Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1896, Image 9

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There's no questioning the fact that no other store shows equally great stocksThere's 110 questioning the fact that it
isn't unusual to find the Hayden price 25 to 50 per cent less than you are charged for equal goods elsewhere.
Cloak Department
At our wonderful sale of cloaks Monday we
will bring fine garments within the reach of all. We say
without fear of contradiction that this will be the most mar
velous sale of Cloaks Omaha has ever witnesses. Every lady
of O maha and vicinity is invited to visit a while in our cloak
New Empire Jackets
frusli from tlio be t markets I"
tlio country , lit
New Plush Capes ,
24 Inches Ions , full sweiip , fancy
till ; lined ; u world uunter at
150 Suits in plain and 4-.Q8
mixed novelty suiting nt -
250 Jackets , medium
weight ; uortli&l. ut ,
ioo Skirts , all wool ,
ntLadies' Black Kersey
S , 21 liiohes lotitf , double or .J o ,
Lndies' Beaver
Capes. double rrMnslo Tlilbot
trimmed , wclllluud , ut
Our double capes , of Imported kersey ,
black or himut jr .7u.
200 Imported kersey jackets , bought by
us at a sacrifice , worth $12.50 , Included in
th's ' sule nt $ S,75.
New Kngllsh corduroy waists at $4.98.
Now fancy checks skirts , ? 2.50.
New black mohair skirls , ? 1.50 .
Ni > w kcisey Jackets at $1.98.
New mackintoshes nt $2.50.
New Persian waists nt $1.48.
New children's jackets , in plain anJ
fnncy mixtures , tblbet trimmed , sizes 2 to
11 , at $3.GO.
"When you've tried every place else
for what yon want , come to Hay-
den's. We show the largest line of
silks west af iNew York ,
21-inch satin , the regular ISc
quality , 25c.v
22-inch silks in plain colors , only
Si nu in her 35.
Extra Special.
50 jcs ) of this season's fancy silks ,
comprising all that's new and cor
rect , which we will offer for just
one day at 75c.
Changeable Taffetas.
All the new combinations 59c
Corduroy's , 27-inch wide 75c
Satiite for Skirts
2f-inch ) extra weight and quality 75c
27-inch , a rare bargain 9Sc
Brocaded eflects in the choicest of this season's offsring , Mon
day at 98c
2-l-inch black Chinas , Monday 29c
27-inch black Chinas. Monday 39c
27-inch black Chinas , M onday z
Prints antl Calicos.
Of Ilio most rcllaMu makes ; npsort-
ini'iit incliules almost uvorythiii } , ' 1" < I'e '
Simpson's p'ayK , blauU.s anil whites ,
etc. , nil Tie ynrcl.
American Inillco lilues , llnmllton fancy
JniliKo prlntH , etc. , at fit ! yanl ,
flarner's and Slmpson'H newebt and
nohhlest styles hi dyed eft'octs , IhU'fit
prints ever produced , O'Ac ' yard.
Light Shirting Onllcos , stripes and 11 ur-
rerf yanl.
Good Apron Ginghams , standard
H , So yard.
Our now dyed JWMnch Percales , In
polUa tlots and stripes , arc jjient values ;
colors , Knrnuj , navy anil black wltli
white , all 10e yard.
Wall Paper
A carload of Wall Taper for fall trade.
Just received. Iloucht for cath at a
remarkably low llKiire.
I'liilii Papers atIc per roll.
Combinations nt Be.
Gilt Papers at 7 ie.
Pall and Winter
Hundreds of Trimmed Hats and Hon-
nels In the newest fashions. J'attern
Hats from the Parisian style llxers ,
Uurthe , Iteheux , Vlvot and Mareslot.
Walking Hats and Sailors In nil the
lead I UK bhapes.
In Untrlnimed Millinery wo nhow
every right nnd every stylish trlinitiliiK.
ItrlKlit velvets , laces , Kusilau \ wn ,
molro autl < iuc. thu feathers of o.ttrleh
and paradise birds , out steel ornaments ,
llowors , velvet otlj'od ribbons , felt nnd
chenille braids ami all the wanted
adornments' .
