Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAHA DA1L.Y . iyI3 $ : MONDAY , OCTOH15H 5 , I8 0.
Many Thousand from Various Sections Wil
Gather There ,
Illfl npiiiitiiKtrnllon of Ohio <
In Hiii ' onre-p of MueOi ( iim-
in i-nt Mt-Kliili'j Alli'iulH
dm roll Hi t.Hiiul.
' 1 The big demonstration
C'\NTON , 0 , Oct.
tion of Ohio has been the subject of much
discussion to lay. Major MeKlnlcy was be
sieged by thousands for a handshake There
was no attempt to overrun the house , Mich
as has dehjed some of the earlier demon
strations After a week , closed with six
teen speeches on Saturday. Major McKinley
arose at the usual hour this ntornlns , en
tirely refreshed by the night a sleep , and
morning service at his church found him In
his accustomed pew. HnRiisemcnts with
delegations are now booked as lite as Oc
tober 21 , wllh but two open dates between
now and
The sc-l-ed lie made out tonight for the
ensuing week shows more delegations than
announce 1 at the beginning of any previous
week Definite ) arrangements have 1 > eon
made for thlrty-foui distinct parties , Michi
gan Indiana and Nrw Yotk being conspicu
ous In the list , with nbiut the usual uuota
from I'cniiRjlvanli and Ohio The south
will bo rcprcicnted b } two rro.vds and the
week openn with ono from Missouri Here
la the- weeks progiam , no far as cloflnltcl }
arranged ,
Monday , Oc tobcr i , farmers of northern
Missouri 'luesdiy , Wane county , Indiana
republican clubs , business men and cltlronn
of Syrarui' . N Y ; lumber dealers of Buf
falo and lonawatida county. New York , n
delegation from Loncwo county , Michigan
We-dncsdn } republicans of Randolph county
Indiana , Republican club of Indlam , Gocd-
land Ind , McKInle } eluba of ( Jiiugi count }
Ohio ; cltlmis of 1'arkeisburg , W Va ,
and vlclnltv ; farmers and other cltl/cns of
.Ashland county , Ohio Thursda } , dial voters
day first voters of Cleveland , residents of
Armstrong. 1'a . LogaiiKport , Ind , mid vi
cinity : Wllllamsport , Pa. and \lcinlt } ,
minors and other citl/cns of Jeff croon
county , Pennsylvania Pildny. 2,000 resllents
of eastern Tennessee , rcsldcntn ot Bedford
1'a , and vicinity , cltlrcns ot V arren and
I'orest counties , Pennsylvania , cx-confed-
crate soldiers ot the Shcnandoah valle-vs
Btartlng from Harrlsbmg , Pa , commercial
travelers of Cleveland , commercial travelers
of Mansfield 0 , and vicinity ; rolling mill
men of the South Kiul , Clove-lard , New York
Recorder's workingmcn's excursion from
New York : Saturday , republicans of New
Castle , 1ml , Slavonlsh McKlnlcv club of
Cleveland , vetenn soldiers , wane camera
and clti/ens of Maryland republic am of
Louisville , Kv , TtaveleTJ of
Indianapolis. Commercial Travelcis of Ro-h-
ontc > r N. Y ; a delegation fiom Lansing.
Mich. , representing Baton , Calhoun , Clinton
and Shlawaseo counties ; miners from the
Lackawanna and Wvomlng villes of Penn
sylvania , Commercial Travelers of St Louis
and citizens of Lebanon , Pa. or TIM : iTu'scvuiMifiv
Gre-iit It ll > titVnj DIfiniiiinliilM
HVI-II Itnrilt > ill Pioinntffi.
WAYNE , Neb , Oct. -fSpeclal Tele
gram ) After nearly a month ot diligent
work the popocrata pulled off thu so-called
great llran demonatiatlon } < ? steiday ard
last night , which had lecn advertised fai
and near as one which would ecllpso any
thing of the kind ever witnessed In north
ern Nebraska , and as a consequence a
largo crowd assembled In Waiic In thf *
afternoon Mr. Reed of Madison addressed
an audience at the opeia house , but the ex
pressed opinion is that It would have been
better for the popocrats had thp meeting not
been hold. For the past two weeks t tinners
have been sent out thtough Wayne count }
and part of Cedar and Dl\on counties foi
the purpcwo of securing horsemen to ride
in the evening parade , and the \Vane ,
Wake-Hold and German bands had been em
ployed for the occasion The procession dls
appointed some of the popociats as well as
the v Isitors , because It had been reported
that 400 hoiBen.en would be In line , but
Instead there were but 1SS and ninety three
footmen , making a total of 2St Of this
number almost 300 wire not voters No
ticeable In the procession was nn omnibus
with a lighted pumpkin In each window ,
which It Is suld by some was intended
to repicsent Bryan's cabinet In case he
should bo elected. At the conclusion of the
demonstration M F. Harrington of O'Neill
addicssed a largo audience at the opera
ALVO , Neb , Oct. 1. ( Special ) Attompv
James Sidles of Lincoln delivered an ad
dress on silver at 10 to 1 last evening. A
good crowd vas present. Mr Sklles Is not
BO radical a speaker as tnc other sliver
orators that have- spoken in Alvo. and
has a great many fi lends here of both par-
tics. Iho music for the evening was fur
nished b } two women from Lincoln , for
whom a collection was taken up
LKIOH. Neb. , Oct. 4 ( Special. ) The
Hiunites held an outdoor meeting lien-
Saturday afternoon , at which r. C. I'alr-
chllcl of Oakland addressed an audlonco ot
about 100 , composed mostly ot women and
republicans Mr. Kulichild vvas advertised
as an old soldier and n farmer. Ho Is
truly a farmer and ma } have been a ! > ol-
cller. His speech consisted of reading ex
tracts from Lincoln and Logan's speeches
and a tirade agtliist Iho lopubllcan party
and Major McKlnlc } In particular.
AINSWORTII , Neb , Oct 4 ( Special )
Mr. M P Hairlngton , the distinguished
pop who was booked to speak at this place-
last Wednesday , did not appeal The demo-
pop hcadquaitirs heio aio unable to glvo
the reason why ho did not respond. He has
not been heatd of since Ho also disap
pointed the people at Long Pine and New
port , this being Iho second time ho dis
appointed the icoplo at Long Pine.
Hi-i-oril of n lli > | iiilillenii IN o nil lire.
WAKIU'ICLD , Neb , Oct -Special. ( . )
Supuilntendent J , G. Haiipt nt Dakota
count } , v ho was unanimously nominated
etato senator hero ycstoiday by the
icjiulillcaiib of the nighth dlsttlct , was horn
in HolaU'ln , Germany , In Jb60 He came to
this counti v us a boy and vvnu wull edututiHl
in both English and German IIo was
brought unon the farm and has spent a
petition of his mature } oam as a tanner.
He is well kiimvn In most pails of thu dig
tiict. Hn cannot ho called a politician ,
hut Is n tuie' atuilem of political economy
AB an cdiic itor Mr Haujil is held In high
Makes seem "nil broken "
you up , with
out Ilo ( , ambition , energy o appctito ,
It Is often the forerunner of acrluui 111 *
ness , or tlio arcoiupnntinuiit of nervous
troubles. It is n posltho proeif of thin ,
tnl : , Impure blood ; for , if thu blood is
rich , nil , vitalized and vigorous , it im
parts IKo anil energy to every ncrvo ,
orgmi nml tissue of the body. The
necessity of taking Hootl'K Siireapnrilla
for that tlrcel feeling is thcroforonpparent
to every one , and the need it will do jou
equally beyond question , lleincmbcr
Iitho best-la fact the One 'Iruo Illevid I'nrincr ,
> D.JIIcure liver III * , i as > to take
S FlllS eas > tooperate.'iccuu
itnrt IIIIC\NS o.v run AI.HIIT ,
Sound 'MonejCiiiiiinlKn | In TtdtrnnUn
In PniT ctlc-iill > I'tiNlifil.
