FHE OMAHA DAILY BEE ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. MONDAY SEPTEMBER 21 , 1890. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. DONGOIA IN BRITISH HANDS Anglo-Egyptian Forces Oaptnro the Great Dervish Stronghold , SEQUEL TO NAVAL BATTLE ON THE NILE Bolillerx of Sir William KHetieiirr , After TnUliiHT I'onncjuiloii of Kernin , OiiMtll ( lie I'neinj mill .Stenl n March on Them. I ( CopjrlKht , UM , Jiy the AiMoclntcd 1'reFR. ) KKRMA-ON-THiE-NlLE , Sept. 20. Do - gola has fallen nnd the nominal objective point ot the British-Egyptian expedition has been reached. The river forces of the Brit ish-Egyptian expedition , pushing up the Nile from El Hafir , landed a force at Don- gola and occupied that place before the Dervish forces retreating from El Hatlr reached that point. El Hafir nnd Dongola arc , therefore , both In the hands .of the expedition , while the Dervish forces are Bomewherc between , seeking a refuge. Yesterday afternoon ( to resume the con nected narrative of Uio expedition ) the long range firing continued between the Dervishes on the west bank of the Nile and the ex peditionary force on this side. The Maxim BUI" with their sweeping hail of flro did great execution In the Dervish ranks , while the field nnd horse batteries never al lowed the enemy to do anything with their batteries. Darkness put an end to the an tlllcry duel ncrocs the Nile water and still ness fell upon both camps. The night was ono of waiting , though the silence of the desert was once broken by a discharge from the Maxim guns on this side of the river. In the morning every ono was up at day break , anxious to know what change In the situation had developed during the night and what would be the next move , and eagerly scanning the enemy's camp across the river. There was no sign of life In \ thu Dervish works , but soon a commotion was perceived among the boats along the bank and a native In one of .them was dis cerned In the act of waving something as though for a signal to this side ot the river. The steamer Dal of the expeditionary force thereupon proceeded to the west bank of the river , where It was found that El Hafir had been evacuated by the enemy under cover ot the night and that not a Dervish fighting man was left In sight. WAD BISHARA WOUNDED. The detachment on the Dal sent back to the camp on this side of the river twenty-seven boats , which had been manned by tlio native residents of El Haflr , and loaded with a great quantity ot grain. The \ natives announced that the enemy had de parted and that Wad Blslmra. the young emir of Dongola , 'vho commanded the Der vishes , was wounded In yesterday's fight A shell from an Egyptian battery burst In his tent. Inflicting wounds in his breast nnd head , the former being a severe hurt After the gunboats of the expedition hod forced their wuy through past the forts nt El Hafir yesterday and had proceeded southward toward Dongola the Dervishes apparently perceived that El Hafir was no longer thp place for them and they pre pared to depart. They burled as many ot thblrndcad as they had time for. The rest were prepared with a stone around the neck and thrown Into the Nile. It Is opined that today the whole of the expeditionary forea. will effect n crossing s. of the Nile so as to camp at El Hafir tonight . and continue the march to Dongola tomor row. " Owing to tbo lack of supply ot telegraph cable to lay In the Nile , the terminus ot the Held lelegraph still remains at Kerma , on the east bank of the Nile. Tlio losses of the expedition up to last evening were only five wounded , despite the enemy's hot fire. The field horse battery and the men who handled the Maxim guns had an especially warm corner. Durluif the engagement the men lunched behind uny hasty shelter that could be devised. The Maxim guns were manned by the Connaught rangers , nnd the tenth battalion was ranged along the bank of the river , facing the Der vish position. They fired three rounds at the enemy. One ot the most striking things noted during the light was the long range of the enemy's Remington rifles. At a dis tance of 1,200 yards they were able to do a great deal ot damage , and some of their bullets struck at least 2,000 yards from the point of firing. Thu weather for itho last few days has been rather hot. The wind fiom the north has brought nearly all the boats up the river , bearing sufficient sup plies for the wants of the expedition. It is the general Impiesslon here that the Dervishes will not make any further stand. It Is evident that Wad Blshara had brought up all his effective force from Dongola. In tending to make a stand at El Haflr. Even If ho is able to recover Dongola from the river force of thc'cxpedltlon , which has oc cupied It , It Is not considered possible that ho should make a stand against the advance of the combined land river foiccs. DERVISHES SEEK SHELTER. This afternoon the newH ai rived hero that the steamerx and gunboats of the expedition had reached Dongola and had landed a foicc which immediately occupied the treasury and the Granstorc , the principal stronghold cf the town. This news was received herewith with delight , as It Is bupposed that the enemy Is now marching between hero nnd Do n go I a in a much hampered condition by reason of the number of their wounded. Their letreat along the liver b.iuk la tin cat- cued by the steamers , which can destroy at any moment the food supplies stated at Dongola , If they cannot hold that place against the letreatlng forces ot dervishes until tha land forces of tlio expedition have advanced to co-opeiato with them. Yester day's engagement at El Haflr t > cems to have altogether dlsmujod the dervishes , who placed great rolluncu upon ( ho fort at that jiliu'C. They believed that foit would bo nblo to pi event the passnga of the steamers of the expedition up the Nile. The artillery fire from this side of thu river eecma to have entirely disunion too them , tholr bat teries being deatro > t > d as soon as the smoke from them Indicated a target for the British nnd Egyptian gunners. \ As soon as the noun of the evacuation ot El Haflr was received , the LOIrespondent of the Associated probs proceeded to crosH the river and make u survey ot the enemy's luU position , It was found that their mud defenses had been built with great care , but the rifle trenches only permitted the men n very &uort and straight front for protec tion. Mats weio still straw n along and within the trenches , and within the ctiaw shelters were the remains of thn carcasses of sheep , which had been killed to supply food to the. defenders , Tha dead had been burled or thrown Into the river. Further south on the river bank was found their biggest battery. This work con tained five embrasure * for guns , three In front and two at the Hides , This battery had bcrn terribly knocked about by the ar- tllleiy flro from the cast bank nnd from the steamers. Still further south was a big entrenchment fating toward the noilli and on to the Nile. There was noticed the snmo system at piercing tlir wall In such A way as to allow tiling only In ono direc tion. In this entrenchment It was apparent that the riflemen had madea plucKy re sistance , staying In Ihe trenches all day and eating where they lay , as was evidenced by the quantity of dates and water gourds ] > lng about , left on the retreat. The- native residents of EI Haflr have wel comed the- appearance of the British and KgMitlan expedition and seem to regard their advance as insurance ot a deliverance - anco from the rule of the Khallfn and the Baggaras , the Khalifa's native tilbe who have exercised a cruel domination over the Nile tribes. 1'iom thu description of ycatcrdaj'a fight furnished by the natives U appears that tlio DorvUh cavalry kept put In the desert watching the fight and wait- Inn for u landing ot opposing farces to take part. , Wad Biebara , the Dervish commander , \ > ai j wounded at about noon and was Immediately carried out of range ot the fire , repeatedly exclaiming to those who surrounded him : "Allah Is against me. " Wad Blshara de cided to evacuate his position during the night. He was nblc to remove his guns , but ho was forced to leave behind a great quantity of ammunition for both thn artll lery and the rifles , The Dervish steamer which was sunk by the expedition's horse battery was said to have also been loaded with ammunition and guns. NATIVES ARK WELL PLEASED. This morning , at 6:30 : o'clock , the troops of the expedition began crossing the river. McDonald's brigade was the first over and the soldiers were met with the wildest and maddest signs of delight by the natives. They shouted In a frenzied manner and danced about the troops , singing nnd shoutIng - Ing like lunatics. The first use made of the captured Dervish boats was to transport the Second brigade to El Haflr , which Is n very fertile spot , offering plenty ot green herbage for the animals a pleasing contrast to the rough rocks and desert sands ot that hot march. LONDON , Sept. 20 The Times correspondent pendent at ICcrma telegraphs to that paper : "Wad Blshara was misled Into supposing that It was our Intention to march on Don gola by this bank ot the Nile. He , there fore , evacuated El Hnflr and hurried Into the direction ot Dongola , to oppose our crosslnc there. " An editorial in the Times , with reference to the taking of Dongola , says : Wo may reasonably hope that the work qf liberation was speedily carried further south , A dispatch from Kcrma to the Chronicle says that the treasure chest belonging to the Mahdlst leaders was on board the stcumer which was sunk In the Nile. The corerspondcnt of the Dally News with the Nile expedition , In a dispatch from El Hafir , says. "It Is possible that , being des perate , the Dervishes will make n hot fight for Dongola , though I learn there Is great dissension among their leaders , nnd the disabling of Wad Blshara may materially affect the Dervish plans. " A Kerma dispatch to the Standard praises the clover tactics of Wad Blshara , nnd adds- "Tho Dervishes are certainly well led , nnd they retain much of their old spirit. " KINDS l''OH AiniHMAV Appeal from Murm-lllcM Xnlier I'llMllll'H < ; lfMoi'0 .MllK.SlKTI'll. LONDON , Sept. 20. Lady Henry Somer set writes from Marseilles an appeal to the Dally News to collect the funds to send the refugee Armenians to America. The Daily News this morning also prints an ap peal from Miss Frances Wlllard to her slstcis In America on the same subject , and , In an editorial the same Journal rejoices to bo nblc to assist in such a project. The Dally News announces that Nubcr Pasha , the well known Egyptian states man nnd formerly president of the Egyptian council of ministers , has donated 400 to the Aimcnlan fund. A ont4antlnoplc dispatch to the Dally News sajs : The United States legation has icccived news from one ot its consuls of a serious massacre at Ohln , in the vaiayct of Klnrput. CONSTANTINOPLE , Sept. 20. The Turk ish authorities have put a stop to the de portation of Armenians , which has been going on since the recent fatal riots In Constantinople. MANCHESTER , Sept. 20.- EIght thousand persons attended a meeting hero today to protest against Turkish treatment of the Ar menians. The bishop of Manchester pre sided at the meeting. PARIS , Sept. 20. The Admiralty office is making InquirlcK as to the time that would bo occupied in fitting out three Ironclads In view of the menacing situation in Turkey. FIGHTING IN IMIIMI'IMNC ISLANDS. I'lirlHlnir AnnliiMt SiumlNli Authority Tiiklnu on u .Serious ANpeet. MADRID , Sept. 20. Advices from Manilla In the Philippine Islands leport the discov ery of a fresh plot to surprise the garrison theio , to seize the headquarteis and to mur der Captain General Blanco. A hundred persons have been arrested for complicity in the plot. Ten encounters have occurred between the Spaniards nnd the rebels , in which the latter sustained heavy losses. In the Island of Lumlon the natives have mur dered all of the Spanish roonVs. C/ar SallM for .Scotland. COPENHAGEN , Sept. 20. Tlio czar and czarina embarked on the imperial yacht Standard , which sailed from hero at 12:30 : o'clock for Lelth , escorted by the Pole Star. EDINBURGH , Sept. 20. The prince ot Wales , Lord Rosobery and liaron do Stnal , the Russian ambassador , accompanied by c number ot military and naval officers , vis ited Lelth this afternoon to Inspect the- ar rangements thcro for the reception of the czar. Aiiotlu-r Afrlc.au Chief Snhilneil. LONDON , Sept. 20. A dispatch to the Times from Fort Salisbury , Matabeleland , dated Saturday , sn > s that Major Janner has completely beaten the Umtlgczas tribe , num bering 5,000 men , at Fort Charter and has captured all his strougholds , Umtlgezas sur rendered. DynainlterN Threaten Ilotlerilain. LONDON , Sept. 21. A Brussels dispatch to the Cluonlclo t > ays that the authorities of Rotterdam have received an anonymous letter threatening to explode all of the pub lic buildings there unless tfio Irish prison ers , Kearney and Haincs , nro liberated. l.MMVVA'S GIKT TO THIS I.VDIAXA. ( . 