TUTS OINr ATI A DAILY HER ; SUNDAY , SEPTEMKETt 13 , 1890. SPEOIRuNOi'lGBS. lor llicne column lie tnkcn until lUt.tO it. MI. , * ' " ' cvcnliiK nnil iiiilll 8 H. * < ' ' inornliiR nnd Sniulnr cilll < niK > 11 nnm- Ailicrdserw , by rcuticntliiB linvc nripirvcru n l- licrcil vlicck , cnn niiinlicrcil letter lit cnre ili-rnMr < l to n of Tlie HCP. AiiK crpi fo nil < trcmci trill lie dplliorcil on iiroxciitntlou o ( lie rhcrlc < > nl > . llnlc , 1 1-ac a iroril nrnt Intiprtlon lo u mini llu-renttcr. Notlilnw tiilccn for lp n tlmn a5e lor the Jlrnt Inner ilon. ThpHp niltertlnciiifiitii iuit t lie run rnimpuntlt ! > < WA.NTi ; SITUATIONS. BITI'ATION BY EXPERIENCED CREAMERY hnhd , references furnished. Address 48 Ike . A G3.-1.I BlTf'ATION"WANTin. : YOI'Nll MAN Ol' 1N- ICKrlly : MrntiR , < rcrKftle , rpllnhlc : cnpnlile. with Rood rcfprcncrs Address W . " > ! ; ' „ . > 13 \rANTit : > . TOUNO MAN , rlnm stcnocrnpher Hnil typewriter : lie moo , wllllnc to innk < > himself uscfiil. el . * Tlrst Nnl'l Hunk MilR. _ A 8C7-1J * " WANTKO , HITl'ATION" nKOIsriilUn plmrmm 1st of 12 M-nrs' pxpctlenco , pnti fur nish best of icfcrcnccc Aclilrcxa U neat and * font , COcts per dn > . Address . . - . lice. A 670 IT WANTEuTsiTUATION IIY YOUNO LADY AH rnmimiilnn ! cnn furnish references , A 1i1rrM W M , ll . A-MiW ! - SITUATION WANTED-UY TIIOIlOfOlI EX- pirljnecd gin-nry elcrk bent of lefi-rences. A. II , M. , 1213 Park WMil nve. A7i8 lo nn M IM : HUM * . nn. AN iijn.v : wno PAN THINK or fomo nlmplo thlnif In palml ? I'rriPU .votir Irti-nn thcj imiv lulnp ; > mi vvcnllli vviltcJohn WnMciliurii .t l'o , l > cpl. V. 1'ntcnt Attciinrjs. WnRhlnultin P f . foi their 51 ' 00 prize offer nnil n ll t of SM Inventions vtuntpJ H 371 _ _ WANT fit ) . TlOYH AN OIllI.iT TO COLI.nOT ftnnipn , nny kliul : for ternm mill slumped envelopA. . A , Austin , rrovliteiico , WANTii-AN : AfTIVn MflN UV1JHY LO- rnlltv to rirwnt | us ( no foitunc hunter wnnteil ) : will KUiirnnter J15.W wu'ldy iiinl nil oxponuMi ; Invcullgnlc nt once. HorW , lloa- tun. MiifH . U-.MSM PC' _ _ _ _ " " JCO TO 5iro"ANp"tt.SrlI3NSlM f.\IU SALHS- men for i-lk-nrs , experience unnicrns.iry , i-\tm Inilucpinriils lo customers. O.ias C Itlchcp S. Co. , St. Louis 11 MOO ? 07 _ * _ WANTED. YOIJNfJ MAN TO WORK TOR borflil , loilRltiK unit email pay ; prlviitc hoiifi , no Imtn e'nti Imvo part of nflcrnoonH tar nchool , AdilrfBB W M. lec. ll-6t.0 CANVASSES WAN'Tll ) . 1X1 StfLL TllJ U S ImlpHtrULtllilc riio Klnillers nnil Oil Cans , tills n vvnnt foiiiul In cvcrv hoitfp'.ioM US Slfjf. Co. , ronil ilii Luc. Win H MCii 11 WANTED , AI'l'UiNTICiS : : IX ) H HA III I nil trade ; goinl clmncc for men to Join our iln > or ovuilIK clr r only t Isht weeks ipqillml. cinistan : p-nrllre ; ultmllr.iis furnlhhpil , MHKCS mmlc f-u'Mrilavg w'li- learning Molor'8 Ilailir hiliciDl , 2R.1 So Clnrk sl , e'lilcaK" Rpnil for frea cnti.loKiic -MCSi U * BALilsMliNT N13W SIDi : LINK. SMALLEST mle pn > s ilollur nnd n h.ilf , fair slzeil onler. lr > . Pocktt vninplc. DrURRlotH nl others Stout Mfe Co. , l'J7 Cnnul t. , Clilcneo HAIiSMIN WANTnn-JKO TO J125 1T.K month nnd ( ipvnrex htiiplo line ; position permanent , pli'ii ant nnil ilcslrnlili1 Aililre * wllh stump , Kln ( ? Mfg Co . C 102 , ChlcnKC jsoo PIH 1,000 rou DISTIIIHUTINO Inisj enclose < e. ( Jlobe AilvertlsliiB AKSC'II N Y. City. 1 > - _ LAHQI : CIGAR rniM WANTS A SALESMAN In every locnllt > , T'ft per month nnd expensed to heRlnners. Unllrelj new hiijiiteiiiciila to n -cnls nnj ilenltrs AdilrcBS box 1210 , Chicago $4 $ 50 I'UIt 1C(0 ( CASH TOR LISTniBUTIXQ CIR- culnrn ; inclOFC I ccnls , U , S. Distributing burcnii , ChlcnKO. B AUTISTS AND AHT WOIIICCIIS OF K rex. In nil blanches of iirt. whether profes- Ktonul or innaleur. uinl lrro pcrtvc | of tllslunce , or locnllly , nro Invltcil { n enKsiKe fpnce for examples of ihclr work unil lo compelc for premiums In the Brent International Ait Kx- hlhlllon to IJH lit hi IhroiiRhout tlie monlh of December. 1& % . In Ihe llne t cvhlblllon h.ills In Amerlcn. The exhibition will bo open more especially to tic follov\lnf ? lines of Eenrc , iinmely : Oils nml water colors In Hmlscnpc , mnrlnu , llKiirc , entile , nnlmnl , porlrnlt nml nmlu Mucllps ; Inpeslrlcs , p islcls , crnjons , pen nnil Ink ttuilles ; ehlim nnlntlhi ? nml ilecornllon ; rculpluie , clay moilellliiK , hratH embosalng- , bnn-i-ellcfB , cnmeo culllnK. pottery nnil ceramic nrt , vvooil cnrvlnn' . vvn\v\orK , paper work , elch- liiB , enKrnvlnu , archltecturnl designing , nevvs- ii.ipor nnd imignrlnc Hlu lintlnir. photoKraph > , IllhoKrnphy , ntiujlcs In frcrco , poxlcrn , Inbels , fiiKhlon ilrulKnK clulned Rlnus , mural decora- lions , deelgn for niK , curpels , cclllnr nnd wnll paper , nnd many otlicrs lee numeioua lo particularize , hpnce ulll nlpo be nllolted to ' Industrial vvorklnB modelH If not too bulky erIn In excels of live out Exhibitors ik-slrlnii to illfpOKC of exnmplea of their work , will llnd thin n very exceiilloiml opporlunlly lo do BI > ns well UK to compete for piemluniH 1'ieo II- lUHtrnlefl pamphlet mulled on npidlcnllon per- Honnlly or by teller lo The International Art Inhibition. Qraiid Ccnlr.il I'nlace , New York Clly. U COS 13 , HY OLD KHTADLISIIRD IIOUSR , cxptrlenced fpecl.ilty BiiltEmnn to devote ex- clURhe attention ID our line , high commission , exclusive lerrllorj , none hut men with record need apply. Uox f > H , Chlcnio. 11 Cal 13 * WANTUU , SALI-.SM IN TOIl CIOAHS ; 13X- perlence unncte tnrj , JH"0 " montily and ex- pcnpis ; bi-hl llr > uu nnd McKlnloj liltiac'tlonn rollt , llllchlc .t Co , hi. I-oulu. 11 C07 13 BALnSMDN , 15 A Vv'KITK TAKINf ! OKDIIUS for Quultir roldlm ; Vnpor liulh C.iblnets , 50,000 pnld ; cveiboily bii > s , vlclc or well , turklbh , HtiEslan 01 mettlcnted bntliR nl home , no balh tub I or Dr. bills ; cures' cold , rhetimnllHin nnd nil blood , hkltl. nerve nnd kidney dlheases , benulllle the lomplexlon , price low ; crenlcst ncllcr knovMi , book fiec , J , S'orId Mfpr Co ColumbUB , O. Il)3 ! ) 13' _ TIK nuioiiT MEN TO I'uni'Ain : ixm nx- llinltliltlon for BOV eminent positions tu be held In Oinnlm HOOII. G.OOu nppolnlments to be miulc. Splendid chnnce. I'urtlculars HH lo Hiilnrles , iluteH , etc. , fieo of Nntlonnl Corret ponileiice Instltulu , Wiihhlnglon , 1) , U , 11 695 13' WANTED , SALESMAN , TIlAVELEnS TIIOM llila city \lKlllnir dniir , Krocery or confec tionery trade cnn make iirrangunenU to luindle a very nice Bide line by nJdttsBtnf W 53 , llee II-7S7-13 WANTED A Iir.LIAIlLE , INDUS- trlniiH man wllh fiom $500 cnsh cipllul up- wnril , to take active Intcicft In u lilKlily hon- oruble. pleueaiil , permanenl und ftrlctlj leKlll- tnnlo biiclnesH In each clly of 10,000 Inhabitants nnd upvviirds not ulrend ) nccuplcil. No piitent rlKht bcheme or pubfiiliulon book business , Money fully teemed ; mlury from J"00 to It , HO n 5 ear. according tu size of cltj. 'VMII KUaran- lee the reluin o * cvtry dollar out of the pro ceeds of 1 10 business , tleur of nil expenses In tlueo month'H lime , Over COO refernces. Do not linautr lllilcpa > ou iiunn business and have th amount of money lucfta.iri. Adilrens W C ! , llec. Il-M 74J-13 SALESMEN TO SELL ClfSARS ; LI1IERAL proposition for workers ; experience unnecet. sary ; write foi parllculnis. Globe Clitar fac tory , 1S3 So. Clinton St. , Chicago. 