EDITORIAL SHEET. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. JSSTABLISIIED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MOBNESTG- , SEPTEMBER 13 , 1SDG TWENTY PAGES. LE COPVr ITVE CENTS. NEW AS THE MORNING BRIGHT FLOWERS The big store is filled with new and beautiful stocks. They .were bought as only Hayden's can buy them. They're being sold as only Maydcn's can sell them , Each department has its own bargain tale to unfold. The prices given are but hints of ths vast vjlu2S they represent. We insist that no such values ever . passed over counters as the big store is offering now. We are selling thousands through the mails. Shall we send you samples or fill a trial order ? . . . . WE SELL THE BUTTERICK PATTERNS AND PUBLICATIONS Boys' School Suits MEN'S FALL AND WINTER Suits and OvgrQoats " ' ff ' HE Fall" and Winter "Sto'ck "of96 ts com pletc. _ I Hundreds of new styles in Men's Suits and Fall Tand Winter Overcoats an assortment of Men's , Boys' and Children's stylish attire that has never before been equalled by any other store in America. Stylish dressers gentlemen who always get their clothes made to measure will do well to see the exquisite Suits and Fall and Winter Overcoats that Hayden Bros , sell now for $10-00 , $12.50 , $15.00 , $18.00 and $20. For they will recognize in them the very counterparts of the garments Omaha's best merchant tailors charge double these prices for. We show the largest assortment of gentlemen's Fall and Winter Suits in America at $3.75 , $4.25 , $5 , $6.50. $7 5Q and $9.00- Compare any of these Suits or Overcoats with other stores Suits or Overcoats at from $2 oo to $5.00 more a garment. „ Boys' School Suits _ At 750 , 95c , Si. 25 , si 50 , $1.75 , $2.50 , $3.50 , $4.00 and gij.oo two-piece suits , styles double breasted Reefers and Juniors , choice fabrics , properly tailored and rightly worth double. - Boys' and Young Men's Stylish Suits = Ages 12 to 19 years , cut in single and double breasted sack styles , all the newest styles and patterns , far superior - ior assortment ever shown here or elsewhere , at the prices , $3.75 , $4.50 , $5 , $6 , $6.50 , $7.50 , $8-50 , $9.00 and $10.00. A visit to our grand Clothing Department will con vince you that we show the largest and most complete stock , newest styles and by far name the lowest possible prices , All alterations made free of cost. 1 Ladies' Cloaks , Jackets * \ Wrtl SkirtS on Second Floor. These are busy times in our cloak department. The Septem ber selling has opened with a vim betokening a successful season. Economical cloak buyers need not wait. 200 new Jackets latest styles at i lot of Jackets in light colors , blue and black at Ladies' sG-inch new box fly front , new mate- < jl OO silk at to tJJ\J.\J\J rials , fancy linings $10 All of our light color and tan Capes go on sale Monday at half price. 500 handsome cloth capes in heavy English Melton , black and navy , 120 inch sweep , finished with zi * * 7 CL inch band of same cloth A. < - * A Kersey Cape a remarkable garment for the price , worth $6.00 Black brilliantine skirts 4 * yards wide , bound 75 with velvet ; you see them elsewhere at $3 \ etA A figured black Mohair skirt , s yards wide , very stylish lined throughout , at Children's Reefers- Sizes 2 to 16 years , in navy and red , with full sleeve , sailor collar , pearl buttons , at Cotton Goods for Sale. Newest anil nobbiest effects In every good cotton clotb. Fleece Suiting , In fine designs , lOc yard. Cotton Dress Plaids , 30 Inches wide , fi ! c. New dork I'ercales , In black and white , navy nnd white polka dots , 33 Inches wide , all fast colors , lOc yaid. New fall styles hi 3 distinct shades of Indigo , EC yard , Good Dark Olnghnm , In checks and stripes , 4 He yaixl. Kncst line of Cotton Dress Plaids , all new , copied from silk and wool effects , 16c yaid. 13cst light Shirting Prints , .T/jC yard. Sadies * Kid Gloves. 