'ItlrciiN lo 1'ronrnt .Silver htri lee mill UlM-nry lo IltitllfHliIp. NEW" YORK , Sept. 20. A party of prom inent cltUens of Indiana arrived at the Fifth Avciiiio hotel this morning. They came here fur the purpose of presenting n silver service 'and library to the United States battleship Indiana , which Is now lying oft' Tompklnsvlllo , S. I , , under the command of Captain Robley D , Evans , bet ter known by the cognomen of "Fighting Dob. " The paity consists of Governor and Mrs. Matthews and Miss Matthews , Mayor Thomas Taggart of Indianapolis and Mrs. and Mlsft Taggait , Adjutant General and Mrs. Robblns , Brigadier General and Mrs. McKce. Colonel Jamcx Curtis , Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. J. H. Murphy , Captain II. T. Cornier , Cbarlos II , Wllllanib , Miss Wil liam * , Mrs , Morris. Rots Bishop , r. S. Chat- urd , Clem Studelmkcr , Major and Mrs. 0. T. I > j\ey and Mrs. Klnard , Colonel and Mrs. James P. Ross , Miss Florence Coflln , Mr. and Mrs. C , S. Deuny , Mr and Mrs. 8. I' . Sherln , Mr. John II. HoIlda | > and Mr. Alex ander Holllday , Mr. I , H , Gordon , Colonel William R , Holllday , Dr. J. Llvlngtlnn Thompson , Mis , Oliver , Major Thomas De- tn-3 , Mr. Guge of Tcrro Haute and a num ber of others , Tlio i arty stopped at Niagara Falls jct.- . trrday and arilved here this morning. Ex- President and Mrs. .HarrUon are e.\pected tonlKht or tomorrow at thn Fifth Avenue hotel to accompany their friends to the Indiana. The silver service will bo formally pre sented by Governor Matthews to Captain Evans , but it will be received by Assistant Secretary of the Navy McAdoo , Cieriiuiii Callioltck Mod nt Detroit , DKTUQ1T , Mich. , Sept. 20. Delegates to the conventions of the German Catholic Na tional usHoclalloiiH. which l > vKln sessions in this city tomorrow , were formally wel comed to Detiolt tonight by lilnbop Foley of the Detroit dlorose. Bishop ItlcliUr of Oic Orund Rapids diocese and tlio bishop of Mniquette , fcpcnkliiK In Ccrnum , em- phuBlzcd thu girding- . Upwards of 1,000 dclfirntes to thu four convention * ! are now In the city , nnd It Is estimated that consldei- ably more limn that number of visitors , be sides thu ilelcgntey , have now arrived. Deliit tti lie llt-arti Tuiluy or Tomorrow fiALVUSTON , Tex. , Bept , 20 Eugene V , DelJH will bo given a heading before the Locomotive Firemen Monday or Tuesday , He lutH annciiiu'cd that he will make A public speech In 10 wiw time duiiiiL tliu EFFICIENT MAIL SERVICE Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Makes His Annual Keporti INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF OFFICES Only Tnenlj-Konr Complain ! * He- celxeil During : Ihe Year of Cnrc- IlMfllieNH lit IlllllilllilMr of IU'Kli > tcreit Mall lijUmi lo > ex. WASHINGTON , Sept. 20. U. A. Maxwell , fourth assistant postmaster general , has made hla annual report to the postmaster general for the year ended Juno 30 , 1896. The principal divisions of the department under his care are appointments nnd In spector. The report shows that the total number of postolficcs In operation Is 70,300. Of these 60,725 are fourth-class offices and 3,635 presidential , being nn Increase over the last fiscal ycnr ot 290. During the year 2,046 postofficca were established and 1,750 discontinued. The total number o' appoint ments for the year was 12,090 , and the total number of cases acted upon 15,532. Mr. Maxwell commends the work of the postofilco Inspectors. The report shows that the total numbsr ot complaints of all classes received during the past year aggregated 103,037 , and the number of eases disposed ot 'amounted to 100,205. Only twenty-four complaints ware received of carelessness In the handling of registered matter by postal employes. The employes In the postal service handled during the last fiscal year 13,551,000 pieces of registered mall , with the loss of only 1 per cent. Mr. Maxwell points out that thcro has been a decrease In the num ber of postoffice nnd mail burglaries and robberies , owing to the killing and arrest ot many desperadoes engaged In the busi ness. During the year there were 2,074 ar rests , of which number 158 were postmas ters. During the year thcro were lti,5C3 complaints treated affecting foreign mall matter. Ot these 8,750 related to registered matter and 5,754 to ordinary matter. Prof. Moore COIIICM IVout lo Iiixiect. WASHINGTON , Sept. 20. Prof. Moore , chief of the weather bureau , who has been acting secretary during the absence ot Mr. Dabney , started west today on a tour of Inspection of weather bureau stations. Dur ing his absence he will deliver an address on the subject of "Wind Storms nnd Tor nado Frequency , " before the annual conven tion ot the Fire Underwriters' association of the northwest , which meets at Chicago , Sep tember 29 and 30. IAUfIE SUGAH HKFIXKHY 1IUHXS. I.ONH Will E\eec l Three Hundred Thousand DollarH. ST. JOHN. N. 13. , Sept. 20. A special to the Sun from Moncton says : Tire broke out In the char house of the Moncton sugar refinery at 7 o'clock this evening. Before the firemen could reach the place the upper stories wore a mass of flames. Nothing could bo done and within an hour the flames had eaten into the sugar house , eight stories high , and within an hour It was ablaze. The fall of the heavy machinery sent sparks and sheets of flames 100 feet above the highest walls. Within two hours only the bare walls wore left standing. Thcro was no wind and the boiler house , office and warehouse were saved. The refinery was owned by the Aca- dla Sugar Refining company , with headquar ters In Halifax. It Is said to bo Insured for $300,000 , but the loss will exceed that fig ure. About 150 men were employed. The cause of the flio is unknown. TRAVERSE CITV. Mich. , Sept. 20. Flro this afternoon occasioned a loss of about $50,000 to the Oval Wood Dish company , whoso factory Is the largest of the kind In the world. Two hundred hands are thrown out of work temporarily. The whole plant was covered by $50,000 Insurance , a large portion of which was upon the part de stroyed. _ ICA > SAS CITV Ulllh TAlvKS I'OI&O.V. Si ! i'ii < ren Yfiir-ld ( VI * If AViiltiiu ICIIlN lIiTHclf for Her Lover. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 20. Vlvle May Wal ton , the 17-year-old daughter of a barber , committed suicide last night , swallowing two ounces of laudanum. At daylight this morning her body was found in a wood yard , a short distance from her father's home. Vlvio Valton was enamored of George B. Duffy , a laborer. The tragedy followed a sensational scene In a ball room , whither Duffy had pone with a woman from Denvei. Miss Walton appeared at the ball loom very much agitated , the tears rojllng down her cheeks , and taking young Duffy by the arm , led him out of the room. Then she handed him a two-ounce bottle , marked "laudanum. " She told him she had swal lowed the poison. She also handed Duffy a note , which he thrust Into his pocket. Duffy then dismissed her and returned to his pleasure. When the police learned of the sulcldo this morning they found Duffy and obtained the note. In It the girl de clared that she Intended to take her life because of her love for the fickle Duffy. IIIIIIT IIA UAILWAY COLLISION1. Union I'nelllc ExiriNM CriinlioH Into a Montana Union Mixed. BUTTE , Mont. , Sept. 20. By a collision between the Union Pacific express fiom Salt Lake and the west , duo hero at 11,35 a. m. , and a mixed train on the Montana Union , bound for Anaconda , near Uocker , four miles west of hero , at 11 o'clock this morning , the enginis of both trains and the express and smoker of the Union Pa cific vveio wrecked , and the following hurt , HOMO seriously ; John Murray , Leadvllle , Colo. Dan Green , Leadvllle , Colo. Qutnn J. Murphy. Hod Cliff , Colo. Joseph O'Brien , Unite. Charles J. Justice , San Francisco. J. 11. Elliott , Baker City , Ore. Julius Jacobs , Itutte. M. M , Burdlck , news agent. II. K. Fisher , baggageman. ' A. J. Jones , mall clerk , The engineers and firemen saved them- tselvcs by Jumping. The accident is attrib uted to a conflict of orders. AI-'TUIL A IIAXOEItOlIS AXAIUJHIJiT I'lilciiuro I'olleo llellete JiiNciih IlcNt- Itillii IN III DiilliiM , Te , CHICAGO , Sept , 20. Joseph Bestman , said by the police to be an anarchist , left at Ih Sedgewlck court three years ago this full a trunk containing nufllclent dynamite to ha\o destroyed an aero of property In Chicago and to have taken the lives 'of hun dreds uf citizens. The discovery was made b ) acsl'Jcnt. ' Bfstman wau not found , but tliu police received information this after noon that ho is living In Dallas , Tex. , and wired the chief of police thcro to arrest him at once. The discovery of this euormcuu quantity of explosive matter and thq story uf Bestman himself. BO far as known to the police , bring to light a talcot anarchistic plotting such as Chicago baa not had re vealed gice | : thu dark days of 1885 , when the existence of the city was threatened sne Spies and his comrades swung on the gal lon u for the bomb thrown at the Hay- market massacre. Much correspondence with the condemned anarchists was also found. Mr * . Iliiriiiiiii'u Iliixliiuiil U > | IIK. IWIIXJEPOUT. Conn. , Sept. 20. A cable gram received hero today by Benjamin Pish uncle of Mr , Oullala Bey , formerly Mrs. P. T , liurnum , announces that the b y l dying In Constantinople The cable gram IH signed by United States Ainbau- * jdor Terrell. Mri. t'alllus Bey Balled for Constantinople last Wednesday. os THEIR sii.vun. wnnpi.vc ; DAY. Hcv. mid .Mm. T. I ) . Wrhnirr Celclirntc nidi Manof Their jlfrliMiilt. LYONS , Neb. , Sept. 20 , ( ( Special. ) Rev. and Mr ? . T. C. Webster ofi the Methodist church celebrated their silver wedding last evening at the church. OvcriSOO Invitations wcro Issued and more thani 200 responded by their presence lajjt night ; Mr. Webster hai presided over thoUiIctbodlst church hero for the past two years Yind has become much endeared , both as a pastor and citizen , to all -who know him. Mr. and Mrs. Wibslcr were married In Newcastle , Ind. , but have lived In this state for several jears. Ho was presiding older oC the northwest district for several years , facing located at Chadrou. Ho was also pastor irt Omaha for four or five years , coming liere from Omaha tvo > iais UKO. He Is an earnest and forcible speaker and the church Is filled each Sab bath to hear hla Inspiring sermons. Before refreshments 'were served a short program was presented , consisting of music , a paper by Mrs. Mulrhead on "A Model Husband ; " a paper by R. S. Hart on "A Model Wife ; " address by Rev. T. V. Flndlay of the Presbyterian ciurch ] on "A Happy Home ; " address by Mr. Webster. A larne collection of silverware was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Webster for , th.e high appreciation In which they arc hold. Cake and Ice trcum wcro served and a grand social time was enjoyed by all present. Those from a dls- tancu wcro Rev. and Mrs. Conley and Mr. Pc'.crson ot Bancroft , Mr. nnd Mrs. Fleming and daughter of Omaha , , MUt.cs Lillian and Addle Men-oil of Central City , Miss Nellie Workman of Tekamah. _ CO.NKEHEXCE COMHS TO A CLOSE , of MetlindlNt Mliilxtortt at l > r < MCN n Orent SIIUCFNN. HASTINGS , Neb , , Sept. -Speclal ( Tele gram. ) The thirty-sixth annual session of the Nebraska conference , vvh'lch has been In session In the Methodist church during the past week , was brought to a close tonight. It has been all that was anticipated , and the ministers expressed themselves as hav ing been royally entertained. It being known that Bishop C. C. McCabc , D O. , LL D.would dellverttho sermon this moin- ItiB , the largo church was packed to its utmost capacity long before 10 o'clock , and many wcro the disappointed people who failed to gain entrance. A conference love feast was held from 0 till 10 o'clock. It was led by Rev. H. T. Davis , D.D. After Bishop McCnbe had finished his sermon , came the ordination of about fifteen deacons. Memorial services were held at 2:30. : At 3 a fine sermon was delivered by Rev. W. A. Spencer , D.U. Then came the ordination of ciders. The Epworth League anniversary was led by L. 0. Jones of .Lincoln , confer ence president. The salvation services held this evening was led br Dr. McKalg and Bishop McCabe. COKED n Y AV nsTimiATEiJ HUM. . lliiteher AmlrcTiN of Symcuwe HUN an ExeltliiK 1'Vrv Momeiiti. SYRACUSE , Neb. , Sept. 20. ( Special Tele gram. ) On the farm ot A. Leech this morn ing , while O. Andrews , proprietor of the city market , was in the fluid looking at sorao cattle , one ugly bull from the herd made a dash at him. 