Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1896, Page 3, Image 3
T1IID OMAHA DAILY HBI3 : MON'Mr , 112 , 185)15 ) , COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT .inMIII Mi'.yrto.v. I'lioto Mippllcs and mtnrrCR. Bit IJMwny. H W. Ilyers nf llnrlan un § In the elty yu > tcnl.iy rcstliiR from his cowimlicn effort * . Clurlet F. Slrmin. onu of the proprietors of the Ini Molnes leader. U In the city , the fciic-it of T. C. Datrwni. WilH.itn li.von of I10 Sonlh Seventh streituiii Sported l the llo r l of Health \onnc jrairidny to bu suffering from dlph- Vllh.rln. f t The regular mcctlnj ; of Kxc lo lge I Js-n. 2-D. A. F. & A. M. . will be I held this 'moiling. Vl-ittliiK brethren arc cordially in vlted to ntit'int. The choral aoriety of the YoilUK Men's Christian association will meet this i-vun- Int. . Initead ot Thursday , as the board ot directors will meet them. Welter V. Crosby , I/mils n. Enrich and II. J. Ilnuermaii of Colorado Sprlngr are In the city to attend Iho mooting of the stockholders of the Cripple Creek Gold Exploration com pany this morning at the ofDco of Ross & Itosn , John Shea has been arnstcd cm the charge of ansnult , preferred by hla sister. The youn man Is said to hav ? come to the house Inn Intoxicated condition anil taken pos- ncMlon of things In general. Among other olfetises he drunk nil the milk he could find , and when his sister protested he struck ht-r. The slater supports the family hy sow ing. ing.Tho riiase-LlRtor cnmpiuy. supporting Miss ClertrudiKwlntf , will open nt the Do- linny ( heater this evening with "Dad's Ulrls" for a week's engagement. The com pany IB one of the brst repertory niwoKn- tioi8 : on the road , and lion a high cla of of the specialty features arc plaj ! ' . Many entirely new. nnd Iho entertainments to be ] iro4cnicil durltiR the week promise lo bo ROIIIO of the brut seen hero this season. The body of A. Obtrstell'T , who died at the Woman's Christian Afnoclntlon ho.spltnl from appendicitis , after n month's Illness and n surgical operation , wan taken lo his home In Liberty. Mo. , yesterday for In terment. Two brothorn and an nunt wore present to accompany the remains. The dead man was n news agent on the Wabash. The health department war notifl'vl yctcr- dny that a case of diphtheria had broken out In the family of Captain Ryan , MOD South Seventh atrcct. _ _ _ N. V. Plumbing company. Tel. 150. C. H. Vlavl Co. , female remedy. Medical consultation free Wednesdays. Health book furnished. 309 Men-lam block. Lundgard. the Tailor , 130 S. Main street. There Is no such evidence of popular ntU- fartlon as the evidence of Buccr-ssful ex perience. The "Corner" Cc cigar has won this enviable reputation the best cigar ever produced and sold for 6 cents. Moore & Kills. _ N.I ( Ice. J. C Andcrpon Is no longer In our employ and la not authorized to take subscriptions or collect money for us. TIIK IIKK PUHLISHINO CO. IIAMMVOUKI'JHS ATlTj I'UII M'KIM.ISV. t liiM'Hllmutloii SliimN Ilir I'onl- Iliin or llfiil l.alioi-lnn Mm. One ot the men engaged on the street work look n notion to poll the gang , under the direction of Street Commissioner Mor ris. H. Is the one department of the city government where political discussions nro tabooed , for the street commissioner has an ideu that men cannot talk politics and do good work at the same time , nnd early In the campaign an order was Issued that a' of the political discussions among the men would have to take place In the political headquarters building on Ilroadway. When nny of the men felt that It was absolutely ncccpnary to discuss the political situation they were obliged to lay off without pay ami go to the HlBcman block nnd have It out. In consequence of this decision the pol itical preferences of the members of the gang were unknown to anybody but the Individuals themselves. The poll was taken Saturday evening after the men quit work. H showed nlno republicans , two democrats nnd ono socialist. "It Is n singular fact. " said ono of the men , "every laboring man I know of In town who has a Job and Is going along caring for his family and doing his duty with con tentment and happiness. Is a sound money democrat or a republican. Those out of em ployment , or who would rather work with the jaws than their hands , are Hryan shout- crs. " When your bundle comes homo from the Kaglo laundry you know It will be rluht. You get what you want at the "Kaglc , " 724 Broadway. Telephone 157. Silver I'lpiI'In - llrliKIlcltlmr. . Wholesale and retail. J. C. Blxby , 202 Main street. Clothes wringers , wash machines , stepladders - ladders , lanterns and all kinds of house fur nishing goods nt J. Roller & Co.'s. All kinds of hardware at J. Roller & Co.'s , the upper Ilroadway dealers. Hoffniayr'c fancy patent flour makes the Vest ! > ud most bread. Ask your grocer for It. Ilrv. Mr. SavldKc at V. M. C. A. Itooiax. Rev. C. W. Savldge of Omaha addressed a largo audlcnco at the afternoon meeting at Young Men's Christian association head quarters yesterday. In point of numbers and interest shown the meeting was by far the best held In the rooms for a long time. Rev. Mr. Savldge took for his subject , "Will I Miss My Chance ? " Many favorable lessons were drawn from this thcmo nnd the vnluo of n correct nnd upright life strongly em phasized. Fancy \VorU UlNiilay. Misses Clark and Wctzel have arranged to give their autumn fancy work display on Oct. 15. 1C nnd 17 , at the Durfee Furniture Co.'s. Souvenirs will be given away. Sideboards , the finest in town , and of course at the Durfco Furniture company's. The ladles of the Maccabees will give ( heir Eceoiul annual ball October 14 at llcno's hall. Tickets admitting gentleman nnd lady , CO centx. Supper , 1C cents. Save your "Sultana" coupons until Novem ber 10. StllVI'H Cllfllp At J. Zollcr & Co.'s. Don't fall to Inves tigate. DlaiiKimlN u M a AVnnlc 1'rniliiut. That the manufacture of hard steels may be attended with a by-product In the shape ot diamonds Is a consideration which has not yet been reduced to any practical ele ment , and ono that may cause some sur prise , snya a trade Journal. Yet , strictly upcaklng. the statement is true. Several years ago M. Moluan proved that when Iron was saturated with carbon at a temperature of3,000 degrees centigrade , and afterward cooled under heavy pressure , a portion of the carbon separated out In the form of minute crystals , which were found to be true dia monds. In the "Comics Rendus" It Is stated that It occurred to M. Itossol that the comlltlcns under which very hard atecla