Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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    Ting OMAITA : DAILY K ; aioypAY , ocToninn 12 ,
puttltg up n new building Hill bra1 < thn
lionrt of nn Amnrlonn laborer. All buildIng -
Ing Is ilono with a mioclw of nlone enllod
teimtnlo , vvhloh It "qunrrlod" with an nx
or Imlchot nml vvhloh hardens liy oxlfosuro
to thn elements All material li e-nrrled to
tlio juitlo or open court In tlic inliMlo of thn
tiropornl new building on the backs of
peons nnd ImrroH A trench In dux vul thf
foundation ciimtnemid , one peon mixing ft
native cement In a hollow lop wtlli n tlck ,
while nnother rnrrliw mono to 'h" trench
for tilt1 innnoii. When the mruciure him
rwichnl thn holrht of ulioiit five feet nl > eve
the ground 11 mnffold IB inn do on the out
side of the building by wooden Itftimi < H -
enrrly tint with ropes , neross which oth r
lipnniH nro laid anil the laborer inrrlrn the
tnntorlnl tin n serlen of Incllm-s I lie inside
of the hulidltii ; Is Illlnllth dirt nnd rub
bish n fust ns the walls BO up The hod-
currier currier the cement to the stone
mason In n hug , while nnother carries up
Htemos or nelob" brlfks ( Hire Gxllxl Inchm ) .
Koncrnlly earrlng slxte-en or eighteen of
the bricks ut i time , or n atone uclR-MuK
from twenty-live to you pounds. Thin work
Is very tedious , owing to Its methoil Afii r
the building IH < ompcled ! the dirt nnd ruli
blsh with which It In filled on thn Inside H
carried out In bans nnd carried nwny on
burros' backs to fume dumping pluce. while
the scaffold IH lined hy stone cutter * to
cnrvo the front of the hull'llnr nn n-t In ;
which they uro very skillful , and receive
87V4 cents to $1 pi r day
In the mines as well ns on buildings the
owners or builders omloavore el to Inlroduco
modern ladilcrs , hut the ) ) con would not
UHC them , fearing to risk hlfl life on the
rounds , nml when wheelbarrows were
brought for his usehe filled the box of the
H.UIIO and carried thu loaded wheelbarrow
nway on his head
Thn stone quarries In Mexico nre from ono
to fifty miles away from the cities , hut the
Htonc , an fast as quarried or a uao ban been
found for It , IH carried on the bucks of
peons nnd burros to the cities Your com
mittee met ono of these peons enrrlng a
Htono SxWj feet square and four Inches
thick , which he wim bringing from a quarry
nearly twenty miles away Twenty minutes
later wo met a number of burros , each
earning two such slums , and learned from
the attendant ! ) that the peon had left thu
quarry at the same- time as did the burros
with their load
The native ( or laborer ) of Mexico In but a
child In Intelligence , and If left to his own
roiiources , would be helpless to mnko a llve-
llheiodVlill he Is an artent Imitator , he
ban no Ideas of doing an ) thing to better
hi' own condition , and eloes not take up
modern or advanced moans of brightening
Ills existence , hut retains all the primitive
characteristics of centuries ago , when Cor-
tcz Ural Invaded tint country.
To thin day the peon aweips the public
ntrrets with a whisk-broom and carries the
nwi opines away In a bag on his head or
luck. Where there li a running stream of
water there the vvomrn ilo the fimlly wishIng -
Ing , otherwise It If done In a hollow log
The women , whether of high or low degree ,
pilnt nnd ponder In a m inner eomlril to
behold and have not yet acquired the ar-
tlsllo touch of tlielr Amerind ulsters
Kverjbod } smokes cigarettes at all times
und places The peons cut grass or grain
with n sickle or knife
Otio mystery that presented Itself for solu
tion In the habits or the peon IK that he Ilex
on thu cold ground or flagstones , iliy or
night , with Impunity from citching cold or
contracting rheumatism , while the traveler
In that country to bo comfortable must
wear a light overcoit and light woolen
underwiar and have blankets for coveting
on the bed Very early In the morning one
mecta lirge numbers of the natlvea hire
footed , In cotton shirt and knee pauta , stem-
Ink' to bo quite comfoi table
Your committee , on learning of the low
prices pilil for labor In Mexico , loo'clng at
that fact from n humnnltarltn Mnndpolnt
nnd that the Hborer waa worthy of his
hire , waa shocked to siy the least Hut
Inter , when we saw that although It took
but 20 or 2i cents per dly to keep a peon
family of live , and all members worked , and
that to pay him more waa his ruination ,
we were somewl"it relieved If u p-OII'M
wages arc rnlspil ho will only work until he
eirna a certain amount and then quit and
not do another stroke while he has a cent
of money Consequently they are totally
unreliable anil dent workmen Thla condi
tion wan brought about bv thn In mention
anil lack of Interest manifested In them as
worker * by their Indolent masters Thus ,
among the rreat natlonx of our advanced
clvlllzitlnn , Mexico hna been marking time
whlln other nations h.wo btrun mirchlng
on The peon Is polite and kind. If ono la to
Judge from the demeanor manifested when
hit meets a friend or In fondling children ,
and we feel waiiantcd In si > lng that under
proper condition ) ) they nro caiuhlo of being
n gplcmlld lace of people And If there la
anything to the plillasophy that xomo of IIH
bavo been schooled In Avhlch tuns
"God of the Just , Thou forcutb the bitter
cup ,
Wo bow to Thy behest ami drink It up ; "
or"Or by the path of sorrow nnd that path
alone ,
Leads to the land where sorrovv Is tin-
known , "
then the Mexican laborer will enjoy eternal
bliss with the beat In the gieat Immortality
In the ( ICe be > end
Millinery Isn scarce article In Mexico , ex
cepting In the Htjr. Your commltlro did
not Hoti n fcmalo with n hat nn until wo
leached the City of Mexico , anil there only
on the heads of the 400 nnd thn foreigners.
As a rule , even there the women nro biro-
headed , tlielr hall gnased. yet nicely
drowned All wore a sernpe ( a long shawl ) ,
which ccsts about JI M whlh Is worn about
the urpiT pirt of the body nnd HII arranged
as to serve three purposes First , It Is
wrapped around the breast nnd shoulders
nnd takes the place of a waist or basque ,
second , bv being drawn closelv over the
chest aclB as a leceptacle for eairylng tholt
babies , Instead of on their batks , aa the
squaw carries hoi pappoose ; third. In a
few Instances the ends of this scrape served
a a covering for the head
A man's chief article of dress Is his som
brero , often coaling1 ns much as $ .Ti ( which
la bought on the Installment plan ) , while
the balance of his clothing would -make a
crazy quilt turn green with envy , o\\lng to
Its variety of colora nnd assortment of
patches , making It a haul problem to solve
as to which Is the original garment nml
which the pitch No stockings nro worn
by cither sex and only about one-third
sandals , which nro made from a piece of
solo leather and tied to the foot with straps
These sindals cost from. 12 to 'M cents per
pilr. The average cost of the necessities
of llfo for n peon family of live Is 25 centa
per iltiv nnd clothing for the same costs
about { - > ) pet > ear.