1I-735-13 * LAIlOftEUS ON HAILUOAD COMPANY vvoik , W > OIHIIK | ; t'ood wiiKes ; free fare. Kra mer ti O'lliain , 112U 1'nrnnm fitn-et. 11-742 1C _ _ BALEHMEN viBirma to curry our line of silver plated ware on commission. Addte s lloguu bllvcr Co. , 147- 153 1'lflh nve. , Chlcafc-o. IJ-M71S 15' CIIlCULAll DISTlllIHITOHS EVEIlwiIKIll ; $6.00 per 1,000 ; Inclose two t lamps. Central Supply Co. , Troy , O , It 719 13 * WANTED. YOUNQ MEN WISHING TO TAKE rlvll service t-xamlnullons , which occur teen In Omaha for nillwuy mall clerks and other positions , to write for vuluable Infornmtlon tfrre ) , U , H. Uureau ot Infoi million , Cin cinnati , O , 11-710 13 > GOOD 1'OSITIONS rOK MEN OK WOMEN , J-'O.W per inont.i KUurnntevd. Apply ut i.'j N. 19th * t. , Tucmlay or Thursiluj. u n. in to 5 p. m , II TU 13 * SALESMEN WANTED TO I'AItUY A SIDE line for lh dry xoods trade ; none but wide. uwuke , experienced dry goods men need an- s \\rrf tiltt commissions. Aildress , with refer ence , Weber Munufaituilnt , * Co. , Othkonh , WIs , AOUNTS. CLUIiH-CAMPAION CATALOOUE free ; latest cumpulgu novelty , cold or tlhi-r bannerette by mull , 10 cenls , latest motto but tons. three sumplfs , 10 cents , one dozen 3i > ccnls ; special price large quantities ; new cam paign horn by mall , U cenls , General Manu- fucturlng Co. , 10 ; Fulton tt. , New York. 11778 _ _ AGENTS WANTED TO SELL A WONDEItFUL new wrltlne Ink ; novel , staple und proilluble ; IileiurB everybody , vvrllu today. Uuil Chemi cal Works , 107 Uait 27lh St. , New York. 11775 r-MPLOYMKNT UUREAU , 1524 DODOE WANTS lota of hold und private family help , Tel. S7. C S B19 * WANTED AN ACTIVE WOMAN AT J10.00 weekly Iu represent us. Address llax (308 , Uo - ton. MUB . C M5 4 OC' BTENOQIIAPHER WANTED. ADDRESS , ntutlnK eipcrlence and wages wanted , The D , J , Co. , 2U4 N. lr t , tJouth Omaha. Neb. I G-MI7S 11 * W WrlSI _ KKMAI.K IIHlit * . ( Continued , ) WANTED , OIHU UNDER 15 YEARS OLD , TO ntsltt In homework at 1814 Webster M. C MCCJ 15 WANTED. A GIRL FOn GENERAL HOUSE , M2J Dodge * t. C G7M5 * WANTED , ntltlj roil OKNKRAL HOPSE vfotk , at 2814 Cnpltolnvc. C-714-13 * _ LADIES TO wniTR roit rs AT HOME ; NC rnnvatMriK Enclose Mntnp for reply , silver Tern company , Aurora Imllnnn C " 13-13 * WANTED. IIIUOIIT IiA1 > liS : TO TAKI1 OR ilcrs for OUT klndercnrlfn specialty In city nn < < v < ry county In tip I'nltul State' , Nothing like It , Just the thine for the holidays ; exc-ln Plvc terrltor } , permanent employment Write fur paitlculars AddirM the Port Dearborn 1'ub. Co , No US , Dearborn St. , Chicago. vLL LADY ARTISTS SHOULD ACT UPON announcement published today In help wanted columns ilfillcnlpil to the opposite sex by npply- ItiK for free Illtistrntcil pronpecliis lo The In ternational Art Exhibition , eiraiul e'entral Pnlnce , New York City. C CM ) 13 * WANTIO. : A COMI'ITINT OIRL rou OEN- einl housework. Call nl 1231 South 3l t otreet J. P. Dale. C-M7CO 14 * rou itivriioirsis. : HOUSES IN ALL PARTS Of Tlin CITY. THE O r. Davis Company , 1505 rnrnam D 372 HOUSES.HENEWA A co. , ics N. ISTII ST. U-373 MOIillN HOUSES. C. A. STAnil , 923 N.Y LIKE D 374 STEAMHIATID STORE"ANDPLATS. Howard Itanck , agent , 1010 Chicago street. cnoici : HOUSES AND COTTAOES ALL oven the city , < 5 to } 50. Pidelltj , 1702 Knrnnni.D . D 376 LA ROE LIST or HOUSES. THE HYRON Itecil Co . 212 8. 14th t. 13 377 _ llOfSES WALLACE , DROWN HLK. , 1CT1I luil IlotiKlns , 3-37S HOUSES & STORKS r. D.WEAD , IG & D 24G GOOD COTTAOES. DESIHAHI.Y LOCATED cheap. S-ioom house near business ; 7 rooms , modirn. 541 S. S7th street. L. S. Skinner , agent , 310 N. V Lire. D M157 RENT , pixiMODERN FLATS , block. CC6 S 13th street. DSliisa S20 _ rOH HUNT. 10-UOOM HOUSE. MODERN , lieifcct lepalr. Tlj | _ > ? . l tli sl. _ D-M1TO 7-llOOM HOUSEr"MO DERN , 24'0 CHARLES street , l o 7-room collage .nljolnlni ? Applj to a. N. Clajtun at Wababh olllce , 1415 Parimm street. D-MJ64 C.IIOOM HOUSE , sso bo liin STIIEET 4.ito61d HusEscHEAp. 1109 MAIICY. r > in V17-2C * _ SECURE" TENANTS 1'OR YOUR HOUSES BY listing with Hol'blnH Ibth d rmnain.O"634'18 O"634'18 MODERN "TuilNlbltUD I10USE ELECTRic light , BBS and barn HO N. 33d st MODERN CORNER PLAT. zm LHAV- cnmiith st. D-MOC1 OlO _ rou nr.NT , A cuoicn inTArnnn MOD- cin 1-rooni IIOUFO , No.2r.M Cnpltol a\e , $3500. II. II KalilhuM , f 669 _ I'Oil Itr.N'T , IJLIMANT TI3N-KOOM HOL'Si : , XNlth all modiin con\enleni.cs , tplendld nelnh lun hood. Inquire Illcks , Itonm 305 N. Y. Life D-MOC 13 rou nNT , ruiiNisunn on house , S rooms , modern. C03 1'arK a\enup U C13 _ HUNT , A tlANnSOMlTLY riNISEIKD three-Btnn1 brick , modirn il clllnK , nt 2214 rnrnntn st , rental , } 40 00 per montii Apply to W. U Mcllvlc , C04 1st Nnt'l Hank Uldfr D-JIC73 20 _ _ 3-IIOOM COTTAGH , S. E. 23D AND CLARICR OflOHIUl 1BT , 7-UOOM 1IOUSU. I'AHTLY rdrnlihcil , modern oniucnleiiLes ' 4 block from car line. Address ur call room 1 , Darker biu. U-715-U' n ANI > rivn noosi COTTAGIS , GOOD icpilr. Hard and soft water. Inquire rear of 3517 Hurt street. D 7IB-I3 * 2.133 ST. MAIIV8 AVK. 0-HOOM HOUSG. modem , oak llnlsh , J2o.CC. Gar\ln Ilros. 1C13 rarnam M. DM 729-14 C-ROOM TLAT , MODCRN CONVKNinNCHS , n''tO , C-ioom nit , modern $2000 , Clouspi blk , ICth and Jones Sts , Qarvln Iiro , 1013 1'arnam St. D M72S-H TOR RUNT , B-ROOM COTTAG13 , 2STH AND Tarnam sticot. Inquire Milton UORCIH * bon , llth nnd Karnam. D 740 NINII-ROOM DITACIIID MODURN HOUSE , vllh barn. Apply No , 2C03 1'lerce st. st.D D 741-19 'OR RENT FLAT. SIC S. 15TII ST. LTND- qulst. D M751 18 NKW COTTAGI3 , 4 IIOOMS. CELLAR , CIStern - tern , city water , 1C 00. Enquire 1318 r.-unam D M 745-13 UHNISHCD COTTAGE TJ'.OM OCT. UNTIL July , perhaps longer. Call at once. 1120 South 10th bt. D M772 15 FOIl UI3.NTFUUMSIin IIOOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS TOR HOUSEKEEPING for man and wife. Kent taken In boaid 319 N. 17. E M492 URNISHED ROOM , 2017 HARNEY ST. E 590 13" NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. 1703 DOUGLAS street. E MC1C 15 2 OR S rtJRNISHED JIOOMS TOR HOUSIi- keeplne COO N. 17th. E MC55 14 THREE NICE TURNISIIED ROOMS : LIGHT housekeeping. 112 S. llth. E 071-17 * X R RENT , riJRNISIIED AND UNPUR- nlsned rooms steam lic.H , KRH and bath , terms reasonable , 2319 Douglas. E 739-13 * TWO ruRNisiun > ROOMS roil LIGHT liousektL'pliiK , modern 2009 Cuss. IJ-M742 15 _ _ "OR RENT , A SUITE Or JlOOMsT 'sOUTII front ; near IllKh ecbool ; for two Kentlemen or man ami wife. Address W C7 , Ike ollltu E 759 13- TWO ROOMS , ItACIC I'ARLOR AND ROOM connecting , unfurnished ; modern , for Unlit housekeeping 2C21 Ia\enport. E 7C1 13 * URNISHED OR UNrURNISIIED ROOMS , with or without board , 1C09 Cap avp. E-M773 19' NICELY ri'RNISHEO ROOMS TOR LIGHT haimekecplni ; . 