arc now made should result In the formation o ! diamonds. Ho examined a largo number ol steels now made , and found that his theory was supplemented by fact. The diamonds nro obtained by dissolving the metal , am then submitting the residue lo the Influence of concentrated nitric acid , fused pottnaslun chlorate , hydrolluorlo and sulphuric acids respectively. The diamonds obtained are almost microscopic In their dimensions , It Is true , but they ptcsent all the physical am chemical properties which distinguish the true gem. .Viv AlimUa Camp. lluehnell's creek , about 100 miles down the Yukon from Forty-Mile , has been located by mlneru for Its entire length of thirty mllun A great deal of prospecting and panning was done when the thermometer was CO do green below zero. The gold Is all coarse The formation and location are euch that the diggings will all be winter work , aa the creek frcezen solidly from the bottom up In tuaiiy plucca twenty /eot thick. FROM THE PLUTONIAN SHORES Sbailo * Who llnvo Not Yet Feed Olil Charon HulJ ( JonTmitimi. DELEGATES FROM STYGIAN DISTRICTS nMct'llntf of It } ' Siliau Wild Have .Nut Yet Sliul.Tii Oir the f-tim- lieflmr Ctny. A spook factory , that has been turning out Riiooks hy the wholesale hua hi/en In operation for the last few weeks at the luslJenco of Hen Winchester on Knst Wash ington avenue. Most weird ami uncanny etorlcs come from the placu nntl the Interest has groun until It attracted attention In all purls of the city. The manifestation ! ! arc produced by n "medium" nnd hlh "manager. " The medium Is n small , drtcd-up limn , who appears to bo so frail that a puff of wind would carry him Into genuine spirit land , but the man ager IK , i stalwart six-footer. Hetwccn them they glvo a show that Is decidedly tiiteri.stliiR and ihat has attracted several hundred of the most prominent men and women rf Council Bluffs. The attendance has been limited each night to fifty persons or the Interest that has brr-n awakcne < l would have cuiitcd a cniah , The first spook show was given two weeks ago , and the last one occurred last night. Kvery night the full limit of people have born present , and for the last week It has required diplomacy nnd Influence ) to secure ndrnls- ilnn. The manager and his man require no other cRndlitont ; than that the room shall bu lighted dimly , Ihat the people shall remain qnlot during the show and that positively no teportcrs shall bo allowed about Iho fremtsea. The spooks as well well ns the man and his manager object lo reporters , for there Is a suggestion ot flashlight photography and newspaper note riety. The spooks don't like to bo photo graphed or described , and when a rcportcr IIBS been around tlm premises they have persistently refused to reveal their astral bodies to mortal gaze- . Last night the medium occupied n chair In n darkened room , shut off from the par lors where the hum in spectators Eat by heavy portieres hung across the double door way. In front of the curtains In the room where the people sat a largo black rug was lying. The feet of the spook-maker rested upon the edge of this rug , but were con cealed by the curtains. He was tied , and sewed , anil roped and bound to the chair by every devlco that human Ingenuity could snidest , and the chair war newed to the carpet. His hands were filled with rice and flour and laid In his black broadcloth lap , where the least relaxation or movement would bu revealed. The manager occupied a conspicuous place In the ante room. PRKFACR TO THH MANIFIC3TATIONS. The seinco began at S o'clock. All of the light furnished onto from n single tin lan tern hung on a nail in the unll. It had n red glass glebe , Just such a lantern as Is used by the street Rang lo indicate washouts. H looked simple enough and perfectly harm less , but before the evening was far ad vanced U became HIP most uncanny thing In the place. When Hie lights In the room were turned out the lantern was not lighted , but pie-cnUy n dim , icd haze filled thu g'o'iC which grow brighter as Iho spook-maker n Iho olhcr room went under the "In- luenco" and became rigid. The ghostly lame Inct eased until It filled the room wit. a leiy red Ilgh' . Low music wan being played iy some person In the audience , and r.s the people present began to be affected by the music nnd the wclrdncss of the surround- ngH , the flame In the ghoslly lantern went up and down In unison with the strains. When the flame was at Its brightest the spooks began to appear , and during the evening there was a surging mob of apparl- .lons rising from the black rug and stream ing through the rooms , talking , kissing , shaking hands and renewing acquaintances with living friends. The first spook was a little girl , whom the manager announced would have charge of Iho show during the evening , and would be responsible for the presence of all who came. She chose a very sensational and original manner In making her debut. An Intensely brilliant light appeared In the center cf the black rug. followed an Instant alter by a small white hand holding the flauio , which appeared to come from a can dle. The hand was followed by an arm , and the arm by the handsome body of what ap pcared to be an extremely well rounded and piquant young girl of 10. She was dressed In the conventional white gossamer of fairy stories , and had beautiful golden hair. She didn't stop after she came thrcugh the rug. but floated deliberately to the celling and disappeared Inlo the plaster. An Instant later the portieres were thrown aside and the face of the girl appeared , while she announced In a strong , clear voice , like i professional stage whisper , "I'm Maudle. I came up through the trap door that time Did you see me ? " The next Instant the curtains were thrown aside , and Magdle pirouetted out on the black rug. At her heels came a whole troupe of gauzy appari tions , \\ho3uclotlus Indicated all ages , sexcc and conditions. They mixed up and mingled with each other In utter defiance of the laws of nature , passing through each other't bodies ns easily as one smoke wreath min gles with another. BROUGHT ON MANY REUNIONS. At least twenty were out at the first dash Kneh ono at the first bath -ct publicity ap peared to bo dazed and confused , and hai : a staring , vacant expression of the eyes. Kvcry feature was distinct , and every pe culiarity of dress and personal habit as marked as If It were a ball room gathering Instead of a congregation of spooks. Tht apparitions circled about the room , hunting for friends and acquaintances. Many 'c : them found those for whom they sought , and sibilant sounds , strident exclamations of sur prise or Joy came In great volumes from all parts of the room. Ono of Postmaster Bowman's great ancestors came floating along and recognized him. Mr. Dowmzi also recalled familiar family features , am for half an hour the living and the deat communed In audible tones. No ono In Council Bluffs knew this member ot the Bowman family , and PoHtmaster Bowman a&keel a great many personal questions and was given correct und valuable Informa tion. John Danforth and Mrs. Danforth were each talking very earnestly with relatives who had been dead from a few years to forty centuries. Ovid Vlen was talking French to his brother , who died In Franco many years ago. Frank T. True was hold ing an earnest conference with several relatives and was celling lols of good stuff. Mrs. Vlen was very nervous in the presence of several of her dead friends nnd relatives and was Inclined to bo In credulous The ghostly lantern was ( tam ing its red blaze , and Trowlison's zither was twanging with a vehemence that car ried the sounds far out on the night air. Suddenly a dog beneath the window caught sight of the reporter and his stepladdcr and set up n terrific barking. Instantly the ghostly lantern went out and the throng of spirits disappeared. A minute or two later a llttlo ball of red flro appeared again In the lantern glebe and gradually grew In Intensity until It filled the room with the uncanny light. When It grow light enough to see distinctly "Maudle" reappeared on the black rug. "My , how that scared me. " she remarked with a musical laugh. "I bcllovo that dog has got a coon up a tree , don't you ? " The reporter's legs were far above the dog's teeth and the scnnso went on. AND TIIU GHOSTS CAMG BACK. The red fire In the lantern blazed out until It again tilled the whole globe. Anew now troupe of spirits emerged from the black rnir , ami again thuy tilled the room with their prieentc. Warm lingers touched Icy-cold palms. Full , warm lips were pressed upon mouths that had , If not the mold of the gravu upon them , still Uic let- ness of death , The spirits were pouring out of the black rug ( Ike uteum from a treat cauldron , CouvertmtloHH were , jearrlod on In tones audible to all the mortals In the room. On spirit came up to John Danforth and called him brother , "You speak of us as the dead , but you are mis taken , brother , " ssld ho , "You are the I dead : we arc the llvlnft. Don't you fear to i die. It's but go I nj ? from one room Into Knottier and larger one. Thcro Is much I beyond ux still. " The words were spoken with great dellbj j oration and so loudly that they would have j been audible from the stage of a large j theater. Ono spirit of n woman stood In < the center of the black rug. A bridal wreath was on ber brow and she was dressed In brMal robes that were ex- qttlMtr-ly lovely. She turned and faced the au.llenco and extended her open hands , palms outward , as If to show tint they were empty. Then bending down with witching grace she began to knead the arpet. Her hands worked nimbly and quickly , revealing the flash of a diamond Ing on her third finger. She appeared to 10 gathering up Rome Invisible substance 'rom the floor and Blinking It out. Slowly die arose from her stooping posture mull tor hands were even with her knees. What Tpprarcd to bo a film of bluish smoke gathered ihcre and gradually grow Into n jrcat mass of fleecy lace. This quickly look Iho form of a bridal veil , which Iho white arms , with ravishing grace , tos ed over her head and she disappeared with Iho veil trailing a yard on the carpet. The Taccwns Ihe face of an angel. A moment later a tal1 man Jresscd In a full mllllary uniform appeared t pfore Mr. and Mrs. Vein , and from the Invisible air ln < wrought another great mass of filmy lace of most exquisite texture and fineness and threw Is over the-lr heals. : SPECIAL FAVORS FOR THE 'SQUIRE. 'Squire Vipn was especially marked for ghostly consideration. While the room was Iliad with other ghosts who were hugging and khsltiR their living friends , an Indian , six feet and a half tall , dashed out of the rug and pranced around the room , holding iloft a fearful looking dagger. He paused ticforo Vlen and passed the scalping knife close to his face and over his hair. Women screamed and the red light gleamed with Infernal - fornal malevolence. "Get away from here : I don't want anything to do with you , " ( Tiled Vlen. The redskin strode away with Ills face stretched In a malicious grin nnd came porllously near where the reporter's stepladdnr was shivering. Mrs. Vlen was Inclined to hunt for the trick of It all and asked a big. healthy spirit that was near her for some Information. The face that was turnc-d upon her was that of n murderer. "Come Into the cabinet with me and I'll show you. " It said. Mrs. Vlen demurred nnd clung the closer to her slalwart hus band , but the spirit put a hand on each shoulder and lifted her bodily. In nn In stant she was whisked through the curtains. ' 'Put one of your hands on my face , " hlsncd the spirit , "and the other on the face of the medium. " Ono was warm , small and Boft ; the other was large , bony and cold an Labrador Ire. "Am I the medium ? Go out and tell these people what you saw. " Another apparatlon stopped before Vlen and made a Masonic sign , ono but rarely offered In public. "You know I dare not answer that sign here. If you nro n Mason , " said Vlen. "Give me the grip nnd the words that go with It. " "I will give you the grip , but to say the words I must be In your arms , " said the spirit. "I'll excuse you , " said Vlen. French , Danish , German , Swedish and Italian were being spoken In various parts of the room In communications with the spooks. Hundreds came who found no friends and went away bitterly disappointed. One young man came out of the black rug with an expression of Intense expectancy on 'his face. Ho scanned the features o' every mortal In the and as he turncil to walk away an audible sob broke from him. Instantly "Maudle" was at his side , walking away with him and saying con solingly : "Don't be so disappointed. Rec ollect , 'If at first you don't succec.l. ' You will find them same time. Don't take It so hard , " and the voice died away beyond the curtains. DEPENDS ON THE LANTERN. The seance lasted for nearly two hours. When the light In the red lantern would dlo down the "manager" would call on the people to take hold of hands , ami the ghostly fingers would quickly turn up the red