CHUMiON Neb , Oct. 4 ( Special. )
Hon Chester I' Hradley of Casper , Wjo. ,
aildrpMexI a good sired audience at the
Illnk opera house last nlsht , umler the aus-
plctn of the local McKinley club Ills re-
nnrlu were well received and his good com
mon spnue argument was most telllnt ; .
Mr Ilradlpy gave a thorough review of
the colnagp acts from 17D2 down , show In ?
that at that date with the ratio of 15 to
1 , gold dil not circulate and that under
the act of TS1I how silver fal'cd to circulate
up to 1S73 He also showed up very fully
the "crime of 1873. " tr-lllnt ; the audience
how the measure was discussed for nearly
three jeais and how many speeches , etc ,
vere mai'e In coiiRress rcKardhiR It The
dropping of thp silver dollar from the list
ot coins visa , he claimed , dlscused In
even detail
The- decline In prices otarloili aKtlcul-
tural product * i specially In the past fout
join was covered In full , and holding up
a silver dollar in hla hand aslcrd the and- !
encp whether It thought the difference In
the price ot eorn In 1SD1 at 23 cents to 0
cents at the present time was due to the
decreased consumption of thrt product ,
which U now only about half of vvlnt It was
In 1801. or to the fact that the piece ol
silver held In his hind had been "deiuono-
tbod "
Turning to the tariff question , he pro
ceeded to phnw how manv sugai beet fac
tories would hive been built bv at least
ono big ( Inn had nnt the bounty been taVen
oT This was a home thrust to tin1 eltl-
7ens of northwestern Nebraska , which pro
duces the very best of stignr beets , but
which has never been able to pet a factory
located neai ( noiiRh to make a loasonable
prollt out of their irop He- also showed
how at his homo , the center of the Bhcep
linltistrv of vVjninlng , wool had fallen from
in c Pitts net ] or ] omul to C rents net at
the prrf-ent time. Also how Mexican cattle -
tlo were opine used to (111 ( mnnv of the big
government contracts at western gairiionn
and uoon Indian reservations
Mr llrad'ev ' brought his meeting to n
clom > bv paying a tribute to oiganlred la
bor , denvlng that oft-iepeatcd statement
that liborlng tneii had to vote a certain
way OY lose the job , and by paving a hand
some tribute to lion "Jack" MacColl lion
A. K. Cady and to A 0 riaher , candidate
for count } attorncj of this ( Da-vctO count >
At the conclusion ot tlio Bridley mce-tlnr
last night a Ladles' Mc-Klnley club vvas m
ginbcd with 217 members The project hnd
only been stalled In the afternoon
IMIM3IUAL , Neb , Oct. 4 )
lion J I ) Pugh of Mlnden addressed a
large and attentive audience In the town
of Champion Trlday afternoon on the pollt
leal questions of the clay and gave the ic-
publlean citiso In that locality an enthusi
astic forward move. Trlclay night Mi
Ptigh addressed the bigeat audience that
has attended any political meeting in tin
county at the couit house In Imperial , the
large court room being crowded to the ut
most Mr I'ugh made one of the most
forcible talks so far made In this countj
during the cimpalgn His talk was most
convincing and his line ot argument pie-
sontlng the tepubllcaii cause so plain nne
In such an unbiased manner that none of
the opponents could take umbiage Thcte
Is no question hut this talk has made some
converts for McKlnlcy.
LKIOH , Neb , Oct. -Special ( ) Judge
Norris ot Ponca addressed the McKinley and
Hobart club here Friday evening on the
Issues of the day. Fully MO people lis
tened to him and expressed themselves
as being in sympathy with his tone of
thought. L C. Gray ot Columbus , candi
date for fctato senator from this dlsttlct
also made a short talk before the club.
INMAN. Neb , Oct. 4 ( Special Telc rcn )
Hon Thomas McSheehy of Trenton t , 0
addressed a laigo and enthusiastic repub
lican gathering at this place Satuiday even
ing. His address was entirely free from
abuse and the opposition of whom man }
were present , could not help but admire the
frankncoM and gentlemanly inannet In vvhlcl
the subject was presented , and the free silver -
vor voteis present could not help but think
that after all theio Is some doubt about tree
silver and free trade legislation bringing
mote money and better pi Ices for Nebraska
AUBURN , Neb , Oct. I ( Special Tele
gram ) Hon Church Howe and A. J. Burn-
ham spo'to at Urock last night to the largcs
audience assembled In that town during
this campaign Many went avvny unable to
got into the hall. The opposition admits it
v/as a corkei.
NEBRASKA CITY. Oct 4 ( Special. )
Thp tepubllc.ins will formally open the cam
paign In Otoo county on Monday night , October -
tobor 12. Senator Thurston , Hon. John C
Watson , Judge Hayward and other speakers
of note .will bo present and address the
meeting. It is pioposed to make It the
grandest demonstiatlon of the campaign
Dm Ing the same week Senator Thurston
Hon John C. Watson , Congress-nan Strode
Hon. Jack MacColl and others will visit and
speak at every town In the county.
AINSWORTH , Neb , Oct. 4. ( Special. )
Hon J. Hauck will speak to the Ocrman
people of this vicinity tomorrow on the po
litical Issues There are several German
people hero who cannot understand English
and have not decided which way they will
The lopttbllcan ilub holds its meeting
every Satuiday evening with a largo at
tendance , now members coming in all the
HARVARD , Neb. . Oct. t ( Special ) Sat
uiday was a gala day in Harvard. Moat of
the stoies and shops were decked with
( lags and the republicans were strictly In It
Hon John L Webster of Omaha addressed
a lar o and enthusiastic gathering of
voters , estimated at BOO to COO , at Ma-
chlneri ball In the afternoon and many
herptofote populists called at republican
headiimttets for McKlnloy badges after the
meeting closed. It Is safe to predict that
Clay county will glvo a good tepubllcan
inajoilty this fill.
YORK , Neb , Oct. 4. ( Special ) The
little town of Waco } esterday held more
people than cvei before In Its history. The
occasion was a big republican rally. The
largo cumpaltrn tent fiom Yoik vvaa used
to hold the crowd that listened to Congress
man Ilalnei In the afternoon and L. T
Hanselof Calcutta , India In the evening
The York riambcau club went over In a
body , together with several hundred cltl-
/ens The parade In the evening was nn
Immense Biiecese , several hundred being In
line fiom Waco alone The speeches were
lioth good , Congressman Halnor airalgned
the free sllvci cause in the sti digest terms
Mr Ilauser , who is a resident of India , told
Kiaphlr-all ) how fieo silver worked In his
country lilt stories of the poverty and
the conditions that exist there had their
effect Two thousand people * listened to his
speech It was un event that will long be
loiiiembeu'd by the people of Waco
IL\IR ) Neb , Oct 4 ( Special Telegram )
W W Slabaugh and LPO IMclie addressed
ubout 3110 voters Saturday the Me-
Klnley niul Hohart club rooms , mostly
faimei ? I3ach made interesting campaign
Bpce-clKH Thcso Saturdaj afternoon meet
ings nio lining lota of gem ) and the free
silver gang mo getting won led over the
results of them , but can't coitnteiact the
effect they aio having Now recruits nro
made to tlio McKlnloy club every dny.