Strict eais In Mexico arc as good aa can
be expected consisting principal ! } of the
mmII cirs formerly In use In American
titles These cars nre drawn by one or two
mtileo In a level countiy and bv three or
foui mules In a hlllj country The faro U
C. S. 12 nnd n cents foi llral-clitc ) passage ,
and two tilids of that amount for second-
class. After 7 p m the fare Is doubled
All can inn on Iho sldu of the sli ul , up
ono street and bicK on another
hand In Me\li-o Is not tattd nnd a man
can pre-empt .is much land as he can lilio
peons to Keep othei "quatteis off It Is nol
even necess-irj for him to till or work iitij
pirt of the land , but If It Is Intended to use
any land foi agriculture , mining 01 m inu-
fnuturlni ; purposes the government will
Kraut concessions to the owner In the shape
of admitting machinery or ngrlcultuial Im
plements free of duty foi a number of vears
The caciur , which glows In ahuml.iiuc
la used hy the peona In mmy wava The
broad leaves nro dried , giound Into ( lour
between tuu ntnnop mid a sort of pane ike
nude The trult , called which re
sembles a russut apple. Is sweet and c o'liw
to the t isle Kor fodder for thn hniro Iho
etictus Is dried in the sun nftor having the
thorns burned OIT , ulillo other spooled are
U'cil ns n fence around the hut
The tequlli which iisemblra the conturj
plant and rrow.s wild In abundance Is
With llood'ri Karxapu-
rIla"Salw ! Talk , " nucl
ahnw that this nieUI-
rlno has enjoyed public confidence nnd
patronnKo to a renter extenttluuinccord-
cd any other proprietary medicine. This
la ulinply bccnuso it possesses greater
merit and products greater cures than
any other. It in not what \vo hay , but
wlmt Hood's Sarsnparllla docs , timt tolls
the story. All advertisements of Hood's
Sarsuparllla , Illo : lloml'rt Sarnpnrllln it-
ntll , are honest. Wo liavo never deceived
the public , and this with 1U superlative
inwllcliml mcrll , It ) \\liy the people liavo
abidlnc coQlldenco lu It , and buy
Almrvft to tinoxiliiilnn ut all o'litr . Try It.
0. 1 lloud.\.Co.I.ovvtll ,
lnpi1 | ill I In IwiH ) for .Ihn Mt | > . from vvhloh
the mUlv whisky H nmilc.
NVnrly nil tovvnn nnd eltlen nre from ono-
htilf to thre mlloi nvvny from the rnllroml
fltnlloim , In order Hint the t > eon lm vvorlc to
oiirry IMIRKIIKO nml freight from the depot to
the town Voiir romnilttce nw n pnroadar
( imhllc t-nrrler ) , tmttlnic nioni ? the hlshvvny
with a InrRi trunk on his hnc't. another
with n had Oonen hint 1 ontrliolnnoihrr
with mi Iron nfe nnother with forty udoho
lirlokH unotici with two lilies of hiiy , one
with two Imrrel * of fruit , one with H orate
of croe-k ( ry or of von ? tnli1e * . another with
two ten-wllon k ( > K or two Htone Jut ; * of
wntor nnd four peoin carrylnK n pluno
'Ihln wonderfui power of endurance' mid
utrenKth of llmh In a mynterv nnd proves
him toH \ * a veritable bou t of burden In
the e-uryln * triule of timt country , nnd
toKi-ther , with the burro , are the raflrond'8
cnlv ootnnetltors
The ilav'a work In Moxlno runs from ten to
fomti en hmirTh Imki-M work twenty
hours and woikmen who taUo vvorl ; to their
homed work IIH nmtiv bourn IIM they pit use
The Mexican laborer worKi eny compnml
with the American laborer , o\c | 't the e-ai-
Vler , who bearH enormoui burdeim on hli
bnek nil dny without mnnlfiitlnK fnllRUo
The iuo | tlon of shorter bourn In Mexico Is
; t IOIIK vvn > off for a. coinurj In whleh Inbor
li KO e-henp iinl plentiful that It Is offered
IH an Inducement to brlnt ? foreign enpllnl
n , and Its Inllirs will be compelled to
vork as mnnv hours ns they ate phyMlcully
idle And tlmnlts to oiRHillzed labor , or
he Amerlean worldtiKman would be In the
ame condition today ns his Mexican
The prevnlllnc style of architecture In the
cities of Mexico la of n' Monrlih-Spanlih
order All of the bulldliiKS lu the huxlncss
nul leBlilotiev portions of the oltles have
liner courts , ctllod patlo . which Klve them
ho form of a hollow eunro | The Inner
mil outer walls of thowo courts and the
itreet shies of the building lire liamlsomolv.
'rescoeel , whllo the Kallerle-s are lined with
i profusion of tropical and seml-tropleul
lowers , and lanro palms aie alvvajs to be
'outld 111 the tenter of these pitlos In the
titeilor nrrniiBements of the buildings the
system of ventilation Is voiv poor , the Inner
rooms ret their IlKht from the door , In
vhlch the upper half Is of glnss Sliop-
krepcra llvo niiove or In the rear of their
stores and thuso with palatial reslilenee-s In
litHUbiubs live In Paris most of the time
lut thosi who- Ineomi-s comiiel them to
Ivu In the second or Inner pitlo exist In u
mrtlal eollpao of the Hunt of day The
rents of the buildings are Hat , seldom ovci
wostoiles hlRh ; Home havosmill bx'coaleM ' ,
mil nil v. l-ulovvs on the street lloor nre
le-.ivlly birred , where the > ounK cavallero
may steal on tlptoo and breathe Hvveet
vorels of love to his best Rlrl , who Is safely
mmured behind those prison-like walls
and windows , to Kiiarel her against the eon-
amlnatloa of the outer world The pnme-
ness of the house fronts elves them a
Monotonous appe'aranco , which tlrca the eye
n lonnilii' : the cities Most of the houses
are from 100 to SOJ years old. except the
ulohe house.s nnd huts From the poorly
lithteel and poorly vontll-vtotl arrntifrement
of the- houses It would be Impossible for the
) eoplo to maintain ( toad he-tilth were It
lot for the pure , IlKht air that envelops
ho table ) lands All these buildings and
luts that we entered seemed to be dunged
vlth u peeull ir odor ; whether It wax the
se of the- buildings , the material they were
mill of or the poor sanlt iry arrangenie-nti )
. \e were unable to nHe-ertaln : SVSTH.M nrKKCTivn
Mexico Is not primitive in everything
Many of Its prespiit laws and customs could
10 ptofltaMv adopted In this countrv 1'lrst
> f all Its H\stem of police and soldleis lu
Kuard life and property , which Is eettalnly
irrfoot exer-ptlns the piy vvhleh I" only
IS ami 3",4 cents jer diy , vvlt'i uniform fur-
ilslu-il lu iiaj elty In the republic of Sle\-
co a person Is snfer. either on the street or
indoors , bv di > or by night , than a person
s In the city of Chic igo at police be.uliiiiar-
lers In the- middle of the day. llonse-
utaklnir robberies , holdups or mm dors are
in unknown eiuantlty In Moxle in cities
Hill If one of these crimes Is ever committed
the Kiillly pulv Is Immi'dlate-ly apjro-
leiiiled , taken before an ollleer of thu diy
whcio ho Is ordereil shot on the rpot. The
only e'rlmes committed are pottv IhlovlnR
and pick pockets The gentry who ply
this vocation are rounded frequently , when
h ilf of them arn taken from the Jill and ,
under guard of n miuad of soldiers , suit tea
a neighboring town which the prisoners
never reach The soldiers return In a fev\
liouis , report that their prisoners attempted
to escape , and were shot This method of
dl'pcnslntr iustlco acts ns nn object lesson
to the remaining prisoners , and Is a system
which has nurlllcd Mexico of crime and
criminals The other pickpockets may be
set frea or ordereil sent to another town at
a I iter d ly
Thei libel and slimier laws of Mexico are
very severe. If a person libels 01 sl.imleri
another , either by mouth or pen on com
plaint being made to any policeman the
guilty pelHon la arrested and lodged lu j ill
until ho ban proved the charge made by
mouth or pen.