flame. The manager explained that If the light wont out under such circumstances the medium would die , nnd when Ihe flame would get dangerously low the manager would leave the room and look after the medium. When all was over and the gas lights were turned on the medium was found rigid as If dead. His hands were clutched 60 tightly on the flour and rlco that they could not be pried open. Ho had not moved and It required twenty minutes of rubbing and alcohol balhlng to bring him to con sciousness. While this was being done the reporter folded his stepladder and silently stele away. SriMtKMi : COIIItT SYIIA11I. Kaspcr against Wulla. Error from Douglas county. Afllrmed. Opinion by- Chief Juutlco Post. The measure of damages In action by tin- rnorlgageo for the conversion of mortgaged chattels Is the amount of the plalntltT'r mortgage , not exceeding the vnluo of the property converted. Atchlson , Tope'n A- Santa Fo Rnllroid company ngnlnst Meek. Error from Nurk- oll.s county. Ilevensed. Opinion by Chief Justice I'o-U. Section 37S , Code Civil Procedure , requires notice of the taking of depositions ( unless tnken under n special commission ) to be served upon the adverse party. lilH agenl or attorney of record , or left nt his usual place of residence. 2. Service In such case upon n station agent who Is not the at torney of record of the nd- ve-rse parly , a railroad company whose- employment In no wise relates to the par ticular controversy , and who Is without authority to nccept or waive service In Its behalf In nny unit or proceeding to which It muy bo a party , docs not satisfy the re quirement of the statute. Atchlson. Topcka & Santa FP Ilnllroad company against Sage , 19 Ksin. C2 < . Ilath ngalnst Xembleman. Error from Flllmorecounty. . Alllrmed. Opinion' by Commlroloncr Ryan. In an action foi damages alleged to have been caused by the drainage of surface water from a po id on defendant's land Into a draw by whleli said waiter was conducted to and ticrosH the land of plaintiff , nn nd- mlsslon by nlnlntlfl that the draw was a natural waterway and had. since ills own ership of the land claimed to have been damaged , been such a waterway , nnd thai Iho water pcnernllv from that uorllon of ihu countiy pail How d through this ravine- , pre cluded the possibility of a recovery of dam ages for the destruction of the grilse In the bed of such draw on his premises , caused by the additional lion age resulting from the aforesaid dralnaco. Farmers' & Trust company against Funk. Error from Brown county. Af firmed. Opinion by Commissioner Ryan. Thi > provisions of section 7 , artlc'o 11. ot the Constitution of Nebraska , designated corporations that : "Every stockholder In a banking corporation , or Institution , shall bo Individually rosponfiblu and liable * to Its creditors over nnd nrovo the amount of HtoeU by him held to an amount equal to his respectivestoe'k or shares so held , for all Its liabilities accruing- while bo remains such stockholder , " are enforceable without special Hiuiplementnry statutory enact- ir.e-ntp. 2. The special Individual liability of a stockholder In a hanking corporation , or In stitution , supcrndded to his ordinary- lia bility by the > above quoted section of the constitution Is for the creation ot n trust fun'1 f"ithe liPiH-Ilt of all creditors of the banking cornorntlon. or Institution. In which stqiklshold nnd an action to render avail able such liability muit bo itroaecnted by one creditor cf ai'ch cornorntlon or Institu tion for the bi-neilt of all other credited , o- by the receiver of such corporation or In- Ktltlon , when there Is a receiver. It. The requirements of section ! , article II. deslKnitcd mlc.pllanetm corporations of the constitution that , bi-foro enforcement of Individual liability of stockholders , there iiiiiat be judicially ascertained f'no Inilebt- cdnePH proponed to be enforced , and that the iiHsnU of the corporation In- first exhausted held applicable to the stockholder' ! ? liability in banking cornotatlons , or Institution * , Uc- scrlbcd In section 7 of the rntma article. Will ll > li | Out Mtr : > NvllIc. The completion of the Eevlcr branch of the Illo ( Irjndo Western railroad as far north as the mouth of Clear creek canyon , Utah , will stimulate the growth of the min ing camp at Marysrlllo and greater activity Is expected , cbpt-clally as next season con siderable work will be done on the placer gold deposits of that region , \\i\vu nit HAN A suojrrj I.UAD. Itecnril of ( InKlr l t'U < > lloimiU nf tlutttiiln I'i'Mtli Tom minii-nt. j 1IUI1A PD3TII , Oct. 11. ( Key ; yprk World CRfolcKram Special TelcRram.--Thli ) wan the Hccoml tiye-ilny of the IhlngnrlBti chc * * tournament , and us there were no adjourned games lo llnlih , nil the maHLnrtyppent the afternoon In a irconil visit to life National exposition. This evening an Impromptu ropsultntlcn KHtnofta orgmtUitl between Plllsbury and Marocr.y , plaslnn , whlte , , nml Wlnawcr and Tarraich In command of the black forces. The game , xvhicn was n queen's gambit dt'olluml , wasf-'rdn after n hard struggle by the white allies In 40 moves. Following Is the record of the llrst dvc rounds. I'laytiii , Open. Ms.Von.Uy I'lrnl round Jnnunfkl'Non 41 .Innnwrky T > ihlK < irM-ro | > li-l K.O.ilW ! 4 * Tchlnrln Wall-rmH-Mnrnofy rhllodor 3 Mrtrcvzy ChpRrUsck-Hohleehtor . .IJInnoWi O 1C Drawn I'MWjui-y-Albln T'lcntli at Alblii \Vlim er-'rntrnK.-li llimnw ! < 0 Wlnnwer Scecnd lound Alldn-Wlnnwcr ( llonclo \Vlnawcr ? c.ilechter-rillruury . . . ,4 Kn'ts SI Drawn Mr.rocty-Clmrouzok Irrraul'i 3iJ rimrinizoU l' | | ltl-\Vnlliroilt Slclllfin ( A Wnlhrotlt S'riH-TivlilKortn Ultimi 71 Drtitvn Mari'u-Jnnuwtkt It. Ixi | > 'i 71 Drnwn Tlilnt roniiil Tii-lilnorlP-.Mnrco Cllu co fit TpohlRorln Wi n < r < Mll Nua Krtneh M Wnlliru.U C'lmiouwk-l'opl * ! Hrtitfh 5(1 ( Cliarutizck IMIIiibury-Mnracxy ( J.(5.ioo | 4S 1'lllsliury WinmuT-SolilcTlitor . Kiwnrh 31' Sctilcchter TMtfiiM-li-Albln Dutch 41 IJrewn routtli rmiml Pchlrclitcr-Turrnscli . . . .K.ll.O. 41 Drawn Man-riv-Wliinwir Vienna S Wlnawcr I'i'tilcl-t'lll.-lHii-y K.1J.U. Mi 1'lll'bury N'ua-Cli.lloU7.'k 4 Kn'ts Tit rimrouzcU Mnrco-VVBlliroill II. types ilt I'iiiv.-n JanhivHld-TeclilRorln . . . .Q.G.iloC 39 TtclilKorln Klflh rounJ \\'nllir , lt-.liinow kl . . . . It. Lopez \Vnlbroilt I'lttrliury-Noa Dutch SI 1'llUbury Wlnawcr-I'oplcl Kreneli M Wlnawer Tnmmeli-Mnroozy Q.O.tlec 4" Maroety Albln-tVliloc'itor U.U.iU'C 41 AUiln Appended nro the fccorca of all the com petitors up to date : i riaycrn. Won , I.o t. All.ln . T ? . . . . 