TTTE O fATTA BATLV IflSDAY , HBPTiminatt 2 , 185)0. ) SPECIAL NOTICES. A'ltrrtlnrittrnlN tur tlioio ivltl lie InUrn until 1UitO : p , in , , f i > r I lie cionlnn mill iinlll S | > . m. fur tbo iiinriilntr nnd Siiiiilnj oilltlnni. AilvcrllMorK , 1i > roeUONtl | nu 11 iiiini- llPl'Oll I'lH'oli. fllll lllH 1IIIM1KTM Illl- ilrcMtnl lo 11 iiimiltciMMl loller In oiiru lf lllllll'U. . AllSVVOIJI H llllllH" IMt Mill 111' llollVITt'll OH | ll' ' 10ll1lltl < M l IlieI'lii'oK nnl ) , I tut os , I l-LIo u niiril llrit liixoi'llntil lo n . nl ( licroallor. 'MdhliiK luUi-n for Irxx Hum ' . " 0 lor tinllril Insor- < lnn , 'I IIOHO niH orllKoiiiontn niiiMt bo run citiixi'iMill v elj. \ \ -M'l I ATIOAS xnin sliVrT-K KM. \VANTI2I ) lir.M * . ANTI.II. AN IDIA.vno CAN 'intMC OP Mima slnnle HIIIIR tn imlnit" fiM * l } 'Ui lele-Hji , tlic > im > btlii ; > oii wn'lli.ill" Inlin WiilJcrl-iit n A i o. lopt \ I iftil AUonifjn , \\j/1iinKton J ) ' r-n thfli 51 ' 00 i. l/.i utrir nml 11 Hit of tuo lm-ntl"i wimH ! ! 71lL Jlllel flll"4lll"ll lot elJIK. ) CX l lll ! > ' ' UlllfCOS- elj. tll"itl | . | Ml-ielo , l.lltie. Clet'i f lir Bill- rlilnc ft. " lei inch eu | jii.r ' . " ' " * ' Illship .1 Lu , HI l.oul AIn WANI ni > i"t us iTi7nS o n : isinu AIIN : will KM ! > e\.lusl\e- ltllltr > tu Innn liliJ Nf- fur Wniit e > nho p Mti , i < ) . I.ejuell , Aiilj | | Stain luiti'l .lil < , 10 ,0 in IS n " 4" " . . l7\T7v OK llJlN7 ! l.tixFAX"TO Tit AM. I. ANU , ip | > nlnt nRnnte. hilai > Hint < -ipi n f pit" " ! Ail- ibisiV J tun OmihilM ll-M4 ' . ! ' \TNlTftT , " sot.icn on , t.vnv nu cjn.Nri.t- : miui : Kuai u.tceil faiu ) fit W > p-i m ml h t-ill Ml .V I7th H. M T \ - \ 'innIT. B.Mt'l.o MINT itfittAf : , r i noimi : lilts eif liole.1 mill Jilluite Illlllll ) lu 1 | > usv unM Ar.v-usiY. wauleil , IOJ I ullc'n to limn jctun Mis O. bhulle.1. muni Ml Knbi'li M'e. ' 1. - .M iSS ANii.n iiiuaiiT I.M ) ! ! . 10 TAKIJ oit- ilcis foi mil Kliiilii nitPti itppiM.ilt ) in e Itv mil I LI ) munt ) bi the liiiltcil Miilp , nut-ilns line1 It , Just the- mints f . the' hollilO" . ixeliittio ttrrlteiij , tii-nmtiMii iinplii > imnt. vviltu tor paitkiiliri Aililii'i 'llnlirt Duuboin 1'iib Co , 111 l > i nlurnI ( . 'lilcigu C Ml " i' roil iiousns IN M.I. rxiifh of inucirv njn : O 1' Divli c'limpinv , r.i" liiiniiin 1)3' - iTousi : niMu.v : : . .1o. . 10 ? N r.rii sr 11 til N iiofsns c. A sTAiir. . ' : > N v urn sinAM inninu hioitns AND PI.AIS Itowniel Itiinclt , nkHit , VAV Cble-ijo htu t 1) 3u cjioicn ficn si.s AND COITAOI : * AH. uvt/it theclt > , ? " to f'O riilollty , KU2 r.ximim . mi : in IION Kroel Co . 21J h. 1 lib st. U-377 iimisVALiAoTTmtov. ? : : \ nt.ic tcin Ullil UotlKlUH D 3i3 nouses K. sior.i : r. u wiD. . IB .1 Pouuias 11- JIG h2j Gociiie TrrAOi : 7 nusiiiAin.Y IOCATIID elunp , S-l > uin house iiciu liuiluc- , 7 uiuuis tun Urn. ull t i7th stiret L. H hklnuer. ij-tiit 310 N. V IJ-M i" _ ron unN'rTTiNTr SIODCIIN i J-A ra LANGI : block. OUO h lltll hticit _ 1)M'S' ) ) bJI ) rou unxT. lo-nooM HOUSI : . jtonnux piTfrit npnlr 71J N. ipth ht D illl ! ) iorsn stom.r.N. 21211 bticct. also 7 loom tott.iRp inljulirfnc Apih | to O N Cl.ijton at VAahitli ollici , 111" riiiiiin Rtucl. D-M.JC4 I'OIl HUNT , A NJ3AT 5-HOO.M HOUbi ; , S3"i ho ilsth M. Appls on theprcml' - H 7-nooM iiousn Monnnv , 2120 ciiAiti.r.s Bticc-t , nl u 7 loom'p ,1 IJolnlUK Apil > to U N. Cla > ton ut Wiili.isli ollke lll'i I'nrnnn --M-c' ' Bliect - - 4 & s-rtooM iioi'bn ofl so isnt sTtinnr itooMSITII onvirnouT bond , Ic-fcrcnce" ) . JUi ho 'uth ttie.e.1 FOII unNT , iiANDSOMni.r riNisiinD MOP crn IioMBC' of ilc\pn loeitiis nt ! " * > pel montli. 2410 e'uhs blio , t Appl > lo NV. 11 Melkli * first National bunk biiliaing D MI13 U rou iiioN'rrt iiMsiinn ROOMS. JIOOMS WITH on nnoiiT iio/utn , CON- veuli-nt In , u tu tall Kiumi'l Mi hnMil i\i J --SO bl rUUNlSIIUU HOOMb Ijll IIO\\Ar.I ) U 310-W * 3 NlT : ri'HNi'ninn HOOMS , I.ICIIIT nonsi- : knplni , ' 111J h lltll. IJ M.iiO hJ NICELY riiiNisunn UOOMS on t NffiiN- Islie-el No Ml ho 2jlh inoiiin > n JHh4" rui < Msiiin : uocms AND IIOAIID. 1'Ll'ASVNT 11OOUS , WITH ISO VllD. 19M DoeJKO I' ilWOhJ * ruoNT IIOOM wrin AWOVIJ , Ai.sci sini : rouins , good liuiiel , bust leicatlun In eltv 211 H. 23th Bt -1131 1 S GOOD iiOAiin. IIATIS ni\- Hiinutilu , IritiBlcnt ncccuimoiluttel ' 1 lu ( nope' , ; JO ! Iiune > > f J1J7J h.u JtOOMS WITH HO Mil ) , UTOl'lA , 17J1 DAVUN port tt f-1'71 b J * _ JIOOM AND liOAHU , KilO lOUUl.\h' r M us blu * y ri'iiNibiu IIOO.MS , WITH no\nu 2107 DoUKlllB 1' SU14 b' rou isivrt .M''uitMsiui > UNfuiiNtsnni ) HODMS ion IU..NT I'm wntel , lioulj pnliiteit anil paputil 13JI 1'aiK ave- U JSS 31 * roil unvr s . \M > ori < 'iuis rinsT-cLA--s iniifK MOUI : IIUILDIMI , ion I'm mini , three. Ktiule.ii miel baxeinriit , v\lll nlli i to Bull tiiiunt , lou tent , Jll Ut Nat 1 II k 1)1.1- ] -171 ron nnNT Tin : ISTOIIY UIIK-K at ! ili > fnriniiii > , t utiiH imllllim liuh ei iiie-proof eoinuut banvniint comiilolu ell un I UK' lix- turiHutir on all llooru , w\ $ , eti Apil | > at tliu otlke of The Ju ! > 1 'MU Till ) rOl'KMOilY AN1 > HAHn.Mn.NT , IHllc'K luillilini ; , at 1.M1 Ilii arel Iit < t , ulliible. feu ntoniKi * uinl loniinlbHlejii , or nmmiraUurliit ; IHIH- Intna. U. H N.lllonul luinll. 1 2 'J ' oito ato.Nny IN LATIIST C'AMP UCIN AND comlo liutluiiH , r,00 Minis bottom inlets , box hiunplPH fur illnu c'uinialtii | huppl ) eoniiuiiy , Ut Aieh hltiit , Iloston , .Min-- J .M'il ( iB , SUP , "i.irn ov M-KINI.IY : HO piihi'8 , iimio full pupu Linra\lnta ltli llfu- tlze poitialt Hmclay ie'o , cjnlmiutl , I ) AQKNIH MA1CD \Vll-KLvhitLJn : | Ot'll "ItlB His" mill othir Kp-ilalllos , ll piollts , UUlcK mlos , hlt'iety uinul lyiuent , liriiw pnile , ul.uH. ti'nii fit' i'e Hupiilj i'u cin. clnmill i J-MUl . V. iUj TO IIINT. . 'inn nnstANi ) rou lUt iiuv , v , Illi I'arnitli' , DuiiKbiM 1IIU . Kite Mii > ili.M' . K 701-hS A ri iiKisuni ) iiot-hn I-IIOM oc- tolir until Jul ) nr longer , > fllfforel \ \ hmltli , uo 1 aiimm tt K-47J TO iinMiKuihi AlTotr-r" 10 r < onu biillablo for t u ruinUlvii , twin-ecu ICIti uilU I'lut Ktltetx llul water ur bttielii Mate IOVMOI pi lev AadiueuS 9 , lln * K M415 3 * ii ; AND MAitniioi'sn co . Mi all ) Joins ( itiural tlorase iin-.l foi i r HUB OM , VAN & HTOIlAan , K'J ) AV.\V1I3ITO IIHl" . CASH S. CI.nAll UIUI. nhTATi : I-'OU A HDtil. mi * . > " . ! > . \\\uil , Htli & MH N-Sli S-l WANT13I ) . I.'NTIIIK hTOC'K f' Min UUe for epol cash AilellXMi U C3 , li UOIbTlNQ IINQINi : WITH Dill M AND W1U13 rupe , bulkl a anil j > uujp. AJJJU'aa V11 , llet N-MU3 2 rou .s\ii : ri itsriTiin. ois\i rj uoo\trm.N'rtnrD not sn. inn ! 'lourn f c lent till niodfrn lmpiovcni nti iifli ! nt t tints mXEliborlinft'l mul vhcni | rent. No trn.1 > Addftn U 67. Uee Q-572 ron s vi.u ron SAI.B onTIMPIJ OOOD IMIM-.TON- itoiil.lo lltlit hniiit'i. fltiK'o ' bnintss iinnionil ring und cllnnibiiel slilrt flu.l utll 'rn < 1c nnv of Iho < l > eve for IIOII.H or main < nit nt 1214 st . upitnlrs ! JS3 I 'HA"IIII.ITY T i.tcs AIUIIXOUS. t | > lniftun , boltoin pilio * . A. J. Mniji uli. IK'J ' ' " I 1 lIL'ijUll . 