100 dozen todies' kid gloves , 1 buttons , 75c per pair , worth $1.00. Lndlos' 2-button clasp , fl.OO , worth $1.50 , 1,000 dozen ot children's wool underwear at less than mamifactiircr's coat. House Furnishing Goods. Big odd and end sale ot crystalware , spooner , egg cups , creamers , sugars , tum blers , comports , sauce dishes , Jelly stand , berry dishes , pickle dishes , syrups , cele ries , oils , etc. , at 3c , Be , 9c , 13c each. Japanese KoBc O Snka cupsand saucers. We bought an original package of 1,003 dozen they arc worth per cup and saucer In Ja pan about 1 tael equal to $1.40 of our money. We bought them cheap , and Mon day wo sell them for 19c per cui > and saucer. French china shape tea sets. Splendid decoration , $2.9S per set. Plain white china cups and saucci'3 , ovtd shape , 69c per set , worth $1.60. Gold finish banquet lamps , with center draft burner. $1.49. Spring extension hanging lamp , with prism band and dome shade , $2.29 ; worth $5.00. Granite wash basin , l ! > c , worth 50c. Albcta metal tea spoons , 13c per set. Dish pans , 13c. Coffee and tea nets , 5c each. Biscuit and doughnut cutter , Ic. Fruit cani. 33c per dozen , Specialism Blankets Mottled gray and brown blankets at 75c. Extra heavy gray blankets 9. > c. 6 Ib. heavy gray blankets SI. 35. Heavy wool mixed blankets , ? 1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75. All wool gray blankets at $2.35. 2 cases large size and heavy white wool blankets only $2.50 per pair. Extra line natural wool 11-1 blanKcts $3.95. ( Flannels 150 pieces all wool shirting flannels at 25c per yard. 7 oz. red and navy blue flannel at 25c. Ftirnitura Mftrrlago made easy , or how to buy furni ture , nead these prices , and then join the majority. Solid oak chair , cane seat , brace arm , D.'c. Oak rocker to match , size of seat , 18x18 , height of back 43 Inches , brace arm , $1.50 , Largo arm rocker , oak , size of scat , 2J\2'J , height of back 43 Inches , arms roddcd , $2.45. C-foot extension table , 3Cx40 , size of top ; a good , solid , well finished table , $3.75. Another six-leg table , 40x40 , top square , solid and well made , $5.00. Oak book case , 44 Inches high , 24 wide , $1.75. Oak book case , 56 Inches high and 20 In ches wide , $1,95. Iron beds , white enamel , at $3.S5 , $5.85 , $0.50 and $0.95. Bed room suits , $12.50 , $15.00 , $16.00 $ , $17.00 and $18,00. Mattresses with soft tops at $1.75 , $2.25 and $2.50. Mattresses In fine ticking , both sides padded , at $2.85. 4-foot , G-lnch oak easel , 50c ; 5-foot , $1,00. White enamel brass trimmings , 75c. Oak screencs , 3 paniicl , at $1.25 , $1,50 , $1,75 Fine largo Bamboo music rack , $1.95 and $2.25. Jardlnercf stands , In Bamboo and oak , $1,00 , $1.25 , $1.50 and $1.95. 