OAR1USON Neb Oft I ( Special Toltf
Biam ) 1\\a \ \ largest and most enthusiastic
cmucl of this campaign mut here Saturdn }
night and listened to Hon Gcorgol1 Shoeslej
of David fit } talk on the questions of the
clay. Ilo held the attention of Ibo audlonce
for over two hours , and mule .1 vote-getting
speech Numerous Germain of thin town-
hhlp liavo como out for McKinley and sound
money 'lhc David City Glco club fur
nished the entertainment ,
iteireeii | < ii U > e Oiinii Ilriioniliintcrl.
NIMIRASKA Cm" , Ort. 1. ( Special , )
11u > icpuhllcan convention to nominate a
candidate for float u'pir * < ; nUtlv.o for Otoe
and Cnsn countlcH waa held heio last evenIng -
Ing Olco county presented the ni * of II
H ) "au3 , .vhllo Cnss w anted the present In
cumbent Hon S. W. Orton The latter
was nominated em tbu first ballot.
Urcvr tlio rlm > mi tinUoimlcr. .
Sirs John Kovltsky of 2J1J Hickory street ,
objectto the conduct of Khucr Young , a bo > , who Jlvea In her nelth-
boihnc-d , ami > cstcrcl.iy caused hN arrest
on a chaigo of lucunlgllilllty , Jtrx.
Kovltsky nllegia that nimer thrown stones
nt lier chllJion , nml that Hal ovc-nini ; bo
hurleil ouo of thn mlfsllcu at u i > iUo
rooster , which usultcil in n bioken ! CK
for the fo-vl.
I.ook to your lutcrcnt. You em buy ? 1-
vutlou Oil , tbo urertt ptlu-curo. for 25 clt.
Bryanitcs Have Made Llttlo Irnprowion on
Hawkeye Agrionlttirista.
Till * riu-l. N.'x-r In Doiittl , N "More
Tlmu r.vcr Cniillriiu-il lij Iliu
'I urn Airnlri MnSinl -
ilrnl ) 'I'liKcn.
la , Oct. 1 ( Special ) Ite-
publlcans have great icason to feel en
couraged over the political situation In
western and central lown. The cause of
sound moneis making gains each day.
There Is no more conclusive evldcnie of
this than that the street argument and the
populist , who enlisted for the entire cam
paign nt the first biile blast fiom Uryan
has entirely disappeared fiom public life
Ho baa returned to his fall plowing and
lhe > voice raised In the Interest ot "more
money" is heard no more In this section
of Iowa the free silver campaign languishes
The plan to carry everything by storm
adopted by the free sllveiltes at the out
set , failed , anil as soon as the voters bcgai
to think and read and Investigate the tide
began to turn the other wa } , and It bus
continued with Increasing force to thh di >
The- truth la that the Untilepudlatlon plop
agauda his simply exhausted Itself It ban
no more ammunition and It Is not surpils
Ing that Its promoters arc willing to give
tin the > flght do ng so , of course , as grace
fullv is possible
It ma } bp rot down as an absolute facl
that the republican farmers of this part ol
lown uro for sound money. There v\a no
leal tr'ith in the rcpoit that they vveio evei
for anjthlng else It Is ttuo that thteo
months I\RO \ , when Drjnn started on his trip
to Chicago to be nominated , and stopped off
here and talked to the fanners for three
hours that theio was an Inclination on
the part of laboring men and the tillers of
the soil to consider the merits ot the panacea
Mr. Drjan vvas so vigorously advocating
At that time the question vvas new , com
paratively , and decidedly so , to the average
voter Mr Hran undeniably has the faculty
of making out n very plausible case for free
silver , nml that vvis the kind of a spcccl
he made in , TelTerron It Is only when he
has the platform alone , however , that hla
fallacies have any weight. Confronted bj
facts , they melt. Farmers simply said
"We vva'it to Itnow the truth , " and In order
to atrive at the fpcts , they assumed to take
the free silver side of the argument that
the weak points , no well as the stiong ones
for sound money , might he dnwn out. The
fai mei Is an Independent mortal , tied up tone
no one and \vlien usKed how ho stood upon
the question , he vvas Just ns api
to reply that ho didn't know exactly whore
ho did stand that he vvas giving the free
sllvoi question a good deal of attention
This sort ot testimony , coming from a re
publican fanner , who did not know what the
woid "bolt" meant , was plenty for the oppo
sition , and the report was heralded biodit-
rast that the republican farmers were going
over to free silver In droves.
While there was apparently seine founda
tion for this conclusion , three months ago
there was none , In fact , and Is none today
They are standing for sound money almosl
to a man
Fiom that quarter where- the republican
managers veie fearful for a tln-o that losses
would occur the republican party will re
ceive Its greatest strength Populist leid-
ers In this section , men high In the coun
cils of the party , concede that frco silver
w 111 make no gains among the farmers
They also admit that Ilrvan has practically
no chance to v In In the coining election
and that Iowa will give about her tiKua
plurality for McKlnlcy
There are many democratic farmers who
are for sound mcnej , and the greater part
of them will vote for JIcKinley. Theie Is
very little sentiment about the Iowa farmer
He may bo depended upon to cast his vote
for that which ho thlnkn will directly bene
fit him Increase the price of what he hate
to sell and reduce the cost of what ho mus
purchase. He has reached the com Insist
that the present money Is not too gee (
tor him He notes that there are In fact
but two presidential candidates who have
any possible show of success McKinley am
Bryan. He Is not the man to vote for Pal
mer In order that ho may say IIP has never
scratched his ticket , ho Is going to casl
a ballot that will have some forcoxaud he
will vote for McKinley.
This Is the position token by the most
prominent democrat In the count } Hon.
John McCarthy , late commltteeman for the
Tenth district , and for many years county
chairman. Ho sajs ho proposes to vote for
McKlnloy , piotcctlon and nil ; not that he
loves republicanism or protection or McKln
loy , but because ho docs love his counto
and proposes to put his ballot where It will
accomplish the gieatest good. Ho further
sajs that the day after election ho will thor
oughly disinfect himself he is still n demo
crat. Senator Ilussell , a democrat , takes
practically tlio same view , and is" making
speeches In the Interest of sound money.
Republicans will gain in the country dis
tricts. It Is only reasonable to suppose that
the formers of this county are very similar
to tl'oso of other parts of lown , This county
v.Ill glvo a larger republican plurality than
It did In 1S92 , and Canoll county , -which is
usually rated about 800 democratic pluiallty ,
will glvo McKinley a small plurality.
rcsruitooic si/r > ui > IIHYA\ .
On niiilnciU Ni-liriiMKiin OUe-M HIM
Cniiillil r.Mlliiuitr n | ' AnolliiT.
Satin day night at the Auditorium In Chicago
cage lion. Henry D. Kbtabrook spoke to n
thiong that filled the immense theater. His
address was characteristic , dcllvcied in the
style with which Omahans aio familiar. Ho
devoted some time to a sort of tevlow of
Mr. Drj an pcihonally , and this portion of his
speech Is here reproduced :
I would fain do Mr nry.m Justice , for lip
hulls fioni .1 btute which I cherish above
any other In the union , lei In Ilia you * that
nia Koni ) NuhinsU.i'M air and Minshlne have
mingled with my blood , and In > ears to
como my body will minghi with ) IPI Boll
A great state In NebiaHKa n rcpuliliciii
8tnti > , as Mr , Biyan will dlscovei In No
vember. Why , In this sulfs imc ! slain tluro
IB another prosldentl il possibility this } car
tonio reverend gentleman , who-io name I
Imvu forgotten , the nomlneu of a pirty , the
name of which likewise esr-upes me
Hut Mr Hron I know somewhat , und dm !