'He seized the animal by the horns , but was thrown to the ground and severely gored and trampled upon. A deep gash was made. In one leg , and when tjie bull paused to smell the blood , Mr. An drews leaped to his feet nnd ran among the cattle , so that the bull was 'unable to find him. His Injuries wcro so Berloun that he fell to the ground before "ho got out of the field , and laid there till help arrived. Ho Is badly biulsed nhd gored , -but it Is not thought that his Injuries 'are of a dan gerous character. Two , of the boys who went In after his hat were treated to an interesting foot race with the same animal , and barely escaped in time. Siiri > rlncd Hie I'nHtor. BELLEVUE , Neb , Sept. 20. ( Special. ) Rev. Ei nest Bell , pastor of the Presbyterian church , and wife , were pleasantly puiprlsed upon their wedding anniversary , Thursday , by the members of his congregation. The guests assembled at the residence of Gcorgo S. Uurtch and then repaired , to ihe 1-rmo of Rev. and Mrs. Bell , where a delightful evening was spent. The visitors left many substantial tokens of their regard. The tennis contest to bo held hero yester day. between the Bcllevuo and Springfield clubs , was postponed indefinitely on account of the absence of Mr. Lloyd Swann of Springfield. . _ Sarnj- County Hendliic Circle. BELLEVUB. Neb. , Sept. 20. ( Special. ) The local section of the Teachers' Reading Circle ot Sarpy County held Its first meetIng - Ing hero Saturday afternoon at the public school building , with Mrs. L , M. Guttery , principal of the local public schools , presid ing. There were present Mesdames Gut tery , Gray , Smith , Misses Kast , Longedorf , Flynt , Wright , Woods and McDonald. The course of reading prescribed by the State Reading Circle was adopted. After arrang ing for the next meeting , October 3 , and dis posing of other routlno business , the meet ing adjourned. _ Typhoid KiMer lit Untile Creek. BATTLE CREEK , Neb. , Sept. 20. ( Spe cial , ) About two weeks ago twelve persons hero wcro taken down with typhoid fever. Among the number were W. B. Furct , one of the leading merchants , and his wife. Yesterday Mrs. Furst died , aged 22 years , leaving two babies. Mr. Furst Is still very sick. The funeral , will be held In the Ger man Lutheran church , Rpv. Jacob Hoffman officiating. The reirjalns will bo interred In the Lutheran cemetery , Kinicrnl of nI'loneer. . IRVINQTON , Neb. , Sept. 20. ( Special. ) Mrs. Charles Noyce's body was followed to the grave today by all the old settlers of this locality , Mr. and Mrs. Noyce became residents of Qoilglas county in the year 1S57 , and have resided on the same farm slnco. She was bc.h } | n llgh ) esteem by all who know her , especially the young , whom she delighted to oift'ertaln. W. O. T. IT , Convention. FREMONT , Sept. 2b.Sj ( > eclal. ) The state convention of Uio lyiouje f unchristian Tem- pcranco union will be 'neltl ' at the Women's Christian Temperance upln temple Wednes day , Thursday and Friday of this week. A largo number of doletitts from out of town are expected and fth meeting will bo an Interesting OQR. < llaek ( row jtlif < 'anu > . NEBRASKA CITV. SellBO. . ( Special. ) Company C , Nebraska .National Guards , ar rived this morning jjfom ciipp Thomas , much pleased with Its week's outlpg. It Is proud of being designated the plor company ot the regiment. _ , ui.oim inn IST KLOOOK"'run .STIIHISTS Itoek SiirliiHN Meniluiut * I.OMC lleiiv- ll > nn Hit * Jit-null. ROCK SPRINGS. Wyo. . Bept. 20 , ( Special Telegram. ) A cloudbutct iputh of hero this afternoon has caused ahput $5,000 damage to merchants on SoUtMv , Front street by water pouring Into celUra. Tim Klnuey & Co. , J. I1. McDerinott & Co , , L. L. Daus and the Fountain saloon. Are the heaviest losers. Two men came In from the south and re port that there was a heavy fall of ball and rain about three mllei out. They saw piles of hall two feet deep. Bitter Creek Is rising , and It Is feared that It will con tinue for some time , ai the storm passed east. If 'so , mpre damage Js expectet ) . Motcnifiitx oyiooenii VruMrU , Scjil. 1O. ! , A.t New YofU Arrived I i Gasco ne , from Havre ; Munsdam , from Rotterdam. Balled Patrla , for Hamburg. At Boston Arrived I'uvonla , from Liver pool , At Quecnstown Balled Etrurlu , for New York At Havre Arrived La Nonnandlc , from New York. At Philadelphia Arrived Corcan , from Glasgow , i WILL KEEP H'KIXLEY BUSY Twenty-Nino Deleptions to Canton Are Booked for This Week Alone , CONGRATULATIONS FROM CONVERTS COME Limit of ( lie Mltlc lIomcKteiiil He Trodden ! > ) Aluiiy I'Vct He- tucou Mm mill I'lecdim Day 111 .Novemlii-r. CANTON , O. , Sept. 20. Major McKlnlcy spent the day entertaining n few friends nt dinner , looking over his mall and resting. The mall and the telegraph arc still heavily burdened with congratulations from new McKlnloy converts and with requests for appointments with visiting delegations , Commencing Tuesday there will bo meet ings on the McKlnlcy lawn every day until October 9 , nnd a number of appointments beyond that date have been made. For this week alone thcro nro twenty-nine delcgn- tlons nniounccd. Engagements already booked are : Tuesday , September 22 Citizens ot Jamestown - town and Cliautauqtia counties , New York , sixteen coaches ; McKlnlcy clubs of northern Indiana , starting at Elkhart and coming In a train ot three sections ; republicans and friends from Holmes county , Ohio. Wednesday , September 23 The first voters and republican veterans of Muncle , Ind , , the republicans of Wood county , Ohio , In cluding the Manhattan McKlnlcy club and the First Voters' McKlulcy club of Bowling Green. Thursday , September 24 The republicans ot Westmoreland county. Pennsylvania , 700 strong ; republicans of Oil City , I'm IFildny , September 25 Citizens of Craw ford county , Pennsjlvnnla ; citizens of Wyandotte - andotto county , Ohio ; citizens of East Springfield , Pa. ; Railway Men's Sound Money club of Tiffin. O. Saturday , September 26 The John Dnlzcll Republican club , worklngmcn and employes ot the Wcstlnghouso Air Brake company of Wllmerdlng. Pa. ; employes of Spang , Chal- fak & Co , Etna , Pa. ; Poorla , III. , Traveling Men's club , emplojcs of the Dnqucsne Steel works , Duqucsne , Pa. ; Swedish-American cit izens nnd flambeau club of Rockford , 111. , SOO strong ; McKlnley club , composed en tlrcly of tin workers , 1,000 strong , from Kensington , Pa. ; the republicans of Plqua , the republican wheelmen of Toledo , vvorkincn from Jones A : Laughlln company , Plttsburg ; citizens of the Western Reserve of Ohio , organized by the women of Cleveland