7 styles cobbler scat Hackers , In Mahogany Oak and Birch , at $2.50 each ; others get $3.85. Center tables at C5c , $1.00 , $1.50 , $2.00 and $2.60 , New line of pictures In stylish frames nt prices made by the times. Hardware Winter will soon be here , now Is your time to fix up your houses for the cold weather and save coal bills. Weather strips , per foot % o Him or Mortise door locks 12V&C Window bolts , per doz. . . . , , . , . , 'Jo Door Bolts , , 3c Sash Locks , . , . . 3c Hand Saws , , , . 29c Square , ' , 19o Hollow Handled 10-Tool Bet . . , , 39c C-Auger Bits , per set i . . , 95o das Pliers , \Vlre Cutter , e c 23o Good Butcher Knife , . , . , . , 9o Fine Drawing Knife , , . . . . , , , , , . . , , , 29c A good Flobert Hltle. , $1.C9 A line 32 Sporting Ulllle. . , $3,25 $ A Pump Gun , Lever or Slide , , , , $16.25 Loadtnl Shells , per 100. , , $1.25 $ Full set reloading tools , . , COo A One 32 Double-acting Revolver. . . . , . $1.10 A flue Blued Steel Hummerlcbs Revolver ver , , . , $4.75 $ Jewelry Department. SILVBRWAliH BALK. Quadruple-plated hand oiiqnvel , gold lined tun pots , sugar bowls , oioam pltolu'is , spoon holders , syrup pitch ? : * , cake b.uKuts , pickle castors , celery holde-a , bread trjts , etc. Your choice , $1.48 , WorUi W.OO ; utcr- llng silver tea spoons , J.)5 psr iiet of 0 ; worth $ C.OO. Sterling silver butter ptolts , ollvo forks , cream ladles , bon-bon spoons , sardine forks , meat forks , choice 1'Sc , worth $2 CHI ; 4-plcce quadruple plated hand engraved , gold lined tea set , tea pot. sugar , spoonpr and creamer , $3.9S , worth $10.00. Hogcrs' 12 tlwt. knives mil forks , ret uf 12 pieces , at $2.25 , worth $4.00. 1,000 solid gold set rlns , regular $2.00 style ; choice 9Sc. Babies' solid gold rings , t'Jc. Genuine opal lings , sjlld gold sottlags , worth $3.00 ; sale price $1 < I8. 1,000 pairs ladles' and go-its' dumb bell cuff buttons In heavy rolled guld plate und sterling silver , worth $1.00 per pair ; i holer 35c. 35c.Ladles' Ladles' long opera chains , I8c , worth $1.00. Stick pins In endless variety , r.o up , north double. , 500 silver plated frames ; choice 25c , worth 50c and 76c. Gents gold filled , open face , screw hovel stemwlnd watch , wananu'djto wear 15 years with first class Clgln-'or 'Wolthain move ments , JC.95 ; positively worth $15.00. Gent's gold stiffened American made hunt ing case watchca , $3.18 ; worth double. Gent's genuine Ulgln or , AVnlthnm watches ctcm wind and set , sllverine cases , $3.48 ; worth $8.00. Gent's gold fillad stem wind watches , war. ranted to wear 15 jcars. with the celebrated P. S. Bartlctt full jewejcd'Wnltham works , $9.95 , worth S20.00. Ladles' gold filled hunting case watches , warranted to wear 20 years , fine Elgin or Waltham movements. $ U.-5i | worth $25.00. Gent's HKt , solid goldtwbtch , U. S. assay , with extra fine Elgin movement , $34.50 , worth $00.00 . , . ig Solid oak , S-day clocks 22 Inches high , half hour strike and aliriu ' , $2.95 , worth $0.00. , - First class nickel alarm clocks , 5uc ; worth 51.00 i , "i Watch cnJ clock repairing at reduced prices. I Music The only place In Omaha where- you will find all the high grade Pianos , CH1CKER- IKG , STEINWAV , KN'AHE and others. New plttnos to rent , pianos moved , tuned and repaired by experienced .men. MANDOLINS AND GUITARS We have all the celebrated high grade makes , including the SUTOUIOUS SPECIAL , BAY STATE , WASHBURN and others. BANJOS Stewiirt's$10 and up ; Falrbank & CcJe. SI" and up. Sheet X&usic Grand Sul < = of Sheet .Music Monday morning wo will place on snle 10,000 copies of sheet muslo at 6c per copy. The selections contained In this lot are the regular editions of full size sheet music , printed on best music paper , from clear type'of regular size , has nothing about It to Indicate Its remarkable cheapness , but Is Identical with that for which you are payIng - Ing all the way from 25c up to ? 