In hlH habltH of life many thliif * to admire
He Is a inmi of undoubted talent , n talnnt
for tlio stage , pern ips , rather than for
Htnteei.itt , llo in a Kind husband ami an
indulgent fatliui. He ilou.s not HinoUe nor
chow , drink or swear , steal or gamble | n
shoit ho has not a flimlo ledocniliur vice
that I know of , unless it mluht be blng ,
and oven there I have hart Hpolm of thinking
10 liollovoa himself Moreover , Mr liryun
Is a man of i.iui eloquence , although uiiy
one rending his speeches would bo pardoned
far doubling the assertion Miducod to
cold typo , his words become more i int and
jumlmut. vvlillo thono selfsame words spoken
n Hian's voice a voleo AH midlliliious IIH
the sweetest plpo In yonelei orgin would
. -nil your hf.ut , just as would the voice of
a great singer , by the \eiy quality of lone
Add to thl ! a handsome , graceful presence
and a flro and energy of action , und you
can Innglno that It mattcm very llttlo to
Mr. Hrynn's audience what Mr. liryun Bays ,
so long as hn keeps on saying It The mis
take ho mads in Madison hquaro Uardi-n
was in the attempt to argue Ho ought never
to do that for the dlvlno atttlbuto of icn-
hon vvaa left out of his mental mnltoup
Hut , my friends , theiu is not a word In
hla nncomlum which would not with equal
ruth anil nppioprlntencsH apply to another
'amous Nebiabkan , vvho o exploits lire In-
# epatably linked with the history of Omaha ,
vvi.osu hahlta nro nti regular us the HUH ,
IV1 ese character IH as Impiachable as lliy-
in'a own vvhoso prosoniH is Just aa hand-
t-ome , whoso powers of speech vveio for-
mcily Just as great ami huvo wrought many
an audlencu to tears to laughter , and to
.renty . } a man who HKo lirvun , vvaa pos
sessed of .1 talking devil , and who today , In
MadUon Square , Now York that bourne
'rom which no Ncbraskau seems over to
return In feeding bifudc-rumbs to spar
rows. That man Is Georga Kruno Is Train
And It must bo remembered that Mr. Train
oiico > nn for the presidency , just us Mr
Ur > nn Is doing , on a ticket of his own I
say that thu ticket on which Mr Hrvun Is
running for the presidency U essentially his
own , although two other gentlemen hove
icon casually mentioned In connection with
t one trvlng to Ret oft und the other try-
nn to gtt on. Hern. } ou observe , Is a sort
ot political oerubus , with not the best of
'etlliv between the canlnn collaterals , Mr
Bryan's predicament Is not without rmbar
aMment. He inunt foe ) aa lionlMered with
two appendages as the piorcrblal c.U
with \ lll.e jnin\lier of tnllx Ho has probt-
bly inevallatl iHlin Mr Sen ill to stay where
ho Is. whcrtHH Vom Wntnon wants to know.
He wnnti to know where he Is "nt " Ho
wants to know whether ho Is a eitndldnto
for HIP vice prcMdene } or only n vermiform
I have n serte < l my belief that nil this
hubbub Is mnlntnlned nml paid for by the
mine owners , and the conclusion la not
weakened 'When , wo reflect that the enl }
poisons who lohld by any possiblllt } profit
bv the free coinage of silver would bo these
selfsame gentlemen Did nn.v one evtr
stop to calculate how enormous would bo
their iirollt' " w Mother Kllver ndvnnrod or
remained ii . Icils ? Suppose' Hint the out
put of n mine , iOln } la of the value of
55,01X1 flOO gold slnndiiid , nml that half the
ploduet , or $1,00,001) Is piild to Inlior The
profit to the mine owner would be $1,001 , .
( W , would It not9 Well , under free toln-
ngf he could tnke n fourth ol this product ,
eoln It Into 1,000910 so-i-nlled dollars , and
with the'sp pav olt bis labonrs and his
prollt would IIP Jl.roo.OjO , wou'd it not" And
cverv cent of this e\trn prollt dlslllteil
fiom the sweat of laboi ' Talk about coinIng -
Ing blood Into dtaehmsl No wonder
Hourke L'ochiiin denounce * frc < < eMnugo
ns n erluio nttilnst htbor. ( tut mipposo Jlr
1 > rv ill's propbee-y Is fullllled nml silver
becomes na valuable ns gold Hvoivbody
would be just vvhire he is now , would ho
not' Yes , veibody , e\o i > t thf" mine
owtiors , for v\o got none of this mone } ex
cept we inirc hnaiIt from thi m In 1 'U
our Bovernmont agreed to pmclmsinml
coin 400.0" < ) otinres of silver oarh month ,
and hid no dltlleultv In procuilng the n--
( inlrid amount Under the stimulus of fict
eoltuige this output e-ould rnslb K > ilonbltd
Think of lt-4'rtif'On'iO 11 } i-irl Why , In tit
> raift lb s" mini ovvturs would luivo our
Ijovcrnntent i nin Jrto of charge and ham
bark to them nenrh fl Oi ooo,0 < 0 , nml no
body but Ihi m the better ott for It Is no
this n. prl'c' worth sttlvlng foi ? Couli
thev not afford to hire emls atles to ptop-
agate froc silver ?
Well , tliev did Imve their "hired men , '
as Hrvnn wouht sn } , and the question Is
Was HIV mi one of thorn' Uy the wn } of
tinenlbesls , 1 will stv thetp Is i
( .piitleinnn In Ibis nudleneo tonight who
more tbiin u Venr iqo siw Ml Winner
president ot the Jtlmclnlllo loaglie- , und tlio
rlirht-lmtul man of Spnntor Htevvart hand
Hi-vernl rolls of tnnmist tlpts to as man }
Kontlemen with the lemnrlc : "This Is
} om spepch , " and when nsKed wlmt It
meant , the gontlimnn rrnllcd In u vuv
businesslike way : "Oh , tin so men are hlioc
b } us to talk , ami 1 was just giving them
the spceehes which we prepare for thorn '
Now , I do not Imnplne that Mr 15intrs
srirorhes were written by u svudle-ite- In
deed , he has denied that no was evoi In
the pay of the silver > nlnc owners , dliectl }
or "Indirect ! } , " although If } ou study the
phrnst oloq } of thu denial } uu will ol'ierve
u largo-sized loophole Hut. li respective
of that , the word "Indirectly" Is such n
vague woid , and Mr. llnnn has such
vague notions about things In goner tl , tint
I must bo permitted to draw my own In
ference from tlio facts In the c ise , and
thcbo arc the facts : About two > eais ngo
v.-hcti Jlr. Hian retired from congress , n
certain newspiper In Omuha vvas litt-
gulslilng , not so much on account of Its
own circulation as for want of the circulat
ing medium. implojes ot this paper have
told me that oldom If over were their
silnrles paid when duo , but came in
dilblets en In 01 dors for goods on advet-
tlsets. The polie } of this piper was then
nml for n long tlmo had be'en opposed to
the coinage of allvtr at lb to 1 Suddenly
Its policy changed Without warning ot
ptcmonlllon , 'without waiting for the aid
or consent of miy othet nation. " It declared
for 10 to 1 This t.-a ? lomarknblo , but no
more lemnrkable than Its new lease of llf" .
Hills ve-u > paid. ovements made nm
there was cvory'lndic itlon of a reront In
flux of tho. whqiewlthiil. Rut most 10-
markablo ofall , w'ns the announcement that
William J. Bo an bad been emplove-d ns
cdltotinchief , and , lumor had It , at a
handsome silary. Did Jlr. Uryan ovpr
edit ? Nary an edit. If ho ever spent two
consecutive d. lys In Omaha during tlio
last two > enrs nobodv ovei Itiard of it.