Thu extravagance has been enmhed
out of the prices , Iteal millinery ele-
guncc can he had at a low price.
Carpets and Draperies
Brussels Tapestries at-We to 70c.
All Mattings at one-half price to clone.
Nottingham Curtains at big reductions.
Kvcelleut values hi Corduroys and up.
holstcry goods. Get our prices.
House Furnishing Goods
All size Flower Pots from . leup
Preserve and Itutler .lars . Re
Gallon Milk Crocks . He
Clothes Muskets . Mo
Granite Iron Wash ItasliiH . l" > c
UNh Pans . lie
Odds and ends In line Hlown Initial
Kliut Tumblers . ! ! c
( 'r.vstal Sugar Howls , Spoon Hold
ers and Cryamer.s . ! ! c
Sauce DNhes each . . ' . 3M ; < %
Stoneware Chums .v . -Uc )
Murnlshlne , the llnest metal polish
In the world , contains no grit or
acids tomorrow we will .sell the
4e ( ) si/.e for . ' . lile
Good Send ) Mrnsh . ! lc
Wash Hoards . . . ' . . 7c
ColVee Pots . ! > e
Solid Metal Night Lamps , with
shades . -le
Syrup .lugs , with spring tops . Sc
Imported . " ( i-plece Decorated Tea
Sets . . .ttS
Imnorted Decorated Hohemlan
I'.lowu Glass Water Sets , worth
j5.-i.00 . $1.10
Fieneh China Cups and Suueerfs ,
per pair . . 1lc
Granite Iron Cuspadores , worth
Satisfactory Results
Are always to be had by nlaln. honest ,
straightforward dealings OI'H un-
cliangeable MO'lTO.
Our light Slilrtli.g Goods stock Is an
Interesting dcpaitmcnt in all seasons.
: > ii-inch Percales ( Win. Simpson's
make ) , good assortment at lOc yard.
; ; < Mnch soft liulsh Percales , all goo l
styles , fast colors. lOc yard.
IS'J-iiicli woven strped Madras Cloths ,
best styles to be had , 1. > e yard.
.T2"neh ! imiiorted Madras , can't be
boat , 23c ynrcl.
Oiir Men's
Hat Department.
Gentli'inen There is no usi > In paying
hat stores yn.OO for hats you can ] iosl-
tivoly get from us at $1.7. .
You will have to pay $ 'l."iO cNewhere
for the same hat we .sell at $ ! . . " ( .
You can save fiom "Oc to $1.00 on
eveiy hat you buy , which Is something
to consider.
Om-hats are neat , nobby and stylish
and the prices are positively at the low
est notch that men's hats can be sold
This department Is on the second
floor. Let us be your hnller. We
guarantee satisfaction to you.
Fra-Electioii Bargains
in Furniture.
$ , ' ! . , " 0 lare Ann lloelccr , cam > seat ,
solid oak , .ViVl. > .
$ 'J. > Oak Hoeker , eane seat , $ l."iO.
VUM ) larjru Cobbler Heat HockerH , In
oak , hlreh or mahogany , if'J.riO ,
$ . " .00 (1-foot ( Extension Tahle , square ,
solid and well made , .f.'t.T. .
l.lir oak Chair , cane .seat , braces ,
SU.OO Oak Tahle , 2lxt ! I. $1..V ) .
$1.00 Oak Kasel , fi-foot , r.c. . ( )
White Iron Hed , brass kilobit , spring
and good , $7,10 ioinpleli > ,
. S.OO ICxteiislon Tahle , ' _ ' \4Ll top , six
le > ; s , well made , If..OO.
Foiy-shelf oak Book-ease , : ? ) > .
Four styles Combination CaseH , hi oak
and hlreh. at $11..10. ? 1 ! . ) . ? l'J.STi.
Xew , stylish Hed Kooiu Suits full
size heds. at JU.nO , ifll.r.O . , $ , $15.00
U | ) to ? 'J'i.OO.
HverythhiK hi ICItehou Ciijiltoards ,
Tables and Chairs at a Jiroat savlnj , ' .