412 N. ISth t. E777 13 * KUH.VISlinil IIOOMH AM ) 11OAHU. TRONT ROOM WITH ALCOVE , ALSO SIDE rooms , Roud board ; best location In city , 212 H. 25lh st. 1' 1)54 ) NIGH ROOMS , GOOD HOARD , RATES REA- iwnuhle ; tianslcnt acccmmodatLd. Tlie Rose , 20iO Harncy. r M972-b20 IOOMH WITH HOARD , STEAM HEAT. UTO. pta , 1721 l > enport st , r C92 IS * URNACE HEATED. WELL LIGHTED AND \enlllatoil rixuii. with board for t o teachers at 2019 St , Mary's axcnue. r 719-13 * URNlSIiriD ROOM AND HOARD IN Till- \atc family , references , 1429 N. 20th V M-720-16 * 'HE HENDERSON FLATS , 1010 AND 1042 feO 25th t. , under new mamiKi'inent , two larKe front rooma to rent , xvlth board , r 718-13 * NICELY rURNIHUnO ROOM WITH PRIVATE bith nnd board at 1M1 Chlcdgo. I1 710-13 * VANTED , A PLEASANT. COUPLE TO HOARD for the winter , I'rlvnte family. Address W [ 6 Uee. r 72I-13 * NICE SOUTH ROOM , GOOD LOCATION. WITH board. 2301 Douglas st , r M757 15 * OR RENT-LARGE 1'RONT ROOM WITH bourd , suitable for twin pleasant location ; good home to right parlies. 2418 Cans st , I' 753 13 * 1ESIRAHLE SOUTH IIOOMS WITH HOARD , 202 N. 18th , r-MTMl 15 * _ _ 'OR RENT TO A PARTY OP GENTLEMEN , desirable south front rooms , with board , pri vate bath and ute uf telephone ; central locu * tlon. AddUM X 1. jlce. T-M768 13 JICE ROOMS AND HOARD , 2013 DOUGLAS. F M791 2C * i-oii ni.vru.M''im.VsiiiD THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS , RATH , HOT and cold water , splrnilld location U10 N. IDth. ) I'Oll HUM' bTOHUS AXU OI'FJOIiS. IRSr-CLASS IIRICIC STORE IIUILDINQ. 1011 Furnam ; thrte ktorles and bafcement ; will alter to tult tenant' low rent , ) H Ikl Nut'l H'lc bid ; , OR RENT. THE 4-STORY lilHCK nUll7uiNQ at S16 rarnam it. This building hus a Hreproof cement basement , complete Keuin heatlne fix tures , water on all Hour * , IMS. etc. Apply at tn ofllce of The Hee. 1 910 ' 1115 rOUK'BTOllY AND IJASEMENTi 11RICK building , at 1211 Howard street iuuttablc for toraee anil commUilon , or mauufucturlni ; bun- lnc . ti. a. National banK. I S80 AOKM'S JIG MONEY IN LATEST CAMPAIGN AND cumlo bultoiu , 600 kinds , bottom pi lets ; box umi > le tor dime. Campaign hupply company , 81 Arch Street. IJoston. Mii * . J MJll AGENTS WANTED TO SELL AN AHTICLU needed In etery home , KVOJ money to huntleri. lloout * . Crountt block. J-M7U U * AOHNTS WANTHI ) . ( ContlnuK ! . AOBNTS. MAKE ROO TO JROO A DAY INTRO duclnjr the "Comet , " the only $1 00 snap * ho camera made ; the sreatest * ller of the cen turyj Rencrnl nnd local nEftitn wnntert nil o\ * the world , cxclu < he territory , write today fn ( emu nd ramplte. Alken-Oleoton Co , N ! R La Crosdc , WIs. J M678 15 WANTED-MEN AND WOMEN TO WORK POI us day or c\enlnpr nt their honiei , nice , plena nut work , no rnn\n slnK. Experience nut nt-c trnry. We pnj salary Enclose stnn p f r I nr tlrulnrn. Standard Mfg. Co. , 142 W. ZSrd H. New York , J SALISiMEN , JS.OO A DAY ; NO CANVASSING no delltrrlex ; no collection" ; sample * frrs side line or exclusive. Mfrs , 3941 Maikct st , I'hlln. . J AGENTS EVEItYWHERE CAN MAKE IM menro profits , Our nummer tprclaltles , Ju nut , fell nt sight. Write for catalogue ful 'nformntlon fcample lOc , Aluminum No\cl ty Co , 335 Ircnd ) ny , New York J A013NTS MAKE 100 TO 300 PER CI3NT ON GUI 25c article , every horfc owner must have one or more , pclln on merit , no talking : exclusive territory. V. Hunter Co. , Racine , Wl * . J SE " 'EM JUMP ? AGENTS HANDLE "T\IK \ bug on the platform" Heel cnmimlgn novelty out , nitnplr , K'c. ' benrs Jcvvelrj Cn , 22'i Deir- born , Chicago. . ' AGENTS MAItn" $35 WEEKLY SELLING"otMl lllg Six nnd other tpeclnltles. Hlg prollts , iiulck fcnles , steady emplojnient , termi , pirtlcu * lars , terrllor > free. Central Supply Co , Cin cinnati , Ohio J " " " WANTED ! AGENTS STLL IIRYAN "Jt"Mc" Klnlcy In colllns Illg profits , qilltk sctleiii , samples Ccts. E ; i-chloss , 144 Monroe ft , . Chi cago. J 733-13 * WANTED-AdENTS ; GOOD HI'STLER CAN make 20 W.J.1 W per week ; T > 00 deposit rc- itulicd for KiitnpleH , 417 Dec Hulldlnu. J JI752 14 * AGENTS TO HELL THE VICTOR * M EAT T-13N"- diicr ; pat. July , 1S50. Not n pounder. Makes meat Under In n minute. Illi tst * eller out , sample by mall , Me. Charles E. llontc Ac Co , . Cincinnati , O. J 703 13 * AGENTS TO SELL GOODS ; HIO SELLER , sil.iry or commli-olon , sample r > c In Mumps Nn\Llt > Mfg. ARinc ) , 115 E. Klnrle St. , Chicago. J .04 13 * AGENTS WANTED-l-REE SAMPLE ; MOST useful campaign novelty out , nil tcnltory new , ad will not appear again , catch on qulilt. Political Map Co. , Trenton , N. J. J-70J 13 * WANTED. AGENTS TO SELL THE INDELI- hlc Check Perforator , rt lulls J" > 00 , large com- nilfslon Wesley Mfg Co. , 41 Pnik Ilinv. Ni-w York. J 701 1 ! * \GENTS WANTED , TOR "COMPLETE GOLD and Silver Coinage Laws" Clinches nrgu- mvntH regarding coinage laws. Nonpaitl-aii Sells to all Ten editions sold llrst month Send 25 centH for sample and term" . Rand , McNally S. Co. , ChlcnRo. J 700 13 * WA.VrUIITO HUNT. WANTED , A rt'RNISHED HOUSE PROM OCtober - tober until July , or longer ; reply Clifford W. Smith , 1320 Parnam st. K 878 WANTED AHOUT THREE UNPt'RNlSHED rooms with private faintly , steam or furnace heat and bath accommodations within eas ) walking distance of new postolllcc , for light housekeeping by > oung couple with good refer ences. Answer at once , stating price and full nirtlculnra , W , 35 , Hec office K 5S8 13 WANTED , 2 t'NPURNlSHED ROOMS IXR ) light housekeeping , within walking distance of P. O Address \ \ 04 , Hco olllcc. K COO 13 * I WILL PAY $2000 TO J25IX ) A MONTH POR a well built , modern , covon-room hou e within easy walking distance of business portion of to\vn. Addiess W CO , Hec. K 74J 14 * WANTED IIY MAN AND WIPE , HOARD AND room In private family ; willing to pay good price for suitable place , W 09 , Hee. K M743 13 * WANT HOARD AND TWO ROOMS ; ONE huge and une small , for mjtclf , wife and daughter , within walking distance of the Hec building , state price per month ; no attention paid to iinswerR not stating price. Address _ 'W. J.'j ; Hee olllcc. K M758 14 * YOUNG MAN DESIRES NICE ROOM , PRI- \nte family , with access to piano. Addn&s W CO , lice ofllec. K 7C.2 13 STOUAOn. PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , 908-910 Jones. General storage and forwarding. M-3S1 OM. VAN & . STORAGE , 1415 PAR'M TEL 1519. K-3S2 WA.vrnn TO JIUA- . WANTED TO RENT OR 11UY CORN CRIUS In eastern Nebraska or western Iowa on line of railway ; state location , capacity and terms. Address Albert Wilson , Room 42 , Itnllroid building , Denver , Colo. N M7C7 15 * FOR SALE FUIIXITUIIU. FOR SALE. S-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE , and house for rent ; all modern improvements and first class neighborhood anil cheap rent. No trades. Address U C7. Uee. O 272 FOR SALE HORSES AXI ) AVAGOXS. DURAI1ILITY TALKS. CARRIAGES , HUGGIES phaetons , bottom prices. A. J. Simpson. 1409 Dodge. P 384 3 HUGGIES , J2J TO JCO : 4 PHAETONS , FROM J35 to | 75. 2 purrcys. JCO to J90 ; 4 family : ar- r npei > . IM to $12"i ; 2 new open road wair i.s t-S l > > ummond Carrlttgo Co. , ISUi and a.irnij V M370 S38 OR SALE , A TEAM OF I1LACIC CARRIAGE hoises can be ECCII at 2204 California st. st.P P 405 STYLISH CITY CARRIAGE TEAM , I'REE goers , good stock , half price and part trai 1' . O. Ilex 478. * p 703 13' ' FOR SAIiU MISOHLLAMSOUS. 