a OMAHA. DAILY IHiHSt HrXDAV , OCTOmSR 11. 1800 N. E. Cor. N. E. Cor , Fifteenth and Fifteenth and Douglas. Douglas. wasn't enough success to go around we got it all Saturday J- it's play work for us to'do business when we do it like we're egb doing now anybody can do business if they have the goods and make the prices & $ 50,000 dollars' worth of men's , boys' and children's clothing is easy to sell when you have convinced the people that it is a genuine * -Xtt& M3 * ? $ Men's BJack Worsted Sack Suits. A genuine $12 all worsted sack suit , in straight front and cutaway suits , at $7.75. wor h $12 * > SJt- 4'i-S Ciay Worsted 4'iSm Frocks- m We slaughter men's clay worsted frock suits at this sale and have as sorted all our $12 t ? * ? F = * and Si 5 suits and H will sell them for Clay Worsteds Worth $ iS and § 20 at $ i 1.75 In sacks and 3-button cuta way frocks , sizes 34 to 43 At $14.50 some of the finest imported wors teds ever brought into our stock will be offered w hich represent price cutting with a vengeance. You'll never have another chance like this Money Raising Money Saving . Price Lowering Cask Selling : . Men's Ulsters. MCD'H Good I.lium ISeajrcr Ulsters , full ( EC f\f\ \ \ length , wlilo collar , cutfto ipiJt\j\f Mon's Wool Kersey Overcoats , sold overy- wliuro for JIO.OO , our inlco II Men's Chlnchlllu Gray color , wool lined , cut extra long arid lined with plaid worsted linings , m III.ACIC V111KV.K- . Tlio greatest bargain over offered nt any Btilo Is our all-wool , raw edge blacic frlczu coat at STACKS OP UlwSTISUS AT $ U.OO , $12.00 ANi ) $11.00. ODD VESTS Q8c. A Mi ? lot of Odil VoHia left out of our QQr < . VOL. suit Block tit II Anotlior lot of High Grade Goods nt IpI.OU IIm m Men's Overcoats Mtn'a I llaclt Denver Overcoats , Serge nlJJ / % , our in-lee ul this sale L | V Men's Urown Heaver , full Forgo linings , $10.00 Is the regular price . Oxford Mixed Kersey Overcoats , all styles , serge linen , uattevii sleuvo linings . lllurk Klysl.in Overcoats , all-wool nml tiimmed HUq u JI5.00 co.it . w Men's lllnek Kersey Oveix-oatw , silk sleeve linings , he vy douule wuipi'd sateen lioJy m * linings , at . SV H'.uo Kersey Overcoats , legular tailor tniule , raw odgea , taped sit eves , elegant tllm-tCfO f\\ inlngs , ut i. , . . . .M' * ' ' < Vf Kersi > y . Meltons , Chliichlllafi , nt Underwear- Brown Derby ribbed shirts and dr.invrs Natural Wool Shirts and drawers , full weight Fancy mottled fleece lined shirts aiidjlrawers , Heavy finished Inillinj'V'nii shirts uncl dniwors , tlio best I in ported jjoods Medium weight wool RlililKiiiadriwurs. Just tlio weight for now Super weight camel's hair for eary ! 1 px = * , fall wear Scotch wool , light weight , shlrw and drauors , , . . . , Half Hose- Medium half hose , two fur Heavy weight cotton ull llnUli 50 dozen men's suspenders at , ; Boys' Sweaters In three colors , at , Men's Suits , 5,000 Suits , in frocks and sacks , made from fine cheviot cloths , mel tons , worsteds and cas- simcres. to be unloaded regardless of regular values. kong , st ut and off sizes in many of the better qualities , so that most all shapes can be litted It's a money rais ing money saving price lowering cash selling sale unlike anything yet. Men's Suits We propose to move the largest stock of fine , seasonable goods we have ever owned. We have too many suits and have cut the prices to the core to reduce the stock $10 $12 and $15 worsteds. Light Weight Overcoats $8.00 , $10.00 , $12.00 , $14.00 This is the last day on Fall Over coats no such clean-up prices ever made for fine goods before. Buy them now. 'Boys' ' and Young Men's Goil Caps Boys' and Children's Mats and Caps Hoys' Soft Crush Mats Men's Derby Mats Men's Soft Hats , .00 tourist shapes Men's Regu'ar ' $3.00 .50 Derbys Men's Winter Golf Caps Boys' Derbys Men's Soft Hats Irliighest Grades "Men's Derbys Boys' Ulsters $4 , $4.50 and $5. .1 , Great Money Saving Time for Hoys' Ulsters , JJfrbys'-Kiie Pants , „ , „ Cut Prices on Fine Grades 5c Hoys'Flannelette Waists 3 > i 1 Hoys'Flannel.Hlouses /I8 * Hoys' Overalls , Knee I'.mt Shape 25 , ; ul Boys' 2-piecc Blue Cheviot Suits. 4 to 15 years , small sizes , in reefer style , with wide collars 2-piece pin check cheviot , in a neat gray effect our cut priced Brown cheviot suits , 4 to 15 , made double seat and knee The same goods in reefer , sizes 4 to 8 , our cut price. . Dark gray cheviot 2-piece suits al I sizes Fancy Worsted C& 1 > .00 Black 1 blue suitsup to 14 , cheviots at. Long Pant Suits. igttpwg T f T y Boys' clothing cut to fit made to wear and the jirico cut deeper tlinn over. Como Monday morning you can got bolter attention thun in tlio afternoon. 81 Boys will wear reefers this year syafe not overcoats. We have them with ulster collars , and certainly they are a very practical garment up to 15 sizes , made in blue chinchilla , all wool jjjk cloth , fast colors. . SI For bjoys from 4 to 8 years a hand some astrachan coat with sailor collar , at $3 25 you have to pay Money $5.00 for them regularly we cut Raising- the prices at this sale - MoneySaving Saving- For the same size boys we offer an Price other large line of blue chinchilla , Lowenng- in sizes 3 to 8 , wool lined and Cash made perfect in every < jj 1tiJi Selling , way our cut price is Other lines in chinchillas { . .00frT ( HOO / iFs and fi-ei'/.cs for big boys * , j [ ahs up to 10 years at Men's choice cassimere , all % ' 'itrK wool , hair line , up to 42 waist , Iff m Men's Fancy Cheviot , abso lutely all wool , regular $3 goods , Fancy Worsted Trousers i,50 14 Men's Odd Suit Pants , all colors , all length ? , all sizes the remnants from our fine suit stock , price $3.25. * Fancy Dress Worsteds $3.75 About 250 pair of Men's Fancy m Dress Worsteds , cut in price so that we M hardly recognize old prices. Some at yfjft-A $3.00 yfjftAm % m $3.50 and $3.75 m * Money Raising Price Lowering * & & vX f\ % fe m Money Saving Cash Selling