THE OlNfAtlX BATLY ISSDAY , BT511 2 , 1800. I COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT MEVIIOV. Hov T. T. Tfclrston 1m : cturned fron CIi.iutnuiin | , X Y. A W AsUvvlth. a Chicago ftltorncy , 1 In the city on business < M II , A > rts fi.nie to Sioux KalH fen n ( > weeks' bnxlm * * trip , M-a , Mnud llijnnl ha * rPtUrlird from \l < m with friends nt Mlnnnnpolls. Miss nifAlit'tli and John Coyne of Nevada Mn ire Mi-ltlni , ' their aunt .it C25 l-'lft aiitin Jiiv'irc Cools yntoiday unt'H In tnttr'ns 1' I.agrotta and Annlo J vlne , boilt o O MI a ha Mi ? O W. ( Miprrlnclon nnd son hnv reinnrd fiom a OL-llr.htfttl nix weeks' vlsl in Id.iho John \V Camp and family have rctiifnc finm a months visit at tholr old home I Mr P E fiuni of Joffcrson , la , Is spcml Ing tlici week with bin histor Mrs. A. " I llollis at SI4 Avenue 11. A CUT of ccarlcl fever was roporlod t the hfilth ilepaitment jeslerliy. TIP ! \h tlm Id Emma Hpia > . at 17 North Thirteen ! ! street A unit Ion fur .1 new- trial , mndi * by th plaintiffs In the case of Eunice and Jon Itoss against I. A. llorcn , has licet dun led The pitk cr'nintxrirmtri held n brlof meet Ing ji' 'iidiiy foi the pitrpm ? of paying Au gust Ml , . ' . Inc-ludlng b.ilarloK the ainoiin was onl\ about JJ.rji ) . Miss Oinet llnghtouslcln ot Iliirllngton la foiisln of Mis llrlvvlg , loaves todnj for lu r home , after a very ploisantlsll Miss Ilinl Hclttlg will leinaln for a longe visit _ C H Vlavl Co , female temedy. Mcdlca consiillatlon \Vcdiiosdayu. . Hc.iltli heel furnished. Annex Oiiind hotel. Illuli I'l-l.-os Mii-"ci : il. Coal doalcrc and the consumers who hav to bu > are very much i-torrlscd over tin piospcit of excessively hlgli laics for hati i.-oil this wlnlii. .veil at this seasoi the host haul eoal was sclllni ; toi $7 a ton and it n aihed as low 11 tlguu * as $ 'i ' T.O A the pusont line $ ' ) 75 Is the lowest price iplotod Dealers have withheld their Older * In the hope that a dmp In ft right intu < % voiibl IIKUI that would give them some o the ndvantiiKis thcv enjoyed last > ear , bit there has boon no ilnip , nnd none is li Bight While walling foi better rates whole Bale pileos in rasli rn nurl.cts have beet stca'llls ilsllig until CTi i ruts a ton ha * , boot added to the ciilv summoi prleis. No enough coal has hi en bought to m.iko one winter day's supply ami while * the dealers are walling prices are cllinbliig still higher Unles4 there li a bteak In fi eight lates MO and $11 coil will bo on the minket this winter for the llnt time In ten jeais. "MeSorlcy'B Twins' pic-ontcd by a large company of comedians , slngets and dancois Including the clover Irish comedians Ptti- guson and Emeilck , coiuea to Dohany thc-iter September 0. _ Get n geim-proot filter and save doctors' bills. Only $ T Rtophan llioi. Crliiiliiiil Cn IiMiila i- . The Scptcmbci term of the district coittt wns comencd jestoidaj with Judge M iiov on the bench The grand Juty was called and Inror G T Olajton e'xcusnd and his place filled by the selo < lion uf 0. W. Gra ham The following prl'onris wore arr.ilRncd nd waived challenge of the grand jur > Ginrgo Stewait lau-en > ; Honrj ( > iut/ , ob taining inonc'v nndri false protenscs ; Chat let , Ecllno , larceny from a building : J M Cald- wi'll , disposing of mortgaged proportj , Piank Klmball and Kiank Alills. larceny from a building In the night time ; "Kid ' Perron , obtaining money under false pre tenses , George Hock , forgery , Fiank Smith. larceny ; Henry Nfclson , larceny fiom a building Klve chaigcs against J D Alexander weie dismissed by the county attorney. Alexan der is now under sentence , having been convicted ot lOhbing freight cars. To TnKo Slcuiirl's I'liu-i * . The democratic and populist Judicial con ventions met , i few weeks ago to name a candidate for the dlsti let bench to oppose Judge Macy , the republican nominee J J. Stewart was out of the city at the time , and he was unanimously nominated by both p.utloHe promptly declined to make the race , and the conventions bud to be held again Yesterday the delegates to the foimer conventions met In the court house , and both the democrats and the popu lists mimed Thcodoio I\ory , the populist lawyer of Gleinvood , as a candidate for judicial honois. g Mti-r 1'lin * . rii-i * llrlf ] . . I Wholesale and retail. J. C. lllxhy , 202 Moln all cot. _ Davis , drugt , paints and glass Tel 2S9. Itlnol.KlllllIl Cut HlK Don. Jack Wilson , an Upper Hroadvvay black smith , paid $ C SO In the police court yester day morning to satisfy a charge that was lodged against him by Poundmastei Joh- bon. The dog-catcher caught Wilson's dm ; . nnd the uproar raised by the childien brought Wilson to the rescue Wilson as- fiaultcd the man with the clog cart , kicked the cage to pieces , liberating his own dog nnd all the others In the morning catch Wilson had purchased n tag for the dog , but had neglected to attach it to the ani mal's collar. Ho filed an appeal bond und took the case to the district court. Don't you think It must be a pretty good laundry that can handle the work of fifty or sixty cities and towns to the satisfaction of hundreds ? It's the Eagle Laundry , 721 Ilroadvvay. _ Clillil Star I * u Plro. Tl'ii fire department was called out hist evening to suppirss a lire In a roaltdied bc- longltiK to thu premises ot C. W. Ilr > ant , 2ii : Wlllloxv avenue One of the > oung chll livn had procured a match to light a wax tapci In tlm shed The match 01 the tapci slarted the lire When the department reached the Idaco thei wooden covering of a five-Kalian can of gnsollm- had been burned off and the conditions weie rlpo for a bud lire , , n the coalshcd was located close to a nunb : < * r cf large wooden dwellings and a etlff ialo from the Bouth was ulowlng. Household nnd kitchen furniture for sale at xeiy low prices at 20S Tenth avenue. W. E. Marshall. _ Myer & Dillon Drug Co , leading druggists in ! agei'ls In Omaha for General Joe cigars. ll-i < -N ( iru\ol 10 ( li > Clly. The bamplo c-arlond ot gravel donated ( ho city by the ouneis of gravel pits at Spring field , Neb. , was received and placed on lirjant street yesterday , where U will be In competition with thu homo product 'Ihu gravel lu vastly superior to anything of the > kind ever discovered In thu deposits mound the city , and the aldermen are very favor ably Impressed with It us n road-making material. Iho carload