and vicinity ; republicans and citizens of Ada , 0. Monday , September 28 Citizens of Lisbon , Columblana county , O. Tuesday , September 29 The locomotive en. glnccrs ot Chicago , republicans and citi zens In general of Youngstown , O. ; old soldiers ot Sandusky , O. Wednesday , September 30 The native county day , arranged by the citizens ot Warren , Trumbull county , wbeio McKinley was born ; citizens of Bcllefontc , Pa. Thursday , October 1 The McKlnley and Hobart club of Urbana , O. , and the repub lican voters of Portage county , Ohio. Friday , October 2 Italian club , with band and military organization of Chicago ; the farmers of the "Panhandle" of West Vir ginia. Saturday , October 3 The McKlnley and Hobart club of Vcnango county , Pennsyl vania ; the Commerlcal found Money club of Mansfield , the wheelmen of Chicago Bohemian-American club of Cleveland. Monday , October 5 Farmers of northern Missouri along the line or the Santa Fe ; the Republican IJditorlal association of the Nineteenth district of Illinois. Tuesday , October C Wisconsin and Min nesota lumbermen starting from Chippcwa Falls ) the first Voters' club of Urbana , 0. Wednesday , October 7 Republicans of Randolph county , Indiana. Thursday , October S The Slavonlsh Mc Kinley club of Cleveland ; republicans of Newcastle , Ind. ; veteran soldiers , wage- earners and citizens of Maryland ; a delega tion from Louisville. Monday , October 12 Wage-earners of St. Louis. Saturday , October 17 Garficld club of Louisville ; republicans of Chicago in gen- oral. Greetings and assurances were telegraphed by the Cheyenne , Wyo. . McKlnlcy club , 900 strong , with the sentiment"Wyoming re publicans nro for sound money nnd protec tion. " A telegram from Plttsburg announces the organization ot the Lawrcnceville National Wheelmen McKlnley and Hobart club , 200 strong. Announcement of McKlnley clubs were also received from Flagstaff , Ariz. ; Cocor- Inna county , Arizona ; Sandusky , 0. ; Mills- bore , 111 ; Lifayette , Ind. ; Ironton , O ; Sax- ton , Pa. ; Barncsvllle , O. . and the Original McKlnley club of Boston. < ; i\iitAr : , ciiosvi : > ou's ESTIMATE. Flfly-Koiir MeKliiley Vo < ex io .Spare- AVItliiMit N'eliniNkn or KIIIIHIIM. ATHENS , 0. , Sept. 20. General nrosvenor tonight gave out a table of cstlmnt s of the piobablo result ot the presidential election at the request of certain members of the press In the east. Ho aald : The six New England Htntes , with thir ty-nine doctoral votes , will go to McKln ley , so I head my tubles ns follow s ; NCJW I'nirlanil . " 0 Wisconsin 12 NPW York SO Iowa 13 N'cw Jersey 10 Minnesota 9 Maryland , 8 South Dakota 4 Delaware Kentucky 13 renneylvnnln. 3-OrfKon ! ] 4 West Virginia lilnKton 4 Ohio SJ California 9 Indiana is Illinois 24 27S Hero la n totnl of 278 votrH. or fifty-four moro than HUlllelcnt to elect. I come lo Homo states , which are Ktlll In doubt , to- ivlt : Knnnig . 101 Wyoming . 3 Neliraika . * North Carolina . Ill Total . 33 Xorl.i Dakota . 3' ' Of the remaining state , Louisiana. 8 ; Tennessee , 12 ; MIsHOurl , 17 ; Texas , 15 ; Vlr- filnlii. 12 ; totnl , G4. Ono or more of jhcm nro within the line of possibility , I mlulit nlmOHt Buy ronsonahla probability. I con- ecu1 ft to lirynn and WUIHOII , or lirynn nnd So wall : Alabama , , 11 Montana , , , . 3 Arkansas 8 Colornilo , 4 houtli Carolina . ! i Klorliin 4 Utah . 3 ( Ivorgla 13 Maho 3 Total , 70 These nre practically sure for the oppo sition , although there may be a po siblo HE CAIIRIIT III-H IN THE HAY MOW. Slierln1 ArrexlM Mr * . I'lfRe , AVIio IK Wiinleil In IllliinlH. WEBSTER CITV , la. , Sept. 20 , ( Special Telegram. ) Sheriff St. Clalr , acting on a letter received from N , B. Neal , sheriff of Dewllt county } Illinois , arrested Mrs , Min nie Page , nee Williams , for a serious crime , so the letter stated. Mrs , Page wan ar rested at the residence of Benjamin Wilson , seven miles southeast ot this city , and taken from the hay mow In the barn , where she bad concealed herself. She ls a refined and Intelligent looking woman of 20 or 22 years. Her home Is In Bloomlngton , III. , and her husband's folks live In Clinton , Dr. Ilriiuii MilMl llefeiul A urn In. DUBUQUE , la. , Sept. 20. ( Special Tele gram. ) The D-ubuquo As&oclatlon of Congre gational Churches meets at Strawberry Point , la. , September 28 to 30 , and at the request of the Bay State conference will reconsider the resolutions adopted some months ago , censuring the conference for subDcndlng Itev. Dr. C , O. Brown of Han Francisco in advance- a verdict of guilty Dr. Brown , now in Chicago , will be put to defend blmself. LEADVIM.i : STUIICr.ltS MAKE MUSE. 1'MiIowlon In HIP Coronniln Mine I'ol- Innril liy 1'llxlllnile ot Miinketry. LEADVILL13 , Colo. , Sept. 21. At t o'clock this ( Monday ) morning three heavy ex plosions aroused sleepers In the eastern part of the city for blocks nround the Coronndo mine , which Is the ono which first resumed operations , nnd which wns heavily barri caded and well Blocked with provisions nnd arms. Tlio explosions were followed by a fusillade ot rifle shots , apparently from with in the barricade , and rapid , but Irregular shots from outside , apparently from a widely scattered attacking force , which wns on hand to protect the retreat of the dynamiters. The strlko 1ms been In progress for three months , nnd trouble hns been looked for for thi past two weeks. The state troops have been held In readiness for n call to arms over since the strike began. The shooting lasted for ten minutes , nnd nil was silent for five minutes , when desul tory firing was renewed , nnd hns been kept up ever slnco. At this writing , 1:50 : n. m. , another ex plosion wns heard , sounding like dynamite. Ten minutes after the first explosions n telephone message from the Coronado stated that nobody Insldo tha barricade hnd been hurt. Slnco then It has been Impossible. to reach the Coronado by telephone. The Herald-Democrat Is now being watched by several bands of men , grouped In dark cor ners nnd nllcjs , nnd this may menu Hint they propose to prevent nny communication with the telegraph offices , the watchers not knowing that the Herald-Democrat hns the Associated press leased wire and n long distance telephone. The city is in a panic of fenr. County and city officials arc out looking after the work of the police and sheriff. Bullets frequently whistle over the Hcr- ald-Dcmocrat office and the situation Is war like. 1:53 : a. m. A bright blaze has just broken out nt the Coronndo or In the Immediate vicinity and shots arc still being exchanged. The local militia companies have been called out nnd nrc now at their armories getting icady for Instant action. All the whistles in town are blowing. 