1.23 per copy ; call and see for yourself. The follow ing Is a few which are from the lot : Nocturne by Grieg , Momeiit-De-Valse by Godard , Fifth Valso by Godanl , Shepard Boy , by Grieg , Sixth Nocturne by Leybach , I'll Trovatore by Dorn , Soug of the Brook by Lack , L s Sylphes by Bachman , Grand Valso Do Concert by Mattel , Grand Galop Do Concert by Kclteres , Alpine Echoes by Karl Mcrz , and thousands of other selections equally as good. We have a complete cata logue of this lot and will be pleased to mull them anywhere. Aside from this we carry an elegant line of all the very latent ot music that Is published , both clabsle and popular , vocal and Instrumental , anything you may want In the way of piano studies , both vocal and Instrumental , In fact wo carry everything In the way of sheet music and books and sell It tn you at just about half the price other dealers ask'jou for the same selections. Complete catalogues mailed free ; mall orders piomptly filled. „ . Headquarters for Omaha and tlie West. Buying Dress' Goods in quantities equal to any jobbing ho use Buying Dtress Goods direct from manufacturers Buy ing Dress Goods , direct from importers certain'y ' entitles us to the privilege of claiming ourselves headquarters. This we can demonstrate to any shrewd b.uyer of Dress Goods. We quota in our Colored Dress Goods. 35-Inch all wobl novelties for 25c , A 38-inch all .wool ladlf * ) ' cloth in plain colors and mixtures at 25c a yurJ. \ \ a arn dally receiving "new additions to our COc line and we ghow over ICO different , pat terns at the above price. For 3'Jo per yard we claim the best value in Oirw'aa. Our CO-lnch novelties at 7Cc excite the admiration of all who ace them , Kor (1,00 and J1.25 wn tl.mi to show the handsomest Hue of uovultfes over offered , Monday Mornijng Special Wo will sell from 9 until 10:30 : 50 pieces novelties 30-lnclics wide. ? ! > c cloth for 17c. Carpets and Draperies Special reductions In Nottingham curtains from prices already Its lowest. All the $2.00 curtains cut to $1.60 . The $3.00 curtains reduced to $2.00. Higher priced ones nt corresponding re ductions. Great run on Hrussel tapestries at 40e to 70c per yard. A splendid line of corduroys , and up- hclstery goods of nil kinds at very low prices. Window shades at 15c , i5c , 35c. Closing out all our mattings for fall at n great reduction. Table Idiieiis Special sale In remnants of table linens Monday. Linen crash at 4' , c. Linen ton els at Cc. Linen fringed cloths at C5c. Iledspreads at 50c. Fringed napkins 25c. Haycleii Bros , ' Provision Department Respectfully calls your atten tion to their bulletin. Hutter und E ss Fine country butter , 7c , 'Jc .ind lie. Very best country buttar , 12lic , 25e , Creamery , 17c. Meats Salt pork , 3' c. Corned beef , 3' c. Pickle pork , 5c. California hams , 7c , lioston hams , G'/fcc. Finn bacon , 7c. No. 1 bacon , 9c. llologna , 4MsC. Crackers Soda crackers , 5c. Ojstcr crac-kers , Cc. Ginger snaps , 7'Xsc. Lemon creams , T'ic , . . . , ' Oatmeal crackers , V'/ic. Graham crackers , 7',4c. All frcoh and nice. None 'out th > 5 host Cheese Here Is low prices for you. Brick cheese , Sc. Llmbcrscr cheebe , ic. Swiss cheese , Iflc. Full cream cheese , 7'/4c. Young America , lOc. Lard Once more we offer you the best lard made at Cc pound In DO-pouud cans. Fruits : ind I'ish A full line of frultn and nuts on hand at all times. Head our prices on fish. Codfish , 3' c. Salmon , 7V4c. Whiteflsh , r.c. 10 line herring , 25c. Holland herring , "Cc. Bargains in" the Grocery Department. 