2 114 Chnrouzlc . 3'i 1'S Mnlln\vfUI . l'i 'j Marco . 2 2 Mnroczy . 2 3 NII.I . , . . , . , , : . . . . IJ 4'i " "I'b'iiy . * * " -iMlfrJV4 J'4 Tunioi . , . jVtii" ) r , Schlcclitcr . , . . , TTV ; . 24 ! 2'4 Tai'rn'ch . , " > 4TK.,1 .1 \Vall.rodt . . 4tfc. ' . 3'.4 IVs Wlnawcr . .7. . . . 4 1 Hint byes In previous rovnvls. Total number of Raines won , 30 : total num ber of panics lost , 30 ; total number of games still to be plnycdIS. . T" The pairing for the sixth round which Is to bo played tomorrow. Is as follows : Mar- oczy , nR.ilnst Alblti ; I'DplojAgainst Tar- rasch ; Noa , against \Vlnawcr Marco , against I'lllsbnry ; Janowskl.ogalttBt Charouzck ; TsrhlRorln , against Walbrtrtt. Schlcchtcr has a bye. XHWS < ) K TIIK W1IAMM1 KI.KIVI' . Ciitoli IH Ciofiil , lint DcnVrdTM llnvt * C.lvcii All ICIiiils of Triiutilc. SAN niANCISCX ) , Oct. 11. The steamer Jennie , which acts as tender for the I'nclflc Steam Whaling company's fleet In the Arc tic , today arrived from Alaska , with a budget of news. The Jennie had a hard time coming down. She was pinched In tliol cc , and It was a case ot all hands at the pumps all the way down , to tjcep her afloat. She brought 59.SOO pounds ot whalpbone and 245 barrels of oil. The whaling fleet thnt wintered at Hlrschol Islanil had a lively time. In the spring Second Ofilter Frank Jomvi and Third onicer II. C. Howcn of the Bajacna quarreled and Jcncs was killed. The ships greatly troubled by desertions. At oijo time twenty- three men flod. All except .eight were caught. These men started for tic Yukon. 4T > 0 mllrs , overland. They got about ISO miles Into the Interior , where they robbed n few Indians. A pursuing party from the licet caught them finally and brqught them In. Later others deserted. They attempted to beat off a pursuing party and a deserter named Thomas was killed. Ho Is .suppose * ! to be the sen of a wealthy Jianufar.Uirer pf London. Another man nsmfd Kltzpatrlck was wounded In the flghl. 'Doth of these men were from the Jcancttc. All the other deserters were caught except live , who arc believed to have pcrUhcM ID the snow. Sixteen whalers wlntarcfl at Hlrschel Is land last year , but all except six arc com ing down this winter. The Dalacna and Crampus wintered at Franklin bay , the most easterly point In the Arctlo ever reached In winter. The catch of the fleet up to the time the Jcnnlo left was as fallows : Dalacnn. 10 ; iirampus , 10 ; Mary Ilumu , C ; Newport , S ; Jesslo II. Freeman. 4 ; Dcluga. 2 ; N'orwhr.l , I ; Thrasher , 1 ; Karluk , 1 ; Alexandria. 3 ; Fearless. 3 ; Wanderer , 1 ; California , 1 ; Northern Light , 4 ; Guy Heat ! , 3 , and Alice Knowlcs , 1. Illfi UAI.I.V AT OUl.KAXS KIIIUAY. Prominent Niifiikcrx AV111 Talk Itr- imlilloiin Doctrine ( < > ( lie rooyl- . Thcro will bo a grand republican rally at Orleans , Neb. , Friday afternoon , October 1C. Major William Warner of Kansas City , Mo. and Hon. Edward Hosewatcr will talk on matters of national Interest , csslstcd by Hon. J. H. MacColl , Charles K. Casey , A. S. Churchill and J. H. I'Ipcr. For this meeting the following train arrangements have been made by the burllngton , specials trains being run from Hod Cloud to Orleans and return on the following schedule : Leave Red Cloud at 10 a. rn.j Inavale. 10:15 : ; Hlv- orton , 10:27 : ; Franklin. 10:50 : : IlloomliiKton. 11:03 : ; Naponee , 11:17 : ; Republican , 11:33 : ; Alma , 11:15 : ; arrive at Orleans at 11:59 : ; leave Orleans at 10 p. in. Special train from Lebanon to Orleans and return on the following schedule : Leave Lebanon at 10:1G : a. m. . Wllsonvillo at 10:35 : a. m. , Hcndlcy at 10:52 : a. in. . Heaver City at 11:10 : a. m. , Stamford at 11:40 : a. m. ; arriving at Orleans at 12 m. ; returning , leave Orleans at 10:00 : p. m. No. 2 will stop at all points from McCook to Oxford. No. 77 will stop at all points from Hol- drt'po to Oxford , and special train will leave Oxford after the arrival of No. 77 for Or leans , leaving Orleans In the evening at Cr20 lor Oxford , at which point No. 5 will bo held for connection ; passengers for points be tween Oxford and Holdrcgo to take No. 4. TIlC ItllllllK I'llHNlOII. Chicago Post : "I fear , sir , " said the phy- slclin , with a shake of his head , "that the time has como when you will have to pay the debt of nature. " With an effort the popocrat raised him self up In bed. ' "Can I pay It In free sliver 4 , 'dbctor ? " ho asked hoarsely. "Or must I 'reckon on a gold basis ? " I' I "You must pay It all , " re'plle'rf ' the doc tor. "There can bo no 63 per 'Ct'nt compro mise. " UJ'iU "That means gold , " said thMlonocrat , re gretfully. "It seems hard th3l'a ' < man can neither llvo nor dlo on a sllvir basls. " FOIlliCAST OF 'nHIAY'S'VliATHI5ll. ' * ' . r < Cold , Clammy . \tiiioN | > lit-r , < - , o Glvt * I'lnce tn More Ci-iilul C < ui , < illoiiN. ) WASHINGTON' , Oct. 11. TJI ? forecast for Monday Is : ' . . ' For Nebraska nml Coiarjivor-Goncrnlly fair ; warmer ; southerly wind'fy ' , . For South Dakota Fair ; wnjippr In east ern portion ; southerly to wcri\eflx.wimlti. \ For Wyoming Fair ; nou < cf/y / , shlfllnK to westerly winds. , For Montana-Genorally fair ; westerly winds ; eoolcr In northern portion. For Missouri Fair , jireceek-d by showers In FGUtheimtcrn portion ; northerly winds nn 1 KllKhtly warmer. For Iowa Generally fair ; northerly wlmlj becoming vurlnlile. l.iienl Itei-iiril. OFFICE OF TUB WKATHBU IIUHBAIT , OMAHA , Oct. 11. Omaha record of tern- peruturo and rainfall compared with tne- ccrrcspondliii ; day of the three years : 45JU. itn . . 1KOI . laJJ Maximum temperature. . . . Dl 6S "U K ) Minimum temperaiuro.12 4S w 45 Averape temperature 8 M v 52 Halnfall T T . ( X ) . ( X. Condi'Ion of temperature und precipita tion at Omaha for Iho day and slnco March 1 , ISStf ; Normal temperature for the day 55 Ocllclcnoy for the day 7 Acciiinulated excess since March 1 2S Normal precipitation for the day. . .00 Inch neildcncy for the , ( flinch Total piecr > ltatlon since Mar : 1..30.80 Inche ? BxceHH Hlnco March 1 4.H Inohfr Uc-flelency for cor. period IKiS.i , . 