551 'IO tlO. < l'llAirONS 1 ' l leu * , i i to $ lj. 2 new cpiu loail ns , ' .j J. . ' ! ' jminulul I'lililuso Oi IStli ami Foil HAl.i : A TKV\F"oi Ill.uTc I vIlltlACli : cull 1)0 ( .cell at ! 'tt ciillloinli l 1--103 rein s\in _ IIK T llAI'.UWOOl ) linil AMJ frncc' , iilsu nil nlrr I It , ' I Duimla * . JIIAN ) IIICYCI.IM , tlO. 415 A ( P IHCYCI.nS lelite-il , HpilruJ Oni ItlP ) . Co , 5S3 N. l lh UUIVINO M.UU : r. uVIAD. : . CJ-21J-S-1 ix > n sAi.n. fUi.L mss : HI ; nnn > elonn call nr.'J 1 nitum nt Knil clclMl- ALL HMOIcrili 1 Si : tlictu. i > .MIIS C Misciiii\Mt ; ) Till ! I H1AI ! 1.I3AHS 1'IIUM ALL. n v'i'iis , r.ic. MMI3. SMITH , 1121 Uut'llLAS STIini'.T , 2D lloen , loom , , niiLMMikc atiain akolieil nlli' Huliilinrliii. ' balba T-.MJo7 ! .Mill : A.MiS. \TIIS , MAbfJAUi : 507 H 111 II it. , Uoiii I r-200 H7 Mif un . nLiu'iiuc MASSAOU I-AII- le 3 le.l'1' llll K miel iniattve , don't fall tu cill 117 S llth st , npsUIr * . 1 M4J.1 6" I'lJItSO V VL. MISS \Ai.ui3Niitmci on nto\s vnti- niane.iitl ) b > Lkotilelt } vupci.tuoiis mil. inokn. \\lilts , e'le. I'.e illl IP , , N. 1. Life Illil , 'J 3S7 N nni : < s CM * n i.vri ACADII.MV n 30.1 K'nlluuh li.K Until tinbst vvuiiin nn ivllttli , tiuelatHMinttil , ciuiilaru bent. Mra. O. Sliulkr. I JN itLi'ii un ci'iii.i ) . M ) i'\iN , NO nnin.N- tle > n from bu-ilni'-H , eiifn lo liunilmli of pallents luroil < j n Mlllri Co , 107 N \ _ . Lifebullillnir. . Omulii , f-3S'J VIAM. nuMn TiinAiMnNT rou L tiouliltH I'livsltlun lii atteitil incc. Coiisiiltu- tlou 01 health book fid Jl'i ' lice- likUf fJ (0 ( SAVU MOVnV I1V CiOlNCi TO ] ) | ! < n\MOl II fell > UUI ilrllllll VMlk , II lit Illtrx next thllt\ el.ljx M > Noltll Sltll tt L MIJ1hJ. . ' 1IATHS MAb.SACi : MMl ! J'OhT. Sll'i. i3 13T11 ! - . ' 1'IllVAIi : I.L.SSUNS Oil llIC'\fl.l2 I'llAI'lll'I evenliiKH. AiUtrcts .1 , Jl , uov 77 ! f V13C9-W * A DULiaiirrti. SMoicn run hToncicnu Clsir \j JH.i ) c MOM3V TO I.OAN mi.VL. 13-sTATI3. ANTHONY 1.OVN .t ' 1 111 SI CO. 3fi N \ I. cjukL mnni.j it lou i ites lei clioke1 fnun loans In Iowa , noithLin Mit.-oiiil , Cci tcin Ne hin'.k. \ \ 3J1 CITY LOANS C. A STAIIU , W. N Y Lll'i : \V ZJ1 MONI3Y 1O LOAN ON IMl'IlO\ OMAHA u il estate ItUMinun , Love Co , I'axton block VV-JOJ LOANS ON IMl'IlOVni ) .t tlNlMI'tlOVIU ) CITY iuoiitrlV. . faiiiain bmlth i. Co , 13-U I'nrnim \V 3t4 MOM3Y TO LOAN AT LOW I { V 1'IJS THI3 O f Divt1) Co , lDj lainarn ht \V J j LOANb , LOHATnb , I1113Y" , JW1 N Y LHM3 \ \ < fcO 1'iio.M $100 n > r ii3AU. . 10 & . DOIJC.LAS VV 45-S j 1IOM3V TO LOAN Oil YTTHLS. MON13Y TO LOAN ON f UltNlT I'Un , l'I vNOS IIOIM' " , IIKOIIS ill , ut lowest lite- In i lij , no iLinovnl of KOO ! ' * . btilctlj eonlliUntlnl. jou can pay the lonn oil nl any time01 In , inj amount OJIAHA MOltH5AC5i ; LOAN CO oA ho irtii st XuJI , MONIIY ro I.OVN "n co in DA S n HNT line , pianos , etc Dulf Giten uoiiS I ai el blk " CH\NCTS- i-on S\LT : MIOUTSOOO LISS MIMON TM-I : W Ibs unite 1 > 0 pall t o-thlnl C.T-OS 40 iloubk Inn Stan li foi t\vo tlilnl cases This nuiteilal vis uwil on The Oinah l Ie.e ! nml Is In fnlrlj Roenl conttltlejnlll be bobl ci"ip In bulk el In eiiuintltles lo hiilt puichiFei Appl > In pirmiii or b > null to The I Set I'ub- llshliirf Co , Onitli i , Neb Y 713 $ s- , Ami von vvnnicLY xnr iNroMnTrTi $ JiD Invested , safe contcrMitl\i' , nro < jice tus piwifs free f l > al > , I2J3 llroailuaj Ntxv YeilU WS-bll' WA.Ninu TO ani.L. CIGAH AND co.vrnc- tloniiy htorc , i-plenillil location Call nt 440 So 21th st , bo Omnlio. Y 10CSi ( OOOD bMOKL'ltS .SMOlCi : STOL'C'Knil CIOAll i M4'l o I'OIl U\CIIANil3. ron svi.n on K.NCILVNCJI : ion LAND on inerclianelli-c. JIOOO i-toik linplcinent Jobbing lieuise Aelilii'ss V C M , Uee oltlee , I'eiuncll liluffa / S71 OM ACItllS ADJOININC ( OUNTY SI3AT. I3AST- ein Nibi.i Va. J7 Cot ) Inipioveniinth le vel. blnck soli all uiltluitul , prke J33 im ) cahli J1.000 , i- - ehuiiK.J1J.4UO , leniK tinir , JH M'l ' at ( i per edit , ImrKiiln. Io\ui anil N'eliracka tist , small clt" property , llr t paMnent ICO c"ra foril county , Ijun , Improveil , fiVQ , i ncunibeieil J.000 cash $ i'0 , i xcbaiiKi1 , J * * 0 Ho acres Iniproviel Maillvon tount > Mouint JtWI ciibli , 10 or 20 acres lmpio\ , near uooil ton n J3 uO moitKnip on 21S ucns ? Ii nona counts , Ja. , vumt J2 40el cnnli. propoilj I'iCO. 4U ncrvs InlKiiKil 1 inel linprov eil. JJ 000 , cash J3"0 mortkaKe 55.MJ 00 exihienKi' $1,100 C4D a < re.H hliinnmi eniint ) Neb , ilcb will , iooil lnipio\eiiunt cleai , want > 01 farm luoji- irij. v\lll asm mi' KO , icie f.iim MailUon count > . Mo. , clear , $2000 , stant mlllliur ) 1 43'J iii-iiH llniMt rnncli raslein Kmiaas $30000 lliipime'ine'iita , | iili < ( CO 000 , want $7,5CO cash CT ( ) leal istate 01 mi'lclunnlln. , balaiire ! 2. 600 lout ; time 4Gi > ni'iea line fnun In Harrison county , la , $20- C i < ) , want J.'OOO cash , $10,000 city unmetty. $7i'CO loim- time Kansas furmi" , email , cue for lioroes , etc. , LVplimitH cainl leu If von li.ivo clt > propeity , melse , ttoeks. etc. , th.'t tliri.itcns to be mi ilipliint on > our hnnels let me Inmlle It fur > ou I nlli Ir-iile , bill , or lent It for vou If U ran bu ilom 13 I' HltiM.1 , S-l H 15th bt. / M3IC 5 \OIMI ITNI'llODlTTIVi : LAND fur ! Omilm ptupirl ) , the i'Xnxliluii | nf " .is Hill ilouliln Uio Millie of I ( mull I I I'll I e'Slllle. w oxcliani , ' ! ' all MmlH of mini anil i Itv pi m- i rl > Clioitu N lllcks , EOo N I.lfe lllil , { x-\nji j ' ron nxc'ii vxan roUlTii.V ! : Itirs In llmst rmleUMice iirlshlnir lioul In Oiunliii. i Inn1 lei Inifliu'bK trntcr , can ulYe r fur f.S lido iiml liiku tuo-thlnlj puici.uc piliei In uuiil Ini.el. ehla IK u tpknellil ( , pjii | tunltj te > temcrt flnu sollliiK pnipcrt ) Intu Kllt-i Ihfd Invp'timnm hue. eipisltlmi In ' 9S vvlll iluiilik' their n'lll ! ' , ; v ilui' csii r iiin i > in SINIh jur riiimiiiiii ) | ( > fite'l fur vi lieili sail nnl uaie'liouM' puipei es mil Mil fur } . " . 'IXHJ ' .III ! t.iKe' tvu-tlilldH prlie In wixliin KuiilVilti > Cli-urbu X Ilk-Kn c ii aha Ntli / Mi ij I'Oll S\lilU2AL I3hl'\TI3 ir lor uoinn TI > I'tniTiVhi : fjNn v \ cunt proper ! ) , o n.ip lei or hmin uiul I ) t for iiibb or in MIS i.rleims elo not fall to fee the flik-lll ) Tltirl c'o houtl cast le.n. . l of llc'ii liilillln ; ; Tbelr lUt Is liui.t anil lhe > lie'iiiinifliil liol hint ; but l > ll. Tallin He MV71 AIISTltAC'TS Till. IIYHO.N' ItL'nil "coMI'ANY A SMALL I'AYMIJ.NT DOWN AM ) $10 CO I'fn mi nth \.lll buy a nku colUhu In VVulmil Hill Omaha Heal nmatu .V Trim Co , 211 t-o is ht He3J ! _ _ _ _ _ _ iitii SALIJ.' , iin.viirifui roTTAon D riMiins , mimiiur IdlclieMi , liml unit soft \\atci , KOD'I brlik cellar , lot SJxu ; eiiKt front liail lai-h. buluncu C pe.i cent. Situ N i.tli ttuet unajj _ OHIIAT IIMIOVIN IN HAN"SCOM l'LACn. J. COO ( or Kouiiuo 1'la e rthMiiicv , " .W for liembu und lot , 19lli utiee'l boulevard ! .ua foi nku ( C-foot lot 1' 4 > Wcml , ICtb ami Uougliu. 