20 pounds Granulated Sugar for $1.00 I'uro Table Jelly , per pall 12V4c lireaUfnst Oatmeal , per pauKage DC Good Flour , per sack COc High Patent Flour , Superlative 85c 9 bars Standard Laundry Soup. . . . . 25c New Evaporated Peaches , pur pound. . . . 5c Wheatel , the now breakfast food 7'ic Imported Dill Pickles , per tjuart Gc 3 pounds Japan Itlco lOc Tapioca , per pound. . ' 3c Condensed Milk , per can , only 7 > 'Be We save yon 5O per cent on-Teas Our Ambrosia Tea makes the finest Iced tea you ever drank 43c Teas you pay COc for , any kind , we Bell for 35c Choice Teas , any kind , for 25c Good Teas , fine drinks lOc Our Coffees Boasted Fresh Daily High Or a ilc Mocha and Java , special , , . . 30c Hcst Golden Ilia , best grov.'ii 2Gc llfst Java Mixture , delicious flavor 27o No , 2 HIo , a good drink 20c ( iiiiirantcuil to pie ise or your money buck. Black Dress Goods. BPCCIAL FOR MONDAY 25 pieces Priestley's novelties , the 9Ss ( juility , luo $1.25 quality for 7Sc. 42-Inch silk warp Henrietta , 7"c. 62-Inch $1.25 extra fine anJ extra heavy serge , 7Cc , 40-Inch German jpcquar. ! novelties , 50c. Cl-lnch Imported ser e , ! ! 9c. 45-Inch Lizard novelties , Ui < > $ ' . , 2 i flot'j , 76c. 4G-inch FrlsEe cloth worth } 1.CO , fcr ! iSu The correct thing 'or eklrt aui capes. 10 pieces ot our Jl/JO number bla k < ith- mere , In blue , black and Jet Monday , SOc. Fall and Winter Millinery AT HAYDEN'S The fall and winter style hats and bonnets are ready. Everything that is new and nobby in Millinery is here. Pat. tein hats , the swell creations of the London and Parisian mil linery artists , the productions of the eastern style makers of America and hundreds of exquisite hats from the deft fingers of our own workers , embodying all the new ideas displayed. Never before were we in a position to show such a varied and beautiful assortment of all the desirable hats , bonnets , dress shapes and trimmings. . are the acme of nobbinGSS and be' comingness. We show , among many other shapes , the Niagara , the Osmond , the Atlanta , qhe Campania and the Winner. Walking Hats are in great demand. The fa vorites will be the Belmont , the Monica , the Overland , the Pembroke , the Tandem and the "Girl of the Period. " We show them all. The new fashionable Dress shapes are the Corona , the Mignon , the Progress and the ; Columbian. To be had heie , ' of course. , , . ; ; BluOk and colored Aigrettes'Mercury WingH , Iritltt3centv"Quili" ' ' "EJara < lf8B Phnnatro und ull the fashionable trimmings arc in profusion. All tho'now do- aitjns in Moire. Dresden nnd Tutfota Ribbons. Wo will be K'nd ' to have you come in nnd see ourMilliner.v. The selections' have all been made by experienced and tasteful milliners'ovory ; ' touch baa boon given by skilled fingers. The stylus arc new and elocaut. The great variety wo show will enable you to find a becoming hat or bonnet. The style has been put in the Millinery not Jn the prices. The oxtrava- ganfo has boon squeezed out of the figures. Purchasing directly and placing largo orders , wo secured the bc t values. Wo name by far the lowest prices on new Fall and Winter Millinery , Our men's hut department Is stocKcd with you an assortment of nil oolors , ? lmpcs and a full line ot neat , nobby anJ fashionable" sizes. Men's soft hats at 35. , 503 , 7Cc , $1.60 $ , hcadwcar. We can s.vo > ou COc to $ I. 0 | 1.25 , Jl.GO , ? 