8.11 nglie ? Pcllqlengy for cor. P9rlod , Isai..13.CS IIP ' AssAtt.Tui ) A i.rrri.i : fim.ti. I 'n m 1 1. v K < M < PN II 4ltilct. lint Nclutttiorn ( 'mini' Ot-urK * ' WhllclK'Mit'n Arrant. QcorRp Whltchcnd was nrrmtcil lust nlRht , Whltrhmit until lately boarded with n family named Sommerf ilvlng at S10 North Six teenth. They hnvo a little girl bnby barely 3 years of ae , of whom Sommers has ap- jieired to be very fond. A week ago last ! Friday , BO Mrs. Somtnem say * , she left her j child alone In the house under the care of Whltchend , and went down town to do i some shopping. When she returned SamI I mers hail dlsappeaied and the child was crying as If in great pain , t'pon examina tion the mother nays , she found the little girl had been criminally DM Milled. Physi cians were summoned , who pronounced the caao one of assault , and the child In a serious condition , although not necessarily fatal. Themuther mined her child for sev eral days , and was at length rewarded by seeing It partially restored to health. The Summers family are very religious people , and not wishing to cause Whitehead - , head any trouble , and ulso from a disin clination to make the affair public , re frained from having htm arrested , contentI I Ins themselves byarnliiK him to keep away j from the house. The facts , however , leaked out among the neighbors , and an luvrsllga- ti-M in. iio police resulted In the arrest of Whltehead. AMUSEMENTS. Two good-sized audlinces yesterday j greeted the company which opened a thrco nights' engagement of "A Green Goods , Man , " at the CrclKhton theater. The farce- comedy Is presented by W. K. Gorman's comedians In a pleasing manner. There Is rather moro nonsense than In the average attraction of this kiiul , and the specialties are nnlllclcntly amusing to make ono forget the cares of business or the worry of the campaign. In these days , hov.ever , one must not expect to have all political reformers mers excluded from the stage ; FO in this play thcro are Uumorouu allusions to each 01 the presidential candidates and the house has several opportunities to manifest Its urercrencca. John T. Hanson takes the familiar part of a "rcuben" In an apt manner. Herry Maxwell , as a grcon goods man , and Frank ( illletto ns a "dead easy" tramp are the best of the others in the east. Among the musical nuii'icrs arc many catchy airs and some timely parodies to airs ( hat have been catchy. Thcro Is some splendid danclni ; . The live ualciv girls make a good appearance and amurc the green goods victim and others. There Is a burlesque on the Salvation army , nlwajs of doubtful propriety , that Is cleverly given and draws forth much In-arty applause from the galA - A number of Omahans their name Is not legion who had not seen Katie Kmmett In "The Waifs ot New York. " Improved their opportunity jcsterday , vhcn another engagement of that popular play was iH'gun. Many of those who had seen cheery Katie In her favorite role before were also there. There was a scant house In the afternoon , but a better audience was present In the evening. In addition to the fascinating scenes of a great city , In which the lire and police departments play an Important part , there are llvo good specialties. Katie herself sings a number of songs In her usual cheery manner ; Jenny Hngcl as "Did dle McSliano" draws forth considerable ) mer riment ; Harry West does some clever dia lect work ; the DeArvlllc sisters dance well , and "llaby" Isabcllc , said to bo the- young est child on the st-ige , pings better than any prodigy heard here for some time. The engagement Is for four nights and a "bar gain day" matinee will be given on Wednes day afternoon. Seats for the engagement of Joseph Jeffer son at the Crelghtou Wednesday nleht , Oc tober 14 , will be placed on sale at that theater this morning at U o'clock. The ; coin- Ins of this great player In the success ot his long career , "Rip Van Winkle , " should bo an Irresistible attraction , and should 1111 ' the Crclghton to overflowing. The com pany's support. It Is promised. IH of thnt same degree of merit characteristic of the man , ami an evening of unalloyed enjoyment Is promised those attending. "Darkest Russia , " Sidney 12111s' elaborate scenic production , Is apparently n bonu of contention between the local playhouses , both advertising that attraction for the same dates next week , four night's , com mencing Sunday mctlnce , October IS. The novelty of two tin-atom advertising the same attraction for the same nights la ex citing much comment. In a Interview on the subject. Manager Durgcss stated : "Von may siy positively that this attraction will bo seen at the Crclghton on the dates men tioned. The attraction Is a good one , and the contracts held by us nro Indisputable. " Manager Miner Is equally certain the piece will bo given at the lloyd. Nothing succeeds like success , and Otis Skinner , who opens an engagement of three nights at the Crelghton on Thursday next. Is certainly one of the most successful actors now before the public. Indeed , It Is doubtful If there Is an actor of his years who moro thoroughly understands the technique and details of stage work better than he. The engagement will open with the presentation of "Hamlet. " In many respects , Mr. Skin ner differs In his Interpretation ot this com plex character from his predecessors. As Romeo Mr. Skinner will bo seen on Friday night. Saturday afternoon. Lord Lytton's "Lady of Lyons'1 will bo presented , with Mr. Skinner as Claude Melnottc. "A Sol dier of Fortune , " which will be presented on Saturday evening and with which the engagement will close. Is n romantic play In four acts , with its scenes laid In Italy early In the sixteenth century , at the time when the Uorglas were at the height of their power. This play is said to be well writ ten , with highly dranrttlc situations and climaxes and bright , trlste dialogue. It la very handsomely staged , both scenery and costumes being all that can be desired , and hero the management has taken great pains tlm historic. . ! accuracy bo followed. Mr. Skinner brings with him a largo company , containing some of the best known players In the profession. Seats for the engagement will be placed on sale tomorrow at 9 o'clock. PnlmiT nml Itiiukucr In Di'trnll. DETROIT , Oct. 11. The Palmer and Duckncr party arrived in Detroit from Grand Rapids at 2 o'clock this afternoon , their car being attached to the rear of the train of the gold standard delegation from this city. The two generals were taken to Don M. Dickinson's home , where ad mittance was denied to all callers during the afternoon. A number of citizens called and paiil their respects to the candidates this evening. After addressing a Detroit audience tomorrow afternoon Generals Palmer and Iluckner will depart for Cincin nati. ovnitn'r * TUP utiri' IMUVTIMI SlRIRhS lllh WAUi liARNhR r e GohmjfS of Sihor a Phcft Blow at His Prospsrity. BULLION OWNERS THE BENEFICIARIES .1 ml no tlr-i'kii unit I' . ItiiHtMtitfcr