Xew Hue of Hut urea and Wall Toek-
e < M , iaiiKhi In price from U''e up to
? : ! , ) .
Wo can make It an object for you to
buy Furniture here Just at this time.
Special Sale of
Men's Furnishings
10 cases of men's heavy fleeced shirts anil
ilrawiTs , all sUes , usually sold at 7Bc , a
special drive at 33c each.
U cabt-H of men's motteled fleeced shlrtB
nnd drawers worth 75c , go at 60c each.
100 dozen men's fine Auatraulluu lambs
wool ehlrts ami drawers worth $1.60 , go at
$1.00 each.
Wo will place on sale one thousand dozen
of children's underwear at less than manu
facturer ! , cost.
100 dozen of ladlea' heavy fleeced Egyptian
Yf&ls and pants "Cc each , worth 60c.
100 dozen men's merino sox , 12V4c per pair ,
1,000 do/en men's fancy suspenders , worth
COc pur pair , EO at 25c.
Dried Fruit Dept.
The now ' ( Mumps ot ovapofated fruits
tire now hero.
\Vo tire ' oiling new California peaches
for OJc
New California Prunes , worth 15c ,
for , . Glo
Now Cnllfornl a Apricots ! , worth luc ,
for : die
Now California Apricots , only 7io
New California Hulsius , only So
New California KiHpborrios 1'Jc.
The Grocery Dept
7 lb. whole colTee ( Montlny only ) . . . $1.0. )
2lba ( ) of standard fine stigur M.OO
Bcr-t Minnesi la Hour , cream brand . ! )0o )
llijli patent Hour , warranted 8."ic
10 Hi. Na\\-Heans for L'"it !
S llw Whole Uieu for i'-o
10 Ibs Breakfast Oatmeal for t > . - > c
Large pail Table Jclly . .Tic
Largo pill Table Syrup. -inc
olf-.1 ibing Pancake Flour only. . . 4 l-ic (
lu p'c/Uillf > MUI B. ' < > ixkfast food . .fie.
Largo btttlo Suidor'd Tomato
Catsup 17Je
. ' ! pound cum Snidora Tomato 8.1111 . li'jo
10 burs Laundry Soap ( Monday ) . . . . 'Sic
Silver Globs Starch , per ] iound Tic
ljnw Cornstareh , per pkir Ujc
VVhoaUill , tlio now breakfast , food . ,7-je
C < ndoiibcd Milk , potcan only } o
Imported Queen Olives , per quart . . 2 > u
Imported Dill Pickles , pcrfluart . . .flc
'llb cam sjlid Toma'too , only' . . ' . . .Ojc
New Sii rar Cjrn , per ctn u-f > . . , ' { ie
MiidUuvl Sardines , iwfi.'Mi , . ' . . 'flc
po 1,11 11 M H-1 S alimn lOc
lOo pkg Cocoanut ( Dunhums or
Sbhopp ) , . Cc
Largo pit ; * Breakfast Cicou , . . . , . - . . lOo
Pound cans pure Halting Powder 10o
177i ( , Pearline , SoapintT , otc , 3 pkg . .10c
White Castile .Soap , fa burs 2c
Mlb bars Pure , C.istilo rfjap , enl y. . . IDc
New Fur Trimming
Just received , everything new , In fancy
fur trimmings and edBlnKS.
Belgium mink , only 15c yard ,
lllaek coney , only flc yard.
White coney , flc yarfl.
Giey coney , only lOo yard.
Russian mink , only 13e yard.
Norwich seal , only 2 < lc yard.
Chinese sable , only 23c yard.
Alaska martin , only 17e yard.
Chinchilla , only 20c yard.
Colored and white angoras , 25e yard.
Ermine , .ISc yard.
FIbbet , 4Sc yard.
Mexican swan , 20q yard.
All other furs In proportion.
Stoves. Stoves.
We have the W. Lyle JJIckey & Co. , the
J.obeck Merchandise Co. ami Hobeclcer Stove
Co. , with our own , making the biggest stove
stock In the west. Wo Have over 2,000 HeatIng -
Ing anil Cooking Stoves 'and we are going
to sell the greater portion within 30 days.