1EST HARDWOOD HOG AND CHICKEN fence ; also "all wire. " C. R. Lee , 901 Douglas. Q-3S5 FOR SALE. STOCK FIXTURES AND MA- chlnery of the Consolidated Coffee Co , 1414 Hnrney St ; at private Bale. Auction Sept. 22nd of what remains unsold. Call for list and prices , also manufacturing building and line lots on track 2Sth and Dojd Sts. , Omaha. J. H. Dumont , Receiver. Q 438 FOR BALE CHEAP ! HANDSOME OFFICE wardrobe , good letter press nnd stand , revolv ing de k , chair and olllce chairs. Apply at Room 303 , N. Y. Life JJldg Q MCCO 13 A FINE CHICKmUNG UPRIGHT PIANO , only J165 00. Fine Stone K Co upright , J145 Some other uprights , J110.00. PlanoH to rent Win. H. Schmoellcr & Co. , 318 McCague bldg. 742 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. MARY FRITZ , CLAIRVOYANT. 821 N. ICtli. B M447 10 * 1IATIIS , ETC. IISS AMES. VAPOR DATII8 , MAfiSAGE OT S. 13th St. , room 3. T MODS O7 * IRS. DR. LEON. ELECTRIC MASSAGE PARlors - lors ; refreshing and curative ; don't fall to call 417 S , llth st , , upstairs. T MCC5 15 * IME. SMITH , 1121 DOUGLAS STREET , 2D Moor , room 5 , massage , steam , alcohol and sulphurlne baths. T 754 1'J PERSONAL. HSS VAN VALKENIIURG DESTROYS PERmanently - manently by elictrlclty eupernuous hair , moles , wurts , etc. Room 416 , N , Y , Life llldg , U 387 nOSTON DRESS CUTTING ACADEMY , wanted , 100 ladles to learn system. Mrs a , Shelter , room 303 , Karbach blk , U 113S8 IUPTUHE CURED , NO PAIN , NO DETKN- tlon from business ; we refer to hundreds of patients cured. O. E. Miller Co. , 807 N. Y , Life bulldlne , Omaha , Neb. U 389 AVH MONEY IIY GOING TO DR. SEYMOUR for } our dental wcrk ; half rates next thirty da > s. 835 North 24thjt , U-M1S1-S22 lATHS , MAbSAr.E. MME. I'OST , 319V4 S. 10TH , U-2CO ' 1AVI. HOME TREATMENT FOIl UTERINE troubles. Phvtlclan In attendance. Consulta tion or health book free , 340 Hie bldg , U--3M F JOSEPH T. ML'RR IS STILL ALIVE WILL he send his address to his sitter. Emma Thorp Glover , Frultvale , California. Mother Is very sick and wants to hear from you. Is In Phlla- delphla. U-CC8-13 * -ADIES TAKEN DtrRING CONFlNEMKNTj competent nurtee und physicians In cliurne ; In fants adoptetl. Mrs. McOmber , KW Giirtleld ave. , Kuneus City , Mo. U M o 13 * 'O INTRODUCE MY WORK HERE I w'lLL pleat arcordl-ui fklrts for 11.75 for 15 days only. 204 Douglas block. U MW4 13 * KUSONAI.T-8UFFERER8 OF DYKPI-n'SIA and Indigestion , bend for free samples of Prrs- ton's Antl-d ) peptlo Tubleta. Mulled to any one. Our tablets will permanently and tpecdlly cure any care of stomach troubles. The I're - ton Chemical Co. , Cincinnati. O. U MAKE MONEY IIY SUCCESSFUL SPECULA , tlon ; tend for our free KUlde , "How to Specu late on Hiiuill Capital In Grain und blocks ; " goad fcervlce guaranteed. CoimUock , Coates & Co. . Rlalto HUlg. , Chloogo. U SUPERFLUOUS HAIR \\RITE FOR FREE IN formation how to remove hair permanently without slightest Injury to > kln ; superior to clectrla medic. Curtis Co. , U6 } : nj slrtet , Chicago. U ) OPPORTUNITY TO ItECOME LA\\ ful phjslclans. MtHfico1001 \ \ Concrr K St Chcngo. V 722-13 vrn < mrsTLA na 4 TO i Inches nt home , wild Ir Ormvn > 'pi Ilust Tnb lolds , nt trilling crt t : ll.CO for a. enft we cnn not , thofc lUvelopWl'lh past 12 > enrs rrov 'tis permnnent , real < M Tacts 4c , ptampf. Con way Specified Co.i 1831 Tremont St , Ho ton SInrr. U 723-13 * A LADY DRAWING FIRST I-REMU'M ON point lace nt fnlrwoilld take pupils , nUo few more pupils in I'ronch , terms renponnble W 64 , Hec , IH U76S 13 * WIVES AND MOTHKIlfl ! Drunkenness cnn 1m wired without patient knowledge , will fend rtcelpt tit ? to the p who need It Address nlth'ittnmp ' Mrs. Mn > Haw kins , lock box 131 , lUriind Rnplds , Mich. ' I ! 70J 13 * MOMJV TO IOAHEAL ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 313 N Y L Quick money nt low rates for choice farm loins In Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska W 391 CITY LOANS. C A STARR , MS N. Y. LIFE W 3.12 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Hrennan , Love Co , Paxlon block W-3M LOANS ON IMI'ROVT : ! ) & t'NLMPROVEI ) CIT\ property. W. Farnatn Smith S. Co. , 1320 Fnmam W-3 4 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW R VTES THE O F. Davis Co , 1505 Fnrnnm ft W 315 LOANS , LOW RATES , 1REY , 901 N. Y. LIFE. W-M2-b9 FROM MOO UP , F. D. WEAD , 16 A : DOUGLAS. W 243-S25 MO.M2Y TO I.OAX CHATTELS. MONET TO LOAN ON FURNITURErT'IANOS herpes , wngons , etc. ; at lowest rate In city , no removal of goods , strictly confidential ; ) ui can pay the loan off at any time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO . 306 So. ICtli St , X 396 MONEY TO LOAN. 30 W M DAIS ; FURNIture - ture , pianos , etc Duff Green , room 8 Knrker blk X 317 RUSIXESS UHA.XJES. FOR SALE , AHOUT 2,000 LUS. MINION TYPE. 700 Ibs. agate , ICO pnlr two-third cases , 4 ( double Iron stands for two-third cases. This material was used on The Omaha Hee nnd is In fairly good condition. Will be sold cvn | In bulk or In quantities to suit purchaser. Apply In person or by mall to The Itee Pub lishing Co. , Omaha , Neb. Y 711 } 8S AVERAGE WEEIO/Y NET INCOME WlTH } 250 Invested ; safe conservative , nro-pcuus , proofs free. F. Daly , 1293 Droadwny , New York. Y-92S-S154 sl 'ECt'LATE JUDICIOUSLY AND YOU CAN make monuj , excellent facilities for handling large or small orders In stocks , cotton , grnlr and provisions , bent book published and dal ! > review of mirkets sent fiee , member Chicago Hoard of Tinde 18 sears. Robt , H , Kelly Co 228 Ln Salle Street , Chicago. Y STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE FOR pile , ns follows : Groceries JidO phoes , $100 , dry goods , SI , 200. hats and caps ; i:5 ; ilxtures , (200 , all good clear stock , being In a good town Will take 40 per cent cash , balance In good clear properly. Address W C6 , llec. Y 730-13 FOR SALE. A FIRST CLASS RESTURANT. lunch and short order one block south depot ; will pell at a bargain. Mrs Me. I loom- Iowa , Ilex 570. Y M725-15 * _ AGENTS MAKE 30 00 TO $75 00 WEEKLY helling "Free blUer Politico ! I'ii7 le. " Sample lOc postpaid. Addrefs The Puzzle Co. , Dept D , room 801 Pontlno bldg , , Chicago Y 703 13 * AVERAGE PROFITS WITH $100 INVEST- mcnt. May 1'idO ; June , ( ; S20 , Jul > , $1 240 Send for particulars. Rice & Co , 119 Denrbotn Bluet , Chicago. ' Y 707 13 1:00 THE PROHLHM SOLVED. HOW TO play the races nnd m ike profitable lurf In vestments. I et us Rive > ou a helping hand to the royal road of wealth. Gather > our portion of the golden harvest. Last ear's average more than $1,200 per month. Conden & Co , Clinton bldg , Covlngtonj K > . Y 70G 13 * NOTICE WE ANALYZE All KINDS OP SOLIds - Ids and liquids nnd furnish working formulas for mamifnelurlng ; circular free. New York Chemical Laboratory , 107 East 27th nt . New York. Y774 13 FOR EXCIIAXOE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR LAND OR merchandise , $4,000 stoclc Implement