Ail- ilri'MH an Knllitiila llt' AinlliMU'O < if Iliihciiiliins at \iilliinat Halt V ( filar AttcriHiou. A rousing meeting At National hall , ( m South Thirteenth street , yesterday after noon brought out a larga crowd of Iio- hemlan voters to hear the IIMIWS ttt the campaign discussed by K. Hosowalcr t-.tid Louis Ilcrka. They listened to speeches both In Kngllsh and In their native tongue and formed ono of the most appreciative and enthusiastic audiences that has assem bled In the Srcomt ward during the present campaign. Anton Kmcnt acted as chairman anil briefly sta'ted the purpose of the meeting. Ho then Introduced Lou la Derka , who spoke In ttoucmlan. and was heard with marked attention. Jui'ge llerka dwelt brltlly en both natlona and local Issues , and made an ef fective appeal to his countrymen to support the republican standard bearers. Following Judge Uerka , Frank Hurman and M. F. Singleton , caudldaUs for tlu1 legislature1 , were- Introduced and briefly out lined their posltU-n. They were cspi unity outspoken In opposition to any change lu the present valued policy law , and this sen timent was heartily applauded. Mr. Roscwater made the principal a.l of the afternoon. He llrst spoke brlelly In Pohemlan , and then more at length In Kng- llsh. Ho addressed himself almost exelu- ulvtly to the laboring men , who formed the greater part of the audience , and showed them by arguments which were within the comprehension of each of them that the free and unlimited coinage of silver was a direct blow at the prosperity of the wage camera of the country. He was frequently applauded , and his most telling arguments were received with more than ordinaly en thusiasm. lly way ot Introduction Mr. Roaewatcr very brlclly reviewed the history of coinage In this country. Ho asserted ns a first principle that the. value ot a commodity wjs the cost of Us production. The value of gold and cllver represented the test of digging It out of the earth and putting It on the market. Hut price was a very dif ferent thing. For Instance a gold ring might represent an actual cost of § . If then1 were ten men who wanted the ring and they proceeded to bid ngalnM each other the price might be raised to ? 10 but the value was unchanged. Bryan and his followers were constantly confounding prlco with value. QUKSTION OF LAIIOR. The speaker showed the fallacy of the assertion that the government could main tain silver nt the ratio of 1C to 1 by citing had been compelled , HIP changes which congress pelled to make in the ratio earlier In our ' history. If they could make that ratio ' stick now why was It that It had been ' found Impossible to make It stick In 1S31 ? 1 As a matter of fact every double standard I that had ever existed had bci-n n single , standard. Hither the gold was used and I silver was forced out ot circulation or nl- ! i vcr was used and gold kept out. Hut Mr Uosewatir argued that It was after all a question of labor. There wai , In the world not a silver standard country today In which the laborer was paid more than titty cents n day. Thcro was not n gold standard country In which the laborer was not paid at least twice as much as In the silver countries. In Russia the gold wjs cornered by the nobility and the peas ant was paid In the credit rouble. Uven In Turkey , which was the lowest In point of civilization of ( ho gold standard coun tries the laborer was paid more In good money than the Russian laborer V.MS paid In the cheap money. The speaker went on to show that the effort to foist free silver upon the country promised no bcne.1t to Iho wage earner. Bvcn assuming that It would Increase ilia nrlco of silver. It only promised a big proill for the mine owners. The silver owners wore now holding fi',000,000 ' ounces of silver for speculative purposes. If silver should rise 10 cents an ounce It would mean n profit for them of JO.OOO.OOu. The Omaha nnd Grant Smelling and Retlnlng company was holding 2,000.000 OUIICCM for the tiamo purpose , but would they give any part of their profits to the men whom they cm- ployed In their shore ? The laboring man had no way to obtain money except through his own brain and muscle. The great trouble was not the lack of money , but the lack of work. What op portunity for employment would free silver bring ? If a man had a stroke of apoplexy and the blood was all congested In his head the physician would nut offer to relieve him by Injecting more blood. There was money enough In thla country now , but It was congested In banks and In pots nnd kettlee. where It had been hidden by men who ucre afraid to Invest It. What was wanted was to Inspire these people with the belief that if they Invest their money In building n house , a factory or mill they would get It back again , and then It would begin to flow out. offer employment ant' bring prosperity again. Mr. Roaewater con cluded with a vigorous appeal to his hearers to support not only the republican national ticket but the state and Icg'alatlvc tickets as well. Dcailly DlNiMiHi * lit CiiUa. WASHINGTON. Oct. 11.-Dr. Burgees , sanitary Inspector of the marine hospital at Havana , Ina iccent report says that yellow fever continues to be epidemic there nnd he Is Informed It Is so In most of the places where Iho Spanish soldiers arc fnumi. During September thcro were 1,031 deaths In Havana from the disease. Small pox , Instead a. ' diminishing , Increases dally , not only In Havana , but In the suburbs. The doctor expresses the fear that it will bo many months before this scourge Is over. Ho also reports the danger from yel low fever to vessels discharging cargoes at Tallapledra wharf , Havana , because of Its clcro proximity to an old and badly affected military hospital. IIIIlN < ; aiiiiiil | n. HOT SPRINOS , S. D. , Oct. 11. ( Special Telegram. ) A special train with a band , glee club and nearly 103 enthusiastic repub licans went from hero to Bdgcmont last night to hear Congressman Gamble discuss the political Issues. lie made a magnificent speech to fully 400 pccple and aroused the voter.s to n Ki'nae of their responsibilities In the support of republican principles. He has mailu a general campaign through the Black Hills , finishing at IMgcmont and now goes to the caBtprn part of the state , confi dent of a big republican majority. Don't Scold about washing powders. " If you feel like it , it's because you haven't got the right kind. Get Pearline , and see the difference. Pearline has been imitated but never been equalled. There are all kinds of imi tations ; powders that save work , but