1U-I3-.S-1 : nn.viAN mji'iTY ' IN . properl ) nhiiokt ( .Ivcn UHII > i M-arj , Me- lil-l. ; Henlli till jou all almut It nn M * ss-6 > M > U HAI.n. $55000 , LOT ON MAI'I.K. Jl'i > T nf t uf Slti St , nai , tuny term' ll > ron H Hantltibt , , 212 buutli ruurleemti ttrctt JIU-M1CS I'Oll SAM3 IIIJUi KSTITIJ. ( Contlnueil ) ron SALI ; 40 iii-ies nortlinpst pnft city , well Improveil , 1SJ CO per SLIP If ii ncies betivecii Sotit.i Otnnlm nml llellcvup , vrell tmprovjel lioulpvnril to fort ( "rook will lun nlotiR otic ble of Mml , $ 'iO Oi ) per acre 3 ncrts nuir Sotitb Oitn in , $ SOO ) , onlj $10000 cnsll ; balitice IOIIK time. A no lots lii'ir South Oinnlm JIM W to } 2-'OW. - trimn oaf > LCIFRO corner lot tn ileslnililp | rt of city , ltb t o tioucp Imrn , He , runtliiB for $ JJ l per month , price Jl.CiO no C loom roltHKe bnrn lot BOilV ) fcpt , veij ele- ill able Imatlon , prlip $ lAonvO , A InfKP list of elcslinlilp lunifps nnil leitw , ranc- IDK in price from $ vmco to $10011110 , nl o sev eral vpr > etei-lrnblp icn * trftct ! " near the- city nt from ona-rouith to one hnlf former vulue an 1 on eniv tiftns lie sure mul nee us be fore purchaslntr POT mil & CinoiirSK COMPANY , SV c'ur IGth nnel fnrnntit Stt KAUM LANl C. K HAltltlSON. 012 N. Y. Life lin Ib.l-Hl1' ' s' At ui iiti'ovtsiKCA'i OMAHA , $3.000 cits nnel ffttm leal estate- sold nn.l i xchnnRnil t.iinln llios , 1C11 f HI htm st. HH M410 4 SOVtn WAltMM3ATHI3ll llAliClAINS A i ha lu e' to bu > land foi ! - * > Ill actual vnlup , no\\ 7,018 160 ncres In Holt rouut > , Nibrnskrt , 40 ailis In ttlltlvatloti , no liUllilhiKS , In l&S'J there nns it loan cf 501 plind on this farin vv ik'h hn < slnte bun pulil. prke $37 > " . ( eM-lGO nrrm In Holt enuntj Nrbiiiskn , SO ucreji lu cultivation no hullillni : , lu ISH'j there as a loan of $1 l.,0 plnicd on this fellilhloa has since htcn paid pi lee $3."D 7,2. ) > 11/0 aeres In Danes eoutitj NiliiHHka , M inns In lultlvatloii , no bullillUKs till" pleio VMIS mot li > , ii < eil In St for $700 but iiinrthitKV Inis slntr bill ) lemeivpil , price $ ,0 7S , J HO ucns In Holt lomits Ni liruska 10 IICHM In iiiltUiitlein no bulldliiKs , this binil nns inoitRaKeil In US1 for S70D but has since been puld , mul bind Is clear of all I'lumn bruiiee , prke , M7" > r W-no ) inns In Holt rniinl ) Niliraski , 40 au < s under iiiltlvatlon. no bulldlngi , moitKiii ; ef $700 phu eel In ISM has MIKC been leliasi'el prke J1VI 7IOi-lui mris In Ke > a Palm tountj. Nebi"iska 10 active uneler lUltlvntlnn , ptlce\ J..l 7,072 ton aeips laml In Hull iiuiii'V Nebraska some of It under tultlvatloTil price , JVi. i lt 7,0'iS ICO acres In Holt e.oun' > . Nebnihlii. n per tlnn of this land under i ultUatlnli. prke , $100 7,7"s ItO acits In Danes tinintv N'elnnska , i KOenl piece of land , prlc A , $ J10 iasli 2VO aeies In Dane's eountj , Nibiaska price $3Jo tl > 0 actes tn l\e\n 1'aha iount > Nchuisku , price $172 And man } othei barKnlns thtoUKliout Nebraski und Ihe ne > st run vv nsTsinn iNvnsr.MnNT co , ITlst Ile.ot Nen 1 urk Life Itldit. 1113 M41I. J _ Tiinnc CHI3AP noMns Nice leittape and lot $ GUO Oi ) 1 inns nlti tno hou e.s and bain onlr $55000 liood lot vxlth sm ill eott me. J ,00 UO inn vv nil sinn INVISIMI.NT : co first f lour N 1. Life lllels SI'LIJNDID IN\13sTMI3NT , TUN ACItns.tUSl VM st of clt ) , eastern onnei , neiilliiK numis will saclike , If jou mint to elouble > out mone } call ami secme lllcKs , 100 N Y Life .NOW ih Tin : IIMI : 10 ntrv OMAHA i-uoi1- rtj "Jlie ninmilllcont crops ami urent i\posltlon nf "j\ will soon lirltiK countless Imjcis foi Oniuli.i le-il e liitc' rine > uMiltme site ( " 0x170 fett , south front , mar llamconi p irk $1 KO 10 Choice lmo tnie > nt , lOnciei ilnht on paveel street , oni } $ J7"i CO pi i iicie Nint cotliiKe home' near IIiin coin puk inrt eittni-r $4010.00 will tnki * } . ! ,2UO 00 Nent little lolt.iM' anil lot JlliDOO. 7-ioinn IHIUFI * . full i ipt fiont lot , haniNume. bhnile tre LS etc , JJ too 00 Mce little cottage. , in ir cat line , tl 2HO 00 3 lurt1ltli two houses li.nti sm ill fiult , tc , the wholepiopeilv for $ MHi 00 Mee > cnttimi- with full lot , in northern inrt of iltj. KOO 10 llnnil' < oine resilience lot. near 32il mul Doilsc plenellil location , Jl JT > 0 CO I.urKO houfce with lot. clou ; tei new State' J'olr Kiounels mul DrlvltiK luirk , 1,001 ! location fut loaiellni ; house , ! 'J > > no rull ei t fiiint lot , < HxJ17 fnolnr Hanocom pirk , frio fioin all pi\lnn nml spcilnl tase-a , $ J7 > 000 Cholci liuesttnent lHne- south fiont lot , w Ith two ftooel iiittiiKCs , ue > ai Han cnni pirk , will KUinintie Incoinu uf 10 per lint on mice' . si coo oo Heiulltul lot , with cottiiKi' , near Han coni niiU t-pleiiellil locitlon. $1 filiO CiO 10 ncies , rlKht on paveel stte'et , J1 7V ) 00 Moileiu ! i loom lirusp , cplrnillillj locateel , cost eivvnei $7ioOOO , can tell for $ > 000 ( H ) Vice lot HilJolnlMsinte Pnlr Ktoumls , $ . ' " 000 20 ucies , ilKht on eilse of cltj , si'enilld ' Invest ment. } " > 01 ono ilust lie solil iMtiilsonm lot , CO fent south flout on I'acllle , nen 30th with two Li > ltiiK' * , fnnll liaiu. etc , onlj Jjri > OOU , Brounil iilone Is worth the mono } cm : vi1 rvitM I.\M > 7(0 ACP.HS 2" Jiiiles south e t of Oni ilia , hl lil > InipiiiM-el , cill for pi Ice. 200 AC'llUSesteru lovui , 1V > neies In corn Hint will M > " " > to 100 litisluH to the acie , for eiuldc silo at S2-CO ( ) i r aeie 100 ACIli : imtl > i'liprovei ] , In Wheeler count > Nili , no lictter qu irter In the county , enl > $7 00 per acre SOD At'ltl > i ccntnl Neliri'ln , close to two i ill- ronels fcoml ill running wutir , will make llrst-cl its stock firm , If holel iiulcKly , onlj it , 00 pel acre , luxlj ] : STAT ] ; AGHXrV , uOj N \ . Lire llulHlnir III : 51437 2 LOST. LOST A cu-n nnrvvnnN Tin : TIINTH street viaduct and Cieorula avPiuu , Ilniler will 1 c iinnideil b ) n.'tuinilii- Miss C n 131 ler. r.1 ! OeorMa ave Lost M4JI 3 LOST LVDY'S C.OLD WATCH VXD CHAIN , name en tiM'd Inside Ititurn tei llic oltke mid lecelve rtnaiel Lot Ml > 'J * l > 13Tl'.CTIVn C'AITMN P MOSTYN 1)131 IK'TIVI ! AO13Nt'Y all detective work caiefull ) anel piompt ! ) at tended to tlO K irb ich bloe. ] ; , Omaha , and olO noinolu' lllih ; , Chlcio ( M M * Octl bllOU'l'Il.VM ) AMI TVI'nWHITI.VCJ. A. C. VAN SANTB faCHOOL 513 N. Y'7 l IfU AT OMAHA 11LSIM3SS COLLfGn blX- ticnth nnd Dnugl la M195 bi rUHMTUKI3. I'ACKIJD , WINDOW CUSHION.S and mittiesfciH mnde anil renovated , get our pi Ices beforepirn Inif ) our order M , S Walk Un 2111 Cumins st tei . 1311 US AVD sLi'i > i < ii NHW iioMn. iiorsnnoLD. VVHITI' AN Davis bunlng maclilnes Olllce 1514 Capitol uvc. M.