All huMncss In Mexico is transicted on a
strictly rash basis , no credits are given or
allnwcel to any ono or for any purpose what
ever , commercial piper and promises to pav
ore unknown , anel If a merchant 1ms n stock
of poods bo It largo or Minll. oveiy article
Is paid for , consequently no business fail
ures have occurred In that country for
The compulsory school law worka aelmlr-
ublv ; It requires children between the aces
of 7 and H years to nttenel the public
school * ten months of the year Statistics
of Mexico show that where ton years ago
75 per cent of Its people could not read 01
write , now C < > per cent can
Another admirable feature of Mexican
business life Is that all places of business
are closed dillv from 1 to 3 o'clock nt noon
to permit everybody to go homo to dinner ,
whllo stools and cb lira nre piovleled In nil
stores for the use of both the ele rks and the >
customers The worst fe'.ituie of Mexican
business life In that no fixed prlcu Is put
on any article , but the mi-ichint will toll
the truth ns to the exact quallt ) of the
goods to bo purchases ! If tlio bliyoi offers
one-half or erne-third of the. price original ! )
asked the article e-an goliuiallv bo bought
Wages are pilel every Wednesday and
rjvery town or city In Mexico has Horn
ono to a. dozen public perks , which nro kept
up by the government. In vvhloh Hcml and
trl-vveekly concerts are given by govcin-
mcnt bands. On Sunday mornings , In the
City of Mexico , military bands play In the
principal public pailc for three hours , com
mencing at 10 o'clock. During the. first hour
and a hnlf the peon Is privileged to promenade -
onado In the pniK am ) listen to the music ,
after which tlmo 1m l.i oidirod out by the-
pollco to maUc room for the .so-called better
clnssos , who then appear on dress parade
until the close of the concert At each en
trance to the promenades pollco stand
guard to drive nway the unfortunate native
should ho hover too near This manifesta
tion of M > clil Inequality your committee
considers wrong to these who are the ical
wealth produceis of the couutiy , who cul
tivate the soil , bring trcasuies from the
miners and carry loads as boasts of burden
and In consldeintlon of this should be per
mitted to occupy a higher plane In the social
nriangement of Mexico
All mercantile business In Mexico Is taxed
d to S per cent of actual piles. A sot of
books must bei kept of receipts and expendi
tures , which am examined by the tax col
lector as often aa that wet thy comei
around , who fixes the amount of taxes tel
l > o paid and alllxes revcuuo stamps for the
amount of taxes paid on thu books
Any advertisement or announcement In
storca wlndovs , houses or public places
must have i 2-e-ent revenue tax stamp nf-
H\cd to permit Its display liven the gam
bling houses and lottcilvs nio taxed one
third of their business
Although but ono-foiuth df the natives of
Mexico are married , no divorces or sepira-
tlcns occur. T'loy nro a very nffe-ctlonito
people , and whether of high or low degree ,
are polite almost to a fault. In their domes-
lie relations the-y nro hupp ) no family Jars ,
no family . krleitons. This felicity tnlten the
plnco of the green-eyed monster th it has
wreokiel many homes of the so-called bettet
classes In Ameilci Aged couples m inlfost
much affection fet each other It Is common
to sen them walk the streets with lumdf
joined and acting with the simplicity of lit
tle children Your committee was told that
the reason the natives do not go thtougb
the marrlagn ceremony was that It cost
too much ; still the civil fee Tor the poorer
olnrs Is but $1 7 i for tint judge and registra
tion fee whllo for the better class the cost
Is from J10 to $20 The chinch fco M much
hljhor. The church does not recosnlzo n
civil marriage , and Iho state elocs not reeog-
nl/t > a ohm eh man Inge. On luqulilng what
wart nocossnty for a peen to take unto him
self a wlfo nnd go to housekeeping vvo. were
told "A picture of hidalgo a bunch of
chill pi ppc-rs ami an almiuhi of milzo
( twonly-four pounds of coin ) " AH a conse-
qi'enee' , these people llvo together like cat
tle mote ( him like human bc-lngs , nnd It Is
lut live years ngo l.iat a law vvnt > pissed In
the City of Mexico compelling men la wear
pants as the brccchcloth previously took
the place of that necessary garment.
The hnclcnilns ( or plantations ) lira owned
bv the very rich and cove r an nreci of from
ton to 100 squat n mllup. Panning nnd uteri-
01111111.1 ! Implements uro very primitive
The plow hi n crooked Btle-k or beam anel
ftrtntchofl Uie ground to n depth of thrcet or
four Inches This "plow" Is elr-iwn by two
oxen , nnd the harm ss U a broad strap or
rope , passing ovei the forelie id Instead of
tart HtmuldcrH of the oxen. Planting U dona
bv poking n holft Into the ground with a.
Hllck , dropping the corn Into It. and the need
Is covered by the peon In stopping from hole
to hole. On those Immense ) tracts of land
( "MI mi lives < > r peons have lived for centurlss ,
.end nia forced to buy all their necessities of
Mfo at the Imcle ndmlo'a ( land owner's ) truck
"tore. On the luiclenda the peon guts from
18 to S.1 cents per day for his work nnd
Jnit to.Uvp Jnv.U , ho .bnJIjW It himself. Thu
1'eson pntn tier non y. Th * only money he
cots Is on foil day * , nnd for religious offer-
In KB. My this nyttpm the peon In ahvny *
In debt to the Imrtanilnilo. . OMiurntlon
nfler Konerntlon of peon * llva on the wimn
hnclenda und nlvvnys under the sanies condi
tion * Thin form of slavery linn born for
bidden bv Inw Tor u number of > rarn but
two'thlrew of the peons do not It. aa
thov can neither resiel nor write * , and their
misters take good e-nre not to teach them
rnls fact. The perm cannot leave the
hnel ndn while owing the hitclendndo nny
money , nml Mr llnclendudo * ee < * to It that
when settling up iu-eoiint * there Is a 1ml-
no due him , whleh keeps the peon per
petually In his service nnd m hid debt This
rolliof the bironhcl syntcm has made the
1 i'lt-ndndo lord and master of every man ,
womnn and Inast within the bounds of his
extensive posKesslon" lllght here u quo-
titlon from Arlstolle- , from his llrst bonk
of politics , Is most fitting where lie write *
"The science of the master nvliK'rs lts lt
to knowing how to irake use of his slave.
HP Is the mister , not because he Is the
owner of the man , but boe-nuso ho makes
110 of his i report ) The si ivo constitutes
p rt of the vviMlth of tie family" This Is
exictly the position of the hiicleiidado and
the peon of Mexico todiy. The peon Is
pimply worked for the ndvantnge of others
suhj.-ct to the most Intolerable privations
ind bondage. . Not one of thorn v.lll ever
reach n state of Indi-petidence So In the
midst of the mnsnllUene-e of the linden-
dndo's power we einlv ' . n confused mass
of eiislueel. who wotk to furnish supplies
nml a llfo of e ase and luxury tor the e-un-
suinpilon of thecreit land owners eif Mex-
leo Tie peon , ttiun bound to the si-1. n
conslJo oil the c eitire of his master anel a
voiltablo fixture to 'ils possession by des
GOOD FUT'jun IN sronn.
After 300 .vears of Isms Mexico Is now
emerging from nn arrested development
and bus a good future before It t'mler this
republican form of government , which , lu
fact. Is a mlllt iry despotism , the great
masses of thr working people have llttlo
so < Mnl and nlMolutely no political standing.