jobbing house. Address V. C. M . Bee olllce , Council Bluffs. , „ , Z-871 WE EXCHANGE FA1W8 , STOCK RANCHES nnd city property ; send \n \ dCEcrlpllon of what jou have to tradejnow Is a good time to get hold of Onnha property. Hicks' Real Estate Agency , New York Life Uldg. , Omahn. Z MC59 13 WANTED , STOCK OF GENERAL MERCTIAN- dlsc to exchange for a farm ; $3 OCO 00 to J" 003 00. Henry C. S.mlth , Falls City , Neb. Z 732 13 WANTED , FARMS TO EXCHANGE FOR stock of gcnernl merchandise \alucd nt $6,01000 to $7.000.00. Henry C. Smith , Falls City. Neb 55-732 T3 OR EXCHANGE , GRIST MILL IN ILLS , water power , $3,00000 , clear ; will exchange for farm and pay difference. Henry C. Smith , Falls City , Neb. K-732 13 FOR SALD OR EXCHANGE ; ENTIRE GAS plant or half Interest In same , In good growing- western city , doing a good business , would take No. 1 Improved farm , with cattle In part payment. Address W 68 Hee olllce. X 731 13 FOR EXCHANGE , CORNER I/T IN HBD ford place on 31st St. , for southern , California property , or will sell. Chapman 1324 East 9th Los Angeles , Cal. X-M72C-I4 * WANTED TO TRADE AT ONCE. LIGHT DE- llvery team , 950 Ins each , for good driving horee Apply 2il3 C.IBS st / 73C 13 * "WILL EXCHANGE A GOOD UPRIGHT PIANO for board nnd room. Address W C5. Hee. K 7CO 13 * FOR SALK REAl. ESTATI3. IF YOU DESIRE TO PURCHASE FINE VAcant - cant property , cheap lots or houses and lots , for cash , or on very easy terms , do not fall to see the Fidelity Irust Co. , southeast corner of Hoc building Their list Is large and they recommend nothing but bargains. Ro-rM97I FOR SALE , CHEAP , BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE 0 rooms ; summer kitchen , hard and soft water ; good brick cellar , lot 35x127 ; cast front , part cash ; balance 6 per cent , 940 N. 25th btrcet. RE 393 OUR UEST BARGAINS INCLUDE SIX-ROOM modern cottage , new , within walking dlttance , for $2OCO. An 8-room cottage , one of the finest lots In Omaha , COxlC5 , natural Khadc , barn , etc , 53,000 Irand new C-rim in cottage In Avondnle park , bath , electric lighting , something line for a little money , n vacant lots have a beautiful MR. lot C blocks from the High tchool for JMW. und One of the choicest residence lots In the city of Omaha , nspialt pavement , natural shade , unoxcelk-1 neighborhood , 51,300. , lttle cash required to take any of the above. Call and examine our ll l. Fidelity Trust com pany , b. E , cor , Pie bid ; HE 717-13 A FEW BARGAINS THIS WEEK : Choice ncre lot , nhnde trees , etc. , $4M. Two nice cottages , beautiful lot. J3.7M ) , Modern 9-room house , only $4bJO. ( > lce house and lot , Hunscom Place. $2,800. room cottiiee , choice location , $2,200 , : holce 10-acre tract , paved street , } 2. H3 loufe and lot , near fair grounds , $ uo. landsome lot , 3-d andiDodite Btreets , only $1,250 HICKS , - 505 N , Y , Life Bldg. RE MC5S 13 ABSTRACTS. THE UYRON REED COMPANY. . HE 338 FARM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON. 912 N. Y , Life. , RE 903-818 * TnilB IS A SNAP lots Military ave. , nrar Hamilton ft , , and a lot on We t Leuvcnworth , all for JoOO. , W. Robblns , Ifctn and riirnntu sis I1U M733 ; 2 FOR BALE , 6 MILES NORTH OF OMAHA , 100 acres with first clus buildings system of water supply , about 30 acre * In applts , cherries , grapes und pmall fnilm , balance farm land and natural timber , will lia sold ut u bargain on easy terms. Address WE7 , , Uee. RE 724-11 * DA.NCI.NO bCIIOOL. MOHAND'H NOW OPEN TOR LADIES' OKN- tlemen , children and pjUuteIue es. Tor par ticulars und terma pleuse call , 1510 Harney st. | C89 on _ j _ _ lUILDI.Vr AM > I.OA.N ASSOCIATIONS. SIIAHKS IN MUTUAL L 4. n. ASS'N PAYS 6. 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , S , 3 years old ; always re deemable , 1704 Karnam st , Nat linger. Sec. 403 _ _ IOW TO OET A HOME Oil SECUIIB GOOD Interest on savlnm1. Apply to Omaha , L. & II Ass'n , 1704 rarnam. a , M. Nattlnccr , Sec. 404 LOST. ' LOST-SMALL ULACK I'AT FEMALE DOQ . answers iminti "Nle ; ' reward. The Hillside , UlhBnd Uodue. 710 I3 \V1IITB AN1 > YKLLOW ST. IIEHNAIU ) don ; leather collar , lull sheared. Tor reward call at 1)0 ! ) ! N. Sbth t. , or telephone 11.76. SHORTHAND AMI TIPKWUIT1NO. A. C VAN SANTS SCHOOL , CIS N. T. LIFE 400 AT OMAHA UUSLNnSS COLLEGE , 16TH ANt Doiiglns. MtK S2J IniSS3IAICI.N ( ! . MItS A HIOE HAS HEMOVED HEIl DHCSS. making from Sheetcy block to 1703 Douxlni MCI7 IS 'Aciir.D. rixisiD u : paired , matlrrs es mnde nnd renovnteil Tr > Wnlkln , 2111 Cumins , tel. 1111 fOS- I'AAVMIUOICnUS. H. MAU6\V1TZ L6ANS TONEY7418 N 10 ST. 409 MiilCIIA > T T.VII.OH. MAX 1X30EL , MintCIIANT TAILOH AND stcnm dearer , will leinovc to bn-emcnt under aerman SavlnRs bank , Scptcmbir 1st. tcl 197 : r -S-27 YHKINCY. CAPTAIN P. MOSTYN. DETECTIVE AGENCY , nil dclcctlvo work cnretully and promplly nt- tended to ; ? 10 Knilncli block , Oimihn , nnd M6 Iloanokc llldR , Chicago. MCCS Octl MUSIC , AltT AMI L ELOCUTION , 1 HYSICAIj CULTURE , MRS. W. N. Dorvvnrd , C23 N. 19th. Culling * from tlnnd. nnl nulhors. M5'J4-IS aEOHQE P. OELLENUECIc ! HANJO AND BUllar teacher. R , 412 Uee Dhls. Tcl ! J8 100 A PINE CltlCKERINa UI'UIOIIT PIANO. piil > I6' , 00 , line Mono { "o uprlRlit , JI45W , pome other uprights , $110 to , planoit In rent William II. Schmoller A ; Co , 31S McCngue IJldlf. 742 - MIIHCAI * . LADIES ! CHICIIESTER'S E.NOLISII PE.NN\- llnjnl pllln ( Ulamond brand ) nro Ihe besl. Snfe , reliable. Take no olher. Stnd 4o olamps for parllculnrp "Itellef for Indies , " In letter by return mnll At drucrlMs. Chlchester Chcmlcnl Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. Menllon llee THE PEOPLE'S DISPENSARY ? 1&52 DOt'OIAH ht. . never falls In dlpenses of women ; gives prompt relief without dangerous opnntimm , ! 5 Jenrs' experience. 75521 * FINANCIAL , NOTES , STOCKS , KONDS , MORTOAOE vvnrninls , life Insurance policies loans on nr bought. W 1' . Holdcn , P O. box 2J7 Omaha Neb iioiisics 1'A.sTuitnn. HORSES "pASTUlTED , 76C I'TR"jtONTII. T. Munnv M110-S-21 AMI NEW HOME , HOUSEHOLD , WHITE AND Davis Sewluir machines. Olllce 1514 Cnpltol ave. M2JO S2I RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves II1U11L1NGTON & MO UIVEIl lArrlves OmahaUnlon | Depot , lOtn & Mason Sti | Omaha S:15am Dcnvei Express . . . .7 , . , . 3.3am t.Soiiin.IJlk Hills. Mont. U I'ugct bud. Ex. t.Ojimi 4:3" : > ] ) m Denver Express ( . > 5iiii | 7:0oi > m .Nebraska Local ( except Sunday ) . . 743pm . . .Llncom Local ( except Sunday..l/.30am 2:55pm..l'ast : Mall < for Lincoln ) -lally. . , Leaves ( CHICAGO. nUKLINQTON & . Q lArilves OmnhaUnlon | Depol , lOlh R. MaEon Sis ( Omaha 5:00pm Chicago Vcsllbule 8.00am 9:4Snm : Chicago Express 4:15i : > m 7:50pm..ChlcnRo and Sl Louis Express. . 8 00am llUOniu I'uclnc junction Local C.lOpm Fast Mall 2.50pm Leaves ( CHICAGO. Mil * & ST. PAUL [ Arrives OmnliqUnlon | Depot , 10th & Ma6onSl _ j Omaha C:20pni : Chlcnpo Limited 7TT.T 8:0'am : ll:00am..Chicago Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . 3.25pm Leaves ( CHICAGO & NOnTIIWEST'N.lArrlves OmahaUnlon | Depol , JOlh & Mason Sla ( Omaha 10 BSam 7..Eastern Express | 3:10pm : 4:45pm : Vesllbuled LImllcd B'4Spin Cl6pm ; fit. Pnul Express 9.30am 5:40am : St. Paul Limited t.05pm 7'30ftm..Carroll & Sioux City Local..IlrlOpm C.30pm Omaha Chicago Special S.OOiun . . . . . . . Missouri Vnlley Local. . . . „ . 9 30im " Lenvcs ( CHICAGO , n .1. & PACIPIC.IArrlves OmahaUnlop | Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. I Omaha E \ST. lOMBam..Atlantic Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . 5.35pm 7.00pm Night Express 8:15am : 4.COpm..Chicago Vesllbuled Limited . . . l:35pm : 4 EOnm. . . St. Paul Vtsllbiiled Llrrlled . . lVinm ; WEST. 6.45pm.Oklahoma & Texas Ex. ( ex. Sun..10.3T.ain 1:40pm : Colorado LlmlUM I 00pm Leaves I C. , ST P. , M. & Q. JArrlves OmahaDcpot | _ , I5th nnd Webster Rts. I Omaha 815am. ; . . . Sioux Clly Accommodation 8 OOpm 12:30pm..Sioux : City Lxprets lex. Sun ) . . .ll S5im Cl5pm ! Sl. P.-iulLimllea _ 9lOim ! Leaves i r.T b & MO VALLEY. ( Arrives Omnlinl Depol , 15in und VVebEierSls. I Omaha 3.00pm rasl Mall and Express . . . . 6.00pm 3 00pm.ex. ( Sat. ) Wyo. Ex. ( ex Mon ) . D.OOpm 7 50am..Fremont Local ( Sumlajs Only ) , 7 rnim..Noriulk Expre-s ( ex Sun ) 10 2inm . . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Express 9 IQan. Leaves ] K. C. , St J. & C. II. j Arrives OnmhaUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason Sla | Omaha 9 05am Kanpas'Clty Day Express , . . . 6:10pm : 10-COpm.IC. C. Night Ex. via U P. Trans 6-30uin Leaves I MISSOURI PAflPIC. ( Arrives Omalm | _ Depot , 15th and Webster Sis. ( Oinahi. 3:30pm : . .Nebraska ft Kansas Limited ,12:23pm : 0:30pm : Kansas Clly Express C.OOam 300pm. ; . . .Nebraska Local ( ex. Bun ) . . . . 8.00am Le"aveT ] SIOUX CITY & PACIPIC. [ Arrtve"s OmahaDepot ) _ , 15th nnd Webster Sla. | _ Omahn C:15prr. : St. Paul Limited B10am ; Leaves I SIOUX CITY & PACiricI lArrlvcs OmnhaUiilon | Depot , 10th & Mason Sla [ Omaha 6:40am : St. Paul Passenger lUlOpm 7-30am Sioux City Passenger , 9.05pm S:55pm : St. Pnul Limited 0-ouii iTeaVesl UNIoTTPATfriC JATrlves OmalmUnlon | Depol , 10th & Mason Sts. ( Omaha 0:30am" : Kearney Exprcus 4:10pir : 820am ; Overland Limited 4:45pm : S''iOiim Ueat'ce ft Slromsb'K Ex , ( ex. Sun,12:05pn C4Spm.araml ; Island Express ( ex. Sun.12.OSpn ) S:30prn : Past Mall 8-40.ui Leaves I WAnXsifhAILWAY. lATrlvS OmahalUnlon Depot. 101 li & Mason Sts I Oninlip 4-"Cpm . . . . St Louis Cannon Hill ITIOHP LObT TIIHIIt LIVKS PAIl OUT AT SKA. Pivo Wc-Il Known Mn Plnil ( irnvt-H nl till' Holtum of tin1'iirlllf. . SBATTL13 , Sept. 12. There Is llttlo doubt that W. S. Anderson and D. McDonald , the ormor a traveling mnn and the latter brmerly of San Francisco , but presumably recently of Tacoma , were drowned about 150 miles north of Vancouver , H. C. , August 20 , or thereabouts. At the time the wreck was discovered hero was a package In It addressed to Miss McFarland of Seattle. This person proves o bo Mlsa Dottlo McFarland. Anderson iad known her and Jier sister for several years. A short tlmo before he left Seattle o set out on his crulao for Victoria ho called on Miss McFarland and said lie would send her some shells. She never heard from ilm until the announcement of his death , vhlch was made yesterday Anderson came lore from New York originally , Previously IB hud lived at St. Louis , OALIFOHM.V.S WIM2 CHOI * IS SHOUT. Inil Went her CiilH Ilies AtrriiKu Vliit- IIHTl' III Two. SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 12. The vintage of 1896 Is already well under way In Fresno , iladelra , Yolo and Sacramento counties , and will bo commenced next week In early ocalltles In the bay counties. Heavy frosts n May , followed by other unfavorable climatic conditions , caused couluro In all ectlons , to that the jleld will bo much below the normal of 16,000,000 gallons of dry wine , Present estimates range from 5,000,000 to 7.000,000. Better -weather for he vintage than that which now prevails could not be desired , and on Its continuance depends , in a largo measure , the quality of the wine of 1S9G. Some vvlno makers are offering only $18 a ton for grapes , but no lurchases at that price are reported , On ho other hand many sales have been made at from $20 to | 25 , the latter flguro for thn holcest varieties. ANUiiMHliiiiteil ID UN | Clerk. BOSTON , Sept. 12 , Bernardo Ambrosoll. ho proprietor of tbe famous Italian res- auratH hero , was assassinated by bis clerk , harles 0. Baclgalupo , today , Uaclgalupo a Insan * . WANDERERS'OF THE OCEAN Derelict Vessels that Monaco tty Oem morco of the Sens. STRANGE STORIES OF THEIR VOYAGE Alinniloiicil nnil Alone 'I In * ; Some time * Drift for t cnri Unlr n Hun dred of tlieVtfiit Craft T IN- Inpr A IMP ut on the Atlantic , ( Copjright , 1W. by the S. S MeCluro Co ) Tlie nlfilit wnscry dark nntl tliu spray tofscil tip by the Iron prow of llio Yucatnn was tinged with n pliorcsccnt slow. The captain lilinscK linit taken the station on the ship's bridge nnil WAS Ra liiR Into the darkness tlmt shut down like a heavy cur tain all about Suddenly nn object blnrkor than the nlRht loomed Ui | befoio us. Sllcn as denth without u light It looked llko a thing of cv II , a huge engine of dcstructloi hurled at us from the depths of the nigh by some mighty Invisible force. Whatever the object was It was bearing directly dovvi upon the Yucatnn and the captain's order came sharp anil quick. "Hard iipoit tliercl" Vnr down below the cnglnect's bcl jingled nnd the prow ot the bli ; Iron vessel Hko the head of n faithful steed , swcrvoi nvvny to the side. There was a sharp , shrll sound , half human , as the big , black hull gra/ed the bow of the Yurntnn , jarring hoi ever so slightly , nnd then staggered nvvny Into the darkness whence It came. "It's only a derelict , nn abandoned ves sel. " snld the captain as ho turned to go below. Only n derelict , hut the words shook the nerves ot every mnn on board the Yu catan ns ho reall/od how close the blji ship had been to possible destruction Though these deserted vessels mo fre iiucntly met with the sight Is nhvnjs ni uncanny one. The spectacle of the shl | whoso tnll innsts but n few weeks before perhaps , towered nbo\e the woikmcn on some busy wharf , now hnlf dismantled wholly deserted , driven hither and thither l destined to find Its resting place on some rocky shore or in the grassy Sarngotsa suggests a gruesome thought It Is llki. coming across n solitary , nnmnilceil tomb li the heart of ( lie wide desert There nio many of these weird craft half n hundred or moie tossing about on the Atlantic now , and almost every one benrs with It some mystery an umulttcn chapter In the great unwritten history of the sea The careers of some few of them are knnw.ii for It Is n part ot the work of the United States Hydiographlc otllce to keep track of these wandoicis. The task Is not nn ensy one , but the method by which It Is , to n degree , carried out Is simple enough THACIN'O DKIU3LICT VOYAGES. All shippers nro c\pccted to report any derelict \cssels they may meet with to the hjdrogrnphlc office on their anlvnl In port giving the exact latitude