wtis given to ( lie city ii | on the condition that It should Lo used for trial purposes and that the city pay tlm freight charges , Good wages for good slrl. Apply at once , 355 South btreej White enameled , brass-trimmed beds J3.C5 this week at Uurfee Purnlturo coinpany'u. llolli-vi-M ii Slur , I IIK I'M in 11 > . Supervisor Iluntlngtnn has been obliged to Issue county support to the McDonald famllj. who llvo In apartments above Hell's grocer ) on Upper Ilroadvva ) All of thu members of thu family aru conlined to their beds with tphold finer. It was uUu found Mecffcs.ii ) to supply a nurse The county phjalcltui U the needed medical attention. b Marriauo llcentics were Issued by the clerk of Iho courts jcBterday as fallows : Niiinc . Ili'ulili'iicp Aio. ; Ch.irlt-8 n. Center. Qulnc-y. Ill mi Killth catnpbi * ! ! , couiivll miirr a * A , Liijjrotta Omaha , 30 Ai nlo Leoino , Oinuha , . ys For rent , inj twelve ) room residence , 325 Scott street , For rent cheap to right party \ \ \ II , Kecd , Urn. H-ardmau'i kludcrcarteu , US So. 7th. DID NOT MAKE HIM R1CI George Knopj ) Tries Too Marry an Heiress but Signally Fails , PRETTY ALICE PRESSLEY AND HER LAND Millrliminlnl AiUi-i-llsInt ; t.i-iuls to l .Mi-i * Ilido Itniiiniiiininl nit Ai- I-I-N ! Priiuiltili-iil I si of ( In * VlnlN. Pretty Alice Pressley , as she calls hcrscll la In the hands of the federal nutiioilttc iinder chaige of using the malls for th purpose of fiaud. Geotge Knopp Is clew : In his planing mill at Muscatlne workln overtime to make up for the JH.OIOhlc ! ho donated to Alice some weeks ago undo the Impiesslon that ho was getting a prctl and loving wife and a great big hunk o valuable DCS Mollies teal estateIn the bar gain. Miss Pressley Is the alias of Mrs. Genrg ICnopp , who until a few weeks ago was llvlni In DCS Mollies , whore her father and motho reside. Her ical name Is Alice Whlssen fc'ho Is about 24 jears of ago , a deeldei brunette , plump as n partridge , with i face like a chciub and a voice and mannc calculated to win the admiration of a mm mote e\perlcnccd In the wajs ot the vvoib than was George Knopp , who is the com plaining witness In the case. Knopp is a pirtner in a plaining mil at Muscatlne. He is a vvldowei and fiO year of oge Hcmio time ago he picked up i mattlmonlal nngazlne ami ; just for amuse mint , began to lend the offers. His alien lion was attracted to an adveitlsemcnt wlucl lopiisentcd that a haniisoine > oung Dei Moltus gill , with J12.000 In ncr own right wauled to get mairlod ami got some gooi oldeily man to shaie hei propeity and maki her home happy. Knnpp became curious Cniliiusltj excited ambition A coriespond once opened and Knopp wab fairly da7ci with his success In gaining the allcntlui and consideration ot such a prize He nc eoptcd au Imitation to visit Miss I'ressley 11 IVs Moines and thcie the- game wab plajci to a limit. His unknown correspondent will pioperty and matrimonial Intentions , moi him. She wns just as sweet and dumuri as she could be and won Knopp completely She * enteilalned him handsomely and thcli love affair progicsscd rapidly Miss Presble ) took hcr'ngod miltor for carriage drives am took some apparently justifiable pildo II pointing out lo him the .several cosv cot tages with their floweis bedecked lawns thai v.ent to make up the $12000 worth of prop- 01 tv which she claimed to have In hei civvi name Knopp bit good and hard. He dli not , pioposo to allow such a chance to es cape him and he wanted to get mariici tight away. away.REPAIRS REPAIRS HER HOUSES. Then Miss Pressley got In the smooth par ! of her game She had the property and was thereto ! e Independent. She was not goin to tie herself up to any honid man and be at his merrv In money mailers. While the ptopeitv was hers some of the cottages needed icpalrs and there were some llghl imumbrances that she wanted to clear up Then there was the house In nhich she hail decided that she and her husband shcuhl Ihc It n < cdcd . .Dine lemodeling and had to have a new futnace and he furnished mod estly thioughout No , she would not con sider a mairlage contract unless she couhl have tcady cash enough handed to her as n w eildlng present to make the desired Im- piovements and give her pin money enough to last through the honejmoon. She figured it all out and decided that $3,000 would he just about the sum tOic would have to get us a wedding present , and did Mr Knopii have that much and was he willing to r-nnsli up' He had and ho was. Even In [ lie dcptcssod condition of the money market and dm lug the hlack time at the planlm : mill Mr. Knopp wasn't going to pass up a chance to get $12000 worth of property nnd in angel wife for a baigain counter price of 51.000 He bll swallowed halt , hook , bobber ind slnkei. The preliminaries were all soon arranged. [ n i espouse to an expressed wl-sh of the lirlde-to-bo the wedding ceremony was cele brated at Crebton. The plan was to go jack to Des Moines and move at once Into : he homo owned by the bride Mr Knopp kept up his end of the contract With the iminlane kiss ho handed his bride $3,000 In : old casl. and congratulated himself upon his rare bargain That $9,000 profit was better than a good many months' clearings from ils planing mill to say nothing of the pri- * : io had won In his wife Mr. and Mrs. Knopp ivont back to Des Moines and registered at i hotel Mis Knnpp had to go right over and lell mamma all about the wedding. She would be back soon. She went out and np- imionlly lest the road , forgot what btreet the hotel was on , and ROOII after lott all memory of her marriage , and claimed that ? ho didn't know Knopp from a crow It took Mr Knopp a good while to see the light He wab finally foiced to the conclu sion that he bad been played for a sucker ml plajed strorg He found out that other i'coplo held the deeds to those prctly little -ottages and thai the $12,000 story was a njth. Still he had a wife , and wasn't she x daisy Ho would look over the property leal and cling to his love. Hut Alice told Kncpp to go home nnd "rest his face" and efused to have anj thing whatever to do ivlth him. Then Mr. Knopp told bit , tioublcs : i > a policeman and the matter was placed In the hands of the federal authorities , and yesterday morning Deputy United States Marshal Hlllweg came In from Des Moines ivlth the woman In his custody , charged with ising the malls with the Intent to