Ho was talking , talking , talking , usually
In the south , occasionally In the west , and
the bunion of his talk was lieo silver and
the crime of ' 7.1 Whoso money paid him for
that sort of editing' It was the mono }
of the sllvoirlnff , and everybody in Ne
braska knows U. Not only do I assn t
that Mr. Bryan" was thus indirectly In
the emplov ot the sliver mine ownei , but
I believe tMit a part of bis compensation
contiiiKcnt on success , of coni'-e , vvs the
nomination of the Chicago convention , and
that the outcome of this convention , wbleh
took the countiy y surprise , was In reillty
u foregone conclusion.
I know thff naiopo of at least thieo 1101-
sons to whom , niorcr thnn .1 year ago Mi
Biv in nssirtcd connilentlallv , but eonl !
drntlv. that lie would be tin- next demo
cratlc nominee tor president. Of conise
they laiisjhod at him , for vv is not this up
cxtrnoiillnnry boast foi a } oung imii b.uelv
nine jeirs ortt of sc'iool , and , considered
an a prc ldentlr-1 possibl'lt } , not yet out of
avv.idclllngs ? Aril jet , notvv Itlistnndlng thl
nssinance at his heart , he c line to Chleax
with a contoBtlnpdpiogatlon ami scemingl }
with no pretensions His dclrgitlon was.
heated , of courbe , lust as the Michigan del
egation was seated It was pirt of the pro-
si am You iccall that , wlnm on the eve
of his nomination , a motion to ndjouin was
made In the Interest of a rival candid ite ,
BO .an's friends rushed to him to pi event
It and with what genuine composuio he
assured them that all wns well ai d 1-ido
them acquiesce In the idloummont " on
also iecall-ou must recall , for It was the
tro"t melodi.imatlo Incident In all politics
that vvlun the messenger nrilved to an
nounce to Mr. Brjan the re-suit of the final
ballot , ho waved him off with ono hind
whllo with the other hand he finished an
announcement which ho was penning to the
nre" > s What was that announcement vililch
he hael commpnced to formulate bpforo he
vvas even nominated' It was to the effect
that under no circumstances would he nc
ee pt a second term. And then followed this
extraordinary langinge : "And til's , " Ic
oald as he handed the mnnu"erlpt to a re-
oortoi , "Is a resolution which I Imve long
In contemplation ! " How lonff ? Two }
seems a long time when we are young' '
But think of It , my countrymen ! An honoi
vjlilch Washington accepted In sllenco , and
with a ) . * invlty so profound that these who
witnessed It WPIO stmelj elumb with av\o ,
an honor 'vhieh Lincoln neeeitedvlth n
piajer to the Almighty to make him worthy
of It ; in honor which Garllold received with
bowed head and fainting heart , this actor
this dcplalmer takes with the e isv 11011
chalanee of a pampered ilnrllnp Has U
como to this' His the p-osidoiiev of the
Unite 1 Statts , oiico the mo-t ex-alted ofllco
In all the woild , bccomo so pae.ip that It
should bo liuncr un as a prize for schoolboy
oratory' ' No , make no mistake" " If Bryan
Is e'ectcd to the presidency ho w 111 lie a
hired man , lint a" ho sajs ho will , not of
the people- however but of the sjndlcate
that put him there.
Unuldc llrmler nt Aleeiilnt ; Water.
WHIPPING WATI3K , Neb , Oct. i ( Spe
cial ) Last evening politics were dlscubssd
in this city , both from a sound money and
silver standpoint. The republicans hold
forth in the opera house , and the speakers
were Hon. II W. llecsou of Hod Oak , la ,
and Allen Deeson of Plattsmouth. The popo-
crats wore entertained by C , S. Itewlck , stcw-
iii d of the Lincoln Hospital for the Insane.
Doth spcaKeiH entertained fair crowds
Mr. lieeaon Is a very fine talkci , under
stands how to inalto a point clear , and has
bo many little anecdotes to nt In when occa-
slon demands that ho kept his audience in
roars of laughleir.i Theio was no abuse In
his 1 ( 'marks , ( A t iis nppe'al to the honor of
the voters toisusffll. " tlio light , called foith
.nany exclamation from these present to
"Give It to UIHWI/'I "That's right , " until ho
worked his ui1ienoe ) | up to a high pitch , and
then brought j > jf\m down with .1 story that
lilt the spot cxai-t ; > t Ho was followed by his
brother , Allen. Jf p pu , who also entertained
them In a lo > , innil | rpyal manner.
Mr , Uewlek.MHfi , popoernt , did not devote
much time to.iUo.iuoney question , but spc-nt
the evening ci\ffly ) \ in uhovvln ; ; up the mis
management fit , ( cto institutions In past
years , and th grpat saving there had been
effected unde ( ppviinor Holcomb'a admin
istration. HI ? j ta&ments coincided pretty
well with Iho Bee's expose of two } eara
neo. If in _
II. A. Rossi ) Y ( s arrested jcsterday at
the Omaha anil Grant smelting works while
attempting to RO lflhrough the clothes of
a number of emjjlfiy s , Tor several weeks
past BOV oral of tu } men have been missing
juiall articles and their disappearance IB
supposed to bo .iluif to Hosa1 business
llojx A < l l > < I'.viieiiHlve
James Gallagher , Lester Thacher and
Kred Behrndcr , small boys ranging In ago
from 10 to 15 years , were arrested last night
at the Instance of Mr.s. Kahun , 2127 Maple
street. The charge is malicious destruction
of propel ty. Mrs. Kalian nas the hoyfl
lav u been amusing themselves of lute by
Jicuklne the windows out of her barn , and
shu would Illio to havu u stop put to this ex-
leiisho amusement.
llnlii Interfe-reil nllli till * I.t-olure.
Tlio lecture on "Uermuda" by Miss Huth
Watel Kuhn , announced to take place nt
Temple Israel on Hartley street last nlRht.
wan postponed on aoc-ount of the rain. The
uctuiu kvlll Li" ilnllvor > J tiilM ( iVinlii > : .
No Question About McKlnloy Winning the
November Contest ,
nniltimnMee of tlu > %
tllltllll I , < JUS HI- llf ll < > | ltllltll-llll
Clnlii ( ilxcs ( he Iteiiilt of
IX I ) Woodniansce of Cincinnati , secre
tary of the National League of Republican
cluba was In the city jettcrday and spent
HIP day with C R Wlllamson , an old friend
j Mi. Woolmansco has been "campaigning"
through the middle states and mido n rt-
Ing trip to Nebraska , stopping at Hast
ings to attend a meeting held there under
the auspices of the state league He has
made It a point ho stated } estcrday , to
Keep a sharp lookout on the political situ
ation In the states In which he has been
speaking and sas he hits good reasons
for feeling absolutely certain that the rcpub-
Iteau national ticket will be elected be-
} end the question of n doubt
"I have been In Pennsylvania , Ohio , Illi
nois. Indiana , Kentucky and Michigan , "
said Mr Woodmansre "and there Is no
doubt In mv mind about McKinley earn
ing over } ono of them , lie will cany Illl-
no's by 100 030 majority , " he continued In
reply to an Intimation that the popocrats
were claiming tint state "Tho faimers of
that state are almost without exception for
the republican ticket All of the cities
will go icptlbllcan and 1 feel confident that
wo will cany Chicago b } a good round ma
Jorlt } . I was talking the other day with
a pionilnettt democrat from Ilryan's old
homo Jacksonville Hits man Is a lavvjrt
and hns been pi eminent In the democratic
party for } ears , has been chairman of their
state committee and Is well Known all over
the stale He told me the stnto would go
lepubllcan by not less than 100000 , and
that he thought It would roach 203.000
"Indiana Is another state the silver people
ple are pretending to claim. " continued
Mr. Woodmanseo "But the state will go
republican without any question The tc-
publlcan state committee was uncertain
about the result a month ago , but the tide
has tinned and thcto Is no question about
the result now. McKlnloy pictures are
evcrv. here The democrats are dlsplajlng
the pictures of the 'Man from Ohio' In
their windows and } ou hear scarcely any
thing hut McKinley talk.