nnd longitude In which they were observed , their condition nnd any other nscertalnable facts about them This report Is compared with the existing iccords of the ofllce to learn If possible whether the ship has boon reported before It her full description Is given this Is not dllllcult , but If only a meager description Is furnished It Is not so easy. An attempt Is made to Identify her with some \essel al ready on tlie list , nnd If the oulccrs arc satis fled that she is Identical with some vesse of which they already have record they mail down her position nnd the course she has followed since the last previous time slit was rcpoitcd. If the vessel is one that has not been heard from before the position only with her probable dilft , Is recorded. Charts showing the position nnd course of all knovvi deiellctH are published every month , atu whenever one of them gee * ashore or Is de strojed that fact is published In the marl time reports. Some of the derelicts that have travclei In one of the great ocean hlghwajs have been reported at Intervals of every feu days so that it has been possible to map out their courses accurately nnd to keep almost ns complete a record ot tholr voyages ns cnn be gatheied from the log-book of the trim mest of merchantmen , The story of one such wanderer , as It Is called fiom the drj records of the hydiogrnphlc olllce , Is ns full of melancholy Interest as the life history of some poor human wreck buffeted about on the rough sea of human existence and at last cast up on some deserted shoal to find a forgotten resting place. STUUCIC BY A BLIZZARD. The three-masted schooner , \V. L. White , owned by A. ! ' . Ames of Kockland , Mo. , ami loaded with lumber cleared fiom New York on Jlarch 11 , 1S8S She bad Just fairly stnrted on her Journey and was off Dela ware bay , nbout eighty miles southeast of the Absecon light , when she was struck b > the memorable bll/zard of Jlarch 13 , 1SS8 , which broke in all Its fury over Now York City nnd the Atlantic coast. The storm made short work of the W. L Whlto and sent n heavy sea rolling over her that washed away two of the crew and forced the others to nbnndon her. The schooner was In storm rig with only a portion of her sails sot and the crew left In such hnsto that they had barely time to set the ensign union down , nt her foremast to Indicate that she was an abandoned vessel. Then they pulled away in the long boat ando \ \ schooner , with no master savu the caprices of wind nnd current started on what proved to be n long Tind lonely voyage. Under the in fluence of the Inshore current nnd the noitli- wcst gala the drifted away to the south ward until she struck the gulf stienm when she turned cast agnln. The first vessel to bring the news of the White repotted that on March 31 , they had passed the'derelict about twelve degrees east of the spot where hho had boon abandoned. The top of her foremast had boon broken off , hut her other masts wcro Intact , with portions ot the sails still clinging to them. The boat was well up out of the water and seemed still to bo In good condition. By April 17 she had traveled another ten degrees and had np- imrently encountered no difficulty , for her foremast was broken off at the deck and she was much lower In the water. The main and mlzzen masts still towered llko gaunt arms ubovo the deck. A LONG VOYAOR By thp beginning of Mny the schooner iiad travelseil about l.f.OO miles and was making fnlr progress toward the other side of the Atlantic , nut here In mid- ocean her European voyage was suspended and for six months she drifted about within a radius of a few degrees , lying llrectly In the pathway of the ocean Iners , a conttnnt menace to her sinter ships and reported every few days by ono of them , All tills time she was go ng from bad to worse , too. Ily May 24 icr deck was awash and had been stove In. Two weeks later the top of her mainmast mil been broken off. On Juno 21 only the stumps of the main and mlzzen masts re mained , allowing jagged and splintered about ten feet above the deck. Still she drifted > ack and forth , now carried eastward by ono current until she was almost free to resume icr voyage , then snatched back by another ind forced to renew her weary round , Ily : he end of August she plainly showed the effect of her buffi'tlngs and had assumed : he appearance of a veritable wreck. Her uroken masts and scarred body were still plainly visible , but her hull was covered : o the water line with grass and barnacles and she \vns thoroughly water-logged , A nonth Inter the sens wcro going clear over month she con- ier , but for still another limed to toss about In mid-ocean , About November 1 the cross currents flnully released their hold on the Whlto and she started again for the English coast , ) urlng the month of November she raveled another 1,000 miles along the ) eaten track and then turned sharply away to the northeast , as though she was ashamed of her disreputable appearance mil sought to find some obscuru hiding ilace. For two months longer her voyage continued , until January 23 , 18S9 Then a cable message to the HydroKraphlc office announced that a voyneo of U-e "W. L White was ended anil that her bulk , uenther-bcaten , broken and dismantled , md at taut found a resting place on thn here of Haskelr Uland , one of tlin most northerly of the Hebrides , and without row or captain be had made the long ourney across the Atlantic. She had been mt almost & year , bad traveled nearly C.OOO j wl'os ' nnd had been reported forty-flva times A KIU.KIl AFLOAT. Another derelict whose \oyngo was n long one wns thp Wjcr 0. Sergeant Pho w n abandoned off the Virginia v-oa t March 31 , issu , nnd was last reported December 0. 1S32 , having In the Inteiveiling period of almost two jeara covered at least 6 500 miles of ocean. She collided with at le.isl thrco different vessels , sinking OIIP and InJurlnK two others and wns responsible for the losa of n dozen lives More remaikftblo than cither the Whlto or the PfirRrant was the rase ot the I'nnlo L \\onlston. She was abandoned early In lv'1 ' and vv.iK udilft for nearly four ycnia. During tlmt time she traveled all over the Atlantic , lovcrlng a course more than 7,000 miles , long She wns sighted , many limes , until she became- known to almost every Rklppor crossing the Athntlo. Twlio nt- templs wcro made to burn her. but the der elict seemed to bcnia charmed llfo nnd the sailors caini' to look upon her with super stitious we nnd to tirlleve that Uvns Im possible to dcstto ) her. She vvns finally blown up with dvnamlio by one of the small United States vts-iels sent out by the Navy department for the puiposc of destrojliiR any derelicts near the t'nited Stntcs coftst. Evety cnptnln who has spent many > enrs on the seas knows half n score of Ktork's ot derelict vessels and the Incident of the Yticntnn mentioned at Hit beginning ol thla article served to call to mind a mimbiT ot tales nbout thet.0 sen wanderers tvhui It wns related In the New \ork pilot office A MISS1NO UREW. "I reckon the noangcst case that nvcr occurred nnd the