commit 'raud. Mrs. Knopp , or Miss Pressley , as she pre fers to call herself , was taken before Com missioner Steadman and waived cxamlna- lon. Shu wns placed under bonds of $ lr 00 : o appear before the federal giand Jury. kVord was received from the court nt Des \Iolnes that the required bond had been leposlled and Mrs. Presslcy-Knopp was re- ojsed She refuses to say a word about the a so. _ i , n.i , SIIOHTITIII : .SCHOOL vivit , luiiiil | ) I-I- | ( | -M 'I'lilN IN fri-rornlilo In ItiillKInu.Siilnrli'N , The school board held a long meeting last light for the discussion ot mattcis pertain- ng to the coming school year and finally leclded to reconsider the board's action and ihoitcn the bchool year to nine months , The matter was brought up by Mr , Thomas , vim stated that there was a demand and a lecesslty for general retrenchment and 'conomy. ' There were two ways In which his could ho accomplished , one was to horten the school jcar and the other was 0 make u general cut of G per cent on all alaries He was peibonully on tlm fence In would vote fin either proposition He lad made Inquiries nnd found that most of Itles In tlm west were having but nine imnths' bchool. Mr Itoheitbon was In favor of economy and iroferreil thortcnlng the year rather than uttlng salaries Mr Snyder and Mr. Spruit veie both In favor of having as long a chool 5 ear as losblble , but In view of the locesblt ) for econoni ) , would vote to shorten hoar Plnall ) the motion formerly .atseil wns reconsidered and the board do- ided to bhorten the school year to nine non4. ! H T K Winter , who was e-lected janitor he High bchool , tendered his resignation t was accepted an 1 Mr Peterson the ormer janitor , elected to till the vacancy The bjlarles of the teachers and janitors trie * then fixed for the ensuing jenr Tlm president and becrctary of tlm board 1 ere Instructed to bo prebpnt ut tlm Illooner c-hool on Saturday , ut u meeting of the cachers with contracts prepared for their Hoffma } r' Fai cy Patent flour makes the est and most bread. Ask jour grocer for It. l. S Cuurl Trlnl Viilli-i-N. Trial notices have been Hied In the United talcs court for the1' September term , In thu allow In * ; cases , among others , Ida May lurcus against S II , II Clark and others , re- ehern ot the Uulou FaclQo , tar damages for the death of her husband , llebeci Armstrong against the receive of the t'nlon Pacific , for dan nges for the death of her husband. TI United States against John Moshlcr. TI ilcfeiitant was surety on ( he official boi of Elmer O Illnko , postmaster at Hutt Neb Thomas Carroll agnlnnt the Nebrasl < Telephone company , a suit for damages fi Injuries received by the tailing of a tcl phone polo with the plalstlff Nellie Ilca ! against the Chicago Great Western Hallwa company , a suit for damages for personi Injury. V11111 I'ollt .Illrj. The petit Jury for the September term ( the district court In AMICO Is as follows- Avora Irving S. dishing. Amos PC land. Thomas Anderson , Christ Plont : W. N. Confarr. Grlswold John 1 Schoflcld , David lllanc Walmu W. ( Copej ! , M. L. Spanglcr. Oakland- McDowell White , Wlnebold Strocbclle. P. 1 Illrd , J 0 Humbert. Hancock W. C. Ha Idle. W. ? Williams , Pat Slnnctt. Carso H M. Iloruff , G. N Kurrows , J. A Doi little Macedonia Robert Koehlcr , II. 1 llryant , J. II. Dentoli Elliott A. R. Plshc Wheeler L. D Woodmansce. \Vnil I * i III * 1-inil ninl CI-OIIM , Suit was commenced In the superior coin yesterday by Divld C. Redman agalns David Parker and wife. The petitioner at fells that ho owns certain lands near Crcs cent , and that he has fine glowing croi thereon. Parker has movc'd on to the prop erty , claims the land , and amuses himsel by destiny ing the eiops. Redman wants hi title to the laud iiuleted , and In the mean time wnnta Parker enjoined from dcsttojln the ciops. George Morilson has commence a similar bull on the same statement c facts , against Parker Judge McGee 1m made temporary restraining orders a piaied. Siipi-ilur Court .luror * . The September term of the supcilor com will convene Monday. The juiors diav for the teim aie as follows- Joseph A Spauldlng C W lit.vant , August Pails , C II hucas , II. J. V.uiphn , Gus Laisen I Dunlap , W. H. Spera nnd G. F. Maxwell. Injured AVItlli * Itaolnu vvllh u llni-si CREST ON , la , Sept. 1 ( Special. ) Jamc Canning , a young man residing northwcs of the city , challenged a Irlcnd for a raci the agreement being for Canning to run 10 > ards aiound a post quicker than his coin panion could do bo with a horse. The lac pto rcsscd nlcclj until the turn was made when the heitse run over Canning , knockln him ilonn and breaking his collar bone an dislocating his shoulder. He sustained othe bruises and Is In the care of a physician. Mrs. Ploia Kelntop was tluovvn from carriage and reecivcd injuries which ma prove fatal. She alighted on her-head , slid tabling concussion of the brain. Her ad \anccd age makes her recovery rather doubt ful. Siiloiiii Men ' 1'n 11. of lllni-K mull. CEDAR RAPIDS , la , Sept. 1 ( Spccla Telegram. ) A meeting of saloon keeper was held here today at which an organUa tlon was perfected , the object of which li s-elf-protecllrn. It is alleged that for ycnn the saloon keepers of this city have beei blackmailed by certain persons who com pulled them lo pay each of tholr numhe : from $5 to $25 a month In order to escapi prosecution. Attorncjs have been retained District Court nt Jil\c-r * < iiii. JEFFERSON , la , Sept 1 ( Special ) Dis tilct court opened for business jesterda ; afteinoon , the first Cession of the new judi clal > car The term promises to be a loin and Interesting one. The docket contain 1S3 cases , the largest in the history of tli < county. Of these a doxcn are criminal , sev cnty-flve probate , and the remainder civil The grand jury was sworn In and hab al ready commenced Its labors. A -ilil < * iiiiH > " MiiMilM HIM I'nrtiior. DES MOINES , Sept. L ( Special Tele gram. ) M. Aron was fatally wounded by th accidental dlbchaige of a re\olver In thi hands of his partner , S. 13. Wlllensky , to day. Aron and Wlllensky conduct a second hand store on Walnut btrcct. A strange offered to sell a revolver and when Wll Icnsky was examining It It was dischargee with fatal rcbiilts. Coiiiluu : ( o * < Omiilia'N Piirndrn. CRESTON , la. , Sept. L ( Special. ) Thurs day the Hurllngton will run a special trait