The machln ry of the government. In Its
legislative f auctions , can and does exercise
n unbrldl d Mvny with Impunity. Orgin-
zeil labor Is unknown here , which Is e-on-
Idered a gienl blessing lint that country
odnj Oat I hi" the best nStem of Hade
irgnnlzttlons and the greatest number of
mlon men per e-aplta of Its populition is
be fr.romost In wealth , progression and the
lapplness of Us peop'o The true lest of
Ivlllrntlon and ness of u nation ele-
K-nels on the Intellectual ami moral worth
jf Its vvoik ng cliKses. All b\wa Inscribed
an the statute books of nations healing on
ho welfare of the teller have had their
rierms planted In the soil of trades unions
and by them quickened Into llfo In preaent-
ihlo forms for adoption , nnd that country
vhlch hns done the most on these lines
itiinda at the bend of civilization.
The cry Is raised that there nre no poor
houses In Mexico , but that Is no Indication
of the absence of poverty , as your commlt-
ce eali fully te-sllfy without fear of con-
ridletlon , ns the voice of the mendicant
inppllcatlns alms rang In our e-ars all
brough the country , and poor houses would
> o a bleaslng to many of the wan faces and
; nunt , emaciated forms that ere seel our
inth while there Often In witnessing theee
, nel other ellstre-slng bccnrs wo wished that
many of our friends In the rank of organ-
/oil labor could look through our eyes and
leholel conditions It would 1)0 doubtful for
hem to otherwise believe There are no
manna trees In the land of the Monti ztim is ,
vhe-ro ) ou can plek three me-als a elav oft
1-clr branches , or. If one 13 too tired to
reach for the fruit. Ho under Its broid
iranches nnd wait until the fruit elrons
nto venir mouth ; nor Is It a SehlarrafTen-
aiiil , where roasted poultry Is 11) In- ;
hrough the nlr or bikeel white fish or
tolled trout In Its stiearns , not often dors
milk and honey flow heie. Instead , In the
201 miles of the country vour committee
rnvele-d through , going and loturnlng , only
i fovv fertile tracts of land occur clothed
.lib .s igc brush and cactus and supposedly
vatoieel by a spring from n nolgbboitng
notintaln Under tie Influence of such a
spilng some vegetation bursts forth nud
covers a moro or Ins extensive area but
las long ago bee-omo the halting plnce of
some prosix etor or small firme-r and In
several places such oasrs supported a considerable
siderable- population Hy means of Irilg.i-
tlon somu corn and cotton are cultivated
ind , owing to the short ciop of corn In
Mexico brought about by an oxtondcel sea
son of drouth , President Dlnz recently Is
sued a proelnmitlon taking the Import duty
off Ametle-ati corn and millions of bushels
of our corn Is shipped to Mexico dally an
T. result
In the cities of Xacntecas nnel Guai'1-
u.ito. with populations of { 0003 and TOO'O
respectively , wo failed to get buttei and
'Otatoos on the tallies of the best hotels
On Inquiry we were Informed that If we
paid $ l a pound , butter would bo purchased
nnd kept for our exclusive use.
Your committee would caution American
worklncrmcii against going to Mexico with
out biilllclcnt funds to brln ? them back , or
tu have employment secure-d before going
Ihcrc. or thov will bo obliged to subsist on
cactus ami the rap of the tequila plant
w-nlle doing the e-ountry On asking an
American who wns conducting n prosperous
business In one of the * cities which ) our
committee visited why It was that the for
eigners all soomeil to be making money , no
matter what business they weie engaged
In , he , with characteristic Yankee frink
nesi , leplled "The lnl > orer hero Is ellfferent
from the laborer In the stato0. Hero labor
la che ip anel wo have no brains to contend
According to a census taken In September
. ? 3 Jloxlco has a total population of 1100)
1X0 people , of w ileh number nearly 6000) '
are Indians J.V1O.OCO arc a mlxiil race of In
dluns and S i.inl irds this Is the neon class
Together they represent about S3 per cent
of thi- total iinoulatlon of the cbunlry and
directly contribute' not one cent to the sup
port of the government The government
mipportcel and maintained b ) the balincr
of Its population 'i SOO.OOO who are donl ?
nntod as thn white r.i'o. ind consl t of
Spaniards , Englishmen , Geitmns. French ,
Italians mid Americans
The mission Intrusted to > our committee
Is a peculiar one Wo wore sent to stud )
the- social nnd financial conditions of a far
away people Wo are plain tellers , Inured
to thn hnrel knocks of the factory nnel
workshop , and none are better qualified to
Investigate or to fool and sympathize with
the workers of another countiy than men
from our ranks. Wo did not go loaded with
credontlils. to bo entertained by the people
of Iho bettor classe > s , or ) ot as scholais to
describe the monuments of l.Utorlc Interest
or to have our poetic fancies Insplreel bv the
lineNcnpe nnel nzuro skies , or build up
wasted energies In tlio healthful air of that
southern clime , but to go among the com
mon peoplo. who are of out own class and
study conditions from that standpoint
Hence this < plstle does not abound In hlgh-
houndlng platitudes on the sublime and
beautiful of that country , but on facts that
still exist and are reaely to speak for them
selves to these who will go and t-cek an
wo have elone , anel nould they elo so they
will feel as vvo elo , that the \mcrlcnn
working man Is a pilnee compireel to the
working man of Mexico That In this coun
try nil .stand equal In social nnel political
lifennd In that political rlsht they should wllb care the faithful discharge of
their duties , unprejudiced nnd unbiased , b )
supporting such principles as will do the
Kio.itist good to the cieatest number. Irre
spective of pirtv politics or the machinery
of olthei pirty. who may manipulate condi
tions anel measun > s for poisoiml gain to
the detriment of the whole people
Follow workers , appreciating the honor
conferred upon us , wo thank the Chicago
Trade nnd I.ibor n sombly for tlio confi
dence le'poscd In us on senellng us upon so
Importnnt n mission nnel bellevo that wo
have fulfilled the. duties assigned to us free
from prejudice , ns In this report vvo have
simp ! " held the mirror up to nature and
ehionlcled events anel conditions Just ns wo
found them
In conclusion wo submit herewith n com-
punllvo table of the nverngo price's of
commodltlei of llfo nnd wages paid in the
dllTeicnt cities visited bv us.
All of which Is respectfully submitted ,
The report was submitted to tlio assembly
at a meeting this afternoon and was adopted
by an almost unanimous vote , only two mem
bers spnakliiR in opposition to It The dele
gates hinted in submitting their report that
they carried out their mission In nn un
biased anil non-partisan manner , and they
Blmply pictured tlio low stnto of the workIng -
Ing classes an It w-js , without reference to
political questions. There were many ejacu
lations of astonishment at the pltlablo plc-
Uncs presented , und the motion to adopt the
report called forth but llltlei debate.
ciinivriAN KNIJIJAVOH cosTvnvno\ .
Mcftw lit Iilncnln Prlilny and C'oii-
UIMICN Three- Ill > M.
The annual convention of the Nebraska
Christian Kndeavor union meets at Lincoln
Prlday utteruoon. Kich union U entitled to
two delegates , and these will be entertained
free by tlio Lincoln city union. Jt 1s an
ticipated , however , that a largo number of
Christian endeavor workers in addition to
these will bo present and participate In
the exercises , which will be held In the Flret
Daptlit church. An elaborate and Interest-
In K proiraui has been arranged for the
session * , which will conclude on Sunday
evening. Addresses will bo made hy promi
nent vvorkoro in the movement and a profit
able meeting Is confidently expected.
Blood purified , disease cured , sickness and
suffering prevented thin Is the record w do
each year by Ilood'a Suraaparllla.
Archbishop Ireland Riddles Uio Chicago
' '
. .Platform.