2 n. m. The fire Is believed to be the oil tanks Insldo the barricade at the Coronado shaft house. A telephone message Just re ceived from the mine says that none of the defenders have been hurt ns yet. HEAT AMI IH'IIY A MA'S AI.IVE. \VliHecnim In OJilit Accused of Com mitting n Terrllile Otitrnjvc. TOLEDO , 0. , Sept. 20. The WJiltccapr have created another sensation in this county by whipping a man named Hunts man , v'ho lives at Holland station , ten miles from Jiero , nnd burying him al vc. AccordIng - Ing to the police , the story has only Just leaked out , although the outrage was com- nlltted on September ! t The Huntsmans , under threats , v.ere afraid to communicate to the authorities the story , but neighbors learned of the facts and Informed the polleo today. The facts , ns reported to the police , nre that two of the Huntsman children , coming from the postolllce , were picked up on tiio road by two men In n buggy and accused of stealing a packet book contain ing $ SO. The next night a party ot men came to the Huntsman houi > o and , after calling Huntsman out ot bed , seized nnd dragged him outside and beat and abused him in a frightful manner. Then they cai- rled him to a grave and , putting him In It , covered him with earth. After a while they dug him up again. Thou they beat and nbused him a second time and finally burled him again. Then they dug him up for the second time and again lashed him and then drove away. The two children wcro also lashed. The affair occurred about midnight. Huntsman Is a respectable , well-to-do farmer. 01J KELI.OWS GATIIEIl AT DALLAS. SoerelKii nranil I.odno Will Convene In the TexiiN Town Toila j . DA'LLAS , Tex. , Sept. 20. The sovereign grand lodge , Independent Order of Odd Fel lows , convenes hero tomorrow. The hotel corridors are swarming already with dele gates from both Hides of the Atlantic ocean. Ginnd Slro J. W. Stcbblns arrived todaj. His report and that of Secietary T. A. Hosij will bo submitted Tuesday or Wednesday Of the 500 delegates elected to attend the meeting nearly 100 have arrived. Wednea- day the grand parade will embrace tbo sov ereign ledge and minor lodges from every city In Texus and several In the Indian Ter ritory and northern Louisiana. This will bring to Dallas on Monday 0,000 or 7,000 Oda Fellows , besides visiting sightseers. Toduv has been snout In social Intercourse and ex changing views on questions that will conic bcforo the sovereign ledge for discussion and settlement , chief among which Is whether keepers of saloons shall bo eligible members. The largo and modern opera houtfo has been placed at the disposal cf the sovereign lodge. In all other particu lars of comfort nnd official and personal convenience nothing has been overlooked that will oxpedlate the business and maks , agreeable the stay of the delegates during the next six days. Cl > TO SEE THIS SVMCUS Kilt ST. UrciicrH1 .NnHoiiul Union Vlxlt ( /.ooloulfill ( JiirileiiN , CINCINNATI , Sept. 20. The ninth an nual convention of tbo National Union of the Working Brewers of the United States began hero today with an Informal vUlt to the Zoological gardens. Secretary Kurzcn- knabo of St , Louis , editor of the Hi ewers' Journal , made a few remarks. There nro In ( ho organization 123 local unions , with a total membership of over 25,000. Thn country , except the Hocky mountain region and the Pacific coast , Is well represented , The meetings will continue throughout the present week. Excursion trains for the ben efit of visitors to the convention wcra run today from Louisville , Indianapolis , Fort Wayne , Toledo and Dayton. I i * * " ' ' lltirled for TITO ln > n. LEXINGTON , Ky , , Sept. 20. John Law rence DouglnsH , who vvaa hypnotized nnd burcd | In base bull park on Tburndny , wilt ) tin ir from hl grave jt-steidny after having lain thuo forty-Hcven hours. Two thousand people saw the rttiurrectlon Tlio body lay in the coffin Ju t us when It w.-is put there. It WUH taken in the cataloptlo state In thu collln fro in the giotitid to thu illy. At 8 o'clock last nlxht the J pnotttit nli'nsfu ] Douglass from his vpcll DouglnHx IH quite weak and may be unable to v , , ilk for a. day or two , Cemetery SuiierlnteiuleiilM r < > The superintendents of -nicterlen will hold ih lr national convention In Omaha In 1&9S J V. C'rulg , superintendent of For- LiiHfi , li'i * JUKI returned from the im- nuul ( onventlon .it Ht , Lmiln. uhara ho succeeded In Inducing the convention to hero In exposition year , ln borer SlinoU III * \\lfe. OREHNTIELU , Mo. , Bupt. SO.--W J. Hurittr , ti 'nbon-r ' , kllcd | il wlf * tHs morn- jc by gliGolliiK her in thu left turrpltHo linu tilt uhootluu vvus accidental. iUnur Is In custody \ family of c-lilMun uru left In destitute circumstances , THACIIER'S ' DUAL POSITION Declares Himself Unalterably Opposed ttf Tree Goitmjro of Silver. YET HE INTENDS TO VOTE FOR BRYAN IlolilN Party Atiovc Principleami IB mien u Statement DcMlunril to Prevent a Second Democratic TlcUot In Aeu York. ALBANY , N. Y. , Sept. 20. By making nr official statement late tonight ot his po sition upon the financial question and by- declaring in that statement that he Is un alterably for gold , John Bojd Thachcr , democratic nominee for governor , create * one of the most curious situations ever known In the politics of this state. The statement was Issued after n loiig confer- cnco with Senator Hill , Elliott C. Danforth , who wns at Senator Hill's house1 , and 1) . Cady Herrlck , the democratic leader In this , county. U wns addressed to the chairman of the state committee. It Is believed that this course Is approved by Senator Hill , William F. Shcclinn and others not In at tendance at the state fonventlon nnd is Intended to try to throw off any nomi nation of a second dcmoctatlc ticket at Brooklyn and enforce a fight at the poll * upon stAte Issues , leaving the national ticket entirely out of the question. Mr. Timelier declares that ho Is ngrlnst trco silver , but will vote for llrjnn and Sewnll for regu larity and fight tlio campaign , on stntc Is sues only. The letter snvs : "I am informed that the democratic party of the stntc , In convent Ion assembled at Buffalo on September 17 , 1698 , old me