from Crcaton to Omaha on account of tin Nebiaska State fair and Ak-Sar-Iien parade A large delegation of Creston people vvll take . .advantage of the reduced rate to visli Nebraska's metropolis and \lew the bights ( luiiircl HoHiiltN Palnllj. DBNISON , la. , Sept. 1. ( Special Tele gram ) A gang of borne fifteen tramps , west of town , got Into n cntarrel over a kep of beer this afteinoon and n man ulici gave his name as Joe Wilton , was shot througli the hips Most of tramps were arrested The guilty man escaped. Wilson will prob ably die. _ \VUIN TIII : itni , IIKACIIHS OM VIIA ItldiTN i\i - < .t lo I'IINH TliroiiKli llcri | ] : irl > 'I'llIs VlornlliK. The riders In the gre.U relay race fron San Finiiclsco to New York are oxpoetei to nrrlvu In Ibis city this moinlng , nome time between G and b o'clock. If they line maintained the schedule laid out for thorr Ihoy would rc.ieh Omaha in the hours whet most of the people are In bed between nnd 5 but the relay which c-.itrled tin packet fiom Branson to Sldne-y had a lltlle Iid ) luck and lost three hours They IOM ! the roiid , and be-fore they got tholr IngH iiKiiln tlio time VVIIH gene This was In the territory unsigned to the Chi-yciiiu ildorn. The Nobr.iHku men , under the ill' reetlon of Wlllluin Lyle Uli-koy , took It m it Sidney , and ut the point last hoard from In tlm night were keeping up tlio schedule ralu ngiilimt n he-uvy head wind , but bml not been able to make up any time The mnnagiiis lutvu bopeH of being able to dc : no befoie morning. All along the line the riders were nt tholi poHt.s lust night , Home of them camping out on the pralilo , waiting for tholr turn to L'oini' . Ooveinor Holcomb will be on hand this morning to Hlgn the packet and HOIII ! Iho rldi-rn on their vv-nv. The change * vvll ] lie made In front of Mr. Ulc-koy's Htoio , "IJ.ul" Hoiton will tnko the relay out ol Ibis city , and will carry It to Cioncent Ik will bo paced by a tandem Hofore r ach ing Carroll , where Mr. Dickey * * ' jurisdiction nilH , be hupoH to muku up all of the lost time. On arriving at Chicago Wlllltim .T. nrjan , vlll Klgn the paeliot , and .it Cleveland William MeKInley will perfonn thu H.unu atllc-e- . At 2.r > .ri this morning the re'lay loft Coltun- ins , nliiots-foui miles from Omaha. It la ml likely the packet will reach here be fore s o'clock JEFFEHHON. la. , Sept l.-cSpeelal Tolo- jr.nn ) The ilde-ia In the relay nice are ( cheduled to airlvo hero at 250 tomorrow ifternoon HldorH from this city vtlll cany tic messiigi ) from Carroll to A turn , and xiiort to cut an hour oft the Hch < < * Uilo time Itoadw aie line iinitKsiiiiti ; rot limit POOLS TIIIIM. t'lili-iit n ( | ' ' | I-I-HMMII | I | IMI- ( li ii Ii > - NllKI'd HlllNt * III Ullll * Illllllllll .M'll.l-N , NEW YORK , Hi-pt -The uiu-xpected U font of C J Hamlln'H crack pacer Mock- HK Hey In the Hlue Ribbon Hlakc-H for pae- rn of the U ] & eliiHS vvaH the feature of the iicond daj'H fjiort at the Grand Circuit neetlng Herkshlru Courier , who bold for .1 In thu pools of J100. biirprli-od the talent y u Inning the nice In straight boatM Ito- 'Ultx. ' 2-2.1 class , piclng- . Good Cheer stakco 2M ( ( untlnltihi-d yohteida } ) : Planet wen hlrd , hlxth and Hoxenth hwatH. Host llnio. 1G Monopolc * won fourth and tilth he-att ) ind wan Hecond HC-HI time : 2 itiV * HoreH- ord , third Iod { Silk won IIrut and M-cond ii-atx. but VVIIH dlst.meed In the llftn heat Time 2 H , 2.14i Sliorman Clny , Abrams mil Red Lii'i ' > aluo slarted 2 l.'i I'lnsH , pacing , Illim Ribbon Htiikcu J.COO , Hi-rkifilri' Conrloi won In straight ic.itu Time 2 lUi 2 12 RoboU U bocond , tojal Victor third Kentucky Star , Alclnta. ligbland lifHliAmbulator , .MookiiiK Hey Jux Wonde-r , Annlo E and Jim Corbvtt uluo t.irtfd. 2.2t claH.s , trotting , Spud way Htaki > , JCOO : Valence ) won llrbt , fourth nnd llfth ic-atH liuHt time t 10HeHi' ! ' Q won hcc- md and third heatH and was Hecond IK-Ht line 2.15 Comiinche , third liuriiltz , Ked Varan. King lie-no , jr and Jublle-u also tailed -,40 ! c-laas trottlni , ' , 3-jear-oldx. Proi < ri'n- Ivu titukcs , (2000 Margaiet won In straight ic-atH Dent time. 2 i\l4 \ Clt-niKi Hocond untiiblllt ! third Palm Ltur uncl Aunt-m- ) uvsn ulso RACING AfflE STATE FA11 Day's ' Oard AUrttcihi Nice Throng of Sporl Loving People , HARNESS EVENED IN STRAIGHT HEAT \\liini . f rii | < Jili ( I'urccil Out , Him \Vnrlli , , flu- TiMHililu of Wntt'liliiK. There vvn a great crowd at the races yc ; terilny , anil a noisier , merrier , more utlliti ! losllc crovvil It would lie dllllctllt to nsscn hlo. It vvns chlldre'ii's ilny nl the ? KIP.I Mr. Tlmt Is explanation enough. The IIUK gramlstatul was tilled to Its almost capacltj while hnndrcils and hundreds lined th fences along the stretch both was , and th paddock wns a moving bcchho ot shout Itil- . excited people. And the races. Well , It would he a hard matter to tutnls a better afternoon's card , and the wisdom c llnce events a elnv was very strongly es cinpllflpd. They were all over at halt pas 3 , whkh gave the great throngs of pcnpl set ample time to stioll over the grounds taKc In the thousand * of alt I actions , an cet back to the city In time foi suppci The management Is entitled to especial com men tatton. Although both the 2 10 Hot and 2 20 pac were completed In stialght beats , they wer both evceptlonally good The finishes wcr close and that Is what a racing ciovul wants plenty of excitement ciammcd Into the las few srio-ids And how they did cheer am jell One could ha\e thought that the fat of worlds hunt ; In the balance of cael stiiuboi lily-fought heat nut the fitnry n the afternoon will better tell the tale The Mist e\ent was the 2 M Hot , pur ? 