most m > steilmiH derelcct that ever snllcd the seas was "The Maria Celeste , ' " said ono grizzled old captain. "A score of jams me spun nbout her ami nt least one. novel has been wilt on her m\sterioiiB riulso , but the plain facts ot thi ) case aio these : "The Mnila Celeslo sailed from Now York October 17. ISTrt , with n cm go ot splilts for Marseilles. Her captain wn Ilenjnmln Ilrlggs , a young mnn , but a tiustworthy sailor , nnd the crow was made up of all soils , picked up nloug South street. The enptnin hud been marl led only n short thin ) nnd took his wife and child along on the trip. Nothing was heard fiom the ship after she sailed until December 7 , when the ship Del Oaiela ramo ncross her nbout GOO miles enst of the Western Islands. The Celeste nppcnied to bo nil right , ex cept that she was > avvlng about In nn aim less way , ns though she were travillnp : without n helmsman. The Del Gnicla put off to her and found e\erjthing shipshape , but not n soul aboard. She was under low storm cnnvna nnd had not seen nny very lough weither , for n little oil can BtnmlliiK on n sowing machine In the cabin had not been shaken off , nnd other small nrtlclea were stnndlng on the tables or benches ns they hnil been left The last entry In the log book hnil been made on November 21 nnd there had been no tioitblo up to tlmt tlmo and the crew had ev Idently left In n hurty , for watches , clothes nnd money had been left behind Tlu > Del Garcia took the Celeste In tow nnd carried her to Gib raltar , wheie the case was reported back to this city. Captain John Winchester her owner , went to Gibraltar , took charge of the ship and sailed her to her distillation Tlmt was twenty jears ago. Captain Winchester Is the head ot the firm of John Winchester & Co. , this city , nnd the Malic Celeste la still In existence , nnd still. It I am not mistaken , in seivke. Out fiom that day to this no word or message of nny kind has over come from the persons who sailed her out of New York hnrbor on that October day. " ABANDONED IN A HURRY. The old snlt leaned bnck In his chair and looked long nnd meditatively at the celling "Do jou want to know my thcoiv about the Maria Celeste ? " ho naked nt length. "I think tint she wns expecting stormy weather and in prcpailng for It drifted In close to the cliffs of one of the Western Islands be'orc her captain knew vvhnt was the matter. Then , when these aboard thought ccitnln that she was going to pieces on the roiks they took to the ship's boat , abandoning her In the biggest kind of n hurry. By some strange freak ot the wind and waters the ship did not strike , but got free of the rocks agnln while the boat with all Its passengers was lost. "That's only a theory , but to show that It might have happened that way let mo tell you of the experience of the North western , I knew her captain well and ho told mo the story. It happened some jenrs ago late in the fall. The weather was rough nnd rather foggy nnd the Northwest ern had tied to n swinging anchor ncnr linker's Island. The wind usually blown off the island , but sometimes it switches to the east nnd blows on shore. Thnt hnp- pcncd this tlmo nnd before these on board the Northvvestcin knew It she wax churning nbout right In among the reefers There vvns no hope then of keeping her oft the rocks and the crew scrambled lively to get out of her , expecting every minute to hear her strike. They got clear away nnd ns soon ns they had rowed a safe distance lay to nnd waited to sec what would happen. Well , they sat theio for hours watching that old ship play Isaac nnd Josh in among these breakers nnil straining their ears for the crash that would tell them she wns shivered on the rocl.s. But hhe didn't go ashore nftor nil. After a while the wind , veered suddenly again nnil she stood away and got out of tlmt wilderness of rocks where no skipper could hn\e nulled her In n thou sand years without smashing her to kind ling wood nnd there wasn't n mnrk on her anywhere. "When the crew of the Northwestern saw her rising free again one or two of them called out that they had seen n miracle nnd began to thank the Lord Hut as soon as they saw that the old ship was tn Ing to glvo them the slip they gave up their pray ing , set out for her again and tiled to got aboard. But the ship wus thrashing about HO that they could not get u | > to her nnd It was almost twenty-four hours before they managed to get aboard. It the boat hail gene down you see the Northvvestein might have become a second Mnrla Celeste " "Tho creepiest feeling I c\cr had , " said another grey-haired skipper , "vvns once when I boarded an abandoned bark fiom Alexandria , Egypt. We ran across her about BOO miles from the American coast. She appeared to bo In good condition nnd wo sent off a boat to look her over She was leaking n little , but had not been severely injured nnd It vvns not quite plain why the crow had abandoned her Aban doned she certainly was , for we found her as deserted as n totnb , In fact vo found that shu wns a tomb , for ( die cairled a cargo of dead men's bones picked up along the Nile , I shall never forget the feeling that came over mo when I saw that freight of death nnd jou cnn bet that we lost no tlmo In getting nvvny. So far as I know the vessel's crow waa novcr heard from and perhaps their bones are now mingled with those- that made up the cnrgo , In the bottom of the Atlantic " "I had an experience a few years ago that was a little dim-lent from that , but equally trying to the nerves " said Captain ShookB , ono of the oldest of New York pilots , "Wo were cruising along , nbout 300 miles out , when wo saw a hulk ( loafing bottom up. We put off to her , and us our boat came alongside I thought that I hoard a munijul rapping sound on the side of the ship. ThQ sailors heard It , too , and they wanted to get away In a hurry I had the hardest kind of a tlmo to get them to row back , but they finally did , anil wo broke In the side of the vessel with an axe There we found two Norwegian sailors who had been Imprisoned for over a week , They had been caught liclow when the hlp foundered and their comrades had supposed that they were drowned. Eve-ry day of their Imprisonment ono or the other of them had kept up thla tapping on the vessel's tilde In the hope that omo one would como along and let them out , It's lucky wo found them when we did for they couldn't have- lasted much longer. "Can you Imagine any fate more bor- rlblo than to be shut up In one of those levil's craft as the old seamen used to call them , alone In mid-ocean , unable to call out for bc-lp or to tell night Tom day. 13 , W. MAYO. It doasn't matter much whether sick headache - ache , biliousness , IndlKebtlon and constipa tion nro cauicd by neglect or by unavoidable circumstances ; PeWltf * Little Early Illeerp will speedily cure them all. TKHililrx In tinllimlniOM "World. CINCINNATI , Sept. 18. A. H , Warren , cotton manufacturer and commission raer- ' chant , assigned today to 0. K , Shunk , Wort ron was an endorser for J40.000 for I'earce AtUlns & Co. , who assigned yesterday ,