tho- honor of naming me as Its candidate for the high olfice of governor. I now learn that the state committee Is to meet on Tues day for the purpose of appointing n com mittee to officially notify mo of that fact. It has eccmed to mo duo to your commit * tee that before It takes that step I should make n statement. I rani.ot u&k for the support of the people of the state without frankly declaring my position upon the financial Issue now agitating the public. I stand today where I blood In the mouth of June , In the presence of n convention of the state democracy , I have not changed nn lota in my belief nor deviated a stcl > in my course. The commercial honor ot this country is pledged to the world and the world knoivs that the nation will main tain Its honor. VEHICLE HARD TO CONSTRUCT. "I took part in the state convention , which sent delegates to ipprc&cnt the party in the national convention nt Chlcngo. These delegated , by participation , acquiesced In the action of the national convention by pre senting candidates for tlio offices and presi dent nnd vice president of the United States. The state convention of the democratic ) party has ratified the nomination of these candidates. I have learned fiom thu fath ers , nnd , in tuin , have endcavoicd to teach , that the democratic party is n vehicle to cany the will of the people into effect. Such a vehicle Is constructed with diffi culty , but is easily destro > od. Failure now nnd thca to perform absolutely satisfactory service vrlll not Justify the utter destruc tion ot the vehicle. Itnu not constructed to bear ono Inirdon , but many and various burdens. WhcnJho financial Mir den Is fla- ally disposed of the people will still em- play the democratic party to support tholr purposes nnd to carry them Into effect. When they do thus employ that party , I , for ono , do not want it to be shattered and dis membered , but to be strong , united and efficient. Therefore , I shall cast my vote for William Jennings Bryan and Arthur Sownll , the candidates in duo and regular form chosen by a majority of that convention. I regret that I cannot be In full accord on the 'question of flnince with1 the sentiment of the late convention , but if my position scorns Inharmonious with the usual attitude of a candidate toward his party , It sboulij bo remembered that the conditions are also unusual. In nominating mo I must assume that the convention wns not unaware of my financial views , as expressed In ray public utterances , and that it wns induced to accord mo that distinguished honor In View of the fact that under the constitution a governor of tlih state has no official con nection whatever with matters pertaining to the national currency. It was apparent at Chicago and Buffalo , and Is expressed at every gathering of citizens whcio pulillo questions are discussed , that the people nro dissatisfied with the present condition ot , affairs , and I am In sympathy with every1 movement , not revolutionary In character ) which seeks to take burdens off the slioul- dcrs of the masses and to restore proa * perlty and peace to nil the people. REPUBLICAN MISDEEDS. "When the republican legislature nd Journed in May , 183fi , it left n record behind - hind It which every democrat and tnde- jiemlent voter in the stata believed would bo an Issue bcforo the people this fall. No question purely national wliould bo permitted to divert our people in this state from pronouncing , by a change of administration , a verdict against this record. Included la the record of the republican legislature was n shameful disregard for tlio Interest of tbo municipalities of the state. Sixty-five per cent of our population dwells In cities , and this population iioHseubes 715 per cent of the wealth of the state. As I observed closely the woik of the legislature , and wan mybulf an official victim of some of 1U legislation , I am , perhaps , entitled to bo beard ns to Its record , it wns guilty of a grievous din of omission. Thu now const- ! tutlon requires that uniform chatters shall bo granted to cities of the same class. A , ' commission reported early In the session proper forms of clmrteis for cities of the M'cond and third classes. The republican legislature made no further attempts to comply with the eniiEtltutlon's directions. but , on the rontiary , pi acceded to amend charters already cxlbtlng by taking power from officials In democrallo cities and clothIng - Ing with unusual power the officials In republican - publican cities Tlio republican members of the leglslntuiu , by force of urmn and against thn piotcutK of hunorablo members of their own party , passed n bill taking from the democratic mayor of Albany all the power over the polleo of that city , Without power to control the police , a mayor Is powurlcsa to enforce older and to becure pence for his city. Similar IcglKlatlon wau proposed for other dcmociatlc cities , but was postponed - poned until the coming ) car , Tlie icpub- llean legislature. In order to accomplish Its purpose , violated parliamentary rules , ruth- li-Bsly rode over the sacrud rights of mem- hers , employed physical force to Intlmldato opposition , closed the dnnrtt of t\o | \ assembly , to the public , and conducted Itself with nt utter abandonment of decency and prln- elide. "A republican Ieiilature | spent the peo. pie's money ns If | ( were water and then announced that It wpud. | wring fiom the llnuor traffic sufficient money to pay U back , Any ono of thcRO eln * would bo u > nplcuaui and flagrant In a time of lens national ex- cltemcnt , but one sin at commission calls for Immediate popular condemnation. Under the gulso of promoting public welfare the republican legislature revolutionized thQ method of dealing with the liquor ( radio and entabllnhcd a tmrnn , with ono man at Its head , to conliol and manage tlio traffic. U took an Incnn&cd and In many Instances an unreasonable turn from the saloonkeeper * and ( pMcnd ot applying that turn to defraying lite expenses of local gov- vinmrnt It dlntilbutpd it throughout tha Etuto. " Closing , he sa > s : "But when this great governmental machinery U In the hollow of Ilio hand of onn man , when he and not the people U the beneficiary of Its opera- tlon. popular government Is menaced and Its defeat as a public enemy becomes th duty of all good men. This Is the luauo In the state this fall No step toward mil- nl'-ljial ITfoi in rnn bo undertaken until tbli tjucB'lou ecu bo icttltd. The peoplt