400. with the following starters Ovi'tlinil b K. , St. Cloud llentv Viu Allstlno. M.uirhi-itiM , In. ( PJwoUID , Mr Ik.icb. b , I'l-pulillrnn , I' Ii.illv , All Inn n. Ni'l > . ( n.illv ) . Ml Itolim , 1) s. I'ai-tn Hit , \V M Ainold , HuiAor City. Nib , ( Ai Hold ) , K\oti > b h , Van , P 1'olTeii linen , Culhoiin , Neli U'orfciilut-tor ) Xi-lllc * K b in. Honest Jim , t'hurli Sfbinge. Altn , In. (5-VhlilBi ( * ) . LattllRlovr il c Oolili n Wing.V II liuiton C'oini rll HlnfK ( nmton ) , OeneMi Malfl , b in Miiiubont. C C c'hatiibpilaln , Fairmont Nth , ( ChninbeiliiliO. Hob Collins , 1) b. C. ruller , Sechillii , .Mo , ( l-Mlli r ) . KYOTO'S STEADY WORK WIN'S Statter CnlbertBOn got the big field off b admirable shape Lirchgrove slipped i Igh Into the \an and led by a length to the live eighths pole , when he made a Jump-up am dropped back to fifth position Kjoto thei came on at a tattling pace , biiccecdln ; Latchgrovc s pilot and came under the win In excellent time. Overland ga\e the win tier a staunch argument In the strctcli am succeeded In displacing Kjote , but a breal fifty jarils from the goal gave Van All stlne's horse the heat Time 2 21 Lirchgrovc again took the lead In the second end heat but left his feet at the quartei and joined the fctiagglcts In the dust Over land and Hob Collins were neck and neel to the half , which was pissed In 1 10 ? ! , bit rounding Into the stretch 1'offenbarger gavi Kjote a little leeway and lie was nulcVh abreast the leaders He then came on do-vt to the wire on eyci teims with Oxciland who made an unfortunate break a few steps away and Kjote won again amldsi the tliiimleioua aijplause ot 0,000 throats Time2 20 < i Another good btait was obtained In tin third heat , and In a bunch they went to tin quarter. Heic a torchlight procession began vvith Kyote nctlt'S ' as dium major Hi pa scd the half In 1 11. As he rounded tin last turn Overlcnd came up with a whirl but the clip was too hot for him and thr race was I'olfcnbatgel's. In three sttaighl heats. Time. 2:21 : Summaries : Kyote . . . . < . r M. . . 1 1 J Overland .1 2 2 : Hob Collins . ' . I 3 : Nettle K ' ' " ' -i Sunn Giove " - 1 ( Mrlle.ich G C Time2.21 ; 2-20'V. 2-21. rOUIl START IX THE I'ACR. The second race , Hie 2 20 pice , puise ? 500 btought out but four competltois : Sk.itcz , br K. St Xlcholi. Mike Ulmoip , Mil inci * . Neb ( Kc-ilvvc-11) . reneei , 1) ) K , Ki'i- jns MrGrc-gor , W O Poote , Houston Ti-\ IKoote ) : Th.ideus K , br s. H.ittler Itllks , t { M Stevv.irt , Pit-mont , Nib ( Stewait ) ; Dictate , br h , Dictator Woodllne Farm , Fullerton , Xeb ( Robinson ) The quaitct was sent up on a line In the third trial , Culbertson , as , usual , letting : hcm go only when he had them just right Thadtus K assumed the Icpd and try as liaid ah the gang might they could not catch him Dictate came nearest of any jut the Ktemont horse was out for the stun and he came under the wire with a s.afe nargln. Time. 2 15. II took bcvcral attempts before thej- getaway away in the second , Skate/ breaking just after getting the word. Kedvvell caught him lulckly , however , and at the half he was right In It. At the half , which was made n 1 10. Thadeus Htid Fencer entered Into a spirited controversy for the lead , which "encer finally gained by a Jump-up on ThadV mrt Stewart knew his horse well , though ind had him back nnrt going at his usual tteady gait In a jiffy , and at the head of ho stretch he was on even terms with his rival. It was a whipping finish and the Jodge county horse showed himself the ; amer , winning by a scant head In 2.19V& , he vest throng cheering themselves lioarfcu as the horses pissed under the wire. 'I lie third heat was not up to the standard of the two first. Thndous bllpped right out o the front and although Fencer and Die tate made a game effort to keep him com- laity , ho led at the half by a full length. The ourncy home was a joy , Thadeus winning he heat and race. Time : 2:241,1Sum - nary : I'hadeua 1 1 1 Vni-er . ' . ! 2 2 Jic-tiito 2 a : i Sltntez 1 4 I Time' 2.15 , 2 11) ) , 2.2214. MILU FOR A HUNDRED. A very capital afternoon's snort closed vlth a inllo dash , running. The Htarters vere , Darwin Wcdgevvood , ch. s , , Clbwood , 22 , C. C Frallck , York , Neb , ( I'ugsley ) , 'lam Campbell , s H , John Campbell , 122 , 3 , Horton , Otoe , la , ( Walker ) ; llairlson , c. g , Ilobower , 122 , Fred Kroft. DCS .Moines , Markham ) ; I.tver jr. b B , , 12. , Leo Shoies , Auburn , Neb , ( Williams ) The start was p. good one. but Harrlbon and Wcdgowood made all the running , in act a better mllu was never seen , the two emitinlng neck and neck clear to the stretch vhcn Harrison managed to get his head In rent , then his shoulders , but was only able o get under the vyiio a neck the best ot the gamey York na . Campbell made a good ry coming hompi but had been pumped too iard on the first half. Time 1.45. or TIJKTIO > VI < i.i\eii : . liM'iniinll Ilffi-ii ( fil fur UKCltv i-ntli Tlnn * .Ip i hiirt-i-NNloii. IMIILAnnLI'IUA. Sc-pt 1 The I'hllllis i.ttted out \lotory In the tenth Inning to il y , nnikliiK It j pi rti ) nlnililitH ; from I ho teds. lioth pitch ? were hit ftedy In the urlj part of thO'Biimibut kept the bits cattercd theienfu-r until DVV > IT'H punlsli- u-nt at the flul Atle-wlnnec , 4,319. Score- : hllaili-lphlu , . . , ,0,0 2020002 : ! - l"e-lnnutl mP , 32000010 0-0 HUH : I'lilbuUlphln , 11 , Cincinnati , 13 Hi- ors. I'lillaih Inhl.i , J ; Clnclniiutl , 0 H.irnt-d mm I'lilluilt-lphl'i , b , Cliuliianti , & ' 1'vvu- atie ) IIH | Coolu ) , llojlf , Hmlth , lluiiu : . Illler Thico-b.ibo liliH Cwlng. Homi- linn Coolcy , Ortb , Iji JobHMHIH on balls. iff Orth , 1 , off Dvvver. 4 8tiuik out Joyle Jlatti'iliw I'hllailelphla. Drill mill Jojle , Cliu-lnantl , Uvvyir and Viuigbn. 8BNATO11S AND COI/1'H HI'1-IT. WASHINGTON , Sept. 1 Cbli-ugo and Yasliliigton broke even todaj The locals Min the llrwt uamo IIOOIUHO of IlilggH' ildneaa , and .111 Inability tu bunch hits Ong , who nplactil Norton In the Ilfili iniiis- . did good work In the next game rllllth had better command ovt-r the ball tan did Mc-Jume-H , who WIIH hit oppor- unely. Atteiidunee , 4,000 Seoie , llrat ami- VaHhlngton 0 0003002 2-7 hlcugo 010COOOO 0-C Him Wuuhlncton. 11 ; ChlcaKO , 7 Kr- orn Wa hlngton , 2 , Chicago , 1 Earned HUH WaKhlnuton , S , Chicago , 2 Tvvo-babi ItH McCormlcK , King , Dotiohuc Three- UHU htUi Drown , 1 ft ffer U.IMM on built ! fr Norton , ll , off JJrlKBi ) , 5 Hit by pitched all. J.Ufh Kliuik out liy Hrlwua 1 balls. McUulrc. Wild pitch. Uattcrles : Washington , Norton , King m MrUulrr. Chicago , llrlggs nnd l > onohu ( Wnshlngton . . - Chlrago Hits. Washington , 7 ; Chicago , 0 Enoi Washington 3. Chlrnijo , 2 E.irnrd run Wasblncton , 2 , Chicago , 3 Tv\o-ba e hit 15VI1H Three-lmsp hits- Smith Ha es r balls Off MeJames , 4 , off Orltllth , 4 Striif out Ily MrJutiux , 2 , by Orllllth. 