A No. S Cook Stoye , full 18-lnth oven ,
all Improvements , $7.90.
The same stoveas abovd with a porcelain
lined reservoir , $10.50 ,
A C-iolo ! range , IS-lnch oven , with all im
provements , $10.50.
A splendid oak stov , will heat 2 to S
rooms , $4.90.
A self-feeding base burner , full nickel ,
An air tight full ulckel parlor heater ,
A mounted hard coal burner , full Russian
body , $4.SO.
A round Connor with patent conduct , $3.50.
The cold weather will soon be with us ;
now Is your time to fUc up your house ,
Muybo your doors and windows need weather
strips. Look ot our price.
Hero arc a few sample prices on useful
articles needed In your general repair :
Rim or mortise locks ' 12 ! c
Door bolts ; . , 3c
Spring sash bolts , 'per dozen flc
Cupboard catches , 'f , 3c
Coat hooks , per dozen 9c
Ilcnch Screws 3c ! )
Steel hummer > . . . . 29c
Hollow handles (10 ( tool st ) 39c
Hand saw , } . . . * . 33c
1 set d augur bitsf , . . . * . . . . 95e
Large screw driver , v ' . 7c
2-foot rule " . , 3c
All kinds of carving chlncls ICc
Hatchet and hammer handles 4c
A flue Klobert rifle , wortfi $ .1.00. for $1.09.
A flno sporting rifle , 22jsliort. $2.49.
A very flno 32 rifle , -worth $8.00 , for $4.49.
A Winchester pump run ; lever or slide ac
tion , worth $20.00 , for $18 , 51
Gun rates , 19c. I-
Loaded shells , per 100 , fl.25.
Notice }
To tlio Ladles of Omaha and Vicinity :
Having recently secured the eervlco of one
of the finest needle workfni In the country
wo will give < o our patrons frco one hour
every day lessons In fancy needle and lace
work from 3 to \ every afternoon.
Do not hesitate to cotna In and bring
your fancy work. '
Wo sell Working Sllltf and Stamped
Linen at bedrock prices , i
Odorless Drens shields
Wo will place on sale Monday 10 gross of
the famous Oma drees shields , the finest
drees shield In the -world.
No. 2 250 a pair.
No. 3 30c a pair.
No. 4 35c a pair.
Special Elastic Sale
10,000 yards fancy loom elatttlc , worth 5c
to 10o a yard , only 2Vic a yard Monday ,
Fancy frill clastic , worth ICc , only 5o a
yard Monday.
Jewelry Dept.
Silverware Sale
100 quadruple plated , gold lined , baud en
graved Tea Sets , worth $10.00 per set , sale
price , $3.9S.
( Juadruplo plated liutter pishes , Sugar
Howls , Celery Dishes , Pickle Castors , Syrup
Pitchers end Spoon Holders , worth $3.0J
enrli , sale price. $1.48.
COO silver plated , gold lined , hand en-
gra\ed Drinking Cups , worth COc each , sale
price , "oc.
CJuadi ujiled plated llaklng Dish , with
porcelain lined center , woilh $6.00 , sale
price. $2.)5. ! )
Beautiful engraved , quadruple plated Pie
Dish , with porcelain lined plate , worth
$7.50 , sale price , $3.95.
Sterling Silver Tea Spoons , worth $0.00
per set. sale price , $3.48.
Hundreds of Sterling Sliver articles suit
able for wedding or anniversary presents
at our half Jewelers' prices.
Gents' Sll\erlno Watch , Klgln or Wultliam
stem wind set. $2.98. worth $0.00.
Gents' Gold .Stiffened Hunting CES > C
Watch. $3.48.
Ladles' and Gents' elegant gold lllled
Watch , warranted to wear 20 yeais , worth
$25.00 , sale price , $12.50.
Gents' open face gold filled Watch , war-
rcntedto wear 15 years , with the celebrated
P. S. Dartlctt
full-jeweled Waltham move
ment , worth $17.00 , sale price $7.95.