1.75 , ? 2. ,0 , $2.25 , S2.BO and up. on each hat purchasd. Wo Invite you to We have also a big assortment of boys' Inspect our special $ .CO hat. This gives hats ; also ladles' e.ips and Tain O'SIu.utcra. Notion Bargains Wo arc selling laces at I'/.c per yard. lOc fancy elastic at . " ? < EH\ . lOc purses nt Gc. lOc toothbrushes at Cc. IRc hair pins at Be. COO dozen ladles' fan.'y hand cmbrolt'ifvil Initial handkerchiefs , hemstitched , only each. 7Bc table covers , < IS3 THE GREATEST. , . Silk Department . . . IN THE WEST , We have more silks in open stock than all the other Omaha houses combined. We buy our Silks direct from the mills for cash. We sell for cash. That is the reason you cannot afford to buy silks anywhere e'ss. ' Prices on r.ilks are always lower here than elsewhere , New Silks arriving daily. Goods cheerfully shown at all times. Some Spscial Leaders in Colored Silks. Changeable silks for cupe lining , 24 in. wide , 2Sc a yard , Printed Jap silks In dark colors for fall , 29c a yard. Changeable surah ullk , 22 in. wide , all silk , 39o a yard , Solid color groa grain silks , all colors , for 49c a yard , IJrocaded taffeta silks for waists , regular fl.OO a yard , 4lc ! a yard. Changeable taffeta silks , all new combina tions , D9o a yard. Drapery silks , 32 In , wide , CO now dcalgua , 39c a yard. Cheney Jlros. 21 In. printed Incllas , worth 76c , for 49o a yard , Hlack and \\hlte check taffeta silks , C9c a yard. Kancy waist sIlliB , an endless variety , for C9ca yard. Some Special Leaders in White Silks. Japanese wash silk In white , only 21 In , wide , 2Cc a yard. Yard wide , Jap wash Bilk , regular 7Ec value , for 39c a yard. White taffeta ullk for linings , 21 In. wide , for 4'Jc a yard , Urocadci ] , white silica , 24 In , wide , for only C9c a yard. Fancy novelty nursss , worth Tflo to 73c , only 25c. Ladles' 3 pocket purses , 111 each. nig Job lot paper novels , worth 25c , 3Co and COc ; your choice at lOc each. Velveteen skirt facing , lOo for I yards. Only 2JJ.C per yard for fr.rlns worth Sc. Now veilings Just ieelvud , at lOc , ICe , 25c and COc yard. Pattern veils 23c and COs eac'i ' , Black Silks. Black India slllc , 21 inches wide , extra iiuallty , for 2o. ! ) Ulack Surah , extra heavy , 24 Inches wide , worth 7Cc , for 39c. Illuck brocaded India silks , 21 Inches wide , for only 40c , Dlack taffeta silks for skirt * or llninga , 49c. , Jllack Taffeta ellk , extra heavy , rustling Quality , Me , Illack brocaded taffeta silk , 21 Inches wide , COc. lllock pcau do sole dress silk , worth $1.09 for 7Cc. Illack brocaded satins , largo designs , for skills , 7Cc. JJIack brocaded Ores Grains , new design * , OrC * Lenders iti Velvet Department. All colors In silk finish velvetus for only 25c , Colored silk velvets , tegular 75o grade , for only S9e. Till- best xlik velvets. In all colors , for the price.in thin country , $1.00 a yard. AN KL12CUNT ASSOHTMISNT OK SPECIAL PATTJJHNS IN EVUNINQ BILKS roil DJIBS3H3. HAYDFN RPOTHF JL JLjTlL. A JL/J rfJL i JLJJD VX A JLJL