3 l'n - ( ballsI'ainl. . Hatteriis- Washington , M. . .Tames and Farrcl , Chicago , Clrllllth ai nonohui1 llhAKE'S TIMF.I.Y HOMEIl NEW YORK. Sppt -The Clevi-lnnds ill frnteil the Xcw Yofks In the first paint ti dav In the eighth Inning , whott Ulike mm a home run The New Yorkers c.iptun the second jramihv plat-lug their hits | bettor ndvantiiBis thin the-lr opponent Attcndanre , 3tx ! ) Prore , llrst gatne. Cleveland - New Yolk - Hits- Cleveland T. Xevv York 10 1'rtor Cb vc-land , 2 ; Xvv York. C Earned ititi : Clrvi'l.ind , 1 , Xcw Yeirk. 1. First base o bills ; err Cuppv , 2 ; off Seymour , 2. Stritr out. Hv Cuppv , J ; bv He > mour , 3. lloir tuns ; make Two base lilts Joyro. I'.ixl WIKon I'ltssoil Inlls. Wilson. JSalte-tlc' ' Cleveland , Cupiiv ami Xlinmci j Xcw Yotl Srv tnoitr and Wilson. Seine xecotnl game : Cleveland - Xivv 'V.ork 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 - Hits- Cleveland , 11 .New York , 11. Erroii Cli-vplnnd , 1 ; Nt'xx Yolk , 3. IJaincd funs Clevpland 1 : Now Yotk , 2 Struck outIt Wnllni-e , 4 ; by Sullivan , 2 Two bisc bit- McKi-an , Wallace , Citnason Hnttoilc Clove-land , Wallace and Xlmmer ; New Yoil Sullivan nnd Warner. STANHOPP AT 11ROOKI.YN ItllnOKI.YX , Sept. 1 Utooklyn and S 1 mils Hplll oven today. Attendancn , 21'0 Scote. lltst game : St l.ouls - Hiooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 fi - HitsSt l.nuK H ; Hiooklyn , 10 Enor > St. I.ouls , n ; Ittooklvn , none Eatm-d tun St I.ouls a , Urooklvn , I Plr t base o bills ; orf Hirt , I ! , off llarrer , no-ie Strut- out : Hv Harpir , 2 Home runs Pi-hoi-1 Thice bis ( > hits Howd , Cotiorin Wll pitches , Harper , 2 , Halt , 1. Hattorlos S I.ouls. Mart and .Miiiphy , llrooklvn , Harpc and ( ! rlni. SconBicond game : St I.ouls 0 0 0 0 1 " 0 2 0- Itiookljn - lllls St I.onls 12 ; llioklvn , ' F.noi' St I.ouls , 2 , HrnoKl > n , ,1 Eatned tuns. S I.oills , fi ; Urooklvn none. Flrsl bn e o bills Off Hn Iti-listoln. 1 ; olT KeniHilv , ; Sttut-k outHv ( In Iti iistiln , 4 , bv Sti-l'i. : Thn-o basp bits : Ooitslas Cio s Pas e bulls Hum 11 , 2 Hiitteili-s Hi l.oill- llteltensti-ln and Mi-Fat land , Hiookljt Kennedv , Stiln and linrroll CHAMI'IONS WIN THE IAST. UAI/I IMOItE , Suit I The c-hiiinplnn todaj defiiitnl the I'lttsbuigs In a fiatnn li ss ( ,111111 * Tin- homo lijiin lit nil llugbo In tinllftb for four singles and a trlpb and lhi si\ with Kelly's su-iliu-o and a lias on balls , gave them llvo tiilllis Almcm lonstant vvi.ingllng with Pmplti * l.allv b. both .sides tiled the spcotatois and so i'i < lavtd tin * game th it II was t-albd afle the Plratis hud Illilsbod tboli lialf eif th eighth Attendance , l.r.iK ) Pooii1 : Haltlmoro ' - I'lttsbuiB . . . . - IlltsHaltlmoro 12 , 1 Ittsburir. 10 Eiior" lialtlmoie , 1 , I'lttslmrB , 2 Earned run- Hiltlmoii ; Plttsbiiig , 3 Two-base bits Hoffcr. Kelky , l.vons , Holt/ , Wright Throo-b.iso hits MiC.ravv Pioililco hits Kelloy. Bases on balls Off HotTt r , t ; ot Hushov , t Hit by pitched ball : niM Ktiuok out : Hy Hoffoi. t Wild pilch Hughoy PatterlpsHaltlmoro , Iloffor am Itobhison , Pittsbuig , llughov ninl Sngilon. CPNXY HITS A HOMER , TOO. HOSTOX Sept. 1 Hoiton and l.oulsvllli split even In two well pin veil games tod.iv In the sixth Innlnp or the second with Uvi men on bises Cunnlngliani bit the bal ever the left Held fence for a home run Scoio llrst game : Hoston 2 1 0 0 0 P 2 2 * 1 T.oulsvillo Hits : IJoston. 11 , Louisville. S EIIOIS Hoston 4 ; Louisville Ti Eaineil nuts I.iiuisvllle , . " Two biso hits Mc-Cioirj Thioo biso bitsCol'lns. ' . Claike Ilomi inns ) \tei First base on lulls Hv Hill ' ) ! bv Stlvitts. 1 Struck out Hv Hill , 2 1 < V Stlvetts , 2 Passed billsIetor , 2 n.utoilis : Hoston , Slivotts and Gan/ol I.nulsvlllo , 11111 and Do\ter Seoio second game : Poston 0- ' Louisville - ' Hits ; Hoston , S ; Loulsvlllo 12 Enors Hostnn 2 , LouKvllle 1 E mud inns Loulsvllto , 1. Hostou 2. Txvo b ISP hl's Louir. Hamiltoii. Miller Three b ise hits Collins , Long. Home runs Cunningham Flint base on ballsHy Cunningham , n Yorilck. 2 Hit bv pile hod bill Tin Ki i Hamilton Stiiick out Hv Yoirk-k , 1. Hat- lories Hostnn , Yerrlck , Sullhaii anil Gun- /el ; Loulsvlllo , Cuniilngh.ini and Millet. STAXIJIXO OF THE TEAMS Plin oil Won. Lost. P C Haltlmoro 10-1 7" , 31 fS t Clnolnnitl 110 IV ) 41 C < ; Clovolaml lTt ( Hrt 41 fn ( Chicago lit Ki 4' ' ) 67 ( itoston no ro rn r.i' Pittsbur in-i rn ro ni 1 I'hiladilphla HI fil ri7 4S ( HiooUlvn 10' ) H2 r,7 47 ; Now York 11. ! H : m 4f , ' \Yushlngtoli 10-1 41 f 4n ! st i.ouis no T - , - ; n i Louisville 10S 2S SO 2' ! Oamos ted ivCloolnml at Hiooklvn , Chle-iU'O at Haltlmoio. Plttsbnig at Phlla- ilolphla ; Ht Louis at Ho.ston , cinclnuntl .it Now- York , LonLsvIllo at Washington. scouns OP THI : UT.STSJIIV ii.ioi'n. ( iiiillN | TalciMii ( > tbr li > Ilul of llnril Iliidlnu. MINNEAPOLIS , Sept 1-Score- Mlnno.ipolls 0 S Dftioll . . . (1-1 ( Hits Minneapolis 17 ; Detiolt. ! ) Ertoib Minneapolis , 2 ; Detroit. 2 Hatteilts. llutohlson and Sehilver ; Thomas and rwlnoham ST. PAUL , Sept. l.-Scoro : 3t Paul 0 0- ' ! m.iini itnpidM n-2 HitsSI Paul , 7 ; Grand Unplds , 7 Ei- ors St. Paul , 3 , Grand Rapids - . ' Hattoi- osFilckcn mid Kratiss ; Wolteis and Hedge KANSAS CITY , Sept 1-Score : Kansas City . . . .0 I ( I 0 1 0 0 2 0 3-jo Columbus - 7 ] * , Columbus 11 Ei- Hits Kansas City. ; , - ors Kansas Cllv , I Columbus | liattoi- os Hariiett and Hlanford ; Hoswc-ll and Wilson. MILWAUKEE , Wli , Sept l.-Sooie : Indianapolis * -3 Milwaukee 000020000-2 Hits : Indlannpolls , II : Milwaukee , 0 Er- ors- Indianapolis , 2 ; Mllwaukeo , 4 Hit- Tries ; Hettger and Spear ; Daman and Wood. Wood.STANDING STANDING OF Til 13 TEAMS PI ived. Won. Lost. PC Minneapolis 112 7 ! M Ki 2 ndlTiia/oils 112 rS 41 C07 n Paul 110 en no MS H-tioit m ni 41) ) . , CIIIIK.IH city ni oi r.t rno Uihviiuki'O Ill ) M m 41 1 olninbus 121 41 M .1)9 ) Irani ! Haplds KO IS W 317 OamoH today Detroit at Mlnoapolls , In- llan.ipolls at Mllvvau'oo ; : Grand Haplds at 5t. Paul ; Columbus at Kant-as City. vvocv STAMIS OI-T i > i : < i MOIMS , [ ole Iiiliinilli mill UN | lien Fiiri'i-il tn Phi } Hull li > tin * I'olH , AVOCA. la. , Sept 1 - ( SpoolilThe Des Hollies league team played our boj.s yestor- lay at the base bill paik and found It lecess.iry to attend strlolly to their ' knit Ing" In order to piesoi ve theli recoid Hi y- ncr was ut home to the visitor * and ga\o hem a Viinn roieptlon , pitc-hlng a ganu hat called for hard work to capture Score : AVOCA , IJI3S MfllNHH H ii o A i : a n o A i : olfunl rf. 0 il 0 n Lctrlier. If 'iiklp , nil 1 , A o V Muhlir I'll 2 J 7 0 n kiifitln. 