"The silver people are even claiming
Ohio , " continued Mr Woodniansce , smil
ingly. "We will give our candidate not
less than 75,000 majority.
"Figures are what talk , though , " he con
tinued , pulling out a pencil and some paper
"I nlwajs llkp to show people the giounds
I have for thlnUng that McKinley Is going
to bo elected without any question You
Know the old saying , 'figures novel lie- , '
and I can demonstrate in a veiy few moments
monts that the result Is practically settled
nov , ' . It Is conceded bv all , even the sil
ver men. that McKlnlc } will cany the
New Kngbnd states It Is just as certain
that ho will carry Now York , Pennslvanla ,
Ohio , Indiana. Iowa , Mai j land , Michigan ,
New Jersey , Wisconsin and Illinois. That
gives us this table :
"New England states , thirtyninevotes
In the electoral college , Now York , thlrty-
slv ; Pcnnsvlvanla thirtj'-two ; Ohio , twenty-
three ; Indiana , thirteen ; Maryland , eight ;
Michigan , fourteen ; New Jeisey , ten ; Wis
consin , twelve ; Illinois , twenty-four , maK-
IIIB a total vote ot 22C , or two more than a
ma Jorlt j Then we aio reasonabl } sine
of carrjing West Virginia with six votes
Minnesota with nine , Kentucky with thir
teen Callfornli with si\ Oregon with four
and Delavvaio with tfiree votes That makes
sl\t-ono more. Giving to lliynn alt the
"I do not believe there Is a state In the
union , especially among the northein
states , where the tendency Is not toward
McKinley rather than toward Hi ran I
do not think there is the shadow of a
doubt as to the gencial result.
"When pconlo in Nebraska have asked
me how wo figure this state I have told
them we do not need Nebraska , but It will
bo to the credit of the state to keep In the
republican column and evcij effort should
bo put forth to carry the state for the credit
of It. From careful Inciuliy I am of the
opinion that the state will go for SIcKinley
snd I am told by reliable and well Informed
people that there has been a great change
of opinion within the past month"
Mr Woodmanseo left for the cast last
01 T iv roncn.
I.iir eanil I'lillniMlnftlc Iteimhlieim
II eel Inc. ill lliMinlnurlon.
In marked contrast to the mcagcrly at
tended democratic tally at Ilennlngton Sat
urday and the utter absence of enthusi
asm , the republican tally held there yester
day under the auspices of the Douglas
County German Republican club was a
most complete success. Hundreds of farm
ers , some from long distances , were pics-
cnt to listen to able discussions of the all-
important financial question
W. C Ktamei presided at the meeting
iiml the fiee silver heresy received a stun
ning blow , the finale to be administered
! > y the sturdy fjciman farmeis and tholr
posterttj old enough to vote for McKinley
on election day.
A ? Ritchie opened by dwelling upon
the causes which Jnl up to the present
dcpiesslon In all clreles. lie caustically 10-
markcd that no euro for this ailment waste
to be found by administering a moic do-
Etrue'lve remedy , acting like parls green
on , the Btomach of a man who had swallowed
a potato bug
He was followed by C. L Haller , who
went Into detail on the colnago question
from Its earliest Inception to the present
[ hue Ho spoke In the German language
Speaking on the parlt } of our rolns ho
showed how our fractional cinrency of cop
per , nloKel nml sliver , as well as the stand
ard silver dollar , were maintained and
clidilated on an equality with gold , and
; hat this vvas the only way for tiue bimet
allism ,
The principal s | eaker of the day was
! ! , C. Urn me He stated that no nation
on earth had maintained a double standard
which had not ono of the metals as a basis
and that all the wealthy and piospc-rous
ones had gold as such a basis V\'o did not
inve to , nor Intend to , follow England In
anthing except what would prove beneficial
to our countiy as amply taught by the ev-
lerlenco of other nations "Did our foro-
'athers , " afckcd the speaker , "discard the
svstem of atlthinotlc or mathematics when
hey achieved freedom for the counti }
ust because It was In vogue In England" *
Would It have- been bcnso to do to ? Under
our present financial system Douglas countj
'armers have expeilenced } ears of the
; reatest prosperity. Iho older men would
remember from personal e\perienco that
irlces of farm products were lower In jcars
jcforo the Inauguration of the present
standard than they have been since Gold
vvas not guaranteed by any government
and silver , unless circulated as now. would
lasa cm rent at Itg market value only if
ho flat of governments creates absolute
values , why waste 53 cents worth of silver
'or a dollar wlirti HID same end can he
attained for a fraction of a cent with n
laper dollar The greenback people had no
Ions of making people rich by law , an'
some populism opined that they couM ri
ieal the law of supply and demand "
Mr. Jiromw'B sentiments tccelvcd liberal
applause Ho finished b } pplntlng to the
statistics on Illiteracy , giving Nebraska the
owest percentage , with Vcimont and Maine
allowing Therefore this state's Inlelll-
; ont voice would not be found behind that
rom Vermont and Maine which had al
ready expressed so overwhelmingly for ie-
lubllcan aitcccss
The meeting vvau brought to a close b.v
0. 8. KlKUttcr delivering a xhorl nut elo
inent adilrcBS.
UllNHlnil-Alnerli-llll .Mi-ICIlilc ) Clnli ,
The Iliisslan-Afiierlcau McKinley and Hobart -
bart club helel a very enthusiastic meeting
t the Third Ward MacColl lull 1317 Duug
as street , last night. In spile of thu utormy
i eat her the ball vvas well filled J. p.
Nftthnnnon presided After dlsixislns of
some business Jnntrs A Powers delivorctl a ,
\ery stirring Address on the Issues of the
day. He took up thp flntnclal question
and talked Interestingly and convincingly
on the cause ot hard times The club will
meet again next Sunday night to iimko ar-
nngementa for n grrnd rally to be given
soon under the Auspices of this club.
Sliol nl ii Smut Mill.
COUNCIL MUM-PS. Ii , Oct. 4 To the
IMItor of the South Omaha Dally Sun
Regarding thp article which appears In the
Omahi 1MI1) IIco taken from jour paper of
October 1
A carload of old bummeis called "Gener
als" tire now lournlni : the count ! ) tin free1
passes and thelt other < \u tmm me lielnii
paid by $ Hniiim telling the iipople bow
tootc Thpv weie In Omihi list night
Wlien the pcoplp stop to consider win such
skunks are no tortlblv Intensit-d. n | M
enough to settle the tnnttcr tint It Is not
nuv love for the poor titan or the Inliotor
that promiits these ' clnernls" to Hum
swing mound the circle Hut then the
tnttcii old whip Is slnklm : o fast tint the
crewIs becoming dtspernlo , und , to lie
fair with ( Item , the ) hnrdly know vvlietc
they me nt
In the above article' jou cast a slur upon
Generals Howard , Alger and Pickles , and the
cdd Eoldler In gencial , that should bring tin-
blush to } our checks Tor shame , to malign
these men by calling them names that I
will not repeat Hn you not know tint It
wns by reason of the prompt action of such
irtn ns Howard Sickles Algol and their
tommies that undo U possible for you nml
I to have the privileges of such a glorious
republic as this Is' The rotten old ship so
fast going down with Its crew1" Where Is
} our prtdo of counti } thnt you can. In this
outrageous wa } . Insult and endeavor to
ii-allgn the chntnctcrs of these who at
least , two of them are but the fragments
of what thej were before present Ing them-
selvpi In the "front" thnt behind them and
their comrades In aims jou and 1 might be
srvcvl from lll'o conditions falling upon us'
It must bo surprising and humiliating to the
well thinking class ot } our neighbors to see
jou come out with such Imprecations hurled
at otu honored union generals and now , sir
I , as ono tn behalf of thiee brothers nml
numbcts of my kith and kin and the old
soldiers In general , protest against vour
malignancy na displayed In the above quo
tatlou fiom jour papot 1 nm not writing
because jour piper Illcs the names of lt ) > nn
and Sowall This Is not politics I am
speaking about. Why. bless jour dlslojal
heart , jou could have no better words said
of jou than tint jou had served In the union
at my for the purpose of suppressing the
tobelllon J. M. OUR3L13R
Illi-iervilIons of nil llmvl"e < > r.