A * crlloii 'of ' Free Colnnire A
nt Until ! of'Miiccii ' to Ono Con-
trnry t < | i\perlenee nml
ST. 1'AUI . Minn. . Oct. 11 Archbishop
Ireland , In respnnto to the written request
of twenty-seven business men of this state ,
who nro of all political oplulous , gave the
follow lug statement ( addressed to them ) to
the Amoclited press :
"I am not unwilling In the crisis through
which the country Is now passing to speak
for the Integrity of the nation , for social
order , for the prosperity of Iho people ,
for the honor of America and the per
manency of free Institutions. I am a citi
zen of the country , concerned In all the
Interests of the nation , -uibjcct to all the
responsibilities of citizenship. To bo silent
when words of mlno may be of some profit
to the people would bo cowardice , would
bo crime. I am not unmindful of the
objection made against the churchman
speaking at any tlmo on matters which
have entered tl'o arena ot politics , lest
his Influence ns a teacher ot religion seem
to bo used to promote ths Intel csts of a
political part > I might reply that there
are occasions when a political platform
mem ? elNaster to the counir ) , when poll *
tics are closely connected with morals or
religion , and that on those occasions the
churchman must bo the patnot without
allowing n moment's thdught to considera
tions of c\pcdlcncv ami must tike In hand
the moral or religious Issue , even though
It ho vested In the garment of politics.
"Hut In the present Instance , I seek nn
CACUSO of this Kind ; I speak entirely as
the cltbcn , without warrant from ml
ecclesiastical position
"Deep as niy convictions are , I hold In
all duo respect iny fellow citizens who hold
convictions nt variance with my own. I
Impeach neither their good faith nor their
honor. 1 nm dealing not with men but
with principles .and movements This Jus-
tlco which I render to those whoso Ideas
I am leatlj to combat , I am sure they \i\\\ \ \ \
tender to me. I btand by the platform
and the presidential candidate of the icpub-
lleai convention at St. Louis. I am op
posed to the platform and the presidential
camlldtto of the1 democratic convention Jt
"Tho da > s of the civil war excepted , at no
tlmo elld so grcit a peril threaten the
country as that which ls Involved In the
I olltleal campaign of today. The question of
free and unlimited coinage ot silver Is put
In the foreground The question has Its
Importance ; but It Is of a minor Import
ance In presence of other questions which
are brought tuto lssue. , Tl o n o e j cat vvh eh
hud Its expression In the Chicago conven
tion and which steks by menus of popular
suffrage to t'nthrune Itself In the capltol of
the nation , la In Us logical effect against
the United States. It Is secession , the se
cession of IfiOl wjlileh our soldiers believed
they had consigned to eternal death at Ap-
pomatox , but which demands again recogni
tion from the' American people. This declara
tion In the 'Chfcaro platform has nnd can
hnvo no other mcanlnc 'Wo denounce arbi
trary Idtcrf tenco by fedeial authorities In
local affairs as a violation of the constitu
tion of the United States , and a crime
against the free Institutions' Tr-e words
point to the act of Orovcr Cleveland send
ing United States troops to protect na
tional property and enforce national law ?
during the Chicago riots In 1S91. In those
words there1 is ( he old secession doctrine
that states are Independent of the national
government nt Washiacton There Is the
annullmcnt of the union There Is notice
served upon the nag of America that outside -
side the District of Columbia It Is without
power of self-assertion or self defense The
president of the United States Is told to cu-
force national laws and national property
ho cannot march his troops Into any state
without the authorization of the governor
of that stitc.
"Ono of the chief speakers of the conven
tion at Chicago understood Iho Eignlticancu
of the convention , and voiced Its spirit 'I
como from a state- which was the home of
secession , ' said Sen.-tor Tlllman of South
Carolina. 'I say , ' he continued. 'It Is a sec
tional Issue and It will prevail ' And fitting
was It that the spoiker voicing the spirit
of the Chicago convention should be the rep
resentative of South Carolina Thrice now
hrs South Carolina spoken for secession
v/nen It passed lu 1S32 the nullification ordi
nance , when In 1SC1 It fired on Fort Sum-
tor , when In 1895 It cries out 'A sectional
Issue and It will prevail. '
"Tho platform of the Chicago convention
threatens the country with destruction of
social order , with lawlessness and anarchy
The personification cf law and social order
In America la our courts , and the promise
of safety to our free Institutions Is thr
prompt obedience of the people to thcs
courts And now the courts are to be shorn
of their power , nnd shorn of It In favor o1
moba , bent on rioting and the destruction
cf property.
" 'Wo especially object , ' sayt the Chicago
platform , 'to government by Injunction , OF
a new and highly dangerous form of oppres
slon ' Here leference is made to the action
of the courts during the Ctlcago riots , with
out which action there Is no calculating
how ruin should have como to the
city The palladium of American liberties
Is the aupreme court at Washington , the
counterpart of which In majesty and povvei
to enforce absolute Justice does not exist
among the nations of Christendom Hut ar
far as It Is possible to human Ingenuity , out
sldo of partisan politics Independent cf all
political Influences , through their life tenure
uro of olHce- the Judgca of this court ruli
congress and president , states and nation
and expound the law In all Its Inflexlblllt }
no matter who or what must yield to It
And now a convention sprain of the supicme
court 'as It may be hereafter constituted. '
Intimating unmistakably the Intention , If the
party leprcsented In that convention comr
to power , to so constitute the court ,
by the popular election ot the Judges ,
by the shortening of their term of olllce. or
otherwise , as to make It Insensible to thr
stern volcopf Ihe law and responsible to
the passing wjklin.of political parties. "U'oise
to my mind , In the spirit of socialism that
permeates the. wliolo movement which ha ?
Issued fromillio Convention of Chicago It
Is the 'International' of Uuropo now taking
body of Amor cail Of this ono cannot but
bo convinced vrbda the movement Is clouds
observed , the 1 shibboleths of Us adherents
listened to , thu.-discourses of Its orators
carefully c'fVP'ip'1 ' The war of class
against class Is upon IIH , the war cf the
proletariat agjilnsj the. property holder. No
other meanlDKJt iijn this can be given to the
appeals to ' ( ue mmcn people , 'to the la
borer , ' 'to the poor and elovxntrodden , ' and
to the dmunJlatJcnu against 'plutocrats' and
'corporations , rfnd 'money grabbers' and
'bankers. ' Manf adherents of the movomcnl
do not percclvo Us full meaning , hut let
them bowar < thy are lighting torches ,
which , borna m"lrands ot rccklces men , ma >
lUlit up In the country the lurid flre.s ot
a 'commune. ' America heretofore has been
free from socialist hatred and warfare , II
has been a cpuntrv of opportunities for all
men , and It lias given to the laborer a llvo
llhood higher and better tban Is afforded
him In any other country la the world If
this all to bo changed ? la social chaos , gloat
ing over ruins , to be the method of socla
elevation of the masses ? There may be room
In some things for peaceful amelloratloi
through n well Informed public opinion am
orderly IngUUtlon , but class hatred and
angry passion newer lend to aught but gen
eral misery and Buffering. The people o
America must today look warily around
guard against catch words and misleading
war erica , avoiding any countenance to so
clallstlo or anarchistic tendencies , and know
that the first condition of prosperity to an >
and all classes of the people Is a peace'u
commonwealth and assurance of social order
"Tho monetary1 question Is , Indeed , a
secondary Issue In tits | campaign. I have
howdv'er , my convictions In Ibis matter
Tlio free and unlimited coinage of silver at
A ratio of 16 to t by Iho United States In
dependently of the other great commerclnl