2b M'Klli-n m 0 0 I 00 Chilian , Ib 1 J 11 0 0 I'urvlK , II , tllLr . . 0 1 4 1 1 l.nhmun , o 2 J 4 0 0 U' > imr , it 0003 0 Atilicv\n , i 0 0 2 0 0 , inli. .Ill . . 1 1 3 1 ! 0 11 It lc > , 31) ItiiKv , If . . 0 1 2 0 0 Km If ) , if . 0 0 1 00 ucul , m bonier , p . . . 1 0 0 2 1 Totnli . 6 & C4 It 4 Tot.iU . . 7 S ? 11 3 Uoca 0 0 MX ilnlnts 000220JO Two liato lilts. Austin , Kublnfon , I.niniun Iume runs : 1'urvU hU'Un linriaAvuca , 2 , lea MolniH , 2. Double | ili > H. .Mulilcr In 1'ui- U. IIHI-IS on bulls. Off ll'-inir , 2 , off Kinlir , htrucK nut. HV llrinur , 2. by honttr 3 rinu of KHIIII"nc liour unit firnvu < iiiln- itm. Umpire : Hnn-un Attcnilunri , too. Nut Iliilli-i- llanill > Injnrt-il , SPHIXGFIEI.D. Mass , Pcpt Hut- LT , C' It. Newton and J. P. HIIss wirein olllflon In the bltjc-lo races lure today iulUr'H eoll.u bone \x iHluoke-n and ho W.IH iidly briilbi-il Otnera weio Kllghtly Injuitd. leilo IH hold n-sponxlhlu for tinac > IJi ill aldlo Haiti fulled to woouru. a plui-u in the no mill iirofL Hlonal ntord ext-nt b ing'T ' IHO failed to diavv a plaeo In one uf I lit. i.tmltLup uvcnta. No hc-ata v -c run oduy. Cnrr NrolVliiN in Ciiiuiilu. NIAGAHA-ON-THE-I VKE , Bijit. 1 'arr II Nttl of ChUah'o jistirdaj won the inal match for the Intt-rnutional tirinlH UP , bt itlllKurd Of Hut In HI. r G2 C3 3 A tlilid fiiccexx will flvi the cup tu feel ab bla own proper ) } hu huxlDC vxun I twice. Pcrcjjoy S : Mooto started in with 112,500 Sold in June 238,000 Sold in July , And an avi > i\gc ever since of 18,000 per week This shows what arc. Council Bin ( Is , In , } : , U tj Sole A gen Is , 'SAY AYE 'NO' AND YE'LL NE'ER BE MARRIED , DON'T REFUSE ALL OUR ADVICE TO USE South Omnha Ns i'7 f5 As scon as llio oidlu.iiice autlioilruiK tl issuing of * 1. > , OUO 111 funillng bonds has bet printed onie In theolllelal piper of II oltv Tioasurer Hioadwell will i nd a eo | of tl.e uidlmncc to eastern banKin wl purchase bonds The cuttliiK of the Intue ft oni 7 to 0 per rent will niiiKe Is dllluu to dlsposo of the1 boiula Cashier .Moti.ul of the. Packets' hank bald \estcldav i aceount of the couuell cuttliiK the Ititoie down ho could not Inindli * the bond" IK i but thoiiRht eahtctii Inveslois nilht | ; bn them. Vciv little If nnj prenilnm lould 1 obtained on C per tent bonds About a dii7C IlKitilrle' ! have * been niado fioni bond pu : chasers , and the flnnnce eoinniittee does n < anticipate any trouble in belling the scent tie-is. _ Mini Cr.- . | , \Kiiln. With the chatiKliiK of thelefuse fret the Blue factory at Swift's Into the sevvcr It Is now thought that the. Mud crcc nuisance has been ahatc-J Slnco the chanp was tnailt' there is a noticeable- difference I the odors fioni the creeK. and It is otpccte that after a hard rain the crccU will li sulllclentlj cleansed so that then will be * n odor to speak of All that will now inn lilt the cicek will bo the overllow from th ticiiKhs at the stock janl.s and the ston water from L , N and Q sticots The invest ! gallon of the .sinvct show oil just what th city engineer had piedlcted , that Ihc pailvln hoiibc * * and not the btock jaids. wore * t hlatno fet the nul.ince Itesidinta In th southcin portion of tlie city are pleased a the aetion of the i Hy autlioiltles In foicin an abatement of tht > nuisance. I'ntlhon tin- Superintendent lames L I'axton of Hi Union Stock Y.nds company has rt'ttiinc1 from a trip throiiKh Utah and Idaho , whlel was taken In the interest of the compan ; ho uprc = eiits Mr. Taxton tays that the llv stock in the states hoisllcd was In prim condition , but owneis * vere holding bael thipinents until prices htiffen up I'lenty o cattle are waiting to be shipped and lar , ; numbers will he sent to this niaikol vvhe : the time conies. Unless pi Ices rKe within shoit time Mr. Paxton thinks that larg herds of the cattle will ho turned hack to 111 ranges and held until next year. ClHII.IN T > io I. ills. TIio city has pui chased from the SoutI Omaha Land company two lets at Thlity sixth and L sticcts at a cost of SHOO. Ihcj will bo used in stiaiRhtenlns L stieet a that point. The change will not affect tin stock jatds pioperty at the southeast cotnei of the stieet , as L street from Ilojd ti Thltty-sKth , will bo kept open. It was the Intention at Hist to trade the land companj the picscnt ilght-nf-way for the lots put chahcd This would have made the stocL > ards pioperty Inside lots , which change the -.aids company would have resented ii : the courts. _ 3lllf-J < ' Cl ( > ( il > M ll. | J. C Hill of Wray , Cole , was \lsitot it the stock j ards jcsterd.iy J , Moses of Sliver City , la , came over > estciday with two ears of cattle E. II Doud and wifeof Iloono la. , arc visiting Mr. and Mrt , . 1) L Holmes Miss Lizzie Dellman of Long I'lno. Neb s the guest of .Mies MaggloMeans , 2520 N street. During August 22 S.r)7 head of cattle were shipped to tlio country , the majoilty going nto this Ktatc . Mrs. John McNIchoIs of Atkinson and Mrs. P U'airen of O'Neill are the guests ol J. M. Welsh and sinters Miss Kittle Wilklns of Mountain Homo , daho , will have so\ cut } -five * head of horses on sale at the yaida today. J S. Harris , a well known hardware mer chant at Stamford , Is hoio to attend the air. Yesterday ho visited the block j arils. Of the 27,808 sheep lecelved last month 2- ! llli head were sold lime , making thu lust bhovlng of any month In the history ot lie slock jards. lion J. Sterling Morton , secretary of the ) cpartment of Agriculture , was In the city or a short time yesterday afternoon , and called at the government Inspection olllccB le found uxcr > thlng working nicely and ippraicd to hu pleased at the condition of affairs here. Yesterday afternoon Major Ensor ap pointed eight Hpcclal policemen , who will latrol the ic-slde-nci * portion of the city every light during this week. The 111.13 or thought hat , au most of the people would be go ng to Omaha to view the parades , It was lece-ssary to protect the city from sneak hleves In the Interest of harmony , a change las been imido In the makeup of two of he committees on the Hoard of Education , 'rank O. Olson has been taken off of the oni mil too on buildings and gtounds and Icnry .Michel substituted Olson has also teen taken off of the judiciary committee. ml C. lj Talhot substituted. TO MY MAN. The Proscription of a Great Remedy \viiicii frni ; HIM \rrnit iviuv- : K.