--J S2I MDhIC , AHT AMI LA.M.UfJIl. . cnoiiun r csnLLKMiLcic , HA.N-IO AND KUllar ttoclicr. II 41J Dee IJIdg 1'el. 23S 100 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nLOCI'TlON. I'HVSICAL CULTUltf. , MIIS W N. Dorwiuii ijJJ N 1'Jth CultliiRH Irom Ktanel ant nuthois JJ1 be * P.VVVMIHOKICH.S. H. M.V110WITLOANS MON13Y , 418 N. J' ' . sr C07 ASTIIOI.OCV. TIII3 WONDHll Of Tit 13 AOn , PllOf A Mascrv , the Kreatest astrologer and palmlster In thu world , past , pribent , future told or no charge. I'.CI farnuin , V to U m , 2 0 to 'J M p in 19G S-23 DA.NCIAG. CALL'ON MOHAN ! ) I'OIl PltlYATi : L13HSON8 di > or eve-nlusr 1510 Hnrney w > SI ; AM ) LOAN ASSOCIATIO.N.S. SlIAlli : . ' ) IN MU1IJAL L .1 II ASVN PAY 0 , 7 s per euit nhcn 1 2 , j yea 13 clil , nlnayu le- deemuble. 1701 it ! NuttlnKcr , n'i'c. COS HOW TO OUT A HOMH Oil filCCUlli : OOOD Inteual on sulni ; * Appl > tu Omaha I. & 11 Aw'n , 17 I 1'nniam. O M. Nattinttr , Sic. COG MI3P.CII YNT 'I'VIIOH. MVN 100131. . MiiH'H\Nr : TAILOll AND stinm clemiei will remove to baKcment un- il r Oermun bluings bink , boptcmbir Jet , le I 93" JCJ-S-J7 I'AOTI'HKI ) , HOIISI S I'ASTlIHl3l75C Pnn MONTH T Mm ray MHO t- : | Compare The Bee's Daily Market Reports With those printed In rival newspapers. The Bee's Market Page Stands unrivalled. bt'ffi SIDE OF JAY GOULD Some Good Stores About the Lnte Eailwtiy 1 ° " Manipulator. HIS GENEROUS DEEDS LITTLE HEARD OF TinllrlKh1 | if of 111 * Lifeit" ! n li > MIMI ilX'liu We're C'liixr tn Illiij-uTlir Kiiilinrrnvicil . 0 lli'iHirti-r. ( Oopvrlsht , l < 9i. ( ti > S. S McCluto to ) There's the xiiiinv side of a tree where the Inrk is Irlght and the dark , ( lamp side , wheip the moss grows There's the sunny sldo of n peach , whore the blush Ii born , nntl the shady side , where the furIs found In Snn I'ranclsco n woman walks In a shirt waist and a sailor hnt , and another walks on the shady side In a seal skin Kverv man has his sunny side and his shady side The latter , unfortunate ! } . Is usually the best known. "Now , air " said I , "I am looking for the sunny side of Jay Gould " "It's nil sunny" said the geneial man ager , etithuslistlcallj , ns he arose and began to pace Ihp lloor "There novel was but one Jay Oould ami thnro will never bo annthn. If he were alive todnj jou would not see all the splendid rallwnj sjstoms of America going to pUces Out of all tbla wreck and ruin lu would build" "Calm jourself mj friend , " I said "tin- world Knows all about Jaj Ooilld , the rall- waj klitR but lull fie something better , If jou tan , of Jaj Gould , the man " "Well , then , ' the railroad man began , "ho wan n kind and loving husband and fathci. was e\ticmely gentle with all his umi'lojes , sine , pel haps , those Immediate ! ) undei him , and the most charitable man 1 e\er know "If It Is hard to work for a man who knows more about rallwajs tlmti any other man can e\ei hope to know then Mr Gould was ft hard man to work for. "Thereas nothing I dreaded so much as to have him begin asking questions about the road. I met him at I'ueblo once by up- polntmint and we were Joined thcio by his son and Mr Clark " " 'You are. not feeling well this evening , father , ' said George after the usual greet ing. 'Suppose we let business go for to night Tell me , Mr Illank , ' the jonng man went on. 'are the trout rising In the Gunln- son jet"7' " 'I notice' said the elder Gould 'that Hills is not shipping as much hay from Hllls- \illo as he did last je.xr Surcl > the crop was good See what's the mattci and it the rate is not light make it right Last jeai we were getting ten cars a farm slack sid ing ; now wo get but eight and the output has neaily doubled It rau&t be going In the other line They weic1 short of cars at Uuslivllle } psterd.iy See that that does not occur too often , Mr. Hlank ' "Leaning hick In his chair the great railroader reader opened his shlit collar and after testing for a while asked' " 'What's the dally a\crage tonnage Into Denver , Mr Hlank ' "I explained that I could not answct straight off , but I could a k my chief clerk and find out , " 'Oh1 never fiilnd , ' ho said , 'I could find out , only | t'B well enough to know these things I suppose It Is about thirty lais a day , ' IIP added and closed his i'j < > s again "I looked the mattci up upon my return and found . that he had guessed it owictlv I wan afraid hq knew and that s whj I did not ventuip a guess myself. " ' Once I asked , Mr Gould why he sold the Uio Grange1 , It , having been at that time scorning ] } ja prolHiblo piece of piopeity " 'Well , | I bqught it at twenty-two and pretty scop it , went Op to a dollar and twcntj-t\ , < ) Ijnt I couldn't get along with Gcneial Palmer , so I sold it , and , " hi- added after a brief p.uibe , 'pietty soon it was back to twenty-two again ' " Few men knew Jay Gould better than Slh ester T , Smith who was with thp Gould system foi many jcars , but who after rc- slfiiiln , ; the gejjcral manage ! ship of the Denver It Ulo Orande. having undo monc > out of the mines of Cicede , quit railroadIng - Ing entirely. It should bo understood that every woulittered bj Mr Smith on this. subject can bo accepted without a shade of doubt "It's no use , " ho said , when I began to ask him about his deceased friend "The public ' 3 so thoroughly prejudiced against Jny Gould that what jolt say will not evoi bo taken seriously. " I insisted that a new sfory about amen on ? wan interesting , espccinlly If it weie UUP and being true , it ought to bo- told "Itou want my opinion , " said the ox- railioad imn , ' It Is that Jay Gould was one of the fev. truly great men the world has pioduic'd and I know of no man alhc Tr dead who did so much good and got si little credit for doing good To a certain extent that was his OVMI fault , for ho would novpr give anj thing until he had found home way to cover the art up He did not do charity with a hi ass band "Mr Gould had two great objects in his life ; one , which the public knew , was to make monoj , the other , which the public did not know , was to spend It where It would do the most good In the latter put of the 70s there was a great crop failure In Kan sas The farmets had no seed wheat nor money with which they might buj seed wheat The leeelvers for the Kansas Pa cific lallioad had been furnishing seed wheat to such farmers as had applied for aid and taking the notes of the unfortunate people , pnjablo after a erop could bo raised At a im Ming of the receivers and directors , Mr Gould being among the latter , the question of explaining their action to the United States court came up and the iccelvcts agreed that they must go out of the grain and charity husinc'ss or put themselves In a tight box I was nt that time manager for the receiveis , and when this conclusion had been leached Mr Gould turned to me and In the presence of all the other gentlomcn said 'These people must have seed wheat Von will please furnish it to all who applv and diaw on me personally never mind the notes We'll get It all hack in freight next ' jear "There were no end of applications , " said Mr Smith , "and I thought I would make Mr. Gould biiueal for once , but when I showed him the slip with about a mile of figuiea on it he just glanced down at the 'total' and wild 'Well , I'm glad wo are able to help those poor follows , for they really needed it ' "You remember , " the speaker went on , "the great exodus of colored people from the Bouth some fifteen jcars ago' They Hooded Kansas Cltv like a pest of grans- linppeis and nobody kncv. " what to do with thorn. They soon became hungry , then dlsoidcily and In a little while they would liavo become despeiate Mr Gould viewed the situation from Now York , but oven at that distance he ' foiesaw a great calamity If these pqopln' weie not taken caio of , so lie wired mo 'Send those negroes wherever they choose to'go1' and closed the message at ) he had closed many before , 'and drav , ' ' ' on HIP "I have spent fortunes of Mr. Gould's money and tlio onlj comment usually was 'Is that all ? ' Once I said ( for I knew he was being iimiosed upon ) , 'These people are no' dese.rving Mr Gould ' " 'Well , ' lie replied , 'jou better help them Thov ma- ' lie ' "Then there wore hundreds and hun- Ire'ds of little' thing. ] he did almost ovetj Irj llttlu for htm , but really big which the iiubll- knew nothing abut ; for only buch cases as the shipping of the negroes ir the glilJU ft $5,000 a day to Memphis as long an thiy needed It , " ever reachci ; the miblic eat "I remember one day we were coming over the old K I' in my tar when we were ( lagged at a way station and Elowcd down to roe'tlvo a message from the opera or When the light train began to whirl away toward the west again I could ace hat Mr Gould was anxious to receive the tlio foi vvhlcn wo had been ( lagged , but so waited for some minutes and no mes sage came to either of us "In a little while I noticed that Cieoigo he colored portei. was tee'oilng aroutnl lie car and grinning like a ne ro In a : union putcli , and I said to Mr fJjald jok- ncl ) 'It must havn been Gc-orgn ho got ho message. ' Finally tne fella * ' * mirth be came BO offensive that I recalled wharply George what's tlio matter with jou ? ' " 'Muttali , ' demanded George 'Oldn'n ou HBO mo git de wlah * ' I's got a baby in Canaan City * aiH ho teeteted out at the ther end of the car " 'Call him back , ' said Mr Gould , and I pushed the button and OeorRO waited In again , 'Here. ' said the llttlp man , 'that's for the boy , ' and ho handed Iho fa'her n J100 note ami the smile on Ocorge's fico spiead out another iccf. " 1 have seen Mr Gould great as lie was when It came to handling l If ? things got ill 'balled up' over the simplest little incident We were at the Windsor hotel t'l Do-iver A number of other inllroad men and Mr Gould with Ills family were Jt a little old hotel Just across the street A importer from the Republican rainc to me and assnipil me that I had It In mj power to do him a wet Id ! of good ' " won't hurt jou , ' he sil.l . and It ' might make me ' I lIKed thp fellow'K frank and earnest vvaj and promised to help him If I could consistently do o "Ho told mo brlellj that he wanted to nee Mr Gould In talk with him personal ! ) so that ho could say trnthftlll.v , "Mr Gould said " "Tho next morning 1 went over to the I little hotel vvherp Mr. Gould and Ills paity were at breakfast. I told him about the voung reporter who had called on me the night before and finished bv Informing him i that 1 hnd piomlRcil the } oung man the per sonal Interview I " 'Then it s all fixed'1 " " "Yes " 'And when do I show" ' i "As soon ns vou have tlnhhrd } our hrealt- fnst. I said Irving hard not to laugh. As wo passed out into thp olllu * of the hotel : signaled mv voung man ahead and lie tip j preached verj red and shnkv Mr CJuuli saw the boy'n embarrassment and offeiei ' him his hand , which the poor fellow stcmcd ! half afinld to take ' " 'What do > ou want to sco mo about ' anKcd the rallimd man to help him out I When the leportei spoke his own volci i Rcomcd to scale him and Btammeicd til It was possltlvelj painful to h"ar hltn ! ' 'I wanted to to auk jou about tin j situation , what jou consider the situation ' that Is the what vou Intend to do about the about It ? ' " 'I don't know , " said Mr , Gould with a smile 'Now what would jou recommend' "This little bvplaj Instead of putting the young man at Ills case hid the opposlti effect , and lining up like a ntbbcr watei bag the boy bolted ami left us " 'Call him back , ' said Mr Gould , 'the boy is onlj emb.uiassed and lie must b ( helped out or ho will alwajs bo embai- rasspil ' "Wo tried to call him hut he had turned the corner and was lost tn us One of the hotel bojs was sent to In Ing him back , but ictuincd without the leporter Wo tele phoned to bis paper , but he had not jet reached the office. "Just at that time thcie was a great deal of guessing as to wbethel the Kansas Pa cific would absorb the Union Pacific , 01 vice versa , and it was this the reportei wanted to talk about Mi Gould had on his mind the great scheme of forming the Union Pacific sjstem but he put It all awav for the time and de-voted a half daj to looking for the lost reporter , holding the special at the depot at Denver for that puipose Om conductor and porter were sent up town but the reporter lould not be found It was a little thing , the feelings and disappoint mcnt of a newspaper npotter for the } slif- fei many such hurts in a lifetime , but it was enough to cause Mr. Gould teal dis tiess " After talking with the men who were near est him and surely they ought to know him best one is apt to conclude that Jaj Gould was at least great enough to do good for the bake of making otheis h.ippy , und that lie de rived great pleasure ftoni giving If he beat the stock gambles ! who were aftei him he bought wheat foi the farmers with bis carninrs Any man witli the same' ability and equal ! } industrious , in a new and lapldlv developing countrj might die as i It'll as Jav Gould died He mastcied cveiv detail of the rallioad business Ho could pack eqmllj well a directors' meeting or a hot box. He w oiked as haul for his thieo meals a daj as anj American ever worked Ho knew the general sjstem as well as the general niaiuger , the division better than the di vision superintendent , the section better than the section boss and the station bettei than the station master knew It. and that is the great seciet of his success Jaj Gould was a big man Ills enemies s ij he robbed the rich , his friends say he gave to the poor , and the Iliblc stvs that Is equal to lending to the Lord CY WAUMAN. blJI'IMIKHSI-NR GUM'S. TinCroNt'i'iil ( 'Hi YUiH'Us a Tuitions Institution. The city council of New Orleans has Just passed a law making the game of craps Ilic gal It docs not matter where it is plajod w bethel In the streets , In the club , or at homo , craps Is special ! } singled out as the most depraved of gambling games , not to be toleiated any w bet e The game is of Ne\ Orleans origin , and over 100 jears old , sajs Haippr's Weekly