisithm. . . 0 HlAlnlmmit . .
S. rni-ftltnu. . , . 0 9\rhnnmg , .
Ofi-mia o U Culnrnilo .
Florida 0 I Mnho . . . .
Ohio n 0 MI lMlppl
Inllnn.i I ) U Miintnna .
UlllHllK Jt
MlrlllVHtl . . . . 11 Vtnh . . . .
\VlornllMII . . . 12
town IJ Tolnl
Total electoral vole * ID
Nwosniry for n cliolco.
This table gives Mr. McKlnloy a m.ijmitv
of 117 In the electoral college , lie will
probably have a greater majority , in t ! o
above table there nre sixty-eight doni"tul
votes that have been counted for Mr. Hijan.
UfxttillrliiK' Cry of lln > I.iniliiof HIP
I.IIHt Cjlll l' .
St. T.uulii Illiilii'-Iipinorrnt.
Mr. Ilryan asserts In nearly every sjteorh
ho makes that laboring men are not loft
free to net as they plenso In the pivsmt
campaign , hut that those who employ them
are using compulsory means to secure tlnlr
votes for the gold standard , ngalnst th.'ir
wishes nnd their Interests. "Never before
In tlie history of the country. " he exclaims ,
"has Intimidation and terrorism been car
ried to the extent that It Is being carried
In this campaign. " There Is no foundation
for such n charge , as every
woiklngnmn personally knows ; nnd
Mr. llrynn , with his besetting
htililt of self-contradiction , goes on to point
out the Impossibility of a thing of that kind
under existing conditions. "If wo had
fought thla battle fifteen years ago , " bo
sayp , "wo could not Imvo won , but we have
had the Australian ballot since then. and.
thank God , wo can win today under that
system. " Then he asks who brnupht the
Australian ballot to the American people ,
nnd naswcrs that It was nut t'ie ' corpora
tions , the financiers , the syndicates , but the
laboring men nf Ihe country and today that
work of their hands Is "the bulwark reared
for their protection. " Thus It will l-i seen
that out of his own mouth his loose
talk about coercion Is practically reiuted
and condemned.
Mr > niH-NC I'reli'iiMe ( " < illrolled ( ivlllt
"Old HleUor'H" SeiilInn-iis. (
Ill his speech nt Nashville , Tcnn. . rei rntty ,
VS. J. Itryan used these words : "I can un
derstand why the people of this slate , and
especially of this portion of the state , idiuuld
feel so deap nn Interest In the cause which
Is being represented by the Chicago plat
form , because , my friends , we me flghtln ; ;
today the battle that Andrew Jadisoa
fought when ho was In olllce. "
The public utterances of Andrew Jackson
on the subject of debased currency have
been quoted In The Itee. They are supple
mented and emphasized by a private letter
addressed by President Jackson to the grandfather -
father of Mr. Herzog of New York City , nnd
Is published by the Evening Post. It hail
lain forgotten In the possession of the family
for sixty years. The letter leads as follows :
\VASMINHTON' . Dec. 20 , 1S3C. Dear Sir :
The beautiful pen and pencil so Ingeniously
nnd elegantly Mended with the ease ot gold
which forma the handle. , presented by you
In behalf of Mr. Henry WlthrrH of New
York , Is received by mo with a grateful
sense of the affectionate feeling expressed
lu the Inscription. The many marks of kind
regard of this sort by which the agricul t
turists , arllsaus nnd artists have Indicated
their attachment to me , have deeply Im
pressed my heart , an.l add the force of
kindred sympathies to the respect ami con
fidence which 1 have ever rberlshed for
the producing classes.Vltli them rests thu
well-balanced Intelligence , the uiicontam-
In.ited domestic virtues , the disinterested
patriotism and muscular energy which em
bodied constitute the living and active ru-
publlcanism of the land ; without this our
theories of free government would ho a dead
WK IH , IK YOU I'l.n.X.Si : , AMI W13
roM.iiov SK.NM : , AS'iii : , AS COM *
IK KYKIIY O.M : IIIAI-IV : Ai'i'itKri-
lli\l ; TV 01. ' Till : YVOHK1IAXSHII' AM )
I'l.MSIl THAT CHAH.U Tijll/i.S : A I , I ;
onn iooi > swi < : WISH iviiiv II.M ;
mnwi < : woriiii.vT in ; AIII.I : TO .si-r-
i-i.v TIII : niniAXi ) .
S. W. Cor. ISthimdj
Douglas Sta.