\IIII ) . Pnlnful < llteika iiru bail inniiKli luit ulifn n mini l tlu\\l ) uanlliiK a > va > * vllh uaillntuak - u > > i the niiiital fun hiiilnis | : nil tin IIIIIIH oit linn thu 1111)1-1 HMH piln 'II in IB no let up o Urn inuitiil nuffnlHK iluj or lilBht hliip In ImoEt ImpotFlliIc nnd miller i in h a Mruln infn ID fceuicil > jc ppuiulhlc for v\luit llu > ilu Per tarn UIHrllir rollul an < l tote < l on the- loulilnl fin or texiinl l.ililn'ns , until It wuu n luvlton whether In- had not letter tul\o u ilotiu t poison iiiul Hum eml nil liU IrouliUa Hut iinlilt-ntlal Intpliatlin came lo hU aid In the luil'C of u lomtilniitlon of nuillilniH Unit not Id ) rompleltly intuit il hlu Kiln rill litultli , but nlarKf'l ' lil vuali , iiiiuclati-il inrta lo nuluiul Uu uml vlnr"i. anil Inmm dtUurt-H Ihul any Mil vholl | iiiku tintroiible to i-enil hla iiami * ml luMnt-H may Inivu the prifirlptlim nt IhU I'llililful irineily ( lie .Vou. tvlicn 1 tu ) flee , I nan liliMilutrly v\llliout ( okt , luiaun- vvnnt vin uenkeiuil mull to fed the bdiclll uf in ) xpeilence 1 urn not n plillnnthropUt nor do I poi-e as u inlliuKluiit , lilt tin IP am thimntii.ln ( I nun Mifftrlnu Ihu iiuntul lorturiH of vMiikiiuil tniin- toovho ) vMiul-1 IK- cured ut onie loull liny ; i-t unh ti itmeil ) an I In- out Unit mm ! me- Mill me- ) our nunie ninl iiililrciui n laj Do not r ) to i > tiil > nut lieu I iifforcl to pj > thei few , > * | , htampu iifi t * ifur > to mull Hiepribt rlp- I * n but fet ml f l ttit renitrtl ) un 1 Hum tlml tu rt urc a fivtltliii u on lurtli ( hut ullliuiiKli ii > * i > i n iluiK to Kit Uir } art iv ith u fci unv to burnt iiit-ii uml meun n lifn me < f liuj , ilni a to must uf u > \Vrilt : lo 1 hoimm Miilt-r Ii x I. " KHiarri-iu' Mich uml thu jm "cllpllon vlll Lo mulltil In u plain ttuUJ tnv elope. . ST , BFRNARD'S HOSPITAL AND RETREAT FOR THE INSANE. In chnrgo ot ths This widely known Institution has been doubled in Elzc during Ilia past slimmer and ' in a Jo one of the mo * iiuJcrn uncl mode ] ! Inatltutions of ltd rlinractcr In the woaU 'Ilio ' now nildltiom will be nnil/ for occu pancy by the first of the jear When fullM I completed , nccommci ! lions will be afforded | for .ion patients. It la beautifully situated , overlooking the city of Council Dluffn. A1 full tlalT of eminent pU > slc-Iitia und trained n\irsfs minister to the comfort ot the p * tlcnts. SPE8IU. CARE IS O.V ? 1 TO LflDY Per fuller particulars , apply to SISTER SUPERIOR , Council niufTs. U. Dohasiy Theater. GCO N I1O13IJ. . I.e sec anil Mnn.iKcr. , i : M < : ilT * > IMSIJI'T. . ( I. , Merritt & Davis' It II'IIJ Tit WSIT CIMir.llY. aaaoe i > ifisiNTin : in Tim lltlSII ) > ( ) ! .ITM \XS. . . \SSISTii > llrill.OM I ( > ri < Miini M'H.iiiion- . rm < ni Tr.i- , no.ri : : ; irnt * , itlc. Seats now on sale' nt Opcr.i Uonie l'Iiar- m.icy , r 13 Sc-lleis , r > ( .o Jiio.iilw.o. Council Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL. $100,000t \\K SsOMCIT VOUK IIUhl.MCS' , . \vi3 nnhiitc YOUII coLLIcTlo ; s. OM : III-THIS OMJ13ST llA.Mts IN a i'in CENT I'Aiu o.v TIMI : nii' CALL , AND H1SE lit ) Oil WHITE. FIR C D PJIB I ( RI5 I'-iinii-'opium EJoli Oi E3i UuLLilrZ-d nml iiiuiphlua iintlilolu Am L\p IHilLC lilciiio RAILIAX TIME CARD Leuvis IIIUltl.lNCi'iON . Mu ltl\ Lit .Arrives Om.ih.ilLnUm IJcput , loin cV M.ibuii htij " Omaha S 35im . " . .Dnivci ixirc : | s 9 33jTii Mpin nil ; Hllln , Jlont fc 1'iiBet hn.l ix < OHitn 4 3iin liiiivtr ixiuhh 4 < jinu " Nrhriibliu Local CI > NCI-I | hiinila T.-ISpni . I.lllKllll l.ULIll ll-X'1 pt SUllllU > .It JOU1U 2 U | > m I'aM Mull ( for l.lnculu ) jully. . Leave B ICIIie-AOO , Ill'ItMKf ; ION e lAnlvea Oiiialiuirnlon IXimt , lOlli A. Mufcon hlB 1 Onialia C 00M | ) | . . , l.'likuKU Vehtlbulu . . 8 00am 3 < i > iun C'hlriign lxirc-s 4 IDpui 7 Mini .ChleiiKo Mini bt I.nulH l piem 8 CUam 11 40am Taelllu Junction I.OLU ) , C Putt Mull 2 Leaves ICHICAllO , MIL & ST PAIL Arrives OnmlinlUnlon Depot , lOHi . \ . Manon MH Uinulia r Viirn | , , , ClileiiKO I.lniltoil 8 11 COnn Chicago ixiretm | < cx i-'iniJuj ) 3 Leaves | CHIC\\CO ! ft NOKTIIWKST N lAnlvea Oiniihat | alu i Depot , IDUi \ MIIKUII MH I Omaha 10 ( Cum . I'lintirn l-xpre'H 3 10pm 4.45pm . Viylllnilt'.l l.tnilteil & 4Spni C l ! > pm . KI. i'.iul i : | ir. hi- ii zoum C 4lam . . . dt l'.i > i > I.lmlleil 7 rc.uil. . . C'liuoll A * hloux c-lty l > ioal U lupm CsSCpm . Oiniliu t'liluik-r. Hpiclal S OOillll . XMDxoiirl Valley Local ( t SOain Leaves Irillf ACiO , It I S. I\e II Ifrrlvca Oinnlmll'nlop Di pot. 1Dtli ft Milfoil His I Omaha 10 lOiun .Atlnntlo Uxprma ( ex Bunda ) ) 635pm 7 00pm Nlhlit I'xprerH K llam 4 D0 | > in . . riilciiKO Vtetiliuk-il Llmlliil 1 : ipm 4 .VIIHII HI I'nul Vfiitlliiilpil l.linllril LUpm WKfeT. C I'pm Oklnlionin Tixim i : < d-x Sun ) 10,33am 1 40pm . . . . C'liloiinli l.linlu , ! 4,00pm I.p-ivf | C.ST P M ftO Oiimhul Depot , rail ntiil VV i listi r Cm K 1'ain Hloux f'lty Anniuinu latlon IV 30pm hloux CH J Lspro-K l. x Hun ) C.IJpin . - Ht P.4U1 I.nnlti-a J.taxnJ P K & MO VA1.I.I Arrives Oinahal Di put , ISln unit VVMifit r Win Oinnlia " 3 cvi7ni T Pnfl Mull an I ixin-h G COpm 3 cnpm ( ( X. hillV ) > o ix. : CPX M .n ) C 00pm 7 team Picmunt L id ( KunilnH Onl 7 'Aim NurmlU IIxpii-n1 ( fa 'in . KI Paul HxpriKB | K r * Ht j A f I ArrHe OmuliiilPnlon IXpol. IGlliI Mnr-on HlK ' Omulia "o O..INI Knn : iH clt > Duy Kxpremi C 10pm 10 00pm K f. Nlfclit i : > > via I1 I1 TIUIIII e , 30um Leftvea I IlIBSOIJItl I'\fl'I | < Arrive * Omnhul Deput , iDtli uiul VV'i Ijntir fix 3.2dpm . .Neliraolcu fi ICnnnuii l.linlu t < 3Cim . . Kunras Cityv' } * 3.CKIpm Nt1iiHil > n Local ( f > - LeavtTr KIOPX CITV.P . , * * ' " 'I1' " Omalial Irpot. ISth uml Wilmlir HI * ' ' 1 ti 15pm . . Ut I'.tul Llmlliil in JJ Leavml HIOUX I'lTY ft I'Afint' ( Arrlve Omnliulljilon Depot , 10th H : MIIKOII Sis ( Omaha t ( Cam Ht J'nul ruwuner 11 10pm 1 30am . . . Hloux f'lty I'nii iiitr S.Oipm I i'jinn . . Bt. I'aul l.lintliil H-iOiiq UO M" | i'NION'l'Af'irif JArrlv i Onialmlt'nlon Depot. lOtli . Mimon Stf I Oinahj 8 30nn Kiurnc-y ixiie.-i 410pm C Onm ( Hi l la ml l.lmlUil 4'liyiii i 2uin IlriilVe ft Klroinnh k Lx lex bun ) li.Olpu * L ( inn cJiaiul Iiluml CM ri- ( ti Bun ) 12,0.pia I 30pm _ 1'unt Mall k 4Calr | ' .ejies iVAIIAHH i IIAIIAVAY fArriv 3 OmuhuLfnIon | Depot. lOtli X. Mabon Ht j Omaliit TiiJiJia LouU Cannuu Uall..ll0u *