liernard de Marignj , who cntoi tallied Louis Philippe when ho came to Lonisiain , and who stood seventy jeara ago at the head of the creole colony of the state as its wealthiest and most piomlnent citi zen ho was entitled to call himself marquis in Prance was the inventoi , or father , of "craps , " and brought It In high favor as the fashionable gambling of the Uaj When he laid off his plantation , just below the then city of Now Oilcans It Is now the thin ! district , but was then the Faubourg Marinj ( and divided It up into lots , ho named one of the piincipal streets "Craps , " and e\- plaincd that lie did so because be had lost the money ho received fiom the lots on that street In this favorite game of Ills. It remained Cups street until a few jo < tr.s ago , when a piotest was lalscd against such a disreputable name for a very quiet and respectable btieet , especially given to churches "The Craps btreot Methodist chin oh" sounded particularly bad Aftei Uernaid Marlgnj's depth ciaps as a gam bling game descended In the social scale and was dually monopolized mainly by no- giocs and street gamins. Some live or bl\ jens ago , however , some Chlcagoans , who happened to be on the levee in New Orleans , were Htiuck by the game as offeilng ijovel- tles to the Jaded taste of dice plaurs , and took it home with them It ciept Into favoi , .t once In the west , and ' craps" now tages from the Mississippi to the Pacific , and newell well regulated gambling house is without a "ciap room" Hut while it has nourished elsewhere , It lias been tabooed in its hlitli- plaeo And now , not content with the or dinal y laws against all gambling games , the council has declared "ciaps" specially pro hlblted , and not to be plaje-d for mone > oven In one's back bedroom with the blinds pulled down In fiont. IIUOKI : A TU nvrvnou 1111,1 , . .Soiliiil llimoj CoiHlm-lor I'lnjfil n \ IT ) DflllllTKll' , l4llvf , There is no rule of the Union Hallioad company compelling < ondnctors to carry any specified amount of bills and change with tl-em when they take a car out , sajs the Providence Journal , but the men usually have about * 1G or $20. so that they may be pioparcnl for stray $10 bills when they aio presented for a fi-ient fare The average passenger seldom hands out any bill larger than ? ! ! , and a man UHunllj gives the con ductor a nickel or the smallest sllvu thango he has A woman gives him pennies if she lias live In her pocket and some conductors maintain that the women save their pennies for weiks nt a time in order to load the lockets of the conductor with them lint there Is one woman who will probabl } never again give a conductor u laige bill to change It happened on a Cranston street car one day In the latter part of last week The conductoi made his i omuls and captured pennies nickels , dimes am ) half dollars until he tame to one woman \\lio , aftei scat thing through her pocketbook , piodmed a $ JO hill , which she handed to him with a glunco which should have fio/.rn his sou * und pro- uuittJ n m"onstrantp It failed , the con ductor was Prttlcnt and long suffering , but lie rebelled against taking a C-cunt fare rrom a SJO bill "Is this the smallest you have , lady' " he ! He was answered that the bill had been tiandt'd to him to have the fare taken out [ lo thought a moment and a bright idea penetrated his bialn like an X iaj. "I'll give vou your diango In a moment , " ie assured the passenger and then stopped he rai just as It reached Ilojlo square A here the High Street bank Is located lurrjiiifi Into the bank , he laid down the jlll and asked for change "Give me nineteen silver dollars and .wenty nickels please " lie said , and after lie teller had been told the occasion for taste lu ) gladly ( urnlshed the necessary diangc The conductor cairled the change u both hands out to where the woman v > ho wanted the bill changed sit In the car and poured It In her tup , after taking nut the nickel for the fare. The other passengcis snickered , the rcirlvrr of all tlio sllvir grow ted In the fare and li.dlgnant and Iho moltuiinii atarted the car with a Jctk The passenger remonstrated , but she had her change , the conductor had his tovonge nnd the croud had satisfaction , ami the li.ajo'l'v ugaliist her vvns | fj to 1. ( JiniV 1'HIMI MMCIMiUVS l.r.TTUH. Jlcbascmuit of the currency means < leI - I Ktmttlon ofnlurs 11u > owtiei of the silver bullion would get the slhci dollar. It would belong to him and nobodj c1 e. It is n mpio pieton c to attribute the haul limes to the fact that all our cur- rene } Is on a gold basis Good mono ) never m tde times bird It .votild dt-iangc nil existing values It would not tiMloio business confidence , but Its illiett effect would be to iltbtroy the little which } et lennlns The gmeiiimpnt would get nothing from the transictloti. It would bear the expense of coining HIP sllur and the oommunll } would gtiftor loss bj Its use If thete Is anj one thing which should beT frpp from speculation and fluctuation. It Is j tlu < moiicj of a count ! j It ought IK vet to bo the subject of mere pirttutn contention \\luti we pait with our labor , our ptodticts or our piopeitj we should receiveIn re- tuin money which Is as stable and un changing In value as the Ingenuity of holiest men can make It I'ntll Jnti i national agreement l bad It Is the pi tin dutj of the United States tn main tain the gold standatd It Is the recognised and sole standard of the great commercial nations of the world Let us hold fast to that which we know Is good It Is not moie mono ) we want ; what we want Is to put the money we alreadj have at work When money Is cniplojed men are emplojid It would not make labor easier , the liouis of laboi sboitei , 01 the pi ) better It would not make farming less laborious or more piolltable It would not start a factoiy or make a demand fat an additional daj' labor No one stiff old so much fiom cheap moncj as the farmers and laborcis Iht'j are tit first to feel Us bad pffeds , and the las to recover fiom them Ibis has been th uniform experience of all counules. am here ns elsewhere We rannot tcstoie the public confidence bv an act vvhlth would levolutlonbo a ! values 01 an art wbldi cut ills a dellclencj In the public icvcnues WP cannot Insplu confidence bj advocating icpudlatlon o practicing dishonest } Iheio would be no obligation testing upon the go\ eminent to maintain parity , and If there wete , It would be powerless to do It Ihp simple tittth Is wo would be driven tea a silver basis-to silver monometallism These dollais , therofote would stand upon theli teal value Free sllvci would not mean that silver dollars weie to lie fieelj had without cost or laboi It would mean the fieo use of the mints of the United States foi the few \\lto are nwneis of silver bullion , but wouhl make silvei coin no freer to the man ) who aie engaged in otliei entciprisrs Mexlro and China have tiled the experi ment Mexico has free coinage of