nations Into dollars whlrh shall bo made |
legal tender will disturb the wliolo bushier *
of the country and bring upon It n financial I
dopre-sslon far beyond anthing which wet
nro now rxpcrleticlnx. 1 am often con
fronted with the pamphlet of Archbishop
Walsh of Dublin on bimetallism as a reply i
to my objection to the silver resolution
of the Chicago platform. The pamphlet of I
Archbishop Walsh has no bearing whatever i
on the Bltimtlcn In America The arch
bishop discusses bimetallism versus mono- '
mctallUm , and that only from one point of i
view , thr cffcet of monometallism upon
farmers' eontracts under the land purchase
act In Ireland Ho otpro'sos no opinion ,
as to the ratio In which silver Is to bo I
coined nnd ho manifestly presupposes that j
bimetallism would be brought about under
an Intcrnnt'oiMl agre-ctucnt He explains
that 'India was unable to ke > ep up a silver
currenc.v Independently of Euiopran na
tions U was Impossible for India to ob
tain the loans that nro- absolutely nceta
sary for the development of the countrj. '
and the reason was 'the lluctuatlon In the
relative value of the rupee' 'It li the silver
currency of China.1 he adds 'that stops the
making of rallvvavs In that country'
Va.ah's pamphlet Is throughout a solid
argument against the > Chicago platform To
what ho siys wo might add that Franco
and nil the countries of the Latin union
ogcthcr were ultlmitcly compelled to give
sp bimetallism , so long na other countries of
Juropa would not co-operate with them
"Tho question before the- people of Amer
ca toJay Is the coinage ot silver by thin
runtry Independently of the great eommer
Mai nations of the world at the ratio of 1C
c 1 This ratio Is the double ot the present
eo.iniierclal value of sliver The "Ircum
stances of unlimited oolniKo in these elr
nm.stances aio rnslly perceived The one
tiope of the silver pirty Is that 'under 'rc < -
coinage wo will r-ibo the value of silver
to $1 29 an ounce , measured In gold ' On
what authoiltj Is this said11 On that of ( hi
mcro word of those who make the assertion
"The experience tf our country contradicts
the assertion The purchasing of 51,000.000
junccji of silver bullion per under the
Shetman act was not able to prevent the
fall In the value cf silver from ovci ? 1 an
imnce to Its present low value
"Tho experience of Prance contradicts the
assertion Krnnco , with nil the countiles of
ho Latin union had to give up the coinage
of Hlhcr. lest , overloading with the silver
of the v orld , It should lou nil Its gold
"Common sense Is against the assertion
Silver Is now produced In such quantities
it such small expense of production that Its
nine cannot bo Kept up to UK former stand
ard. And , la the v. holebusimss of Amoiica
o bo Imperiled hy a leap Into an experl-
nent. which those very men who advocate
t confess to bo only an experiment , and
which expel Icnco nnd common sense con-
lenm' '
"Tho boast that the United States U able
.ilono to whip England and the rest cf
the world Into the coinage of silver at 10
to 1 , or to force the value of sliver up
! o $1 L'J nn ounce. Is mere nonsense. A\v
nro n gioat people. Indeed , hut wo have
not yet grown to that commercial strength
that our country means the commercial
world Our jictlonal pride may give us
extraordinary dicims of our Importance , but
It v.ill not do to build the business of the
country upon those dreams Would all the
commercial nations together coining sllvci
at 1C to 1 , brine up the silver value of
bullion to $1 29 per ounce' Perhaps Strong
commercial reasons suggests the contrar >
Would America alone bring silver to $129 :
Assuredly not , though , of course , the new
demand for silver from the mints woull
glvo aomo Increase to its value which Increase
crease- , however , might again bo offset by
nn Increase of production
"Somo Imagine the ratio of silver to
sold vv always 10 to 1. or thereabouts
The ratlt was constantly changing through
out historic times A * one time silver was
more valuable than cold At the tlmo of
the discovery of America silver was ten
times less valuable than gold , 200 jears
Ijt-foro It had been eight times loss valuable. .
The ratio U constantly changing , and the
question for us toda > Is not what the ratio
was M a preceding date , but what It should
bo 'n our time
"Hut has not Hcrr nismarck counseled
the United States to go ahead and make the-
experiment all alone Yes , and some Ameri
cans quote his advice as an authority The
sly old fox would , Indeed , be pleased to
see America make the experiment nnd go
to the bottom of the sea Preo coinage
then ulll give us money worth In the com
mercial market of the world a little over
half Its nominal value. No ono Imagines
that the stamp of the government ; ; lv
valua to a piece of metal. It merely certi
fies to the quantity and quality. Otherwise
the government Rtamp might as well be
afllYcd to copper or to mere paper. If the
government uanp gave value , the debased
coins Usucd In the past hy Impecunlouu
sovereigns would not have ruined the sub
jects of those sovereigns , and the abslgnat
of Prance nnd the paper Issued hy Ferdi
nand of Naples n century ago would not have
raid In the market almost as government
ra-s Legal tender compelling men to ac
cept against their will money above Its
commercial value. In tlio markets of the
world. Is rank Injustice The earl ) finan
cial statesmen of America , Jefferson , Mor
ris and Hamilton never thought of malt
ing the legal value of coin higher than the
commercial value of which the coins were
made Then with the passage of free coin-
ace wo slull have a cuircncy icjccted nt Its
nominal value from the markets of the
world , unstable and flucuatliig In real value.
Business cannot piospcr with such a cur
rency. The first condition of the Ufa ol
business Is stability of the currency None
will Invest money of a-certaln value today In
commerce nnd Industry If by the time the
raw material has been tuiucd Into market
able wares , the currency Is HKolj to have
changed in value Business In all branches
would become speculation , a gamble , n con
servative capital would he-op out of sight
No loans would be made It Is noiifaense
Capital must put Itself Into the American
market whether the capital ho or
Emnpcan We should not ho deluded b >
words Wo may clamor In vain for capital
It will not como to us unless them bo ho-
curlty for capital. It will remain In the
vaults of safety erse tq other parts of the
world where icvvnrd Is small but certain
And without capital there will bo no enter
prises and no work for the people.
"I am absolutely convinced that the laborIng -
Ing classes will suffer the most of all from
free silver coinage And jtt the laboring
clessce are those that are the most urgently
appealed to In this free sliver movement
A man who talks against free silver Is put
down at once as an enemy of the 'common
people' Well , for my part , I nm willing
to bo called an enemy of the working
classes , of 'tlio common people , ' If I am In
leallty advising them for their good nnd
serving their true Interests Those above
all others in the land who ehould today
bo on their guard against the Oliver move
ment are the laborers of America
"Uut will not the farmers bo benefited'
Will they not iccelvo higher prices for their
pioduets' a higher prlec but not
higher value Of what use Is It to have n
dollar Instead of a half dollar If the dollar
can purchase no moro than the half dollar'
And will fanners re-celvo oven nominally
n much higher price than they do now 1
The best market of the farmer's product
Is his own country. And If his own country
Is Impoverished , If factories are closed , If
laborers In cities are penniless , the farmer
will receive but little for his harvests
"Men on salaries will scarcely hope to have
thulr salailes doubled , even nominally , and
then their Ealarles. such as they may be ,
will have enl ) half the purchasing po.vcr
they have today These who ewe debts
pajnble , principal or Interest In gold , will
receive the same salaries a today , and theli
salaries will have but half thu debt-paying
power which the ) have today. Hut those
who one dedits not payable In gold ? Well.
If the country U ruined , vUiero will they
find oven silver to pay their debts In silver ?