ruin clothes ; powders that don't hurt , and don't help you ; pow ders that are cheap to begin with , but dear enough in the end. Try them all for yourself , if you won't lake our word for it. But don't get them mixed up In your mind with Pearline. Sckt-irl I'eddlcrs and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you " this Is as need tii" or CUU "the same as 1'earline. " IT'S 1'Al.SK 1'earllne is never pcddl'd , and If T3 _ 1 if your grocer scuds you lomcthini ! in place of Pearline , be huneit * V ZSSLCK. told it back. OW MMBS J'YLH , New Yoik. , MILLION'S ' OI ! ANIMALS. You Cnlimit Mre Them Hut Von Mtty ltd Devottreil lij Them It Vim Are .Not on Ytine ( iiiiii-il , M.Onria-bvl Mr. What Is "Iwtl Alt7" It In air loaded \vtth millions of minute nuliiiAla too small to be ween by the linker ! eye , nnd oveiy enp of thc-in polconoux. Look nt u Minhrnm where It oomes sltcumlmr through your window nml notice the million ! ) vtt iilonisif dust thnl it contain * . lto\v mnny thnusund * or millions of jim.illcr nnlmnl-i therr * must he in every breath drawn Intti tl.o lungfi , nml not oni oflilch oan l < a seen ! lUit they mili < l llvo , ami they do \vhleh live npnn that portion of the human body they ciin pet nt. Thai la mnlnrla. H Isi nny wonder Unit nearly rvrry ntnn ninl woman U troubled with It ? Kill the germi. : How ? Noihlni ; so ( pilelcly nml eeriiilnl/ OooM U nu pmc whlsUey. Nothing MO eer tainly Injures as Imptiro whiskey , nnd no vthlskey wa ever known thnt I * so abso lutely In every recpect ft UutTy'n pura malt. I'rofcs'or Henry A. Molt of No\v York deelnrrsi It , Mr. Win. T. Putter , ntntu chemist of Connecticut. unlicnltiitlnKly as- verts It. nnd prominent scientists , doctor.- * nml professors who 1mvo InvestlKiiled U njrreo nml are unquulllled In their com- mendntlon. Any man or woman who feels tired , weak , CNhn.isted , ( lespomleiit , vvllh all the slifilrt of m.'ilailn and mil.ill il prison , should not di " , iy and e.nni-il il.i bitter tlnin to u e In II.e proper iii.inin r nnil ulth modcialion , HulTy's Pure Malt Wtilskey. Seavles & Searles , , } \ srrmusis is ; 4 Neivous , Cliroaic and Private Diseases , WEaifMEH SIUUIY. 1'rhatc DI49.1HC4 ml DNortlcrsof Men Tro.itme it li > milt Consult itl-'ii free SYPHILIS run d for lire and the po sun tluiouchly clcmiM-d from the lystem. I'll.lCS. KISTIM.A nnd KKi'T\f. ri.CKUS , lIVimnfHhKa and VAHIiHH'MI.IJ permnnently and S'ie- e-rssfully < ur < d. Method new and unfal'lni ; STRICTURE AND By now method without pain or cutting. C'all on or address with stamp , Dr. Scarlcs & Searlcs 1 10 S. Mill St. . , Umilin , Ncb > THE TAILOR. Fine Line of Fall and Winter Suitings. 130 S. Main Street Council ( Muffs , In. EVERY WCJIVJAN Sotnrtt.r.ea nn'un n n-lliibli monUily regulating tnrdlcln DR. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL RILLS , Ave prompt ifo nnd certain In rejult. The ceuu- fco ( Dr. 1'i-al's ) imvi-rdlsauiiomt. SrntnQywcsi-4 Sherman & Mcl'onnel I'rug Co. 1513 street , Omaha. Neb. ( AllVfl OK Council Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL , $100,000) ) Uli SOLICIT YOUIl IIL'SI.VKSR. \V13 DI2SIIII3 YOUIl COI.LKCTIONH. O\U OF TUB OL.DUST HANKS I.IOVA < a run CISNT i-Ain ON TISIK iii > usiT3 OAXE , AHD BRIE UN Ott WHITE. Dohaity Theater. CJICOItUH N. HOWKN. Manager. One Solid Week and Saturday Matinee. ChaseLister Theater Go. SnppoitliiKMISS ( IKKTin IMVINd Monday Kv.'iiln , ( ) . ( . 12. DAD'S (111(1- Suuts no'v on b.ilo nt Seller's DrasKloro lOo. RAILWAY TIME CARD Lcave IllUULlNOTON & HO. IllVEU..Arrives . Oiimhall'iilun Liftiov , 10m & Munun au. | Omaha S-.Uam Denver Hxprefi . t > : Mjin 4:35pm.llk : Hills. Mont. & I'uxvt Hul. : i4Uipin 4:33pin : Denver I xiun > s 7'jpm..Kcbratka : Local ( except Kumlay ) . . T.MIimi . . .Lincoln Local ( vxucpt Sur.ilay.i3omu ] ; ! : Wpm..t''iut Jlalt ( for Lincoln ) -iully. . . Loaves [ CHICAGO. nUULINaTO.V . ( J.IArriveT Omahal.'iilur. ) Depot , K'lli & Mason tjl . | Omnha ' SiOOpm ChlcnKO Vestibule . f:00am 9 : < Sum ClilcuKO Kxprcsa 4iimi 7:10i : > m..Chicago uiul St. Louis Kxp.-eej. . t:00itin : ll:40.tni : r.iclnc junction Local ClC | > m Kant Mull 8ttimn : Leaves ( CHICAGO. Mil * & ST. I'AUUJArrhca Omulml Union Depot , lOtli .t Maeon Sts.junmia _ ) ' E:30rm : . . .Cliicago Uinlloil 8onm : U:00-.m..ChlcnEo Kxvntn ( ex. EumJay ) . . 3spm , fonves ICHtCAOO A NOn7iIWB3T'N. I Arrives Oiaaliajl'nlon ' Depot , lOUi & Munoii Kia. | Oiunliu lOMSain . .Kfjt.crn l'\ttress 3MOi iiT 445tin VcEtlbilli-il I.lmllfil GMOuni : St. I'aul Kxprus CMO.iia tit. Taut Limited 7HOam..C' : rrJc ! Sluux City I.uciil. . C:30i-in : Oinnha ClilcuKO Special. . . . Missouri Valley Local Leas ICHICAOO. It .t. A I'ACIl''IC.Arrl--s | OinahnUnlonJJeiot. | 10th & _ Ma _ 8t .l Omalu 10:4Cam..Atlantic : ExpriBB lex. Bunday ) . . 7/Opm : / Nlstii Hkiirrsa SilRaw 4.fCpm..Chlcnso Veitlliiiloil Lmiltod. . . . : | 4 riipm. . . HI. I'diil VeMlliiili-il l.lmiiei ) , . WKST. _ cTilpm.o'kUliarnn A Txai Kx. ( ti , s7in..10Su"ni : l40pm ; . Colorado _ I.lmll".i. . . . . . . . . . : oOpro " * Leaves" ) C. , BT. P. . si. i. u. JArrlvcs Omnhul Depot , llth anilVcKtcr flu. _ i Oinnhn S:15am : . Hloux ; ; . . . . . 8OCm ; | 12SOpm. : . . Sioux nty L nr > iiii i-a. 3un..ll:5'aiu : C:15i > m . Hi. 1'HUl Limited . 8:10am Leaves I K.'C. . HI JA C. II. " ( ArrlvM * OmalmUnlonDepot | _ , 10th & Mapon HtyOrnaha " 8OSam. : r.lCantus City Dcy ttxirt | > M. . . . . C:10pm : IQiMpm.K. ( . ' . Nltht lx. _ via t' . I' . Tianii. C:30am Leaves I MIBBOUIU PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omulml Depot , l&tli amiVetmer His. I Omaiin .1 nfipm. . .f.'tbriuku A Kaunas Limited. . : D:30 : ( > m . Kuiivai City Kxprms . Giooam a fOpm . . . .N'HiratWn lx > cnl lex. Him. ) . . . . l:00.uii : Leaves ] HIOI'X CITV A l > ArFlo. "JArrlVM Om.ihul iJepot , ISth and Webnler Uts. I Omaha _ : lSpir. . . ' " . . . . . .St.lfaul Limited . L. . . flilOam reaves | HUMIjTciTY A > A e'7i > ia ) AriTveT OmalmlUnlon Depot , 10th A Miuon HtsJ Omaha r. ( Cnm . 'HI. Paul rat cn vr.i . lltirpm TiSO.iin . Hloux City I'usiienvtT . , 9oi ; > m tMpm. ; . . . .HI. I'nul Limited . OUCum iTuTVrs" ] tJNKW f'AClFIC TAnjveT Qmulml Union Depot , 10th & Mnnuii 3tK. | Omaha 9.Vnni : . Keainey Kxpria * . 410 ; | > ni 6Cam. ; . . . Overland Limited . 4lSpit : I'SOpm.Jleut'ce A Blromnh'R Kx ( ex. Hun,12iSpm ) ; ( Gi5pm. : .Qrnnd Iiland Express ( ex. Hun..12Mpin ) ; Kunt Mall . . . ! < tdiii Unveil WAIIAHH ' 1 Arrive ! OmnliHlUnlbn Drpot , 10th & Mnixiii Hti. ( Onuh , , . , St , Ixiuli CantUD/lall./k.itllCiiia )