sllvet and gold at a ratio slight ! ) in excess ot sixteen and one-hilf ounces ot sllvet to one ounce of gold and while liei mints aie freel ) open to both metals at that ratio not a single dol- lat in gold bullion is coined and circulated .is monev It was not an Increase In the volume of mone ) which is the need of the time , but an Increase in the volume nf business , not an iiiciease of coin but an incieabe of ion flilente , not moie coinage , but a moie active use of the mono ) coined , not open mints foi the unlimited colrage of the silver of the woi Id but open mills for the full and un- ichtilcted labor of American woiKingmen Tree silver means the debasement of our cutrcncy to the amount of the difference be tween the commercial and coin value of the bllver dollar , which is ever changing , and the effect would be to reduce piopert ) values , entail untold financial loss , destroj confidence Impair the obligations of exist ing conttacts , further imiovciish the labot- ets and pioducers of the coiintiy , create a panic of unpatallelcd sevorltj , and Inlllct upon ttade and comincice a deadly blow. The pool and not the t Ich aie alwajs the gieatest stiffeieis fiom every attempt to de base our nionoy. It would fall with alarming bovoilty upon Investments ahead ) nnde upon Itibiirinco companies and theli polkj lioldois ; upon savings banks and theli de- posltois , upon building and loin association members , upon the savings of thrift , upon pensioners and their families , and upon wage camels and Die purchasing powoi of theli w ages. Itr.l.K S AM ) CI Itldb. rfciirnn llliAlilliilKH lie Sure Illlll Tlit' > A i k > < t I'm KITPH. ! Vcril ) , Hie gulllblllU of the .uetaRp toiulst Is Kicat IJellis of antlqultj , line brlc-.i-brac. mementos of tclobiuttd men lie niUHt acquire dining Ills ti.ivils .ibio.ul , nnd on surh be Is lead ) to spend large sums of inonej , never ilrentnlng of quiH- tlouln r tlii-lr genuIncMiess HP may be mon- cautions .iltir In- leads tills aitlfle , HUJS the Nov. Yoik Hei.ilil Ti.ivileis anil lolkttois of curiosities no among thp most liuiooent of moitnlH in this respect 'lliej no to Home and arc not imppj until tin ; st < ui tnvords bi- longed to f' , 01 n fi.igiiiont of the ruins of Jliiitutnus , lioslilo which Aliirltis liiiimoil of futiite coiiquists Some tlnip \Ko It vvns rumored that milt ) niro ob- li-i'tH Including am lint vases and pieces ) f iirmot weie Imbeddul In the Tiber , and stinlkhtwaj a sc.utli was m.ulo. AH a in sult the m.itkot was foon Htockod with vvondeirul objects of virtu , v hlc'li v\tio .sold o iiinntouis at high pileon Some weeks atei It was illsoovi toil tluit a faotoiy in IIP neighborhood line ) for iionie time been 'asliloiiing these I olios of nntlqilltv , beliif ; llllcil IJ CMIttlltl IHPllV SllllptOIS , VVllO WOIP glad ptioiiFh tn fninlmi so many HttituiM i week for a vuj moderate nuin A still gnatoi finiid was iiniarlhed in Hi i Hit In 1S'I2 The autborltleH of the inn iieuni In tbut city bail bought spvontoen alleged Egyptian mummlos , which tlioy ox hlblteil with gro it pride. Unfortunate ! ) the dlHovir ) was HOOII miiilo Unit tin ? ( vviu not mtinunks of long KcTjptliins , but of Hoventpon woitlij 1'iuii- orinl ins , who hnd bedi oniplojiil In liuilln brovvtili'S und who wore oni } diail a few monlliH Volt.illo's homo nt Ii'trney him lioen tin .si i no of a good deal of HW hulling of this kind An Ingi nloiis Hlatlstiilun has lulalid Hint him c the l > i'glnnlng of the century those In ihargo of tlio moppit ) liuvo hold i MO'I ' jour to iourlslH und admir ers of Voltiilio tlio following nrtlolPH , all of vvhloh vvc'ie suppohid bv the cnduloiis purc'biiNi-iH lo huvo OIIID lioloimcil lo the triiat Pi i noli cvnlo and vvlt I.'inht thou- nu1 biiKts of Voltill o , nuiiosoil | | to have been m uliof Fornpv PHI tb , at 1 franc i lob , 1'JOi ) nutoKriiiih Ipttini , at 2'J ' franoK oaeli , TOl "gpniilno walking Htli k nt r/t ft tines pu h , nnd 0 " , iutii'titli | ' wlgH nt 100 francs rue h This glvis us n total ot ST.ft'O ' fiaiicH tiuly n nice uiinual liuonio , ami giilm il , too , with mirh ooiiHUnimiito OIlhH The battlellold of fi ! ttjHlmrK HPPIIIS also to have provnl piolltnblo In a .similar vvnj A Now Voilt mi K limit ui in tbiro OIK day and bought for $ ! 0 th < ball that kllkd ( tomral HijnoIdH Ho wont tboio again HIP following } < ai , and ono nf UK llrnt liaisons uliom | n > nut WIIH tlio man who hill ! hold him the bill VVIIH IIH ! HIII- lulse when ttihi man , vvlio o\liloiitl ) illil not HiognUo him offend tn Kill him , fni Die Insv Dtito of ; , ' 0. tin bill whlfh kllh d Ci'inial Itov nolilH N ( i illrhH tn fiij that bin olfi i VMM lint n < 11 pud and that 111 * ' inci i hunt wint liuli to Oolliam a n.uldi i ( mil wlKir mini In tiilH innniitlnn u good Htoi ) Is tnlil of Mink Twain lit wint nnii , il Is mild , tn tlio hUlli'Deld of Si lniHtnpol and boui'bt tbi'io n muli'H hkiill whlili In si ni In ono of his iiiuitH who itH \i iv fund of lollietlnc rclli s with tin tollnvvlng In Hiilptlon ' "Jills Is llu jaw of a Jttihhlan gl I 01 III " Iti'lli H of Nupo'onn ' I mo iiwa ! ) In grout dennmd A vvi.illhj ( .oiitli mini V > IIH v < rv iinxloiiH KOIIII tlnn ago to obtain tin Minall bid on v. hltli tin impi-inr dlcil at 8t IIil- onii Ho HI an lud for It and lounil nni at the Hote-l ili-.s InvalliliH anoilicr In tin Tussiuil mum tun , a tlilid In DIP ( liovln niUHouni , n fourth In thi < IIOHHIKKIII | of tin .MaiqnlH ill liiron , i liftli In the poKsesslou of JMInic- Mural nnd a tslxth In tin n Mi di noiof a member of Napoleon's family , v.ho bud obtained It from M.HHhal Hurl- lAnd f-'omo lime'after the c niporcir'M diatli vuilnus objootH whlili hnd bi-long. d tn him or which wire nupposi il to huvu liolonijiil to him vvpro flold nt uuotlon for hnri HUIIIH Tito i nrii.ij , ' ! ' which ho had aban doned \\atorloo fetched 1,200 francs Yoililir Illlll ( liillx 1,11'eSiiililinl > . CUn'HMNI ) . Sept 1 Alexander H Mc- Intie , liO years of ago. bon of IJ C Me- Intio ge-ieial frelglit agent of the Detroit f. Cleveland Navigation company , committed suicide tliU morning The weapon used w s a shotgun The ad was committed In a room over the Detroit k Cleveland company's nlflco at the foot of .Superior street. The motive for the deed 1s not kuoun. SIGHS FOR THE OLD HUE Lament of Ono of tlio Oltl-Timo Tral Boys. PEOPLE EXPECT CHANGE NOW-A-DAYl MUIIP > C mi 11- IH < M In tlio Knrly ln > J of \ VIITII | r-nlti'iiailliiK .Nut Alt i > f II Mini.IM Li Mi'nns. "Hod hot ! Presh from the roppci I 'Tlal the Irrlgatlenlal product1 A rich eating nr-f tide1 It's a popcorn1" This aiimnitiioincntt echoes dallj nroiind about the. dllapldntcel 1 old Kind , terniid mcrolj out of good no-1 turo "the union depot' "Dellelously but-j tercd and salted ! The Worlds fair ereatnerj bttltei' None sold upon the cats ! ] A tender hot air confection' ' Heads shoot out of car windows and stately ] old gentlemeiv who have never been