The only men benefited nnd they are fovv
today , and It Is acarccly worth whllo to
brine around a revolution In the country to
benefit them are tlio debtors who have to
day gold on hand , and who , by free silver
coinage , will have thulr store doubled In
nominal value , and will bo enabled to reduce
their debt * bv one-half. And for tlioeo the
question remains It It honest ? It Is a
delusion to Imagine that silver will circulate
so plentifully that It can ho had easily hv
all , and that the quantity will make up for
the lack of value. If silver bullion rtooj not
Increase in commercial value , silver will
hot bo produced In quantities , and aa own-
em of Oliver will not part with it , except in
for commodities or labor which
they deem useful and valuable , If the busi
ness of thn country Is not prosperous , the
people will got very Illtlo silver and obtain
no profit from free mintage
"nut and hero Is the popular argument In
favor of free silver coinage wo have had
hard times under the gold .standard That Is
true , and what Is also true tint under the
silver stnndflrd we shall have much harder
times H Is the gre-nt fallacy of the day
to be attributing our hard times to the
gold standard The craze for free silver ns
n euro for hard times Is explicable on the
name < henry that n man who has been n long
tlmo alclt , despite the attentive care of ex
pert plivslelniiH , will call for nnv quack who
advertises to euro all the Ills of humanity i
Hard times have como through the severe '
nnd reslstlos working of economic laws
vvhlih go their way In spite of local enact
ments of pailhmciits or congiesses Ono of
the chief caures of hard times todiv Is the
agitation for a radical change In the eur-
rency of the countrjIf the Amerlcin people -
plo put down by nn ovei whelming mtjorlty
this agitation , bury It out ot sight , one chief
cause of hard times will be out of the' wnv
Good times mnv ho expected to come b.nk
surely oven If enl > gindually. The ovci-
prb'lurtlon that glutted our markets
has beiti used up Capital Is anxious to do
something with tin money. It It can bo In
vested safely Our wondrous natural re
sources Involve Investments to develop them
.mil , confldenco restored , the outlook is
bright. Hut the csscnllil tiling Is confi
dence There nro a hundred aspects of
this question which 1 do not touch upon
I merely throw cut some few thoughts
which ahow reasons for my own present
political faith and which may bo of some
hcuctlt to others In forming their own Judg
ment. I nny. of course , bo mistaken Hut
1 have come to look upon the present aglla
tlon as the great test of universal suffrage
and popular sovereign ! } Can the people
defend public honor and the Institutions
of the country nt the polls ns they have
done on the Held of battle" Can they be so
calm and deliberate lu their Judgment. o
careful to weigh all things In the scale of
reason nnd to avoid all rash experiments
that thc > can bo trusted with the settle
ment of grnvo social nnd political prob
lems ? That Is the question that Is before
us at the present moment. "
Well \t tended.
OXPORU. Neb. Oct. U. ( Special ) Two
largo meetings were held hero Saturday
afternoon and evening Attorney lioehmer
of Lincoln ( In German ) Interested his nudl-
enco for nearly two bouts , when lion John
V Pnrvvell of Chicago gave his experiences
with free trade nnd the tariff nnd the cur
rency In his over fifty > enrs of business
life , nnd succeeded In holding his audience
for another hour with eloquent facts and
figures Mr. Headluug and Attornej Sum-
mc'iof Lincoln nlso made the evening a
McKlnlo ) ovation
SMITHP1ELO. Neb . Oct 11Special ( ) -
Smlthfleld wns treated to n flno republican
meeting last night The house was full and
running over nnd lion. J. H Push of Mlnden
delivered what man } pronounce tlio
beht address they ever listened to The au-
dlcmo was largely mixed and jet It was
held for three hours and the enthusiasm
wns something wonderful
PUHIIURY. Neb , Opt. 11 ( Special )
The Pali-bury McKlnlcy club and Drum
corps vent to Hebron on jcsterday's train
to participate In the rally at that place
last evening.
WAKUP1ELD. Neb Oct 11 ( Special ) -
Congressman George I ) Perkins of Iowa
&poko here Pilda > nUlit to a good audience
on the pclltlral Issues from the republican
standpoint Ills address was a masterly de
fense of sound monej Ho completely rid
dled the llryan fallacy ol a cheap dollar , nnd
proved by history that the republican party
had dnnr- moro for silver than nil other po
litical parties put togelhcr Superintendent
J. fi Haup , of Dakota county republican
candidate for state senator In this district.
was present and made a brief but telling
address , which wns liberally applauded Prof
Haup is making u vigorous ami cITectlvo
atumpln ? tour of the whole district , nnd Is
gaining vole's every da } Ills fusion op
ponent , Nick Prltz , of render , depondn on
the Indian vote and the free silver demo-
clitic-populist votes to elect him , without
nu > effort on his part Hut Haup will bu
electee ! , and this part ot the state Is go
ing to roll up a decisive majority for the
whole republican ticket on November 3.
llmt Ulll lirerni * fi > tN DrliiUn.
GRAND ISLVND. Neb . On II ( Sprolnl )
"It is rumored that Judi ; } Grei'iieof
Kearney , now candidate le > cougrehsman
from the Sixth district pawniu a c'llt but
ton with jou Eonie time agj for the prlc ?
of a few drinks ? Is that triu' " WEJ asked
of a Grand Island liquor dealer
The latter smiled aud for i p-eiment made
no reply Ho began to wait away but
turned and said "Will jou r'mul1' not
to use my name' "
The promise WBH given anu thd 1'quor '
dealer proceeded to the cash dnvveT and
returned with a much wo-n plated eulT
"And did Judge Greene leave lint liu'e' "
"Judge Greene pav ned that vtiih i.ij bar
tender for a fovv drinks "
Judge Greene , who ha Iwko or even
thicc times * aken the bichloride < > f rold
cure at an Instirite In tula eKy. Is veiy
evidently again a backslider , -n 1 though
the button was invvned nearly a jeui ago
he lias to far failed to redeem It.
PAIRBURY , Neb. . Oet. 11. ( Special )
Colonel L C. Pace of Lincoln addrcsmd a
largo meeting ot ficc silverltcs jcsterday
N Mini Tut It H Mono } .
GOTHKNUUrtG. Neb , Oct 11 Special )
The farmers ot all political paitles wore
out Prlday afternoon to hoar lion A. C
Kish of the Klsh Hros. Wagon company
discuss the question of found money 'llu
talk was on a purely business basis and !
above all partisan blis , Illustrate il by nn I
original ehart drawn bj Mr Plan fer the
puiposo It was one of th clejuat and
most convincing aigumeuts lei iur present
monetaiy n > iHem had In Golnouhnn ; tliln
campaign. Several populls'ii uxp > * c > .Fei |
themselves as hlghlv pleased .viih the
Fifty Years Ago.
Who could inmnlnc that this hhnuld ! > e
The place where , In eighteen nliiclj.tlircc
That white world-wonder o ( arch nud
Should shadow the nations , poH chrome. . .
Here nt the I'ttir was the priic conferred
On A } cr'n 1'lllti , by the world pr > fct red ,
Chlcaco-likc. they n record slimv ,
faiucc they started 50 years Bfo ,
Ayer's Cathartic Pills
have , from the tiino of their
preparation , boon a continuous
success with the public. And
that moans that Ayor'a Pilla
accomplish what is promiwid
for thorn ; they euro where
others fail. It was fitting ,
therefore , that the world-wielo
popularity of these pills should
bo recognized by the World's
Pair medal of 1803 u fact
which emphasizes the reuord ;
50 Years of Cures. i
uprecli , nn It put the whole question In n
form to bn oHRlly understood. The nprHli
WAR full of tolling points mil having no
abtno In It for mijbody w ui very e-ffoctlvo ,
Mr. I'lili ga\o another lntficjtlnt ; tnlk In
UrMitiS Streuulli nt DeiiUnii , V
DKNISO.V. In. . Oct. ID. 1S9CTo the IMItor
of The Iloo : It U reported timt nl the llrjnn
mcotliiR In MnrnhnlUovvn the evening of
October S n fellow cnllod out during the
mooting that "there Is n republican silver
club In DcnlBon of ninety tiioml1 * s , who
hnvo heretofore Invariably vote ho re-
publlean ticket , but who will this , every
man of tlieiu , vote for Ilrynn " This Male-
mont Is absolutely untruei nnd without
foundation There nro Just nbout fifteen
former republicans in Dcnlsnn who hnvo - \
left the republican part ) on the silver Issue1.