SOUTH OMAHA , N3b . Oct. 2 To th
Editor of Iho lleo 1 am In receipt of a let
ter from mj brother , T P. Caison , a mlnln
engineer of Arizona , who has been In Me\
Ice for the past sl\ weeks , Investlgatln
mining ptopeitlcs with a view to purchase
His opinion on the silver question Is woith
of note , beciuse of his I otu ? residence In
silver producing countrj , and his intcres
in the production of the while metal Under
dor date of the 21th , he writes trom th' '
City of Mexico , ns follows
While the placing of sllvct it $1 per
ounce1 or bpttet , mi .1111 .1 fortune to me
jot , I .1111 not the kind of u silver nun
litynn K bee the coining of the ' li
ver dollar does not mike it worth ICt
cents In the inarkots of the woild , and I
do not believe sliver would be woith nine !
If uilj mole1. If wo had file coinage , thai
It Is now. I e-iii assure vou tint a visit
to this countiy , ns I have undo It , tinoti h
the tntciloi , nt | 1 among the Inhothig
rlnssc'i , should bo nn abundant nigumenl
to any one In f.ivor of a gold standard
Hero nil values of commerce .no tlxcc
upon a gold bisls , and the silver \.cluc
Is llguted from th it btandpolnt , which Is
ibnut 2 to 1 , while the pi Ice of lubor I
figured In the silver inonuy of the r-ountr ) .
fc h ive found that the inline prlee for com
mon 1 ibor In the counti v dlstilcts It
37' cents to fiO cent- , per day , and thin
me ins IS cents to 25 cents per day In
American inonc ) , and the ) bo in ] tliem-
t-elves 'Jo illustrate , I had two men and
two mules hired to tnko mv hirgijp
thiough the countiit .1 cnst of $ J 7" per
d.iv , silver , or $1 ll'v ' American mono 1
nm not posted on the * political Issues In
Iho United Ft lies tiieuiso the ilexlein
pipeis repot t nothing but Brvfiti , but 1
ciu only hope fet his , and huvo con
fidence that the grout American people will
not allow such an ouliauo to IIP petpe-
ti ilcd as his election would c'ltalnlv bo
This letter was not written foi publica
t'on ' , but I take the llbctty of giving It to
jou. In the ho ; > 3 that it niny servo a pui-
pose in showing up the1 fallacies of free-
coinage , end of directing attention to the
pievalHng condition of the people in out
sister Republic of Mexico
llnrrliiiii lo ' , M. ; | | , -it Clnt-lniinll.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 4 The republican
campaign committee received a tolegiam to
night from Ilenjamln Haulson consenting
to make a political speech at Miulc hill
In this city Wednesday night Ho will be
hero dining Wednesday to look aftei the
tomb of hla giamlparents und father at
Noith Bend and to attend a law case hi
the court. Thursdaj night ho will spei ! >
at Charleston , W. Va. lion Thomas Mc-
Dougall will preside- .
IVelci.ll Cc'iii-riilH HUMa I.HiltItrHt. .
KANS\S CITY , Oct. 4 The party of
federal gtncials spent a eiulet Sunday In
Kansas Cltv. General Howaid preached a
sermon In the morning at the First Prci b }
tciian church In Kansas City , Kan , and
this evening he and General Stewart ap
pcarod nt a mooting ot the Tloionce Crlt-
lenden mission , where they participated In a
discussion ct social science There was
nothing political in their talks. The party
will depart for Lawrence tomorrow aftei-
I'miiillxt ii < < 'tor Iti-.liiM.
NAS1IV1LLC Tonn , Oct -James T
Millet , OIILof the e'loctOfJ foi the state-it-
laigo of the poiiull.t pirty , his resigned
and In a h ttci to De-moci itlu StaU Ch ilr-
min Colem in tench JH hlK seivlco.s In stump
ing the state for JJijan .ind Suvvall.
(3. A. ii. sriri'1 . \ii'oivniivi i.
Ciiiiiiiiiitiili-r-Iii-L'lil ( 'Inrl.Niil Nllinen
'I'lie-in III ( ieiK-ml OiileiH.
T S ClaiKsnn , commaiidci-ln chief of the
Grand Army of the Ktpublh , hub Issued a
general ordci announcing the appointment
of his gencial t > taff as follows.
Adjutant gcneial , Comiado Charles E
lliiinustrr of Omaha , Neb ; qiiartcimabtcr
Keneral , Connadc Augustus J. lluibauk of
Uhlcago , III ; Inspector general , Comrade
Uliatles A. Siijdam of J'hlltdc'lphl i , Pa ;
judge advocate genuial , Conn ado Albert
Claiko of WilloRlcy HUH Mass ; st-uloi
aide-de-camp mil ohlef of staff ( "umiade
] . Coij Win ins of I ro0 'lin' } will be
ibcycd and tcspoited accoidluglj.
'Jlio following named comiaelm will con-
stlttilo the cxeeutlvc commlttrii of the na
tional council of .idmlnlsttatioir William
II Armstiong , imllanapolH Ind , 1' M
Sterrutt. St Louis , Mo : Albert Siho'foi
it. Paul , Minn , Thomas W Scott , Kairflcld
III , Charles A. Shaw , DrooKljn. N. Y ;
lloscoo D lilt , Henleji Spilngs , M h , J
J. Kents. Trenton , N. I.
Comiade I'aptalu U , L Xalln KI L' S \
S'ew York. N Y. , Is hciebj iipjmlnted * ix-
.lal able in chatgo of mllllai. , liiatuiciion
In imblle Kihooli > with authmlly to cli ci
from each department , to bo nainci ] tu thu
omiiiandc-i-lii-rhicf for .ijjiolntment | as
ihles dc eamp , one comrade lo tuko ehaigu
] f this neil , In his dopai linen t , and le-
) ort ills rtriltui to I'aiitaln 7.\\\ir.-\ \ \ \ \
Comndii Ainliow li.aynor of Omaha Is
iciehy aiipomted iiccliil aide In chaigo eif
4aiispurtatiein , to whom all im'tciH ' jiei-
tlunio v , 11 b : uf.iiod
The druggist \\oulil liardly
stnilej if jou asked for "purga
torial pills. " Tlicres are many
of them. But liu would prob
ably recommend u pill that did
not gripe ; a sugar-coated pill ,
gentle in action , and .sure in
i-fleit. What are they called ?