Ladles' solid Silver Watches , stem wind
and set , .VJ.9S.
lieautlful enameled Iron Parlor Clocks ,
Louis XIV. designs , half hou. ' strike , ca
thedral gong , eight day , worth $8.50 , sale
price , $1.95.
Ulcsant solid oak. eight day , half hour
strike and alarm , 22 Inches high , worth
$5.00 , sale price , $2.93.
* . .NIcUl Alarm Clocks , 55c.
Watch and clock repairing at reduced
prices. |
We Save You 50
Per Cent on Teas
WtC'hnvo Just'received a largo Invoice of
extra choice new teas. Including faney Ja-
paiH , extra choice oolongs , Englsh break-
fabts , gunpowders , assams , Coylons , Con-
gola and Young Hysons. These teas are
strictly new and fancy , but wo are not asking J
fancy prices Compare our prices and qual
ity with others and see If \\e don't save
you about 50 per cent on teas.
$1.00 quality tea , any kind , 5Sc.
SOc quality Ira , any kind. 48c.
GOc quality tea. any kind. 35c.
EOc quality tea , any kind , 2Sc.
lijc quality tea , any kind , 19c.
High grade .Mocha and Java , sp-rlal , SOc.
Host Gq'.den ' Rio. best grown , 25c.
Nu. 1 , Santos , delicious flavor , 20c.
No. Rio , a good drink , 17c.
Urokcn coffees , 12V4c , 15c and 17' , e.
You save from 5c to 8c on every pound of
coffee : 'ou buy from us.
Remember handle nothing but strictly
first-class coffees.
The finest and best that money can buy.
Omaha's Greatest and
Grandest Provision
department calls your attention to Its ban
uer Oitober sale :
Salt pork , 3c.
Pickled pork , lie.
llonelcss ham , Sc.
California hams , CVic.
Wide bacon. 7c.
Sugar cured bacon , Re.
Cooked ham , 8',4c.
Cooked hocks , Cc.
Pigs' feet , 4e.
Tripe , 4c.
Country butter , 7c.
Country butter , lie.
Country butter , lie ,
Htbt country butter , 12' ' c.
Creamery , 15c , 17c.
Waterloo separator , 19c.
Finest country eggs on hand.
Always on hand , a full supply ot the
finest goods made. Read our prices.
Soda and oyster crackers , Cc.
Ginger snaps , 7V4c ,
Lemon creams , 7'c. .
Oatmeal and graham , "lie ,
Assorted cakes , lOc.
Granmab' cookies , lOc.
Now wo give jott a cbanco to buy lard
50-pound cans best lard , any brand , per
! pound , n'/tc ,
3'pound cans best lard , 19c ,
5-pound cans best lard. SOc.
10-pound cans best lard , ! i7c.
Rex , Calumet and Silver Leaf ,
Young America cheepo , 7'/c.
Wisconsin cheese , IVju.
Full cream brick , lUc ,
Full cream Llmberger , lOc ,
Full cream Swiss , lOc ,
Sap Sago , 7c.
Neufchatcl , 3' c.
Wo carry all kinds of the finest cheese
made ,
Codfish , 3VjO.
White flab , Cc.
Red Salmon , 7c.
10 herring for -fie.
3 mackerel for lOc.
Holland herring In kegs , 7Cc.
Russian sardines In kegs , COc ,
All kinds of splccil fish at lowest prices.
New Belts
All the new Combination of Rob Roy and
Corduroy beltn 25c each ,
The new leather belt , with pattern belt
pins , only 2 > c
Optical Dept ,
\Vii UKiiln call your attention to the
fai't thutvo carry the llncHt Optical
( iooiln. We sell them at tlio lowest
prices , anil tliu < HIIKSI > H nro lltlcd liy u
practical Kr.nluuto oiitlclan.
SaUHfaetluu guaranteed.
Universal Clialleiige
All Competitors.
Boys' and Children's Suits.
We place on sale Monday 800 boys'doublcbreasted knee
pants suits , all sizes from 5 "to H years , and 200
children's junior suits , sixes 3 to S years , suits
that are worth and sold elsewhere lor "S2.Mon.lay
at ILiydeirs for 95c.