About n eloion reptcnonlntlvc citizens got
together a short tlmo ago nnd imielo a care
ful ennvnss ns to the number of free silver
republicans there were lot-all ) who would
this ) oar vole for lloan They could not
routil up over fifteen There icrtnlti ! ) nro
not eivcr twenty nil told A re'spoiulblo
cltlron has n standing offer to pay n dollar
u head for every ono In excess of twenty
belonging to the club , who has boon n bonix
flile republican In the past , but wlu > this
venr will votu for Ilran Not eiuo of the
Hrtnnllca had seen fit to produce the < list
nnd take advantage of this offer The men \
who hnvo loft the party nro the relatives , \
personal followers nnd rmplnjrs of J 11. 1
Itomans. the fusion candidate far confess , j
besides several who nre natural populists , *
bolng men out of employment , or who hnvo
soured on llfo , eir who nro temporarily In '
the employ of the fusion committee , doing
campaign work
In the township of Oonlson wo nt present
have n MoKlnlov club of over WO , whcie-ns
wo only cast H17 votes In the lovvmdilp for
llinko last ) car Wo will call ) the township -
ship this ) enr by over 150 majoi It ) Peir
over ) republican Hint hns left us we hnvo
gnlned thre-o democrats Tlio statement of
tlio enthusiast nt the Mnrt < liiilltnvvti meeting
Is mndo out of whole cloth , nnd Illustrates ,
the desperation of the popociatlc cause.
Yours truly. CAltl , P. KUiHlNLt : .
Chairman Republican County Central Com- \
mlttoo. . ]
- i - i
fusion In Dm. liiilliitin Cniiiil ) . j
INUIANAl'OUIS. Oct. 11. The domncrntt i
and populists held their county conventions I
today to nominate legislative condldntos.
The populists endorsed the entire demo- j
cratlc ticket , thus completing fusion In this "
county. t
SoinetliliiKT1nint ( hi'Sen Discovery
fur CurliiH : l > .i Mpeiinla.
Tlio Rev P I Hell n hlihl } esteemed min
ister residing In Wccdsport. Cayuga county ,
N Y. In a rcient letter writes us follows'
"There has never been anthing that 1 have
taken that has relieved the Dvspopsla from
which 1 have suffered for ten je-ars except
the now remedy cnllod Stuart H Ihfipcpala
Tablets Slnco taking them I have hnd no
distress at all after rating nud again after
long j cars CAN SLEEP WELL" Rev P 1.
Hell , Weodsport , N. Y. , formerb Idalln ,
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is a rcmarkiblo
remedy , not only because It Is a certain
euro for all forms of Indigestion but be
cause It bcems to act as thoroughly In old ,
chronic cases of Djspcpsli ns well as in
mild attacks of Indigestion or biliousness
A person has Indigestion simply because the
stomach Is overnoikcd ; all It wants Is a
harmless , vegctablo remedy to digest the
food and thus glvo It the much needed rest
Thla Is the secret of the success ot Oil *
peculiar icniody No matter how weak or
how much disordered the digestion may be
Stuirt s r > ) spepla Tablets will digest the
food whether the xtoninch works or not
Now llfo and energy Is given not only to thn
stomach , hut to every organ and nerve In
the body A trial of this splendid medicine
wiil convince the most skeptical that Dvs-
pej xla and oil utonnch troubles can bo cured
The tablets are prepared bj the Stuart Chem
ical Co of Marshall , Mich , but so popular
has the lemcdy become that Stuart's Djs-
pepslu Tablets can now bo obtained at nny
drug store nt i > 0 cents per package. Send
for book on stomach diseases fico
r n AM > usn.
Colds , CoiiKliN , hurt' ' 1 liriuil , Iiitliit-nxii ,
llrnm'IilflH , riiriiinoiiln , Snrlltll.T
of HitJnlntfl , I.iiiiiluiKii , lii-
ItliuiimntlKiii , .Ncurnlulii ,
KrontlilleH , Clillliliilnx , Ili-iiiluelio ,
Tnulliurlirnllimii ,
imi-rirui.T ; unnATiii-vr. .
CUIIKS Till : WORST TAINS In fiom one ; to
t ent > mlnutrii NOT ONI7 IIOIJH nflrr rcail-
In * llil > nrtvcrtlncmcnt necU nny olio HI WKH
HuilMiij'H Hi-nil } Holler I * u Sure Cur
for i\t-i-y Piiln , Miiralnit , Urnlm-i ,
1'nlim III tlif Illicit , Client or
I.luiliN. U TTIIN llio llrxt mill
u ( Ho oni ) I AIiuvni > v
That Instnnlly slops the most rxcrutlatlnf
pains. nll > Inftimtniitlon anil enncrnnillont ,
whether of tlie I.UIIEH. muinich Hotels or otior
elands or fn nans l > y OIMI application
A hulf to n tcaspognfnl In liulf n tuinlilrr cf
wuln will In a few mlnutm cine e rsmp * .
buukins. Klrtplcaxncrs hick Heuilaclir liljulip-i.
Djitnlciy. Colk , 1 lntulcn < .y und nil Inteuml
There Is "t n rrineitlal asm' In Iho ill
tliat will cure I'ovcr anil AK > I < - "ml " ' '
Malarlnui , IllllJiis nml other f v i ulilc.l I y
KAIWAVS I'll- ) , " nil. ly " It
AVAL'S III\IIY itm.iur
CO. ! per liiitllf. hold 1
'pur PI > I IPII pnu r i
1 111 ! , CRhK.lI 1 0 N i > -
TOM 1.1 IT AT 'Mir. .
\ \ ' I" elollllUUH1 ITIH lllUH .11
Price * -Kt l c TSc Jl W
rci mi.
THE I1 ntoil tt
ONR Nlfi IT OVLVIV'jI'iMln ' O > ! H ,
hentr nan un fcilt
I'll'CiVie ISi II CO'Ji \ * 'ei )
iirr r.ivr DNriui.i v HI HIMJNI i u _ _
Tclcplieiilo I ill
1'iut MI ii llnrjmi ,
Almixer i ,
or'i oiir.ii ir , n > , (7. (
Thuinlay . " V1II.I I
nnny I.MI.I ! . > VM > M r n r
Kiiuiilni Mutlnri ' HH ! ' VIA 1)1 I V OSS'
Hntui liy i\enit "Ani l.ll I. ul ! ' II11 I'
irtls ml * il > - tomorrjw ' " ' 1" i - u
I. M Crnwfiml. M jr. ) l'JtlLl-3 ,
Pay Mn'lnc *
"i in : \ \ \irs or MU : lonu. "
I'rlrcH Ciiii'l inrrvrl > < itc ilrm flmir J. ' nil
hnlcon > neutK ji . cullii ) , IK nml 2So
rimu MM
I , M uri\.ior.l , M r. I'IUS. | ! !
I cm NlBlitu ( "uinnicnriiia
hi MM ) MVTIMI : , < K ' IH ,
The popular nurci-i.ii f Hi" HPIWM.
MA'll | : ; W.OM. | < I > A1
l'rlc Kf Kr 'Ou , Wo ami II 00
Bale ofitnn Kaiunlny OcioluT 17 at n m
HA iiioinn lullir tcnm I vul iul nit noUrni
cun\fiikii . Haiti , II. M un-1 U W i > vr fjy
Tut ! " uiiettdlv ] , hixi-lil lot rultrf l imuMI
l < var < Jer , J'JtA.S'K Hll.UIlVll , * Uf.