known to Invite djRpepsIa bv eating the Yankeaj sweetmeat Indulge In a wild scramble fevf the basket of the popcorn man In the son of the popiorn man at the union depot ! Oiiiulm has a character -which combines n touch ot the metiopolltati fakli with an ex ample ot what colossal mine can accom plish bj Judicious cultivation Yet ho is not a half had mm socially Alwajs jollj' , with a wit that never ilesoits him , tlio pop- coin man numbers his friends by the score , and his imnge lingers In the memories of hundreds of tourists who pass thtough the wist cm metiopolls dallj With his vvltu basket slung over his shoulder , heaped full of papei eineiod dainties , the popcorn mall saunteisup and down the platfoim ulth'tliuJ ' sang fluid of u sllvei buon.biit the coni-1 patlbon stops heie , for he never bores jou I vvltli the It ! to 1 fnllaej His inrtnbors nroj legion You meet him at eveij rential point ! at which the train stops and If his eloquence j has not been the means of cttlacting a fowl loose coins from join c\ohectier | , then In-1 deed must the ear windows have been her- ] motlcallj sealed in else jour nntilio grown dead to the delights of the dajs of > until. NOT 1Hi : HOOD OU ) T1MHS "Things me not what thej nsoil to bo , " said the popcorn man the nthoi day , as ho , took a moment's rest In the shade of tflo ( hlstoiic structure " \\lien times wcro | palmj people did not stop to get the change fiom a dollar when jou sold them a tiO-ceiitl book That was ten jears ago 1 vjns a I tialn "butehor" then Now I dally with the "fancy article" at Ii cents per dally. " And a look of sadness stole over the pop corn man's face as he I bought of the possible I Jfir.0 which he used to Jingle In his pocket ! monthj ! as the result of "judicious Miles. " 1 Wo weio a gteat clew In those dijs"l he continued "M > chum and 1 tan betvvceni heie and CliGjcnno during the cailj part ufj the 70s and anj thing we wanted wo botightf lor wo had money to tlnow to the birds ! Anj ono who thinks we get ileh at prcsf cut prices should give the subject moril piofound sttiilj Hveiy article sold produce 1 onlj 10 pci cent piollt for the 'butcher , ' ami vhon the lesult of his labor Is summed ti ) | at 'hoadqiiaitcib' tlie pile ot the 'beautiful ! looks exceedingly small In the olden tlmcl u JD-tcnt book sometimes sold readily foil $10 , and newbpapois wote seatce on tluf trains at 10 touts each Nuts candy and ] 'rult bold at Jeweli j prices , and the 'butcherl In neailj cvcrj case had a snug bank ac count at home. 'Some of the 'train bojs' carried awayl by the good times Indulged In the 'cjuccrf occastnnallj , and this made trouble for the ! rest of us Most of the men , however , werJ honest , except vvheie they taw a chance tif dispose of a shop-worn aiticlo at a fanci price At these times their eloquence some ! times got the bettei of theli Judgment nuel a session on the 'carpet' at headquarter | was the icsnlt. SOMH 01' Tim TRICKS. "Of the tilcks vvoiked by the less scrupul lous , 'flashing the gllnib' was probably thl moht popuUi A trainman would procure J supply of cheap gold-washed spectacles , nnl at dlfTeicnt points wnnld lush tliiough thl 'local' coaches and announce to some conllill Ing tourist that he had Just found them on .1 seat vacated by a late passenger Two anil a half and ? 3 wab a small pi Ice to ask foil such a valuable IInil and the dupe did neil discover the swindle- until the luster of thol sham article had depaited upon his nnlval ] home "Somo of the bojs on the eastern runs ! have been known to watch a chance , anill where an 'easy' partj with a small chllcSj boirdcd the tialn , have cxaeted half ratesj while plajliiK the iole of comliietor. Nearly all ot them tibcel to wear blue iinlfoiins ] and bv mcielv donning u 'con's' headpiece ! the job was c-nsv of accomplishment. Thtl unsophisticated people have never known but ] what they paid their monej Into the pany's trcasurj "Continuous lunnlni ; on nnjr railroad anj thing but a snap job , and ono grows tlrcif of the life In a very short time Long boj fnre the money-making dajs ceased 1 grov weary of H , and the dislike piobably nc-S counts for mj picbcnt position on the localJ work. " nu 1:1. i-'oiici3Ti'i : i.M3ss. HiIliiil rnrKiiHi'ii lii HIM Her Ilief ClHIllN SillNl'llll'll. . They had been quarreling for some tl out under a scrub oak In front of her old ! ' Kentucky home , relates the Cincinnati Trl- btine He hail been to town the elay bo-l fore , and , contrary to immemorial usage , had fulled hail forgotten to bilng her a pioHcnt in the shape of a long , black pi of sweet tobacco She said it VV.IH not the loss of the "tor- backei" ( though that was bad enough "when a person has allers bin used to It" ) , but it was the principle of the thing. Ills forgetfulness indicated that , being out of his night , his mind wan also far from her Image Tiuo love would not commit the crlmo of Mich neglect She Dually began to weep " .soft nnd low11 and ti > blow her nose on her tow linen apion Ho had to get Independent tn bring her , around , and was buckling cm Ills spurs and adjusting his pistol bolt to leave when shoJ throw both aims about bis neck Ilko "grupo ? vine round the stump " Their lips were Instantly amalgamated. "My heart , " ho said , "is a big round hole In a roik an * love for jou Is thu spring water that lills It " Her was a long long Iclss. "I dn so love ter kins you " Hhesaid. . "lo ) yer , sugar lassCB9" "Vep Yer breath alleis smells so goo bo Ilko that good ole utoro terbuckor. " HIM.rni ! PIUJI3THiM3i . \iiil 'Ninii' ' HimMni'i - Itri'ii lloiiril of ] In Hint < < tt , A well known Washington pollution inn i trip ri'cintly thioiiRh southwestern West ] v'liglnla In ordoi to usicrtaln the seiitlmoi ! : if that section , fcajs the Wohhingion Star , In Logan count j , on i'anther creek , hn | round an old man , whom ho interviewed "Aie the men hcru taking much Interest n the campaign this year1" ' "Illght smart " 3 " "llnvv urn thej going to Mite' " * "Ag'in1 the fid-ial co't " "How art they on the money question' " "Don t know nnthln' 'limit Itvhat they A ant lu ter keep thar lun' In the King cuiso. Diet feller King Is arter all th lun' hj-ar. i Mn't nc-ve-r no money In ro an wo don' kccr j until 'bout nt ) cUcstlnnii | as to It " "How about tlio tariff' " " " ' 1hi > wliaf" "Aro there any fun tiadtis In jour ills- ; : rlct. " "No , I reckon not Thar was one las' 'ar but they eolihe-1 'Im Ilml been tradln' losses fieu all 'round hyar Sol' ono u * , nine to a ft'lliT down th' click I foun * t an' wo hung the free-trader right over , ainl r on thc-t big poplar Hain't hucrd 'o \ " lone Hcnsc Mount llonil In Kriiplliin , ] 'OHT1.AN1 , > , Oio , Sept 1A party ofJ lourlstb rcnort that Muunt Hood was lif ( .ruptlon for a few minutes last Wi'dncBilay.j I'liu tourists were dfscrnillng the ) mountalJ when th y were * nuddtnly submerged In if shower of rocks and uuhc . No out ) waif jtrlously Injured.