„ Avar's ' Catliarllc Pills
Menilor of Venezuelan Commission Talks of
the Affair ,
Sim Mticli ni 'the Undue * ItcniliiK < >
On * lllHiutcil | IJneMlInn anil r\-
tice-lH In 1'lnil tliu-li Mure
nt lloinis
NEW YORK , Oct.1 Frederic U Cou-
dcrt , the eminent l.awjcr and member ot
tito Venezuelan comiillaMou appointed by
President Cleveland to luvestlRite- the Ven
ezuelan boundary question ictiniud In thta
i Ity toilay from The Hague on La Hour-
Rogue Mr. Couilert went hbiond f r llm
put pose * of examining the old Dutch records
i dating to the Venezuelan boundarv ami
bus spent considerable time ovct the gov
ernment archives , with the- result that qltlto
an array ot ueiw testimony bearing upon the
point at Issue has bci-n unearthed Mr Cou-
dett was SCM II tonlaht concerning the risult
of his trip. \\v \ salil muih had been ae-
"linmcdlatelv upon m. } arrival at The
Hague , " said he , "I met Pint Hair of
Cornell university , who , as the rcpiesenta-
tlve of the commission , had alicadj fipent
much time In gathering data IVgetlur wo
went through the i coords verj thoroughly
Then wo wont to London , whcio manj ot
thetceords were tr.insfctrcd at HIP tlmo
of theputihnse of Giibm In 1S1B Man } of
those records had alieady bcvn publlHhi'd
bj the Htltlsh government , and vcrj falrlj- .
We found other useful ev Ideneo there , how
ever and both In London and Holland met
uniform courtesy In the pioscctltlon of our
seal eh "
"Were all the rcconls prior to 1S15 trans *
firrul to London at the tlmo ot the salci ? "
ho was asked.
' Nr Indeed. " said Mr Coudort "not all
of them , we found romc verj valuable1 paters
In the old Dutch records '
Just how valuable these were or what
they ! tended to establish Mr Ooudert would
not , but reiterated his stntoment
that thoj w rc verj valuable Another use > -
ful source of Information , he said was the
propaganda at Rome , where some most val
uable records wcio found
'The pioneers In this territory" IIP salil ,
were monks , chiefly of the Order of Cur-
puclilns , and their leports to their homa
older contain much Information which both
pattln to the ronttovcisy have been allowed
t ( .avail themselves of"
Regatdlng the correspondence which had
passed between Socrctarv Olnej and Lord
? allsbtiry rcce-ntly Mr. Coudctt said "I
understand that this coiresponlcnco deals
with the Mibject of arblttatlon gcneiallj and
cannot bo speoiflcall } applle I to the Vene
zuelan controvcrs } . The rcce it visit of Jo
seph Clnmbeilaln did not , In my opinion ,
have any connection with this nnttei So
far as I know , officially nothing further has
been accomplished in the matter than when
I le'ft and It anj negotiations are being
conducted bj the executive of the govern
ment to hcttle It , they ate unknown to mo.
I cannot say when the committee's icport
will be ready nor whether It will he fin
ished befoio PiCbldcnt Cleveland's teim of
olllco expires. "
Mil. I'AllItnit iii-s VIMISIOV.
SlIJH lie- il n Pire ( o 1M rtiit
I'jnil Miirriij'M Vires ! .
OMAHA , OctI lo the Edltoi of The
Heo. Theio appears an aitlelc In > our Ikduo
of Saturday evening and Sundaj morning
that easts a lellcctlon on me , and knowing
that von aio alwajs icady to collect a nils-
htatement. I will give jou a tuio statement
of tin , irfalr
1'ilday afternoon between the houis of 12
and 1 , Mr Allui and myself wcio engaged
in conversation In front of mv place of bus
iness when Ollleei Hand came up and passed
Into my store , as I thought , to weigh hlm-
.jelf , as man } persons do Wo woio attracted
jy a bctitno In the ii-.u ( it the stoio , ns my
face was tinned to the fitteet tjnlng back ,
I he ml Paul Muriaj , v.ho Is In my emploj ,
saj , "You can't tuhn me without a wart -
t int , as I have done nothing. " Going up
U the ofllcor , I laid my hand on his shoulder
? nd asked him what Paul had done Ho
said ho had him under arrest I then asked
him if he hud a warrant ; If so , to take him
along , and If not let him alone ns this was
my place of business and that I did not
want him to dlsttnb the peace Ho iln-vv
his club and I said to him , "Don't jou dare
to use It in this place , " or ho would regtet
It I spoke In positive teims , but with no
Intention ot In caking the law or using
\ftciwpid , realising that ho was In the
wrong , he passed mo nt the door , whcte I
had returned , tapped mo on the shoulder
and said through icspect for mo ho would
go Going to the telephone I called up tro
police station and asked if thcro were any
charges against Paul Munay and was In-
f in mod theio was not Paul having an oc-
aslon to ha at the depot called bj the nta-
tlon and made Inq ilry as to the complaint.
If nnj , against him Ho was Informed them
was none. A W PARKER.
IVnee on Km Hi.
Tills is once more enjoyed bj the i heu-
matlo wise enough to counteract their
progressive malady with Hojtetter'H Stomach
ach Hitters No testimony Is Htroiiiei than
that which Indicates It as a HOUICO of to-
lluf In this complaint U Is albo eminently
effective ! OH a treatment for kldliov tioublo ,
djspepsla , debllitj , liver complaint and eon-
stlpatlon. Uuu It with persla'cmo ' foi the
VVll-.HMII rilllllll ( IIIMOJHM. .
Ida Mitchell Ell i Tiucndule , one of
Iho char.ieleis ot the Third w.ud who glv i
Hie police endless tioulile- is .incs.tcU I.u t
nlKht on cnimililnt of Jai.les Million nil
ll.illin frull pi ddlcr who has a stiiiul it
Sixteenth ii nd llarnry Htitetrt MlPInu
rlilmu th.i' whlli pnxdni , the hotm or 1 Hi
list evening sh ( b < > ( koned him lo come line
in outhouse und he compiled When l j
rmeiged Into Hie lmt nynln he lolssid i
which ho had cencoriled In an liwhle poi n. t.
5l flS-
O. A. © 'I * O3T2.X jCL.
Th ) f - Is JJ
llnlla w. ?
'fkt lit-
_ _
rclcpliouu 1511
l'avlm K IIIH-/CS1.
IV i-i-U C'liiiiiiH-iu-lilK TonlKlii al
Mil. UK IIIU > M V\SKiil | ;
-AM ) IIH-
i ; UUIK K 'jiiKA'inn S'i'ucic cu ,
I'ltl XI..NMIM !
Ills evenlni ; Tiei Slirtlnirl of \'fiii | "
cu-xiljy ' J M Si .u at I. II i '
uilm-yOay MJllli e l ! < til lllll nn II
Vi Inciiliy utenlng "V I'.nli-liii UIHIIJI ' '
In rKliy , . . . ' ItUlmnl 111"
illiiv . . . . . 'Hi HI Iliiiniin II"
'Hill la ) Miillmc . 'Mel. miit iftnlv'
'clunluj l.nenlnif "Ul M.UI nn I 5li II > Ii
hi UN notun rede 1'ike.n Wi T , II HI $1 f
irtVni' < hKU I 1 > I.01 I.IM !
15UXM.J TIIHA'll ! ! } I'UIMllAli
I. .VI , tx ran font , Mlir. I
AT 6 15
In the Hicnt < > > ! irh ,
A > i .M : H AI , > iT i ( u , "
I.nly flic ulih ojcli 84 lltkct C'liinj- if
illl nUlitly Jiliu J'c. ' W. 0c
H'ILUIIM ' butlm ute&iii licat unO nil
nnvcnlriiri-i luicu II. W ntl } 2 ( < J I'tr iUy.
abU Ulivi.lkd. . Ki-ccUl Irw laliii In iti.uUl
oardrri i'llANU HILUirqil , ii. .