Second offer Abont 2500 double breasted suits , reefer
and junior suits , in sixes 3 to 15 years , suits that
are made to sell and are sold elsewhere for $2.50 to ? o.50. _
on sale for Monlay at $1.25 , $1.75 , $2,50 and $3.75.
Third oficr 500 boys' lon trouser suits , sizes 13 to 19 years , wool
black , blue an I gnydouble and single breasted styles
suits " "we always sell for $7,50 , but whic-h cost $10 at other
stores for S4 50
s Suits eiifi Overcoats ,
A Great Wholesale
Cost Sale.
500 men's fine black clay worste.1 suits , made of fine 20-oz. all' '
wool soft and handsomely finished clay worsted material , cut
in the latest style sack and square cut , exquisitely tailored and.
trimmed , suits that Ilayden's always sell for $9 , but which you
absolutely cannoi equal clsewheie for less than $12 ; now"for
500 Auburn Melton Suits
Cut in double and single breasted and square cut sock and 3-bntfon' '
cutaway frock styles , s-1 to < H dark brown suils that are as
stayle "In a clolhing store as sugar in a geocery and are
cviial in every respect to $15 melton suit elsewhere , at less
than wholesale cost , . $7.50.
Our last Monday's sa'es ' demonstrated to us that low
prices on first class g-oods will bring trade , no matter
ho < v dull the times.
We're going o-ie better for next Monday
Ry offai'lng a 3"i inch nil wooll Novelty , worth Mo
Hy olTorinfr u ' ! ( ! Inch all wool Surro ; , and Henrietta worth 'Mo
By olTflriritf u10 inch American Novelty , worth 2lc )
the Will buy PriSfl Goods thut have retailed
this seahon at from 'JOo toI8c , in both
Novelties and i'laiii Weaves .
Wo bought everything that was olTorcd us to
rotnil nt this prlco ami wo say without fear of
contradiction that it in the best line over of-
furud in Oinulm .
Urines us to lines of goods which uro
quotc-d as bargains utl,2o and bnyn a drof.s
for $6.25 that Would have cost $12 a year ago.
In confined styles goods that arc not shown
by any hunbo in the west and only in pattern
leng'liH ' by us. Thov ooht S7 to J-IO u pat
tern and are tlio production of the bobt muk-
ers in the world.
* JlSt ! a word Headquarters.
PHIKSTLKY'S ' 42 inch Novelties tlio 75o , 8o ! ) , 'J8o quality
2 inch Novoltlou the i 8u , $1.00 , $ ( inallty . 75c
Our .10 inch Li/ard Suitin at 7f > o is the best vnluo in tjio dcpartrnont ,
Our 18 inch Mohair Sor'o ( ( u-arrantcd to wear ) excellent . 50c
H inch Canlsli cloths and Cheviot wouroa 89o
Wo will soil 'J- ' > plt-cos of rough cITeetd in the Cnnish nnd Cheviot , and CVojio
effect goods , wortli up to $2.2-5 pur yard , Monday jt 1.00
We've a large stock of UjinnunU in bl acks , and wo will put a prlco on them
Mondav thut will muko them go.
50 ikcn of a regular ? 1.00 cornet , go nt
GOc per pair.
Campaign Badges
Either McKlnlcy or llryan badges Mon
day at 3u each.
Tlio Invest atoclc , grcatoat variety , low
est price Chk'korlliK. Htclnuay , Knahn ami
all othei hlKh Kraile makes aru always found
la our in us iu rooms at prices lower than
you ran buy the simo makes auywhcro cltu
on earth.
Clearing talu on sccond-liand organs which
Imvn been taken la exchange on pianos.
1 Kutoy organ , 110.00 ,
1 Klmhall oigan , flg.GO ,
1 liurdetto organ ( ucarly new ) , { 3D.00 ,
1 Whitney & Holmes' organ ( chapel ) , .
1 Mason & Hamlln organ , { 35.00 ,
Mandolins and Guitars
\Vauliburn mandolin , 112.00.
Waihburn guitars , ' $12.00. <
Qiiltar * and innndolliis , { 3.7C and up.
i.'verythlug In sheet uiutlc at reduce * .